Jesus Calls International September 2023

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From August 3rd to 5th, the Delhi Prophetic Prayer Trainings were held at the Caleb Institute in Farukhnagar, Gurgaon, Haryana. The event was attended by approximately 750 delegates.

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared a powerful message on the Power of Prophecy and gifts of the Holy Spirit. He declared that in the New Era, praying partners will rise up all over the world and minister prophetically to the kings, nations, peoples and languages (Revelation 10:11). He also proclaimed the emergence of sons and daughters who will prophesy and establish the kingdom of heaven on earth. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared many profound insights during the training that was both enlightening and unmatched.

Sis. Evangeline Paul spoke about the importance of having a closer relationship with God. She prayed for the fire anointing to be poured on people and the attendees were filled with the power of the

Holy Spirit. Through sharing the Word of God, she helped people understand their calling in the Lord and encouraged them to recommit their lives to Him.

Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran gave practical insight on how to preach, counsel, minister and pray for others. He emphasized the importance of humility, reverence and obedience to God which are the basic traits required to be used by God in a mighty way. Attendees of all ages recommitted their lives to serving God with humility, fear of God and complete obedience.

Stella Ramola led a life-changing Worship Training Session. She emphasised how to worship the Lord and make worship a lifestyle. She shared that praise and worship are integral parts of every believer’s life and ministry and that through praising God any one can overcome challenges and be victorious in their walk with Christ.

Many testified that the three days were a blessing to them spiritually, and their longing to be in the presence of God and to serve Him increased greatly. Many were filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and became prophetic prayer intercessors. All glory be to God!


From July 30th to August 1st, the Mission Training Programme was held at Caleb Institute, Farukhnagar, Gurgaon, Haryana. This programme was organised for the Jesus Calls North India staff and the ministry team members from 19 North Indian states for them to be “Equipped and Empowered” to do God’s work. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran highlighted the mission of the Jesus Calls Ministry very clearly and emphasized the Jesus Calls’ objective, 'No soul should be lost', inspiring many to serve the Lord with fervour for souls. He also explained how the Ministry works hard to bring about supernatural miracles so that people might experience the power of Jesus in their life and be blessed. During the gathering, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran encouraged the attendees to be filled with the Holy Spirit and become a sweet aroma for the Lord so that their endeavours would be prophetic. Her message reignited the desire for a greater measure of anointing among the people. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran also expressed his vision and mission for the Jesus Calls Ministry and prayed in practical terms as to serve the Lord in the Prayer Towers and as ambassadors. Stella Ramola conducted an inspiring praise and worship session that deeply touched the hearts of all attendees. She also led a workshop on worship, where God's name was glorified greatly. Everyone was inspired and empowered by the Lord to carry out His mission through the Jesus Calls Ministry with divine strength.

On August 6th, 2023, the Partners Meet took place in Thyagaraj Sports Complex, INA, New Delhi with around 4000 partners in attendance. The praise and worship session, led by Sis. Stella Ramola was powerful and moved the hearts of people to adore the Lord in reverence.

An amazing testimony was shared about how God had miraculously instantly healed and saved a man's daugh ter's heart from having to wear a pacemaker, when Dr. Paul had replied their prayer request saying, "God will heal your daughter.”

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran shared God's Word and individual prayers were offered at the end of the meet for all the partners, which was a great blessing to them. We give all praise and glory to God for making this happen.

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This means that God has authority over everything and desires to see His children blessed and prosperous. He is seated in the highest place to pour down His blessings upon you. Indeed, the Lord has blessings in store for you, as Psalm 33:6 & 9 explain,

“By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, their starry host by the breath of His mouth. For He spoke, and it came to be; He commanded, and it stood firm.”

God will command His blessings upon your life this month and they will be established in your life. Every issue in your life will come to a

halt at His command. The Lord has already planned everything that will happen in your life.

Even before the creation of the world, God had determined His plans and purposes for your life, as Hebrews 4:3 states, “His works have been finished since the creation of the world.”

In Jeremiah 29:11 God says, “For I know the plans I have for you; plans to prosper you and not to harm you,


plans to give you hope and a future.”

God has already made plans for your future! To fulfill those plans, God has sacrificed Himself on the cross as a propitiation for sins and made a way for you to prosper. You don't have to sacrifice anything to receive His blessings. According to His predestined plan, God has sacrificed Himself for you to be blessed. The name of the Lord is Jesus Christ, who is the God Almighty. Today, the blood of Jesus is interceding for us so that we will have God’s plan fulfilled in our lives (Hebrews 12:24). You will experience God’s miracles leading you into His plans through the blood of Jesus that is speaking for you. God will also fulfill His plans for you by empowering you with His Holy Spirit. Yes, He enables you to pray for His plans to be fulfilled in your life through His Spirit (Romans 8:26,27). And thus, God's counsel will come to pass through the prayers you offer as led by the Holy Spirit.

Psalm 107:20 says, “He sent out His word and healed them.”

Accordingly, the Lord is going to send His word into you and do miracles in you, even bringing healing. Let's take some time to reflect on the miracles of Jesus that were accomplished through His powerful words.


We will start by examining a passage from Luke 7:48 where Jesus speaks to a woman. He tells her,

“Your sins are forgiven.”

Prior to this, the woman had publicly come to Jesus and begged for forgiveness for her sins. She wept at His feet and repented from her heart. Though others mocked her, Jesus forgave her and promised to transform her. Similarly, God promises to forgive all of your sins, no matter how bad they may be. Through the transformative power in His blood, you can

overcome the chains of sin that bind you and become whole.

A few years ago, a dear Sister named Reeta and her husband shared their inspiring story of transformation with me. Reeta was a very quarrelsome woman who would fight with her husband over everything. She was consumed by the spirit of conflict, causing unrest in their home. However, her husband was a righteous man who earnestly prayed for his wife's change of heart. One night, he asked Reeta to pray with him before bed in an effort to influence her positively. Yet, she callously suggested he pray with their Labrador (dog) instead. This showed how deeply entrenched her combative nature was.

One morning, while her husband was watching the Jesus Calls Television programme, during prayer time, I had called out the name “Reeta” and prophesied saying that God was changing her and that she was a woman of conflict. Her husband excitedly pointed out that God had called her name on the programme. However, Reeta was skeptical and dismissed it as a coincidence. Despite this, her husband persisted in his prayers for her.

Two months later, while watching the same programme together, I had called out the name “Reeta” again during prayer time and prophesied saying that she had yet to repent of her sins and be forgiven. Suddenly, she was filled with the Holy Spirit and her life was transformed. She cried and repented for her wrongs, and started to pray with her husband. They continue to pray together as a family, grateful for the positive change in their lives.

You can trust that God will work in your life too just as He has done for sister Reeta and her husband. Your family will become a place of prayer and praise. Hallelujah! Take comfort in knowing that your sins have been forgiven and you can live in peace.

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God’s second word to you is the word of healing. In Mark 1:41 a leper pleads to the Lord for healing saying, “Lord, if it is Your will cleanse me.”

The Lord replies,

“I am willing. Be clean!”

The leper was instantly healed of his leprosy. In John 4:50, a man asks the Lord to heal his son. Jesus responds,

“Go, your son will live.”

The man believed the words of Jesus and departs, and his son is immediately healed. Today, Jesus says the same to you. You will live, your organs will live and you will not die! Don’t let your heart be troubled. You will be resurrected because He is alive. He is the life and He is filling your body with His life.

A brother named Sunil from Lucknow shared his testimony. He and his wife were forced to terminate the pregnancy because it was an ectopic pregnancy where the baby had formed in the fallopian tube of the mother. They were so heartbroken. Days went by and his wife could not conceive again. The doctor also showed no hope of her getting pregnant again. One day, as both of them were watching the Jesus Calls TV programme, I prophesied saying, “Sunil, God is building your life again. You have lost a child. You and your wife are broken. God is blessing you with another child. Just praise Him, Sunil. The Holy Spirit is working.” These words brought great comfort and peace in their hearts. Just as the Lord spoke, his wife became pregnant and gave birth to a healthy boy baby. Today, they are a happy family and a living testimony of God’s miraculous healing power.

In the same way, God will raise you to life and give you new organs.

He will resurrect you to life with healing in His wings.


The story of Peter's restoration demonstrates this. Peter had been fishing all night but had caught nothing. Jesus approached him and asked to use his boat for preaching. Jesus saw the goodness in his heart when he offered his boat in a situation where he could not catch any fish. Jesus was understanding and compassionate towards him. After the sermon, Jesus instructed Peter to put his nets on the other side of the boat.

When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”

(Luke 5:4)

Peter obeyed and caught an abundance of fish that the boat could barely contain. Similarly, the Lord will restore all that you have lost. In everything you do, God will bless you with abundance. All that is required of you is to offer your boat, which means giving your life and your offerings to the Lord. When you support the Lord’s work, you will experience prosperity in all aspects of life. God is commanding restoration into your life, right now. He will bless you with abundance. Your house will be filled to the brim with God’s finest blessings. Be courageous and follow the ways of the Lord, and He will provide manifold opportunities for you to prosper.

A man named Raju, who was a Sikh from Uttar Pradesh, shared his testimony with us. Raju owned a clothing store, and things were going well until the owner suddenly asked him to vacate the premises before their contract had ended. Raju begged for more time, but the owner refused. Raju had invested a lot in the store and didn't know what to do. Then he heard about the Business Blessing Plan and decided

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to enroll. He sowed his money into the plan to bless others.

One day, while he was watching the Jesus Calls Television programme, during prayer time, I called out the name “Raju” and prophesied saying, "There is a person watching right now who is prepared to buy a property. You have tried a lot and failed. But God is going to help you. Buy the property God opens for you. You will be prospered." Even though the TV programme had been recorded three to four months earlier, God revealed to me that Raju was in need of help. Raju was moved by this message and felt blessed. Shortly thereafter, the owner who had previously refused to rent to Raju called him and asked him to buy the property. Raju bought the property and became prosperous. He even opened another branch and prospered twice over. This was truly a miracle.

This is how the Lord is going to lead you supernaturally. He will bless you in abundance and restore everything you have lost twofold. His plans for your future are already in place, and He will bring prosperity into your life. Let not your heart be troubled!


God says those who serve Him selflessly will receive a hundredfold blessing from Him and entrance into Heaven, i.e., eternal life. This promise is shared in Matthew 19:29, which states, “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for My sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.”

Therefore, it is essential for us to live a holy life and prepare for eternity, rather than focusing solely on earthly blessings. Many years ago, there was a murderer. One day,

he was fatally shot by the police and was almost dead. He was admitted to the hospital and the doctors operated on him and he survived. When he regained consciousness, the doctor asked him how he was feeling. To this, he replied, “I saw Him!” The doctor asked him, “Whom did you see?” The man replied, “When you were operating on me, my soul came out of my body. You and the nurses were searching for your instrument that had fallen down at that time. I saw a great light and was taken to a glorious place. There I saw the glorious one saying, “I am Jesus. Your time has not come. You will live. Go back and tell the world about me. Tell everyone about me.” The next moment, I got back in my body and came alive. From that encounter onwards, that man’s life changed and he was never the same. He was determined to serve God till his last breath and also take as many souls as possible with him to Heaven.

In the same way, God’s transformative glory will fill you and change you from the inside out to inherit eternal life. May the Lord's blessings and guidance be with you this month and always!


Loving Father, I am grateful for the wonderful words You have spoken to me. Lord, thank You for forgiving my sins and healing me. Thank You for Your promise to restore everything I have lost and grant me eternal life. Please, Lord, make every promise that You have spoken over me, come to pass in my life. I give my life over to You completely and ask that You enable me to overcome all obstacles. Resurrect every part of my body and guide me to serve You selflessly, helping to support Your ministry and bring blessings to millions. May Your name be glorified through me. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

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Dharani Akilan and his wife Hephzibah are from Tiruvottiyur in Chennai. They have two daughters, but their financial situation had not been good. Dharani Akilan had completed ITI and was doing electronic service business, and his wife was into the sewing business. They were going through tough times due to a financial crunch. They had borrowed money for their business and their children’s studies, which they were unable to repay. The amount owed mounted to five lakhs of rupees and they had to stop their children from going to school. It was a miserable life for them.

One day, they decided to visit the nearby JC House Prayer Tower in Chennai. When they visited the Prayer Tower, they felt a peace that surpassed their grief and burdens. The prayer intercessors prayed earnestly for their debts to disappear and for them to prosper in the work of their hands.

In such times of crisis, it is comforting to know that there are prayer intercessors in the Prayer Tower who are like angels sent from above. They dedicate themselves to serve the broken-hearted people by praying for them and upholding them in continuous prayers. The couple realized that there was no problem that God cannot solve. They decided to enroll as volunteers to serve in the Prayer Tower which gave them comfort. They became volunteers and also enrolled in the Partner Training Programme (PTP) and received training for six weeks on how to pray and minister to the people who visit the Prayer Towers.

After completing the training, they enrolled

themselves in the Business Blessing Plan. They heard about the Business Meet that was to be held on the first Saturday of each month and participated in the meeting. Their love for the Lord’s service kept burning brightly in them, despite their financial troubles.

In the meeting, they were taught how to go about their business in a way that was honorable before the Lord’s eyes and dedicated their business to the hands of the Lord in prayer. Within a week, both husband and wife started receiving

order after order in both of their businesses. They received so many orders that they were not able to accommodate all of them. As they were overflowing with orders, they were actually living the biblical miracle of the overflowing loaves and fish that the disciples received.

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They were able to resume their children’s schooling, pay back their debts and have a decent life. In addition to this, they sent their children to attend the UTurn meeting that takes place every Sunday in the Prayer Towers. As a result, their older daughter secured 431/500 in the tenth standard. The family was overjoyed being immersed in the goodness and blessings of God.

Today, Dharani Akilan states that: “Life has completely changed for the better for us just because we decided to partner with the Jesus Calls ministry. I am so grateful to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for the Business Blessing Plan which is truly a lifesaver and a blessing to us.”

God never neglects those who run to Him for help. He doesn’t just satisfy their needs at a mediocre level but does more than they can hold. If burdens and loans borrowed are troubling you and weighing you down, don’t wait any longer. Enroll in the Business Blessing Plan right away and see your business bloom like never before.

The Jesus Calls Business Blessing Plan was a divine revelation given to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to pray for the prosperity of business houses, enterprises, and business people so that they can create money to further God’s Kingdom.

By enrolling your shop, trade, business or industry in this Plan, the Almighty Lord will provide you and your Company with divine increase and protection. He will beautifully guide you on how to grow your business and be profitable. As a result, the Lord will bless you with a twofold portion of everything, grant you the ability to receive a hundredfold blessing (Genesis 26:12), and allow you to enjoy the serenity and the delight of enjoying the results of your labour as you continue to prosper.


* Dr. Paul Dhinakaran or a member of his family will periodically meet with the Business Blessing Plan partners to pray for their business through special meetings or personal interaction

* Additionally, designated Prayer Intercessors will offer daily prayers for the partners.

* Furthermore, prayer intercessors at the 24-hour chain prayer will offer round-theclock prayers for the partners.

* Once a month, a Business Meeting will be conducted at all Jesus Calls Prayer Towers in India for the blessing of business owners, entrepreneurs, traders, and industrialists.

* The Dhinakarans will offer their prayers and God’s revelation for those seeking God’s will in their business endeavours.

When you contribute to God’s work, you will certainly experience significant benefits!

I am led by the Lord to support the Business Blessing Plan (please tick your choice)

Every yearEvery month

I would like to contribute USD $…….. towards the Business Blessing Plan.

Name:......................................................................Partner code (if any) .............................. .............


Mobile: .................................. Email:.............................................................................. ..................

Name of my own Company / Business..............................................................................................

By contributing, you can positively impact people’s lives and receive blessings for your business!

For your gift of US$31 or more every month you could enroll your family as part of the Business Blessing Plan and be a blessing to millions through this mission. To give online please visit or please send your contributions to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to us for more details to


Jesus Calls | September 2023


I asked the Prayer intercessors at Jesus Calls during the Jesus Calls Bible Studies on Thursdays conducted through Zoom to pray that I get a good job at a good place. The prayer intercessor prayed for me and within one week, I got two job opportunities: one at an accounting firm and another at the school bus transportation. I chose the school bus transportation because I like it very much. I was able to do the in-class training and the wheel training to get the license. God helped me fulfill all the requirements and I am working as a school bus driver now. All glory and honour to my Lord Jesus Christ and a thank you to the Jesus Calls Canada ministry. Thank you!




• Brampton In-person meeting every last Saturday of the month at 5:00 pm at Showers of Blessings Ministries 46 Dean Street, Brampton ON L6W 1M6.

• Bible Study via Zoom every Thursday at 11:00 am

• Fasting Prayers via Zoom every Friday at 11:00 am

• Saturday Blessing Meetings via Zoom every 1st Saturday and last Saturday of the month at 11:00 am

• Esther Prayers via Conference and Zoom every 2nd & 3rd Saturday of the month.

• For details on meetings please call 416 385 7677 or email us at

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Contact details (phone lines, emails and 24x7 prayer line)

For Prayer Hotline (24/7) please call 416 385 7677 or Our toll free number 1855 522 7729; Whatsapp Number – 416 385 7677

Website - Facebook Page -

For further details or ministry resources please call admin at 416 385 7576 / email us at or send us a message on WhatsApp at 416 385 7677.

Volunteer with us - If you would like to volunteer with us and pray/ intercede for the needs of others Please call Sis. Smita Tham at 416 385 7576/ email at

Office Address: 55 Town Centre Court, Suite # 700 Toronto ON M1P 4X4.


Account Information:

Bank – TD Canada Trust

Canadian Account Number – 0352-5202720

US Account Number – 0532 - 7303475

Cheques payable to “Jesus Calls Canada”

Postal Address –Jesus Calls Canada PO Box 87181, RPO Village Square Scarborough ON M1W 3Z2

For Credit Card Donations please call Sis. Smita at 416 385 7576 Or email transfers can be made at


I believe that God considers you and your family to be righteous. He has begun a righteous transformation in your heart so that He can bestow upon you and your family all the things you desire.

Let us now look into what the desires of the righteous would be:

DESIRE THE ANOINTING FROM GOD: The first desire of the righteous would be to receive the anointing of the Lord.

During the month of May, my family and I travelled to the United States. Our flight lasted for twenty-two hours, and we were accompanied by our granddaughter Katie who was traveling on a plane for the first time. I brought along all the necessary snacks, food, and milk for her. However, after we finished everything, Katie still had a long way to go. The air hostess offered Katie pasta, noodles, chicken, and other food, but she refused them all, claiming they were spicy. All she wanted was chips and cashew nuts. I felt embarrassed as she was not able to eat anything else. In the end, I gave her milk, which made her full. We eventually arrived safely in the US.

Oftentimes, we

too behave like little children. We crave unhealthy food by pleading with God for worldly things and material possessions. There are individuals who approach me, asking for prayers to secure a government job so they can indulge in worldly pleasures. But when they fail to obtain the job, they complain. However, it is important to remember that God wants us to seek first the best gifts which are the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The Bible says in I Corinthians 14:1, “Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit.”

Before receiving the anointing of the Lord, King Saul was a different person. However, after being anointed, he became equipped for his divine calling. This month, God will anoint and equip you for great things as well if you seek and ask the Lord to fill you with His gifts.

Jesus says in Matthew 7:11, “If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!”

Dear friend, great things are coming your way. The righteous desire to seek the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, please continue to seek the Lord to be anointed with His Spirit.


DESIRE TO KNOW THE RESURRECTION POWER: Secondly, the desire of the righteous is to know God and His resurrection power.

Apostle Paul says in Philippians 3:10,11, “I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of His resurrection and participation in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.”

Yes, Paul was curious to know about the resurrection power of God. What is this resurrection power of God? This power is the result of Jesus sacrificing Himself on the cross to save us from our sins. Through His sacrifice, Jesus offered Himself as a sweet incense to God, who saw the incense and resurrected Him from the dead. Paul desired to know this power, which comes through suffering. As a sinner, Paul acknowledged his weaknesses and faults, and knew that he needed the resurrection power of God to overcome them. This power gives us the strength to endure suffering and overcome sin. In our suffering, we should take comfort in knowing that the Lord sees us as righteous and wants us to become more like Him. Like Paul, you may face many hardships, but you should serve the Lord wholeheartedly and trust in His plan for your life.

One of our wellwishers recently lost his younger son. When we visited his home to offer our condolences, we were surprised to find him composed and determined. He requested us to convert his son's room into a prayer room. This display of strength and faith was truly remarkable. He had accepted his suffering as one from the hand of the Lord.

The Bible says that the righteous have to enter the Kingdom of God through many sufferings. Remember that during times of hardship, God is using your struggles to help you become more righteous, as expressed by Job in Job 23:10, "He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I will come forth as gold.”

Dear friend, God wants you too to consider your sufferings as those which come right from the hand of God and be at peace in this understanding. By being strong, you can experience the resurrection power of Jesus. Therefore, strive to be courageous and strong. When you do so, God will delight in you and grant you the desires of your heart.


Thirdly, the righteous desire for a clean heart.

David was known as a man after God’s own heart. But he was also a sinner who committed both physical and spiritual transgressions. However, he didn't try to hide his wrong doings. Instead, he admitted his sins to the Lord and begged for His forgiveness, as seen in Psalm 51. This Psalm captures his heartfelt cries for mercy.

He says in Psalm 51:10, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

Similarly, will you also cry out to the Lord for a pure heart? I have seen my husband weeping before God in the same manner before ministering. It's true that God favors a heart that repents. When you seek God for a clean heart, He grants your desires.

Acts 13:22 says, “I have found David son of Jesse, a man after My own heart; He will do everything I want him to do.”

Yes, David was a man who did everything that the Lord wanted. That’s why David says in Psalm 18:23, 24, “And I have been blameless before Him and kept myself from iniquity. The Lord has rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in His sight.”

Can you and I say something like this boldly before God? Let us examine our hearts today.

After David became righteous, he says about himself in Psalm 21:2, “You have granted him his heart’s desire and have not withheld the request of his lips.”

What a blessed life David had! The Lord granted him his heart's desires even before he asked for them. You too, my dear friend, can expect God to fulfill your desires as you pursue the three things mentioned above, diligently. May God bless you and your family abundantly!

PRAYER: Loving Heavenly Father, I am grateful for Your promise to fulfill my righteous desires. Please fill me with Your anointing this month and grant me the grace to experience Your resurrection power and have a pure heart. May I become a righteous person like those in the Bible and be used mightily for Your glory. It is my desire to hear You call me, as the child after Your own heart. Thank You, Lord, for answering my prayers. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

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The Jesus Calls Media Ministry has been an integral part of the Jesus Calls Ministry since its inception, providing comfort to millions of people for 42 years. Today, the Media Ministry has grown significantly, broadcasting 300 programmes on 10 channels in both India and Sri Lanka. Additionally, for 24-hour Tamil Channel called the Family Channel airs a lot of our Jesus Calls programs, which is available on cable networks in India and online through the website, mobile app, and YouTube. Some of the programs in Family Channel that are an immense blessing among viewers are 'SEESHA vazvukodupom varungal' which is an insightful program about the accomplishments of SEESHA, 'Indraiya Irai Varthai' for all age groups. 'Kutties Galatta' for kids, 'ARISE AND SHINE' for woman and youth. These programs are being watched by actors, government officials and leaders who also testify that they are blessed with great peace and comfort through these programs that they cannot find in the world. Millions of people have been reached through these endeavours of the Dhinakarans and the Jesus Calls ministry and many have shared their transformative, supernatural experiences through testimonies.

Here’s a testimony from a dear sister in her own words: MIRACULOUSLY HEALED

“My husband's name is John. I have four children. All four are married and have children. I have joined them all in the Young Partner Plan and am an Esther Prayer Group partner. A year ago, suddenly, one day, I experienced excruciating pain in my leg, which made me unable to walk. After going to the doctors, they said that there was a left leg fracture. They said treating it would cost up to two lakhs of Jesus Calls | September 2023 |


rupees. My husband works in a brick kiln, and we cannot make that much money. I crawled into the house for almost a year. I have been doing all the work with the help of my husband and children. My brother's house is also near our house. We don't even have a TV in our home. One day my brother's son took me to their house to watch TV. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran's programme was airing on the Family Channel. During prayer, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, moved by the Holy Spirit, commanded those who cannot walk to get up and walk in the name of Jesus. I also prayed with tears claiming God’s healing in my legs. After the prayer, I started walking by myself! All my children wondered how this happened. Our family's joy knew no bounds. I was miraculously healed and blessed by the great grace of the Lord. I thank dear brother Dr. Paul Dhinakaran who prayed for me, and the Lord, who gave me this blessing.

This is just one example of how lives are transformed through these Television programs.

You can also share your testimony in this email:

In today’s world, social media is a crucial tool for connecting with people and providing numerous options. The Dhinakaran family has taken significant steps to use social media platforms to share God’s message and positively impact millions of people around the world. You can connect with the Dhinakarans anytime and from anywhere through various social media platforms such as their Website, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Here’s a testimony of how a dear sister was blessed through the Jesus Calls Facebook page:

“I am an ardent partner of the Jesus Calls ministry. I have been incredibly blessed by watching the Daily Promise Videos on the Jesus Calls Facebook page. Starting my day by watching the Daily Promise Video and meditating on God’s word has become a routine for me, and one day, when I was worried about an upcoming presentation at work, the Lord spoke to me through Exodus 4:12 saying, “Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” These words from Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran were truly comforting, and I was able to deliver my presentation successfully. This is just one example of how I have been blessed and I look forward to more in the future. I thank the Dhinakarans for taking the time to share these videos, which are a great source of inspiration. All glory to God!”

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You can sponsor a programme as Thanksgiving on special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries or also sponsor in faith, believing for a miracle as Sis. Priya did either for you or your loved ones. Since each of our programmes is dedicated to taking Jesus into millions of homes, you being the reason will definitely reap the benefits here on earth and in heaven!

For every message, every song, every worship, every counsel that touches and transforms the hearts of people, the Lord will add them to your account in heaven and reward you because whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters, you did for God! (Matthew 25:40)


• Your family photo will appear in the Television Program that you sponsor.

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran will pray for all your prayer requests specifically in the same program.

• Moreover, you will be prayed over through the phone from the Prayer Tower.

• When you co-sponsor a television programme, your name will be telecast in that specific programme.

• We will send you a copy of the link television programme that you sponsored/co-sponsored.


Name: ................................................................................. Donor Code (if any)....................

Address: ...................................................................................................................... .................................

......................................................................................................... PIN Code: ...........

Mobile No.: ..................................................... Email: ...................................................... ...........................

I would like to support / sponsor the Jesus Calls Television Ministry. (Kindly tick your preference.)

I would like to support the TV ministry of Jesus Calls International with a contribution of $……...............................................

I would like to help support towards the co sponsorship of a TV / Social Media program of Jesus Calls International for $750

I would like to help support towards the sponsorship of a TV / Social Media program of Jesus Calls International for $1500


Sponsor a TV programme on the birthday / wedding anniversary of your beloved one and help them to receive abundant blessings.

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In view of the 40th anniversary of the Prayer Tower ministry, Jesus Calls conducted Miracle Prayer Festival in all the Prayer Towers of India and the Dhinakarans as a family, ministered to the partners in four different Prayer Towers in Chennai on the 12th August 2023. Around 8500 partners participated in the meeting held in all the Prayer Towers and all the halls were full.

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran ministered God’s word about ' You will see miracles' at Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower, Adyar. Dr. Stella Dhinakaran led the thanksgiving prayer for Prayer Tower Ministry. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran shared God’s word regarding ‘The names of the Lord' at JC House Prayer Tower, Parry’s. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran ministered God’s word on ‘Jesus being the rock and cornerstone of our lives' at Jesus Calls Annanagar Prayer Tower. Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran shared God’s word on ‘Double fold blessings and a new start after 40 years’ at Vanagaram Prayer Tower. Individual prayers were offered at the end of the Meeting for all the partners by the Dhinakarans which was a great blessing to them. All praise and glory to God who made this happen.

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Dear friend, that’s a wonderful question that has a lot of depth in it. Nobody can truly define the purpose of life for another person. Rather, it is up to the individual to discover their purpose and the calling that God has upon their life. Sometimes such calling and purpose of an individual may be revealed as prophecies but still nobody can define exactly how things will fall into place and when it will happen. Let me explain this to you in detail.

God’s purposes are unique

If you ask me if I knew the purpose of my life when I was a little boy, I only knew what people had prophesied about me but the way I found my purpose was through a completely different track. Everybody said that you will follow the footsteps of your father and grandfather but the path I walked was totally unique. So, there is no set structure to receive the purpose for our life. There is no set timeline either.

If you look at the life of Jesus, He did not follow the timeline of people. He did not

minister in His early twenties or get anointed while He was ten years old. Instead, He submitted Himself to obey His parents, learnt carpentry and served as a carpenter till He was thirty years old. He could have launched Himself into ministry while He was much younger. But He knew that He had to follow the timeline of His Heavenly Father. So, even Jesus’ life was unique, and His calling and purpose were unique. He came to die for the sins of humanity and set us free. His path was a different path. Of course, Jesus is God and He knew the path before Him, yet He submitted to God and obeyed His parents. So, there is no set pattern that suits every person. God’s purpose for each person unfolds in a unique way.

Many times, while we are young, we might want to become someone famous or try to get into a career that we admire. We might want to copy someone famous or try to force ourselves into a career that seems glamorous. For example, just because someone else sings

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beautifully, we also try to become a singer without checking if we have the skills or the gift to be a good singer. When we fail, we get so frustrated with our life. God's calling for each of our lives is different. Find that good skill in you and work on developing it. What is God’s calling for life?

If you read 1 Peter 4:10 it says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

Yes, God has bestowed every person on this earth with unique skills. It is up to us to identify those gifts and skills and use them as God’s faithful stewards to serve others. This is the calling of God for every one of us. It is to serve others as doing service unto God Himself and thus bringing Him glory.

“So, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

(1 Corinthians 10:31)

“Everyone who is called by My name, whom I created for My glory, whom I formed and made.”

(Isaiah 43:7)

So, remember that whatever gift or talent or skill God has given you, use it only for His glory by serving people and being a blessing to them. In this way, you can fulfill God’s calling for your life.

But how do you find the purpose for your life?

Some people see visions about their future like Joseph. Some people receive the will of God through an Angel of the Lord or through a servant of the Lord as a prophecy. Some others find their purpose by reading the Bible diligently. While some others don’t know the purpose of their life at all. They simply use the opportunities that are open to them, and they

flow with the path of life into their destiny. But to find your true purpose in life, I would urge you, my dear friend, to ask God to reveal His purpose for your life so that. And once you've handed over your life's purpose to and for God, utilize every opportunity that God is bringing your way whether honourable or lowly and thus find yourself flowing into the purpose of God.

Sometimes the devil might try to distract you from your purpose saying that you are serving in a lowly position and tempt you to take shortcuts to come up in life. Always remember to stay focused on the path of the Lord and on the opportunity you have.

However, sometimes we might also face failures in our life that might cause us to wonder if we are on the right path. It might tempt us to give up on God’s purposes like how the disciples were disheartened after the Lord’s death and wanted to go back to doing their own business - fishing. I would encourage you to never give up in such circumstances! Instead, be faithful to the Lord and trust His path for you. Continue to do what you have to do as if you are serving the Lord. Stay committed to the Lord and you will be led beautifully by the Lord Himself. Even in small things, when you are faithful, God will lift you up in due time and make you a master over many things. He will make you a mighty nation and one day, God will fulfill that calling in your life and use you powerfully much more than you imagined, to serve others and be a blessing to them. Nations will call you a blessing! God would use you in such a great manner. So, be patient, my friend, and walk in this calling to serve people and find yourself fulfilling God’s purposes for your life.

My friend, may you have a life that’s more and more defined by God’s purpose!

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Even if the world does not recognize your value, take heart because you are a special possession of God. Your support for this Ministry has helped to alleviate the tears of many, so God promises to use you in mighty ways for His glory in the days to come.

God’s goodness in the month of August: Last month, Jesus Calls held several meetings that were a blessing to thousands. Million thanks to the Lord’s divine provision.

From July 31st to August 2nd, the Mission Training Programme was held and we, the Dhinakarans re-visioned and prayed with the prayer intercessors in Northern India. All of them were empowered with the Holy Spirit in a greater measure to serve the Lord with the goal of reaching the unreached for His glory.

From August 3rd to 5th, we held the Prophetic Prayer Training in New Delhi, with about 750 people receiving the Holy Spirit's power and the prophetic grace for God's work.

On August 6th, we held the New Delhi Partners' Meet, where we individually prayed for around 4000 partners, bringing them comfort and blessings.

On the 40th anniversary of the Prayer Tower ministry, we had a miracle meeting in all the Prayer Towers of India and we as a family, each ministered to our partners in five different Prayer Towers.

Finally, on August 15th, we held a Partner's Meet in Puducherry, where we ministered to the people and witnessed amazing miracles. All praise to God!

Special Days in the Month of September:

As I approach my birthday on September 4th, which will mark another year of my life by God's grace, I humbly ask for your prayers. I pray that I may continue to work hard for the Lord and serve Him to the best of my abilities.

September 5th marks a special day for all the teachers in India as it is Teachers’ Day. We will be praying on that day for all our partners who are teachers and professors for God's blessings to continue to be bestowed upon them, and to make them a blessing to their students.

On September 6th, my dear daughter-in-law, Dr. Shilpa Samuel, celebrates her birthday. I would request your prayers for her, that God will equip her in the medical profession and will continue to use her to be a blessing to the suffering humanity.

* 13th year of National Prayer Tower, Delhi

“Prayers be made for all people - for all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”

(I Timothy 2:2)

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It is currently the 13th year of the National Prayer Tower in Delhi, where prayers are offered 24/7 throughout the year for the nation of India and its people. These prayers also include requests for all those in authority to lead peaceful and godly lives. We invite you to come and pray for the nation too, for 18 days at a time (including 3 days of training), as God leads your prayers prophetically as a blessing. We provide food and accommodation there. On the other side, the Delhi Prayer Tower continues in its mission to pray for the broken hearted people in and around Delhi and people from all walks of life have received tremendous life changing miracles. Many young people too have been transformed and they are a blessing to others through the Prayer Tower ministry today.

* 15th year of Business Blessing Plan

“Blessing of the Lord brings riches, and He adds no sorrow to it.” (Proverbs 10:22)

This month also marks the 15th year of the Business Blessing Plan, which aims to bless business people so that society and the country can benefit from their endeavours. If you are a business person, you are encouraged to join this plan to reap its benefits. Prayers are made for the prosperity and increase of those enrolled in the Business Blessing Prayer Mission and many have been blessed through this. For further details, you can visit or call the partner service number +91 44-23456677 between 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. (IST).

* 42nd year of Jesus Calls Video Ministry

“Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage - with great patience and careful instruction.” (2 Timothy 4:2)

The Jesus Calls Video Ministry is celebrating its 42nd year. This ministry is one of the most important wings of the Jesus Calls Ministry, and millions of people have been reached through it. Many lives have been transformed as God would give me the grace to call their names, problems and share the blessing God would bring to them, at the exact time they would watch it. It's amazing indeed! You are invited to partner with this ministry by joining the TV club and sponsoring or cosponsoring programmes that offer healing to weary souls, on your birthdays or anniversaries specially. For sponsors, special prayers will be offered during

the TV programmes. More details about this can be found on page 16.

Forthcoming Meetings

October 2 - Youth Power Explosion, Chennai

October 5 - 7 - Prophetic Prayer Training, Hyderabad

October 8 – Partner’s Meet, Hyderabad

October 9 - 10 - Mission Training Program, Hyderabad

October 11 - Pastors’ Conference, Hyderabad

New Song Update

We are currently working on a new song called 'Ennai Aarainthu' which will be released early September. Please pray with us that this song will bring timely blessings to millions and touch them in a prophetic way.

Prayer Operations Centre and Media Centre

We are excited that we are in the final stages of the move to the Prayer Operations Centre at Parrys, which we have equipped with the latest technology, sufficient space and infrastructure to host prayer operations through Telephone, Media, Letters, Email, Magazine, Training and so on. This is going to be operated by experienced senior leaders taking up these missions too. The renovations are going on well on the building. The total cost of the project is US $ 120 million. We thank our dear partners who have supported and joined this mission and encourage others to join too. I believe a great wave of the move of God is coming. This will be a new beginning. Amen!

Meet us personally

If you would like to arrange a personal meeting with me in any critical situation and receive prayers, please contact this number: +91 9840098333.

Your support and participation in the Jesus Calls ministry are greatly appreciated. We value your prayers and contributions as we strive to be a blessing to others.

Your brother who prays for you, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

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The National Prayer Tower in New Delhi is a place where continuous prayers are offered for the nation, upholding India before God’s throne day and night. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran received a divine command from God to establish a Prayer Tower for the Nation near the seat of power. This is carrying forth God’s vision of prophetical praying for all the people, the rulers, and those in authority in the nation, seeking God's will for the leaders and the nation.

Those who come to pray at the National Prayer Tower in Delhi receive the grace to prophetically pray for the nation and God fulfils the prophecies revealed through these prayer intercessors. They are abundantly blessed in their personal lives also. We give thanks to God for He has answered all the prayers and fulfilled the prophecies which are raised in the National Prayer Tower, Delhi. Here is a testimony of a prayer intercessor who has been blessed by serving in the National Prayer Tower: MIRACULOUSLY


I am a prayer intercessor at National Prayer Tower. I fell sick in 2018. I was diagnosed with a tumour in stomach. The tumour burst and I was operated to remove it. I was also found with cancer in my appendicitis and so it was removed. I was not given chemotherapy but was suggested tablets instead. I took the tablets and started vomiting profusely. I fell terribly ill. So, I threw those tablets away and trusted God for recovery. Praise be to God my Saviour as He has healed me completely and kept me in good health till now. I am also blessed with a good job now and I am sure all this is because of serving in the National Prayer Tower. - Gowri, Delhi Dear brother/sister, if you feel called to pray for our nation, we invite you to enrol as a volunteer and pray at the National Prayer Tower. We will provide the necessary training to help you fulfill God’s call to prayer.


I would like to come to National Prayer Tower and serve as a volunteer prayer intercessor. (Cost for one prayer intercessor's transportation, boarding and lodging in Delhi is USD $500 per month) I would like to support a prayer intercessor for a month at the National Prayer Tower for $500 As per the leading of the Holy Spirit in my heart, I would like to contribute USD $....…...........towards the National Prayer Tower.

Name:...........................................................................................................Partner Code: … ...........…………. Mobile:……................................................ Email:………............................................................

Address: National Prayer Tower, 5th floor, CNI Bhawan, 16, PanditPant Marg, New Delhi 110 001. Phone: +91 011 - 44600600 / +91 88263 40077 Email:

DETAILS ABOUT HOW TO DONATE PLEASE GIVE ONLINE THROUGH (or) visit or send your offerings to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to

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Yes, God promises to bless you with the best at the right time and in the right season. You may have big plans for your life, thinking that you need to study a certain course, get a particular job, and marry at a specific age to be blessed. But the Lord assures you that He will bless you in His time, not yours. He promises to bless you with the best that you could ever imagine.

The Lord declares in Isaiah 55:8,9, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.”

Accordingly, the Lord knows what is best for you. He knows what you need and when you need it. His plans for you are always greater than your own. You must trust in the Lord and submit your life to His guidance so that His plans for you will succeed.

I recall a significant event that happened in my life. I was a dedicated student throughout my schooling. I achieved a score of ninety-five percent in tenth standard. My ultimate goal was to secure admission into a medical college after completing the twelfth standard. I was confident that I would perform well and somehow obtain a seat in a Government college.

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My dear friend, God’s promise for this month is from Leviticus 26:4, “I will send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees their fruit.”

Unfortunately, I missed the cutoff by two or three marks in twelfth standard, leaving me heartbroken and disappointed as I could not join a Government college. However, by the grace of God, I secured admission in a beautiful medical college in Chennai. Not only did I enjoy my academic pursuits, but I also relished the surroundings. God blessed me with amazing friends and we even started a fellowship there which made me realize that it was all part of God’s plan. His ways are always higher than our ways, and He blessed me with the right opportunities at the right time.

In the same way, if you are feeling heartbroken because your plans have failed, or your desires have not been granted, remember that the Lord will always provide you with the best outcome at the right time.

I am reminded of a true story about the missionary Amy Beatrice Carmichael. She was born in Ireland where blue eyes were common, but she had brown eyes. She believed in the Lord Jesus and prayed for her eyes to turn blue every morning. She would run to the mirror to check if her eyes changed color but to her dismay, they remained brown. She kept doing this until she realized that her eyes were brown for some good reason. Growing up, she wanted to become a missionary and decided to come to India. After landing in India, she realized

that God had given her brown eyes so that she could blend in with the Indian people and serve them better. She served as a missionary in Dohnavur and was a great blessing to the Indian people.

Similarly, even if you don’t understand why you must go through certain paths in life, if you continue to pursue God’s will, you will be led to beautiful outcomes. Therefore, take heart, my dear friend, and have faith that God has the best in store for you. Soon you will witness His blessings before your very eyes.


Loving Heavenly Father, I come to You with open hands and heart, surrendering my life and my desires to Your loving care. I trust in Your promise to bless me with the best at the right time. Let Your will be done and let Your name be glorified. I thank You for the blessings You have bestowed upon my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

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Life, filled with divine love, is glorious and excellent! How can we receive this glorious, divine love in our lives? What are the ways in which this love would excel? Let us examine these on the basis of Biblical truth! Let us thereby get filled with this ‘divine grace’ and enjoy receiving a life, full of indescribable and immeasurable blessings!

Let us also see how this divine love is perfected in us and how it helps us to glorify the name of the Lord and fill many people’s lives with countless benefits!


(I John 4:16)

“Seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.”

(Colossians 3: 1-3)

As we read in I Peter 2:24, do we know the way of salvation that ‘dies to sin and lives for righteousness?’ As Paul says in Galatians 2:20, do we have the assurance, “I have been crucified with Christ; yet I live; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me?” This is true salvation! This alone would lead us towards a life that is filled with the ‘divine love of abiding in Christ.’

Our Lord Jesus Christ lived this kind of life and has set us an example. That’s why in John 10:30, He says, “I and My Father are One”, meaning, “I am abiding in God.” I Peter 2:21 clearly explains what we should do for this.

“…Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps.”

The Lord Jesus Christ loved His Father and fulfilled His perfect will in His life. In the same way, let us follow His example, love Him, get to know His will and accomplish it perfectly! As seen in I John 4:12, If we love one another, God abides in us and His love has been perfected in us.

For example, in the initial days of my life, I lacked ‘Christ’s love’. However, the day, when the love of the cross flooded into me, this ‘love

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of Christ’ started flowing from me to others. This divine love in me flowed into my family members also in a glorious way, and in turn, they were filled with His love and were transformed. Thus, they received a divine life!

Dearly beloved, would you commit yourself in reverence and humility, to abide in the love of Christ and be embraced by the love of the God of gods?


“But the righteous are bold as a lion.”

(Proverbs 28:1)

The Bible says, “…add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge” (II Peter 1:5). Hence, according to I John 2:28, let us abide in the Lord so that, “when He appears, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before Him at His coming.”

She humbly submitted herself to the Lord, saying, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to Your word” (Luke 1:38). Thus, devoid of any fleshly concerns, she received His glory in full measure.

“In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul.”

(Psalm 138:3)

Accordingly, David strengthened himself in the Lord and was bold even during the times of various trials and achieved everything successfully. Particularly, though he was a young lad, he boldly and easily killed the giant Goliath, who came against him with much protection. Didn’t he thus glorify the name of the Lord? The reason was the perfection of his love for the Lord.

Similarly, like David, let us look at the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus! She was a young girl and was a virgin. Yet, she walked in the ways of the Lord and had perfect love for Him and thus abided in Him. Hence, the Lord chose her as the “blessed among women”. He filled her with His divine grace, removed the fear of people from her, and strengthened her with His Spirit. Hence, she totally committed her life boldly to the Lord for His will to be fulfilled.

A servant of God from England was led by Christ to go to the dark villages of Africa, to share about His love. He started his ministry amidst various problems and crises, with no proper facilities. The people there never knew about the love of Christ. However, this man of God humbled himself before the Lord, fasted and prayed and committed himself to fulfill His will. The Lord was with him and hence many people who were in the dark, found His light, through him. However, the village Chief rose against this servant of God and created many hurdles to stop him from spreading the love of Christ. He even plotted to meet this man of God in person and kill him. With this evil plan, he invited him to his place. Unaware of the impending danger, this minister of God waited in the presence of God for several hours, prayed earnestly and went to meet him, being filled with God’s love. The moment they met, the village Chief was deeply moved by his humility and was drawn by the love of Christ, which flowed from the minister of God. The Lord miraculously

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changed everything upside down in such a way that the village Chief stood by him and rendered his whole support. Thus, the entire village miraculously received the love of Christ and got transformed totally.

Yes, the divine love of Christ has the power to draw even cruel people towards Him! If you too would get filled with this divine love, fully understanding its glory and act boldly for Him, the Lord, who is able to draw everyone to Him with His love, would help you to bring your family, friends and others to His side. Wouldn’t He do this miracle for you?


(Ephesians 3:16,17)

“not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.”

(Romans 12:11)

We are living in the last days! All of us are eagerly waiting for the coming of the Lord. However, some people, who have no awareness of this, are spending their lives in vain, being content with eating, sleeping and dressing well.

Dear one, as the Bible clearly says it is the will of God that every one of us, filled with His Spirit, reveal the love of Christ to others in a mighty way and bring many people out of darkness and make them His own. The Lord wants to use us in this manner. We should strive hard and zealously to transform as many

people as possible and help them to rise up and shine for Him. God wants to raise us, as individuals and as a family, filled with the anointing, power and gifts of the Holy Spirit. How many of you would humble yourself to surrender to Him for this divine service?

“Watch, stand fast in faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love.” (I Corinthians 16:13,14)

Dear child of God, if you would like to be adorned with the above-mentioned divine love, you may offer to the Lord the following short prayer which I have compiled for you. Pray this prayer incessantly and plead to Him as an individual and as a family, kneeling down in His presence in all humility. Receive His love accordingly and praise Him with all your heart!


Our dear Father! All praise, honour and glory be to Your name! We, who are living among cruel and heartless people, are facing a lot of suffering and sorrow because of them. Our own family members cause us much agony. Many are jealous of us and create a lot of problems in our lives, out of hatred. They have no love for us and thus spoil our peace and joy. O, Lord! Look at these people, who have no works of love in them and transform their lives in such a way that they would be pleasing to You. Fill our hearts, right now, with Your incomparable and glorious love. O, living Lord, who hears prayers, fill each one of us with the ‘power of the Holy Spirit’ in an immeasurable way and change us into Your image!

We read in II Corinthians 5:14, ‘the love of Christ compels us…’ Let our lives be formed in this fashion! Bless us O, Lord, that we would be filled with Your Holy Spirit and Your glory that there will not be room enough to receive it and help us arise and shine for Your glory and thereby overflow with Your immeasurable love! Praise be to You! Let Your name be glorified! We ask these in the name of Jesus, O Father, Amen.

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