Jesus Calls International E-Magazine October 2023

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Dearly beloved, I am honored to share with you God’s promise for this month, which comes from Ezekiel 20:41. The Lord says, “I will accept you as fragrant incense when I bring you out from the nations and gather you from the countries where you have been scattered, and I will be proved holy through you in the sight of the nations.” God calls His children by many names. Even today, He calls you and your family members as His sweet children. When we went to Israel and visited the temple, we saw the priests offering sweet incense to God. The aroma was so soothing and sweet, filling the temple with a pleasant fragrance. In Exodus 30:7, God instructed Moses to offer Him sweet incense every morning, saying, “Aaron must burn fragrant incense on the altar every morning when he tends the lamps.” Whenever we come across the altar of incense in the Bible, it reminds us to pray to God. The altar of God is full of the prayer of the saints. In Revelation 8:3, the Bible says, “Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all God’s people, on the golden altar in front of the throne.” An altar of incense is before the throne of God, and the Lord loves to smell the incense of our prayers. Every day, 24X7, the Lord smells our prayers. That’s why David also said in Psalm 141:2, “May my prayer be set before You like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.” There is a quote which says, “When prayer becomes your habit, miracles become your lifestyle.” Yes, prayer is the key that opens the door to miracles. The ministry of Jesus Calls is all about praying for the Jesus Calls | October 2023 |


world, and miracles happen every day because of it. Therefore, never stop praying and never give up as Jesus says in Luke 18:1, “Always pray and not give up.” Even if people ridicule you or your family, never give up praying. Make prayer your habit and you will see miracles falling into place. When I got married, I found it difficult to be in the attitude of prayer all the time. In our home, we have to read the Bible and pray as soon as we wake up, gather as a family and pray, also pray before breakfast, before going out, after coming in and do individual prayers too. I found it challenging to adapt to this lifestyle of prayer, but God disciplined me and brought me closer to Him. After that, I began to pray and tasted that the Lord is good. Today, prayer has become my food. It is through many tribulations that we enter into the kingdom of God. These tribulations are not to trip our feet but to make us stand tall in this world as prayer warriors. The Lord has indeed drawn you and your family close to Him through the prayers you offer, which are pleasing to Him. Therefore, He has united you with the rose of Sharon (Song of Solomon 2:1). Yes, He has united you and your family with the sweet-smelling God! How can we emit a sweet and pleasing fragrance before God? 1. By being clothed with righteousness: As human beings, we have a natural desire to smell good before we go out, isn’t it? We take the time to bathe and put on perfume in order to present ourselves in the best light possible. However, it is important to note that our efforts to smell good are nothing in comparison to the Lord’s desire for us to smell good spiritually. In Isaiah 61:3 the Lord promises that we will be called, 4

“…oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of His splendour.” This is achieved through God’s righteousness, which He clothes us with like a garment. As stated in Ezekiel 20:41, God will manifest His holiness in us, and we do not need to struggle to achieve holiness on our own. In Leviticus 19:2, the Lord commands thus: “Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy.” This verse was personally spoken to me when I entered ministry, and it became my personal mission to strive for holiness in my life. Our Lord Jesus also prayed in John 17:19 for our sanctification, saying, “For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified.” Through Jesus’ sacrifice, we are sanctified and made pure in the eyes of God because He is our High Priest. He has sent His Holy Spirit to sanctify us and be with us. God’s presence in our lives is what makes us smell good, and we are privileged to be consecrated to serve Him. God has indeed sanctified you, and in the same way, for your sake, He will sanctify your family, too. I would like to share a testimony for the glory of God. A dear sister named Susheela was demonpossessed for twenty-five years. She did not know the Lord at that time. Her husband took her to many temples to get her delivered from the possession but nothing happened. Finally, they heard about the Prayer Tower in Chennai and brought her there. The prayer intercessors prayed for her for more than an hour but still, nothing happened. They became exhausted. So one of the prayer intercessors took the woman into the chapel and the moment she entered, the devil in her shrieked and cried loudly saying, “There is a great Man in this place.” I think she might have seen the throne of our Lord Jesus

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there. The demon left her instantly and then she fell flat and worshipped God. What a great God we have in our midst, isn’t it? The divine presence of this great God resides within you and your family. What a great privilege! This is the reason your family smells good before God. Yes, as believers, our prayers are like perfume and oil to the Lord. Through our prayer, we are consecrated to serve Him and are accepted as a sweet aroma. In Proverbs 27:9 (AMP), we are reminded that “Oil and perfume make the heart glad…” This is a beautiful reminder of the joy that comes from being in the presence of the Lord. Your family is truly blessed to have God in your midst, and through His presence, you are made holy and are set apart as His own. 2. By spreading the sweet aroma of God through us: As believers, God empowers us to spread the message of the Gospel through us and share our knowledge of Him with others. This creates a beautiful fragrance, as described in 2 Corinthians 2:14, “But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of Him everywhere.” Just as we throw flowers at weddings on the bride and the groom to create a pleasant scent, God imparts His word to us so that we may also emit a lovely fragrance. Truly, His aroma is spread throughout the world through His word and through us as His messengers. During the time of accreditation in Karunya, we organized a fasting prayer to seek the highest accreditation possible. I had to minister God’s word in that gathering, and God gave me the verse from Joshua 5:9 to be prophesied to the staff in attendance. At that time, the University had faced several criticisms, and many doubted our ability to achieve a good accreditation. But because God gave me the verse, I spoke with faith and conviction, reciting from Joshua 5:9, “Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you.” God made me

speak these powerful words twice on the same campus. Despite the fatigue caused by the hard work, the staff members were moved by this divine message. They believed in God’s word, and He fulfilled His promise by granting Karunya an A++ accreditation. Above all, the Lord honored us among our neighbours, allowing us to walk with our heads held high. By spreading the Gospel, He has filled our family with a sweet aroma that touches everyone, everywhere. Once, during my sister’s house dedication event, I had a vision from God. As I stepped into her new home, I saw a bigger house of a specific colour, different from the small house she had just bought. I turned to my sister and shared the vision with her, telling her that she would receive a bigger house of a particular colour from God. Similarly, to my amazement, God blessed her with a larger house of the same colour I had seen in my vision. God is truly amazing, and His word is like a sweet aroma that blesses our families and the world around us. As believers, we should generously share God's word with others, knowing that ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ (Acts 20:35) By speaking God’s word, we can encourage and equip others, just as God has done for us. The Bible says in Proverbs 11:25, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Therefore, we should always look for ways to share God’s word with those around us and bless them. Let us be like Jesus, praying always and sanctifying ourselves so that others may be sanctified through us. If you and your family continue to pray and believe, you will receive the miracles you long for. Your testimony and the words you speak will be a sweet-smelling aroma that blesses the people around you. So, pray together as a family, keep sharing God's word, and watch as God does amazing things in your life and the lives of those you touch.

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y precious friend, I trust this message finds you well, You are loved by God. I sincerely believe that you are on a mission that has been divinely appointed by God Himself. Your work and efforts are not in vain as they are part of a greater purpose that has been chosen specifically for you. Jesus says, as stated in John 15:16,

“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last-and so that whatever you ask in My name the Father will give you.” GOD HAS CHOSEN YOU “You did not choose Me, but I chose you.” (John 15:16) This verse serves as a testament to the fact that God has handpicked you for His mission. Jesus has explicitly stated that you are doing His work, and that should fill you with immense pride and gratitude. Yes, in Luke 5:3-5, we see that Peter gave his boat for Jesus to use as a platform to bring God's work to the people. Despite being at the lowest levels of his business, Peter had given his boat for the ministry of Jesus. Similarly, you have given your


business, the proceeds of your business, your money, and your time to serve Jesus. The Lord speaks to you today, just as He did to Peter, and declares that your mission will prosper. Perhaps you feel as if you have lost everything and that there is no one to stand with you. However, you must trust in the Lord and have faith that He will guide you towards success. Like Peter, you may have to say, “Lord, You have spoken that I should go to the deep and start my work again. I will obey You. Though there is nobody there, I have prayed, and I have faith. This is not the right time to launch the business again. Yet I am obeying You, Lord Jesus, and I'm going today.” God's word went with Peter as he obeyed, and it will also go with you. Today, God speaks to you and says, “Go back and cast your net. Start your business and do your work in the business.” The word of God is coming with you today from Jesus, my dear friend. So, hold your head up high and trust that you are on the right path. May God bless you and guide you every step of the way.

YOU WILL BEAR MUCH FRUIT AND THE FRUIT WILL LAST “...appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last.” (John 15:16) As Peter followed the instructions from the Lord Jesus, he cast the first net and was rewarded with an overwhelming catch. The amount of fish that filled his net was so great that he could not even bring it into his boat. Recognizing the abundance of the catch, he called for help and another boat arrived, filled with his friends and relatives. As they cast their nets, they too were blessed with a plentiful catch. This experience taught Peter that

God is able to provide abundantly more than we can ask or imagine. In the same way, God wants to bless and multiply whatever business or venture you are involved in. If you are following God's word and believing in Jesus, He promises to fill your boat and the boats of those around you. By committing yourself to doing your business according to God's calling, you will bear fruit and reap the profits. You may feel like a barren tree, with no fruits to show for your efforts, but God will make you fruitful to your family, society, and the Kingdom of God. It's important to remember that doing your work/business is in itself a calling from God. Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your strength, as the Bible says. Every day, take time to thank God for the business, the shop, the institution, or the land that you are cultivating. Acknowledge that you are fulfilling the will of God through this endeavour and ask the Lord to direct you towards His blessings. As you continue to expand your business, adding more territories, products, and institutions, God will multiply your boats and cause them to overflow with abundance. Your fruit will remain and be passed down from generation to generation in the name of Jesus. So, continue to trust in God and do your work/business according to His calling, and you will remain in Him.

YOUR PRAYERS WILL BE ANSWERED “...whatever you ask in My name the Father will give you.” (John 15:16) As stated in the above Scripture verse is “Whatever you ask in the name of Jesus to the Father, He will grant it.” This means that by

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conducting your work/business in accordance with God's will, every prayer you make will be granted. It is important to note that many of the great Saints in the Old Testament were also successful businessmen. Therefore, you can take comfort in the fact that your business endeavours too can be a source of blessings and answered prayers. Look at Abraham: God spoke to Abraham and called upon him to journey from place to place and walk through the cities and the nations. Despite being a mere wanderer, Abraham was blessed by the Lord Himself. He started doing business with every tribe, every nation, and he became wealthy, amassing a great fortune. However, it is important to note that Abraham was not just a shrewd businessman, but was also a devout follower of God, walking in His path. Whenever he arrived at a new destination, he would first build an altar, and offer up prayers, and only then would he begin his mission in that city. This pious behaviour earned him the favour of God, Who blessed his work in various ways. As a result, Abraham's business ventures flourished, and he enjoyed tremendous success and prosperity. Look at Isaac: As the evening settled in, Isaac knelt down in prayer, seeking God's guidance for the following steps to take in his business endeavours. In the morning, God revealed to him the precise location where he should sow his seeds. It is crucial to obey God even in the realm of your work or business. Wherever you sow, God is willing to guide and show you as long as you are ready to 8

obey. When you follow His direction and sow into each business venture, the Lord is so pleased. Just like Isaac, who obeyed God and received a hundred times return on the seeds he sowed, you too can expect to reap a bountiful harvest when you align your business or work with God's will. However, Isaac faced opposition from the enemy, the king of the land, who became jealous of his success and began closing the wells that Isaac and his father had dug. Rather than fighting back, Isaac chose to trust in God's provision and go on digging. Whenever the wicked people closed down one well, he dug another one. Water flowed from his new well, and he continued to dig, despite the opposition he faced. His persistence paid off, as the Lord multiplied his wealth and blessed him with many wells. Had the wicked people not come to close his wells, Isaac would have remained content with just one. But their opposition spurred him on, and he continued to dig, producing more and more wells. Even the wicked people were amazed at his success and made peace with him, acknowledging that God's favour was upon him. So, do not be afraid when the wicked come to close your wealth. Instead, start another mission and trust in God's provision. He will bless your efforts, and even the opposition you face will only serve to multiply your blessings. The Lord delights in bringing more water, more blessings, and more abundance into your life. Look at his son Jacob: Jacob's fatherin-law cheated him out of his salary ten times, but Jacob didn't let it defeat him.

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Instead, he prayed and received a revelation from the Lord on how to multiply his sheep. Each time his salary was changed, he received more goats and sheep, resulting in his flock doubling. This was a wonderful blessing, and God multiplied his children, who became great tribes. God built a nation in his name, all from the power of multiplication. This is how God will bless you in your work or business, so don't be afraid. Look at Joseph: Joseph, despite being in prison, was blessed by God who made him a ruler over Egypt. You may also be facing challenges in your life, such as wicked people opposing you or struggling to find success in the market. Perhaps you feel like you're wandering aimlessly, like Abraham. Or maybe, like Joseph, you feel alone and helpless in your current situation. However, God has a plan for you. He has chosen you and called you to do your work/business. As stated in Psalm 32:8, God promises to guide and counsel you in all your endeavours. He has given you the Holy Spirit to lead and direct you in your job/business, just as He did with Joseph in Genesis 41:38. God's guidance to Joseph was comprehensive and covered all aspects of business. Firstly, He taught Joseph food technology to grow crops that would last for fourteen years, even through a famine, and feed the entire world. Secondly, He showed Joseph food preservation technology so that the food would remain edible for the entire fourteen years. Thirdly, He taught Joseph a financial model that would help keep a country stable. Fourthly, He taught Joseph how to distribute food to all the people, ensuring that everyone received an equal share. Finally, God showed Joseph how to save humanity and make them live. All these lessons were possible because Joseph was filled with the Holy Spirit. Just as Joseph was guided, the Holy Spirit, who is in you, will guide you, and show you how to succeed in your work or business every day. Several years ago in the United States, a

young man found himself struggling amidst a terrible economic depression. The financial markets were failing, leaving many without money or jobs. Frustration and oppression were rampant. Despite these challenges, the young man remained steadfast in his faith, praying to God and acknowledging that even in the midst of such difficulty, God was still in control and could make him a millionaire. It was during this time that God revealed to the young man a vision of a mechanized plough - an innovation that would revolutionize the farming industry. Prior to this, farmers had been using manual ploughs with the help of animals, but with this new design, they could enjoy the benefits of industrialization. The young man drew up the plans and soon after, a company offered to purchase his design for $1,000,000. In the same way, God promises that in the last days, He will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh and that young men shall see visions. As a believer, you are called to have the same kind of vision as Joseph, Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham. You are called to use your job or business as a means of spreading the name of the Lord throughout the land and saving humanity, just as Joseph did. In essence, you are indeed called to be prophets of God in the world of business, using your skills to make a positive impact on the world and bring glory to God's name.

PRAYER: Loving Father, Thank You, Lord, for teaching me that my work is important to You and that You have called me to this mission. Lord, please bless and honour the seeds that I sow into Your ministry and prosper the work of my hands, as You did with Abraham, Issac, Jacob and Joseph. Lord, fill me with Your Holy Spirit, guide me and show me visions of how to make profits and succeed financially. Let Your purpose be fulfilled through me, and may Your name be glorified by all that I do. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

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The Prayer Tower ministry has been a source of solace and comfort for millions of individuals who have come with heavy hearts and burdens. The ministry's prayer intercessors treat each request as their own and offer earnest intercession that has worked miracles time and time again. Those who have sought the Lord's help have found healing for their broken hearts and deliverance from their troubles. As a result, they have turned into powerful testimonies of God's goodness and love. The Prayer Tower ministry can rightfully be called a lifeline that connects people with the Lord. The ministry's dedicated and anointed prayer intercessors warmly welcome visitors into the presence of God with their cheerful attitude and consoling words. They provide counsel and fervently pray for every prayer request. The Chapel, located in the Prayer Tower, is a popular spot for people to come and pour their hearts out to the Lord in a peaceful environment. There, they can experience the tangible presence of the Lord. Special weekly meetings are also held for specific groups of people, such as business people, families, women, young people, children, and those who require deliverance from evil spirits and challenging situations. Each Prayer Tower also features a Chain Prayer Room. Every day, thousands of people visit the Prayer Towers and utilise these facilities to seek prayer help. The Blessing Meetings held in each Prayer Tower are a highlight of the week, with several hundred people attending and receiving swift answers to their prayers. As the number of attendees increases day by day, the ministry is looking to make the meeting halls more spacious to accommodate the growing number of visitors to the Prayer Towers.


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We plan to establish Prayer Towers in Hyderabad, Tenkasi, Nagercoil, and Thiruvananthapuram this year. We request you to uphold these endeavours in your prayers and also consider making donations toward any of the Prayer Tower projects and services, which will undoubtedly make a difference in many people's lives. The ministry is so grateful for the cheerful partners who cover the costs for the rent of the Prayer Tower buildings, the electricity and phone connection costs, computer and building maintenance costs, and office operational costs through their sacrificial giving. Every little contribution has helped the ministry provide free service to people in their desperate times. Here is a testimony of a sister who has been blessed through the Prayer Tower ministry: GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISE For years I had dreamed of owning my own home, but all my efforts were in vain. Then I came across the Prayer Tower Building Facet and their appeal to sow seeds for the construction of the Prayer Towers. The promise given was that by contributing, God would bless us with our own homes. With faith in the Lord Almighty, I too gave my offering, believing that, “as I give this offering to God’s House, surely God will build my house.” To my surprise, God answered my prayers and helped us purchase our own home. This miracle happened only after giving my offering for Prayer Tower ministry. I am grateful to God and praise Him for His blessings, and I also thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the entire team of Jesus Calls Ministry. Glory to God. - Valarmathi, Trichy

Have you ever wanted to experience supernatural blessings like Sis. Valarmathi? Well, now you can by sowing in faith into the Prayer Tower building ministry. When a soul is saved, Heaven experiences immeasurable joy. By being the reason for someone's salvation, God will bestow joy upon your life that is just as immeasurable. So why wait? Start sowing in faith today and reaping the rewards of God's blessings. If you would like to make a donation to the Prayer Tower Ministry, there are a few options available to you. You can visit a nearby Prayer Tower and donate in person, or you can use our secure website at to make your donation. I would like to support:  I would like to support construction of 1sq ft for US$75  I would like to support construction of 10sq ft for US$750  As per the leading of the Holy Spirit in my heart, I would like to support the construction of........................................ sq. ft for US$ ............................... Or you could help support us purchase materials for the construction of the Prayer Tower  The cost of 25 bricks used in construction of the POC/PTC is $50  You could help support the purchase of 100 bricks for $200  Or you could help support the purchase of 500 bricks for $1000  Or you could help support the purchase of 1000 bricks for $2000  Or as per the leading of the Holy Spirit in your heart you could help support the purchase of ........................ bricks for $.................................. (A beautifully designed Prayer Tower Building Fund Partner certificate will be given) Name: ……………........................................................………….. Partner Code (if any):………………….. Address: …………....................................................................................... PIN code:………............. Mobile 1:…………..…...............….. Mobile 2:…..........................….Email:……………........................... DETAILS ABOUT HOW TO DONATE PLEASE GIVE ONLINE THROUGH (or) visit or send your offerings to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to



On August 15th 2023, the Partners’ Meet took place at Suganya Convention Centre in Puducherry, with around 1,200 ministry partners in attendance who were blessed. The praise and worship session, led by Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran, brought forth the Lord’s presence in a mighty way, leaving many moved to tears as they sang with all their heart and might. He also welcomed the testimonies that were shared by partners who experienced glorious things that God had done for them through the prayers of the Dhinakarans. The partners were encouraged to wait on the Lord, in faith for their miracle. Following this, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran ministered the Word of God from Psalm 138:8, which strengthened the hearts of the dear partners concerning God fulfilling His purposes for His children. The closing prayer was powerful, and partners testified of the miracles they had received. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran and Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran offered individual prayers for each partner. The partners left the place with hearts filled with gratitude and praise.

O n August 20, 2023, a women’s conference called “Raising Deborahs for India” was held in Mumbai. This event was organized by a team from Navi Mumbai and was attended by 400 women and young girls. Stella Ramola led the worship session beautifully and shared a powerful message from God about the lives of Gideon, Moses and Paul. She also shared her personal testimony of how God can empower a weak person to accomplish great things for Him. The final prayer was filled with God's presence, and many attendees were moved to tears. The event left a positive impact on all the precious women who had participated. 12

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Every child deserves to have all its basic necessities met and to live a peaceful and happy childhood. Unfortunately, nearly 22 percent of children between the ages of 0 & 17 suffer from poverty and unmet basic needs in India. Among other causes of poverty, conflict and displacement make the children extremely insecure, and they suffer constant torment and disruption in every aspect of their lives. The tattered clothes such children wear tell a compelling story of misery.

Although millions of children lack adequate clothing in our country, the issue is overshadowed by more urgent needs like hunger & medical care. Their parents, most often, are unable to address their clothing needs as they are focused on putting food on their tables. Clothing plays a major role in maintaining children’s wellbeing and their ability to express themselves better. But children from deprived backgrounds continually face a lack of choices in what they wear, which disturbs their sense of self and how they fit into their community. At SEESHA, we understand that the consequences of poverty can hit children the hardest. That is why we reach out to thousands of such little ones every year and gift them new clothes to lift their spirits, make them feel confident, and put a smile on their faces.

See how Deep Nayak from Jharkhand feels about receiving a new dress from SEESHA “My brother and I seldom get a chance to wear new clothes as my parents cannot afford to buy them. We avoid going to any school outings or celebrations as most of our dresses are old & tattered. Fortunately, we received new dresses from SEESHA during the festive season last year. We're extremely delighted to wear them and visit our friends. Thank you, SEESHA, for the wonderful gift." Even this festive season, along with other impoverished children, we are also planning to gift new dresses to thousands of children who are displaced due to the ethnic conflict in Manipur, to bring hope to dark places. With a small contribution, you too can join us in adding dignity, a little joy, and colour to such a needy child’s world. You may contribute as below: Sponsor a new dress for one child - US$35 Sponsor a set of new clothes for 10 children - US$350 * You can sponsor new clothes for any number of children. DETAILS ABOUT HOW TO DONATE PLEASE GIVE ONLINE THROUGH (or) visit or send your offerings to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to Jesus Calls | October 2023 |


Sorrows turned into joy I had the privilege of attending Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran and Dr. Shilpa’s Blessing Meeting at Jesus Calls New Zealand Prayer Tower in Auckland. The meeting was full of the presence of the Lord right from the beginning. After the message Bro. Samuel started to do general prayers and pronounce blessings upon all that were present. As I focused on every word he was saying, I felt a heavy anointing and joy filling my heart! I burst out into laughter and fell under the heavy anointing. I just could not control myself and was rejoicing in the presence of the Lord. It was a wonderful experience soaking in the joy that the Lord was pouring into me. Prior to this, I had suffered much hardship and persecution and had shed many tears, but the Lord removed my burdens and filled me with joy and His presence that night. All glory to our Loving Lord who brought His servants to bless us. - Renuka Prakash, New Zealand

Secured a good job My son has had a difficult time finding employment. He was turned down for every job he applied for. He was always disappointed and so were we. Meanwhile, someone gave us the Jesus Calls New Zealand Prayer Hotline number. My son had another interview the next day, so I contacted the Prayer Tower and asked for prayers on his behalf. The prayer intercessor prayed fervently, ordering that all barriers be removed in Jesus' name! My son’s interview went on well and praise the Lord for the very next day they offered him the job! It was a great miracle, as after many disappointments he had success this time. I want to thank the Jesus Calls Ministry and the intercessors who are able to pray for every needy person; I thank Lord Jesus for answering our prayers. - Vangeline, New Zealand


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Jesus Calls New Zealand Prayer Tower Details Physical: 1/80 Carr Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland 1041, New Zealand Phone Number: Admin Line: +64 9 620 7160

Mobile: +64 274 772937

Prayer Hotline: 0800 53 78 72 (0800JESUSC) Social Media: Facebook: Jesus Calls NZ Prayer Tower Times: 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday UTurn Youth meeting - First Saturday of every month from 4pm Healing Blessing Meeting - every Tuesday from 7pm Esther Prayer Group Meeting - first Saturday of the month from 3pm

For Direct Bank Deposit and Bank Transfers, please use the following details:

Account Name:

Jesus Calls New Zealand Trust



Account Number: Swift Code:

06-0241-0259945-01 ANZBNZ22

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My dear partner in the ministry, I am so very grateful for your unwavering support and prayers throughout the past ten months. Your generosity and love have allowed our ministry to touch the lives of millions, and I am truly thankful for that. Your daily prayers for our family and the ministry are what kept us going, and we find joy in serving millions like you. As we head into the coming days, I believe that God has great blessings in store for you. As stated in 1 Peter 5:4,

“YOU WILL RECEIVE THE CROWN OF GLORY THAT WILL NEVER FADE AWAY.” This promise is for you, and I am confident that the Lord will lavish His love upon you in this month of October. Whatever prayers and desires you have for this year, I believe they will fall into place, and you will experience miracles before the year comes to a close. I eagerly await the testimony of your blessings, which you can share by writing to us at Once again, thank you for your support, love and prayers. May the Lord continue to bless you abundantly. Please join me in praising God for the following praise points.

Praise Report: On August 30, 2023, United Day of Prayer was held to pray specifically for the state of Manipur. The gathering was attended by numerous church leaders and pastors from different denominations who came together to offer their supplications to the Lord for peace and justice to prevail in the state. The meeting was a solemn occasion, and the attendees fervently prayed for the well-being of the people of Manipur. God led the people who gathered not to mourn but instead know the power of God that is going to move from Manipur to the nation. There is indeed a great hope! He showed 16

that the people of Manipur will not see an end but will instead rise upto be a blessing in the nation.

Wedding Dear partner, I am so grateful for your support and prayers during my daughter's wedding on September 11, followed by public reception on September 13th, 2023. Your kindness and thoughtfulness have been a great source of strength to us, and I cannot thank you enough. As you continue to lift up the couple, Stella Ramola and Daniel Davidson, in your prayers, may the Lord bless their union and use them for His glory. Once again, thank you for all your love and heartfelt prayers.

New Song Update By the sheer grace of God, my son and I released in Tamil our latest musical creation titled “Aaraindhu Arindhavar” in the month of September. You can watch it in my YouTube channel “Paul Dhinakaran”. Seeing how this soulful worship song has touched the hearts of several thousands brings us immense joy. We continue to pray and believe that this melody will touch many more people in the coming days and that every listener will find themselves drawn closer to God and be inspired to cultivate a deeper relationship with

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Him. It will be released in Hindi and Telugu languages also soon.

37th year of Establishment of Karunya University “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.” (1 Peter 2:9) In the 37 years since its founding in 1986, Karunya University has evolved into an institution that stands at the crossroads of academic excellence and spiritual enlightenment. One of its most significant achievements is the prestigious NAAC A++ accreditation, underscoring its unwavering commitment to delivering outstanding education. Karunya University's mission, deeply rooted in 1 Peter 2:9, is to nurture graduates who are not only academically proficient but also spiritually powerful guided, echoing the light into the world. Its alumni include powerful servants of God like Pastor Chadwick, Bro. Anu Jacob, Bishop Immanuel Isaac Devairakkam and others, who exemplify the profound impact of this mission in their service to humanity. Beyond spiritual leadership, Karunya University is proud of its history of producing graduates sought after by top recruiters. Renowned companies like Adani, Accenture, Amazon, PwC, Ernst & Young, Infosys, and TCS consistently recognize the caliber of its graduates. The recent success story of a 2023 graduate securing a remarkable package of 63 lakhs per annum is a testament to the university's dedication to nurturing excellence. What's even more remarkable is that over the years, Karunya University has transformed the lives of a staggering 45,000 students who have passed through its halls. These individuals now form a global network of change makers, each carrying the values of faith, excellence, and service into their respective spheres.

30th year of Bethesda Prayer Centre and Vision Day “This is My resting place forever and ever; here I will sit enthroned, for I have desired it." (Psalm 132:14)

The Bethesda Prayer Centre was established on October 10, 1993, to provide a sanctuary for individuals seeking to offer prayers unto God and give thanks. It has since become a haven for thousands of souls seeking solace in its peaceful and holy atmosphere. So far 73,30,997 visitors have experienced God’s wonders at Bethesda. We are now embarking on a new venture to construct a Bethesda Prayer City, which will serve as a blessing to many more individuals seeking spiritual sustenance. This new Centre will provide a comfortable and welcoming space for families to stay and spend time at the Lord's feet in peace. Additionally, we will have facilities to ensure that children are happy and well-cared for, allowing parents to focus entirely on their spiritual journey. Please take a moment with me to thank God for His amazing support towards the Bethesda Prayer Centre Ministry over the last thirty years. I would also like to ask for your continued prayers for the Bethesda Prayer City project as we work towards building a place that will positively impact the lives of numerous families and communities.

53rd year of Jesus Calls Public Campaign Ministry "Great crowds came to Him (Jesus), bringing the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many others, and laid them at His feet; and He healed them." (Matthew 15:30) As we celebrate the 53rd anniversary of the Prayer Festival ministry this year, I look back and thank God for His immense grace upon me and enabling me to preach to 10,60,00,000 people through 1650 campaigns so far. Now, God has poured that same love and compassion in the heart of my wife and my children and empowered them to carry the mantle of praying for the world through these campaigns. The cities Gujarat, Ranchi, Jaipur, Rourkela and Ambikapur have seen the maximum crowd. In cities like Vyara, Odisha, Rourkela, 3-5 lakhs people attended and were blessed by God. Thank God that we were able to reach and be a blessing to so many lives. God has done mighty miracles such as making the crippled to walk, healed cancer instantaneously, delivered the demon possessed, saved people from the addictions

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of alcohol etc., through these campaigns. Let us take a moment to praise the Lord for the millions of people who have experienced supernatural miracles, deliverance and peace through the Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals and Blessing Meetings. However, behind every successful event, a lot of hard work goes into organising it on the ground, stage arrangements, sound and lighting systems, electricity, advertisements, accommodation, seating arrangements, etc. The cost of conducting each meeting runs into several lakhs of rupees. I humbly request your continued prayers and support for these Prayer Festivals. Your participation will help wipe away the tears of millions and spread joy and hope worldwide.

34th year of Karunya Hospital “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.” (Mark 2:17) I am truly thankful to God for the Karunya Hospital, which has been providing medical care to thousands of underprivileged individuals since 1989. It has been a source of hope for those who have difficulty accessing healthcare, as it offers free medical treatments to those who require them. Major surgeries such as Joint replacements, Thyroidectomy, Arthroscopic surgeries, Laparoscopic surgeries, Hernia, Appendectomy, Uterus surgeries, Maxillofacial surgeries, Cholecystectomy have been done at low costs. You too can come and receive the best care and treatment at our hospital at your time of need. I invite you to support our mission of helping more individuals in need. Your contributions will only help us meet the hospital's requirements and serve the sick for the greater glory of God.

Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran anointing day On October 10th, my father, Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran received the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the vision for the Jesus Calls ministry. Since then, the Lord has shown remarkable faithfulness to our family for four generations, blessing us and equipping us with unique spiritual gifts to minister to millions. I kindly request your prayers for every member of our family to continue to operate in the same anointing and serve the broken-hearted through the love and compassion of Jesus Christ.

Gandhi Jayanthi Oct 2nd reminds us to pray for the nation's prosperity, peace and protection. Additionally, let us continue to pray for peace and justice to be restored in the state of Manipur. 18

On account of this auspicious day, we have organised the Youth Power Explosion meeting at Chennai, in which my son Samuel Dhinakaran and Stella Ramola will minister to the young population of those in and around the city to guide them in moral values and help them taste the freedom of God.

Forthcoming Events October 2 - Youth Power Explosion, Chennai October 5 - 7 - Prophetic Prayer Training, Hyderabad October 8 - Partner’s Meet, Hyderabad October 9 - 10 - Mission Training Program, Hyderabad October 11 - Pastors’ Conference, Hyderabad October 27 to 29 - Prayer Festival, Arunachal Pradesh I urge you to keep these upcoming events in your prayers and also offer your support in any way possible.

Prayer Operations Centre We are thrilled to share our progress in constructing the Prayer Operations Centre, which will feature state-of-the-art technology and ample space to facilitate prayer operations via telephone, media, letters, email, magazines, training and more. We have shifted our staff to the new premises where these facilities are installed. The total cost of the project is 12 crores, and we extend our sincere gratitude to all those who have supported and joined us in this mission. If you are not part of this exciting endeavour, I would encourage you to join us in this noble cause, as we believe a great wave of the move of God is coming, and this will mark a new beginning. Additionally, we plan to erect new Prayer Towers in cities with high prayer needs, aspiring to make the vision of 'No soul should be lost' a reality. You can help support this mission through your generous giving and potentially be the cause for someone's salvation.

Meet us personally If you are in need of personal prayer during a critical situation and wish to schedule a meeting with me, please contact +91 9840098333. My dear partner, may you encounter the love and wisdom of Christ in an extraordinary way through the Jesus Calls ministry. My heartfelt blessings are with you. Your brother who prays for you, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

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Most couples dream of having children and starting a family together. However, in today’s world, only a limited number of people are able to fulfill this wish. The ability to conceive has become one of the most frequently requested blessings, mainly due to the consumption of contaminated food and the widespread adoption of unhealthy lifestyles. God's first command to mankind was to be fruitful and multiply, but with increasing issues hindering conception, many couples are unable to fulfill this charge.

A couple named Vijayakumar and Grace Christina got married in April 2016 and had a strong desire to build a holy family. Like many couples, they hoped to have children as soon as possible. Fortunately, their dream became a reality when Grace Christina became pregnant shortly after their wedding. The couple dreamt of their life as parents and were excited to welcome their baby. However, to their dismay, their newborn baby had several complications and passed away within twenty-two days due to heart and lung damage. The couple were shattered to bits and were left inconsolable, unable to cope with the loss. They felt utterly hopeless due to their predicament. In just 22 days, their darling child, had passed away. The humiliation they had to endure in society aftermath was equally appalling. They continued trying for another child for two long years, but in vain. They also started developing anxiety about dealing with another conception that might result in the same outcome. Even the doctors had given up hope by then. At this time, they happened to listen to late Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran’s and Sis. Stella Dhinakaran’s testimony on how they handled the painful circumstance of giving birth to a stillborn child. After hearing this testimony, the couple was filled with great hope, and they chose to seek prayers from a Prayer Intercessor at the Bethesda Prayer Center. They went to the Center, where the intercessors fervently prayed for them and promised them a miracle, just as Eli had promised Hannah. Upon returning from the Bethesda Prayer Center, the couple was filled with a renewed sense of hope and confidence in their prayers for a growing family. Their unwavering faith was soon rewarded as Sis. Grace Christina became pregnant once again, delivering a healthy baby boy. And as if that wasn't enough, the Lord blessed them once more with a beautiful baby girl, doubling their blessings in response to their previous grief. Sis. Grace Christina was overjoyed and quoted Psalm 113:9, proclaiming that God had indeed made her a happy mother of children and removed the stigma from their family. The couple expressed their sincere gratitude to the Dhinakarans and the Bethesda prayer intercessors for their unwavering support and prayers throughout their journey. This beautiful couple, Vijayakumar and Grace Christina are firm in their belief that Bethesda is the place where their prayers have truly turned into praises unto God. The powerful impact of the prayers 20

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and faith of the Bethesda community has left an indelible mark on their lives, filling them with hope and gratitude for the blessings they have received.

WELL, NOW, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Book your tickets for Bethesda to experience the divine beauty of the place. Wonderful place for families and individuals to meditate and pray for peace in a serene environment. A fascinating tourist spot. Over the last 30 years, the Bethesda Prayer Centre has blessed millions of people. It offers tranquillity to the hearts of its visitors because it is surrounded by the scenic beauty of mountains and the sacredness of prayer. People who come with heavy hearts and weary souls have had their burdens lifted immediately and their spirits refreshed with the joy of the Lord. They return home with confidence and God honors their faith by turning their prayers into praises. So far 73,30,997 visitors have experienced God’s wonders.

We intend to build the Bethesda Prayer City so that the visitors have all the facilities provided to stay as a family and be blessed. You can donate toward this greater cause and become the reason for many answered prayers. I would like to donate $......................./- toward the Bethesda Prayer City NAME:…....................………………....................................................................….…………………. ADDRESS: …........................................................................................................................... Phone No: …....................……………………. EMAIL: …....................…....................…………………. Jesus Calls | October 2023 |


Well, this is a moving question. The problem is that you are focusing on your friends. In your question, you mentioned that your friends are prospering, which clearly indicates that you are comparing yourself to them rather than focusing on your own life. First of all, looking at the wicked or a sinful person with spiritual pride in heart and saying, “This man is a sinner. He has no connection with God,” is in itself a sin because it is lofty and of condemnation. Secondly, you envy your friends saying that they are prospering despite being sinful. It’s important to know that God knows what’s in your heart. So, if you keep comparing yourself with your friends and harbour negative thoughts about them, God will not be pleased with such thoughts as they are sinful. Mind your own business: So, my friend, do not look at others. Look to yourself and look to God. Then, you will see what God has in store 22

for you. There is a beautiful verse in the Bible in1 Thessalonians 4:11, which says, “Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands.” Yes, that’s how it should be, dear friend. You should be diligent in the work of your hands and not spend your time, emotions and energy looking at others. I am reminded of the song “Count your blessings”, which goes like this, “When you look at others with their lands and gold, Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold. Count your many blessings; money cannot buy Your reward in heaven nor your home on high.” So, remember that you are serving the Lord, and He Himself is your exceedingly great reward. When you thus stay focused on God

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and mind your work, He will prosper you at the right time. 1 Peter 5:6 says so, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time.” Commit your way to the Lord: There are several ways that seem right in the eyes of man. But the Bible declares that only the way of the Lord will bring prosperity to an individual. It is important to recognise that God has a unique path for each person. The Bible clearly states that Jesus is the way, and He will go before you, making all crooked paths straight. He will remove any obstacles that would hinder you from reaching your full potential and set a clear path for you to follow. This path will lead you to higher ground and a place of peace and abundance. This is the way of the Lord for you, and it is crucial for you to embrace it wholeheartedly. To stay on the path of the Lord, it is essential for you to read the Bible daily, especially the New Testament. When you read your Bible every morning, God will set His eyes upon you, and He will guide you on the path you should take that day. As you read the scriptures, the Lord will speak to you through words, instances, or miraculous happenings. He will direct you towards the right way and offer you wisdom to make sound decisions throughout your day. Through a verse, He would cleanse you and make you feel renewed. He will also correct you when necessary and guide you towards becoming the best version of yourself. So, it is important to commit to the way of the Lord, for He has already made plans for your life. He has already charted out the path for you to walk on. He has plans to give you victory, a future with no harm, and a life of prosperity. Dear friend, trusting in Jesus is the key to

unlocking a bright future, and He will perfect everything for you and prosper you. When I gave my life to God at the very young age of 18, my focus completely shifted from others to Him. Since then, I have trusted in God every day, starting my mornings with reading the Bible and praying for Him to speak to me. Through this practice, I have been able to recognize the faults in my life and ask for forgiveness, leading to the cleansing of my soul. God has shown me through scripture what I need to do each day, and by laying my hands on specific verses and claiming the blessings for myself, I have been led to do exactly what He has spoken to me. He has taught me the things I need to study and has allowed me to complete multiple degrees, including a Ph.D. in management (Advertising) by the age of 26. Today, I am grateful to be able to run a University and speak to leaders and intellectuals with wisdom and prophesy, bringing blessings to our nation. I believe that God can do the same for you, my friend. Connect yourself with God by reading the scriptures and living your life based on them. By doing so, you can experience God’s prosperity in your life. This prosperity is not just limited to material wealth but also includes divine blessings that come with no sorrow attached (Proverbs 10:22). Whatever you do will prosper, and you will rise above everyone else. Remember, God is your good Friend Who will give you the grace you need to thrive. Let not your heart be troubled!

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es, Jesus branded Nathaniel as a truthful person and honest person. What a great blessing it is to be called so by Jesus! Jesus desires to call you and me as a truthful person in whom there is no deceit. This is what He wants to bestow on you this October! He wants to make you blameless and honest before Him and before the world. This month, will you ask God for a sincere and truthful spirit, a heart that values honesty, and a commitment to always speak the truth all the time and act


truthfully? The Lord desires that you will remain pure and honest and He expects you to maintain truthfulness in your words, actions and overall behaviour. This world may discourage you and try to persuade you that honesty and truthfulness won't take you very far. It may suggest that you will be stuck in the same place, lacking good luck in your career and unable to progress in life within the society. These challenges may tempt you to become dishonest and follow the ways of the world to achieve success. Still, the truth is that, by being dishonest, you might go a little further, but it will not last, dear friend. The gain will be temporary. It will be a

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mirage of a gain that does not last. If you grow because of your dishonesty, it will come back to bite you. It will come back to push you further down than where you were before. It will come back to you in some way, so be careful not to follow others in dishonesty. According to the Lord, “In His Kingdom, those who are truthful and honest in their actions and words will be rewarded.” Jesus has promised to reward those who are faithful with even little things by making them a ruler over many. Yes, the Lord longs to elevate you to a position of authority if you are blameless. Truth always leads to growth and prosperity, dear friend. A nation, organization, or company that abstains from corruption can still achieve high positions in society and the world. On the contrary, if they engage in corrupt practices, they will only invite misfortune upon themselves. Though they may gain something through such means, they will not have the peace or joy that comes from honest prosperity. There is indeed no rest for the wicked. Only God’s blessings bring wealth with no sorrow attached. Hence, it is only through honesty that true prosperity can be attained. Once, there was a businessman who wanted to construct a building for his company. However, due to environmental issues, he was denied permission to build on a beautiful piece of land. The land owner suggested he would sell the land if the businessman offered him a bribe. The businessman agreed, purchased the land and began construction. As time passed, this businessman became more dishonest and devised evil plans to dominate the market, and he was indeed successful for a brief period. But one day, another young entrepreneur rose against him and falsely accused him of wrongdoing, causing his business to collapse. The businessman was eventually

arrested, and his career ended. All he had achieved was lost. Dear friend, let us be cautious and avoid falling into the trap of dishonesty. God blesses those who are blameless and free from deceit. So, it is important that you and I strive to stand firm in the truth and walk in honesty. May you be filled with this spirit of truth and be blessed by the Lord both in this life and in the life to come.

PRAYER: Loving Father, I pray that You make me a truthful person. Help me always to be mindful of walking upright before You. May my words and actions reflect honesty in Your sight and before others. Grant me the wisdom to avoid the snares of the wicked, and may I always be wise before Your eyes. Lord, please help me to remain steadfast in truth and faithful even in the smallest tasks, so that I may make You proud as my Father. May You say of me that I am Your child and that there is no deceit in me. Thank You, Lord, for this grace. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

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Offering prayers for children and youth is crucial in today’s society where they face immense stress and burdens. It is the key to their success in life and enables them to overcome the challenges and temptations of this world. The Dhinakarans and prayer intercessors have dedicated themselves to praying for the Young Partners every day. The blessings brought to the Young Partners through these prayers are countless, and we receive numerous testimonies of their impact.

BLESSINGS FOR YOUNG PARTNERS * At the Prayer Tower, prayer intercessors will pray daily for the young partners, mentioning their names and asking for divine blessings as mentioned in the plan. * Special prayers for Birthdays, Birthday greeting cards, and YPP certificates will be sent to our Young Partners. Additionally, personal prayers will be offered by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran during Partners’ Meetings. Here’s a testimony from a Young Partner in his own words:

ENJOYING FINEST BLESSINGS I am a Jesus Calls Young Partner and TV club member. I was employed as a software engineer in Bangalore with a monthly salary of Rs.27,500/-. Unfortunately, some of my senior colleagues began treating me offensively and ultimately, I felt compelled to resign without securing another job, leaving me with no income and facing criticism from my relatives. After three months, I contacted Jesus Calls for prayer support. Following this I was thrilled to receive an offer letter with a salary of Rs.41,666/- per month, for which I am very grateful to the Lord and to the Dhinakarans. - A. Sharath, Bengaluru

REGISTER YOUR CHILDREN TODAY IN THIS DIVINE PLAN AND LET THEM ALSO EXPERIENCE THE POWER OF PRAYER IN THEIR LIVES, RECEIVING THE CHOICEST BLESSINGS FROM GOD! If you are a Young Partner over the age of 21, you are most welcome to stay connected with us and contribute to other Jesus Calls facets to bless others. SUPPORT THE MINISTRY EACH MONTH AND REAP YOUR BLESSINGS Mr./Ms........................................................................................................................................................................ E-Mail ID: ....................................................Mobile:........................................... WhatsApp...................................... Please send your photo to with your name, date of birth and mobile number. This is required to make your YPP certificate more customised. You could enroll your child as part of the Young Partners Plan for a suggested one-time donation of US$300 or US$30 per month for 10 months or as per the leading of the Holy Spirit in your heart. DETAILS ABOUT HOW TO DONATE PLEASE GIVE ONLINE THROUGH (or) visit or send your offerings to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to


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On August 30th, 2023, a Special Day of Prayer was held at Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower to pray for God’s peace to descend on the state of Manipur. Many church leaders and hundreds of pastors from different denominations came together and poured their hearts out in prayer for Manipur. Youngsters from Manipur sang a special song in their native language and presented videos depicting the tragic outcome of the riots in Manipur, which touched the hearts of those who had gathered. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran then shared God’s prophetic word, reminding everyone that blessings can arise from persecution and that revival often begins in times of hardship. He encouraged everyone by emphasising that just as the Lord Jesus rejoiced in His suffering, we as believers, are also called to rejoice so that there will be a great multiplication of souls. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran also ministered God’s word, offering three blessings for the people of Manipur and for those gathered: the Lord's name upon them will be feared by all, they will be protected by the Lord himself as a wall of fire around them and be glorified by Him and nothing of theirs will be taken away but instead they will multiply quickly like the sands of the seashore. The people were inspired and strengthened in their faith, sure of God’s deliverance for Manipur. Sis. Stella Dhinakaran offered special prayers for the people who are undergoing persecution and for the state to be restored to normalcy. All glory be to God. Jesus Calls | October 2023 |


These days, strife, confusion, restlessness, divisions, rifts, bitterness and lack of blessings are rampant in the worldly life as well as in families. The Bible clearly tells, “The enemy has made me dwell in darkness” (Psalm 143:3). Just a little more time! The coming of the Lord is incredibly close! So, the devil is trying to pull as many people as possible to his side by creating confusion and chaos in families. Even churches also have no peace because of various discriminations. Perhaps you, too, are filled with worries and burdens, with no peace in your heart. Here, let’s take a closer look at the Lord’s divine counsels concerning this! “You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You…” (Isaiah 26:3) This is the ‘Perfect peace’ given by the Lord. Whoever is filled with burdens and worries, today, the Lord is going to fill you with His perfect peace. Perhaps you have no peace in your family, work-spot or ministry. The Lord will change all such darkness in your life and grant you His perfect peace! How to receive this perfect and divine peace? – Let us see!

He, whose Mind is Stayed on the Lord It is necessary that every one of us have the life of holding on to the Lord firmly. The Lord says in Psalm 89:20,21, “I have found My servant David; with whom My hand shall be established.” Our hand should be established with the Lord in order to receive His perfect peace. The Lord is watching how our life is. Hence, we need to be firm in trusting Him, seeking Him and in loving Him. Whatever we do, it should be done for the Lord faithfully. We need to be ‘joined to the Lord’ and increase in His works (I Corinthians 6:17). This is the only way for us to receive the Lord’s perfect peace. David held on to the Lord firmly, even when he was young. That’s why he could strongly say, “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want” (Psalm 23:1). Also, in Psalm 18:1&2, we see him clinging on to the Lord more and more, saying, “I will love You, O Lord! You are my strength; my rock; my fortress and the horn of my salvation.” My dear child of God, the foundation for this ‘perfect peace’ is the experience of holding on to Him firmly, proclaiming, “The Lord is my shepherd! My Friend! My Counsellor!” Hence, examine yourself by asking, “Do I have the Lord as my foundation? Is He my Rock and the Deliverer?” If not, pray to Him saying, “Jesus, I accept You as my Saviour; give me this glorious experience. I am full of shortcomings; please fill me with Your perfect peace.” Then, the Lord will surely give you this blessing. 28

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When my husband Bro. Dhinakaran and I started our family life, every day, we used to get up early in the morning and seek the Lord first, in all reverence. Only after this would we start doing other chores. That’s why the Lord chose us for His service. He has granted us the grace to shine for Him until this day. May the same grace shine upon you today! In Luke 19th chapter of the Bible, there is a man named Zacchaeus who was known as a sinner due to his strong lust for money and material possessions. When he came to know that the Lord Jesus was passing through his place, Jericho, he sought to see who Jesus was. The Lord is the One who searches our hearts. So, Jesus, understanding Zacchaeus’ heart’s desire, stood beneath the sycamore tree, where he was sitting right on the top. Jesus filled with compassion lovingly called him out by his name, Zacchaeus. Despite Zacchaeus' flaws and love for money, Jesus saw only the goodness in his heart. Hence, He invited Himself to Zacchaeus' home, saying, “Today I must stay at your house.” Here, Zacchaeus only wanted to see Jesus, but he received much more; the embrace of the Lord’s love! The same Lord is lovingly calling out to you as well and is inviting you today. He knows everything that is in your heart. When Jesus went to the house of Zacchaeus, He said, “Today salvation has come to this house.” Today, if you are in need of salvation, please ask the Lord for this priceless experience. His salvation will deliver you from all sins, curses, iniquities and transgressions. Yes, He will also adorn your house with salvation. Today, is your house filled with confusion and arguments? Are you overwhelmed with worries, responsibilities and sorrows? If so, call unto the Lord saying, “Lord, come to my house.” He is eager to step into your house and bless you. Once, a man who did not know the Lord got into huge debts because of his terrible addiction to alcohol. The family was on the verge of separation. His wife did not want to live with him anymore. This man could not bear it and lost all his peace. That time, he saw an advertisement saying, “Those of you, who are in problems and difficulties! Please come to this address! You shall receive the comfort of the Lord Jesus!” The address was that of the Jesus Calls


Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. He visited the Prayer Tower, and the prayer warriors warmly welcomed him and shared with him about the love of Jesus. They also prayed for him with tears. He was filled with joy! What happened? He was completely delivered from his alcohol addiction. His whole family was thrilled! The family, which was on the brink of separation, rejoined, and the Lord granted them a joyful life filled with peace. Dearly beloved, perhaps you have lost everything in your family and are languishing without peace! The Lord will deliver you today. He will grant His divine peace in your life. Hence, confess all your sins in the presence of God, accept Him as your Saviour and get filled with His perfect peace!

Blessed Life of Trusting the Lord Totally We read in the Bible, “Blessed is the man, who trusts in the Lord.” (Proverbs 16:20; Jeremiah 17:7) We also read, “Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You, in the presence of the sons of men!” (Psalm 31:19) Yes, great is the goodness that the Lord has laid up for those who fear Him and trust in Him. Today, do you expect good things from Him? “And He knows those who trust in Him” (Nahum 1:7). How much do you trust the Lord? Just think for a while! Or else, tell Him, “Lord, You alone are my hope; I have none but You” and hold on to Him firmly. Then, He will fill you with the benefits that you want. David said, “You are my trust from my youth” (Psalm 71:5). When he was a shepherd boy, he clung on to the Lord, sang songs for Him and had an intimate relationship with Him. How is your relationship with God? If you seek Him in godly reverence and trust, He will fill you with His great goodness.

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K i n g Saul keeps on chasing David in order to kill him. David has no place to stay safely; hence, fearing that he will be killed by Saul someday, he takes refuge with Achish, the king of the Philistines, who lovingly takes care of him. David, too, is discreet in his conduct. At this juncture, the Philistines gather to war against the Israelites. David and his men are at the rear of the army. King Achish trusts David and takes him with him. However, the princes of the Philistines wanted him to send back David, saying that he was an Israelite. Now, King Achish had given David and his family a place called Ziklag to reside. So, his family is staying there. However, when David goes with the Philistines for the battle, the Amalekites invade this place and capture David’s wives, children and their cattle; they burn the entire city. What a great shock for David! “Now David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters. But David strengthened himself in the Lord.” (I Samuel 30: 6) David, who trusted only the Lord, had to face a lot of suffering. As believers in God, we will also face afflictions, sufferings, and trials in this world. But even in the midst of all these afflictions, we should place our trust in the Lord, and strengthen ourselves in Him as David did. What happened to David following this? “And nothing of theirs was lacking, either small or great, sons or daughters, spoil or anything which they had taken from them; David recovered all.” (I Samuel 30:19) Since David had his full trust in the Lord and strengthened himself in Him, he recovered all that he had lost. My dear one, how strong is your trust in the Lord? Or is your trust partially in the world also? Or do you say with a strong conviction, “The Lord is sufficient for me?” The Bible beautifully says, “Cast your burden on 30

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the Lord, and He shall sustain you” (Psalm 55:22). Without prayer and Bible reading, ‘trust’ in God can never be formed in us. So, as the verses in Psalm 121:1,2 say, when we ‘lift up our eyes to the hills, from whence comes our help,’ our help will come from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. This world has no hope and is full of sickness, job problems, family hardships, afflictions and sorrow. The devil is walking about, seeking whom he may devour. So, let us fix our eyes ‘on the Lord, the Hills from whence comes our help’ and not on any man. He will surely change all your tears and sorrows into joy. In my life, in the initial days of my marriage, I was not that much devoted to God. However, when I saw my husband Bro. Dhinakaran’s experience of salvation, the Lord, gave me a godly fear. Both of us started our married life in the fear of God. We had regular prayer, Bible reading and personal prayer as well. My husband would go to the office only after spending 2 hours with the Lord every morning. At this time, I had a miscarriage in the third month. Next time, I had a stillborn child. Everyone mocked us, saying, “You’ve been so devoted to God! Why these sufferings for you? We are all doing well…” But we continued to cling to the Lord’s feet and placed our full trust in Him. Our hope was not in vain. After this, the Lord blessed us with two children. Dear one, instead of reprimanding and blaming one another, if you both – as husband and wife – join together to pray with one accord for everything, the Lord will change you into a blessed man/woman.

Keeps you In Perfect Peace The Lord wants to give you perfect peace and bless you. “Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.” (Hebrews 13:20,21) Our God is the God of peace. In Ephesians

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4:3, we read, “…endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” In that case, when the bond of peace comes in you, there shall be unity in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit gets united with us. Without the filling of the Holy Spirit, there is no life for us. “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” When the Spirit works in us, we get delivered from all unwanted things such as anger, resentment, etc., that are brought on by the devil and are filled with perfect peace. Just as we are at peace with God, we should also be at peace with others. The Bible says, “If it is possible, live peaceably with all men” (Romans 12:18, Hebrews 12:14). So if you are not on speaking terms with a family member and aren’t expressing love, confess it to the Lord. Humble yourself before Him, saying, “Lord, lead me by Your Holy Spirit to walk in the ways pleasing to You; I forgive all those whom I find lacking; I dedicate myself to be peaceable with them.” Then, perfect peace will fill you. Nothing can be compared to that joy. In the Bible, we read about a woman called Anna in Luke 2:36,37. She was a young widow. Today, some women who become widows live in tears, concluding that their world is over. When I lost my husband, I did feel as if the whole world had turned dark. But when I sought the Lord, the Holy Spirit started speaking to me. Who is the Holy Spirit? The Lord is the Spirit (II Corinthians 3:17). This Holy Spirit spoke to me just as how a person would speak. When I thus obeyed Him, He removed all the worries and burdens in me. I got strengthened in the Lord and began to arise and shine for Him. I have been alone for the past 15 years. Yet the Lord is leading me wonderfully, without any lack. In the same way, instead of sitting at home and crying her heart out, Anna went to the temple, seeking the Lord’s presence. There, she committed herself to Him in His presence and fasted and prayed day and night. When she thus sought the Lord, He filled her with His Holy Spirit and transformed her into a prophetess despite her previous lack. The Lord Jesus Calls


will transform you also, in the same manner. Therefore, we should ask Him to fill us also with His Holy Spirit. The Lord, who has promised, “I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh,” will surely do it for you. In our family, there were days when we did not know anything about the glory of the Lord’s salvation and the filling of the Holy Spirit. However, we regularly attended church and did many godly things. At that time, the Lord came seeking us. He first saved my husband. After that, He saved all of us, one by one. He filled my husband with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Nobody knew anything about the anointing. But when my husband Bro. Dhinakaran read Acts 10:38, which says about God anointing Jesus with the Holy Spirit and how He went about doing good. He waited for 7 long years and prayed incessantly to receive this experience. Accordingly, the Lord filled him with His mighty anointing in an immeasurable way. Today, the Lord, has filled our whole family with His Holy Spirit and is leading us wonderfully in His ministry. “If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him.” (Luke 11:13) Accordingly, when you ask the heavenly Father, He will surely grant you His Holy Spirit. Will the Lord, who promised, ‘In the last days, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh,’ fail to do so? He will fill all those who desire for the anointing of the Holy Spirit. When ‘that which is perfect’ comes, the Lord will give you perfect peace. ‘Cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you’ and get filled with the anointing. As a family and as an individual, seek the Lord and look up to Him with firm trust in order to receive these glorious blessings. “The young lions lack and suffer hunger; but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. (Psalm 34:10)

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