Jesus Calls International E-Magazine January 2021

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Family United I came across the ministry of Jesus Calls in 2016 when Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family were here for a prophetic conference. I was going through many challenges in life especially my married life. So I enrolled as a volunteer for the conference, and later enrolled my family in the Family Blessing Plan and my two sons in the Young Partners’ Plan. All the prayer intercessors stood with me in prayer. Whenever I was going through any difficulty in my life, they always encouraged me and continuously prayed for me. I started to bless the ministry with my tithes and saw the goodness of God in my life. I saw many closed doors open for me as the Lord drew me closer to Him. I started spending more time with the Word of God. I started to listen to more sermons and online ministry and am very grateful for the ministry of Jesus Calls which stands as a beacon of light for the hurting world. There came a stage in my life where my marriage was at breaking point but all glory to God for the faithful prayers of the prayer intercessors and the encouragement. The hope they poured out on me gave me the strength to persevere and stand in faith. After 4 years of continued prayers for my husband I can boldly say it’s the goodness of God that my husband come back home and is fully committed to our marriage. We have started to go to church together and praise God for the breakthrough in our marriage. My children are communicating with me well and my family is flourishing. I give all glory to Jesus and the ministry of Jesus Calls which stands in the gap for people in need. - Maya Narayan, Australia Prayer Tower Address: Suite 10, 18 Third Avenue, Blacktown NSW 2148, Sydney, Australia Opening Hours: 9am – 5pm - Monday to Friday Toll Free Prayer Line: 1300 728 378 available 24x7 Further enquiries: Admin line on (02) 9602 3200; To know more on the various events conducted in Prayer Tower, contact the above details.

PARTNER WITH US: Become a PRAYER INTERCESSOR: We need more prayer intercessors to join us in prayer to bring hope and healing to the broken-hearted. We also invite you to come and spend time in our prayer chapel and see what the Holy Spirit is revealing to you. Become a ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Member: This is a special time of prayer where ladies gather and pray for all the sisters around the world. The prayer points are sent by Sis Stella Dhinakaran which is very powerful where lives get transformed. Months ago, Sis Stella Dhinakaran took the lead to pray through webminar, for all the inactive EPG groups, having combined all the South Pacific region nations together for this prayer time which was real a blessing. For more information please contact our admin line on (02) 9602 3200. Become a Jesus Calls Partner: There are many facets of the ministry which you can support through your gereorsity. You can join the Family Blessing Plan, Young Partners’ Plan, Business Blessing Plan, Jesus Calls Partner, SEESHA Partner, TV Club Partner etc. you can do this online or ring the Prayer Tower. You may send your generous donations through Money Order or Cheques written in favour of Jesus Calls Ministry Services, and post to: P O Box 575, Liverpool NSW 2170, Suite 10/18 Third Avenue, Blacktown, NSW, 2148 For Direct Bank Deposit and Bank Transfers, please use the following details: Account Name: Jesus Calls Ministry services Pty Ltd Bank: Commonwealth Bank Account Number: 1113 3084 BSB Number: 062-517



e says that He will restore double. When God restores, it’s always in double measure.

The Bible talks about God’s restoration in the book of Joel also (Joel 2:25,26). In your life too God might have sent different types of

locusts that have destroyed days, months or years. However, the Lord promises that the years will be restored back to us. When they are restored, then we will eat, be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord. Therefore, His children will have no loss in their life.

Jesus Calls International


January 2021



“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten - the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm - my great army that I sent among you. You will have plenty to eat, until you are full, and you will praise the name of the Lord your God, who has worked wonders for you; never again will my people be shamed.” (Joel 2:25 , 26) The Psalmist also talks about restoration in Psalm 71:20 & 21, that God would restore his life, increase his honor and comfort him once more, in place of the many troubles he went through. The book of Ruth shows another example where Naomi had lost everything including her husband and sons. God supernaturally gave her a grandson through Ruth and restored the lineage (Ruth 4:15). In a particular family, the parents had one son and two daughters. At the age of 17, the son had cancer. As the parents were very prosperous, they gave him the best treatment in the world, but the boy died. Following that, the daughter got married and she brought forth a son. When the baby boy developed the features, the grandparents were amazed! 'He was exactly like their son, whom they had lost.' They exclaimed, “Raymond has come back.” When we lose our loved ones, our heart is broken. However, God restores, brings back everyone whom we lose. When my sister, Angel, passed away our hearts were broken. After I got married, God gave us two children and our parents were very comforted with the double portion blessing. After six years of our second child, Sharon’s birth, my wife conceived again. Somebody said a boy is going to be born, but God brought a girl into our family. Today, when we look at Sweety, she has the exact resemblance of Angel. Last 4

Jesus Calls International


January 2021

month, as I was looking at one of her photographs, I was shocked and said “Angel has come back.” Sweety sings so beautifully today; just the same spirit as Angel but with greater grace, reaching many more millions. We have a God who sees our tears and restores joy. “Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion.” (Isaiah 61:7)

WHY DOES GOD ALLOW LOSSES? Is there any particular reason why God allows destruction in our lives and then comes to restore everything in double measure? We say He is a good God. If He is a good God, should He not take care of us well and see that no evil comes to us? Why should He allow loss and destruction and then come and restore us? The Bible says, God made Adam the first man as a living soul (I Corinthians 15:45). God wants our souls to be living souls not dead, decayed or destructive. For us our worldly possessions, job, children, or honor may be precious but for God the soul of men is the most precious (Matthew 16:26). God is interested in restoring our souls more than anything. Only the sinless soul can live. Therefore, the first restoration God gives is the joy of salvation in our souls (Psalm 51:12). The scripture says, for us to have eternal glory and be established in God’s kingdom as living souls, we have to go through suffering. “God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.” (I Peter 5:10)

GOD’S PATH TO COMPLETE RESTORATION “Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the |

wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands. He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.” (Deuteronomy 8: 2 , 3) We always think that when God comes into our lives, He will lead us in the most prosperous places. The scripture here however says God led through the desert. Even today, maybe, God is taking you through the desert. He does so to make you a living soul and give you complete restoration in the following ways. I) CONSECRATION: God showed Moses the supernatural sign of the burning bush through which He spoke and told him to rescue the Israelites from Pharaoh’s hand. As Moses was on his way to Egypt, God came to kill him. However, Zipporah circumcised and dedicated both Moses and the son for the purpose of God. Therefore, God left Moses alive (Exodus 4). He allows us to walk through the desert so that we come out consecrated and separated solely for the purpose of God. For the Bible says, “Without holiness, no one can see God” (Hebrews 12:14). II) OBEDIENCE TO GOD: The Lord always takes the most precious thing in our life to test us. My sister, Angel, was loved very much by my father and he would kiss her at least 50 times every day. However, God chose her because she was most precious to my father. Similarly, God spoke to Abraham saying, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love-Isaac-and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you” (Genesis 22:2). Abraham obeyed. You know why? When Abraham walked with a heavy heart, God walked with him. Because of Abraham’s obedience, God blessed Isaac a hundred times. Even Jesus carried the cross to Golgotha and was obedient unto death; that is why He overcame death, rose up again, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He is still a living soul (Philippians 2:8, 9). God walks with us when we walk in the path of obedience even though it may be a path of death for the most precious thing we love in the world. When we obey God, He sees our soul as a living soul. In that area of your obedience you will have Jesus Calls International


riches beyond understanding, and everything shall be prosperous. The only key for God to restore everything is your obedience. III) LIVING IN PEACE: When God restores, it is a full restoration. The Bible says, “Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.” (II Corinthians 13:11) Only when we have peace in our souls, God will live in us and crush Satan beneath your feet (Romans 16:20). Therefore you have to live in complete peace with everyone and be filled with peace in your heart. Only then God of peace will be in you and your soul will live and be fully restored. To live in peace, reconciliation is essential. Jesus says in Matthew 5: 23-25, “First go and be reconciled to them.”


Reconcile with your brothers and sisters (Matthew 5:24). b. Make peace with your adversary (Matthew 5:25). c. Husband and wife have to be reconciled and sanctified, thereby along with them the children are also made living souls (I Corinthians 7:14). d. Unity of parents with the children makes way for God to restore every blessing from the land to the family (Malachi 4:6). It is the devil’s work to bring divisions in the family, so that he can bring curse in the world. However, God sends His Holy Spirit, the spirit of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous—to make ready a people prepared for the Lord (Luke 1:17). e. Reconcile with the call of Jesus Christ: The disciples of Jesus had just made a huge catch

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of fish that filled 2 boats and was making them sink. Right at that time, Jesus called them for ministry. Immediately, they left everything and followed Jesus (Luke 5:11). They did not want to become rich selling their catch of fish. Listening and obeying the call of Jesus, filled them with peace and made them living souls. Just listen and obey the voice of God and He will perfect everything concerning you. This is what God expects of us. You will have rest and peace and your soul will become a living soul. This restoration does not stop until Jesus Christ restores us as living souls with God. Christ is in heaven and heaven will hold Christ until all the prophecies come to pass and salvation is preached across the world (Acts 3;20,21). Now, we are having fringed blessings but God wants us to have full restoration to be transformed into

the image of Jesus (2 Corinthians 3:18). At the appointed time of Christ’s return, He will draw us to Him and our perishable bodies will become imperishable, like that of Adam whom God created as a living soul, never to face death (I Corinthians 15:42-49). All of us will then merge with the glorified body of Jesus Christ, holy and blameless. After our transformation, Jesus will transfer the kingdom to the Father. What is that kingdom? We are that kingdom. After we have become one with our Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus will then merge into the Father and all shall become one as it was in the beginning (John 14:20). This is the perfect restoration and let us long for this glorious happening. As we have entered into 2021, restoration has begun and will lead to complete restoration, till we have the glorified body of Jesus Christ and eternal life.

PRAYER: Father, I thank You for Your love and grace on me. Open my eyes Lord. I want to know Your will and understand Your call so that I may be glorified into Your image as a living soul. Let Your glory fill me now. Take me into the supernatural realm and prepare me for the coming of Jesus Christ. Thank You for transforming and completely restoring everything in my life. Restore everything to me in double measure. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen

Operations: Conduct of Trumpet Prayer Group every noon and also through 24X7 Chain prayer and Fasting prayer once a month PAT Online courses: 'Knowing Jesus' - 10 weeks course in 4 languages Partner Training Program: (PTP-6 weeks course) - in all PTs-in all major languages Prayer & Prophetic Empowerment: 6 months course - in selected PTs - in English & Tamil Different Training modules: For Ambassadors/staff/PIs/Trainers/Volunteers.... Every Jesus Calls Partner should be taught and equipped for the fullest use of their spiritual gifts in serving others for Christ's sake. IT’S ALL ABOUT JESUS THAT


Please uphold this training ministry in your fervent prayers as well as your generous offering so that thousands of partners will benefit and involve themselves as active Volunteers in the Godfocused-People serving Ministry!!

Contact your nearby Prayer Towers or visit or call +91 9789977807 / + 91 6380752257 (10am to 5pm) for details about the Training Jesus Calls International


January 2021



JESUS CALLS WEBSITE: The Jesus Calls Website is the big wheel, catering to all the searches of people trying to find spiritual solutions to their trials and tribulations on the World Wide Web. Backed with promises, prayers, words of comfort through ‘Today’s blessing’ and information about the Jesus Calls Ministry, the Jesus Calls Website is home to lakhs of people. Prayer requests, enrolments to blessing plans, and benevolent support of the partners of the Jesus Calls Ministry are appended to this platform.

FACEBOOK: Hundreds and thousands of prayer requests are received through social media comments & personal messages and emails. Enable the option ‘see it first’ that you don’t miss any of the contents that we share through Facebook. PaulDhinakaranOfficial EvangelinePaulDhinakaran Stella Dhinakaran Jesuscallsministries JesusCallsTamil JesusCallsTelugu JesusCallsHindi

WHATSAPP: Daily Blessing Message & Promises are also shared with the partners through WhatsApp communication. Whatsapp Number: +91 90940 99977

EMAILS: Prophecies, Monthly Blessing Message and important event details are sent to the partners as newsletters via email.

YOUTUBE: V ideos, Songs, Bible Teachings, Testimonies and much more are uploaded everyday through Youtube which is great blessing to millions. @PaulDhinakaran_ @JesusCalls Jesus Calls International


@pauldhinakaranofficial @jesuscallsministries January 2021



My dear partner in the ministry, I wish you a happy New Year in the name of the Lord Jesus. Our Lord who gives new strength to the weary will strengthen you in the New Year 2021; you shall not see the weakness, loss, and opposition you have seen in the previous year. According to the promise, "I will restore twice as much to you" (Zechariah 9:12) the Lord shall fill you with double fold goodness and blessings, and use you for the glory of His name; you will be blessed. In 2020, even in the midst of tribulations and adversities, you upheld the ministry joyfully. I thank the Lord for you, who have been supporting the 'Jesus 8

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January 2021


Calls' ministries through your prayers and offerings. The Lord shall grant you double fold blessings in 2021 for keeping the Lord first and supporting His ministry amidst the disturbed situations that prevailed around. I would like to share the report to you briefly how the Lord used your sacrificial offerings in the ministry which operates under the vision, “Not one soul should perish.”

Telephone and direct counselling “Pray to the Lord for me.”

(Acts 8:24)

The ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry faithfully fulfills the mission of “praying for the world.” The Prayer

Towers are operating in India and around the world. The prayer intercessors pray for the people who come in need of prayers regarding their personal and family problems, education, future, job and counsel them from the Scripture, pray along with them and help them to receive the blessings from the presence of the Lord. Many participate in the Blessing Meetings held in the Prayer Towers. In the year 2020, around 5, 78,130 people have come directly to the Prayer Towers and received prayer support in India. 2,66,969 people have participated in 11,360 blessing meetings. The prayer intercessors have prayed for 1,80,107 prayer requests submitted in the Prayer Towers. People have experienced miracles in their body by getting 2, 35, 716 blessed oil bottles from the Prayer Tower counselling centre and blessing meetings. Due to corona Jesus Calls International


pandemic, when the Prayer Towers were not able to conduct the blessing meetings, 1,326 virtual meetings were conducted through various technological mediums, telephones, mobile phones and platforms such as Googlemeet, JioMeet and Zoom. Through that totally 23,834 people participated and were blessed. The telephone prayer was carried on without even a small interruption even though people were not able to come directly to the Prayer Towers due to lockdown announced because of the pandemic, and where transportation was prohibited. The prayer intercessors listened to

the prayer requests of each and every one of them who called during day or night and compassionately prayed along with them to the God of Heaven. 49, 88, 488 people have received prayer support in the year 2020 through telephone prayer in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Hindi, Guajarati, Marathi and English. 1, 53, 088 people have been blessed through the Dial-a-Prayer service (recorded audio prayers) of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran in Tamil and English. More than 250 full time and volunteer prayer intercessors are rendering their service in the ‘Jesus Calls’ telephone Prayer Tower ministry.

Television ministry “Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.” (Romans 10:17)

January 2021



The television ministry is a soothing balm in carrying the healing words of the Lord into the homes of people. Even those who have not heard of the Lord are experiencing and accepting His power through such television programmes. From 15th July, 2020, a new door opened to telecast non –stop for 24 hours the ‘Jesus Calls’ television programmes in Tamil through ‘Family Channel.’ Millions of people are watching this through more than 10 cable networks but also being blessed via Jesus Calls website, android and IOS apps, android smart TV and through Amazon Fire TV. Further, the ‘Jesus Calls’ programmes are telecast in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Hindi, English and Sinhala languages in Raj TV, Thamizhan TV, Zee TV, Shubsandesh TV, ETV 2, Aradana TV, Harvest TV, Swarrga TV and TNL TV channels. Through the ‘Jesus Calls’ internet radio, programmes are being broadcasted 24/7. The Tamil and Sinhala programmes are broadcasted through SLBC radio and Sri Lanka’s PRI FM.

Trumpet Prayer Group “I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me 10

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in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it.” (Ezekiel 22:30) Due to the Corona pandemic, India and all the countries of the world faced a crisis. All the operations were blocked. In this situation, the Lord put the burden of standing in the gap and praying for the protection of the nation, in the heart of my wife Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran. As the Lord spoke to her continually through the verses, “Shout aloud and sing for joy…” (Isaiah 12:6) and “Put the trumpet to your lips!” (Hosea 8:1), the ‘Trumpet Prayer Group’ was started. From 25th March, 2020, every day the volunteer prayer intercessors and the staff are involved in this 24/7 chain prayer praying for the points prepared by her. All around the nation, more than 8000 of them have joined voluntarily and are praying in it.

Prayer Festivals and Blessing Meetings “…so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses.” (Luke 5:15) Thousands and millions of people are being touched through the special blessing meetings and Prayer Festivals conducted across the Nation. In January 2020, the New Year Blessing Meeting

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was held in Vanagaram, Chennai; Bilaspur Prayer Festival (Chhattisgarh), Bokaro Prayer Festival (Jharkhand), the Partners Meet and pastors gathering were held in Bilaspur and Bokaro. In the month of February, the Students Special Prayer Meet was held in Secunderabad and Chennai; Prayer festival, partners meet and pastors gathering in Karaikal, and partners meet in Bengaluru were held. In all these meetings, 2, 34,370 people were blessed. Prayer Towers were opened in Bokaro and in BengaluruFrazer town. Due to the Corona pandemic, public meetings were not held after that due to the lockdown.

National Prayer Tower, Delhi “…You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings.” (Revelation 10:11) In the National Prayer Tower, Delhi prophetical prayers are offered for India 24/7. Prayer intercessors from all around the world come voluntarily and stay there. Until the lockdown was announced, a total of 72 prayer intercessors from 20 states were praying in 5 teams in the National Prayer Tower. During the lockdown, 52 prayer intercessors from Delhi locality participated in this continuous prayer.

Prayer Academy and Prayer Training “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) The Prayer Academy was started with the vision that every ‘paying partner’ should become a ‘praying partner.’ In 2019 December and in January 2020, nearly 70 partners were given the training. Due to the Corona pandemic as direct training was not possible, from August 2020, online training has begun. A ten-week training is given under the topic, ‘Knowing Jesus’ in Tamil, English, Telugu and Hindi. Until now, more than 1000 have received this training. Those who complete this training can do volunteer service in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Towers. Apart from this, 12 fasting prayers have been conducted for the staff, volunteer prayer intercessors and evangelists. In the 21 days Daniel fasting prayer, 1525 people joined and prayed. During the lockdown period, every 2nd Saturday 24hrs Chain prayer was conducted in 6 streams involving about 6000 Prayer Intercessors every month. Jesus Calls International


January 2021

Karunya Academy for Theological Education (KATE) By the grace of God, the KATE was launched on the 4th September 2020 on my birthday. Even though, there were many attempts and discussions in the past regarding the Bible college, however, God has a perfect timing for all of His plans who made this possible in the year 2020. KATE aims to train servants of God to serve like Jesus who demonstrated mission with compassion. Well-crafted and prayerfully prepared B.Th., M. Div, and Diploma programmes were offered through multiple modes like online, distance education and residential. The online mode is designed in such a way that the |


students can learn at their convenient time in various languages such as English, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi and Malayalam. 56 students were led by the Holy Spirit to get admission for theological training at KATE. It is such a joy to receive the maiden batch of KATE the fruit of God’s plan to expand His reign through the Dhinakaran family. The admission for the academic year 2021 is open now with more new programmes like MA in Christian Studies; Diploma programmes in Biblical Entrepreneurship, Mission and Evangelism and on Gift of Prophecy. Certificate programmes are also offered for children.

Esther Prayer Group “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” (Ephesians 6:18)

Magazine and Book ministry

The members in the Esther Prayer Group for women, YEPG for the youth, JEPG for little girls and CEPG for the couples gather and pray in small groups. They gathered together once in a month and prayed without fail even during the lockdown through conference calls and other technological facilities. In the year 2020, nearly 152 Esther Prayer Groups, 51 Young Esther Prayer Groups, 18 Junior Esther Prayer Groups and 16 Couple Esther Prayer Groups were newly formed. Totally 957 Esther Prayer Groups are functioning. Apart from India 49 Esther Prayer Groups in 17 countries are praying every month. During the lockdown period, God put a burden in the heart of my mother, Sis Stella Dhinakaran to conduct special prayer through zoom on every 3rd Saturday at the same time in all the countries simultaneously.


Jesus Calls International


“Yet I have written you quite boldly on some points to remind you of them again, because of the grace God gave me.” (Romans 15:15) The ‘Jesus Calls’ magazines are going to more than 2,00,000 families every month in Tamil, English, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi and Gujarati. The E-magazine and Digital magazine is also being sent without fail. The book, “I saw Him” written by my mother Sis. Stella Dhinakaran is published in Tamil, English and Telugu and the book, “Lovely Inside & Out” written by Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran are published in English, Telugu and Hindi.

Correspondence ministry “He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.” (Psalm 107:20) The replies for the prayer requests for all those who seek prayer through letters and email are being sent. In 2020, a total of 36,270 prayer requests through mobile apps, 7,67,639 prayer requests through letters, 4,64,678 prayer requests through email was received. The replies for all have been sent with prayer.

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Job Blessing Plan

those who have enrolled in the Job Blessing Plan, to be blessed with good job opportunities. Thousands of partners have been blessed through this. Testimonies pour through mail, Email and through social media from the beloved partners blessed by the Lord through prayers.

“The one who breaks open will come up before them; they will break out, pass through the gate, and go out by it; their king will pass before them, with the Lord at their head.” (Micah 2:13)

UTurn ministry “…your young men will see visions…” (Acts 2:17)

Due to the pandemic throughout the world, all sectors had experienced an unprecedented crisis. There were layoffs in so many factories, companies and offices. Trades and commerce have been affected seriously. Many people lost their jobs. In this situation the God put a burden

UTurn ministered to thousands of young people in the Bokaro Prayer Festival, 2020 and nearly 200 of them dedicated their lives to serve as Youth Ambassadors to minister among the young in Bokaro. 11 UTurn Clubs have been launched in Chennai, Bangalore, Coimbatore, Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Ranchi, Raipur and amazing testimonies have risen up through the ministry of those teams. During the lockdown the youth meetings were held online. God used my son Samuel Dhinakaran mightily among those gatherings, and thousands of young people were blessed at the meetings. In the year 2020, UTurn has been very active on various social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Currently 19,363 people follow UTurn on Instagram, 4,072 on Twitter, 82,092 on Facebook, and 68,850 on YouTube. By social media posts and videos, young people are educated and empowered to solve their challenges and struggles practically through God’s power.

in me to intercede for the beloved people who are in helpless status. Thus, the new facet was launched on 2020 August 17 to specially pray for the people who either aspire to take up a job or await blessings in their job. By enrolling in the Job Blessing Plan, people step into God's favour to find elevation, honour and blessing in all their endeavours. Prayers are being offered in Prayer Towers by prayer intercessors every day for Jesus Calls International


UTurn also has TV programmes in 4 languages broadcasted across 8 channels and specially launched Tamil programmes daily such as UTurn Show and Teen Soda in the Family Channel including live programmes each week. Stella Ramola has released a new album "Journey" having more than 200,000 views for each song.

Social Media ministry Scriptural knowledge and meditations when shared through the social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube, it

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reaches many easily. Prayer requests are also received through this. Those who were not able to come directly and get prayed and those who could not send their letters through post due to the ban because of the pandemic, sent their prayer requests through the social media. A number of Facebook live prayers were done.

Evangeline and I had the greatest joy of inaugurating a new Prayer Tower in Kandy, the 4th Prayer Tower in Sri Lanka and the 14th International Prayer Tower. The Lord also graciously opened doors for me and my wife Evangeline to minister in Medan, Indonesia, which was our maiden visit there.

In 2020, we reached 1,63,70,084 people through Facebook with 37,67,393 followers. We have 2,03,157 followers in Instagram and we were able to reach 18,60,000 people. In Twitter we have reached 1,55,488 people with 21,300 people as our followers. Around 4,62,25,700 people have visited our website. We reached 4,46,00,000 people through Youtube with around 7,12,800 subscribers. In Whatsapp we have an average of 64,879 hits with 25,259 users.

The challenges that came with COVID 19 were not a limiting factor for the International Prayer Towers. The telephone prayer continued to be operational 24/7 to stand with the people and pray for them in times of their need and emergency situations. Blessing meetings continued to be held virtually through zoom. In all of these, the Lord used each of our Prayer Towers to be a beacon of light in this dark world and He so graciously reached out and blessed people, bringing healing in their body, mind and soul.

International Ministry We are so grateful to the Lord for taking International Ministries beyond the shores of the country for it to be a blessing across the world. As the year 2020 unfolded, the Lord enabled me and my wife Evangeline to minister in the beautiful Island Nation of Sri Lanka. In all the meetings that were conducted there, the people gathered experienced a special anointing and there was a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit.


Jesus Calls International


ALL PRAISE AND GLORY BE TO THE LORD! I ask you to continue to support the ministry even this year. The Lord promises you who support the ministry of gathering souls, “I will show unto him marvelous things" (Micah 7:15). Yes you will see miracles in this year 2021. Your dear brother who prays for you,

January 2021

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran


Jesus Calls International


January 2021



Beautifully crafted by nature and filled with God’s glorious presence, Bethesda Prayer Centre, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore, India holds true to the above promise. In the Bible, an angel of God visited the pool of Bethesda now and then to stir it so that people who entered into it could be healed. However, the Lord Himself has desired to dwell in this Bethesda forever, making it His resting place. Thus, the mind and heart of everyone who visits is filled with God’s Spirit and grace. Being a place of rest and rejuvenation, the sorrow-stricken receive comfort and joy. The Lord makes those who walk-in with worries, march out with great hope as living testimonies. Bethesda Prayer Centre was built in 1993 and the Seven Stations of the Cross in 1995. We have started restoration work, as the infrastructure needs to be renovated due to age, wear and tear from 2017, as a part of Silver Jubilee renovation project. THIS QUIET AND BEAUTIFUL We have been able to complete a part of the AMBIENCE COMPRISES renovation during the past few years by your sacrificial donations. * Bethesda Dome * 7 Stations of the Cross We have renovated the following infrastructure and * Bethesda Pool * Sound System Playing facilities: Audio Songs of Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran 1. New Spacious Vision Centre (with air conditioning) * Vision Centre * Book Stall 2. Resurfaced Pathway, New Lights, Pathway Speaker System * Counselling Centre and prayer facilities 3. Refurbishing of Bethesda Pool * Canteen * Children’s Park with play area 4. Repainting of the Seven Stations of the Cross * Dormitory – Ladies/Gents * Guest House Jesus Calls International



January 2021


ucture ent infrastr m g u a to ts e is c ss the glob nding proje e ro c p a g in m o w o fr thesda g the foll rt: visiting Be undertakin le p w o o e n p and comfo f re , o a g r n e li b We a m e u h n , f repairs ce re as the lls, and roo d’s presen a o w G , g g n in ri k for the futu e o e ,s h new flo day by day r Dome wit e y r Dome ra increasing P a d s g for Praye ethe n B ti f h o ig n L o d ti n a 1. Renov lectrical a itioning, E d Dome n o C ir A for Prayer ls o 2. New tr n o c h oustics wit 3. New Ac as to be h station h rfalls c a te e a , s W s w ro e 4. N ghts and s of the C en Station pathway li v , e m S e te s th y s t 5. A audio with new renovated nches plete seating be ngs to com your offeri e your elp us by s we receiv You may h A . ts c je ro en p ur/your the God giv articular project, yo e garden in rap played in th ered in offering fo is d e b l il w b me be remem family’s na e and will m specially o D A . e y a th d f every front o rd o L e th f r’ ce o ant Partne the presen sda Coven e everyone th e to ‘B t d n e design nally se o rs e p e b l wil Certificate ject. rts the pro o p p who su

‘’BUILD THE LORD’S HOUSE; HE WILL BUILD YOUR HOUSE’’ Kindly support this vision to be fulfilled through your prayers and offerings.

The total cost of the project is INR 2,28,92,000.00 / US$ 312,610 I would like to support the Silver Jubilee Project - Phase II (please tick ) $50 for renovating 1 Sq feet $250 for renovating 5 Sq feet $500 for renovating 10 Sq feet $1,250 for 25 Sq feet $2,500 for renovating 50 Sq feet, or as per the leading of the Holy Spirit in your heart. Name ___________________________________________________ Partner code____________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ City____________________ Pin code________________ Mobile no1. ____________ 2. ___________________Email_______________________________________ The Lord will remember and bless you with His heavenly treasures.

For further details contact: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Dallas, TX Website:

Jesus Calls International


January 2021



What is impossible with man is possible with God. Luke 18:27

PERFECT MATCH We started searching for a suitable girl for my son who was awaiting marriage. He has completed ITI and is doing his own business. We were disheartened as we could not find a suitable match. I used to visit Sivakasi Prayer Tower regularly and attend all the meetings held there. I also made a vow that I will continue to pray there if my son gets married. God answered that prayer and gave my son a well educated beautiful girl as his wife. I praise the Lord who blessed the wedding and helped us to arrange it in a grand way beyond what we had imagined. I offer million thanks to God. - Karthiga, Sivakasi, India

GOOD HEALTH I had some health issues and I wrote a prayer request to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran regarding my health. I received a prayerful reply assuring prayers and just as assured, God healed me and restored me back to good health. I thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his family and the prayer intercessors for their prayers. Thanks be to God Almighty for answering every prayer and blessing me. - Roslin Dk, Malaysia 18

Jesus Calls International


January 2021


HEALED THROUGH FAITH-FILLED PRAYERS I had a fall sometime in June 2020. I took it lightly as there was no external injury or pain. All I experienced was a slight swelling at the base of my thumb. The swelling soon subsided with prayer and massage. However, after a month, I started to experience severe pain at the back of my neck, my shoulder joints and elbow joints. Subsequently, my right index finger became stiff too. The pain and the discomfort began to mount up. Symptoms pointed towards developing a trigger finger. After a series of check-ups at our local hospital which involved a string of blood tests, x-rays, physiotherapies, medicines, vitamin supplements, pain killers, etc I felt no relief at all. After returning to the doctors complaining that none of the above have helped, I was then recommended to see a Rheumatoid Arthritis Specialist in March 2021. The pain was increasing substantially and it was getting excruciatingly painful to move any part of my body. I also began to lose the use of both my hands. I felt like a cripple. I was very saddened by the whole episode, but I knew that prayer was the only solution. So after four months of suffering with this debilitating pain, I decided to call Jesus Calls and I requested for prayer. The relief was short-lived. So I persisted to keep calling the Prayer Tower for prayer and the intercessors joined me in praying earnestly and intensely for my medical breakthrough. Everytime I called, I was encouraged with the Word of God and I was also encouraged to hold on to His Promises. Within one week, I was completely set free. I received my deliverance and I received my total healing. It is now more than a month that I have not experienced a single pain or discomfort. I give all glory to God my Saviour Jesus Christ for His mercy, grace and faithfulness. My heartfelt gratitude to the Jesus Calls Ministry and praises to the Triune God. - Rani Alexander, Malaysia

MIRACLE CHILD I got married on June 17, 2018 and we were waiting for a baby for more than a year. I was on treatment for a long time but I didn’t conceive. My husband and I were frustrated so we decided to stop going for treatment. In that same month, I saw a message in my mobile that Stella aunty will he ministering in the Blessing Meeting in D.G.S Memorial Prayer Tower and so I came and attended the meeting. At the time of prayer, Stella aunty prayed for people who were childless. I prayed to the Lord along with her. On the very next month I got conceived. During my pregnancy I had lot of complications and was in bed rest till the end but God miraculously gave me a baby boy through normal delivery. Praise be to the Lord. - N.Kalaiarasi, Chennai, India Jesus Calls International


January 2021



SUSTAINED BY THE SAVIOUR’S ARMS My mother Devi Poonan is a prayer intercessor at Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Sydney. 10 years ago on the 3rd of November 2010 I went into surgery to have a brain tumour removed. 18 months earlier I had a tumour removed. After waking up from surgery I found I could not move my left foot. A week later I found out that it was a Glioblastoma multiform (Grade 4 brain cancer). I will never ever forget the look on my Doctor’s face when he told me that news. My Doctor kept saying to me that "I will keep you alive." Over the next few weeks I had to learn to walk again, and underwent radiation therapy and chemotherapy. The radiation therapy was the most terrifying experience I’ve ever had. I then continued to have chemotherapy for another 22 months. Being such an aggressive form of cancer with such a low survival rate beyond 3 years I was terrified. But my wonderful family and my faith in God helped me through this and I was fortunate to have such amazing doctors. The prayer intercessors at Jesus Calls prayed for me daily during this difficult time and they are still praying for me. Life has not been easy and I still suffer daily from pain and side effects but I’m alive. I am so grateful to be alive! During the past 10 years I have worked at Qantas Airlines and have travelled all over the world. I also completed my studies to become a library technician. I don’t know what the future holds but I know that God is in control and I am so grateful for these 10 years I’ve had. I’d like to say thank you to everyone for all their prayers. I’d especially like to say thank you to Dr Paul, Sister Evangeline and Sister Stella Dhinakaran as they prayed for me when they came to Australia. - Michelle Poonan, Australia

RECEIVED PASSPORT I applied for passport and for more than one week, I did not get any response and was concerned about that. I tried contacting them. I had paid money for the process and was wondering if the money would go wasted. I was also in immediate need of the passport. I called the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and mentioned my request. The prayer intercessor prayed earnestly. Within two


Jesus Calls International


January 2021


days, I received the passport. It was truly a miracle. Glory to God. I thank the prayer intercessor who prayed for me. - Anthony Swamy, Tirunelveli

HINDRANCES BROKEN I belong to the village of Kalpadar from Puri District. I came to know about Jesus Christ through the Jesus Calls TV program in 2013. My mother was the first person to be saved in our family but after awhile our whole family came to know the love of Christ. I enrolled myself in Young Partners’ Plan and God enabled me to complete MBA in 2018. God has protected our family from all types of dangers and is providing our needs. On 03/05/2019 due to Cyclone Fani our house collapsed completely. We took shelter in a place named L.I point. We couldn't reconstruct our house because of financial crisis. We prayed to God to receive aid from Government. After eight months we got the help of Rs.95000/- from our State Govt of Odisha but we couldn't access that amount because some complaints were raised against us by few people and so the amount was blocked. We had no income in the family. I wrote a prayer request to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran regarding this & he sent a prayerful reply stating that according to Psalm 90:4 & Job 8:3 our prayers will be answered. Miraculously, we got that amount. Yet there were so many obstacles to start the construction of the house. So we decided to contact Jesus Calls Bhubaneswar Prayer Tower for prayers. The prayer intercessors prayed for us. Amazingly after fifteen days the construction work started. Now the work is going on. I thank God for blessing us and meeting our needs sufficiently. All glory to God. - Alina Badajena, Bhubaneswar, India

TO SHARE YOUR TESTIMONY Call the Prayer Tower in your Country / Region (or) email to Jesus Calls International


January 2021



Dear friends, the Lord is going to bless you this month according to the verse above. Here it says about Benjamin.These are the words of Moses, blessing the tribe of Benjamin as the Israelites journeyed from Egypt to inherit the land of Canaan. May the blessings of Benjamin come upon you too. Let us see who Benjamin was. Patriarch Jacob had twelve sons in all (Genesis 35). Benjamin was born as the second son to Jacob and Rachel. He was also the last son of Jacob. Rachel and Jacob’s first son was Joseph, who got lost at a young age; and after giving birth to Benjamin, Rachel also died. Having lost both Rachel and Joseph, Jacob dearly loved Benjamin. As Jacob loved him very much being the youngest son in the family, the Lord also loved him and said to him “You are My beloved. Therefore, let Me give you rest, security, and My love. Let Me be your defender, who can destroy your enemies. Let Me hold you on My shoulders.” Benjamin received five-fold blessings of God’s love, rest,


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security, God’s defense and reclining on God’s shoulders. The Lord is going to give you these same blessings my dear friends. The Bible tells us that God chose us even before we were formed in our mother’s womb. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;” (Jeremiah 1:5) Similarly, Benjamin’s fivefold blessing was manifested way much earlier before Moses blessed his tribe. When Benjamin and his brothers went to Egypt to buy grain during the years of famine, they were seated to dine. The Bible says in Genesis 43:34, “When portions were served to them from Joseph’s table, Benjamin’s portion was five

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times as much as anyone else’s.” Is this not wonderful? Yes! God has chosen you to be His beloved even before you were born. Therefore, get ready to inherit your portion of this five-fold blessing. Today, the youngest member of the Dhinakaran family is Katelyn Anna. Our little Katelyn Anna is being loved by everyone in the family. When she was born, I visited her in the hospital, held her on my shoulders and patted her with all my love. She also showed me her deep love. When she held me with her tiny fingers, I could feel the deep love within her. In the same way dear friends, God also says to you “You are my beloved.” As God says this to you, hold on to him tightly like little Katelyn. May the Lord’s abundant love, rest, security, and defense come upon you this month.

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PRAYER: My loving Heavenly Father, show me the abundant love You showered on Benjamin. May I be blessed just like You blessed and gave him rest and security, and You defended and protected him. Father, there are many situations where I am without any protection, hope, and left all alone and lonely. In such situations, let Your love come upon me. Let the love of my family members come in search of me Lord. Bless and restore whatever I have lost in my life. Touch and heal every sickness in my body. Remember me, Your child, and bless me with a special anointing. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

January 2021



Loving greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! As this verse says, God has called us to serve Him through this divine ministry, Esther Prayer Group. When God chose a man called Saul according to His will, he said “I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry” (I Timothy 1:12). Likewise, my beloved, our Lord Jesus Christ has lovingly called you and me also for His ministry. The Lord who has called us is faithful (I Thessalonians 5.24). Therefore, we should also serve the Lord of lords faithfully. Let us see how we should remain faithful before the Lord who called us and serve Him with integrity and sincerity.

Fulfilling the will of God The Bible says, “A faithful man will abound with blessings” (Proverbs 28:20). Besides that we read in Colossians 2:10 “And you are complete in Him, who is the Head of all principalities and power.” In the same manner, as we read in the Bible, that Queen Esther was called by God 24

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to accomplish His perfect will. We find that she was able to fulfil the will of God in a perfect manner through her unceasing intercessions. Similarly, Jesus Christ also suffered for us and yielded Himself on the cross for us to receive salvation and thus fulfilled the will of God with reverence and said “It is finished” (John 19:30). My precious children, if we also fulfil this prayer ministry pleasing the Lord with much reverence, the Lord will be with us always. Surely, we will get the privilege of leading a magnificent, divine life with the Lord in this world in all fullness. This is what St. Paul explains as his divine experience so beautifully in Galatians 2:20: “I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

throughout the night (Luke 6:12) and accomplished it because of His love for Him. Besides that, He offered Himself as a sacrifice on the cross according to God’s will and He is the Saviour who redeems us and saves us from all sin, curse and transgression.

“...I live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

“bearing with one another and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another, even as Christ forgave you, so, you also must do, but above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection.” (Colossians 3:13, 14)

So, my precious children, reading this, if you remain faithful to the Sovereign God who Galatians 2:20 has called you and carry out this According to the above Esther prayer ministry with much verses, we should understand reverence, the Lord will be well how important it is ‘to put on pleased with you also. He will (divine) love which is the bond of perfection abide with you always and bless you in to reveal this Calvary love to the people abundance. through the Esther Prayer Ministry like Esther.’

Abiding in love (I John 4:12)

We read in Philippians 2:13, “For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” How did the Lord Jesus Christ fulfill the will of God in His life? He has said, “Behold, I have come to do your will, O God” (Hebrews 10:7,9). Every day, He went to the temple and taught the word of God. He sought the will of the Father, early in the morning, (Mark 1:35) in the evening (Matthew 14:23), and Jesus Calls International


A young sister from India, Dr.Hannah Merlin who now lives with her family in Atlanta in the United States of America is conducting the Esther Prayer Group in her house as chosen by God filled with the love of Christ in an excellent manner. Couple of days before conducting the Esther Prayer Group, she waits in God’s presence and gets filled with the Holy Spirit and receives His guidance. Then on that particular day, through Conference Call she conducts this prayer ministry without fail with

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godly fear. Looking at this, God performs amazing miracles in their group and they share such wonderful testimonies for the glory of God. Her two children aged 10 and 7 are part of the Junior Esther Prayer Group and they have received the anointing of the Holy Spirit with reverence. What a wonderful testimony this is! If only you could also conduct this prayer fellowship with all faithfulness and integrity, filled with divine love, the Lord will abide with you, bless you and honour you.

Led by the Spirit (Psalm 143:10) My precious one! As mentioned above, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, when we accomplish this ministry by being fervent in Spirit (Romans 12:11), the Bible says that God will instruct us and teach us in the way we should go. He will guide us with His eyes (Psalm 32:8, Isaiah 30:21;48:17). We read in the scriptures that even though the Lord Jesus was the Son of God, according to God’s will, He too was filled with the divine Holy Spirit.

Yes! Let us also wait in His presence and make supplication to God so that we may be filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit without measure, and serve the Lord mightily filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

It is absolutely essential for us to follow the footsteps of Jesus and receive the divine life and be filled with the Holy Spirit

“God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” (Acts 10:38) So it is absolutely essential for us to follow His footsteps and receive the divine life and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Only then according to Romans 5:5, through the Holy Spirit the love of God will be poured into our hearts and we will be guided by the Holy Spirit’s fullness to receive a divine blessed life and fulfil this prayer ministry for the glory of God. 26

My beloved husband Bro. Dhinakaran waited in the presence of the Lord for seven years with great burden and thirst and received the anointing of the Holy Spirit. He was not content with that but wished to serve God like the apostles who ministered with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and he waited night and day in the presence of God. The Lord was gracious to him, gave him heavenly visions, filled His servant with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and used him mightily.

Jesus Calls International


Queen Esther was an ordinary woman in the beginning. But, after she became a queen, she had to rescue herself and also her Jewish people from the treacherous plot of an evil man called Haman. She waited in God’s presence with fasting for three days and three nights to save her people from destruction. Consequent to the fasting prayer, the Lord’s power was manifested. I have released a book recently entitled ‘I saw Him’ which talks about the divine experiences of Esther. Do read it and receive God’s blessings and the divine experiences which the Holy Spirit has revealed in that book. Then as it is in Daniel 12:3 and Matthew 13:43, the Lord will bless you and make you shine for Him like the brightness of the firmament, like the stars forever and ever who will turn many to righteousness. Testimony from Mrs. Vidi Kingsley, Chennai

By the great grace of God, I was given a particular zone in Chennai for extension of the Esther

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Prayer Group ministry. Only one third of the EPG leaders in that zone conducted the Esther Prayer Group without fail. I was much burdened and took responsibility for the groups, which were not functioning there. I felt that I was accountable to God and wanted to do something to encourage them. Even though I held a very important position in my school, I would take some sisters after school hours or go alone to meet such leaders in person, who were not conducting the fellowship and persuade them to restart the group. I would listen to them patiently as they narrate their situation as to why they had stopped conducting

the prayer. I would guide them with the help of the Lord’s counsel. This gave me the opportunity to know their condition, their problems and trials they face which made their groups inactive. Yet, I sensed the desire in some of them to pray for others and I prayed for them with burden. Consequently, the Lord graciously revived such groups once again and many sisters were comforted and blessed in a new way. Even when the pandemic situation prevailed all around, nearly 60 sisters from our zone conducted the groups regularly with great interest by the grace of God. My dear children! We are glad that you have been blessed by this message. Do share it with

the members in your group. Be blessed and be a blessing!

Here is an appeal for those who would like to start a new / join in a Esther Prayer Group For the people of your area to be blessed, you may come forward to conduct the Esther Prayer Group (EPG), Youth Esther Prayer Group (YEPG), Junior Esther Prayer Group (JEPG) and Couples' Esther Prayer Group (CEPG), if the Holy Spirit leads you. This is the end time! Arise with zeal for the Lord! Write to me for details: Sister Stella Dhinakaran, Esther Prayer Group, Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email:

Jesus Calls International


January 2021



he climbed a sycamore tree and eagerly waited to see Him. He found the glory of the love of

Even today I declare that I will restore double to you.

the Lord Jesus when He came to that place.

(Zechariah 9:12)

Jesus, who came under that tree, looked up

There is a wonderful passage in the

with love and called him by his name saying,

Scriptures, “the Lord will give what is good”

“Zacchaeus.” Not stopping with that, He said,

(Psalm 85:12). How do we receive these divine

"Come down immediately; I must stay at your

good things given from the Lord? Let us

house today.” Zacchaeus was excited! What

meditate on this by examining the Scriptures

blessing did he receive that day? As a family,

and enjoy receiving it, this New Year 2021!

they received the divine salvation given by the Lord (Luke 19:9,10). Today, the Lord calls you

Goodness and mercy shall follow you

by your name and wants to give you the same

David had the Lord as his shepherd. He

divine salvation which Zacchaeus and his

trusted God fully saying, “The Lord is my

family received. Who among you are still

Shepherd and I shall not want” (Psalm 23:1).

enslaved to sin? Are you struggling, unable to

Today, you should place this kind of trust on

get delivered from it? The loving Lord Jesus,

the Lord. The Lord Jesus says in John 10:11, “I

who gave a new life to Zacchaeus who was in

am the good Shepherd.” He calls His sheep

such state and chose him as well as his family

by name and leads them (John 10:3). He

and blessed him, wants to adorn you with His

knows the names of each one of us. As all of

salvation and bless you today.

You will lack no good thing

us know, while Jesus was passing through Jericho, a man called Zacchaeus wanted to

How did David, who had chosen the Lord

see who Jesus was. He was short and hence

as his Shepherd and the leader of his life, seek


Jesus Calls International


January 2021


Him faithfully with the fear of God in his daily

to dwell in the courts of the Lord alone would

life? He sought the Lord, early in the morning

receive this glorious and blessed benefit.

(Psalm 63:1). He also meditated on Him at

“Do you not know that you are the temple

night as well (Psalm 63:6). Hence, David could

of God and that the Spirit of God dwells

write, “The Lord has been my help; in the

in you?” (I Corinthians 3:16)

shadow of His wings, I will rejoice” (Psalm 63:7).

From this Scripture, we understand how we receive a divine life, filled with God’s fullness

Today, my dear ones, who suffer without

in our body, soul and mind through the

proper sleep because of your burden and

anointing of the Holy Spirit. For this, it is

worries! You should also seek the Lord like

necessary that we should hold on to the feet

David did and praise Him with your whole

of the Lord reverentially and wait. In these last

heart, remembering the good things that He

days which are full of terrible sufferings, to

has done for you. Then the Lord will surely give

receive this divine promise of 'double - fold

you peaceful sleep as a gift according to the

benefits' we should be careful to wait at His

Scriptures, “He gives His beloved sleep”

feet vigilantly and diligently, personally and

(Psalm 127:2). David was also diligent in

as a family, as groups, and as churches .

seeking the Lord in the morning, noon and evening (Psalm 55:17).

Cornelius, a Centurion of the Italian regiment, was a heathen. We see in Acts 10th

Only once did David fail to pray during his prayer time because of which he was caught up in the snare of sin and committed a gruesome crime As a result, he had to go through a horrible path of tears (II Samuel 11). Don’t we read him lamenting over this in Psalm 51? This is a warning to us. Realizing the importance of living in unison with the Lord, let us be careful in seeking Him with much reverence and in living a divine life of righteousness, love and holiness which are pleasing to Him and enjoy His double-fold blessings.

You will be filled with good things (Psalm 65:4) From the verse mentioned above, we understand that the man whom God chooses Jesus Calls International


chapter that he waited in all humility for Peter, God's servant, along with his family and friends to receive the Lord's anointing and salvation (Acts 11:15). In the same way, you should also sit in the presence of God and wait at His feet reverentially. Then, the God of gods, who fulfills promises, will fill you and your family with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and will make you shine for Him. He will change you into His temple and bless you. Since the Lord has graciously showered this divine blessing in our family, today we are filled with the goodness of serving the Lord as a family. May the Lord grant this divine blessed life to each one of you, who asks for this with desire and glorify His name!

January 2021




any of you might wonder how you can spend time with God and what you need to do to stay close to Him. I want to share some tips that I learned as a part of my walk with Christ and some wisdom my grandmother and mom instilled in me as I grew up. When we do something wrong, when we don’t go to church , when we don’t listen to songs about God or don’t read the Bible enough, many of us feel like that God is mad at us and He doesn’t want to speak to us. We feel guilty and want to hide from God. What do we ignore when we hide? We don’t read the Bible, we don’t speak to Him or thank Him for all the goodness in our lives,


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January 2021


we commit intentional sin, we start hating God and the things of God. This makes our hearts bitter and separates us from the love of God. We often forget that God is waiting for us to speak to Him, longing for us to tell Him about our day and have a conversation with us. That’s why He created us in the first place- to have a relationship with His children. He doesn’t want us to go to Him only if we have a perfect record. He wants our raw, real experiences, emotions, and feelings to be shared with Him. How Do We Get Back Into Our Relationship With God And Stay Consistent?

Don’t dwell in your sin Many times we keep remembering the wrongs that we’ve done, we feel guilty and feel like a useless person that even God can’t love. I’ve had

days where I just lie in bed, recollecting the words I said that hurt my friend, or the fight I had with my parents or just sulking and procrastinating by simply wasting time. Those are thoughts that the devil puts in our minds to stop us from running to God and experiencing the love that He pours, which doesn’t condemn our sins. When it gets too much for you to handle, talk to a God-loving friend to help you through those tough times. Sometimes a little one-on-one therapy session really helps! Remember through faith in Christ, we can be reconciled to God (Romans 5:10). We don’t have to cry and grumble to God for our sins to be forgiven. Just say you’re sorry for the wrong you’ve done, really mean it, and believe that your friend, Jesus, has forgiven you. As mentioned in the Bible, you are reunited with Christ because He gave His own life as a sacrifice for our sins. Jesus Calls International


Not only will God forgive your sins, He’ll help you with what you need to do next. Whether it be reconciling with someone or getting out of the funk that you are in, He rejuvenates your spirit and gives you the boost to accomplish what you need to do next.

Create a daily routine Make it a point to start your day by telling God that you are grateful for the life He has given you, the people in your life to love you, helping you live a comfortable life, good health, good job, education, home, and so on. When you start your day with positivity, you’ll carry that same energy throughout your day in your work, relationships, and lifestyle. Segregate a special time and place to read the Bible and meditate on the word each day. This keeps that time special and intimate with God. Talk to Him as you travel to work or classes, as you do house chores, before

you eat, go out and make a call. Pray together as a family. Observe nature on a walk and thank Him for His creation. Worship Him with music as you blast it in the car or in your bedroom and sing praises to Him.

Talk to Him even when you think you don’t have time You may say, “what if I miss a day of reading the Bible or praying, will God be angry with me?” or “I barely have time to get my work done, how can I spend time with God?” God has promised that nothing will ever separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:38,39). Talk to God like you’re talking to a friend or your close family member. God will listen and answer in special ways where you will be able to understand Him with such ease. It’ll be such a mystery that He’ll speak to you in unusual,

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exciting, and unexpected times but it’ll be at the right moment. It’ll be just the answer you’ve been looking for. Read Matthew 21:22.

Include God in your daily lifestyle Don’t include God as a part of your life only when you’re doing spiritual things. Be mindful of Him when you’re watching TV, cooking, driving, doing chores, getting ready and so on. Talk to a friend who loves Jesus and share your love for God with each other. As you include Him as a part of your everyday life, you can easily


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stay connected to Him. God is never far from you, no matter what you do. The Holy Spirit is always with you to help you right when you call on Him (Jeremiah 33:3). Even when you don’t feel Him, He’s there working for you, praying for you, and fighting for you. Honor Him for all the goodness He has done in your life by spending time with Him each day and share with Him your thoughts, feelings, anxieties, happiness, and sorrows (Philippians 4:6). He’ll be with you and help you through them all. You’ll always be connected to Him and be knit with His spirit.

January 2021


TRULY RELIABLE SERVICE My parents registered my profile in True Friend Matrimony and by the grace of God we were able to find a beautiful and suitable life partner for me. Within the registration period of one year, God brought this wonderful and prayerful person, Dr. B. Stephen Rathinaraj, as my life partner through True Friend Matrimony. He is well educated and from a god-fearing family. We got married on May 2nd 2019. I am a YEPG member and the prayers we do for others have brought this miracle in my life. My heartfelt thanks to the Dhinakarans for their prayers have supported me a lot. Thanks to Lord Jesus for making my wedding happen at the right time and showing us the right place to find my partner which is the True Friend Matrimony. - Dr. J. P. Joy Ruby Violet, Chennai

Jesus Calls International


January 2021



* Sponsor the education of a child - $20/month * Help the maintain one tailoring unit - $100/month * Support one tuition centre - $150/month * Help maintain one computer centre - $220/month TO SEND YOUR DONATIONS TO SEESHA, KINDLY CONTACT THE PRAYER TOWER IN YOUR COUNTRY / REGION OR WRITE TO INTL@ JESUSCALLS.ORG OR PLEASE VISIT JESUSCALLS.COM/DONATE 34

Jesus Calls International


January 2021


NEEDS MET BEAUTIFULLY While in India, the Lord blessed me with many miracles as I served Him faithfully through the Jesus Calls Ministry. When I came to New Zealand in 2015, I looked for the Jesus calls Prayer Tower in Auckland and started to serve as a volunteer ever since then. In New Zealand I did different jobs to sustain my family as both my sons and wife were all students. Because my jobs were not in the field of my study, my work visa was declined and I was given an interim visa. While on interim visa, in 2019 the Lord miraculously opened doors for me to get a chef’s job, which is in my area of study, at two different places; no one gives a job to interim visa holders, so this was a great miracle! During covid-19 lockdown time, I lost one of my jobs; my work visa expired and again I received an interim visa. I was worried as to how I would find another job when so many people were losing their jobs. While I was at home, a brother called me one day and asked me to do some work at the Prayer Tower. So I came and helped to clean up the place with the promise of spending one day per week from then on. To my amazement, the very next week I was offered a very well-paying job at another place, though I was still on an interim and expired work visa. Hallelujah! What a miracle working God we serve! By God’s grace my wife completed her PhD studies in Electronics Engineering from Auckland University and is applying for jobs now. I want to thank our Lord Jesus Christ for blessing my family abundantly and providing all our needs. There is nothing too hard for the Lord. I would also like to thank the Dhinakaran Family, Coordinators and prayer intercessors at the Jesus Calls New Zealand Prayer Tower, who have stood with us in faith and in prayer.

- Jomy Thomas Mathews, New Zealand By God’s grace Jesus Calls New Zealand marked its 8th anniversary on Tuesday 17th November 2020. We marked the event with a Thanksgiving Service the same evening, thanking the Lord for faithfully answering the prayers offered by intercessors and blessing many people through the Jesus Calls ministry.

Location and Contact details: Physical / Postal Address: 1/80 Carr Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland 1041, New Zealand Admin Line: +64 9 620 7160 Mobile: +64 274 772937; Email: TO KNOW THE EVENTS IN PRAYER TOWER, CONTACT THE ABOVE DETAILS.

Opening Hours for Drop-In: 9am – 5pm from Monday to Friday, with late night (10pm) on Tuesdays Toll Free Prayer Hotline: 0800 53 78 72 (0800 JESUSC) available 24x7 to receive prayer calls PARTNER WITH US Become a • PRAYER INTERCESSOR • VOLUNTEER • ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Member/ or LEAD a Esther Prayer group in your city • Jesus Calls BLESSING PLAN Partner: Family Blessing Plan, Young Partners’ Plan, Business Blessing Plan, Prayer Tower Partner, SEESHA Partner, TV Club Partner You may send in your cheerful donations through Money Order / Cheques written in favour of Jesus Calls New Zealand Trust, and post to: 1/80 Carr Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland 1041, New Zealand For Direct Bank Deposit and Bank Transfers, please use the following details: Account Name: Jesus Calls New Zealand Trust Bank: ANZ Account Number: 06-0241-0259945-01 Swift Code: ANZBNZ22

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