March 2020 Jesus Calls International

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Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran, Brother Samuel Dhinakaran & Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran were invited by the Senior Leadership of Gereja Bethel Indonesia, Pastor Bambang Jonan and Pastor Edy Prajitno to minister in Medan from February 28 – March 1, 2020. Gereja Bethel Indonesia (GBI) is the second largest denomination in Indonesia, having a total of 5000 churches with 2.5 million people as members through out the country. This was a maiden visit of the Dhinakarans to Medan, which is situated in the state of North Sumatra. The Dhinakarans started their ministry on February 28th morning, with a special time of anointing and impartation for selected Leaders under Prayer and Prophetic department, Bible College students and faculty of GBI. At the end of the service as Dr. Paul laid his hands on each of them, the Lord through the Holy Spirit so graciously revealed His plans for them. Tears flowed. How affectionately the Lord showered His love upon them !


This was followed by a meeting of all the cell group members of GBI in Medan coming together called the “Family Altar” on the 28th evening. There were a total number of nearly 7500 people gathered for this meeting. In the family meeting, the Dhinakarans ministered to them as a family where Dr. Paul spoke about how God is a 'God of families'. At the end of the meeting, people came forward to testify how the Lord had touched and healed their problem of walking, lifting hands, thyroid and so on that evening during the prayer time of Dr. Paul. On February 29th morning, Dr. Paul ministered to Pastors and Christian Leaders. He emphasized the importance of ministering in the prophetic realm. We had the privilege of having the Indian Consul General based in Medan, His Excellency Shri Guru Raghuraj and his wife with us at this meeting. On the 29th evening, Brother Samuel Dhinakaran ministered at a ‘Youth for Jesus’ rally where he spoke from Jeremiah 33:3 “Call unto me and I will answer you and I will show you great and mighty things which you do not know." He expounded it so beautifully that the young peoples’ hearts were touched and blessed. March 1st being the Lord’s day, the Dhinakarans ministered in six services, starting right from early morning. Each of these events were carefully thought through and designed by the organisors in order to target the different segments of people, who were families, the youth, Pastors & Christian Leaders. It was such a joy for the Dhinakarans to reach out and minister to them filled with God’s love and compassion. As the curtains came down on the events, the main coordinator for these meetings Rev. (Dr.) Robert Benedictus shared as to how these three days had helped the people and also the church to move to a different and higher realm in their walk and dependence on the Lord. Jesus Calls Ministries * MARCH 2020 * www.


Jesus Calls tirelessly serves with the motto “Praying for the world.” Standing true to this, my family and I were in Indonesia for the prayer festival held on February 28, 29 and March 1. Laying our hands on the map of Indonesia, we as a family prayed for the blessing, protection, and prosperity of the world’s largest island country - Indonesia. Let us expect God’s blessings to be showered on this nation.


ow My grace is coming upon this nation. I shall remember to govern this nation. This nation has seen much peril, much losses, much tears, much grave situations too. But now, I shall exhibit My resurrection power and I shall show how much compassion I have for these My people. I have shed My blood for everyone of them. Now I will glorify each one of them. My glory is coming upon them. It will not be one person building power, it will not be just one person building authority, My grace will come upon all people. You will see My grace coming upon people and even the Government will move in to a new realm. The Constitution and the operations of the Government will move into a brand new realm. There will be collective authority and there will be no way for one authority. There will always be peace amongst all tribes, amongst all people and surely My word will be read with joy by all people; even those in authority shall look to My word, what I have spoken to find solutions for the nation’s wellbeing, to hear My plans for the nation. My Word will be honoured in the whole land and they will come to primary importance. Even the little children when they grew up, they will be fed with the word of the Lord. It will be a marvel, it will be a miracle but it will come to pass. I will begin to do miracles in the families of those in authority and I will do everything to bring them together as one family in peace and they will see these miracles and they will say only Jesus Christ can bring all the people of this nation together. Those in authority shall surely find Me. Their families will see Me. My grace and My glory shall come upon the Bible schools in this country. Yes there will be new

revelation - The revelation to embrace all people. They will never ask, ‘What type of Christian are you?’ They will receive everyone with great love, with great compassion. A revival will come upon the Bible schools. Even the Bible schools will look like a combination of the secular schools; people from all walks of life and taught by different religions, will come and sit at my feet, transformed as My children. And they will hear My voice and My word will fill them and each place of prayer will be a place of training too and people will go out to feed the word of God and I will reveal mysteries to them through the word. And every time they have needs they will have solutions for their problems and it will bring forth miracles. That is what will attract them to My word. Everyone will come under My power. No one would need to drive them to My church; everyone will run to it saying ‘there is a miracle waiting for me there’ and when they come back not only will I do miracles for them I will make them miracle workers also in My name. Natural resources also will turn towards building this nation. There will be no destruction but there will be wealth from oceans, wealth from nature, wealth from the sands and wealth from the seas. I will surely guard each one’s family, ministry and the strength will come upon them; the diseases shall bow. The older women in this country have cried unto Me and many of them may not have seen my move yet but now I will make them rejoice. Every one of them shall see My glory as Anna in the Bible saw My glory in her old age. Surely, I will visit this country and each one of those who have been seeking Me shall see Me, see My glory and be honoured.

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he blessings of the Lord are going to descend upon you like the appearance of fire in an abounding manner this month. No man or woman will be able to stop it. No devil will be able to hinder it. The only way by which this will be possible, is for us to put on this man created in the image of God. Several years ago, a pastor was zealously working towards making all the believers in his church to be saved and become servants of God. One day, the time came for him to deliver the message. But he did not turn up. On the contrary, a masked terrorist with a gun in his hand suddenly barged into the church and said, “I am going to shoot down all of you! How many of you are willing to die for Jesus? Those willing to do so, stand up!� Immediately, ten of them amongst the 200 gathered there stood up. The rest were scared and lay on the floor. Then the terrorist removed his mask. Only then it was revealed that he was their pastor who had come in disguise. He became Jesus Calls Ministries * MARCH 2020 * www.


sorrowful and said to his church congregation, “You are all liars. You sing on the stage that you would give your life for the Lord but when troubles arise, your hypocrisy is revealed.” My beloved, put on the new man created in the image of God and not the worldly mask. Then, everything in your life will become new. WHAT SORT OF AN IMAGE? “Then I looked, and there was a likeness, like the appearance of fire–from the appearance of His waist and downward, fire; and from His waist and upward, like the appearance of brightness, like the color of amber.” (Ezekiel 8:2) “And from the appearance of His waist and upward I saw, as it were, the color of amber with the appearance of fire all around within it; and from the appearance of His waist and downward I saw, as it were, the appearance of fire with brightness all around it.” (Ezekiel 1:27) From the appearance of His waist and downward was the appearance of fire and from His waist and upward was like molten metal. My father has caught a glimpse of Him. He saw the God of gods Who looked like a 17 year old boy. Moses and the Fathers of Israel saw Him face to face and heard His voice. He has an image which is terrible and like the appearance of fire. It was in this image that He created man (Genesis 1:27). Adam and Eve were clothed with appearance of fire and they were like God Himself. But when they sinned, they became naked. Sin quenched their fire (Genesis 3:7). But the God of gods came down at that time and clothed them with tunics of skin and that is the human skin that we find on our body. God created our skin. How is this skin? The

characteristics of the human skin are lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life (1 John 2:16). When the Almighty God created man, He made him beautiful (Ecclesiastes 3:11). But the lusts of the devil entered into man’s heart and made him nude, wherein he lost his fire. Today, maybe you are naked due to sin and languishing in shame, humiliation, fear, terror and hiding yourself. But the Lord is looking at you and telling you, “I am changing you to be a new man, a new woman, and transform you so that you are found to be in My image having My glory in this world”. He Himself put on this skin cloth and came as ‘Jesus’ into this world 2000 years ago. What did He say when He came? “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” (Luke 12:49) He said, “My children are found without My image and are clothed in skin and languishing as they are caught up in lust. So, for My children to put on the fiery image of God, I have to put My fire upon them. They have to become worthy to receive My glory and because of it I have come into this world to make way for it.” John the Baptist also voiced that same concern. He said, “I baptize you with water. But Jesus will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire” (Matthew 3:11). He will baptize you with fire so that God’s glorious fire will be set ablaze around you. This was what the Lord Jesus Christ spoke about in Luke 12:49,50, “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! But I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how distressed I am till it is accomplished!” I need to put that fire in my body before that. I have come as a man into this world. So, in this human form, I need to cover myself with the fire of God. I need to suffer and be distressed for this cause. He went to the cross because of it. The soldiers of Pilate tore the skin

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of Jesus. And lastly on the cross, the Roman soldiers pierced His side with a spear (Matthew 27:26; John 19:1, 34). The rib bone unites the husband and wife in family life. Sin even enters there many times. So, their children do not live as a godly generation thereby losing the image of God. This was why that spear tore the flesh on His side. We read in the Bible that during the Old Testament period, every time when the bulls were given as sin offering, fire came down from heaven and accepted the sacrifice (Leviticus 9:24). When all the people saw it, they shouted and fell on their faces. Likewise, when the body of Jesus was given as a sacrifice on the cross, He gave Himself as an eternal sacrifice through the eternal Spirit so that we might be cleansed from dead works (Hebrews 9:14). When His skin was torn, he lost the sinful body and was filled with the glorious fire of God. The earth shook. The glory of His fire was revealed in the darkness. That was why when the centurion saw Him he said, “Truly, this was the Son of God” (Matthew 27:54). Beloved, Jesus underwent all those sufferings on the cross for us so that we too would receive that same grace. Today, if we say, “Lord, have compassion on me, a sinner”, then our prayers will ascend before God as an incense (Revelation 8:3-5). There at the altar, the blood of Jesus is pleading with the Father for us. Our prayers and the blood of Jesus on the altar combine and become fire. The angel then throws the fire down on the earth after which we are sure to receive forgiveness of sin. That fire will transform us back into the image of God. So, He said, “I gave Myself as a sacrifice for you so that you would bear My image and My flesh of fire which is holy; I have given the skin in My body to be torn for you. You wait for Me, for the Holy Spirit.” Likewise, the disciples of Jesus were waiting to be clothed with the

holy fire. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire and one sat upon each one of them and immediately they became new men (Acts 2:4). Those who saw them said, “Truly, they were with Jesus” for they were clothed in the image of Jesus. The Lord will give that same grace to you too. No devil or no lust will overcome us if we have the image of God in us. The Lord will give us a pure language when the Holy Spirit descends upon us and surrounds us with His fire (Zephaniah 3:7-9). The Lord is gracious to enable us to worship Him with oneness of mind. Some years ago, while my wife was giving a message in a meeting held at a ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower, suddenly she was given a burden by the Lord regarding the sufferings of women whose husbands were alcoholics and said, “Let the fire of the Holy Spirit descend upon everyone of them now.” At that time, a lady called Lalitha, who was in that meeting, prayed saying, “Lord, pour out Your anointing fire not on me alone but also on my husband who is an alcoholic.” She then returned home after the meeting was over. There she saw her husband sitting under the water tap, which was in front of their house. He left the tap water running and was lamenting, “It is burning, it is burning.” When she asked him what had happened, he cried out saying, “I was fully drunk when I came home; but my body started to have a burning sensation some time ago and it still continues.” It was then that she realized that when she had prayed in that meeting, the burning fire had descended even upon him. The next day morning, both of them sat together and started watching the ‘Jesus Calls’ television programme. I was preaching the word of God at that time. During the prayer time, I said, “Lalitha also called as Lalli, you are watching this programme. Your husband Loganathan is an alcoholic and you have had too many sufferings due to that. Now, the Spirit of

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the Lord is descending upon Him and delivering Him.” On that same day, the Holy Spirit descended upon Loganathan and completely delivered him from drinking alcohol. This is His image which Jesus gives. This divine image of God will descend upon each one of us as families and the Lord will do that in the coming days. ANGEL OF GOD FILLED WITH FIRE In addition to giving us the image of God filled with fire, the Lord also gives us an Angel of God filled with fire to be our helper. The Lord will make the fiery angel of God to come along with us in order to protect our salvation. In the coming days, the Lord will lead you into situations where milk and honey will flow (Exodus 13:5). Pharaoh and his armies pursued the people of Israel (Exodus 14:9). The Egyptians pursued them to kill and destroy them. But the Angel of God, who went before the camp of Israel, moved and went behind them (Exodus 14:19). The Angel of God came and stood before the armies of Pharaoh and behind the people of Israel. What sort of a person was He? The Lord looked down upon the army of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and cloud, and He troubled the army of the Egyptians (Exodus 14:24).

The Holy Spirit, Who was the Angel of God during the Old Testament period, will go before you as a flame of fire. As we do not know the will of God, the Holy Spirit surrounds us like a flame of fire to help us in our weaknesses. He makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered and to lead us into the land flowing with milk and honey and into all the blessings that the Lord has kept for us (Romans 8:26, 27). You are not going to lose even one blessing. The Lord tells that He will take His children into all blessings.

My beloved, even now, sinful works, sinful thoughts, evil people and troubles found in your life may be following you in order to destroy you. But, the Lord looks at you and says, “a fiery Angel of God is standing behind you to take you into the land flowing with milk and honey. So, nothing that comes against you to destroy you will neither touch you nor come near you for I will save you.”

One woman underwent a surgery for the removal of a fibroid cyst. But, that night in the hospital, she had a terrible pain due to allergy and suffered a lot. She could not sleep at all as she was going through horrible suffering. At that time, she could hear somebody talking. When she opened her eyes, she saw a nurse dressed up in a white dress sitting next to her and reading the Bible. She asked the nurse, “What are you doing?” The nurse replied saying, “You go to sleep dear, the verses that I read will comfort you”. And as the nurse kept reading the Bible, God’s presence filled her and she experienced a great peace after which she just dozed off to sleep. The time at which she saw the nurse was 2:45 a.m. As soon as she got up in the morning, she looked at the doctor and asked, “A nurse came and read the Bible to me; Who is she? I would like to see her.” The doctor replied, “Such a nurse does not work here.” She went home with much peace. After reaching home, she was going through all her documents. When she came across her birth certificate, the time of her birth was recorded as 2:45 a.m. She was amazed. An Angel of God who was kept for her sake had saved her. This is a true incident.

“Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared.” (Exodus 23:20)

Likewise, the Lord has commanded an Angel of God for you too and that fiery Angel of God will lead you. The Lord will send an Angel of God who will take care to bring every blessing

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that is due to you without any hindrance. In spite of the situations that surround you, when there is a fiery Angel of God who is filled by the Holy Spirit, then the Lord will give you such a grace. FIERY RAIN “And it came to pass after many days that the word of the Lord came to Elijah, in the third year, saying, “Go present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the earth.” (1 Kings 18:1) The Lord tells Elijah, “I will send rain during the drought; tell this to the King”. What did Elijah do? He did not pray for rain but said, “Let fire come down from heaven; then this nation will come to know that the Lord is God.” Further he says to the people, “You too call on your gods; we will see whether the fire comes down and whether he answers you”. They called unto their gods but did not get any answer. But when Elijah prayed saying, “Oh Lord, hear me”, He sent fire from heaven. Then all the prophets of Baal in the nation were executed. You will see these things happen in the coming days. After the Lord removed all the prophets of Baal (removes all injustice and unclean things), Elijah put his face between his knees and bowed down on the ground and humbled himself as he prayed. He prayed for rain, only after the Lord sent down fire from heaven. The time came for the heavy rains to begin. He girded up his loins and ran ahead of the king’s chariot. The rain comes. But what did he do as per the Lord’s leading? He took the mantle and threw it on Elisha after which Elisha received a double portion of the Spirit of God (2 Kings 2:9). Beloved, as the Spirit of God descended upon Elisha from Elijah in a double portion, the Lord will send His fire anointing upon your children in a double portion. In the coming days, we are going to see young people zealously declare His word, zealously stand for His cause,

not agreeing to the injustice of this world but stand up to do justice. The Lord is going to pour out His Spirit upon your children in a double portion for this purpose. Surely, the great rain of blessing is going to come to you who are His children following which the Spirit of God is going to descend upon your children too in a double portion. God is going to pour out this Spirit on all the young people who know Jesus. Chariots of fire surrounded Elisha on whom the mantle fell. The king of the enemy sent his army to destroy him. But the eyes of the men in the army were struck with blindness that they could not see the chariots of fire that surrounded Elisha. They could not see the man of God (2 Kings 6:17,18). On the contrary, Elisha led them out to Samaria. The king of Syria came and fell at his feet and said, “Father of Israel, what should I do?” The Lord will send His grace to anoint kings, the grace to be delivered from the evil brought about by kings, the grace that reveals to the nation “the Lord is GOD” and the grace to be the father to everyone when a double portion of the anointing descends upon you. The Lord Who did this for Elisha will surely give you too a double portion of this anointing due to fire in the coming days and that will bring about the heavy rains. He will make way for our children to be filled with a double portion of the Spirit and protect them too. He will show the way of the Lord to the kings, transform them, and give them the authority to change them to be a blessing to the nation. Surely the Lord will give you a fiery image of righteousness and holiness in these days. Moreover, the Lord will send a fiery Angel of God for us and take us safely to the land flowing with milk and honey, to the land that He has destined for us. From now, there will be no more lack or shortcomings in your life. He will change all those things that do not exist as though they did. The Lord will give us the heavy rains and help us to establish the right kings and also be gracious for us to be blessed in this world.

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One evening, I encountered severe headache and just like other days I had pain killer and slept thinking I would be alright next day. However, I got up with even more pain accompanied by vomiting, the next day. I couldn’t bear the pain but I thought it would be fine in one or two days. As days went nothing seem to work out. This made me to worry coz in the year 2015 I had similar headache and was diagnosed with blood clot in the brain using MRI scan. So I went to doctor and he prescribed CT scan. I was heartbroken and shaken to the core, thinking of my past, also I couldn’t take care of my 4.5 year old son and my husband or do any household work. I was bedridden vomiting and shouting with pain day and night for almost five days. I decided to call to Jesus Calls Australia and I got the number of Jesus calls Australia through Facebook. A prayer warrior attended my call and prayed for me with burden and faith and she declared that, this headache has nothing to do with me. She chased the enemy in the prayer and confirmed the result of CT scan report will say no issues. With that faith I took the scan and the report concluded no acute findings by God’s amazing grace. I don’t have enough words to thank Jesus calls prayer warrior for encouraging me in prayer and overcoming the headache. All glory to God. Amen.

- Deepika M

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PRAYER TOWER AND MEETING DETAILS: Location: Suite 10, 18 Third Avenue, Blacktown NSW 2148, Sydney, Australia Opening Hours: 9am – 5pm - Monday to Friday Toll Free Prayer Line: 1300 728 378 available 24x7 Further enquiries: Admin line on (02) 9602 3200 Email:

REGULAR MEETINGS: Healing/Blessing Meeting Every Wednesday 7pm. Anointed speakers every week and prayers offered individually for all. Esther PrayerGroup Meeting First Saturday of every month from 10.00am-12.00noon. Two locations: 1) Jesus Calls – 2/18 Third Avenue, Blacktown, NSW 2148 2) Sis Kamini Nair – 26 Whitford Road, Hinchinbrook, NSW 2168 Melbourne Meeting Last Saturday of each month. For more info call the admin line on (02) 96023200.

PARTNER WITH US  Become a PRAYER INTERCESSOR We need more prayer intercessors to join us and pray to bring hope and healing to the broken-hearted. We also invite you to come and spend time in our prayer chapel and stand the gap for people and nations of the world.  Become a ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Member This is a special prayer time where ladies gather and pray for the all the sisters around the world.The prayer points are sent by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran which are very powerful. The heavens open up when our sisters unite in one faith under one name, 'Jesus'. You will see the glory of God once you start a EPG or become a member in a EPG.  Become a Jesus Calls Partner There are many facets of the ministry which you can support through your generosity. You can join the Family Blessing Plan, Young Partners Plan, Business Blessing Plan, Jesus Calls Partner, SEESHA Partner, TV Club Partner etc and see the blessings of God. You may send your generous offering through cheques written in favour of Jesus Calls Ministry Services, and post to: P O Box 575, Liverpool NSW 2170, Suite 10/18 Third Avenue, Blacktown, NSW, 2148 Office: (09) 629 7160, Email:, Mobile: 027 477 2937 For Direct Bank Deposit and Bank Transfers, please use the following details: Account Name: Jesus Calls Ministry services Pty Ltd

Bank: Commonwealth Bank

Account Number: 1113 3084 BSB Number: 062-517 For further more information please do not hesitate to contact the Prayer Tower on: Admin line: (02) 9602 3200; Email: Jesus Calls Ministries * MARCH 2020 * www.


-Continuation of the last month article

The ‘Prayer Festival ministry’ helps to announce the love of God to multitudes of people, help them experience His miraculous touch in their soul and body and receive miraculous healing and consolation. DR. PAUL DHINAKARAN IN PUBLIC MEETINGS FOR 38 YEARS

specifically about their sickness and problems,


testify saying, “All that is true” and share their

those people would come up to the stage and

The Lord blessed him with the special gift

miraculous experience.It proves that the Lord

of calling names of people and revealed things

still lives. Not only that, during the final prayer

about them, during a prayer time in a “Jesus

time, the Lord performs great miracles through

Calls” prayer meeting in Alappuzha, Kerala,

him. Those who are born lame, jump and begin

during February 2-6, 1994. From that day

to walk. The blind get vision. The deaf hear.

onwards he participated in all the “Jesus Calls”

Demons run away howling. Deadly diseases

prayer meetings. When he calls out the names,

are gone. In a supernatural way, new organs are

being filled with the strength of the Lord and tells

created in the body. Thousands were touched by

Jesus Calls Ministries * MARCH 2020 * www.


the Holy Spirit in every meeting, realized their

* April 1991 in a meeting in Mumbai...

sins and turned towards Christ.

“For 38 years I was not able to walk on my own. I used to walk with the help of a walking stick. When Bro. Paul Dhinakaran prayed specially for those who were not able to walk, he said, ‘Those who are not able to walk, try to walk now’. At once I threw my stick and tried walking. I was able to walk, on my own. I did not need a stick anymore”. – Priscilla Edwards, Andheri, Mumbai.

* 1985, in a meeting in Vellore... “I smoked terribly for 44 years. I came to the “Jesus Calls” meeting conducted in the Voorhees College ground in Vellore with my family. On the first day of the meeting, during the message, Bro. Paul Dhinakaran condemned smoking. I did not take it seriously. I went home thinking, ‘He is just a small servant of God, let Bro. Dhinakaran say’. The next day morning, I took a cigarette and started to smoke. Immediately I experienced an unbearable irritation, like my blood vessels are bursting and I’m fainting. At once I threw away the cigarette, closed my eyes and prayed, ‘Lord, forgive me for I was indifferent towards Bro. Paul Dhinakaran’. There was a divine peace in my heart! From that day onwards I did not smoke. The Lord transformed me and set me free from my 44 years of addiction!” – M. Durai Raj, Walajapet, Vellore.

* February 1992 in a meeting in Cuttack... “My son is 14 years old. He was born deaf and dumb. As Bro. Paul Dhinakaran began to pray, my son started to speak. He can also hear.” – Jamaya, Cuttack. * 1992 in a meeting in Sholapur (Maharashtra)... One hour before the meeting began, a sister came who was in the clutches of the devil. Many gathered together and prayed. Suddenly, the demon inside her howled and ran away saying, “Now Bro. Paul Dhinakaran is coming here in the car, he is going to cast me away. Let me run away before that.” That time Dr. Paul Dhinakaran reached there in a car. When he

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prayed for that lady, the demon inside her was already gone; she was delivered and began to speak normally. It is an amazing miracle! * November 1997 in a meeting in Ahmedabad... “I was bedridden for 10 years being affected by paralysis, unable to sit or walk. My family put me in a stretcher and brought me to the meeting. When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was praying, ‘The Lord is healing the legs of those who are not able to walk’, a power came upon me. My legs were strengthened. Immediately, I got down from the stretcher and walked without anyone’s support. Now I can walk very well”. – Joseph Oliver Desai, Ahmedabad. * I suffered being deaf for 20 years. When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was praying, suddenly he called me by my name and said, “Sujatha, the Lord is healing you, He is healing all your disease and the problem in your ears. The power of the Lord is coming upon you.”I was amazed and took out the cotton in my ears. At once my ears began to function.” – Sujatha, East Godavari. * June 2002, in a meeting in Gangtok... “I was suffering, not being able to stand or to take a step for several years. Wherever I went

they would put me in a wheelchair. Even to this meeting, I came in a wheelchair. When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed, a power came upon me. Immediately, I got up from the wheelchair and tried to walk. I was able to walk very well. I walked by myself to the stage to testify. Now I am able to walk very well.” – Lama, Gangtok. * 2004 November in a meeting in Mauritius... Nisha, whose legs were bent and unable to walk began to walk. * 2005 February in a Prayer Festival in Pune... When Akksai’s leg was straightened and he started to walk, who once had his left leg paralyzed from birth, joyful tears filled his mother’s eyes and ecstasy could be seen on his sister’s face! The multitudes of people clapped and glorified the Lord! * May 2005 in a Prayer Festival in Delhi... Prasati Lal, who used to use his hands as support on the floor and limp and walk, ran to the stage and jumped. * November 2004 in a meeting in Mauritius... Saradha was delivered immediately when Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed, “Saradha, for 18 years you have been in the clutches of the

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devil, the power of the Lord is coming upon you right now, the Lord is delivering you.” * 2009 July in a meeting in Ranchi... “During the time of message itself, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran pointed to the place where I was seated. I was shocked when he said, “The Holy Spirit is showing me, there is a young man in this crowd who has just been released from jail.Dear young brother, your name is Naveen, you were put in the jail for the mistakes you had done and now you have been released. Naveen who is released from the jail, the Lord calls you.” - Naveen Rajkumar, Ranchi. * 2015 November in a meeting in Hubli (Karnataka)... Sherib, who was unable to walk for 35 years, walked.

* 1991 April Bangalore meeting... The Lord stopped the rain which was a hindrance and enabled to conduct the meeting without any hindrance! * 1998 April Colombo meeting... When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran began to preach on April 3rd, the rain started to pour. Then he stopped the message and prayed with great faith and commanded the rain to stop, saying, “This rain is an obstacle for you to receive the blessings of the Lord, however do not be disheartened; the Lord will stop this rain now” and in the next moment the dark cloud bearing the rain stopped and light shone through the sky. That day more than a lakh remained standing and listened to the message and received the blessing of the Lord!

* 2016 in a meeting in Jeypore (Odisha)...

* 2000 February Salem meeting...

“I brought my son tied in shackles, who was affected by the devil, and not able to control for 18 years. When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed, he shook and fell down. Now he is in a good state of mind and speaks well and is completely delivered. No shackles are needed anymore.” – Basanthi, Odisha.

When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran stood up to preach, the sky was filled with rain clouds and it began to rain.Immediately, compassion filled his heart. “Lord, this rain is not necessary now”,he prayed with tears to stop the rain. The Lord heard the prayers and stopped the rain until the meetings were over and the very next day when the meetings got over, there were heavy rains for many hours.

GRACE OF CONTROLLING THE NATURE: * 1987 June Udhagamandalam meeting... During the beginning of the meeting, it started to rain heavily. When prayed compassionately, the rain stopped. The people of Ooty say that it’s a miracle and an unforgettable truth!

* 2002 December Kolkata meeting... There were signs of a terrible storm. The Lord stopped the terrible storm after the prayer!

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* 2004 February Coimbatore meeting... Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed with around one lakh people who were gathered for the meeting for drought to vanish, on request of some important persons of the city of Coimbatore. The Lord made the rains to come on the next day itself! He restored the water scarcity! * 2004 May Jharkhand Prayer Festival... The Lord stopped the heavy rains one evening where more than 5 lakh people were gathered for the meeting! * 2004 November Mauritius meeting... On hearing the prayer the Lord stopped the rain which was just about to start as the sky was full of dark clouds! * 2010 March Fiji islands... The prayer that stopped the storm: Just before March 13 and 14 when the prayer meetings in the Fiji islands were organized, on March 12 and 13 the Fiji government had issued a warning for all the tourists to leave the Fiji islands.All the airplanes in the Fiji airport were to be sent to Australia and no one was allowed to conduct any public meetings because a storm was going to come (speed of

280 km per hour) for 6 hours. In this difficult situation when we were desperate about how were we going to conduct the meeting, in a miraculous way, the Fiji government invited Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to pray for the Fiji islands to be saved, on National Radio. The Lord heard the earnest prayer of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran on the radio, stopped the storm miraculously and saved the Fiji islands from a great disaster. The meetings also went very well. June 2007 in Arunachal Pradesh - Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s family was welcomed and honored as the State guest. Apart from this, thousands gather and are blessed through all the meetings Dr. Paul Dhinakaran participates in. Students’Prayer Meet: From 1986, a special prayer meeting for students is conducted for the divine knowledge to expand in them and to be successful in the exams. In the first students’ prayer meeting 5000 students gathered.Followed by that, every year Dr. Paul Dhinakaran conducts a special prayer meeting for the students. At present, more than 50,000 students gather, receive the touch of the Lord,

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are blessed and receive high marks to glorify the Lord.

prayer meetings spiritual leaders, community leaders, national leaders and great people participate.

Partners’Meet: It is a great blessing that in every 'good news meeting', Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis.Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran pray on a particular day for thousands of “Jesus Calls” partners earnestly in person. Millions of partners are blessed. Healing service: On 1993, October 10th the Bethesda prayer hall was established. From that day in each healing prayer meeting that Dr. Paul Dhinakaran conducts, thousands come and are blessed. Blessing through the generation: Loving children Samuel Dhinakaran, Sharon Dhinakaran and Stella Ramola (Sweety), began to stand up and sing, recite verses from the Bible and pray in the prayer meetings from a young age. Today they minister, filled with the anointing, before lakhs of people and now they conduct youth meetings on their own.On 9th January 2016, 80,000 young people gathered in a UTurn meeting they conducted in Raipur (Chhattisgarh). They also conduct music concerts.At present Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran along with his wife Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran is a blessing to thousands in the Prayer Festivals. Leaders participation: It is worthy to be noted that in the “Jesus Calls”

Blessing through live telecast: In every Prayer Festival apart from the people who come in person and receive the blessings, innumerable are blessed through live telecast in TV, internet and through Facebook live. Millions blessed: The Lord has expanded the Prayer Festival ministry from where thousands were gathered during 1970s to lakhs being gathered in a single meeting today. *1995 October 3 - 3 lakh gathered in one evening meeting in Hyderabad. *1998 November 15 - 3 lakh gathered in one night. *2009 May 21-24 - 10 lakh were gathered (4 days) at the Ranchi Prayer Festival. *2012 April Gujarat Prayer Festival - 5 lakh were gathered for the first time in Gujarat in search of Jesus. The Lord has enabled more that 10 crore to be blessed in the past 50 years. The journey of the ministry in the past 50 years In India - The Lord enabled the Dhinakaran family to preach in 322 cities.

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Overseas - The Lord guided to be filled with prophetic anointing to preach, prophesy and pray in around 50 countries visiting them more than 100 times. PASTOR BENNY HINN’S REVELATION Bro. Dhinakaran participated in the Nashville, Tennessee meeting conducted by a well known evangelist in America, Pastor Benny Hinn, and prophesied about America. Benny Hinn told the multitudes gathered in that meeting about Bro. Dhinakaran … “Here…Bro. Dhinakaran a servant of God who is being used mightily by the Lord is here. He knows the God of the Heaven. He is one of the mightiest apostles in the kingdom of God. He has been taken to heaven several times. He has seen God. Whenever he conducts a meeting in India, around 3 to 5 lakh people are gathered. Very few are such servants of God who are anointed like this. He brought the word of the Lord for me with great power and accuracy. When he

prayed, I experience the same presence which I received when the servant of God Kathryn Kuhlman prayed.” Newspaper write-up: 1993 February 17-21 India’s Billy Graham in South Africa India’s Billy Graham to preach in Durban. Father and son spread the Word Dr. Dhinakaran, a famous Indian evangelist like Dr. Billy Graham, a famous evangelist in America, is going to preach in good news meetings along with his son Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. He will also conduct a power ministry seminar. Indian evangelists have come as father and son along with their team to tell about the love of God to the broken-hearted in South Africa. They have told good news of Christ to lakhs of people around the world. March 2005: India’s Billy Graham, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran – Sayings of the Norway newspapers. From 1970 to 2020 for the past 50 years,

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the Lord has touched many people and wiped their tears through Bro. Dhinakaran’s family and uses them in the midst of crores of people in the Prayer Festivals. “I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth,… there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.” (Luke 15: 7, 10) As Jesus said, if there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repents, how much joy shall be in heaven for the millions who were touched by the Lord in the “Jesus Calls” Prayer Festivals for the past 50 years. “Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.” (2 Corinthians 9:15) My dear partner! Millions of praise to the Lord who enabled us to meet more that 10 crore around the world over the past 50 years only

through your support and prayer through the Prayer Festivals. Continue to pray that even more people should be met through the Prayer Festival ministry. We organize the “Jesus Calls” Prayer Festivals with the vision that not one soul should perish.

We invite you to be a partner and be blessed along with us in this Prayer Festival ministry where multitudes are attracted towards Christ. The Lord will bless you, who pray and supports the Prayer Festival ministry without any measure. “Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters…” (Isaiah 32: 20) Support us as the Lord leads you (Please tick)! r US $ 1500

r US $ 750

r US $ 375

r I would like to offer, US $……...................………./Name: ……………………...…………………. Partner Code (If any): ……...........……… Address: .......………………………………………………………………………………… Mobile: ……………..Mobile (Whatsapp): ………..........……..E- mail: …….............………..

Your sorrow will turn into joy

Compilation on the great works of the Lord in the “Prayer Festivals Ministry” will continue in the next issue... Jesus Calls Ministries * MARCH 2020 * www.


Dear Beloved partner in the Ministry, Loving greetings! In line with this promise, “I will restore you to health and heal your wounds." (Jeremiah 30:17) the Lord will grant you good health. Let March 2020 bring wellness to you. The Lord will provide solace to all the sorrows in your heart and heal your physical sicknesses. Through you, His Grace will bring comfort and blessing to others. Thank you for your prayers. In the last two months, our ministry in Bilaspur, Bokaro and Karaikal were a blessing to multitudes. Please continue to praise GOD as you read the reports in our monthly magazine. (please visit https://, if you like to subscribe.) Your prayers and support play a part in the Prayer Tower Service

Our vision for the Prayer Towers is, ‘not one will return without receiving a miracle and God’s salvation’. We pray for each person who comes to the Prayer Towers, or connects over telephone and letters. Every day, I pray for the prayer requests received though social media and emails. I ensure every prayer request receives a personal reply. Nine hundred fulltime staff work in sending replies and nearly thousands of volunteers pray for thousands of prayer requests that come to the Prayer Towers each day . The Lord hears our prayers and does miracles in the lives of people. Also, the Lord gave me the vision to provide spiritual training to each one who receives our prayer so they will increase by a thousand fold. We plan to conduct Partners’ Training Program (PTP) at the Prayer Towers, with a vision to guide each one nurture and build a closer

“… your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.… (Matthew 18:14)

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relationship with the Lord. We need trainers for this purpose. Please contact the nearest Prayer Tower if you want to become a trainer. We will train you with the necessary skills to become an effective trainer. This will be a big support and blessing for the Ministry. I trust the trainers will transform our partner’s lives and enthuse them to pray for others in the midst of loss and sorrow like JOB. And because of this, their captivity will be turned around and they will receive twice of what they lost just like it happened for Job (Job 42:10).

with your monthly offerings. You can also contribute towards the expenses of the daily activities of the Prayer Tower. MINISTRY OVERSEAS My wife and I ministered in Colombo & Kandy from February 14-17, 2020. We opened the fourth Prayer Tower in Sri Lanka during this time. God also opened doors for us to minister in Indonesia as a family from February 28th to March 1st. Please read the detailed report published in this edition and praise the Lord. I thank you for all your prayer support. THIS DAY IN MARCH

Each partner trained with us will become a "Jesus Calls' Ambassador, equipped to pray for people contacting the ministry in their neighbourhood. They will assemble praying partners and raise prayer intercessors. This will reveal GOD's power throughout the nation. People will experience the light of Jesus and receive hope and salvation. Kindly pray for this awesome Partners’ Training Program (PTP).

The ‘Jesus Calls’ radio program was first broadcast in March 1972. In March 1988, grieving the loss of my sister, my mother led by the Lord, started the Esther Prayer Group Ministry.Today, the ‘Jesus Calls’ radio program and the Esther Prayer Group Ministry bring blessing to many. Please continue to pray for this ministry.

“‘In the last days, God says, I will pour

“…for I am the Lord, who heals you.”

out my Spirit on all people.Your sons and

(Exodus 15:26)

daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream

According to the above Bible verse, may the Lord heal you bless you through this month.

dreams.”(Acts 2:17)

The above verse will come to pass through this programme. Please support this ministry

Your loving brother, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran.

DONATION AVENUES for sending offerings and to receive our products ä


ä WEBSITE: ä (for our partners in the Middle East)

Prayer Tower in your Country / Region For more details, Email: Jesus Calls Ministries * MARCH 2020 * www.





- Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran


veryone in this world wants to be

which says “Arise, shine, for your light has come,

blessed. However, the reality is everyone

and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.” When

faces difficulties in life like sickness and

the glory of Jesus comes upon you, nothing will be

conflicts in the family. Some may have a hard time

able to touch and hurt you. The Lord has promised

in studies or some maybe waiting for their marriage

in Isaiah 60:12, “For the nation or kingdom that will

for a long time. Everyone has problems in life but

not serve you will perish; it will be utterly ruined.”

when the light of Christ, comes to us, all these

This will happen to all those who are against you

problems will vanish. We can see it in Isaiah 60:1

and trying to oppose you.

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It continues to say in Isaiah 60:13, “The glory of



Lebanon will come to you, the juniper, the fir and

my mother.

the cypress together, to adorn my sanctuary; and

When I searched

I will glorify the place for my feet.” This verse tells

for her, I would find her

that the Lord will build you and glorify you. In verse

sitting in a corner reading her Bible or

17&18 the Lord says, “Instead of bronze I will bring

praying. My father would go for a morning walk

you gold, and silver in place of iron. Instead of wood

but take a long time to come back. When I asked

I will bring you bronze, and iron in place of stones. I

him what took him so long, he’ll tell me that he went

will make peace your governor and well-being your

to the chapel. My grandma would say, “If the time

ruler. No longer will violence be heard in your land

for church is 8 o’clock, by 7:30 am itself we should

nor ruin or destruction within your borders, but you

be ready to leave the house.” I used to think what

will call your walls Salvation and your gates Praise.”

happiness they get by doing these things. I wanted

It means God is going to give you everything but

to know so I decided to practice these. I started to

above all, the Lord is going to give you peace.

practice the same things my parents and grandma

Finally, verse 20 says, “The LORD will be your Everlasting Light, and your days of sorrow will end.” Yes friends, the days of your sorrow will be over. But among all these verses, the one which I like the most is verse 19 which says “The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the LORD will be your Everlasting Light, and your God will be your glory.” The sun gives light during the day and the moon in the night. But the light of the Lord is everlasting. There is no difference in day or night and when the Lord is our light; no devil or darkness can come near us.

would do. I would read the Bible and pray in the morning soon after I get up and at night before going to bed. As I took this small step, God started to bless me. God gave me wonderful teachers to help me to study well. He gave me good friends in college which helped me to excel in my studies and get a good name. When I started to go to work, there was a small chapel in the hospital and I longed to go there and pray. I decided to go to the chapel even if it was just for 5 minutes. Everyday I went to the chapel to pray before starting my work and God began to bless me there as well. I joined as a junior doctor in that hospital but God blessed me to the extent that

To receive this Everlasting Light what are we supposed to do? It’s very simple - give priority to God. Each day when you wake up, give God the first place in your life.

the senior doctors would always look for me to help them. They would say, “Shilpa, be with me because if you are around us, the problems will be solved easily.” To that extent, I got a favor and name in my

I have experienced this right from my childhood. As soon as I wake up, when I look around, I would

workplace as I gave priority to the Everlasting Light who is the Lord Jesus Christ.

Even now God has called me for ministry, that itself is a grace of God and not only that, God has anointed me with His Holy Spirit. This anointing, when it comes upon us gives great joy. What I share with you in this article, I am a testimony for that. Therefore, from today onwards give priority to God and you will be successful in everything. Jesus Calls Ministries * MARCH 2020 * www.


Thanks be to God Jesus Calls New Zealand Prayer Tower was inaugurated on 17th November 2012 and dedicated for the glory of God by Dr Paul Dhinakaran & Sis Evangeline on 9th February 2013. In November 2019 we marked the 7th anniversary of God’s goodness to His people through the ministry of Jesus Calls by having a Thanksgiving Service attended by partners and well-wishers. The Lord has graciously answered the cries of His people over the years, as was shared through the testimonies. Thousands have been blessed by the intercession of the faithful prayer warriors. It has been a wonderful privilege for my husband and I to coordinate the work of the ministry in New Zealand. We would like to thank all partners, prayer warriors, donors, and every person who has prayed for and supported us over the years. God bless you all. - Sis Sunila Prasad & Bro Jason Prasad (JCNZ Coordinators)

God’s Justice Prevails I would like to give my testimony on my situation that I recently went through at my work place. My colleagues falsely complained to the management about things which I had not done. Because of this I got very distressed and did not know how to deal with the situation. I immediately called Jesus Calls Prayer Line and asked for prayers for peace and understanding. I went through a couple of meetings with the management, which said that the allegations were quite serious and if proven true I could lose my job on the basis of misconduct. I was very scared and prayed to God and continued to seek prayers from the Prayer Tower. On 19th November 2019, after the investigations were complete, my manager called me and told me that she would not want to lose me as an employee as she had not received any complaint against me in the last 2 years and that I had been a very hard working employee. She asked me which shifts I would like to work. I was shocked and surprised to hear this and thanked my Lord for His justice and favour; for their investigations only revealed the truth about how faithful a worker I was and that I had no charges against the allegations made. I would like to tell everyone that nothing is impossible with God. Our God is a good God. Have faith and continue to trust Him and look towards Him; He will bring the breakthrough! My situation changed within a week. I thank all the prayer warriors at Jesus Calls Ministry in New Zealand and abroad for praying for me. I heartily thank my Lord Jesus Christ for showing mercy on my life. God Bless. - Parvati Lal Jesus Calls Ministries * MARCH 2020 * www.


PRAYER TOWER AND MEETING DETAILS: Location: 1/80 Carr Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland, New Zealand. Opening Hours for Drop-In: 9am – 5pm from Monday to Friday, with late night (10pm) on Tuesdays Toll Free Prayer Hotline: 0800 53 78 72 (0800 JESUSC) available 24x7 to receive prayer calls

REGULAR MEETINGS: Healing Blessing Meeting Every Tuesday from 7pm. Anointed speakers every week and prayers offered individually for all those with needs. Esther Prayer Group Meeting First Saturday of every month from 3pm.

PARTNER WITH US  Become a PRAYER INTERCESSOR Stand in the gap, praying with compassion for the needy, bringing hope and healing to the brokenhearted through your earnest prayers; you will be blessed!  Become a VOLUNTEER We have numerous tasks in and around the prayer tower where you could help  Become a ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Member Cry out to the Lord for women facing various needs, all around the world; receive prayers for your own needs.  Become a Jesus Calls BLESSING PLAN Partner Join the Family Blessing Plan, Young Partners Plan, Business Blessing Plan, Prayer Tower Partner, SEESHA Partner, TV Club Partner and become a blessing to the Lord’s work. You may send in your cheerful offering through cheques written in favour of Jesus Calls New Zealand Trust, and post to: 1/80 Carr Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland 1041, New Zealand For Direct Bank Deposit and Bank Transfers, please use the following details: Account Name: Jesus Calls New Zealand Trust Bank: ANZ Account Number: 06-0241-0259945-01 Swift Code: ANZBNZ22 Office: (09) 629 7160, Email:, Mobile: 027 477 2937

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Family Section

How to raise

Godly Children? - Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

“Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court.” (Psalm 127:3-5) When my wife Evangeline delivered our first child,

God wants you to enjoy the real joy in your family

all of us were very excited to see our firstborn. My

relationships and to acknowledge that He is your Father

father (Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran) was the most excited

in your family. According to Isaiah 54:13, “All your

person because he had lost my sister Angel and so

children will be taught by the LORD, and great will

wanted a blessing for our home. The day my wife got

be their peace.” As a parent, you can only do a certain

labour pains, we all rushed and reached the hospital

part. But God says, “I take the responsibility to teach

at 10 p.m. Although my wife was going in happily,

your children through the Spirit. I will pour My

suddenly I got a terrible pain in my stomach around

Spirit into their spirit and I will teach them.” Your

the same time. By seeing my tension and excitement,

children will be taught by the Lord when you submit

everybody was wondering whether it was me or my

them into the hands of Almighty God.

wife that was going to deliver the baby. Early in the morning, our son Samuel was born.

I would like to share an experience with you that happened in my college days. Due to bad company,

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I drifted away from God. As a result, I failed in my

him from the death bed.” After saying this, she

subjects. My friends tried to console me by saying,

pointed towards the camera and said, “God will

“Don’t worry. Still we have many semesters to

also raise you and give you 15 more years.” When

come and surely we will pass in all subjects in the

the program was telecast, a pastor who was on

future.” Their words didn’t console my soul and

his deathbed, watching the program received a

my heart was filled with fear. On hearing about my

miracle. Yes, God’s power came upon him and he

failure, my mom started to fast and pray for me

got out of his bed. He was healed completely and

every Tuesday. My mom’s prayer went something

that evening itself God had enabled him to preach

like this, “Lord, touch my son (Dr. Paul) and make

in his church.

him Your servant.” Within a few weeks, God transformed me and I started to seek the Lord Jesus. He filled me with His Holy Spirit and joy. I passed in all 12 papers and I was honored with a gold medal in the university. God didn’t stop there, He gave me

Unbelievable! The Lord says in Isaiah 44:3, “I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants.” Accordingly, your children shall be taught by the Lord and great shall be their peace from generation to generation.

a MBA and a PhD degree in Advertising when I was just 26 years old. God filled me with His treasures of

Dear parents, children are a gift from God and it is your responsibility to train them in the way

wisdom and knowledge. Similarly, God will fill your children also with His treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

they should go and God will do the rest when you surrender them into God’s hands. God will raise your children to be a blessing to you and for the society.

It is in God’s mind to bless your children and to

When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, God will

place them in high positions in the nation, to make

enable you to guide your children in the right path

them blessed like Daniel and Joseph who were a

and help you to be an ideal parent for them; it will

blessing to the nations. For this to happen, He will

bring forth a blessed generation.

teach your children and make them walk in His ways. When our children Sam and Sharon were just 12 and 10 years old, the Holy Spirit came upon them. The joy of the Holy Spirit filled them and they started to sing, pray and preach for the people in the public meetings.

I encourage you to fast and pray for your children just like my mother did to help me out. For sure, your fasting prayer will transform your child no matter where they are! It is not going to be in vain at any cost. This is the only way I can advise to raise a blessed generation. You can’t learn how to raise a

I remember an instance where our daughter

child in a classroom. But you can learn from God as

Sharon prayed in a television program. She said,

you fast and pray for your child once a week. God

“God gave Hezekiah 15 more years and raised

will teach and guide you free of cost.

Let’s pray: “Heavenly Father, I thank You for the opportunity You have given me to read this portion. Equip me to be an ideal parent and fill me with Your Holy Spirit to reveal Your will for my child, so that it will build my child to be a better citizen for the nation and for the heavenly kingdom. Help my child to do the best in all the forthcoming examinations to glorify Your name. In the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.”

Our fervent prayers will be there for your children’s success in the examination and their great future. Go ahead by keeping faith in God and He will bless your family and children immeasurably. God bless you! Jesus Calls Ministries * MARCH 2020 * www.




“I am Deepika, a Young Partner and I come from a small village in Sivakasi. As my family could not afford my education, I studied in a government school till 10th std. I sought the Prayer Tower for prayers before my 10th std board exam. The prayer intercessors prayed for me with much burden. To my complete joy, I scored 496/500 in my 10th grade. As it was my desire to pursue medicine since childhood, my mother put me in a private school for my 11th and 12th grade. However, the school fee was too high and beyond our capacity. But that school offered me free education looking at my good marks in 10th grade. God’s grace made me score 1142 in 12th grade and that too was because of the prayers at the Prayer Tower. Yet, the marks were not enough to get a seat in a medical college. The prayer intercessors and the Dhinakarans prayed continuously for me and miraculously a voluntary organization came forward to help me study medicine. By God’s abounding grace, currently I am pursuing my 4th year of Medicine in Georgia (abroad). I am grateful for the fervent prayers offered for me by the Dhinakarans and the prayer intercessors. The Young Partners Plan indeed helped me receive God’s wisdom, protection, and prosperity! Glory to God.” Maybe, you are going through a similar situation in

It is more than certain that you would inherit

your studies or in your workplace right now. The

such unimaginable blessings from the Lord as you

Lord who does miracles in the lives of His children

register to be enfolded by prayers through the Young

is waiting to bless you indeed with wisdom. As

Partners Plan.

per Proverbs 19:20, “You will be counted among

As you do, you shall enjoy the following benefits:

the wise.” You shall stay protected. The Lord will

• The Dhinakarans would pray for you earnestly

watch over your coming and going both now and

every day.

forevermore (Psalm 121: 8). You shall lack nothing

• At the Prayer Tower, the prayer intercessors

for He will “Throw open the floodgates of heaven

would call out the names of every young partner

and pour out so much blessing that there will not be

and claim the promise of the Lord as declared in

room enough to store it.”(Malachi 3:10).

I Chronicles 4:10.

Jesus Calls Ministries * MARCH 2020 * www.


Witness God’s promises fulfill in your lives! For PRAYERS (24x7) please call +91 44 45 999 000 Dear Parent,

Make sure you enroll your child as a Young Partner and see them stay blessed. They are the future leaders of the world and most of all, they are precious in the Kingdom of God. Fill the form found below and send it back to us with a passport size photograph of your child. May your children be exalted and their future stay secured in the hands of the Lord!

On completion of a minimum donation of USD 300 a beautiful certificate with God’s promise will be issued.

Prayer works wonders. Never fail to make use of perpetual prayer. Beloved children, You are welcome to enroll as a Young Partner at any age and can stay so until you are married. Enroll by donating any amount. You may contribute regularly as per your convenience say, monthly/quarterly/half-yearly/annually. Details required for enrollment: Mr. /Ms.................................................................................................................................


Date of Birth: ................................. Name of Father/Guardian............................................ Address for Communication: ............................................................................................... City: ............................................. Pin code: ................................ Mobile No: ..................... E-Mail ID: ......................................... WhatsApp...................................................................

For more details: o Website: o Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your country o Email:;

For more details on UTurn: Email: For prayers: Jesus Calls Ministries * MARCH 2020 * www.



n this world, when we pass through various sufferings, we are at a loss to know what to do. At such critical times, when someone dear to us, tells us about some good way out of it, we are comforted and encouraged. But it is only the God of gods who is able to keep us away from such sorrow and suffering and lead us. Not knowing this truth, many try on their own and some others, with no trust on the wondrous deeds of the Lord, become weary and even try to commit suicide. From my experience, I would like to share the good news to those people who go through such crisis.

Similarly, the same Lord Jesus loves you too without any partiality (Acts 10:34). He, who says, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” (John 14:6) tells us lovingly, “This is the way; walk in it…” Not knowing this when we walk placing our trust on ourselves saying, “Let me take care of my own things”, crisis and troubles attack us. We languish with nobody to support us. Perhaps, if you have not held the loving hands of Jesus, today commit yourself at His feet and receive the glorious blessings of God.

In the beginning of my life, once when I was all alone feeling as if the sky had fallen down, the Lord Jesus shone His presence in the room where I was sitting. All my mental weariness vanished before the sweet presence of Christ Jesus, like ‘snow that melts in the sun.’ I could feel His loving presence and His love filling my heart.


Let us meditate on certain good things that you ought to follow:

“Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.” (Psalm 37:5) A king called Hezekiah had a firm faith that God would perfect everything for him and so he

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committed his ways to Him and trusted Him. As if to test his faith, a big trial occurred. King Assyria came against him with his great army. Seeing Hezekiah’s unshakable faith on God, Rabshakeh, one of his commanders asked him with derision, "What confidence is this in which you trust?” (II Kings 18:19). With the thought that Hezekiah was nothing before his lord of Assyria, and that he would surely face defeat, he mocked at Hezekiah and made fun of him. But Hezekiah had his full trust on his God, the Lord and followed Him and walked in His ways because of which the Lord’s angel came to help Hezekiah as commanded by God and “killed in the camp of the Assyrians one hundred and eighty-five thousand.” Then according to the work of God, Sennacherib king of Assyria who rose against Hezekiah, departed and went away, returned home and his own sons killed him (II Kings 19:35-37). My dear sisters, the God who saved Hezekiah thus is unchanging even today. But do you have the unshakable faith that was in Hezekiah’s heart? Even if we face a small problem, we immediately get troubled and confuse our mind thinking that we would do everything on our own. That’s why there are fights, divisions, struggles and frustration in our family as well as in our personal life and we shed tears. “In the fear of the LORD there is strong confidence…” (Proverbs 14:26) Accordingly, do not become dejected, no matter what problems crop up. The Lord Jesus who suffered on the cross for you and who has overcome everything is waiting to lead you in His path today. When we trust Him fully, He will fill us with His peace and joy caused by His divine guidance and will make us walk successfully on this earth. Also He is able to take up our feet from the horrible pit of the miry clay and set us up on Him, the Rock. He is also able to establish our steps (Psalm 40:2). So, do not be troubled by seeing the oppositions and crisis that come against you. “I will not fear. What can flesh do to me?... You number my wanderings; Put my tears into Your bottle; Are they not in Your book? In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid.” (Psalm 56:4,8,11)

David thus committed his ways to the Lord and strengthened himself. Accordingly you too should hold on only to the Lord Jesus, commit yourself to His ways and walk carefully in the way shown by Him. The mother of Charles Wesley and John Wesley, the two servants of God who were mightily used by God, committed her family matters and other responsibilities at the feet of the Lord. Before going to bed at night, she used to place her hand on each of her children, pray diligently for them and would go to bed only after that. Accordingly, every morning, before they got up from bed, she rose up and placed her hands on her children one by one and would begin to do her other works only after committing them at His feet. The faith and trust that the mother had on the Lord made her children’s future bright and blessed. “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” (III John 4) Accordingly, in this world, parents have no other joy except the joy that their children are growing as the Lord’s children. So when you commit your family and children’s future in the hands of the Lord, there is no doubt that they would be blessed by the Lord. So trusting God in bringing up our children and during their days of youth, let us be faithful in committing everything to Him and enjoy receiving His blessings. FOLLOW THE LORD’S WAYS “Wait on the LORD, And keep His way, And He shall exalt you to inherit the land.” (Psalm 37:34) The Lord will never let down His children who trust Him. It is His divine will to take them to higher levels. But today, many people take pride thinking that the blessings that they have in this world are not from the Lord but because of their own efforts. But the Scripture says, “The blessing of the LORD makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it.” (Proverbs 10:22) Hence, He wants to give both the blessings of heaven as well as of the earth to His people

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who trust Him fully and who follow His ways perfectly. He is able to do above all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). Anyone who asks Him receives (Matthew 7:8). "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33) Yes, the Lord is eager to provide His full blessings to His children who trust Him alone and who follow His ways. In the Bible we read how beautifully He led His chosen people of Israel. Every day He fed them with ‘manna’, the food of angels, from heaven. When they were discontent with that and murmured against Him for want of meat, He sent them quails and met their needs miraculously (Psalm 78:24-29). When Elijah, His servant languished in famine, He fed him through the ravens (I Kings 17:6). We read about several such miracles in the Bible. Today, it is His divine will to remove all your wants – whether they are worldly lacks or spiritual lacks – and fill you with His abundant blessings. My dear sisters, open your heart like a child to your loving Saviour Jesus, the heavenly Father and tell Him of your needs. This is pleasing to Him. What is the use of opening up your heart to your neighbours and friends whom you think as considerate and sharing your problems with them? Can they make everything possible? The moment you share your troubles and come back home, they would go to others and spread about your needs in an exaggerated way saying, “Do you know this? She is facing all these problems…?” They would thus humiliate you indirectly. This is the painful blessing that you would receive through the worldly people. On the other hand, just see how it works when you spend that time at the feet of Jesus. The divine peace and joy that you would receive from Him would be matchless. The Bible reiterates, “Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.” (Psalm 62:8)

He will never see your shortcomings. He will never despise His children who come near Him. “For He has not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; Nor has He hidden His face from Him; But when He cried to Him, He heard.” (Psalm 22:24) As the Bible thus says, not ignoring your wishes and pleas, He would add more glorious blessings to you. But you should remember one thing. "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways, says the LORD.” (Isaiah 55:8) It is not right to expect Him to lead us according to our ways. There is no use in worrying, “Oh, this has not happened as I expected…” Knowing what is good for us, He will lead us beautifully according to His will. All we have to do is to commit our ways to Him saying, “Lead me according to Your will.” Some young girls, on attaining marriageable age, choose their own life partner. Sometimes, as they go against the parents’ wishes, there are confusions and many problems crop up. Once they reach that state, they would say, “Oh, my matter has ended on a negative note. Please pray that the Lord should change everything according to my wish.” My dear children, remember that God is able to give you much more good things than you desire and follow His ways happily. Then you shall be blessed. A particular young girl once wrote to a servant of God about a few alliances she had got for marriage and sought God’s will. She asked him to pray over it and choose the partner whom God wanted her to marry. Accordingly this man of God prayed and sent her a reply. This girl was a God fearing girl but the person shown by God was opposite to her in every way. Yet she chose him saying with trust that God would change him and make her married life a happy one. She married him with faith. After marriage both of them came to our house. That time Bro. Dhinakaran was not at home as he had gone for work. That sister wanted to wait till he

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returned from office and get his blessings. But the husband was impatient and often went out of the house to smoke. He did not want to meet His servant and was intent on leaving the place. But the sister lovingly urged him to stay back. Bro. Dhinakaran came from office. He prayed for them with tears and sent them back. Days passed! We had the chance to meet the couple again. What a wonder! We were amazed to see the husband’s zealous piety which was much more than that of that sister! How wonderful are the Lord’s works! PUT ON THE LOVE OF THE LORD “But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection.” (Colossians 3:14) Our Lord is the personification of love (I John 4:8,16). He wants to fill us with His divine life and change us into His likeness so that we would be as He is (I John 4:17). Lack of love is the problem for many. In the family life, lack of understanding between one another, causes problem. When divine love is poured into our hearts, the attitude to yield and give into others would develop. Today many people do not have the tendency to yield to one another. To do this, God’s love, grace and strength are needed. The Lord Jesus says, “I am the Christ, who strengthens you. Through the divine strength that I give you, you can manage any problem. The reason, this strength which I give you has been formed by the divine strength from the Holy Spirit, who is given to you.” “…the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” (Romans 5:5) Hence, my dear sisters, first of all you need to receive this anointing of the Holy Spirit. Though I knew about the anointing of the Holy Spirit I was ignoring it. But it was only when my dear husband received this divine experience, a great fire was kindled in my heart. Day and night I cried to the Lord saying, “My dear Father, fill me also with Your divine Spirit. Overpower me with Your love; strength and give me the grace

to do the ministry.” I was thus praying earnestly. The Lord had mercy and one day when I was praising Him all alone, He filled me with His Holy Spirit in an abundant measure. After that, though I faced innumerable sufferings and unbearable agonies in the family, I could feel the strength of the Lord sustaining me in all situations. The Holy Spirit is the One who strengthens us when we are weak (Romans 8:26). Meditate on the good things that He has done to you and keep praising Him. As you thus pray and praise Him, His presence will come in your midst (Psalm 22:3). Hold on to Him firmly just as how Jacob prayed, “Lord I will not let go of You unless You bless me…” When divine strength and love overshadow you, all the problems that come against you can never touch you. He will give you strength to overcome all the powers of the enemy. Nothing shall harm you (Luke 10:19). There was once a couple who knew the Lord. The husband was short tempered and used to grieve his wife with harsh words. On a particular night both were upset with each other and the husband threw her out of the house shouting at her not to come back home. He shut the door on her face and went to bed. The next morning he got up, with no concern about the wife. That was his love! But he was shocked when he entered the kitchen. His wife, whom he had thrown out, was making breakfast. She had entered through the back door. She gently told her husband that she was making his favourite food. He again asked her in anger, “I threw you out last night. How did you come back?” She said lovingly, “You forgot to lock the back door and so I came through that and am preparing breakfast for you. I’ll finish it in a minute… Come and have your breakfast…” Since she was filled with divine love, she could love her husband, who hated her. Their family life was eventually built up by divine love. Yes, my dear sisters, commit your ways to the Lord; follow His ways; put on His love. Then He will change everything in your life into success. Divine peace, joy and blessings would overflow from your family life.

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Dr. Paul Dhinakaran & Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran made a whirlwind visit to Colombo & Kandy from February 14-17, 2020. This was their first visit travelling beyond the shores of India during this new year of 2020. In Colombo, Dr. Paul and Mrs. Evangeline started by ministering to our prayer intercessors from Bamalapitiya, Mattakuliya, Jaffna and Kandy Prayer Towers. Both of them affirmed and thanked them for investing their time in the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers as they stood in the gap and interceded with a burden and tears for those calling with various prayer needs. One intercessor testified how she had been serving in the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for the last 18 years during the night. On one such night, she received a call from a person whose relative was in the hospital with a block in his heart valves and needed an immediate surgery. She prayed with a heavy burden and the Lord heard her prayers and healed that person in a miraculous way without any surgery. Another intercessor shared of how God had abundantly blessed her and her family and had perfected everything in her life even as she served Him through the Jesus Calls ministry. It was so heartwarming to listen to these and other wonderful testimonies of God’s goodness and faithfulness. Dr. Paul & Mrs. Evangeline also took time to meet with some of our longstanding partners on the 14th evening to pray with them. Amongst them was a partner who was 99 years old and continued to faithfully support the ministry with her prayers and offerings. They were filled with much joy as they met with her and prayed for her. A partners’ meeting was held on the 15th in Colombo and we experienced a good turn out of over 2000 people responding to our invitation. At the end of the meeting, Dr. Paul & Mrs. Evangeline placing their hands upon each one of the them, prayed and prophesied over their lives as led by the Holy Spirit. Amongst them was a Pastor and his wife. They had come for the meeting asking the Lord to speak to them as they were in the midst of a great personal struggle, seeking direction in their ministry and felt lost as to what to do. During the message of Dr. Paul, the Lord called out his name saying “I am healing you of your spine pain and stiffness” and at the end Jesus Calls Ministries * MARCH 2020 * www.


Kandy...4th Prayer Tower in Sri Lanka of the meeting, he realized that he was completely healed. Later that evening after the meeting, Dr. Paul unexpectedly met this pastor again at a restaurant. As led by the Lord, Dr. Paul prayed for him again and this time, the Lord gave the Pastor and his wife the clear direction that they were asking from Him, word to word. Praise God! A loving and caring Savior, meeting us at the point of our need. A special Blessing meeting was held in Kandy on Sunday, February 16th evening at the Mahinda Rajapaksha Auditorium. People started coming in as early as two hours before the start time with much excitement and eagerness to receive God’s blessings and the place was full and overflowing by the time the meeting started. During Dr. Paul’s ministering, there were very accurate and pointed revelations as he called out the names of people as revealed by the Holy Spirit, describing their present condition and God’s healing touch upon them. At all the meetings, both in Colombo and Kandy, the people gathered experienced a special anointing and power as Mrs. Evangeline led the congregation in prayer and there was a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Finally on February 17th, Dr. Paul and Mrs. Evangeline had the joy of inaugurating the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Kandy together with other saints of God. This is the fourth Prayer Tower in the Island Nation of Sri Lanka and the fourteenth International Prayer Tower. Even as I write this report, testimonies still continue to flow in of how people’s lives were touched, blessed and transformed during these meetings. We would like to give God all the glory for His mighty acts through His chosen vessels, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Mrs. Evangeline Dhinakaran. All glory be to His name and name alone!

- Arun Thomas, Global Director International Ministries “To know more about the Jesus Calls ministry in Sri Lanka, please log on to our website https://srilanka.



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