Jesus Calls International June 2016

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od began the story of mankind with a beautiful family – Adam and Eve. When we observe the blessings they enjoyed, the prosperity they had and the love and joy they shared with each other, we see the heart of God in it. Yes! That is exactly God’s heart for the family. That is how He designed families to be in the beginning and that’s how He wants families to be, even today.

But unfortunately, Adam sinned and plunged entire humanity into sin and we lost joy, peace, and love in our families. But that’s not the end of the story. God never left His children helpless and abandoned. He sent His Son as an atonement for our sins, He overcame sin and it’s consequences by shedding His precious blood (1 John 1:7). By His death and

resurrection, He redeemed every family from all evil and destroyed it. Today, we have hope for our families in Christ – by the power of His blood. Friend, if for any reasons you have messed up your family; If quarrels and misunderstandings are ripping apart your family; if children have walked away from you like the prodigal son; if you have given up hope in mending the cracks in your family; if you are afraid to even start a family because of the bad examples of families you have seen; then I have good news for you. Today is your day of transformation and hope. As you read this message I pray that God will reveal Himself as a ‘God who rebuilds’ broken families. He promises to rebuild your family

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into a wonderful haven of joy, peace, love and prosperity. I believe that this revelation that God has given me is for you.

He is concerned

We have a God who is concerned about our NEEDS. Jesus would never question, “Who are you?” because He knows everyone by name and heart (Ex.33:12; Is.43:1). He always asked, “What do you need? What do you desire?” Some people feel that we should not ask God anything because He knows everything. But He has instructed us to ask (Matthew 7:7; 18:19; 21:22; Mark 11:24; John 14:14; 16:24). Jesus always says, “What do you want?” Sometimes we become super righteous and say, “God knows everything. We don’t need to ask. We should only praise Him all the time”. But He is our father. A father never watches His children suffer in need and that is why He says; “Ask anything you need and I will do it”. As His children, this is the privilege we enjoy. Friend! Go ahead and ask him what you want to make your life peaceful and happy. God is willing to give you all that you need to fulfill the wonderful plan He has for your life.

He thought to himself, “I have to build a home for God; a magnificent home. Today the ark of God is under a tent but I am living in a palace. It breaks my heart. I must build a home for God - a wonderful palace”(2 Samuel 7:2). God was touched by David’s passion to build the temple of God but He told him, “David!Your heart is sufficient for me. Since you wanted to build my home with such love, I will build your home –your family. I will build a home for you”. We must note that it is in David’s family line that our Lord Jesus Christ was born. God not only built his home but also gave him a lineage of honor. God will not only build your home but will also bring honor to your generations. Your name will be remembered in your lineage for many generations. You will begin a generational blessing in your family and live to see your children, grandchildren and their children happy and prosperous.

“Since the time that I commanded judges to be over My people Israel, and have caused you to rest from all your enemies. Also the Lord tells you that He will make you a house.” (2 Samuel 7:11)

Friend, this is the same God who is available to us today. Today as you open your heart to the Lord and cry out, “Lord, come and dwell in my heart. I will give You a place to live in me. I will give You the most comfortable stay in my heart. I surrender to You so that I can become the height of holiness, and love, exhibiting the character of Jesus through me to the people. I will honor You.” He will be moved with compassion and will say, “I will build a home for you”. Today let us open our hearts and make it His palace - the King’s palace, and the Lord will surely rejoice with us (Zephaniah 3:17).

When David wanted to build the temple of God, his passion for doing so impresses us.

“...Jesus said to him, “Then the sons are free. Nevertheless, lest we offend them, go to the sea, cast in a hook, and take the fish that comes up first. And when you have opened its mouth, you will find a piece of money; take that and give it to them for Me and you.” (Matthew 17: 24- 27)

He builds a home

In the Bible the Almighty God says:

Friend, today you may be in a situation where you are struggling to build your family life; or your relationship with your children and you have become tired trying to do so. It is to you that the Lord says, “My child! Leave it to Me! I will build a home for you”.

He resolves your problems

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Simon Peter was getting into trouble all the time with the tax collectors. Even on that particular day he got into trouble. He came to his home troubled and saw Jesus already sitting there. He knew Peter’s financial problem and gave him a solution. He showed him a miraculous way to pay the taxes. In a few seconds his financial crises were solved. My friend, is Your financial crisis troubling you for years? Do not worry He will resolve it miraculously. You may be saying, “I can see no way how I can come out of this financial crisis”. You maybe saying, “it is impossible for anyone to meet my needs because they are huge”. When you think, “There is no way”, that is when God will have a thousand ways to resolve your problem, my friend. Yes, He assures you that He will build a home for you.

He establishes families for the lonely The Bible says:

“God sets the solitary in families; He brings out those who are bound into prosperity...” (Psalm 68:6)

God builds the home of the lonely; He transforms them into families. That is the power of God. He is the maker of heaven and earth and makes a home for the lonely. Let not your heart be troubled (John 14:1). He says, “I will never leave you as orphans in this world, and I will come to you (John 14:18) and your sorrow shall be turned into joy (John 16:20). “And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and saw him, and said to him, “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house.” And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham” (Luke 19:5,9)

Zacchaeus was a tax collector. In those days, tax-collectors were hated by the people. People rejected them and cursed them for exploiting them. Zacchaeus was, therefore, a rejected man; a lonely man. But Jesus went in search of that lonely man. Everyone had labeled him a sinner. But Jesus went in search of that lonely man. Why? To build him into a family. And sure enough, He said, “Zacchaeus I am coming to your home, I want to build you a new home”, and He did build the home of Zacchaeus. He declared, “Today! Salvation has come into this house”. And we know what followed! Zacchaeus promised to return to people double fold of all that he had taken from them unjustly. He would have surely done that and all the people who received their money back would have become his friends. They would have accepted him into their own families and praised him as ‘a good and righteous man’. My friend, are you feeling lonely and rejected by people like Zacchaeus? Have your friends left you – even your own family members? Are you standing alone and abandoned? Are you missing your family and wanting for your home to be back in one good piece?

I believe that this message is for you. God has seen your loneliness and decided to make you into a family and that’s what He is now conveying to you through this message. Praise God my friend. Your loneliness is surely going to come to an end. “And the Lord God said, It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”(Genesis 2:18) Today, many children are afraid to get married because they experience the agony created by their parents. And they convince themselves, “Let me not marry! Let me die

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lonely”. Jesus knows your heart. He is saying, “It is I who instituted the covenant of marriage and therefore I will establish it for you”. That is the first thing He does when He comes into our lives, He builds us into a family and makes us enjoy the joy of married life. He will do it for you. He will build you a home. He will build you into families. No more loneliness in your life. Let not your heart be troubled. But how does He do it?

Romans 4:17 says, "... who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did."

If He can create the universe, the sun, the moon and the stars, He is capable of creating your family. His Wisdom and Power can create new ways and create a family life for you. Indeed my friends, today the LORD assures you, “I will build a home for you”. He sends His word and brings healing to the people (Ps.107:20). He commands and it comes into being. Several years ago a couple came to my father, while celebrating the 25th anniversary of their marriage. The wife was short and dark, while the husband was fair, handsome and tall.

The wife shared her story with my father rejoicing in her heart. She said, “Before I found him, my marriage was fixed with another man and we were all rejoicing. But just one week before the date of the marriage, my fiance’s mother came and said, “We are going to call off the marriage. I do not want my son to get married to your daughter”. Of course it was a financial misunderstanding and the marriage was called off. This lady did not have father and she was heartbroken. Her mother was shattered. But this girl said, “I don’t have a father but I have given my life to Jesus. He will do something”. And amazingly within a

week’s time a mother from another family came forward and said, “I want my son to get married to your daughter”. But this time, they boy had not even seen the girl. Unable to believe what is happening, the mother of the girl said to the boy’s mother, “Your son looks so smart and handsome but my daughter is short and dark. If he comes and meets her and rejects her again, her life will be doomed”. But that mother said, “No! I guarantee you that this marriage will take place,” and it took place. After narrating this wonderful story the lady continued saying, “Brother Dhinakaran, it is 25 years since we have been married and my husband is one of the top central government officers in India. Even though he is so handsome, popular and rich, he has never spoken a negative word about me in these 25 years. He loves me so much and treats me like a queen. It is God who built my home. When I thought I had no future, Jesus Christ became my future. He became my father”.

Friend, be encouraged to know what happens to a person who has made God his or her Father. When they thought their daughter had no future and there was no way for them to get her a good proposal God had another beautiful way; a surprising way. Yes, if we give our lives to Jesus, He will shock us and surprise us with such wonderful miracles, way beyond our imagination. That is how He will build our lives and make it a spectacle of honor before men so that His Name could be glorified in and through you.

Relationship between the husband and wife

“Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night,

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has been cast down. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” (Revelation 12:10,11)

Here we see the accuser in heaven and accusing the brethren all the time. He is Satan. It is he who tempted Eve and through her Adam, and together both committed sin and were thrown out of the presence and glory of God. Many times we fall prey to Satan’s deception and forget all the blessings God has already given us. We look for things which God has forbidden us – things of this world which are dangerous and destructive to us. Things that will take us away from His presence; which will take us away from the privilege of being called God’s children. It will take us far away from living by faith and living by trusting in Him. Satan destroys the relationship between the husband and wife before God and he also destroys their relationship. In some families the spouses shed tears, laboring and sweating. And they have to do everything without the grace of God. When you do anything without the grace of God it will demand too much of energy from within you. It will demand your sweat and blood. Even small things will become burdensome to you. However the Bible says in Revelation 12:10,11, they overcame Satan by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony. Thank God for the blood of Jesus. It gives us the grace to bear a powerful testimony.

The Image of God and gift from God

Your Husband is the Image of God; Your Wife is a good gift from God. Every morning when you wake up speak the word of the testimony over your wife. Look at your wife, and declare, “This is the good gift from God to me”. Whether you feel it or not, you declare, “It is a good gift”. Then your wife will become a

good gift and the favor of God will come upon you. Every morning I thanked and praised God, “Lord, I praise you for Evangeline. She is a good gift that you have given to me”. When I say this that day is full of favor for me.

The word of testimony makes Satan fall. Satan cannot stand before you and accuse you before God. Now, observe the truth here about the husband. What does the wife say in Genesis 1:27, “My husband is the image of God”. Yes! The husband is the image of God.” So if you are a wife then say this about your husband. Whether you feel it or not declare, “My husband is the image of God.”

May be you are crying about your husband today. But God will honor you fulfilling the Will of God. Your husband will surely deserve joy. Your husband will surely be honored in his job. Your husband’s life will be surely saved. And together you will see God’s love overflowing in your family. Let not your heart be troubled. Today God wants to set your family. If you are lonely now, Jesus will build your family. He will give you the right spouse – the right life partner. He will build the relationship between you and your spouse and make it godly and help you both find favor and love. This is our daily prayer as a family for you, that your family should be blessed. If this message was a blessing to you and you have made this prayer genuinely please feel free to write to me or e-mail me, and I will join you in praying for your family. I am sure our united prayers will bring forth miracles of love, joy and peace in your family. I pray that you enjoy a month of love, joy, and peace in your family. God bless you.

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Coming to Jesus Calls is a real blessing to me and my family. The Lord has helped my husband and children with good jobs, vehicles and they are seeing his goodness. The Lord has called my name and brought me out from a Hindu background, He gives me visions and dreams and has blessed me with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I am serving God

in the Prayer Tower, and God is taking care

of my family and my needs. There is always

peace in my home even if there is a problem, His presence is always there. I thank God for my job here in the Prayer Tower and all the blessings he gives me and my family.

- Leela Surage, Toronto.

We would encourage the donors, friends and visitors to visit the Canada Prayer Tower for a time of fellowship and prayer during the course of the week. All who join us at the Prayer Tower see miracles of healing, and also answer for various prayers. Bible Study

Fasting Prayer



Thursdays from 10.45am to 1.30pm Fridays from 10.00am to 1.00pm

Blessing meeting -

Saturdays from 2.00pm to 6.00pm

Blessing meeting -

Tamil - Last Friday of every month

Youth meeting


2nd Saturday from 4.30pm to 6.30pm

Venue: Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities, 3600 Kingston Road M1M 1R9. Jesus Calls International * June 2016 8


Israel Prayer Tower At the Israel Prayer Tower, people are coming from throughout the world to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and pray for God’s Will to be fulfilled in the nations. We are inviting partners like you and prayer Intercessors to come to Israel and stay at The Israel Prayer Tower for 15 days to a month to pray God’s will over nations, Kings and peoples at this crucial time in world history. To find out more details and to register please go to May I also invite you to partner with us to help us fulfil this prophecy through your prayers and financial support. If you are willing to go to pray at the Israel Prayer Tower, you may please call our Dallas Prayer Tower office at 1-972-499-4995 or our toll free number 1-855–JESUSCALLS. For our Canada Prayer Tower, please call 416–385–7576. For your gift of $300, you could sponsor a prayer intercessor in Israel for 3 days, providing shelter, laundry and other basic needs. For your gift of $1500, you could sponor a prayer intercessor in Israel for half a month, providing shelter, transport and three meals a day.

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Dear beloved in Christ Jesus,

I greet you with great love even in this month. Despite my schedules and travel, at one corner of my heart I always wait for this time when I would keep all things aside and sit down to write my heart to my family.

I look past five months and praise God for His immense grace and blessings. See how wonderfully God has provided food, shelter, clothing, luxury, comfort, new jobs, new business deals, new promotion, hike of remuneration, new entry into your family – a baby or a daughter-in-law or a son –in-law, and has kept your family peaceful and rejoicing, though there could be a few hurdles here and there. But I believe in this new month God will lead you into a month of more blessing – a blessing you would never have received so far. A new

blessing in the Work of your hands – your business and your career. The God of blessing will be with you in the whole of this month (Deuteronomy 28:12).

My friend, are you in a place where your situations have turned against you? Have your trusted friends whom you thought will stand by you, deserted you? Have they risen against you as sharp and heavy weapons? If this is your situation, then let me quote you two verses from the unfailing Word of God which you may take as an answer to your situations. But the Lord is with me as a mighty, awesome One. Therefore my persecutors will stumble, and will not prevail. They will be greatly ashamed, for they will not prosper. Their everlasting confusion will never be forgotten. (Jeremiah 20:11)

But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. Now therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones.” And he comforted them and spoke kindly to them (Genesis 50:20, 21). Look at the words: ‘mighty’, ‘awesome’, and the expressions ‘God turned it for good’ and ‘He will provide for you and your family. He says, “I will build you and your family by My mighty and awesome power and turn all the bad things that your enemies do against you to become a good blessing to you, and also use you as a channel of blessing to many”. May this promise enter your heart and linger

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in your mind forever till it becomes your real experience.

Blessing in family life

I and my wife Evangeline celebrated our wedding anniversary on 2nd June. We have walked together as husband and wife across 27 long years. She has been standing strong beside us in our ministries. Besides being with us in all this she also equally stood with us in our pain, loss, sorrow, tribulations and agonies. But today God is using her as the hands of comfort in taking comfort to millions of people who are hurt and suffering. She wiped the tears of millions around the world. (2 Corinthians 1:4; Isaiah 42: 2,3)

I praise God for bringing Evangeline into our home and our lives. As a part of our family I invite you to join me in praising God for Evangeline. Join me in praising God for our precious children Samuel, Sharon and Stella Ramola. I sincerely thank you for those of you who have taken us as your family and are praying for us in your daily prayers as your own brother and sister.

We are also praying fervently for those couples, who are separated due to misunderstandings, disagreements, bad habits and addictions and illicit and immoral relationships. We believe that God will do a miracle and break all the barriers that have kept married couples separated from each other. God will pour, His Holy Spirit make them forgive one another, love one another, re-start their family life by the power of God and make them shine as a glorious witnesses of His love wisdom and power (Ephesians 5:28). Thirdly, we have united our hearts to pray for those who are married for several years but have not yet received the fruit of their

womb. We believe that the God who had compassion on Hannah and touched her womb will surely touch our beloved sisters and bless them with a child. We are praying for the sorrow and misunderstandings in families to be dissolved and make them like a garden in the midst of abundant waters and receive one blessing after the other (John 1:16; Isaiah 58:11).

Prayer Tower

The Prayer Tower Ministry which is carrying out the glorious ministry of taking the love and power of God to millions of people around the world is growing day by day. More than 101 Prayer Towers are involved in taking the compassion and comfort of God to people and showing them the way to receive God’s blessings upon themselves and their families. And all these services are done totally FREE of COST. The sacrificial contributions of people who love God are sowing their best into this ministry through which we are able to offer these services freely to people irrespective of economic status, caste, color, creed and religion. And God has given us plans to build Prayer Towers in places like in Amritsar and Dhariwal in Punjab and Dehradun in Uttarkhand. Please uphold these projects in your prayers.

Gospel for Every Soul - Global Outreach

By the command of God, we are also taking the love, care and compassion of God globally. (Mark 16:15). We have embarked upon many global projects to take the Gospel to the far ends of the earth. And God too is miraculously opening doors in many nations for us. This is also one more big opportunity for you to join us in standing by us in prayer and offering

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your support. Please pray that God meets the huge needs of these projects and for God to bring more and more people to these meetings and they receive more and more blessings. June 12 : UTurn Concert - Visakapatnam June 26 : UTurn Concert - Delhi

June 20-28 : Israel Prophetic Conference - Holy Land Travel July 2 : Karunya University Graduation July 9 : UTurn Concert - Mumbai

July 17 : UTurn Concert - Bengaluru July 29,30 : Los Angeles, California August 27 : Chicago, Illinois

September 2,3,4 : Fiji Meetings - Prophetic Conferences September 8,9,10 : Prophetic Prayer Conferences in Auckland, New Zealand

September 15,16,17 : Prophetic Prayer Conferences in Sydney, Australia

September 18,19 : Melbourne Meetings September 25 : Malayasia Meeting

September 29 : Prayer Tower dedication at Amritsar and Dhariwal at (Punjab)

September 30 - October 2 : Amritsar Prayer Festival October 15-16 : Kochi Meetings

Matthew 18:14 says, “It is not the will of our Father that one of these should perish” And the Father is looking out for people whose hearts too will feel the same. If you want to be that person who would join hands with the Father, then I encourage you to respond by prayer and by sowing your ‘best’ into this ministry. Every penny you sow is being meticulously handled by the Jesus Calls

Ministry to ensure it is being used to carry the gospel of love and compassion to the hurting millions. Your valuable prayers count much. Please pray that through these meetings and conferences and UTurn concerts many souls may be saved and brought into the Kingdom of God. To join the Father in saving souls, please feel free to offer your contributions at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower situated in your area or through Jesus Calls Ambassador. You can also sow online through

Art Studio

It is our God given mandate to preach the gospel to all tribes and tongues of people. (Mark 13:10). We are doing our best in exploring and exploiting every possible avenue in fulfilling this mandate. We are carrying the gospel in every way possible and the most effective way is the Jesus Calls T.V. Programs. Millions of people around the world are waiting to see the daily and weekly T.V. Programs of the Jesus Calls Ministry. Numerous are those whose lives are being touched and transformed by them. Many have been saved at the edge of suicide. Many are those who have and do receive blessings through these programmes.

We are taking every effort possible to produce these programs in the highest quality. You already know that I had written to you even in my last month’s letter that we have planned to build an ultra modern recording studio at the Bro. D.G.S.Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower. This facility will contain a total of 50 Edit suites, Two Shooting Floors, Two Audio Studios and Video Recording Rooms. We are now planning the infrastructure of this facility and also drawing out the budget for the same. Please uphold this endeavour in your prayers and you are welcome to support this

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effort by sending your best according to the prompting of the Holy Sprit in your heart.

Prophetic Prayer Conference - Israel From June 20-28, the Israel Prophetic

Prayer Camp will be conducted coupled

with the Holy Land Tour. These people, who

participate in this Prophetic Prayer Conference from various countries of the world, will

return to their own nations as prophets. They will in turn train more to become prophets

under them. God’s tremendous power will be

manifested through them and thus the gospel of God and the blessings it brings, would be

carried throughout the world. Please pray that God’s power would descend immeasurably

upon the participants of this Prophetic Prayer Conference and transform them into mighty prophets for the nations.

We have our Israel Prayer Tower which

functions in the city of Israel. From here

powerful prayers are being offered for the

peace of Israel, the governments of the world, for world revival and to prepare people for the Second Coming of the Lord. From this Prayer Tower Prophetic prayers will be

offered without ceasing and round the clock. Prayer Intercessors from all over the world

can come and participate in this chain prayer. Those Prayer Intercessors who want to link

themselves in this chain prayer will be given adequate training and opportunity to pray.

Facilities are made for voluntary Prayer

Intercessors to lodge in the Prayer Tower from two weeks to one month and pray. For more details visit to get yourself

involved in this prayer chain please feel free to call Dallas Prayer Tower 1-972-499-4995.

Karunya University The Karunya University Graduation Ceremony is scheduled to take place in July. Please pray that each and every student who passes out of Karunya will be placed in the highest echelons of society and from there shine for the glory of God and besides being blessed themselves will also serve as channels of blessings to others. The Karunya University is all set to start functioning in Ranchi, Jharkhand from next year. Please pray that the institution should offer education in an effective and efficient way and pray for all it’s needs to be met.

The month of June is a very important month for the parents because they have this big burden of enrolling their children in new schools, new colleges, and new classes. And so, I am praying fervently for the parents and children that they would find favor in the eyes of the heads of institutions. I have also prayed very specially for God to meet the financial needs of these parents and children to fund their education. Please remember that we have a God who knows what we need is not only faithful but also powerful enough to provide what we need. He Himself has said, “ Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things." (Matthew 6:31, 32)

I am sure that our God who knows your needs will meet your needs from his heavenly treasure and ensure that you do not lack any good thing.

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Your loving brother, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran


he devil is only an empty show-off. He shows

his ways as something big and huge and if you

believe him, he will take you also to a high place and

after making you stand at the peak and seeing all the transient glory, he will drop you down. Very soon he makes us come crashing down.

- Samuel Dhinakaran

Why does he deceive us ?

Because he is jealous of our relationship with Jesus.

Why? Because, before his fall from heaven He was the

closest friend of God. He was then an anointed Cherub and an arch angel and was so close to the presence

of God, but he lost it all and man took his place. God

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loved man with all His heart. And he is jealous because we took his place and so even today he doesn’t want us to be successful.

Do you think he truly wants us to have

peace? Does he truly want us to have all the

riches and enjoy this world? No! He deceives us with such lucrative offers.

The people of the world fix their eyes and

heart on things that are ‘seen’; things that

are temporary and things that are externally beautiful. The Bible exposes this to us in 2 Corinthians 4:18

“While we look not at the things which are

seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”

But we fix our eyes, not on what is seen, but

what is unseen.

Those who live in the flesh (things that

are seen) become weak because what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

What we ‘see’ is ‘worldly riches’. Many see the external beauty of the worldly pleasures and fall a prey to it. Do you know why? Because

they live in the flesh; they live on what they see. But God wants you to live on what you

don’t see – things that are eternal. The eternal things are His way and Will for your life. The

plans of God are based on the unseen eternal things which you receive when you ask Him.

People who live by the ways of this world

that many of them didn’t believe what He was saying and so He asked those who did not

believe him to leave and many of them left

because they could not ‘see’ these spiritual

things with their natural eyes, their natural

mind and understanding. But then, the twelve disciples stayed back with Jesus because

they saw Jesus. They loved Jesus by hearing the truth He spoke and they wanted to live by the Spirit. It is by the Spirit; which God

strengthens us (Zechariah 4:6; Romans 8:26; 1 Corinthians 2:10).

In 1 John 2:15-17, Bible says, “Do not love

the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. The Father doesn’t live in those who

live by the world, because the world is filled

with the desires of the flesh, and the pride of

life and the Bible says, “the world passes away with all its desires; but whoever does the Will of God abides forever”.

Many times our minds are focused only on

what we need to do in ‘this’ world. Our minds

are busy thinking and worrying as to what we need to survive here on earth. But today God wants you to consider your eternal life. He

wants you to do some long-term planning. He wants you to look at the ‘unseen’ -the will of God’

How does the devil lead us? We think living

won’t be able to understand these unseen

by all these pleasures is so nice. But suddenly

Jesus. But you know what happened? He saw

leading us. Oh! It’s a horrible sight.

eternal truths. Yes! When Jesus started his ministry, many disciples came to listen to

when he takes off the blind fold from our

eyes and makes us see into what he has been

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2 Corinthians 4:4 says that he blinds the

eyes of the believer and when he opens up the blindfold later, he is shocked to see himself in shackles and chains around his hands. When the outer coating of sweetness erodes away; when all the riches are gone; when the high

positions are all taken away; when the earthly fame and glory just leaves, what happens to our heart? How will we be saved? Who will stand with us? How will we be able to live? The devil removes all those earthly riches

and shows you truly how he has deceived you and trapped you. He showed Samson what he had truly become? He had become shackled

to sin. He lost all the strength of God, because he chose sin. And he was shackled (Judges 16:5,17-21)

If we look at Judas, once he betrayed Jesus,

the devil shackled his neck and took away his life (Matthew 27:5). There was no peace for Judas. Even the money and the riches of the world couldn’t satisfy him; because he had

betrayed the One, who loved him and chose to

follow the kingdom of the devil. It’s dangerous, my friends.

As you are reading this message, may be

came, and He saw that man, He was moved

with compassion for that man. Jesus looked

into his heart and saw how he was struggling. He wanted to set him free and He did that by

chasing away the demons. Oh! That man was

filled with Life and his heart overflowed with

joy. This kind of a life only God can give. That’s what He will do to you too when you choose Jesus. When you taste this love of Jesus and when you receive His life today, you will be

filled with a desire for God; a desire to do your best for Him and a desire to have an eternal life of joy for you and your family.

So choose the Kingdom of God which gives

us life. I don’t know why God wants to write these words to you in this message. I know

that God is making me feel a sense of urgency; an urgency for us to choose to live with him.

He doesn’t force Himself upon us. But He asks gently saying, “Do you want to follow Me? Do you believe in Me? If you believe and follow

Me, I will give you life. Not just for this world but eternal life. I will show you My plan for your life on the earth.

It all starts with reading His word in the

you are in a situation where you have lost all

morning and praying according to it. If you

screaming, “What is the way out? Where will

speaking to you and revealing the Will and

your peace; you do not know what to do? You are pulling out your hair in confusion and

my solution come from? How will I get rid of this sickness? Just like that man, I have been deceived by the words of the devil?”

But friend, there is a good news for you.

See what Jesus did to that man. When Jesus

don’t have a Bible, get one today and read it.

You will discover for yourself the Holy Spirit

plan of God. The plans of God are hidden in the holy Bible. He will reveal it to you. He wants

to fill you with His Life, Love, Power and fulfill His plans in your life and make you shine as a glorious testimony for him.

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Testimony of a family which received blessings through the Family Blessing Plan We are partners of the Family Blessing Plan because of which we have been blessed not only as a family but also as individuals. I never knew the Lord. But my wife had the desire to do ministry for Him. Her desire was fulfilled through the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower where she is serving as a voluntary Prayer Intercessor. In this way she has become a blessing to others. Since a long time, we had been trying to renew our house. We also started Esther Prayer Group in our house. The Lord miraculously met our needs and helped us to renew our house. God has helped my both daughters to complete their B.Tech in Karunya. Karunya had nurtured in them not only academic excellence but also many talents. It also helped them spiritually to make them do God’s ministry. My elder daughter has completed her Masters with scholarship from Central Government University, Punjab. Younger daughter is doing her higher studies in Allahabad. We thank the Lord, who is blessing our children’s

studies. I also remember the time when the Lord graciously extended my life, last August. When I was working in my office, I suddenly fell unconscious. The doctors who tested me said that I had high blood pressure and sugar. I was admitted in the ICU. On the third day, the Lord touched me. I regained my consciousness and became well. Jesus Calls prayer intercessors had prayed for me. The Lord heard those prayers and has given me a new life. I thank God who is protecting, leading and blessing our family which is enrolled in the Family Blessing Plan. - Suku Samuel, Delhi, India.

The Dhinakarans and the Prayer Intercessors of Jesus Calls Prayer Tower will uphold you with their special prayers for God to build your home and fill it with joy, happiness, and peace. You can extend your support to these families who seek the Dhinakarans prayers by joining in partnership through the Family Blessing Plan. To join you may donate the minimum amount of US $300 (or equvalent) to support this ministry. You may get associated with us, online through our secure website Jesus Calls International * June 2016 17

I joined Karunya University in the year

2006 for my Graduate program in Mechanical Engineering. As a young boy, who had just passed out of school, I did not know what

the future held for me. I had never dreamt of joining Karunya for my further studies.

Nevertheless, Jesus had a wonderful plan and He, in His grace and plan brought me to this beautiful and awesome place. The morning assembly time was of great blessing to me.

I used to feel the Lord directly talking to me

during that time. At the end of the fourth year, I knew that God had broken me, melted and finally molded me into a different person.

I pursued my post-graduation for two years in Karunya itself. God blessed my studies and helped me get gold medals. As of now, I am working in an Engineering College in Ahmadabad, Gujarat and God has brought me back to Karunya to carry out my doctoral studies. All glory be to Him.

Mr. Sudeep Kolhar (2006–2010; 2010-2012) B.Tech. & M.Tech. Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Mechanical Sciences

ADMISSION 2016 OPEN For further details visit

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‘…he who trusts in the LORD will be prospered’ (Proverbs 28:25).

The Bible records the lives of men of God like David, and Abraham who prospered in those days. David was an ordinary shepherd (Psalm 78:72). But he loved the Lord deeply since young age. For this reason, the Lord chose him for Himself, blessed him and made him a king. Likewise, Abraham too was blessed. The moment the Lord called Abraham, both husband and wife obeyed Him and honored the Lord’s Word. That’s why He blessed Abraham in all things and made him great (Genesis 24:1,35).

Let us see how we should live in order to be blessed by God, like David and Abraham

Reward for those who seek Him

‘…those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing’ (Psalm 34:10).

Since childhood, David was tending his father’s sheep. When he was thus keeping his father's sheep, once a lion and then a bear came to attack the lambs. But God was with him, strengthened him and saved him and his flock (1 Samuel 17:34,35). Similarly, even though he was young, God gave him divine

strength, wisdom and courage to defeat the giant Goliath who rose against the people of Israel. That’s why he could boldly challenge that valiant man, ‘Who is this uncircumcised Philistine who has defied the armies of the living God?’ ‘And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart’ (Jeremiah 29:13).

Both Abraham and David had this divine, glorious experience. From his rich experience, David advises his son Solomon, ‘My son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind … If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever (1 Chronicles 28:9). Yes, David had such deep and passionate love for the Lord! The Lord expects this kind of love and trust from us. Dear mothers, you desire that your child should become a doctor or an engineer or a highly qualified person. But how many of you desire that your child should become like Jesus and seek God diligently? Do you really intercede to the Lord for this?

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Peace for those who cast their burdens on the Lord ‘….cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you’ (1 Peter 5:7).

Today, do we have many burdens in our heart, concerning our family? Are you depressed that your children are not married? Are you worried that you do not have a child? Pour out all your agonies at the Lord’s feet. He will remove all your lacks and fill you with blessings. He will fill you with His divine peace. The reason, He is the Prince of peace (Isaiah 9:6). The peace that He gives cannot be given by the world (John 14:27). It is a peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7). His covenant of peace shall not be removed (Isaiah 54:10). He will keep all those who trust in Him, in perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3). A young woman failed to seek the Lord diligently and was leading a lazy life, not reading the Bible or praying to God as advised by her mother and was all the time fighting and bearing tales about others. The mother, who was pained by this, started pouring out her burdens at the Lord’s feet and was praying with tears for her. The girl’s birthday arrived and she received lot of wishes from her friends and relatives. In one of the Birthday greetings, the verse in Isaiah 60:22 was quoted – “A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation. I, the LORD, will hasten it in its time.” On seeing it, she wondered, “Can a little one become a thousand? Can a small one become a strong nation? If this is true, can I become so?’ With these questions, she began to seek the Lord, who is able to perform this. She began to love Him from the depth of her heart. The Lord, who loved her dearly, kept her away from sinful life, blessed her materially and spiritually and exalted her. Filling her with divine peace, He made her an instrument to help her friends and relatives to receive this incomparable peace and the joy of salvation.

Dear ones, when you too submit all your worries and burdens in the presence of the Lord, He will give you rest, divine peace and joy and prosper your life.

Come to Jesus, who lovingly invites you with the words, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Place all your burdens and worries at His feet. He will give you rest and the divine peace which the world can never give.

Prosperity for those who give for the Lord

The Bible says,

The wilderness and the wasteland shall be glad for them, And the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose (Isaiah 35:1). Middle Eastern countries are sandy and full of desert. Once, when we had been there, we were amazed to see beautiful oases in the midst of those desert areas. This is how the Lord will change our life upside down and make us into fruit bearing trees.

The Lord commanded many kinds of blessings and prosperity in the lives of Abraham and David. One of the blessings is their names are mentioned in the lineage of Jesus (Matthew 1:1-17). We read about so many saints in the Old Testament. But it is the descendants of Abraham and David alone who received a blessed life of His glory, presence and prosperity which nobody else had.

Out of much burden, many women languish, “Alas, won’t my life end? This sickness kills me. My child’s conduct, my burden of debt, the needs of my life agonize me. Why should I live?” There is no peace in them. Their end in this world is painful. What is the reason? They despised the Lord in the days when everything was good and lived with pride, without seeking Him diligently.

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The Bible says,

He shall enter into peace; they shall rest in their beds, each one walking in his uprightness (Isaiah 57:2). Yes, the Lord will give you a happy ending because of this. Also, He will grant you double fold worldly blessings too. He has promised,

‘Even today I declare that I will restore double to you…’ (Zechariah 9:12). He will give you back all that you had lost. Job was a godly man. God Himself certifies that he was a ‘blameless and upright man’, who feared God (Job 1:8). But look at his life! He lost his physical health, his ten children, his wealth and possessions. The people, who once praised him, looked down upon him. But what does the Bible tell about Job? “Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord; that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful” (James 5:11).

Finally, the Lord gave him back everything in double fold, blessed him and prospered him (Job 42:10).

There was a shop keeper who faced heavy loss and was in tears. At this state, he accepted Jesus as his personal savior in a spiritual meeting. From then on, he started praying every morning saying, “Jesus Christ has come into me. Now on, He will take care of my business”. Thus he committed his business into the hand of Jesus every day. Also, he made a vow to give one tenth of his daily profit to the Lord’s ministry. He did accordingly and began to give for the Lord faithfully. Gradually his business started expanding and today the Lord has prospered him in such a measure that he gives a large portion of his income to the Lord. Dear ones, at the end of the month do you worry that you don’t have money and that you are forced to borrow? Be faithful in giving to the Lord first. When you give for the Lord in all reverence, despite your need, He will bless you richly.

‘…you shall give to the priest the first of your ground meal, to cause a blessing to rest on your house’ (Ezekiel 44:30).

‘Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this, says the LORD of hosts, ‘If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it’ (Malachi 3:10). Accordingly, when we give first to the Lord, He will bless it and give it back to you in several folds. In the Bible we see about the widow who put in two mites (Luke 21:1-14). All she had was two mites. She offered even that to the Lord and was honored by the Lord Jesus.

My dear sisters, the eyes of the Lord see you. Don’t be keen on putting your money in the bank but give to the Lord first. Your blessing will not dwindle. He can perfect all your lacks. Likewise, He will also make you arise and shine in your spiritual life. The Holy Spirit will stay in your family. He will strengthen and establish you. He will take care of your children’s lives. Yes, seek the Lord diligently. Be diligent in praying and reading the Bible with fear and faithfulness, as a family and individually. Not focusing on eating, dressing and sleeping, personally and as a family ‘keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and justice’ just as how Abraham did (Genesis 18:19). Also, do not struggle carrying your worries all by yourself like Martha did (Luke 10:41) but sit at His feet, get filled with the presence of God who is the good portion and receive blessings (Luke 10:42). Be careful to whole-heartedly give 1/10 (tithe) of your income to the Lord, in reverence. The Lord will be pleased with you (2 Corinthians 9:7), bless you richly like He blessed Abraham and David and prosper you in life.

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“The hand of our God is upon all those for good who seek Him...” (Ezra 8:22) The Bible says it is His ‘Good Hands’ that will bring ‘goodness’ upon you. Therefore look to the Lord and say, “Lord! I praise You because You have given me the privilege of seeking You.” When God is with you, you will never lack anything.

Many have this question in their minds. They ask, “Why is God sending natural calamities like Tsunami?" But we should understand that it is our sins that causes natural disasters and not God. It is our sin that causes these natural disasters. God gave the earth to us to tend it, care for it, preserve it and prosper it but we have polluted it with our sins and give birth to natural disasters like Tsunami. God never brings ‘evil’ or ‘destruction’ by Himself. God is good all the time. Look at how He expresses His thoughts over us in Jeremiah 29:11

‘For I know the thoughts that I think toward

you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.’ My friend! His thoughts for us are always ‘for our good’.

I once went to visit the Holy Land – Israel. A few Israeli youth there saw us and came to us said that they wanted to take pictures with us. One of them said, "Sister! My body was fully attacked by a deadly disease. I became very weak due to the disease. I went after many doctors but none could heal me. Then I learnt to practice witchcraft. I tried every trick and ritual but I received no healing. One day I thought, “May be I’ll try using this name called, ‘Jesus’ whom those people say has power. I tried calling out His name but there was no response from Him. I was highly frustrated. Not knowing what more to do, I lost patience and in that fury and anger, I took a copy of the Bible that was beside me and threw it into the fire and burnt it. At that moment, without my knowledge I cried out saying, “Jesus” and immediately He responded. I felt fire falling

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upon me and burn me. The Holy Spirit filled me and I jumped with joy. All traces of my disease disappeared from my body. From that moment till now, I am living a different life. Today I am standing before you with full health as a witness to the power in the name of Jesus. Yes! My friend! The hands of our God is always for good. It always brings only ‘goodness” to those who seek him. Let us see in what ways the hands of God brings us goodness.

Hands that teaches to walk

“I taught Ephraim to walk, taking them by their arms...I stooped and fed them. (Hosea 11:3-4)

My friend, look at this love that leads a person by hand and teaches to him or her to walk. And note that God extends this hand to Israel even when they were moving faraway from God. It was at this time that God draws them towards Himself with cords of Love. Even today you might be worried about those in your family who are yet to come into the Lord. My mother too was worrying like this once. She was crying for many years saying, “Lord! In my family, only I have come to know you. When are my husband and children going to come to know you?”. But just see what God has graciously done to me, her daughter. He has chosen me to draw many many people into His fold. The same God who saw the tears of my mother and heard her cry and fulfilled the desire of her heart will surely fulfill your desire too by doing good to your family members and bringing them into the fold of the Lord. God gives a special hearing to the cry of mothers who cry for the salvation of their families. Let me tell you one thing for sure my friend! Not even one drop of tear that we shed

in the presence of God with a broken heart will ever go waste. The hope that we have upon Him will never disappoint us. He will surely bring ‘goodness’ upon your children’s studies. He will place His good hands upon your relatives and beloved ones who are suffering with sickness and heal them. The loving heart of our ‘God of goodness’ will teach them how to walk victoriously in their lives. The Psalmist expresses his feeling saying, “I am continually with you; you hold me by my right hand” (Psalm 73:23).

So don’t worry about your children, your husband and your relatives, He will continually hold you and bless you for generations to come.

Fulfilling Hands

"And he said: Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, who spoke with His mouth to my father David, and with His hand has fulfilled it..." (1 Kings 8:15) King Solomon describes God in his poetic song as a God ‘who fulfill His words with the power of His hands’.

We need to do just a simple thing faithfully. We need to study the Word of God carefully. When we meditate on the Word of God, He will begin to speak to us. He will show us a blessing from His Word and say, “This promise is what I have kept for you for today! Then He works in our hearts so that the promise becomes deeply fixed in our hearts. Once we receive a Word from God, we need not struggle to fix it; He Himself will do it. Note what God says to Jacob, He says, “I will never abandon you until I fulfill all that I have spoken to you!” (Genesis 28:15). Sometimes we see that some righteous men will not rest until they fulfill the word that they give to others. Naomi, Ruth’s motherin-law certifies about Boaz (The man whom she had planned for Ruth) saying, “He will not

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rest until he fulfills this task” (Ruth 3:18). Look at how much of faith she has upon a righteous man. Friend! If a human being could be so believed for His faithfulness, how much more can God be believed? My friend! Our God will fulfill His promises He gives to you. He is a God who fulfills by His hand what He promises in His word. (1 Kings 8:15, 2 Chronicles 6:4). Our Great God has so much of power in His hands. Remember that the God who is in you is greater than the god of this world. (1 John 4:4). He will fulfill what He promises.

Hands that turn People into Prophets

See! How the King Himself comes in search of a prisoner for consultation, because God was with Jeremiah.

My friend! The people out there in the world are hungry for a Word from God through you. They are desperately searching for a Word from God through you. They look up at you and say, “Will not this man; will not this woman give us a word of promise from God” They will come in search of you. And when you pray and get a word from God and give it to them, they will bless you with their entire hearts saying, “Be blessed! You blessed of God”. They will not only bless you but also your family.

"When you see this, your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like grass; the hand of the Lord shall be known to His servants, and His indignation to His enemies." (Isaiah 66:14)

Therefore pray saying, “Lord! This world is looking – up to me, for a word from you! My family is looking up to me for a word from you Lord!” When you pray with this burden and passion in your heart, surely the Lord will put prophetic words in your mouth. He will anoint you with the spirit of a prophet.

Jeremiah the prophet was jailed for several days, but at one occasion the king Zedekiah called for Jeremiah and asked Him, “Do you have a word from God for us”? He did this secretly in his house (Jeremiah 37:16,17).

God will bless you and also your generations to come. He says,” I will make you a head and not a tail. I will take you to the high and honorable places. Our unfailing God will keep His word. His hands will be on you and bring good things on you and your future will be filled ‘goodness’ and mercy.

My friend! I want you to know that you too are serving God through your offering. Your sacrificial offerings are used to wipe the tears of many people. Surely the blessings related to your offering will come upon you. You are ‘giving’ inspite of your own needs and difficulties and be sure that God keeps an account of it and will shower His blessings on you. When God’s hands are upon you, the Holy Spirit will come upon you mightily and strongly. When the enemy comes against you like a flood; the Lord will lift up a banner against you. Nothing shall overcome you. You will be more than conqueror and overcome all tribulations, loss and weapons that may come against you (Romans 8:37).

My friend! When you are hard pressed by tough situations around you, confess the words that the Psalmist confessed when he was under trying situations. He said, “Lord! It is good that I went through trials and hard times because through them I have gained deeper understanding of your Laws” (Psalm 119:71). God allows all these trials to come to us so that He can bring us closer to Him and increase the intimacy between Him and us. We are His creation. When we surrender to Him saying, “Lord! Let thy will be done in my life”, God will turn our situations and make blessings and goodness pour upon our lives.

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“So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened” (Luke 11:9,10).

The Lord’s words, ‘Knock and surely it would be opened’ is of great comfort and encouragement to us, who are fed up of seeing only closed doors around us.

Ask with preparation

My first job in a bank was in a small town which was nearly 300 miles away from my home. It was a new place to me, with new language. So my mother was against me going there. But I was determined since I had got that job after so much of difficulty. So convincing my mother, I left for that place. Everybody who went there from Tamil Nadu used to appeal for a transfer back to Tamil Nadu. So I too waited till my job was made permanent. One day, my boss called me and said, “Dhinakaran, you are excellent in your job. I am pleased with your work. I’ve

recommended for your job confirmation. Soon you’d be hearing from them. Do you need any other help?’ I promptly said that I wanted to go back to my home town. Smiling at me, he said that everybody who went there had the same wish and asked me to apply for the transfer. I readily took it out of my pocket and gave it to him. He didn’t know what to do and said, “What’s this? You’ve kept it readily in your pocket”. True to his word, he helped me get my transfer. An incident in the Bible goes like this: One day, when Jesus set out of the city called Jericho, Bartimaeus, a blind man since birth, was sitting by the road, begging. He heard people walking and talking by his side. He inquired about the noise and was thrilled to hear that Jesus of Nazareth was going by. “I was born blind; I don’t know how light is; Jesus, who is able to give light to my eyes is passing by; I shouldn’t lose this chance”. And so, he at once cried out, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"

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Those who were going along with Jesus warned him to be quiet saying, “There’s no time for the Lord to hear your cries; plenty are those who go after Him. So be quiet”. But the more they warned him, the more He shouted. His voice fell on the gracious Lord’s ears. The pain and agony in his voice made Him stand still (Mark 10:49).

The Lord asked His disciples to bring him to Him. The entire crowd was watching him coming towards Jesus. He asked him, “What do you want Me to do for you?” Immediately he said, “I want to receive my sight”. Jesus said, ‘Go your way; your faith has made you well.’ Bartimaeus, who could not see anything since birth, immediately received sight. Let us also call unto the Lord like Bartimaeus. He has no partiality (Romans 2:11; Acts 10:34; Galatians 2:6). Surely He would ask us, ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ This portion clearly shows us that we need to be prepared to answer the question that the Lord would ask, accepting our prayer.

Sometimes, when we go to supermarkets, it takes nearly 45 minutes for us to walk from one side to the other. As we walk around, looking out for things, the salespeople of the shop would inquire us of our need. Sometimes, we return without buying anything. Once, I had an appointment with a doctor in a foreign country. As per the custom of that country, nobody can directly enter into the doctor’s room. We need to fill up a form and give them the details about us and our place. Only when they call us after this, we can meet the doctor. When we go in, the doctor would ask us, ‘What can I do for you?” The purpose of the form is to make them understand our needs.

Let us learn this rule. When we pray, the Lord would ask us, “What would you like Me to do for you?” Let us learn to ask Him specifically, “Lord, I need this particular thing”. Every time before we go to pray, let us take a paper and write down our needs one by one. Let us tell Him of our needs. He would hear us; He would answer us (John 14:14).

Ask continually

‘…men always ought to pray and not lose heart’ (Luke 18:1).

‘pray without ceasing…’ (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

A renowned author has penned a book titled, ‘How to become Rich?’ His books are world famous. Several years back I read a heart rending incident in that book. The author’s wife, who was in full term pregnancy, was taken to the hospital for delivery. As they were eagerly waiting for the birth of their child, the doctor called the author and said, ‘Sometimes, certain unexpected things happen in our lives. We need to have a heart to bear that…’ So saying, he showed him his new born child. The author was taken aback to see his child with no ears on both sides. His heart was broken. The doctor expressed his inability to help and the author went out of the room telling, “I know where to go and whom to approach.”

Every day, at lunch time, he knelt down under a tree, totally hidden from people, and cried out to God for his child, for more than an hour. He did this, not for one or two days but for 9 years. He would have prayed, ‘Lord, somehow open my child’s ears. Let him hear.’ Suddenly, one day, they sensed that the child could hear. They ran to the doctor. A team of doctors tested the child and finally declared, ‘We don’t know what had happened. He has no ears but he is able to hear well’

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The Lord, who heard his 9 year long prayer for a particular matter, would have asked him, ‘What do you want Me to do for you?’ He would have said, ‘Lord, I’m lamenting in Your presence for this matter for the past 9 years. Please open my child’s ears.’ The Lord accepted that plea. Is there no peace in life? Is there an infirmity in your physical body? Do not be troubled. Do not lose heart. Do not lose your faith. Don’t be vexed wondering how long you would be praying and fasting (Psalm 27:14). Ask the Lord every day. Surely He will hear your pleas. He will meet your needs.

Ask with rights

For you did not receive the spirit of bondage… but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father." (Romans 8:15) And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, "Abba, Father!" (Galatians 4:6).

During prayer time, God would ask us, ‘What do you want Me to do for you?’ Let us be prepared to answer Him. Once, there was a world renowned singer. He had a daughter, whom he loved dearly. One day, she asked him to take her to an Amusement park. The singer was bemused since he could not go out publicly anywhere because people would mob him. It would be difficult to come out of it. So he directly contacted that Amusement Park and asked them about their one day income. They said that it was one million dollar (Nearly Rs. 5 Crores at that time). He asked them, ‘Would you declare a holiday for the Park if I pay you one million dollar?” The authorities were shocked but agreed to it. He paid that amount and a holiday was announced for that park. He took his child with him, spent the whole day with her and brought her back home happily.

Our gracious Lord too asks us, ‘What do you want Me to do for you?” Also, He would give what we ask. He is the God, who pities us like a father (Psalm 103: 13). He does not lie when He says, ‘Ask and it shall be given to you.’ He said so to make us truly happy. So ask Him boldly (1 John 5:14). Ask Him specifically.

‘Isn’t this a big thing? Will the Lord do this?” – Don’t be dejected by nursing such thoughts of unbelief. He will give you what you ask. Nothing is impossible with Him (Jeremiah 32:27). He does great things past finding out, Yes, wonders without number (Job 9:10). He will change your frustration into joy.


Loving Father, thank You for being my own Father. Make my frustrated heart happy. Father, give me all that I ask of You. My Father, millions of praises to You for granting me whatever I ask. The Bible says that when You were on this earth, You placed Your hand upon all who came to you at sun set and blessed them. Keep Your hands on me and grant me what I ask, by asking me, ‘What would you want Me to do for you?’ Lord, give me back my husband’s/wife’s life. Heal my sick child and give him/her back to me. I’ve reached the last step of my life. I don’t know what step to take further. Be my hope and confidence. Do a miracle for all those for whom I prayed. My Father, from today, let prosperity, and riches enter my life. I take prosperity in Your name. Let Your face shine upon my life/ my family/ my job/my business. The Bible says that You are the hill from where help comes. Let me get help from all unexpected directions. You alone are hearing my prayer. Thank You for that. Thank You for listening to my prayer, for removing my frustration and for fulfilling my wishes - Amen.

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FROM STUDENT TO TEACHER “I live in a small rural community near Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu. SEESHA has been working in my community for many years. They have built homes for us after the Thane storms, provided educational support for children, empowered women and took many steps for our development. The tuition Centre run by Seesha helps the children in our locality to excell in studies; earlier, students in our place would be wasting their evening time. Ever since the tuition centre was established, children have

started to spend their evenings productively. It has also helped children improve in their schoolwork and parents now take an interest towards the education of their children.

The tuition centre helped me score good marks, especially during my 12th grade. With the motivation received from them, I joined under-graduate course. All my educational needs are being sponsored by SEESHA. Now that I am one of the most educated persons in my community, I have taken charge as a tutor in the tuition centre. I do my best to help all the students. It is my joy and privilege to use my education to help improve my community. Thanks to SEESHA for all the support and encouragement!� - Surya, Cuddalore, India.


SEESHA offers School Kit containing all essential stationery items to school kids from poor background. All it takes is $ 10 to help one child receive a proper education. Help SEESHA reach out to 30,000 children through the School Kit project this year! For more information, visit

Jesus Calls International * June 2016 30

• To pray for the nearly 70 million people in the state of Karnataka, India. • To directly serve more than a million of people residing in the outskirts of the city of Bengaluru. The new building of the Frazer Town Prayer Tower which serves in the central part of Bengaluru is to be set up in 30,000 square feet of land. THIS NEW BUILDING HOUSES: • Prayer Tower that offers 24 hours telephone prayer service • Counselling rooms that would serve 25,000 people every month through direct prayers and spiritual counseling. • Auditorium with a seating capacity of 2,000

• Chapel • Chain Prayer room • Auditorium for Prayer Academy • Rooms for Prayer Warriors • Parking facility • Room for children • Library • Audio/Video facilities • LED screens, musical instruments • Seats

For your gift of $5000 to build one prayer room at the Bengaluru Prayer Tower, we will inscribe your name in the prayer room as a thank you. For your gift of $1500, you could co-sponsor the building of a prayer room. For your gift of $50, you could help build one square foot of the Prayer Tower.

To support the building of this Prayer Tower, go to Jesus Calls International * June 2016 31

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