Jc intl april 2018

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have always asked God a question, “Lord, are you with me?” Like any other people I just needed a reassurance that God is with me. Answering my prayer, God granted me a job in Singapore. I went to the Singapore Prayer Tower to deliver an offering given by my mother. A Jesus Calls prayer intercessor prayed for me. During the prayer time, God revealed through the Holy Spirit that God has always been there for me. My joy knew no bounds! I have finally received the reassurance that I wanted all this while. Holy Spirit also revealed the issues that we were facing as a family and assured that everything will be settled soon. I went to the Prayer Tower with uncertainty but I went back home with an immense peace of God in my heart. We may not be able to feel Him, but He has always been there for us. Glory be to God alone. - Sarah Sharmala

Family Blessing Meeting / Healing Service: Every Saturday at 6 pm Esther Prayer Group: Once in a month on Tuesdays from 2:00pm to 4:00pm & Saturdays between 3:00 to 4:30pm For any further details and ministry resources, please contact our Country Director Sis.Regina Quek @ +65-63830160 Address: JESUS CALLS PRAYER TOWER 70-A, Racecourse Road (Second Floor), Singapore - 218572 Jesus Calls Singapore Prayer Hotline (24 hours): +65-63830160 Email: jcsing55@gmail.com

You may send your offerings as Cash/Cheque/ Cashless order/ Bank Draft. For online payment and funds transfer, kindly use the following bank details: Beneficiary name : JESUS CALLS (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD Bank Name : DBS BANK LTD Branch : 12 MARINA BOULEVARD, MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE, TOWER 3, SINGAPORE 018892 Account No : 012-014248-0 Swift Code : DBSSSGSG For online donations : https://donate.jesuscalls.world/Donate/Individual 2

Jesus Calls International * April 2018 * www. jesuscalls.com

My dearly beloved in Christ, May Jesus Christ, the Lion of Judah who won victory over death, give you a new hope and make things work out miraculously in your life!

“The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles”. (Psalm 34:17) As this verse says, that the Lord will hear you when you call Him, and deliver you from all your

problems and pressures because you have been cleansed and made righteous by the blood of Christ.

APRIL - THE MONTH OF NEW BEGINNINGS “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5) I had a new beginning in my spiritual journey in the month of April in the year 1982. It was in April, that the Lord used me as an instrument to deliver His word for the first time in the Jesus Calls

Jesus Calls International * April 2018 * www. jesuscalls.com


meeting in Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu. The Lord

also introduce to the partners the various facets

has been graciously using me from then on till now

under which one can give offerings or bear the

by carrying me in His arms, putting His words in

various projects of this ministry of the Lord. To

my mouth, anointing me with His power, to deliver

have at least one Ambassador for one postal code

millions from evil bondages and darkness and to

is the given vision. By the end of this year we are

add people to His kingdom. I ask of you to carry

trying to have 10,000 Ambassadors.The Prayer

me in your prayers, for God to persistently fill me

Academy gives them necessary training to give

and use me for His work.

Jesus as a present to the people. We invite you to pray for this mission.

AMBASSADOR OF JESUS “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.” (2 Corinthians 5:20)

WORLD PRAYER CONVENTION “Come quickly, all you nations from every side, and assemble there. Bring down your warriors, Lord!” (Joel 3:11) As we have been announcing, the World Prayer

It is the Lord’s will that those who are

Convention is about to be held in Jerusalem, Israel

supporting this ministry of the Lord with their

from 22nd to 24th May 2018. We as a family are





partners. This Ambassadors’ ministry was started with a vision, just like how by one Dhinakaran, millions of people were able to receive God’s blessings, in the same way thousands of Dhinakarans must evolve and carry the Love and Grace of the Lord, with God’s healing power to the people in the coming days. The “Jesus Calls” Ambassadors visit homes of the beloved, pray for them with tears, and lead them by God’s will in their personal, family and in their business/work place to receive God’s

going to minister along with Pas. Benny Hinn the

blessings. They encourage the Partners to form

mighty man of God. Few more guest speakers are

family prayer fellowships and Esther Prayer

also expected to take part. The Thanksgiving for

Groups to help them grow in God’s love. They

the 5th anniversary of the Israel Prayer Tower is


Jesus Calls International * April 2018 * www. jesuscalls.com

going to be held on 24th May. I cordially invite you

channels telecasting 600 and more Jesus Calls TV

to participate as a family and receive the blessings

programmes in a month in India. Let us thank the

and power of our Lord in your personal life and in

Lord for the Holy God TV also.

your ministry. If you would also wish to visit the Biblical places in Jordan, Israel and Egypt we can make arrangements for you. Details regarding this are available in the web page www.jesuscalls.org/ wpc2018.

April 7th is observed as World Health Day. I pray that our Lord who promised us “for I am the Lord, who heals you.” (Exodus 15:26) will protect all of us from disease and sickness and give us good health.


As we have been conducting annually the Dynamic Kids Camp during summer holidays,

By the Lord’s vision to my Father, to help

this year also we have planned to conduct it at the

children get higher education, Karunya Institute of

Jesus Calls Prayer Towers across India. Please

Technology and Sciences was established. At this

support this in your prayers.

deemed university, under graduate, post graduate

At present through the Telephone Prayer

and research courses in Technology, Agriculture,

Ministry, we minister to around 300,000 to 500,000

Management, Media, Arts and science are

people in a month. Through Correspondence and Email ministries also the same numbers of people are getting benefitted. In addition, through social media network like Whatsapp and Facebook people receive God’s blessings. In order to achieve the vision that the Lord gave us - to bring in 2.5 million new souls to the Lord Jesus, we are endeavouring to use these facilities in different languages to give us greater reach. Please pray that people with technical know-how with the burden to serve the Lord will come forward to upgrade our facilities

available. To get details email to admissions@

to reach the different language groups. To meet these expenses I kindly ask you to

karunya.edu. Similarly, it was in the month of April several

support this Ministry with your offerings.

years ago that Jesus Calls TV Ministry began. By

Your dear brother who is praying for you,

the grace of God, at present we have nearly 20

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Jesus Calls International * April 2018 * www. jesuscalls.com






Jalna Prayer festival, INDIA

February 17th & 18th, 2018 - a report Festival

The Jesus Calls Prayer was conducted in the town of Jalna, Maharashtra in India on February 17 and 18, 2018. Every day, thousands thronged the ground, thirsty for the love of Lord Jesus. They witnessed the mighty move of God’s Spirit and received salvation, healing and deliverance. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared the message of hope that only Jesus can wipe away their tears. He led the people into a time of prayer where everyone in unison cried out and poured their hearts before God. There was a mighty move of the Holy Spirit, with people whose names were called, came to the stage immediately and testified for the glory of God. hen rs. Evangeline Paul prayed, the awesome healing power of Jesus was evident, with tumours disappearing, deaf ears opening and many getting delivered from the 6

clutches of the devil. The Karunyans led the gathering in worship through singing and choreography. Food and Shelter was also given to the people through Seesha. On February 17th morning, at Jalna, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Mrs. Evangeline Paul dedicated the 106th Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in India.

Here are some testimonies from Jalna to encourage you and to build your faith‌


run my own business. I am a Jesus Calls Business Blessing Plan partner. Because of that God has richly blessed me and I own a house. In 2008, I met with an accident and got injured in neck and right arm. I took all the medications but the

Jesus Calls International * April 2018 * www. jesuscalls.com

pain never subsided. Because of this, I was unable to do the household chores and spent sleepless nights. In 2013, I attended the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival in Aurangabad. Moved by the Holy Spirit Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called out my name and said, “Sheela, you cried to God and said, ‘Lord, if You really love me, then my name should be called and I should be healed from sickness’. Sheela, Jesus heals your neck right now.” At that very moment, I felt something leaving my neck and I could move my neck and right arm normally . The pain left and till now for the past 5 years there is no pain. Thank You Jesus! – Sheela Lokhande, Jalna


often used to get annoyed with my family members and be angry towards them. In this meeting as Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was praying, I started repenting of my sins and I was crying and begging for God’s forgiveness praying “O God, I don’t understand anything. I don’t know why my mind is disturbed. Deliver me from this bondage”. Exactly at that moment Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called out “Ramesh, the witchcraft bondages are leaving you right now. Every evil power is leaving you right now.’’ Suddenly I felt something

leaving me from my belly. Now a fulfilment of the prophecy she I am free and God filled me ith will be blessed with a child and His love. Thank You Jesus! glorified God.) - Ramesh, Aurangabad was an am married average for 10 years student. After and childless. XII Std, I got My husband admission in used to drink B.Sc nursing. and beat me. In the first year I failed in Lot of debts mounted up. Due my exams miserably. Friends to this I lived in fear and totally mocked at me and said that I broken in this situation. My would never graduate and so sister called me to this meeting it’s better to quit studying. but I did not have money to This broke my heart and I was come. Yet I somehow came depressed. People mocked at expecting a miracle. On the my parents too. But they stood second day of the meeting, with me. In the year 2013, I during prayer time, Dr. Paul attended the Jesus Calls Prayer Dhinakaran, called my name and said, “Radhika, you are Festival in Aurangabad. I cried tormented by the spirit of fear. out to God, “If you really love You are in this ground. Now, me, then call my name”. At the Holy Spirit is coming into that moment, by the power of you. He is delivering you. No the Holy Spirit, Dr. Paul said, more losses in your life. Your “Little boy Rohit, you prayed to heart is broken because of very the Lord to call out your name; serious losses in your life. No God’s wisdom is coming upon more loses. Jesus is coming. you and you’ll be a prophet in Open your heart to Him. You your young age.” At that very will have a child. No more fear. moment, Holy Spirit touched He will build your home.” I am me and delivered me from the truly encouraged by these words depression I had been in. hen of prophecy .My family people I returned home I was able to used to call me as Radhika. God study well and with a new zeal. remembered me by that name I graduated with 2nd rank in my and called me. I know God will college. Further, God opened build my family. All glory to doors for a job and I became Him alone! an assistant lecturer. Today, my – Radha Gautam Mahske. friends and students are blessed (When interviewed after a by my prayers. I am also the week, she says with joy that Secretary for the youth mission her husband has left his bad in my church. Glory to God ! habits and she believes that as – Rohit Gaikwad, Aurangabad


Jesus Calls International * April 2018 * www. jesuscalls.com




Jesus Calls International * April 2018 * www. jesuscalls.com

Jesus Calls International * April 2018 * www. jesuscalls.com


There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves,

LOVERS OF MONEY, boastful, proud, abusive,

disobedient to their parents,

UNGRATEFUL, UNHOLY. (2 Timothy 3:1,2)


From this year onwards, you will see these terrible times beginning in the world. People will become lovers of themselves and lovers of money. Yes, people will be willing to do anything for money. Anybody can be bought with money in the days to come. And those in authority will keep the poor people, poor all the time, so that when they throw some small amount of money they will do everything for them and keep them in power. No one will be able to trust another man - even from one’s own family. We shall see wife against husband, parents against children, and children against parents - all for the love of money.


- Dr. Paul Dhinakaran 10

Jesus Calls International * April 2018 * www. jesuscalls.com

This is what is going to happen in the world from 2018 in preparation for the coming of the Antichrist. And this will be the preparation for the secret coming of Jesus Christ also. But what is God’s solution? Let’s see what happens in the last days.

PROPHETIC ANOINTING THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.” (Acts 2:17, 18) To overcome and sustain people during these ‘terrible times’, God is going to pour is pirit upon all esh . The Tongues from the Holy Spirit’s anointing will subdue the tongues of evil, lust and wickedness that hold people in their sway, rendering them powerless. God will give those anointed by His Spirit, visions. These visions will lead God’s people to do great things in the nation – always according to God’s will, to subdue the kingdom of the devil. (Rev. 10:11).

established as chief among the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and peoples will stream to it. Many nations will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths...” (Isaiah 2:2,3; Micah 4:1,2)

accepted on my altar; for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations” (Isaiah 56:7).

This is the mission of Jesus Calls. Today God has enabled us to pray from the 118 Prayer Towers for the broken hearted people to be healed; nation to function according to God’s plan of redemption; nations to The hills represent the come together in peace to be demonic powers which are prepared for His coming. love for money, disobedience, “This is what the Lord abusiveness and so on. But Almighty says: ‘In a little while God’s temple, which is in you I will once more shake the and me, will be on the mountains heavens and the earth, the sea which will be above all the hills and the dry land. I will shake all of the devil. God is going to nations, and what is desired by establish each and every one of all nations will come, and I will us upon the great mountains so fill this house ith glory, says that we can proclaim that Jesus the Lord Almighty. ‘The silver is alive and He is the Prince of is mine and the gold is mine,’ peace to the entire world. God declares the Lord Almighty. will make your feet to stand ‘The glory of this present house on the mountain and make will be greater than the glory your feet beautiful. You will of the former house,’ says bring the good news. (Isaiah the Lord Almighty. ‘And in 52:7; 40:9). You will show that this place I will grant peace,’ your God reigns, and you will declares the Lord Almighty.” proclaim God’s peace over the (Haggai 2:6- 9) nations of the world. Scholars have said that the seven mountains are the mountain of religion, education, family, government, media, entertainment and business/ economics.” on which to establish the Kingdom of God.


Through education, God’s power and His Kingdom has to be established. Thank God for Karunya Institutions (Deemed to be University and Schools). e ha e to establish se eral training institutions. All of the MOUNTAIN OF THE RELIGION products have to be God-led, LORD’S TEMPLE WILL pirit filled and of di ine nature “These I will bring to my holy BE ESTABLISHED mountain and give them joy in so that the youngsters who “In the last days the mountain my house of prayer. Their burnt pass through the institutions of the Lord’s temple will be offerings and sa rifi es ill be will imbibe the three essential Jesus Calls International * April 2018 * www. jesuscalls.com


qualities. And they in turn will have to prophesy - prophesy to ings and leaders. e ill ha e to raise kings and queens for the nations. So, education will be a mountain, on which God will make us stand and establish His kingdom.


leading the world, leading even the governance of the world. So God’s grace will come upon us to bring God’s word and righteousness through the media and into the media.

ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS hen there is re ession in the whole world, only two industries will continue to prosper. One is entertainment and the other is food. And both of them will contribute to the prosperity of hospital industries and eateries. But in them God’s power will be made manifest. Today it is under the power of the evil one and is working against God’s kingdom. Terrible days! But the Holy Spirit lifts you up above these ‘hills’, and puts you on the mountain. And the prophetic voice that will come through you will break the power of these hills and it will bring people to the mountains.

The family life is being scattered by the love for money in the world today. But God is going to build the families through the Holy Spirit in these last days. The Lord says: “The prophet will come who will bring the heart of the fathers to the sons.” (Malachi 4:5, 6) So God will build up families across the world. In Jesus Calls we have a mission to spe ifi ally minister to families through our ‘Family Blessing Plan’ and ‘Young Partners Plan’. The prayer intercessors at Jesus Calls are pleading and interceding on behalf of those who have enrolled in BUSINESS/ECONOMICS the ‘Family Blessing Plan’ and In the days to come business ‘Young Partners Plan’. As we will control the governments. minister to them God is going to There will be changes in build the families for His glory. various governments and GOVERNMENT the conglomeration of the To raise God’s anointed governments. The Lord spoke prophets to become kings and through me in 2016 “new rulers. For this we need to pray conglomerations among the without ceasing that God would nations are happening.” And cause His anointed prophets to you saw Brexit - Britain came hold responsible position in the out of European Union. government. In 2017 New Year Blessing MEDIA Meeting, Chennai, the Lord Today the news media is spoke through me about 12

North and South Korea: “The North Korea and South Korea shall come together.” After I announced it through prophecy, we saw North Korea was rising up with military power and threatening the United States. Very soon those powers will fall. North Korea and South Korea will unite and the Gospel will go from there. So nations will be changed. Finally, as God brings us to these mountains to the establishment of these seven mountains that we meditated on, the Lord gives us seven blessings. Amazingly these seven blessings are given to the seven churches in the book of Revelation.

A. RIGHT TO EAT FROM THE TREE OF LIFE “I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary.” (Revelation 2:3) So God gives you a reward (Rev. 2:7). He gives you the right to eat from the tree of life. This is in the paradise of God. Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden of Eden, so that they will not eat the fruit of the tree of life. They could only eat

Jesus Calls International * April 2018 * www. jesuscalls.com

of the tree of knowledge. But the tree of life they couldn’t touch, for the tree of life gives life to be just like God. There is no sin and so no death. God says, “I will give to eat of the tree of life.” God shows, there is a river of the water of life (Revelation 22:1,2). And next to it is the tree of life. And its leaves are for the healing of the nations. You will have life in you to bring healing to the nations.

B. CROWN OF LIFE “Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.”(Revelation 2:10)

You will have greater grace to overcome all the sin in this world (Romans 6:23; 5:20). Remember, the more the sin, the greater the grace of God (Rom. 5:20, 21). No weapon formed against you shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17). “No divination, no witchcraft, no enchantment, nothing will touch you (Num. 23:23), for God has put a crown upon your head. You will rule over every one of them; all those hills are destroyed.

or the trails of the devil. Even though Satan and his people threatened you with death, you did not renounce your faith in Me.’ The blessing He gives us for that is, He says, “I will give you some of the hidden manna and I will also give a white stone with a new name on it” (Revelation 2:17). Only you will know the new name that is written on the white stone.

The Bible refers to the manna the Israelites ate as “Human C & D. HIDDEN MANNA, beings ate the bread of angels” (Psalm 78:25). He sent them WHITE STONE WITH all the food they could eat. Not NEW NAME one among them was weak; no “The people of Israel called one was missing, no one’s leg the bread manna. It was white ever did swell. God protected like coriander seed and tasted them and made them walk to like wafers made with honey” the promise land. Even if you are eighty years, you will be (Exodus 16: 31) strengthened this year. You may I know where you live-where be forty, and feel like ninety. Satan has his throne. Yet you But God is going to give you remain true to my name. You new organs and good health did not renounce your faith in as a reward for standing up me. (Revelation 2:12,13) against the attacks of the devil hoe er has ears, let them and being faithful to the Lord hear what the Spirit says to JESUS in the midst of it. the churches. To the one who Secondly, when Jesus went up is victorious, I will give some to the mount of transfiguration, of the hidden manna. I will also His dress became dazzling give that person a white stone white (Matthew 17:2). He was with a new name written on the corner stone and so he had to it, known only to the one who become white like lightning and receives it.” (Revelation 2: 17) then they hear the sound from

God says, “I know your af i tions, your patien e amidst slander and accusations. I know your poverty, I know that you have been put in prison, unjustly accused, punished unjustly and had to go through finan ial po erty. et you are rich. Before Me in My eyes you are rich. You are rich with Jesus. The reward for that is ‘the crown of life’. No evil one can touch you; I am going to crown you. You will crush Satan under Revelations 2:10 can be paraphrased as God saying, ‘the your feet (Romans 16:20)”. devil fought with you so much, Yes, no man shall be able to but you were faithful to Me; you stand before you (Josh. 1:5). never gave in to the temptation

heaven. It was a new name, “This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased, hear him.(Matthew17:5)”Everybody in the world will hear that voice

Jesus Calls International * April 2018 * www. jesuscalls.com


about you. Till now the devil may have spoken wrong things about your name; but from now on people will hear the new name which God is giving you; governments will hear it; your family will hear it; at the place of your work people will hear it. And that new name will be, ‘This is my beloved child, this is my beloved son / daughter.’ God will make them hear it; you are going to be promoted in society as never before because you have been truthful in the midst of Satan’s attacks.


32:31-33).” But if you make ord of God and not denied is ord, God has set an open door gold as your god, then your and no man can shut it. Open name will be taken off from Heaven and open hearts with the book of life! favour of men shall be yours. hat is there in the boo of G. SEATED WITH life? Firstly, your name is written GOD; SUP WITH HIM in that book (Luke 10:20); your tears are recorded in God’s book “Here I am! I stand at the door of life (Psa. 56:8); the days of and knock. If anyone hears your life are written in the book my voice and opens the door, of life; how long you should I will come in and eat with him, live on this earth is already and he with me. To him who written in that (Psa. 139:16). overcomes, I will give the right So, no need to fear death. Our to sit with me on my throne, deeds are written in the book just as I overcame and sat down of life (Mal.3:16). That’s why with my Father on his throne.” we should be careful not to (Revelation 3:20)

waste our time, our words and “Yet you have a few people our possessions. Yes, even the in Sardis who have not soiled possessions that God has given their clothes. They will walk us in our hands, we have to use with me, dressed in white, everything for the glory of God. for they are worthy. He who Jesus will open the book of life overcomes will, like them, be and He will speak out what you dressed in white. I will never have done before the heavenly blot out his name from the book Father and before the angels. He of life, but will acknowledge will send Michael to protect you his name before my Father and and e ill fulfil all that e his angels.” (Revelation 3:4,5) has promised (Daniel 12:1). Because you have obeyed F. OPEN DOOR God, you will be dressed in WHICH NO MAN CAN white. God says, “Your name SHUT will be written in the Lamb’s “I know your deeds. See, Book of Life” and you will be I have placed before you an ready for the rapture. open door that no one can ho are the ones hose shut. I know that you have little names do not appear in the strength, yet you have kept my book of life? “The people who word and have not denied my love gold, their names are taken name.” (Revelation 3:8) off from the book of life! (Ex. Because you have kept the 14

Finally, God’s grace will come on us as it came upon the seventh Church. It will build every blessing in our life. He is going to prepare a great banquet for us this year. And the greatest blessing he is going to give us is, “I will give him the right to sit with Me on My throne just as I overcame the world...” This is the greatest blessing that He is going to give us (Rev. 3:21). And He will make us sup with him. hat a great blessing and what a great joy! He is going to give you a great banquet! All the seven blessings will come your way when you bring millions of people to God through the seven mountains, and ‘Jesus Calls’ offers you a great opportunity to serve on the seven mountains. Claim it and pray. God bless you.

Jesus Calls International * April 2018 * www. jesuscalls.com


Psalm 34:17 – Lord who hears the cry Meditation: Psalm 30:2; 120:1; Isaiah 57:13; Jonah 2:2


Isaiah 54:3 – God will enlarge your territory Meditation: 1 Chron. 4:9,10; Psalm 72:1-8; 2 Cor. 10:16



John 11:40 – You will see the glory of God Meditation: Num. 20:1-6; Deu. 5:24; Psalm 97:6




Jeremiah 30:17 – God will give you strength Meditation: Num 23:1-22; Nehemiah 8:10; Psalm 29:11









Daniel 12:3 – God will make you shine Meditation: Exodus 34:29-35; Psalm 118:27; Rev. 22:5




Jeremiah 1:19 – God will rescue Meditation:Exodus15:2;Psalm 118:114; Jeremiah 3:23; Pslam. 3:26









Isaiah 66:13 – God who comforts as a mother Meditation: Isaiah 12:1; Psalm 71:21; 94:19; 1 Thes. 5:14-28

Isaiah 49:16 – God who protects you Meditation:Deut.32:10-13;Psalm 121:3-8; Zech. 2:8 3 John 2 – The Lord makes all go well with you Meditation: Lev. 25:18-21; Deut. 33:12; Ezekiel 28:26; Ruth 1:90


Joshua 1:9 – God will be with you Meditation: Deut. 31:1-8; 2 Samuel 7:9; Jeremiah 30:11


John 16:20 – The Lord will turn Yur sorrows into joy Meditation: Nehemiah 8:1-12; Proverbs 12:20; John 15:11; 16:24

Proverbs 28:25 – One who trusts in the Lord will prosper Meditation: Isaiah 66:12-14; Acts 14:17; Proverbs 11:25 Psalm 32:10 – Mercy surrounds the one who trusts in the Lord Meditation: Exodus 33:12-19; 2 Chron. 6:14; Psalm 86:5 Isaiah 62:3 – God will exalt you Meditation:Deut.28:1-14;1Chron. 29:12; Zeph. 3:20

John 8:12 – God is your light Me d i t at i o n : Is a i a h 5 8 : 1 0 ; Daniel 2:22; Matthew 5:16; John 8:12

Psalm 32:8 – God who counsels you and guides you Meditation: Psalm 25:5; 27:11; Isaiah 48:17; Nehemiah 9:12 Psalm 16:8 – Trust in the Lord Me ditation:1C hron.5:20; Psalm 34:8; Jeremiah 17:7-10

Jeremiah 29:13 – Seek God and you shall find Meditation: Deu. 4:29; Prov. 8:17; Matthew 7:7; Acts 17:27 Deuteronomy 28:9 – You will be established as God’s holy

people Meditation:1Thes.3:13;1 Peter 2:9,10; Rev. 21:3 1 Samuel 2:30 – God will honour you Meditation:Joshua4:14;Isaiah43:4; 55:5; Prov. 4:8

Proverbs 2:7 – God is your shield Meditation: 2 Samuel 22:7-31; Psalm 3:3; 144:2; Prov. 30:5

Lamentations 3:22 – God of mercy Meditation: Exo. 20:6; Deut. 4:31; Ephesians 2:4-7 1 Corinthians 3:23 – You are of Christ Meditation:Deut.7:6;Ephesians 1:1419; Titus 2:14; 1 Peter 2:9

John 14:6 – God who guides Meditation: Exo. 13:21; Deu. 32:12; Nehemiah 9:19; 1 Thes. 3:11 Psalm 147:14 – God who satisfies you Meditation: Lev. 25:19; Deut. 14:29; Ruth 2:1-18; Psalm 103:5 Nehemiah 8:10 – God makes you to rejoice Meditation: Nehemiah 12:43; Psalm 30:11; 37:11; Isaiah 35:10 Romans 8:31 – God is on your side Meditation: Psalm118:7;Ezekiel 36:9; Zech. 9:14 Ephesians 3:16 –Be strengthened with power Meditation: 2 Chron. 20:6; Ephesians 6:1-10; 1 Thes. 1:5


John 4:14 – God the spring of water Meditation: Psalm 104:1-10; Isaiah 49:10; Rev. 14:7


James 4:10 – God lifts the humble Meditation: Prov. 3:34, 22:4; Zeph. 2:3; James 4:6,10; 1 Peter 5:5

Jesus Calls International * April 2018 * www. jesuscalls.com


Jesus Calls Young Partners’ Plan Desire to Be a Missionary Doctor Fulfilled My parents enrolled me as a Jesus Calls Young Partner soon after I was born. I used to download the Student Prayer Card from Jesus Calls website and read it before my 10th and 12th grade exams. hene er I alled the Jesus Calls rayer o er, the prayer inter essors prayed ith mu h burden. I started to write letters to Uncle Paul and received encouraging replies from him. The verse, Isaiah 41:10 uoted in one su h letter, strengthened me. I anted to do medi ine and God fulfilled my heart s desire. By the grace of God, in my 12th grade board exams, I got 97% in my main stream and 95% overall in all subjects. As a result of all the prayers, I got admission into CMC, Vellore , Tamil Nadu, India by merit. I extended my prayer still further asking God to also bless me with the best outgoing student of my batch in the medical course. I wanted to become a medical missionary. God heard this prayer and I ha e re ei ed a total of a ards and Gold edals and finally the best outgoing student a ard in my batch also. According to the Bible verse, “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty”, I received this honour from the Lord God. The letters from Jesus Calls carried the words, “I will make you a blessing and you will be a blessing to others.” So, I donated all my cash awards to Seesha to be a blessing to other people. Glory to God! - R. Hallel Reba, Tami Nadu, India

YOUNG PARTNERS’ PLAN Your Child can be enrolled as a partner at any age till he/she gets married! Pledge an amount. You may send any amount possible for you, every month! I AM INTERESTED IN ENROLLING MY CHILD/CHILDREN IN THE YOUNG PARTNER’S PLAN Details of the children to be enrolled in the YOUNG PARTNER’S PLAN Mr/Ms:.................................................................................................. Date of Birth: .............................. Mr/Ms:.................................................................................................. Date of Birth: .............................. Mr/Ms:.................................................................................................. Date of Birth: .............................. Name of the parent/guardian:....................................................................................................................... Contact Address: ........................................................................................................................................ City: ......................................... ZIP / PIN Code: ............................ Mobile:............................................. Email: ........................................................................(needed for fast and effective communication). Please scan a passport size photo of the child and email or submit it at the Prayer Tower nearest to you. Call your Local Prayer Tower in your Region for details about the plan. ................................................. artner ith us ...... e ery month ......... e ery year I ould li e to re ei e e Communi ations Jesus Calls e maga ine monthly at my registered email I ....................................................................................................................................................................... You may send your offerings thru our secure & fastest mode by credit card/debit card/net banking at https://donate.jesuscalls. world/Donate/Individual (or) Download our app from Google Play Store and donate through that (or) post your cheque drawn in favour of (“Call Prayer Tower for details”) to the Prayer Tower address closest to your location (or) you may visit the nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area and make your offering and receive an acknowledgement for the same.


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I am the way, the truth, and the life

Promise Message

-Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran

“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6).

this promise. In contemporary style, it’s like the Lord assuring us hen you do not no which way to turn, I will lead you in the right way for I Am Dear ones, do you realize how the ay hen you get mi ed onderful this ord is that is up with truth and falsehood, I given by the Lord! It is yours will reveal the truth to you, for for the asking, so just ask and I Am the Truth; when you feel receive this divine experience lost and lonely and wonder if from Him. This is not man’s life is worth the living, I will word. It is a promise given give you life, because I Am the by the Lord Himself to His Life!’ children. So, do not be worried about My dear sisters, the Lord has anything. hen you ta e this given to us who are His children, divine promise for yourself, the

ways in which He leads would be wonderful. He Himself would lead you in the ways of His truth. He will be your guide enabling you to live close Him in this world. Having received the life given by Christ, let us meditate on a few necessary areas that would enhance this experience.

God Himself Will Lead Us The Lord Jesus Christ teaches us, “I am the way”. The Lord firmly says, ‘My thoughts

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are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” (Isaiah 55:8). Hence, in order to walk in divine ways, we need to fi our eyes only on the Lord, who leads us. In that case, it is imperative that we no is ord. oday, many ignore reading the ible. hat a privilege it is to carry the Bible hi h ontains the ord of the Lord! But those who ignore this and turn towards the ways of the world have no fellowship with the Lord. Look at the Lord Jesus Christ! He lived an exemplary life and was diligent to do all things pleasing to God, affirming, I and y ather are one’ (John 10:30).

My dear ones, if you read the word of God diligently, the Lord would speak to you through it. e read in the Bible that it has power and life and is of the Spirit (John ebre s . ith this realization when you read the Bible, you will experience the Lord’s leading in no uncertain terms. Today, there are many namesake Christians who have not experienced God’s leading, neither do they seek for it.

his genuine lo e, filled him ith all His grace and the good things of the world as well. Likewise, commit yourself to be careful in reading the Bible and in praying in order that grace and goodness would follow you and that you would receive God’s blessings through that.

Commit Our Ways to the Lord

‘Commit your way to the Hence, my dear sisters and LORD; Trust also in Him, young children, read the And He shall bring it to pass.’ ord of God daily, early in (Psalm 37:5). the morning, in all reverence. “Trust in the LORD with all Then the Lord will teach you your heart, And lean not on your and lead you every day. The own understanding; In all your My dear ones, as you read this Scriptures will remain in your ways acknowledge Him, And article, it is my prayer that your heart and His guidance will be He shall direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5, 6). life should become like that of of much blessing to you. Christ, filled ith godliness and “For the ways of the LORD My dear ones, we clearly a life that is pleasing to the Lord. are right; The righteous walk in read in these verses how we Do not feel ashamed to carry them, but transgressors stumble should walk. Today, many the Bible in your hands. Also, in them” (Hosea 14:9). are wandering around blindly diligently read the ord of God because they do not know According to this verse, what e ery day sin e the ord is the ay. hey shed tears not are you going to hoose ould God John . hen you knowing what to do in tough you ignore Bible reading or read it diligently, the Lord will situations. For example, if you read it for namesake as a duty talk to you. He will teach you are about to conduct a wedding and stumble in your ways? and guide you with His eyes as or begin a business, first of all, Are you going to earn agony? kneel down at the feet of the per Psalm 32:8. This is divine Or else would you walk in the Lord and commit everything guidance. Today many ask us, ways of the Lord and receive into His hands. The phrases: the servants of God, ‘what is His blessings? Just think! my wisdom, my money, my God’s will concerning my life?’ I ask them, “Do you diligently Brother Dhinakaran was experiences are of no use. You read the Bible daily? Do you diligent in praying and in need to humble yourself in His seek the Lord truthfully? If you reading the Bible from 6.30 to presence and pray seeking do, then God would lead you 8.30 in the morning, soon after guidan e and leading. hen beautifully, according to His the family prayer was over at 6 you place your full trust in O’ clock. Hence the Lord saw the Lord, He will perfect it will.” 18

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beautifully. Today, we fail to do this and end up acting on our own wisdom and as a result meet head-on with failures or unsolicited entanglements.

The Lord’s Ministry of Judging His House

chosen to take up leadership in several activities. But I used to be frightened to stand up and speak. Several years later, when I was sharing God’s message in a meeting in Chennai, one of the wardens from the hostel of the Teachers’ Training School where I did my Teacher’s training, happened to attend that meeting and saw me speaking boldly, without any fear. After the meeting, she came over to me, called me by my name and said, ‘Do you know how proud I am? Your beginning was full of fear. But today the Lord has changed you into a bold woman.” She was amazed!

‘…if you will keep My e read about this in ro erbs command, Then you shall also judge My house, And likewise 3:5-6: “Trust in the LORD with have charge of My courts....’ all your heart, and lean not on (Zechariah 3:7). your own understanding; In all This is the loving call to do your ways acknowledge Him, the ord s ministry. hen and He shall direct your paths.” we follow the ways of the Therefore, before embarking Lord reverentially, seeing our on any matter commit its faithfulness, He will separate us for His service. You need responsibility to Him, as a not worry about how you can family or individually. He serve Him because you are not will perfect everything. On the ualified or edu ated, et ., et ., other hand, if you bring money, because the Lord calls those Yes, dear ones! As the Bible status, education, wealth and who are faithful and walk in His ways reverentially. He Himself says, when we are diligent in freedom into this, surely that will call you, lead you and make walking in the ways of the Lord, matter will bring you pain. He would choose us for His you abound. ministry and use us according Dear ones, when you do I have found this true in my to His will. The Apostle Paul’s anything, committing it into own life. My initial ministry was initial days were full of lacks ery insignifi ant. I as timid the Lord’s hands, He Himself and horror. But when he asked, and shy when the Lord chose will help you (Isaiah 55:8). The ‘Lord, what do You want me to me for His ministry. I used to be Bible says, “Blessed are those scared to stand among people do?’(Acts 9:6) the Lord turned who keep my ways” (Proverbs and speak. My co-workers used his life towards His ways. He . hen you pla e your full to arrange the mike to make changed him into a saint and used him in the ministry. Today, trust in the Lord, He will go others hear my voice, but I used do you want to be changed like before you. He Himself would to stand a little away from the that hate er state you are in, mike so that my voice could not remove all the crooked and evil be heard! However, today the the Lord will lift you up through things that crop up in the middle ord, ho has filled me ith the Holy Spirit. He will honor and straighten your path (Isaiah His Spirit to do His ministry, your faithful ser i e and fill you has given me divine strength, with His strength and wisdom 45:2). reverence and godly zeal and and change you into a vessel y dear sisters, firmly hold has made me stand for Him. of blessing to many. on to the Lord who said, “I am Do you see how wonderful the Dear ones, just pray, “Lord the ay in all matters both Lord’s leading is? Jesus, I commit myself to You; big and small - and receive His In the days when I was doing according to Your will give me guidan e, is full benefits and Teachers’ training, I excelled the grace to walk in Your ways.” in everything and so I was May the Lord bless you! blessings. Jesus Calls International * April 2018 * www. jesuscalls.com


Attitude of Gratitude:

Wake up with an unstoppable perspective Interesting fact now proven by the former professor of medicine at Stanford University, Dr. Bruce Lipton: your subconscious mind is running your life! A new perspective of why we are the way we are, has been introduced by some cutting edge molecular biologists. The foremost among them is Dr. Bruce Lipton. He says the new science of epigenetics has shown that our genes are in fact controlled and manipulated by how our minds perceive and interpret our environment. It was formerly believed by science that it is our genes themselves which dictate our traits – that our genes form ho and ho e are. he ne findings are great ne s be ause it means that we can change many things about the way we are, including our health, by changing how we interpret events and situations which happen to us. (Source: www.lifetrainings.com) The primary reason that many people wake up with no passion and enthusiasm is because their sub ons ious minds ha e been ta en o er by the for es of negati ity. he remedy to fi this is by retraining your subconscious with habits that will help you stay motivated and live a successful life. I believe this is why Paul writes in Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, hat is good and a eptable and perfe t. ften hen surrounded by diffi ulties our focus tends to shift from God and His able hand to our problems. Like Peter, many a times we too get distracted by the rising waves and the strong winds (Matthew 14: 28-33). 20

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Believe it or not, the mood you’re in when you wake up has a lot to do with what was on your mind before you had closed your eyes to sleep. So when you’re getting ready for bed, take a few moments and re e t on the things you are grateful for during the day. Remember that song we were taught in Sunday school “Count your blessings name them one by one, Count your blessings see what God has done…” Do this especially if you’ve had a bad day and feel like there’s nothing to be thankful for. It can be the simple joys of life like snagging a parking spot, doing something nice for someone or maybe someone did something nice for you. Maybe you received a compliment and it lifted your spirits. Or maybe you finished a pro e t before time, or closed a business deal. Try to focus on the good and remind yourself of God’s love and faithfulness towards you. As young people, many a times we find ourselves facing silent competitions ith friends. e orry about ha ing the best outfit at a so ial gathering, our footwear should be better than someone else or we must own the latest mobile phone before anyone else we know and for that we pester our parents who might not always be in the position to fulfill our ants. e o erloo

the sa rifi es our parents ma e to start and end your day: in order to give us the best life “The Lord is my light and that they can because we are blinded by the desires of the my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength world. of my life, of whom shall I be Think about this for a moment; afraid?” – Psalm 27:1 every breath in our lungs is breathed by God. How grateful “O taste and see that the should we be for the life we Lord is good: blessed is the have in us! Many do struggle to man that trusts in Him. Oh take a single breath effortlessly fear the Lord you saints, for and many don’t get to see a there is no want to them that new day. A popular quote by fear Him.” - Psalm 34:8,9 Bil Keane says, “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, “I will sing of Your power; today is a gift of God, which yes, I will sing aloud of Your is why we call it the present.” mercy in the morning: for Instead of counting the things You have been my defense we don’t have, like the latest and refuge in the day of my gadget or a spe ifi branded trouble.” - Psalm 59:16 item, lets count the simple yet important blessings in life; “For You will light my our health, the gift of sight, candle: the Lord, my God will the ability to speak, hear and enlighten my darkness. For understand, the understanding by you I have run through of God’s salvation, etc. a troop; and by my God I Practice this daily before you have leaped over a wall.” go to sleep and confess out loud - Psalm 18:28,29 the promises of God. Speak “You have given me the words of life and hope over yourself. You’ll see a change shield of Your salvation: and in your attitude when you wake Your right hand has held me up the next morning. For added up. Your gentleness has made benefit, stand in front of a be great. You have enlarged mirror when you confess God’s my steps under me, that my promise. Look at yourself as feet do not slip.” - Psalm you declare His word over your 18:35,36 life. This in turn will retrain your subconscious mind to be “My flesh and my heart fail, attuned with God’s word and but: God is the strength of my heart and my portion help lift your mood. forever.” - Psalm 73:26 Here are a couple of Scripture affirmations that you an use - Deepshikha Seymour

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You Are the

Garden of the Lord

- Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran

“The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail .” (Isaiah 58:11) The Lord guides us continually and that is why David says “Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my 22

right hand” (Psalm 73:23). The Lord will hold your hand and guide you throughout this month. hen the Israelites so ourned in the wilderness, they thought to themsel es, e are on our way to a place that is unknown to us. How is it going to be?’ But the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud and by night in a pillar of fire odus and as performing miracles among them so that they would have

no fear. He divided the waters of the Red sea and made them walk on dry land so that their feet would not get wet. The Lord will never allow us to go through the path of tribulation alone. He is always with us to wonderfully guide us so that our feet do not become wet or swollen and our clothes do not wax old (Deuteronomy 8:4). “… for the Lord will go before you; the God of Israel will be your rear guard.” (Isaiah 52:12)

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“…as I was with Moses, so I will be with you: I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Joshua 1:5)

as fully satisfied. e blessed all the works of his hands and he was blessed so much that even his father-in-law was jealous of him (Genesis 31:1, 2).

hile e as in this orld, our Lord Jesus walked with people, moved with them and healed the sick. In Mark 9:15 the Bible says that the people were greatly amazed Men may fail us but the Lord when they beheld Him and our God will never fail us or Likewise, the Lord will came running to Him and depart from us. He will always also bless you and lift you saluted Him. As we too run walk beside us and make us to Him every day, He will His well-watered garden bless us.The Holy Spirit is a The Lord will come (Song of Solomon 4:12). sweet personality. Our Lord with you; fill you with Jesus calls the Holy Spirit as Blessed Garden the ‘Comforter’ (John 16:7; His Spirit and remove 14:16). The Holy Spirit helps the fear that you “I am with you and will us and comforts us whenever watch over you wherever have. He will change troubles and weaknesses you go, and I will bring you you into His blessed arise. This month, the Holy back to this land. I will not garden, a Spirit-filled Spirit will descend upon us. leave you until I have done e no that e d ell in garden and a fearless what I have promised you.” Him, and He in us, because garden. (Genesis 28:15) He hath given us of His Spirit (1 John 4:13) hen Ja ob left his family and walked alone he had no Spirit-filled Garden up before your relatives. The clue what lay in store for mighty hand of God which him. The uncertainties of the “…..but keep your spiritual holds you will bless you. unknown future must have fervor, serving the Lord.” clouded his mind with fear Moses fasted and prayed day (Romans 12:11) and anxiety. But he was not and night for 40 days, received alone, for the Lord was with the commandments from the Adam received life when the him and gave him a vision. Lord and came down from Lord our God breathed into And what He promises He Mt. Sinai. He was not aware his nostrils (Genesis 2:7). Our ill fulfill. that the skin of his face shone Lord Jesus breathed on His (Exodus 34). But the children disciples and they received the Jacob went empty-handed of Israel saw that his face oly pirit John . e fearing what might happen to shone. Yes, our face shines become a new creation when him. But the Lord gave him bright when we are with the we receive the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 5:17). abundant blessings so that he Lord. Jesus Calls International * April 2018 * www. jesuscalls.com


e read in the ible that hen the ord filled ing aul with the Spirit of prophesy he turned into a different man (1 Samuel 10:6). You may be praying for your family for salvation or for healing. In answer to your prayer the Lord will give you the Spirit of power and transform you to be the person who blesses other people to bring them to Him. hen the oly pirit or s in us, the inner fire is indled. The Lord desires that we should not backslide nor be silent. He wants to anoint us with oil and let our cup o er o . elo ed, let us stir up the fire in our pirit this month! “Command the Israelites to bring you clear oil of pressed olives for the light so that the lamps may be kept burning.” (Exodus 27:20) The Lord commanded Moses to have the lamp burn continually at His Altar. In those days, they worshipped the Lord in a tabernacle and due to the absence of a window it would be dark inside. The 24

place where the Lord dwelt should not be dark and so He commanded Moses to have the lamp burn continually. The Lord said, “Command the people to bring in the oil of crushed olives”. Golden colored, pure olive oil is extracted only when the olive berries are crushed for the first time. God re uired that for the lamp in the Tabernacle only pure olive oil must be used. This was the oil that was also used for anointing purpose. But when the same olive is crushed again a second time, the oil that gets extracted is not pure as subsequent process brings our impurities along with the oil. The Lord wants His children to be holy and so He makes us walk through the path of sufferings. e all upon the Lord only when we face painful problems. Till then, e do not see God. e run to the Lord in the midst of tribulations. It is only then that Jesus is revealed to others through us. Others come to know that you seek the Lord and that Jesus is in you.

as the pure oli e oil. e may think, “If the Lord leads us then why do we face these trials?” The Lord permits us to walk through the path of tribulation because He wants to change us into pure gold. hen e has tried me, I shall come forth as refined gold Job . The Lord will strengthen all those who walk through the path of tribulation by pouring out His Holy Spirit upon them and will also transform them to be useful and reveal Jesus the Son of God through them to others. Jesus was crushed like this oli e for our sa e. e read in the Bible in Isaiah 53:5 that He was wounded for our transgressions and was bruised for our iniquities. You may ask, ‘I have sinned, I have wickedness in me, how can I stand up for the Lord?’ Beloved, Jesus suffered on the cross for your sake. He has paid the price for us (1 Corinthians 6:20).

The Lord graciously uses us as we are redeemed by the blood of our Lord Jesus and have the Holy Spirit within us. Even in ministry, we do not bring about miracles; it is The Lord thus makes us pure the ord Jesus ho performs

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miracles. He will use you too the Lord. The Lord needs in the same manner. you. Stand up and boldly proclaim the Lord. The Lord Fearless Garden will come into you to pour out His powerful Spirit in you “ When they saw the to bless you and fill you. e courage of Peter and John will always pour the water of and realized that they were anointing in you so that you unschooled, ordinary men, will be like the spring of water they were astonished and whose waters never fail and be they took note that these like a watered garden. Serve men had been with Jesus.” the Lord in whichever way He (Acts 4:13) wants you to serve Him. The Lord will surely bless you. Peter and John were unlearned and inexperienced people. “ Keep and guard your But they boldly did ministry heart with all vigilance for the Lord. The Lord will and above all that you pour out His immeasurable guard, for out of it flow anointing on you in order to the springs of life.” give you also this same power. (Proverbs 4:23-AMPC)

Lord will not hide anything from us. The Lord desires to give us all treasures. Devil, the ruler of this world tells Jesus, “All these things I will give you if you will fall down and worship me” (Matthew . e are li ing in a wicked world. Men of this world may tell us that they will give us money and bless us with material things. But we should never be subject to them. Since Jesus replied saying, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, you shall worship the Lord your God and Him only you shall serve”, so you should say, ‘I will only worship the Lord.’

Christ’s love is poured into our heart when the Holy Spirit comes into our heart. Perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18).

Our Lord Jesus is a spring of blessings. He desires to keep you as a spring which never dries up and as a well-watered garden. Peter looked at Jesus and said, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68). Likewise, let us also pray saying, “I will not go to any man or go behind the devil. I will only come to you. Give me Your word every day.” Then, He will strengthen you so that you become a blessing to others.

s the ord to fill you so that you can protect your heart as it is very important. Beloved, the Lord will remove all uncleanness from our heart and fill it up ith springs of My dear ones, whoever you i ing ater. may be, you can never give any excuses. The Lord will The Holy Spirit will talk to us surely take you and use you by revealing secrets when we open our heart to Him (John too. 16:13). All that belongs to the e are no li ing in i ed Lord belongs to us when we times (2 Timothy 3rd Chapter). are always with Him (Luke So, we should do as much 15:31). Jesus says, “All that ministry for the Lord as we my Father said to me, I will can. Many people do not know tell to you” (John 15:15). The

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ur daughters, Jordane Hannah and Cassidy Chloe stood 1st and 2nd position in grade 9 and 10 respectively. We enrolled them in the Jesus Calls Young Partners Plan when they were small. So, the Lord has blessed them with abundant wisdom and they have always achieved awards from grade 1 until now. We give our sincere thanks and appreciation to Dr.Paul and family and also the prayer intercessors team for praying for them daily. Glory to God! - Pastor. Lawrence & Mrs. Beryl Vartharajulu

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The Risen


- Message given by our dear (late) Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran “And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him.... Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.” (Colossians 2:13-15) Through these Bible verses let us ponder and inherit the blessings that the Lord has bestowed upon us by His death and resurrection.

To Live a Righteous Life An uncle of mine who was working in the police

department as a constable was badly addicted to alcohol. He used to drink daily and lived a horrible life. One day after a heavy dose of drink he was lying down in his room. At that time some people came in search of him seeking his help. The neighbours asked them, who they came to meet and they mentioned my uncle’s name and said, “We want to see him.” The neighbours replied, “Oh, you have come at the wrong time. He will be fully drunk by now and won’t be in his senses. You cannot talk to him now.” These words fell in the ears of my uncle who was lying down inside the house and it pricked his heart like thorns. He got up

immediately, took the Bible to read -- for the very first time! “And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins” (Ephesians 2:1) This verse appeared before his eyes and his heart broke when he read the verse and it changed his life upside down. After that he lived an exemplary life of witness for Jesus Christ. Yes, my beloved, our Lord Jesus Christ was delivered to be killed on the cross for our sins. e should ne er forget the fa t that He triumphed over death and rose from the dead so that we would be made righteous in this world. If there is someone

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who has the authority to forgive our sins, it is none other than our Lord Jesus Christ! He is the one who gave His life on the cross for the sins of each one of us (Romans 4:24-25).

Way to enter into the Holy Place “But into the second part the high priest went alone once a year, not without blood, which he offered for himself and for the people’s sins committed in ignorance.” (Hebrews 9:7) As per the verse above, during the Old Testament times, the chief priest will enter into the Holy Place and then into the Most Holy Place once a year, carrying the blood of the sa rifi es to be poured on the altar of God for the remission of his own sins and the sins of the people. But, every other day he will have to go to the Holy Place to offer incense to God. My beloved! Every time Aaron came into the Holy Place, he had to wear a long robe. The edges of the robe will have bells like pomegranate seeds hanging from them. He has to wear it when he enters and exits the Holy Place so that the sound of the bells can give the assurance that he is still alive. Everyone who enters God’s presence in those days would worship Him with great fear. They had appointed certain sacrifices like remission of sin offering, peace offering, guilt offering to


be offered if the do’s and don’ts of the Ten Commandments were not followed. But, according to Hebrews 10:19-22 what happened when Jesus was killed on the cross as a sacrificial offering? Since, Jesus Christ our Chief Priest took His own blood that was shed on the cross in His hands and entered into the Most Holy Place by Himself (where the Chief Priest entered once a year), He tore the veil into two that separated the Most Holy Place from the Holy Place. “And Jesus (on the cross) cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split.” (Matthew 27:50,51) The veil that was there for priests like Aaron to enter into God’s Holy Place was torn in two. Hence, we need not fear to approach God, kneel down in His presence and talk to Him about our concerns. “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace…” (Hebrews 4:15-16). The Lord Jesus, who is invisible, tore apart the veil into two that separated man and God through His death so that we might behold Him. He willingly gave up His human body on

the cross to be torn apart. The spear penetrated into his chest and water and blood gushed out from His body. Yes beloved, that is the blood that has torn apart the veil that stood between us and God. When, I was working in the bank, I used to tell my office assistant, “Please don’t allow anybody to come and see me; I have a lot of work to do.” Several people would come to see me. He will write down their names on a piece of paper and make them sit there. I will get that paper from him and tell him, “Let them wait; I will call them after some time.” He will not let anybody come into my room without my permission. But, all of a sudden, my door will swing open and one person will enter my room and sit at my desk. Nobody can stop him at any time. He will take my pen, scribble something down and end up breaking the pen. He would freely access any book on my desk to flip through--well, it is none other than my son Paul who was a young boy at that time. That’s the privilege of a son! “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.” (John 1:12) In the same way we are His children too! This is what Christ Jesus has accomplished on the

Jesus Calls International * April 2018 * www. jesuscalls.com

cross. He put asunder all the laws and ordinances that stood between man and God (Romans 10:4). Therefore, fear nothing but straightaway cling on to the feet of Jesus and pray for your needs. The God of gods is your Father. He will help you.

Protects from Evil Powers There are different types of angels of God like Cherubim, Seraphim, God’s exclusive angels and ordinary angels. The Almighty God created angels to worship Him and to gloriously serve Him. But amongst them was Lucifer, one of the chief angels who rebelled against God, thereby fell down from heaven. He was also called ‘Morning Star’ in the Bible. He fell down from the grace of God. It was only after his fall that God made man. God made man like Himself, in His own image. Therefore, these fallen angels are always bitter and jealous of the human beings. They work against the human race. They always work against man’s spirit, body and mind. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12) As long as we are in this world, we will have struggles. They can

only wrestle against a child of God but they cannot do him any harm because, Jesus Christ has destroyed all their powers on the cross (Hebrews 2:14-15). Satan moans to the Sovereign God saying, “Have You not made a hedge around Job and all that he has on every side? Therefore, I am not able to do anything against him (Job 1:10). es, God imself is a all of fire around his people and protects them (Zechariah 2:5). So, don’t worry about anything. There are different kinds of evil powers in this world. Many of the people who have come to me seeking help have told me that someone has cast some witchcraft against them and their family. The fact is, it is those who hardly spend time with God or who have not had a personal experience of the love of Jesus in their lives that are trapped into such evil. Husband and wife cheat each other in the upbringing of their children, like giving them money without the knowledge of the spouse and the children misuse them for watching obscene movies. Such children slowly go astray and become slaves to the power of the devil. Their brain gets muddled and evil things enter into their life. Yes, it is true that there are evil spirits in this world and that they have power. But, if you have accepted Jesus Christ into your heart and have fallen at His feet, having tearfully

asked for forgiveness from your sins saying, “I am Your child henceforth, I will live only for You”, then be assured that all these things can never touch you. As per God’s guidance, Jacob left his uncle Laban’s home and was returning back to his father’s home. But, Laban followed him. hen Ja ob as s, hy are you following me? Have I stolen anything from you?” Laban replied, “You may go if you want to; but why have you stolen my gods and my idols?” Jacob knew nothing about this for it was his wife Rachel who had stealthily hidden her father’s gods and brought them with her. My beloved! In the same way, as long as sin is lurking in us, in the form of lusts of the esh and world on the one side, and Christ on the other side, there is definitely a ay for atan to enter our lives. Then witchcraft will easily bring you down, the reason being your body which is the temple of living God, is hidden under all unclean thoughts, desires and lusts. You have given room for the devil who is the captain of all uncleanness to come into you. Today, we see many Christian families destroyed by black magic, sorcery and witchcraft. After this happens, there is no use in blaming Christ or even praying for them. My beloved! I have worshipped Christ for several years and prayed for millions of people.

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But, when I pray for some of them, Jesus Christ will not speak to me but remain silent. I will plead with Jesus for them saying, “Oh, they suffer so much, please have mercy on them.” But, He will never respond. Do you know the reason for that? They would have come to me for prayers, but deep down in their hearts, they would have hidden their sins and their bad habits. They will pray and go, but as soon as they leave, they will go out and seek divination from a sorcerer. Beloved, if it is true that we have been washed by the blood of Christ then none of those powers can gain access to us. Jesus said that none of them will harm you. In reality, they are scared of us. I had been to a particular city in a foreign country. I saw a poor woman there. She was always kept in chains as her house was on the fourth floor and as she would sometimes jump out from there all of a sudden. She would frighten everybody by suddenly climbing up on a window and say, “I will jump down from here.” Nobody could control her. One morning, I was delivering a message in a particular church service. Soon after the message, the pastor requested me to pray for some people and I agreed. This particular girl was brought to me for prayer. At that time, a divine love descended upon me


even without my knowledge. I just looked at her and said, “Sister, sit down and I will pray for you.” She sat down immediately and those who saw it were amazed. They said, “This is the first time that she heeded the voice of a man and sat down.” Then, I placed my hands upon her head and prayed for her. Immediately, she shook her head and fell down. At that time, the presence of Jesus came down and He touched that woman. She received her healing in a moment and stood up. Yes, when a person accepts Christ as his God in his heart, He comes into him and dwells in him. He lives in him. Therefore, the evil spirits tremble not because of us but because of Jesus who lives in us. hy do people ant to see obscene dances and vulgar movies? It is because they have not yet known the Lord Jesus and His divine love. Once you accept Jesus into your heart, the thought, ‘I will always talk about Him, I will always sing praises about Him, I will always pray with others who love Him, I will always tell about Him to people who have not known Him yet ill fill your heart. es, e is so sweet. There will not be any place in our hearts for the things which displease God, if we accept Him. Therefore, pray

with tears, “Son of God, I will never depart from You, come what may. Please protect me from sin.” First of all, you are able to receive forgiveness of sins and live righteously because of the resurrection of Jesus. Secondly, the barrier which stood between God and us has been removed because of the resurrection of Jesus. e an go into the presence of God and personally talk to Him, through prayer. Thirdly, He casts away all the evil forces that work against us in this world and protects us from them for Jesus has destroyed them on the cross. Let us read the Bible more and more and be filled ith more of the knowledge of these matchless blessings. Then, our faith will be multiplied! Moreover, we should be areful to find time to ait in the presence of God and have fellowship with Him through prayer. Then, the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ will turn our life around completely. This is what Paul said, “It is not I but Christ who lives in me” (Gal. 2:20) As the power of Christ transformed him to be a servant of God, an ‘apostle’ who rose up and shone for the glory of God, you too cling on to Him and fear Him. Then, He will grant you all those divine experiences and use you for His Name’s glory and exalt you.

Jesus Calls International * April 2018 * www. jesuscalls.com



I am Lissy George from Cochin, Kerala, India. I am serving the Lord full time for the past 27 years. In 2016, there was a prophecy on me that I will go to Israel many times and take people along ith. ut I didn t ta e it seriously, as I had finan ial onstrain. ut amazingly the Lord opened a door for me to go as a prayer intercessor sponsored by a person. First time, I was so excited to pray for Israel and walk down the streets where my Saviour walked. e had many prayer al s in Jerusalem and e ould feel the presen e of the ord. Second time in December 2017, when I went, I could feel the burden of the Holy Spirit, especially when we prayed at the Upper Room. The Holy Spirit burdened me to pray for Jerusalem, Israel and India. e nelt do n there and ere eeping for pea e and also for the lost souls. Also when I was praying at the Prayer Chamber at the Jesus Calls Israel Prayer Tower in Jerusalem, the oly pirit urged me to pray spe ifi ally for astern Jerusalem. I ould really relate to the prayer points and prophecies by Dr Paul. Many of them are already happening. I look forward for more opportunities to go to Jerusalem again and pray fervently. Glory to God!

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BLESSING MEETING AT ISRAEL PRAYER TOWER ery first riday of the month, blessing meetings are ondu ted at pm Prayer Tower Address: Israel Prayer Tower, 34 Ben Yehuda, 20th Floor, Jerusalem. Contact numbers: Bro. Hayim Otsarya 972542377766 & Sis. Keren 972546526521 For prayers, please contact 97225337577 ebsite

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Jesus Calls International * April 2018 * www. jesuscalls.com


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