Jesus Calls International June 2018

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The lord has been graciously using the ministry of Jesus Calls International throughout the United States of America and around the world to be a beacon of light through our Dallas Prayer Tower. Every day we receive thousands of calls from precious partners from various parts of the country for prayer. The Prayer Intercessors at the Dallas Prayer Tower intercede fervently for these prayer requests at the feet of God almighty and bring down God's miracles answers into the life of the partners. Truly to its calling the Dallas Prayer Tower has brought HOPE and HEALING to thousands in the past. Through our Dallas Prayer Tower, we also organize and conduct various prayer meetings in various parts of United States. Recently in the month of March, 2018, we had our Night of Joy meeting in Yuba City, CA. During the meeting the members of the Dhinakaran family ministered to the precious people gathered. The venue was filled to its maximum capacity and the many testified about God's miraculous touch in their life. People were set free from skin diseases, torments by demons, family problem and many other problems.


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All these Night of Joy meetings and the operation of the Dallas Prayer Tower have been made possible through our HOPE and HEALING WALL partners who faithfully support the ministry every month with their gifts of $31 or more. Today, we encourage you to kindly help us in bringing HOPE and HEALING to thousands throughout the country of United States. As you help us wipe away the tears of millions through our Dallas Prayer Tower by becoming a HOPE and HEALING WALL partner, we will engrave your name, or the name of your choice on a beautiful Golden Plaque and display it on our HOPE and HEALING WALL at the Dallas Prayer Tower.

To donate towards enabling us to reach the nation of United States through our Dallas Prayer Tower you could make your contributions either by phone, mail or online. To give by phone, please call us at 972-499-4995 To give by check, you could write your checks payable to Jesus Calls International and mail it to our Dallas Prayer Tower located at 8855 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX 75247 USA To give online, please visit

Your gift of any amount will surely be a blessing to millions. OUR PRAYER TOWER IS OPEN FROM 9AM TO 6PM (Monday-Friday)


Jesus Calls International, 8855 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas TX 75247 For Prayer Hotline (24/7): +1-972-499-4995 or 855-JesusCalls C: USA :

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God is about to pour out His pirit upon all esh so that every ministry is going to be used by God in a unique way in the days to come. It is going to happen through you and that’s His plan. When the Spirit of God is poured upon all esh, your sons and daughters shall prophesy. It is going to be a birthing season from now on. You will see a new birth, new life, new revelation, new move of God, new miracle and new grace over owing in the days to come. Do you know 4

why? So, that you can give new spiritual birth to sons and daughters! This is the move of God that is going to happen in the last days. I strongly believe it is going to happen to you and through you from this very moment.

fruit of the womb is His reward.” (Psalm 127:3) There are two things mentioned in this verse: One is ‘children’ and the other is ‘fruit of the womb’. The fruit of the womb refers to a biological child; it’s a reward from the Lord for

CHILDREN, THE FRUIT OF THE WOMB “Children are a heritage from the Lord and the

Jesus Calls International * June 2018 * www.

their faithfulness as husband and wife to each other. “...He seeks godly offspring. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously with the wife of his youth.” (Malachi 2:14-15) When the husband is faithful to his wife and vice-versa, God becomes the witness between them and makes them produce godly offspring-a generation of prophets of God. The relationship between a husband and wife plays an important role for children to become prophets of God, and to raise them up as prophets for His kingdom, whether they are biological or they are spiritual children. It all starts from the family. The statement ‘children are a heritage’ refers to both biological and / or your spiritual children that are a heritage to you. They will carry your heritage; they will carry the word that is in your lips and they will carry the spirit that is upon you. They are the prophets.

“Hannah, am I not better to you than ten sons” (1 Samuel 1:8). The relationship between them was so full of love and affection which brought about the birth of Samuel the prophet through the womb of Hannah.

idea to become a reality - but it has a time - God’s time!

Joseph and Mary: Though Joseph and Mary did not have a physical relationship, yet Joseph cared for Mary because of the word of God that came to him to take care of Mary as his wife and Mary was submissive to Joseph. Wherever he had to go, Mary went along with him, because of their bond in marriage, whether it was to Bethlehem or to Egypt, she just followed him, and there was born from Mary’s womb the greatest Prophet, “a Prophet mighty in deed and word” the Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 24:19).

Amram and Jochebed: Moses, the great prophet who delivered Israel from slavery in Egypt, was born to Amram, a Levite priest and his wife Jochebed. They were united in protecting their child Moses for the sake of the kingdom of God.

Zechariah and Elizabeth: Zechariah served the Lord in the Temple and Elizabeth filled with the Holy pirit, was prophesying at home. What a relationship between them! God waited for the right time for a prophet to be born in the womb of Elizabeth, a How do we give birth to prophet to run before Jesus, prophets? although, it was a long wait Hannah and Elkanah: for the couple to align with When Hannah was distressed God’s timing. Sometimes you because she did not conceive have to wait, be it a spiritual a child, Elkanah, her husband wait or a physical one, for a who loved her dearly, said, child to be formed or for an

Jacob and Rachel: They loved each other and at the right time they brought forth Joseph to be a prophet to Pharaoh’s kingdom.

The relationship between a husband and wife is of vital importance to be one in the mission to bring forth prophets of God in the family and in the world. That’s the grace that God is going to give to each one of you, because you have been faithful in your family life.

ONE IN THE SPIRIT My father and mother were married for forty nine years, and during that period they have shared many experiences and they were together all the time. My mother never went out to preach, never stood on a public platform, until my father passed away. When my father started preaching, I was a little child and I remember how my mother carried a bag containing Horlicks (a health

Jesus Calls International * June 2018 * www.


drink), a bottle of hot water, cold water and a towel. She would sit somewhere near the platform to refresh my father with the beverage. In those days, we would stay in the homes of hosting pastors and they would offer a single bed for my father but my mother and would sleep on the oor.

wants to fulfill in your life. Sometimes the path can be fiery but it is meant only to burn every pomp and pride that will come in the way. It is meant to remove everything that is of the esh. One can even question ‘what happened to all the prophecies?’ It will come to pass; you have to wait for it. Before that, you have to One day when my mother go through fire and water for was praying at home, the Holy God’s will to be perfected in Spirit led my father to lay his your life. Only when we are hands on her, and immediately perfected and humbled before she began to speak in new God, His word will come true tongues. The Holy Spirit in our lives. owed through her, and God The same thing happened built both of them together to be faithful to God all their when my father was af icted lives, faithful to each other with tuberculosis. He was and a model & a blessing to vomiting blood at the age of 34. Until then, he was millions. preaching on the streets but God had spoken that He AUTHORITY was going to put him on the UPON WIFE public platform and he would have to preach to hundreds “For the unbelieving of thousands of people. husband has been sanctified However, the first thing that through his wife, and happened after that prophecy the unbelieving wife has was his lung failure. been sanctified through her believing husband. As he continued to vomit Otherwise your children blood, the day came when he would be unclean, but couldn’t bear it any longer. as it is, they are holy.” Darkness surrounded him. As (1 Corinthians 7:14) he could not find the presence of God, he called my mother, Many times when (I was seven years old at that prophecies are uttered, there will be a time of chastening time and my sister Angel before its fulfillment. This was just born) and said, “I is a time of cleansing and am going away, I can’t even preparation for what God breathe. God will take care of 6

you and our children; I have lived a righteous life before God. y mother filled with the Holy Spirit said, “You will not die, but you will live, because God has spoken that you have to touch millions of people, so you will live” and God said, “Amen” to what my mother said and raised up my father. He lived 39 years after that. What a great God we serve! Every time in our family prayer, my father filled with the Holy Spirit would prophesy to my mother. She never prophesied but spoke words of faith since she would believe in my father’s prophesy and pray that into being. She did not have the need to prophesy because she would speak words of faith quoting his prophesies and raise my father from his death bed, heartaches, fears and so on. As a result, God raised our family, to stand before God and to proclaim his word. God has raised thousands of pastors and evangelists with prophetic anointing.

HUSBAND AND WIFE BUILD TOGETHER “They shall build houses and inhabit them; they shall

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plant vineyards and eat their fruit... It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; And while they are still speaking, I will hear.” (Isaiah 65:21-24)

called me and my mother and he put into my hands the bundle of new currency notes (as a banker he could get his salary in new currency notes in the year 1967). Then they knelt down beside me and they together held my hand with the currency in it. My father cried to God, “Lord, let this poverty end today. As we give to You and Your ministry, have mercy upon us.” I was 5 years old at that time.

God expects husbands and wives to come together to build and to inhabit. He also expects them to plant vineyards, and eat from them. When they agree to build and plant together everything becomes possible (Matthew 18:19). This is In that act of oneness, the because He wants to live in their hearts and home to fulfill Holy Spirit came upon my father and the Lord said, “My His purposes for them. son Dhinakaran, I am going to As a bank officer, my father bless you and your ministry in was earning quite a large the days to come. It is going amount in 1967, and yet there to grow tremendously across was much poverty at home. the world and you will handle We would not have money large amounts of money. I to sustain till the end of the wanted to test you whether you month, rather we would run are faithful in small things, dry by the third week of the whether you are faithful with month. My mother never had your salary, whether you a domestic help or a cook. use it for Me in the midst of She would do everything. She your need, whether you value didn’t have many clothes and your money more than Me. they could not afford to buy a Now I have seen that you are pair of pants for me and that’s faithful. So, from today I will how bad our financial situation bless you.” was. My father would use his My parents agreed and personal money to preach the planned together in the gospel in the streets. presence of God to continue One day when my father to serve the Lord in the midst brought home his salary, he of their severe financial

stringency and that’s why God’s prophetic promise came to them as stated in Isaiah 65:24, “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.”

PROPHECY FULFILLED After my father’s Home call in 2008, the Lord told me, “I will be a Father to you and you are My son.” By the grace of God, the mantle of responsibility fell on me. When my father left, we had huge amounts of debt in Jesus Calls and Karunya but the Holy Spirit showed me what to do in the ministry. He said, “Expand the ministry in the midst of debt. Go across the world, not just India and plant my Prayer Tower in Jerusalem and across the world and begin to pray for the nations of the world.” We began to obey God and my wife said, “I will follow you wherever you go” and my children said, “Whichever school you put us in, we will come with you, as you are more important to us than our friends. We will plant together.”

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By the grace of God, in nearly 2 years’ time, God completely removed the debt we had for 40 years! By His grace, God has been providing all our needs on time. Today we are able to do, hundred times more than what we did earlier. Two people; my father and mother planted this vineyard together. They never complained about each other but said, “We will plant, we will build,” and today God has given us the increase. Today my wife & I, along with our children and my dear mother agree on hearing God through prophesy during our family prayer. We are able to see the prophetic grace ow even through our children and God’s provision for the prophetical word to be fulfilled. Many times when we get a prophecy we say, ‘Where is the provision?’ It will come, when husband and wife are faithful to each other to plant according to God’s direction trusting in Him and in each other. When they are united and plant together in the kingdom of God, in the midst of any lack they will not blame each other, saying, that 8

one of them is a spend-thrift. Their unity and faithfulness will give birth to prophets, and they will build houses. They will build vineyards. Their children will do the will of God with great ease. They will have a prophetic anointing and a prophetic provision. The time has come for you as a family to rise up and build as Nehemiah built the wall which was broken around Jerusalem. Yes, it was the families which built it in each place (Neh. 2:18; 3:132; 6:15).

YOUR DESCENDANTS WILL BE MIGHTY “Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, ...The generation of the upright will be blessed.” (Psalm 112:1-2)

daughters were extremely beautiful who had the unusual blessing of getting an equal share of inheritance along with their brothers! (Job 42:12-17). They were together in this mission praying. David and Bathsheba, since they got together through an unholy relationship, their child died. When they got together according to the will of God (as husband and wife in a holy manner), their son Solomon was born who ruled the nation with wisdom (2 Samuel 12:24-25; 1 Kings 3:5-27). Even today, the family of David is called the royal family of Israel. They had a prophetic anointing to build a nation.

When husband and wife unite in the mission that God has given them, they will build a prophetic nation. The Look at Job and his wife, economy will get upgraded to they did not agree with each fulfill the will of God. other. As Job was praying for his children, his wife did PROPHESYING not join with him. When Job GOD’S PLAN was in distress, all that she My friend, you will have did was criticize him but God built the life of Job again a mission in building the through the same wife and house. For the prophecy to blessed him with a long life be fulfilled in Abraham’s life, to see four generations. Their God said:

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“For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and justice, that the LORD may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him.” (Genesis 18:19) The Lord said that Abraham will show Isaac what to do and then the prophetic plan for Abraham will come to pass when he takes care of his children. We should not just tell them what to do but to wait at His feet to get His prophetic plan for our children and give it to them. That’s why Isaac sowed and he reaped a hundred times. God will give you the prophetic guidance for the sake of your children. You will know what God’s plan is for your children and you need not advise them. You will prophesy God’s plan into their lives and they will see you praying and fasting to get that word and they will humble themselves before you and they will adore you, because they know God speaks to them through you. It will be so easy to bring up your children and walk in the prophetic realm. This is what unites the parents and children.

Whenever the children have to write their exams, my wife Evangeline would fast and pray the whole day for them. That’s why they are blessed; God is giving you the grace to do that. Then the families become prophetic families, prophesying to each other and building them up. “Here am I and the children whom the LORD has given me! We are signs and wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, who dwells in Mount Zion.” (Isaiah 8:18) You are the sign to your children. This is the grace of God that is coming upon you. And He said to me, ‘You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings.’(Revelation 10:11). What will happen to the children of God’s servants in 2018? Your children, having risen up in life, will rise up and call you blessed. Everything that has affected your children in 2017 will be removed. God will compensate it, and your children will say, “Because you served the Lord, I have risen up in life.” In 2017, the devil has affected the lives

of your children but in 2018 you will see the rejoicing of your children, your spiritual children and your family. You will all rejoice in the power of the Holy Spirit, just like the child leaped in the womb of Elizabeth when Mary greeted her! PRAYER: “Let every son and daughter enter into the prophetic realm this year. Let them be blessed with a prophetic blessing this year. Every blessing that the devil has stolen from our children, let it come upon them in double fold with over owing joy in their lives in 2018 in the name of Jesus. Let every son and daughter jump with joy. The peace of your children will be great (Isa 54:13). This is the primary blessing God is going to send on all of us in 2018, the prophetic blessing upon our children. Exactly as Elizabeth who was barren for many years, received a child, a prophet in her womb, so let it be in the life of everyone who is barren, who is involved in Jesus alls ministry. Fulfill this promise Lord, in Jesus name, Amen”

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Psalm 4:8 – God will make you dwell in safety Meditation: Lev. 25:18,19; Deut. 33:12; Ruth 3:1-10; Ezek. 34:28.

Meditation: Exo. 34:10; Dan. 11:32; John 14:12

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Luke 9:59 – Follow Jesus Meditation: Matthew8:19; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:57; John 8:12. Luke 12:32 – Lord is pleased with you Meditation: Num. 14:8; 2 Sam. 22:20; Psalm 149:4; Isaiah 62:4

Hebrews 8:10 – You are God’s possession Meditation: Exo. 19:5; Jer. 31:33,34; Ezek. 36:26-30



Philippians 4:5 – Blessed are the meek Meditation: Num. 12:3; Psalm 147:6; 149:4; Matt. 5:5; Gal. 5:23



Psalm 10:14 – God is the Helper of the fatherless Meditation: Deut. 10:18; Job 29:12; Psalm 68:5; Jer. 7:6,7


Colossians 1:27 – God is glorious Meditation: Gen. Lev. 9:1-6; Psalm 3:3; Isaiah 11:1-10


Jeremiah 29:10 – Fulfillment of the gracious promise Meditation: Joshua 23:14; Prov. 13:19; Ezek. 12:25; Luke 1:45


Hebrews 13:6 – Be not afraid Meditation: 1 Chron. 22:1-13; Psalm 138:3; Prov. 28:1


Isaiah 52:12 – God will not leave you Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:33; Ruth 2:12; Psalm 121:7,8; Prov. 3:26


Psalm 37:11 – Delight in the Lord Meditation: Nehemiah 12:43; Psalm 30:11; Isaiah 35:10; Hab. 3:18


Exodus 19:5 – You are God’s treasured possession Meditation: Deut. 7:6-10; Psalm 135:4; Titus 2:14; 1 Peter 2:9



Deuteronomy 30:5 – God will increase you Meditation: Gen. 13:16;17:2; Job 1:10; Heb. 6:14.

Deuteronomy 28:12 – Lord richly blesses all Meditation: Gen. 32:10; 2 Chron. 1:12; 17:5; Rom. 10:12; Phil. 4:19


2 Thess. 3:3 – The Lord will strengthen you Meditation: Isaiah 9:1-7; 1 Cor. 1:8; 1 Thess. 3:13


1 Samuel 26:25 – Great things you will do

Proverbs 10:22 – Lord who adds blessings Meditation: Luke 24:49,50; Isaiah 61:7-9 Psalm 128:5; Psalm 16:5 – Lord is your portion Meditation: Lev. 20:24; Psalm 16:5-8; Eph. 1:12; Col. 3:23, 24

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Isaiah 55:2 – Your soul will delight Meditation: Exo. 4:1-14; Psalm 71:23; Prov. 23:15; Eccl. 5:20


Jeremiah 31:23 – God who blesses us Meditation:Psalm 128:5; Isaiah 61:7-9; Luke 24:49,50


Isaiah 56:5 – God gives you a name forever Meditation: Exo. 3:15; 9:16; Deut. 28:10; 1 Kings 9:3; Isaiah 45:4


Isaiah 41:10 – God will help you Meditation: Deut. 33:1-7; Psalm 54:4; 2 Cor. 1:24.


Ezek. 36:11 – You will become numerous Meditation: Deut. 1:11; 2 Sam. 24:3; Job 42:12


Isaiah 43:4 – God who honours you Meditation: 1 Chron. 26:6; Prov. 8:18; Romans 2:10

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Psalm 89:21 – God who strengthens us Meditation: Deut. 33:25; Isaiah 49:5; Phil. 4:13; 2 Tim. 4:17 Ephesians 1:13 –You are sealed by the Holy Spirit Meditation: Gen. 13:16; Job 1:10; Phil. 1:9; Jude 2 Jeremiah 31:4 - God who builds you Meditation: Ruth 4:11; Prov. 23:18; Jer. 29:11 Psalm 92:10 – God will exalt you Meditation: Deut. 28:1; Psalm 112:9; 1 Peter 5:6

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Isaiah 42:6 – God will take hold of your hand Meditation: Psalm 139:10; Matt. 9:25; Mark 9:27 Psalm 91:15 – Deliverance in trouble Meditation: Job 27:9; Psalm 46:1; Prov. 11:8

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The transgender community is one of the most marginalised groups in India, often rejected by their own families, forced to miss out on a normal childhood and denied both education and job opportunities. They are often pushed into beggary and sex work for a livelihood by their circumstances, because they are simply given no other choice to meet their daily needs where they are denied even their basic rights. We, at SEESHA, have been working towards changing this scenario by taking small efforts to transform the lives of a handful of transgender persons. Over the last two years, we have: • Helped over 10 transwomen find alternative livelihood by providing them with initial capital and resources to begin mobile tiffin centres, home-based beautician business and saree sales • Hired SEESHA’s very first transgender staff • Assisted transwomen to become trained in income-generation skills

Partnering with the Government Railway Police in Chennai, India, we have now jointly undertaken the challenging mission of finding a humane solution to the issue of transgender persons begging in trains. As the first step in this unique initiative, we have met with over 68 transgender leaders from 10 community-based organisations (CBOs) run by and for the welfare of transgender persons.

Dr. Sylendra Babu (ADGP of Government Railway Police) addressing the transgender community, encouraging them to take up alternative livelihood. SEESHA is conducting a survey in the local trains of Chennai to understand the background and capacities of the transgender persons involved in beggary. This will help us in identifying the potential need to train them for alternative livelihood based on their skillsets and interests. We will be then be initiating relevant training programmes and working on finding employment opportunities for these transgender persons with the support of our corporate partners.

IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO SEND A CHILD TO SCHOOL In our effort to send 30,000 children in need to school this year, we had solicited your support in the last few months to contribute towards the SEESHA School Kit project. We have received an overwhelming response from many of you, who have given generously and thereby invested in the future of these children. If you have not yet made your contribution to the cause, we request you to take a moment and spare a thought for a child whose future can be made brighter through the light of education.

To contribute to the SEESHA School Kit project and sponsor the educational needs of a child this academic year visit In case of queries, write to us on


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My dear partners in Christ, I am so glad to meet you through this section and I thank God for His grace & favour upon all of us in the past five months. The promise of God for you, for this month of June, ‘…He will make you more prosperous and numerous than your ancestors (Deuteronomy 30:5). May our Lord God bless you and your family, in accordance with this verse! Not only will He elevate you, but will make you inherit the goodness of the land.

SPECIAL MEETINGS Last month, God graciously enabled us to conduct a host of meetings through Blessing meetings, Partner meetings, World Prayer Convention, Dynamic Kids Camp among several other events; which is intrinsic to our goal to reach 25 million people, to know the love of Jesus, in this year, 2018. God is opening new doors of opportunity to share His love and to pray for all those in need. As quoted in Luke 13:22, ‘And He (Jesus) went through the cities and villages, teaching, and journeying toward Jerusalem’, God-willing we will be travelling to the following places in India to minister. Please pray for God’s favour and the mighty move of the Holy Spirit, for these meetings: 2018 June 15-17 Tamil Nadu Ambassador’s Meeting Karunya Nagar 2018 June 22 to24 Andhra and Telangana Ambassador’s Meeting, Karunya Nagar 2018 July 1 Special blessing meeting Bethesda, Karunya Nagar 2018 July 8 Special blessing meeting Perambalur, Tamil Nadu Jesus Calls International * June 2018 * www.


In the month of October, we are planning to organize a ‘Prophetic Prayer Training’ in Trivandrum and Rourkela (Odisha). Pray that the Lord uses us mightily at these meetings and a greater magnitude of gathering can witness God’s Blessings.

PRAYER TOWER MINISTRY The Prayer Towers form the core of the Jesus Calls ministry. With God-given might and by His grace, we have 120 Prayer Towers all across the World. These Prayer towers serve as a strong fortress for those under the oppression of pain, sorrow, troubles &depression. They are prayed for by the prayer intercessors and they experience the love of Christ through various means; by being counseled, by being prayed for, by participating in any of the prayer events organized at the Prayer Towers. Our Loving Heavenly Father in His great mercy answers our prayers and lives are transformed as they receive the miracles. Pray, that these Prayer Towers continue to be a beacon of hope to those who seek a miracle.

TV MINISTRY For those who are confused, distressed and stressed out, somehow when they happen to watch ‘Jesus Calls’ TV program, they are blessed to accept the Lord. This medium is powerful enough to prevent people from committing suicide or to steer away thoughts of those who contemplate it. Our vision is to gift Jesus to them and the television ministry is one of the many channels available to reach out to the world. It has a profound impact on the billions across the world; being aired in several languages and across various time zones. Needless to say, many have been blessed watching these programs. Yet, several others have been blessed by sponsoring a portion of the expenses or sponsoring the entire program. You too, can take a step of faith, to support this ministry


and count on your blessings. Millions who watch these programs, pray for God's blessings on you and your family. Please don’t hesitate to call the Prayer Tower, in your respective countries for more details.

30TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ESTHER PRAYER GROUP When Angel left for her Heavenly abode, we were steeped in sorrow and my mother was completely shattered and broken. God strengthened her and began to use her to build up women in the ministry and that’s how the Esther Prayer Group was birthed; that women could pray together. My mother waits at the feet of the Lord, prepares prayer points and sends them every month, to all EPG groups with diligence and sincerity. Because of the fervent prayers of these people, God has heard nations, families and each individual’s cry and performed miracles. The first prayer group was formed on 8th June 1988 and has now expanded to Young Esther Prayer Group (YEPG), Junior Esther Prayer Group (JEPG), and Couples Esther Prayer Group (CEPG). Please feel free, to join in any of these prayer groups and be a blessing to others.

PRAYING FOR YOUR CHILDREN ‘In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge’ (Colossians 2:3) In this month of June, as our children are stepping into the new scholastic year, they are faced with new beginnings in the form of a new school, new college and new courses to study. No doubt, they’re on the cusp of a new academic year and therefore, we need to pray for them that God would grant wisdom and knowledge to your children through His Holy Spirit; and provide a

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happy and a healthy environment, together with good friends and good teachers. I encourage you, to enrol your children and grandchildren in the Young Partner’s Plan, where we pray for every child for their protection, for wisdom, and for their bright future, through the Prayer Towers 24×7 all year round. When we pray together, God’s mercy and protection shall come upon them in this new academic year.

NEW SCHOLASTIC YEAR IN KARUNYA The entrance exam for B. Tech has concluded at the Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences deemed to be University. However, the postgraduation admissions are still going on. We invite you to enrol your children in Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences (deemed to be University) and receive God’s blessings. For details, email to For admissions in Karunya Christian School write to or visit the website


Lord for our parents who cared for us and raised us up. They hold a significant place in our lives. Let us perform our duties towards our parents.

BLESSED FAMILY My wedding anniversary is on June 2nd and therefore, this month is special to me. When my sister Angel passed away, my parents were shattered but God out of His mercy, gave Evangeline as a daughter to my parents. She became a source of great comfort to me and my family. She was instrumental in building up my family and also to the many millions who look up to her as a sister, a daughter and as a mother. God uses her mightily and there are many miracles God has done through her. When we minister, at various places, pastors and well-wishers state the fact that God has given her as a treasure to me and that is absolutely true! I praise the Lord for our matrimonial life and for blessing the fruits of our womb as they also minister to the Lord. We pray and plead to God every day that our family should be an example to all families and pray that God bless your family abundantly. While I continue to pray for you, please remember to uphold us and the ministry in your individual and family prayers.

June 1st being celebrated as Parent’s Day and June 17th as Father’s Day; let us praise the

Your dear brother, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran.

“And when the Chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.” (1 Peter 5:4)


Just for You... DVD of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran A message to Prepare for the Rapture


You can listen to the following hot topics! Preparation for Rapture Eligibility for Rapture Rule of Antichrist Signs of wickedness Distinctive crowns

Watch this video and be blessed. For your gift of



(including packaging and shipping charges) or more towards the ministry of Jesus Calls Ministry you can have this DVD. How to order: Call the nearest Prayer Tower for details For online orders: Jesus Calls International * June 2018 * www.



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Shining Star of Karunya

I would like to thank God for all the things He has done in my life so far.

Dr. Annie Shalom Isaac, Germany (2008, ECE, Karunya )

In 2013, God helped me to get admission in a reputed university in Germany for my doctoral work with full financial aid, which was way beyond my imagination. He provided me with a wonderful Advisor who is a doctorate with fatherly instincts. He provided me with opportunities to work in various projects and hone my skills during this time. In November 2017, I graduated with honors and obtained the title of a ‘Doctor’. I consider this another big milestone in my life. The best part of this journey was that even before my graduation, I could obtain a job as a scientist in the semiconductor division of Carl Zeiss, a world-renowned company, purely by God’s grace. I am now working here as a fulltime employee. It is unbelievable for a girl who was born and raised in a small Indian town in South India, Kanyakumari, to reach this epitome of success. Without God in my life, all this could never have happened. It is purely by His favor and blessings that I am placed in a worldrenowned company. At this juncture, I feel compelled to say how my undergraduate studies at Karunya paved way for the girl I am today. Needless

to say, the motivation I received from the morning assembly sessions, caring faculty members, the lessons I had learned through interesting experiences during my stay at the hostel, the friendships I earned are all moments that brought me closer to God. The practical sessions held at the lab were the most enjoyable time, as I could get my hands dirty and work on circuits. Once the designed circuit worked, it brought us immense joy. The memories from Karunya are irreplaceable and can never be forgotten. To conclude, I would like to tell everyone that we need to work hard and have God as priority in our lives. When hard work combines with God’s grace, nothing can stop us to reach the pinnacle of victory. As God has helped me to join the scientific community, pray God to give me more wisdom and strength to work hard to solve different problems beneficial to the human race. All praise and glory to my heavenly father, Amen. Jesus Calls International * June 2018 * www.


Calls JEesusUROPE Got a job amidst limitations Dear Aunty Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran, I have been praying for a job for the past 2 years with tears. It is impossible to get a job for non-Italians in Italy. A person must have proficiency in the Italian language and work experience in Italy to get a full-fledged job. I don’t have any work experience in Italy and am not fluent in the Italian language either. However, I strongly believed that God would help me inspite of my limitations. I failed in many interviews but did not lose hope and give up. I clung onto God and I always expected a miracle from God in my life. Your messages have given me adequate strength. Sometimes, I feel that God is speaking to me directly through your mails. Now, I got a job contract for 6 months as a trainee. Based on my performance, they will extend my contract and give me a permanent one. I have to thank you and the Jesus calls ministry for your valuable prayers.

Geethu Mary, Italy


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VOLUNTEERS If you are willing to give a few hours of your week to pray for dear brothers and sisters in need, please get in touch to let us know by emailing:

PAYMENT OPTIONS Direct Debit: You can set up a direct debit online. Please email us at Bank Transfer (UK Donors) Bank Name: HSBC Plc Account Name: Jesus Calls Europe Sort Code: 401703 Account No: e it or redit ard onation Please visit to make a card donation

Europe Donors Account name: Jesus Calls Europe IBAN: GB82HBUK40170371382535 BIC: HBUKGB4125D

or any further details or ministry resources, please contact our Country Director

Br. Timothy Jackson on +442087592123

rayers x lease call +442085714900 Invite the Dhinakarans for a program in Europe. Please email: JESUS CALLS EUROPE 11B Norwood Road Southall London

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Our God is an omnipotent and an omniscient God. True to His word, when we call upon Him, He comes to us and listens to us (Psalm 145:18). He never leaves us nor forsakes us (Hebrews 13:5). He is our help when we call upon him and He comes in the midst of us and says “Here I am”.


In the same way, our Lord says, “Call on me on the day of trouble, and I will deliver you and you will honour me” (Psalm 50:15). God knows all your needs; God knows your every detail because He is Almighty and our only Maker.

We have a loving friend whose name is Mr. Durai Pandidurai and he resides near our house. He and

Scientists recently have claimed that the universe consists of 100 billion galaxies and one galaxy has

Let us re ect the ways how our dear Lord promises to be our refuge in hard times.


his wife would visit us and pray as a family before we go for any Prayer Festival. After prayer, he would tell me personally, “Evangeline, you can call me in my mobile if you need anything at all.”

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around 100 billion stars. What a mind blogging number! It is difficult to comprehend how God has created this universe and how we are part of it and He calls each one of us by name! When God can call each star by name (Psalm 147:4;Isaiah 40:26), He also calls us by name (John 10:3). David says in Psalm 121:2, “My help comes from the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth”. He is powerful and He is a God who has great strength. By His power, no stars go missing from His sight. If God can take care of the stars in the universe, how much He would be concerned of us. Therefore, our prayers will not go unanswered. He will answer each one of your prayers. He knows every detail of your lives and whatever you are going through today. He knows everything. Our Lord calls each one of you by name. Let us be encouraged and be of good cheer because we have such a mighty God. You may think you are one among the billion stars in the universe but God counts every star and knows every hair of your head. Nothing misses His sight. God watches over our lives inclusive of your thoughts. There is nothing in this world that can be missed from God’s sight. My father had two friends who

were identical twin brothers. Their names were Dhinakar and Manohar. They both look alike and we could not differentiate them. When they come to our house they would ask me, “Do you know what is my name?” and however hard I tried, I would always get their names wrong. They were good enough to just tease me about it instead of getting annoyed. Jesus doesn’t need any help to recognize our names. When Mary Magdalene was standing at the tomb of Jesus, crying for Jesus, He asked her, “Woman, why are you weeping, whom are you looking for?” Mary thought He was the gardener and asked Him, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him” ( John 20:15).When Jesus called her by name, “Mary, Mary,” she recognized who Jesus was and cried out ‘Teacher’. Just like Mary, are you looking for Jesus? He will come to you. Jesus will appear right at the time when you are no longer able to help yourselves. When you say there is nobody to help you in this world, that’s the time He appears.

GOD’S MERCY In Jerusalem, there is the pool of Bethesda. In that pool, an Angel would come and stir up the waters. When the pool is stirred up, sick people would

step into it. As soon as someone steps in, he receives a miracle. He would be healed completely. There was a person lying near the pool for 38years (John 5:25). He was so helpless; he did not have any friend to help him. He was lying there all alone; he cried in his heart saying, “I have nobody to help; there is no one to help me get into the pool.” Jesus appeared at that moment and saw his agony. He just said, “Rise up, take your bed and walk.” Jesus was moved with compassion for him. Immediately, the man picked up his bed, got up and began to walk. The same miracle can happen today too. The Lord will appear before you and He will ask you, “My child, why are you crying, do you want to get well?” The Lord asked this invalid man, “Do you want to get well?” The Lord asks the same question to you today. Do not be discouraged. Our Lord Jesus will help when we are helpless. When we are in deep distress, the Lord would come and appear before us. Even today you can cry out to God to help us. You might ask “how long I should wait?” As we cling on to the feet of Jesus, our God will supply all our needs, according to His riches of His glory in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:1920). The Lord will say, “Here I am, my child do not cry, here I am.”

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In the same way, the Lord heard the cry of dear Kalpana when she attended our Jabalpur Prayer Festival held last October 2017 and raised her up from her infirmity. Let’s read excerpts from her testimony and be blessed... For 30 years I was tormented by evil spirits. From 1986 I used to sit idle all the time and did not do any work. People said I

His hands on me, I fell down. He lifted me up and I suddenly felt severe pain in my head. I cried within my heart and thanked God saying, “After so many years of demonic oppression, You have delivered me Lord; now heal me of my headache also.” Within a split second I got healed instantly and my pain was gone. I was jumping with joy! My heart was prompting me to go and testify. I got deliverance today and I am healed completely. Thank you Jesus!

GOD’S DELIVERANCE am demon possessed and so my husband took me to many places to get deliverance but nothing worked. As I was coming from Ranchi, from my house in an auto, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s face was coming before me, as though he was sitting in front of me and watching me. The evil spirit in me resisted and I wanted to go back home, but Bro. Paul was looking at me and smiling. Again and again, his face was coming in front of me. I was saying “Jesus, I am coming to You, deliver me.” Today, when Sis. Evangeline Paul was praying, I was delivered and I saw Jesus coming down from the stage straight to the place where I was seated and when He laid


David had the habit of crying out to the Lord all the time when he was oppressed by his enemies. When David sinned, the Lord sent prophet Gad to David to ask him a question, “As you have sinned, the Lord is going to punish you. Shall famine come to your land for 7 years or shall your enemy oppress you for 3 months or shall the Lord af ict your land with plague for 3 days?” David replied, “Let me fall into the hands of the Lord, because He has great mercies, but do not let me fall into hand of my enemies.” Yes, David clung on to the Lord all the time for His mercies and the Lord sent the angel of God to af ict the people with plague. When the angel stretched forth the hand to af ict the people of srael, David saw the angel and he cried out to

God for help and the Lord was moved with compassion for him and He said to the angel, “It is enough, withdraw your hand” ( 2 Sam 24:11-16). David had the habit of crying out to the Lord and talking to Him about the burdens of his heart. When his enemies gave him trouble, he pours out his heart saying, “Lord, help me as my enemies are coming to battle against me and my people. Only with Your help Lord, I can gain victory. I do not trust in man but in You Lord, help me to defeat my enemies.” In the same way, God helped Jeremiah when he needed deliverance from the Babylonians. He promised Jeremiah, “I will surely deliver you” (Jer.39:18). Since Jeremiah trusted the Lord, He graciously delivered him from the commander of Babylon. The Lord who delivered Jeremiah from prison, also gave him provisions and a gift and sent him to his native place (Jer.40:5). In the same way, the Lord calls you by name, supplies all your needs and delivers you from all bondages. Be assured that our Lord has plans only to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future (Jer.29:11). Yes! He will be your shelter. Just cling on to Him.

Jesus Calls International * June 2018 * www.

s u o e t h g i h t i R a e F Th By e v i L l Shal

God’s message given by our beloved Late Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran

“But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him.” (Hebrews 10:38)

it is His will that, “As He lives, we must also live.” It is only by that faith which arises from the bottom of our heart, we shall live.

Beloved brothers and sisters, as Jesus Christ said, “Because I live, you will also live” (John 14:19) He also said, “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). It is not God’s will for us to suffer and be stuck with trouble, rather

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1)

What is faith?

When a desperate father pleads for his son to Jesus and asks Jesus to help him if he can, “What do you mean,

If you can?” asked Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes” (Mark 9:23). Jesus says, “When we believe, the things we pray for will be fulfilled. Years ago, I went to the city of Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia for ministry. One day, the pastor who had invited me, requested me to pray for some people. A sister from China brought her little son to me and said, “Sir, my son is deaf in both ears.” Immediately, I laid my hands on the little boy and prayed

Jesus Calls International * June 2018 * www.


with burden, “Lord, heal this child” and turned to pray for others. Suddenly, I heard a cry. I turned back and asked what happened? The mother of the little boy removed the hearing aid from his ears and asked him, “Do you hear what I say?” and the boy replied “Yes” and shook his head. He was repeating all that his mother was saying to him. They were so happy. Our Jesus is not dead. Even today He lives! Yes, the righteous will live by faith. In this world we have various troubles, sufferings, problems, sicknesses, problems in family life and crisis situations. Let not your heart be troubled because Jesus said, everything is possible for he who believes. If that is so, “how shall we get such faith?”

Beginning of faith

Him, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus was empathetic. He reached out his hand and touched the man. He said “I am willing, Be clean!”(Mark 1:40-42) and healed him. Jesus was full of love and compassion which brought about such a strong faith in him. In one moment, Jesus Christ performed a miracle. Dearly beloved! Our Lord Jesus Christ is compassionate and merciful. Therefore, let us believe in His compassion and mercy, and ask, “Lord, give me such faith in my heart”. Then he shall definitely give us that firm faith. Though mountains are shaken, the Lord will give us divine faith which cannot be shaken.

How shall we receive this faith?

“...that hinders and the sin “Consequently, faith comes that so easily entangles.” from hearing the message, and (Hebrews 12:1) the message is heard through the word about Christ.” It is only Jesus Christ, who (Romans 10:17) is the pioneer and perfecter of faith! The Bible says that the By reading the scriptures, only thing that counts is faith faith comes to us. The Bible expressing itself through love says this about the word of the (Galatians 5:6). Love and Lord; “When you walk, they compassion ows out from will guide you; when you sleep, Jesus Christ. Wherever we read they will watch over you; when in the Bible about Jesus healing you awake, they will speak to the sick, we can see that Jesus you” (Proverbs 6:22). The Lord was filled with compassion and waits to speak to us through His healed them. In the Bible, a word. Yes! His word originates leper came to Jesus and begged faith in our hearts. 24

On 11th February, 1995, I decided to end my life by falling in front of a moving train and so headed to the railway track. My uncle who crossed that way saved my life and told me about the love of Jesus. I came home and cried for four hours unto the Lord, “Jesus, wash me with your divine blood”. Thereafter, my life was totally transformed. One day, at 11:00 in the night, while I was preparing for my exams, I prayed, “Lord Jesus, I was living my life without knowing you at one point of time; but now as I am your child, help me to successfully complete my studies.” Though I prayed in this fashion, I was sceptical and there aroused a question in my mind as to, “Many have completed studies and are still unemployed, will I get a job even if I complete my studies? If I do not get a job, what shall I do?” Tears filled my eyes. Being heavyhearted, I closed my books and reached for the Bible near me and opened it. My eyes fell on 3 John, verse 2. “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” These words were like the Lord filled with love spoke to me in person.. A new hope, a divine faith aroused within me that, “Jesus will not forsake me; He will open a good path; He will also raise me in this society.”

Jesus Calls International * June 2018 * www.

I successfully completed my degree and joined a simple job in a company. Within few days, I got promotion after promotion.

we also believe and therefore speak”.”(2Corinthians 4:13)

The Lord grants us faith as one of the gifts (1 Corinthians 12:9). Faith is given unto us as The days went by, and I got one of the “fruits of the Holy married. Even then, we faced a Spirit” (Galatians 5:22,23). The lot of problems in our life. We Holy Spirit is the only reason lost two of our babies one after for the Lord to give us faith as the other and were miserable. Even in that state, we spent strength! (Acts 1:8). You must our days in tears and fasting experience how the Holy Spirit searching Christ with a true in a supernatural way, brings heart. One day, when I was about a divine faith in the reading Isaiah 29, the verses bottom of our hearts. 22,23 caught my attention, Who is this Holy “No longer will your face be Spirit? ashamed.” It was like the Lord Himself spoke to me in person Before Jesus Christ departed through the words, “You will from His disciples, I will give no longer be ashamed”. We unto you another comforter. believed it. Accordingly, the His name is Holy Spirit (John Lord blessed us again with two children. He wiped out all our 14:16,17,18). af ictions. When my two children were very young, I used to go to conduct meetings often at various places along with my wife. Both of them used to cry at that time.. We used to tell them, “Don’t worry, when we are not there, your aunty will take care of you”. At once their face would bloom with happiness. Why? Their aunt, that is, my wife’s sister, would buy them whatever they ask for. Another way to Even if they break anything receive faith! in the house, she would not “It is written: “I believed; question them as to why they therefore I have spoken.”Since did it. Therefore they will be we have that same spirit of faith, very happy.

My dear brothers and sisters, every word you read from the Bible, brings about faith into your hearts. The Lord said, “...the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life”(John 6:63). It is the love, compassion and warmth in His words that originates this faith in our hearts. This faith brings us the good things and blessings from the hands of the Lord.

Similarly, the Lord keeps the Holy Spirit as a comforter amidst you (John 14:26). He dwells within you, your family and the churches. When Paul was preaching, there was a lame man hearing him speak. Suddenly, Paul said to this man with a loud voice, “Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and walked” (Acts 14:8-10).It is a super natural miracle. The Holy Spirit revealed the faith of this lame man to Paul. It is because the Holy Spirit spoke to Paul, that he was able to say it. When as the power of the Holy Spirit came, the miracle happened. My dearly beloved, are you saying you do not have faith? The Holy Spirit is waiting next to you. All you have to say is, “I believe”. There was no miracle which was impossible with Him; and is not even now. It is because the Lord said, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6). Do not be troubled. “...and your hope will not be cut off” (Proverbs 23:18). “The righteous shall live by faith.”Let’s cling onto the comforter of our lives, the Holy Spirit and believe Him. Let’s learn to have faith and live by faith in all circumstances.

Jesus Calls International * June 2018 * www.


It is the time of the year where school has concluded and all efforts are put in to find the right college to pursue an area of specialization. This is the season of change, new beginnings and new aspirations. For some, this brings us closer to our dream and for some, a detour to reach their goal in life sprinkled with a dose of courage and a dash of perseverance with risks strewn in our decisions. Passion drives our decisions to find the right careers, although for some, it can simply be just financial freedom. We are in the age of instant gratification. Everyone wants to see results immediately.

failing miserably. Therefore, it’s imperative for you, the young, the smart and the most enthusiastic lot, to sit back and envisage what you want to achieve in life. You should come out of the ‘herd mentality’ and do everything that defines ‘YOU’. Remember that YOU are unique and designed by the Hand of God. The only way to find success and fulfill your purpose is to believe and trust in

Today, in an era of globalization, with

Him. God has a special plan for each individual.

everything just a click away; everyone is in a

We need to align ourselves to His calling in our

mad rush to be on the top, to avoid the risk of

lives. Make a difference in the world today being

social exclusion, no matter what it takes. They

‘YOU’. Be bold and courageous in the path that

completely ignore its repercussions and end up

God has set for you!


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No Procrastination So buckle up, choose what you will enjoy the most, the one that you have an appetite for and you will never regret.


With myriads of career options available, wait on the Lord in prayer to show you the plan He

That’s a sound advice from a great scientist!

has for you. Our Lord who has defined our DNA, knows what is best for us. The only way to live successfully is to affiliate ourselves with Him. This will define you. Don’t fall back because of the challenges you have to come across. That’s

“Choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold”. Proverbs 22:1

what makes us stronger... Expect to be challenged!

Let us not run after wealth and fame. Money is

Expect to go through the thorns to reach the rose!

essential and indeed important but a good name is

No reward is won without a battle. Take things in

more important. Though we live in an age where

a healthy stride and you will never be the victim of

‘survival of the fittest’ stands to gain according

depression or frustration. Never compare yourself

to most management techniques, we should have

to your neighbor next door, your Facebook friend

values and God will lift us up! The Lord will make

or your WhatsApp friend or for that matter, your

you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to

batch-mates or close friends. You can’t be them, and they can’t be you. You are blessed with different talents and abilities, which will make you to stand out in the crowd. So, focus on the subject/ course that will underscore your talents. These are the special ingredients to live a successful and meaningful life:

the commands of the Lord your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom. (Deuteronomy 28:13) So, remember we are only sojourners here and our permanent residence is in heaven. While we strive to be successful here on earth, we also need to make sure that we live a life worthy to live in

Dedication and Smart work

the house prepared by God for us! Choose wisely


and let us not be afraid to break stereotypes!


- Jessica Samuel Jesus Calls International * June 2018 * www.


l e a rs

Experiences from


Prayer Tower

Prayer being our lifeline,

our dear prayer intercessors have this to say: “


s nations come to the Prayer Tower and fill the place with prayers and worship, the Holy Spirit will be manifested. Many nations are due to come! The Living Water will over ow in all directions, pouring out of the high tower from all 4 sides to all directions, even to the wilderness. It will slip into all cracks and crevasses giving renewed life wherever it touches. Young generations will rise out of the life giving water to join worship and prayer. This generation will take their stand and will take the baton from the prior generations.� This is what our Lord gave me to declare and proclaim. ~Philip Kim At the onset of my journey to Israel, I prayed that I meet the Lord more intimately. During this trip, whenever I worshipped God, I felt the presence of the Lord Jesus with me, especially, when I am in the individual prayer room every morning. Jesus showed me many visions and I had the privilege to enjoy His presence. I also felt that IPT leaders hearts were united with our Lord Yeshua for the Jewish people. It was an unforgettable and a wonderful experience to me ~ Taek Lee


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Then during worship I saw a great wall behind the altar of the worshipers and as I looked up I saw it wasn’t a wall but a great door. Then it opened and it was the throne room of God. There was a great light coming from the room and I couldn’t see anything but the light. It was both an amazing site and I don’t think I am doing justice to the beauty of both visions. ~ Charlie Lee

I had a wonderful time at IPT and was filled with peace. During the first day of worship I saw a vision and I saw the same vision when I was worshiping with the IPT staff a few days later. The second time the vision became clearer. What I saw was a tall tower in the city in the evening. I also saw a light shooting up to heaven from the tower and knew it was the prayers and worship being lifted up to heaven. Then I saw waters falling out of the windows of the top oor of the tower like a waterfall from all sides and windows and knew this was the living water of God pouring out to the city. Then on the far left I saw a bright rainbow in the sky. Then I also noticed something that looked like sparkling lights falling around the city and thought it was rain but later knew it was the Spirit of God which was from the prayers and worship being lifted up from the tower.

I had a wonderful time in Israel Prayer Tower (IPT). Especially, worship with IPT staff was a great privilege since I felt the presence of God and saw visions. One staff’s prayer was powerful and prophesied what our prayer team needed to do for the next step. God blessed us so much as we prayed for each other. Even if we did not meet before, we became a family in Jesus name. In addition, I believe IPT is the window for all nations to over ow with the Holy Spirit. I pray for IPT and for all staff for God’s purpose. ~Taewon Kim Through the last 2 days in IPT, the Lord has confirmed that this house is not just a house of prayer & worship but a dedicated birthing place for HIS bride, a place for toiling, equipping and raising a holy generation of Israel and the Nations. The Lord poured out HIS tears on to us while praying at IPT, for daughters of Jerusalem being robbed and being oppressed by the religious spirit and spirit of the world. I believe that we need to prepare for the end times and become brides of Christ. I am praying that the younger generation would receive such a calling and prayer assignments for this end time purpose!! ~ Lauren Kim

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You are invited... Partner with us We invite intercessors from all nations to join us to pray. We have a 24/7 initiative that is centered around the peace of Jerusalem, Israel and the Nations following the very powerful prophesy, Dr.Paul received from God while in prayer. You only have to pay for your airfare & food. Your lodging will be provided by us in the serenity and quietness of our Prayer Tower for a love offering of only $310 for two weeks stay. If you’re not able to come, would you like to help us by sponsoring one or more prayer intercessors for a two week assignment Only through beloved partners and friends like you who financially support the work of Israel Prayer Tower, we are able to take care of the prayer intercessors coming for a two week assignment. Thank you!!!

Two weeks - US$ 310

One week - US$155

Daily Cost - US$25

Please prayerfully consider becoming a regular monthly financial supporter and partner of Israel Prayer Tower and together we will bless the Body of Christ in Israel. ONLINE DONATION Account Name: JCPT

Account Number: 12-782-269036

IBAN Code: IL23-0127-8200-0000-0269-036

BIC/SWIFT: POALILIT To donate through PayPal, send a payment to through your PayPal (or) online account for the Israel Prayer Tower

BLESSING MEETING AT ISRAEL PRAYER TOWER Every first Friday of the month, blessing meetings are conducted at 6pm Prayer Tower Address: Israel Prayer Tower, 34 Ben Yehuda, 20th Floor, Jerusalem. Contact numbers: Bro. Hayim Otsarya 972542377766 & Sis. Keren 972546526521 For prayers, please contact 97225337577 Website: Facebook: Israel Prayer Tower 30

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