Jesus Calls International August 2023 E-Magazine

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The Gorakhpur Prayer Festival which took place on the 23rd and 24th of June 2023 at St. John's Church Ground, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh was a grand display of God's love as more than ten thousand people in and around Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Nepal gathered to hear the Word of God from the Dhinakarans.

On both days, Stella Ramola led the Praise and Worship session, and the entire place was filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit as everyone offered their praises with sanctified hearts unto God. Many were released from their worries and worshipped God in freedom. Bondages were broken by the power of the Almighty God.

Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran shared the Word of God on God’s abundant blessings and the garment of praise upon His people. He also emphasized on the importance of rejoicing in the presence of the Lord at all times. On the second day of the Prayer Festival, Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran led those who wished to share their testimonies on stage and thus encouraged the gathering that God would do great miracles in their midst too, if they believed.


Dr. Paul Dhinakaran delivered God's prophetic Word on both days which was a great blessing to the people. He most importantly shared about the terrible sufferings that Jesus went through so that His people can be delivered from their sufferings and lead a life of abundance. He then offered special prayers for the people to be healed and delivered from their problems. The Lord performed mighty miracles and people were thronging the stage to share their testimonies. All glory be to the Lord who has made this Prayer Festival a great success!

Here is how a dear sister was blessed through the prayers of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran:

I had severe stomach condition for about two years due to acute indigestion and acidity issues. I took a lot of medication to find a cure, but everything was in vain. I attended the meeting yesterday night, and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was calling many names. That time I cried out to the Lord saying, “Lord Jesus, please call my name and heal me." Exactly at that time, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prophetically called out my name and said, "Reeta, you have stomach problems. The Lord Jesus is healing you." My body started shaking at that very moment and I felt the peace of God in my heart. At night, I had my dinner and I didn’t feel any discomfort in my stomach. I feel absolutely healthy, and I thank God for healing me.

The 200th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service took place on the morning of 24th June 2023 at St John's Church, Basharatpur in Gorakhpur. Around 1500 people gathered in the Church for the Thanksgiving Service. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family prayerfully inaugurated the Memorial Stone. In addition, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family ceremoniously cut the cake and inaugurated the CNI English Medium School Tablet. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran offered the 200th Annual Thanksgiving Prayer. This was followed by Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran's word of greetings. Later, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran ministered the Word of God, and Stella Ramola offered the blessing prayer. Everyone gathered at the church was blessed by the ministry of the Dhinakarans. All glory be to God.

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In Matthew 24:1&2, the Lord Jesus predicts the future condition of the Temple of Jerusalem thus:

Jesus left the temple and was walking away when His disciples came up to Him to call His attention to its buildings. “Do you see all these things?” He asked, “Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; everyone will be thrown down.”

Do you know why Jesus said “Not one stone will be left another?” This is because everyone took great pride in the outer building of the Temple rather than in the Lord. They were idolizing the temple and gave more importance to its grandiose structure instead of carrying the true grandiose of truthful love for God in their heart. They disregarded their Saviour Jesus Christ and showed Him no respect, for whom the Temple was built. The Scripture verses, Matthew 12:6, Mark 12:10 and 1 Peter 2:4 clearly indicate that Jesus is greater than church buildings.

Therefore, the Lord declared that He would destroy that Temple, leaving no stone unbroken. Today, if you travel to Jerusalem, you will know that the original Temple has been wrecked and completely destroyed. Not one stone of the previous temple at Jerusalem stands on another of its stone, as the Lord Jesus predicted. So let us ask ourselves where our heart’s focus truly is. Is it upon the grandiosity of the building or upon Christ – the Living Stone who lives only in the hearts of people today?

Jesus said in Matthew 21:44, “Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.”

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Romans 9:33 says, As it is written: “See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who believes in him will never be put to shame.”

It is saddening that still now ‘God’s chosen people’ have not yet recognized Jesus as their Messiah. Because of this, their Temple in Jerusalem is destroyed and they are unable to perceive the reason because of their blinded eyes.

My friend, even today, there are so many stones that are standing in our way, preventing us from giving the due respect and adoration to the Almighty God. Some of these stones may be cultural, some may be motivated by a sense of obligation, and there may be many more that keep us from worshipping God.

Do you know how the stone that hinders is rolled away?

We read in Matthew 27:60, “And placed it in his own new tomb that he had cut out of the rock. He rolled a big stone in front of the entrance to the tomb and went away.”

Jesus’ body was placed in a new tomb cut out of the rock and they placed a huge stone in front of the entrance to the tomb. Now this stone is symbolic of death and destruction. This stone hindered people from seeing Jesus. But on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene, another Mary, Salome came to anoint the dead body of Jesus. While they were on their way, they were talking to themselves saying, “Who will roll the stone for us?”

We too cry about the stones in our life that block us from experiencing the living Jesus in our lives.

But in Matthew 28:2 we read, “There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it.”

Yes, while the women were worrying about who will roll the stone away, God had already

sent an angel to roll the stone. In other words, God had the angel roll away the stone that hindered His children from seeing Him as their Saviour. My friend, accordingly, no obstacle nor any stone no matter how large it may appear, can prevent you from experiencing the redeeming power of the Lord Jesus in your life. You have an Angel for you, to roll the stone away for you.

Hebrews 1:7 says, In speaking of the angels

He says, “He makes His angels spirits, and His servants flames of fire.”

God appoints His angels as ministering spirits to aid His children to see the resurrected Lord Jesus as their Saviour. This angel rolls away the stone that prevents us from tasting the love of Jesus in our lives. Then the angel sits on the stone symbolizing that God will build His church on that stone. When the church is thus established on that stone, nothing can shake the church or its foundation. That’s why God has made His servants as flames of fire. When they receive God’s word and pray for people, God rolls away the stones in the lives of the people so that all such persons can become His body the Church and be established on Jesus Christ, the Cornerstone (1 Corinthians 10:4). Now the Lord is transforming you as His servant so that you will be like a flame of fire, rolling away the stones that hinder people from experiencing Christ in their lives. This is what is mentioned in Acts 2:3 & 4, “They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.”

On the day of Pentecost, God poured His Spirit on the disciples as flames of fire. As a result, they rose up and established God’s church on Christ, the Cornerstone. God is going to make His Spirit rest upon you today. You will turn into being an anointed servant of God.

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“As you come to Him, the living Stone-rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to Him-you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

(1 Peter 2:4,5)

As God pours His fire anointing upon you, you would be transformed as a living stone, unlike the dead stones of the Temple of Jerusalem. The stones of Jerusalem’s Temple were overturned because they were not established on Jesus Christ, the Cornerstone. But, you and I will live forever because we are founded on Christ, the Cornerstone and the gates of Hell cannot overcome us.

John Wesley tasted the saving love of our Lord Jesus, His life turned upside down. He was urged to tell everyone about the salvation that is in Jesus Christ. At that time, his church turned him out because he proclaimed Jesus as Lord. Do you know what he did in order to preach the gospel? He climbed upon his father’s tomb outside the church and started preaching the good news. He knew that the church leaders could not stop him as it was his father’s tomb. He was so zealous for the Lord. People started thronging the place to hear him present Jesus and be delivered from their sins. When asked by the press how he could crowds follow him on the streets as he preached Jesus to them in the open air amidst the cold winter, he said, "John Wesley sets himself on fire (with love for Jesus) and the world comes to see how he burns.”

After the angel rolled the stone from the entrance of the tomb of Jesus, Mary Magdalene could see the Lord. The Lord called her by name. You too will have the same experience, my friend.

In the Old Testament, there were three people who established powerful stones that caused great impact.


“Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it. He called that place Bethel.” (Bethel means house of God).

Genesis 28:18,19

Genesis 35:14,15 also says that Jacob took a stone pillar, poured oil on it and called the place ‘Bethel’ meaning ‘House of God’. He also called it the gate of heaven as he saw angels ascending and descending in that place. In the same manner, God transforms us too. He anoints us with His oil and establishes us as living stones. Thus, He transforms us into His temple, the church as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 6:19, 3:3:16. Through the Holy Spirit He enables us to confess that Jesus is the Lord for without the Holy Spirit no one can say Jesus is Lord. When we thus confess Jesus as our Lord, He makes us a member of His body and unites us with Him (Ephesians 5:29,30). The gates of hell can have no power over us after this.

If we glorify in ourselves thinking, God is working miracles through us and think highly of ourselves, then the gates of hell will swallow us. But if we are humble ourselves and lift up Jesus through our words and deeds, we will certainly be His Holy Temple and He

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will dwell in us. He will present us blameless and holy before our Heavenly Father (Ephesians 5:27).

Revelation 3:12 says, “The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name.”

Yes, God establishes you as a pillar in His Holy Temple in Heavenly Jerusalem. This is God’s promise to you! Because you stand for Jesus, God will do this for you, my friend.

Many years back, when we went to Iraq, Saddam Hussain was ruling the nation at that time. When we had finished our meetings and were returning, they showed us a mountain. They said that till a few years back whoever proclaims that Jesus was their Lord would be tied up and brought to that mountain. Their fingers would be cut one by one to make them denounce their faith. Then they would cut their legs and finally kill them if they don’t deny their faith. Yet, there have been hundreds who had died as martyrs there. One day, one of the soldiers who were killing such Christians saw heaven open all of a sudden. He saw the martyrs who had lost their hands and legs regain them and enter into heaven where Jesus was welcoming them. He fell to his knees and confessed that Jesus is Lord. The King of the country had him killed in a similar way and he too died as a martyr. That place became so significant. Today, there is a church built on that mountain. Nobody worships the Lord there but only Christians who dedicate themselves to do the Lord’s ministry, make their vows in that church. The hundreds who died as martyrs have now become the reason for thousands upon thousands to accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour in Iraq.

Let us also dedicate ourselves as God’s pillar to declare Jesus as our Lord and Saviour irrespective of our circumstances. Then the Lord Jesus will be enthroned in our life and we will in turn become channels through which many people will come to the saving knowledge of Christ.


“He declared to you His covenant, the Ten Commandments, which He commanded you to follow and then wrote them on two stone tablets.”

(Deuteronomy 4:13)

In the Old Testament, God wrote His commandments

on two stone tablets. But today, God has written His commandments on the two stone tablets of our heart and mouth through His Holy Spirit as mentioned in Romans 10:8, “The Word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart.” Thus, God’s word is inside us and it is life to us. We are therefore the living stones on which the commandments and the church of God stand.

2 Samuel 6:12 says, Now King David was told, “The Lord has blessed the household of ObedEdom and everything he has, because of the ark of God. So David went to bring up the ark of God from the house of Obed-Edom to the City of David with rejoicing.”

When the whole country did not want to have the ark of the covenant in their home due to fear that God’s judgment would come upon them, Obed-Edom welcomed the ark of God into his house. As a result, God blessed the house of Obed-Edom and all that belonged to him. Even today, if you have the Lord Jesus in your heart, He will prosper you in all aspects and prosper all that belongs to you. You will be a living stone which God blesses with prosperity. “The blessing of God will bring wealth and He will add no sorrow to it” (Proverbs 10:22).

My grandfather Mr. Duraisamy was a secondary school teacher. After he

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accepted Jesus Christ as His Lord, he used to wake up every morning at 4 am and read his Bible. There was only one light in our house at that time. If he switches on the light it would disturb us. So he used to read the Bible using a torch light. After reading his Bible, he would claim a particular blessing from the Bible portion and claim it for each member of the family by mentioning their name in prayer. I used to be sleeping listening to his prayers and the verses he mentions. After I accepted the Lord Jesus as my personal Savior I too started reading scripture in a similar manner.

Let God’s word be in your mouth always. Even if you are singing songs, choose to sing songs that are written based on the word of God.

God gave me the word in 1 Peter 5:10 last year, “And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.”

God put this thought in my heart to make this verse into a song so that people will confess it and be blessed. That is how the song, “Seerpaduthuvar” came into the making. Now the song “Alangarippar” is also blessing people in many ways. When we thus confess and claim God’s word, the gates of hell cannot overcome us.


Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” 1 Samuel 7:12

The Philistines came against the Israelites. Do you know what Samuel did at that point? He erected a stone between Mizpah and Shen. He poured the blood of a lamb on that stone (1 Samuel 7:9). Then he poured water on it (1 Samuel 7:6). Lastly, he named the place ‘Ebenezer’ which means thus far the Lord has helped us and thanked God for leading them thus far. Thus, he anointed the stone that he had erected with the blood of the lamb, the water and thanksgiving. Today, these three aspectsthe ‘blood of the lamb’ symbolizes Jesus Christ,

the lamb of God, the ‘water’ symbolizes the Holy Spirit and ‘thanksgiving’ is praising God.

When we face trials we often grumble or doubt the goodness of God instead of praising Him for the countless blessings we have received from His hand. So, the Lord tells us today that we should not speak such faithless words instead choose to call Him ‘Ebenezer’ and praise the blood of Jesus that brings all blessings. God has chosen the best ways in which He can bless you. Just like Samuel who obeyed God’s voice and established the stone representing God’s faithfulness, when we too believe in the Lord wholeheartedly and trust carry His promise in our hearts by praising Him all the time, we will also become living stones and be victorious. The Philistines couldn’t overpower the Israelites (1 Samuel 7:13). In the same way, God will grant peace to all your borders.

Today, you might be going through many hardships. But if you choose to erect the stone called praise in your life and continue to place your faith in the Lord, our Ebenezer who has helped you thus far, all your problems will roll away. They will not overpower you. Instead, you will be a living stone, that declares the praises of God and overcomes every challenge just like how the Israelites took complete victory against the Philistines (1 Samuel 7:15), you too will experience complete victory. Right now, I encourage you to dedicate yourself to being the living stone upon which God establishes His church.


Loving father, Thank You for promising to make me a living stone. Lord, pour Your Holy Spirit upon me and anoint me as Your Holy Temple so that I will become a living stone as your temple. I praise You for Yours is the victory now and forever and You will grant me victory on all sides. Lord, roll away every stone that hinders me from seeing You and from experiencing Your joy. Command Your angel to lead me into Your will and establish me as Your dwelling place. Wash me with Your precious blood and make me blameless and holy before You. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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‘Family’ was the first blessing and the first responsibility that God bestowed upon man since families are the essential building blocks for the development of a society. Nowadays, the enemy is trying to destroy this godly family set up through various means. The Jesus Calls Family Blessing Plan is solely dedicated to strengthening and protecting family ties through constant prayer support offered by the Dhinakarans and the Prayer intercessors. Many are the testimonies of families being restored, rebuilt and established in God’s blessings.


• You will receive a certificate with a promise verse for your family.

• A Special Wedding Anniversary card will be sent to the couple from the Dhinakarans.

• Prayer Intercessors will call and pray on your Wedding Anniversary. Your sacrificial support of a minimum of US$31 per month or more will help us to fulfill God's mandate in serving the broken-hearted and ministering to the families.

Here is a testimony of a sister who has been blessed by enrolling in the Family Blessing Plan: BLESSED WITH THE GIFT OF A CHILD

My husband’s name is Sherny. We were not blessed with a child and so we were worried and depressed. We felt a void in our hearts because we were unable to have a child. All of our family members and friends used to ask us the reason for our childlessness and every time we had to answer them, we were heartbroken. In this situation, I enrolled my family in the Family Blessing Plan and each and every month I used to send my prayer request to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to pray for the blessing of a child. He used to send me comforting and encouraging replies with promise verses. The Lord Almighty heard our cries and blessed us with a baby boy. I thank God for His amazing grace upon my life. I am also grateful to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the Jesus Calls Ministry for standing with me in prayer.




I would like to join the Jesus Calls Family Blessing Plan

Name: …...................…….………..................………. Date of Birth….................... Wedding Day.....................

Address:..............................................................................................Pin code: ………………….…………. Mobile:……..........................................……Email:……….................................................................

For your gift of US$31 or more every month you could enroll your family as part of the Family Blessing Plan and be a blessing to millions through this mission. To give online please visit or please send your contributions to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to us for more details to

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Job 9:10 also reiterates this when it says, “He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.”

Yes, our God is a God who does wonders beyond counting. When Jesus was on this earth two thousand years ago, He loved doing miracles for the people. Even though there are only thirty-seven miracles recorded in the Bible, there were many other countless miracles that Jesus performed as mentioned in John 21:25, “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the

Dearly beloved, God’s thoughts and plans for your life are beyond the best you can imagine. This month, God will make you experience His beautiful promise found in Psalm 40:5, “Many, Lord my God, are the wonders You have done, the things You planned for us. None can compare with You; were I to speak and tell of Your deeds, they would be too many to declare.”

whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.”

Thus, Jesus did wonders beyond counting that they could not be contained in a book. What a powerful God we serve! Even in this month, this same God is going to perform miracles for you. Perhaps you are reading this, longing for just one miracle in your life, but the Lord is going to perform many wonders and miracles for you and perfect every blessing in your life. Yes, you will witness plentiful blessings!

God has done so many wonders in my life. My wedding itself was a miracle. When my husband’s family came to see me and my family and talk about our wedding arrangements, my father told them that he was a simple businessman and that our family had no connection with ministry. He also introduced me as a very timid and shy person. Our relatives were wondering how my

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father would conduct my wedding. But God met our needs wonderfully and the wedding took place in a grand manner for the glory of God. It was like a dream come true. That’s how the Israelites also felt when they experienced God’s miracles as written in Psalm 126:1,

“When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed.”

My friend, this God will do greater miracles for you and your family. God’s wonder did not stop with my wedding! It also transformed me from a timid person into a bold person to stand before millions as His testimony. You might be saying that you are a sinner and unworthy of His blessings. But, my friend, God has made you read this passage just to encourage you through His promise and assure you that He is the God of miracles, and He is still in control of your life.

The first time I attended the Power Ministry, I was pregnant with Sharon in my womb. I was very lean at that time. The Power Ministry was held for the servants of God, but I had an unquenchable thirst for the Holy Spirit. I knelt and cried for the Holy Spirit to anoint me. I prayed saying, “Unless You bless me, I will not leave You. I need the joy of Your Spirit to fill me. With whom will I share my agonizing thoughts? You are my Helper. Fill me Lord with Your Spirit.” That was my heart’s cry. That morning at eight ‘o’clock in the morning the Lord filled me with His Holy Spirit. This was also like a dream come true for me. The joy of the Lord filled my heart.

The Bible says in Nehemiah 8:10,

“The joy of the Lord is your strength.”

When the Lord filled me with joy, I was also strengthened in my innermost being. I became bold. The servant of God who prayed for me invited me to the front to testify and I was bubbling with joy inside of me that I could hardly testify. God will do the same for you, dear friend. You will bubble with joy over the miracles God does for you. As said in Psalm 115:12, the Lord will remember you and will keep His promise by sending His blessings upon your life.

There was a sister named Rajani in Panchkula, Pinjore. In 2007, she got introduced to the Jesus Calls Ministry and enrolled her family in the Family Blessing Plan and her children in the Young Partners Plan. She was longing to be filled with the Holy Spirit. She was fasting and praying for the same for a long time. In 2008, this dear sister attended the three day Jesus Calls meeting in Ajmer. While I was praying, the Lord filled her with His Holy Spirit. From that day onwards her life changed and she gave her 100% to God. In 2009, God started using her mightily and through her, her husband got saved from his weakness of occasional drinking. He received salvation and dedicated himself to God completely. After this, in 2012, God gave him a huge business in a reputed Company called the LTD Breach Company. They

were overjoyed by the miracles of God. And God’s blessings continued to flow in this sister’s life and her family was lifted up marvelously by the hand of God.

Dear friend, you will also witness God’s great wonders and have your prayers answered in ways you haven’t imagined. So, be of good cheer!


Loving Father, Thank You for promising that You will make me witness wonders for Your glory. Lord, You are faithful to fulfill Your promises. I believe that You have the best plans for me and You will do exceedingly abundantly more than I can ask or imagine. Thank You, Lord, for You will

fill me with Your Holy Spirit and empower me to declare Your wonders to the world. I surrender myself into Your hands. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

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Experienced the salvation of God

I am a student from Haputale. I come from a family that does not know the Lord. Even though my family and I had a lot of issues and conflicts, I never experienced God's presence, thus I responded to these issues badly. I initially sensed God's might overtaking me, and it was at that point that I began to see my prior faults. Particularly, I had an issue with both of my eyes, and as a result, many people made fun of me and mistreated me. I felt a lot of pain as a result. When the Jesus Calls prayer team from Bambalapitiya visited our school and prayed for us, I prayed with them from the depth of my heart requesting God to completely heal both of my eyes. Soon after the prayer session, I could feel the burden being lifted up and I felt free. All glory to the Lord Jesus for setting me free. Anonymous, Haputale – Sri Lanka

Delivered from tormenting spirit

I have been through a lot during my school years due to a spirit that kept attacking me which kept scaring me for almost 11 years. It was a difficult time trying to concentrate in my studies. It was a bad experience. Last week, I met the Jesus Calls prayer team that came to our area and prayed for us, I prayed sincerely for the Lord Jesus to heal me and deliver me from this spirit that was tormenting me. I felt the presence of God during the prayer and I felt the spirit leaving saying “I am going”. Now I can feel the deliverance. God changed my situation upside down.


By God's blessings, we were able to organize a Blessing Meeting for students in Haputale, a remote area in Badulla District. The event was held successfully, and we witnessed the manifestation of His divine presence among the approximately 120 participating students. They were profoundly impacted by His power and grace during the meeting.


In July, a special blessing gathering was organized at Kandy Lighthouse church, specifically focusing on partners and individuals from the Kandy district. During this event, numerous attendees experienced the divine power of the Lord Jesus Christ and received profound deliverance. Many individuals were freed from the grip of demonic influences, lifted from the burden of depression, and released from the effects of various curses. It was a remarkable occasion where people encountered the transformative and healing presence of Jesus Christ.


This year, we aimed to connect with and spread the message of God's gospel to people. By divine providence, we were blessed with the opportunity to hold a gathering in Galaha. During this event, numerous individuals were fortunate enough to witness and experience the transformative power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many souls found deliverance from the grip of demonic influences, were liberated from the clutches of depression, and were set free from various afflictions and curses. The gathering served as a platform for people to encounter God's grace and experience His profound healing and deliverance.

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15/1B, Joseph Lane, Bambalapitiya, Colombo – 4. Office: 011 44 88 112


65/373, 5th Lane, Vystayke Road, Mattakkuliya, Colombo - 15. Office: 011 25 21 365


32, Old Park Road, Jaffna; Office: 021 22 12 737


76, Anagarika Dharmapala Mawatha, Kandy; Office: 081 22 25 193

24x7 Prayer Hotline number in Sri Lanka– 011 44 88 111, 011 2 555 401

Social media pages

Facebook : jesuscallssrilankaonlineYoutube : jesuscallssrilankaonline


Account name: Jesus Calls InternationalAccount name: Jesus Calls Seesha Fund

Account number: 8106007140Account number: 8106022516

Bank: Commercial bankBank: Commercial Bank

Branch – BambalapitiyaBranch – Bambalapitiya

EventDay & Time Prayer Tower

Fasting & PrayerWed. @ 10 amBambalapitiya

Promise Meeting working day of the first week Bambalapitiya

Blessing Meeting Friday @ 5.30 pmBambalapitiya

Blessing Meeting Sat. @ 9.30 am Kandy

Healing MeetingMonthly Kandy

Fasting PrayerMon. @ 10.30 amJaffna

Blessing MeetingThurs. @ 10.30 amJaffna

Prayer for the nationWed. @ 10.30 amJaffna

Special Blessing Meeting / Youth MeetingOnce in three monthsJaffna

Praise & Prayer for Sri Lanka Only in Poya daysMattakuliya

Healing MeetingTue. @ 5.30 pmMattakuliya

Student Meeting Every first sat. @ 5.30 pm Mattakuliya

Blessing Meeting Friday @ 10 amMattakuliya

Family Anointing meeting (via zoom)Sun. @ 6 pmMattakuliya

Promise Meeting working day of the first week Mattakkuliya

Esther meeting Saturdays (01st, 03rd & 4th)Bambalapitiya

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Due to ill health, Mrs. Subbulakshmi was not able to walk around. She was very weak. From the year 2019 Subbulakshmi's health deteriorated day by day. Doctors diagnosed that she was infected with tuberculosis. She underwent treatment for only two months of time. As she had no money to spend on treatment, she did not visit the hospital after two months. As a result Subbulakshmi vomited blood on September 1, 2022. Many hospitals hesitated to admit her. However she was taken to 3 different hospitals. Every doctor said as her vital organs were damaged she would not be able to survive. In that situation a neighbour brought Subbulakshmi to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower at Tirunelveli (Tamil Nadu) by an auto rickshaw. Prayer intercessors at the Prayer Tower prayed to God to heal Subbulakshmi. After praying she began to get better. She began to walk and do her daily chores. Being healed she participates in every meeting at the Prayer Tower.

Like this caring neighbour of Mrs. Subbulakshmi many good Samaritans guide people to Jesus Calls Prayer Towers to experience miraculous healing and to receive heavenly blessings.

(2 Chronicles 7:15)

The first Jesus Calls Prayer Tower was established in the year 1983 August 12th in Chennai (Now Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower) and the Telephone Prayer Service was also started on that day as commanded by the Lord to Late Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran. Jesus Calls Prayer Tower ministry has come a long way for 40 years. Today, Jesus Calls Prayer Towers serve across the

"Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place"
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nation of India in 17 states and 3 union territories, totalling 100 places and 14 Prayer Towers are functioning in 12 other countries. 1,295 field ambassadors function in the villages and cities to pray for the people in hospitals, homes etc.

During these 40 years God has enabled us to minister one on one through the telephone Prayer Tower to 16 crores 64 lakhs of people and not just that, we have ministered to 9 crores and 15 lakhs of people additionally through the Prayer Towers of Jesus Calls in different cities of India. Totally 26 crores (260 millions) of prayer requests have been prayed for in these Prayer Towers.

All the Prayer Towers remain open on all 365 days from 8 AM to 8 PM. Anyone can get prayer help round the clock by contacting Prayer Tower through Telephone at 044 45 999 000 (24 X 7).

Jesus Calls prayer intercessors will pray with the person who visits the Prayer Tower in person or with those who contact through telephone. We have received so many testimonies from those blessed by the Lord. Here we share some testimonies for the glory of the Lord.

Delivered from 18 years of addiction

My husband, Mr. Kasi was addicted to alcohol. I was going through the valley of tears due to his addiction. There was no peace in the family for 18 years. I came to Jesus Calls Prayer Tower at Vanagaram, Chennai and shared my agony with the prayer intercessors. They encouraged me by sharing Bible verses and prayed along with me to the Lord for Him to deliver my husband from the clutches of alcohol. The Lord has graciously given a permanent solution to my prayer and delivered my husband from 18 years of addiction. Now he is totally free from alcohol. I thank all the prayer intercessors who prayed for my husband and praise the Lord for the deliverance He has given to my husband.

Family United

- Mrs. Dhanalakshmi, Chennai

Just after 3 months of marriage problems arose in my daughter’s family. As her husband was addicted to alcohol we were not able to pacify the couple. As no other solution was found, we had to take care of my daughter and granddaughter. We were in great agony. We visited Jesus Calls Prayer Tower at Frazer Town, Bengaluru and requested the prayer intercessors for my daughter Soniya's marriage life. They prayed with much burden. After 3 months of continued prayers the Lord performed a miracle. Now my daughter and son in law are living together happily. All glory and thanks to Jesus our Lord.

- Mrs. Christy,


Spiritual and Financial Blessings

After completing my post-graduation in 2016, I came to Bengaluru in search of a job. Once I visited Jesus Calls Prayer Tower at Rajaji Nagar. God spoke to me through the message delivered in the meeting which was held at the Prayer Tower. Then I started to attend the meetings regularly. I submitted my life to God. After that I could see God's hands in everything in my life. God started using me as a volunteer. I am leading worship in the events conducted in the Prayer Tower. There were so many problems in my family. I used to send prayer requests to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran about them. My mother had health issues. She was not able to walk. My brother had no job and I was in search for a good job with a better package. As I am serving in Prayer Tower as a volunteer, God heard the prayers of Uncle Paul Dhinakaran and blessed our family. Now my mother is able to manage and walk. God blessed my brother with a job. I got a job with a good package in a MNC. All glory to God.

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I would like to support:

 I would like to support construction of 1sq ft for US$50

 I would like to support construction of 10sq ft for US$500

 As per the leading of the Holy Spirit in my heart, I would like to support the construction of........................................ sq. ft for US$ ...............................

Or you could help support us purchase materials for the construction of the Prayer Tower

 The cost of 25 bricks used in construction of the POC/PTC is $25

 You could help support the purchase of 100 bricks for $100

 Or you could help support the purchase of 500 bricks for $500

 Or you could help support the purchase of 1000 bricks for $1000

 Or as per the leading of the Holy Spirit in your heart you could help support the purchase of ........................ bricks for $..................................

(A beautifully designed Prayer Tower Building Fund Partner certificate will be given)

Name: ……………........................................................………….. Partner Code (if any):…………………..

Address: …………....................................................................................... PIN code:………............. Mobile 1:…………..…...............….. Mobile 2:…..........................….Email:……………...........................

DETAILS ABOUT HOW TO DONATE PLEASE GIVE ONLINE THROUGH (or) visit or send your offerings to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to


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The National Ambassadors’ Conference was a 3 days conference held at Karunya Campus from June 30th to July 2nd on the theme “Equipped and Empowered” where nearly a thousand Ambassadors from all over India participated. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared with them deep spiritual insights on the primary mission of the Ambassadors in the Ministry and also encouraged them to do more for the Lord by praying for others in the Prayer Towers and in the Telephone Prayer Tower. He also shared the prophetic word that they would see thousand times increase during the Business Blessing session. Sis. Evangeline Paul exhorted the Ambassadors to have the heart of Jesus to serve others with love and compassion. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran gave an overview of the Jesus Calls operation and gave them practical insight on how to preach, counsel, minister and pray for others. Through this conference, the Ambassadors were equipped and empowered in the Lord to carry His love and His Word to the unreached places, in every pin code of the nation, thus fulfilling the motto, “Not one soul should be lost”. He also shared his personal life experiences with the youth during the special youth session and encouraged them to face life's difficult circumstances with God. He also distributed T-shirts for all the UTurners. Dhinakarans offered individual prayers for all the Ambassadors. We truly believe that through this conference God has raised ambassadors who will do great and mighty deeds for God.

The Bethesda Blessing Meeting was conducted on the 9th of July 2023 at Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Prayer Centre, Karunya. Several thousand people from different places of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Punjab, attended the meeting. Sis. Stella Ramola led the praise and worship along with the students of Karunya University and ushered the people into the presence of the Lord and kindled their faith through powerful singing. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared the Word of God on how God’s Word is able and powerful to deliver people from various trials and oppression. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed for the salvation, anointing and healing of the people. Many received deliverance instantly and were filled with the Holy Spirit. In the end of the meeting, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed individually for all the people who had gathered. Many demon-possessed people were delivered and witchcraft powers were broken. Praise be to God for His mighty move among His people.

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My dearly beloved partner in the ministry,

Greetings to you in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I am always thankful to the Lord as I remember you in my prayers because of your steadfast faith in Him and your love towards us and the Jesus Calls Ministry (Philemon 1:4&5). Every little support of yours towards the Ministry has brought great glory to God as millions have been refreshed, encouraged, and restored in the Lord Jesus Christ.

“He will set you in praise, fame and honor high above all the nations.”

(Deuteronomy 26:19)

Let me share with you the wonderful things that God has done through the Ministry last month along with some of the Ministry’s forthcoming events for your prayers.


From 26th to 29th June, Jesus Calls conducted a Mission Training Programme (MTP) at Karunya Campus for the Jesus Calls Ministry staff and volunteers from the Southern and Western regions of Tamil Nadu. All were encouraged and strengthened in the Lord to fulfill His mission through the Jesus Calls Ministry with divine power.

National Ambassadors conference took place from the 30th of June to the 2nd of July 2023 at Bethesda in which around a thousand Jesus Calls Ambassadors and families participated and were empowered to reach out to the unreached places for Christ, in every part of the nation. On 2nd July 2023, Samuel Dhinakaran had a separate session for the Youth group at Bethesda in which more than 100 participated and dedicated their lives to Jesus. God gave me the burden to minister to more than 120 Businessmen in a special Business Blessing meeting at Karunya and He moved mightily among those gathered there.

July 4th was a special day in Secunderabad as my son, Samuel Dhinakaran ministered and offered individual prayers in the Secunderabad prayer Tower for every visitor. The people were greatly moved by the love of God and were blessed through the prayers.

July 8th my mother, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran ministered in a Family Blessing meeting at Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower, in which countless families were blessed and received the touch of God.

On July 9th, a Special Blessing Meeting Jesus Calls | August 2023 |


took place in Bethesda in which we as a family, ministered to the people and the Lord did amazing miracles on that day. All praise be to God!

1st Anniversary of Cherubim Chain Prayer, Bethesda

“Pray continually.”


Thessalonians 5:17)

The Cherubim Chain Prayer started on August 10th of 2022, has been a blessing to several people as they have experienced miraculous deliverance and salvation in their lives. Cherubim prayer is for the protection of partners and staff from evil powers, witchcraft, worldly attacks etc. The chain prayer has been going on 24x7 so that those in desperate and hopeless situations will taste the supernatural glory of God.

40th Anniversary of Jesus Calls Prayer Tower Ministry

“My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.”

(Isaiah 56:7)

On August 12th, the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower Ministry completes its 40th year of interceding for the hurting through the love and compassion of Christ. Since its inception in 1983, the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers have been a beacon of hope to the thousands who visit the place. In these 40 years of service, the Lord has graciously enabled us to pray in person for 9.15 million Prayer Tower visitors and also pray for nearly 16.64 million people over the phone.

Also, as you must be knowing, every month we are receiving more than 7 million prayer requests through various Ministry platforms. In order to handle and pray for these requests more effectively, we are now enhancing the Jesus Calls services infrastructure and

establishing the Prayer Operations Centre which will be housing more technologically sound Telephone Prayer Tower set up all across the country along with enhanced 4K video and digital media production facilities with strong manpower, employing nearly 200 more staff in the Prayer Towers nationwide as well as in the Media Centre, Prayer Call Centre and Prayer Training Centre. To facilitate the operations of these missions across the country, the Prayer Operation Centre, Prayer Training Centre and Operations Management Centre are being established at the JC house which is opposite the Beach Railway Station at Chennai. The estimated cost for this project is around US $ 80 million.

We are also looking forward to constructing new buildings in the prime cities of Hyderabad, Nagercoil and Trivandrum. This huge project would cost us about US $ 120 million in total. It will be awesome if you could join hands with us in these missions and together accomplish in spreading the love of Christ to the millions.

3rd Anniversary of Job Blessing Plan

“ will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.”

(Colossians 3:24)

The Job Blessing Plan launched on the 17th of August 2020 has been praying for several thousands of people to reach great heights in their careers and experience elevation, honour and favour in the work of their hands. We have testimonies of people who have been blessed with good jobs, salary hikes and promotions. People have also found favour among their peers and authorities and have got major breakthroughs in their jobs. If you are seeking divine intervention in your career, you too can

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be a part of this Plan and be blessed. The details of this Plan can be found in this issue

3rd Anniversary of Prayer Academy Training (PAT)

“To equip His people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.”

(Ephesians 4:12)

The Prayer Academy and Training is entering its fourth year this August 17th. In all these years, God has graciously enabled us to train several people, passionate to serve God, through certified trainers and accredited teachers in the Prayer Towers. Online training courses were also provided for those who wanted to go virtual. If you are interested, kindly visit or call to +91 9789977807 / +91 6380752257.

6th Anniversary of Couple

Esther Prayer Group

“They will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God their Saviour. Such is the generation of those who seek Him, who seek Your face, God of Jacob.”

(Psalm 24:5,6)

August 21st, is the day on which my dear mother, Stella Dhinakaran received the experience of salvation. Since then, she has been zealously living for the Lord and is being mightily used by Him through the Esther Prayer Group Ministry. We praise God and recall the beginning of the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group which was started on August 5th, 2017. There are currently 175 active Couples’ Esther Prayer Groups. We pray and believe that God will raise families and communities that will stand firm in the commands of God and thus be instrumental in raising a holy generation for Him.

Forthcoming Events:

August 3 - 5 – Prophetic Prayer Training, New Delhi

August 6 – Partner’s Meet, New Delhi

August 12 – 40th Anniversary of Prayer Tower Ministry

August 15 – Partner’s Meet, Puducherry

October 5 - 7 – Prophetic Prayer Training, Hyderabad

October 8 – Partner’s Meet, Hyderabad

October 9 - 10 – Mission Training Program, Hyderabad

October 11 – Pastors’ Conference, Hyderabad

Kindly uphold these events in your prayers and offer your support in ways possible, for the extension of God’s Kingdom. Also, please do participate in these events with your loved ones and be blessed. In order to register for the Prophetic Conferences or to know more about these events, kindly contact your nearest Prayer Tower which can be located in our website

76th Anniversary of Indian Independence Day

“Live as free people...” (1 Peter 2:16)

India celebrates its 76th anniversary of independence on August 15. It is our responsibility to pray for the country's advancement, safety, and prosperity. We will air special programmes on the Family Channel on August 15 in honour of India's Independence. Do not miss watching it!

Dear partner, I would like to thank you once again for all your sacrificial love and support towards the Lord’s Ministry. Together we have brought God’s Word to several people.

Keep up the good work!

Your brother who prays for you, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

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Job Blessing Plan completes third year of blessing partners in respect to their job and satisfying them with their heart's desires.

The Jesus Calls Job Blessing Plan, a divinely inspired initiative, was started exclusively for the purpose of praying and interceding on behalf of people who are looking for a good job, a promotion, the right pay, success in competitive exams, debt relief, favour and peace in the workplace, protection from jealousy, or a favourable job transfer. We have heard numerous testimonies from people receiving amazing miracles!

Here is one such testimony of a dear brother who was blessed with a good job: HEART’S DESIRE FULFILLED!

I am a Jesus Calls partner. I was desperately looking for a job in a reputed UK-based Bank and I kept praying for the same. I also sent a prayer request to Dr. Paul requesting his prayers concerning my job and I received a very encouraging reply from him with Bible verses quoted. I also enrolled myself in the Job Blessing Plan. The Lord heard our prayers and to my surprise, I received a job offer from the same Bank where I wanted to work and started working in the month of May. I am so grateful to Dr. Paul and the Jesus Calls prayer team for praying for me continually. I had vowed to God that if He helped me secure the desired Bank job, I would donate to His work. As vowed, I am contributing Rs.23,651/- as a thank offering towards the Trivandrum Prayer Tower Building Fund.

If you too are looking for a breakthrough in your job, please do join the Job Blessing Plan and we will be praying specifically for your career. Prayers can bring miracles in your life.


* Prayer by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family for God’s revelation for those seeking God’s will for their job.

* Continual prayers for all the JBP partners at Chain prayers in Telephone Prayer Tower and at the Bethesda.

* Special invitation for the Partner’s meet and an opportunity to receive the prayers of the Dhinakarans personally.

* Special events such as 'Career Planning’ organized at the Prayer Tower for Job seekers.

* Opportunity to minister in Prayer Towers in India and all around the world.


Kindly fill in the form and enrol in this Plan.

Name:......................................................... Partner Code: (If any)........................... Date of birth. ....................................

Address:.....................................................................................................City:............. ..................PIN code.........................

Mobile..............................Email:....................................... Birthday:........................... Wedding day:.................................

Yes, I would love to be a part of the Job Blessing Plan. To enroll please visit

 I would love to contribute a one day salary of US$……...........

 I would love to contribute…............... number of days salary of US$……..........

 I would like to be a part of the job blessing plan by donating US$…….............

Your gift of any amount will enable us be a blessing to millions around the world.

DETAILS ABOUT HOW TO DONATE PLEASE GIVE ONLINE THROUGH (or) visit or send your offerings to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to

- Ajay Mathew, Kolar, Karnataka
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To begin with, I would like to illustrate with an example from my own life. In 1982, when I was a bachelor, I was travelling to the United States, and it was a long, twentyone-hour flight. So, just to kill the time, I decided to listen to some music played on the plane. One particular song had a catchy tune, I was enjoying the song. The words of the song went like this, “Tell me lies. Tell me sweet little lies.” As the song was repeatedly being played through the plane’s system, it got recorded in my mind and caught onto my spirit. When I landed in New York, without my knowledge, I was singing, “Tell me lies. Tell me sweet little lies.” This song literally got into my system!

It was hard to get that tune out of my mind and the words of that song out of my mouth. I realized that the antichristian spirit, sin and evil powers had entered me through the song lyrics. So, I had to kneel before God in prayer and cry out to Him to forgive me and cleanse me and make me whole. Such is the influence of music!

I, therefore, urge you to read through the following points and check your song lists against the points mentioned so that you would know which song to listen.


Well, my friend, music is music! But the words of the song and the people who sing it, count. The Bible says in Matthew 12:34, “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” So, if the mouth of a person speaks of good things about God and His love and the hope found in Him, then that

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heart has JESUS! And when you listen to such edifying words, it will be a blessing to your soul and to those around you since Christ is life. But if the person’s words bring hate, arousal of sinful nature and destruction of life, then it's from the devil. The Bible says in John 13:2 that satan spoke to Judas in the ear and when Judas accepted his words in his heart, satan entered him. Finally, Judas’ end was pathetic as he committed suicide. My friend, you have to decide whether you want to live or die and it depends on what you hear. So, open your heart to the Lord and allow Him to guide you.


Sometimes, there might be songs that seem harmless and good but even in that case you have to consider if the Lord would listen to it along with you. The Psalmist says in Psalm 139:7, “Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence?” God is therefore with you all the time - wherever you go and in whatever you do. If the song you are listening to is pleasing to the presence of the Lord, then you can listen to it. If the song edifies your spirit and brings God’s presence in your midst, you have nothing to be afraid of! You can go ahead and listen to such songs. But as you are aware, secular songs have nothing to do with your spiritual aspect. So, it is definitely not worth listening to.


The ultimate purpose for which we are created is to glorify God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “So, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” It is important that the song you listen to glorifies God. There is no point in listening to songs that glorify men or praise

the works of men or the looks of men. Keep this in mind, always!


When you are listening to a song, the song should direct your thoughts toward whatever is godly. Philippians 4:8 says, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.” It is very natural for us to desire or think about worldly things while listening to music. But God’s word says that we should think about things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable. Rest is not worth our thinking. Jeremiah 17:10 says, “I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind.” Therefore, we must be careful about our thoughts while we listen to music. Music is more than an art or hobby, dear friend. It is a form of worship. So, make sure that the music you listen to leads you to worship God and to marvel at His wonders, bringing glory to His name.


I would like to end with the verse in Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will.” So, discern and see if a particular song you are listening to is approved by God for you. Do not listen just because of peer pressure or because the song is a massive hit. Instead, separate yourself from worldly things and check if God would want you to listen to that song. Then, you will have no confusion and be led into the straight paths and level ground so that your foot will not slip.

May the Lord lead you and guide you thus.

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hear many things about God’s natureof who He is, what He’s like and what He can do. Some say, “God will punish you if you sin,” and “God’s wrath will send you straight to hell.” But most of the time, they miss the essential part of His character.

What Is Jesus’ Character Like?

The best way to know God’s character is to read about Him and spend time with Him. Let’s read about His true nature. When Jesus was on this earth, He was ready to help people wherever He went. Even at parties, in someone’s house, at a wedding, in a large field and even while walking to a different city. Not only did He minister on a pulpit or when multitudes gathered, but He was also ready to show compassion, heal, counsel and do miracles anywhere. He forgave the sins of the people, even the ones who spat on Him (Luke 23:34). He always prayed to spend time with God (Matthew 14:23). He was patient even when all the disciples kept asking Him questions and while He suffered on the cross (1 Timothy 1:16). He was gentle but firm (Matthew 11:29). He had self-control when being tempted in the desert (Matthew 4:1-11). He often displayed the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22,23) which is something every Christian should have.

When you look at all the miracles He did, we see that He always looks into the heart of the person. He doesn’t say, “Who are you?”

“What have you done?” He asks, “What do you want?” We see in Luke 19, there was a man named Zacchaeus who wanted to see Jesus. He was so short that he couldn’t see Jesus through the crowd. So, he climbed a tree to get a better view. Jesus saw him on the tree, and said, “Zacchaeus come down immediately. I must stay at your house.”

Jesus didn’t see what Zacchaeus did, or who he was in society. Jesus saw his heart. His heart was longing to see Him. Because of Jesus’

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love for him, Zacchaeus gave back four times of what he took from the people and was a changed man. This is how the love of Jesus transforms lives. Jesus never condemned him for doing what he did. He simply stayed in his house and showed him love.

As followers of Christ, that’s all we need to do. We only need to love. He gave us also this same gift. Through the active presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, wherever we go, whoever we meet, we can show love, counsel and pray for God to do miracles in their lives. The Holy Spirit gives us the wisdom of what we should say and do for people.

Can People Other Than Jesus Be Like Him Too?

This is what the disciples did after Jesus. They were full of the Holy Spirit. Even Peter’s shadow brought miracles according to Acts 5:15,16. We should long for this gift and keep our hearts clean and right before God. Know God’s character by reading about Him and spending time with Him. He will speak to us and be revealed through us.

Should We Only Show Love To Those Who Know Jesus?

Oswald Golter was a missionary in northern China during the 1940s. After ten years of service, he was returning home. His ship stopped in India, and while waiting for a boat home he found a group of refugees living in a warehouse on the pier. Unwanted by anyone else, the refugees were stranded there. Golter went to visit them. As it

was Christmas time, he wished them a merry Christmas and asked them what they would like for Christmas. “We’re not Christians,” they said. “We don’t believe in Christmas.” “I know,” said the missionary, “but what do you want for Christmas?” They described some German pastries they were particularly fond of, and so Oswald Golter cashed in his ticket, used the money to buy baskets and baskets of the pastries, took them to the refugees, and wished them a merry Christmas. When he later repeated the incident to a class, a student said, “But sir, why did you do that for them? They weren’t Christians. They don’t even believe in Jesus.” “I know,” he replied, “but I do!”

In the same way, the love of Jesus is not only for people who know Him. It is especially for those who don’t! Share Christ’s love, which is the core of His character, through whatever you do. You may say, I am not so outgoing, and I don’t know how to care for people. Use whatever talent God has given you for His glory and to show His love. Show His love through your career, at home, class, and wherever you go. Read about God’s nature in the bible, spend time with Him each day and be transformed to be just like Him. He will be revealed through your life in this world.

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Scan the QR Code to view the video of this message.

Dearly beloved, how glorious and excellent is our calling in ‘Christ’! Just think for a while! We, on the other hand, always think about the things of this world and pass our time, focusing our hearts only on these things. Today, let us turn our hearts to know the glory and depth of God’s love and enjoy tasting it in our lives and be blessed. Read this message earnestly, in all reverence and with a prayerful attitude and experience this in your life.

Firstly, look at the depth of the love shown by the Father towards us:

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him (the Lord Jesus) should not perish but have everlasting life.”

(John 3:16)

How great is the ‘love’ of the God of gods, whose will was to send Jesus Christ as the ‘Saviour’ into this world! In order that we should not die of sin and be destroyed, God sent Jesus, His own Son into this world as a Saviour because of which we have received the privilege of becoming His own children. It becomes necessary that first of all, we realize how glorious and

excellent this divine love of God is. So, like Adam and Eve, if you are saying that you are filled with the lust and love of this world, today, the Lord is lovingly calling out to you with open arms, as the old Tamil song says, “Come to Me O, Sinner! Do not hesitate; I have shed My blood for you and removed your sins; So, come running to me…” People like Adam, Eve and Judas (the disciple of Jesus), lusted after the things of this world, yielded to it and chose the path of darkness shown by the devil, without realizing the perfect love of the God of gods and the love of Jesus Christ on the Calvary and had to suffer in hell. What a pity! Beloved, are you also caught up in the darkness of sin being enslaved by the pleasures of the world such as alcohol, lust and so on, not understanding the incomparable, divine love of God, who has called you? Check up your life today!

In the Book of Acts, Chapter 9, we read about the life of a man called Saul. Being blind to the glory of the love of God, Saul was living as a ‘vessel of wrath’, sinning against God (Romans 9:22). Yet the Lord, ‘filled with divine love’ for him came seeking him even when he was living a terrible life! What happened then? God’s love flooded into Saul and as a result of

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this, his dead heart was revived and Saul became Paul. About this we read in 2 Corinthians 5:17, ‘Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation…’

Dearly beloved, like Saul, are you also enslaved by the desires and lusts of this world and walking in the ways of darkness, shown by the devil? Today, the Lord Jesus stretches forth His nail-pierced hands towards you and is lovingly inviting you to Him saying, “My child! Won’t you give Me your heart? I will give you heavenly life!” The Lord is eagerly wanting to change you into a better person with His love, just as how He changed Saul and elevated him to become ‘God’s servant’. Would you accept this incomparable and precious love of God and commit your life to Him to be His own?

“…how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience of dead works to serve the living God?”

(Hebrews 9:14). The divine love of the Lord Jesus Christ increases ‘God’s peace’ in you, through the blood, shed by Him on the cross. This gives you an exciting new life of living in Christ. If you have not received this blessed life until now, I would urge you to kneel down right now in His presence, get filled with His glorious divine love and enjoy experiencing the full blessings of the Lord!

When we read in the Bible about the lives of the disciples of the Lord, who were chosen by Him and who became His servants, we see that they had a humble beginning. Yes! Some of them were ordinary fishermen. But when they completely surrendered themselves to His will, the love of Christ lifted them from an ordinary state to the highest state of being like Him. The most important reason for this is that they chose the way, walked by Jesus Christ.

In I Peter 2:21, we read, “For this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps…” According to this example, how was God’s love manifested in the life of Jesus Christ?

“…how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” (Acts 10:38)

When God sent His Spirit upon His Son Jesus Christ and anointed Him, God’s divine love increased in Him. Hence, He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil. Also, after the Lord Jesus died, rose again and ascended to heaven, His disciples waited in one accord in a room, with sorrow and fear of men, not knowing what to do and were praying. In that moment, God poured upon His disciples and His servants, this ‘anointing, filled with divine love’ which He had given to Jesus. We read about this clearly in the Book of Acts, 2nd chapter. After this experience, all the fears, worries and burdens vanished from them. The strength of the Holy Spirit that gave them the boldness of Jesus, led them to fulfill the will of God reverentially and unceasingly, with the abundance of His love and without any fear, till the end.

Yes, as we read in II Corinthians 3:17,18, the Lord, as the Spirit and through the anointing, has delivered us from all lack, changed us into His divine image and has transformed us from glory to glory.

In our family, the Lord gave us, who were initially living as nominal Christians, the privilege of knowing the glory of His salvation.

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As God's love fills you over and over, all your shortcomings will disappear from your life

This He did, out of His divine love for us and by His grace. Following this, He spoke to Brother Dhinakaran through His Word and taught him the knowledge of knowing the glory of His anointing. Along with this, He also gave him the grace to tarry in His presence with great desire, thirst and burden to receive it. As a result, out of His abundant love, He first sent the anointing of His Spirit upon Brother Dhinakaran at the due time and then upon everyone in our family, one by one. This was purely His grace! By this, ‘the love of Christ’ was manifested through us and is today giving us the grace to send this love into people, as a family. The anointing that is manifested through this divine love, changes the despair, sorrow and tears in our personal life also and is making us rejoice with ‘joy inexpressible and full of glory’, as we read in I Peter 1:8.

It was the fullness of this divine anointing that changed our sorrow over the demise of our 17 year old, beloved daughter and strengthened us in the Lord. This anointing comforted and consoled our grieving hearts and is today paving ways for us to console and comfort those who are in such sorrowful situations. In the same way, when I was in

unbearable sorrow, having lost my husband, the Holy Spirit spoke to me like a human, comforted me and led me wonderfully for a year. Because of this, the presence of the Lord pursued me always, granted me a godly zeal to fulfil His ministry and is leading me till now, in an amazing way.

Dearly beloved, are you filled with the ‘salvation and anointing’ given by this precious ‘divine love’? Or are you filled with the works of the world such as the flesh, unwanted desires and lusts, being content with these and living an empty and useless life?

“But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.” (I Corinthians 13:10)

According to this, you may kindly seek the glory of this love in reverence and receive it. When the love of God fills you more and more, all the lack or shortcomings in your life will be done away with. Your life shall only be filled with God’s divine love and holiness, which is so pleasing to Him. This will make you arise and shine for the Lord! So, do not delay your commitment! Devote yourself to God in prayer right now and enjoy this glorious and divine life in Him!

As per the mighty guidance of the Holy Spirit and in order that there should be a glorious revival in the Esther Prayer Group ministry, a special blessing meeting was held for the first time in Chennai on July 8, 2023, from 3:30 PM. More than 700 people attended this meeting. After the opening prayer, the Esther Prayer Group theme song was played. Four people from four divisions shared their testimony about their spiritual experiences. This was followed by prayers for the growth of the Esther Prayer Groups and sharing of vision about the Esther Prayer Groups.

Dear mother Stella Dhinakaran shared the Lord’s message mightily based on the Scripture verse I Thessalonians 2:19,20. The Lord made everyone experience the outpouring of fire anointing of the Spirit, during the prayer time. Finally, Dr. S.J Kingsley, Director of the Esther Prayer Group, offered the closing prayer. Many shared their testimony for the glory of God’s name. All glory be to God!

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In accordance to His divine ordinance, the Lord gave Sister Stella Dhinakaran the burden for couples and for people to enjoy God’s blessings and divine peace, through them. As a result of this was born the Couples Esther Prayer Group, on August 5, 2017. Here, couples, who have the desire to pray, gather together and pray for an hour, once a month, for the 10 prayer points prepared by Sister Stella Dhinakaran. This Couples’ Esther Prayer Group was started not only in India but also in countries such as America, U.K, Yemen, South Africa and Sri Lanka. Today, it has grown to 175 groups. Through these groups, the Lord is doing countless miracles and wonders in the couples’ personal as well as family life. Broken families are being rebuilt; many receive spiritual blessings and arise and shine for the Lord. To encourage you, we are giving below a miraculous testimony of a particular Couples’ Esther Prayer Group:


Many are the spiritual and worldly blessings that we have received through the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group. We, who had been earlier praying for an hour, every month, are now by His grace, praying every day, for the peace of the world, for the Jesus Calls ministries and for each and every family that joins us in the prayer. By this, we are able to get strengthened in the spirit and are growing in the anointing. Also, the Lord has blessed and lifted us up as well as the families of those who pray with us. Particularly the Lord has blessed my elder daughter to become a dentist and my younger one to become a Homeopathy doctor. Both of them have started a clinic in Sivakasi and thus the Lord has elevated them. All of us, who are in the group, are much blessed by the Scripture verses sent by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran, with prayers, for the prayer requests that we send her every month. We offer praises and thanks to the Lord who has given dear mother Stella Dhinakaran this Couples’ Esther Prayer Group.

- Mrs & Mr. Karthikeyan, Sivakasi.

Dear couples in Christ, we encourage you to join with the couples who have thirst to pray and start a Couples’ Esther Prayer Group in your area and pray for an hour every month, at your convenient time and thus receive God’s blessings. Those who would like to start a new Couples’ Esther Prayer Group or join this may kindly contact us.

For details: Sister Stella Dhinakaran, Couples’ Esther Prayer Group 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028


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Malnutrition is a pressing public health issue affecting about 14.4% of India’s population and impairing our country’s economic growth. Pregnant & lactating mothers, children aged 0-23 months, adolescent girls, and elders are at particular risk of undernutrition. Every 2 of 3 Under-5 child deaths in India are associated with undernutrition from causes involving inadequate dietary intake, diseases due to weakened immunity, improper breastfeeding methods, Anaemia, etc. Although India has reduced malnutrition to an extent through recent government schemes, there is still a need to effectively disseminate knowledge among the uninformed.

Through the years, SEESHA has been consistently focused on reducing hunger & malnutrition among the communities that we serve. The following are a few of SEESHA’s programs against undernutrition in our project communities:

Nutritional Supplements Program: On a monthly basis, 120 children living with HIV/AIDS in Cuddalore are provided with food supplements to improve their dietary intake.

Maternal & Child Care Awareness: Health education is the key factor for improving maternal healthcare and the utilization of Antenatal & Postnatal care services. SEESHA’s Community Coordinators, along with AWWs & ANMs, sensitize expectant & nursing mothers in our project communities periodically regarding adequate nutrition for Anaemia prevention, deworming, institutional delivery, exclusive breastfeeding & complementary feeding, immunization, and Govt. maternity benefit schemes such as PMMVY, JSY, PMSMA, etc.

Food Aid Program: Abandoned elders suffer from food insecurity as they do not have adequate access to enough nutritious food to lead healthy lives. SEESHA has been reaching out to 50 destitute elders at Tharangambadi with monthly dry rations to aid their sustenance.

Poshan Vatikas: As part of our Community Development Program, we are planning to promote the setting up of Nutri-gardens at homes, schools, & anganwadis to improve the dietary diversity & health of the community members.

Here is the impact story of E. Vimal (Name changed to protect identity*), who is being benefited through Our Nutrition Program for CL-HIV/AIDS:

“I’m studying in Class 4. SEESHA has been supporting me with monthly nutritional supplements that include Wheat flour, Chickpeas, nutrition mix, etc., for the past 4 years. Earlier, I was underweight and got frequent infections. But with the intake of their food supplements along with my regular diet, I’ve gained weight & become healthier. Thank you, SEESHA, for your compassionate support!”

Even as we continue fostering nutrition among our project communities, you may join us in the following ways:

Sponsor nutrition support for a needy child with Severe Acute Malnutrition: US$50 per month

Sponsor nutritional supplements for a child with HIV: US$75 per month 

Food aid & support for one destitute elderly person: US$100 per month

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Jesus Calls | August 2023 | 34 DETAILS ABOUT HOW YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE PLEASE GIVE ONLINE THROUGH (or) visit or send your offerings to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to THANK YOU FOR ENABLING US BE A BLESSING TO THE NEEDY

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