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JORDAN (Petra), ISRAEL & EGYPT (11 nights 12 days) ISRAEL (6 nights and 7 days) * Subject to seat availability Call RIGHT NOW ! TO GET THE BEST RATE FOR YOU & YOUR FAMILY Travel on any airline of your choice and arrive in Amman between June 1 - 5th & depart from Cairo at the end of the trip. For Israel, arrive in Tel Aviv between June 6th - 8th & depart from there. (Participants should book their own tickets & arrange for insurance)

HIGHLIGHTS OF JOINING US Ministering by the Dhinakarans and praying for every participant Stay at Star Hotels Buffet breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday. An exclusive stay at Sharm EL Sheikh resort enroute to Cairo Each Group will have a dedicated Messianic Jewish guide who will explain the significance of the site with Biblical history in English and translated into 3 major Indian languages. Peters Fish Lunch at the Sea of Galilee. Please register early as the packages will get sold out...

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Jesus Calls International * April 2017

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ello Friend, Let me turn your focus to a few unfailing promises of God for you in this month: “And He will love you and bless you and multiply you; He will also bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your land, your grain and your new wine and your oil, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flock, in the land of which He swore to your fathers to give you” (Deuteronomy 7:13) “And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly.” (Genesis 17:2) “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” (Ephesians 3:20 ) Yes! My friend! The blessings and promises of the Lord makes us marvel! The Lord is saying to you now, “My son; My daughter! I am going to give you exceeding abundance in this month and in the months to come”. Yes! My friend! Even as you are reading this message, this blessing that would make you abound in abundance.

You need to also note that the devil also knows that the Lord is going to bless you with the blessing that will make you abound. So even before this abundant blessing would come upon us he brings in abundant tribulations and sufferings upon us.

How does the satan work? The devil took Jesus to a mountain peak in order to tempt Him (Matthew 4:8). Yes! Satan takes people to the peak of sin and makes them commit huge and atrocious sins. (Ezekiel 9:9) He did the same in the lives of Shadrack, Meshak and Abednego. He brought in an abounding problem by causing the king to punish them by throwing them into a furnace of fire. The king Nebuchadnezzar increased the fire by 7 times. The furnace was much heated against these children of God (Daniel 3:22). This is how evil people will work against the children of God. Yes! They will conspire a super-heated furnace of fire to burn them down to ashes. This is the work of the devil. The same thing happened for Joseph too. He was obedient to his father. His Father loved him more than all his other sons. He gave him a multicoloured tunic. When his brothers saw how much the father loved him above all of them they began to hate him. Joseph saw a dream and told that to

Jesus Calls International * April 2017


his brothers. And that made his brothers grow even more jealous against him and hate him even more. (Gen 37:4,5). When God gave him visions he informed that to everyone. Upon the word of his father he took bread to all his brothers. But the brothers conspired against him to kill him. They threw him into a pit after which he was sold as a slave. He worked there faithfully as a slave. Then he remained faithful to his master by refusing to fall into sin. But eventually he only had prison as his reward. What a great agony? This is the way that the devil brings next path against God’s children. King Herod was very furious that he was not able to kill Jesus. He was deceived by the wise men and therefore he sent out an order to kill all the kids who were below two years (Matthew 2:16). Since Jesus went through the sorrow and sufferings of the Cross, He was able to say, “My heart is full of sorrow unto death” (Matthew 26:38). Are you going the same path of sorrow and suffering? But remember Jesus rose up in every situation. When the devil took Jesus to the peaks of the mountain and tempted him, Jesus too confronted him by the most powerful words of the scripture. The devil left Him immediately. When the inquities of this world increased in abundance, Jesus came for our sake and shed His blood. The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. (1 John 1:7). Shadrack, Meshak and Abednego were thrown into the blazing fire but the son of the living God appeared amidst them in the fire. The flames of fire could not harm them in any way. (Daniel 3:25). When King Herod got furious, the Lord sent His angel and saved the baby Jesus. (Matthew 2:19,20). In the same way He is sending an angel of the Lord for us too. He is guarding us in all our ways and He takes us to the God–destined place in our lives. (Exodus 23:20). Sorrow unto death may fill our hearts but the Lord says, “You shall see Me again and when you see me your sorrow shall be turned into joy” (John 16:20). Sorrow could have increased in your life but Jesus will arise in the middle of that sorrow; He will arise in the midst of sin. The Lord will arise in your midst. He will appear as the Word when the devil comes to test


you and tempt you with huge temptations. Jesus is our refuge. In this world we have hope through Jesus Christ. Let us invite Him to dwell in our hearts. They put Joseph into prison, but the Holy Spirit in him delivered him from the agony of prison. Holy Spirit rose amidst the evil people around him and brought him before the king. The Bible says, in Ecclesiastes 4:14, “For he comes out of prison to be king although he was born poor in his kingdom”. In the same way the Lord will deliver you from all bondages and struggles. He will lift you up to honour in the society, in your work spot and in the nation. The King Nebuchadnezzar said about Daniel that “The Spirit of the gods are in you”. (Daniel 4:9). What a wonder! When the Sprit of God is in us, whichever prison they put us into, God will turn the events upside down and make us rulers of the nation. As you are reading this message, that grace of the Lord is coming upon you now. In this month and in the months to come God will make you Kingdom people. Friend! Are you in a agony, feeling as though you are bound and put into the prison? Forgotten by everyone? Rejected and betrayed? God will fill you with the Holy Spirit. It is important to be filled with the Holy Spirit. You will automatically enter into the rulership. How much ever you push it into the water, a rubber ball, will bounce back in great speed because of the air inflated in it. In the same way the Holy Spirit will bring you back from prisonlike bondages, from all things that enslave you and also lift you up and make you be seated on the throne. Surely God will do this to you in the future. So let us plead unto God saying, “Lord! I surrender myself to you. Lord Jesus! Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit”. Then, the Lord will bless you, make you increase with blessings and fill you with exceedingly abundant blessings.

What are the blessings the Lord will give us?

Abundant Wisdom “And God gave Solomon wisdom and exceedingly great understanding, and

Jesus Calls International * April 2017

largeness of heart like the sand on the seashore.” (1 Kings 4:29) God will give you too this abundant wisdom. Through that wisdom the Lord will lift you up and make you stand before kings.

Abundant Wealth “Hezekiah had very great riches and honor. And he made himself treasuries for silver, for gold, for precious stones, for spices, for shields, and for all kinds of desirable items;” (2 Chronicles 32:27) Friend! Hezekiah built treasuries to contain the abundant wealth he had. To contain what God is going to give you; you need to build large treasures. Yes! That’s the extent to which God is going to bless you and give you exceedingly abundance and make you prosper. From this month onwards there is going to be abundant wealth and abundant blessings in your family.

Abundant Gladness “For You have made him most blessed forever; You have made him exceedingly glad with Your presence.” (Psalm 21:6) The LORD will fill us with joy which comes by dwelling in His presence. But look at the interesting way in which the Scripture describes the joy. It says “exceedingly gladness”. Friend! Are you sitting in sorrow? The Lord will make His countenance shine upon you and fill you with exceeding and glorious gladness. He said, “You will see Me and your sorrow will be turned into joy”. Yes! I will send that grace upon you.

Abundant Help “So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army.” (Ezekiel 37:10) “For at that time they came to David day by day to help him, until it was a great army, like the army of God.” (1 Chronicles 12:22) People came like an army and helped King David. In the same way my friend, people of large

numbers will come to you from different directions and help you in your ministry. They will stand for God in this nation. Friend! we are not going to be alone anymore. Your family too is going to arise like an army and stand as a witness for the Lord. God will grant you this grace.

Abundant Souls “So the people of Nineveh believed God, proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to the least of them.” (Jonah 3:5) The prophet Jonah ran against the command of God. There was a terrible storm in the sea. Jonah was already full of fear saying, “Oh! I have sinned against the Lord” Then he was thrown into the sea and a whale that was prepared by the Lord came and swallowed him. Then he came out of the belly of the fish and crossed the huge city called Nineveh in three days. He announces the warning of God to the entire city and won all the souls of the whole city for the Lord. When we pray for our locality and our city the Lord opens the heavens to bless the city, so that we can bring cities into the blessings and presence of our Lord and deliver the city from the famine that the devil is planning to bring, and usher the city into Gods’ blessings and abundant prosperity. This is the abundant blessing the Lord gives you today. Through you your family will be saved. The anointing of the Holy Spirit. will descend upon you. Our Lord will meet all your needs according to His riches in glory. The Lord will fill you with wealth of wisdom, wealth of riches and wealth of gladness. Further you will also receive a wealth of favour in the eyes of men and thus receive abundant wealth and affection. Today is the day you need to surrender your life into the hands of the Lord. And you will experience the God-given power that will make you overcome all the works of the devil against you. Yes! He will fill you with exceedingly abundant blessings.

Jesus Calls International * April 2017


Samiti for Education, Environment, Social and Health Action (SEESHA) is a non-profit, non-governmental, humanitarian organisation founded by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran in 2003. This organisation was born as the fulfilment of a divine vision received by its founder from the Bible portion Isaiah 58:7 – “Share your food with the hungry and open your homes to the homeless poor. Give clothes to those who have nothing to wear, and do not refuse to help your own relatives.” Today, SEESHA impacts the lives of people in over 16 States of India, reaching out to children, youth, women, the differently-abled, senior citizens, those in need of physical and psychological health care, and victims of natural disasters. Over 300,000 lives are transformed through SEESHA’s multifarious projects every year. An organisation working towards holistic development of individuals, families and communities, SEESHA’s projects are focussed on the areas of education, health, environment and livelihood. CHILDREN: Orphans, semi-orphans, street children and children living in poverty across remote rural and urban-poor communities are provided with quality education and opportunities to excel. YOUTH: SEESHA harnesses and maximises the power of youngsters living in downtrodden communities, preventing them from falling prey to social evils and transforming them into agents of change in the community. WOMEN: SEESHA transforms the lives of thousands of women in India, empowering them to contribute significantly to their families and communities. SENIOR CITIZENS: SEESHA reaches out to destitute and abandoned elderly persons, helping them enjoy healthy and peaceful retired lives. HEALTH: SEESHA’s health outreach services make quality physical and psychological healthcare affordable and accessible to the poor, while providing awareness to prevent disease and promote health in rural and urban poor communities. DIFFERENTLY-ABLED: Through physiotherapy, special education, occupational therapy and other rehabilitative services, SEESHA trains, counsels and motivates the differently abled to lead independent and self-sufficient lives. DISASTER RESPONSE: SEESHA provides quick and effective relief and humanitarian services (as per Sphere standards) to those affected by natural calamities

To know more or contribute to a cause, visit LET NO CHILD BE LEFT BEHIND! The lack of resources causes thousands of children in India to drop out of school every year. Simple school needs such as stationery and art supplies, which we take for granted, are difficult for such children to afford. These children are the most susceptible victims of child labour and child marriage; the lack of education offering them no real escape from poverty. This year, pledge to help at least one such child go to school! Join hands with SEESHA as we prepare to distribute 30,000 SEESHA School Kits among children in need. The cost of a school kit = $8 The value of an education = Priceless! To donate a SEESHA School Kit, visit or scan


Jesus Calls International * April 2017

the QR Code

















Psalm 32:8. God will lead you in the way you should go. For Meditation: Isa. 58:11; Ps. 23:3; 80:1; 139:24; Gen. 24:48; Luke 1:79; Rev. 7:17. Psalm 23:4. Fear not, I am with you always. For Meditation: Isa. 41:10; 58:9; Hag. 1:13; 2:4; Ps. 14:5; Mat. 28:20; Acts 18:10. Psalm 92:12. The righteous will flourish like a palm tree. For Meditation: Ps. 52:8; 72:7; Hos. 14:5-7; Pro. 10:24; 13:21; Hab. 2:4. Psalm 34:5. Look at Him, you will be radiant. For Meditation: Isa. 45:22; Ex. 24:1618; 34:28-35; Acts 3:3-8; 6:15; 7:55-56; 14:7-10; Heb. 12:12. Proverbs 22:4. I will give you riches and honour and life. For Meditation: Prov. 10:22; 21:21; Gen. 24:35-36; 45:6-11; 47:11,12; 1 Chron. 29: 27,28. Proverbs 10:24. I will grant your desires. For Meditation: Mat. 20:20,21; Mark 10:51,52; Luke 11:9-13; Rev. 3:21. Proverbs 10:9. Whoever walks in integrity walks securely. For Meditation: Ps. 84:11; 101:6; Pro 15:19; 20:7; Job 1:1; 27:5. Psalm 18:32. God will strengthen me and keeps my way secure. For Meditation: Ps. 29:11; Isa. 40:2931; 41:10; 45:2; Jud. 16:28-30; Acts 1:8; 2 Cor. 12:9; Ph. 4:13. Proverbs 11:25. A generous person will prosper. For Meditation: 2 Cor. 8:9; 9:10; Gen. 14:16-24; 24:35; 2 Sam. 17:27-29; 1 Kings 2:7; Luke 6:38. Isaiah 40:31. I will give you renewed strength. For Meditation: 2 Cor. 12:9; Ps. 18:1; 103:3-5; Acts 1:8; 3:2-8,16.

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Psalm 31:21. You will see the wonders of my love (grace). For Meditation: Rom. 8:28; Isa. 53:1-6; Jer. 31:3; John 3:16; Ex. 33:19; Luke 1:30; Mat. 9:2. Isaiah 58:11. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. For Meditation: Ps. 52:8; 92:12; Mal. 4:2; Hos. 14:4-7; Num. 24:1,5-8; Jer. 31:12-14; 3 John 2. Proverbs 18:10. The righteous will be safe in the name of the Lord. For Meditation: John 1:12; 14:14; Acts 3:6,16; 4:12; 2 Cor. 8:9; Gal. 3:13,14. Isaiah 60:1. Arise, shine, for the light of the Lord has come upon you. For Meditation: Num. 6:25; 1 Kings 19:19-21; 2 Kings 2:2-14; Luke 9:59,60; Eph. 5:14; Acts 1:8. Luke 12:7. You are worth more than many sparrows. For Meditation: Ps. 8:4-6; Dan. 9:23; 10:11,9; Isa. 43:4; Mat. 6:25-33. Malachi 4:2. Beneath the wings of the Lord, you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. For Meditation: Ruth 2:12; Mark 5:2734; Luke 13:10-13; Acts 3:2-8,16; Ps. 92:12-14; 105:37. Isaiah 48:17. The Lord directs you in the best way you should go. For Meditation: Ps. 32:8; 119:165; Rom. 8:14,28; Gen. 46:2-4; 48:15,16; Is. 38:8-10. James 4:10. Humble yourselves, I will lift you up. For Meditation: 1 Pet. 5:6; Luke 18:1014; Ps. 105:17-22; Phil. 2: 5-11. Psalm 9:9. The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed. For Meditation: Ruth 1:4,5,16,17; 2:8-12; 4:13; Ps. 22:24; 46:1; 50:15; 71:20,21; Heb. 13;5,6. John 1:16. In fullness of Christ, receive all your needs. For Meditation: Col. 1:15-19; 2:3; 2 Cor. 8:9; Isa. 12:2,3; John 14:14.

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Isaiah 26:3. They that trust in the Lord, will receive perfect peace. For Meditation: Phi. 4:4-7; 2 Kings 18:5; Rom. 12:12; Ps. 115:9; 119:165; 125:5. Psalm 118:6. The Lord is with you; therefore, why fear? For Meditation: Jud. 6:12-16; 1 Sam. 17:36,37,45-50; 2 Sam. 10:12; Acts 18:9,10; 4:13,30-33. Deuteronomy 7:21. The great and awesome God is with you. For Meditation: Deut. 10:17; Jer. 20:11; Zep. 3:17; 1 Cor. 6:14. Jeremiah 1:5. I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations. For Meditation: Amos 3:6-8; Ezek. 3:17; Num. 11:25-29; Acts 2:17; 19:6; 2 Pet. 1:21. John 20:29. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. For Meditation: Heb. 11:6; Mat. 9:2729; John 4:46-53; 11:25,26,40,44. Psalm 103:13. Like a father, I will have compassion on you. For Meditation: John 3:16; Luke 15:1124; Jer. 31:9-17. Nehemiah 2:20. The God of Heaven will give you success. For Meditation: Isa. 53:10; Luke 1:37; Gen. 24:5-7,27; Ps. 62:5; 138:8; Mark 9:23. 1 Samuel 10:6. You will prophesy. For Meditation: Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17; 19:6; 1 Cor. 14:1; Rev. 1:3; 19:10; John 3:34. Deuteronomy 8:3. In God’s word there is life and provision. For Meditation: Mat. 4:4; 8:8,13; John 5:25; 6:63; 11:43; Heb. 4:12; Pro. 4:10; Ps. 1:2,3; Deuteronomy 28:13. You will always be on the top, never at the bottom. For Meditation: Gen. 50:20; 1 Kings 19:19-21; Ex. 2:23-25; 19:5,6; 1 Pet. 2:9.

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Jesus Calls International * April 2017


God answers by miracles! “My heart broke when I was struck by tumor in my right wrist. It was in the size of a lemon. Added to this agony I had no money for any treatment, hospitalization. I was already running my family with borrowed money. In this desperation, God was my only hope. I believed that even then God could heal me from the bone tumor. With this hope, it was on 11th January 2017, I made a call to the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower, Secunderabad. I did not mention my sickness to the Prayer Intercessor but asked her to pray for my family and future. But surprisingly, as the prayer

intercessor prayed for me, she beseeched God to grant me good health claiming the promise found in Exodus 15:26. Actually I had never asked her to pray for my health, particularly my tumor. I was thrilled indeed, that God knew my situation and was concerned; and that’s why He made the Prayer Intercessor pray for me prophetically over my desperate situation. Behold, the very next day morning in front of my own eyes I saw the tumor in my hand disappearing. The big lump completely melted. Praise the Lord for His abundant mercies and healing. I thank God with all my heart for blessing us through ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry. I thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his family who are praying for us.” - Anupama Kumar, Hyderabad.

Like Anupama, there are millions who cry desperately every moment without hope in this world. They need to be connected to OUR God the Life Giver. The prayer intercessor at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower agrees in prayer & faith with them & connects them to Him. (Matthew 18:18,19).


Jesus Calls International * April 2017

The Jesus Calls Telephone Prayer Tower open 24x7, 365 days of the year, answers calls from people seeking prayer help for - healing of sicknesses and disease, addictions, accidents, financial crisis, exams, misunderstandings between spouses, family relationships, and many more. Trained and anointed prayer intercessors are always ready to receive the calls and pray for every need, faithfully. Honoring the faith of the person requesting prayer along with the united prayer of the prayer intercessor, the Lord responds to their prayers and blesses His people. God provides healing and deliverance according to the promise, “Ask anything in My name and I will do it� (John 14:13,14). The Jesus Calls Telephone Prayer Tower serves as a tower of refuge - comforting millions and wiping away their tears. It initially started in Chennai, India and is now operational in Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Delhi, Trivandrum and Ahmedabad. The towers

provide prayer services in 9 languages - Tamil, English, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Hindi, Punjabi and Gujarati. The Jesus Calls global Organizations provide services in French, Spanish, Sinhala, Mandarin, Malay, Arabic, Hebrew, Russian and African languages. Shortly, operations will also begin at Coimbatore, Ranchi and Kolkata. We also plan to provide prayer services in Bengali, Odia, Assamese, Khasi, Nepali and Mizo languages soon . Every day, around 400 full-time prayer intercessors pray in 3 shifts round the clock on telephone for nearly 17,000 prayer requests. These calls are received from all over the world. This is seperate from the few thousand prayer intercessors who pray at the Prayer Towers for people in person and in the 24 hours prayer chains. Approximately 5,00,000 people are blessed through this ministry every month.

My friend, I pray that you would bring healing and life to millions of Anupama and make your life worth living. Shine your little light to millions from wherever you are thru whatever little you do. God the light of the world will get connected to you. You will be blessed as you become a blessing to millions thru this mission of Jesus Calls. I give you the opportunity which God has given us in order for you too to enjoy your part in blessing these millions of people. By doing so get 100 times in return from God for yourself and your family. Become a part of this blessing by joining us in making this Prayer Ministry to the desperate millions.

I AM LED BY THE LORD TO SUPPORT THE PRAYER TOWER MINISTRY OF JESUS CALLS INTERCESSOR. You can support the operational expenses of US $100, $500, or $1000 as prompted by the Lord. Come forward to sow your seed. To donate visit or you can send your donations via check to your nearest prayer tower.

Jesus Calls International * April 2017


Beloved in the Lord, I greet you in the name of our risen Lord! “I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.” (Revelation 1:18) The Lion of Judah who proclaims thus, shall do mighty miracles in your lives and bless you abundantly this month. The risen Lord will solve all your problems. Do not be afraid, the Lord became so poor becoming almost naked to endure your losses and emptiness to break your lack and to make you rich through His name (2 Corinthians 8:9). Are you suffering with pain because of sickness? Are you lamenting that you are going through the valley of death? The stripes that Jesus bore on the cross will change your agonies (Romans 8:11). Are you tormented by guilt that you have been unfaithful to your parents, spouse, children or relatives? The blood of Christ shall cleanse your conscience from dead works (Hebrews 9:14). So, the resurrected Lord who gained victory over death will bless you too with abundant life.

We yearn to meet you Many people send their prayer requests through letters and emails expressing their desire to meet us in person. We too wish to meet and pray for our beloved partners who support the ministry through their prayers and offerings. My wife Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran and I will be praying for everyone personally on 14, 15 and 16 of May 2017 from 10 am to 5 pm at Bethesda Prayer Centre, Coimbatore. Inform your friends and relatives in Tamil Nadu and nearby States to use this opportunity to meet us personally. They can also avail the Karunya Campus tour to visit labs, hostels, Karunya Schools and avail special discounts on Karunya admissions. Kindly inform them to register their names through Jesus Calls website or call us to inform their coming, in any of these telephone numbers


0422 2614580 / 2615515 / 9487846601 (from 7.30 am to 8.30 pm).

Good News in every city “...Jesus went through every city and village, preaching and bringing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God and the twelve were with him.” (Luke 8:1) People from every city and village long to receive the touch of God. They are eagerly awaiting for “Jesus Calls” meetings to be conducted in their own towns and cities. To start with, we are planning to visit cities in Tamil Nadu in the months of June and July. We’ll pray for all the beloved people coming for these meetings, by laying hands and praying for them in person. Please, pray, especially for the preparations of these events, in the cities in Tamil Nadu and also pray for the ministers of God who organize these events. We shall publish the details of these meetings in the ensuing months.

Telephone Prayer Ministry “….Pray for one another.” (James 5: 16) Thousands of people who are going through problems are longing to find out, if there is anyone who would bring them words of solace and pray for them. “Jesus Calls Prayer Towers” are catering to the needs of people day and night – for the students who are preparing for their exams, for people who are disheartened because of family problems, for people who are admitted in hospitals in serious conditions and for those who have met with accidents unexpectedly. Thousands of lives have been saved through the telephone ministry. Families have been blessed. We lovingly invite you to uphold this ministry through your prayers and contributions. You can send your contributions through our website or call us in the toll free number +1 972 499 4995, 24 hours a day.

International Prayer Conference “At that time Jerusalem shall be called The Throne of the Lord, and all the

Jesus Calls International * April 2017

nations shall be gathered to it…” (Jeremiah 3: 17) In the year 2018, by the end of August to September first week , we have planned to conduct an International Prayer Conference at the Israel Prayer Tower in Jerusalem to commemorate its 5th anniversary. In the same year, Israel is celebrating the completion of 70 years of existence. Since this first International Prayer Conference will be a historic event, kindly make special plans to join us and to uphold this event in your prayers.

Karunya Admissions Admission have started for technical courses like B.Tech, M.Tech, M.B.A, Ph.D and also for Arts and Science courses such as B.Sc. IT, B.C.A. B.B.A., M.A. English and M.Sc. Visual Communication. I invite you to admit your loving children in Karunya University to acquire academic excellence in a spiritual environment. To get more information regarding this log in to our website or call 1800 425 4300.

bless you abundantly.I encourage you to make use of this opportunity to educate the underprivileged. To get more information regarding this log in to our website or call +91 09940299979.

Seeking your prayers Pray that God shall provide us good health and journey mercies, as we travel all around the world doing God’s work. Pray for my wife Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran who is entering into a new year on the 24th of April. God has bestowed His grace upon her to travel along with me and share God’s word in the meetings, thus becoming a great blessing to thousands of people and families around the world. Pray that God should use her mightily in the days to come. “…Because I live, you will live also.” (John 14:19) According to this verse, Jesus who is alive even today will prosper you in all things. I am praying fervently for you and your family.

Karunya Schools

Your beloved brother, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Karunya Christian School, established in the Karunya University campus is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and provides quality education to school children. Admissions have started for classes KG to 9th std and 11th std. To get more information about the school, you can log on to our website www.kcs. You can also send your queries through e-mail to or call 09487846615 / 0422 - 2614830/31.

Your contribution to educate the poor “…of sending presents to one another and gifts to the poor.” (Esther 9:22) At Karunya University, free education is given to students from economically weaker sections. Free education, is provided to children who are not able to continue their studies due to financial constraints. A considerable number of poor children are being benefitted through this. Even this year, you can extend your helping hand towards the education of these poor children. As you show compassion to poor children, God will

Jesus Calls International * April 2017


Testimony from Jennifer Ross I went through several struggles in my life. Many times I wondered where was God and is God with me? He didn’t get me out of the situation when I was hurt and at times it seemed no one would ever help me, and it would never end, but God did give me the strength to get through it. I realize it now. I came to Jesus calls prayer tower with hope to get back my banking job, which I had to let go.

I shared this with the prayer intercessor and he started praying for me .I could feel my burden becoming very light and I could feel that I will get the victory for my entire problem and I am capable of facing it. He advised me through the scriptures. When I used to fast and pray I always claimed these two verses, Psalm 37:4 and Matthew 7:7 . What a wonder! The lord answered my prayers; I received an offer from OCBC bank for its management position which my heart desired. I just want to share that when we trust in the LORD with faith and do good, it’s for sure God will give us the desires of our heart.

Family Blessing Meeting / Healing Service: Every Saturday at 6 pm Esther Prayer Group: Once in a month on Tuesdays from 2:00pm to 4:00pm & Saturdays between 3:00 to 4:30pm For any further details and ministry resources, please contact our Country Director Sis.Regina Quek @ +65-63830160 Address: JESUS CALLS PRAYER TOWER 70-A, Racecourse Road (Second Floor), Singapore - 218572. C:JesusCallsSingapore Prayer Hotline (24 hours): +65-63830160 Email: You may send your offerings as Cash/Cheque /Cashless order/Bank Draft. For online payment and funds transfer, kindly use the following bank details: Beneficiary name Bank Name Branch



Jesus Calls International * April 2017

“The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” (Psalm 18:2) We love the Lord and give the Lord so many names. That’s what king David also did. Even in this world we love our children and we give them so many names. When our little daughter Sweety was born, she looked so beautiful that my elder daughter Sharon who came to see her said, “Let us call her Sweety” and my husband would call her as his “little queen” and I called her as my “little sugar candy”. And her grandfather named her as Stella. Again I named her as “Ramola” after my mother. Each one of us called her by different names and that’s what we do to our Lord also. We call him by many names like “Miracle Worker”, “Our Strength”. That’s what Hagar, the second wife of Abraham did. “Then she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her, You-Are-the-GodWho-Sees; for she said, ‘Have I also here seen Him who sees me?" (Genesis 16:13) Hagar called God by a different name. She said, “You’re the God who sees me.” So, never be discouraged because we have a God who sees us, who looks into every minute detail of our lives. Hagar became the second wife of Abraham because Sarah, who was promised by God a child in her old age, did not believe in the promise of God. She

gave her maidservant Hagar as wife to Abraham. When Hagar conceived, she looked down on Sarah, and because of this Sarah mistreated Hagar. Hagar unable to bear Sarah’s mistreatment ran away from her.

Lord who sees When Hagar ran away, the Lord saw her misery and the Angel of God looked graciously on her (Genesis 16:9,10). She admired the Lord’s mercy upon her and she was so grateful to God. Then she returned back to her mistress. When you go through troubles, never run away from God. The Lord says, “Come to Me all who are burdened and heavy laden then I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).” So, do not run away from God. “...for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."( 1 Samuel 16:7) Yes, man may look at our face but God looks into our heart. When I was pregnant for the first time, a doctor was taking ultrasound and she called my husband to come and watch the picture. Suddenly she called out excitedly and asked us to look at the picture closely. Little Samuel had his hands clasped together and it looked like he was praying even

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inside his mother’s womb. So we really marvelled at the creation of God and we thanked God for our beautiful son and even today he is a prayerful boy. When my son was born, my husband dedicated him to serve the Lord and named him Samuel. He said that our son should be a prophet of God. Man may see the inside of the body but God knows our inner thoughts, minds and heart. “…For the righteous God tests the hearts and minds.” (Psalm 7:9) He is a God who searches minds and hearts. He knows the inner secrets of our hearts. So, all our sins are seen by God clearly. No matter how well we think we can cover up our sins, God sees every sin. No sins not even a whispered curse are hidden from God because He knows our evil thoughts everything which we do in the dark. So don’t run away from God my dear friend. Are you struggling with your sin today? Is your sin gaining a stronghold? Are all your efforts to come back to God failing? So why not cry to God today?

God who does wonders Recently, I heard a testimony of a sister called Jayalakshmi. She resides just near our Prayer Tower in Chennai. She hated Jesus so much that whenever she had go to for shopping or anywhere else, she would avert her head to avoid looking at the Prayer Tower. But one day, accidentally she spilt boiling oil upon her little daughter. There were boils all over her body. She was admitted in the hospital and treated. The doctors said that they had done all that they could do and only God could help her daughter. A nurse told her to approach Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for prayer. This sister was shocked to hear this. Yet she accepted to go there for prayers. When she went inside the Prayer Tower, the prayer warriors prayed for her daughter and they literally prayed with tears for her daughter to be healed. A great miracle occurred. The Lord not only healed the boils but He healed all the scars on


her body. She shouted and glorified the Lord. Yes, we are serving a wonder-working God. Today her daughter is an Engineer. The same sister who disliked going to Prayer Tower now says that whenever she’s got problems she goes to that Prayer Tower. So today, the lord honors her family.

God who exalts We are standing as witness to God. So we should never run away from God and we must gather as one family with God. Hagar also admired God’s mercy and so she came back to her God’s family. So let us also come back to God and do not cover up our sins. “He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.” (Proverbs 28:13) “Return to the stronghold, you prisoners of hope. Even today I declare that I will restore double to you.” (Zechariah 9:12) As you come closer to God, He will bless you in double measure. Sister Jayalakshmi came to God’s family and became a partner of Jesus Calls and the Lord blessed her in double measure. As Hagar joined the family of Abraham, the Lord promised to bless her family. When we seek the Lord with all our hearts we will find Him. Today you’re going to see God. As Hagar saw God and heard from God, the Lord will show Himself to you and sanctify you and cleanse all your sins. Even today the Lord will be moved with compassion for you to give everything that you want and He will never send you empty handed. Sarah said to Abraham, “Get rid of that slave woman and her son for that slave woman’s son will never share in the inheritance with my son Isaac” (Genesis 21:10). But Abraham was so reluctant to send his second wife and his son Ishmael. This is the thing the devil puts in our families. He will not

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allow us to be united along with our families and he will plant hatred and make us fight with each other. So, Abraham reluctantly sent his second wife Hagar and his son Ishmael away from them. He just sent them away with just some food and water. When the water and food was over, terrible thirst threatened her and she did not want to see her son dying. So, she laid her son under the bush and from a distance she sat down and wept. There the Lord saw her misery and the angel of God visited her again. The angel said, “Do not be afraid and the Lord heard her son’s cry (Genesis 21:17,18). Are you afraid and oppressed by troubles in your life or afraid of divisions in your family? But today when you come to God, He will bless you and make you a great nation. “A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation. I, the Lord, will hasten it in its time.” (Isaiah 60:22) So, maybe you are thinking I am a little one and poor and needy and is the lord thinking about me? But the Lord sees your misery and He will deliver you from all the troubles. “Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” (Psalm 34:19) The enemy crushes us to the ground and makes us dwell in the darkness, but then the hand of the Lord lifts us from the ground (Isaiah 59:19; Psalm 143:3). The devil will always put a fear about our family life. He will say ‘you’re finished’ but God’s righteous right hand will lift you. When Hagar was crying, the Lord opened her eyes. She saw a well of water and she went and filled the skin with water and made the boy drink. (Genesis 21:19) Even today the Lord will lift you and open your eyes to see the blessed face of God and He will satisfy you. The devil says, you are finished and cannot enjoy this world and God’s blessings. Once when I was in despair I cried out to the Lord and I cried to Him to get the joy back into

my family life. When I was crying to the Lord to help me, He appeared before me and showed His face to me. He said, “I am the King of Israel, then why are you crying?” The Lord said that He loves me and so there is no need to cry. He told me to go on and preach about Him. I saw Jesus face to face and I was so encouraged and lifted up in my spirit. So, I said that I was satisfied with His light (Psalm 17:15). When we go through the heights of trouble, Jesus will appear because no one in this world can comfort us. He is the God who comforts and He will open your eyes to see the blessing of God. The Lord opened the eyes of Hagar and she saw the well of water and she filled the skin with water. In the same way, the Lord will open our eyes and fill our hearts from the living fountain. Hagar not only filled the water with skin but then she gave the water to her son and likewise the lord will make you to give water to others. The Lord says, those who are thirsty come to Me and drink from Me (John 6:35; 7:37). As you have come to Jesus, you will quench your spiritual thirst from Him. That’s why Jesus said that He will not leave you as orphans and He will send another comforter to comfort you (John 14:16-18). That another comforter is the Holy Spirit. The Lord sent His Holy Spirit to be with us and to comfort us and to live in us always and God is to be with us always. It is a blessed privilege to be with God and to have Him in our hearts. “I will show them wonders.” (Micah 7:15) Yes, He will show wonders in your family, personal, spiritual lives and you’re going to see God because our God is alive yesterday, today and forever. So today, cry out to God to open your eyes and your hearts. If you are struggling with your past life, confess everything to God and ask Him to remove all the old things and to make everything new. The Lord who saw the tears of Hagar and blessed her and her generation will certainly bless you and your family. Be encouraged.

Jesus Calls International * April 2017



Jesus Calls International * April 2017

“I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” (Luke 10:18,19) ur gracious Lord says, “I give unto you power.” Yes, it is written in the Bible that He wants to give us all that He has and all good gifts and that power belongs to God (Matthew 7:11; Psalm 62:11).

Authority to become His children

The Lord God says, “I am the Lord the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?” (Jeremiah 32:27). We also read that ‘His great works are past finding out. He does wonders without number’ (Job 9:10).

“Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God…” (Ephesians 2:19)


The gracious Lord Jesus has said that all power in heaven and earth has been given into His hands (Matthew 28:18). That’s why He cast out demons; healed the sick; spoke with authority. But as He was leaving this world, He called His disciples and said, “I give this power and authority to you, My children. I give you this authority to overcome every power of the enemy (Luke 10:19). He will give us the power to overcome any power and help us be more than a conqueror in any circumstances.

“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.” (John 1:12)

Once a pastor and his wife were living in a particular city, but they had no children. There was an orphanage near their home. They loved a little boy over there. The boy always used to be in their house. Suddenly the orphanage was shifted to another city. The pastor and his wife ran to that city and talked to the lady who was running the orphanage and adopted that child. When the child started calling them ‘Daddy’ and ‘Mummy’ they

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felt very happy. When they died whatever they had was inherited by this orphan boy. Today he is a mighty pastor just like his father. This is what Jesus Christ is doing for us. Filling us with the Spirit of adoption, He accepts us as His own son/daughter (Romans 8:15). When we tell the Lord Jesus, “I am a sinful man. Please make me as Your son,” He forgives our sins and would say, “You are My son by adoption; you are My daughter by adoption.” Then we would be able to call Him “Abba, Father”. "For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, ‘Abba, Father.’” (Romans 8:15) Some year ago, I visited the state of Nagaland. There I met a man from South India and he was working among those people. He had married a Naga woman and had children. I asked him how he came to that place. He said, “I came here just on a visit but I felt God’s calling in my life to stay here and work. So I decided to marry a girl from the Nagas. I approached the village chief and he said in a village meeting, “This young man wants to stay with us. He wants to marry one of our girls. So I am adopting him as my son. From today he belongs to my family.” As a token of adoption, he brought a pig, cut off its head and poured out the blood and said, “Through the blood of this pig I am adopting him into my family.” Thus he shared this with me. This is what God has done for us by shedding His blood on the cross and has adopted us as His own children (I Corinthians 6:20). So, when you too come to the cross and say, “Jesus! You shed Your blood for me, please take me as Your son/ daughter,” you will never feel lonely thereafter. He gives you power to become His own son and daughter. When you thus get attached to God, He will look after you.


What happens when we become the children of God? When you become the son or daughter of the Almighty God, automatically others will become jealous of you. The first person who will be jealous of you is the devil. The Bible says that the devil, who goes about like a roaring lion, seeking whom to devour, is our arch enemy (1 Peter 5:8, Matthew 13:19). There used to be certain special cherubs around the Almighty God and one of them was the devil. He was a person of extraordinary beauty and wisdom. Since he had pride and haughtiness and considered him above God, he was thrown away from the presence of God (Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:12-19, I Timothy 3:6). He, who was thrown away by God, is bound with eternal chains of darkness (II Peter 2:4; Jude 6). Having lost his glory, he becomes jealous and angry over us, when we become God’s children. When God adopts us as His children, He gives us all the blessings that He has given for Jesus Christ (Romans 8:17). The devil cannot bear it. So he is angry with us. Our gracious Lord has said, "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy” (John 10:10; 8:44).

Why does satan steal? When God made the first man and woman, He made them in the image of the Almighty God in righteousness and in holiness (Ephesians 4:24; Colossians 3:9,10; Genesis 1:27). Adam and Eve were so holy and so God was walking with them. Without holiness no man can ever see God (Hebrews 12:14). Seeing that both Adam and Eve were holy and that God was walking among them, Satan got jealous over mankind. Telling that he would steal the holiness and righteousness that they had, he went to Eve in the form of a serpent and said to her, “If you eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge, you will be like God.” It was because he wanted to become like

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God. God who came to walk with man cried out, “Adam, where are you?” Adam obeyed the devil and sinned and hence had to hide, out of shame (Genesis 3:8,9).

Authority from the cross “For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.” (Romans 6:14) Even today, Satan is tempting man. We read in the Bible that he tempted even the Lord Jesus (Matthew 4:1-13). Yet through the Scriptures, the Lord overcame him. Now, since you are under grace, sin cannot have dominion over you. The Lord will give you the same authority that Jesus has and the authority to control your emotion and the authority to overcome any kind of temptation. Satan tries to kill and destroy us directly or through some other people. Jesus loved all His disciples (John 13:1). Particularly, He loved Judas and trusted him enough to give him the money box (John 13:29). Satan spoke to that Judas and tempted him saying that he will get lot of money if he betrayed Jesus (John 13:2). But when he saw that Jesus Christ, whom He betrayed was crucified, Judas was miserable. He pleaded to the Chief Priest to take back his money and set free Jesus. When it was not possible, he destroyed himself (Matthew 27:4,5; Acts 1:16-18). This is how the devil, the serpent, deceives and destroys people. Sometimes he uses even certain people with snake’s poison (Psalm 58:4; 140:3). Yet, in order to save us from the power of this serpent, the Lord Jesus offered Himself as a sacrifice on the cross. Several years ago, in a place in Texas, United States of America, a man was passing by a beautiful garden. There he saw a sweet little boy standing and admiring the flowers in the garden. Suddenly, the man spotted a very poisonous snake approaching the boy stealthily. He understood the danger and realized that it would strike the boy

and that he would die instantly. He didn’t know what to do. However, within a twinkling of an eye he jumped in-between the snake and the little child and the snake turned its attention on him and struck him ten times. He screamed in agony. Hearing this, the father of the child and a few others came running. The snake left away and the little child was saved. This man was taken to the hospital, where he fought for his life. Ultimately he was saved. When the little boy would have grown, whenever he happened to see that man, he would have said, “This is the man who was about to sacrifice his life for me.” The Lord Jesus too offered Himself to be struck by the serpent, devil. His whole body was wounded. When the chief priest and the soldiers beat Him mercilessly, He bore it with the thought, “Let me endure this patiently so that My children would be redeemed from sin.” He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities. He tasted death in order to save us from the hands of the devil. Today, through the victory He has gained on the cross, Jesus has given us the power and had made us conquerors. He has given us the power to overcome the enemy and to cast away the devil in His name (Mark 16:17). So, whenever Satan tries to strike you and whenever he tries to push you down through temptation, cast him away in the name of Jesus telling, “Get behind me Satan” (Matthew 4:10). When we say the name of Jesus he will tremble and he will flee from you. The resurrected Lord Jesus is always with you. So don’t be afraid of Satan. Resist the devil and he will flee from you (James 4:7). Wait at the feet of God, receive this divine power, get filled with the Holy Spirit and deliver and comfort the people who live in tears. With the divine authority given to you, set free the people who are enslaved by Satan, and watch and pray in order to live for the Lord.

Jesus Calls International * April 2017


In Andhra Pradesh, India, the little town of Rajahmundry came alive being touched by the resurrection power of Lord Jesus Christ through the 3 day Prophetic Prayer Conference, February 8-10, 2017 and the 3 day Blessing meetings organized by the Rock Church of India, Rajahmundry, February 10-12, 2017.

personal encounters with the Lord Jesus Christ. When she prayed, many received the anointing and many were delivered from their problems. At the end of every day, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline prayed in person for every delegate. Simultaneous translation was arranged for those who came from northern states.

About 2100 participants from almost 12 states took part in the Prophetic Prayer Conference. The unique feature of the conference is that almost 60% of the participants were pastors and full-time servants of God. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared deep insights on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, particularly the Gifts of tongues, prophecy and discerning of spirits. During prayer time, he called out several names and people came forward and testified.

As the building was jam-packed, separate shamiana was put up to accommodate about 500 of the delegates. Bishop John Lazarus of Rock Church ministries, Bishop Pratap Sinha and Bishop Sudheer Kumar made all arrangements for the successful conduct of the Prophetic Conference.

Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran shared on how the life of a servant of God should be and her


All the delegates received the personal touch from Lord Jesus and went back as ministers of God to build God’s kingdom and to usher in the world for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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Miracles from God Blessed in double… I am married and blessed with children. Three years ago, one of my uncle collected a big amount from me assuring to give me a house. But he did not give back either the money or the house. I was so burdened and worried about my state. So, with a heavy heart, carrying these prayer requests I attended the three days prophetic conference, Rajahmundry from February 8 to 10. There I had a blessed opportunity to meet Dr. Paul in person and get prayed. I gave the diary to him in which I have noted all my prayer points. I had also written a prayer point for my dad who had no house for his own. As Dr. Paul laid his hands on those requests and prayed with burden, miracles happened. The same day, the same moment I received two miracles – I received a message in my mobile informing that 12 lakhs has been deposited in my account. Yes, it was from my uncle. Now, with this amount, we have decided to build a house for my dad. Added to that, he has also given a bond for the remaining 40 lakhs. My husband also received an increment of Rs.5000/- the same day when Dr Paul laid his hands on the request and prayed. I have no words to thank God Almighty for this extraordinary miracle. All glory to Him. - Renuka, Hyderabad.

No more pain For the past two years, I had pain in my heart. The heart rate was not normal. Added to this agony I had pain in my hand and shoulders also. Doctors advised for a surgery. Being troubled and disturbed about my health condition, I attended this special meeting expecting a miracle for me. During prayer time, I united myself with Dr. Paul and cried out to God to help me. God performed a miracle at that very instant. The pain in my heart, hand and shoulders vanished immediately. There is no trace of this serious problem in my body. Praise the Lord. - Ludhiya, Peddapuram, Andhra Pradesh.

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Jesus Calls International * April 2017

Words brought Miracles My father had nerve problem in his leg which caused pain whenever he walked. The doctors found that the nerve in his leg was swollen and said that he may end up being unable to walk, if left untreated. At this juncture, in December 2016, I sent a e-mail to Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran on

behalf of my father. And she did send me an encouraging reply. Within days of receiving her reply, the pain in my father's leg began to slowly subside. Now he is healed completely! My father is happy and I am happy for him! Let's praise Lord Jesus for this miracle. My father and I pledge to continue Jesus Calls ministry through our offerings and prayers. - Dr. Joanne Shalini, Malaysia

With faith to receive your miracle, mark your calendars on 6th and 20th April 2017 for the Blessing meetings which are being held on the first & third Thursday of every month @ 8:00pm in the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower Please participate with your family and be blessed. Inform your friends and relatives too. For any further details and ministry resources, please contact our Country Director Bro. Cristhappa Samuel at 03 7931 9373 between 10:00am to 6:00pm.

Address: TRUE FRIEND BERHAD TOWER VILLA, 11, LORONG TIMUR 46000 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR D.E, MALAYSIA Email: Prayer Help (24 hours): 03 7960 7370.

You may send in your loving offerings through Cash / Cheque / Direct Banking. Online payment can be done through Our website with secured payment gateway: Please find below the bank details for online payment and funds transfer: Beneficiary name : TRUE FRIEND BERHAD Bank Name : MAYBANK BERHAD Account No : 514169218662

Jesus Calls International * April 2017


At Karunya University, Coimbatore, 14th February turned out to be a glorious day with Bro. Mohan C Lazarus, Founder of Jesus Redeems Ministries, India, leading the prayers for the Karunya mission wherein nearly 2000 students and staff prayed together. After this meeting, Karunya Prayer Training was held from February 15-18th 2017. It was a great blessing to all the 3100 participants, about 90% being students. The theme of the conference was “Touch the Supernatural.� Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, the Chancellor, under the unction of the Holy Spirit brought deep insights on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, particularly about the Gift of Prophecy and Revelation, talking about the two witnesses namely spirit of Enoch and Elijah relating to "Consecration to carry the image of God in one's life and enjoy God's Power


in one's life and also bringing God's plan to kings, nations, peoples and languages." The Lord called out several names through Dr. Paul and every one of them came forward and testified. Sis. Evangeline spoke on the calling of a prophet tracing through the life of Jeremiah, the weeping prophet. During the anointing session, the anointed Prayer Intercessors who had come from different parts of India laid their hands on the delegates, praying & prophesying over them. Almost all the participants received the touch from God in their lives. During the testimony

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TOUCHING THE SUPERNATURAL AT KARUNYA Called by name...Anitha I am Anitha Asst. Prof., CS Department. For the past six years I was going through severe family problems and I was struggling with my little child. In particular, for the past two months I was in depression. I was constantly questioning God whether He is with me and whether there is a hope in my life, expecting a transformation in my life. I was all the time feeling that I am losing all my blessings and so to get a solution for this, I attended this Prayer Training conference. When Bro. Paul was praying he said, “Anitha, you have lost so much in your life. God’s Holy Spirit is filling you and guiding you.” Great joy has filled me and I can feel the deliverance within me. Glory to God.

To stand before kings

time, the children of the staff and the Karunya School students from the age of 10 to the college students and staff who took part in this event, came forward and testified their supernatural experience. As per the words of Dr. Paul, “A new era of Karunya has begun with Karunya touching the Supernatural and Karunya will never be the same again.”

I am Gideon, doing my second year in Bio-Medical at Karunya. During the second day of the Conference, when Dr. Paul was praying he said that the Karunya students will stand before kings and will prophesy. I was inspired by this thought and was longing for this Gift of Prophecy to fill me. Exactly saying, God fulfilled my desires and I started speaking in tongues. I started rolling in the ground. God’s prophesy came through uncle Paul saying, “You will have great joy and comfort and I will raise you among the kings.” At that time I had a vision of a king’s throne prepared for me. Thank you Jesus.

Heavenly experience My name is Sylvia Joyce, studying in 5th std EMHSS (Evangeline School). I used to pray to God for Him to speak to me. Yesterday, during the first day of the conference, I was praying much for that experience. Today I started speaking in tongues. What a joyous experience! Thank you Jesus.

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THIS IS THE PRIMARY THOUGHT ON THE MINDS OF MORE THAN 300,000 PEOPLE WHO VISIT THE BETHESDA PRAYER CENTRE, COIMBATORE, INDIA EVERY YEAR. Here is a testimony of a visitor who received a healing touch of Jesus Christ at the Bethesda Prayer Centre My husband was suffering from blood cancer for the past three years. He suffered so much that even the doctors gave up hope. In this desperation, we came to Bethesda as a family. We cried out to God in our hopeless situation, together. The prayer intercessors prayed for us with great burden. What a wonder! The Lord heard the earnest prayers. As we went back, my husband had a new life flowing into him thru God's power. He was healed. The symptoms of cancer were gone. Added to that my son was suffering from epilepsy. We prayed at Bethesda Prayer Centre that God should heal him too. What a wonder! That is gone too. Graciously, the Lord healed him right there. All glory and praise be to God. My family is alive and well today. Thank God for this mission to bring healing through the ministry of prayer at Bethesda. - Mrs. J. Manesan, Dharapuram - 638656.


Manesan is one among more than 25,000 people who visit Bethesda every month with an expectation to receive a healing touch of Christ . The Bethesda Prayer Centre, Coimbatore, India was established 25 years ago, in accordance to the vision given to my father Dr. DGS Dhinakaran. The Lord had promised him that “To those who travail in body, mind and spirit, and yearn to receive my healing touch, you will raise a structure like the Bethesda of the Bible.� Faithful to His promise, the Lord has been healing thousands everyday. After serving 3,000,000 million people in the last 25 years, the infrastructure at Bethesda needs to be updated and renovated for the several million who will be visiting in the future.

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The cry of millions at Bethesda

I am providing you a unique opportunity to build God’s house and be a blessing to the millions, and as you do so, the Lord Himself will build your home.

BETHESDA SILVER JUBILEE PROJECT Name: ......................................................................................................................................................... Partner code: (If any): .......................................... Date of birth: ................................................................ Address: ...................................................................................................................................................... City: ................................... PIN / zip code: ..................................... Country: ........................................... Mobile (1) ................................................................. (2) ........................................................................... Email: ......................................................................................................................................................... (needed for fast and effective communication)  I would like to receive e Communications & Jesus Calls e magazine monthly. DONATE TO SUPPORT THE BETHESDA PRAYER CENTRE ()WHERE APPLICABLE

Bethesda Prayer Centre  $50 for 1sq.ft.

 $250 for 5sq.ft.

 $ ....................... /- for ................ sq.ft.

 $1250 for 25sq.ft

 $500 for 10sq.ft.

A prayer room, porch, or a portion of a pathway could be sponsored for $4000 or above where the name of the donor or the family will be inscribed. The Lord will remember to bless the donor as He does miracles for every person each day in these places. To give online, please visit or you can send your donations via check to your nearest Prayer Tower.

Jesus Calls International * April 2017


Esther Prayer Group is for women who have the burden to pray for women who have prayer needs, filled with power and love for God. When I lost my only beloved daughter Angel, God gave me this ministry. And now by the grace of God, thousands of women have joined this EPG Ministry and are blessed by God in a marvellous way. Dear sister, you can also form your own group or join in any other group as a member and enjoy God’s abundant blessings.

EPG through Conference Call We are delighted to write that Sis. Hannah Merlin, Atlanta, USA gathered few women through conference call and conducted her first Esther Prayer Group Fellowship and received a mighty miracle from God in her own life. Just like this, you can also connect with sisters as a group from your city, in your country through conference call to pray and receive blessings and miracles from the Almighty God!


Here is the testimony of Dr. Mrs. Hannah Merlin I am the leader of this new group and I have started this from Atlanta, USA. On the day of prayer, all of us joined punctually wherever we were and prayed with much burden for all the prayer points. All of us got filled with His joy as we prayed and the sisters in our group received spiritual blessings by interceding for other needy sisters. I received a call from my husband who sadly expressed that he had been notified from the hospital that an amount of $20,000 towards his recent surgery should be paid immediately. We were totally broken as we had already spent a huge amount for that surgery. In spite of this problem, God filled me with His divine strength to stand firm and helped me not to leave my faith. We prayed much in our fellowship for God to perform a miracle. Two days after the EPG prayer was over, when my husband went to the hospital again with great anxiety, he was surprised to find out that the unapproved amount was cancelled by the hospital and they asked him to pay just $200 instead of $20,000. I praise and thank God who has done this great wonder in our life.

Jesus Calls International * April 2017

How to start a Esther Prayer Group in your place. I would like to encourage you to collect 8 sisters in your city to start your own Esther Prayer group and conduct the same either in your house or in a convenient place. However, even if you have less than 8 sisters, you can still start the same. Please pray for two hours, once a month for the 20 prayer points sent to you that is prepared with much prayers. Kindly send me the completed report sheet the next day of your fellowship. For more details for sisters who are willing to start an EPG in USA, kindly contact Sis. Lincy Pandithurai who is the chief co-ordinator for the whole of US for EPG. Phone: 214 723 3435, email: Our USA Address: Jesus Calls International, 8855 N Stemmons Freeway, Dallas-Texas, USA 75247. Phone No.: 1-855-537-87. Those of you in other countries who would like to start an EPG, may kindly contact me with your postal address, email id & mobile number so that we can send you the prayer points every month regularly. God bless you. Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran, Jesus Calls Ministry, 16, Dr. DGS Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600028. Phone: 91-44-23456677/72. Email: - Sis.Stella Dhinakaran

UPDATE FROM THE ESTHER PRAYER GROUP MEET HELD ON THE 18th MARCH, 2017, USA Sis. Evangeline gathered together with many other EPG members from Dallas, The Colony and Plano for a powerful time of prayer and intercession. The time of prayer began with sharing testimonies for the glory of God. Sis Evangeline encouraged the sisters by sharing about the mighty move of God in Karunya and other parts of India.

has answered the prayer. By the grace of God and by the prayers of Dr. Paul and Sis.Evangeline my husband’s visa has been extended for three years. Glory to God!

Testimony from Karuna Rakhesh

The prayer continued with a short time of worship. As we started to pray for the prayer points prepared by Sis. Stella Aunty the presence of the Lord was strongly present in the room. The prayer points were aptly fitting to the prayer needs of the women who attended the prayer. The leaders of all the EPG prayer groups in Dallas, The Colony and Plano were present in the prayer. Sis. Evangeline encouraged the sisters to pray for India with burden and passion. Esther Prayer groups were made for such a time as this. All the prayer points were prayed for with passion and burden.

I attended the EPG prayer in February and shared about my visa which was expiring in two weeks. I was distraught and worried for our family. As we had four children we were not sure about our future here in the US. The EPG sisters prayed for me with burden and compassion. God

Sis Evangeline anointed each women who attended the prayer with oil and prayed for each one individually. Additionally, Sis. Evangeline encouraged the women who attended the prayer to stand in the gap and pray for other women continuously.

Testimony from Sheba Christopher By the grace of God and by the fervent prayers of Dr. Paul and Sis. Evangeline the first step of the Green Card approval came through for my family. Dr Paul prophesized in December that God would honor my patience. God’s words were fulfilled. All glory be to God.

Jesus Calls International * April 2017


Touch of healing I am sharing this testimony on behalf of my mother. My name is Jerome. On September 2016, my mother underwent a free medical check-up at Ceylinco. During the test, a lump was identified in her breast. All the scans and mammogram established that she had a lump which should be removed by a biopsy. Thereafter, we took a second opinion from another hospital where they advised for a needle test and an operation. Time passed away with us. On 2 December 2016, my mother went for the “Friday Blessing Meet” at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. During the prayer time, she

felt a hand touching her. When she opened her eyes, she saw a hand moving away from her body. At that very moment, she knew she was healed. On 23 December 2016, we went to Nawaloka hospital for an ultra-sound test, wherein we were pleasantly surprised to hear that there is no lump in her breasts. We were very happy. All glory and honor be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for this miracle. Thanks be to God! - Jerome Matchado, Colombo - 15

DO YOU NEED A PHYSICAL HEALING? MENTAL HEALING? EMOTIONAL HEALING? Enter these towers of healing for the Blessing Meetings In Colombo

At Mattakkuliya:

In Jaffna:

Every Friday at 5.00 p.m.

Every Tuesday at 5.30 p.m.

Every Friday at 10.00 a.m.

Jesus Calls International 15/1B, Joseph Lane, Bambalapitiya, Colombo - 4.

Jesus Calls No: 65/373, 5th Lane, Crow Island, Colombo 15.

Jesus Calls No: 102, 3rd Cross Street, Jaffna

PRAYER HELP (24 hours): 00 94 11 4488111

T.V PROGRAMS (Local Time) Every Sunday at 8:30 pm


Every Tuesday on Wednesday 1:30 pm Thursday 1:30am & 9:30am SLBC (Tamil) 8:30pm (The same is broadcast via Lanka Broadband Every Saturday on Network & U.S Jaffna) Pirai FM (Tamil & Sinhala) 11:00am

For any further details on our Facebook and ministry resources, please contact, Br. Reginald Mahamanie at + 94 11 4488112. EMAIL: You may send in your cheerful offerings through Money Order / Cheques can be written in favour of Jesus Calls International. For Direct Bank Deposit and Bank Transfers, please use the following details Account Name : Jesus Calls International Bank : Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC Account Number : 8106007140 Branch : Bambalapitiya Swift Code : CCEYLKLX For online donations :


Jesus Calls International * April 2017

Jesus Calls International * April 2017


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