JCI October 2017

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Every day 20,000 people across the world send their prayer requests through various channels to the Prayer Tower. These requests are sent to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran by email every day and in whichever part of the world he is in, he lays his hands on it and prays for them. God hears the prayers and answers them all and we are receiving many testimonial reports. Hundreds of people send prayer requests for life-making decisions to know God’s will in choosing between the two. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

waits at the feet of the Lord and gets the guidance from the Holy Spirit and reveals the will of God. God is faithful in answering them and everyone gets tremendously blessed in their lives. “Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7) Dear readers, here is a living testimony of one such dear partner of the Jesus Calls ministry and I encourage you also to write to us and receive God’s favour.

I am Durai Selva Kumar, working in a government company in Qatar. I got this job by God's Grace and due to the prophecy revealed by Dr. Paul to select this job instead of choosing a job in Oman. I obeyed and took the job offer in Qatar and since then my family and I have been greatly blessed. In the midst of an economic crisis in the world, God saved my job and helped us to lead a peaceful life in Qatar. In 2014 and 2017, there was a structural reorganization in my company and that time too, my job was not affected. In spite of all these trials and tribulations, God's hand was with us to protect and guide us. I strongly believe that this was only because of God's grace, and the sincere prayers of our dear brother Dr. Paul and the prayer intercessors. In addition to the above blessing, God blessed us with a boy child in 2010. When my wife conceived, we enrolled the baby while in the womb as a Young Partner. Dr. Paul prayed for us and prophesied that a baby boy would be born and he would be a prophet of God. Exactly as he said, my son Samuel was born in June 2010. God also blessed us with a beautiful independent house in a very good location in Chennai. I thank Dr. Paul and his family for their fervent prayers and I will continue to support this ministry with my tithes and offerings till my last breath. Like Mr. Durai Selvakumar you too can send your prayer requests seeking God’s will to: Email: paul@jesuscalls.org


Website: www.jesuscalls.com

Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

Beloved in Christ, I greet you with all my heart for this month to be a blessing to you.

“… his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.” (Isaiah 10:27)

“How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” (Acts 10:38) According to this verse, he understood that if people need to be delivered from sickness and bondages of demons, a servant of God must be

According to this word of promise from our

anointed by the Holy Spirit. He decided to be

faithful God, all the burdens in your life - your

that servant of God and so he began to seek the

family, your work, your career and your business will be crushed out of your life by the powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit upon you. So for this month, focus your prayer on ‘anointing’ of the Holy Spirit. Surely, the anointing given by God to you will bring forth a new and refreshing transformation in your life.

AN ENCOUNTER WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT In the year 1955, my father experienced the love of Christ and surrendered his life to Him. Though, from the day of his salvation he was striving to take the love and the forgiveness of God to the people, he was also concerned for the people who came to his meetings struggling in sin and sickness.

Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


anointing for 7 long years. Then in the year 1962,

Bethesda Pool as described in the scripture has

on the 10 of October, God anointed my father

been constructed there with a pool in the middle

with the Holy Spirit. After that there was a huge

of 5 domes. People have the facility to sit in these

turning point in the Jesus Calls Ministries. Many

domes and meditate on the Lord. There is also a

who came to the Jesus Calls Meetings received

Central Prayer Dome for people to congregate and

the miraculous touch of God and experienced His

pray. Besides this, there are also the sculptural

love and power. Hope was born in their lives.

representations of the Stations of the Cross, for


So, my friend, in this month of October, I would

people to remember the sacrifice and atonement of

like to encourage you to pray for the anointing of

our Lord and dedicate their lives into His hands.

the Holy Spirit in your life. I will also pray for you

There are also the prayer intercessors to pray for

on this same point. When you receive the Holy

those who come to the Bethesda Prayer Centre

Spirit’s anointing, the Lord Himself will teach

for prayers. Every year more than three hundred

you and direct you (1 John 2:27).

thousand people visit the Bethesda Prayer Centre

The messages delivered by my father and me under the power of the anointing of the Holy Spirit are being upgraded and stored by the process of “Digitization”. This effort is underway and the messages and revelations of God will be made available for the benefit of the current generation and the future generations. With your precious offerings we were able to purchase hitech equipments exclusively for this purpose. We need a further expense of 3 crores to continue this process. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to help us to continue this project and complete it.

SILVER JUBILEE FOR BETHESDA During the days when our Lord Jesus Christ was walking on this earth, many received healing through the Bethesda Pool (John 5th Chapter). According to the vision that God gave my father that people should receive the same healing from God even during these days, my father established

to pray. They have testified of having received many miracles and healings. Now, as we celebrate 25 years of the Bethesda Prayer Centre, I would like to thank God for His unfailing mercies over the years. At this point of time, let me also indicate the fact that the Prayer Centre requires renovation. As you know, Bethesda was built by the generous donations of precious partners like you. In the same way, I exhort you to uphold us in the renovation work through your prayerful support. If led by the Lord to extend your support towards the Bethesda Prayer Centre, you can donate through our secure website www.jesuscalls.com. To get more details and clarifications, you can visit the Prayer Tower in your area.

FORTHCOMING MINISTRIES The forthcoming meetings for the month of October are furnished below. Kindly uphold these events in your prayers.

the Bethesda International Prayer Centre on 10th

2017 October 2

October, 1993, in Karunya Nagar. A replica of the

Mega Special Prayer Day, Chennai


Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

2017 October 7,8

the directions of God, we are prayerfully taking

Partner’s Meeting, Colombo, Kandy, Srilanka

steps to open Karunya Campuses in various other states. Research Projects are being conducted in

2017 October 13-15 Prayer Festival, Bidar, Karnataka 2017 October 19,20

Karunya University to find solutions for human problems of food, water and medical needs. Praise God for Karunya! Please pray continuously for

Prophetic Prayer Conference, Mauritius 2017 October 21,22

God’s name to be glorified through Karunya. October 1st is "World Senior Citizens Day" and

Blessing Meeting, Mauritius

I take this opportunity to wish the elders in your

2017 October 23

home with all my heart. Dear elders, God will

Prayer Tower Opening, Mauritius

make you fruitful even in this old age and will prosper and flourish you so that you will shine as

2017 October 27-29 Prayer Festival, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh I earnestly request you to pray that the Lord will use us mightily in these meetings, for miracles to happen and for all the participants to experience Christ in their lives. It has been 47 years since my

glorious testimonies for His goodness and power. The Lord is willing and wanting to bless those who sincerely pray and generously give to the Lord’s ministry. He will never fail to bless them and their descendants.

dad first began preaching in these Prayer Festivals

“You love righteousness and hate

in the 70’s. His legacy is carried on to this day

wickedness; Therefore God, Your

through the Prayer Festivals to bless the millions.

God, has anointed You With the

So please continue to pray specially for these

oil of gladness more than Your

Prayer Festivals. Also, do not forget to pray for

companions.” (Psalm 45:7)

those precious souls who have been saved through these Prayer Festivals. Let us join together and praise our God for this ministry and the numerous souls saved through the same.

THE GROWING KARUNYA ‘Karunya’ was birthed from the vision given

According to this verse, may God anoint you with the oil of gladness and keep filling you with His Holy Spirit throughout this month. He will fill you with joy and happiness.

“Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never

by God to my father Late Dr. DGS Dhinakaran.

permit the righteous to be moved.”

By God’s grace Karunya was established on

(Psalm 55:22)

October 4 , 1986. It began as an Engineering th

College. Today it has grown into a University and

Your loving brother who prays for you

is functioning in three campuses. According to

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com



Isaiah 52:13. You will be exalted. For Meditation: Psa. 71:16,21; 148:14; Isa. 40:4; 49:11; Matt. 23:12.


Isaiah 50:4. God gives you the tongue of the learned. For Meditation: Prov. 15:2; 31:26; Luke 4:22; Col. 4:6; 1 Pet. 3:9,10.


Isaiah 52:9. You are redeemed of the Lord. For Meditation: Isa. 35:10; 43:1; 1 Pet. 1:18,19; Rev. 5:9,10.


Isaiah 50:4. Speaking apt word in season. For Meditation: Gen. 50:20,21; 2 Chro. 10:7; Prov. 25:11,15; Isa. 40:1; John 20:19,20.


Isaiah 52:7. You are God’s Servant/Evangelist. For Meditation: Isa. 40:9; Hag. 2:23; Mal. 3:18; Col. 4:17; 2 Tim. 4:5.


Isaiah 49:25. The Lord will fight for you. For Meditation: Exo. 14:14; 17:8-13; Psa. 46:9,10; Jer. 15:20; Col. 2:14,15.


Isaiah 51:3. You shall be like a Garden of Eden. For Meditation: Gen. 2:10,11; Isa. 62:3,4; 3 John 2.


Isaiah 49:6. Jesus, Saviour of the world. For Meditation: Luke 2:10,11; Acts 4:12; 1 Tim. 2:4-6; Heb. 2:9,10; 1 John 2:2.


Isaiah 51:3. You shall have joy. For Meditation: Psa. 16:11; 51:12; 68:3; Jer. 33:11; Rom. 14:17; 3 John 4.


Job 36:5. God will not reject you. For Meditation: Psa. 9:9,10; 51:17; Matt. 11:28; John 6:37; Heb. 13:5.


Isaiah 51:2. The Lord shall bless you. For Meditation: Gen. 12:2; 32:26; Psa. 115:12-15; Acts 3:26.


Genesis 24:60. You will increase to thousands. For Meditation: Gen. 22:17; Isaiah 58:11; Matthew 6:33; Luke 17:5; John 3:30.


Isaiah 51:3. God will guide you. For Meditation: Isa. 49:8,9; 61:4; Ezek. 36:33-36; 2 Kings 2:19-22.

8 9 6

Isaiah 51:16. The Lord will cover you with the shadow of His hand. For Meditation: Deu. 33:27; Psalm 91:1; Isaiah 48:13; 49:2. Isaiah 59:1. The Lord is our Saviour. For Meditation: Isa. 12:2; 35:4; Zec. 9:9; Matt. 1:21; Rom. 1:16; Eph. 2:8.

16 17 18

Luke 14:11. Humble yourself; you will be exalted. For Meditation: Psa. 78:70-72; 113:7,8; Rom. 12:16; Philippians 2:5-11; 1 Pet. 5:5,6. Revelation 1:17,18. Fear not, the Lord is with you. For Meditation: Josh. 1:9; 2 Chro. 20:17; 32:7; Psa. 16:8; Isa. 41:10; 54:17; Jer. 20:11. Psalm 118:15. The voice of rejoicing and salvation. For Meditation: Num. 23:21,22; Psa. 64:10; 89:15; Zep. 3:17; Luke 19:8-10.

Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


Proverbs 24:16. Righteous shall rise again. For Meditation: Psa. 37:24,25; 51:9-13; Jer. 8:4; Micah 7:8; Rom. 1:17; 3:20-24.


Isaiah 29:14. God performs miracles, wonders and marvellous deeds. For Meditation: Psa. 77:14; Isa. 9:6; Micah 7:15; Luke 5:25,26; Acts 2:19-21.


Deuteronomy 33:12. The Lord shall dwell in your territory. For Meditation: Exo. 25:8; Deu. 23:14; Ezek. 37:26-28; John 14:20,23; Rev. 3:20.


Isaiah 65:21. The Lord will build your house. For Meditation: 2 Sam. 7:11; Psalm 127:1; 128; Prov. 12:7; 24:3,4.


Psalm 23:5. A table before the enemies. For Meditation: Gen. 14:18-20; 2 Kings 7:3-9; Psa. 3:1-4; 86:17.


Jeremiah 29:13. Seek God with all your heart. For Meditation: Deu. 4:7,29; 2 Chro. 16:9; Psa. 14:2; Mark 12:30; 2 Tim. 2:22.


Micah 7:15. God will show wonders to you. For Meditation: Job 5:9; 1 Chro. 16:9; Psalm 9:1; Matt. 21:15.


Jeremiah 32:41. Rejoice in doing good to others. For Meditation: Gen. 50:20,21; Num. 10:32; 1 Thes. 5:15; James 2:8.


Jeremiah 17:17. Lord is your hope in the day of evil. For Meditation: Deu. 33:27; 2 Sam. 8:14; Psa. 59:16; Jer. 15:11; 16:19.


Luke 12:48. Much expected; much given. For Meditation: Matt. 13:12; Luke 19:13-26; 2 Cor. 8:1-3; 9:6-10.


Daniel 9:23. You are greatly beloved of the Lord. For Meditation: Dan. 10:11,19; Matt. 3:16,17; 17:5-8; Rom. 14:17-19; Heb. 11:5.


Acts 16:31. You and your household shall be saved. For Meditation: Gen. 6:8,9; 7:6,7; 18:19; Josh. 24:15; Acts 10:1,2.


Proverbs 16:33. The Lord shall bring it to pass. For Meditation: 2 Chro. 20:21,22; Psa. 37:5; Prov. 3:5,6; 16:3; Isa. 45:2; Rom. 8:32,37.

Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com



ello friend! I rejoice in my heart to open this month’s message to you with a wonderful promise from the Scripture found in Acts 2:17 which says,

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.” (Acts 2:17)


Look at this word ‘pour’ which in modern language can be called ‘shower’. Our God always showers His Spirit upon all flesh. Another fact that you can clearly see in the promise above is that the pouring of the Holy Spirit leads to receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Note the statement “I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.” Friend! Are you not thirsty to receive this anointing – which is the pouring of the Holy Spirit into you? Yeah! Once you receive the anointing, it will be coupled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I know that you

are thirsting for the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Yes! I also know that once you taste the anointing of the Holy Spirit you will begin to thirst for more. You will not be satisfied with a little anointing but you will want more of it. Yes! You will want showers of His anointing and that is exactly what you will receive. Showers of Anointing!

MY EXPERIENCE OF ANOINTING I attended the 18th batch of the Jesus Calls Power Ministry with a great thirst to receive the anointing but at that time I didn’t receive it. I was so discouraged because all my relatives who attended along

Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

with me, my sister-in-law, my brother and my aunty received the anointing as well as the Gift of tongues on the first day itself, but I did not receive. Thoroughly disappointed, I asked God, “Lord, what sin have I committed? Why haven’t I received the anointing?” But then the Lord made me wait. I pursued the anointing passionately and so I also attended the 19th batch and even in that batch I did not receive the anointing on the first day. I became so afraid and wondered whether I would receive it this time too. That whole night of the first day I could not sleep. I was kneeling down and crying to God. I made this prayer with a very broken heart and right on the next day at eight o’ clock in the morning the Lord filled me with the Holy Spirit. Only after that I realised how precious the anointing of God was. Yes! My friend, the Lord will make you wait to receive the anointing and the gifts. During the waiting time don’t get discouraged and say, “I am not worthy to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit.” Remember the Lord says, “If you ask anything in My name; I will do it” (John 14:14).

ASK GOD FOR MORE GIFTS 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 says that there are different kinds of

gifts, service and works; but the same God works all of them in all people. Yes, there are different kinds of gifts but don’t you ever think that the Lord will give only one gift to you. If the Lord determines,

HE WILL GIVE ALL GIFTS TO ALL MEN. Yes! He will not only fill you with His showers of anointing but also His showers of the fruit of the Spirit. Yes! The Bible says that our God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8). Yes, our Lord is able to pour out His shower of grace in abundance. He is very liberal and generous in giving anything that you ask especially the anointing and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. So, don’t just ask only one gift. Don’t settle for anything less than what the Lord is willing to give you. Sing this song which I like very much which says,” Mercy drops

round us are falling but for the showers we plead.” Paul says,

“...desire spiritual gifts …” (1 Corinthians 14:1) Yes, God is willing to give it all to those who ask Him in faith and love.

OUR GOD IS A GOD OF FULLNESS As soon as the Lord fills you with His Holy Spirit, you will receive all the gifts that God has because He is ready to fill us to the full measure of His fullness. He does not trickle in drops; He pours out in showers. My mother Stella Dhinakaran always used to say that our God is a God of fullness (1 Timothy 6:17; Colossians 2:9,10). So, He will fill you to the measure of His fullness (Ephesians 4:13). Friend! Cry out to God for His abundance and fullness. I cried and said to God, “Lord, I need all the gifts and all blessings that you have in You.” God heard my prayer and honoured me just like that. He will do the same for you too my friend. The Bible says that our Lord Jesus came into this world to give us life in ‘abundance’ (John 10:10). If we pray with one heart and one mind the Lord will pronounce His abundance

Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


of life upon us and fill us to His fullness. He will gladly shower us with all grace and all the gifts. So, right now even as you are reading this message you can open your mouth and pray to God. When you open your mouth and ask, He has promised to fill it. Look at what He Himself says,

“I am the LORD your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.” (Psalm 81:10) Friend! Open our mouth and ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit’s anointing. Nehemiah cried unto God saying, “Remember me, O my God, for good” (Neh. 13:31). Samson cried unto God saying, “O Lord GOD, remember me, I pray thee, and strengthen me, I pray thee, only this once, O God!” Read what young Rebecca, from Sri Lanka says, who attended our meetings. For a long time, I was asking God to fill me with his anointing. Yet, the sinful nature in me did not allow me to cry out persistently for this anointing. When I came to this meeting I cried bitterly, “Lord if there is anything displeasing in my life,


please remove it and fill me with your anointing. If not let me die.” Miraculously, during the prayer time of Sis. Evangeline, God touched my heart. I could feel a change within me. The Holy Spirit filled me without measure. At that time I received a unique experience. A bright and powerful light struck me and I received great peace in my heart. The moment I received this change I started asking God for his heavenly wisdom because I bunked classes having a fear that I lacked wisdom. To my surprise I heard the voice of God telling me


thank God Almighty for blessing me with his supernatural anointing and wisdom. I know I will never be the same again. Glory to God! My friend! Right now you can also cry out to God like Rebecca saying, “Lord, remember me for good and fill me with your Holy Spirit. Lord, I have waited enough Lord; fill me with Your power.

Father! it is not enough what I have received till now. I need you more Lord. Father! You are the God of fullness. Lord Jesus when you received the Holy Spirit, you received without measure (John 3:34; Acts 10:38). I need the same anointing; the same experience. O! Holy Spirit come into me.” When you pray like this the devil who has put so many obstructions in your life will be ashamed and go away from you and the love of God will fill you (Romans 5:5). The Lord of light will come into you (John 9:5; 1 John 1:5). All the darkness, fear and sinful nature that were ruling you thus far will leave you. You will get filled with the Holy Spirit. Friend! When you have an unquenchable thirst for the anointing of the Holy Spirit, heaven will rejoice over you and pour upon you all the gifts of the Holy Spirit and all the fruit of the Spirit. Yes! Heavens will shower you with anointing and gifts! Friend! When you are filled with the Holy Spirit the Lord will begin a good work in you and the scripture says that the Lord who begins a good work in you will complete it (Phili. 1:6). So my friend! Continue to praise God and read the Bible and pray more to be filled with the Holy Spirit and receive the gifts of the Spirit. God bless you.

Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

Loving Lord Jesus! I come to You responding to Your sweet invitation, simply believing on Your promise, “Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” It is my sincere longing to live a holy life, and to enter heaven to see You face to face. For this very purpose I need Your Holy Spirit, that He may keep me holy and blameless until that day. You know that sin, lust and the forces of evil surround me in this world; and I have no power of my own to overcome them. Grant me therefore Your mighty Spirit who alone can give me divine strength. I have managed to give up some bad habits and evil practices by the enabling power of my faith in You. Still they continuously threaten to re-enter my life, and I greatly need the Holy Spirit’s help to conquer the sinful desires. Thank You Lord, for washing away all my sins with Your precious blood. Yet I know I cause grief to the Holy Spirit due to my un-confessed sins. Please point out to me, my faults still clinging to me. I am prepared to give them up at once. Please show me, if I have to reconcile myself with somebody or if I have in my possession money or things that belongs to others. I am willing to set right any wrong that I’ve done, and to ask for forgiveness from anyone. My Father, Your holy Word says that my body is Your temple, the husbandry You are pleased with, Your palace and the temple of the Holy Spirit. Please therefore let Your Holy Spirit descend into my body, the temple of Your Holy Spirit. Lord, according to Your promise, “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!”- grant me Your Holy Spirit right now. Father, I read and meditate on Your word day after day, but I do not have the capacity to understand the

deep truth hidden there. I beseech You to explain to me all Your truth and help me to traverse on the path of truth. Fill me now with Your Spirit of power. Loving Saviour, I desire to pray earnestly for the members of my family who are troubled and distressed, for my loved ones and my dear ones; but my mind wanders and I am unable to focus my thoughts and keep them fixed on You. My God, fill me till I overflow with Your Holy Spirit, Who alone can help me to pray in the right manner. Master, I see countless souls around me, who do not have any knowledge of You, of Your great might and of the forgiveness of sins and redemption offered to us freely because of Your suffering on the cross. And I am moved strongly to tell them of the Good News of Your salvation, and to minister to them in Your name. But my Lord, I lack the divine ability and power to do that. I pray that You give me Your Holy Spirit, the same Spirit which was given to Your disciples to strengthen them to do Your work. Use me Lord, use me even now! Lord, I am waiting at Your feet to receive Your Holy Spirit. I long to be filled with Your Spirit in the same way as You were filled on the banks of the river Jordan and as Your disciples were filled in the upper room. Fill me with Your Spirit O Lord. Lord, I ask for Your Holy Spirit in obedience to Your commandment. “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”Lord, we are surely in the last days; You have promised that in the last days, You will pour Your Spirit upon all flesh. I do believe that You will fulfil Your promise and pour Your Spirit upon me. Lord, I am waiting eagerly and anxiously to receive Your anointing. All glory, majesty, dominion and power belong to You alone! And I thank You from the depths of my heart for hearing my prayer! Amen.

This prayer is based on the Scripture verses: Luke 3:22; 7:6,7; 11:9,11,13; 19:8; John 16:13; Isaiah 4:4; 44:3; 59:21; Acts 1:8; 2:1-3&17; Romans 8:26; 11:33; Ephesians 6:11; Jude 20-25; I Thessalonians 5:23,24; Hebrews 12:14; Matthew 11:28. Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


SRI LANKA Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, 15/1B, Joseph Lane, Bambalapitiya, Colombo 4. Telephone: +94 11 4488112 / +94 11 2502520 Jesus Calls Prayer Center, 65/373, 5th Lane, Crow Island, Colombo 15. Telephone: +94 11 3288553 Jesus Calls Prayer Center, 102, 3rd Cross Street, Jaffna. Telephone: +94 213207411


SINGAPORE Jesus Calls Prayer Tower 70A Race Course Road, (2nd Floor) Singapore 218572 Phone No: 65-63830160 MALAYSIA Jesus Calls Prayer Tower 11 Lorong Timur, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor D.E. Phone No: +603 7960 7370

Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

AUSTRALIA Jesus Calls Ministry Services Pty. Ltd PO Box 57566 Terminus Street, Liverpool, NSW 2170, Sydney. Prayer line: 1300 728 378 (free call) Admin Line: +61 2 9602 3200

CANADA Jesus Calls Canada # Suite 208, 50 Gervais Drive, Toronto Ontario Phone No: +1 18555227729 / +1 416 385 7576 / +1 416 385 7677

FIJI Jesus Calls Prayer Tower P O Box 3984, Fiji Islands 178 Ratu Mara Road, Samabula, Suva. Mobile: +679 9078961 Land line: 3632925

ISRAEL Jesus Calls Prayer Tower Ben Yehuda 34 JLM 20th flour. Phone No: +97225337577

EUROPE Jesus Calls Europe 11B Norwood Road Southall, London Phone No: +442085714900 NEW ZEALAND Jesus Calls Prayer Tower 1/80 Carr Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland. Phone: (09) 629 7160

USA Jesus Calls International 8855 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX 75247. Phone No: 1- 855-Jesus Calls / 1-855- 537- 8722 SOUTH AFRICA Jesus Calls Africa Faith Revival Church Premisis 34, Herencroft Drive, Longcroft, Phoenix 4068 Phone No: +27 31 500 24 82 / +27 84 288 48 28

Dear Partners, Jesus Calls Singapore has only one office in Singapore, operating from 70A Race Course Road, Singapore - 218572 (Phone No. 63830160). For all details concerning the ministry, kindly contact Sis. Regina Quek - Country Head (Phone No: +65 9178 9496). We are grateful to God for your continued prayers and support to the ministry, which is helping to wipe away the tears of millions of those hurting around the world. The Lord shall surely reward you for all that you are doing for His kingdom. (Hebrews 6:10) Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com



If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” - Luke 11:13

f you ask God, He is willing

pray according to His will and

Praying in the Holy Spirit, reaching the throne of God, and getting answers from God establishes the kingdom of God on earth in the life of one who prays as well as on earth. God wants you to live in His Kingdom here and now.

that’s why the Holy Spirit prays

When a satellite is connected

down. In the same way there

to a rocket and fired, it zips

are forces in this world which

to give us His Holy Spirit. When He comes to live in us,

He teaches us to pray according to His will and hears our prayers. He knows that we are not able to

through us (Rom 8:26).






flames of fire, defying earth’s gravitation. Without the rocket, a satellite can never pass through earth’s gravitational force. Otherwise the gravitation force will pull the satellite

Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

pull us down all the time. For

When a young man who

lost all my loved ones; I have no

example, thoughts like - I can’t

wanted to be perfect asked

one in my own family on whom

do anything, I always fail, I will

Jesus, “What must I to do to

I could put my dependence

fall sick, I have no future.

enter into eternal life,” Jesus

now. I now confess that you

God is fitting a rocket to your

said to him, “Go and sell all

are the only one who can carry

life today. That rocket is the Holy

your possessions and give it

me through. I need you and so

Spirit. He will help you to walk

to the poor. And you will have

fill me with your Holy Spirit.”

and talk with God and will enable

treasures in heaven. Then come

you to be more than a conqueror,

One fine morning, when my

and follow Me” (Matthew

breaking the barriers of the devil

wife and I were praying, the

19:20-21). Yes, you don’t have

Lord Jesus appeared to her and

to carry the treasures of this

filled her with His Holy Spirit

world; it will weigh you down

and we both were speaking in

like a gravitational force and

new tongues. She was lost in

slow you down from following

His presence and she was filled


with joy. That was the last day

and the flesh. In essence, the Holy Spirit prays the mind of God and prays the plan of God through your lips. Remember, Jesus said, “ask anything in My name” (John 14:14).

If you look at Peter, in

of her sorrow. Though she lost

Matthew 19:29-30, he said

everyone in her life, from that

to Jesus, “Lord, we have left

day, she started to gain back

everything and have followed

in hundred times. Today when

about righteousness and about

you. What will we get?” Jesus

she prays, the presence of

the judgment that is coming.”



Jesus fills the people and they

has left houses or brothers or

receive the Holy Spirit. She

sisters or father or mother or

was instrumental in leading

wife or children or lands, for

our children Sam and Sharon

My name’s sake, shall receive a

to receive the Holy Spirit at

hundredfold, and inherit eternal

ages 12 and 10 respectively,


and Sweety is greatly touched

What does the Holy Spirit pray through us? John 16:8-10 says, “The Holy Spirit speaks about sin,




Soon after we were married,

by God, and our family life is

Evangeline lost her beloved

full of joy. We started travelling

mother, brother and father, all

everywhere together; the power

in a short span of time, plunging

of God united us and we minister

her into deep sorrow. One day

together and make our children

when she saw my father, mother

to become godlier. This is how

and me praying in the Holy

godly generations come into

Spirit and rejoicing in the Holy

being. (Mal. 2:14,15). When

Spirit, she cried, “Lord, I have

the Holy Spirit comes, He turns

Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


the hearts of the children to the

I deliver it to them. How can I

room for worry or pride. God

parents and the hearts of the

do this?”

hates pride and worry. When

parents to children (Mal. 4:6) causing perfect relationship in families.





the 23rd day, I had a divine visitation. The Holy Spirit

you pray in the Holy Spirit, you will become as a little child trusting God and God’s power will operate through you.

When my father went to be

came upon me and the Lord

with the Lord on February 20,

spoke to me for nearly two

If you have gone through

2008, great fear gripped my

hours about the things that

much sorrow, pain or loss or

heart and I wondered, who can

would happen. He said: “Now

criticism and humiliation, you

be a father to these millions of

a new era is beginning; this is

can be assured that God is

people to whom my father was

the era to prepare the world for

working on you to prepare you

a ‘spiritual father’, because one

the Second Coming of Jesus

to do great exploits for Him!

million people came to pay their

Christ. I am coming soon and

It is the first step – to make

last respects to his body, and

so I am going to pour my Spirit

you like a little child. With the

everybody cried, ‘Oh father,

upon all flesh (Acts 2:17).”

tongues He gives you,

father’. For 23 days I could not sleep. I cried night and day saying “I know Lord, the ministry will continue, I know you have given me your word, I know your grace is upon me, I know you are doing miracles when I pray and I know it’s not Paul Dhinakaran, it’s You Jesus through the Holy Spirit. I Paul Dhinakaran, am only mud and clay. It is Jesus who does the miracles. I know Lord, your grace is upon me, but then Lord, I have to carry the millions of

The Lord said, “It’s no longer one D.G.S. Dhinakaran, one prophet, one apostle for the preparation of the Second coming of Jesus Christ. I will pour my Spirit upon all flesh,” even children will begin to prophesy. Those who humble themselves as little children

As you prophesy, you will


have hundred times of whatever

Matthew 18:4-5) they shall

you have lost. God will crush

prophesy. You may be eighty-

Satan under your feet (Romans

years-old but if you humble

16:20; Psa. 44:5).

yourself before the Lord as a

The Lord




little child, you will prophesy.

people that they should not backslide and I need your word


told me, "My

son, tell the world about my Holy Spirit. I will fill everyone


with my Holy Spirit; they

for these people. I must receive

He makes us as little children

will prophesy my will for

from you what you want to

and helps to trust in Jesus (1

themselves, for their family

speak to them and only then can

Tim. 6:17). Hence, there is no

and for the nation. As they


Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

prophesy my will and pray

Israel Prayer Tower. The Prime

with His peace and health

for its fulfillment, my will

Minister opened his door for

(3 John 2). It’s the same with our

shall come into the family,

us to bring God’s plan for the

staff and prayer intercessors.

the nation and their lives and

nation. Prayer Towers in the

God wants to build your families

my kingdom will come on the

nations are opening up. When

too. Come to Him as a family -

earth and the devil’s kingdom

God gave me this vision, Jesus

husband, wife and children (2

will be crushed (Daniel 2:35).

Calls and Karunya were in debt.

Today because my people are

I was appalled and asked the

not proclaiming my will and

Lord, how I could undertake

praying my will the devil is

these huge projects? But God

getting his will (John 10:10)

said, “Obey me, and I will fulfill

Finally, ask God for the Holy

into this world. Yes, that’s

my will.” That’s how the power

Spirit. It’s yours for the asking!

why you see terrorism, hatred,

of the Holy Spirit exhibits. Yes,

Leave your pride and worry

poverty and drought.

trust the Lord to take care of

behind, and obey and trust God,

your family and you go and do

and God will bless millions to

what He commands you. By

hear His voice through you.

Teach people to pray; I will make them prophesy my plan. Go, and preach the gospel; go




conferences everywhere and build Karunya to become a research institution. Build the Prayer Tower in New Delhi

the grace of God, at the time of establishing Delhi Prayer Tower and Israel Prayer Tower, God made Jesus Calls and Karunya become totally debtfree.

Chronicles 20:13). The greatest words of prophecies have come to us during our family prayers.

Today, by the grace of God, hundreds of thousands of people are blessed through the Ministry because of the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus, the sacrifice of the martyrs who

next to the seat of power. Then

Today, if you ask Lord to fill

build the Israel Prayer Tower

you with His Holy Spirit, He

to pray and prophesy for the

will bestow His wisdom on you;

nations of the world. Establish

whatever you do will prosper

Prayer Towers across the nation

and He will heal you (Physical,

answers to their prayers during

to enable prayer intercessors to

financial and emotional).

their lifetime. But God needs

go from each country to Israel to pray for My will for their nation.”

Looking back over the last nine years since the revelation, I can testify that God has blessed

have shed their blood as well as the prayers of the saints who would not have seen the

somebody to reap the harvest. Will you be that person? People of our nation are going to be blessed and experience the light

Therefore, my wife and

our Ministry. Our Prayer Towers

I have gone everywhere to

have increased from 15 to 110

of the gospel. Who is the reaper

preach the gospel. It’s a joy to

- without any human effort.

who is going to bring them into

see people coming to the Lord,

God did it! He has blessed

the Light of Christ? It is you.

Prayer Towers rising up - the

our family, relationships in

Would you say, “Lord, I believe

Delhi Prayer Tower and the

the family and blessed us

that it’s me”.

Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


FAMILY RESTORED During September 2106, my wife and I started having problems in our marriage and thought everything was over when we got separated. I was also having ongoing issues with my business at the time. I was desperate for help and came to the Jesus Calls prayer tower in Mt Roskill for prayers and God’s anointing upon my life. The prayer intercessor patiently spent time with me, encouraged me with scriptures and prayed for me. He encouraged me to attend the Healing Blessing meetings.

In September, I also attended the Prophetic Prayer Conference of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran & Sis. Evangeline. My faith in the Lord continued to grow. The Lord in His faithfulness indeed did a miracle in my family! My marriage has since been restored by God’s grace. In June 2017, my wife gave birth to a baby boy and we have named him Elijah Anthony. I thank Jesus for this miracle and the prayer intercessors for always being there, encouraging and praying for us through the Jesus Calls ministry. All glory to our Lord. - Pranesh Nadan

Location: 1/80 Carr Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland. Opening Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Tuesdays - 9:00 am to 10:00 pm. Toll Free Prayer Hotline: 0800 53 78 72 (0800 JESUSC) available 24x7 to receive prayer calls

REGULAR MEETINGS: Healing Blessing Meeting Every Tuesday from 7:00 pm Esther Prayer Group / Youth Esther Prayer Group First Saturday of every month from 3:00 pm. Prayer Vigil Last Friday of every month from 10:00 pm to midnight Other Every first Saturday of the month we go for a rest home visit from 2pm to minister to and pray for the seniors


Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

PARTNER WITH US Become a PRAYER INTERCESSOR You can join us to pray with compassion for the needy, bringing hope and healing to the brokenhearted through your earnest prayers Become a VOLUNTEER We have numerous tasks in and around the Prayer Tower where you could help Become a ESTHER / YOUTH ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Member This is a special prayer meeting where women gather to pray for various needs faced by women all around the world. The prayer points are sent by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. After praying over the given points, we pray for the needs of women who attend this prayer. If you would like to start an Esther / Youth Esther prayer group in your place, please contact us. Become a Jesus Calls BLESSING PLAN Member Join the Family Blessing Plan, Young Partner’s Plan, Business Blessing Plan, Prayer Tower Partner, Seesha Partner, TV Club Partner etc. You may send in your cheerful donations through Money Order / Cheques written in favour of Jesus Calls, and post to: P O Box 27736, Mt Roskill 1440, Auckland, New Zealand For Direct Bank Deposit and Bank Transfers, please use the following details: Account Name: Jesus Calls New Zealand Trust

Bank: ANZ

Account Number: 06-0241-0259945-01

Swift Code: ANZBNZ22

JESUS CALLS WORLD PRAYER CONVENTION 22nd - 24th MAY 2018 IN JERUSALEM A team from New Zealand will be going for this prayer convention next year. If you are interested in joining the team, please contact the Co-ordinators by email or phone.

JESUS CALLS NEW ZEALAND PRAYER TOWER ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION A special Thanksgiving Service will be held on Tuesday 21st November from 7:00 pm to mark the 5th anniversary of the NZ prayer tower. Please come and participate if possible and testify of how you have been blessed through the ministry of Jesus Calls in NZ. If you are not able to come in person, please email your testimonies. For any further details or enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the Co-ordinators on: Phone: (09) 629 7160

Email: admin@jesuscalls.org.nz

Face book: https://www.facebook.com/Jesus-Calls-New-Zealand-255957357864039/ Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


The Holy Spirit spoke to me to establish a Prayer Tower in Israel, to pray down God's plan upon each nation and its peoples, for it to be prepared for His second coming. According to Revelation 10:7,11, prayer has to be offered for the kings chosen by God to be in place, the gospel to be preached all over each nation with prophetic accuracy and solutions for the problems of each nation to be revealed. Also, for each nation to be connected to Israel for peace to come upon Israel and for Mt. Zion to become the capital of Israel. The Lord showed me that His sons and daughters from each nation from all over the world will come to Jerusalem and pray God's plan upon their nation

prophetically for these to happen. "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.� Acts 2:17 After we started praying, India has made peace with Israel! Each country will eventually be blessed, as the person from that country comes and prays there. When the prayer intercessors go back to their country after praying for a brief period at the Israel Prayer Tower at Jerusalem, God would give them His prophetic authority to anoint kings and bring signs & wonders and also enable them to enjoy the prophetic blessing in their own life.

You are invited... Partner with us You only have to pay for your airfare & food. Your lodging will be provided by us in the serenity and quietness of our Prayer Tower for a love offering of only $310 for two weeks stay. If you’re not able to come, would you like to help us by sponsoring one or more prayer intercessors for a two week assignment? Only through beloved partners and friends like you who financially support the work of Israel Prayer Tower, we are able to take care of the prayer intercessors coming for a two week assignment. Thank you!!! Two weeks - US$ 310


One week - US$155

Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

Daily Cost - US$25

Please prayerfully consider becoming a regular monthly financial supporter and partner of Israel Prayer Tower and together we will bless the Body of Christ in Israel. ONLINE DONATION Account Name: JCPT Account Number: 12-782-269036 IBAN Code: IL23-0127-8200-0000-0269-036 BIC/SWIFT: POALILIT http://www.israelprayertower.com/donate To donate through PayPal, send a payment to hayim@karunyaisrael.com through your PayPal (or) online account for the Israel Prayer Tower

APPLICATION FORM FOR SHORT-TERM STAY AS PRAYER INTERCESSOR (Please mail this to hotsarya@gmail.com or kotsarya@gmail.com) Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Current Address: ____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Phone (Mobile): _________________________ E-mail Address: _______________________________ Desired Date to arrive and for how long: __________________________________________________ What interests you to involve with the “Israel Prayer Tower” as a Prayer Intercessor _______________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (or) I would like to sponsor a Prayer Intercessor

Two weeks US$310

Signature _______________________

One week US$155

Daily US$25

Date _______________________

Prayer Tower Address: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Ben Yehuda 34 JLM 20th flour. Contact numbers: Bro. Hayim Otsarya 972542377766 & Sis. Keren 972546526521 For prayers, please contact 97225337577 Website: www.israelprayertower.com

Facebook: Israel Prayer Tower

Be a blessing to nations; be blessed and return with joy Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


Even today, God hears and answers the cries of His people when they call the Jesus Calls 24/7 Telephone Prayer Tower prayer line. Below is an amazing testimony by a caller whose hopes were not dashed, whose beloved’s life was saved by God by the anointed, tearful and heart wrenching prayers of our dear prayer intercessors. Sis. Punam Murmoo, testifies that her husband met with a terrible car accident on 12th Nov 2016 on his way to office. She was nine months pregnant and she was at her mother’s home far away at that time. A heavy truck from the rear hit him and he was flung out of the car and the car toppled over him with glasses cutting him on his face and piercing his head and ear. He was unconscious and was rushed to the major hospital nearby, which was 7 hours’ drive away. While she was on the way to reach him, she immediately called the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and the prayer intercessor prayed and comforted her and told that nothing will happen and that she needs to be strong for her unborn baby and her husband. She received news that he was fine, though he could not speak much. Later on, they admitted him at a Mission Hospital and it was reported that there was no head injury or any serious life-threatening injury to him. He had a minor fracture for which he underwent surgery and got better. He was discharged from the Hospital the day she delivered their baby girl. He came directly to the hospital to see the baby after his discharge. She immediately enrolled her daughter in the Young Partner’s Plan and Family Blessing Plan for herself and family. This is how amazingly God hears and answers the prayers of every caller, who calls the Telephone Prayer tower in times of their need.


Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

Like Punam, there are millions who cry desperately every moment without hope in this world. They need to be connected to OUR God the Life Giver. The prayer intercessor at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower agrees in prayer & faith with them & connects them to Him. (Matthew 18:18,19). The Jesus Calls Telephone Prayer Towers open 24x7, 365 days of the year, answers calls from people seeking prayer help for - healing of sicknesses and disease, addictions, accidents, financial crisis, exams, misunderstandings between spouses, family relationships, and many more. Trained and anointed prayer intercessors are always ready to receive the calls and pray for every need, faithfully and the Lord responds to their prayers and blesses His people. The Jesus Calls Telephone Prayer Tower serves as a tower of refuge - comforting millions and wiping away their tears. It initially started in Chennai, India and is now operational in Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Delhi, Trivandrum and Ahmedabad. The towers provide prayer services in 9 languages Tamil, English, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Hindi, Punjabi and Gujarati. Shortly, operations will also begin at Coimbatore, Ranchi and Kolkata. We also plan to provide prayer services in Bengali, Odia, Assamese, Khasi, Nepali and Mizo languages soon. The Jesus Calls Global Organizations provide services in French, Spanish, Sinhala, Mandarin, Malay, Arabic, Hebrew, Russian and African languages.. In India, every day, around 400 full-time prayer intercessors pray in 3 shifts round the clock on telephone for nearly 17,000 prayer requests. These calls are received from all over the world. This is separate from the few thousand prayer intercessors who pray at the Prayer Towers for people in person and in the 24 hours prayer chains. Approximately 5,00,000 people are blessed through this ministry every month. My friend, I pray that you would partner with us in supporting the Telephone Prayer Tower operations, thus bringing healing and life to millions of needy and despairing callers and be a source of blessing to them. You will be blessed as you become a blessing to millions thru this mission of Jesus Calls. I give you the opportunity which God has given us in order for you too to enjoy your part in blessing these millions of people. By doing so get 100 times return from God for yourself and your family. Become a part of this blessing by joining us in making this Prayer Ministry available to the many more unreached needy souls. BUILD THE LORD’S HOUSE; HE WILL BUILD YOUR HOUSE (2 Samuel 7:11) You can support the operational expenses of US $100, $500, or $1000 as prompted by the Lord. Come forward to sow your seed. Please contact the Prayer Tower in your country to know the offering amount in your local currency. To donate visit www.Jesuscalls.com/donate or you can send your donations via check to your nearest prayer tower. Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


ENRICHING ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Prof. Rangaraj M Rangayyan, University of Calgary, Canada delivered the Key Note address and gifted a book on ‘Biomedical Image Analysis’ authored by him.

Prof. Yoash Levron, Department of Electrical Engineering, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel sharing his expertise at the Two-Day International Workshop on Power System Dynamics and Renewable Integration.

PATENTS published on Spherical Combustor for gas turbines by Dr. Godson and Kevin Thomas, Mechanical Engineering INNOVATIONS CONSULTANCY IN CONSTRUCTION

Department of Civil Engineering assessing bearing capacity of the soil


Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com



IAESTE Students from Canada, Poland, Argentina, Switzerland, Brazil, Luxemburg and Spain dressed in colours of India.

Chancellor Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s Birthday Marathon along Siruvani High Road on 1/9/2017


Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


On 19th May 2017, I had intense headache and seizures and collapsed in my workplace. Shortly after, I was taken to the local Hospital and was run through a series of tests. Finally, the doctors found that I had cerebral aneurysm (excessive swelling in one of the arteries in the brain resulting in its breakage and the blood spreading on the brain). Hence I was experiencing intense headache. That night, around 11pm, I was rushed for an emergency surgery with the intent of releasing pressure that had built up in my brain. That day and the next week were very intense. I also underwent another surgery where the doctors inserted a drain into the affected area where most of the blood had settled. I also had an angiogram where they placed a coil around the aneurysm to stop the bleeding. My mother contacted her friend, who is a prayer intercessor in the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Sydney. She was earnestly praying along

with the other prayer intercessors for my divine healing. She was also constantly encouraging and lifting my mother at this time of need. After much prayers and support from my loved ones and the prayer intercessors, all the surgeries were successful. The Doctor also cautioned that I may have vasospasms which occurred twice within that week. However continuous prayers during this time provided God’s grace, with minimal pain. I was moved out of ICU to the general ward after two and a half weeks and was discharged from the hospital, one week later. Today, I am alive, healthy and extremely thankful for the blessing that God has placed on my life through the tears of my mother and the Jesus Calls prayer intercessors. When I go for my routine check-ups, the general practitioners still tell me how lucky I am to be alive. I am extremely thankful for the ministry of the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower.

Like Athalia you can also call our Prayer Tower, visit our Prayer Tower and be blessed. Toll Free Prayer Hotline: 1300 728 378 (Free Call), available 24x7 to receive prayer calls Our Address: 66 Terminus Street, Liverpool

NSW 2170, Sydney.


Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

- Athalia

REGULAR MEETINGS: Healing Blessing Meeting Every Wednesday - 7.00pm For more info call prayer tower on +61 2 9602 3200 Esther Prayers Group / Youth Esther Prayer Group 1st Saturday of every month. Address and contact as above. Time: 10.00am - 12.00 noon. You can become a prayer intercessor, volunteer in our Prayer Tower. Join our Esther Prayer Group / Youth Esther Prayer Group as a member to pray for women in need .. If you would like to start an Esther / Youth Esther prayer group in your place, please contact us. To Pray and Partner with Us: Join the Family Blessing Plan, Young Partner’s Plan, Business Blessing Plan, Prayer Tower Partner, Seesha Partner, TV Club Partner etc. RADIO


We request your continued support to be available on FM 103.2 Christian Radio station. If you feel led by the Lord, please endeavour with us

5.30 pm every Sunday

You may send in your cheerful Offerings through Money Order / Cheques written in favour of ‘Jesus Calls’ and post to: PO Box 575, Liverpool NSW 2170, Sydney, Australia. For Direct Bank Deposit and Bank Transfers, please use the following details: Account Name: Jesus Calls Ministry services Pty Ltd

Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Account Number: 1113 3084

BSB Number: 062-517

Branch: Liverpool

JESUS CALLS WORLD PRAYER CONVENTION 22nd - 24th MAY 2018 IN JERUSALEM A team from Australia will be going for this prayer convention next year. If you are interested in joining the team, please contact the Co-ordinators Sis. Sunita Narayan and Bro. Alick by email or phone. For any further details or enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the Co-ordinators on: Phone: +61 2 9602 3200

Email: admin@jesuscalls.org.au

Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19) This verse from the scripture brings out a very power attribute of our Father God. Yes! We have a God who is both powerful enough and wise in His ways to meet all our needs (Rom 10:12). Many times in our life we come to a point where we may wonder, “How this huge need is going to be met. I see no way this could be met. Situations have gone beyond my ability and intelligence.” It is this point our Lord will prove His ability and wisdom. When you think, “There is no way”, He will have a thousand ways to meet your needs miraculously. Once, my wife and I went to a shop to buy some things. My wife thought that I had money with me. I thought that my wife had money with her. When we had bought all the things my wife told, “We’ve bought all the things, please pay the bill.” I was terrified when my wife said those words. As usual there were only 5 rupees or 10 rupees left with me. At that time fortunately, our son had come there and he gave the money for the bill. The Lord has sent our son there right on time so that we returned home peacefully; not being put to shame.


Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

Yes! Many times in our life we come to this point of need but our gracious Lord says,

“MY CHILD! I WOULD LIKE TO GIVE YOU ABUNDANTLY FROM MY RICHES.” Even the streets in heaven are made of gold. The Lord’s perfect will and desire for us His children is that we live in this world not lacking any of our needs.

SOME OF THE DEFICIENCIES IN OUR LIFE! In our walk... The Lord weighs the spirit of each and every man (Proverbs 16:2). Many times we deceive ourselves thinking that “I’m very pious.” But, the Lord weighs our hearts and motives. He says, “Although you preach well; pray well; sing well; still I must weigh you” and then He weighs each one of us (Daniel 5:27). This is how the Lord will perfect His children. It was customary in a particular company to lend a lot

of money to other people. The company had appointed a noble man to collect the loan back from the debtors in an appropriate time. He would go to the debtors and ask, “Please repay your loan.” But the debtors would say, “I had no business this month; No income; you come back next month” and would turn him away. He would return to the company empty handed. Likewise, none of the debtors who had lent money from the company returned the money. Therefore, a senior official in the company did something peculiar. He brought with him a monkey. The officer looked at the man who collects money and said, “You’re going every day and returning empty handed; now on take my friend (the monkey) with you every day”! The monkey also nodded its head and went along with him. First he went to a shop and asked, “Please repay your money for this month.” He replied, “Not yet, Go away.” Suddenly the shopkeeper noticed the monkey with him and asked, “Why have you brought a monkey.” He replied, “You would not repay your money if I ask; now the monkey will ask you the money.” Immediately the shopkeeper got horrified and he not only gave back the money he had to repay but even more than that and chased them away. The monkey collected all the money. There was lots of money with the monkey at the end of the day. Both returned to the company. When the officer looked at them he asked, “How

was the collection today”? He replied, “The monkey collected all the money very well” but he looked worried. Immediately the officer asked him, “Why are you worried?” He replied, “The monkey is having all the money in its hands and now it is not giving to me, Sir.” Yes! There is a monkey in our minds which is also doing similar things. We look very pious in our outward appearance. But, the monkey heart within us will not let us give back the money. It will not let us surrender our shortcomings to the Lord but friend if you can do this today, the Lord will purify your heart and bring an amazing transformation in your life today.

In our nesds... Deficits and debts come in everybody’s life. No one borrows money without any reason. We would suddenly need money to arrange a wedding or to build a house in the family. In such situations, we choose to borrow money from others or from someone in our work place. Still, Our gracious Lord Jesus will help us to repay the money. This is the greatest privilege we have got. Yes, gracious Jesus will be with us (Matthew 15:32). When you pass through difficult times, He says, “Oh! My child is suffering like this deficiency” and does a miracle in some way. Each man’s life has three parts such as, body, mind and soul. Unless the Lord meets the needs of these three parts of life, our lives may not be happy and peaceful. It looks very disturbed otherwise.

Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


A. Soul God created man in his own image (Gen. 1:27; 5:1; 9:6). Man is an incredible creation among all creations. He created man just like Him. So, the appearance of God is just like the appearance of man. Disciples and prophets rejoiced as they saw the God whom no eye has ever seen. When they saw God they said, “HE was a figure like that of a man” (Rev. 4:2; Daniel 7:13; Ezek. 1:26). What are the other aspects in which man is made in the image of God? Man is created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness (Ephesians 4:24). He is renewed in knowledge in the image of God (Colossians 3:9,10). The righteous God has given us the same righteousness and a righteous heart (Psalm 7:11). God has given us a conscience. This conscience tells to discriminate good from evil and also righteousness from sin (Micah 6:8; Romans 2:15). The spirit of man examines his heart. It is also a lamp that sheds light on one’s inmost being (Proverbs 20:27). All that God expects from us is to walk in good conscience. Take with you holiness. To obey the Lord is being holy. The moment we disobey God, we lose our holiness. Do you have righteousness, holiness and knowledge of God in your soul? (John 17:2,3). “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is, understanding (Proverbs 9:10).” Once you fear the Lord and obey Him you will be holy and an immeasurable peace will fill your heart.


B. What is the human mind’s need? When there was a great storm Jesus was also with the disciples in the boat. He was in the stern, sleeping in a cushion. When the disciples cried to the Lord,“ Teacher! Don’t you care if we are drowning?” Jesus asked them, “Why are you so afraid? Don’t you still have faith?” Then he got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still! And there was complete calm after that. He is a God who can calm the storms in our soul, spirit and heart.

HE IS MIGHTY TO GIVE US HIS DIVINE PEACE EVEN TODAY. He desires to give divinely peace to the hearts and minds of those who’re troubled amidst tempestuous storms.

C. Body What is about the body of man? The Bible says that it is the temple of God (I Corinthians 3:16; 6:19). God knows the

trouble we go through when we fall sick or lose our job. Therefore, He provides strength to the body and enables us to earn riches. Once, my son proudly wore a watch I had bought him from a foreign country to his college. But his friends teased him saying that, “His father would deliver sermons and earn money.” My son told me that he felt very proud as he replied them back saying that his dad is not only a preacher but also a higher official in the State Bank of India and this watch is bought with his hard earned money. That moment I praised God in my heart saying, “Lord! You graciously gave me this wonderful son after a few years answering the prayers of me while I walked through the paths of trouble and tears; I thank and praise you for giving me the strength to work and earn a watch for him.” The Old Testament believers such as Jephthah, Barak, Samson and David did mighty things despite their weaknesses because God gave them His divine strength and strengthened them (Hebrews 11:32-34). Friend! Come to Him and He is the only one mighty enough to turn any deficit into abundance, He is ready to give you also the divine strength and divine consolation from today. Therefore do not set your eyes and mind on getting abundance instead set your eyes “on the Lord Jesus Christ” who is mighty. Hold on to His feet alone for He is the Almighty; He is Love personified. He will miraculously turn all your deficits and fill you with His divine abundance and bless you.

Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com

Jesus Calls International * October 2017 * www. jesuscalls.com


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