Jesus Calls | January 2016

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JESUS CALLS praying for the world

New Year,

NewBlessings God's Will in Life

SEESHA Flood Relief in Tamil Nadu

New Year Blessings of Fullness

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Year OF Peaceful Achievements


“Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness!” (Psalm 150:2). In the year 2015, the Lord has touched several lakhs of people in many ways, through the Jesus Calls ministry. The broken hearted people received comfort, the sick and the weak received health and strength, the needy received their needs and those who were in problems received peace, from the hand of the Lord through this ministry. They stand as witnesses for the Lord. Committing ourselves to always do the Lord’s ministry, we have been tirelessly travelling all over the world purely for the glory of His name and comforting the souls. The vision of the Jesus Calls ministry is to work hard to fulfil the Father’s will that not one should perish.

As revealed by the Lord that the year 2015 would be a Year of Peaceful Achievements, for the Jesus Calls ministry, it was a year filled with peace and a year in which we could achieve many things with the strength given by Him and for His name’s glory. We have presented a brief compilation of the various ministries that were carried out by the Jesus Calls ministry in 2015. We have published this report in order that you would thank the Lord whole heartedly for graciously helping us to accomplish His ministry, that the Lord would do greater things than these in the year 2016, and that He should use the Jesus Calls ministry to win many more souls for Him, and sow hope in the hearts of millions of people. Let us Praise the Lord for the ministries that were fulfilled and pray earnestly for the ministries that are to be carried out.

FOREIGN MINISTRIES The Lord helped us to proclaim His Word and pray for the people in countries like Quatar, Malaysia, Singapore, and Glasgow, and Paris in Europe and in Sri Lanka.


He graciously enabled us to conduct Prophetic Prayer Conference in the Israel Prayer Tower from October 13 to 16 and lead all those who attended it from various nations, in prophetic anointing.

PRAYER FESTIVALS Over 600,000 attended Over 1 million reached through live telecast

BLESSING MEETINGS In 2015, the Jesus Calls Blessing Meetings were begun in one more place in Chennai and in 17 places in the South Zone, Tamil Nadu. One lakh and 65 thousand people were directly blessed through the 636 Jesus Calls Blessing Meetings held all over India, zonal wise.


new prayer towers in India

towers 90 prayer functioning globally


2,123,729 visitors 3,079,765 calls free 2,284,857 distributions of prayer oil

HOLY LAND TOUR Several people took part in our Holy Land Tour conducted twice in the months of April – May and October – November to Jordan, Palestine and Israel. On the whole 690 people were blessed this year through the Holy Land Tour.


rograms telecast p each month different languages total programs telecast different channels in India international programs

WEBSITE MINISTRY TRAINING The First and second level of trainings were conducted in 39 places in India and Sri Lanka for the Prayer Warriors, Evangelists and ambassadors who voluntarily serve in the Jesus Calls ministry. 1900 prayer warriors were given training in this Training program which was held in Tamil Nadu, Guntur (Andhra), Pune, Ahmednagar, Ghatkopar, Dahisar, Bandra (Maharashtra), Siliguri (West Bengal), Bengaluru, Kochi, Trivandrum and Colombo. Three days training sessions were conducted for the Jesus Calls staff.

PRAYER SERVICES Ambassadors Last year, more than 200 people expressed their desire to serve as the Jesus Calls ambassadors. After the due training they have been appointed as the ambassadors. Camp Prayer Tower In order that even the people in the areas where there is no Prayer Tower, should receive prayer help in person, Prayer Tower Camp was conducted in 102 places all over India from May 1st through the 3rd. Field Prayer Executives From the month of May, field prayer warriors have been appointed to meet the partners in their homes and pray for them. These prayer warriors have met nearly 15000 families in the last 7 months and have prayed specially for them.

14,992,068 website visitors in

English, Tamil, Hindi, Telugu and Malayalam


Facebook visitors

In order that the people of different languages could understand the God’s messages shared during the Prayer Festivals, simultaneously, the service of translating these messages in five languages and telecasting them through the website and Television was begun.

PRAY FOR AMERICA We had our first Pray for America prayer gathering in Dallas, Texas where Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared the prophesy about the next President of USA according to Acts 13:22. Then pastors from various denominations led the prayers for these prophecies to be fulfilled based on the Scriptures. Would you continue to pray that this prophecy would come to pass. (Habakuk 2:2,3).

ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Esther Prayer Groups in India 455 Esther and Youth Esther Prayer Groups 25 internationally Esther Prayer Groups functioning 1,815 worldwide


SEESHA 4,000 children benefited through tuition centers 66 tuition centers in India 200 children benefited through career guidance and other special training programs 225 students given monthly scholarship 150 youth given computer training 50 children with special needs were given treatment, therapy and special education 120 children living with HIV/AIDS, in the Cuddalore region, were provided with monthly nutritional supplements and educational scholarships 350 widows were provided financial help every month 66 elderly persons from Tharangambadi and Cuddalore in Tamil Nadu were supported financially on a monthly basis 15 senior citizens were given food, clothing, shelter and medical facilities at the SEESHA Old Age Care Home 100,000 new clothes were distributed to poor and orphaned children from the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Utter Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra and Tamil Nadu and in Delhi 25 differently-abled persons received assistive devices including wheelchairs, tricycles, and retro-fitted motorbikes 500 poor women received six month's training in tailoring and handicrafts. Skilled women were given free sewing machines 25,000 children from underprivileged communities

were given school kits containing over 15 stationery items


out patients received treatment patients used inpatient facilities patients used the Tests facilities surgeries have been performed

Sharon Dhinakaran met the poor children in the Banas Talab region near Ranchi, capital city of Jharkhand and conducted a Health and Hygiene Awareness Programme. Under the Community Adoption Programme, 10 villages in Cuddalore district have been adopted. Along with the Reformed National Tuberculosis Control programme, SEESHA is doing an excellent service. In appreciation of SEESHA’s service, the Health Department of Cuddalore has awarded SEESHA with a shield. 1,000 families in Chennai and Cuddalore received relief materials Three times as much food, shelter and other basic necessities for 1,800 people were offered in the emergency relief camp.

Partner's Service We have prayed for and sent replies to 23 lakhs of people who sent their prayer requests through letter and Email and helped them receive the Lord’s blessings. Nearly 72,000 calls have been received through the Toll free service requesting details about the Partner’s Service. Prayer Warriors have contacted 3,92,344 partners on their birthday/wedding anniversary and prayed for them.


KARUNYA UNIVERSITY On July 11, 2015, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Chancellor of the Karunya University distributed Degree certificates to the students who have successfully completed their studies in the Karunya University. 2122 students received their degree certificate in this 12th Convocation. Professor Dr. Shoba Rekh and Hepzibah Ebenezer of Karunya participated in the Aeronautical Conference held in Jerusalem, Israel in October 2015. The Karunya Evangeline Memorial Tournament was

held in the month of September. Sportsmen/women from 107 colleges in the South Zonal level participated in this event. A total of 117 Companies held the Campus interview for the students who had completed their studies in 2015 and offered 1163 placements. Out of these, 877 students accepted their offers. For the students who would be completing their degree in 2016, 21 companies have already offered them 1203 placements. Out of these, 726 have accepted their offers.

Books / Magazine The Lord helped us to publish 45 books (new ones as well as new editions) in various languages. They had been a great blessing to 2,40,000 people. Every month, the Jesus Calls magazine is published in 7 languages in India with the circulation of 3,50,000 copies. Lakhs of people are blessed.

Let us praise the Lord for these mighty deeds that the Lord Jesus has done through the Jesus Calls ministry, for the glory of His name.

Pray at the Israel Prayer Tower Today in The Israel Payer Tower, people are coming from throughout the world to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and pray for God's Will to be fulfilled in the nations. We are inviting partners like you and prayer Intercessors to come to Israel and stay at The Israel Prayer Tower for 15 days to a month to pray God's will over nations, Kings and peoples at this crucial time in world history. May I invite you to partner with us to help us fulfil this prophecy through your prayers and financial support.

If you are willing to go to pray at Israel Prayer Tower, you may please call our Dallas Prayer Tower office at 972-499-4995. 5

God’s Will in “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” Jeremiah 29:11

Once, a survey was taken: “Have you ever fumbled over the decisions you had taken in life? Do you take decisions in your life, on your own or do you go by what others say? ‘ “I would decide to do what appears hundred percent right to me and would follow that…” “I have fumbled so many times; that time my parents guided me well’. Everyone gave a different answer. Many falter in so many ways, when it comes to taking decisions in life. As they fail to take the right decisions and opt for wrong ones, life becomes bleak. As a result they deride themselves; or they get angry with the person who guided them to take such wrong decisions. They get annoyed which results in bitterness. How to take the correct decisions in life and walk in the good ways? 6

Life WILL OF GOD “…having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself” Ephesians 1:9

You should be aware that the Almighty God has kept a definite plan for everybody’s life. He has decided as to in which things everyone should be involved and what should happen to them at what time. Those who find out those plans and God’s will and decide accordingly and lead their lives would abide. The Bible says, ‘he who does the will of God abides forever’ (I John 2;17). In such people’s lives there would not be any fumbling. Rather their life would be steady, prosperous and would abide forever.

Written by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

was in this world, He lived an exemplary life in order to show us the way to live. Though He was God incarnate, He lived in the way humankind should live to receive God’s blessings (John 13:15; I Peter 2:21). He said, ‘Not My will, but Yours…” (Luke 22:42). He said, “I am in this world not to do My will but to fulfil the Will of My heavenly Father and the Almighty God. I do not speak on My own; nor do I do anything on My own. I am here in this world to finish My father’s will’ (John 5:30; 4:34; 6:38). Dear one, you are not living in this world for your own sake; or to live as you like, according to your wish; or to live in any way, do anything and have connection with anyone. You should know that the reason for our living in this world is to fulfil His plan, His purpose (I Corinthians 10:31).

Taking the form of man, the Almighty Knowing this, when you try to walk God came to this world as Jesus Christ; according to His plan, desiring each day, He lived as a man; in those days when He 7

“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” “Lord what is Your plan, Your will? Show God’s servant. Only after coming here I realize me what You have decided as to how I should live’, you will be blessed. So, it is not necessary for us to make a decision or choice. This would help us to be led by Him and walk according to His plan.

SELF WILL “…having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will”

that I have come to this place purely out of my own plan. I am going to miserably fail here. The Lord has kept some other plan for me”. So saying, he left the college. Dear one, many times, for the sake of prestige or to earn money or to win everyone’s appreciation, we choose our own way and take our own decisions in life. Quite often, this ends in failure.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And A young man was always saying, “I’d become He a servant of God walk in His ways and be a preacher who would serve others’. His mother shall direct your paths” Ephesians 1:5

too was proudly telling everyone that her son would be a preacher and do God’s service to others. After completing his schooling, he joined a Bible college. The parents were happy. But within a year of joining the college, he went to the Head of the Bible College and said with bitterness, “Sir, I feel that this is not the plan that God has for me. Because of my parents’ urge, I have been telling that I wanted to become a 8

Proverbs 3:6

“Lord, lead me to take the decisions which You have decided for me as to how should I work in this world and what things I should do and how I should succeed through that” – Pray in similar fashion just as the Lord Jesus prayed. Today, as an authority over everything, He has conquered death and is seated on the throne.

He will help you also to live in this world, likewise. Surely the Lord will show us His plans and decisions. We would walk in that. Those decisions would be good for us. We would abide in Him forever.

BLESSING OF GOD’S WILL “And when He had removed him, He raised up for them David as king, to whom also He gave testimony and said, ‘I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will.”

one’s knowledge. An old man was lying down in that house. He had no eye sight. She spoke to him fondly and gave him some amount. When she was about to leave, she asked him, “Where are the others in your family?” The old man replied, “All of them have gone to see the Queen”. She then said, ‘Sir, I am the Queen. Everybody has gone out to see me. They don’t know that I would come here. But I have come seeking you. This is my wish; my decision and plan. But your family took a different plan to see me. But I have come to meet you, according to my decision”. How true is this!

The Bible says that when we walk by the Lord’s decision, we would be perfect. So, let us pray that we should know His decision and walk in King David earned God’s testimony: ‘He is a it. Then His plan would be fulfilled in our life. man after My own heart. He will do all My will”. Our life would also become perfect. That was why full blessings were upon David’s life. PROTECTION GIVEN BY GOD’S WILL Acts 13:22

In our lives too, as we take decisions and do each and every plan according to God’s plan and according to His heart, His heart is delighted. He ensures that good things come seeking us.

“You may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.”

“…we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” Romans 8:37

When we go by the Lord’s decision, His grace protects us in such a way that no harm would touch When we trust Him and walk in His ways, us. Many times, the decision we take prove according to His will, He makes us as gold (Job to be wrong. So we grieve. The harm caused 23:10; I Peter 1:7). by it, torments and troubles us. But when we walk by the Lord’s decision, it would destroy “…you may stand perfect and complete in all all the harms that come across our lives. His the will of God” decision overpowers. We become more than conquerors. When we walk by His plans, He Thus writes a man of God with great desire. delivers us from all harms and we are protected Those who stand perfect and do His will, in such a way that no harm would come on our would abide. way, as a stumbling block (Psalm 121:7). I once read about an incident in Queen Victoria’s life. It was once announced that the Queen would be visiting a particular place. Everyone gathered to see her, on the way. But the Queen had entered a house, without any

Several years back, a judge had to give an important verdict. Cadres of a particular party were produced in the court for murdering some people who differed in their principles. He had to give the verdict for this case. If the 9

verdict went wrong, particular sect of people would rise against him and there would be a big revolution in the country. In those days when the case was going on, a group of people tried hard to cause him many problems. But, every day, before going to the court, he used to pray with tears, “Lord, I have reached this state only according to Your plan. This case has come before me as per Your decision. Give me wisdom and guidance”. Accordingly he felt a divine peace filling him each day. Later

he wrote, “I felt a divine strength filling me. I asked myself whether it was I, who gave the verdict or somebody else did it, because the Lord helped me to pass a flawless verdict with which nobody could find fault”. Dear one, when you take decisions according to the Lord’s plan and abide by them, He would save you from distresses. Great strength to overcome those problems, would fill you. You will be victorious in everything. Your life would prosper in every aspect.

Prayer Our heavenly Father, taking decision in me Your strength so that no problem that life is a tough job. Yet I, Your child, have arises when I walk by Your decision, would taken decision to do Your will. I commit overcome me. Grant prosperity in my life. myself to take decision in my life to fulfil Protect me and my family. Let days of the plan for which You have kept me in this goodness follow me and my family. world and not for lust of the flesh or for worldly materials or for fame or for others’ appreciation. Take control of me. Let Your power fill me. Fill me with the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Lord, I have come to Your feet with remorse that I failed to walk by Your decision thus far. Look unto me. Embrace me and kiss me. In the coming days, help me to Know Your will and walk according to Your plan.

O, God, give me Your guidance to take Restore all the blessings that I had lost every decision according to Your will. Give in ten folds. I receive Your blessings with me the grace to walk according to Your gratitude through Your Son Jesus Christ, O will and receive perfect blessing. Give good Father. Amen. 10


God’s Presence in the New Year (Today everywhere we turn we see accidents and destructions because of nature’s fury, gruesome murders, robbery, deeds of the devil and agony due to the evil deeds of men. It is in these circumstances we have entered into this New Year. So it is very essential to have God’s presence every day. Offer this prayer even as you start this year and enjoy the presence of God, His protection and blessings). Loving Lord Jesus, I cannot do anything without Your presence in this New Year. So I surrender myself to You so that I enjoy Your presence every day, by waiting at Your feet early in the morning to receive Your presence. Today please come in our midst and fill me with Your presence. Please go before me and remove all hurdles. Straighten up all crooked paths. As the Bible says, “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight,” graciously help me to look only at You and walk in all my ways. Please help me not to think about unwanted things but to keep Your presence all the time and do only such things which would please You and bring glory to Your name.

from Egypt, You went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud in the day to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light. Likewise please protect me wherever I go whether officially or for the ministry or for my profession and help me to return safely.

Loving Lord, please be my shade at my right hand so that the sun will not harm me by day, nor the moon by night. Keep me away from all harm and danger. Please watch over my coming and going. Lord, You know when I sit and when I rise. You discern my going out and my lying down. You know all my ways. You are there even if I fly in the aeroplane high in the sky or travel in any vehicle. You have commanded Your angels to guard me in all my ways. I praise You because they shall lift me up in their hands.

The Bible says, “By wisdom a house is built.” Accordingly give me Your wisdom to lead my family and build it up in the right way. Also please give Your peace and joy in an abundant measure in the place where I live.

Lord, You have promised Jacob, “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back.” While the Israelites journeyed

Lord, use me as a mighty vessel for You this year. While You sojourned on this earth, You were a Prophet mighty in words and deeds. In the same way use me also and glorify Your name. Let Your mighty hand be upon me and enable me to get grace in the eyes of people so that whatever I do may prosper in this world.

Loving Lord Jesus, today I commend myself, my journey, all my activities and my family in Your loving hands. Let Your will be done in my life. I offer millions of praises to You for coming along with me, going before me, standing behind me, covering me with your presence, fulfilling Your will through me and also for taking care of my family, education, job, profession and the ministry. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

(The Scripture verses on which this prayer is based are Psalm 5:3; 91:11,12; 121:5-8; 127:1; Isaiah 45:2; 52:12; Proverbs 3:6; 24:3; Exodus 13:21,22; 32:34; 33:14; 40:38; Micah 2:13; Genesis 28:15; Luke 24:19; Acts 10:38; Ezra 7:6; Luke 2:52; 2 Samuel 7:27,29)



TO ESTABLISH PRAYER TOWERS Jesus Calls Prayer Towers are established across the globe to comfort, heal and help the needy through prayers. Millions get in touch with the Prayer Towers and receive blessings in life. It is our desire to reach out to every part of the world so that not one soul will go unblessed. NO CANCER My husband Ram Avatar Yadav and I were residing in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. It was at time I fell terribly sick. The doctors who tested me said that I had cancer on my right breast. I was shattered on hearing this and went to a state of mental depression. The doctors advised me for several tests. Every time, before going for these tests, I used to visit the Delhi National Prayer Tower and got prayers for my healing. Every test reported that my health condition was good. The doctors were confused because their diagnosis and the tests’ reports were contradictory. Finally they sent my tissue for biopsy. I got the result after ten days and it said that I had no trace of cancer. The Lord granted me miraculous healing in answer to the prayers offered at the Delhi National Prayer Tower. We thank the Lord with all our heart. The Lord has also helped my husband to get promotion in his job too. We thank the Prayer Warriors, who prayed for us. —Sushma, Ouriya, Uttar Pradesh.

Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place. (2 Chronicles 7:15) My beloved partners, this is what the Lord has been doing in the Prayer Towers to all those who come here seeking comfort. It is your support that brings blessings to millions. I want you to know that your monthly support helps this ministry to make a difference in thousands of lost souls. Being a partner you are not just contributing towards the ministry rather you are using the opportunities to achieve God’s plan in building His kingdom. Come forward to sow your seed by gifting US 60$, 120$, 180$, 600$ or as prompted by the Lord. You may send a Cheque drawn in favor of “JESUS CALLS” to the below address: Jesus Calls International Inc. 8855 N Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, TX 75247

For more information visit our website JESUSCALLS.COM

“Build God’s house...the Lord will build your house.” 12


OF MY HEART Dear partner, I am extremely happy to convey my loving New Year Greetings to you. With my whole heart I pray to the Lord to make this year 2016 a blessed one for you and your family. I believe that the Lord will surely satisfy you with His new goodness, sustain you with His new grace and adorn your life with new blessings. “For indeed I am for you, and I will turn to you, and you shall be tilled and sown…. cities shall be inhabited and the ruins rebuilt…. I will make you inhabited as in former times, and do better for you than at your beginnings. Then you shall know that I am the LORD” (Ezekiel 36:9-11) According to this verse, the Lord will be with you in this New Year, protect you and lead you. He would give you all the hindered blessings in full measure, change your reproach and grant you splendor and honour.



unexpected losses because of torrential rains that lashed down on places like Cuddalore, Kancheepuram, Chennai and Thiruvallur in Tamil Nadu. This was a big shock to all of us. Even while praying that the Lord should comfort and console the dear brothers and sisters who are passing through this terrible time, and restore everything to them in double fold and bless them, the Lord gave me a burden to render all possible helps to these people. The Bible says, “If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? (James 2:15,16).

Accordingly, through Seesha, flood relief materials were distributed to the victims of flood in Cuddalore District. Also Seesha organized a Flood Relief Camp for the people in the surrounding areas of Vanagaram and Apart from giving you worldly benefits such provided food and shelter for the affected as health, finance, job, profession, house, people until their residences were restored. education etc., may He also fill you with new anointing and excellent spiritual experiences ‘…the wicked one shall no more pass through you (Nahum 1:15); ‘You shall see disaster no in order that you would draw closer to Him! more (Zephaniah 3;15). I plead to the Lord that according to these verses, He should keep us THE LORD, THE REFUGE away from the sight of satan so that he would Let us praise the Lord, remembering His grace not do us any harm all through this year. The that was upon us and our beloved ones despite Lord Himself shall be our refuge in this year; the loss of lives and materials, fears and frights He will protect us under His wings (Psalm caused by damaging rains and floods in India 46:11; 91:4). and by natural calamities such as earthquakes, landslides, hurricanes, famines, etc., and GLORIOUS DEEDS IN THE MINISTRY by terrorism all over the world and in the In 2015, the Lord did awesome and glorious neighbouring nations. works through the Jesus Calls ministry. We People had to encounter terrible and have published an elaborate report about 13

this in this issue in order that you would praise the Lord whole heartedly. The Lord helped us to conduct these many Prayer Festivals, Television programmes, and Partners’ Meet, and enabled us to pray and offer counsels for countless number of people who contacted us for prayer, through telephone, letter, and Email. He graciously helped us to open new Prayer Towers in many areas for the blessing of the people of those respective areas. Let us praise the Lord for these ministries. It is you, our precious partner, who have provided the financial needs towards these services (II Thessalonians 1:3). It was your sacrificial offering that you sent amidst your own needs that helped us to carry out such ministries and take the Lord’s words and power to lakhs of people. Remembering your generosity, the Lord will bless you richly.

business men in our business, keep us, our spouse and children in good health, strengthen us and lead us and send His word and surround and sustain us at times of crisis.


To know the details of giving offering to the above mentioned Prayer Festivals, you may contact our Dallas Prayer Tower at 972.499.4995 Other details such as your change of address, date of birth, wedding day, suggestions for partner’s services etc., could be informed in this number. You may also send your offering through our website

The Jesus Calls ministry is not done by an individual. It is you, our dear brothers and sisters, who are helping us to accomplish the vision given to us by the Lord. Out of great love for the Lord, for His ministry and for us, His servants, you are helping the Jesus Calls ministry with so much of sacrifice of your time, talents, and wealth. My heartfelt thanks to all the voluntary Prayer Warriors of the Prayer Towers, ambassadors of the Jesus Calls ministry, organizers of the Mission Network and to all the others who hold various responsibilities for rendering your help all through the last year for the glory of God, without a thought of any gain. I am praying for you that without forgetting your sacrificial ministry, the Lord should abundantly bless you and your family. I kindly encourage you to continue to support the Jesus Calls ministry by your voluntary services, even this year.

NEW YEAR THANKS OFFERING The Lord has been protecting us as the apple of His eyes, throughout last year. Therefore I encourage you to offer your thanks offering to the Almighty Lord through the Jesus Calls ministry in order that He would remove all our wants and supply our needs in the New Year, be sufficient for us in our weakness, help us get favour in the eyes of the authorities and colleagues in our work spot, make us enjoy a good rapport with the customers/


Your offering would help us to a large extent to take the Lord’s Words, comfort, healing power and miracle working power to the lakhs of people all over the world and be a blessing to them through the various services such as website, social network like Facebook, Mobile App, television programmes, CD’s containing God’s messages, Prayer Festivals and live telecasts etc., You may come forward to support any one of our services of your choice. The Lord will rejoice over you, who support this ministry and will bless you all the more for your participation.

PRAYING FOR YOU Every day, all your prayer requests reach me without fail, even if we are in any part of the world, doing the Lord’s ministry. Not a day passes without praying for your prayer requests. We are eagerly waiting for your letters, emails and for your prayer requests through telephone. Write to us the benefits that you expect from the Lord this New Year and what you want Him to do for you. We would pray for you. You may send your prayer requests to the address JCI 8855 N Stemmons Fwy Dallas TX 75247 or by email at You may also submit your prayer request through search: @JesusCallsUSA “Behold, I will send you grain and new wine and oil, And you will be satisfied by them; I will no longer make you a reproach among the nations” (Joel 2:19). Accordingly, the Lord will honour you this New Year, meet your needs with His finest good things and make you full.


Plenty are the events that await us in this New Year. The Lord is going to use us and the offerings through the Jesus Calls ministry and will reveal His power among people. I have given below the schedule of these events. Pray earnestly for these meetings! Support us cheerfully!



8-10th Sawyerpuram (Tuticorin) 9th

U Turn Youth Meeting



Special Blessing Meeting



ational Prayer Alliance N Pastors’ Meet




14-15th IPC Convention

ntaravedipalem, A Andhra Pradesh


U Turn Youth Meeting



rayer Tower Dedication P and Partners’ Meet

Eluru (Andhra Pradesh)


17th Special Blessing Meeting (Gujarat)


25-26th Pentecostal Anniversary meetings



Prayer Tower Dedication

29-31st Coimbatore Prayer Festival


rayer Tower Dedication P and Partners’ meet


Special Meeting Lucknow


Partners’ Meet



Students’ Meet



Prayer Tower Dedication Nellore (Andhra Pradesh)


12-14th Prayer Festival Nellore (Andhra Pradesh)

Coimbatore Coimbatore

Kindly pray earnesty that God’s glory should be revealed mightily in these meetings and that He should fill us with His special grace and power in order that the people in need would enjoy His love and power. 15


IN TAMIL NADU, INDIA The monsoon rains which lashed over Chennai, Cuddalore and other parts of Tamil Nadu in November and December 2015, caused severe flooding across the State, submerging roads, penetrating homes, and bringing normal life to a stand-still. With no access to electricity, roads, food or drinking water, and loss of important documents and property, the people in these regions struggled to get back on their feet. The flood waters rose dangerously high in several lowlying regions, causing havoc as lakes and other water bodies rapidly overflowed their boundaries, turning many homes unlivable for weeks! During this time of disaster, several generous individuals and organizations from in and around India extended a hand of support to the flood-affected families. SEESHA has been among the organizations that carried out 16

widespread relief work among thousands in Chennai and Cuddalore. SEESHA’s relief team reached out to Cuddalore, where over 50 villages were submerged in flood waters. SEESHA, along with the local community people, actively participated in rescue support operations, digging of canals and filling of potholes. In the first week of December, as the entire city of Chennai came to standstill with hundreds of families stranded within their homes with no access to food and water, the SEESHA Relief Team braved the waters to supply food

packets, bread, biscuits and drinking water. Working hand-in-hand with the local district administrations, SEESHA also distributed relief materials including rice to over 1000 families in Cuddalore and Chennai. The relief materials included rice, dry ration, mats, blankets, hygiene supplies, toiletries and other essential items required to support these families for an entire month. With thousands of people being rendered temporarily and permanently homeless due to the severe flooding in low-lying areas in and around Chennai, SEESHA organized an Emergency Relief Camp in Vanagaram Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Chennai. The camp, which was jointly organized by SEESHA with employees of Jesus Calls and students

of Karunya University, became a haven of refuge for over 1800 people whose homes have been adversely affected in the floods. The SEESHA relief camp also hosted a majority of the workers who are being brought in by the Chennai Corporation from various neighboring districts to carry out cleaning operations in Chennai following the floods. Keeping in mind the physical, mental and medical needs of the people, SEESHA provided food, shelter, medical care as well as trauma counseling and other psychosocial support. A large number of individual and student volunteers also supported the initiative and organized activities for the children. If you have a burden to help this endoevor, For your gift of $300 you could provide food, clothing, to a local family. To donate call the Dallas Prayer Tower at 972.499.4995 or give online at

We thank you for your support. 17


New Year 7

BLESSINGS OF FULLNESS Dr. Stella Dh i nakaran

“The young lions lack and suffer hunger; but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing” Psalm 34:10


“As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God”

strengthened him during that time. The godly zeal in him gave him a great courage and he charged against them and tore the mouth of the lion and the bear.

Psalm 42:1

Yes, dear ones, the Lord will give the same blessing to you, who seek the Lord with thirst According to these Scripture verses, the and desire. Do not be afraid of anything. The Lord provides full blessings to all those who Lord will always be with you. genuinely seek Him with thirst. Not only that, so many problems cropped up Let us see what good things the Lord would in the life of David, who sought the Lord. Yet give us, this New Year:


Do not be afraid of anything. The Lord will always be with you.

“Seek Me and live…”

the Lord had compassion on him and finally lifted him up as a king. He, who was tending the flock, became a king who would lead the Those who seek the Lord live; He grants them people. Even this New Year the Lord is able to blessings exceedingly abundantly above all lift you, who are in an ordinary level. that they ask or think. The Lord is going to give you such kind of blessings in this New Year “…the horns of the righteous 2016. Perhaps, in the year 2015, you might shall be exalted” have lived with many worries lamenting, ‘Oh, I didn’t get the promotion which I wanted; Oh, Psalm 75:10 there’s no blessing in my children’s lives; there is no happiness in my family life and so on.’ “He raises the poor out of the dust, And lifts But, you who enter into this New Year should the needy out of the ash heap, That He may remember one thing. The Lord tells you, “I will seat him with princes; With the princes of His ensure that those who seek Me would live people” (Psalm 113:7,8). well. Yes, you shall live. Today, you may be in a small job. You may be ‘To live’ means ‘to receive blessings’. The Lord in agony, unable to get your promotion. But will never change His Word. He is the fountain when you seek God faithfully and justly, with of all blessings! righteousness and reverence, you shall be exalted. We see about a young godly man in the Bible named David. He was in an ordinary state of “For the eyes of the LORD run to shepherding the sheep. But he had the thirst and desire to seek the Lord. Even when he was and fro throughout the whole earth, tending his flock, he used to sing divine songs to show Himself strong on behalf of and play musical instrument. That’s why the presence of the Lord was with David. When those whose heart is loyal to Him…” 2 Chronicles 16:9 he was tending the sheep, once a lion and then a bear came; yet the Lord who was in him Amos 5:4


When you thus seek Him, you would not only live but also the Lord will give you full blessings which cannot be given by the people of the world. David, a young man, who was born and brought up in a poor family, got a big elevation. He became a king. How happy he would have been! His whole family was happy. Yes, the families of those who seek the Lord will thrive.

NOTHING SHALL HARM YOU “…If God is for us, who can be against us?”

When we build a nice house, jealousy hits us! If we are lifted up in life, it earns others’ annoyance. But what happens when we seek the Lord genuinely? His protecting hands come upon us. According to Luke 10:19 the Bible says that nothing shall by any means hurt you. The raging waves of sea may come against you. But the Lord says, ‘this far you may come, but no farther’. That’s all! The devil and his people cannot hurt you by any means.

“No weapon formed against you shall prosper…” Isaiah 54:17

Romans 8:31

Today, wherever we see, people say that witchcraft, sorcery, black magic and works of When you seek the Lord, you will live and the devil are being done against them by their also the Lord will be pleased with you. He will own family. But, dear ones, the Bible strongly be with you. This world is wicked! It is full of says that no harm will befall those who seek wicked people! The Bible says that the whole the Lord. This is because, He says, ‘…lo, I am world lies under the sway of the wicked (1 with you always, even to the end of the age’ John 5:19). Also, your adversary the devil (Matthew 28:20). All you have to do is only walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom one thing! Seek the Lord faithfully, every day. he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). What will happen when you do so? Weapons My husband joined as an ordinary clerk in the such as witchcraft, black magic, etc. cannot bank. But he tried to come up in his career by harm you. writing many exams. But one of his colleagues used to be annoyed with him and tell him, “...for the Lord will go before you, and the God “Why do you prepare hard for your exams? of Israel will be your rear guard… (Isaiah 52:12). Do you want to go higher than me?’ But since He will make the crooked places straight (Isaiah my husband sought only the Lord diligently, 45:2). he succeeded in his exams and reached the high position given by God. The preacher says, In this wicked and jealous world, the Lord ‘I saw that for all toil and every skillful work will go before you and be your rear guard and a man is envied by his neighbor’ (Ecclesiastes protect you so that nothing will touch you. His protecting love that claims you to be His 4:4) daughter would proceed from Him.

You, who have come seeking Him right from the beginning of 20

this year, will be protected by Him all through this year. “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart” Jeremiah 29:13

Today, without any discrimination, we pray for the people all over the world, who shed tears and languish in sorrow. Establishing Prayer Towers all over the world, we pray with sacrificial mind for everyone, without differentiation. This is what we do. But yet, we face jealousy even for this. Envious people rise against us saying, “Why do they set up Prayer Towers and pray?” But do you know what we did? As said in the Bible, “I will lift up my eyes to the hills; from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:1, 2) we sought only the Lord as our help and then He scattered away such enemies. He has granted us rest everywhere. Dearly beloved, the Lord will be a wall of fire around you.

in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God” Philippians 4:6

Then the Lord, who is with you, will protect you wonderfully in such a way that nothing shall harm you.

NO LACK OF ANY GOOD THING Today, as far as family life is concerned, there is no peace. But the Lord tells, “My children, I am going to fill you with My divine peace.” All are His children. There is no partiality with Him. “…if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” (John 11:40).

Once, when I had been to a place to do ministry, “For I, says the Lord, ‘will be a a beautiful girl who was in 10th standard and her mother came to meet me. The girl was all wall of fire all around her, and I smiles. When I asked the mother to let me know will be the glory in her midst’” her prayer request, she cried and said, “She is a terrible child. She fights all the time. She has Zechariah 2:5 no satisfaction over anything. She would be abusing and scolding me all the time. She looks Today, the Jesus Calls ministry is increasing like a good girl. But she is not so. Would you and multiplying, by the grace of God. Different please pray for her transformation?” I am also a kinds of people contact all the Prayer Towers. human just like her. Yet I looked up to the Lord Countless families–rich or poorh–come and said, “Lord, nobody but You can help her running to the Prayer Towers as the Prayer in this world. This mother has come seeking Warriors show much love to those who You and not me. I have nothing. I am also a languish in difficulties and tears. woman like her. But have mercy on her, who has come seeking You. Change this child’s life upside down”. I then counseled that girl after “Be anxious for nothing, but 21

“...the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy” 1 Timothy 6:17

The health and blessings that He gives are perfect! When we hold on to the Lord alone, He perfects everything for us in an excellent manner.

God gives richly all things. Whatever He does When you have to do any project or any other thing, it would be a great blessing if you do is perfect. Yes, man’s heart is wicked. it with prayer, getting the help of the Lord. When I began my family life, plenty were my “The heart is deceitful above all needs. We had no sufficient money. We went things and desperately wicked” through the path of poverty. We had no child! However, finally the Lord richly blessed us with Jeremiah 17:9 two beautiful children. Yet there came a time, when I had to lose my 17 year old daughter. I But what does the Lord do? He says, “Let Me thought that my life was over. But today the give My child richly. Let them enjoy abundantly. Lord has made all the children who come to Let Me change all their lacks.” Today, various me, to call me, “Mother”. All the children who kinds of diseases are seen in the world. How study in the Karunya University are my children. many are living in tears because of this? But When they call me, “Mother”, my heart melts. the Lord says, My only daughter called me “Mother”. Today she is not here. But so many youngsters call “Behold, I will bring it health and me ‘Mother’. Many children used to write to me during exam time. “Mother, please pray for healing; I will heal them and me”. When I write to them addressing them as reveal to them the abundance ‘Son/Daughter’, they are thrilled. Life does not end with one loss. The Lord will richly fill us of peace and truth” with good things. The Lord, who thus granted Jeremiah 33:6 us rich blessings, loves you, who are in poverty, and would fill you with good things.

“This year no good thing would be lacked by me. Lord, I believe it. I seek only You” – If you thus commit your life to Him, there would be prosperity. He will grant you good things. If you seek Him truly in your life, in the place where you work, in your home and wherever you go, He will add all these good things in your life, this year. He is the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.

May He satisfy you with all good things, this year! 22

3rd Anniversary Celebration of

Jesus Calls New Zealand Prayer Tower PRAISE THE LORD With grateful hearts we thank the Lord for the Jesus Calls Ministry in New Zealand for the last three years. We celebrated the third anniversary of the Ministry in New Zealand, on Tuesday 17th November 2015. During this special meeting we heard testimonies of how the Prayer Tower has been a blessing to so many people here in Auckland, and entire New Zealand. Hundreds of calls are received every month on the free call prayer line number 0800 53 78 72 and people visit the Prayer Tower at 1/80 Carr Road in Mt Roskill, Auckland for prayers and personal ministry. Several have been encouraged and many gave their hearts to the Lord for the first time or re-dedicated their lives to the Lord. We have witnessed many miracles because the Lord is faithful to answer our prayers. Many who joined the Partner Plans were immensely blessed by the Lord; many Family Blessing Partners saw their families being restored and blessed. The Prayer Tower Partners were blessed with new jobs or received promotions in their work places, those who contributed financially or with their time and resources have seen many blessings in their lives and families. The Lord has met their needs as they met the needs of the Prayer Tower.

If you still have not become a partner you are welcome to become one. Jesus Calls is a ministry praying for people with love and compassion bringing hope to many broken-hearted people.

For more information please visit JESUSCALLS.COM 23



My loving New Year greetings to you!

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new”

Year. The Lord will be very near to you all through this year and keep on giving you new blessings. Specially, this New Year, He would give you the blessings which you have not received thus far, and satisfy you.

The Bible says that only when we are in Christ, we can see new things; old things will 2 Corinthians 5:17 pass away and everything will become new. We desire to receive new kinds of blessings Once, on the New Year’s Day, a dear family and new things. The Lord is going to shower invited me and my husband to inaugurate their you with new blessings all through this year, Textile shop. After the inauguration, the owner according to your desire. took us to the Silk sari counter. With great love, he handed over a sari to me and said, “Sister, Sister Rani from Kakinada in Andhra Pradesh you should wear this. When you wear this, my sent her testimony as thus: “My husband’s shop would be blessed.” name is Raja. We were living in Gujarat for

the past 9 years. When we had no child even Don’t we feel happy when we receive such after 7 years of married life, we underwent all new things on New Year? Don’t we pray to the possible treatments, but in vain. Four times we Lord to grant us new things and new blessings tried the IVF method (Test Tube baby). This in the New Year? was also of no use. The doctors advised for I believe that the Lord will give you new one more IVF. But we did not agree to it as the blessings and new miracles even this New expenditure was heavy. I faced reproaches as 24

I had no child. Those who had to comfort me insulted me. So I was heartbroken. In February 2012, when we had completed 9 years of married life, you come to Gujarat to conduct a meeting. We took part in that meeting. On the second day, you prayed specially for those who did not have a child. My husband and I joined you in that prayer. Hearing the prayer, the Lord helped me to conceive without any medical treatment. In November 2012, we were blessed with a boy baby. I give glory to God who miraculously granted us the gift of a child. Our heartfelt thanks to you, for praying for us.”

Holy Spirit, this New Year. He will renew your inner man.

“…not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit”


A grandmother and grandfather were staying in a house since a long time. Since their house became dilapidated, they wanted to build a new house. So they began the construction. The grandfather removed the old doors and windows from their old house and fixed them on the new house. After a few days, the grandmother saw the wood in the old doors cracking and breaking. The paints began to peel off. She felt bad and wailed, “Oh, we have been longing to go to a new house. Now the doors and windows are breaking off…” Then God, who blessed this couple by giving them they threw off all the old materials and fixed what they wanted in response to their long new things in the new house. time waiting would give you blessings for Similarly, this New Year, the Lord will remove which you have been waiting for a long time. all your old nature, character etc., and renew you through His Holy Spirit. THE SPIRIT, WHO RENEWS

Titus 3:5

We can never bring new blessings by ourselves. When the Holy Spirit renews us every day, new blessings reach us automatically.

“…yet the inward man is being renewed day by day” 2 Corinthians 4:16

The Lord is renewing the inner man by His Holy Spirit so that we would not become weary and get destroyed. This is going to happen to you all through this year. “This New Year, the Lord should give me new revelations. He should share His secrets with me?’ – Do you thus desire? I believe that the Lord, in His grace, will certainly do it, through His Holy Spirit. “Behold, I make all things new.” (Revelation 21:5). Accordingly, He is making everything new. In His grace and compassion and out of His great love for you, He will fill you with His

“In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also” John 14:2, 3

Once I was watching news on the Television. It was announced that the American Scientists (NASA) have found a new planet called Kepler 22b. They said that it would take nearly 600 light years to reach this new planet. It seems one light year covers a distance of nearly 10 trillion Kms (1 trillion = 1 lakh crore). In that case, ‘600 light years’ would cover quite a far distance which cannot be calculated. Many people’s views were published in the website when this new planet was discovered. Many said, “Why should this planet be discovered by spending such a huge amount? If it is closer to us, we can go there to live. But why should something which is at such a long distance is discovered? A few said, “It would have been 25

better if this planet is near us. We could go to that planet. How nice it would have been!” I thought to myself, “All these people are excited over a new planet. But the Lord has said, “I am going to prepare a mansion for you.’ When would it come?”

you His favor all through this New Year. “For how great is its goodness and how great its beauty…” (Zechariah 9:17). With His favor, the Lord, who crowns the year with goodness, will shower His grace upon you throughout this year.

“For the love of Christ compels us…”

The Lord not only makes our life new but 2 Corinthians 5:14 also says, “For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth” (Isaiah 65:17) and “the new As the Apostle Paul has thus said when Christ’s heavens and the new earth shall remain before love compels us, God, who gives new good Me” (Isaiah66:22). things, would keep on doing miracles for us. In order to come back and gather us with Him, He has made preparations for us in heaven. I believe that by now He would have prepared a mansion for every one of us.

“Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband” Revelation 21:2

“…as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue…” 2 Peter 1:3

The Bible says that the Lord has called us by glory and virtue, gives us His power every day and grants us new blessings. Likewise, may the Lord cover you with His glory and favor, all through this year!

John the Apostle thus describes the earth’s beauty. The Bible says that this glory or favor gives us everything that we need for our godliness. As My father, late Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran we first saw, by His power and by the power of described the heaven thus: It is full of gold; the Holy Spirit, the Lord guards us from falling floors are gold. Everything in heaven is of into the old temptations so that we would not gold.’ A bride is adorned with gold from top do the old sins. His favor does it. His glory, to bottom. The Bible says that this is how the grace and love keep us away from sin. new earth is. The Lord will grant new blessings to us, who are waiting for such a house and bless us this New Year.

NEW FAVOR “For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; with favor You will surround him as with a shield” Psalm 5:12

The Bible says that the Lord has laid up His great goodness, for those who fear Him and for those who trust in Him (Psalm 31:19). His favor would keep giving you new blessings.

PROTECTION IN THE NEW YEAR “If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, when men rose up against us, then they would have swallowed us alive, when their wrath was kindled against us” Psalm 124:2, 3

This New Year the Lord will surround you with a shield called favor. He will constrain you and bless you with His kindness and love and show The Lord will keep us away from all evil, throughout this year. He will guard our family. 26

His presence would be full wherever you go. The Lord is going to walk with you closely.

this New Year?” But we never think whether we are doing something for Him.

Therefore we will not fear, Even though the earth be removed, And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling… God shall help her, just at the break of dawn (Psalm 46:2-5).

A master once gave five talents, two talents and one talent to his servants and went to a far off country. He, who got five talents, gained five more talents. He, who got two talents, gained two more. But the one who got one talent, said, ‘I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours.’ It was not out of fear but out of laziness, he hid the talents (Matthew 25:14-30).

Every morning God will send us help. The Lord’s grace is new every morning. The Bible says that ‘through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed’ (Lamentations 3:22, 23). Like David you too shall say, ‘Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight’ (Psalm 19:14). Accordingly, we shall arise early in the morning every day of this year and tell, “Let whatever I do and speak be acceptable to the Lord, today’. Then the Lord will send His help to us early in the morning. He will help you this New Year. Until now people and devil might have been hindering you. Situations might have hindered you. But the Lord would be close to you and keep giving you help. You shall receive new blessings.

BE RENEWED IN GIVING “For to everyone who has, more will be given… but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away” Matthew 25:29

Once, a little boy along with his father went for fishing in a nearby river. He put down the fishing rod into the water and waited. After an hour, when his father pulled out the rod, they found a big fish. The boy told the father that he knew that they would catch such a large fish. The father asked him how. He said, “I was praying to get a big fish. That’s why we’ve got a big fish”. They cooked that fish and had their meal. After this, again the father took the boy for fishing. The little one put down the fishing rod into the water. After an hour, again they got a big fish. The little boy said again that he knew that he would catch a big fish. When the father asked him, he again replied that he had prayed for that. This time too, they cooked the fish and ate it. The father said, “Come, let us go fishing. This time I will put down the fishing rod”. So saying he did so and they did not get any fish even after an hour. The little boy said, ‘Daddy, I know that we wouldn’t catch a fish”. The father asked, “How do you know that?” He said, “Daddy, when I put down the fishing rod, I hung a small fish in the hook. But in haste, you had forgotten to keep the small fish. How would the big fish be caught without a prey?”

This New Year, confess to the Lord, “As for me and my house, we will serve You; we will arise and shine for You.” Use the talent that the Lord has given for you, this New Year. When you commit yourself to Him saying, “I will do whatever is possible for me.” He will hear your prayer. He will grant you, your heart’s desire.

PRAYER Heavenly Father, I seek You faithfully. Lord, I have come to You believing that You are my hope and blessing. Give me this New Year the blessings so that I would not be put to shame. You said to Solomon, “Ask! What shall I give you?” Give me what I want. Lord, give me spiritual gifts to have spiritual experiences. Open the eyes of my mind and help me see You and heavenly visions. Let Your blessings come upon me. Let Your joy fill me. Lord, who gives exceedingly abundantly above all that I ask or think, fill me with new spiritual experiences. Give me the gift of prophecy. Give me the experience of seeing You face to face. Let us eat in plenty as a family, be satisfied and praise Your name. Let all the damaged organs of the body be renewed. Let Your healing virtue touch my body parts. Heal my skin problem/kidney problem/ lungs/ liver/ leg/hand and heart. Let all the sicknesses be healed in the name of Your Son Jesus. Let me live with health and strength this New Year and enjoy peace and joy. I praise You for I am going to be a blessing in every way. Let Your grace increase in me, all through this New Year. In Jesus’ name I pray O, Father’ Amen.

Many times we adamantly ask the Lord, ‘Lord, bless me


Young Partners “When the Lord Jesus was on this earth, He took up the little children, in His arms, put His hands on them and blessed them saying, ‘for of such is the kingdom of God” Mark 10:13-17


God blesses every young partner and they shine as radiant as the sun in their life. Here is a testimony of an achiever:

Awards Among 178 Countries My son Burgula Jaeden is 2 ½ years old. Being the Young Partner, he has been given the promise, ‘I will make you an eternal excellence, a joy of many generations’ (Isaiah 60:15) in the certificate. Accordingly the Lord has been exalting him. He can recite the National anthem, Pledge, the Lord’s Prayer, Psalm 23 and rhymes. He can recollect various topics of Geography which include Planets of solar system, continents and oceans of world. He can memorize capitals of 60 countries and 29 states. He can recall 66 books of Bible, months of the year, days in week two table, 100 opposite words, National leaders, and National symbols of India. He can pin point various cars, vegetables, fruits, birds, colors, alphabets and home appliances. The Lord graciously helped Jaeden to win the Memory Contest and IQ Tests. He was awarded two gold medals and certificates on behalf of the International Organizations, Wonder Book of Records and Genius Book of Records. I praise the Lord for blessing my dear son, who is a Young Partner.

—Burgula Ravi, Hyderabad

Dear parents, enroll your children today in Young Partners Plan to receive the blessings the Lord has in store for them. Pledge amount for 1 child US $300

You can register by calling the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower 972.499.4995 or visit 28


HAPPY NEW YEAR! My dear friend,

At the outset let me wish you a blessed New Year!

We are really thrilled whenever we buy a new dress or cell phone or a two wheeler. Yes, new things bring a new enthusiasm in us. It is the same with the New Year also. We are entering a brand New Year 2016. Another 12 months which we have never seen or lived are lying ahead of us. Oh what great joy!

Many people will be expecting many new blessings in this New Year. They make all kinds of preparations to welcome the New Year. Some of them even make a few New Year resolutions like, “I will stop drinking alcohol from this year. I shall become a new man. I will not lose my temper unnecessarily this year. I will obey my parents and be a good child.” It is their desire to receive all the blessings which they are yet to receive before the end of this year. For some people the very thought of New Year may bring a kind of fear in them. They would reluctantly wait for the New Year thinking, “Oh, I do not know how I am going to pass this year.” Some people wait for the New Year with bitterness thinking, “Even this year my father is going to shout at me. I am going to struggle with my mathematics this year also. I do not know how many failures I am going to face in the interviews this year.” But what is the hope given by the Scriptures for us? “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life...” (Psalm 23:6). Our Lord does only good. He shall grant us elevation and blessing this year. So kindly do not be worried. Generally some people are always gripped by a fear. They will have some fear or other all the time. But the Lord encourages us today by saying, “Do not be worried. I am with you” (Isaiah 41:10). This month I would like to share with you the two kinds of fear which grip the youngsters and how the Lord

delivers us from them.


Most of the youngsters are doing their studies. So, they have a fear whether they will get admission in a good college and in a good course. Those who have completed their studies are anxious to get good jobs. Those who are employed are anxious about their promotion. Although these are trivial matters, they bring a kind of fear concerning the future. Even people who are in good status are gripped by fear. Why do they fear? It is Satan who brings such fears in their hearts. We need not get scared about our future at all. The Lord says, “So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?”’ (Matthew 6:31). In the same chapter He asks, “I feed even the birds, will I not feed you? Will I not take care of you?” The Lord who gave His own life for us will certainly take care of all our needs. He shall supply all our needs. A sister by name Amulya wrote a letter to my father. She studied very well till her 10th standard. But when she joined the Intermediate course in a college, she was gripped by a strange fear. When she saw her syllabus, she was confused. On account of that she suffered severe depression. Since it affected her health she was admitted in a hospital. But due to the side effects of the medical treatment, her health condition became worse. Finally somehow her health improved and she returned home. But she refused to go to college saying, “I do not understand any lesson.” She was very stubborn in her decision. Her parents were very much worried. They phoned up the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. The Lord heard the prayer offered for Amulya in the Prayer Tower as she is a member of the Children Blessing Plan. He not only helped her to get through in her Intermediate exam but also enabled her to get admission in a good course in a famous Engineering College. Thus He fulfilled her desire. Now Amulya and her entire family are happy.


In the same way the Lord shall remove all your fears concerning your future. He shall grant you a happy and a blessed future. So, please throw away all your fears. The Lord has engraved us on his palms (Isaiah 49:16). He is always mindful of us (Psalm 115:12). He will be with us even in this New Year. So kindly do not be worried about your future. Enter into this New Year with great joy.

TRIALS: Secondly we get scared when we face trials and temptations. We may be holding a good job. We may be leading a peaceful life. Even at such times when we are confronted with a temptation we get scared. We forget that the Lord is with us when we face trials.

fly it takes them high in the sky and leaves them there. Then the young ones will try to flutter their wings and fly. At a particular point when the young ones feel that they are unable to fly they start falling towards the ground. It is exactly at that moment; the Eagle spreads its wings to catch them and carries them on its pinions (Deuteronomy 32:11). In the same way when we are in the learning stage, when we pass through trials, Satan will come and create panic in our hearts by saying, “Now you are being tempted. Will you be able to overcome it? Can you escape? Will you be able to live happily as before?” But the Lord shall save us just like the mother Eagle which saves its young ones from falling down. When we are confronted by temptations we must tell, “Lord it is enough. I cannot bear it anymore.” Then the Lord Himself shall come and save us (Psalm 94:18).

the Lord shall remove ALL YOUR FEARS concerning your future. We read about an incident in the Bible. The Lord Jesus was traveling in a boat along with His disciples (Matthew 8:23-27). During the journey He was sleeping. Suddenly a furious storm came up and waves swept over the boat. Immediately the disciples got scared. They woke up Jesus saying, “We are going to die.” The Lord asked them, “Why are you so afraid?” Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the waves and it was completely calm.

So let us enter this New Year with great hope and joy. The Lord shall be with us throughout this year. He shall prosper all our efforts. He shall also fill us with His unspeakable joy.

In the same way even when the Lord is with us, we tremble in fear when we face trials. We forget that He is with us. In this New Year let us always remember that the Lord is with us. Then we shall never get scared of anything, because we do not have the spirit of timidity. Instead we have the spirit of power given by the Lord (II Timothy 1:7). So, let us not get scared of anything this year.

Do you know how the young ones of the eagle learn to fly? The mother Eagle while teaching its young ones to



Blessing Through the

Television Program “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14

Here is the experience of one of the supporters of the Jesus Calls Television Program. Lord Who Changed My Shame Four years back, we built a house in our native place. After two months, the Lord graciously helped us to build a house in the place where we are currently residing. But soon after we completed the construction of the house, friends and relatives who lent money for us began to demand their dues. They started harassing us in such a way that I had to make arrangements for my two sons to stay elsewhere. So, from the beginning of 2014, we took great efforts to sell off the house which we had built in our native place. But we faced so many hurdles. Some people gave even the advance but canceled

the deal at the last moment. At this juncture, we came to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for prayers. I could feel as if a miracle was waiting for us. We made a prayerful vow that we would sponsor one of the Jesus Calls Television programs if our problems get solved. Very soon we received money from a third person with which we were able to clear the heavy debts we had incurred. As per our vow, we sponsored one of the Jesus Calls television programs. Praise be to the Lord, who lifted up our head in the same place where we were put to shame. Thanks to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s family which prayed for us.

—R.Subramanian, Idukki, Kerala

Dear friends, through Jesus Calls TV programs countless people receive God’s healing and blessings.

You can be a reason for the blessings of unreached souls.

Join the “TV Sponsorship Plan” To make this happen all that you need to do is donate $1000 as a gift to air one program. Millions who watch these programs will pray along with us for the blessings of you and your family. To donate US $1000 visit a Jesus Calls Prayer Tower at 972.499.4995 or visit our website

You who honor God will be richly blessed in return. 31


JESUS CALLS FRANCE “Our family has experienced many miracles and received blessings through Jesus Calls Ministry. Being a partner in Family Blessing Plan and Young Partners Plan my family and children are protected by our Almighty God. Following an accident my husband had multiple complicated fractures in tibia. It was told that he has to undergo a surgery and even after surgery, there was less chance for him to walk back normally. It was unimaginable for us to see him suffering. As usual I called Jesus Calls Ministry and a prayer intercessor prayed with much burden for us. The surgery was successful and he had a quick and perfect healing. Now he walks normally and is going to work. Thanks to Jesus Calls Ministry. Glory to God!”

A Jesus Calls Partner had two answered prayers within a week. As this dear sister joyfully gave towards God’s work after one crucial prayer was answered, she called the Prayer Tower within a few days to inform her immigration status, which was pending for 3 years, was finally granted and she won the case! In one of the Gospel and Healing meeting conducted every Sunday at 6.30p.m., a sister had been praying for a while to get a house. God answered her prayer. She testified that she found a house. Praise the Lord.

—Madame Pushparani

to learn more visit us online at JESUSCALLS.COM

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