Jesus Calls International - July 2018 Magazine

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Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran and Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran, flew to Israel on May 20th for the first ever historic Jesus Calls World Prayer Convention in Jerusalem, held from May 22-24, 2018. The glorious location for the Convention was the promised land flowing with milk and honey, where Jesus lived His earthly life. The delegates began arriving in Jerusalem on May 21st from different parts of the world, including a huge contingent from India. We had a kaleidoscope of participants from the US, UK, Germany, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Israel and India, numbering 1100 for the Convention and the Tour.


As the opening day dawned, there was great excitement in Jerusalem and many delegates were at the venue early in the morning with much anticipation. The Convention opened with Dr. Paul Dhinakaran welcoming the gathering and sharing with them the theme of the Convention. After this, Mr. Samuel Smadja, Pastor of The Messianic Fellowship & Founder of Sar El Tours, formally declared the Convention open. The speakers for the Convention were Statesmen drawn from various countries who were also strong Christian leaders, speaking with wisdom, counsel and grace. The delegates were tremendously blessed by each one of them. Amongst others, we had Mr. Calev Meyers, Senior Partner at Yehuda Raveh & Co. Law Offices (one of Israel's largest law firms); Pastor. Reuven Berger,
The Congregation of The Lamb on Mount Zion;

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Pastor Edwin Govendar, Senior Pastor of Faith Revival Church, Durban; Mr. Rick Ridings, Succat Hallel, House of Prayer, and more. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s daily sessions were very powerful with exhortation, prophecy and healing gifts of the Spirit in operation. The Lord often revealed to him the names of people present there with illnesses and healed them. Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran ministered on the need for a close communion with God and Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran spoke on the power of prayer for families. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Mrs. Evangeline Paul prayed individually for every single delegate at the end of the first and second day, laying their hands and prophesying over them as the Lord revealed to them through the Holy Spirit. We had the unique privilege of having Pastor Benny Hinn minister with us on the second and the final day. The Holy Spirit moved powerfully in our midst during his

teaching and healing sessions. Finally, we celebrated God’s goodness and faithfulness in the life of our dear Aunty Stella Dhinakaran as she reached a milestone on her eightieth birthday on May 24th. It was a time of great rejoicing indeed! The curtains came down on this historic event on May 24 with Dr. Paul prophetically pronouncing God’s richest blessing upon people, families, kings and nations of every language and tribe. The World Prayer Convention was truly a refreshing season for every participant at the feet of the Lord. The Lord blessed it and gave it as a delightful gift to us all. th

Arun Thomas Global Director - International Ministries

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SRI LANKA Jesus Calls International, 15/1B, Joseph Lane, Bambalapitiya, Colombo 4. Telephone - +94 11 4488112 / +94 11 2502520 Jesus Calls Prayer Centre, 65/373, 5th Lane, Crow Island, Colombo 15. Telephone - +94 11 3288553 Jesus Calls Prayer Centre, 102, 3rd Cross Street, Jaffna. Telephone - +94 213207000 PRAYER HOTLINE FOR SRI LANKA (24 hours): 00 94 11 448811 4

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EUROPE Jesus Calls Europe 11B Norwood Road Southall, London Phone No: +442085714900 Prayer hotline (24 hours): +44 20 8571 4900

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In line with our vision of “Praying for the world” our primary activity revolves around prayer. Please call us for prayer help and do visit our Prayer Towers to attend the blessing meetings and to receive a divine encounter with the Lord. God will perform mighty miracles in your life. Jesus Calls International * July 2018 * www.


“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” (Hebrews 12:1) This verse tells us to cast away all our burdens and sins that hinder us from running towards Jesus. In John chapter 20, after Jesus was crucified, dead and buried, Peter and John, the disciples of Jesus, ran together to the tomb on hearing the news that the body of Jesus was taken away. We see that the other disciple reached the tomb first before Peter.

GET UP - RUN TOGETHER! Today, many are not able to run together; a few lag behind while some run ahead. But today, we have been called to run together. We have to throw off our worries, fears, unbelief, difficulties, sorrows, anger, irritation and disappointments in order to run together. Only then you can run with your eyes fixed on Jesus. That is why the Lord says “All of us will run together.” When people run a race, there is always a starting line and a finishing line. However, in our spiritual run, the Lord’s children do not have a finishing line in this world. They have to keep running till they finish their race in Heaven. On the day you stop running, the devil will meet you. The Lord says, “If you want to be with me, you have to look at me and run.” We read in Haggai 2:6-10, ... ‘In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,’... in this place I will grant peace,’ declares the Lord Almighty.”


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Only if you shake the nation, the desired one of all the nations will come. Only after that, gold, silver, glory and peace shall come. The Lord will give us such grace in the days to come.

We see how Paul and Silas ran in Acts chapter 16. As they were going to their usual place of prayer, they met a slave girl who had a spirit that predicted the future and through this act of

At the beginning of this year, the Lord said to me, “In the days to come, I am going to make everything ready for my secret coming. I am going to make all things new. Tell everybody to be prepared with reverence for my secret coming. Tell how my secret coming is going to be.” We do not know when the Lord will come but the preparations are going to begin.

foretelling, she earned a great deal of money for her

Only after the secret coming, will the gold, silver and peace come to the nation. Only then everyone can say, “There is peace”. Then the antichrist shall come and everyone will be overjoyed to see the mighty miracles he performs and all will say, “This is God, this is God!” As we read in Romans chapter 1, man shall take the appearance of animals and birds. One of the new features of the iPhone10 has a lot of animal faces. You can enter your name and select an animal, and when you open it you will see the animal’s face. At present, it shows your face resembling a doll but with the advancement of technology, man will take the form of animals and birds. These are the things which are going to happen after the secret coming. Since they do not confess our Lord as King of kings, the Lord submits them to harm and impurity. Then the second coming shall happen. For now, we have to be prepared with reverence for His secret coming.

They said, “these men are Jews, and are throwing

The Lord says, “Don’t stop your run” because when the Lord shakes the world, surely the Lord’s children will also be shaken. Whatever harm shakes the world, the same will shake the Lord’s children. To be free from this, the only way is to get up and fix your eyes on the face of Jesus and run; we should be careful not to sit, hide or have fear.

owners. On seeing this spirit, Paul was so troubled that he turned around and said to the spirit, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to come out of her” (Acts 16:16, 18). When the owners of the slave girl realised that their hope of making money was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them to the market place to face the authorities. our city into an uproar by advocating customs unlawful for Romans to accept or practice.” The crowd joined in the attack against Paul and Silas and the magistrates ordered them to be stripped and beaten. After they had been severely flogged, they were thrown into the prison and the jailor was commanded to guard them carefully. The jailor put them in the inner cell and fastened their feet in the stocks (Acts 16:19-24). Did Paul and Silas stop their run for Jesus? Definitely not! Instead Paul and Silas said, “You tied our legs, but did not tie our hands and our mouth; we will run for the Lord with our hands and mouth” and continued to run for Jesus. “About midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God while other fellow prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly, there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once, all the prison doors flew open and everybody’s chains came loose” (Acts 16: 25-26). Paul and Silas, their legs were tied, no clothes on, no respect and no glory but they kept on running looking at the face of Jesus. For this reason, the prison’s foundations were shaken, doors opened and the chains loosened. Everyone was freed.

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What happened as a result? The jailor asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” The jailor did not know Jesus prior nor did he hear about the concept of salvation. He did not hear the gospel nor did he hear any sermon. But it was the Lord who gave him the enlightenment about salvation. When he asked, “What should I do to be saved?” a great gospel was revealed, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved - you and your household” (Acts 16:30,31). The whole family




jailor’s family stood as a testimony. Even you could be in such a situation. If you want to be saved, there is only one way. Praise Jesus in all situations. Run towards Jesus! Then the bondages of people shall be broken; people who are holding you


back will be saved and all of them will be transformed to tell the gospel. In 1986, my father was distressed due to my younger sister, Angel’s death. He was in a situation where his hands were fractured and plastered. He said, “How will I tell about Jesus henceforth? Who will listen to my sermon?” In agony, even when he did not experience the presence of God, he used to pray constantly. He did not know what to pray for. The Holy Spirit is given to us to help us during our weakness (Romans 8:26). When we are in a situation of imprisonment, only the Holy Spirit is mighty to revive us. This Holy Spirit rose from within him. Then Jesus appeared. Jesus said, “I have brought a person along with me” and he saw Angel standing next to Him. The Holy Spirit


through Angel said, “Why are you worried father? Are you thinking Jesus has left you? You have to get up and do the ministry of Jesus even in this situation. Tell that Jesus is good.” At that time my father cried and said, “I do not have strength in my spirit dear, I feel tired.” Then through Angel the Holy Spirit said, “Father, the Lord did not take away your gifts. Those gifts are within you. Though your hands and heart are broken, though you are in a horrible situation and people are making fun of you, the Lord has not taken away His gifts from you. Stand up father, open your mouth and tell about Jesus. Then those gifts within you shall shine in various ways. It will bring a light to the people”. It was the Holy Spirit who spoke through her. At that time, we went to conduct a meeting at a place called Erode. My father came to the meeting with his hands plastered and my mother’s forehead was fractured and plastered too. Even at that time, when my father stood up in the midst of agony, the Holy Spirit had compassion on the people. Firstly, he called out the name of a little girl. The girl came running to the stage immediately. She said, “Uncle, you called my name and told my exact situation.” My father was very happy and said, “The Lord did not forsake me, He is with me, He is within me”. Compassionately, he said, “Though my daughter Angel is gone, I would continue to live for these angels and should carry these angels”. He was consoled in this manner and continued to tell the word of the Lord to millions. He ran until his last day.

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In the end, during the year 2008, my father was in coma, kept at the ICU of the hospital. As I sat beside him, I took off his oxygen mask and called him, “Father, Father” as his eyes were closed and unconscious. At that moment, it was like the Holy Spirit spoke through him. He said, “I have lived a clean life before God and men. My hands are clean. My heart is clean. I can stand before any man in this world and tell that my heart is clean. Not only before God but also before men, I shall stand and tell that my hands are clean. When I close my eyes in this world, the very next moment I will open my eyes in Heaven. I will be able to tell before God that I have lived a clean life. If we live a clean life in this world that is enough” and saying so he stopped and went to heaven. The Lord graciously helped him run till the end of his life. Today, He will lift you also. Keep running.

RUN IN THE MIDST OF TRIBULATIONS Next, we should run in the midst of tribulations. Stop telling that the devil has closed doors, given tribulations, black magic and evil has come, instead run towards Jesus. The Lord says, “ to push this devil down there is only one way, even in the midst of these tribulations you must keep on running (Acts 14:22). Where is the devil sitting? Not in hell but he is sitting in Heaven. He sits there and finds fault with every brother and sister. The devil does not come against us directly. He comes stealthily as he entered Judas. “A man’s enemies will be members of his own household” (Matthew 10:36). He comes through them. He always tries to kill our soul and spirit by complaining about us. If someone is finding fault with you, do not get angry and pray, “Lord, destroy them”. How shall you overcome

him? Run faster than him. Until his time here, the devil will keep doing his work. Until the Lord comes and pushes him to hell he is going to be here. But the Lord will prevent him from touching you, prevent you from seeing him and make you run faster than him. There is only one way; through the blood of the Lamb of God and through the word of witness alone you can defeat him. Revelation 22:11, 12 says,

“Let the one who does wrong, continue to do wrong; let the vile person continue to be vile; let the one who does right, continue to do right; and let the holy person continue to be holy...” The one who is holy shall continue running faster in holiness. The one who is righteous shall keep running faster in righteousness. This is the only way. To win over the devil, there are only two ways, firstly, to live a life testifying God. Secondly, the word of witness! Both should be in us. When people look at us they should see Jesus. When the devil sees us, he should see Jesus. According to his reflection we should be transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory. Then the worldly spirit shall go and we shall bear the likeness of Jesus” (2 Corinthians 3:18). We should announce the miracles Jesus did as a testimony. It is the only way through which we can overcome the devil. This is the testimony of the Lord. Similarly we should prepare to fight through the word of God and continue running. Then Satan shall fall like lightening (Luke 10:18). When the testimony of Jesus is in our spirit, holiness and the gift of prophesy shall grow and consequently, Satan will fall to the ground. Let us run the race successfully with this testimony and fight the good fight of faith! ... To continue in the next issue

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“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.” Isaiah 43:2 Jesus is going to teach us how to walk on water today. He will walk with us so that none of the rivers or raging waters in our life will subdue us.

We can never learn if we are afraid to fall. My friend, today we are going to learn that we should not worry when we fall down. Actually, falling is a necessary step to learn how to walk on water. Jesus taught Peter how to walk on water (Matthew 14th Chapter). Let us meditate on that. He taught Peter three steps, and these are the three steps of faith.

When I went ice-skating for the first time, I


saw many people skating like breeze in the large

This is the faith we get when we first feel God’s

ice ring. That was a beautiful sight and I wanted

presence. For example, when you first begin

to try it out. As I donned on my skates, I also

reading the Bible or when

noticed that some were falling down and hurting

you see a miracle, you

themselves. I wondered how badly hurt I would

feel a rush of excitement

be if I fell down. Slowly, fear got the better of me

surging in your heart; that

turning me nervous! So, I went one step at a time

is emotional faith. When

holding on to the corners and ended up walking

Jesus called Peter, he

on the ice! But my friend who came with me


fell down at least 50 times. However, he skated


beautifully within half an hour.



emotional saw



from his boat and got so excited leading to his faith and belief in his heart. He was thrilled when Jesus said Peter, “Stop



follow me.” He followed Jesus. It is good to have this emotional faith. It’s not bad. This is the first step. But remember, it’s only the beginning of our journey.


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I met a girl from Brazil who spoke to me about several things, and she said, “I looked up India and saw preachers preaching there. It is so exciting to see so many people coming to listen and many mighty miracles happening there. I can’t wait to do the same. I also want to preach to large crowds and want to see the miracles of God, this is my goal.” It’s good to have such an emotional faith. While it is good to have such a passion, I also had to talk to her and expound the

submitted to the righteousness of God.” (Romans 10:3) We have to wait to submit to God’s righteousness before acting on this faith. Even though we put our faith in Jesus, we have to wait for God’s righteousness and not act on our own righteousness. Be careful not to be controlled by your sinful nature (Romans 8:9).You have to be controlled by God’s Spirit, and that leads to

reality of ministry. So, I explained to her about

maturity. He brings God’s righteousness to us.

how the first generation of ministry went through

Today, let us ask the Lord to control us by His

fire, how they struggled to receive this grace from

Spirit and He will pour His Spirit upon you and

God. It is not easy to build a ministry without

lead you through His Spirit.

going through fiery situations. When I told her she said, “I’ll think about it and pray.”

“For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge.” (Romans 10:2) Paul says, the Israelites were so zealous to do something for God, but they had not received the righteousness of God yet. To illustrate, being zealous and having faith without receiving

DEEPER FAITH “Rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.” (Colossians 2:7) Let your roots grow around Jesus and let your lives be built on Him. As the roots grow deeper, you start building your lives on Jesus. The first

righteousness is like having only the icing without

thing that happens to us when we receive emotional

the cake. I read a post on Facebook. There was a

faith are the troubles, problems and fear that shake

preacher in Nigeria and he proclaimed himself to

us because we don’t have strong roots. They try to

be a prophet and said, “Look at me, I am going

shake away the emotional faith we have in Jesus.

to carry this Bible and go and pray in the lions’ cage in the zoo. When I do that, like Daniel, the lions will not touch me.” He wanted to show that he had great faith, but alas, the man never came out! The lion had devoured him. It’s so dangerous to practice with this emotional faith. You have to wait till it matures.

“For they are being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not

That’s why we often see troubles and temptations trying to test us and we look at the circumstance around us and we cry out, “What is happening? I thought I had faith in Jesus and trusted Him but why are troubles coming to me?” and then we start drowning and we start to lose emotional faith. We see in the movies when people climb up the mountain, the guide always says, “Whatever you do, don’t look down.” But what do they do? They

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look down and they tremble with fear, knowing,

and I was panting for breath and cried “Dad, save

that if they fall, not a bone will be spared!

me!” He directed us to flap our way up, and we

This is the same mistake that Peter made, with great emotional faith, seeing Jesus walking on the

did, and we began coming up the water! Yes, we learnt it the hard way!

water he also jumped into the water and started

In the same way, the Lord puts us in deep

walking towards Jesus, looking directly into

waters, and we flap and struggle and finally cry

Jesus’ face. But the moment he took his eyes off

out to Him and He reaches out His hand and gently

Jesus and started looking around at the storm, the

lifts us up as He did with Peter. Try to do it with

boisterous waves shook his emotional faith and he

your own strength and see what happens, it will

began to sink.

disappoint you. But when we rely on His strength,

When troubles come, and we have just emotional faith, we get perturbed wondering how we can

He teaches us patiently and it is amazing to see what He does.

handle the problem be it financial, emotional or

Take a look at Jonah and see what happened to

study/work related issues. It is because our lives

him. When he was thrown into the sea, He sank

are not built on Jesus completely and our roots

deep into the water (Jonah 1st chapter) and God

are not deep enough to learn

sent a fish to swallow him.

to rely on Jesus. Then we

God graciously gave my

cry, “Jesus, where are you?

grandfather a vision in which

Help me, Lord! My strength

he met Jonah in heaven and

is gone.” Don’t worry my friends, this is the normal process. He makes us go through it, to help us see that there is a difference between


Jonah told him, “you know when I was in the belly of the fish, the digestive juices would come from all sides and crush me to digest me

our strength and the strength

but in the midst of it, I saw

of the Creator. He listens to

the grace of God covering

our cry and responds, “I will

me. It covered me and

not leave you as orphans;

protected me from getting

I will come to you” (NIV). King James Version

digested. Even though God sent me into the fish,

says, “I will not leave you comfortless, I will come

He protected me with His grace so that nothing

to you.” He then begins to deepen our faith in Him.

could touch me. I learnt of the power of His grace

When my sister and I were young, our dad

that day.”

wanted to teach us swimming. He took us to a deep

Are you crying out to the Lord saying, ‘Why

swimming pool. Without wasting any time, he

are you allowing these troubles, Lord? When

threw us both in deep water! We were panicking,

I desire to trust in you, why have you allowed


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these temptations?’. He will not allow you to be

His strength and grace and hear His voice in tough

shattered. He will send His grace to cover us and

situations in life.

to protect us in this process just as Jonah heard the voice of God in that belly. This grace comes and


protects you and isolates you from the world. It

This is the final step in the completion of the

doesn’t allow the voice of the devil to reach you.

course. Knowing the plans of God, believing in

It makes you listen to the voice of God instead.

those plans, and accomplishing them are evidence

Our eyes turn to Jesus, we listen to him and God

of faith in action. God will help us to make the

helps us to see this very clearly even when under

right choices, right decisions regarding our future

the water. He gives us a nice pair of goggles and

for our studies, career, life partner, etc. When it

those goggles are none other than the Holy Spirit.

comes to family problems, be it with your spouse

"However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.” (John 16:13) The Holy Spirit reveals God’s plan to us. He reveals God purpose in our life. He helps us clearly when under the water. Otherwise, we will never listen to the voice of God. We will be rushing to our work all the time; rushing to preach without God; rushing to love and enjoy the family without God; without hearing His plan; without having any roots. That’s why He gives us this special time to sit and listen to Him first. When all of our strength is gone we say, “Jesus, you are my only source of strength,” and we then find a deeper faith in Jesus. And as faith deepens, Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit credits His righteousness to us. What is it to be righteous? It

or children, He will give us the right solutions. God will speak to you concerning your loved ones. His Holy Spirit will reveal the mind of God and put in place the plan of action in your home, in your business and in your ministry. You will see an explosion of God’s power! You will not only be blessed but will also be a blessing to others. Faith in action is not only about receiving strength from God to get blessings in your life but it’s about bringing it to people in your spheres of influence. Peter stood before the church officials and God gave him the ability of boldness, wisdom and courage (Acts 4:8-13). He was able to lead the disciples; God gave him the power to do mighty miracles like raising the crippled man. This is what will happen when you walk with Jesus on the water. Fears and doubts will vanish. A deeper connection is formed with Jesus and we receive the grace and power to do mighty things for God. He makes us His signet ring.

is to do the will of God. It’s simple. It is the Holy

To paraphrase, let’s be zealous and righteous

Spirit who gives us this grace in our ‘under water’

before God, have a deep faith in Jesus and give

situations. He reveals God’s plans for us and helps

our heart fully to Him and enjoy His grace and

us do it. This is how our faith becomes deepened

power to do unimaginable things for Him as per

and rooted in Jesus when He teaches us to trust in

His plans and purpose for us.

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Joshua 21:45 – God’s promises will fulfil Meditation: Joshua 23:14;1Kings 8:20; 13:32; 2 Chron. 6:10; Ezek. 12:25,28


Isaiah 43:2 – The Lord will be with you Meditation: Gen. 26:3; Joshua 1:5; Judges 6:12,16; Isaiah 43:5


Psalm 89:34 – God’s word will not change Meditation: Num. 23:19; 1 Kings 8:56; Matthew 24:35; 1 Peter 1:25


Psalm 34:5 – Those who look to God will not be put to shame Meditation: Psalm 22:5; Isaiah 45:17; Joel 2:26,27; Philip. 1:20


Philippians 4:19 – God meets our needs Meditation: Ruth 2:12; Job 5:24; 2 Cor. 9:12; Eph. 4:11


Psalm 61:3 – God is our strong tower Meditation: 1 Sam. 13:6; 2 Sam. 22:3; Psalm 31:2; Prov. 18:10


Psalm 9:9 – The Lord is our refuge Meditation: Deut. 33:27; 2 Sam.22:3; Psalm 46:1; Prov. 29:25


Zephaniah 3:15 – The Lord will keep you from all harm Meditation: 1 Chron. 4:10; Psalm 121:7; Jer. 17:17; Acts. 18:10


John 14:13 – Ask in the name of Jesus to receive Meditation: Matthew 7:7,8; John 14:14; 16:23,24; Acts 3:6-8


Proverbs 13:13 – Respect God’s command to succeed

Meditation: Exo. 20:6; Lev. 26:3-5; Isaiah 48:18; Rev. 22:14


Isaiah 53:5 – God heals us Meditation: 2 Kings 20:5,6;


Psalm 30:2; Isaiah 57:19; 1 Peter 2:24


Isaiah 65:24 – God answers before we call Meditation: Job 12:4; Psalm 91:15; 138:3; Isaiah 30:19; Jer. 33:3


Psalm 103:2 – Bless the Lord Meditation: Exo. 18:10; Ruth 4:14; Daniel 2:19,20; Heb. 13:15


Isaiah 60:19 – The Lord is our light Meditation: Luke 2:25-32; John 1:1-9; 8:12; Acts. 13:47; 1 John 1:5


Proverbs 3:26 – The Lord will keep us safe Meditation: Psalm 40:4; 84:12; Nahum 1:7; Romans 5:3-5







Colossians 3:3 – Christ is our life Meditation: 2 Cor. 4:10; Philip. 1:21; Col. 3:4; 1 John 5:11,12

Ezekiel 20:41 – God is pleased with us Meditation: 1 Chron. 29:17; Psalm 18:19; 147:11; Isaiah 62:4; Haggai 1:8 Isaiah 45:2 – God makes our paths straight Meditation: 2 Chron. 6:27; Psalm 5:8; 18:32; 107:7; Prov. 3:5,6; Isaiah 45:13


Ezekiel 37:27 – God dwells in us Meditation: Exo. 29:45,46; 1 Kings 6:13; John 14:17,23; 2 Cor. 6:16


Numbers 6:25 – The Lord will be gracious to you Meditation: Exo. 33:19; Isaiah 54:8,10; Lam. 3:22,23; Micah 7:18,19


1 John 4:4 – God is great Meditation: Exo. 18:11; 2 Samuel 7:21,22; Jer. 10:6; 1 John 4:4

Isaiah 41:10 – God will uphold us with His hand Meditation: Deut. 1:31; Psalm 91:11,12; 145:14; Isaiah 46:3,4 1 Peter 5:7 – Cast your cares upon God Meditation: Deut. 26:6-9; 1 Samuel 1:1-20; 2 Kings 20:1-6; Psalm 55:22 2 Corinthians 12:9 – Grace of God is sufficient for us Meditation: Num. 6:24,25; Psalm 103:4,5; Isaiah 54:10; Lam. 3:32


Psalm 147:3 – God heals the broken hearted Meditation: Psalm 51:17; Isaiah 57:15; 61:1-3; 66:2


Romans 8:37 – God gives us victory Meditation: Psalm 144:10; Pro . 21:31; 1 Cor. 15:57; 2 Cor. 2:14


Psalm 46:5 – God is in the midst of us Meditation: Psalm 46:5; Isaiah 12:6; Joel 2:27; Zephaniah 3:17





2 Chronicles 29:11 – The Lord has chosen you Meditation: 1 Chron. 16:11-13; John 15:16; 1 Peter 2:4,5 Exodus 4:12 – God will teach us and guide us Meditation: Gen. 18:19; 1 Kings 8:35,36; Psalm 27:11; 32:8 Isaiah 48:17

Jeremiah 1:5 – God has known us Meditation: Psalm 139:1,2; Acts 15:8; John 21:17 Isaiah 60:22 – God will make you a strong nation Meditation: Gen. 12:2; Num. 14:12; Psalm 18:35; Micah 4:7

Jesus Calls International * July 2018 * www.

My precious brothers and sisters, it gives me

ministries, you strengthen the broken-hearted and

immense pleasure to connect with you through

are precious to the Lord. He delights in you.

this issue.


Thank you so much for being a partner of the










‘Jesus Calls’ ministries which wipes away the tears of millions of people. I would like to remind you of a promise.

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning.” (Lamentations 3:22,23) Due to His immeasurable compassion towards you, the Lord has protected you from being consumed. His love and grace towards you shall follow you always. I am guided by the Lord to tell you that you are His most beloved. You have stood with us to pray for others in the name of the Lord and have honored Him; thereby encouraging us through your prayers. As you give your offerings to the ‘Jesus Calls’ Jesus Calls International * July 2018 * www.


Correspondence, E-mails, Magazine, Books,

increase in everything this month. You will have

CD’s, Public Prayer Festivals, Karunya, Seesha,

the position and the authority in this world. The

Schools, Prayer Academy Training, Prophetic

Lord’s presence will be upon you. You will be

Prayer Conferences, Omni Channel Prayer

blessed more than anyone else.

Ministry, Marriage Bureau, National Prayer and

On 27th May 2018, my mother, my wife and

Ministry Alliance, National Prayer Tower, Israel

I prayed for all partners on the rock where Jesus

Prayer Tower, Ambassadors, support to pastors,

shed His blood in the Garden of Gethsemane; the

etc... nearly 800,000 to 900,000 people are being

place He prayed before He became a sacrifice

ministered to monthly.

for the whole world. We cried and prayed for the

Through education service we also conduct

Lord’s will to be fulfilled in your life.

research programs to find solutions to the

We also prayed for you and your loved ones at

problems prevalent in the human society and

Mount Tabor where Jesus was transformed and at

through Seesha, we care for the poor, especially

the Sea of Galilee. The Holy Spirit gave us divine

the children, women and the differently-abled.

visions there. He rose within us and we cried out

You have been instrumental in enabling us to offer

in our spirit, praying for you. Therefore, you will

these services. The Lord loves you for it.

receive goodness in your life. You should believe

Every month, through various methods, 900,000 people send their prayer requests. Among them, how many are thankful to Jesus after receiving a miracle? Only a few thousands of people become partners in the ministry. You are one among the few thousands who are most thankful to the Lord. You are precious to the Lord Jesus Christ, to

in the spiritual blessings and the life-changing moments that are going to happen in your life. When you read these words, you will receive miracles. Therefore, say in faith, “Lord, I receive the increase you give me through your grace. I receive your blessings, healing of any illness, your deliverance, and your divine love for me and my family.” Declare it with belief and thank the Lord.

“Even now...I will restore twice as much to you...” (Zechariah 9:12)

my family and me.

“Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you…” (Isaiah 43:4)

According to this verse, the Lord will restore everything in double measure. You shall see the miracles of the Lord. We will continue to pray for

“He will love you and bless you and increase your numbers…you will be blessed more than any other people… the Lord will keep you free from every disease…” (Deuteronomy 7:13-15)

you as a family along with our prayer intercessors.

Since the Lord loves you, He will bless you

the Bethesda Prayer Centre. We are nearing

and increase you. The Lord will give you an

completion of the Bengaluru and Hyderabad


We believe that you will write to us about the miracle you received from the Lord. My friend, continue to pray for us and ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries. We are in the midst of renovating

Jesus Calls International * July 2018 * www.

Prayer Towers. Construction work is in progress at the Trivandrum Prayer Tower. We have completed fifty percent of the Digitization Project. Only after completion, Dr. D. G. S. Dhinakaran Library will commence functioning and people from all around the world can view audio and video messages, prayers, testimonies, teachings, and songs of each one of our family members from the archives of 45 years of ministry of 3 generations. You have

2018 October 11, 12, 13 Prophetic Prayer Training Trivandrum 2018 October 13, 14 Prayer Festival Trivandrum 2018 October 24-26 Prophetic Prayer Training Rourkela, Odisha

enabled us to do so much and are a vital part of our mission. When you serve the Lord through ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries, you show abundant love towards the Lord. Every day we praise God for you and heaven delights in you.

2018 October 26-28 Prayer Festival Rourkela, Odisha


We travel to many places to preach the Word of God as the Lord leads us. Keep us in your prayers as we give His Word in the following meetings in the month of August and September. Please pray for the people who come to these meetings to feel God’s power and His presence. Also pray for the arrangements that have to be made.

USA Los Angeles, July 28-29 Dallas, August 3 Philadelphia, August 25 Canada, August 17-19 South Africa 30th September to 5th October We celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary on June 2nd. We have dedicated to serving you


all our lives. We pray for your prayer requests

2018 June 27, 28 Karunya Staff Meeting

diligently. We can rejoice together in the Lord when you write to us about how God answered

2018 June 30 Karunya Convocation

your prayers. We continue to look forward to your support of this huge ministry.

2018 July 1 Special Blessing Meeting Bethesda, Karunya Nagar 2018 July 7 Special Blessing Meeting Puducherry 2018 July 8 Special Blessing Meeting Perambalur

“I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore….” (Genesis 22:17) I pray that the Lord bless you, your children and increase everything that belongs to you this month.

Jesus Calls International * July 2018 * www.

Your dear brother Dr. Paul Dhinakaran


The Young Partners Plan (YPP) is one of the excellent God-given plans of the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry. This plan was instituted on the 25th July 1985 with the sole purpose of reaching out to young people all over the world covering them with prayers (24x7) for their Wisdom, Protection & Prosperity. Yes! The Lord has promised that these dear young partners will receive a divine protection from the evils of this world (John 17:15), wisdom to shine in their studies (Isaiah 54:13) and prosperity to enable them to flourish in their life (Psalm 115:14). For the past 33 years, the Dhinakaran family and the prayer intercessors at the Prayer Tower have been praying every day for our precious young partners. Thanks be to God, who hears these prayers and bless the Young Partners in


special ways. We receive many testimonies on how God has been faithful in the Young Partner’s lives. Let us read one such testimony. Alisha from Maharashtra says, “I am from Nagpur and I was very weak in my studies during my childhood. During that time my parents enrolled me in YPP. After this, I gained an interest in my studies and I was able to easily grasp and memorize my subjects. Due to this, I started excelling in my studies and I understood that there were people praying for me daily. As my 10th Board exams were coming up, I wrote a letter to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran requesting him to pray for me. I received a response from him that encouraged me and assured me that God will bless me to get good marks. To my surprise, I scored 98% and I was a topper in the 10th Std. among my whole minority community. I give all glory to God for my success.” Isn't this a beautiful testimony? You too can benefit like Alisha by becoming a Young Partner. It's open for everyone.

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 Fervent prayers of the Dhinakarans every day.  The prayer intercessors at the 24x7 Prayer Tower will pray calling out the names of the Young Partners every day, claiming God’s promise as assured in I Chronicles 4:10  A certificate will be sent on reaching the pledge amount.  A special birthday card will be sent by the family of Dhinakarans

WITNESS GOD’S PROMISES BEING FULFILLED IN YOUR LIVES! YOUNG PARTNER’S PLAN Your Child can be a partner from any age till he/she gets married! Pledge an amount. You may send any amount possible for you, every month! I AM INTERESTED IN ENROLLING MY CHILD/CHILDREN IN THE YOUNG PARTNER’S PLAN Details of the children to be enrolled in the YOUNG PARTNER’S PLAN. Mr/Ms:.................................................................................................. Date of Birth: .............................. Mr/Ms:.................................................................................................. Date of Birth: .............................. Mr/Ms:.................................................................................................. Date of Birth: .............................. Name of the parent/guardian:....................................................................................................................... Contact Address: ........................................................................................................................................ City: ......................................... ZIP / PIN Code: ............................ Mobile:............................................. Email: ........................................................................(needed for fast and effective communication). Please scan a passport size photo of the child and email or submit it at the Prayer Tower nearest to you. Call your Local Prayer Tower in your Region for details about the plan. ................................................. Partner with us

 $ ....../ every month

 $ ......... every year

 I would like to receive e Communications & Jesus Calls e magazine monthly at my registered email ID

MY PRAYER REQUEST TO BE PRAYED AT THE PRAYER TOWER. “Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:15) 1. ......................................... 2. .......................................... 3. ............................................. You may send your offerings thru our secure & fastest mode by credit card/debit card/net banking at (or) Download our app from Google Play Store and donate through that (or) to post your cheque to the Prayer Tower address closest to your location (or) you may visit in person the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area and make your offering and receive an acknowledgement for the same. Jesus Calls International * July 2018 * www.


Premila, a staff nurse working in a hospital was having a blood issue for some time. She was getting weaker and weaker, failing to go to work regularly. She rang up the Prayer Tower for prayers. In desperation and with much burden, she also visited the Prayer Tower directly and a prayer intercessor prayed with her. After 2 days, she called up and testified that her bleeding has stopped. All Glory to God! Vishal Reddy was bound by the devil and was brought to the Prayer Tower for deliverance. The devil did not want to leave her but our united prayer brought deliverance for


her. She believed that Jesus came to free those

Healing Blessing Meeting

who are bound by the devil in all aspects which includes spiritual, physical and mental health. The verse, "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:13) came true. Now she is our regular Esther Prayer Group member. What a mighty God we serve! Nilendra Sharma, a young man in his 20’s came for the first time to the Prayer Tower for prayer. He was feeling pain and weakness in his body. We prayed for him and in a week’s time he came back with a testimony that the pain was gone. Glory to Jesus! Uma Prasad, Co - ordinator, Jesus Calls Fiji Prayer Tower

Every Wednesday from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm; wonderful time of praise and worship followed by the sharing of God’s Word by renowned pastors from different churches; Special prayers for the sick and for specific prayer needs. Esther Prayer Group/ Youth Esther Prayer Group Every third wednesday of the month at 10.30 am; This is a special prayer where Women / Young girls gather to pray for various needs faced by women all around the world. The prayer points are sent by Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran. After praying over the given points, we also pray for the prayer needs of the women who are in attendance. Women’s Fellowship

Every Wednesday at 10:00 am.

Bible Study Every 4th Wednesday of the month; we are currently studying the book of Genesis.

Location: 178 Ratu Mara Road, Samabula, Suva, Fiji Islands. Opening Hours: We are open from 9am - 5pm from Monday to Friday. Saturdays from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm. You can drop in any time during these hours for prayers.

Toll Free Prayer Hotline: +679 - 9078961, available 24x7 to receive prayer calls


Jesus Calls International * July 2018 * www.

PARTNER WITH US  Become a PRAYER INTERCESSOR You can join us to pray with compassion for the needy, bringing hope and healing to the brokenhearted through your earnest prayers  Become a VOLUNTEER We have numerous tasks in and around the Prayer Tower where you could help  Become a ESTHER / YOUTH ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Member This is a special prayer group where women gather to pray for various needs faced by women all around the world. The prayer points are sent by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. After praying over the given points, we pray for the needs of women who attend this prayer.

If you would like to start an Esther / Youth Esther prayer group in your place, please contact us.

 Become a JESUS CALLS PARTNER Join the Family Blessing Plan, Young Partners Plan, Business Blessing Plan, Prayer Tower Building Fund, Seesha, TV Club etc. You may send in your cheerful donations through Money Order / Cheques written in favour of Jesus Calls Fiji, and post to: P O Box 3984,178 Ratu Mara Road, Samabula, Suva, Fiji Islands For Direct Bank Deposit and Bank Transfers, please use the following details: Account Name: Jesus Calls Fiji

Bank: Weatpac Bank at Laucala Bay

Account Number: 9806162401 For all details or enquiries about the ministry, please do not hesitate to contact the Prayer Tower co-ordinator Uma Prasad on: Email:

Phone: +679 - 3632925.

Face book:

Jesus Calls International * July 2018 * www.


“I will show them wonders” (Micah 7:15). The God of Gods, who created the universe, gives us this wonderful promise!

“…if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” (John 11:40) He, who said these, is eagerly waiting to do wonders in our lives!

“He does great things too marvelous to understand. He performs countless miracles.” (Job 9:10). In the Old Testament, we read that ‘the wonderful Lord’ enabled Abraham’s wife Sarah to beget a child miraculously, even after she passed the age of childbearing (Genesis 18:11; 21:1,2). Likewise, the Angel of God called Hagar, who was wandering in the wilderness in a hopeless

With faith, we need to hold on to the Lord

situation, crying loudly saying, ‘"Let me not see

who does wonders, telling, ‘He who promised is

the death of the boy" and said to her, "What ails

faithful’ (Hebrews 10:23) and that ‘He will do it’

you, Hagar? Fear not, for God has heard the voice

(I Thessalonians 5:24).

of the lad where he is. Arise, lift up the lad and hold him with your hand, for I will make him a great

WHO IS THE LORD, WHO DOES WONDERS? “You are the God who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among the people” (Psalm 77:14)

nation” (Genesis 21:16-18). He accomplished it accordingly. Similarly, in the New Testament, the Lord did a miracle in the life of the aged couple Zechariah and Elizabeth who had no child and made her beget a son (Luke 1:7,13,57).


Jesus Calls International * July 2018 * www.

The Canaanite woman, who was in tears

He searches the heart; He tests the mind

because of her demon-possessed daughter,

(Jeremiah 17:10). He saw the depth of Peter’s

worshipped Jesus saying, ‘"Have mercy on me,

empty heart. Deciding to make him thrilled, He

O Lord, Son of David! My daughter is severely

showed him His wonder in the depth and made

demon-possessed" and the Lord Jesus of miracles

him catch an amazing number of fish (Luke

replied to her saying"O woman, great is your faith!

5:6-9).He did a wonder for him and surprised

Let it be to you as you desire” (Matthew 15:22-28;

him; He turned him into the one who catches men

Mark 7:25-30).

(Luke 5:10,11).

Don’t we read in the Bible, ‘"Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for Me?” (Jeremiah 32:27). Everything is possible for Him. He does wonders. Look up to Him with faith whatever your problems, sufferings, losses and tears are. The Lord who

HOW DID JESUS CHANGE PETER, WHO WAS CATCHING FISH, INTO THE ONE WHO CATCHES MEN? He was filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-14). After that, he who was illiterate was

does wonders would answer your pleas. He will

filled with the faith of the Lord and spoke boldly.

reveal His wonder in your life too.

That day, nearly three thousand who accepted the Lord’s words joyously were saved. Next, when he

HE WILL MAKE US SEE WONDERS IN THE DEEP “They see the works of the LORD, and His wonders in the deep.” (Psalm 107:24) If you rightfully hold on to the Lord, who does wonders, in the darkness or on the face of the deep, He would make you also see wonders in the depth of your life. Dear ones, today, there are many of you who lament saying, “Oh, I don’t have money; I don’t have a child; there is no joy or peace in the family; I do get plenty of money but I don’t know where it goes...’ and so on? Do not be troubled!

“…the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” (I Samuel 16:7)

went into the temple of God, he said to the lame man, ‘In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk’ and took him by the right hand and lifted him up. Immediately he leapt up and walked (Acts 3:1-8). My dear ones, it is not you who would testify but the Holy Spirit in you would speak through you. We have come to the last days. Commit your heart and tongue to the Lord. Speak about the Lord. Do something for the Lord. (Ecclesiastes 9:10). Ask for the Holy Spirit with thirst and receive Him. He would change you into a powerful sword and use you.

DECLARE HIS WONDERS Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples (I Chronicles 16:24; Psalm 77:11, 78:4; 96:3). Yes, we need to declare the wonders of the Lord.

Jesus Calls International * July 2018 * www.


‘…out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks’ (Matthew 12:34). In the 4th chapter of John, we read about the Samaritan woman. When she comes to the Lord, she is a woman sunk in sin. As she hears the Lord’s words, faith is born in her heart. Because of her faith, the Lord gives her a new life. Instantly she goes into her town and proclaims about the Lord to her people. Many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified (John 4:28,29,39). In my life, I was an empty vessel. However,

mightily in such a way that you would say that you have no time”. I did not take it seriously and could never imagine such a lifestyle. My husband got a transfer in his bank job and we came to Chennai. That time, my husband started receiving several letters seeking prayers. I began to get involved in the letter ministry in a small way. As days passed, the Lord increased the ministry. He opened doors for me to preach. Then He gave me the Esther Prayer Group ministry. As the Lord said, today He has increased the ministry and is using me so mightily that I can say that I have no time.

after marriage, I was behind my husband and

Dear ones, God would bless you too abundantly;

served him. Nobody knew that I had received

He will do wonders in your life; He will show

the anointing since I was a very timid person. I

wonders in the deep; this God of wonders would

used to be shy and nervous. The Lord then said

remove all your lacks and make them perfect. He

to me, “Daughter, how long would you be calling

would use you mightily in the ministry. Through

yourself an ignorant person? I am going to use you

you, He would reveal His wonders.


Jesus Calls International * July 2018 * www.

Jesus Calls International * July 2018 * www.


Our dear (late) Bro. D. G. S. Dhinakaran had compiled his heavenly / supernatural experiences in the book, ‘An Insight into Heaven’ and published it in 2007. In this issue, we wish to share one chapter from the book to inspire you to desire such glorious experiences.

...Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. (I Corinthians 2:9) A vision is granted to us in two formats. We can be made to look at the open Heavens from the place where we are, lost in deep prayer on the earth. Else, the Lord may choose to take us to Heaven in the Spirit, to impart unto us whatever is pleasing to Him.

1. GOD’S APPRECIATION OF OUR THIRST FOR HIM An unquenchable thirst in our hearts to walk with God, like the old time prophets, could gear us up, to seek the face of the Lord in a very intense way. The Almighty God Himself, who was put in an embarrassing situation, had to plead with Jacob as given below:


And He (God) said, “Let Me go, for the day breaks.”... (Genesis 32:26) The same thing can also happen today in answer to our tear-filled prayers.

2. THE COMPASSION OF GOD When we are anointed with the Holy Spirit, God’s love and compassion fill our hearts (Romans 5:5). When we pray with a real agony for the deliverance of the broken-hearted people, through our intercessory prayers, this compassion enables us to lay hold of God until that person is delivered. In the year 1965, I was in a city called Bangalore, in India. At that time, as a family we attended the worship service in a particular church. The Pastor of the church was a very godly person.One Sunday, after the morning service, he told me with his voice choked with emotion, “My brother-in­law is lying seriously ill in my home. He

Jesus Calls International * July 2018 * www.

looks almost lifeless. Can you please come home and pray for him to be revived?” I readily agreed and rushed with him to his house.Truly, he seemed to be in his last stages with his fingernails turning blue. I saw his pale grief-stricken wife holding their two children in her hands. On seeing them, a great compassion filled my heart and I began to cry unto the Lord to send back his life. The Holy Spirit came and filled me in a powerful way.

same day. Yes, it is God’s compassion that moves us to see miracles from His Hands (Psalm 111:4).

Then, our beloved Lord Jesus Christ appeared before me and asked me, “What are you trying to do?” I told Him, “Lord, I want his life back”. The Lord said nothing but just disappeared from the scene. I felt very forlorn, but was greatly encouraged when the Holy Spirit whispered, “Come, let us go.”

Before sending His judgement on the city of Sodom, God came down from Heaven all the way to reveal it to His prophet Abraham (Genesis 18:17; 20:7). Likewise, the Lord Jesus Himself may choose to take us to Heaven to speak to us about upcoming events.

3. GOD’S DESIRE TO COMMUNICATE TO HIS PROPHETS HIS DIVINE PLANS Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. (Amos 3:7)


All that I saw next was the Lord walking on the golden streets of Heaven. I followed Him in the Spirit. When He sat on His throne, He asked me, “What do you want?” Again I told Him, “Lord I need the life of that person back.” Then He confided to me a personal message to be given to his wife and asked me, “Will you go and convey this to her?” I promised Him without any hesitation that I would do it. Then His voice was reverberating throughout Heaven telling me, “Go back, he lives.”

The next moment, I found myself back by the side of that person’s bed. My clothes were totally drenched in sweat. He had already sat up and was asking his dear sister, “Give me something to eat, I feel very hungry.” What a thrill it was for the entire church when he came and sat in the front row of the church for the evening service on the

Now, let me list out some of the key truths which anyone who is really keen to have an insight into Heaven should be aware of.These key truths are imperative to have a real glimpse of Heaven.

a) The Reality of Heaven

In My Father’s house are many mansions; ...if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. (John 14:2,3) Once, I read in a magazine about a renowned philosopher exclaiming on his deathbed, “I do not know why I came into this world; I do not know how I lived here and now also I do not know where I am going.” This is the agonizing cry for most of the humanity. Quite contrary to this, people who have committed their lives to our Lord Jesus leave this world with great excitement and expectation.

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b) The Abode of God Heaven is the abode of the Almighty God (Psalm 115:3,16). We human beings are born and brought up in this world and hence our knowledge is earthoriented. No doubt, Heaven remains a mystery to us. Sometime ago, there was an article in an International magazine about a very huge observatory in California, USA. In that article, the head of that observatory had mentioned with great excitement, “Everyday we scan through the sky with the help of the most powerful giant telescopes. It is really a wonder that we are able to trace nearly five or six new stars almost every day.”How innumerable are the stars in God’s sky. If that be the case, how vast should the firmament be that upholds the stars, and how inexplicable Heaven should be!

c) The Holy Spirit, God’s ‘Rocket’ to Heaven Mankind has been privileged to watch the mighty rockets lifting up to space from NASA in the USA. What an awesome sight it is to watch a powerful rocket rising into space, spitting fire and smoke all the way. It penetrates into space and reaches the point where the spaceship would be solely drawn by the gravitational force of the moon. By the same analogy, we need the mighty supernatural rocket called ‘The Holy Spirit’ to transport our human spirit (soul) to Heaven to have a glimpse of the ‘Abode of God’. Thank God, He, in His mercy, has graciously come forward to empower us with His mighty Holy Spirit to transport our human spirits (souls) to Heaven at His delight and pleasure so that we can have a real insight into Heaven.


d) The Inhabitants of Heaven (i) God Himself In Heaven, there is a great person called GOD waiting to receive us (John 4:24). Apostle Paul describes His magnificence in the Scripture verse:

“…dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honor and everlasting power.” (I Timothy 6:15,16) (ii) The Saints of God On the Mount of Transfiguration, Peter, the fisherman, a disciple of the Lord Jesus was transfixed looking at the ‘transfigured’ Jesus in His original Heavenly glory (Matthew 17:1–5). On both sides of the transfigured Jesus Christ, appeared two acclaimed prophets of God, Elijah and Moses. Elijah was translated into Heaven in flesh and blood (II Kings 2:11). Moses had died like any other man and was buried by God Himself (Deuteronomy 34:6). Yet, when he and Elijah appeared before the physical and natural eyes of Peter, both were visible and identifiable in their appearance equally. It must be understood that all the inhabitants of Heaven who have gone from this earth could still be easily recognized and identified as they would continue to retain the personality in which they had lived in this world, even after their death. Although our precious Lord is in His glorified body, yet He appeared to be in flesh and blood after His resurrection according to Luke 24:39,40. Heaven is a wonderful place. In Heaven, every soul would be uninterrupted and filled with unspeakable joy and full of glory all the time. While reading this book, these little helpful keys should be kept in mind so that the Holy Spirit would be able to reveal the real Heaven to you without any bias or prejudice.

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Jesus Calls International * July 2018 * www.


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