Jesus Calls International August 2018

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The ‘Jesus Calls’ one day Special Blessing Meetings at Bethesda Prayer Centre, Puducherry Union region and in Perambalur were miraculous. At all the three meetings, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran gave the word of the Lord and prayed powerfully for the people who attended the meeting. On July 1st, a Special Blessing Meeting was held at the Bethesda Prayer Centre at 1:30 pm. This day was special as it was the birthday of Bro. D.G.S Dhinakaran. Dr. Paul reminisced about how Jesus Calls Ministry began and testified how God was a miracle worker in their lives. Multitudes of people who Jesus Calls International


* August 2018



attended this meeting received healing, blessings, deliverance, and miracles from the Lord and glorified His name by testifying for the Lord. After 19 years, the ‘Jesus Calls’ meeting was held at Puducherry on Saturday, 7th July 2018 at New Port Complex. Thousands of people from Puducherry, Tindivanam, Vizhupuram, and Cuddalore attended this meeting. The meeting was made possible with the support of all the Church leaders. The Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry, Dr. Kiran Bedi and Honorable Chief Minister Mr. V. Narayanasamy, participated in this Special Blessing Meeting and graced the occasion. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran specially prayed for blessings, prosperity and an increase in job opportunities for the people of Puducherry. For the first time, the ‘Jesus Calls’ meeting was held in Perambalur on 8th July 2018. The Bishop of Trichy-Tanjore Diocese of the Church of South India, Rt. Rev. Dr. D. Chandrasekaran participated in the meeting held at the Roever campus and graced the occasion. Many people came to listen to the Word of the Lord and to receive the miracles from the Lord from Perambalur and Ariyalur regions. Many people, who were touched by the Lord, testified their miraculous experience.

Jesus Calls International

* August 2018




RUN IN THE MIDST OF WICKED PEOPLE Look at Isaac. Isaac was in the midst of the wicked king Abimelech. He was a jealous man. At the same time the nation was in drought. On one hand there was drought and on the other, unemployment. They were in a situation where whatever they sow did not give produce and were in agony. At the same time the king’s jealousy, anger and irritation made him and his group to plot against Isaac. In this state, Isaac was running. Though the drought was beginning, he did not say, “what can I do?”

“Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him.” (Genesis 26:12) Isaac sowed the seeds. Today,


the Lord expects us to sow His words. What if there is drought? You saw the words from the Bible. It’s during the drought that you have to sow more. During the drought, Isaac also digs wells. Immediately the king’s people came and shut the wells built by him and his father. Even then he did not quarrel with them; he left the place and dug another well. It gave water. He sows and reaps a hundredfold. This is the hand of the Lord. During the drought, you should run to sow the verses into people. You should build wells. They will not get water. But you will get the water. Jealousy will increase and anger will rise. Unjustly they will close all your wells. They will also close the wells built by your father. Ancestral property will also go. But you should go and dig again. As you dig again and again, the Lord will keep on giving water. As you sow again and again, the Lord will keep on giving you a hundredfold. Finally, the king and his people bowed their heads before Isaac and said, “The Almighty Lord is with you. Whatever you do shall prosper”.

Jesus Calls International * August 2018 * www.

“…There ought to be a sworn agreement between us’ - between us and you. Let us make a treaty with you that you will do us no harm, just as we did not harm you but always treated you well and sent you away peacefully. And now you are blessed by the Lord.” (Genesis 26:28,29) From then on they did not close any well. Wicked men could not win over him. If you want prosperity, there is only one way; sow the word of the Lord, go to new places and sow. Do not stop your run saying, “why did you close it here?” This is my experience in life. If someone shuts a door, there is no use in fighting over it. The children of God should not get angry. They will not have any loss. Whatever you lose, the Lord will give back to you. But all you have to do is to enter into the new door. The Lord has kept an open door to dig a new well; no one ever shuts it. Keep running. The Lord will give back what you lost and will also bless you with new blessings. Abimelech saw Isaac and Rebecca making love. It was only then he realized that they were husband and wife. They loved each other. Loving the Lord is on one hand, love between the husband and wife is on the other. Only then can you bravely sow; Only if there is peace between the relationship of husband and wife, can you sow in new places. Only then can you dig new wells. The wife will say, “Don’t worry, dig in another place.” Family life is very important. To live in oneness and to love each other is very important. Such love was present in Abraham & Sarah, Isaac & Rebecca and Jacob & Rachael. That’s why whatever they did prospered. Even in your family life you are going to experience such affection. Because of that a hundredfold blessing will come.

The Lord told us, “Children, I will not destroy your enemies. Instead I’m going to bless you. Your blessings will destroy the power of your enemies.” He told this in 1987 and now, see how He has blessed us. After Angel’s death, the Lord blessed me with a wife, three children; He gave them talent, built Karunya and the Lord Himself has been doing all these things. We did not have to do anything. He opens the doors for kings, blesses the people and does miracles. This was not done by us. The Lord will do the same in your lives too.


“Yet your father has cheated me by changing my wages ten times. However, God has not allowed him to harm me.” “It was like this for the twenty years I was in your household. I worked for you fourteen years for your two daughters and six years for your flocks, and you changed my wages ten times.” (Genesis 31:7, 41) Even then Jacob did not stop running. He did his job of herding the sheep truthfully. He took care of each sheep and restored for the lost ones. He was prudent in his job. Similarly the Lord expects you to be prudent in all the works given to you. Prudent in every aspect – with money, relationships, completion of a given job. Do not complain, “It’s like this, my boss is like this, what job is this? It’s very difficult”. Jacob had such a boss. He changed Jacob’s salary 10 times. But the Lord saw that he kept on running, blessed him with two portions of blessings and made him rich. For the times his salary was changed, the Lord poured the same amount of blessings. He is

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going to pour it the same way for you too in your job, ministry, and family and honor you. Do not be worried. Jacob’s own brother Esau threatened to murder him. Even then he did not stop his run. He prays, “Lord, my brother is coming to kill me. Please save me, save my family, save my children, my sheep and cows. Save what is mine”. The Lord came and saw how he was praying unceasingly. The Lord decided to change his prayer. He said, “Why are you crying and praying for yourself? It should be changed” and He touched the socket of Jacob’s hip. Only then his eyes were opened. The Lord said, from now on you are not Jacob, no longer a cheater, you are Israel. From now on don’t pray for yourself, don’t ask for yourself. I will transform you into a nation, from now on pray for that nation. Pray for the nation of Israel. You are Israel. I’m going to build a nation in your name but you are praying for yourself and your family. The Lord changed his prayer, his thoughts and blessed him (Genesis 32:24-29). We are aware of the incidents in Joseph’s life, Jacob’s dear son. His own brothers fooled him and sold him to strangers as a slave. There was unjust accusation on him in Potiphar’s house where he was working. Due to this he was sent to prison. The Lord gave Pharaoh a dream, created a situation where no Egyptian could tell or interpret the dream, made the king realize Jacob’s greatness and gave Jacob the wisdom to tell and interpret the dream. The king looked at his workers and said, “is there anyone else who is like him who has the spirit of the Lord?” The Pharaoh honored Joseph: “Since the Lord reveals everything to you, there is no one who is prudent and wise than you” (Genesis 41:38,39). Finally, the Lord exalted Joseph to a position next to the king. He honored him as the ruler over the whole of Egypt (Genesis chapters 38 – 44).


Just as how Joseph interpreted the dream, Egypt was prosperous and fertile for seven years and followed by drought in the next seven years (Genesis 41:47 – 55). The people cried unto Pharaoh. Pharaoh replied, “you go to Joseph and do as he says”. Accordingly, Joseph opened the granary and sold to the Egyptians. A severe drought spread over all the nations. When Jacob came to know that there were grains in Egypt, he sent his children to buy some grains. He did not send Joseph’s brother Benjamin along with them. Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt and bowed down to him with faces to the ground. Joseph recognized his brothers. But they did not. Then Joseph revealed himself. They were terrified at his presence due to the injustice they did to him. Then Joseph spoke to them courteously and asked them to bring his father. On hearing the news Jacob was thrilled.

“I am God, the God of your father,” he said. “Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there.” (Genesis 46:3) Just as the Lord said, Jacob received double portions of blessings. What an honor it is for Jacob to not only see his son alive but as a ruler over the nation when he spent all his life thinking he lost his son. Moreover he moved with his family to Canaan with each one’s sheep, goats and things along with his sons went to Pharaoh and blessed him and in his last days he received this honor. Today the Lord is going to give us goodness and double portion of blessings and transform us into a nation. The Lord is going to transform everyone who is clothed in the name of the Lord. Therefore, let’s stand up, run together, keep on running, in the midst of wicked people and in the midst of injustice keep on running towards Jesus and be a blessing to the nation.

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s well


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Sunila & Jason Prasad Jesus Calls New Zealand Coordinators “It was such a blessing to lead the largest International team of 28 delegates who travelled the furthest distance from New Zealand to attend the first World Prayer Convention in Jerusalem. The convention and trip of the Holy Land were life-changing experiences for us and many others. Everything, from convention speakers, transport, sites visited, accommodation, food, tour guides, were all excellent. Having local speakers enriched us greatly in the history and current happenings in Israel. Our God of ‘above and beyond’ blessed us more than we had expected. A big thank you to the organising team who put everything together. God bless you all”.

Tatalihetoa June McKay,

New Zealand

I desired to go and gave my name as one of the participants even though I had no provision. The Lord amazing provided every bit of the expense and I am totally in awe of the goodness of the Lord. Feeling very blessed”


Jesus Calls International * August 2018 * www.

You are invited... Partner with us We invite intercessors from all nations to join us to pray. We have a 24/7 initiative that is centered around the peace of Jerusalem, Israel and the Nations following the very powerful prophesy, Dr. Paul received from God while in prayer. You only have to pay for your airfare & food. Your lodging will be provided by us in the serenity and quietness of our Prayer Tower for a love offering of only $310 for two weeks stay. If you’re not able to come, would you like to help us by sponsoring one or more prayer intercessors for a two week assignment? Only through beloved partners and friends like you who financially support the work of Israel Prayer Tower, we are able to take care of the prayer intercessors coming for a two week assignment. Thank you!!! Two weeks - US$ 310

One week - US$155

Daily Cost - US$25

Please prayerfully consider becoming a regular monthly financial supporter and partner of Israel Prayer Tower and together we will bless the Body of Christ in Israel. ONLINE DONATION Account Name: JCPT

Account Number: 12-782-269036

IBAN Code: IL23-0127-8200-0000-0269-036


Blessing meeting at Israel Prayer Tower Every first Friday of the month, blessing meetings are conducted at 6pm

Prayer Tower Address: Israel Prayer Tower, 34 Ben Yehuda, 20th Floor, Jerusalem. Contact numbers: Bro. Hayim Otsarya + 972 54-2377766 & Sis. Keren 972 54-6526521 For prayers, please contact 97225337577
 Website: Facebook: Israel Prayer Tower Jesus Calls International * August 2018 * www.


went through the path of tears. During that time, we as a family attended the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Festival held in Nagpur in the month of October, 2015. When Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran gave the word of the Lord and prayed, my mother felt a tender loving hand touching her and at that very moment received a great deliverance. Till today she is hale and healthy. After this miracle, our house is now filled FREEDOM FROM THE CLUTCHES OF DEVIL! My mother Rekha Barde, suffered greatly for more than ten years from demonic struggles. Due to this there was no peace in the family; darkness everywhere; no one had an inclination towards anything and there was frustration in the family. Since my mother was in this state as a family we 10

with prayer and joy. We are continuing to receive the blessings. The Lord gave a house for us. As her children, all three of us have accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior. The Lord gave us a good future. We thank the Lord for this great miracle. We are continuing to support this ministry by also becoming a ‘Jesus Calls’ partner. -Yogesh, Nagpur. India

Jesus Calls International * August 2018 * www.


are supporting the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries


through our prayers and offerings. Thank

I was a person who did not know much

you Jesus!

about Jesus, I faced a lot of troubles in my

- Lobo Tanti, Bimalapur, Assam, India.

life. Financial crises distressed me. I did not have enough money to meet daily needs, did not even have a house and was greatly troubled. I was into smoking, drugs and was a slave to many bad habits. When I attended the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Festival in Dimapur in 2006, I went there to only look around and to know what was happening in the meeting. But the turning point of my life begun there. When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran after giving the word of the Lord, started to pray, he called out my name during the prayer and said, “Lobo, the Lord is setting you free from all your problems! He is filling you with His peace”. When I was thinking that, “In this meeting there may

ESTHER PRAYER GROUP My husband and I landed in Canada with our son in the year 1988 and since then we have been with the Jesus Calls Ministry (30 years). My two daughters were thereafter born here in Canada. God has done so many marvellous miracles for my family through this ministry. I joined the ministry at the Canada Prayer Tower in the year 2001 as a prayer intercessor, later the Lord had enabled me to start the Esther Prayer Group in Toronto and now we have three groups functioning here in Canada. Every month, we gather as a group and pray

be many having the same name as me, it

for the given prayer points. Our group

cannot be me; I am a sinner, is God going

members are blessed. I pray that God will

to call a sinner”, the next moment


continue to bless this ministry and to grow

Lord’s peace filled my heart. I received an

to great heights more in the coming years.

unusual experience. I felt all my sins getting out of my heart. I became a new being.

-Vathana Ramanathan, Canada

From that day on, the blessings increased in my life, I got a good job; my debts were gone, through the Lord’s grace I was able to

You can also experience such miracles as a

get an own house and my children shined

family; send you prayer requests to,

in education. Now I am doing part time ministry for the Lord. The Lord’s peace

Email: Website:

and joy is overflowing in our family. We Jesus Calls International * August 2018 * www.


My fellow partners in the ministry of the Lord, I take immense pleasure to connect with you through the August issue of ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine! I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.”

(Joshua 3:5)

According to this verse, your life will be consecrated this month. After which, the Lord will do miracles in your personal life, family and your work according to your expectation. Jesus Calls International


* August 2018



Prayer Tower ministry bringing healing and comfort

first at a public meeting held in Tuticorin, India on 14 August 1980. Pray that the Lord may use me

“I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest…”

(Isaiah 62:6)

even more; strengthen me to be a blessing to numerous people. In the following months, my wife Evangeline and I will be ministering in several meetings.

The ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries began with the sole

The Karunya Alumni meet is to be held at Dubai

purpose to pray for people who need prayers at

in October. Please pray for the following meetings

any time of the day, so that they can be comforted through God’s word. People can request prayers in the presence of the Lord and receive miracles, healing, and blessings from Him. For those who visit the Prayer Tower, the exclusively trained prayer intercessors give counseling based only on the scriptures and strengthen their faith to receive their miracles from God. They pray along with them for their needs and prayer requests to plead at the feet of the Lord. The Prayer Tower ministry was started on 12 August 1983. There are 106 ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Towers functioning in India and 14 Prayer Towers in abroad today. Prayer service is offered to all those who call for prayers. We can only praise the works of the Lord through this Prayer Tower ministry. It’s due to your continuous support, the prayer services are being conducted for the glory of the Lord. Continue to send your offerings cheerfully to the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower ministries.

given below; for their arrangements and for the Lord to use us mightily. 2018 August 17 -19 - Canada 2018 September 23 Partners Meet, Delhi, India 2018 September 25 - NPMA, Delhi 2018 September 30 Partners Meet, South Africa 2018 October 2-4 South Africa meetings 2018 October 11, 12, 13 Prophetic Prayer Training, Trivandrum, India 2018 October 13, 14 Prayer Festival, Trivandrum, India 2018 October 20,21 Hyderabad Prayer Festival, India 2018 October 24 – 26 Prophetic Prayer Training, Rourkela, India 2018 October 26 – 28 Prayer Festival, Rourkela, India

I invite you to visit the Prayer Towers directly

I pray that the Lord may do mighty miracles

and attend the events and receive the Lord’s

in your life with His outstretched arm; consecrate


yourselves, receive blessings and glorify the Lord.

This month is important to me as the Lord

Your dear brother

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

graciously enabled me to deliver the word of God Jesus Calls International

* August 2018




The 18th Convocation of Karunya Deemed University was th held on 30 June 2018 at 2.00 pm at Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran Centre, Karunya. This year, a total of 1873 students graduated; 44 Ph.D., 10 M.Phil, 391 PG, and 1428 UG students were awarded degrees. Two students were awarded the Chancellor’s Award for Best Outgoing UG & PG student. 112 Rank Holders were honored with cash awards and certificates. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Chancellor of Karunya Deemed University, presided over the ceremony and in his Address advised to graduates to pursue Jesus Calls International


what came to them faithfully, to be focused and never discouraged and to trust God seeking His will for their life. He then personally awarded degrees to all 1600+ students. Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran invoked the blessings of the divine on the graduates. Dr. Anil Bhardwaj, Director, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, Department of Space, Government of India was the Chief Guest and delivered the Convocation Address encouraging the graduates to persevere in the midst of challenges and excel in their career. Parents and relatives of the graduates participated and graced the occasion. The Convocation Ceremony was

* August 2018



successfully organized by Dr. Mannar Jawahar, the ViceChancellor; Dr. Ridling Margaret Waller, Pro-Vice-Chancellor; Dr. R. Elijah Blessing, Registrar and Dr. A. Hepzibah Christinal, Controller of Examinations. The students who graduated sowed their first seed by donating generously towards the purchase of assistive devices for the needy. The assistive Jesus Calls International

devices (three-wheeled scooters and cycles) were distributed to the less privileged people through Seesha at the end of the Convocation Ceremony. The Convocation ended with the National Anthem. - THE REGISTRAR, Karunya Deemed University

* August 2018




The prayer intercessors at the Prayer Towers are dedicated and committed to serve and comfort the broken-hearted in accordance to the divine vision of bringing healing to the broken hearted. The ‘Telephone Prayer Tower’ ministry serves as a beacon of hope to millions who need prayer for their various needs. This ministry was initiated so that anyone could call from anywhere, at any time of the day, to receive prayer for any request to experience God’s power for salvation, Jesus Calls International


* August 2018



Here’s a powerful testimony from Rebecca Punithan from Madurai, India: ‘In 2009, my son Immanuel who was two years old had blood cancer. He had a swollen stomach; his haemoglobin level was only 4 g/dl, and the white blood cells count was around 1.5 Lakhs. We were shocked to hear this from the doctors. My husband is an auto driver, and with our income, we could not afford the treatment. We had no saved-up money either. My husband did not know Jesus and in this state, my little faith was also shaken. After admitting him to the hospital at Madurai, my aunt took my reluctant husband to the Prayer Tower at Madurai for prayer. My husband came back from the Prayer Tower after having my son enrolled in the Young Partners Plan and brought the blessed oil. We started to apply it on him every day. We also wrote letters to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and received comforting responses. The treatment went on for five years. God did a miracle by providing the treatment free of cost and completely healed him. In 2014, when we went for a review, the same doctor certified that there is no trace of cancer and that he needed no further treatment. How much we rejoiced! We are deeply grateful to our Lord for this remarkable miracle in our lives. Now, Immanuel is 11 years and he is studying in 3rd Std. He is doing well in his studies and is very healthy. Above all, my husband has received the Lord Jesus as his Saviour after witnessing this miracle. He goes to the Prayer Tower often and attends the events there. God has blessed our finances and now we have a car. Our sorrow has turned into joy. All these became possible only because of the prayers offered at the Prayer tower and the multi-faceted ministry of Jesus Calls. All glory to Jesus!”

healing, miracles, and deliverance. Every prayer intercessor prays with burden and the Lord hears them and intervenes. He listens to one’s cries and comforts every soul through this ministry of prayer. Just as we read in John 16:20 our mission is to ensure that each one’s sorrows turns into joy.

My friend, May we invite you to join the Jesus Calls ministry team by being a blessing to millions of people and impact lives by supporting the Prayer Tower ministry. God will bless you and your generations. You can support the operational expenses of US $100, $500, or $1000 as prompted by the Lord. Come forward to sow your seed. Please contact the Prayer Tower in your country to know the offering amount in your local currency. To donate visit or you can send your donations via check to your nearest prayer tower. Jesus Calls International

* August 2018




COMFORT IN GOD “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you...” (Isaiah 66:13)

Therefore, the Lord will wait, that He may be gracious to you. He keeps waiting for His sons and daughters to come to Him in prayer. When my mother was admitted to Vellore CMC Hospital, India for cancer treatment, I had

A mother’s love cannot be described in words. A mom holds a special place in our hearts for her unique attributes. She has unconditional love, forgives, patient, kind, endures, sacrificial and compassionate. Her family is her priority. The Bible states about Lord God in Isaiah 30 verse 18,

sent a message that I will meet her. I was three months pregnant with Sam at that time. My mom was waiting eagerly for my coming, looking through the hospital window. When I went to her, she immediately touched my stomach with much

“…He will rise up to show you compassion…”

joy. She said that she was not sure if she will be

just like a mother. Those who wait upon Him are

alive when I give birth to the baby, but she said

blessed and He waits to listen to your prayers. He

that her mother will be there to help me during

is a merciful God who out of His abundant love will answer your prayers.


Jesus Calls International * August 2018 * www.

my delivery. Just as she said, when I gave birth

Yes, God desires to perform a miracle for you

to Sam, my mom had already passed away, but

too. The Bible says that, “…You shall weep no

my grandma was with me and took care of me.

more.He will be very gracious to you at the sound

She helped me in doing all of my work and my

of your cry;when He hears it, He will answer you”

mother-in-law whom I call as ‘Mother’ also took

(Isaiah 30:19).

care of me.I was treated like a princess. This is the heart of God. The love of my mother, God showered upon my life through two of this dear people. He will do the same for you. He will listen to your cry and answer your prayers. When we go to minister in the meetings, the Holy Spirit comes down immediately as we open our mouth to speak and when we pray, miracles happen. Let

REJOICE IN GOD “You shall have a song, as in the night when a holy festival is kept and gladness of heart as when one goes with a flute; to come into the mountain of the Lord, to the Mighty One of Israel.” (Isaiah 30:29)

me introduce a wonderful testimony from my sister-in-law, Aarti Anand from Tirunelveli, India who received perfect healing from God. “7 years ago, I underwent a mild fracture in the spinal cord and as a result developed pain and

You will find your joy in the Lord. He will make you seated in the higher places of this world and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob. Yes, this is the heart of God (Isaiah 58:14).

swelling in my right hand. The pain would increase

What kind of joy does God expect us to have?

during winter and penetrate from the shoulder to

We simply must rejoice looking at the miracles

my right hand and fingers. I was unable to do any household chores. I could not cook or do anything with my right hand due to an inflammation. My husband and children were of great support to me during this time. In this situation, I happened to attend the Jesus Calls Prophetic Prayer Conference in 2016 at Chennai. I was in a situation where I was

the Lord is doing in our lives every day. In the Bible, we read about a Canaanite lady who came to Jesus and begged him with a loud cry saying, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, my daughter is cruelly possessed by a demon. But He did not answer her a word. If we were in a similar

even unable to write down the message of Dr. Paul

situation, we would think that God is not mindful

due to excruciating pain. I prayed that God would

of us. However, she didn’t go away but she waited

heal me. I said, “Lord, I am doing Your ministry.

for him.The disciples came to Jesus and urged him

Please relieve me from this suffering. I desire to

to send her away but Jesus said that He was not

serve You more through this hand.” During prayer

sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel;

time, as I stood united in prayer with Dr. Paul, I

He said it’s not good to take the children’s bread

received a miraculous touch from God. The pain

and throw it to the little dogs. But she humbled

disappeared that very moment. Now I don’t have

herself and replied, “Yes Lord, but even the little

pain. I am able to do all chores on my own. I thank

dogs eat the crumbs from the master’s table”

God for this miracle in my life!”

(Matthew 15:21 - 28).

Jesus Calls International * August 2018 * www.


Such is the heart of a mother. No matter the

caught no fish. Early in the morning, Jesus was

troubles she goes through, she will plead for the

there at the shore. When Peter threw the net on the

sake of her children. Jesus looked at the mother’s

right side of the boat as said by Jesus, they caught

heart and healed her daughter.This is the heart of

large number of fish. Only then the disciples

our Lord Jesus. No matter how many times we

recognized it was Jesus and already in the shore

trouble Him, He still pleads for us to God for a

they saw a fire of burning coals with fish in it.

miracle and to make us glad.So rejoice in Him!

Jesus said, “Come and have breakfast” and gave

PROTECTION OF GOD In our personal life, the devil has tried to bring

them bread and fish (John 21:1-13). Yes, we have a loving God who cares for us, knows our needs and protects us. Just as he

problems and had wanted to

supplied food for Peter and the

wound our body, but Jesus

disciples, He has already kept in

interceded for us just like a mother and enabled us to continue His work for the Lord’s ministry. Today, if you are broken-hearted, remember that God pleads for you. He fights for you. He walks before you so that no one can fight against you. God



been with me and guided


store every blessing that we need. He dwells within us, listens to our words and helps us in times of trouble.He serves us like a loving mother. The Bible says that Mary kept everything in her heart and pondered over it as stated in Luke 2:19. Similarly, I too ponder over the wondrous works that God has done for us in our own personal and ministry life. He has carried

me all these 50 years. Like

us and helped us. Not a single

a mother, He carries and

word the Lord revealed thus far

protects me every day. I

has fallen apart. We serve such

know that you also can quote several instances of

a mighty God who protects us like a mother!Our

how God has been so good to you.

Lord wants us to simply trust Him and have a child-like faith in Him. He will take away all your

“…. Son of Man did not come to be

pain and fears, instead will fill you with blessings

served, but to serve, and to give his life

and joy! May this good Lord give the fullness of

as a ransom for many.”

joy all through this month according to the verse

(Matthew 20:28) Jesus, after he was raised from the death, third time he appeared to His disciples. Peter was back to fishing along with few disciples. That night they


quoted below:

“I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer.” (Isaiah 56:7)

Jesus Jesus Calls Calls International International* *August August 2018 2018* *www. www.

JESUS SHALL FULFILL ALL YOUR NEEDS (Lord’s word given by beloved brother late Dr. D. G. S. Dhinakaran,

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches

in 1994 at ACA Church, Chennai)

When we arrived at the airport of that particular city, suddenly through the intercom we heard an announcement, “Mrs. & Mr. Dhinakaran,

of his glory in Christ Jesus.”

please contact us.” At once we went towards the

(Philippians 4:19)

announcement room. When they saw us, they welcomed us with great joy and said, “Brother,


we were waiting for you” and took us in the car they had arranged for us. They looked after us with

This is the promise our Lord Jesus Christ has given us. As the Holy Bible says, the Lord our God will supply for all our needs and help us overcome our shortcomings. So, take heart. Once, my wife and I went to another country for ministry. In a particular city, a lawyer who was

much care. Similarly, our elder brother Jesus Christ will take responsibility to look after us (Romans 8:29). How blessed are we to have this privilege! What are the ways the Lord will take responsibility for you?

touched by the message I gave, asked me, ‘Sir, what are you planning to do next? I mentioned the name of another city and replied, “I am going to


preach there.” When I told the name of the city,

Apostle Paul says, “God, whom I serve with

immediately, he said, “My brother is in a high

my whole heart” (Romans 1:9) and “…I fill up in

position in that city; I will tell him about your

my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ’s

arrival there. He will look after everything you

afflictions” (Colossians 1:24). He also says, “I

need once you reach there”.

have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer

Jesus Calls International * August 2018 * www.


live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live

to meet the expenses of the meeting. Once the

today, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved

meeting got over, I asked them, “Why did you

me and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20). He

sell your jewels? You should not have done it”.

is speaking within me (2 Corinthians 13:3), “I bear

They replied, “Through this meeting, we have

on my body the marks of Jesus” (Galatians 6:17).

brought thousands of souls into the Lord. Every

How challenging is this life! Even the aim of our

soul is precious. Therefore, every soul brought to

spiritual life should be like that.

the Lord in this meeting will be credited to our

As a young man after seeing a heavenly vision,

account in heaven, and it will keep on increasing.”

Daniel says, “and I, Daniel, was overcome and

Similarly, Apostle Paul says to the Philippians

lay sick for some days…but I was appalled by

who helped him, “I eagerly seek that your reward

the vision… and no strength was left in me. My

may increase.”

radiant appearance was fearfully changed...I retain no strength” (Daniel 8:27; 10:8, 16). If you want


to see heavenly visions, speak with authority, and

“For I have received full payment and even more; I am amply supplied, now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent. They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God”. (Philippians 4:18)

the anointing of the Holy Spirit would overflow in you. Only then the Lord shall take your spirit to the third heaven.

HE WILL INCREASE THE REWARD “…I am looking for what may be credited to your account.” (Philippians 4:17)

Paul says that every offering given to the Lord’s servant is like a burnt offering. We read that when Noah sacrificed burnt offerings, “The

When Paul writes to the Philippians, he says,

Lord smelt the pleasing aroma” (Genesis 8:21).

“Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles...

Similarly, the offering you give to the Lord is a

you sent me aid…when I was in need… therefore

pleasing sacrifice to him; He smells it as a pleasant

I love you. I pray that my God shall meet all your

aroma; He blesses you abundantly by turning your

needs. When I set out from Macedonia… for even

shortcomings to success.

when I was in Thessalonica, you sent me aid again

During the initial days, when the girls and boys

and again when I was in need. God will not forget

hostel had to be built at Karunya Engineering

that. Therefore, He will bless you wholeheartedly.

College, we needed an amount of Rupees 2 crores.

The number of souls you bring to Christ on this

A big institution came forward to give a loan on

earth will be credited to your account in heaven

one condition. They said, “we need to see the

(Philippians 4:14-17).

construction materials worth 20 lakh rupees when

A couple made all arrangements to conduct a

we come to see the site”. I shared this with one

gospel meeting. They took up the full expenditure

of my friends. He told me, “Brother, you pray;

of that meeting. They even sold their jewels

I will look after the rest.” The next morning, he


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went to an iron shop and asked for a quantity of

53:10). Therefore, He will easily understand our

iron. The shopkeeper asked who needed the iron.

sickness, pain, poverty, loneliness and its pain. He

When he replied, “It’s for brother Dhinakaran,”

will intercede for us to His Father (Hebrews 7:25).

the shopkeeper said, “If you are asking for brother

Then our help shall come from the Lord. That’s

Dhinakaran, take how much ever you want; you

why Paul says, “my God will meet all your needs

can give the money whenever you can.” When he

according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus”

went to a cement shop and asked for a quantity of

(Philippians 4:19).

cement, that shopkeeper also asked, “who needs the cement?” When he stated it is for brother Dhinakaran, he said, "take how much ever you want; don’t worry about the money.” The next day, when the officials of the institution came to observe Karunya Engineering College, they were surprised to see 20 lakh rupees worth of construction material there.

Once I was admitted to a hospital due to my sickness. Many nurses attended to me. They would work for one week; take leave for two days. However, one nurse did not even take a day off and attended to me. I asked her, “Everyone has taken leave and are at home, why don’t you take leave?” She replied, “Sir, last year my father was sick in bed. For several months, I took care of my

The Lord who met the needs of the Israelites

father. He passed away suddenly, and his death

and led them miraculously, will meet your needs

broke my heart. I was longing for my father’s

in the same way and guide you miraculously.

love. When you were admitted to this room and


when my higher official asked me to take care of you; I was delighted. When I look at you, I am reminded of my father. When I serve you, I feel

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes, he became poor so that you through His poverty might become rich.” (2 Corinthians 8:9)

that I am taking care of my father. That’s why I did not even take a day's leave and am taking care of you.” On hearing her emotional reply, her genuine compassion melted my heart. My beloved brothers and sisters, even our Lord

Even though Jesus was rich in heaven, for our

is like that. He clearly understands us. He knows

sake He became poor. The only reason was that

what we lack. Are you in need of a job? Do you

we could become rich through Him! When our

have financial problems? Are you in sickness? Do

gracious Lord Jesus was hanging on the cross as a

you have no children? Are you not yet married?

poor man, he who was forsaken by all, all alone,

Do not worry. Cry out to the Lord. He will listen

when He died, even His loved ones were standing

to your cry; He will look at your tears and will

away from Him (Luke 23:49). There was no one

be compassionate; He will intercede for you

near Him to console Him. All our burdens and

to His Father. He will surely help you. He will

sickness were cast on Him! “Yet it was the Lord’s

meet all your needs. He will overcome all your

will to crush Him and cause Him to suffer” (Isaiah

shortcomings! He will make you overjoyed.

Jesus Calls International * August 2018 * www.


Testimony from Cordilia, Senior Psychologist I have been coming to Jesus Calls Singapore from October 2016. Since then I have been attending the Saturday Blessing meetings. In December 2017, Stella aunty had come to Singapore and I received an invitation to join the prayer meeting. I was overjoyed. In that meeting, I learnt a little more about Jesus Calls ministries in Singapore and filled up the volunteer form. Almost immediately I received a call from Singapore Prayer Tower asking whether I would like to serve as prayer intercessors. I was thrilled that I received this and I immediately said yes. And I started to come to Jesus Calls as a prayer intercessor and became a part of the Jesus Calls family, Singapore. After I joined as a volunteer in Jesus Calls, I have seen immense blessings upon my life. Recently I received a promotion that might take years for people to achieve. But I believe God made it possible because of the prayers of my fellow sisters in Jesus Calls and the confidence only Jesus can give. I want to praise and thank God for the Jesus Calls Singapore for being a channel of His blessings in my life. Jesus is Lord! 24

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Family Blessing Meeting / Healing Service: Every Saturday at 6 pm Esther Prayer Group: Once in a month on Tuesdays from 2:00pm to 4:00pm & Saturdays between 3:00 to 4:30pm For any further details and ministry resources, please contact our Country Director Sis.Regina Quek @ +65-63830160

Address: JESUS CALLS PRAYER TOWER 70-A, Racecourse Road (Second Floor), Singapore - 218572. Facebook: JesusCallsSingapore Prayer Hotline (24 hours): +65-63830160 Email:

You may send your offerings as Cash/Cheque /Cashless order/Bank Draft. For online payment and funds transfer, kindly use the following bank details: Beneficiary name :


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For online donations : Jesus Calls International * August 2018 * www.




Joshua 3:5 – God who does wonders Meditation: Exo. 15:11; 2 Kings 20:1-6; Luke 5:12-15; Acts 19:11


2 Timothy 4:17 – God will strengthen you Meditation: Exo. 15:2; Psalm 18:1; Isaiah 49:5; Phil. 4:13


Isaiah 58:8 – God will guard you Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:49; Psa. 91:11; Jeremiah 1:8


Jeremiah 31:3 – God will draw you with His loving-kindness Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:36; Psalm 5:12; Zechariah 9:16,17; 2 Peter 1:3


Matthew 28:20 – God is with you always Meditation: Gen. 28:15; Deu. 31:8; Joshua 1:5; Acts 18:10


Psalm 5:12 – The Lord will bless the righteous Meditation: Psalm 72:7; Prov. 3:33; 10:6; Isaiah 3:10; Matt. 25:46


Jeremiah 15:20 – God will deliver you Meditation: 1 Sam. 17:32-51; Psa. 91:3; Daniel 3:14-26; 2 Cor. 1:10



Psalm 139:18 – You and God Meditation: 1 Sam. 17:37; Josh.1:5; Acts 18:9,10; Philip. 4:9

Matthew 10:31 – You are more valuable Meditation: Gen. 49:3; Exo. 33:16; Matthew 6:25,26; Luke 12:7


2 Corinthians 5:7 – Have faith in God Meditation: Gen. 15:5,6; Danie l6:1-23; Mark 9:17-27; John 20:19-29


Psalm 118:6 – The Lord is on your side Meditation: Psalm 56:9; Ezek 36:9; Zec. 9:14; Romans 8:31


Job 23:10 – You are tested by God Meditation: Deu. 13:3; Prov. 17:3; John 6:3-6; 1 Cor. 10:13


Psalm 23:5 – God anoints you with oil Meditation: Psalm 89:20; Luke 4:1820; Acts 10:38


Isaiah 46:4 – God will rescue you Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:49; Psalm 107:20;Jeremiah 39:17; 2 Cor. 1:10


1 Corinthians 3:16 – God lives in you Meditation: Exo. 29:45,46; 1Kings 6:13;John 14:17,23; 2 Cor. 6:16


Zephaniah 3:17 – God will rejoice over you Meditation: Isaiah 62:2-5; 65:19; Hab. 3:17,18; Luke 1:46,47


Isaiah 41:9 – God has chosen you Meditation: 2 Chron.29:11; Matt.20:16; John 15:16; 1 Thes. 1:3,4


Psalm 46:10 – Be still and know that He is God Meditation: Exo. 6:6,7; 2 Chron. 33:13; Joel 2:27

Jesus Calls International * August 2018 * www.


Proverbs 19:21 – Lord’s purpose prevails Meditation: Ezra 7:27; Psalm 40:5; 92:5;Prov. 16:3; Phil. 2:5

20 21


Isaiah 58:11 – You will be a spring whose waters never fail Meditation: Song of Songs 4:15; Jeremiah 31:12; Ezek 19:10; 1 Cor. 3:6-8

James 4:8 – God will come near to you Meditation: Gen. 18:10; Exo. 19:9; John 14:18,28


Psalm 23:6 – Goodness shall follow you Meditation: Psalm 84:11; Isaiah 3:10; Jeremiah 31:14; Zechariah 9:12

Psalm 138:8 – The Lord plans for your life Meditation: Job 9:10; Psalm 57:2; John 14:14; Eph. 3:20


Isaiah 26:4 – God is your Rock Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:2; Psalm 62:2,6; 1 Cor. 10:4


Proverbs 9:11 – God will multiply your days Meditation: Deu. 30:20; 2 Kings 20:4 -6; Psalm 21:4; Prov. 4:10; 10:27


John 15:3 – God’s teaching will clean you Meditation: Lev. 20:8; 2 Kings 5:14; Job 33:3; John 17:17; Heb. 4:12


Psalm 5:3 – God hears our voice Meditation: Gen. 21:17; 2 Sam. 22:7; 1 Kings 17:22; Psalm 66:19,20


John 10:11 – Jesus is our good shepherd Meditation: Psa. 23:1;Isaia 40:10,11; John 10:14,15; Heb. 13:20


Deuteronomy 28:7 – Your enemies will scatter Meditation: Num. 10:35; Deu. 6:19; 2 Sam. 5:20; Psa. 68:1


Proverbs 16:3 – Commit your ways to the Lord Meditation: Psalm 37:5; Prov. 3:5,6; Luke 17:10


Romans 8:1 – You have no condemnation Meditation: Psalm 37:33; Isaiah 50:9; John 8:2-11; 1 Cor. 11:32

Jesus Calls International * August 2018 * www.


62,500 messages Digitized and 18,500 messages more to go! The messages, prayers, and songs of Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, and family, recorded in audio and video forms using the technology prevalent those days have almost worn out. Hence, we are in the process of digitizing, restoring them with the latest technology. We are also collecting, filing and preserving the old issues of Jesus Calls magazines, photographs of Prayer Festivals and other events etc.. so that they could be utilized in the future. We thank God for loved ones like you who have liberally sent your offerings towards this project. You have enabled us to digitize nearly 10,500 audio and 52,000 video messages. However, 3,500 audio and 15,000 video messages are yet to be digitized. We request you to kindly continue your support in this great project. This project involves the investment of the following technologies:Â Post-production online editing suite Media Asset Management -MAM, to integrate all the archived and current contents Metadata labelling for categorization and classification for easy retrieval and use Automated Robotic Library


Jesus Calls International * August 2018 * www.

We will see how the Lord has touched Mrs. Hepzibah Beulah from India who has been associated with Jesus Calls Ministries. She writes, “I am a Jesus Calls partner for a long time and have been tremendously blessed. Through the prayers of Jesus Calls, immediately after my marriage, my husband got a permanent job posting as a teacher. My sister–in- law became a Jesus Calls Ambassador and I am also conducting Esther Prayer Group in my area. We are partners in the Family Blessing Plan, Seesha and our children in Young Partners Plan. God has blessed us with a beautiful house and protected us thus far. Once, as I was watching a Jesus Calls TV program, I saw a family testifying on how God has been good to them and gave a vow offering as promised. Following that, there was an appeal to give for the Digitization facet to conserve the message tapes of the Dhinakarans. This inspired me and I too prayed making a vow to give my wedding chain for the appeal to conserve the message tapes of the past through digitization. I went to the Prayer Tower and gave my chain as an offering for the Digitization facet. Because of that, God has blessed our family and I thank the Lord Almighty who has led us in miraculous ways, healing us, protecting us and blessing us thus far through this wonderful ministry.”

I AM LED BY THE LORD TO SUPPORT THE DIGITIZATION PROJECT (Please call the Prayer Tower in your country for information about the local currency value for your offering or visit My contribution for the digitizing work: (Select your option P)

 USD 50 to digitize one message  USD100 to digitize 2 messages  USD ............................ to digitize ................................................ messages (or) I would like to offer:  One Time: USD.............  Every month: USD.........  Every year: USD...........  Modern Equipments (One time sponsorship, please call Prayer Tower for more information)  Latest Software (One time sponsorship, please call Prayer Tower for more information)  You may send your offerings thru our secure & fastest mode by credit card/debit card/net banking at

 You may also send checks to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower situated in your location. Name: ....................................................................................................... Partner code (if any) ................................ Business Segment:....................................................................................................................................................... Professional/Entrepreneur .............................................................. Industry Type: .................................................... Karunya Alumni:  Yes  No. If Yes, Graduated Year: ............................................................................................ Address: ...................................................................................................................................................................... Mobile: .................................................................................. Email: ......................................................................... Jesus Calls International * August 2018 * www.


Dear Bro. Paul Dhinakaran, My mother Philomena Joe had diabetes for 10 years. August 2017, my mother’s sugar levels alarmingly rose to 360 mg/dl. Since her sugar levels could not be brought down in spite of administering a strong dosage of medicines, the doctors advised an insulin regimen. My mother also has hypothyroidism and therefore felt very weak. In this condition she simply refused to take any further medication. At this juncture, she came across the portion ‘Prayer for the healing of Diabetes’ from the November 2017 edition of the ‘Jesus Calls’ Magazine. With much faith, she prayed this prayer several times a day and by the time she concluded her prayer one day, her blood sugar levels became normal. Miraculously, she was also healed from the condition of hypothyroidism. With a happy heart, I took photocopies of this prayer and distributed them among all my family members and all of them confided in me that their sugar levels were also getting back to normal. I offer praises to the Lord who did this miracle and also thank Bro. Paul Dhinakaran who published this prayer. In the same manner, I request you to pen a prayer for the healing of those suffering from high blood pressure. - Hema Joe, Chennai, India. As per the wish of Ms. Hema Joe, here is a special prayer for the healing of those suffering with high blood pressure!

Our heavenly Father Jesus, I have come seeking the healing attribute of Your nail pierced hands so that You may heal those who are suffering with high blood pressure and heart diseases which bring about cerebral strokes and chronic renal failure. I come to you exhausted and weary because of the medications, dialysis and diet that I have to go through due to the effect of High Blood Pressure. As You have stated, ‘Behold, I make all things new’, please remove my depression and give me new organs. When you earnestly prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, Your sweat fell to the ground like drops of blood. Lord, please heal me with Your blood, touch me and heal me of my high blood pressure condition. As You died on the cross, a soldier pierced your side and blood and water flowed out of it, heal my heart disease with Your blood. Since the life of the flesh lies in the blood, revive my fallen legs and hands. I believe the Bible verse which says, ‘He himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed’. As it is written, “If you believe, you


will see the glory of God”, I give all the glory and praise to God alone for removing all my diseases by filling me with the glory of God and this I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. (The Bible verses on which this prayer is based on are: Leviticus 17:11; Isaiah 53:5; Luke 22:44; John 11:4,40; 14:14; 19:34; Hebrews 2:15; 1 Peter 2:24; Revelation 21:5)

Jesus Calls International * August 2018 * www.

Jesus Calls International * August 2018 * www.


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