Jesus Calls International November 2019

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fter my father went to be with the Lord, the Lord gave me a divine revelation on 14th of March 2008. He said, “My son, I’m opening a new era in the world - an Era of Prophetic and Apostolic anointing - by sending the Prophetic and the Apostolic anointing upon the people to prepare the world for My second coming. Till now, the pastoral anointing, evangelistic anointing and the teaching anointing were profound and operated with great power. But from now on, I am going to operate the prophetic anointing and the apostolic anointing in the world which will prepare the nations and peoples of the world for My coming. This is going to be My final move before I come back to earth.” Yes! My friends, as God revealed, “The anointing of Enoch and the prophetic anointing of Elijah will come back to the earth.”


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The Bible says, “And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth…. When they finish their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome them, and kill them.” (Revelation 11:3-7) The two witnesses prophesy to testify against the beast. So until these two witnesses, that is, the witnessing spirit which is upon you, operates through you, the beast cannot take over the nations of the world. So God gives us the spirit to witness and prophesy in order to stop Satan from taking over the world. What are these two witnesses stopping Satan from taking over this world? “…they overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony...” (Revelation 12:10-11)

“Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.” (Genesis 5:24) Suddenly Enoch disappeared as God took him. The spirit of consecration and the spirit of sanctification, transforms us into the image of Jesus (2 Corinthians 3:18). As this prophetic anointing comes upon you, you will be lost in the glory of God and will be transformed into His image. “I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory,” says the Lord of hosts. (Haggai 2:7) In the above verse, God is talking about the latter glory. It is not just filling a temple with His glory but transforming each and every one into the image of Jesus Christ, the greater glory. When the latter glory comes, He will give you peace. You can walk on water; stand against the storm and say, “Peace! Be still!” You will never be troubled because you will know what is going to happen. A child of God, who is given that grace shall have absolute peace. This is what you read in Matthew 11:28-29,

As this prophetic anointing comes upon you, you will be lost in the glory of God and will be transformed into His image.

When you prophesy, two things come out of you, namely the word of your testimony and the Blood of the Lamb. Only these two make Satan fall. Without the blood of Jesus Christ there is no prophecy or the word of testimony.

The spirit of Enoch is a spirit of consecration and sanctification.This is the anointing of the two lampstands, the two olive trees and the two witnesses. The Lord showed me Enoch and Elijah whom He took to heaven without allowing them to die. He took them alive. Many interpretations talk about Moses and Elijah coming back. But the Lord showed me that it was the spirit of Enoch and the spirit of Elijah coming back to the earth.

Consecration and Sanctification The prophetic anointing when it comes upon you, you will be filled with a spirit of consecration and sanctification.

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

When a yoke is put upon the oxen, it gets connected to the man who ploughs, to plough the land and fulfill the mission. In the same way, that yoke which God gives is the image of Jesus Christ and we get connected to Christ to fulfill His mission; to plough the earth, and to reap the harvest of souls and bring them into the kingdom of God. We get transformed into the image of Jesus Christ, and God’s peace fills us; we become exactly like Jesus. Yes, this is what the image of Christ brings - November 2019 JESUS CALLS


the holiness of God and the sanctification of God which transforms millions of people in the world (1 Peter 1:15, 16; Revelation 22:11, 12). It is through you, who has the prophetic anointing, that the holiness of God will flow as the image of Christ. First, it will fill you. As you overflow, the holiness of God will flow into the nations, into the people of different languages, and it will flow into the kings. So it is a supernatural move of God (Rev.10:11). How can we bring sanctification to the world by being the image of Christ? What is that holiness? Holiness is nothing but being obedient and fulfilling what God wants us to do. Hebrews 10:8-10 says, “Sacrifice and offering, burnt offerings, and offerings for sin You did not desire, nor had pleasure in them (which are offered according to the law), then He said, “Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God.”

1. Doing God’s will is sanctification When we are ready to do anything that God wants us to do in this world, God reveals everything to us because we are in His hands. 6

God certifies about David. He said, “David is a man after My own heart who will do all My will” (Acts 13:22). Although David committed the worst sin, because he repented and confessed his sin, God forgave him willingly. The most important thing is faithfully fulfilling the will of God. That is holiness. As David did all that God wanted him to do, without reservation, so He will enable you also to do. That is holiness. The main thing that God expects from you is to sacrificially fulfill the will of God - humbling ourselves to dust, ready to sacrifice anything for the kingdom of God and fulfilling His will. Then the prophetic anointing will flow out of us in a supernatural way because

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we will have Jesus in us all the time.

2. Obedience to God What happens when we obey God? When we are ready to do anything that God wants us to do in this world, God reveals everything to us because we are in His hands. A beautiful yet true story goes like this: In Italy during the Second World War, in a particular village, there was a big statue of Jesus with His hands outstretched. The people loved the statue. During the war, a bomb fell on the statue and the hands broke off. After the war, the people wanted to repair and mend the hands. But a little boy wrote on something like a plaque and put it at the feet of the statue. It read, “I don’t have hands, you are My hands.” Today, you are the hands of God. How much He depends on you and me! He will speak to you. As you are ready to do everything according to His will, He’s so glad. He becomes you and you become Him. As you obey, Jesus is revealed to the whole of humanity. What happens when we obey?

a) He keeps us alive God expects us to be a living sacrifice. “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice ...that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:1- 2) Jesus was a living sacrifice. He died on the cross to fulfill the will of God and to overcome the powers of death; to overcome the powers of Satan. He shed His blood to cleanse us from our sins (Hebrews 2:14, 15; 1 John 1:7). But then how did He come alive?

This is the power that is needed to break the powers of the devil in the days to come and establish the kingdom of God.

Because He did the will of God, God raised Him from the dead. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live” (John 11:25). As we believe in the Lord and do His will, even though we go through the path of death, we shall live. That is the power of the prophetic anointing. As you are connected with God, as you are connected with His spirit, ready to obey Him, sanctification comes out of you. As Jesus Christ rose from the dead and brought sanctification to the whole world, you too can bring sanctification to the whole world, by being alive. The life that is in you shall bring forth life.

the power of God, the grace that He is going to give you to bring His Gospel to millions around the world. He makes you into that image out of love.

b) Transformed as Christ

c) Holiness

When the chief priest saw the boldness with which the disciples preached, they said, “They were with Jesus” (Acts 4:13). When you are with Jesus, your family will say, “He’s with Jesus.” Then you will have no problems with your family. When the shadow of Peter fell upon the people, they were healed (Acts 5:14-16). They brought the sick people and laid them down where Peter was walking. Peter looked at Aeneas, who was bedridden for eight years and he just said, “Aeneas, Jesus Christ heals you!” (Acts 9:33-35). He never touched, he never jumped. He just said, “Jesus Christ heals you. Arise and make your bed.” Aeneas arose immediately and all who lived in Lydda and Sharon believed and turned to the Lord. One miracle can open a whole city. The healing power of Jesus is going to increase in the days to come. He is going to use you in a supernatural way. But, without Jesus we are nothing. That’s why we are longing to get transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. This is the power that is needed to break the powers of the devil in the days to come and establish the kingdom of God. The night before Peter was to be beheaded is recorded in Acts 12:5-10. Peter was found sleeping in jail! You will also be sleeping, not physically sleeping but you will be out of worry. Sitting in one place, in one city, Paul could see what was happening in another country. That is

Holiness - obedience to God brings cleansing. “How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?” (Hebrews 9:14) Yes, God’s cleansing shall come upon the nations when we obey and offer ourselves as a living sacrifice. When Jesus offered Himself as a living sacrifice, He said, “Lord, not My will, but let Thy will be done” (Luke 22:42-44). Thus He surrendered to the will of God and the Holy Spirit gave Him the needed courage and boldness. He had the power to forgive Judas. He said so casually, “Friend, wherefore have you come?” There was no fretting and fuming. Similarly, when He was taken to the governor, the governor asked, “Are you the King of the Jews”. But Jesus did not go against the governor, rather He said, “the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.” He had the power to overcome his spirit. The governor said, “I don’t want to have the blood of this Man on my hands” and he washed away his hands. He wanted to be free of the blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus went to the cross and He looked at the thief and said, “Today, you will be with Me in paradise.” He looked at the scoffers and said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” He had the power to forgive. That’s the power that God gives - the Enoch’s anointing. The man who crucified Him - November 2019 JESUS CALLS


said, “Truly, this was the Son of God (Matthew 27:54). He is God.” Even today, the world will say that you are the image of God. God will give you such power to pull people out of their sins. You will say, “Father, forgive them” and they will rise up and be transformed. That’s the power of forgiveness (John 20:23). In the year 1986 when my parents were on their way to apply for a loan along with my sister Angel, they met with a terrible life altering accident. I lost my sister and my parents lost their only daughter in that dreadful crash. Broken beyond words, we asked God why we had to suffer like this. After two months of grieving, Jesus came to us during our family prayer time and said, "My children, I’m also crying with you. If I tell you the reason, you will not understand. I have challenged the angels in heaven and Satan that in the midst of this agony, you will still follow Me. Will you let Me down?” We said, “Angel is gone. Now we don’t want to lose you. We don’t want to go to hell. We want to come to heaven. Have mercy on us and please take over our lives and run it, Lord.” The joy of the Lord filled us and renewed our strength. We continued to serve Him despite the criticism we faced from the people. We never questioned God after this. Today we have 8500 students studying engineering at Karunya Deemed-to-be-University


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and when we admit them, they are the same age as my sister Angel was, when she passed away 33 years ago. We have lost one Angel but we have thousands of Angels all over the world fulfilling the will of God. That is the anointing that God is going to give you. Nothing in the world can stop you. In all these things, you shall be more than conquerors. God’s work will go on, and through you millions of people shall be cleansed because Jesus offered Himself as a sacrifice. He gave Himself without spot and He can clean the conscience of the people from all dead works. This is what will happen when you surrender totally to His will, not being afraid of any of your sorrows. When you say, “Father, forgive them,” God will say, “Amen.” He will work in the hearts of the people. Enoch’s anointing is the anointing of sanctification and consecration; sanctified and consecrated ready to do anything the Lord wants you to do. Your heart gets transformed to be like the heart of Jesus Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit, your spirit is transformed and reflects the glorious image of Jesus Christ. This enables you to fulfill the will of God for all peoples, nations, languages and kings. It is not our will, that’s why we just say, “Lord, let Your will be done.” And this is the Enoch’s anointing. - November 2019 JESUS CALLS


I WAS FILLED “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

My beloved in Christ, The Lord has been sufficient for us throughout these past 10 months of this year. He has protected us and our family, hiding us beneath His wings. He has taken care of His servants and all the partners of the ministry. I praise Him with all my heart for that along with you. “You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” (Psalm 32:7) According to this verse, the Lord will be your refuge and will not allow any harm and the hands of the devil to come near you. Even if cruel people rage against you, He will be your strength, hope and shelter (Isaiah 25:4). 14

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I was saved through the prayers of my mother and the Lord filled me with His Holy Spirit on 20th November, 1980. After being strengthened in the Spirit, He started using me in the ministry. On October 2nd 1994, in a fasting prayer, the Lord revealed to me how He chose me and anointed me for the ministry through the prophecy of a prayer intercessor. My father interpreted it. The interpretation was “the Lord would give me double fold of

the gifts of the Spirit which were upon my father.”From that day onwards, the gifts of the Holy Spirit began to operate in me.

YOU TOO A DHINAKARAN… “…The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” (Matthew 9:37) The mission of Jesus Calls Ministry is to prepare the world for the second coming of the Lord with the vision, “Not one soul should perish.” As we are in the wicked days, we have to redeem the time wisely. The work of the Lord is increasing with the establishment of new Prayer Towers and ministry centers and so more people are needed to pray and minister to those in need. We are offering training in Bible reading, prayer and anointing of the Holy Spirit to those partners who are willing to help in the ministry. Last month about 250 partners have received this training in various Prayer Towers such as Vanagaram, JC House and Madhavaram in Chennai, Coimbatore, Trichy, Delhi, Mohali (Punjab) and Rourkela. From the month of November, we are planning to give this training in many other Prayer Towers such as Tambaram (Chennai), Ranchi (Jharkhand), Ahmed Nagar and Nagpur (Maharashtra) etc. As Jesus Calls partner, if you are willing to receive this training to be involved in ministry, you can contact the manager of the Prayer Tower in your area and get more details.

PRAYER FOR THE WORLD “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession

and thanksgiving be made for all people...” (1Timothy 2:1) When Lord Jesus lived in this world, many people gathered to receive His touch. The sick came to Him for healing. He did miracles for all those who came. His power has not ceased yet. We are opening new Prayer Towers according to the will of God for people from all around the world, to receive prayer assistance. New ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Towers are to be opened in Diphu (Assam) on November 6, in Mokokchung (Nagaland) on November 7, Gurugram (Haryana) on 16th November and Noida (UP) on 17th November. We are taking steps to open the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Towers shortly in many places such as Tenali, Masulipatnam (Andhra Pradesh), Ramanathapuram (Tamil Nadu), Bokaro (Jharkhand) and Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh). We need your prayers and support to meet the increasing expenses for the prayer services.

MAGAZINE CLUB “The Sovereign LORD has given me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary.” (Isaiah 50:4)

The Jesus Calls Ministry is ministering towards preparing the world for the second coming of the Lord with the vision, “Not one soul should perish.”

The Jesus Calls magazine is sent to 3 lakh families every month in 7 languages which include Tamil, English, Telugu, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam and Gujarati. We want to send a copy of this magazine to whoever wants it. Through this it is possible for them and their kith and kin to read the spiritual messages, events of the ministry and testimonies - November 2019 JESUS CALLS


You can find simple ways to send your offering towards the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries, in page 17 of this issue

of those who received blessings and be strongly built up in faith. It costs Rs. 300 to send 12 issues throughout the year for one family. We are also making arrangements to send the magazine in Odia and Punjabi every month. Including these two languages, we are taking measures to send the magazines in 9 languages to 9 lakh people every month. The ‘Magazine Club’ is started for the partners who wish to support the Magazine ministry. Come forward to enroll and share in the expenses related to the magazine. Then it is possible to send the ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine to all the families who wish to receive it. The details to send your offering towards the ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine club is found in page17. The Lord will write the souls who receive the blessings through the ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine in your account in Heaven and reward you.

Thanks offering “… For God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7) The Lord has led us these past 10 months with perfect blessings. He has done glorious works and performed miracles in the ministry. You would have received blessings through any one of the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries such as Prayer Towers, TV programs, correspondence, telephone prayer, prayer festivals or special blessing meetings. We would have received various blessings from the Lord, such as gift of child, marriage, own house, promotion at work or a new job etc. In order to thank the Lord, you can send offerings to the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries. The Lord will surely send blessings from heaven for your good


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deed of supporting the ministry. You can find simple ways to send your offering towards the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries, in page 17 of this issue.

ISRAEL PRAYER TOWER “So the name of the LORD will be declared in Zion and his praise in Jerusalem.” (Psalm 102:22) The Israel Prayer Tower was established on 4th November, 2013 in the city of Jerusalem to prepare the world for the second coming of the Lord, to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and to offer prayers for all the nations in the world. People from all around the world are coming and offering intercessory prayers in the Israel Prayer Tower. Each group consisting of 10 to 12 people pray and prophesy from this Prayer Tower for 14 days. For a year, 288 prayer intercessors are needed. When they go back to their countries, they receive special anointing and are doing powerful ministry. You can also join the prophetic prayer at the Israel Prayer Tower. Accommodation facilities are available as well. You can know those details from the website, Join with me in praising the Lord for the Israel

Prayer Tower for successfully completing 6 years on November 4th.

CHRISTMAS IN JERUSALEM True Friend is making arrangements to celebrate Christmas this December in Bethlehem where Lord Jesus was born. If you are willing to join the trip from December 22- 28, register your names through SMS or whatsapp and avail the details from +918056116611 or +91 9840999906.

UPCOMING EVENTS I have given below the details of various Special Blessing Meetings and Prayer Festivals which will be held from November onwards. Pray that the Lord may use us mightily and for many people to come and receive miracles and blessings from the hands of the Lord in these meetings. 2019, November 8, 9, 10 - Mokokchung Prayer Festival, Nagaland 2019, November 10 (2nd Sunday) Bethesda Special Blessing Meeting 2019, November 15, 16 - Ignite Ranchi

2019, November 22, 23, 24 - Vizag Prayer festival, Andhra Pradesh 2019, December 7 - Special Blessing Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel 2020, January 5 - New Year Blessing Meeting, Vanagaram, Chennai 2020, January 10, 11, 12 - Bilaspur Prayer Festival, Chhattisgarh 2020, January 24, 25, 26 - Bokaro Prayer Festival, Jharkhand 2020, February 2 - Students Prayer Meet, Chennai 2020, February 8, 9 - Karaikal Prayer Festival, Puducherry “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms…” (Deuteronomy 33:27) According to this verse, this month the Lord will protect you underneath His arms and be your refuge. Continue to pray for us and the ministry. Your dear brother,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran - November 2019 JESUS CALLS



s per the choice of our parents, me and Bro. Dhinakaran were united as husband and wife on 17th August 1959. Even before we were married, Bro. Dhinakaran had accepted our Lord Jesus Christ as his personal saviour and was declaring His divine love to many people during his leisure time. But I was not that much zealous for God when compared to him. I was at the initial stage of my salvation, having accepted the love of Jesus in my life and having crucified 10

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my flesh with its passions and desires according to Galatians 5:24. In this condition, my loving husband only fed me with the love of our Lord Jesus deep inside me. The love and knowledge of serving the Lord grew within me through him and gave us a life of blessed joy to seek Him together every day. I was very much attracted by his prayer life and the way he sought the Lord with faithfulness through a careful meditation of the Bible. This created a

burden within me to seek the Lord in the same way. The exemplary life of my husband gave me a blessed life to get closer and closer to God each day. We experienced manifold goodness and blessings in our married life and in the same way we went through many experiences of hardships. Specifically, I was childless for the first few years of our married life. All through those years, my loving husband being filled with an incomparable love of Christ, used to encourage me and also

prayed for me. His loving words gave me tremendous comfort in such difficult circumstances. The only reason for this is that he was filled with that much of God’s love. In the earlier years, even when his income was low, he gave his tithes to the Lord very promptly. At first I was not able to accept his giving the tithes, as I had some fear, but in due course I too was able to lean on to the Lord completely and discovered His wonderful

leading. Then only I came to understand how important it is to give our tithes to the Lord. I accepted the divine truth that when we offer our tithes to Him sincerely, He protects us without any lack for anything. I always consulted my husband in everything during the difficult circumstances and received his guidance. After that, ‘Jesus Calls’ Ministries began to flourish. My husband was given quite a lot of responsibilities in his bank work too. At this point of time, I began to realise the leading of

the Holy Spirit in my life. As I began to involve myself in the ministry, my husband encouraged me and supported me. He told me, “You are working very hard, you must have a servant to do the cooking at home.” Due to his compulsion, I appointed a servant for cooking. But the Lord gave me His grace to give my full attention to the household work and see that everything went on well at my home. If I ask anything, he will immediately take me - November 2019 JESUS CALLS


to the shop and buy those things beyond my expectation. Even if I say, “No, I do not want this thing at such a high cost. It is enough to buy it at a low price”, he will not listen. He was always at my side with real affection and love. When he saw that the Lord blessed my ministry and lifted me, he was glad and encouraged me all the more. Especially he was astonished at the way I was conducting the Esther Prayer Ministry. I asked the Lord to give me a theme song for the Esther Prayer Ministry. He heard my prayers and granted me a wonderful song. When I sang this song with music to my husband, he was happy and started praying for me more and more. When I faced instances to speak in English, he told me, “You are not the old Stella; Now the Lord is leading you very deeply. He is with you in your timid nature and enabling you to prosper in these awesome ways.” These words were a source of encouragement to me. I remember my loving husband who was filled with the love of Christ and feel proud about him on one hand and on the other, I feel the pain of losing him. 12

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There were many instances of fun in our married life. When we started our life together, I did not know of much cooking. Even though he knew that I was not an expert in cooking, he used to bring home his fellow-workers in the ministry to give them a meal. On one such instance, I became fearful as to how I can manage that situation. I thought for a moment what I must do and immediately went on my knees in prayer. The Lord led me in a beautiful way. After the guests had left, I said to my husband, “You have brought that guests all of a sudden and I was frightened.” He replied in a casual way, “I know my wife can handle any situation and that was why I brought him for a meal. You have dealt with that situation in a very good manner. Then why do you fear unnecessarily?”. Such kind of gentle words from him encouraged me and comforted me. When it comes to spending money, he was not at all worried about it, as if he had a very big treasure. But I would be filled with fear. I would tell him, “We do not have much money! Please be careful when you spend”, but he would remind me the appropriate Bible verses. Proverbs 11:24,25 verses are those words: “There is one who scatters, yet increases more;

And there is one who withholds more than is right, But it leads to poverty. The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself.” After hearing this, what answer can I give? I would just keep quiet. The same case with his food also. Due to the complications in his body, the doctors would advise him, “Do not take more oil.” But he likes fried vegetables. He used to ask the cook at our home, “How long since we ate Bajji?” In the same way, he does not like the greens. But when doctors ask him, “Are you taking greens everyday?”, he would tell them, “Yes, I like greens very much.” I would hold back my laughter and keep quiet. In the year 1990, he had a heart surgery which lasted for many hours. That was a literal re-birth for him and his health was getting better. The hospital provided him special food. Each day morning a loving boy from Jesus Calls Office came to see him. My husband asked him, “Have you bought Poori and Potato Masala?” That boy did not know what to do. One day, at a similar situation, when a doctor came to check on him, he heard him ask for Poori. The doctor asked my husband, “For whom are you buying Poori?.” He somehow tackled that situation and ‘escaped’ from the doctor. He would do such kind of joyful things and made us laugh heartily. That is our loving head of our house Bro. Dhinakaran. He had his own way of giving the message of

God! He took the people to the climax of spiritual experiences and made them cry, whoever heard his messages. He also shared some funny illustrations and made them laugh. He too will laugh along with us. These are the beautiful experiences that we went through in spite of the many adversities. Many times Bro. Dhinakaran had forgotten his physical ailments to make others happy with his loving actions. Yes! He was filled with love and divine thought to make everyone happy among all the inconveniences. I cannot forget his loving acts of making me glad and not allowing me to sink in my sorrows amidst the pain in his body. Even on the day before his death, I came back home from hospital filled with sorrow having seen his suffering. The next day when I was getting ready to go to the hospital, I received a message that he has already gone to be with the Lord. I was waiting with much sorrow. But I was amazed when I looked at his face after he was dead! Now his face was not like the painful face yesterday. I could see a divine joy in his face and I was totally astonished. I realised that the end of a true man of God is full of glory and hope. Yes! He has been redeemed from this painful and evil world, finished performing the will of God and is now in the presence of God with eternal joy. His love is leading me in the same way and guarding me with the grace to live with the same zeal. I praise God wholeheartedly for His loving guidance!

- Sis. Stella Dhinakaran - November 2019 JESUS CALLS







Psalm 32:7 – Songs of Deliverance Meditation: Exodus 15:1-3; Psalm 61:4; 2 Cor. 10:4,5; Eph. 6:16,17 Psalm 90:17 - Lord's Pleasure Meditation: 2 Samuel 22:20; Psalm 147:11; Isaiah 62:4; Daniel 9:23 Hebrews 13:8 - God never changes Meditation: Psalm 48:14, 102:25-27; Malachi 3:6; Rev. 22:13 Exodus 34:10 - Wonderful Meditation: Job 5:9; Psalm 86:10; Micah 7:15; Luke 5:17-26 Psalm 9:10 - God who does not forsake Meditation: Gen. 28:15; Deut. 4:31; Joshua 1:5; Isaiah 41:17; Heb. 13:5 Psalm 10:14 – Helper of the destitute Meditation: Deut. 10:17,18; Job 29:12; Jer. 49:11; John 14:18 Proverbs 11:6 - The righteousness of the upright Meditation: Deut. 12:25;Psalm 1:16; 112:1-4;James 5:16 1 John 4:8 - God is love Meditation: Deut. 7:8,9; John 3:16; Gal. 2:20; 1 John 3:16; 4:16

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Deuteronomy 11:25 - Who can be against you?

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Meditation: Deut. 7:23,24; Josh. 1:5; 10:8; Isa. 54:17; Rom. 8:31; Acts 18:9,10 Isaiah 25:8 - Lord who wipes away tears Meditation: 2 Kings 20:5; Psalm 56:8; Isa.25:8; Rev. 21:3,4



Psalm 61:3 - God of refuge


Meditation: Deut. 33:27; Psalm 9:9; Isaiah 41:10-13; 1 Cor. 1:9,10 Micah 7:7 - God of salvation Meditation: Exod. 15:2; Psalm 25:4,5; 62:2; Dan. 3:28,29; Romans 10:9,10



Hosea 11 :4 - The ties of love


Meditation: Isaiah 63:9; John 12:32; 2 Cor.5:14 Psalm 127:3 – Children, gift from God


Meditation: Exo. 15:25,26; 1 Sam 1:11,20; 2:18-21; Psalm 22:30,31; 113:9








Psalm 102:16 - The glory of Zion Meditation: Psalm 128:5; 132:13-18; Isaiah 4:5,6; 60:1,2; 61:3 Psalm 40:1 - The Lord hears our cry Meditation: 2 Samuel 22:7; Psalm 34:15; 145:19; Isaiah 30:19 Isaiah 45:24 - The Lord is mighty Meditation: Exod. 9:16; Deut. 7:21; 1 Chron. 29:11,12; Jude 24,25 Psalm 121:3 – keeps watch over us Meditation: Exod. 23:20; 1 Chron. 4:10; Psalm 91:11; Isaiah 52:12 Psalm 60:12 - Keeps away from the enemies Meditation: Deut. 12:10-12; 2 Sam. 22:49; Zeph. 3:15; Rom. 16:20 Isaiah 60:2 - God’s glory Meditation: Isaiah 35:1,2; 62:2; John 17:5; 12:28; Acts 7:55,56 Romans 10:17 - Faith and Word of God Meditation: Dan. 6:16-23; John 5:24; 7:38; Heb. 4:12 2 Corinthians 7:6 - God of comfort Meditation: Psalm 94:19; Isaiah 49:13; Matt. 5:4; 2 Cor. 1:3-5 Isaiah 60:20 - Eternal Light Meditation: Isaiah 60:19; Micah 7:8; Matt. 4:15,16; Acts 13:47; 1 John 1:5 Genesis 48:15 - God who supports Meditation: 2 Chron. 32:22; Psalm 20:2; 71:5-7; 109:21; Acts 13:17,18 Psalm 103:8 - Merciful and gentle Meditation: Joel 2:13; Nahum 1:3; Romans 9:15; James 5:11 Psalm 116:6 - Protecting God Meditation: Psalm 19:7;121; Prov. 3:26; Isaiah 35:8 1 Peter 4:8 - Love covers sins Meditation: Isaiah 55:7; Luke 7:40-43; 1 John 4:9,10; Rev. 1:6 Psalm 107:1 - The Lord is good Meditation: 2 Chron. 5:13; 7:3; Ezra 3:11; Lam. 3:25; Psalm 118:1 Proverbs 11:28 - The righteous shall prosper Meditation: Psalm 1:3; 5:12; 72:7; Prov. 3:33; 10:6; Isaiah 3:10; 1 Tim. 6:17 Deuteronomy 4:7 - The Lord is near Meditation: Psalm 46:1; 145:18; Isaiah 50:7,8: Acts 17:27










(Saturday) Special fasting prayers will be offered for your prayer requests in all the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers and the Dhinakarans will send prayerful replies for those requests. So hurry up! We invite you to SEND YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS THROUGH LETTERS, EMAIL, FACEBOOK AND WEBSITE Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Jesus Calls, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. E-mail: Website: Facebook: PaulDhinakaran/

30 - November 2019 JESUS CALLS


Bondage of Alcohol broken! I was an alcoholic and addicted to many other bad habits like gambling since 1976. I got married in 1985. I continued to drink and come home after work. My wife was a prayerful lady but I was a namesake Christian. I did not read the Bible or go to church and had nothing to do with Jesus. This went on for 9 years. In 1994, a sister called us for the Jesus Calls Pune Prayer Festival. On the 1st day of the meeting, as I entered the ground, I said to myself, “Jesus, if you have the power, catch me here.'' On the compulsion of that sister, I attended the next day's meeting also. During the altar call, I went forward and committed my life to Jesus. He filled me with His anointing and peace. All my addictions left the same day. I was feeling very light and the next day even without my knowledge, I started reading the Bible. We started family prayers in our home. My life was totally changed. In 1995, I became a Jesus Calls partner and in 2004 I came to Chennai to attend the Jesus Calls Representatives meeting and when Dr. Paul asked my prayer request, I said, “I want to see Jesus Calls ministry extending in Pune.” After 4 days, I got a message from him asking me to organize the 2005 Jesus Calls Prayer Festival in Khadaki, Pune range hills. It happened exactly and millions were blessed through that ministry. After attending the 26th batch of the ‘Jesus Calls Institute Of Power Ministry’, God started operating His gifts in my life and through my prayers, miracles happened. This year in 2019, I retired from service as an Accounts Manager, having worked for 34 years in the Maharashtra State Electricity Board. In the same place where I was a laughing stock, I am now a pastor, a Jesus Calls Evangelist and an ambassador and a strong pillar of Jesus Calls ministry. God has blessed my children in their studies, their business and as a family, we are blessed. Glory to God! - Rev Nandkumar Pandhare, Pune, Maharashtra

Called by name My husband and I were facing problems in our relationship. As my husband is very shorttempered, we were constantly quarreling. My mother and my sister were living in a separate house all alone. So sometimes I help them financially. My husband does 20

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not like this, which became a reason for our quarrels. There were always problems within our family and there was no unity or peace in our home. I would fast and pray for this situation to change. Once I participated in the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival at Erode while on a fast. During the prayer time, Bro. Paul Dhinakaran called me by my name saying, “Jayanthi, Sister Jayanthi…. You have come with fasting to this meeting. The Lord Jesus is healing the wounds in your family.” After this prophecy, the Lord granted peace in my family. Now my husband and I are living with peace and joy. I thank Bro. Paul Dhinakaran, who prayed for us and I offer millions of praises to our Lord Jesus. - Jayanthi, Erode

Instant healing received by faith I live with my family in Tirupur. I have joined the Family Blessing Plan and my grandchildren are enrolled in the Young Partners Plan. My daughter lives in Erode. She was sick for the past one year with much pain in her hands and legs. All the medical treatments given to her were in vain. With much burden about the health condition of my daughter, I participated in the Blessing Meeting at Bethesda. When Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran was praying during the prayer time, I called my daughter over the telephone and asked her to hear that prayer. When my daughter heard the prayer of Sister Evangeline over the phone, there was a change in her body and all the pain in her hands and legs disappeared. At once she told me that she was healed. From that day onwards till today, my daughter is in perfect health. I share this experience as a testimony. The Lord heard the prayer of Sis. Evangeline and granted my daughter complete healing. Praise be to God! - Kamalam, Tirupur

Miracle Healing - Squint to Normal eye My elder daughter Reeni was born with a defect called Temporary Squint in her eye, which means her eyeball is fixed towards a side of the eye and it will not come to the

center. As the days went by, this problem became more severe. We consulted many doctors and they all said surgery is needed for her. Since my daughter was just one and a half years old, the doctors advised us to wait for some time to perform the surgery. But they also scared us by saying that while waiting for the surgery she may lose her eyesight totally. My daughter was suffering much due to the pain in her eye. We were totally shattered. There were many questions in our mind, such as whether it is possible to perform surgery for such a small child and how will she bear the pain. Years went without any change in her condition. Meanwhile, we heard about Bethesda Prayer Centre and came here to receive prayer for my daughter. With faith in my heart that she’ll be healed without any surgery, we returned home. What a wonder! A miracle started to happen. Within a few days, my daughter was healed without any surgery. The ‘Temporary Squint’ problem got solved permanently. Her eye is in a normal position now. We have enrolled her in the Young Partners Plan. I thank the prayer intercessors at Bethesda Prayer Centre and offer my thanksgiving to our Lord. Truly it is the hand of God. - Sheeba, Coimbatore

Desire fulfilled I am a regular reader of the Jesus Calls magazine. I had the desire to get a government job for past many years. The testimonies mentioned in the magazine strengthened my faith and I made a vow to support this ministry if God blessed me too with a government job. Amazingly He just did that and I was blessed with a government job in October 2017. Since then I've also been regularly attending the Jesus Calls meetings as well. All glory to God. - D.Ponrani, Tirunelveli - November 2019 JESUS CALLS


Healed from Psoriasis When I was three months old, I got psoriasis all over my body. Immediately my parents went to hospitals and got all kinds of tests done. As I grew up, it had only increased. There was no change in me though I underwent many treatments. I felt ashamed to get along with my friends during my school days. My mother used to call Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for prayer. For higher studies, I joined the Karunya University. Even then I felt extremely shy to mingle with other students. The Psoriasis which had affected me from the time I was three months old, continued up to college days and was not healed. I attended the Bethesda Blessing meeting on August 11th, 2019. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed for the students of Karunya and I also went and received prayer from him. After that, I saw a drastic change in my body. Now I don’t have the problem of Psoriasis and I’m totally healed. I thank God a million times who has done this wonderful miracle and I thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran who fervently prayed for me. - Ruth, Karunya Nagar

Called by name and healed I am a native from East of Godavari. At present I reside in Hyderabad with my family. Even though I was born into a Christian family, I did not live a Christian life fully. I did not know much about the characteristics of Christianity. But my wife is a strong believer. She had a lot of faith, hope and love on Christ. She had surrendered herself completely for Christ.

Seeing the faith and hope my wife had towards Christ, even I began to turn towards Christ and spend my time in prayer. Due to the workload at office, my nerves got weak. The back pain also increased. During that time, I got hurt in my leg. Due to this suffering, I was discouraged and heartbroken. I used to watch the TV programs of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran regularly. On 18th October, 2016, in a television program, he said, “Prakash, the Lord is transforming you now. You have done good to others. The Lord is giving you the spirit of humility that you may humble yourself before Him. Surrender your life like a child to the Lord. He is willing to transform you as a blessing to thousands and thousands of people. Everyone will begin to love you. The families around you will also begin to show love towards you. As you have humbled yourself before the Lord and surrendered yourself to Him, you will be exalted in life.” After that we began to go to the nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. The prayer intercessors prayed for us. We got solutions for our problems immediately through the word of God. We attend every fasting prayer of the Jesus Calls ministries. It is a blessing for us as a family. After this, I learnt more about Jesus and began to believe in His precious words. At present, with power of the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the blessings of Christ I am living as a blessing. - Prakash, Hyderabad.

The same God who performed miracles for these beloved partners is alive today and can do a miracle for you too. Feel free to send your prayer requests to by email or by letter to 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. You can also share your testimony of deliverance and blessings to or the given postal address. 22

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Mr. Nirmal Swithin (2015–2019 B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering), School of Engineering and Technology After completing my 12th grade, I decided to pursue B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering at Karunya after careful consideration and suggestions from parents and relatives about this institution. The first thing I would always hear about Karunya was that it has wonderful weather, picturesque surroundings, and the best atmosphere to study in, along with the care, nurture and guidance we are provided to pursue our goals. When I joined here, I thought I would find it difficult to adjust to hostel life. But I really felt like home because of the wonderful friends, caring staff and the hostel residences. I developed a love for engineering after I joined here. The desire to learn more in mechanical engineering grew in me and the wonderful staff, laboratory facilities, and the wellequipped library helped me abundantly. I’m now placed in M/s. Ravilla Aerospace, an amazing company that will help me grow in the field of engineering and accomplish my goals. It was an amazing experience to stay here, study, meet new friends, play sports every evening and make countless memories to cherish later in life. I’m thankful to Karunya and its wonderful staff for guiding me through these four years in academics, spiritual life and in every other aspect. I thank God Almighty for this opportunity and my parents who supported me through these years.

Ms. Reshma Prem (2015–2019 B.Tech. Aerospace Engineering), School of Engineering and Technology I was a very timid girl. I had no purpose in my life and was drenched in sin with many questions in my mind seeking true joy. Life started changing when I stepped into Karunya because it helped me to identify myself and the purpose for which I was born in this world. Here I encountered Jesus, the real joy giver of life, so personally and I can’t express the joy which filled me on that day. It cannot be comprehended with anything of this world. After that, God started mending my life and convicted me of my sinful life. Jesus cleansed me by His blood and gave me a new start. His mercy is so great that tears roll down my cheeks when I think of His unconditional love which came in search of this weak sinful vessel. God started using me in spiritual activities and whatever inabilities I had, His strength was made perfect in me. He blessed me academically and with a good job as well. He wiped away all the tears in my life. I am so blessed to come to Karunya because I know if God wouldn't have brought me here, my life would have been meaningless and without purpose. - November 2019 JESUS CALLS



e thank you for your support to the Israel Prayer Tower over the last six years, since its inception on November 4th, 2013. The Israel Prayer Tower was established to offer prayers for the nations according to God’s will. A key purpose is also to prepare the nations and the people for the second coming of the Lord. The Israel Prayer Tower was birthed as directed by the Lord Jesus Himself to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. The Lord showed Dr. Paul that His sons and daughters from every nation of the world will come to Jerusalem. They will pray prophetically for God’s plan to be established in their respective nation.


I had come to the Israel Prayer Tower in November 2018 as a prayer intercessor. As soon as I started praying there, I had a unique vision and experienced the fire anointing. After that, I felt a fresh and refreshing touch of the Holy God loves Israel and all the nations that love Israel will Spirit. I also smelt fragrance everywhere prosper. The Lord commands a blessing on those who call during my period of stay in Israel. The Him from Mount Zion and Jerusalem (Joel 2:32). fragrance was the same everywhere, in the Prayer Tower, in the marketplace, The IPT was established to fulfill this call of God and functions throughout the year. All the nations that come to holy sites in the land and wherever I went out. I was reminded of the promise “But the Israel Prayer Tower and pray will be blessed and will thanks be to God, who always leads us bring healing to their nations and build relationships triumphantly as captives in Christ and between their nation and Israel. through us spreads everywhere the Prayer intercessors who come from different parts of the fragrance of the knowledge of Him”(2 world to the IPT pray for peace and wait at His feet to get Corinthians 2:14).This prayer at IPT has solutions for the nations and declare it. We have been resulted in new breakthroughs at my praying for Egypt from IPT, as a result of which the Lord has church in Pathankot. I have encouraged opened a door for Egypt and has enabled me to have all the pastors from my hometown to visit the Israel Prayer Tower for special blessing meetings in Cairo during November 2019. We hope and pray for the Lord to help us open a Jesus Calls intercessory prayers and have enrolled to come and pray at IPT, again during this Prayer Tower in Cairo as the Lord had spoken. - Dr. Paul Dhinakaran year. - Pas. Semuel Kumar, Kerala, India


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You are invited to come, stay and prophesy for the nations. This Prayer Tower can host prayer groups in batches of 1012 people. We have two very comfortable dormitory style accommodations of 6 and 8 beds, a fully equipped kitchen with a dining area. We can also host prayer conferences in a fully equipped conference hall with a seating capacity of 150 people. We are looking for 288 prayer intercessors a year, 12 per batch for 14 days and 24 persons for each month from all over the world. We will like to invite you and your dear ones to come, stay and pray or sponsor one or more prayer intercessors for one / two weeks. For further details, please contact: Jerusalem Centre for Peace and Truth/ Israel Prayer Tower, 20th Floor, City Tower, 34, Ben Yehuda, Jerusalem. Mobile +972- 50-937 7323 / +91-8056116611

SPECIAL BLESSING MEET IN JERUSALEM, ISRAEL We would invite you to come to Jerusalem for a Special Blessing meeting Date: DECEMBER 7, 2019 Saturday - Time: 2 pm.

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family will minister and pray for all the participants Venue:

Jerusalem Centre for Peace and Truth / Israel Prayer Tower

I would like to sponsor a Prayer Intercessor for Two weeks stay at the Israel Prayer Tower - US $420 One-week prayer stay at Prayer Tower - US $210 I would like to pledge US$ 10 / 50 / 100 or ______US $ every month I would like to pledge Rs. 1000 / 5000 / 10000 or ______Rs. every month I would like to pledge _____________ US $/ Rs. once in a year You can donate in person at the Israel Prayer Tower or through our website Bank details: Account Name: JCPT Jerusalem Center for Peace and Truth Account No.: 269036 Bank Name: Bank Hapoalim Bank No.: 12 Branch No.: 782 Branch Address: Rehavia, 38 Azza St., Jerusalem SWIFT No.: POALILIT IBAN No.: IL 23-0127-8200-0000-0269036 Address of Beneficiary: 1 Rabbi Akiva St. Jerusalem ZIP code 9430125 - November 2019 JESUS CALLS


Knowing if, when and how to make decisions requires experience and self-awareness. Putting a process around decision making can help you guard against your weaknesses and be more effective. Used consistently, a good process can facilitate quick decisions at the right level, train employees on their decision-making skills and produce better results. HERE IS A THREE-STAGE PROCESS TO CONSIDER.

1. DECISION-MAKING TRIAGE This first stage prompts you to sort decisions into one of the following three categories based on business impact: • Less significant decisions. The decision, on its own, won’t impact the business overall in a considerable way. Use this as an opportunity to coach your staff on making sound decisions. Unless the decision impacts more than one department, the employees should make decisions within their areas of expertise rather than relinquishing them to you. Eventually, your team should make the same decisions you would make with the same information. This frees up your time to focus on more difficult decisions. • Easy, but significant, decisions. The pros and cons of


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various options are clear, but the outcome will affect the entire business. Involve the executive team for their expertise and buy-in, especially if the decision involves multiple groups. Their input may lead to a consensus choice or new information on the issue. • Difficult and significant decisions. The options are complicated, and the decision will make a difference in business operations and results. Consult with the executive team, but the buck stops with you. You alone are responsible for making the final decision.

2. COMMUNICATION The second stage helps foster commitment to the decision even when consensus isn’t possible. It also helps the organization learn from the decision. When you make a decision, immediately communicate it to everyone who may be impacted. Failure to do so will waste valuable time and cause confusion as the decision slowly trickles down to all employees. Also, explain the basic reasoning you used to reach the decision. For example, let’s say you are currently operating under the principle that growth is more important than profits. If you make a decision based on this, it’s critical to remind people of it. If you don’t, employees may not understand the decision, know

how they can act to support it or buy into it. The constant reminder of your core operating principles enables employees to consistently act in ways that promote them. Over time, fewer decisions will reach your desk, because the staff will understand your intent.

3. ANALYSIS This part of the process entails conducting an official postmortem for every significant decision, enabling you to reverse any bad decisions or make course corrections. The post-mortem should answer questions such as: What factors should we have considered in making the decision? How could we have implemented the decision more effectively? What did we do that worked particularly well? These post-mortems will continuously enhance the process and also help create support for future decisions. People will trust that the process will lead to changes and enhancements if needed. The willingness to seek improvement by analysing past actions and making adjustments separates great leaders from average ones. Balancing between achieving consensus and being tempted to make every decision yourself takes time and practice. Always realize that time is of the essence. Your best option is to have a decision-making process that keeps your organization running at full speed, improves the abilities of you and your team and builds support for final decisions.

- Joel Trammell Courtesy: Entrepreneur India Source: Decision - Communication & Analysis are important components of your Business Process. Above all, continue to depend on God in every step, every situation and every decision. Without His grace, our efforts will be futile. No matter what kind of situation you or your business is going through, keep trusting God. He will lift you up like how He did to Sis. Rajalakshmi. Let’s read what happened in her business. I am Rajalakshmi from Trichy. I faced a huge loss in my business landing me into a huge debt. In such a situation I came to Jesus Calls prayer tower seeking prayer support. Upon entering itself, I felt God’s peace come upon me and I poured out my heart before God. Hearing about the Business Blessing Plan, I immediately enrolled my business into it. Soon after, I started experiencing God’s favor and blessings upon my business and it flourished like never before. Now I also attend all the Business Blessing Meetings in the prayer tower and I’m greatly blessed. Glory to God. Yes my friends, God can turn your business from losses to blessings and profits too. Just trust in Him. If you are having your own shop or enterprise, consider enrolling the same into the Business Blessing Plan. Your support to the ministry to wipe the tears of the needy will be a seed of faith before God and in turn, He will protect your business and will also prosper you.

My dear friends! Even as you enroll your shop, trade, business or industry in this Plan, the Almighty Lord will surely grant you and your business the divine protection and prosperity. The Lord will teach you to be profitable and expand your business. If it’s a new enterprise that you invested in or an on-going activity, trust the Lord, He will not let you face a loss. For the Lord will restore everything to you in double measure, enable you to reap hundredfold blessing (Genesis 26:12) and will make you eat the fruits of your labor with peace and joy.

You become a channel of blessing to millions through the mission of Jesus Calls. The benefits of Business Blessing Plan are: • Prayers by the prayer intercessors at the Prayer Towers and 24-hour chain prayer. • Special prayers at the Business Blessing Meeting conducted once in a month at all the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers in India for the blessing of business owners, entrepreneurs, traders, and industrialists. • Prayers of the Dhinakarans and also God’s revelation for those seeking God’s will in their business endeavors. Simple ways to send your donations to Business Blessing Plan is found on page 17 For more details visit: Toll free, 1800 425 77 55 (7am to 9pm) 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028 Partners overseas, can contact the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers in their Country / Region or they can write to



Allow me to paint you a picture of how God works in our life. The rain has disappeared and the weather is calm and sunny, its September; time to plough and fertilize the land for the cultivation of grapes. After the land is prepared, the seed is sown and watered every day. The gardener waits for weeks to see it sprout. The healthy seeds start to sprout and the gardener trains the vines to climb by keeping a rod aside. In the first year of its growth, he concentrates on the formation of the stems rather than the fruit. He knows that, as the vine is young, it can’t produce mature and tasty fruits yet. The older vine will thicken and transform into stems and branches. It will be the main support for the grapes in the following year. Apart from the stem, the vines will be pruned after the season, so that fresh and healthy vines will sprout in the coming season. The gardener over here is the Father who is in heaven. When the Gardener prunes the plant, is it enjoyable for it? No, it’s always painful. Just like that when He prunes us it will be painful for our heart. He will cut down the unwanted things from our life, for us to be fruitful in the coming days.

Fast and Pray Think of your current situation as your pruning period and what you have to do is - Fast and pray at the feet of the Lord for your husband. Then God will turn your problem upside down. 28

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God says in John 15:5, “Without Me, you can do nothing.” Don’t share your worries with people who can do nothing, except gossip about it. But when you pour out all your problems before God in secret, He will mend the heart of your husband. My mother has undergone a tough time when my father was not a believer in God. For his heart to change, she prayed without telling anyone. God heard her prayer and changed my father's life and blessed her children. We are also blessed because of her prayer.

Pray with Faith A Canaanite woman came to Jesus and cried out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.” Jesus replied to her saying, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” But she said, “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” And according to her faith, He said, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted” and her daughter was healed at that moment. In the same way, God expects great faith from us and when we have faith in God, He will give us everything. Once a woman came to me for prayer and said, “I am married and have a son. But now my husband has a relationship with our housekeeper. I know that he is a good person and I don’t know how he got into this trap. I love my husband very much and I want him back.” I prayed for them and the Lord changed his heart and now they are living happily. When we cry and pray to God for our family and surrender them in God's hands, He will listen to our prayers. God will surely bring a change in their lives. When you believe, the Lord will give you peace and joy. Trust the Lord, He will help you.

Be happy in the Lord It is difficult to be happy in the midst of sorrow but St.Paul, when he was in prison and in the midst of agony, writes, “Rejoice always” (1 Thessalonians 5:16). The Bible says in 1 Peter 1:8, “You rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory.” When we go through problems our hearts are broken but then when we allow God to come into us, He will fill us with His joy. "A shoe company designed a shoe after 16 years of research. They set a special spring for the

shoe. They arranged four springs in the heels which were made by thick foam. When you walk, that spring would add a jump in your step. So they called many youngsters to wear that shoe for a trial and testing. What they observed was, when they ran with that shoe on, their faces were full of joy because when they tried to jump lightly, it makes them jump higher.” In the same way, the Lord has given us the Holy Spirit. When we struggle to do something, the Holy Spirit comes up to us and does what we cannot do and gives us joy and success in whatever we do.

Wait upon the Lord Once there was a contest in the newspaper. The question asked was, “If you get an opportunity to draw a picture of the most beautiful woman in your life, whose picture will you draw?” The contest winner wrote the following answer, “For every person, their wife is the most beautiful woman in the world.” Wow! What a thought but how can it be? Everyone can’t be “fair” in their complexion, right? In family life, how a woman looks physically should not be a priority. But what matters is the wisdom of God which heals the wound of a heart, encourages and consoles a person when she opens her mouth. If it is so, her partner will not go to anyone else for comfort other than her. That’s how the wife becomes the most beautiful person in her husband’s life. God wishes for us to have a happy family life and so, He will help you to get your husband’s love completely back to you by providing His divine wisdom to lead the family. Just like how the grapevine bears fruit in its season, the Lord will dwell in your house and bring back what you have lost, in His time. He will help you to harvest joy in your family when you wait upon the Lord with faith. He is the only one who is worthy to be trusted.

Come! Join with me and pray. Dear heavenly Father, thank you for giving me a chance to read this portion. Lord help me to fast and pray at your feet to turn my beloved people’s hearts unto you. Help me to be happy in the midst of my sorrows just like St. Paul and I will wait upon you for your time which is always the best. Thank you for hearing my prayer and I believe that you will dwell in my home and bring back what I have lost in my family life. All Glory to you alone. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I ask and pray. - Amen - November 2019 JESUS CALLS



ship carrying passengers was on its way towards the destination. Suddenly some passengers began to scream and pointed towards the water. Somehow, a passenger fell off the ship into the ocean. He tried to swim for a while but soon began to struggle as he got tired. By the time the Captain was informed, another passenger jumped off the ship in order to help the victim. But he too struggled to keep afloat. How can one drowning person help another drowning one! On seeing this the Captain threw an inflatable lifeboat into the water in order to help them both. Finally, with the help of the crew, they were pulled on board of the ship, were given towels to wipe themselves and blankets to keep themselves warm. As soon as the ruckus settled, the second person who jumped, stood up and asked, “I want to know who pushed me? I was also shouting like everyone for help but someone pushed me into the water!” This is the reality of the world, everyone will shout for us but won’t help us in time of need. The lifeboat over here represents Jesus Christ and the Captain of the ship represents the Father who sent Jesus to save mankind from getting into hell. The Scripture says in I John 4:8 “God is love.”

Those who accept Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior are God’s children and the main attribute of God, which is love, needs to dwell in us. Because He lives in us as we are the temple of God, made in His image, He expects us to be like Him in every way. As per I John 4:12, “No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives 30

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in us and His love is made complete in us.” So, with God’s love within us, let us be the first ones to show His love to others. Here are the three things that have to be practiced to have God’s love in our life. They are:

1) Keep your heart clean The heart has longings, desires and human nature, personality and character flows from it. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” If everything comes from the heart, how do we guard it? After all it is the eyes and ears through which things reach our heart. Close it wherever necessary and the heart will be white as snow. Acts 13:22 says, “I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.” God has called David a man after his own heart. How can it be? David committed a lot of sins during his ruling period. But he would always go back to God and ask for forgiveness. That is why God likes David’s heart. God even sees the heart of the little ones. And so, guard your hearts because God sees you.

2) Know the character and nature of God The simplest way to know the heart of God is to read the word of God. The character of Jesus, when He was in this world can be concluded with this verse in Galatians 5:22-23 that says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” These nine characters were found in Jesus and these are the basic characters which we should have as a child of God. Let’s see some examples from the scripture. His character of forgiveness is evident in Luke 23:34 where He says, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Even on the cross, Jesus forgives because of His love for the people. His patience can be seen, when He answered all the silly questions asked by the

disciples after a sermon or a parable. His selfcontrol is seen when Satan tries to tempt Him with questions after His fasting prayer in the wilderness. He overcame everything through the word of God. These are some of His characters which reflect the fruits of the Spirit. Apart from this He was always ready to help and talk to people. He did miracles for the needy. Jesus prayed on the Mount of Olives to know the will of God. We can see that He was prayerful and always willing to do the will of the Father.

3) Train yourself to show the love of God Keep a good relationship with God. For example, when we keep good relationship with our friends, we tend to develop the same interests that our friends have. Similarly, when we spend time with God we also develop the characteristics of God. Thus we begin to lose interest in things which displease God. The bond we have with God transforms us without our knowledge. Train yourself to be in touch with Him by depending on Him always. For each and everything, the Holy Spirit will lead you to do what is right in the eyes of God. Holy Spirit will come upon small children too if they accept Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. You don’t need to beg for the Holy Spirit, He will come to you easily. When someone shares their problems you will start to think about their problem as your problem and the Holy Spirit will help you to pray with burden and compassion. God will help you to give guidance to your parents as well to make a decision. Let the Almighty God strengthen each one of us to be a lifeboat that saves and spreads the love of God to mankind. - November 2019 JESUS CALLS


“Hi kids, make us lovely and lively with your color splash and name us. Try locating the Bible verse in which we all meet together in one place?�

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JESUS CALLS November 2019 -

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Have you found all these food items in a single Bible verse? Write here and win prizes. ……………………………………………................................. ……………………………………………................................. ……………………………………………................................. Contestants aged 5 to 12 years can send your answers to JESUS CALLS, 16 D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 or simply scan your entries and send it to and state your full name, age, and gender. Your entries should reach us by 30th November 2019! The winners names will be published in the January 2020 edition of the magazine.

1st Prize: K. Teja Swaroop, Kamavarapukota, West Godavari (AP) 2nd Prize: G. Anderson, East Tambaram, Chennai (TN) 3rd Prize: PRANATHI IVY MOHAN, Meerut (UP) - November 2019 JESUS CALLS



JESUS CALLS November 2019 -

A wife, who excels in good qualities and godliness, is the lamp of a family. Because of this burning lamp, everyone in the family and even those who step into the house bask in this sweet light. In Proverbs 31:10-31 we read the good qualities and works of a wife, who is the reason for such light. Dear sister, if you are a wife, please examine your state or if you are about to become a wife in the near future, you may prepare yourself right now. If every woman has to be a lamp that burns and gives out light, her life should shine brightly without any darkness. “For the enemy has persecuted my soul; He has crushed my life to the ground; He has made me dwell in darkness, Like those who have long been dead.” (Psalm 143:3)

According to the above verse, Satan, the ruler of the dark world, wants to keep us in the dark but the Word of God says, “You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness.” (1 Thessalonians 5:5) We should choose either darkness or light. If we nurture wicked characteristics such as enmity and jealousy in our hearts and present a holy outward appearance, the power of darkness will increase in our heart and will never decrease. The Lord wants to abide in our hearts forever. If our heart has to shine brightly without darkness, it is necessary that we follow the good ways of the Lord. Let us meditate on His good ways:

Turns Darkness into Light “God is light and in Him is no darkness at all….” (I John 1:5) It is the desire of God that just as He, Who created us, is the light to the world, we too should have fellowship with Him, walk with Him and be a light to the world (I John 1:7). Every one of us should first of all have the desire that we should reach this glorious state. God has prepared good works beforehand in order that we should do them and walk in the light (Ephesians 2:10). He Himself gives us the desire for that, “it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure…” (Philippians 2:13) Things of darkness such as filthy - November 2019 JESUS CALLS


thoughts, sinful deeds and unwanted hidden things ruin our lives. However, the Lord Jesus is able to make us walk in the path of light. If we are bound by the power of darkness, God alone has the ability to deliver us from this power and convey us into the kingdom of the Son of His love (Colossians 1:13). How does darkness depart from us?

“For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” (II Corinthians 4:6) God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to this world to deliver us. We were once dead in sin and our hearts were dark because of our iniquities. He lived a holy life and was sinless in this world. He, who was sinless became sin for us. Jesus Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice on the cross for our sins. The Bible says, “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him…” (II Corinthians 5:21) “…the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” (I John 1:7) According to these Scriptures, the blood that He shed on the cross of Calvary for all the people, will remove the darkness of our sin. Also, as the Bible says, 36

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“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (I John 1:9) A young girl named Margaret was brought up by her Christian parents in the ways of truth. As a child she was godly, but as she grew up, she was soon caught up in the snare of the world. Her friends’ deceitful words led her to walk in the dark ways of plea-

The pleasure of this world is temporary. The love of your friends is not steady. Everything is vanity! Come out of the hypocritical Christian life and run to Jesus right today. sure, turning her back to the path of Christ. In due course, the contact between her and Jesus was lost. Her godly mother held on to the feet of Jesus and prayed incessantly with fasting, for her daughter to repent and come back to Christ’s light. Not realizing her pitiable state, Margaret was heading towards the horrible pit of sin. One day, she went with her friends to a club in order to spend her time in pleasure. As

she came out when the events were over, an old lady who was a fortune teller and who was standing in her way, looked at her and asked, “Aren’t you a Christian?” Margaret was furious to hear the word ‘Christ’ and shouted in anger, “No…. I am not a Christian.” But the fortune teller firmly repeated, “No, surely you are a Christian.” Again Margaret began to yell at her and said, “You’ve never seen me before. In that case, how can you say that I’m a Christian?” The old lady said, “I see angels surrounding you. So I am dead sure that you are a Christian.” Margaret was taken aback by her reply and felt bad that God had lovingly sent His angels to protect her, though she had been grieving Him by indulging in presumptuous sins. Thinking of His pure love, she shed bitter tears and committed herself fully to Jesus right there. She totally turned to the light from darkness.

My dear daughter, perhaps you have grieved your mother’s heart, and have shunned the love of Jesus the Saviour, walking as you like and living a dead life due to sin. But Jesus has come in search of you today with love. The pleasures of this world are temporary. The love of your friends is not steady. Everything is vanity! Come out of the hypocritical Christian life and run to Jesus today, like Margaret. Jesus will make your darkened life into light and He calls you lovingly saying, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

Dear homemakers, if your lamp does not burn but is full of sorrow without peace, Jesus is the only way for you. Turn to Him, who says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6) Get reconciled with Him. Then your children will arise and call you blessed. The Lord will change your life and bless you in such a way that your husband would praise you saying, "Many daughters have done well, But you excel them all" (Proverbs 31:28,29). What are the blessings that we receive when darkness departs from our lives?

He will make us arise and shine “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you.” (Isaiah 60: 1, 2) When the Lord Jesus Christ comes into your heart and makes you into a new creation; when you remove all the things that seem evil to your conscience and give Him the first place, He will surely dwell in your house. A little leaven leavens the whole lump (1 Corinthians 5:6). If you do not give room for the leaven but are careful to have sincerity and truth in your heart, the Lord will make you to arise and shine. Two young girls by the name Rosy and Shirley were working in

the same office. Both came from Christian families, but were different in many ways. Rosy, had accepted Christ as her Saviour and was leading a testimonial life as His daughter. She was filled with God’s righteousness, divine peace and joy. On the other hand, Shirley was a nominal Christian, attending church on Sundays and during festival days. She had no connection with Christ. She always used to

Dear housewives, if your lamp does not burn but is full of darkness, turn to Jesus who shines light

Christ during her youth, she had been tormented by the devil. Rosy prayed with burden for her friend along with her husband. The Lord had compassion on her and delivered Shirley right then. She went back home happily. Rosy renewed her contact with Shirley and led her towards God’s kingdom. Shirley’s life blossomed.

My dear sister, before suffering, pain and darkness fills your life, accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour and hold on to Him so that you would live a testimonial life. Then He will make you to arise and shine.

He will make you Shine “They looked to Him and were radiant…” (Psalm 34:5) "He was the burning and shining lamp…” (John 5:35)

make fun of her friend Rosy. They got married and lived in different places.

In these last days, women who will yield fruit for the Lord, are much needed. These days womenfolk indulge in uncultured and filthy things under the garb of ‘modernism.’ Dear homemakers! Arise and shine. Jesus wants to use you to bring light to the ruined families, churches and society.

Rosy’s husband was a full time minister of God. One day, they went together for a gospel meeting. After the message, they began to pray for the people in need. That time a demon possessed woman was brought to Rosy. She was deeply troubled to see who this woman was. She was none other than her friend Shirley. Not willing to accept

There was a mother from the southern parts of the state of Andhra in India, chosen by God for ministry. She was married and had children. In that situation, how difficult it would have been to do ministry also! However, she sacrificed a lot and did God’s ministry with all her strength. She faced several problems in her ministerial path. - November 2019 JESUS CALLS


There were occasions when her children died, just when she was about to step out for ministry. Thus, she lost 6 of her children. Yet she steeled herself to bury them and managed to go for her ministry on time. Even when her husband fell critically ill, she used to do everything for him and continued doing her ministry. On one side she faced reproach from her relatives and on the other side she was worried about her husband’s health condition. Yet, despite all these, she gave priority to the Word of God and did her ministry in a glori-

ous way. In those days, when we had lost our daughter, this dear mother used to comfort me and my husband, sharing with us the above experiences.

Yes, if we need to arise and shine, we ought to pass through various problems. On the other hand, if we despise God’s calling, being apprehensive about facing problems, how will we answer the Lord when we stand in His presence? We have come to the last days. For the people in the darkness to come into the light; for us to live a holy life, devoid of the

darkness of sin; for our homes to shine as burning lamps and for the light of the Lord to come upon us, let us spend the time we get in our hands for Christ. Let us live as the wise virgins. In these last days when deep darkness has covered the earth, let us commit ourselves to Him saying, “Lord, just as I am, I commit myself to You for Your glorious ministry. Lead me according to Your will.” The Lord will make us into powerful swords in His hands and enable us to shine as burning lamps. He will use us mightily.

1. Who was exalted by whom exceedingly? Before whom? What was bestowed upon him? As had not been on whom? Where? 2. What have we not received? But what? What is it that we might know? Who has given it to us? 3. What shall we not see? Yet what shall be filled? With what? Then what may we do? 4. Whose presence was sought? By whom? To hear what? Who had put it in his heart?

Bible Portion from I & II Kings, I Chronicles & 1 Corinthians (Answer with Biblical reference) (Please read the portion line by line carefully. Do not search for any other help.)

5. What should we give to the Lord? What should we bring before Him? How should we worship the Lord? 6. How were we bought? What should we do in our body and in our spirit? Who does it belong to? 7. On whom did the hand of the Lord come upon? What did he do? Where did he run to? Ahead of whom? 8. Whose fame went out? Where? What did the Lord bring? Where? 9. When are we the most pitiable? Of whom? 10. What we sold for a shekel? How much was barley sold far? According to whose word? Answers must reach us before November 30, 2019 Address: Bible Quiz – 93 Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email:


JESUS CALLS November 2019 -

Rasika felt sad because she could no longer enjoy going around along with her elder brother on his bike or car to get ice-cream. “Shall we go to the shop?” – Her brother’s voice made her sad all the more. She could not digest seeing her sister-in-law, Priscilla, smartly dressed in a kurta, standing with her brother, ready to go out. She was upset with her brother that he didn’t even ask her whether she would like to go with them; added to this she was annoyed with her sister-in-law. A cold war had escalated within ten days of marriage. Whenever her brother and his wife came down from their room, Rasika confined herself to her room or would be in the garden under the pretext of watering the plants. Somehow she managed to avoid seeing them. At night, during family prayer, she stopped herself with a smile.

Rasika’s only condition was that the boy should not have a younger sister. But it was not so. Her future husband had a younger sister who was married. Rasika agreed since his sister was living in some other town. The wedding took place in a grand manner. But after marriage, everything turned upside for her. Her husband’s sister, Rita, was his beloved and since Rita’s husband often went out of station, she stayed with them almost every day. She made Rasika look after her child and often went out for shopping, to the beauty parlour or visiting friends. When Rasika complained about this to her husband, he firmly said, “It is none of my business. Please don’t trouble me with this.”

Priscilla tried to talk to her and bought something or the other for her. Since she went for a job, she could buy gifts like a dress, purse, hair-clips etc. for her. She would cherish them but would not use them. Yet, irritation was building up within her against her sister-in-law. She was able to respond to her questions but she never felt like talking to her brother out of anger because he never gave her the same attention that he would before he got married.

One day as usual, Rita wanted to go out leaving the child under Rasika’s care. But Rasika could not take it and declined saying that she had a headache. That was all! Rasika was stunned to hear the torrent of harsh words that proceeded out of Rita’s mouth. She went on to accuse Rasika of all unnecessary things. Unable to bear this, Rasika shared her concern with her husband in the evening but to no avail. She wanted to go to her mom’s place but her husband firmly said that if she wants to go, she had to come back on her own.

Days passed! Her family began looking for an alliance for her and

Telling her mother that she had some urgent job in her previous of-

fice, she went home. It was then she realized the value of her sister-in-law. Looking at her sad face, Priscilla took her aside and spoke to her gently and found out what was burdening her. “Sister, I have spoken harshly to you on several occasions. But you never got angry with me. But my sister-in-law Rita talked very rudely and I could not bear it.” “Rasika, I understood you the day when I came here. Your brother had also told me about your love for him and so I understood your hatred. I never prayed that you should change but I prayed that Jesus should give me the mind to accept you just as you are. That’s why I could be patient with you whenever you were angry with me. So please pray and the Lord will change your situation also.” She was comforted by her sisterin-law’s advice. She followed it to the dictum and returned to her husband with the firm decision to get victory over it. She started praying and had the victory.

“She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness.” (Proverbs 31:26) - November 2019 JESUS CALLS


- Sis. Stella Dhinakaran

Priceless Love Manifested Through Faith! (Continuation of last month’s 4th part…) “...let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” (Hebrews 12:1,2) According to this verse, let us run with endurance towards Jesus, who is the author and finisher of our faith. Jesus is the example for us in everything (1Peter 2:21). Apostle Paul has said to his beloved son Timothy, “I know whom I have believed and am convinced that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.” “That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet this is no cause for shame, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day.” (2 Timothy 1:12) 40

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Yes, as we keep on looking up to the Lord Jesus, this kind of faith would overflow from us. Through this we would surely receive a victorious divine life! These days, several women who live in sin languish without peace in their heart. Such women get pricked in their conscience while praying in the Esther Prayer Group. They then humble themselves reverentially in the presence of the Lord and with commitment, plead to the Lord to grant them a ‘new life, devoid of sin.’ Then the Lord removes their old life of sin, cleanses them with the blood He has shed on the cross and gives them a holy life as well as a divine life of ‘new and living way’ in Christ. Thus, the lives of several Esther Prayer warriors are built on Christ and as they continue praying, they arise and shine for the Lord in due course. A sinful woman, sought the Lord’s presence and held on to His feet, shedding bitter tears over her

sinful life. Penitent, she washed His feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. Because of this humble and loving act of hers, don’t we read how she received salvation from her sinful life and divine peace? (Luke 7:36-50). These days, we can literally see transformation in the lives of several sisters through this divine experience from the ‘Esther Prayer Ministry’ and by them uniting with the Lord and their lives being renewed for the glory of the Lord’s name. Next, from many examples in the Bible we read how Satan makes us live in darkness (Psalm 143:3). Through the Esther Prayer Ministry, we see the divine love of the Lord creating faith in the hearts of such people, and miracles happening for them to receive a life that shines. There was a mother and a daughter in a family. A demon had possessed the daughter and inflicted pain on her. The mother was grieved to see the daughter being tormented by the demon. Though she was a ‘Canaanite woman’, she came running with tears to meet the Lord Jesus in person since she very well knew about Him and His power. The Scripture mentioned below explains the divine mind of the Lord, "But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.” (Acts 10:35)

In order to test her true desire and faith in her heart, the Lord, who had this divine mind, delayed a little as if He were reluctant to help her. Yet on seeing the humility and the divine hope and faith which she had in Him, He loved her dearly, granted her the desired blessing, made her happy and sent her back. Similarly, even today, several women who are broken and live in tears because of various problems, hear about the love of Jesus and come running to attend the Esther Prayer ministry in order to receive the Lord’s blessings and deliverance from bondage in their lives. When several women, who have similar problems, pray with one accord and with oneness of mind, their faith increases through the prayer points and they receive miraculous deliverance from their problems and enjoy His blessing. On seeing this, the Esther Prayer warriors get strengthened in their faith as well. “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17) Accordingly, when every prayer or supplication is offered to the Lord, using the promises which are the word of God, a strong faith arises in them. The Lord hears the prayers offered with such faith and answers them at once. The Esther Prayer ministers, who see this rejoice like the Canaanite woman.

Here are the testimonies of a few sisters who prayed, holding on to the promises with faith…

Victory by Faith Sister Vasanthy’s (our group) daughterin-law had conceived a child. Doctors said that the child would be born in February 2019. But on 24th December 2018, suddenly she developed severe pain in her body and suffered a lot, unable to sleep or eat. When she was taken to the hospital, doctors said that her kidney had failed and that she had to

undergo dialysis. They also wanted to take out the baby through surgery. Immediately, all the sisters in the Esther Prayer Group prayed with burden and faith and with one accord. The Lord heard the prayer and blessed her with a beautiful baby girl through surgery on January 1, 2019. Both the mother and child are doing well. Glory to God! Mrs. Kasthuri Abishekam, Coimbatore.

Those who Trust the Lord shall never be Ashamed My husband met with an accident on 22nd August 2018 and was admitted in the ICU. There was a hairline fracture on the left side of his skull through which blood was leaking. He was continually vomiting. After taking 2 scans, doctors said that they could decide anything only after 24 hours - November 2019 JESUS CALLS


of observation. I contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower at around 2:00 am. They prayed with burden. Our Esther Prayer Group members were also praying throughout the night. At 7 o’clock in the morning my husband woke up and said that he was hungry. Anybody in his condition would have gone into a coma or would have had fits and become paralyzed. But the doctors were amazed how he woke up normally. The Lord helped him to get discharged on the third day. With just Rs.500/- in my hands, I admitted him in the hospital, with the faith that the Lord would help me in some way. The Lord miraculously met the needs for the medical treatment. -Herlin Gilbert, Avinashi, Coimbatore.

Peace from the Prince of Peace Sister Sundari regularly participates in the Esther Prayer Group every month. Her son is in the army and hence she is living with her daughter-in-law and grandchildren. Whenever there were some arguments and misunderstandings between her and her daughter-in-law, she would feel like living separately. Once when she was praying in the Esther Prayer Group, the prayer point she got to pray for was, the rifts and fights between mother-inlaw and daughter-in-law to be removed and for divine peace to prevail. She prayed for this with much burden. After the prayer, when she 42

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went home, the Lord removed the problem between her and her daughter-in-law and granted divine peace in that family. Another sister who regularly attends the Esther Prayer Group, became bedridden because of high blood sugar. She became frail and could not go anywhere. Everybody said that she would die. We, as Esther Prayer Group members, prayed with burden for her continually and the Lord heard the prayer, granted her a miraculous healing and gave her the grace to attend the prayer again. Glory to God. -P. Mary, Rajapalayam.

Protection and Deliverance The promise verse is of much comfort and blessing. We have fully understood how to trust the Lord and lean on Him even in the midst of various sufferings and agonies and when the Lord would give us the divine peace that surpasses everything. At this juncture I would like to share with you a miracle done by the Lord for a sister in our Esther Prayer Group, since she trusted in Him. In November 2018, Sister Priya’s husband met with a gruesome accident while he was driving his auto and the people in the vehicle which he collided with were seriously injured. Seeing the condition of the auto, the onlookers concluded that the driver might have died. Yet they took him to

the hospital. However, by the sheer grace of God, he regained his consciousness. Doctors said that his ribs below the heart were crushed and that he had no other injuries. He had not accepted the Lord. Sis. Priya sought the Lord and trusted Him fully and since she was also regular in attending the Esther Prayer Group, the Lord miraculously protected her husband’s life. We, as a group, were praying for his salvation and also wrote to Sister Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers for that. The Lord heard the prayers and made him take a decision to trust Him. She was happy to see the reward of praying with burden for others in the Esther Prayer Group and thanked every one of us. Also, Sis. Cynthia was worried that her husband’s family was not on talking terms with her right from the day of her marriage and she was praying with burden for this in the Esther Prayer Group. When she joined the group and prayed for others, the Lord granted divine peace in her family in the beginning of the year 2019. All praise, honour and glory to Him! -Mrs. G. Rajammal, Kangayem.

Miracles through prayer of faith I am conducting the Esther Prayer Group from the year 2014. The very day when I gave in writing that I would be conducting the group, the Lord miraculously helped my

granddaughter, Sudha Paulin, to attain puberty. My younger daughter got married in 2001. After 7 years, she had a baby boy through treatment. The Lord heard the prayers offered for her and blessed her with a baby girl as well in 2018.

In the initial days when the Esther Prayer Group was started, only five sisters attended for nearly 4 consecutive months. According to the counsel given by Sis. Glory Rajayogam, the Co-ordinator of the Esther Prayer Groups in our zone,

Yes, my dear sisters! You too may be weary because of the sufferings and tears in this world. You may be languishing in pain and tears, without peace, having departed from faith. As you have read in this chapter, like the dear sisters who have shared their testimonies, having been filled with faith in Christ Jesus, you too may join this divine prayer ministry to rise as the warrior of faith and glorify the Lord’s name. May the Lord grant you His grace and mercy for this and help you to live victoriously in this wicked worldly life. Dear ones, you should understand that the courage, hope and encouragement given by this faith, strengthens each and every Esther Prayer Group sister who prays with the fullness of the Holy Spirit in Christ and emboldens them. “I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love…” (Ephesians 3:16-17) "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8)

I began to fast and pray before conducting the group and the Lord graciously brought 11 sisters to attend the prayer from the next month. Glory to God! -Thavamani Gnanathurai, Sivakasi.

In the early days of my life, I used to get easily dejected when afflictions assailed us one by one. Yet, when I was filled and strengthened by the anointing of the Spirit, as we read in the above verse, I was strengthened in faith and had the divine grace to overcome any trial with boldness and would strengthen others with the divine strength received from Him. Wouldn’t the Lord, who granted me this divine guidance, do this for you as well? Surely He will grant you more than this. So, I lovingly invite you to attend this God given Esther Prayer Ministry without any further delay and without wasting your time. Understanding her accountability, Queen Esther immediately set into action. She sought God’s help for this, humbled herself before Him and prayed earnestly with fasting for Him to guide her. How great and glorious were the divine works that were accomplished by the Holy Spirit through her! Even today, it is the Lord’s will to accomplish great and rare things through us, the women and hence He has given us this Esther Prayer Ministry. So, I encourage you to accept His divine call in all reverence, fulfil His will and arise and shine for the Lord. You will be amazed to see great and mighty things performed in this Prayer Ministry, for the glory of His name in the lives of other people, particularly in women, through the ‘divine faith’ that floods out from you through the verses and promises.

Dear ones, Accordingly, the dear sisters, couples, young girls and children who want to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group or Junior Esther Prayer Group or Couples’ Esther Prayer Group in your area, please write to me immediately. For more details about the Esther Prayer Group: Sister Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, D.G.S .Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email: - November 2019 JESUS CALLS


Deliverance from breathing issue After birth, my child was having trouble breathing and was kept under observation for 10 days. It was found that my child had a hole in its heart. I was in agony and prayed to the Lord with tears. I also applied the blessed oil given in the Prayer Tower and prayed. The Lord heard the prayer, delivered my child from the breathing problem and granted a miraculous healing. Praise the Lord. -Bhuvaneshwari, Chennai.

Perfect healing received I suffered from pain in the leg for two months. Both my knees were swollen and I could not even take a single step. Last month I came to the Prayer Tower and got the blessed oil. I applied the oil and prayed. The Lord commanded a miracle. Now I am able to walk well and do all my work. There is absolutely no pain. 44

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Also, last week, my grandson and granddaughter had high fever. Particularly my grandson could not walk as his legs were swollen. At this juncture on July 27, 2019 as I was watching Salvation TV, Stella Ramola (Sweety) was praying for grandchildren’s weakness and at that time the Lord granted both of them a miraculous healing. My grandson who could not walk started walking immediately. Now both of them are in good health. Glory to God! -Gethsiyal, Chennai – 12

God who made a way We could not get the document for our house for 17 years. I came to the Prayer Tower and prayed that every obstacle should be removed to get this document. The Lord heard the prayer and helped us to get it. Also I was not promoted in my job for the past 26 years. The Lord heard

the prayer and blessed me with a promotion without spending any money. -Radha Krishnan, Chennai.

Black spots gone; healed perfectly Last year, I developed a skin problem because of which I had black spots all over my face. When I went to the doctor, they said that nothing could be done for it since it was a genetic problem. I attended the fasting prayer held on Tuesday at the Prayer Tower and prayed with a vow to donate oil for the ministry if I was healed. During that fasting prayer, the demonic problem left me. After that all the black spots on my face vanished in due course and now I am healed completely. -Stella, Chennai.

Freed from death’s grip I am doing the Lord’s ministry. A known person’s neighbour was

considered to be dead in a suicide attempt and was taken to the hospital. At once I went to the hospital and saw that he was about to die. His pulse was going down and everyone said that he would die any moment. I immediately contacted the Prayer Tower and requested prayers for him. The prayer intercessor too prayed for him fervently. After the prayer was over, he got up normally without any medical treatment. He still lives. To God be the glory. -Peter, Chennai.

Cancer healed! Last January 10th, we had come to meet dear mother Stella Dhinakaran for prayers. That time the doctors had told me that I had 3rd stage cancer. After praying with aunty, I went for a check –up again and the medical report came out normal saying ‘No trace of cancer.’ In the same way, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran too prayed for me and said that the cancer would be gone without any trace. The Lord fulfilled those words. Today, there is no trace of cancer in my body. Praise the Lord! -Rita, Erode.

The Lord, who leads His people In the initial days of the Jesus Calls ministry, my father was associated with it. He enrolled me in the Young Partner’s Plan when I was a child. Since then the Lord has been beautifully guiding me in

my spiritual and worldly things. By the grace of God He helped me to do B.Tech and M. Tech in Karunya. In those days, when I was in Karunya, the Lord led me according to His will. It has been 2 years since I have completed my studies. Even now I remember the classes and the prayers conducted there. I can never forget those days when the Lord beautifully led me there. In the same way, soon after I completed my M.Tech, He granted me a good job through campus interview. Within a year after joining the job, He gave me the chance to go to Japan twice for official purpose. Though the days in Japan were hard, the Lord led me wonderfully. Now He has also given me a life partner, suitable for me and my family and has blessed my married life through the Jesus Calls ministry. -Kezie Grace, Erode.

Miraculous Blessing of the Lord I am Jeyaseeli and my husband’s name is Pradeep Kumar. We got married in the year 2009. We were childless for 8 years. Despite spending huge amount of money, there was no sign of conceiving a child. The doctors too could not find the reason. We waited, having faith only on the Lord. Since the day the Prayer Tower was incepted in

Erode, we had been praying there. The prayer intercessors kept on praying for us saying that the Lord would surely give us a child. We bought the book ‘Fruit of the womb’ written by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran and my husband and I read it from cover to cover and prayed every day with tears, claiming the verses given there. In that hopeless time, when we had spent plenty of money for treatment, the Lord graciously helped me to conceive a child, quite unexpectedly. When I went to the doctors for check-up, they advised us against having the baby as the child may be born with some defect or my condition may become dangerous. But that time we prayed saying, “Lord this is the child whom we have got according to Your will. You have given the child at a time when we had no hope in any human being or medicine. So we receive the child from Your hands.” Hearing the prayer, the Lord led me to an excellent doctor who offers medical services along with prayer. God blessed us with a beautiful baby girl on April 3, 2019. The prayer intercessors and dear mother Stella Dhinakaran prayed for us earnestly. We also contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower regularly for prayers. The Lord did a miracle. We have named our child, ‘Diya Sharon’. Today the Lord has made us to stand as a testimony. Let His name alone be glorified! -Jeyaseeli, Erode. - November 2019 JESUS CALLS


Dear mother Stella Dhinakaran, I take pride in writing my testimonies on the several good things that I received from your book ‘A Good Word for the Day’ January 4 (2014) – ‘And You reign over all’ (I Chronicles 29;12) – The first part of this verse was fulfilled. February 20 (2018) – ‘God reigns over the nations’ (Psalm 47:8). The words in the 4th paragraph which says, “He will be the God who reigns and will make you happy by doing miracles. So place all your worries on Him (I Peter 5:7) got fulfilled. I have been running here and there to get my father’s death certificate for 9 months. On February 20th morning at around 11 O’clock, I got a call from the office asking me to get my father’s death certificate. God helped me to get that certificate happily. February 21 (2014) – ‘The Lord, who will lift up a standard against the enemy’ (Isaiah 59:19) - The words in the first paragraph were fulfilled. April 6 (2012) – The promise, ‘you shall not fear; And from terror, for it shall not come near you’ (Isaiah 54:14) comforted me. April 25 (2019) – ‘The LORD will maintain the cause’ (Psalm 140:12). These words in the 3rd paragraph were meant for me. May 22 (2010) – May 9, 2010 Sunday morning, in the Jesus Calls Raj TV programme, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran spoke comforting words for those who were waiting for jobs and prayed for such 46

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people. I too joined them in the prayer. That day, on seeing the advertisements in the newspaper, I applied for the job of a warden. On May 21 (2010), I was contacted by phone and they asked me to go to Yelagiri for an interview on the next day morning around 10 O’clock. That day I read the promise, ‘The thing comes from the LORD’ (Genesis 24:50) – in May 22 (2010) page – and prayed claiming this. The word was fulfilled. I joined that job and worked for 5 years. It was of great blessing. June 3 (2010) – The promise, ‘shame will cover your enemy’ (Micah 7:10) was fulfilled. August 18 (2018) – The promise, ‘He does great things past finding out, wonders without number’ (Job 9:10) was fulfilled. I was trying for a job for sister Bhavani. She got a job. September 12 (2014, 2019) – ‘The Lord will lift up your head’ (Psalm 3:3). This word got fulfilled in my life. October 13 (2013) - The promise ‘God, who triumphs over enemies’ (Psalm 25:2) was fulfilled. November 30 (2011, 2013) – ‘Strengthen yourself in the Lord’ (I Samuel 30:6). As written in the 2nd paragraph – certain students went on a strike. Some students opposed me, who was then the hostel warden. That time the above words were of great comfort to me. Then the situation turned around miraculously and there was peace and joy. Through the book, ‘A Good Word for the Day’, I have received several good things such as comfort, counsel, warnings, joy, hope, peace and double portion

of reward for my shame (Isaiah 61:7). When I read this book, I would mark the words which the Lord would speak to me on that respective day. They are of great

use and benefit to me. Praise the Lord! Thanks to you, who wrote this book being prompted by the Holy Spirit! - Jamuna, Vellore.

A special book containing daily promise, message and prayer! Must read for 365 days of the year to receive blessings! Buy these books today and be benefitted! Gift them to your friends and relatives for New Year!

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Rs. 85 (including postal charges) A woman has a vital role in building up the family. The Bible says in Proverbs 14:1, “Every wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands.” From where comes ‘wisdom’ to raise a home? Who provides it? This book has been written with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and with Biblical references to reveal the ever so many ways in which a woman can be wise and thus receive God’s blessings in the family.

This book could be bought by paying this amount by Cheque or Money Order drawn in favour of ‘True Friend Management Support Services’ to the address: 73 ( old no. 22) D. G. S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028. For details: Mobile +91 95001 55588 Online order: Available in all Christian book stores. - November 2019 JESUS CALLS


We should know how to receive this divine deliverance. What do we read about the Lord in the Bible? "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life." (John 8:12)

My dear sisters, in these days of darkness, we see many dark things happening in our lives. Various kinds of wants, needs and crisis surround us in our personal as well as family lives and create in us the fear, “How will I come out of this?” Most of us languish in sorrow during such situations. But the promise verse says, “For You will light my lamp; The LORD my God will enlighten my darkness” (Psalm 18:28). 48

JESUS CALLS November 2019 -

From this verse we understand that the Lord Jesus is the ‘light’ and that those who follow Him shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life. My dear sisters, this is the important thing that we ought to do. Whatever may be the darkness that surrounds us, the Lord Jesus Christ alone has the power to turn that darkness into light. There is no doubt that divine light would radiate from everyone who comes to Him who is the Light, and would get filled with His presence. You need to understand this. For this, reading the Scriptures diligently every day and meditating upon them is highly necessary. It is for this reason that we publish a quiz section in the Jesus Calls magazine every month.

Perhaps you may find it funny to read those questions. Why do we ask these questions? Without reading the Scriptures, the answers could not be found by anyone. In order that every woman should read the Bible carefully every day and keep it in her mind, we prepare the questions in a hard way and publish them. Every month, a few women find the correct answers by reading the Bible diligently and their names find a place in the list of the winners. How pleasing this is in the sight of the Lord! They not only win prizes by sending the right answers for all the 12 months’ quiz but also their lives become pleasing to the Lord. Such is the power and glory of the Word of God. My dear sisters who are reading this, how significant is this Bible in your life? So, every day try to read the Scriptures and meditate on His Words. The Lord will remove all the lack in your life. The Bible says, “whatever he does shall prosper” (Psalm 1:3). Those who love the Scriptures are pleasing to the Lord. Read the divine experiences of David and act with all reverence to receive the Lord’s blessings like him. Times are evil. With power over darkness, the

devil is trying to turn the hearts of people, particularly the believers’, towards darkness. But as we have understood, the Word of God alone is able to give us light in the darkness. Many are the sisters, who have heard the Scriptures and have received blessings in their lives. I often talk about a particular testimony of a girl who suffered from a skin problem. She could not share it with anyone and was in agony. She felt shy to even tell her mother about it. One day when she was watching the Jesus Calls television programme, the verse which I mentioned during the mes-

sage, touched her heart deeply. It was the verse, “Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.” (Jeremiah 33:6)

She read this verse repeatedly and became a ‘believer.’ The next day she received the blessing. Her skin problem, the darkness, left her completely. God helped her to live a victorious life for Him. My dear sisters, several such profound truths are hidden in the Bible. If we spend our days in vain and fail to read it diligently, how can we see the light? So, take a deci-

sion today. Seek Jesus, the Light, with your whole heart and mind. The Bible says, “Seek and you will live” according to Amos 5:14. As per the first promise verse that we read, do not worry for anything, even if terrible things happen in your life. Hold on to the Lord firmly. Commit your life to the Lord so that you and He would together fulfil only the things that are good. Then there would be nothing that you cannot do, because, “He who is in you is greater” as it says in 1 John 4:4. My dear sisters, live as good testimonies in Christ. Hold on to Him. This is the simple counsel that I can give you. - November 2019 JESUS CALLS


ANSWERS FOR BIBLE QUIZ – 91 1. Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12). 2. Hebron therefore became the inheritance of Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite to this day, because he wholly followed the Lord God of Israel (Joshua 14:14). 3. Zebulun is a people who jeopardized their lives to the point of death, Naphtali also, on the heights of the battlefield (Judges 5:18). 4. As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, “Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them (Acts 13:2). 5. God sent a spirit of ill will between Abimelech and the men of Shechem and the men of Shechem dealt treacherously with Abimelech (Judges 9:23). 6. Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent (Acts 17:30). 7. Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass (Joshua 21:45). 8. Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied (Acts 9:31). 9. One man of you shall chase a thousand, for the Lord your God is He who fights for you as He promised you (Joshua 23:10). 10. And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and deeds (Acts 7:22).

BIBLE QUIZ NO. 91 WINNERS Andhra: S. D. Snehalatha Vijay


JESUS CALLS November 2019 -

Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD Greetings in the name of Jesus. Dear prayer intercessors of Jesus Calls Ministry Singapore that all of you have done a very great job by choosing the path to serve the Lord and your prayers have touched my family and me. We would like to thank you and words can’t express how much of a blessing this ministry has been to us. I would like to start my testimony by giving OUR TRUE LIVING GOD the first special mention. Sometime early February 2019 something deep within my heart was prompting me to apply for a SINGAPORE PERMANENT RESIDENT (SPR) but then I was truly blinded and didn’t know how to go about it, so I asked a colleague of mine whose application was successful and she advised accordingly. Before I could even apply for my SPR I had many negative thoughts about the application getting rejected and it won’t go through. So I procrastinated and by the time I submitted my application it was already in the month of March 2019. On 12 March 2019, I successfully submitted my application and on the next day I called the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower to pray together with me because I was very nervous and I had this anxiety that my application won’t go through. The Prayer Intercessor prayed for me over the

International Special

phone and she spoke words of encouragement which I truly believe the Lord was the centre of the prayer, so while she prayed she prophesied and said that “SHEM, THE LORD IS TELLING ME THAT NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH HIM AND YOUR SPR APPLICATION WILLGO THROUGH APPROVAL.” After she prayed I felt much better and less anxious. Being a Malaysian, for Father’s Day I went back to Penang and on the 16th June 2019 we had a family prayer for my SPR application as well. Still my mind wasn’t at peace because I was very sure that my application will be rejected as I’m only a Diploma holder and my certificates isn’t so great and why would Singapore government approve my SPR. So on the 18th June 2019 while having lunch with my friend as usual we prayed and at that point of time, suddenly she prayed for my SPR and I was like why is she praying. So after the prayer I grabbed my phone, stopped eating and checked the ICA portal and by God’s grace and mercy from “PENDING APPLICATION it was APPROVED APPLICATION and at that point of time, I couldn’t thank God enough and all I could do is just pray and thank Him for his favor and blessings that he has bestowed upon me. I just want to take this time to thank the Jesus Calls ministry once again especially the intercessors for their earnest prayers and encouragement. Praise The Lord. Amen. - Jezindran Raj Shem, Singapore

PRAYER TOWER AND MEETING DETAILS Location: 70-A Race Course Road (Second Floor), Singapore - 218572 Opening Hours for Drop-In: 10.30 am – 6pm from Monday to Saturday Prayer Hotline 24/7: +65 63830160 Regular Meetings: Healing Blessing Meeting:

Anointed speakers every week and prayers offered individually for all those with needs. Every Saturday at 3 pm and on Second Saturday will be at 5 pm. For further details, please contact Sister Phoebe - +65 82373093

Esther Prayer Group Meeting: Second Saturday of every month at 3pm at the Prayer Tower PARTNER WITH US  Become a PRAYER INTERCESSOR We need more prayer intercessors to join us to pray with compassion for the needy, bringing hope and healing to the broken-hearted through your earnest prayers  Become a ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Member

This is a special prayer meeting where ladies gather to pray for various needs faced by women all around the world. The prayer points are sent by Sis Stella Dhinakaran. After praying over the given points we pray for the needs of the ladies who are in attendance.

 Become a Jesus Calls BLESSING PLAN Partner:

Join the Family Blessing Plan, Young Partner’s Plan, Business Blessing Plan, Prayer Tower Partner, SEESHA Partner, TV Club Partner etc. You may send in your cheerful offerings through Cheques in favour of Jesus Calls (Singapore) Pte.Ltd. Through ATM or Internet Banking, please use the following details: Beneficiary Name: Jesus Calls (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Bank: DBS Bank Ltd. 12 Marina Boulevard Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3, Singapore - 018992 Account Number: 012-014248-0

Swift Code: DBSSSGSG

For further information, please contact Sister Regina Quek, Country Director Email:; Tel: +65 63830160

International Special

GIFT FROM HEAVEN! My wife and I were praying for a baby and we have been trying since 2016. As usual after a year after marriage my family and hers wanted us to have a baby but we both had no answers for them. The Doctor said my wife has Polycystic ovary syndrome and sugar problems and I too needed some testings. That’s when we went to the Jesus calls Prayer Tower in Toronto. The Prayer Intercessor prayed with tears. The Lord answered our prayers and the very same month my wife conceived and we received a wonderful gift from our loving heavenly Father.A handsome boy and we named him Enosh Nathanel. All glory and honor to God. - DILSHAN YOGARATNAM, Ajax, Canada

PRAYER TOWER We are open from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm from Monday to Fridays. Prayer Tower Address: 55 Town Centre Court, Suite # 700 Toronto ON M1P 4X

EVENTS AND MEETINGS BIBLE STUDY: Thursdays 10:00 am to 11:00 am FASTING PRAYERS: Fridays 10:30 am to 12:30 pm BLESSING MEETINGS: Saturdays 3:00pm to 5:30 pm ESTHER PRAYER GROUP MEETINGS (English & Tamil): 2nd Saturday of the month 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm VENUE: Christian Family Worship Centre 83 Sunrise Ave. North York ON M4A 1B1

TAMIL MEETINGS: Every Last Friday of the month at 6:30 pm to 8:00pm VENUE: Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities. 3600 KingstonRd Scarborough ON M1M 1R9 International Special

MISSISSAUGA MEETINGS: Once every month – 2nd Friday of the month , 7:00 pm

EDMONTON MEETINGS: Once every month – 2nd Friday of the month, 6:00 pm

PARTNER WITH US: We encourage you to join hands with us to bring healing and comfort to the broken hearted through the love and compassion of our lord Jesus Christ. You can donate online through our secure website at You may send in an offering through cash/ cheque in favour of Jesus Calls Canada.

ACCOUNT INFORMATION: Bank – TD Canada Trust Canadian Account Number – 0532-5202720 US Account Number - 0532- 7303475 Postal Address – Jesus Calls Canada PO Box 87181, RPO Village Square Scarborough ON M1W 3Z2

VOLUNTEER WITH US If you would like to volunteer with us and pray/ intercede for others at the Prayer Tower, Please call Sis. Smita Tham at 647 770 0676 / email at For Prayer Hotline (24/7) please call 416 385 7677 or our toll free number 1855 522 7729 For further details or ministry resources please call admin at 416 385 7576 / email at You can visit our Prayer Tower at 55 Town Centre Court, Suite # 700 Toronto ON M1P 4X4. International Special


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