Jesus Calls | July 2015

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Jesus Calls +6-:

Freedom from

S o r r o w

Straight from my Heart

Ques on and Answer

Prayer Tower Tes monies

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All dona ons are eligible for Tax Deduc ons. Jesus Calls Interna onal is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organiza on. 3


#KadapaPrayerFes val In Kadapa, The Holy Spirit moved migh ly among everyone who came seeking the Lord as the Word of God was shared July 3rd through the 5th.

Sis. Padhma was suffering with pain in her en re body and was totally healed when the Lord called her name through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran.

The Lord called the name Sunil and healed him from his skin disease and revealed that he will be successful in his studies. 4

P R AY E R “May God bless this nation and may there be great righteousness, peace and joy of the Holy Spirit. I pray that this blessing will come upon all who live in this great land. As we humble ourselves before you God, and pray, turn your face toward us, your people, and let your love be poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Give us the grace to be the humble, never judgmental, never critical. Heal our bodies, souls and family relationships. Let prosperity come into our families and homes, as we are transformed into your image. Thank you Lord as we give you all the glory, in Jesus name we pray, Amen.” -­‐Dr. Paul Dhinakaran 5 6 7 8 9

Holy Land Fall Tour 2015 October 13th through 22nd

Join Dr. Paul and the Dhinakaran Family for a tour of a life me! Visit the Holy Land and walk where Jesus walked with the Dhinakarans in prayer.

T I S I 6 the Garden of Gethsemane

the Dead Sea

the Western Wall

AND MUCH MtE§ 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18

Ministry  Report


Jesus Calls' Prayer Towers are established across the globe to comfort, heal and help the needy. Millions get in touch with the Prayer Towers and receive blessings in life. It is our desire to reach out to every part of the world so that not one soul will go unblessed. Read some of the tes monies from our Dallas Prayer Tower below. 20

Our Progress UFTUJNPOZ

from several whose lives were changed

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A first me viewer called to say she was flipping the channels, saw Jesus Calls and Immediately felt the presence of God and has been crying because of His presence! -­‐ Prayer Partner Rosa Reports Viewer from Chicago, did not want to call. while watching the show. Towards the end while the broadcast the number froze on the screen and she made a decision to call and recieve prayer from suicidal spirit. She was set free and lives as a tes mony because of God’s Miraculous Grace! -­‐ Prayer Partner Michelle Reports



As we rebuild our studio, and aquire new equipment for HD broadcasitng, partner with us as we grow and are able to maximize our reach to millions more represen ng the gospel in excellence. visit for more info. 20

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