Jesus Calls International E-Magazine November 2022

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he UTurn Youth Blessing meeting was held on 24th September 2022 at 5 pm in the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower Himmat Nagar, Secunderabad. More than thousand youths enthusiastically participated in the meeting. Many youths rededicated their life to the Lord and also registered as UTurners. The youths who participated were touched by God’s presence and they dedicated their lives to serve as volunteers in UTurn ministry. Worship was led by Hyderabad UTurn club team & Karunya alumni. Word of Blessing was delivered by Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran. God’s Word was shared by Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran. Finally, Brother Samuel Dhinakaran met all the Youth & families individually and prayed for them. As a result of the meeting, lot of testimonies were shared by those who were anointed and transformed for God’s holy purpose. They went back full of hope and determined to shine for God’s glory. All glory be to God. Here’s a testimony of one such sister who has been blessed through the meeting: I am a Young Partner since my childhood. But lately, I have been struggling in my faith on the Lord and was going through much fear. I had no plans of coming to the meeting but I now believe that the Lord is the One who brought me to the meeting because God spoke to me through Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran. God spoke exactly to my situation and the words were prophetic. I thank God for speaking to me and I thank God for Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran through whom God spoke to me. - Bhavia, Secunderabad Sunday Special Services: Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran shared God's word in Calvary Temple, Miyapur, in the Sunday evening 6 pm service on 25th September 2022 Hyderabad. In church more than 18000 participated. They experienced God’s mighty power in that service.



ccordingly, you will gain favour and be blessed with a good name and fortune. You will indeed find honour in the eyes of God and in the eyes of man. This is the blessing that the Lord has for you this month. But this blessing comes with a condition. When we read the previous verse 3, it says, “Let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.” When you thus have mercy and truth in your heart, “then you will win favour and a good name in the sight of God and man.” May the Lord give us His compassionate heart to show mercy and the grace to lead a pure life truthfully and enjoy this

Jesus Calls International


November 2022

blessing in the coming days. Moreover, we see in Luke 2:51-52, how Jesus in his twelve years of age was obedient and therefore grew in wisdom, stature and favour with God and man. 1 Samuel 15:22 also emphasizes obedience is better than sacrifice. Yes, what the Lord wants from us is obedience. “I will look upon you when you humble yourself and tremble at My word,” says the Lord. Yes, when we live in obedience to the Lord, we get favour in the eyes of man and in the eyes of God.



Obedience to the Lord Let us look at the life of our Lord Almighty, Jesus as mentioned in Hebrews 10:7. God took the form of a man in obedience to His Triune will and came down in bodily form, suffering unto death in obedience. Secondly, when He became incarnate, He descended into this world in the womb of a virgin. He had no father in the world. The seed of the Almighty God was placed in the womb of the Virgin Mary. She carried the seed of God. Through it, Jesus was born into this world. He is the Almighty Lord. But when He was born into this world as man, He obeyed His parents. His worldly parentage was with his mother, Mary and not from his father, Joseph since Joseph never had intercourse with Mary until Jesus was born. Joseph was thus righteous. Knowing that the child was conceived by the power of God and the Holy Spirit, he took care of his wife without touching her. He did everything the Lord said to his wife. He did it for the child as well. Even though Joseph was righteous, he was not the birth father of Jesus. But because the Almighty God appointed Joseph to be Mary’s husband, and to take care of Jesus in this world, Jesus obeyed and honoured Joseph as a parent. Whatever His parents taught him to do in God's ways, He obeyed. That's why He had immense wisdom. Even great scholars of those times were amazed by Jesus’ wisdom and understanding of the Scriptures even though He was only 12 years of age. As mentioned earlier, in Luke 2:52, we find Jesus gaining wisdom, stature and favour with God and man, because of His obedience. And 4

Jesus Calls International


everyone gave a good testimony about Jesus. This we can read in Luke 4:22 where it says, “All spoke well of Him (Jesus) and were amazed at the gracious words that came from His lips.”The Lord will do the same for you. When you are obedient not only to the Lord but also to those who are placed in your life by the Lord to guide you in this world and when you thus accept their guidance and lead your life accordingly, you will gain favour and mercy in the eyes of men and in the eyes of God and the Lord will bestow fame and glory. Jesus had it. You will have it too when you walk in obedience to the Almighty God.

Obedience to Parents The next thing is to walk in obedience to the parents whom God has given us. The same is true in my life also. After entrusting my life in the Lord's hands, when the Lord spoke through my father as a prophecy, I would fulfill it as it is. I would as well as obey God’s word that comes through my righteous mother, to live a holy life. I have been committed to it since I was 18 years of age. When my mother insisted on studying all the subjects that I had not studied properly I used to obey her and study as I was told. When the Lord spoke through my father saying, "You should study MBA and continue to study Ph.D.", I pursued my studies accordingly and the Lord helped me to complete my Ph.D. successfully at the age of 26 with a gold medal since I was obedient. The Lord brought me out of all losses to a new place and honoured me with a good reputation, and favour. Yes, all these were not achieved by not only reading the scriptures, praying, and seeking the Lord together with the

November 2022


children of God but also through obedience. My father used to tell that till my 20 years of age I used to only share my testimony about Jesus. But one fine day when my father was unable to go for a Public Meeting, the Lord Jesus had appeared to him and had told him, “Send your son, Paul Dhinakaran. I am with him. My hand is on him. Let him go and let him stand in your place.” When I heard what the Lord had said through my father, I immediately said, “I will obey the Lord; I will obey you, father and mother. Even though I don't know how to preach yet I will obey. The hand of the Lord is upon me, and the Lord will do all things for me. His favour is enough for me. It is enough if He is with me.” I thus strengthened myself in the Lord. The Lord Jesus promised me, “I will be your friend.” From then on, I have been loving the Lord and followed His guidance through my parents. I reverently went to that public meeting. 5000 people gave their lives to the Lord that night. The Lord Jesus performed mighty miracles with signs and wonders for the first time. A man who was brought from the hospital unable to walk got up and started walking. God’s mighty miracles began operating that day. The Lord's mercy has been with me to this day. Forty years have passed. God who said forty years ago that He will be my friend still remains my only friend even today. After my father went to be with the Lord, He said, “I will be your father.” That is what the Lord is doing. He is giving grace in everyone’s eyes.

Obedience to Prophets Partners like you are helping me fulfill the Lord's word as I strive to do what He asks me to do. In everything, you have been praying for me. When I walked the path of suffering, you showed me love and took care of me and supported me in my ministry. Saying, “this is the trial that comes from doing the work of the Lord, this is the obstacle that,” you have prayed and supported and given offerings and endured the service so that the Lord would carry me out of them. The Lord will surely reward your obedience. Jesus Calls International


The scriptures say obey God Almighty, obey your parents and thirdly to obey the prophets. Obey the word of the prophets and do accordingly. Respect the prophecy. Honour the prophecy. Obey and walk according to the guidance of the prophets. That is what the scriptures also say. When you honour the word of God that comes through the prophets and act accordingly, the life of Christ fills you. Kindness arises in the eyes of man and in the eyes of God. The Lord completes everything for you. What a great grace! That is what Abraham experienced. Look at Abraham, in Genesis chapter 12 the Lord said to Abraham, “Leave your country and your kindred and your father and your house and go to the land that I will show you.” Just imagine his situation! You feel safe in your father's house because everything is taken care of by the father. Wealth, position, security, reputation, and everything are under the care of the father. But here we see that the Lord does not say anything beforehand to Abraham except, “Go to the land I will show you, and I will keep showing you.” The scriptures say in the 4th verse that Abraham immediately obeyed the Lord and ‘he went as the Lord had told him.’ This is because in the previous verses 2 and 3, God had already told him that, “If you obey Me I will make you a great nation and will bless you. I will make your name great and you will be a blessing.” The Lord wanted Abraham who was counted as one among all in his father’s house to come out and be

November 2022



separated from it in order to give him a new name and make his name proud. The Lord is going to do the same for you. The Lord is going to bring you out of your safe and comfort zone that you are in now to the care of the world. You are going to do something new. I am going to do the same as well and we are going to see it happening from today. Jesus Calls Ministry is going to do it too. The Lord is thus going to bring us out of our safe and secure environment that we have been in so long and will take us to a new place. Hitherto the father's protection was worldly protection, but now the protection of the Almighty will be with us. We are going to experience Psalm 91 in our lives. Henceforth we are going to enter into the divine protection of the Almighty. Many characters in the Bible also had to enter this divine protection; when the time came, David, Joseph, Esther, Nehemiah, Daniel had to come out of their worldly protection and enter the Lord’s divine protection. Isaiah 43:19 says, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” God will take you to a place where there is no human help and protection, but He Himself will make a path for you. He will take care of you. He will make rivers there in the wilderness. That is what the Lord did to Isaac. He trusted his father. Because of his obedience to his father, the Lord blessed Isaac with a beautiful wife. He will thus bless your children too. He will give them a wonderful job and a secure future. He will give the guidance of the wonderful Holy Spirit. When the Lord spoke to Abraham that Isaac should be sacrificed, he obeyed. He took Isaac to sacrifice. Therefore the Lord blessed and saved the child and gave him back in his hands. He multiplied Abraham's seed to form a nation through that child. He also blessed the child. He gave the child a suitable life partner, Rebecca, who loved him 6

Jesus Calls International


for life. Both were happy in their relationship. In due course, God blessed them with two children, and everything Isaac did was due to the abundance of happiness in his family life. The well that appeared was full of water. Enemies tried to close it but there was a hundredfold increase. When Abraham's wife Sarah dies, Abraham searches for a place to bury her body. He was in a foreign place but he wanted a land among those people. In Genesis 23:6 the people said to Abraham, “You are a mighty prince among us. We will give you the land. Bury your dead in the choicest of our tombs.” That's how they honoured Abraham. But Abraham bought the land from them for a price. Abraham's tomb, Sarah's tomb, Isaac's tomb, Rebecca’s tomb, and Jacob's tomb are still there. Jews and Arabs are still fighting for that place which is called Ephraim saying that Abraham is our father. People of other countries too honour Abraham with such love and affection and call him father. In the same way, the Lord is going to lift you up. The Lord is going to give you a good name. The time for this to happen is coming for us as we are obeying the Lord and doing everything the Lord says. You, my friend, since you have been diligent in supporting the Lord’s Ministry, He will bless you and increase you. He will protect you and will take you to a new place and will give you a hundredfold benefit. He is going to bless you with blessings for children, spiritual blessings, a good reputation and prosperity in society. Let us praise the Lord for this blessing on this day. May the Lord grant mercy and truth in our hearts and grant us to do all things in obedience to Him. PRAYER: Loving Father, I commit my spirit, soul, and body to Your care. According to Your word, give me the grace to obey my parents, obey the prophecies, obey Your prophetic words and work diligently. Let this blessing descend upon me. Make me prosper like Isaac and have a good name like Abraham. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

November 2022


Here is a Testimony of one of our success stories: My name is Yesammal, and my husband Nandha Kumar and I are associated with Jesus Calls for more than 3 years. We have been regular visitors to the Prayer Tower at Parry’s branch. My parents have been looking for a God fearing groom for quite some time and they decided to register with the True Friend Matrimony. My parents registered my profile on the 22nd of October 2021. We have been earnestly praying for a miracle. My husband registered himself on the 25th of April 2022. Shortly after, I received a call from the groom’s side expressing their interest. Things fell in place and our wedding happened on the 11th of August. All glory to God for this wonderful miracle. I would also like to thank the True Friend Matrimony for their help and support towards finding a prayerful and God fearing partner. - Yesammal and Nandhakumar, Chennai.

Jesus Calls International


November 2022



My partner in building the Lord's kingdom,

Loving greetings! I pray that this month you will experience the Lord’s choicest blessings in your life. God’s wonderful promise to you for this month is from Proverbs 3:4, “You will find favour in the sight of God and in the sight of men.” When our Lord Jesus was on this earth, He grew in the favor of men (Luke2:52). Likewise,

we too need the favour of men in certain places. This month, the Lord will not only show His favour on you but will also grant you favour in the eyes of all men including your superiors, relatives and friends (Genesis 39:21; Ezra 7:27&28; Daniel 1:9).

"You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings." (Revelation10:11) On the 4th of November 2013, the Israel Prayer Tower was inaugurated. By the grace of God, the Prayer Tower has completed 9 fulfilling years of Jesus Calls International

pray. When these Prayer Intercessors return to their countries after their stay in Jerusalem, we are witnessing the Lord using them as His prophets to reveal His plans concerning their countries and thus His miracle-working power is manifested in those countries. So let us thank

Prophecy to the nations


prophetically praying for the world. In keeping with the vision that the Lord gave me, this Prayer Tower was established with the sole purpose of receiving prophetic word from the Lord for the Nations. Hence, every day, prophetic prayers are offered to God round the clock, for the Nations of the world and for the people to be prepared for His second coming. Prayer Intercessors from all over the world would come and stay in this Prayer Tower and


the Lord for this Prayer Tower. If you would like to visit the Israel Prayer Tower and pray for the nations of the world or support this ministry, kindly visit https:// or email us at

November 2022


Prayer Operations Centre Construction work "Now, who is willing to consecrate themselves to the Lord today?" (1 Chronicles29:5) My father, D.G.S. Dhinakaran was anointed by the Holy Spirit on 10th October 1962. Since then, the Lord began using my father in a mighty way. This October 2022, the Jesus Calls Ministry has completed 60 years of God’s service. The Lord has been graciously blessing the Ministry by leaps and bounds. In this age of technological advancement, the Lord has been directing me to build a Prayer Operations Centre in the locality of Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower, for the increase in operational efficiency by making the best use of technology to wipe away the tears of broken-hearted people. We have begun the construction work of the Jesus Calls Prayer Operations Centre to conceptually fulfill the vision of ‘Not one soul to be lost at any cost.’ Three different centres (Prayer Operations Centre, Prayer Training Centre, and Prayer Media Centre) will be functioning in this building. We have published in this issue, Page No. 12, the details of the construction work of the new centre, which will have a total area of 61,540 square feet. I request you to pray for the completion of this work within one year. You can also consider supporting this God-given mission financially as the Lord directs you. Your support indeed makes a difference!

Prayer Festival Ministry

meetings. The first Jesus Calls public meeting was held on 12th October 1970. Now the Prayer Festival ministry has completed 52 years. In the wake of the pandemic, we were unable to conduct public meetings for nearly two years. Now, by the Lord’s grace, we are planning to organize Prayer Festivals again, on a large scale. Being our Ministry partner, you must be aware of the Lord working mightily in the prayer festivals and people receiving supernatural miracles. For such Prayer Festivals, we would wait at the feet of the Lord, as a family and receive the word from Him and then share His word in the meetings. So, please do uphold these Prayer Festivals in your prayers. God willing, we have planned to conduct the New Year Blessing Meeting on January 1st 2023. Following this, we are also making arrangements to organise other Prayer Festivals as well. The details of the same are published in this issue. You can also extend your financial support to this ministry for these Prayer Festivals to thrive for the glory of God.

Meetings Planned: 2022 November 12 - Partners’ Meeting, Ranchi, Jharkhand 2022 November 13 - UTurn Youth Blessing Meeting, Ranchi, Jharkhand

"But many who saw them leaving recognized them and ran on foot from all the towns and got there ahead of them." (Mark6:33)

2022 December 3 - Partners’ Meeting, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 2022 December 4 - UTurn Youth Blessing Meeting, Raipur, Chhattisgarh

Through the Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals, even

2023 January 1 - New Year Blessing Meeting, Chennai

those who never heard of the Lord Jesus come to know Him. Their faith is strengthened by witnessing

2023 January 8 - New Year Blessing Meeting, Bethesda,

the mighty works of God manifested in those

2023 January 26 - 28 - Prayer Conference, Nagaland

Jesus Calls International


Karunya Nagar

November 2022



We are making arrangements to hold more meetings. We have also published the details in this issue on the 16th page. Come and support the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival ministry as the Lord leads you.

An Ambassador for the Lord’s service "…anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and receives human approval." (Romans14:18) There are more than a hundred Prayer Towers operating across India. However, not all those who need prayer help is able to visit the Prayer Tower in person. You, being a partner of the Jesus Calls Ministry can become the Ministry Ambassador. We are in the process of appointing an Ambassador for each postal area (PIN Code) across India. You are most welcome to volunteer as an Ambassador and represent the ministry in your leisure time. You would have to explain the vision and the operations of the ministry to the people, pray for them, and collect and send their willing offerings to the Jesus Calls ministry. If interested, kindly get in touch with your nearby Prayer Tower or email God will honour you for your sacrifice in His service.

Serve the Lord through the Jesus Calls Ministry Here is a rare opportunity to join the ministry as a full-time employee in the Jesus Calls office. Professionals in field service managers, television, social media, information technology, human resources and staff development are needed. Please visit https://prayertoweronline. org/careers for details or apply through

New clothes for children in need As led by the Lord, on 25th November2003, Seesha Charitable Trust was started. Ever since, the Lord has been graciously leading the same. I 10

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praise God with you for Seesha. Especially, every year during the festive season, we provide New Clothes to poor children all over India through Seesha. So, please pray that this charitable work will be successful this year as well. Details of donating to Seesha can be found on the 11 page of this magazine.

Reminiscing… "Receive the Holy Spirit."


November 20, 1980, is the day when the Lord filled me with His Holy Spirit. I thank and praise Him for that. Since then, the Holy Spirit has been my only friend and has been guiding me ever since. If you have not received the anointing of the Holy Spirit, I urge you to ask the Lord and receive His anointing. Every week there are meetings conducted in the Prayer Towers and many are blessed. I encourage you to attend these meetings in your nearby Prayer Tower and receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit. November 4th is quite an emotional day for us as memories of my younger sister, Angel would resurface since this day was her birthday. At present, we would look at the Karunya University that came up as a result of her loss and would draw comfort from seeing all the young girls in the University, the same as Angel’s age, excelling in life. Especially, kindly uphold our family in your prayers. This November, as you faithfully and unitedly stand alongside us in the extension of the Lord’s Kingdom, the Lord is blessing you according to the following verse: "they were…with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people.” (Acts 2:46,47) You will indeed enjoy the favour of all men, throughout this month. Be of good cheer!

November 2022

Your dear brother who prays for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran |

SEESHA was founded in November 2003 by our esteemed Founder Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, with the precious vision of providing charitable services to the needy. Today, it has grown in capacity & skill sets, blossoming into a Family-Focused Community Development organization transforming over 3 lakhs of lives across India. The invaluable support of partners like you has enabled us to empower the vulnerable, improve lives, and build sustainable communities. As we step into our 19th year this month, our hearts are filled with immense gratitude for your generosity & compassion shown for the underserved!

Share a gift, spread happiness… The festival season is always a source of delight for all. The true essence of festivity does not lie in grand celebrations or buying extravagant gifts, but in having compassion for our fellow beings, sharing what we have and putting a smile on their faces! Clothing provides a sense of self-esteem & dignity, and facilitates the downtrodden to acquire opportunities in society. It also provides joy and enthusiasm among the children during celebrations. That is why, every year, SEESHA celebrates the year-end festive season by gifting new clothes to deprived children who cannot afford to buy them.

EVEN THIS YEAR, SEESHA WISHES TO BRING HAPPINESS TO THESE LITTLE ONES BY GIFTING THEM WITH NEW CLOTHES. See how Ms. E. Naveena from Keezhkavarapattu feels about receiving a new dress from SEESHA “During my school day-outs, birthdays, and times of celebration, I long to wear new clothes, but due to the difficult financial condition in my home, we cannot afford to buy new ones. Thankfully, SEESHA has fulfilled my wish by gifting wonderful new dresses during the festive season for the past few years. I am overjoyed to know that I will be receiving a new dress this year as well. Thank you, SEESHA, for the colourful gift.” With a small contribution of USD 6 /- for a new dress through SEESHA, you too can make this season memorable for a little child. You may contribute as below: * Sponsor a new dress for 1 child – USD $10 /* Sponsor new dresses for 10 children – USD $100/* You can sponsor new clothes for any number of children. TO HELP SUPPORT THIS NOBLE CAUSE PLEASE GIVE ONLINE THROUGH (or) VISIT THE PRAYER TOWER IN YOUR COUNTRY (or) WRITE TO US AT Jesus Calls International


November 2022



TESTIMONIES I have been calling Jesus Calls a lot in the past as I have been receiving a lot of miracles through the ministry of Jesus Calls in Dallas, TX. I'm so grateful for their Telephone Prayer Tower Ministry which has been a source of great help to thousands of people like me in the US. Last week I suddenly felt pain in my chest and was rushed to the hospital. When I went to the hospital I was diagnosed with a stroke and felt very scared for my life. I was immediately brought to my mind about Jesus Calls in the hospital bed and called the Prayer Tower and asked them to agree with me in prayer. Jesus gave me my miracle the next day. I am completely healed and back home. Thank you so much Jesus calls. - Debra, Oklahoma. I was working in a decent job for about 2 years. As the company went through certain financial loses, my boss had cut my salary three times by reducing my hours of employment, since I was a part time employee. I only had few hours a week to work and make money. When they cut my hours, I was depressed and could not figure out how I would make my ends meet. There were many days where I used to go to bed not knowing if the next day I’ll have food to eat. I went through great depression due to this financial loss. Due to the financial stress in my life, I was unable to spend quality time with my family and friends. This eventually 12

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ended up ruining my family life. I didn't know what to do and was helpless. I found Jesus Calls by accident on the internet when I searched for some ministries who would stand with me in prayer. So I thought I would give it a try. I called the Dallas Prayer Tower and asked them to pray for a financial breakthrough for me. The prayer intercessors reminded me that God is my source, not my job and always prayed for me for my job security. There were few days when I even called about 5 times a day. The prayer intercessors who picked my call for prayer knowing it was me again calling them for prayer though they had just recently prayed for me. I could see them understand my situation and genuinely pray for me with all their heart. This brought great source of comfort for me knowing someone cared for me. That very same week God began to open the windows of heaven over me and started performing miracles in my life. God almighty blessed me with a second job which enabled me pay all my bills. God truly is my provider, and Jesus Calls played a pivotal role in making me realize that I had to trust in God to provide for my needs and not on man or my job, I'm very grateful Jesus Calls was there for me, to come together in agreement to help pull my blessing down from heaven. - Jim Dallas, Texas

November 2022


* Dearly beloved partner, the Dallas PT receives hundreds of testimonies every month. The Lord Jesus Christ has given the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Dallas, TX a vision through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to reach the nation of United States with the message of Hope and bring healing to the sick. The prayer intercessors working at the Jesus Calls prayer tower in Dallas, TX are trained to pray the prayer of faith and bring Gods answers in their life. * Yes my friend, whenever you are in need of prayer, we request you call our Dallas prayer tower at 972-499-4995 or email us and we will be very happy to pray for God's miracles in your life. * To donate towards enabling us to reach the nation of United States through our Dallas Prayer Tower you could make your contributions either by phone, mail or online.

For prayers or to give by phone, please call us at 972-499-4995 To give by check, you could write your checks payable to Jesus Calls International and mail it to our Dallas Prayer Tower located at 8855 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX 75247 USA

To give online, please visit Your gift of any amount will surely be a blessing to thousands living in the nation of United States, and other parts of the world. OUR PRAYER TOWER IS OPEN FROM 9AM TO 9PM (Monday-Saturday) and 3PM to 9PM (Sunday) BLESSING MEETING - EVERY FRIDAY 7 PM CST, Please join us virtually every Friday through zoom.

ZOOM DETAILS: Meeting ID: 712 463 7196; Passcode 123. Jesus Calls International, 8855 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas TX 75247 For Prayer Hotline (24/7): +1-972-499-4995 or 855-JesusCalls Facebook: Email:

Jesus Calls International


November 2022



My precious friend, The Lord has given a new thrust to fulfill the mission in this new Era of Signs, Wonders and Miracles to wipe away the tears of the people and transform them into His servants. We were able to launch the construction of a new 60,000 SQ feet centre at Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai campus to operate this God-given mission on my 60th birthday.

MISSION Thousands of Prayer Intercessors with a Prophetic anointing are needed to pray for the millions of people’s prayer requests that keep pouring in every month through social media, telephone, letters, email, huge public & personal meetings and through the Prayer Towers. So, we need to equip people, as well as manage the operations of prayer and the operations of meeting the needs of everyone who write to us in different Indian as well as global languages eventually. Secondly, the Lord showed me that our mission should not end in praying for them for their needs nor cease contact with them. He said that we need to support them spiritually until they find the Lord as a family. Thirdly, following that they should be empowered to become God’s servants to join us in praying for others in their area to receive God’s answers, salvation and be transformed as Prayer Intercessors eventually. Fourthly, to minister to each person who comes into Jesus Calls through its various portals according to their need and impart the word of God as well as the power of the Holy Spirit for them to experience the Lord Jesus in full and to be empowered to be transformed as His Ambassadors to wipe away the tears of those around them. 14

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November 2022


A. PRAYER OPERATIONS CENTRE At this proposed centre, the following divisions will be established: i. To serve the people according to their needs: for example, If somebody writes to us saying “I have cancer”, we will be sending them the related message from one of us, the right prayer pertaining to their need and comforting songs in their respective languages from the huge Jesus Calls digital library (still being built) for them to get connected to the Lord Jesus until they experience Him and are ready to be empowered to pray for others, ii. Ministry to Families who seek prayer or are partners in the Family blessing plan to be relieved of all their problems in their family life as well as to support them to establish a blessed & Godly family life,


iii. Ministry to the young people to have a UTurn in their life and become UTurners, iv. Ministry to the children through the Young Partners Plan by providing them with newly produced videos and teaching materials and systems to learn God’s word, v. Ministry to business persons & those in ministry as well as those running Institutions. Also operate the National Prayer and Missions Alliance: NPMA, Professionals & Entrepreneurs Network: PEN, National Prayer Network for Institutions: NPNI.

B. PRAYER TRAINING CENTRE At this centre, there would be excellent training facilities established with library resources and accommodations with boarding. i. Here ‘Trainers’ from across the nation would be trained and raised from each area of the nation and eventually the globe where different languages are spoken. Then they would be installed in each area of the nation to train their own people as Prayer Intercessors. After training, those trained would be connected to the Jesus Calls global digital prayer network to pray along

with us for the millions of people who call our Telephone Prayer Tower from their area, place their requests on the Jesus Calls social media, through the EPG, TPG, Chain prayer, at the Prayer Towers, Prayer Festivals etc. ii. Also the Prayer Academy, Partners Training Program, Staff induction training and refresher programs, Evangelists’ training program, Managerial training, Prayer Intercessors training for those going to pray at the National Prayer Tower, Israel Prayer Tower will be conducted with certification through full time Professional and Ministry Trainers.

C. PRAYER MEDIA CENTRE A 20,000 SQ feet facility to house the new state of the art 4 k video production Studios with virtual reality, Data management centre, video archiving centre, social media content development and production facility, a full fledged IT, software development, networking, data operations & archiving, digital management facility, global communications management technology network & manage media productions for several TV as well as Social media channels & a few hundred staff.

I pray that the Lord will speak to your heart to support Jesus Calls in this vision. Your donation of any size will be of utmost significance in helping in fulfilling this God-given vision. You could consider supporting one brick Or 10 bricks Or 100 bricks. Or you could sponsor Rs 5 lakhs, Rs.3 lakhs for one facility and your name would be inscribed in that facility. The Lord will certainly remember to bless your generous heart and family for generations. My desire and prayer is that you would join hands in this service for the Lord and together make this vision happen. His name will be glorified. Millions of people will become servants of the Lord, and your sons and daughters will be remembered by Him to be empowered as His prophets. Would you stand by this vision? Also, if led by the Lord, you or your loved ones or friends are most welcome to join us as full-time staff in media, IT, social media, digitization, artificial intelligence, operations, prayer ministries and many other services. Please send in your resume to: or log onto the Jesus Calls website. I PRAY THAT THE LORD WILL LEAD YOU AND GUIDE YOU. Jesus Calls International


November 2022



Here is a testimony of a dear sister who has been blessed by sponsoring this project:

HOPE IN THE MIDST OF HOPELESSNESS I live in Perumanai area of Coimbatore. My nephew’s name is Victor Samuel. He met with an accident three years ago in which he lost consciousness and was admitted to the ICU ward of the hospital in a critical condition. The doctors gave us no hope. They also said that even if he survives, he would not be able to speak. As a family, we were totally shattered. Immediately, my sister and I approached the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, enrolled him in the Young Partner Plan, requested the prayer intercessors there to pray for him and went to the hospital. Apart from that, we contacted the Prayer Tower and prayed for him every day by phone. We anointed him with prayer oil and prayed. By God's great grace, within a few days, his condition stabilized and he was transferred out of the ICU to the General Ward. God indeed heard our prayers, honoured our faith and miraculously gave him a full recovery. Even the doctors who treated him were amazed at how quickly he recovered. I thank God for giving my sister's son, Victor a miraculous speedy recovery. We express our heartfelt thanks to all the prayer intercessors who prayed for him. To God be the glory!

You too will be blessed in unimaginable ways by supporting this ministry through your prayers and donations. Please pray that these new centres will help reach out to broken-hearted people and bring healing to them through the ministry services.

Your donation of any size is indeed a powerful statement of your faith in our mission to wipe away the tears of millions.

- Joyce Babu, Coimbatore

My share in the construction of these centres (kindly tick your choice)  I would like to support construction of 1sq ft for US$50  I would like to support construction of 10sq ft for US$500  As per the leading of the Holy Spirit in my heart, I would like to support the construction of........................................ sq. ft for US$ ............................... Or you could help support us purchase materials for the construction of the POC/PTC  The cost of one brick used in construction of the POC/PTC is $1  You could help support the purchase of 100 bricks for $100  Or you could help support the purchase of 500 bricks for $500  Or you could help support the purchase of 1000 bricks for $1000  Or as per the leading of the Holy Spirit in your heart you could help support the purchase of .............................. bricks for $....................................... (A beautifully designed POC/PTC Partner certificate will be given) Name: ……………………….....................................………….. Partner Code (if any):…..……… Address:…………………………...................................................PIN code:……..………………... Mobile 1:……………………….. Mobile 2:…………………….........Email:……………....................….. DETAILS ABOUT HOW TO DONATE PLEASE GIVE ONLINE THROUGH (or) visit or send your offerings to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to BUILD THE HOUSE OF THE LORD; THE LORD HIMSELF WILL ESTABLISH A HOUSE FOR YOU (2 SAMUEL 7:11) Jesus Calls International | November 2022 |


The Israel Prayer Tower has now seen 9 glorious years of Ministry and 9 years of prophetic fulfilment. The Israel Mission of Jesus Calls stands as a beacon and has served the ministry of God to the people worldwide from the Heart of Jerusalem. Situated on the top floor of the tallest building in downtown Jerusalem, the prayer tower aims to serve as a beacon of prophetic outflow of God’s revelation for these end times for Israel and the Nations. On the 4th of November 2013, the Israel Prayer Tower was inaugurated with a vision from God to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to establish this place (according to Isaiah 56:7, “My house shall be a house of prayer for all nations”) solely for the prophetic word to be released to the Nations. The Prayer Intercessors at the prayer tower are trained from all over the world and are commissioned to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, governments of the World, global revival, and to prepare the people for the Second Coming of our Lord

Jesus Christ. According to the Word of God, the number “9” signifies finality, harvest, fruitfulness, truth, and judgment. It expresses the concepts of work, deed, outcome, or result. Today, we enter the 9th year of the fulfilment of God’s word. Our hearts are filled with joy and happiness to His Faithfulness that He has brought us thus far, and surely, He will lead us until His return. Prophetic prayer goes up to God 24 hours every day at the Prayer Tower. Prayer intercessors from all over the world come and intercede in this manner. As these prayer intercessors return to their country after their tenure in Jerusalem, we see that God has used them as prophets to reveal His plan and purposes for their own countries. The miracle-working Hand of God is revealed through them for their nations.

Here is a testimony by one of our prayer Intercessors, Sis Aiko Wang from Hong Kong. “I was a prayer intercessor at the Prayer Tower for the past few months, I had much burden for Jerusalem. The Lord had told me oftentimes to go up to the temple mount and pray during the day. And during the night I do my watch at the Prayer Tower. I have been immensely blessed by the move of God. I had a very hard time going back home due to the mounting restrictions to enter my country. With fervent prayer and patience, the Lord opened up the doors for me to go back.After returning to my home country from my time in Israel. The Lord protected my church from the outbreak in Hong Kong. Very few of my congregants were affected and the Lord protected the elderly in my church. The elders of the church along with me prayed together for revival in our church. We have seen many coming to faith and being added to the church during this troubling time. The Lord answered my prayer for revival in my church.He answers the prayers of His children and He is truly wonderworking. Praise be to God”. What a wonderful testimony of the Lord’s doing, it is marvellous in our eyes. This year, we urge people from around the world who have a heart and a burden for intercession to consider making the time and sacrifice to come and pray for your nations, pray for your people and pray for Israel. If there is a time to pray for the nations from Jerusalem, it is now! We do not know what tomorrow will bring and every labourer has his wages in Heaven. So as an encouragement this year, come and be a part of the big move of God to the nations. Come, stay and Pray at the Israel Prayer Tower. To visit the Prayer Tower and pray for others, email your name, contact detail and available dates to Mr. Keith Soares, Coordinator, Jerusalem Centre for Peace and Truth, City Tower, 20th Floor, 34 Ben Yehuda Street, Jerusalem, +972 539049306 / Jesus Calls International


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India is a country with a population of nearly 1.417 billion (141.7 crores) people. Out of those, more than 10 crores (100 million) of people have received God’s word through the Dhinakaran family during the past 52 years through the Jesus Calls public meetings across the nation in 328 cities and 50 countries. Apart from this few more million through TV, social media, 24 x 7 Telephone Prayer Tower, 114 Prayer Towers, Letters & Emails as well as personally. But the Lord impressed on the heart of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran that “THE NIGHT (THICK DARKNESS) IS COMING IN WHICH NO PERSON CAN DO GOD'S WORK! WHILE IT IS STILL DAY WE NEED TO DO HIS WORK OF BRINGING THE GOSPEL TO THE REST OF THE MILLIONS” (John 9:4). This is his heart's cry now. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran & his family members are ready to go across the nation for one more season while it is still day. Apart from this, there is an open door through DIGITAL & SOCIAL MEDIA to take the good news and His miracle working power to the nations of the world.

Jesus Calls Prayer Festival Ministry - 52 years On October 12, 1970, in an auditorium in Vellore, Tamil Nadu, Brother D.G.S. Dhinakaran delivered a message in a meeting and prayed for the people. In 2022, the public meeting ministry of ‘Jesus Calls’ has completed 52 years. When the Lord Jesus ministered in this world, multitudes of people came to Him to hear His teachings and seek divine healing and deliverance. Similarly, the Jesus Calls public meetings have been a blessing to multitudes. Initially, it started with hundreds of people attending the meetings, which grew to tens of thousands, and now millions are touched across the globe. Sister Stella Dhinakaran, following Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran also started preaching God’s message in Jesus Calls meetings in 1974. On August 13, 1980, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran first shared his testimony in a public meeting held at Tuticorin (Tamil Nadu), and on April 28, 1982, in a Jesus Calls pubic meeting at Virudhunagar, I gave my first message. Ever since the Lord has been filling him with His Holy Spirit and using him powerfully. Since 1990, Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran has been preaching God’s message and praying for people. God does great miracles hearing her prayers. Samuel Dhinakaran, Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran and Stella Ramola actively participate in all the Prayer Festivals. They conduct worship sessions, preach & pray. God works miracles through them. They also minister in UTurn meetings which are exclusively for youngsters. 18

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A Festival of Faith Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals proclaim the gospel based on the scripture "Your sorrow will be turned into joy." (John 16:20) "Great crowds came to him, bringing the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many others, and laid them at his feet; and he healed them. The people were amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled made well, the lame walking and the blind seeing. And they praised the God of Israel." (Matthew 15:30,31)

God controls nature when Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prays. In June 1987, at an afternoon meeting in Udhagamandalam (Tamil Nadu), Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was about to share God’s message. But it started raining. However, when Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed with the multitude in faith, the Lord was moved and miraculously stopped the rain. This has happened in several meetings ever since and rain has come to cities and villages in draught in answer to his prays to the Lord Jesus. Everyone who had seen this knew that the God who answered prayer was there, and as faith rose in their hearts towards Jesus, they surrendered their life to Him in thousands. The Holy Spirit calls people by name through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran & mentions their needs as He would answer them. In 1994, a Jesus Calls Prayer Festival was held from the 2nd to the 6th of February in Alappuzha, Kerala. At that meeting for the first time, the Holy Spirit called people by name through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, and blessed them. This has continued ever since. In particular, in April 2012, around 500 thousand (5 Lakhs) people gathered in search of the Lord Jesus Calls International


Jesus in the Prayer Festival held in Gujarat. Those who have not heard the good news of the Lord Jesus in their lifetime get an opportunity to hear it through Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals. People's faith has been strengthened as they witnessed the miracles in the meetings and the amazing testimonies that were raised thereof.

The Gospel going to all Nations The happenings of Jesus Calls Prayer Festival from any city in India, is telecast through leading TV Channels live & webcast live through the Internet and social media. As a result, people in all parts of the world hear God’s message and get blessings. Once as Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was ministering in a city in India, he mentioned a person's name and said that God was healing her of a migraine through the live webcast that Sister was watching that prayer in New York, USA. At that very moment, the power of God fell upon her, and she felt it physically. She was absolutely healed.

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EVENT MANAGEMENT: Each Prayer Festival is organized and managed by a local committee from that city consisting of reputable persons from all Churches & denominations and the society. They continuously organize prayer for nearly 6 months for the blessing of thousands upon thousands; they raise funds and sponsorships; they take care of the logistics and arrangements for the persons from other cities to stay during the days of the meeting.

Training Prayer Intercessors & Counsellors, Publicity, Promotions, ground preparation, stage erection, pandals, bore wells, printing, sound, lighting system, crew transportation, ministry crew, food and accommodation for the entire team, including volunteers and staff for all the days of their stay along with live broadcasting and webcasting, computers, internet access, and other technology related costs, media, etc.

If in a small town, it would cost us around Rs. 50 lakhs ($ 60,000), if in an urban area, it would cost us about Rs.70 lakhs ($ 85,000) and if in a metropolitan city, it would cost us around Rs.1.25 crores ($ 152,000) approximately. UPCOMING PRAYER FESTIVALS: In the coming days, we have proposed to conduct Jesus Calls Blessing Meetings, Students’ Prayer Meetings and Prayer Festivals in Ranchi (Jharkhand), Raipur (Chhattisgarh), Khammam (Telangana), Chennai (3 meetings), Bethesda (Karunya Nagar), Madurai, Tiruchirappalli (Tamil Nadu), Pathanamthitta (Kerala), Jagdalpur (Chattisgarh), Dimapur (Nagaland), Mumbai (Maharashtra), Mangaluru (Karnataka), Bengaluru, New Delhi and Darjeeling (West Bengal).

We invite you to join in this Heavenly mandate and donate any amount: Rs. ......................../- ($..................) Or monthly contribution of Rs............./- ($..................) for ........... months Name: ……………………………..................………………………. Partner Code (If any): ……………………………………….. Address: …………………………………………....……………………………………………………………………………………………....... ................................................................................................................ PIN Code: ……………………….. Mobile 1: ……………….……….....................…….. Mobile 2………………………….............................………………….. WhatsApp: …………………………………...... Email:…….....……………………..………………….....................................

Details ABOUT HOW TO DONATE PLEASE GIVE ONLINE THROUGH (or) visit or send your offerings to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to 20

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Children are the leaders of tomorrow. In the Bible, Jesus took the children to His lap, placed His hands upon them, blessed them and kissed them. Jesus Calls exists to lift the children into the Lord's presence everyday as prayers are offered mentioning their names every day by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, his family and the prayer intercessors at the Prayer Towers. As a witness, we hear million testimonies of children blessed through this plan.

Here’s a wonderful testimony of a Young Partner who glorifies God My brother and I are Young Partners since childhood. Jesus Christ has been blessing us in many ways as a result. Especially during every exam, we come to Chennai Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and pray. We always attend the Students’ Prayer Meet every year. Before exams we always read the special prayer card for students written by Paul Dhinakaran Uncle. In 2016, by God's great grace, I scored 481 marks out of 500 in the 10th class and secured second place in the school. It was then that I decided to study CA and chose the commerce group in my twelfth standard. In 2018, I participated in the Students’ Prayer Meet. The testimonies of the students who testified at that meeting really encouraged me. During the prayer time, Evangeline aunty placed her hands on my head and prayed. By God's sheer grace, I scored 1150 marks out of 1200 in my 12th standard examination and became the topper of the school. I joined in a college near Adyar Jesus Calls Prayer Tower to study CA. Before I write my exams, I used to go to the Prayer Tower and pray. By God’s grace, I passed the first year without any arrears. I am currently studying for Group 2 level exam. So, thus the Lord has been blessing my life especially in my studies. I express my gratitude to the Lord who has thus helped and blessed me. - Jacinth Junia, Thiruvallur

You too can be blessed like Jacinth Junia if you sow into this ministry that is a blessing to million of souls.

BLESSINGS FOR THE YOUNG PARTNERS • Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s family pray for them every day • Prayer intercessors at the Prayer Tower will pray every day over the names of the young partners, for them to be blessed with the divine blessings • The ‘Jesus Calls’ chain prayer intercessors pray for them in the chain prayer cabin at Prayer Tower • Special prayers are offered for Young Partners in the Jesus Calls fasting prayers • On their birthdays, they receive special prayers, wishes and greeting cards

ANYONE FROM BIRTH TILL THE AGE OF 25 CAN ENROLL AS A YOUNG PARTNER. We are so burdened for the young partners to know the Lord personally and be guided by Him into every blessing for their life. So we would like to send encouraging and motivational words from God for them to stand strong and shine like young David in the Bible. So we request you to send the contact details of your loved ones whom you have enrolled as a young partner. Or if you are a young partner over 21, we encourage you to provide your full details. You can send the age, name, phone, email and address to or for more details please contact the Prayer Tower in your country. As you continue to send your monthly support through this plan, you are blessing millions of people through the ministry. God will surely shine his favor upon you and bless you, our dear partners. Jesus Calls International


November 2022



Yes, God’s Spirit will be full in every way in your life so that you will enjoy life to the fullest. Have you ever seen a spring of water? The source for the river would mostly be a small spring that begins at some part of the mountain or valley. But from the spring would flow rivers and rivers of water. The spring might look like a small spot but out of it waters might overflow. Yes, God’s Spirit also springs from a small beginning but gushes power upon power for every weakness and every new challenge. As mentioned in Matthew 26:41, our flesh is always weak. That’s why Jesus says, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Because of the weakness, we sin 22

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against God. We backslide sometimes. We fall many times. According to Romans 3:23, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” We are all humans only. We do have weakness in our body but when we ask God to fill us with His Spirit, the Holy Spirit is willing to fill us to the full measure and take us to new levels of glory. The Bible says in Acts 6:3 how the apostles chose seven men from among them who were known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. When the Holy Spirit comes into us in full measure, there will be no room for weaknesses. This is what the Bible says in Acts 1:8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” These days we are largely dependent on mobile phones. We need our mobile phones for almost everything. We need them even to refer Bible verses and prepare sermons. Mostly in the mornings, we charge our mobile phones and we then use them the whole day. But when we don’t charge our phone, their battery level goes down and they lose power in them. Likewise, when we charge ourselves every day by praying and reading God’s word, early in the morning, we receive power from the Lord to do everything. That’s why Paul says in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” Also, in 2 Corinthians 4:16 Paul says, “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” Yes, because of the anointing we are renewed day by day. The Lord says,” My grace is sufficient for you, in your weakness let My power be perfected.”Only His Spirit can help us enjoy blessings as well as holiness in fullness. Even today, let the Holy Spirit fill you till you are full. There was once a lady who wanted to buy some groceries from the nearby shop. She took her card with her to buy milk. But that day, the Emi she had to pay had been debited from her account and her balance was low. She didn’t know this and when she swiped the card, her balance was low. She immediately called her husband who not only credited money to buy Jesus Calls International


the groceries but also enough money to spend for the entire month. This is how God loves us, dear friend. When we run out of strength, if we just call out to our Heavenly Father, He will credit His Holy Spirit into our spirit till we are full. When His anointing is complete in our life, we will excel in everything. Are you wondering how to receive this grace and strength for the new challenges that are ahead in your life or for the new phase that you are entering in your life? Perhaps you are getting married or maybe you are getting your retired this year. Whatever the situation you are in, you can always live your life to the fullest. God promises you that His grace will sustain you, be sufficient for you and make you live life to the fullest. You need not wander about in a mediocre mindset. God is your Heavenly Father and He will add all things to you when you simply seek Him. Dear friend, you don’t inhale air in installments. Instead, God has designed you in such a way that you would inhale enough air not just to survive but to be in complete good health. God’s Spirit can be compared to the air we breathe. When you come to God expect Him to fully pour out His Spirit upon you. Tell Him, “Lord, without the fullness of Your anointing I cannot do anything to the best of my ability.” Then He will certainly fill you till you are full of His Spirit like how it is said about Stephen (Acts 7:55). So, from today expect to be filled by the Holy Spirit to the fullest. You will then be able to operate at the proficient level that God desires for you. Prayer: Loving Father, Thank You for this beautiful word. Fill me fully with Your Spirit. Let Your strength be perfected in my weakness right now. May I be a powerful testimony for You, bringing glory to Your name. In Jesus’ precious name, I pray. Amen.

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Here Are Some That You May Be Familiar With: “Should I have picked a different job, a different college course, started that business, not gotten a loan, not avoided this person, not said that in an argument when I was angry, not wasted time procrastinating, spent more time with my family or done much more to keep my parents happy?” “Is it really God’s will that I moved to this new place?” Many of you might even regret not being able to do certain things because you might not have had the opportunity, skill, talents, privilege, and so on. Because of this, you may be in deep distress and would’ve lost hope in life. 24

Jesus Calls International


I remember something my friend went through right before the pandemic. My friend was studying in the US for a few years. He would travel to his home country to visit his family every year. In 2020, when he went to visit his family, he had to renew his visa to continue his studies in the US. He filled out all his applications, gathered all his up-to-date documents, and dressed his best to attend the interview at the embassy. During the interview, he answered all the questions correctly and said all the right words but in the end, to his disbelief, his visa was rejected. He was so confident that he would get his visa and would return to continue his studies and meet all his

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friends in the US. He didn’t know what he did wrong and was so confused. Thinking that it would’ve been a mistake, he tried again. He thought for sure this time he would get approved for his visa. However, the same thing happened. He tried again for the third time but still didn’t get the answer he was hoping for. For two whole months, he was devastated as to why something like this would happen to him. He was questioning God, he was full of anxiety, thinking about what would happen to his future. He regretted that he couldn’t finish his course and continue his life in the US. However, suddenly the whole world went into lockdown. No one could step outside their homes. Every heart was filled with fear and worried about the future. That’s when a thought struck him, “If I had gone back to the US, I wouldn’t have had an income, there would’ve been no way I could’ve paid my bills, there would’ve been nobody around me to help, and I wouldn’t even have had food to eat.” He then realized that all of those rejections and shame led to a greater plan of God. He was more than happy to stay with his family in his hometown and discover a new door that opened for his career. Something he thought was meant to ruin his future, sprung into a new beginning in his life. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28) The verse above so beautifully describes how God had made everything work unto good for

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the one who loves Him. Today, you might be confused about whether you can come back from whatever losses you faced because of the decisions you made. You may be filled with regrets for what you have done in the past. Remember that all things will work unto good in your life as well because of God’s good, good plan for your life. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) Though we’ve heard this verse a million times, something struck me that I’ve never noticed before. In this verse, God says, “For I know the plans I have for you.” In the Tamil Bible, it says, I know the plans I have for you that I have made on your behalf, of what you look forward to. Isn’t it amazing that God Himself plans a good future for us, on our behalf? You only need to trust Him and do His will. From today, make a commitment to do your best for God in everything and seek His will in whatever you do. He’ll guide you in your path and help you make the right choices in life. And even if you don’t make the best choices, God will give you the strength to learn from it and be more than conquerors in this world.

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Last month, we meditated on living in unison with Christ. In the same way, yet another important aspect of life is the divine life of holding on to Christ. The Lord Jesus alone is the example for us to live such kind of life. “For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps.” (I Peter 2:21) When Jesus lived as a Man on this earth, He held on to the Father and was close to Him. If we too follow that, He will surely give us this divine life. Particularly this is highly essential for us in the family life. How did the Lord Jesus hold on to God, the Father? He Himself has said, “I and My Father are One” (John 10:30). We should first realize that when the Lord Jesus, the Son of the God of gods Himself needed such a life of holding on to the Father, how much more, we, the human beings would need that. A man of God sings like this: ‘Without You, I am nothing; I have no thought; no actions Nothing is eternal O God’ How true this is! My dear couples and family people! When the Lord Jesus Himself held on to the God of gods, how much more it is necessary for us to commit ourselves to live such a life! Every husband, wife and members of the family should realize this. Shall we see how Jesus Christ committed Himself for such kind of life? 26

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“And He, who sent Me is with Me. The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things that please Him.” (John 8:29) According to this verse, the Lord Jesus Christ always did only the things that pleased God. That’s why the Father too revealed Him as His beloved in many places. In that case, realizing how essential it is for us to live a pleasing life to the Lord Jesus in our daily life, we should also act accordingly. The first thing that we have learnt from the life of Jesus Christ is seeking the Lord early in the morning every day to start the family life. In Mark 1:35 we read that “in the morning, having risen long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place and prayed to the Father. Dear ones, today, how many families are in the darkness?” Every day, we hear about the devil bringing fights, rifts, bitterness, envy, enmity and other such things of darkness in families and spoiling the peace. We see with our eyes such things happening around us and we are pained. Aren’t we? There is no unity between husband and wife. Troubles in finance! The list goes on! What is the reason for this? There is no presence of Jesus in families. Today, many people, who call themselves to be Christians, are sleeping. The children too follow the parents’ ways and give

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first place to sleep. In that case, where can why our family which was built thus, is filled the presence of God rest in such ungodly with His blessings till today. My dear children, families? Just think! in order to receive abundant blessings in your In my young days, I was also spending much life and family, first of all, you should rise up time sleeping. I used to wake up only at 7 early in the morning and pray together. Today, O’clock in the morning. At this time, my in many families, there is no family prayer in marriage was fixed. My mother was so worried the morning. The children may be sleeping and about me and used to say, “You are sleeping the parents will not wake them up. But, if you till late; I don’t know how you’d manage your observe a family in which the parents are family life.” But the merciful Lord did a big zealous to pray together, you will see the Lord’s miracle in my life. During my betrothal blessings overflowing in that family. You can ceremony, the pastor read the Bible portion also see there the Lord’s peace and His from Proverbs 31:10-31. Here we read about guidance. many matters concerning women. Particularly Choosing the Good Part we read in the 30th verse, Another factor that ought to be given “Charm is deceitful and beauty is importance in family life, next to the early passing, but a woman, who fears the morning prayer, is speaking to the Lord and Lord, she shall be praised.” reading His word. In the initial days of my When I read this verse and the words family life, I did not have this habit. I used to read the Bible when I had some time. I used to ‘Priceless Pearl’ and ‘The Wise kneel down and pray for Woman’ in that chapter, a fear from five minutes or so. I the Lord gripped me. The Lord put would be satisfied with in my heart the question, “Oh, I Fear of God is the that, feeling as if I had don’t have these; how will I be foundation for faith done something great. This a good wife to such a man is how my prayer life was! It of God?” Immediately I in Christ lasted only for a short time. On started pleading to the Lord the other hand, my husband, after with tears and said, “Lord, I family prayer would have fellowship am unworthy to receive this blessing. Give in my heart the fear of fearing with the Lord by reading His word and speaking You.” That’s all! The Lord, who hears the prayers to Him in prayer, for two hours, from 6:30 to (Psalm 65:2), heard my prayer. After that, He 8:30 in the morning. Initially, I was scared to changed the home which we built together, into see this. I cried out in my heart saying, “Lord, a prayer house. Also, He gradually taught me I don’t have this kind of prayer life; I am to do things pleasing to Him as His divine deceiving myself. Give me also this grace.” Yes, daughter and is even today, at my old age, dear ones, in Luke 10:42, we read the Lord holding my hand and is leading me wonderfully testifying about Mary, the sister of Martha, to do that which pleases Him. He has given me ”She has chosen that good part.” The Lord had the divine life of holding on to Him. mercy on me, who cried out to Him that I had My dear children, who are reading this! The no such experience and taught me little by Lord will put in your heart the divine fear which little to read the Bible and interact with Him is the foundation for holding on to Him in your through prayer. Years have passed and He has life and lead you by hand just as how He is made me into a prayer warrior. leading me by showing me His ways pleasing Dearly beloved, this is the second most to Him. Hence, hold on to Him with the same important thing in family life. But today, do this reverence. “Satisfy us early with Your mercy” kind of fear and seeking the Lord in reverence (Psalm 90:14). seen in families? Not at all! How pitiable is The Lord taught us to pray as a family every the state of today’s Christian families? The morning exactly at 6 O’clock. This is the reason children are also brought up in that way. Jesus Calls International


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In the same way, we read in Isaiah 30:21, ‘This is the way, walk in it’. Accordingly, it would be wonderful when He Himself would lead us thus. “I will go before you and make the crooked places straight…” (Isaiah 45:2) Accordingly, He will go before us. He will straighten the crooked and chaotic ways brought by the devil and his people in our lives. This would be amazing to our eyes! Just think how terrible our life would be if this Lord, who How true is the verse, leads us, is not there with us! Today, don’t we “For the enemy has persecuted my soul; see various problems, chaos and tears in he has crushed my life to the ground; family lives? Let me cite an example: A mother, having lost her husband, brought up her only he has made me dwell in darkness, like son all by herself, since when he was a child, those who have been long dead.” with great difficulty by doing odd jobs. She (Psalm 143:3) What a big miracle took place in the family showered him with love. He grew up well and of Martha because of her sister Mary! The joined a good job. She also found him a suitable life partner and settled his faith that rose in her granted a marriage. That son was blessed and honourable life to happy and thought that he that family. That’s why, my Be vigilant in waking and his wife would look after dear couples and children, up early in the his mother who had keep this in your mind sacrificed a lot in her life. But morning to read the and be diligent to arise the moment the marriage was early in the morning to scriptures over, his wife told him that his seek the Lord by reading mother should not be a hindrance His word and spending to them and that she should be kept time with Him in prayer, jointly with Him. Let alone. Imagine how this son would have felt us see how the Lord will be with you and lead on hearing this. This is the current loveless you when you thus act reverentially: state of today’s Christian families. The reason, The Lord Himself shall Lead You: these days there is no seeking of God with “The Lord will perfect that which concerns reverence. me; Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever; My dear ones, just as how the Lord Jesus do not forsake the works of Your hands.” loves the Father, a divine life of abiding in His (Psalm 138:8) love is essential for a family life. Perhaps you When we thus hold on to the Lord fully, He may ask how you can receive this. The Lord would speak to us through His verse. Yes, our Jesus Christ submitted Himself to the cross, Lord is the Father, who speaks to us! So, He gave Himself up to be broken in body and thus would thus teach us wonderfully as to what loved us and earned for us forgiveness of sin, we should do and guide us. salvation and new life. About this, we read Paul “I will instruct you and teach you in the saying in Galatians 2:20, “Son of God, who way you should go; I will guide you with loved me and gave Himself for me.” My dear My eye.” (Psalm 32:8) ones, for Christ’s love to increase in us, we Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the need to look up to the cross. Only when we Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, meditate on His commitment of offering who teaches you to profit, who leads you Himself as a living sacrifice for our salvation, by the way you should go” (Isaiah 48:17). His divine love would flood into us. Hence, it Perhaps, they may study the Bible verses to take part in a competition in the church. You may take pride in saying that your child is learning so many verses. But this is not enough. It is essential that every husband, wife and child should sit separately in the morning, read the Bible diligently, kneel down and seek the Lord and pour out their hearts to Him, telling Him everything. Look at today’s Christian lives! These are not seen. That’s why we give room for the devil to bring darkness into our families.


Jesus Calls International


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is imperative that every couple and family just as how this woman did. Look up to the members should realize this divine love, Lord. The Lord will fight the battle for you experience it and adorn themselves with (Exodus 14:14). salvation. This is the only way for divine love Thus, when your family life is joined with to overflow in us. This is the thing that pleases the Lord and holds on to Him, He Himself will God and this is what He has commanded us to build your family. The devil will be put to do. shame. Nothing shall harm you (Luke 10:19). Yes, family life is a divine life where it What a beautiful life that woman would have becomes a place for God to dwell. Let me give enjoyed after that! Just think! an example: An alcoholic husband was fond of Dear ones, when we thus hold on to the spending his time with his evil friends in all Lord, seek Him reverentially and have a close unwanted pleasures. His wife was a saved relationship with Him, He Himself will perfect woman and loved the Lord dearly. Without everything for us. In my life, I lacked godliness hating her husband for his debased lifestyle, in many things, out of ignorance. The Bible every day she started praying for his salvation, says, being filled with Christ’s love. One day, the “when that which is perfect has come husband brought home all his friends to have then that which is in part will be done drinks and indulge in worldly pleasures. He away.” (I Corinthians 13:10) ordered the wife to cook a variety of dishes. Accordingly, the Lord changed all the lacks She too obliged, with the strength of in my life and granted me God and being submissive to the a life of abundant Lord. He drank heartily and was blessings. Dear ones, merrymaking with his friends. When we hold the Lord will help you However, that prudent wife also to receive a blessed on to Christ, He knelt down in her room and life that has this kind of was pleading to the Lord blesses our home divine love and refuge. for her husband’s salvation “Those who seek the Lord saying, “Lord, Please save shall not lack any good thing.” not only my husband but also (Psalm 34:10) his friends who are with him. Let Your power Prayer: Our loving and kind Lord, how great be manifested in them. Please answer my is the life that holds on to You! How glorious prayer.” She was thus praying with tears. The it is! Right now, give this life to each and husband, who was enjoying with his friend, every child of Yours, who are reading this. suddenly started wondering what his wife was As they keep reading this, give them the doing and opened her room. He saw her grace now for the unwanted works of kneeling down in prayer and crying out to God darkness and the devil in their lives to for him and his friends. He was terrified on depart totally. Let Your good works be seen seeing this and said with repentance, “Alas, I today in the family life of Your children, in have got such a good wife, but still I’m living the lives of youth and old people as well as a very bad man. Is there any end to this as children just as how You removed the life?” Thus saying, he knelt down and joined darkness in Saul’s life with Your light and her in the prayer. Since the Lord spoke in his made him shine as Paul, Your servant. It is heart, he cried out to the Lord to forgive his not Your will that anyone should perish. sins and the wife was shocked to see this. She Please fill each one of them with Your divine could not believe her eyes and wondered love right now and give them the blessing whether such things could really happen. Dear of holding on to You. Bless them with Your ones, the wife’s loving deed and her seeking hand and lead them. I give all praise, of God broke the husband’s heart. Yes, instead honour and glory to You, O Father. Amen. of showing hatred, you should also show love, Jesus Calls International


November 2022



As per the guidance given by the Holy Spirit to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran, the Esther Prayer Group conference for the groups in and around Madurai was held on 1.10.2022 from 10.30 AM to 1. 30 PM at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Nehru Nagar, Madurai. We thank and praise the Lord, who graciously enabled 477 members of the Esther Prayer Groups, Youth Esther Prayer Groups, Junior Esther Prayer Groups, and Couples’ Esther Prayer Groups from 10 districts such as Madurai, Theni, Dindigul, Virudhunagar, Sivagangai, Ramnad, Tenkasi, Tirunelveli, Tuticorin and Kanyakumari to attend this conference with great desire and enthusiasm. This conference was headed and compered by Dr. S.J. Kingsley, Director of Esther Prayer Group. Sister Vidi Kingsley spoke on how the Lord has been helping to conduct the Esther Prayer Group ministry for the past 34 years and about the growth of the Esther Prayer Groups. Following that, Sister Arul Selvi, Department of Esther Prayer Group, shared the Lord’s wondrous deeds in the Esther Prayer Groups and encouraged all the coordinators and Prayer Tower Managers who jointly work for this ministry. This was followed by sharing of God’s miracles performed in the Esther Prayer Groups by the sisters of the groups. Their personal experiences encouraged and kindled the faith of the participants. The sisters and brothers of the Esther Prayer Groups, Youth Esther Prayer Groups, Junior Esther Prayer Groups and Couple’s Esther Prayer Groups prayed earnestly for the growth of the Esther Prayer Group ministry. Following this, dear mother Stella Dhinakaran powerfully shared the Lord’s message on the title, “Vessel, pleasing to the Lord”, based on the Scripture verse Colossians 1:10. This was of great blessing to each and everyone who attended the meeting. During the final prayer, everyone felt the mighty anointing of the Holy Spirit coming down upon them. Everyone, who attended this conference, received God’s full blessings and the anointing of the Spirit. Glory be to the Lord! - Director, Esther Prayer Group 30

Jesus Calls International


November 2022


We are publishing here the testimonies of a few people, who attended the Esther Prayer Group Conference and received spiritual blessings: Got Drenched in the Rain of Anointing! Praise be to God, who helped us enjoy the glorious move of the Holy Spirit from the beginning to the end of the Esther Prayer Group Conference, Madurai. I was fully drenched and immersed and enjoyed swimming in the rain of the anointing. During dear mother Stella Dhinakaran’s message time and at the time of prayer, a new anointing overflowed within me. When dear mother said, “Have you heard the Lord speaking to you? He will speak just a few words…” I remembered the incidents wherein the Lord had spoken and His majestic voice and thanked Him. I humbled myself and fully surrendered to Him to be filled with wisdom and holiness pleasing to Him and get adorned by His gifts more and more and for me to arise and shine so that He would be glorified in me. When I contacted the leaders of the Esther Prayer Groups, who attended the conference, they said, “We were filled with the glory and presence of God in an abundant measure. The Lord strengthened us, who came with weariness, through His message and gave us new strength. We will conduct the Esther Prayer Group regularly every month.” I offer millions of praises to the God of gods! – Mrs. Diana Rajasingh, Madurai.

greatly surprised! God’s message shared by dear mother was of much blessing to me. The verses given during the message greatly encouraged me spiritually. Glory to God! – Mrs. Merlyn Cynthia Rose, Madurai Women should Arise and Shine As a group, we attended the Esther Prayer Group Conference, held in Madurai. This brought a revival in our group. Particularly I was encouraged to start many more Esther Prayer Groups. Now three sisters of our group have come forward to start new Esther Prayer Groups on their own. God’s message shared by dear Sister Stella Dhinakaran on Colossians 1:10, was of great blessing to everyone. Everything she spoke – that women should yield fruits in good works, should be holy, should walk in humility, should be reverential, should be children of light, should be a testimony with good fruits and should arise and shine – was a blessing to us. Dear Sister’s words that everyone should pray before conducting the Esther Prayer Group every month and that then miracles would happen and God’s name would be glorified, encouraged us to start many more groups. Sis. Indira of our group was praying continually for the salvation of her family. The Lord heard the prayer, saved her whole family and has given the grace to conduct the Esther Prayer Group in her house as well. Glory to God!

Blessed God’s Message

– Mrs. Esther Amirtham, Kovilpatti

I attended the Esther Prayer Group conference held in Madurai on 1st October. This conference was of great benefit to me. That day, early morning, I read and meditated on Colossians 1:10,27. Dear mother shared God’s message on the same verse during the conference and I was Jesus Calls International


New Anointing I attended the Madurai Esther Prayer Group conference. This was of great blessing to me. Particularly I received a new anointing by attending this conference. Also, the message, shared by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran, was

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of much help for me to grow more and more in my spiritual life. Her words, “Read the Bible diligently, whenever you have time; everyone should receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit; only then God’s glory will be revealed…” were of blessing not only to me but also to all the sisters who had come for the conference. God’s words shared in this conference revived me. Glory to God! – Mrs. Jebasheeba, Nagercoil

the anointing of the Lord while dear Sister Stella Dhinakaran was sharing God’s message. On listening to her message on Colossians 1:10, I felt a strong desire in me to draw many more women for the Esther Prayer Group through my good works. Everyone, who came with me for the conference, received new strength and we were encouraged to start new Esther Prayer Groups. Glory to God!

Received the Spirit of Prayer in Abundance

– Mrs. Naomi Pandian, Tirunelveli

I attended the Madurai Esther Prayer Group conference. This was of blessing not only to me but also to those who accompanied me to this conference. Particularly we received the Spirit of Prayer. Every word spoken by dear Sister Stella Dhinakaran was of great benefit to all of us. Millions of praises to the Lord! – Mrs. Ruth Mani, Vedachanthur New Strength I attended the Madurai Esther Prayer Group conference and was much blessed. I was conducting Esther Prayer Group in Kalpakkam from 1988 – 2006. Now I am conducting the Esther Prayer Group in Tirunelveli since 2008. Many women from villages attend our Esther Prayer Group and take part in the prayer. When they joined our group, they had no idea what prayer was. Now all of them are prayer warriors. We, as 25 sisters, attended this conference. The testimonies shared by little children during this conference moved my heart. I was happy to see young girls standing as witnesses for the Lord in these days. This created in me a desire to form the Youth Esther Prayer Group. I felt


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Immeasurable Presence of God I praise the God of gods, who graciously helped me to attend the Madurai Esther Prayer Group conference. Ever since this conference was planned to be conducted, I, along with the ministers of the Sivakasi Prayer Tower prayed that many should attend this conference. Accordingly, God helped a bus full of Esther Prayer Group sisters to attend this conference. Four new sisters had come for the first time to the Sivakasi Prayer Tower for prayers. That day, the announcement for the Madurai Esther Prayer Group conference was given. Immediately they too wanted to come and we brought them. Now they are starting new Esther Prayer Groups. Sister Stella Dhinakaran’s counsel that everyone should receive the Holy Spirit and God’s message shared by her were of great blessing to all of us. Particularly, her words that women should arise and stand bold as lions, encouraged all of us. We are desirous of starting many more new Esther Prayer Groups. That day I felt the fire anointing and God’s presence in an immeasurable way. I was continually being filled with the Holy Spirit and was greatly thrilled! Glory to God!

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– Mrs. Glory Rajayogam, Sivakasi


AHMEDABAD PRAYER TOWER TESTIMONY Gift of child after consecutive miscarriages We got married in the year 2016. We both work in different companies. Initially, we were doing well with our life and finances. When we expected our first child, everything seemed normal and simple but my wife had to undergo an abortion on the advice of the doctor due to some complications with the baby. This same situation continued up to the 3rd pregnancy of my wife. So, my wife had to undergo totally three miscarriages even after taking much care and following carefully the advice from the doctors and the family members. Due to these miscarriages, we lost all hope and also a lot of our money. We were so much worried and heartbroken. It seemed as though we would never have a normal and a healthy child. It was at this hopeless situation that my relatives asked me to call and visit the Jesus calls Prayer Tower for prayers. The prayer intercessors encouraged us and prayed for us. They always motivated us in the Lord and encouraged us to trust Him for a miracle. So, we started putting our complete faith in the Lord. My wife got pregnant again. We believed God for the safe delivery of a healthy child. Finally, on 31-122021, my wife gave birth to a healthy baby boy. All glory to God. Now the child and the mother are doing well and are healthy indeed. God took care of our financial needs as well. We thank the Lord Jesus Christ wholeheartedly for the miracle He has performed in our lives. It is only through much prayers that this miracle took place. We give all Glory to God. - Arvind Venugopal, Ahmedabad Jesus Calls International


BETHESDA PRAYER TOWER TESTIMONY Tumour Disappeared I had a tumour in my right hip for the past three years and I was suffering from severe pain. I could not do any household work. I went to many doctors and took various medicines but nothing could cure me. The doctor checked my MRI scan report and said that the tissues in the hip were dislocated and that even a small amount of weight lifting would be dangerous for me. I have two daughters. I was very much worried about my family especially about my children as to how I will be able to take care of them. I was very upset and thought, “God, why this tribulation for me? If I don't take care of my house, who will do it? How am I going to care for my little girls?" I was very much worried. On 10.04.2022, I attended the Blessing Meeting held at Bethesda. In that meeting, Brother Paul Dhinakaran was sharing God’s word. During the opening prayer, as he was praying, I cried out to God and was praying along with him. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prophetically prayed for my condition saying, "Here are people who are suffering with tumours in their body. Jesus is healing them right now. Every lump is disappearing now. This is the time of miracles." I claimed those prophetical words and prayed for my healing. To my surprise, the next morning, I noticed that there was no sign of the tumour in my body. The tumour had just disappeared! I couldn't believe my own eyes. Truly, the Lord has done a great miracle in my life. I am completely healed now and I can do all the household work easily. My sincere thanks to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran who prophetically prayed for me. And I am so thankful to my God who healed me miraculously. - Chitra, Tiruppur

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