Jc intl june 2017

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Jesus Calls International * June 2017

Jesus Calls International * June 2017


In commemoration of the 25 Years of the inception of Bethesda Prayer Centre in Coimbatore, a special meet was conducted to pray for people from May 14th to 16th, 2017 at Bethesda. Our heart was greatly moved to see nearly 10,000 people who came from all over India from 27 States with great thirst and desire to receive God’s blessing in their lives. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed for each one of them in person laying hands on them for God’s blessing to come upon their lives. They prayed for them for nearly 14 hours every day. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was accessible to everyone who visited Bethesda and prayed for their blessings. God honored the faith of all the families who visited Bethesda these days and blessed them. Their sorrow turned into joy. Thank God for giving us the anointing to pray for each one who had come to Bethesda (2 Corinthians 4:15)


Jesus Calls International * June 2017

Dearly beloved in Christ, Loving greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Let me joyfully open the month of June with the beautiful promise by our father God. “I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron. For Jacob My servant's sake, and Israel My elect, I have even called you by your name; I have named you, though you have not known Me” (Isaiah 45:2,4). In faith, I pray that God may remove all obstructions and prepare the way for blessings! “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:19,21). Our God tells us to obtain the treasures of heaven. In Malachi 3:10,11, He tells us to bring our tithes into His temple. It suggests that, when Jesus Calls International * June 2017


one gives for the ministry of God, it remains helpful in spreading the Gospel of Christ and helps save souls. These rewards will be written in their account in Heaven. This is the manner in which one can pile up treasures in Heaven. The blessings of the Lord will lead us and shatter the hurdles while filling His hidden treasures. Jesus





opportunity for you to gather your treasures in Heaven, because every month millions of souls are being won into the kingdom of God and the rewards will go to those of whom who has been instrumental in making it possible. At this juncture, I want to share with you a few things about the mission of the Jesus Calls Ministry. Join me in praising God for

Anointed prayer intercessors assist in these Prayer Towers by devotedly accepting, advocating, and beseeching in the presence of God for those who anxiously approach for prayers each day. Additionally, prayer services are provided night and day through the telephone ministry. We are persistent in establishing more of these services according to the directions of God. We are prayerfully establishing Prayer Towers in the cities of Tamilnadu like, Kanchipuram, Marthandam, Thiruvallur, Thiruvanamalai, and Arakonam. Also in the cities of Bokoro and Thumkha, in the Jharkhand state and in Bhopal, Indore and Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh. Kindly uphold us in prayers while we build the kingdom of God.

the marvelous miracles and wonders and

Good News to the Cities!

in upholding the ministry in your valuable


prayers that God may strengthen the finances

The Spirit of God has been endlessly afflicting my soul to spread the Good news to many cities. Accordingly, with immense supplications, support and sacrificial contribution of Jesus Calls partners, many parts of Tamilnadu during June/July 2017 will witness Gospel being preached to them. I seek your kind prayer support for the needs like, journey mercies, God’s protection, favours and God’s touch upon us and the people to whom we minister.

to fulfill the visions that He has set before us.

The Growing Prayer Tower Ministry “Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare; Lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left, and your descendants will inherit the nations, and make the desolate cities inhabited” (Isaiah 54:2-3). Presently, there are about 109 operational Jesus Calls Prayer Towers around the world. 6

MINISTRIES ABROAD If it’s in the will of God, during the first week of June 2017, Evangeline and I remain scheduled to minister and pray in the following events.

Jesus Calls International * June 2017

2017 June 3-9 – Israel Prayer Tower 2017 June 10-13 – Germany 2017 July 14-15 – Singapore 2017 July 16-19 – Malaysia The 19th to 22nd of October this year are programmed for a Prophetic Conference & Blessing meetings in Mauritius. 2017 happens to be the Jubilee year for Mauritius which is 50 years since the Gospel reached that island country and I’m particularly excited to be there at this time to pray and bring down God’s blessings upon the people there. The 23rd October commemorates the inauguration of the Mauritius Prayer Tower. Please recall the organizers and the souls in your prayer.

PRAYER ACADEMY There seems more blessing on the Jesus Calls Prayer Academy. In this Academy the genuinely desired are prayerfully selected, given basic Bible training required and are sent back to their town to be used as God’s mighty vessels. Presently, the training happens in the cities of Chennai, Coimbatore, Trichy, Tirunelveli, Tuticorin, Madurai and Nagercoil. Plans are due for Andhra Pradesh and the cities of North India in July.

A FAMILY ENJOINED WITH GOD “As for Me,” says the Lord, “this is My covenant with them: My Spirit who is upon you, and My words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your descendants, nor from the mouth of your descendants’ descendants,” says the Lord, “from this time and forevermore” (Isaiah 59:21).

According to His will and Wisdom my wife Evangeline and I were united in Holy Matrimony on the 2nd of June 1989. Since then the Lord has been integrated with us as a threefold chord, have sanctified our family; gifted us with precious children and is using us as a blessing to many families today. I invite you to join me in praising God for our family life. In this month we remain beseeching for every family’s happiness and for God to bless them with the grace they require to lead a healthy, prosperous and peaceful family life. May our God, who builds families bless your family life; establish peace between you, your spouse and your children and lead you to have a closer walk with God. May the Lord during this month shower you with blessings from above and fill your life with good things. The Lord who builds families; the Lord who fills you with treasures from His glorious light, lives within you and loves to bless you. "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20). It is the desire of our God that you keep the door of your life accessible. Friend, Open your heart and allow Him to come inside and dwell in you! The Lord who is the fountain of all blessings will fill your heart with His love and fill your life with the fruit of His Spirit. Accordingly, He will make you a blessing to your family, to the society and the nation. Your brother who prays for you,

Jesus Calls International * June 2017

- Dr. Paul Dhinakaran 7


arunya the power house of pragmatic academic excellence engaged in finding solutions to human problems. It stands at the juncture of tradition and modernity, heritage and development. Chancellor Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s leadership enhances the university's ability to act as an agent of positive change in a world replete with challenges. The University is growing bigger and better each year; unique courses for the academic year are geared up for launch. Agriculture, Criminology, Tourism, Hotel Management, Information Security, Digital Forensics and Christian Studies are introduced to meet the growing demands in the job market. National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) has ranked Karunya University as number 5 nationally in the area of Outreach and Inclusivity, 62nd in Engineering Category and 71st among Indian Universities out of 1300 Institutions. With the nod from the management, a new Biomedical Product Development Cell at Karunya is opening to work on innovations. In this joint effort with STAAN Bio-Med Engineering Private Ltd and SEESHA (Samiti for Education, Environment, Social and Health Action) a research center is to be established where students can take up lead roles in developing biomedical products.

Karunya University has succeeded in examining a synthetic skin substitute; a biodegradable nano fiber based antibiotic dressing for 2nd degree burn wounded patients that helps management of infection. Karunya has filed the first world patent on “Wound Healing Non Immunogenic Oxazolidinone Nano Scaffolds”. The drug used in the dressing material is a new generation FDA approved antibiotic.


A positive sign of growth and collaboration at KU - An INR 800,000 consultancy project was entrusted to the Civil Engineering Students from the Coimbatore Corporation to prepare a Decision Support System (DSS) to ensure 24 x 7 water supply to the households in Coimbatore. Students also received INR 40,000 from Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology under the "Student Project Scheme” to undertake various researches in their fields of specialization. Karunya campus has always been a multicultural environment with the untiring efforts of the international students exchange initiatives. Noyal Sam and Suhaas from Computer Science Department are in Spain for their Internships. They are now getting practical exposure to the work and culture while interning with ‘Sun Agile Software’ and ‘Nice People At Work’ in Spain. Prof. Dr. Benny Kimelfeld, from Technion Israel Institute of

Technology, visited Karunya for the‘International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing’. In his address he highlighted how cloud and big data technologies could be used to find feasible solutions for the challenges that the world is facing” Mr. Ram Vishwanathan, Nathan Research Inc., USA and Mr. Lawrence Mohanraj, Head, Academic Alliance, IBM India Pvt Ltd were the special guests of honor.

Jesus Calls International * June 2017

In sports Karunyans fought hard for the Winner’s Trophy in the prestigious “A” Division Football League Tournament organized by Coimbatore District Football Association at Nehru Stadium for the 4th consecutive year in a row. Adarsh Ram and Dileep from Mechanical Engineering Department bagged bronze medal in High Jump at National Level Athletic Meet at Telangana and Gold Medal in Wrestling at Students Olympic National Game 2016-17 at Uttarakhand respectively. Dinesh Kumar from Department of Chemistry represented Chattisgarh and emerged as a sole winner of the title at the National Level Central Zone Ball Badminton Championship organized by Madhya Pradesh Ball Badminton Association.

Karunya’s flag flew high when Iswarya from Department of Biotechnology represented Andhrapradesh and won the Bronze Medal in the Senior National Ball Badminton Championship at Mangalore. Teena Margret hailing from the same discipline won Silver Medal in Horse Riding in Equitation Basic VIII at the Inter National Dressage Development League (IDDL).

mine, you did for me”. KU students went the extra mile to express their true love by their deeds. A team of fifty NSS student volunteers entertained inmates in Little Hearts Home for Mentally Sick. Students distributed grocery, conducted cultural activities, spent qualitytime interacting with the inmates and prayed for the less fortunate. Students also visited Sevalaya Orphanage and donated INR 4000 for their pocket money.

During weekends hundreds of volunteering students travelled as teams to spiritually minister in Services, conduct Career Guidance and Exam Prayers in churches and Schools in Andhra, Tamil Nadu & Kerala. A few thousand school students were touched by God. Karunya students were enriched spiritually and became a light to the world. Through these outreach programs, many Daniels and Esthers were raised by KU. At Karunya Christian School a total of 28 students have been awarded Distinction and Merit Certificates from Trinity College, London for their outstanding musical skills in Vocal, Drum and Guitar. The certificate reflects the exceptional ability and hard work of students who have achieved heights in their musical journey. Evangeline Matriculation Higher Secondary School students competed at the National Children Science Congress. The event was an educational opportunity for high school students from across the state to learn about Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development. The EMHSS senior team showcased on the topic Medicinal Plants and got selected for the State Level event.

Jesus said “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of

There can be no denial to the fact that Karunya is fast emerging as a power house of academic excellence. Log on to www.karunya.edu for live updates.

Jesus Calls International * June 2017





Meditation: Gen. 33:10-12; Deu. 10:15-18; 1 Sam. 18:22

Meditation: Exo. 6:5-8; Num. 18:20,21; Psa. 16:5; Heb. 9:11-15

Meditation: Isa. 40:9-11; Psa. 23:1; John 10:9-14

Proverbs 11:1 The Lord who delights


Psalm 37:9 Hope and inheritance


Jeremiah 20:11 The Lord a mighty warrior

Meditation: Isa. 40:10,11; Isa 42:13; Zec. 10:6-9

Meditation: 2 Sam 22:1-3; 2 Kings. 18:1-6; Job. 13:15; Psa. 9:18



Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous

Meditation: Deu. 31:1-6; 2 Chro. 19:7-11; Psa. 27:14; 1 Chro. 22:13



Meditation: Num. 14:16-20; 1 Kings. 8:30; 2 Chro. 6:17-21; Psa 25:18


Psalm 81:16 God who satisfies

2 Chronicles 20:6 Power and Might

Meditation: Num. 14:18-24; 2 Chro. 16:9; Dan. 2:36-40


Luke 18:27 All things possible with God

Meditation: Mat. 19:22-30; Mk. 10:27; Lk. 1:30-38

Meditation: Exo. 16:12-15; Levi. 25:19; Psa. 103:5; Mk 6:34-42



Proverbs 3:10 Fills to overflowing

Meditation: Ps. 78:22-25; 2 Cor. 12:9; Eph. 4:11-15; James 1:4


John 12:26 God who honours

Psalm 20:1 God who hears prayers

Meditation: 1 Sam 1:16-20; 2 Chro. 7:1-3; Pro. 15:29; Psa. 65:2


Psalm 147:14 Peace in the borders

Meditation: Exo. 34:24; 1 Kings. 4:20-24

Meditation: 1 Sam 2:27-30; 1 Chro. 4:9,10; Rom. 2:6-10


Hebrews 13:8 The Unchanging God

Isaiah 65:24 Prayer answering God

Meditation: 2 Kings. 22:16-20; Psa. 81:7; 91:15

Meditation: Psa 102: 21-27; Rom 11:26-29; Heb. 6:17


Isaiah 55:12 Joy and peace

Meditation: 1 Chro.16:6-10; Neh. 8:10; Num. 6:26

Hebrews 8:12 God who forgives


Proverbs 23:18 Hope not cut off


Psalm 91:15 God with you in trouble

2 Samuel 22:29 Darkness to light

Meditation: Exo. 13:16-21; Psa. 18:28; Isa. 9:2; Matt. 5:10-16

Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:7-19; Psa. 46:1;50:15; Jonah 1:7-17

Psalm 95:7 God our Shepherd


Isaiah 43:4 Precious in God’s sight

Meditation: Judges 10:10-15; 1 Sam. 29:9; Deu. 33:9-12; Dan. 9:23


Ezekiel 34:26 Blessings will stay

Meditation: Gen. 9:1; Psa. 3:8; Isa. 61:8-11; Heb. 6:1-7


Ezekiel 36:11 God will make you numerous

Meditation: Psa. 115:9-14; Lk. 17:1-6; 2 Cor. 9:10


Zephaniah 3:17 God loves you

Meditation: Rom. 8:32-37; Eph. 2:4; Rev. 1:6


Monday - Exodus 6:6 God who redeems and saves

Meditation: Exo. 15:2-11; Pro. 28:18; Joel 2:27-32; Matt. 1:21


Colossians 1:27 Jesus, the hope of glory

Meditation: Exo. 16:1-7; Deu. 5:24; 1 Kings. 3:10-14; Psa. 84:11


Deuteronomy1:31 God carries you on His shoulders Meditation: Isa. 46:4; 49:18-22; Lk. 15:5


Romans 8:37 God gives victory

Meditation: 1 Chro. 29: 11-17; Pro. 21:31; 1 Cor. 15:57




Meditation: Gen.12:1-5; Exo. 23:25; Deu. 1:8-11; Mk. 10:16

Meditation: 2 Cor. 3:17; Jer. 39:14-18; Rom. 6:19-22

Meditation: Exo. 33:11-14; 1 Kings. 8:56; 1 Chro. 22:14-18; Matt. 11:28

Psalm 32:7 Deliverance from troubles

Psalm 128:5 God who blesses


Psalm 116:7 Goodness and rest from God

Jesus Calls International * June 2017


he ‘fire of God’ descended on Elijah when

are shadows of what will happen in the New

he prayed. It is one of the most heroic stories

Testament days. The New Covenant days we live

of the Bible in the history of mankind. Most of us

in are better and greater than Elijah’s because of

wonder in uncertainty if similar great thing could

the blood of Jesus Christ. The fire is not that of

happen if we prayed. But the Bible says, “Now

‘chemical’ or ‘physical’ fire but ‘Spiritual Fire’ -

to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly

a fire from God which has the anointing to burn

above all that we ask or think, according to the

away diseases, curses, sins, bondages, works of

power that works in us” (Ephesians 3:20). All that

the devil and the enemies. Freedom, life of victory

which has happened in the days of Old Testament

and power will engulf us. The Bible describes

Jesus Calls International * June 2017


Him as ‘the God who answers by fire’. Assuredly,

in the heart, God will tell, ‘Your hands are full of

this message can fuel your faith to pray and bring

blood and I will not hear your prayer’.

down this ‘Spirit Fire’ upon yourself and your family.

This will happen to those who rise against the people of God. All those who are plotting against

Fire Upon the Sinners of Zion:

you and seeking to destroy you will be destroyed

‘Zion’ which is the City of God comprises the

by the fire of God.

people of God who obey His commands. You and I are the people of Zion. They take the prophesies of God sincerely and fearfully act and pray for the

The Prophetical Power that Anoints Kings

prophesies to be fulfilled. Therefore, those who

The Lord said to him, “Go back the way

are against this Zion are called the sinners of Zion

you came, and go to the Desert of Damascus.

who will be destroyed by the fire of God.

When you get there, anoint Hazael king over

The sinners in Zion are

Aram. Also, anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over

terrified; trembling grips the

Israel, and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from

godless: “Who of us can dwell with the

Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet (I Kings

consuming fire? Who of us can dwell with everlasting burning?” Those who walk righteously …. Their bread will be supplied, and water will not fail them (Isaiah 33:14-16). The Bible says that these sinners of Zion have blood in their hands. “When you spread out your hands in prayer,

I hide my eyes from you; even

19:15,16). God answered Elijah through Fire, filled him with the power of prophesy to anoint kings and prophets. The ‘Spirit Fire’ of the New Covenant will do the same. It will bring the power to make us kings and it would take us to high positions and make us sit with kings. Beloved, God is going to empower you with

when you offer many prayers, I am

the fire through your prayers, and prove to the

not listening. Your hands are full of

nations that He is the only God. That fire of the

blood!” (Isaiah 1:15).

Spirit will touch your family and raise prophets.

In I John 3:15, the reference for blood states

People in the work place can arise as prophets

that, "Whoever hates his brother is a murderer;

with a short prayer within the available time. He

and ye know that no murderer has eternal life

will give you the grace to anoint kings. God will

abiding in him".

change our sons and daughters as prophets (Acts

People who show hatred concerning God’s

2:17). This army of prophets is going to enlarge

servants, upright parents and children are

and with this, ‘God’s Will’ shall descend on this

considered murderers. If one prays with hatred



Jesus Calls International * June 2017

into the prison. But they were not discouraged.


They joined in prayer (Acts 4:26-31) and a miracle


followed. In the same way, we need to pray in


C) The image of Jesus Christ

unity and be victorious in the world.

“And we all, who with unveiled faces

a) The incense of prayers of the holy people When we fervently pray, our prayers shall rise as incense into God’s presence (Rev 5:8). The prayers of holy men are the incense ascending to God and brings down Spirit Fire from heaven. There is an altar before the throne of Jesus Christ. On that altar, the blood of Jesus Christ

contemplatethe Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” (II Corinthian 3:18). Lastly, God will give us grace to have the image of Christ. The fire that will descend on us will transform us into the image of Christ.

intercedes for us (Rev 8:3-5). The blood of Jesus

We also need to note that God is going to try

is continuously pleading for us all. The prayers of

us by fire (I Peter 1:7). Thus when fire comes, the

the saints activate the blood and bring forth the fire

miracles will happen in the name of Jesus.

of prophesy. The will of God will be done through the holy fire.

Once lived a lawyer by name Charles Finney. He had a transformed life after the power of God

b) Oneness in prayer

descended on him. God’s image had appeared to

“But whoever is united with the Lord is

him amidst a fiery back drop of his village. One

one with him in spirit” (I Corinthians

day, he met with two drunkards fighting with each

6:17). “Again, truly I tell you that if two

other on the road. Abruptly they fell crying before

of you on earth agree about anything

Finney and said, “Sir, we do not know you, but

they ask for, it will be done for them by

your face convicts us of our sin. Finney led them

my Father in heaven” (Matthew 18:19). The Holy Spirit will speak through you even when you pray all by yourself. However, there is power in children of God uniting in oneness of mind and heart and praying.

both to Jesus and they were saved. God is ready to answer us through fire and is going to prove among the multitudes that “God is Lord”. Let us humble ourselves as Elijah in the presence of God. Our prayers will rise as incense to heaven and will be changed to fire by the blood

When the disciples were preaching, the High Priest

of Jesus. He will prove that “He is the Lord” by his

and the elders caught them and threw them down

signs and miracles through us.

Jesus Calls International * June 2017


FIJI Testimonies from Fiji Prayer Tower Sister Kusum Lata, a diabetic patient had infection in her leg.Due to which the doctors had confirmed that the leg will have to be amputated. She was very troubled. Sister Kusum, came to the Fiji Prayer Tower and requested for prayers, she was prayed by the prayer intercessors. Sister Kusum received the healing touch from our dear Lord.The infection in her leg started to heal and the sore area was renewed with new muscles. All the Glory be to Jesus! As testified by Sis. Uma Prasad, In-charge, Jesus Calls FIJI Bro. Avinash, who was jobless for quite a long time had come to the Prayer Tower to receive hope and blessings. He had applied for a job in Nauru as a teacher, however there was no update. The prayer intercessors prayed for the request before the dear Lord Jesus. In a few weeks time he received the job which he had applied for in Nauru, along with free tickets to travel. He seeks God and goes to

church regularly. God has enabled him to support his parents and has blessed him. Praise God! As testified by Sis. Uma Prasad, In-charge, Jesus Calls FIJI

Know more about our Prayer Tower & Events The Fiji Prayer Tower is open Monday to Friday from 9:00am till 5:00pm, & on Saturdays from 9:30am to 12:30pm Ladies special Prayer Meeting are held every Wednesday at 10:00am EPG meetings are held 1st Wednesday of the month at 10:00am Blessing & Prayer Worship meetings are held every Wednesday at 7:00pm. Prayer Tower Address: 178 Ratu Mara Road, Samabula, Fiji Correspondence address: P O Box 3984, Samabula, Suva. Fiji.

PARTNER WITH US Bank Transfer / Online banking: Bank Name: Westpac Bank at Laucala Bay Account Name: Jesus Calls Fiji Account Number: 9806162401 Email ID: jesuscallsptfiji@gmail.com Follow us on Facebook: Jesus Calls Fiji For Prayer Hotline (24/7) Call +679-9078961. Jesus Calls Mobile App is now available in Google Play. For any further details or ministry resources please contact Sis. Uma Prasad, Incharge Fiji Prayer Tower on +679 - 9078961


Jesus Calls International * June 2017


“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." says the Lord Jesus Christ. Dear beloved, in your time of needs we are here to uphold you in prayers with our Lord Jesus who performs outstanding miracles. We thus encourage you to visit our Prayer Tower so that together we will bless the Body of Christ in Australia. Restoration of Job Hello, my name is Daniel Nair. In early 2013, I had applied for a job at Qantas as an Aircraft cleaner & was rejected. I was struggling to find work and started doubting whether God was listening to my prayers or not, since I was on welfare dependency. After 4 months of struggle, one of my friends offered me a job at a meat warehouse where I started working. One day in the month of October’13, when I went to work, my manager told me that I was not needed anymore. My mom a prayer intercessor at the Australia Prayer Tower, put my request at the Prayer Tower

for favor from God for a good job and continued to pray for me along with the other prayer intercessor. I got a thought of re-applying for the job at Qantas Airlines& did so immediately. In the month of November’13, I received an email from Qantas to come for the interview & in a few months received another email stating my application was accepted and thus, I was required to do the medical assessment in February 2014. In the month of March’14, I received the final email, calling me for induction. I remember& value the prayers offered for me & my mother by the prayer intercessor who stood with me & my mother through all that difficult time. I’ve been working at Quantas for 3 years now, & it is God’s Grace which has kept me going. I give all Glory to God alone!

Know more about our Prayer Tower & Events Prayer Tower is open Monday to Friday, from morning 9:00am to evening 5:00pm. Blessing meetings are conducted: Every Wednesday, 7:00 pm at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower Last Saturday of the month, 5:30 pm at the Restore Community Church, 24 Laser Drive, Rowville, Melbourne Esther Prayer Group meetings: Every 2nd Saturday of the month, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Prayer Tower Address: 66 Terminus street, Liverpool, NSW 2170.





PARTNER WITH US You may send your cheerful offerings through Direct Deposit to: Account Name: Jesus Calls Ministry Services Pty Ltd. BSB Number: 062-517 Account Number: 1113 3084 Bank: Commonwealth bank of Australia For Prayer Hotline (24/7): 1-300-728-378 For any further details or ministry resources please contact Sis. Sunita Narayan on +61-2-9602-3200 Email ID for partners to contact: admin@jesuscalls.org.au Website: www.jesuscalls.org.au Jesus Calls Mobile App is now available in Google Play.

Jesus Calls International * June 2017


“…I will show them my wonders.” (Micah 7:15)


ur God is called ‘Wonderful Counsellor’

We praise and give thanks to Him, because that

(Isaiah 9:6). This wonderful God, with His

with wonders we have been distinguished. His

mighty hand and an outstretched arm is going to perform incredible miracles and signs in your lives with His loving kindness (Deuteronomy 26:8; Psalm 136:12).When God brought the Israelites out of Egypt, He performed miracles and wonders and dwelt among them (Exodus 29:45). Likewise, you will also see and experience His wonders and marvellous deeds in the living days. The Psalmist sings, “I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live” (Psalm 146:2).

Why should we praise the Lord? “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful; I know that full well.” (Psalm 139:14)


works are marvelous. “…Your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” (Colossians 3:3) God is your treasure, and where your treasure is, there is your heart. Jesus Christ said, “I and my Father are one” (John 10:30). Our eternal life is invaluable which is laid up with Christ in heaven where God is. Hence nothing can reach it or take it away. St. Paul says, “…put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.” (Colossians 3:10) When you have acquaintance with Christ, you resemble Him in the capacity for knowledge of God. The old things fade away. “Your hope will not be cut off” (Proverbs 23:18). The Lord’s mighty hand will surely reward your hopes and expectations.

Jesus Calls International * June 2017

“For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ.” (Ephesians 1:4,5) God even before He created the world, He showered us with His choicest blessings of love and chose us in Christ to be faultless and holy. God blessed mankind abundantly that he decided to adopt us into His own family through Jesus Christ. It gave Him great pleasure to do so. Let’s give praise to God for creating us so wonderful. I would like to share the testimony of Sis. Kokila, Trichy who fled into the sanctuary of our Lord: “My husband Mr. Senthil was a slave to many bad habits. As a result, we led a troubled family life. At that time, I heard about the Jesus Calls TV programs telecast in Raj TV. I tuned in to watch the Jesus Calls TV programs despite my husband’s disapproval. It was too good and filled my spirit with immense peace. With much disgust once he said to me, “If Jesus Christ is the true God let Him deliver me from my bad habits.” That day, Sis Evangeline was praying for freedom from hard to break habits as that of my husband’s. My husband who was watching this program, suddenly fell to his knees and prayed along with Sis Evangeline Paul. He felt a flash of light from the TV flow towards him. Since then he was delivered from his sinful habits. After this incident, God has returned everything we had lost in two fold. We had sold one piece of land and in return God gave us two piece of lands. We had lost all our jewellery but God has given back everything. 13 years of married life which was at stake is gloriously restored. All praises to God”. If you have ever considered ending your life to put an end to the harassment of married life, then here is a promise from God, “Because I live,

you also will live” (John 14:19). God touches us so that we may be hidden in Him. Though God has created us in His image, yet the world is in Satan’s hands (1 John5:19). This sinful world contains a lot of trials. The internet contains a lot of temptations. However, God can set you and your family free from the temptations miraculously. My father did not know about Jesus Christ, for the most part of his life. My mother constantly prayed for his salvation. She even fasted and prayed saying, “Lord, save my husband, I don’t want any riches, I just want him to know You”. God rewarded my mother’s tears and answered her prayers. My father accepted the Lord as his Saviour and we were a blessed family. Our family was blessed. Likewise, when you seek God, his blessings will end your sufferings. “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost” (Luke 19:10). Whatever you have lost so far God will restore it in manifold ways.

What kind of miracles does God do? GOD’S LIGHT “Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.” (Isaiah 58:8) You may be saying “I am not well; I have lost all hope; I have prayed but there is no end to my sufferings" Be of faith. The Lord will save you from all your troubles. Jeremiah laments, “I have been deprived of peace; I have forgotten what prosperity is. So I say, My splendour is gone and all that I had hoped from the Lord. I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. I well remember them, and my soul is

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downcast within me.” (Lamentations 3:17-20) When Jesus went to a town called Nain, He had compassion on a widow who had just lost her son and told her not to weep. Then He went up and touched the coffin and said, “Young man, I say to you, get up.” The young man sat up and started talking to the amazement of the onlookers (Luke 7:11-17). Likewise, the Lord tells you, “Do not cry, I will be zealous for you for the sake of My holy name. I will perform a miracle in your life” (Eze. 39:25). Yes, the Lord will redeem you. He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun (Psalm 37:6). The Bible says, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” (Psalm 23:5) Recently at ‘Jesus Calls Prayer Festival’ conducted at Ambikapur, Chattisgarh during January 13-15, 2017, Sis Leelavathy who attended the prayer meet had cried out fervently for healing of uterine fibroids. The Lord had anointed and mercifully healed her. She returned back on the last day of the prayer fest with scanned medical proof of her healed uterus. She also testified live saying: “I had fibroid in my uterus and suffered much due to severe stomach pain. I attended this meeting with hope in Christ and as I was praying along with Sis. Evangeline Paul, God filled me with His anointing immeasurably. At that time, I felt like fibroid swelling up like a balloon and bursting. I feared that I was dying but the fibroid burst and I bled from the nose. My stomach pain disappeared! The next day I went to the doctor to confirm this miracle and to my surprise all the scan reports


revealed that there is no sign of fibroid. All glory to God. God will do similar miracles for you too. GOD’S WORD “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119:105) The word of God is very important (John 1:14). When you read the Bible every day it will help you to walk in the light. God’s word contains life and His Spirit (John 6:63). As God’s word enters us we are filled with His glory and no evil can touch us. God will be like a wall of fire around us and His glory will be in our midst” (Zechariah 2:5). On 23rd February, 2017, I received an email from Dr. Joanne Shalini, Malaysia sharing her testimony on how God’s word wrought miracles in her life. This is what she says: My father had neurological problem in his leg which caused pain when he walked. The doctors found that the nerve in his leg was swollen and said that if left untreated he may end up with inability to walk. At this juncture, in December 2016, I sent an e-mail to Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran on behalf of my father. And she did send me an encouraging reply from the word of God quoting scriptures. Within days of receiving her reply, the pain in my father's leg began to slowly subside. Now he is healed completely! My father is happy and I am happy for him! Dearly beloved, be prepared to expect similar miracles. Submit yourself to Him by inviting Him into your heart. Take up a promise to read the Bible everyday which contains the bread of life. When you start doing this, God will hide you in Him. No evil shall touch you. He will transform you. The joy of salvation will fill you. The Scripture says that Satan is like a roaring lion searching for prey. Though he comes like a roaring lion, God will hide you in His bosom like a mother. What a great comfort! The Miracle worker is with you. Hallelujah!

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Dear God, I come to Your Feet to receive the blessings, the good gifts that you have destined for me. I look up towards the hills from where my help comes. I believe that my help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. Look upon me graciously. Forgive and forget those shortcomings that I may have. Grant unto me that I will be able to peacefully receive all the blessings, the good gifts and to experience the end results that I look forward to which you have pre-destined for my life. Lord Jesus, I thank you for having shed your blood for me to receive your pre appointed goodness in my life. Grant unto me Lord that I will be able to receive all that you have planned for me without worrying but with prayer and thanksgiving God the Holy Spirit, as I do not know to rightly pray to receive all that you have set apart for me, you intercede for me with countless groaning and sighs; you give me new tongues, you take my prayers straight into God’s presence, You knit the Blood of Jesus with God’s plan and God’s decisions. You shower on my life through fiery angels the blessings decided by God for me as in answer to my prayers. You make satan to fall as a lightning who brings obstacles to your blessing. I thank you. Lord, grant answers to my prayers and reveal to me the great and mighty things that I do not know. Graciously grant me Lord that every plan and purpose of yours for my life will come to pass at its appointed time. When fear, anxiety, sorrow arises in me and chokes me and prevents the fulfillment of your divine plan, O Holy Spirit, arise in me in your glory. Enable me to pray in tongues in the Holy Spirit. Open my eyes to diligently read, meditate and receive your counsel from the Bible and to see the wonders in your Holy Scriptures. Show me what I should do in my life, in my family, in my ministry and in the society. My God, even as you humbled yourself unto death at the cross to fulfil the Father’s will and plan, and whereby you were given heavenly honour, I too humble and empty myself in your presence. Let your plans and purposes be fulfilled in glory in me. Anoint me with fresh oil and raise up my horn like that of an unicorn. Jesus, I pray, not being anxious about anything and with thanksgiving. Increase your grace and blessings in my life. Honour me by granting me the goodness and blessings you have stored for me. You are answering me to this prayer that I pray according to your will. You are enabling me to receive all that you have stored for me. I thank you for this. Amen. (This prayer is based on the following Scriptures: James 1:17; Philippians 4:6,7; Romans 8:26,27; Revelation 8:3-5; Luke 10:18; Jeremiah 29:11; 33:3; Ecclesiastes 3:11; Jude 20; Psalm 1:2; 32:8; 92:10; 119:18,97; 121:1,2; 123:1,2; Philippians 2:6-11; I John 5:14,15)

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Dearly beloved, In the June, 2014 issue of the Jesus Calls Magazine we have published the prophecy given by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran in detail, which is about Eastern Jerusalem, taken from Israel by force with a resolution and a unified consensus of the world leaders. This prophecy has started to fulfil now.

PROPHECY FULFILMENT: “Shocker: Russia recognizes ‘West Jerusalem’ as Israel’s capital ” On 6th April 2017 by the Russian Foreign Ministry on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the following statement was released: “We reaffirm our commitment to the UN-approved principles for a Palestinian-Israeli settlement, which include the status of East Jerusalem as the capital of the future Palestinian state. At the same time, we must state that in this context we view West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel,” read the statement. The UN Security Council passed a resolution to end Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories On 23.12.2016, the United Nations Security Council voted on a resolution to end Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories. Fourteen of 15 council members were in agreement - only the US abstained. The Security Council reaffirmed that Israel’s establishment of settlements in Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, had no legal validity, constituting a flagrant violation under international law and a major obstacle to the vision of two States living sideby-side in peace and security, within internationally recognized borders. Adopting resolution 2334 (2016) by 14 votes, with the United States abstaining, the Council reiterated its demand that Israel immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem. It underlined that it would not recognize any changes to the 4 June 1967 lines, including with regard to Jerusalem, other than those agreed by the two sides through negotiations. The UN Security Council is the most powerful forum of the world, with "primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security." France, China, UK, USA, Russia are the permanent members in that counsel, and many other countries are non permanent members. Hence, Russia’s statement and UN Counsel’s resolution against Israel is to be noted and this is what has been revealed by the Holy Spirit to His servant Dr. Paul Dhinakaran on April, 6th 2014.


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“My precious friend, On the April 6 th 2014, the Holy Spirit woke me up at 3:30 am in the morning, and the first thing that He said was, "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem." I heard this spoken from the Scriptures(Psalm 122:6,7). But for the very first time the Holy Spirit spoke into the depths of my spirit. I could see that the Lord was in a hurry. It's now time for things to happen in Jerusalem. Initiatives to separate Eastern Jerusalem from Israel

As He was saying that to me, I could see Eastern Jerusalem - ‘The walled city of Jerusalem’.And I could see the leaders of the world bringing about a resolution and a unified consensus to make Eastern Jerusalem the capital of Palestine, naming Palestine as a country. I could see the leaders of the nations gathering. I could see the leaders of the western world gathering together, forming a consensus and declaring Eastern Jerusalem as no longer belonging to Israel. I could see the leaders of the western countries joining together in consensus in one accord taking the land of Eastern Jerusalem out of the hands of Israel. They were saying that ‘Eastern Jerusalem- The walled City’which was claimed to be a part of the land does not belong to Israel anymore. Note: To read more about the prophecy given by Dr Paul on April 6, 2014, “The initiatives to separate Eastern Jerusalem from Israel and the rise of Russia as world super power again”visit our website: www.jesuscalls.org.

As God’s children, now, let us pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

Jesus Calls International * June 2017


NEW ERA IN KARUNYA Prophetic Prayer Conference, Karunya

The Prophetic Prayer Conference, Karunya from February 15-18, 2017 was a glorious occasion and a memorable event in the lives of students and faculty of the Karunya schools and University. In the April Edition, we published a special report and testimonies on this event and now we have few more to enlighten you and to seek your prayers for the Karunya mission to continue to be a blessing to millions.

Gift from God My name is Rachel. I am a Karunya student from CS Department. Today, the first day of prophetic conference, I was praying that I should see Jesus face to face. It was my desire that I should get this as a gift from Jesus today being my birthday. At the beginning, I was unable to feel the presence of God but suddenly I received a new experience. Dr. Paul said, “Someone here is getting a unique experience, the fire anointing.� Immediately I saw Jesus in front of me. He was smiling at me. He had a glorious and shining face. He was just looking at me. There were angels standing with trumpets. I have no words to thank God for this gift which I had asked.

Loneliness disappeared I am Harish doing my second year in Computer Science department. For the past few months, I went through loneliness and I was crying to God to bless me with the Gift of speaking in Tongues. Yesterday during the first day of the conference, I


was very much asking God to fill me. But today, God heard my cries and filled me. I experienced great joy. I started to speak in unknown tongues and my body was shivering for nearly 10 minutes and the whole day I felt this heavenly experience. Now I know that I am not alone anymore. Jesus is with me. Praise the Lord.

Gospel to kingdoms Praise God, I am Shruthi from III year ECE. I saw a vision where the roof of the auditorium just above the podium had a handle, where I felt somebody from above held on to the handle and opened the roof of the auditorium like a shutter. Then I could see each layer of the sky turning invisible. One by one layer, I saw each layers that I learnt in my schooling through my naked eye. First, troposphere, strato, meso, thermo, exo and then atmosphere. All slowly turning transparent and disappeared. After all this travel I found a golden gate that was equal in length and breadth of the sky lying horizontally. All of a sudden

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the gates opened and all that I saw was the light rushing from the gate in full measure, and dropped down in the auditorium where we were praying. Where ever it struck it started reflecting. Technical terms of light reflecting only in glass, never worked out here. The light started reflecting from every where it dropped, on every object it dropped and even on every person. It started to travel to the ends of the earth. I was able to see it travelling to each college department and hostels, after that I could not identify the places because they were the ones I haven't travelled before. So God started showing me through the map. I was amazed to see the light covering from Arctic to Antarctic. After the prayer, I found myself shivering, unable to place my legs on the floor. I have always been a person who can talk a bit boldly, but my voice trembled terribly with the presence and I could barely see things. Because already the golden gate was so bright, immediately seeing a highly powerful light which was a trillion times more than the rays of the sun, I literally felt that I am gonna be blind the next minute. It took some time for me to recover. One assurance I got was, nobody can stop my God or the word of Christ getting spread all over the world according to the promise in Matthew 24:14. “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations”.

Heavenly experience… My name is Shawn Joel Lynus. I am studying in III std. I was seated in the front row in this Prophetic Prayer Conference. During prayer time uncle Paul said, “Whoever desires to speak in tongues pray now.” At that moment I asked Jesus to fill me with that heavenly experience. Immediately I started to speak in tongues and I am so happy now.

Sorrow turned to joy I am Rachel Joseph, student of first year MBA. For the past few months, I had been constantly under the demonic oppression and I was depressed. I never used to like anything. Whenever I sat down to pray, I used to get negative thoughts in my mind. I used to feel so discouraged. My parents are in the ministry and my father being a pastor always keeps praying for me and upholding me. I wasn’t completely sure about my future regarding my job and my career. I was working prior to joining MBA. I felt I should quit MBA and go to work. I was really confused. I had a severe migraine and because of this I had to skip my classes and go back home often. I got my CT scan done by the best doctors in my home town. But nothing worked for me. I was under so much depression when I attended the Prophetic Prayer Conference. I was sitting at the very last row. I just said, “Lord, I don’t even know why I am here but all I have to say is if You are here with me, I want to see Your hand in my life; I want be filled with the Holy Spirit.” When I felt broken, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called out my name. I was not sure about it as Rachel is a very common name. Next day, I was praying “Lord, if only You had really called my name, I want to hear my name called once again. I want to be filled with Your Holy Spirit.” Immediately Dr. Paul called out my name and said “Rachel, you have been praying for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. God is filling you right now.” I felt the mighty power of God coming upon me and filling me completely. I was filled with joy which I have never experienced in my life. As I continued praying I could feel Jesus telling me, “Rachel, Jesus loves you and I have not forsaken you.” Truly I feel so blessed and encouraged. I am really happy to be a part of Karunya and to have this spiritual atmosphere over here. Truly you can get a degree in any of the institution but none other institutions than Karunya can give you spiritual growth and to excel. I thank God for this opportunity.

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Here is a Young Partner narrating her testimony... I was enrolled in the Young Partner’s Plan even as I was a small child. I grew under the protection of prayer offered by the Jesus Calls Prayer Ministry. Just two days before my 10th Grade exam I had fever and the temperature did not come down. I was taken to a nearby hospital but the treatment was not helpful and so I was moved to another hospital and there it was diagnosed as Dengue fever. I had to be admitted in the hospital but I was so particular that I should go home and prepare for my exam. As I came home, I was full of tears not knowing how I am going to write my exams. In this situation, we started calling the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for prayers and I also prayed the prayer in the student prayer card. After writing the first exam, that night I started vomiting blood. My entire family was in panic. Yet we did not give up hope but continued crying out to God through the Prayer Tower. The prayer intercessor prayed fervently and assured me of perfect healing through God’s promises from the Bible. Yes, I was healed miraculously. I could complete all my exams,only because of prayers and got a score of 96% with a total 481/500. I made a vow that I will give 10 times the marks I score as an offering and now, I am here to testify and give that offering, thanking God for His mercy. - Miss. Refuge Lydia Christy As, your children receive their exam results, testify what God has done in his/her life. Please call our Prayer Tower or write to us to share your blessings as Refuge Lydia Christy and we will Glorify God together!


Jesus Calls International * June 2017

Have you enrolled your child as a young partner and enjoy God's favour to see them shining as Daniel, Joseph and Esther? If not, do so now! If you are,already a Young Partner, we thank you as you continue to support us each month through the Young partner’s plan and help to wipe away the tears of millions. As prayers are offered for your child daily in the Prayer Tower, God will return all the blessings manifold to you, as millions of people receive their blessings because of you. “You will increase a thousand times” - Isaiah 60:22, Deu. 1:11.

PRIVILEGES OF BEING A YOUNG PARTNER. Fervent prayers of the Dhinakarans every day. The prayer intercessors at the 24x7 Prayer Tower will pray calling out the names of the Young Partners every day, claiming God’s promise as assured in I Chronicles 4:10 A certificate will be sent on reaching the pledge amount. A special birthday card will be sent by the family of Dhinakarans

YOUNG PARTNER’S PLAN Your Child can be a partner from any age till he/she gets married! Pledge an amount. You may send any amount possible for you, every month! I AM INTERESTED IN ENROLLING MY CHILD/CHILDREN IN THE YOUNG PARTNER’S PLAN Details of the children to be enrolled in the YOUNG PARTNER’S PLAN. Mr/Ms:.................................................................................................. Date of Birth: .............................. Mr/Ms:.................................................................................................. Date of Birth: .............................. Mr/Ms:.................................................................................................. Date of Birth: .............................. Name of the parent/guardian:....................................................................................................................... Contact Address: ........................................................................................................................................ City: ......................................... ZIP / PIN Code: ............................ Mobile:............................................. Email: ........................................................................(needed for fast and effective communication). Please scan a passport size photo of the child and email or submit it at the Prayer Tower nearest to you. Call your Local Prayer Tower in your Region for details about the plan. ................................................. Partner with us

$ ....../ every month

$ ......... every year

I would like to receive e Communications & Jesus Calls e magazine monthly at my registered email ID

MY PRAYER REQUEST TO BE PRAYED AT THE PRAYER TOWER. “Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:15) 1. ......................................... 2. .......................................... 3. ............................................. You may send your offerings thru our secure & fastest mode by credit card/debit card/net banking at https://donate.jesuscalls.world/Donate/Individual (or) Download our app from Google Play Store and donate through that (or) post your cheque drawn in favour of (“Call Prayer Tower for details”) to the Prayer Tower address closest to your location (or) you may visit the nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area and make your offering and receive an acknowledgement for the same.

Jesus Calls International * June 2017


Uniqueness of Divine Calling “Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” (John 12:24,25) Certain Greeks met Philip, the disciple of Jesus Christ and expressed their desire to meet Jesus. When Philip informed Jesus, He uttered the verse given above for a reply. Indeed, a corn of wheat abides alone until it falls into the ground and dies. But it does bring forth much fruit then after. It is the Lord’s desire that each of us should carry out His ministry. Word of God says, “Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it” (Col. 4:17). Jesus preached that, there is only one way to win the world for God; “unless I lay my life, shed my own blood and sacrifice my whole life, I can never win the world” (Mark 10:45; Jn.10:10). Once in Darjeeling a place in North India we had conducted crusades for four days. It was


a hilly region surrounded by places like Bhutan and Sikkim. People who lived there have never heard much about Jesus, yet multitudes had filled the place. People had brought and laid bedridden people to my left, while I was ministering in one of the evenings. It was a heart rending sight. During the prayer time the Lord said to me, “Tell the bedridden people to rise up and walk!” I obeyed the Lord and commanded them as He instructed. All of them rose up and walked instantly. We witnessed great miracles that night. On the day of our return, as I was about to enter my car, a jeep came and stopped before us. The rector of the church who was beside me went forward and enquired. What I saw and heard broke my heart. In that vehicle I saw a sixteen year old girl who was epileptic. The girl’s hand was completely burnt in the fire due to an attack while cooking. She had realized the catastrophe barely after it concluded. Someone had said to them then, “Lord Jesus has come to Darjeeling, take her there, she will be healed”. Therefore, they had transported her in a cot to reach me. On seeing her miserable condition, I wept inconsolably. I made a decision then that there should be no ending to preaching the Gospel or are there any needs to be fulfilled for preaching the Gospel. The

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need for miracles and the need for proclaiming, Jesus Christ as the Redeemer, are never ending processes. Its perhaps due to this fact, Jesus would have said, “The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest” (Matt.9:37,38). Only when the corn of wheat falls into the ground and dies, the power to proclaim the gospel to the world will be manifested. The Word of God mentions that he will gather his wheat into the garner (Matt.3:12). Surely, we the people of God are the grains of wheat (Isa.21:10).

God’s choice The Lord has chosen only the foolish, the weak, the poor, the simple and the despised for his ministry (1 Cor. 1:27-29). The external appearance may be deceptive, but our creator knows the unique quality in each of us, which can be used for His ministry. “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in my name He may give you” (John15:16). Paul was not worthy to be called an apostle. He persecuted the church (Gal. 1:13). Yet with meekness Paul said, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief” (I Tim. 1:15). The Bible tells us the motive of God in selecting Paul for His ministry. Paul was cruel and persecuted the church as the worst offender. Yet the Lord saw the faithfulness in his life (I Tim.1:12). Paul was sinful, but on the other hand he was passionately zealous for the Lord. Lord chose Paul for His ministry without casting him away as a sinner. Lord chose the unworthy. We too might be weak, poor, and despised. But God investigates our truthfulness and zealousness for Him. Anyone can qualify to do His ministry with these qualities.

Truthfulness The Lord expects us to be truthful to the core (Psa.51:6). What is that which sets apart a truthful person? “Whoever speaks on their own does so to gain personal glory, but he who seeks the glory of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him” (John 7:18). An honest person is determined to exalt the One who sent him and the Lord expects the same. Even Jesus acknowledges the Father, when He says, “the Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth the works” (Jn.14:10). When I was residing at Vellore, in Tamil Nadu, “Nenjamey Veenaai Sorndhu Pogaadhey” (never be exhausted in vain, dear soul), was one of the songs that I have marveled at and longed to learn. When I had met with the singer and discussed about the song, to my surprise, I learnt that it was himself who had composed such an excellent melody witnessing the awful trials that the people of God are subject to. However, subsequently it was evident that, VedhanayagamSasthiriyaar, a man of God, was the soul creator of the song. It is important to be genuine and not mislead others to gain fame.

Zealous for God We read that God is zealous with us in three things (James 4:5). First and foremost we should be filled with zeal for the Lord (II Kings 10:16). Secondly we should be zealous in doing good deeds (Gal.4:18). Thirdly we should show our zeal in following the Word of God (Psa.119:139). One must always yearn to do good works filled with passion for God. Reading and meditating on the Bible will lead to virtuous acts. Through more zealousness in the church activities one can please God.

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Paul showed a strong passion towards the book of law and its commandments (Acts 22:3). God included him in His ministry and in the city of Corinth, he boldly testified about Christ (Acts 18:5). One may be physically weak but the Lord seeks after the truthfulness and zeal in us. We need to sincerely adopt them in us. Therefore, no one must be scorned at. Like Paul, they should be preached to, with zeal and be provided an opportunity to hear the Good news. The scornful may emerge as fortress for Christians and the Lord shall use them as His instrument. Humbling ourselves to follow Jesus alone is the need of the hour. “Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified” (Romans 8:30). On July 20th 1967 I was critically ill and was bed ridden. While four of my best friends prayed over me, I was lifted to heaven in my spirit and saw the Lord Jesus. As I looked around I could see Heaven created of precious stones like gold, rubies, jasper, Sardius, etc., Each street was bedecked with gold. And I walked through the golden path and saw the Lord Jesus seated on a golden throne. He looked at me and asked, “Would you surrender yourself completely to carry out my ministry?” Since I was battling for life in my sick bed I replied, “I cannot!”. Jesus was surprised and questioned: “Now many people prefer the ministry, but why are you in denial? I replied, “Many servants of God hardly have one meal a day, they wear tattered clothes and walk with bare foot and serve you amidst all difficulties. They need your blessings now! I am blessed as a banker, have three meals and am well dressed and I am content with it.” The Lord smiled at me and asked “Would you be ready to do my ministry if I fulfill your demands?” Then I placed four demands before


Him: “Wherever I go to do ministry, you should go along with me; when I preach from the pulpit you should stand beside me. When I pronounce ‘touch them’, while praying, you should touch them! When I pray saying, ‘Please perform the miracles’, you should perform it! I should have a peaceful family life and there should not be anything lacking in my house. If I get an assurance of all these, I shall come forward to do your ministry”. It so happened that Lord took a beautiful scroll and penned my demands. Then He wrote, “I Jesus Christ promise my son D.G.S. Dhinakaran that I will do the following.” He also wrote, “From this day my son has accepted my assurance and promises to carry out my ministry”. He affixed His signature and asked me to do so which I did immediately. He continued, “My son, I look after people whom I call to serve. But regrettably some step into full time ministry parting with their job, shortly after they witness few souls being saved, little anointment and few miracles happen. I need not be anxious about anyone who does so without my sanction”. I receive letters stating, “Sir, with a desire to serve the Lord I left a handsome job but now even the ministry has left me. Kindly intervene and convey His Will concerning me”. What ought to have been done prior has not been done. Their pride has stopped them from bidding me to find His Will. They perhaps thought, God speaks through all men of God, so why ask me for an intervention? But the Word of God says: “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” (I Peter 5:6) Beloved, wait upon the Lord, get a proposal for the ministry and then serve the Lord with Godly fear. Be persistent in trust that He will fulfill His Will! Multitude of souls for Christ will be won through you with His guidance.

Jesus Calls International * June 2017

NEW ZEALAND Testimonies from New Zealand

prayed fervently for me and my husband for our

Amazing miracle

physical healing and encouraged us to wait on the

I am Sis. Malo and both me and my husband had lumps on our bodies. The doctors had recommended for a biopsy test. Our hearts were filled with fear as they suspected the lumps could be cancerous. We visited the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and the prayer intercessors

promises of God. We went through the biopsy test & the reports revealed that there was no cancer! Both of us received a miraculous healing. Praise God! Our hearts were thrilled and I glorify and thank the Lord Jesus, for he has removed our fear and healed our bodies. I give Him all glory and praise.

Know more about our Prayer Tower & Events The Prayer Tower is open Monday to Friday, from morning 9:00am to evening 5:00pm. We conduct Blessing meetings every Tuesday at 7:00pm. Esther Prayer meeting are conducted on the first Saturday of every month at 3:00pm. Last Friday of every month we conduct Prayer Vigil (Night Prayer) at 10:00pm till midnight. Prayer Tower Address: 1/80 Carr Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland, New Zealand

PARTNER WITH US Bank Transfer / Online banking Bank Name: ANZ

Account Name: Jesus Calls NZ Trust

Account Number: 06-0241- 0259945-01

Swift Address: ANZBNZ22

Credit Cards For Prayer Hotline (24/7) Call: 0800 53 7872 (0800 JESUSC)

Admin Line: +64 9 620 7160

For any further details or ministry resources please contact Sis. Sunila on +64 274 772937 Email: admin@jesuscalls.org.nz

Website: www.jesuscalls.org.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jesus-Calls-New-Zealand-255957357864039/ Jesus Calls Mobile App is now available in Google Play.

Jesus Calls International * June 2017


SOUTH AFRICA Testimonies from South Africa Prayer Tower Mrs. Treza Milan came to the Prayer Tower in 2015 with a heavy burden for her daughter who was married for 5 years. The Doctors had diagnosed that she will not be able to conceive due to medical issues.The Jesus Calls prayer intercessors prayed with much burden with her on behalf of her daughter, Mrs. Samantha Sathigadu. Miraculously, by God’s Grace in the month of February her daughter gave birth to a set of twins and yet another child was born this year on 24th Arpil 2017 . All the Glory be to Jesus Christ our Savior! As Testified by Sis. Isabelle, coordinator, JesusCalls South Africa

This testimony is about Haley, granddaughter of Mrs. Grace Chetty. Haley as a child would not sit in the classroom or even speak to anyone. The family were very concerned for her well being. The situation was going out of control until her Grandmother came to the Prayer Tower with burden for Haley. Her grandmother Mrs. Grace Chetty had enrolled her for the Young Partner’s Plan in the Jesus calls Prayer Tower. Haley was prayed for by the prayer intercessors. Amazingly God did a wonderful thing for Haley, now she attends school willingly without any hesitation. She has been able to mix well with the kids from her class. Praise the Lord! As Testified by Sis. Isabelle, Coordinator, JesusCalls South Africa

Know more about our Prayer Tower & Events We are open Monday to Friday, from morning 9:00am to 3:00pm. Blessing meeting and Esther Prayer meeting is conducted on the second Saturday of every month at the Faith Revival Church at 2:00pm. Prayer Tower Address: 34 Herrencroft Road, Longcroft, Phoenix, South Africa 4068 Postal Address for correspondence: Jesus calls Africa, P.O.Box 61207, Phoenix, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa 4068. Fax: +27 -31-500 1950

PARTNER WITH US Bank Transfer / Online Banking Name of Bank: Standard Bank

Account name: Jesus calls Africa

A/c no: 331730553

Branch number: 040127

Branch Name: Kingsmead (24/7) Prayer Hotline: +27 31 500 2482/7 For any further details or ministry resources please contact Sis. Isabelle on +27 842884828 Email: jesuscalls@telkomsa.net

Website: http://www.prayertoweronline.org/

Facebook: Jesus Calls Africa

Jesus Calls Mobile App is now available in Google Play.


Jesus Calls International * June 2017

Jesus Calls International * June 2017


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