Jesus Calls International February 2018 Magazine

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During January 2018, series of New Year Blessing Meetings were arranged in several cities of Tamil Nadu such as Tiruvallur on 5th, Vellore on 6th , Chennai on 7th, Trichy on 13th, Namakkal on 14th and Salem on 15th for people to receive blessings for this year from the gracious hands of God. In addition to the people from these cities, thousands of people from the surrounding towns and villages thronged to have a personal touch from the Lord. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his family delivered the New Year Blessing messages and offered prayers for the people who had gathered there. On Sunday, the 7th of January, the New Year Blessing Meeting was held at the St. George’s Higher Secondary School Grounds, Chennai. Dr. G. K. Francis (Correspondent, St. George’s Higher Secondary School) and Bishops, Pastors, and several church leaders who participated in this meeting, cut a 40feet long cake along with the family of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to welcome the New Year. Prayer and


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worship was led by Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran. Special prayer was offered for the nation by Sister Stella Dhinakaran. Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed fervently for God to bless the people. Along with the New Year Blessing Message, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran proclaimed decisively, that from the year 2018, the year of preparation for the rapture of Jesus our Chief Shepherd will begin. The Vice Chancellor of Karunya Deemed to be University, Dr. P. Mannar Jawahar received the first copy of the new book that was released, titled “Joy in the Family� in Tamil authored by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his family. The graceful presence of nearly 200 pastors in each of these meetings through the NPMA (National Prayer Ministry Alliance) was a blessing . Let us thank God for it and for the many thousands who were touched through these meetings. Jesus Calls International * February 2018 * www.


“And he (Moses) said, “Please, show me Your glory. Then He said, I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before you...” But He said, “You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me, and live.” And the LORD said, “Here is a place by Me, and you shall stand on the rock. So it shall be, while My glory passes by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and will cover you with My hand while I pass by.” (Exodus 33:18-22) Today I want to remind you of a powerful statement from Moses’ prayer. He said, “Lord, please show me Your glory” and to that God Almighty answers, “I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before you”. Moses’ prayer and the prayer of Jesus’ disciples when they were “severely threatened” not to speak in the Name of Jesus as recorded in Acts 4:23-31, were prayers that were crying out to God to show them His glory. This is our prayer too: “Show Your glory once more Lord.” And God says: “I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land” (Haggai 2:6). Is this your prayer? He will answer it. God’s answer to Moses’ prayer: “I am going to put My name upon you. I am going to proclaim the name of the Lord upon you, for you to see my glory and survive”. Yes, we need the shield of God’s name, that’s why Jesus said, “Ask anything in My Name, I will do it” (John 14:14). We can approach God only in the name of Jesus. At a recently held meeting, a sister by the name Jeyasankari from Chennai gave her testimony before thousands of people which gave all glory to the Lord. Here is her testimony: “In the year 2007, I was suffering from severe health 4

– Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

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You will see

God’s Glory issues. There was no healing in spite of receiving medical treatment. My health condition worsened as the days went by. When I went to the doctor again for diagnosis, I was told that I was in the last stages of cancer. I was shocked. Under the circumstances wherein I

was not given many days to live, the doctors started me on radiation treatment. I lost all my hair due to this and I lost even my complexion and became thin. My body looked as though I was beaten up and my husband on seeing all of this left me and went away. At this

juncture, unable to even walk, I tied a cloth on my head and came with great difficulty to the special meeting which was hosted by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran at Chennai. At the end of the meeting, I personally met Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and asked him to pray for my cancer to

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be healed. He at once placed his hand on my head and earnestly prayed in the Name of Jesus, ‘The Egyptian you see today, you will never see again. You will search for this disease and will not find it.’ t that time, I felt the glory of the Lord descending upon me. I returned home with excitement and hope. Miraculously, changes were taking place in my body. After a few days, I went back to the hospital for some tests and the report came back, ‘No trace of cancer’. The doctors were amazed! I received complete healing. Even my husband who had left me came back seeking me. We now live happily in our own house. We have become partners of all the facets in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Ministry and are regularly supporting this ministry. I am also serving as a prayer intercessor at the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower”. “And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” (Mark 16:17, 18). God says that He has given us His name, and He will proclaim His name on us. Every knee shall bow before the name of Jesus and there is salvation for 6

everyone in Jesus’ name.

every knee on the earth, under Many years ago my father the earth and in heavens shall was heartbroken due to many bow before Jesus. challenges and burdens he had To his surprise, my father saw, to face as he was following the that Satan/Lucifer also sits on Lord. There was tremendous the same kind of throne like criticism. You know God allows the one on which the Almighty it, so that you don’t depend on God sits. He is so beautiful to look at, and so sweet that he man but only on Jesus. can entice anybody. Then the People close to you may not Angel showed him different understand you, but God allows departments in hell. it so that you will cling only to Jesus and see the glory of God They were the departments of in your life. This helps you to sickness, war, family problems, rise up from the natural to the just like the governments have! supernatural walk with God. And they are doing research on how to bring new troubles It is not the success of man’s into the world! That’s why we standards that count, but the have new diseases, new wars glory of God’s power operating and new problems in families. in your life. They are manufactured in hell. He then lifts you up to that But then those heads, next level. In deep agony my which were controlling each father cried out, “Lord, have department, were terrible to You also forsaken me; are You look at, specially the demon of also condemning me?” The sickness. It was awkward and Holy Spirit rose up within him, terrible. He saw the lake of fire and Jesus came and said, “My and how the people cry. He saw son, come, let us go to heaven.” a dark cliff under which people And He took him to heaven and sit. Suddenly the sky opens, showed him different parts of and they see heaven, they see heaven. And then the Lord the light of God and see their called an Angel, and He said, relatives in heaven and they cry gnashing their teeth, “Why did “On the way back show My I miss heaven?” and the sky son Dhinakaran, the kingdom closes and there is gnashing of of hell” and the Angel took my teeth in darkness. father to the kingdom of hell, Then the Angel brought my of course the demons could not father back to the throne-room see them. That’s the power of of Lucifer where all the spirits God. Our God is the God of that were in control of different the dead and the living. God parts of the world, came and has power over heaven and stood around Lucifer reporting power over darkness. He says to him about the national

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leaders, about the people of each country, and about the servants of God. Lucifer asked them, “Into which woman or man should I get in to take control of that nation. Who is the right person? What is lacking in that servant of God that I can touch and destroy a whole church, the whole ministry, community and the whole nation” and each demon gave its input. Yes, he needs only one person to get into, to take over a nation.

might be unknown: maybe people are fighting against your name; but thank God, the living name of Jesus is upon you. Praise Him. You shall see His glory. People shall see His name in you and know the greatness of your God and you will do great things. Remember the promises of God: Ask anything in my name, I will show you My glory. Let not your heart be troubled.

God’s Goodness will pass before you

and came back and until I came back, the cloud engulfed me. The enemy could not see me.” Yes, we are not consumed because His grace surrounds us and we get to see His glory.

God has a Place for you nd finally, God says to Moses, “Here is a place by Me, and you shall stand on the rock.” (Exodus 33:21)

Jesus longs for us to be by His side, to be with Him. Eve came “I will make all my goodness pass before you.” (Exodus from Adam’s side (Genesis 2 21,22 and to also re ect 33:19) our union with God, Jesus was During a war in which India pierced by His side on the cross fought, one of the Air Force (John 19:34). He chose his 12 pilots who came back from the disciples praying the whole war met my dad, and my father night, for two reasons – that said, “I have been praying for He may be with them and that you, I’m so glad that you are they may desire to be with Him alive.” He said, “Truly it is the (Mark 3:13, 14). grace of God which surrounded He prays for us, He prays me uncle. was ying the for us with groaning (Romans helicopter, and you know those 8:26). He says, “ My son Paul, come and stand by My side; I The Angel smiled at my dad rebels sit on the coconut trees don’t want you to do anything and said, “Just the whisper and shoot rocket launchers, and else, just let Me pray for you, of the name of Jesus, makes I saw so many helicopters hit let Me pray for you, let Me pray by the rocket launchers right the whole hell tremble. This for you”. before my eyes. The battalions, name has been put upon your who went before me, were all You may say: “There is forehead Dhinakaran. Why destroyed and I had to convey nobody to pray with me, are you afraid? Rise up! No the trooper. I was praying nobody to pity me, there is weapon formed against you in the spirit, and suddenly a nobody to understand me”. My shall prosper. No man shall be cloud came and surrounded my friend, the Lord says “Come and stand with Me. That’s all. able to stand before you. You helicopter. They could hear the Just surrender yourself to do have the great name of Jesus. sound of the helicopter but they My will in this world, I will do You shall enjoy this glory.” could not see it. And I passed the rest. I will keep praying, and Thank God for the name of right through the coconut trees, you will see My glory.” Jesus is upon you. Your name took the soldiers, put them there Yes, Jesus wants us to be with And the Angel suddenly said, “Dhinakaran,” now see the fun and he softly whispered “JESUS.” He just whispered the name of Jesus in hell. It echoed and spread across different departments of hell including the throne-room of Satan, and every demon started standing up, and Lucifer stood up and they all began to shriek and cry in one voice: has Jesus come back to destroy us and bind us forever?

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Him, listen to Him and walk according to His plan (Jeremiah 29:11). Since the Lord loves us so much that He desires that we should be with Him, do not allow depressing thoughts to build up in your mind. Then you will see His glory. “Where I am, there My servant also will be.” (John 12:26) “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.” (John 14:12) Would you say: “Lord, I am here to doYour will on earth?” These are the days, God wants to speak to us through prophesy. He says: “I will pour My Spirit upon all esh, your sons and daughters shall prophesy” (Acts 2:17). When you hear His voice, saying: “Do it, take up this job, marry this person; speak this word to your family; speak this word to that person” just do it and the Lord will hear your prayers and you will see the glory of God.

pain. I began to shudder with pain and raging fever. I called my dad from my room, and I said, “I can’t move. Please daddy, you preach tonight.” He said “nothing doing whether you tremble or shiver, God has spoken that you are going to preach. Better obey God!” and he put down the phone. I used to tremble before my dad and I didn’t know what to do. At 6 pm I was still wriggling with pain. None of the medicines worked. But still I said, “Lord, You have spoken and my father has spoken. I have to obey You and I have to obey my dad.” With all the pain, without knowing what I was going to preach, in that most intellectual setting with nearly fifty thousand people there, I just got into the car, struggling, shivering and as the car went near the platform, and as I was climbing the platform, the refreshing came upon me. It was truly the glory of God. Within a moment all my fetters were gone! As I went to the platform, the Holy Spirit showed me, John 14:27. He said: “Preach about my peace.”And as I was speaking, the Holy Spirit was giving me the verses, the thoughts, the instances and the songs. That’s the first time I experienced the Holy Spirit doing everything. He said, “You need not do anything. I will pray through you, and you will see My glory.” And that night we witnessed the greatest of miracles.

n 1 2, we had the first campaign in New Delhi. It was a glorious campaign and the government gave us permission to conduct it in the centre of the city. It was amazing! On the first day my father spoke, and the second day he said, “Paul, God says that you should speak tonight.” I trembled in my shoes because government ministers and other officials would be there. And behold at 3 pm I got When we are weak, then God’s a terrible headache and stomach power operates. Our weakness 8

cannot limit God’s power. And I saw the deaf hear, the blind see and so many testimonies. nd finally a distinguished lady came to the platform. She was not a Christian. She said, “I had back pain for more than twenty years and somebody told me if I go to that meeting I will be healed. So I came to the meeting and sat in the last row. I didn’t know anything about Jesus; I didn’t know what was going to happen. But this man as he stood up to speak, suddenly a bright light appeared where he was. He disappeared, and a beautiful person clad in white appeared in his place. And I saw rays of light coming from him and hitting me. I couldn’t bear it. I soared and fell down. I got up just now and saw people walking away. And I heard somebody calling me from that same place, and drawing me to the same platform. And see I am totally free! My back pain is gone, and I have great peace in my heart. I saw Jesus right here!” Take courage, my friend, the Lord can work through you too if you will surrender to His will and obey. “You will see the glory of God” (John 11:40) revealed through you to those around, in spite of your weakness, pain and shortcomings.

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“To heal the broken-hearted...” (Isaiah 61:1,2)

Day Of

Deliverance FEBRUARY 28, 2018 For more than 20,000 letters received everyday by post and email, the Dhinakarans pray and send prayerful replies. These replies turn into miracles in the lives of the dear ones who come in contact with the Jesus Calls ministries. Their hope is not cut off. Many of us would have certain requests about which we have been facing obstacles in our lives, travailing for long and seeking deliverance. Here is an opportunity for you to send such requests to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran who will be praying for you, on February28th, 2018. So, hurry up! Send your requests to us through facebook and e-mails.

My prayer request to be prayed on “Day of Deliverance” February 28th 2018 “Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:15)

1. .................................................................................................................................................................... 2. ................................................................................................................................................................... 3. ................................................................................................................................................................... PLEASE SEND YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS by email: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran: Sis. Stella Dhinakaran: Sis. Evangeline Paul: by posting a comment on: “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3) The ‘Jesus Calls’ staff family will also intercede for you, standing before God in the breach to bring answers to every one of your requests. Visit our website



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Lamentations 3:25 Hope in the Lord. Meditation: Psalm 37:9; Proverbs 20:22; Isaiah 49:22-26; Jude 21.


Numbers 18:20 God is your share and inheritance. Meditation: Lev. 20:22-24; Psalm 16:5-8; Ephesians 1:12; Col. 3:23,24.


Malachi 3:18 You are distinct. Meditation: Exo.8:20-23; Acts15:9; Psalm 58:11; Luke12:23,24

5 6 7 8 9 10

Exodus 23:25 Health and Blessings. Meditation: Isaiah 58:1-8; Job 42:1012; Proverbs 10:6; Mark 5:25-34.

Matthew 6:33 Seek the Kingdom of God and righteousness Meditation: Deut. 16:20; Psalm 106:3; Luke 14:15; Romans 14:17 Deuteronomy 18:13 Be blameless Meditation: 2 Kings 20:1-6; Psalm; 84:11; Proverbs 2:7 Proverbs 11:25 You will prosper Meditation: Proverbs 14:11; Isaiah 35:1-4; Acts 14:17 Joshua 24:15 Serve the Lord Meditation: Psalm 2:11; Romans 1:9; Rev. 7:15-17 Judges 6:12 You are a mighty warrior.

Meditation: Judges 6:7-12; Isaiah 40:10,11; Song of Songs 4:4.

10 11 12 13 14

Psalm 92:12 You will grow. Meditation: Malachi 4:2; Ephesians 4:11-15; 1 Peter 2:3-5. Proverbs 2:8 God protects the way. Meditation: Psalm 23:3; Proverbs 1:5; 3:6; Isaiah 26:7. Proverbs 3:33 God who blesses. Meditation: Isaiah 61:7-9 Psalm 128:5; Luke 24:49,50. Isaiah 12:6 Great in He among you. Meditation: Zephaniah 3:15,17; 1 Cor. 6:19; 2 Cor. 6:16. Haggai 2:23 You are a signet ring. Meditation: Gen. 41:40-43; Ezek. 28:12; 2 Cor. 1:20-24.


Daniel 9:9 God is forgiving. Meditation: Psalm 32:1; Isaiah 55:6-9; Jer. 31:34; 1 John 1:9.


Psalm 1:3 Whatever is done prospers. Meditation: Joshua 1:1-9; 2 Chron. 32:27-30; Isaiah 53:10.


Revelation 22:16 God, the bright Morning Star Meditation: Num. 6:25; Ezra 6-8; John 1:9

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Zechariah 2:5 Glory is He. Meditation: Lev. 9:1-6; Psalm 3:3; Isaiah 11:1-10.


Matthew 7:7 Receive. Meditation: Judges 1:14,15; Matthew 21:22; Mark 10:47-52.


Luke 1:37 All things possible with God. Meditation: Psalm 33:9; Jer. 32:17, 27; Matthew 19:26.


Psalm 34:8 Taste and see. Meditation: Psalm 119;103; Hebrews 6:4-7; 1 Peter 2:1-5.


Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is unchanging. Meditation: Psalm 102:25-28; Romans 11:29; Hebrews 1:12, 6:17.


Genesis 17:2 God will greatly increase your members. Meditation: Gen. 13:16; Job 1:10; Philippians 1:9-11.


Proverbs 10:24 God grants the desires. Meditation: 1 Kings 11:31-37; Psalm 145:15-19; Proverbs 13:12.


Exodus 33:14 Lord God gives rest. Meditation: Joshua 1:13-15; 1 Kings 8:53-58; Matthew 11:28,29


Psalm 128:2 Blessings and prosperity from the Lord. Meditation: Deut. 28:1-11; Nehemiah 2:18; Psalm 33:12; 144:12-15.


Proverbs 10:6 Blessings crown the head. Meditation: Gen. 49:26; Deut. 33:16; Esther 2:15-18; Psalm 21:3.


Exodus 14:14 The Lord grants victory in the fight. Meditation: Deut. 1:28-31; Psalm 24:8; Proverbs 21:31; Isaiah 31:1-5.

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according to the vision that God has given, we will have the Gospel preached to around 25 million new people. For this, please pray that God will open new doors in the ministry to add souls into

My dearly beloved, Let me bring you a word from the Lord for the second month of the New Year straight into your heart. It is from Revelation 3:8, that says, “…See, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it...” The Lord will open wide doors for you to receive the blessings you have been waiting thus far in your children’s education, your job, and in your business. In the ministry too, through your generous gifts, God will open new doors. In the year 2018,

His fold.

FEBRUARY, BEGINNING OF A NEW ERA! “Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.” (Daniel 12:3) On the 20th February 2008 the Lord according to His divine will, called Home my beloved father and your brother who was His own hearted apostle and hugged him to His bosom. He brought comfort and healing and through word of God brought hope into innumerable people. Obeying God, founding the Jesus Calls, Karunya ministry through tireless efforts and faithfulness, his demise sunk everyone into sorrow. God who plans everything even before the foundation of the world gave me a new era in the ministry, strengthened me through the Holy Spirit and enabled me to take the lead and continue the calling. In order to preserve the timeless classics of the truths preached by dad and to ensure that it is passed on to strengthen and build the faith of the future generations, we have embarked upon a massive


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digitization Project. Thus far it is you who have been uploading this huge task by your generous gifts. Please continue to uphold these efforts by pouring on us your precious love and prayers and material support. In the year 1955, on 11th February, my father accepted Jesus Christ and from 1955 to 2008 God used him tremendously and touched and transformed the lives of thousands of people. Your share in the ministry through your generous offerings and gifts will mean that you are also involved in leading the lost souls to the Lord Jesus Christ.

PRAYER FOR CHILDREN “In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Colossians 2:3) It is for the sole purpose of praying for the protection on children and for their bright future and for their wisdom that the Young Partners plan was given to us. We along with several prayer intercessors pray every day for such children who get registered in Jesus Calls Young Partners Plan. All those who get enlisted are being continually prayed for in the 24x7 Prayer Tower. I encourage you to enroll your children and children’s children into the plan and see the blessings come upon them and you too. You can contact our Prayer Tower or visit or call the Prayer Tower in your country and get more details.

WORLD PRAYER CONVENTION “Behold, the Lord God shall come with a strong hand,and His arm shall rule for Him;Behold, His reward is with Him, and His work before Him.” (Isaiah 40:10) We have organized a World Prayer Convention in the city of Jerusalem from 22nd May to 24th

May 2018. World renowned saints of God, speakers, and prophets will participate with us in this convention. Along with this convention we have also organized the Holy Land Tour to visit Israel, Jordan and Egypt. Please participate in this World Prayer Convention and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I encourage you to come and receive the special anointing in this place and receive the gifts of God and return to your home lands and shine as wonderful and powerful servants of God. You can register for this convention through

KARUNYA ADMISSIONS “…A man’s wisdom makes his face shine...” (Ecclesiastes 8:1) The Karunya Deemed to be University has begun its students’ admission for the year 2018. Students are invited to apply for degree and post graduate programs in the departments of science, arts, engineering, agriculture, media, management, commerce and various other disciplines. Please pray for these educational services. Many students from all over India are studying in the campus.There are also students from overseas studying here. Your children can get this highly graded education in technology, arts and science and shine as glorious witnesses for Jesus Christ. So, take effort and enrol your children in these programs and become successful. Details of admission can be received from

FORTHCOMING MEETINGS In January 2018, we were able to take the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ to more than 50,000 people through One Day Blessing Meetings, Partners Meeting, Prayer Tower Dedications, Facebook, website, social media and Prayer Tower Ministry. We have opened new Prayer Towers in Marthandam, Tiruvallur, Namakkal in TamilNadu, India and Dumka in Jharkhand. We

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need to sincerely step up our efforts and pray for God to touch the 25 Million people, the vision for 2018 to be fulfilled. We are planning to establish Prayer Towers in Bokaro, Bhopal, Indore (Madhya Pradesh) Nizamabad (Telangana), and Jeypore (Odisha). In India , we need to complete the renovation work of the Bethesda Prayer Centre,TamilNadu, and the Frazer Town Prayer Tower, Karnataka, this year. We need to construct Prayer Towers in Secunderabad in Telengana and Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala also. Let me list you this month’s meetings: February 3 Students Prayer Meet, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, February 4 Students Prayer Meet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, February 10,11 Hyderabad Prayer Festival, Andhra Pradesh and Family Blessing Meet, Mangalore. February 14-16 Prophetic Prayer Convention Aurangabad, Maharashtra February 17-18 Marathawada Prayer Festival,Jalna, Maharashtra

Please pray for these meetings in your daily prayers. Please pray for people to participate in these meetings through the social media and also in person, in thousands and thousands and for many to support these meetings. I praise God for giving us precious partners like you who are upholding us, the family of the servants of God in your prayer. God used my son Samuel powerfully in December 2017 and in the month of January 2018 in church services, UTurn youth meetings in Chennai, Ranchi and Nagpur. Please continue to pray for my children. According to the new pledges you would have taken in the New Year please continue to support the ministry in a more generous way. For those who missed out on sending your pledges, we have given the form once again. May the Holy Spirit speak into your hearts and according to His leading come forward to sow your seed into this ministry. You will not only receive blessings from God but He will also make you a blessing to others. Let’s unite to gift Jesus to 25 million new souls . Your brother who pray for you, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

I PLEDGE TO SEND OFFERING TO SUPPORT THIS MINISTRY q Yearly $................................/-

q Monthly $....................................../-

q My one-day salary/income $...................../-

q My one-month salary/income $....................../-

q One-tenth of my salary $........................./-

q One-tenth of my income $............................./-

q One-time payment of $.............................../Name: ........................................................................................... Partner No.: ......................................... Address: ..................................................................................................................................................... Mobile No. .............................................. E-mail: ...................................................................................... Birthday .......................................................... Wedding Day ...................................................... Please contact the Prayer Tower in your country to get more additional information.


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Sports for Special Children

“Let me win, but if I cannot, let me be brave in the attempt” – this is the motto of the Special Olympics. This is also the motto of the Special Games organised as part of the Karunya Evangeline Memorial Tournament (KEMT) in Karunya Institute of Technology & Sciences. SEESHA organises this annual event to promote inclusive development and also to give people an opportunity to see how talented people with special needs can be! In order words, this special event is an attempt to help people see them for their abilities rather than for their disabilities. This year, over 450 differently-abled children from 14 special schools across Coimbatore district participated in this event. Breaking down stereotypes, these children participated in a range of events despite their special conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, intellectually disabled, visually impaired, hearing impaired and locomotor disability.

From Beneficiaries to Donors! nspired by the sel ess service of H and the donors who continuously support its work, child beneficiaries of H ’s hild Learning entres in Coimbatore decided to do what they can to give back! Through individual contributions as small as Rs. 5, these children pooled in whatever they could save from their meagre pocket allowances and contributed it to SEESHA. With this contribution, SEESHA has been able to provide 7 government schools in the district with educational essentials. We are truly proud to have become an inspiration to these children and use their contributions to help children like them have an enriching learning experience. To contribute to the Differently-abled project, donate online at

The Joy of Empowerment A number of people from various walks of life have stepped into the year 2018 with gifts from SEESHA that will change their lives forever. At a special event organised by SEESHA in December 2017, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran (Founder –SEESHA) distributed sewing machines empowering 12 women to set up their own income generation initiatives, retro fitment motor vehicles to five differently abled persons find mobility and self sufficiency, and financial as well as e uipment support for transwomen to pursue skill training and as part of entrepreneurial development to 3 transgender provided financial support and start up independent business as alternative livelihood.

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he Lord said to Jeremiah that He has appointed him as a prophet to the nations, not just for Israel. God is

calling you too for great things. Hence, when the Lord calls you for great things do not give excuses. Don’t say that you are weak, shy and inexperienced and so you cannot go. We can never give excuses to God. God called Moses saying,


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"...I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring My people the Israelites out of Egypt.” (Exodus 3:10) But Moses gave so many excuses, “O Lord, I have never been eloquent. I am slow of speech. Please send someone else” (Exodus 4:10). The Lord was angry with his response and said, “I am sending your brother Aaron and let him speak for you. You be the Lord for him and He will be the mouth piece.”

planned for us no one can recount to you” (Psalm 40:5). When God blesses us, His blessings will be such that there will not be room enough to hold them! Friend, even today, the Lord will pour out His blessing upon you. The Lord will crown the head of the righteous. Keep your heart open and open your mouth wide for Lord to fill it (Psalm 81:10). Keep your heart open for God to enter in and make your heart His abode.


When the Lord chooses us, He does everything for us. .We need not struggle over anything because the Lord says, “Without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). Today let us cry out to God saying, “Lord, I commit myself and my family to serve you. Fill us

I was a shy and timid girl in the early days of my ministry but as I opened my mind and heart to God, allowing Him to fill me, He filled me with His Holy Spirit and turned me into a blessing for others. By nature, I am a soft

with your Holy Spirit” and the Lord will answer our prayers and use us as He used Moses.

spoken person. Therefore, when I started my ministry I would speak so softly that people were not able to hear my messages.

Then the LORD said, "I am making a covenant with you. Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world. The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I, the LORD,

I used to feel very sad about my weakness and

will do for you.” (Exodus 34:10)

to God to give you a louder voice to enable you to

prayed, “Lord, enable me to speak louder so that people can hear my message and be blessed.” One day a prophetess prayed over me and revealed my silent prayer which I had never even told my husband. She said “Evangeline! You are praying speak loudly but this is what the Lord says, even


your whispers can bring miracles Evangeline; so

David said, “Many, O Lord my God, are the

be as you are. You are a soft spoken person but

wonders you have done. The things you have

then people will come to you and say that your

Jesus Calls International * February 2018 * www.


very word touched their heart and the Lord did a

Here is Rachel Joseph, a student of first

miracle through you. You are a blessed person.”

year MBA, Karunya deemed to be University

And that is what exactly happened in my ministry.

testifying how God filled her in the Prophetic

Many people came to me, especially women, and

Prayer Conference held at Karunya.

said, “Sister you spoke just for me; I was full of

For the past few months, I had been

fear but then the Lord delivered me today through

constantly under the demonic oppression

your message.” Yes, the Lord will use you also

and I was in depression. I never used to like

in a unique way; just be as you are and don’t try

anything. Whenever I sat down to pray, I

to copy others. The Lord’s grace is sufficient for

used to get negative thoughts and felt very

you. In your weakness the Lord’s strength will be

discouraged. My parents

perfected (2 Cor. 12:9). Be

are in the ministry and


my father being a pastor

“I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.” (John 9:4) One day my husband was praying over the prayer requests that were sent to him and the Lord showed him the above verse. He said, “My son, the night is coming; so work hard. Always pray as a family. My return is coming very soon. Prepare the world for My coming.”

always keeps praying for me. I wasn’t completely sure




regarding my job and career. I was working prior to joining MBA. I felt I should quit MBA and go back to work. I was really confused. I developed severe migraine and because of this I had to skip classes and go home often. I got my CT scan done by the best doctors in my hometown but nothing worked for me.

Today, the Lord is asking us also to prepare people

I was under deep depression when I

to prophesy over the nations. You, who are reading

attended the Prophetic Prayer Conference. I

this message, get up and go to serve the Lord! The

was sitting at the very last row. I just said,

Lord is sending you. You might be a weak, broken

“Lord, I don’t even know why I am here but

vessel but the Lord has chosen you knowing your

all I have to say is if You are here with me,

brokenness. The Lord’s call is for a high purpose

I want to see Your hand in my life; I want

- to serve the world. Dear friends we have no time

to be filled with the Holy Spirit.” When I felt

to relax or rest.

broken, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called out my


Jesus Calls International * February 2018 * www.

name. I was not sure about it as Rachel is a

prepare the world for His second coming. My

very common name. Next day, I was praying

husband says, “Let anything happen to me or my

“Lord, only if You had really called my name,

family, but let us not stop running for the Lord”.

I want to hear my name called once again.

In spite of his weaknesses in the body, he says,

I want to be filled with Your Holy Spirit.”

“I am here Lord, use me” and with the strength

Immediately Dr. Paul called out my name

of the Lord, he stands before the people. When

and said “Rachel, you have been praying for

he completes his preaching all his weakness and

the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. God is filling you

pain are gone! We then wonder at how the Lord

right now.” I felt the mighty power of God

honours His children!

coming upon me and filling me completely. I was filled with joy which I have never experienced in my life. As I continued praying I could feel Jesus telling me, “Rachel, Jesus loves you. I have not forsaken you.” Truly I feel so blessed and encouraged.


Dear reader, are you weak, and burdened? Come to Jesus as you are. Don’t be confused looking at the circumstances around you. Fear not, for He will carry you through your life’s journey, no matter what the burdens may be - be it health, finances, broken relationships, job situations, bereavement, loneliness, shame or uncertainties in life. Romans 8:37 says, “Yet in all these things we

Once when we were in New Zealand, a family

are more than conquerors through Him who loved

invited us for dinner. One of them out of love and

us”. In John 16:33 Jesus says, “In the world you

concern suggested, “Dr. Paul you are working so

will have tribulations; but be of good cheer, I have

hard, you need some rest. Probably you should

overcome the world.” The Lord who has chosen

have only one meeting per month”. But we have

you and anointed you will never let you down. He

no time to rest. We have to be on the move to

will fulfil His purposes in your life.

Jesus Calls International * February 2018 * www.




Letter to Dr.Paul..... Dear Brother, Praise Jesus! I had visited the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, in Anna Nagar, Chennai at India in 2016 requesting prayer for my Visa Application process for Australia. God Miraculously granted the Visa for me and my family. We took a step of faith, resigned our current jobs and migrated to Australia in June 2017. Now in Australia, by God’s grace we are settling down slowly. I strongly believe that I will get a better job here in Australia and God will fulfil His plan over me and my wife and 2 kids. Thanks for your prayerful support. Best Regards, Mathew Philip Like Mathew Philip you can also call our Prayer Tower, visit our Prayer Tower and be blessed. Toll Free Prayer Hotline: 1300 728 378 (Free Call), available 24x7 to receive prayer calls Our Address: 66 Terminus Street, Liverpool NSW 2170, Sydney. 20

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PRAYER TOWER NEWS... Healing Blessing Meeting Every Wednesday - 7.00pm For more info call prayer tower on +61 2 9602 3200 Esther Prayers Group / Youth Esther Prayer Group 1st Saturday of every month. Time: 10.00am - 12.00 noon. Y You can become a prayer intercessor, volunteer in our Prayer Tower. Y Join our Esther Prayer Group / Youth Esther Prayer Group as a member to pray for women in need. If you would like to start an Esther / Youth Esther prayer group / Couples Esther prayer group in your place, please contact us. Y To Pray and Partner with Us: Join the Family Blessing Plan, Young Partner’s Plan, Business Blessing Plan, Prayer Tower Partner, Seesha Partner, TV Club Partner etc.


We request your continued support to be available on FM 103.2 Christian Radio station. If you feel led by the Lord, please endeavour with us

TV PROGRAMS TBN 5.30 pm every Sunday You may send in your cheerful Offerings through Money Order / Cheques written in favour of ‘Jesus Calls’ and post to: PO Box 575, Liverpool NSW 2170, Sydney, Australia. For Direct Bank Deposit and Bank Transfers, please use the following details: Account Name: Jesus Calls Ministry services Pty Ltd Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia Account Number: 1113 3084 BSB Number: 062-517 Branch: Liverpool

JESUS CALLS WORLD PRAYER CONVENTION 22nd – 24th MAY 2018 IN JERUSALEM A team from Australia will be going for this prayer convention next year. If you are interested in joining the team, please contact the Co-ordinators Sis. Sunita Narayan and Bro. Alick by email or phone. For any further details or enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the Co-ordinators on: Phone: +61 2 9602 3200 Email: Jesus Calls International * February 2018 * www.



How to live holy in this world according to the Scripture verse, “put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts” (Romans 13:14)?


Answer: “Putting on the Lord Jesus Christ” is a holy life which is pleasing to God. We read in the Bible the Lord God saying, “You shall therefore be holy, for I am holy” (Leviticus 11:45; 19:2; 20:26; I Peter 1:16). God says, “I am God…the Holy One in your midst” (Hosea 11:9). We also read in the Bible, the Seraphim saying to each other “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!” (Isaiah 6:3). Thus, God the Father, who has created the whole universe, is a living God forever and is perfectly holy. The Lord Jesus too says, “Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, The Holy One of Israel” (Isaiah 43:14). Also, don’t we read in Hebrews 7:26, “For such a High Priest was fitting for us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and has become higher than the heavens”? Thus, when both the Father and the Son are examples to us, as we saw in the above verses, wouldn’t He surely help us to 22

live a holy life in this world? Doesn’t He call us, “the elect of God, holy and beloved”? (Colossians 3;12). As said in Colossians 3:2, it is very essential that we seek and enjoy the glorious divine life of “setting our mind on things above, and not on things on the earth.” The coming of the Lord is very near. As we read in the Bible, today we see lot of things happening in this earth. Hence, first of all we need to realize how important it is to live a holy life like the Lord. We need to have a godly fear in us to be away from the filth of this world. Look at the life of David. He was indeed a zealous prayer warrior. He was a faithful man, who prayed early in the morning, on his bed at night and in the evenings and noon. Yet, only one time, he went to walk on the roof of his house at the time when he used to pray (II Samuel 12:2). That time his eyes lusted after a woman and

he fell in sin. The child which was born of sin, died as per God’s will. David fasted and prayed hard. However, because of his sin, the Lord did not hear his prayer. Yes, he audaciously gave up his eyes to lust instead of giving that time to the Lord. Hence, to avoid such things happening in your life, do not easily give room for eshly lusts in your life but put on the Lord Jesus Christ with reverence. As the foundation for a holy life, we need to get united with the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy One. “I and My Father are one.” (John 10:30) - The Lord Jesus Christ has said this as an example for us. Likewise, Christ has to join in you and interact with you. This is the experience of salvation. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (II Corinthians 5:17)

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My dear ones, this is how the Lord would change your life too. Receive the divine experience of saying, “My Lord Jesus and I are one.” Confess all your shortcomings – whether big or small – to the Lord. Let go of them in all reverence, according to I John 1:9. Do only

the things that please Jesus. With godly fear, fulfil His will, every day. Then the Lord would help you to live a successful and holy life. Read diligently every word written here. Also read the Word of the Lord, confess your shortcomings, receive the Holy Spirit and put on Jesus

Christ. Then He will grant you the divine grace to live a holy life, just as how Jesus lived. “And those who are Christ’s have crucified the esh with its passions and desires.” (Galatians 5:24)

ENRICHED THE WEARY SOUL The Esther Prayer Group formed by divine vision is a blessed prayer group that has been preordained by God. Plenty of prayer requests are being offered through this Esther Prayer Group. The Lord too is answering them at the due time. The tears of many are wiped off; sicknesses are healed; needs are met. By His grace, mercy and favour, the Lord is doing many miracles in each and every Esther Prayer Group. May He richly bless these Esther Prayer Groups in the coming days and exalt them more and more! For the past several days, we have been praying and inviting many to join the Couples Esther Prayer Group prayer in our house. Finally 6 couples agreed to come. On October 18th, my husband and I were waiting from 5 PM and were praying and singing songs. Nobody turned up even when it was 6 PM. I became dejected and concluded that nobody would come. In the next 5 minutes, 3 couples came all of a sudden. I was happy that the Lord had done a miracle. I thanked God and He helped me to conduct the prayer. The promise verse was also apt for me. The Lord satiated and replenished our souls even as we were weary. Glory to God! - Rev. Joyce Solomon, Pollachi.

A PRAYER CALL FOR COUPLES WHO LOVE JESUS CHRIST The Lord has led us to form “COUPLES ESTHER PRAYER GROUP” (CEPG) in which couples of any age group, who walk in the fear of God, can pray together for other couples who are desperately in need of our prayers due to various problems in their lives. You and your spouse can offer this intercessory prayer right from your home. You can pray for one hour, once a month with NOT LESS THAN 4 COUPLES in your group for the 10 PRAYER POINTS, which will be sent to you. The next day after the meeting, please send a report. For more details: For sisters who are willing to start an Esther Prayer Group / Couples Esther Prayer Group in USA, kindly contact Sis. Lincy Pandithurai, the chief co-ordinator for the whole of USA for Esther Prayer Group! Phone: +1 (469) 765-5351, email: Our USA Address: Jesus Calls International, 8855 N Stemmons Freeway, Dallas-Texas, USA 75247. Phone No.: 1-855-537-8722 Those of you in other countries who would like to start an Esther Prayer Group, Couples Esther Prayer Group, kindly contact Sis. Stella Dhinakaran with your postal address, email id & mobile number, so that she can send you the prayer points every month regularly! India Address: Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran, Jesus Calls Ministry, 16, DGS Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600028. Phone: 91-44-23456677 / 72, email: Jesus Calls International * February 2018 * www.



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If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honour. (John 12:26) The gift of the Word of Knowledge is one of the most powerful gifts of the Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 12:8). Anyone who is blessed with this gift will be empowered to understand all biblical mysteries (Proverbs 28:5). This gift is described below: ...the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. (Isaiah 11:2) The ‘fear of God’ goes hand in hand with this gift. This gift enables us to understand every mystery behind the acts of God and also the Scriptures. For example, Apostle Paul was not anywhere near our Lord Jesus when He sojourned on the face of this earth. However, when he Late Bro. D. G. S. was called for God’s ministry by the Lord later (as described in Acts Dhinakaran had 9:1–16), it pleased the Lord to re-enact before him, important compiled his heavenly / episodes in His life that the Lord felt Paul should know. supernatural experiences One such episode is the Passover which He observed in the book. An Insight on the night in which He was betrayed. Paul into Heaven’ and published describes that experience as it. In this issue we wish to observed by share one chapter from the book to inspire you to desire such glorious experiences.



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in Heaven (Zachariah 4:11, 14; Revelation 11:4). Moses and the other prophets are also in Heaven before His presence. But there is one major difference. Moses and the other There were times when it prophets in Heaven are in Spirit. pleased the Lord to take me to Hence, they are not in any way the very place in Heaven where anxious or concerned about the the Old Testament and New happenings in the world. Testament saints are. It was on As far as I am concerned, I such occasions that I would be am still in the flesh. So, I am allowed to put my doubts across certainly concerned about the to them about their life and things that happen in Heaven, as ministry which were difficult well as the events in the world. So, I was really inflamed and for me to understand. The Scripture, 2 Chronicles grieved in my spirit because of 21:12 has always been a mystery the evil ways of King Jehoram at for me to understand. The that time. The Lord wanted me reason is this. Prophet Elijah to reprove him. Yes, it was I who was taken away to Heaven in wrote that epistle and sent it to flesh and blood in a chariot of him”. With this, my confusion fire (II Kings 2:11). However, about this epistle was cleared. him (ICorinthians 11:23-25). He emphasises this again saying, “For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ” (Galatians 1:12).

how would several years later an evil king by the name Jehoram of Judah receive an epistle written by Prophet Elijah admonishing him for his perverse administration, which was far from the statutes of the great Jehovah. Of course, whatever he had written in that epistle concerning the future of that king happened exactly as written in that epistle.

One day, when God gave me an opportunity to meet Prophet Elijah, I asked him to clarify this mystery. This is what he told me, “When I was ministering on earth as the prophet of God, I stood before God all the time (I Kings 17:1). Now, also, I stand before Him

very agonizing experience. The digestive acid in the belly of the fish would surround me from all sides. I would be submerged in that. The acid would try to digest me, my whole body will burn and I would scream at the top of my voice for God to help me to come out of this onslaught.”

He continued, “Then, most astonishingly, ‘the grace of God’ would come from another direction and surround me to redeem me from the power of that digestive acid. The grace of God would envelop me as an invisible fluid comforting and consoling, and with that the burning sensation would stop. I would be greatly relieved of that agony and heave a sigh Once, I was brooding over the of great relief! However, after experience of Prophet Jonah in some time the whole scenario the belly of a big fish for three of crying out in agony would days as reported in the Book be repeated and again the grace of Jonah, as well as quoted by our precious Lord in Matthew of God would come forth to 12:40. Several days later, during help me.” my time of prayer, I heard the Indeed, the Bible says that while voice of God saying, “Come Jonah was in the belly of that here.” The Lord introduced me great fish for three days and to a person of short stature and three nights he cried unto the said, “This is Jonah and you can put forth your question to him.” Lord for His mercy and grace (Jonah 2:8), and God’s grace did I was indeed surprised at the surround him and protect him. personality of this man as he looked very simple. Sure Yes, ‘The gift of the Word enough, I put the question to of Knowledge’ does help to him, “Sir, how did you feel when traverse to this wonderful you were in the belly of a big fish place in Heaven where people while you were in this world?” who had lived and served the He smiled and said, “It was a Lord are kept in the consoling

Jesus Calls International * February 2018 * www.


presence of the Lord.

A PLACE OF COMFORT There were occasions when the Lord enabled me to have some time with Sadhu Sundar Singh, the great and acclaimed Saint of India. The divine joy that was reflected on his face is beyond any description. Yet, no one can even presume that when he was in this world, he had suffered so much for the Lord. All the time a natural smile and joy was reflected on his face. The following Scripture verses gives a glimpse of the Third Heaven: It is doubtless not profitable for me to boast. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord: I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago-whether in the body ... I do not know, God knows-how he was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter. (II Corinthians 12:1-4) The glory that fills this place can never be put in words. Only those who had the privilege and experience of walking with God in this world can withstand and enjoy His glorious presence in the Third Heaven. The Bible says, Enoch and Noah walked with God (Genesis 5:24, 6:9). Abraham was a Friend of God (II Chronicles 20:7; Isaiah 41:8; James 2:23) and hence walked with Him. God was a Friend of Moses and talked to him face to face (Exodus 33:11; Numbers 28

12:8). Apostle Paul was so close to God that he would be transported back and forth to Heaven at God’s will and pleasure (II Corinthians 12:14; Galatians 2:20). John was a bosom friend of the Lord in like manner (John 13:23, 19:26, 20:2, 21:7, 20).

with the Old Testament and New Testament saints about His intentions concerning the future events in the world, at His will and pleasure.

While I was still with the Lord in the Third Heaven, Elijah asked the Lord a direct question, “Lord, has the time come for The Lord Jesus also has very me to go back to the world?” specifically demanded from Enoch too put forth a similar His Father that this privilege query. The Lord immediately of being with Him should be said to both of them, “No, not given to those who walked with yet, wait.” As in Revelation 11:4, Him, according to the Scripture both Elijah and Enoch are to below: come back to the world to die Father, I desire that they also as martyrs at the appointed time whom You gave Me may be with (Revelation 11:7, 8). Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You God can comfort anyone have given Me; for You loved and everyone under any Me before the foundation of the circumstances. (Psalm 94:19). Further, the Holy Spirit is world. (John 17:24) described as ‘the Comforter’ Hence, only those who have and is introduced so in the had a burning desire to be following verses: with Him at all times and have practised the presence of “And I will pray the Father, Christ in this world would be and He will give you another made comfortable in the Third Helper, that He may abide with you forever; “the Spirit of truth, Heaven. whom the world cannot receive, THE HEAVENLY because it neither sees Him nor COUNCIL knows Him; but you know Him, Daniel 7:10 and Revelation for He dwells with you and will 20:4 speak of the ‘Heavenly be in you. (John 14:16,17) Council’ that God has instituted The great Holy Spirit follows us in Heaven. to Heaven also with His Holy And I saw thrones, and they comfort if we have suffered sat on them, and judgment for Him in this world. So be of was committed to them. ... good cheer. God is our comfort (Revelation 20:4) both in this world as well as in The Lord Jesus Christ could Heaven if we live for Him and be seen having deliberations serve Him (Colossians 1:24).

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Come to Pray in



he Holy Spirit spoke to me to establish a Prayer Tower in Israel, to pray for God’s plan upon each nation and its peoples, for it to be prepared for His second coming. According to Revelation 10:7 and 11, prayer has to be offered for the kings chosen by God to be in place, the gospel to be preached is each nation with prophetic accuracy and solutions for the problems of each nation to be revealed. 29

Each country will eventually be blessed, as the person from that country comes and prays here at Israel Prayer Tower . When the prayer intercessors go back to their country after praying for a brief period at the Israel Prayer Tower in Jerusalem, God would give them His prophetic authority to anoint kings and bring signs & wonders and also enable them to enjoy the prophetic blessing in their own life. -Dr. Paul Dhinakaran.

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You are invited... Partner with us You only have to pay for your airfare & food. Your lodging will be provided by us in the serenity and quietness of our Prayer Tower for a love offering of only $310 for two weeks stay. If you’re not able to come, would you like to help us by sponsoring one or more prayer intercessors for a two week assignment? Only through beloved partners and friends like you who financially support the work of srael Prayer Tower, we are able to take care of the prayer intercessors coming for a two week assignment. Thank you!!!

Two weeks - US$ 310

One week - US$155

Daily Cost - US$25

Please prayerfully consider becoming a regular monthly financial supporter and partner of Israel Prayer Tower and together we will bless the Body of Christ in Israel. ONLINE DONATION ccount ame J PT

ccount umber 12 82 2

ode L2 012 8200 0000 02





http donate To donate through PayPal, send a payment to through your PayPal (or) online account for the Israel Prayer Tower APPLICATION FORM FOR SHORT-TERM STAY AS PRAYER INTERCESSOR (Please mail this to or Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Current Address: _____________________________________________________________ Phone (Mobile): ____________________ E-mail Address: ___________________________ Desired Date to arrive and for how long: ___________________What interests you to involve with the “Israel Prayer Tower” as a Prayer Intercessor _______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (or) I would like to sponsor a Prayer Intercessor Two weeks U


ne week U


Signature _______________ Prayer Tower ddress srael Prayer Tower,

Daily U


Date ________________ en ehuda, 20th loor, Jerusalem.

Contact numbers: Bro. Hayim Otsarya 972542377766 & Sis. Keren 972546526521 or prayers, please contact 97225337577 Website acebook srael Prayer Tower 30

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Prayer Intercessors, December 2017

Having come off the mission field, I was asking the Lord for a place I could truly rest in His presence. With individual prayer rooms, a worship room and a precious atmosphere, JCPT is truly an oasis where I can worship my King Jesus with no distractions. A sincere and heartfelt thanks to the loving and caring staff and volunteers here who welcome and facilitate this amazing ministry! - EVE British missionary in Paraguay

It has been an honor and blessing to serve God at the ISRAEL PRAYER TOWER (IPT). Now I have a better understanding of the Holy Land since I have learnt so much from the Directors of the IPT Keren and Hayim. I had a great time serving and interacting with the prayer Intercessor groups that come and stay at IPT; amazing testimonies that God did in them and through them here. It is the best experience I have had in the Holy Land. Serving here I feel renewed and transformed. - Judith, USA

JCPT is a wonderful facility. A non-denominational sanctuary with a wonderfully welcoming staff and volunteers. Its a place where you feel welcomed and at home, as well as free to worship, pray and receive from heaven without preconditions or expectations. A true blessing to the body of Christ in Israel and visitors from afar alike! Thank you! -Peter, British missionary in Paraguay

Jesus Calls International * February 2018 * www.


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