Jc intl september 2017

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Jesus Calls International * September 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


oving greetings to you my precious brother and sister in Christ! it gives me great joy to share the

vision that God puts in my spirit for the ministry and the work that happens through the various events. It brings comfort to me as I write the needs of the ministry for you to pray for. What gives me the motivation to go ahead in the ministry is your ‘prayer support’ along with what you give for the ministry being a fellow-partner in this ministry. It is that prayer that protects me and strengthens me. The Bible says,

“...for they shall be the descendants of the blessed of the Lord, and their offspring with them.” (Isaiah 65:23) According to the unfailing Word of God, because you are participating in preparing the souls to meet our Savior for His second coming He will bless you generation after generation.

Jesus Calls International * September 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


NATIONAL PRAYER TOWER, DELHI “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.” (1 Timothy 2:1,2) In obedience to the instruction from our Heavenly Father to conduct prophetic prayers for this nation, that we may have peaceful governors and governance, the National Prayer Tower at Delhi was established on September 4th, 2010 at a strategic place from where you can get a central view of the Delhi City, the Parliament building, the office of the Prime Minister and the President’s residence. As we complete seven years this September, until now, in these 2555 days, 1082 prayer intercessors have prayed day and night. This prophetic prayer is going on 24x7 on all 365 days to pray for the leaders of the nation, Parliamentarians and the Bureaucrats with great fervor. True and anointed prophets are found praying zealously and God is faithfully fulfilling the prophecies that are being accurately uttered though these prayer intercessors. In the last seven years, prayer intercessors from 30 States of our nation and 5 different countries, have come, stayed at the National Prayer Tower Delhi and have prayed earnestly. At this joyous occasion of completing 7 years, I praise God for your prayers and the prayer intercessors joined in this continuous prayer ministry right until now.

FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS "And that you may tell in the hearing of your son and your son's son the


mighty things I have done in Egypt, and My signs which I have done among them, that you may know that I am the Lord." (Exodus 10:2) Messages of comfort, powerful prayers, counseling






through my dear father and apostle of love Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran, even today lead many to Christ. Along with my father’s messages, other messages given by our family are also being digitized. This digitizing work is carried out in order to make God’s messages, songs, prayers, testimonies, Jesus Calls magazines and pictures (from 1975 till date) easily available to people, who search for them on the website, for Prayer Academy studies, Research, Social Media, Book Editing, Magazine Publications, TV Production and Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran memorial library. There is no doubt that millions would be blessed by this effort. Please pray that this endeavor will especially benefit the future generations. With the intention - “All God’s work for all”, we have invested in expensive modern technical equipments and have appointed many experts to handle the project. We need to pay a large amount to continue this project. The need is Rs. 3 crores. So please don’t forget to pray for this.

FORTHCOMING MEETINGS I have given below the meetings scheduled for upcoming days. Please uphold us and these meetings in your prayers, for the Lord to use our family mightily and bring blessings to millions of people.

Jesus Calls International * September 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

2017 October 2 One Day Fasting Prayer, Vanagaram, Chennai 2017 October 7, 8 Partners Meeting, Colombo, Kandy, Srilanka 2017 October 13-15 Prayer Festival, Bidar, Karnataka 2017 October 19-20 Prophetic Conference Mauritius

PRAY FOR ME! “Pray also for me.” (Ephesians 6:19) September 4th is my birthday. The Lord has faithfully brought me and my family thus far in our ministry. His strength has been perfected in my weaknesses. The Lord has been standing with me, girded me with His strength and has enabled me to complete His ministries in spite of the many hurdles that I had come across in the ministry. I humbly request you to pray that in this new year I may complete the ministry He has planned for

2017 October 21-22 Blessing Meeting, Mauritius

me, that I may be found worthy before His loving

2017 October 23 Prayer Tower Opening, Mauritius

the Way to those standing at crossroads of life

2017 October 27-29 Prayer Festival, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh Further, we are planning to conduct World Prayer Convention in Jerusalem in the year 2018, May 22 to 24. Please pray specially that the needs of these meetings will be met.

PRAYER TOWER EXPANSIONS The Lord is expanding the borders of the

eyes, to build the rejected, heal the broken hearted in turning them to the Lord and to show Him as having lost all sense of direction. It is your loving prayers that will strengthen me. I sincerely pray that during this month the Lord will water all the areas of your life that looks like a desert and bless your earthly and spiritual life so that you may flourish and glorify the Lord.

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy...” (Acts 2:17)

ministry day by day. We are building a new

I have based my prayer on the above verse

building at the Bangalore Prayer Tower Campus

to pray for your family - your children and your

for prayer help to reach many more people and

grand children that they may receive the abundant

for people to sit comfortably and offer prayers.

flowing of the Holy Spirit. Let your life flow with

By God’s grace and by your prayers the work is

the presence and power of the Holy Spirit and His

progressing well. For the Bangalore Prayer Tower

abundant blessings.

construction we still need Rs.4 crores. Please pray that God will meet the need. We have to build a

Your brother who prays for you,

New Prayer Tower in Secunderabad. Jesus Calls International * September 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

- Dr. Paul Dhinakaran



Galatians 2:20 - Live by faith in the Son of God. Meditation: Rom. 6:4-6; 2 Cor. 5:15; Phil. 1:26; 1 Thes. 3:8.


Romans 8:1 - No condemnation if in Christ Jesus. Meditation: Isaiah 53:5; John 3:18-19; Galatians 3:13; 1 Peter 4:6.


Luke 1:49 - Mighty One will do great things for you. Meditation: Deu. 10:21; Psalm 126:2-3; Isaiah 64:3; Jer. 10:6.


Psalm 4:8 - God makes you dwell in safety. Meditation: Deu. 12:10; Prov. 3:24; Jer. 32:37; Ezek. 28:26;


John 10:14,15 - Jesus the good shepherd. Meditation: Psalm 23:1; John 10:11; 1 Peter 2:25.


2 Chronicles 14:2 - Doing good and right in the eyes of the Lord. Meditation: Deu. 12:28; 1 Kings 15:11,14; 2 Chro. 31:20; 1 Tim. 2:3.


2 Chronicles 14:7 - Rest on every side when you seek the Lord. Meditation: Ezra 8:22; Psalm 34:10; Jer. 29:13; Matthew 11:28,29.


2 Chronicles 14:6,7 - God will prosper your works. Meditation: Nehemiah 2:20; Psalm 37:5; 118:25; Prov. 16:20; Matthew 18:19.


Acts 2:28 - God will fill you with joy. Meditation: Psalm 16:11; 21:6; 70:4; Hebrews 12:2; Acts 14:17; Romans 15:13.



Job 10:8,9 - God’s hand has molded you. Meditation: Psalm 119:73: Prov. 31:20; Isaiah 27:11; 45:12.

Jesus Calls International * September 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


2 Chronicles 15:7 - Be strong, for your work will be rewarded. Meditation: Joshua 1:9; Romans 4:4-6; 1 Cor. 15:58; Hebrews 6:10.


Isaiah 54:14 - No terror will befall you. Meditation: Psalm 91:7; Prov. 3:25,26; Lam. 3:57; Amos 9:10.


Joel 2:25 - God gives you a good harvest. Meditation: Lev. 26:5; Hosea 14:7; 2 Cor. 9:10.


Isaiah 54:13 - Your children will be taught by the Lord. Meditation: Deu. 6:7; Psalm 78:4; Isaiah 38:19; 3 John 4.


Matthew 8:17 - Jesus carried our diseases. Meditation: Deu. 7:15; Psalm 103:3; Isaiah 53:4-5; Matthew 4:23.


Isaiah 54:13 - Great will be your children’s peace. Meditation: Psalm 128:6; 102:28; 103:13; Prov. 8:32; 20:7; Zec. 10:7; Matthew 19:14.


Isaiah 56:1 - Lord’s salvation is close at hand. Meditation: Deu. 23:14; Judges 2:18; Psalm14:7; 18:27; 106:5; Isaiah 51:5.


Isaiah 54:10 - God’s unfailing love is great. Meditation: Lam. 3:32; Romans 16:20; 2 Cor. 12:9.


Isaiah 56:1 - Lord’s righteousness will be revealed. Meditation: Psalm 24:4-5; Isaiah 26:7-8; Romans 1:17; 10:6-10.


Isaiah 54:10 - Covenant of peace will not be removed. Meditation: Isaiah 9:7; 32:18; Ezek. 37:26; Malachi 2:5;


Isaiah 55:11 - God’s word will accomplish what He desires. Meditation: 2 Samuel 22:31; Psalm 18:30; 119:105; Matthew 24:35; John 6:63.



Isaiah 55:8 - God’s thoughts are higher than yours. Meditation: Psalm 92:5; 40:5; 139:2; Isaiah 55:9; Jer. 29:11.


18 19 20

Isaiah 55:9 - God’s ways are higher than yours. Meditation: 1 Samuel 2:8; Psalm 3:3; 27:5; Isaiah 57:14; 1 Peter 5:6. Isaiah 55:5 - God has endowed you with splendor. Meditation: Deu. 28:1; Joshua 3:7; 4:14; 1 Chro.29:12; John 13:31-32. Isaiah 55:2 - Your soul’s delight. Meditation: Gen. 27:28; Psalm 63:5; Isaiah 25:6; Jer. 31:14.

28 29 30

Isaiah 54:7 - With deep compassion God will bring you back. Meditation: Psalm 69:16; 103:8; Jonah 4:2; Romans 9:15; James 5:11. Isaiah 54:8 - With everlasting kindness God will have compassion on you Meditation: Isaiah 55:3; Romans 6:23; 2 Thes. 2:16; 1 Peter 5:10. Isaiah 54:4 - Be not afraid; you will not suffer shame. Meditation: Psalm 22:5; 34:5; 119:6; Isaiah 50:7; Joel 2:26; Isaiah 54:4 - You will not be humiliated. Meditation: Psalm 70:2; 71:24; Isaiah 61:7; Isaiah 54:3 - You will spread out Meditation: Gen. 28:14; 35:11; Col. 2:7; Heb. 6:14; Jude 2.

Jesus Calls International * September 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com



y precious brother/ sister, it is a great joy




wish you God’s blessing in abundance this month. He cares for you. He knows all your needs and satisfies you in the

“For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, and floods on the dry ground; I will pour My Spirit on your descendants, and My blessing on your offspring.” (Isaiah 44:3)

His glorious riches. Yes, He is a God of Glory (Acts 7:2). Christ in us is the Hope of Glory (Col. 1:27). Yes, He will supply all your needs (Phil. 4:19). The promise from God for this September month is:




breakthrough, no success etc. Maybe fear has gripped your soul. You may say, ‘how am I going to live?’ But God says, ‘My child, I will pour water become a thirsty land.’ When



My friend, maybe you also

delivered the Israelites, He

have been waiting for long for

brought them out of Egypt

the refreshing water in your life.

where they were kept captive.

But only salt water or unhygienic

He performed mighty wonders,

water is poured on you.

miracles and signs and delivered

Your life may be salty with no holiness, no joy in family life,



on you as you thirst for me &

right time (Psalm 37:19). He will satisfy you according to

no prosperity, no employment,

them (Exodus 12:41; 13:14). But when they came before the Red Sea, they didn’t know

Jesus Calls International * September 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

where to go and what to do. At

will be quenched and satisfied

our sins, all our sorrows, all our

that time, the Pharaoh’s armies

when you thirst for God to fill

sicknesses upon Him and said,

came behind them to destroy

your soul first.

‘I thirst.’ But they gave Him the

them. They cried to God and amazingly God opened the Red Sea before them. In the midst of the sea, God made a dry land for them to cross and led them to the land which flows with milk and honey (Exodus 3:8). And as they were leaving the Red Sea, their enemies got drowned into the sea. The same waters which was opened to give them way to cross the other side, destroyed their enemies (Exo. 14:21-30). As they were walking in the wilderness, waiting for God’s promise to

Yes, the Israelites cried out

bitter gall (John 19:28,29). He

to God saying: “You are the

tasted the bitterness for you to

living God, come Lord and

satisfy your thirst (Gal. 3:13).

satisfy my thirst.” And God

Today, would you cry, ‘I

came and turned the bitter water

am having only bitter and salty

into sweet water. And He said:


come, they became so thirsty,

I will never allow a sickness to

and they were longing for

destroy anybody.”

water in my life; Lord, I am thirsty for you to give me life giving water to me; Jesus, You are the living water, come into my heart, come into my heart!’ There was a lady who came to draw water from the well in a place called Samaria. Jesus was sitting at the well. She never knew Jesus. Jesus belonged




called the Jews. But she was a

water. They found water, but

According to that promise,

Samaritan woman, Jesus asked

when they tasted it, it was bitter

the Israelites were enjoying

her ‘I am thirsty, give me water

water (Exo. 15:23). They could

perfect health all the days of

not drink it. They cried out to

to drink.’ She said, ‘Why should

their wandering, forty years

God for help. As they thirsted

I give to you? For you belong to

in the wilderness (Exo. 15:26;

for water, they thirsted for God

another tribe. I cannot give it to

23:25; 105:37). And God gave

to give them pure water, living

you.’ But Jesus said to her,

them sweet water and life (Exo.

water. Yes, my friend, God saw

15:25). Yes, God will do it for

their thirst.


Maybe today you are having a thirst for a job, for a partner in life, for a child etc. But my


friend, your thirst will be met

Today, you need to thirst

when you thirst for the living

for this living God. Jesus

God in your life. Yes, all the

understands your thirst. On the

thirst for the things of this world

cross as he hung carrying all

“But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” (John 4:14)

Jesus Calls International * September 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


veth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” (John 7:37,38)

water. God will make a way for

husband and she said, ‘I have

Yes, my friends, you need

straight before you. I will make

no husband.’ Jesus said, ‘you

not die of thirst; suffer because

the treasures come to you (Isa.

have spoken the truth because

of salty water and bitter water

45:2,4). I will make the riches

you lived with five husbands

which is around you. You need

come; I will give you a title

and the man with whom you are

not die because of the sorrow of

of honour. I will change your

living now is not your husband

the world.

sorrow into joy (Pro. 10:22;

Immediately that Samaritan woman said to Jesus, ‘Sir, give me that water, that I thirst not, neither come here to draw daily. Jesus said, ‘bring your

you. Jesus says “I am the way (John 14:6). I will lead you (Jer. 31:9). I will go before you and I will make the crooked paths

Isa. 60:6,17,20; John 16:20). I

(John 4:15-19). She said, “Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet” (John 4:19) and she ran into the city and said to all, “I have found a prophet. He has quenched the thirst of my soul. I was living with husband after husband, but my heart was full of bitterness and sorrow caused by each man who called himself my husband. But now, here is a man, who has spoken about my sorrow. He


will give you honour in double measure for all the shame you have undergone” (Zec. 9:12). This day that grace is coming upon you. Turn your heart to Jesus, ‘the living water’. Open your mouth and say, “Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Wash me with your blood and fill me with thy life.” He will do it right now.

So open your heart unto Jesus.


has spoken about my bitterness.

Jesus on the cross, when He

Come and see Him. He has

was pierced on His side, water

given me living water, a Hope

and blood came out of His body

God is going to pour the

to live in this world.” After that

(John 19:34). Today when you

rivers, rivers of blessing on the

they all came running to Jesus,

call on Jesus the living water,

dry ground of your life. He is

the source of living water (John

Jesus will come into your heart.

going to pour it and your dry


And the blood of Jesus Christ

life will blossom. Yes, Heavenly

will cleanse your life from

riches will come to you (Isaiah

every sin which is stopping


“...Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that belie10

you from enjoying God’s life

Yes, the riches will come

(1 John 1:9). It will make a way

to you according to Malachi

in the midst of all the salty sea

3:10,11 which says,

Jesus Calls International * September 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

“Bring ye all the tithes

Last month a lady from

into the storehouse, that there

a village came to give her

may be meat in mine house,

offering. In that village, even

and prove me now herewith,

buses don’t ply. She was so

says the Lord of hosts, if I will

alone; without any relatives or

not open you the windows of

family. Her house was about

heaven, and pour you out a

to be taken away by the civil

blessing, that there shall not

authorities. At that time she

be room enough to receive it...

went to next door neighbours

says the Lord of hosts.”

house. Our TV programme was

When you give your offering and ten percent of your earnings to the kingdom of God, to meet the needs of the ministry of God, to wipe away the tears of people, God will pour out His blessing which you cannot hold, and dry ground will prosper and you will prosper. Yes, all your dry ground will be full of riches.

going on in that house and I said “Sister, your house will be established, and you will have a title for your house.” She was amazed. She said, ‘Who is this man telling about my house?’ But she prayed with me, in the name of Jesus. A miracle took place. The same civil authorities who were about to take her house away, came and


gave her a title for her land and


sheep and gave Rs.50,000 from

house. That house was secure. She was rearing some sheep for her. As she heard about the building of the Bangalore Prayer Tower she sold one that village. What great love! What great faith! You know what God did? That time there

So today determine to give

was a virus killing the sheep in

your best to God and one tenth

that village, but all her sheep

of your earnings. And when you

were healthy and none of them

build the kingdom of God, the

died. God made her prosper.

house of God, God will build

She came and testified in one of

your house.

our meetings.

God will do it for you. He will pour rain like a river upon the dry ground for you. Yes, it will not go anywhere else; that’s what this verse says, because you have given your best to build God’s house. God will pour out His blessings upon you and make your dry land prosperous. God’s blessing will be upon your children too. PRAYER: Father, I pray that you will do justice to me. Pour your river of blessing on me Lord. Let all that has been lost be resurrected. Let provisions after provisions start coming. Let all the losses, failure, humiliations, discouragements stop. Let your glory, success, health, honour, security, riches begin to pour in Jesus name. Give me grace to give to your Ministry liberally in faith believing in You Lord, to bless others. You are my provider. I take from what You have given and I give it back to You, Lord. Receive it Lord, bless it and pour down a blessing on millions of broken hearted people through the Ministry and bless me too beyond measure. I love you Lord Jesus. I praise You for being my Father. In Jesus name. Amen.

Jesus Calls International * September 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com




In the month of July, one day blessing meetings were arranged on 22nd July at Chidambaram, Cuddalore district and on 23rd July at Karaikudi, Sivagangai district to proclaim the Lord’s word and to pray for those expecting deliverance from their sinful bondages and bodily ailments. Around 20,000 people with thirst for God listened to His word and witnessed God’s power. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Mrs Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran, Samuel Paul and Stella Ramola ministered to the gathering. The awesome power of God was felt during the prayer time. Jesus Calls International * September 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

By the Grace of God, we could also dedicate the 109th Prayer Tower in Chidambaram on 21st July and 110th Prayer Tower in Karaikudi on 23rd July. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran along with ministry partners, church leaders and dignitaries declared these prayer towers open. This will help us to prepare the people around this place for the second coming of Jesus Christ and to pray for the broken hearted.


The destruction caused by Satan in the lives of people were healed and people were released from the bondages of sin. Several thousands of people received


the salvation from Jesus . It was glorious to see people testifying of the goodness of God wrought by His power to do miracles. Church leaders and Pastors of these towns graced the meeting by their august presence. Mr. K.R. Ramasamy, Member of the Legislative Assembly of Karaikudi constituency attended the Karaikudi meeting. Jesus Calls International * September 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


Praying for you and your descendants (Isa 65:23)


early beloved, the institution of Family is very precious to our Lord Jesus Christ! This is where the future generations are nurtured and brought up in the spiritual knowledge and in the fear of God.

However, in these last days we see the breakdown of the family structures because of the negative

influence of social media, disobedience, quarrels, rebellion, infidelity, alcoholism, financial debts, gambling, etc., gnawing at and plaguing the fabric of the family. To strengthen the core of all relationships, the Lord in a divine vision, gave the Family Blessing Plan to Dr. Paul for families to be strengthened and blessed, to live in unity and to prosper. Many families have experienced the divine presence and the blessing of Lord Jesus Christ in their homes.


Jesus Calls International * September 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

Here is a testimony by Sis. K. Sara to encourage your faith and for you to receive a miracle in your family today. We have been married for more than 20 years and though my husband comes from a family who knows the Lord, he was under the influence of alcohol. He would return home drunk every day and behave violently towards the children and me. There was no peace in the family. We faced a lot of humiliation due to his behavior and were heart-broken because of this. It was then that I heard about the Jesus Calls Ministry and I visited the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and enrolled my family in the Family Blessing Plan. The prayer intercessors over there prayed earnestly for the transformation of my husband, soon after which I witnessed God’s grace upon him and could see the amazing transformation happening in his life. It has now been 3 years since he quit alcohol. I have received an abundant blessing by being a partner in the Family Blessing Plan. All glory to God for such a wonderful miracle in our family. I believe you are encouraged by the amazing testimony of Sis. K. Sara. God Almighty can do the same and much more for your family too. It is the mission of Jesus Calls to bring God’s love, peace and happiness in the families and bind them with the love of God. You can be a part of this mission by helping us to bring healing and God’s love to the families through this plan. As you become a part of this mission, God will bless your family abundantly. (I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground... - Isaiah 44:3)

I AM LED BY THE LORD TO ENROLL FOR THE FAMILY BLESSING PLAN Options (Select your Option) One Time USD: ................................................. Every Month USD: ..................................................... Please call the Prayer Tower in your country for information about your offering in your local currency Name: ......................................................................................................................................................... Date of Birth: ..................................................... Wedding Day: ............................................................... Address: ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................... Names of family members

Date of Birth


















You may send your offerings thru our secure and fastest mode by credit card/debit card/net banking at https://donate.jesuscalls.world/Donate/Individual You may also send checks to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower nearest your location. Jesus Calls International * September 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


TESTIMONY FROM LONDON PRAYER TOWER FOR YOU ALSO TO EXPERIENCE GOD’S TOUCH! An urgent prayer request came to our London Prayer Tower from one of our partners admitted in hospital due to an enlarged heart with seven blockages. The situation looked bleak. The prayer intercessors prayed for her to be healed in Jesus' name, for we know nothing is impossible with God. Just five days later, we were notified that the partner had an angiogram, and the same doctor who treated this dear sister said there are no blockages and her heart is very young for her age! Praise God!

VOLUNTEERS If you are willing to give a few hours of your week to pray for such brothers and sisters in need, please get in touch to let us know by emailing: europe@jcpray.org


Europe Donors

Direct Debit You can set up a direct debit online. Please email us at europe@jcpray.org Bank Transfer (UK Donors) Bank Name: HSBC Plc Account Name: Jesus Calls Europe Sort Code: 401703 Account No: 71382535 Debit or credit Card Donation Please visit www.jesuscalls.org.uk to make a card donation

(Kindly Note: The current International Bank Account Number (IBAN) and Bank Identifier Code (BIC), is valid till the 30th of September)

Account name: Jesus Calls Europe. IBAN: GB45MIDL40170371382535. BIC: MIDLGB2125D. From October 2017, the new branch BIC 11 and the IBAN are:

Account name: Jesus Calls Europe. IBAN: GB82HBUK40170371382535 BIC: HBUKGB4125D

For any further details or ministry resources, please contact our Country Director Br. Timothy Jackson on +442087592123

Prayers 24x7 Please call +442085714900 Invite the Dhinakarans for a program in Europe. Please email: europe@jcpray.org JESUS CALLS EUROPE 11B Norwood Road Southall London www.jesuscalls.org.uk


Jesus Calls International * September 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)


his is how God revealed

childless or being indebted.

His love - by sending

These are worldly worries, do

His only begotten Son

not magnify them. Take your

Jesus Christ to this world, for

focus off your problems and

our sake because He wanted

look up to the Lord Jesus! He

us to be saved, experience His

is full of love! He gave Himself

peace and to give us His joy in

up on the cross as a sacrifice.

‘He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?’ (Romans 8:32).

abundance. What more do we

Yes, Jesus Christ is the One

What are the divine blessings

need? Do not let trivial matters

“who loved us and washed us

that the Lord wants to give you

worry you like lack of job, being

from our sins in His own blood”

today? How to receive them?

(Revelation 1:5b).

- Let us see.

Jesus Calls International * September 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com



me to do?” Then the Lord spoke

well by giving you this divine

to him and led him. From then

blessing of being alive in Christ.

God’s love was manifested

on he became a minister of God,

by sending His Son as a living

putting on Jesus and no more

sacrifice to this world in order

a blasphemer or a persecutor.

that we should be alive. As

The Bible says that just as we

this love comes in to you, you

put on clothes, we need to put

would become a new person.

on Jesus. He and we should get

Paul says,

united. The love of God was

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (II Corinthians 5:17)

manifested for this purpose.

Think for a moment! Do you

with Him. With that same

grieve the Lord by getting filled

love, the Lord Jesus has come

with profane thoughts, lusts

seeking you. He stands close

and doing unwanted, filthy and

by you and asks you the same

sinful things? Just as the Lord

thing that He asked from Saul,

asked Saul He is asking you, “how long will you persecute Me?” Examine yourself: Have I tasted the divine love of Jesus, who was bruised for me? Or do I

If Jesus had let Saul alone for a little longer, he would have been enslaved by the worldly life and would have died to the seeking Him and got him united

will you give me your heart! (Proverbs 23:26). Would you commit yourself to Him today with tears telling Him, “Lord, today I commit myself to You.

The Bible says, ‘a little leaven

Your love alone is sufficient for

leavens the whole lump’ (I Cor.


lives to lusts and filthy things that are displeasing to God and that would ruin our souls.

You see the Bible says that


This is the day when the

And also, "He Himself took

Lord’s love would be manifest

our infirmities and bore our

in your family. The mighty God

sicknesses" (Matthew 8:17).

who changed Saul into Paul and

How did Saul commit his life to the Lord Jesus?

“But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.” (Romans 8:11)

spiritual things. But Jesus went

persecute Jesus with my deeds?

5:6). Let us not give room in our


who revived that man who was filled with transgression and

Today, how many of you suffer from sickness?

He humbled himself and

sin, wants to do a miracle in

'Behold, I will bring it health

asked, "Lord, what do You want

your life. He will make you live

and healing; I will heal them and


Jesus Calls International * September 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth’ (Jeremiah 33:6) - Thus says the Lord. He wants you to be well. His resurrecting love is able to deliver us from

will not be anymore darkness of wants and curses. Jesus has borne everything on the cross. You will receive His divine love and arise and shine for Him.

all sicknesses.

As the Bible says in Colossians 3:2, seek those things which are above and not the things of the world which are unto destruction, and thus enjoy blessings from above.

“But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings; And you shall go out And grow fat like stall-fed calves.” (Malachi 4:2) This is the blessing that the Lord gives you today! Hold on to this verse whenever you are attacked by any weakness or sickness. Then the Lord will fill you with the resurrecting love and grant you complete healing. My dear ones, the Lord will change everything that worries you; He will bring alive your children;

HE WILL REVIVE YOUR MORTAL BODIES. The darkness of death and powers of witchcraft will not touch you anymore. There

LIKENESS OF RESURRECTION “…if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection.” (Romans 6:5) God, who raised Jesus our Lord, will raise us up also with His power. He will fill us with the likeness of His resurrection (I Corinthians 6:14).

“But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord” (II Corinthians 3:18). In the process of getting transformed, we will receive His image. Because as He is, so are we in this world (I John 4:17). To transform you thus, God the Father made His Son Jesus Christ rise again. The Lord calls you for His ministry. He makes you into His likeness.

“…be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.” (Ephesians 4:23-24) The love of God is poured into you through the resurrected Jesus and the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). Receive this divine love as a family. He will give you a fruit bearing life. He will pour out on you the Holy Spirit which was poured mightily upon the disciples, on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:14). When the disciples received the anointing of the Holy Spirit they were not only transformed but they also received faith, courage, wisdom and all other grace. They had put on Jesus. They walked like Jesus; they prayed like Jesus and they lived like Jesus. The Lord wants to give you this divine life! May God fill you too with His divine life and help you to live as ‘those who turn many to righteousness’.

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Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran visited Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during the second week of July to personally meet with the partners of the ministry, to thank them as they stood with them and faithfully supported them in the work that God had placed upon their shoulders. On July 15th, Dr. Paul and Sis Evangeline were invited by Sis Yuan, to the Church of Singapore, Bukit Timah, to minister the Word of God and to pray for the prayer intercessors. Dr. Paul shared the Word of God and the Word of God touched the hearts of many in the gathering - it was a time of great blessing. Dr. Paul was then invited to anoint and dedicate a new prayer room, which would be used for the prayer intercessors to pray for the nation with a great burden. Later in the day, on July 15th, a Partners Blessing Meeting was organized at the Smyrna


Assembly Church. This meeting was attended by the faithful and regular partners along with their friends and families. The families were overjoyed to have received the Word of Blessing from the promise that the Lord God had given Dr. Paul as found in Ephesians 3:20. Dr. Paul & Sis. Evangeline at the end of the meeting met everyone personally and very lovingly prayed for each of the families. The entire hall was filled with God’s glory as all of the Partners united their hearts in prayer. The next stop of the journey was to Malaysia where the Partners Blessing Meeting was held at the Renewal Lutheran Church on Sunday, July 16, 2017. This meeting was well attended, having attracted the largest turnout so far, and the venue was nearly packed to capacity.

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Dr. Paul was also invited by Pas. Joshua Yee, Senior Pastor of the Renewal Lutheran Church to minister in their morning services on Sunday July 16th. Both the services were a blessing to all those who attended. Dr. Paul and Sis. Evangeline also met with all the prayer intercessors of the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Malaysia who faithfully stand in the gap and pray for the hurting souls who call for prayer. Dr. Paul was touched to see that several amongst them had served for well over 10 years. He later laid hands on each one of them and prophesied over their lives. The partners at both the events, in Singapore and Malaysia were simply amazed to see from a short video clip, how the seeds that they had sown in the rich soil of the ministry had produced a bountiful harvest through the various

channels of the ministry such as: TV ministry, Prayer Tower ministry, Telephone Prayer Tower ministry and various facets in terms of the millions of lives that were reached, touched, blessed and transformed. We want to thank the Lord for so powerfully using Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sister Evangeline in Singapore and Malaysia. - Bro. Arun Thomas, Group Director - International Affairs, Jesus Calls Global Partnership

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“We are falling in love with Karunya University! We haven’t seen an institution like this ever in our life. The infrastructure is modern, sports is extraordinary, climate is awesome, faculty are intellectual and we have made new friends too. Few days after we joined, we got an opportunity to act in an ad film that our seniors were directing.We never expected life to be so amazing in Karunya. We praise God for all the love he has showered in our life”, says Catherine and Merline from 1st year Media Communications Department. Catherine added, that she has quit a premier institution in Chennai to join Karunya. Merline also added saying “she starts her day at 3am in the morning to pray and stay close to God and Karunya gives her an amazing spiritual atmosphere”. Every time the media department required a revamp, Chancellor Dr. Paul Dhinakaran has been generous to do something new for the students.


Karunya University has recently constructed a "Karunya Media Center" exclusively for the students to get hands on training on par with the Media Industry. The edit suit was prayed and dedicated by Mr. Samuel Paul Dhinakaran with other dignitaries from the management. The new infrastructure will house, the latest state of the art facilities for editing, dubbing, shooting, color correction, graphics suit and preview studio. In simple terms this can facilitate the complete post production of even a full length feature film. Isaiah 55:9 says, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thought higher than your thoughts”. God’s plan for Riju Ghosh pursuing B.Tech (ECE) turned fabulous on the fifteenth day of his final year when he was hired as a Quality Engineer in the first campus interview with a package of

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INR 5, 50, 000 per annum from Odessa Technologies. It has been a wonderful experience for every student in the University to be blessed beyond boundaries. Innovative research reaps double blessings at Karunya, Prof. Nizar Ahammed not just received a INR 1.9 Million funding from the Science Engineering Research Board, Government of India but also completed his Ph.D research titled “Thermoelectric cooling of electronic devices with nanofluids in mini-channel heat exchanger”. In this project he designed a mini-channel heat exchanger coupled with thermoelectric cooler for cooling modern electronic gadgets. Founder and Chancellor Dr. Paul has always insisted on his vision of empowering the youth to administer the country. It isn’t just engineers that will be flowing out of Karunya, but soon

be recognized for producing IAS, IPS, IFS and Bankers to India. The Training Division of Karunya University has inked an agreement with the largest civil service coaching centre ALS IAS Delhi and SMART Training Resources. The mentors from the institutions, Jojo Mathews, and Manish Gautam addressed the IAS aspirants in Karunya. The IAS Coaching Classes have already begun and the students have given excellent feedback. Keep our students in your prayers, we need loyal leaders to uplift our nation. In the recently concluded west zone sport selection conducted at Barathiyar University, students from Evangeline Matriculation School have been selected for state level tournaments. EMS girl students will represent the state for Basketball, Chess, 400mts and 800mts.

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Ms. E. K. Silky (2013–2017 B.Tech. Aerospace Engineering), Department of Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering Down the memory lane I can testify the Lord’s promise in 2 Corinthians 12:9 where He says "My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness", has been perfected in my life during my stay at Karunya University. Weaker the instrument, the more is the power of God’s grace. According His promise, God did not remove my weaknesses, but He increased His grace so that I could endure it. It was my first experience of being away from home with which came anxiety and apprehensiveness. But God had the best plans for me. The journey went on, one miracle after another, starting from admissions till placements. Looking back at my school days, where I was known for being an introvert, today, God has used me mightily to lead prayers in prayer cells. My talents which always remained hidden till I completed my schooling were brought out right here in Karunya - Music, art, dance and much more, in such unimaginable ways. Managing academics along with the co-curricular activities is not an easy task. 'Never give up'.... These words would keep ringing in my ears. God was faithful enough to give me a CGPA of 9.29 keeping me in the list of top 5 students in my class. At the right time He graciously enabled me to get placed in a Core Company in M/s. Tech Mahindra, Bangalore. Ups and downs, problems and confusions were part of my life, but God graciously helped me in all my tough times, making me meet such wonderful people and He moulded me into a strong human being. I thank the Almighty God and all the good people he has given me at Karunya University to become what I am today.


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Mr. Arun Kingson Raja Samuvel (2013–2017 B.Tech. Electronics & Communication Engineering), Department of Electrical Sciences I would like to state that God only brought me to do my B.Tech. at Karunya University. God helped me in every walk of my life in Karunya. Karunya is helping the students to study well and the faculty members are training the students for their placements too. Purely by God’s grace, I got placed in two multi-national companies, M/s. Accenture and M/s. Cognizant Technologies. He is the one who made me healthy on the whole placement week and he is the one who told me that I'll get these two companies before the results were announced. He helped me in my life and he will help in your life too. Love Him and He will love you more. Praise be to God. Thank you.

Ms. Alekhya. E (2013–2017 B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering), Department of Computer Sciences Technology I had been dreaming to join Karunya University from my 6th standard. So, as soon as I completed my 12th, I wrote the Karunya Entrance Exam along with other entrance exams. With God’s grace, I got good rank in the entrance exam. Even though my parents were not ready to send me far as my hometown is Vijayawada (Andhra Pradesh), I prayed to the Lord that I should study in this University not anywhere else. Finally I came to Karunya. I maintained my CGPA above 8.5 right from my first year. Like all other students even I wanted to get placed in a good company like M/s. Accenture. Praise the Lord. God helped me to clear the first round and subsequently the interview successfully and I got placed in M/s. Accenture. I even got my offer letter from M/s. Accenture. Thank God for everything he had done in my life. Glory to God .

Jesus Calls International * September 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


For Women...

Sis. Stella Dhinakaran


ANSWER How great are the ruins of today’s families? What terrible things take families in the dark path of division and bitterness! How cruelly the devil’s cunning works crush today’s families! How greatly the terrible sinful deeds are ruining today’s family lives! Today many families are sunk in such terrible situations. How would such situations in family life change and be filled with Christ’s fragrance?

QUESTION How to live a life of Christ’s fragrance where divine peace, joy, oneness of mind and unity abide in the family?

THE PRESENT RUINED STATE OF FAMILY LIFE The reason is, not knowing the love of Christ as it ought to be known; a pitiable life of not knowing the presence of the Lord, despite going to the church regularly. A Christian life which does not live closely with the Lord has lacks. That’s why jealousy, pride that ‘I am the greatest’ and haughty behavior that finds faults with others and wicked things are seen in common, among us. This is the case in the married life too! Loveless deeds of always criticizing and pricking with words and deeds without any true love for the husband or his family ruin the divine peace in families. Presumptuous and horrible sins are today spread fast in men and women, thus hindering the presence of God to come upon families which get filled with darkness unable to receive God’s blessings. These days, don’t we see alcoholism,


lewdness, adultery, lies, deceit and dissensions abounding in families? However, the Lord Jesus Christ alone can redeem us from all these and open a way for us to live a victorious life.

“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” (III John 2) Accordingly, we should live well and be in health. To be precise, we should be filled with all good things; nothing should be lacking. This is our Lord’s desire.

“But let the righteous be glad; Let them rejoice before God; Yes, let them rejoice exceedingly.” (Psalm 68:3) When St.Paul and the ministers of God who were with him were doing ministry in the city of

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Philippi, they went out of the city to the riverside, where prayer was customarily made. There they preached to the women who had gathered there. Among them, God opened the heart of the woman called Lydia. Since her heart was filled with divine blessing given by Christ, she rejoiced. She begged and persuaded them to stay in their house (Acts 16:12-15).

“Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.” (Isaiah 12:3) THIS VERSE WAS FULFILLED IN HER LIFE. Yes, my dear sisters! You too can receive this divine joy if you die to sin and are alive to righteousness.

presence of the Lord and leave them. Then the Lord Jesus, who is rich in mercy, would cleanse you from your sins, make you holy and glad. Saul, when he became Paul, said about this happily, “it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). Also, he became God’s zealous servant. My dear sister, the Lord is able to fill you with such divine blessing, peace and joy. So, look up to Him, receive a holy life and glorify God. Then the fragrance of Christ will radiate from your life. Your family life would be pleasing to Christ and would be filled with good testimony. The God of gods will help “the holiness which He loves” (Malachi 2:11) to be seen in your life. Also, the divine peace and joy of God would make your family life shine. The Lord would abide with you. He will perfect everything that concerns you (Psalm 138:8).

“Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:11)

“But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.” (I Corinthians 13:10)

The sacred blood, shed by Jesus Christ on the cross, cleanses your sinful life and heart from all sin (I John 1:9). We receive the divine life of being set free from sin and becoming slaves of righteousness (Romans 6:18).

Accordingly, when you are filled with the Lord, the ‘Perfect’, divinity would abound in you because of His presence. A woman shared her testimony thus: “I was short tempered; now the Lord has changed me into a virtuous woman.”

By receiving such divine life from the Lord, our life becomes pleasing to Him. This helps us to become like Christ. Let us first of all think whether we have been changed by Him into righteous persons and whether we act accordingly.

Yes, since Moses waited in the presence of God, his face shone before the people. Similarly, if you seek God truly, His presence would make your life shine. All your bad qualities would be changed and Christ’s mind and deed would be seen in you. About this, the Bible explains, “because as He is, so are we in this world” (I John 4:17).

A man called Zacchaeus was greedy for money and was a sinner before men. But don’t we read in the Bible that when he accepted Jesus in his heart and was changed by Him into a sinless man, salvation came to his house and his household? (Luke 19:1-9). My dear sisters! You, who read this message today, should also confess your sins in the

Yes, my dear sisters! As God testified about the Lord Jesus - "This is My beloved Son. Hear Him!" (Mark 9:7) - You should also get united with Jesus, in all reverence. Seek His presence. Follow His divine ways. Then He will fill your family life with divine peace, joy and blessings.

Jesus Calls International * September 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


“Oh, that one might plead for a man with God, as a man pleads for his neighbour!” (Job 16:21)


ob, the devout, sought after the Lord in truth even when he was in the depths of despair, having lost all his children and all his wealth and possessions in one day, and was stricken with an incurable affliction of the skin erupting in sore boils (Job 13:3; 23:3-5). He was looking for a mediator to plead for his cause with God.


He was not able to find such help. This is readily apparent from what he says with deep sorrow. ‘Nor is there any mediator between us, who may lay his hand on us both’ (Job 9:33). He was unable to find a mediator. How pitiable the state of Job was! It is probable that you are also in the same position today as Job! When you feel

that your prayers have not been heard, you begin to wish fervently that there were others who would pray for you! But you do have such a mediator ( I Timothy 2:5,6). Jesus is now seated in Heaven at the right hand of God and He is pleading with God for us. My wife and I had gone overseas in 1974. On our return journey we had to fly from the principal city of a certain

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country as we were visiting another airport. The airport authorities, who scrutinized our passports, told us that they could not permit us to leave the country, since the signatures of the relevant airport authorities had not been affixed to the passports. We were perplexed as to what we could possibly do in a place where we were absolute strangers! All our arguments with those authorities were of no avail. They finally declared that the outgoing plane could not be made to wait for us any longer and unloaded our luggage.

when we are in the midst of difficulties! He will go to the Father and speak to Him for us, saying, ‘This one is My own, please help him, help her! Remember how I gave My life for these beloved! Help them for my name’s sake!’

THE HOLY SPIRIT “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” (Romans 8:26)

While we were worried thinking, ‘Alas, in this absolutely strange country, we have no one to plead our cause!,’ a native of that country who had been watching the proceedings from a distance came over to us with a smile and asked us what the matter was?. Then he moved to the passport authority and told him something in their language. Immediately we were summoned to the passport authority once again. We were asked to sign a set of fresh forms. Thereafter we were permitted to leave by the same plane! We thanked the airport authorities and also the total stranger who had helped us and rushed to our seats in the plane and occupied them in great haste.

Just before our Saviour left this world, He promised, “And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever;...but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you” (John 14:16,17). In fulfillment of that promise, the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4; 5:32; 15:8). This He does, when we are rendered speechless with grief, when we are confused not knowing how to pray and what to pray for, and when our tongues refuse to articulate.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, will plead with our Heavenly Father in the same manner

In the life of Jesus Christ, our Lord, the night of his betrayal by Judas was a very

bitter night. He told His disciples that night, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death” (Matthew 26:38). He began to be troubled and deeply distressed (Mark 14:33). And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground (Luke 22:44). In the midst of this great agony He continued praying and the burden of His prayer was: ‘nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will’ (Mark 14:36). We too can have the same experience in this world where we are placed, in the midst of deep sorrow. It is for this reason that we should always be filled with the Spirit of God.

“Pray for one another.” (James 5:16) Lord has commanded us saying, “...love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another” (John 13:34).

FIRE ON EARTH Jesus said, ‘I came to send fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!’ (Luke 12:49). Sending the fire of Holy Spirit into the hearts of men was one of the many ‘missions’ of the Son of Man. Therefore, when He had conquered death, risen out of the grave, and leaving His disciples behind, was about to ascend to Heaven,

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He addressed the loving, tear-stricken disciples in the following words of consolation: 'Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you' (John 16:7). There is an interesting story of a king of England who once went to a Sunday class. In his left hand he had a garland of gold and in the right he held a Bible. The gold garland was very, very attractive. The king asked one of the students ‘Which of these two would you like to have?’ Naturally the boy opted for the gold-garland. When the question was asked of the next boy, who was looking poor every inch, he wished for the Bible, to the great surprise of the monarch. He said, “My mother has taught me that the Bible is the greatest treasure in the world. Therefore, please, your Majesty, I shall be happy if you present me the Bible.’ The king gave the two boys the gifts they asked for. When the boy, who had received the Bible, reverently opened the Word of God, he was surprised to find in each page of the Book a plate of gold! The boy was taken aback. The king spoke to him saying, ‘Son, since you preferred the Bible, to the precious looking garland, you have received a prize of greater value than the glittering gold-garland’.


Friends, this may be just a tale. But what a lot of hometruths are packed in it. When we pray to God we must be sure of what we ask of Him. If we ask for the glitter of gold and worldly things, like the first boy in the story, we may miss the mark and the heavenly things which are ours for the mere asking. Further, when we pray, filled with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth shall reveal to us through the Holy Word of God whether the things we pray for, meet with the approval of God (John 16:13,14).

PRAYER AND PARACLETE The terms ‘Paraclete’, applied to the Holy Spirit, literally meant ‘one called to assistance’. In no other realm of spiritual experience is this assistance so potent and indispensable as in Prayer. St. Paul, who listed the several ‘gifts’ of the Spirit and how they assist the Lord’s servants in His Ministry in I Corinthians 12:8-12, singles out the gift of charity (love) in Chapter 13. St. Paul was endowed with the gift of prophecy (Acts 13:1,2). Therefore, he had an intimate knowledge of all the deep mysteries of the church of God and its ministry. A particular prayer in the Bible, which is a great favourite

for me, is the prayer of the prophet Elisha. When the time came for Elijah to be caught up into the heavens, he asked Elisha what he desired. The request of Elisha in answer to that question is the prayer that I like. It is, ‘Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me’ (II Kings 2:9). The Lord heard this prayer and had compassion on Elisha. He granted a double portion of His gifts to Elisha. If you also pray in like manner, in sincerity and truth, with tears, He will fill you also with His Spirit and Gifts! Then, the time of your prayer will blossom forth into a time of communion with your Lord and Saviour. Whatever matter you pray about, it will be possible for you to realize it fully. The Holy Spirit will reveal to you what it is that you have to do next. You will be endowed with the power to perform in faith all that you propose to do. Yes, there will occur miracle after miracle in your life. According to the verse, ‘If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?’ (Luke 11:13). May God Himself fill you immeasurably with His Holy Spirit and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit!

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Beloved friends in Christ, The much awaited convention is about to take off! It’s the ‘Jesus Calls’ World Prayer Convention in Jerusalem! I am truly delighted to invite you to join us for the 3-day convention from 22-24 May 2018. This is your opportunity to have a life changing encounter with Jesus in Jerusalem, Israel. We are going to have three days of in-depth teaching and mighty prophetic prayer anointing. Great servants of God from different parts of the world will handle different sessions and will help us get soaked in His presence and grace along with moments of intense worship led by different anointed worship leaders. This convention will be held in a State of the art auditorium in Jerusalem and your stay will be at star rated world class hotels. Also, the JESUS CALLS WORLD PRAYER CONVENTION at Jerusalem coincides with the 5th Anniversary of the “Jesus Calls Israel Prayer Tower” and the 70th Anniversary of the formation of the State of Israel.

You have three options if you have decided to travel. You can attend only the Convention or together with the Convention, undertake either a three day or a six day tour of Israel. This will include visit to some of the anointed prayer sites. Write to us or log onto our website to get complete information. I pray that God will give you the finances, the heart, the strength and the required permissions to take time off to come and meet Jesus at Jerusalem. At that time Jerusalem shall be called the Throne of the Lord, and all the nations shall be gathered to it...” (Jeremiah 3:17). COME AND BE A PART OF THIS MISSION... TRULY A LIFE TIME OPPORTUNITY. Hoping to meet you at the convention in JERUSALEM! Your brother Paul Dhinakaran

FOR DETAILS: Email: convention@israelprayertower.com / holylandtours@jesuscalls.org

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