JCI November 2017

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Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


My beloved brother / sister in Christ, The month of October was a month packed with ministries. The Lord had blessed all the ministries – both in India and abroad through your sincere prayers and generous offerings. My heart is filled with praise to God and thanks to you for making these ministries possible. You have been partnering with God in His mission and in His good work and I thank God for you specifically (Philippians 1:6). In the month of November, May the Lord “bless all those who put

their trust in Him” (Psalm 2:12) May this November therefore turn into a month of blessings for you. Having lost all resources to live, Ruth came and surrendered herself under the protecting and providing hands of God. She came into God’s hands, totally empty but the good Lord filled her with abundant blessings.

Lord because His Name is a strong Tower. Be sure that the same God who had compassion on Ruth, blessed her, opened wonderful opportunities for her and miraculously turned her situations right side up will also turn your life into a success. Friend! Your success will bring glory to His Name and therefore He will make you a success. He will bless you to the full (Ruth 2:12).

MY FRIEND THE HOLY SPIRIT! "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” (John 14:26)

In the same way my friend, may be you are standing alone without any human help; may be you don’t have any influential background and therefore you are not able to find opportunities to succeed in life while your influential friends are progressing in their lives right before your eyes; may be you have no good contacts and therefore no one to turn to. You have no other way but God. Don’t worry my friend. Just close your eyes and run and come into the hands of God. Friend! The Bible says that the righteous run into the Name of t h e


Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

The month of November is a very special month in my life. It is on 20th November 1980 that the Lord graciously filled me with the Holy Spirit and led me into that marvellous experience. Since then, my friend, it has been the Holy Spirit that has been my closest Friend, companion and guide in all aspects of my life. The Lord is not only Filling me with the Holy Spirit but is also using me mightily to proclaim the Word of God to other people and to offer suitable solutions to their problems and to comfort them with the love of the Lord. I praise God for giving me these revelations (Isaiah 50:4). It is the comfort of the Holy Spirit that is leading us through this path of ministry successfully. It is the Holy Spirit that helped me to proceed with this ministry in spite of the huge losses like losing my dear sister Angel and my dear father Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran (John 14:16).

the children who are partners in the Jesus Calls Ministry in our 24 hours Prayer Tower. Prayers for their protection and blessings keep going up to heaven on their behalf. And the Lord Jesus Christ, who hears and answers prayers, has been specifically and abundantly blessing the Jesus Calls Young Partners. We have records of tens of thousands of testimonies of the miracles, healings and blessings received by the Jesus Calls Young Partners in our files. And therefore my friend, I encourage you also to enrol your children into this plan if you have not done so. This will open the way for your children to receive the anointing and blessing that is upon the ministry in their lives. You can get additional details about this plan at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower nearest to you or at the Jesus Calls Website www.jesuscalls.org.

The Lord is strengthening me to prophesy to the kings and their nations (Acts 9:15). It is through these prophecies that doors are opening to us in these nations. The rulers of nations are listening with reverence to what we have to tell them. People pour-in like a flood to listen to the message of the gospel and the prophetic revelations. Friend! I desire that you too receive this fullness. It is God’s Will to fill you and your children so that all of them will walk in the path of the living God and shine as powerful testimonies to the Lord (Acts 2:17). I am praying for the Lord to anoint your precious children.


YOUNG PARTNERS PLAN “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” (Luke 2:52) We see in the Bible that our Lord Jesus Christ when He was on this earth, He called children to Himself and embraced them and blessed them (Matthew 19:14). The Lord wanted to fulfil the desire of so many parents who wanted their children too to receive the blessings that come by being a part of God’s ministry and so He gave the Young Partners Plan to my father Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran in the year 1985. Since then this plan has been fulfilled successfully by praying for

"And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14) We are getting prepared for the various ministries that are being arranged in India for the first two months of the coming New Year 2018. Please pray that the Lord fills us and anoints us for the New Year Meetings with His new grace and anointing and through us fill the people who will be coming to these meetings with the same anointing and blessings. Let me furnish you the details of our meetings so that you can uphold them in your prayers and also support us to conduct them successfully. 2018 January 5 New Year Blessing Meeting, Tiruvallur, Tamil Nadu 2018 January 6 New Year Blessing Meeting, Vellore, Tamil Nadu 2018 January 7 New Year Blessing Meeting, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 2018 January 13 New Year Blessing Meeting, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu

Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


2018 January 14 New Year Blessing Meeting, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu 2018 January 15 New Year Blessing Meeting, Salem, Tamil Nadu 2018 January 20,21 Thiruvananthapuram Meetings, Kerala 2018 January 26-28 Dumka Prayer Festival, Jharkhand 2018 February 4 Students Prayer Meeting, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 2018 February 10,11 Hyderabad Prayer Festival 2018 February 14,15,16 Prophetic Prayer Conference, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 2018 February 17,18 Jalna Prayer Festival, Jalna, Maharashtra The Lord who received the five loaves and two fish from a small lad and multiplied it and fed more than 5000 people and even collected 12 baskets remaining, will also multiply the small offerings you give to the ministry and send the remaining as blessings upon you and your family (Matthew 14:17-21). Yes! My friend, you will never be in loss when you sow into the Lords ministry. You can send your offerings online through our website at www.jesuscalls.org

ISRAEL PRAYER TOWER "...It shall be that I will gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come and see My glory... and they shall declare My glory among the Gentiles.” (Isaiah 66:18,19) In the same way, as we established the National Prayer Tower at Delhi to pray for India, we have established a Prayer Tower in Israel where people can come from all over the world and pray for Israel and also offer prophetic prayer for their own nations. This Prayer Tower was established in the year 2013 on the 4th of November. Since then, many people from many parts of the world pour in and


offer their prayers. When they return from these prayers they return with tremendous anointing and power and go and serve God mightily in their own localities. It is our duty my friend to prepare the whole world for the coming of our Lord. You too can join in this prayer in the Israel Prayer Tower. You can get information about this through our website www.israelprayertower.com Please join me in thanking God to pray for this Israel Prayer Tower which is about to complete four years of service. Next year, the Israel Prayer Tower will move into the 5th year. We will combine this celebration with the date of the creation of Israel as a nation 70 years ago. In this context, we have planned to conduct a WORLD PRAYER CONVENTION in Jerusalem. Many eminent servants of God from all over the world are about to join in this event and deliver prophetic messages. We invite you to get prepared for these meetings now itself. Come to Jerusalem to hear the prophetic words of the Almighty living God. Bring your family too. Besides participating in this convention you can also participate in the Holy Land Tour. You can get more details about this at the website www.jesuscalls.org/wpc2018 . Friend! You have been upholding the ministry through your incessant prayers, encouraging offerings and your sacrificial participation. It is through your offering, help and participation that this ministry is able to wipe the tears of thousands of people and bring people under the protecting hands of God and take the comfort of God to them in an abundant way. May the Lord bless you, who are so faithfully upholding the ministry according to His unfailing promise in Psalm 36:7;

“How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings.” May the Lord’s mercy and grace cover you throughout this entire month, Your loving brother who prays for you, - Dr. Paul Dhinakaran.

Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

(late) Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran


…you are the temple of the living God… God has said: “I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people.” (2 Corinthians 6:16)

of the living God W

e might appear like ordinary people living under ordinary conditions to the eyes of our society or to our world but when we look at how God looks at us it makes us feel thrilled and excited. The Scripture says, “You are the salt of this earth; You are the light of this earth” (Matthew 5:13, 14) and “You are God’s garden and His palace. You are the temple of God” (1 Cor. 3:9,16,17). Yes! How wonderful it is to know that our body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19,20). The world may look down on us and speak ill of us but God looks at us and says, “You are My temple.” However, we need to ask ourselves, “Have I given the prime place for God in my heart?” It will bless us in a great way if only we could meditate on this one thing.

Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” (Revelation 3:20) Jesus has promised saying, “If a man loves me he will do and keep my words; My Father will love him; we will come and dwell in him” (John 14:23). It is a glorious experience to have God come into us and dwell in us. Apostle Paul who experienced this, expresses this reality in Him in many ways saying, “Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20), “Christ speaks within me” (2 Cor. 13:3) and “I am bearing the marks of Jesus Christ in my body” (Gal. 6:17). Yes! It is a marvelous experience for Christ to dwell inside us in a personal way. A lady doctor in the USA has written a book proving the reality of the presence of a spirit inside every human body. She observed the weight of a dying man before his death. Then she weighed him again after he died. There was a difference of an ounce in the man’s weight by which she concluded that something leaves a man when he dies. She repeated the same experiment with a dog and then other animals and found there were no differences in their weights before and after their deaths and so she concluded that animals don’t have a soul. What benefits we receive


when God dwells in our heart, our soul?

For the glory of God’s Name; to Praise Him!

One day, a couple was traveling in their own plane. The husband was flying the plane. Suddenly he had a heart attack and died within a few minutes. His wife did not know how to fly a plane. So she stood there completely confused and not knowing what to do. Suddenly she pressed the button that put the pilot in touch with the Ground Control Room through radio. There was one person who responded to her call and asked her if she needed help. He could guide her from the ground itself as to which lever to pull and which switch to press. She exactly followed his instructions and landed the airplane safely into the airport.

“This people I have formed for Myself;They shall declare My praise.” (Isaiah 43:21)

Yes! It is in the same way the Lord Jesus Christ keeps guiding us by speaking in our spirits and saying, “Go this way! Go that way! Do this! Don’t do this! Be careful of that man. The devil is coming to tempt you. You don’t worry” (1 Kings 19:12). He directs us very wisely, safely and victoriously.

Why did God make man? To walk with God! In the cool of the day, God walked with Adam and Eve. They heard the sound of the Lord God (Gen. 3:8). Let us allow ourselves unto God to hear His voice and to obey Him.

God lives among praises (Psalm 22:3) and that is why He created Adam and Eve in His own image so that they would sing His praises. To bring Generation




“But did He not make them one, having a remnant of the Spirit?And why one?He seeks godly offspring.” (Malachi 2:15) Adam and Eve sinned and lost the glory of God (Romans 3:23; 5:19,20). As a result of sin they departed from being a godly generation. They ran away from God to hide themselves amidst the trees and bushes (Genesis 3:9). Oh! They had sinned and lost the glorious experience of walking with God. Therefore God chose the forthcoming generations.

“Enoch walked with God.” (Gen. 5:24) “Noah walked with God.” (Gen. 6:9) “Abraham was called’ the friend of God.” (James 2:23) “God spoke to Moses face – to – face like a friend speaks to another friend.” (Exodus 33:11)

Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

What will God do when He dwells in us?

He Knows Us “But if anyone loves God, this one is known by Him.” (1 Corinthians 8:3) Once, a couple, childless for ten years, graciously gave birth to a child and had come to meet me. They have named him Dhinakaran and so they needed my blessings on the child. At that time suddenly the baby began to cry. The child’s parents did everything they could to stop the baby from crying but the child did not stop crying. By nature, I love babies. So I looked at the child and asked in a petting language saying, “What my boy, are you hungry?” And then I continued petting the child and the child seemed to understand what I was talking. Suddenly it stopped crying and began to look at me and smile. Then I smiled and then the baby smiled and laughed and the two of us began laughing at each other. The baby began to talk something in its baby language. The parents were greatly surprised. This is what happens when we worship and praise God – especially in the church. When people come to worship God with great fear in their hearts about their future and various other worries and anxieties,

God too comes there. When we begin to worship Him, He begins to pet us, comfort us, console us; heal us; pours His love and peace in our hearts and makes us strong, peaceful and happy.

He saves Us! “The Lord your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17)

what was happening there. The four nuns were kneeling down on the ice and lifting their hands towards the sky and were praying. Shocked to their bones, they went near to the nuns to check if what they were seeing was real. When they went near them, they felt the presence of a strange supernatural heat around the four nuns, protecting them from the killing chillness. The soldiers were thunder struck.

Yes! When the four nuns looked unto the heavens from whence came their help, they When communism came fulfilled the words of Jesus to Russia, the communists which said, “Where two or butchered and heaped up the three people are gathered in Christian missionaries and My name, I will be there.” servants of God living there. According to His unfailing One night amidst the very promise Jesus came there cold weather that made people and was present amidst them freeze, there came these as the fifth member. The heavily clad Russian soldiers confused soldiers released to a Catholic convent. They them and set them free. took hold of four nuns who were there and took them to Friend! This is the result the snow covered Siberia and of God dwelling in us and dragged them up on an ice walking with us. Therefore let mountain. They threw them us shed all our differences, and at the peak where ice-winds stop criticizing one another. froze flesh and bones and let us love one another; be killed people, and told them, affectionate to each other and “We will come tomorrow be bound by the chord of love morning to bury you here,” (Ephesians 4:32). Then, the and left them there. The Lord will dwell in our bodies next day morning, the same which He considers, as His soldiers knowing for sure that holy temple. He will save us. they would be dead by that He will protect us from all our time, went to the mountain enemies and set us free from peak and were stunned to see all our bondages.

Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com



Acts 17:27,28 God is near. Meditation: Deu. 4:7; Psalm 34:18; 119:151; 145:18; Philippians 4:5.


Exodus 33:19 Abounding in mercy. Meditation: Deu. 7:9-13; Ezra 7:9; Ephesians 2:6,7.


2 Corinthians 4:14 Hope of assurance. Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:3; 2 King 18:58; Psalm 62:5; Isaiah 12:2; Acts 24:15.


Deuteronomy 1:10 God will increase your descendents. Meditation: Gen. 22:17; Josh. 24:3; Job 5:25; Psalm 112:2.


2 Corinthians 3:18 Ever-increasing glory. Meditation: 1 Kings 3:10-14; Ezek. 10:4; John 11:40; Rev. 21:23,24.


1 Chronicles 12:18 God will help. Meditation: 1 Samuel 14:42- 45; Psalm 46:1; 2 Timothy 4:17.


Exodus 1:7 Exceedingly numerous. Meditation: Gen. 22:17; 35:9-11; Job 1:10; 1 Cor. 15:58.


Psalm 94:14 Lord who does not reject. Meditation: Deu. 4:31; Josh. 1:5-9; Isaiah 41:17.


Isaiah 46:10 God’s counsel shall stand. Meditation: Psalm 33:11; 139:17; Prov. 8:14; Isaiah 25:1; 28:29.


Matthew 16:24 Follow God. Meditation: Mark 1:17; Luke 9:57; John 8:12.


Proverbs 16:23 Teaches wise. Meditation: Exo. 35:33; 2 Chro. 1:1012; Prov. 2:6; Eccl. 2:26.


2 Thessalonians 2:13 God who chose you. Meditation: Luke 18:7; Ephesians 1:12; 1 Peter 2:9.


Proverbs 4:18 Shines ever brighter. Meditation: Exo. 34:29-35; Num. 6:25; Psalm 67:2; Rev. 22:5.


8 9 10

Genesis 24:31 You are blessed. Meditation: Gen. 12:2; Deu. 1:8-11; Prov. 10:6. James 4:7 Submit yourselves. Meditation: Exo. 24:4-7; 2 Chro. 11:4; Ephesians 6:1.

17 18

2 Peter 1:10,11 Eternal kingdom. Meditation: Daniel 2:44; Rom. 14:17; Heb. 12:22-28; James 2:5. Jeremiah 7:23 Well with you. Meditation: Exo. 1:15-20; Nehemiah 2:18; Psalm 23:6. Matthew 28:20 God will be with you always. Meditation: Gen. 39:2-5; Isaiah 41:10; Acts 18:10,11.

Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


Psalm 103:11 Great mercy. Meditation: Gen. 6:1-8; Psalm 86:13; 1 Peter 3:7.


Psalm 77:14 Performs miracles. Meditation: Jeremiah 32:17; Job 9:10; Luke 5:26.


Genesis 13:17 He is giving you the nation. Meditation: Lev. 20:24; Numbers 21:32-34; Psalm 47:4.


Isaiah 66:2 Tremble at God’s word. Meditation: Ezra 9:1-4; Job 23:12; Matthew 7:24.


Isaiah 45:3 Treasures and riches. Meditation: Gen. 43:20-23; Prov. 15:6; Isaiah 2:7; 33:6.


Isaiah 33:17 Full of glory. Meditation: Lev. 9:2-6; Ezek. 43:4,5; Matthew 16:27; 25:31.


Luke 8:18 You will receive more. Meditation: Matthew 7:7; Luke 12:2932; John 16:24.


2 Samuel 8:6 Lord will watch over your coming and going. Meditation: Exo. 33:14; Psalm 121:8; Isaiah 31:1-5.


Psalm 4:3 Lord will hear. Meditation: 2 Samuel 22:18-21; Jeremiah 33:3; Psalm 91:15.


Proverbs 14:22 Mercy and truth. Meditation: Exo. 34:6; Psalm 25:10; 85:10; Prov. 3:3.


Proverbs 10:25 Righteous stand firm. Meditation: Psalm 55:22; 92:12; Prov. 12:7; John 15:5.


Jeremiah 20:9 Word like fire. Meditation: Deu. 4:32-36; Jeremiah 23:29; Matthew 4:4;24:35.

Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


GOD BLESSES A FAITHFUL SISTER WITH A CHILD Sister Michell, who is a prayer intercessor in our Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Fiji, married for almost 10 years was childless. Yet she did not lose faith in the Lord. She continued to serve the Lord faithfully in the Prayer Tower and to intercede for the prayer needs of other people. The Lord, who saw her faithfulness, helped her to conceive miraculously.Now she is five months pregnant and full of joy. All glory to God!

Location: 178 Ratu Mara Road, Samabula, Suva, Fiji Islands. Opening Hours: We are open from 9am - 5pmfrom Monday to Friday. Saturdays from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm. You can drop in any time during these hours for prayers. Toll Free Prayer Hotline: +679 - 9078961, available 24x7 to receive prayer calls

REGULAR MEETINGS: Healing Blessing Meeting Every Wednesday from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm; wonderful time of praise and worship followed by the sharing of God’s Word by renowned pastors from different churches; Special prayers for the sick and for specific prayer needs. Esther Prayer Group/ Youth Esther Prayer Group Every third wednesday of the month at 10.30 am; This is a special prayer meeting where Women / Young girls gather to pray for various needs faced by women all around the world. The prayer points are sent by Sis Stella Dhinakaran. After praying over the given points, we also pray for the prayer needs of the women who are in attendance. Women’s Fellowship Every Wednesday at 10:00 am. Bible Study Every 4th Wednesday of the month; we are currently studying the book of Genesis.


Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

PARTNER WITH US Become a PRAYER INTERCESSOR You can join us to pray with compassion for the needy, bringing hope and healing to the brokenhearted through your earnest prayers Become a VOLUNTEER We have numerous tasks in and around the Prayer Tower where you could help Become a ESTHER / YOUTH ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Member This is a special prayer meeting where women gather to pray for various needs faced by women all around the world. The prayer points are sent by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. After praying over the given points, we pray for the needs of women who attend this prayer. If you would like to start an Esther / Youth Esther prayer group in your place, please contact us. Become a JESUS CALLS PARTNER Join the Family Blessing Plan, Young Partners Plan, Business Blessing Plan, Prayer Tower Building Fund, Seesha, TV Club etc.

You may send in your cheerful donations through Money Order / Cheques written in favour of Jesus Calls Fiji, and post to: P O Box 3984,178 Ratu Mara Road, Samabula, Suva, Fiji Islands For Direct Bank Deposit and Bank Transfers, please use the following details: Account Name: Jesus Calls Fiji

Bank: Weatpac Bank at Laucala Bay

Account Number: 9806162401

IN JERUSALEM... JESUS CALLS WORLD PRAYER CONVENTION 22nd - 24th MAY 2018 & HOLY LAND TOUR. A team from Fiji will be going for the Prayer Convention next year. If you are interested in joining the team, please contact the number given below.

For all details or enquiries about the ministry, please do not hesitate to contact the Prayer Tower coordinator sister Uma Prasad on: Phone: +679 - 3632925.

Email: jesuscallsptfiji gmail.com

Face book: https: www.facebook.com jesuscallsptfiji Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com



This month 10 sisters joined together and prayed fervently for the given

group of 9 members pray

points. Below given testimonies are shared for the glory of God.

for the prayer points sent by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran and are blessed. We give all glory to God and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for enabling us

Sis. Anbu and Sis. Jeba testified that they have moved into a new house. We have been praying for Susan George's son, Joshua 3 years old, who did not speak. Now she reports he is speaking few words, not clear but trying to speak.

to celebrate the 10th year

Sis. Sailaja was the only believer in her family and her husband

anniversary of EPG in

had leukaemia. We have been praying for his salvation and he had a


successful bone marrow transplant; the leukaemia is under remission.


We and

lacked God


truly good and we give

Now she reports that her husband believes in Jesus Christ and they both pray together.

all thanksgiving to His

Sis. Evangeline Paul was scheduled to speak in a Malayalam CSI

precious name. We had a

church on September 16th evening. That morning she joined our EPG

good weather on that day

prayers and as a group we prayed for her. I witnessed a heavy anointing

and all were blessed on

on Sis. Evangeline that evening. It was so powerful. Holy Spirit

that wonderful day.

operated in many ways in that meeting; she was unable to stop praying

- Catherine Wong Fee Pit,

and prophesying over people. All glory to God.



- Lincy Pandithurai, Dallas, USA Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

A PRAYER CALL FOR COUPLES WHO LOVE JESUS CHRIST The Lord has led us to form “COUPLES ESTHER PRAYER GROUP” (CEPG) in which couples of any age group, who walk in the fear of God, can pray together for other couples who are desperately in need of our prayers due to various problems in their lives. You and your spouse can offer this intercessory prayer right from your home. You can pray for one hour, once a month with NOT LESS THAN 4 COUPLES in your group for the 10 PRAYER POINTS, which will be sent to you. The next day after the meeting, please send a feedback For more details: For sisters who are willing to start an Esther Prayer Group / Couples Esther Prayer Group in USA, kindly contact Sis. Lincy Pandithurai, the chief co-ordinator for the whole of USA for Esther Prayer Group! Phone: +1 (469) 765-5351, email: dpandithurai@gmail.com. Our USA Address: Jesus Calls International, 8855 N Stemmons Freeway, Dallas-Texas, USA 75247. Phone No.: 1-855-537-8722 Those of you in other countries who would like to start an Esther Prayer Group, Couples Esther Prayer Group, kindly contact Sis. Stella Dhinakaran with your postal address, email id & mobile number, so that she can send you the prayer points every month regularly! India Address: Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran, Jesus Calls Ministry, 16, DGS Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600028 Phone: 91-44-23456677 / 72, email: stella@jesuscalls.org Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


“Return to the stronghold, You prisoners of hope. Even today I declare that I will restore double to you.� (Zechariah 9:12)

Blessings in

Double 16


Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

Speak comfort to Jerusalem, and cry out to her, that her warfare is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned; for she has received from the Lord’s hand Double for all her sins. The voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of the LORD; Make straight in the desert a highway for our God. (Isaiah 40:1-3)


ccording to the above verse, in order to receive double fold blessings, you need to return to the Lord with hope. When you do so, He will fill you with double portion of blessings. The Bible says, ‘Behold, your King is coming to you’ to give you blessings in double portion (Zechariah 9:9). He is the Saviour! He is the One, who grants double fold blessings! So rejoice greatly! Let us meditate a while, as to what kind of double fold blessings that the Lord would give you, when you return to Him with hope.

Holiness in Double Portion The Lord says, “Comfort, yes, comfort My people!” says your God.

The Lord says, “Comfort, yes, comfort My people who are languishing in sins, sorrows and grief ”. That is why He was incarnate in this world with the name ‘Jesus’. The Bible says that He binds up wounds; He heals; He comforts (Psalm 147:3, Job 5:18, Deuteronomy 32:39). For this He was bruised. Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows. He was wounded for our transgressions. The chastisement for our peace was upon Him (Isaiah 53:4,5). He carried all our wounds caused by our sins. He bore those wounds on the cross and blood flowed out of His body. Today, He cleanses us with that blood, comforts us, consoles us and delivers us from sins. Dearly beloved, the Lord is going to give you double fold holiness as a blessing to you. He is going to make you holy in double measure and turn you to righteousness. He will sanctify you as His child. As the double portion of holiness increases more

and more, unrighteousness and filth from the world will depart. You will no more have the worry of sin. Holiness is going to multiply in double portion. You are going to be transformed like Jesus (II Corinthians 3:18). He is placing double fold blessing on you and your family. Your family members too will be made holy in double fold. Sin shall not cross your path since the holiness in you and your family will increase in double measure. Once the name of Jesus is placed in your heart, you cannot sin, even if you feel like sinning. The name of Jesus will remove all your sins, sanctify you and grant you double fold blessing.

Double Honour “Instead of your shame you shall have double honor, and instead of confusion they shall rejoice in their portion. Therefore in their land they shall possess double; Everlasting joy shall be theirs.” (Isaiah 61:7) Accordingly, you shall be happy in double measure instead of your shame. No more shame; you shall have double honor. Perhaps everyone might have forsaken you because of which there may be shame in your life! Nobody comes to your house, seeking you. There is nobody to help you. Hence you may be troubled with shame! The devouring things

Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


have devoured you (Isaiah 24:6; Jeremiah 3:24). Evil has devoured you. Everything is gone – job, family life, money, position, health etc., Hence, the shame! But the Lord says that you shall not be put to shame. Instead of this shame, there shall be double honor, you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord (Joel 2:26). Perhaps, the Lord might have chastened you (Hebrews 12:6-11). The trials allowed by Him to try you might have brought you shame. The trial that came in Job’s life, brought him shame. He lost everything. He took for himself a potsherd with which to scrape himself while he sat in the middle of the street, because of His chastisement. The Lord Himself allowed this shame in his life. In his prayer, Moses cries out saying: “Make us glad according to the days in which You have afflicted us, the years in which we have seen evil” (Psalm 90:15). Dearly beloved, perhaps you are going through the path of shame. Jesus knows it. He too went through the same path. He, who was all glorious, made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and came to this world, carrying shame for our sake (Philippians 2:6-10) With no room to be 18

born, He was born as a poor baby, in a manger. He hung on the cross without a garment. He discarded all glory and honor. He was despised; was rejected by men; He was a Man of sorrows; acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him (Isaiah 53:3).

Particularly, you, who are the partner of the Jesus Calls ministry, pray for others. You are sending your offerings for this prayer ministry and also praying for the ministry. Hence, the Lord will make you receive twice as much as you had till now, as He did for Job and restored everything to Dear friend, even today, we him in double measure. bring shame to Him when we This will happen because hide our face from Him. Jesus Jesus wept for the loss. He went through the same path wept looking at the lost city of shame in order to change and the people of the city your shameful, forsaken and (Luke 19:41). Jesus also wept, despised state in which you seeing Martha and Mary who are undergoing grief and had lost their brother Lazarus sorrow into double honor. (John 11:35). He cried and That’s why He says, “Come to made their brother rise from Me, My dear children, who the dead. This is what we are labor and are heavy laden doing through the 114 Jesus (Matthew 11:28) and I will Calls Prayer Towers across the give you double fold blessings. world. We cry for the people, I will appoint you for praise in the name of Jesus. He and fame in the very place revives them and raises them where you were put to shame” up. (Zephaniah 3:19). Your Dearly beloved, the Lord sorrow will be turned into joy will give such double fold (John 16:20). He will appoint you for praise and fame in the blessings to you and your very place where you were put children. He will deliver you from all sins and give you to shame. Double Portion of Blessing holiness in double portion. Instead of shame, He will “And the LORD restored give you double honor. He Job’s losses when he prayed will bless you, who are with for his friends. Indeed the us in this ministry and are LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.” (Job 42:10) supporting and shedding tears for the ministry, in double Yes, the Lord granted double measure. May the Lord grant fold blessings to Job, who you double fold blessings and prayed for others. He will do make you happy! the same for you too!

Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


t gives me great pleasure to greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, in this month of November.

“Cast your burden on the LORD, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.” (Psalm 55:22)

According to this promise verse, there is no need for us to carry any kind of burdens. However, the Lord is ready to carry our burdens and sustain us. Today, many carry their own problems and burdens and are miserable and keep crying. So, let us see how to place our worldly worries, burdens, and problems in the hands of the Almighty God.

Seek the Kingdom of God "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these

things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)

Yes, we should strictly seek God at all times. For this, Bible reading and prayer are very, very important in the life of every true Christian. But, today you may say that you are a true Christian. However, do you have your own Bible? hen was a little irl the first thin that our mother bought for us, her children, was the Holy Bible. Only after this, she got us other essential things including clothes. This is how she brought us up in godly ways. Hence, the Lord led us in godly ways and blessed us abundantly. Dear ones, you too should take your Bible every day and read it. After that, talk to the

Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www.jesuscalls.com


Lord wherever you are or in your prayer room. This is prayer. What a blessing to thus have the Almighty God near you all the 24 hours!

cleansed by the blood of Christ Jesus. Your sins are forgiven. The presence of God is with you. Hence, nothing shall harm you.

Today, some people lament saying, “Why these problems for me? Why should I bear all these burdens? Why these things should happen to me?” Yes, all these are from Satan. But, you should read the Bible and seek the Lord with your whole heart. Then you can feel the presence of God in your life. Your house will be filled with the presence of the Almighty God. You would be delivered from darkness and worldly problems, at all times. Hence, dear brothers & sisters, seek God’s Words and His kingdom with your whole heart.

Yes, my dear brothers & sisters, God will give you this righteous life. The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7)

What is the Kingdom of God?

In the Bible, we read that God is the God of peace (Romans 15:33; I Thessalonians 5:23; Hebrews 13:20).

“For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 14:17)

This is a righteous divine life! The Kingdom of God is full of righteousness, peace of God, and the joy of the Holy Spirit. God wants to bless you with three important divine benefits that are needed for you in this world. Let us see about these in detail.

1. Righteous Life First of all, if you want to live a righteous life, your sins should be forgiven by the Almighty God. Jesus Christ died for you on the cross in order to make you righteous people. Hence, when you cry to Him in His presence, saying, “Jesus, forgive me; I am a sinner; wash me and cleanse me with Your precious blood”, the Lord Jesus will have mercy on you, forgive you, cleanse you from your sinful ways and change you into a new person. This is righteous life! Now you are 20

2. Peace Today, many are the couples who are in agony and live in tears and bitterness because of division and lack of peace in their family life. Similarly, there are plenty of those who live in loneliness, having lost their peace.

Just as we read in Romans 16:20, ‘the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly,’ when trials and problems surround us. God delivers His beloved children from the hands of Satan and saves them. He comforts us through His verse, “…nothing shall by any means hurt you.” (Luke 10:19)

Whenever we are drowned in tears because of trials, He is with us as seen in Hebrews 2:18 and gives us victory. What should you do? Let us read the incident where the Lord was hungry after 40 days of fasting and how the devil tempted Him and how He overcame him with Scriptures and Promises (Matthew 4th chapter’) and let us thus overcome trials, using promise verses. Let us get filled with divine peace. Also, as we read in Philippians 4:6,7 when worries and burdens oppress us, let us hold on

Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www.jesuscalls.com

to the Lord’s feet as Mary did. Let us pour out our burdens to the Lord, with thanksgiving, without being anxious for anything. Then, as the Bible says, He will fill you with divine peace that surpasses all understanding and the God of peace will lead you.

3. Holy Spirit Now you are ready to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit, which is the power and blessing of God. The Bible says, “…ask, and it will be given to you.” (Luke 11:9)

When you ask God for the Holy Spirit, who is His power, with reverence, He will surely grant you His Holy Spirit to those who ask Him, without making you to wait (Luke 11:13). On October 10, 1962, my husband received the anointing of the Holy Spirit. When I saw im ein filled with the oly pirit and rejoicing in the spirit, I started crying day and ni ht to the ord to fill me with that divine oy. ithin ew months the ord filled me with His Spirit in an abundant measure. From that day on oth o us filled with the oly Spirit started working with oneness of mind in doing everything together in the ministry, in our everyday family life, in bringing up the children and in everything. The reason, our life was ruled over by divine power. In case this oneness of mind and divine peace are not in you, cry to the Lord right now. If you have received this divine peace and righteous life, kneel down and ask the Lord to fill you with the Holy Spirit right now. One by one, count all the blessings He has graciously

given you and keep praising Him. He will fill you with the Holy Spirit immeasurably. This is how He anointed me. Today, everybody in my family has received the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the power of God. That’s why we always enjoy God’s presence in our family. We do everything, being filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has kept our whole life under His control. He is our guide showing us what we should do. When I lost my loving husband in the year 2008, I cried in agony all through the day, unable to bear his loss. But, the very next day the Holy Spirit Himself took control of my life. He has led me wonderfully for the past 9 years. The reason being, the Holy Spirit converses with me and leads me miraculously to ulfill is will. Dear ones! We are living in the last days. As we read in Joel 2:28, the Lord is not changing in His word and is pouring out His Spirit on all flesh. In the Bible, in the 10th chapter of the Book of Acts, we read about Cornelius, the Centurion, who sought the Lord with reverence, though he was not a Jew but a gentile, still the Lord beautifully led him and we see how he received this glorious blessing along with his family, friends and relatives. Read this passage in the Bible diligently, wait in His presence and receive this divine blessing and live for the glory of God. The Lord will be with you and change your burdens and lead you through. The anointing of God’s Spirit, His righteousness and divine peace will sustain you wonderfully and lead you to receive eternal life.

Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www.jesuscalls.com


TOUCH OF HEALING My name is Selvie Perumal and I live in Phoenix. Due to a fall, I sustained injuries in my body. My real problem was that I lost my memory. Life became very hard for me as at times I couldn't even remember simple details. Yet, with hope I came to the Prayer Tower and the prayer intercessor prayed with much burden for me. After the prayers offered in the Prayer Tower, I can declare that the Lord has restored my memory, healed me completely and even my speech which was slow is now restored. I thank Jesus for His marvellous work of healing in me.


Faith Revival Church Premises, 34 Herrencroft Drive, Longcroft, Phoenix 4068.

Opening Hours: Open from 9.00 am - 3.00 pm from Monday to Friday. Toll Free Prayer Hotline: +27 31 500 24 82 / 7, available 24x7 to receive prayer calls

REGULAR MEETINGS: Healing Blessing Meeting Every second Saturday of the month at the Faith Revival Church at 2.00 pm. Esther Prayer Group/ Youth Esther Prayer Group This is a special prayer meeting where Women / Young girls gather to pray for various needs faced by women all around the world. The prayer points are sent by Sis Stella Dhinakaran. After praying over the given points, we also pray for the prayer needs of the women who are in attendance.


Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

PARTNER WITH US Become a PRAYER INTERCESSOR You can join us to pray with compassion for the needy, bringing hope and healing to the brokenhearted through your earnest prayers Become a VOLUNTEER We have numerous tasks in and around the Prayer Tower where you could help Become a ESTHER / YOUTH ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Member This is a special prayer meeting where women gather to pray for various needs faced by women all around the world. The prayer points are sent by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. After praying over the given points, we pray for the needs of women who attend this prayer. If you would like to start an Esther / Youth Esther prayer group in your place, please contact us. Become a JESUS CALLS PARTNER Join the Family Blessing Plan, Young Partners Plan, Business Blessing Plan, Prayer Tower Building Fund, Seesha, TV Club etc.

You may send in your cheerful donations through Money Order / Cheques written in favour of Jesus Calls Africa, and post to: Jesus Calls Africa, P O Box 61207, Phoenix, South Africa 4068 For Direct Bank Deposit and Bank Transfers, please use the following details: Account Name: Jesus Calls Africa

Bank: Standard Bank

Account Number: 331730553

Branch No: 040127

Branch Name: Kingsmead

IN JERUSALEM... JESUS CALLS WORLD PRAYER CONVENTION 22nd - 24th MAY 2018 & HOLY LAND TOUR. A team from South Africa will be going for the prayer convention next year. If you are interested in joining the team, please contact the Co-ordinator by email or phone.

For any further details or enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the Co-ordinator on: Phone: +27 842884828

Email: jesuscalls telkomsa.net

Face book: https://www.facebook.com/Jesus-Calls-Africa

Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


Dr. Paul and Sis. Evangeline landed in Colombo on a hot afternoon of 6th of October on a four-day visit to the Island Nation of Sri Lanka. As led by the Lord, immediately on their arrival in Colombo, Dr. Paul & Sister Evangeline met with the President of Sri Lanka, His Excellency Maithripala Sirisena and prayed for him and his office together for the prosperity & peace of Sri Lanka. The Partners’ meeting in Colombo was held at the Assemblies of God Church which was packed to a capacity of 3500. The Message of Dr. Paul & Sister Evangeline was based on the theme “Exceeding abundance through divine provisions”.


They ministered on the word “Forgiven & Blessings”. During prayer time, the Holy Spirit revealed to Dr. Paul several names & they were called out and an encouraging word was given for their needs, by the Lord through Dr. Paul. At the end of the meeting, Dr. Paul & Sister Evangeline laid their hands and blessed each & every Partner present including the aged & the sick. The next Partners’ meeting was held at St. Anthony’s College Hallin Kandy, the Hill Capital of Sri Lanka. For the very first time, members of the Dhinakaran family visited

Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

the historical town of Kandy to speak to their

Dr. Paul & Sister Evangeline once again

Partners and for many of our Partners, it was

ministered to them where many were called by

the first time they were able to meet Dr. Paul &

name & prayed over for their needs. Each partner

Sister Evangeline, which gave them immense joy.

& their families were blessed. He also particularly

The hall was packed & over flowing with partners, with many of them having travelled long

prayed for the school children who were present at the gathering.

distances from Jaffna, Nuwara Eliya & Trincomalee.

Through Seesha, the humanitarian organization

Dr. Paul and Sister Evangeline were welcomed

and Social wing of the Jesus Calls Ministry, gifts

& escorted to their seats in a traditional way by a

of wheel chairs, bicycles & sewing machines were

group of young girls from the Assemblies of God

distributed by Dr. Paul & Sister Evangeline to

Church, Katugastota. A standing ovation echoed

needy persons from Colombo, Jaffna & Kandy.

all around the premises as the Dhinakarans entered

Dr. Paul & Sister Evangeline spent the last

the hall. The joy on the faces of the Partners was

day with the Prayer Intercessors & the staff at the

unimaginable. Truly, the joy of the Lord was upon

Colombo Prayer Tower. He delivered a wonderful


message on how the Lord has chosen each one of Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


them to comfort & pray for others; the sick, the broken hearted & those who call in desperation. They must be the comforters to these people in need. They must have the peace& love in themselves which will enable them to bring God’s love & healing to those hurting in the country. Dr. Paul & Sister Evangeline honored and blessed each Prayer Intercessor & gave a word of knowledge to continue the Kingdom work. They were particularly happy to meet with four


Prayer Intercessors who had faithfully served the ministry (two had completed thirty years and the other two over twenty years) and had now retired. They were each given a special gift. Dr. Paul & Sister Evangeline left Sri Lanka after a wonderful ministry, blessed in each place. We’re truly grateful to God for using them in such an amazing and powerful way... - Bro. Arun Thomas, Group Director - International Affairs, Jesus Calls Global Partnership

Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

BLESSING MEETING, DALLAS, TX The Night of Joy meetings at Dallas Prayer Tower on Friday the 18th of August was a blessing to people in large number. People from California, Houston and several other places attended. Samuel Dhinakaran’s message of inspiration was about how a young military recruit did not give up and how he found his strength in songs of hope. He also led the entire gathering into a time of praise and worship. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, led by the Holy Spirit prayed for all the children who had gathered there for God's blessing and protection in their lives, along with other elders by laying hands on them. He shared about how we could find our hope and deliverance from Christ alone and ended with a time of reflection and thanksgiving. Everyone was individually prayed by the Dhinakarans.

HARDFORD, CT On the 25 August, Samuel Dhinakaran, along with Stella Ramola began the meetings with a time of praise and worship. He shared a small thought from Psalm 32:7, on how David took comfort in the Lord during his time of trouble. Mr & Mrs. John Kalpana Jabez shared their powerful testimony on how wonderful the Lord had used the ministry of Jesus Calls to touch their life. On 26th Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran in her message shared that the Lord was going to bless & multiply them and answer their tear filled prayers by turning their sorrows into joy. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared about the cleansing power of the Holy Spirit and how things of the flesh had to be overcome by the word of God. He prayed personally for everyone who had gathered on both days. th

Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS On the 1st and 2nd of September, Samuel Dhinakaran and Sharon Angel Dhinakaran led the worship service preparing everyone to receive God's word. Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran, led by the Holy Spirit shared God’s word from Psalm 138:8, that God Almighty would perfect everything that concerns them. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared from Job 40:10 on how God adorns us. Both Dr. Paul and Evangeline personally prayed for the gathering.



How to be a

Strong Young Person

-Samuel Dhinakaran


But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.� (Acts 1:8) When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive the power of God. Why? So that we may go to the ends of the world to be His witnesses; for this, God wants us to experience a few things:

GOD STRENGTHENS OUR HEARTS He wants to strengthen our hearts, so that we desire for Him alone. He wants to completely occupy our hearts.


Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?” (Psalm 42:1,2)

to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’” (Jeremiah 29:11) and “How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! (Psalm 139:17). Go to the end of Psalm 139 to see what kept the Holy Spirit burning in David’s heart verse 24: “...see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Let us also make a conscious effort to confess our sins and seek the Lord’s forgiveness in leading our lives.

Here, the psalmist David says, that his soul thirsts for the Lord with such intense thirst that he asks when he can meet God. The thirst and the hunger for God is an all day long experience. That’s the kind of bubbling love and longing David had for the Lord. No wonder David was GOD STRENGTHENS called the beloved of God. OUR BODY And no wonder God was with him when he faced the beast, In Proverbs 6:6-11, we read the giant and the wrath of the about the greatness of the king. ants. Ants are not lazy; they Young people, you need to keep working even without keep the Holy Spirit burning a leader. They do their job. in your hearts. That is my only Wise Solomon says: “be like prayer, my primary prayer. the ants, don’t be sluggish Whether I am watching TV but keep working hard.” or reading a book, I want the When your body slows Holy Spirit to be burning in down, you feel very sleepy my spirit. This will enable us and exhausted. Because of to align with His purposes and that, your mind also slows desire only what He desires down. It refuses to do or think anything. It doesn’t get for us. Young people, be assured, excited over things you need for God’s plans and thoughts to do. It becomes dull. That’s for you are marvellous as why the Bible says, “Work recorded for you in His Word: with energy” (Ecc. 9:10). We know the familiar ‘“For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, proverb which says: “An idle ‘plans to prosper you and not mind is a devil’s workshop.”

When you let your body go to sleep, your mind goes to sleep as well. And then the devil can take over. He can put the things that he wants you to do in your mind. You go seeking after the pleasures of this world. That’s why we need to get up in the morning, get filled with the Holy Spirit, get His Word for the day and get our physical bodies energized to be able to execute that Word. And so our mind also gets active and ready to do the will of God for that day. God wants our body, mind and spirit to be energized and ready to carry out His plan every day. So we have to look after it. The devil prowls around trying to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10; 1 Peter 5:8). Be careful, “and do not give the devil a foothold” (Eph 4:27). If you give him one inch of space in your body or mind, he gets in and starts working havoc. My grandfather who loved to eat sweets had to battle with the mangoes, milk sweets and gulabjamun spread on the dining table. After dinner there would be an announcement: “The sweets are for the children only!” How tempting it would have been for my grandfather to

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resist the temptation because he was diabetic! Discreetly he’d take half of a sweet and give it to me saying, “Eat well” and the other half he’d pop into his mouth! I’d yell out, “Grandpa, what are you doing?” Yes, such temptation is hard to overcome! We read in the Bible the temptations encountered by Samson (Judges, Chapters 1316). With the strength of God we see him going everywhere fulfilling God’s will and purposes. Then came Delilah and Samson started to slow down. And he gave way for Delilah to take control of his life. She tempted him many times. Samson resisted her a little bit, but then he couldn’t keep it up like the way Joseph did. He told her the secret of where the strength of his body is. He revealed his weakness. That’s what the devil is waiting to do. When a weakness in our body is revealed, he brings in natural sicknesses, pains, headaches, etc. That way, he tries to stop us from doing what brings joy to God. So, don’t even give him a chance to catch a weakness in your body. Take care of your body the best you can and ask God to bless you. Let not our physical 30

strength be an obstacle to do God’s work. I am thankful to a friend of mine, who lectured me on this, to maintain our body strength so that our mind is focused and our spirit remains ignited.

makes us obey what the Lord tells us from His Word.

God has taught me three things: to be obedient, to be humble and to have reverence for God (Jeremiah 44:10). And so even now shall we ask God to strengthen us in GOD STRENGTHENS all these three areas? Young OUR SPIRIT When you desire to live for people, pray with me: Jesus by being what he wants Lord, as you have you to be, you will receive the declared that my love of Jesus to accomplish it. “Even among faith, hope and body is the temple of the love, love is greatest” (1 Cor. Holy Spirit, I want to 13:13-14). Follow the way of love, and eagerly desire the operate with your love so gifts, especially the gift of as to bring your power into prophecy (1 Corinthians14:1).

When you please God, He will pour His love into you to show that He is pleased with you and this love will unlock the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:22,23) and the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:8-10). Love is the most necessary element even in ministry. It is the key ingredient. Without the love of God, we cannot minister to people. It was that love that made Jesus to accept the cross and accomplish the mission that he came to do on earth. It is that same love which will open our eyes to fulfil the mission God has for us in this world. My friends, this love

this world. I never want to go back, Lord. Help

me, keep my body, heart and spirit fit, strong and well-tuned to hear from you all day long. Make me sign an agreement with you to desire after you and to follow your plans and dreams that you showed me through Jesus. Promise me that you will stand by my side O Lord. Fill me Lord, In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

Sow a seed of goodness, Let Life Blossom !


he life of a child is like a fragile sapling – it needs gentle nurturing and ample love in order for it to grow. Unfortunately, a number of children living below the poverty line in India do not grow up in favourable conditions. Like plants that struggle to grow among crags and crevices, these children grow in challenging situations, facing hurt and experiencing a sense of loss very early in life. At SEESHA, we recognise the worth of every child. That is why, through a wide range of projects such as supplementary education and value education, distribution of school kits and new clothes, educational scholarships, health and WASH programmes, school enrichment programmes, talent hunts and sporting events, etc., we reach out to children in need. We constantly strive to fulfil their most pressing needs for the present, while also working towards ensuring that they have a secure future. This Christmas, we are getting ready to provide new clothes to 100,000 children in India fulfilling one of their most basic physical and socio-emotional need. With a small contribution of $8.00, you can sow a seed of goodness in the life of a child and help them bloom with happiness! To contribute to the NEW CLOTHES project, Donate online at www.seesha.org/donate

Seesha Updates

Reaching Out to Provide Relief During the month of August 2017 SEESHA reached out to provide relief to people who were worst affected in the natural disaster due to torrential rains. In consultation with local government authorities, SEESHA’s relief teams distributed relief kits containing dry rations, basic toiletries, mosquito nets and tarpaulin sheets to help sustain more than 500 families in the Azhamnagar Block of Bihar and the fisherman communities of Mumbai. School kits were also distributed among children who lost their study materials.

Distribution of relief materials in Bihar

Training for Transformation SEESHA is partnering with ADGP Dr. C. Sylendra Babu (IPS) of the Prison Department to train inmates of the Puzhal Central Prison in four-wheeler driving. SEESHA has introduced this as part of the prison rehabilitation programme for the very first time in India. Through this training, prison inmates will be equipped with the skill for self-employment, to sustain themselves and support their families through respectable means after their sentence. Over 300 prisoners are expected to be trained annually through this initiative.

For more information, visit www.seesha.org seesha.org seeshaindia

SCAN TO Inauguration of Prison project in Puzhal Central Prison DONATE Jesus Calls International * November 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


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