Jesus Calls International July 2019

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The Lord will dwell with you, so that the home where you live will be filled with His presence throughout this month of July. The happiness and great joy found in His presence will abound in your home, in each one of your family member’s life and also in your neighbours through you. I wholeheartedly praise the Lord for you as you are going to be His witnesses in this month by taking forth the Lord’s happiness and joy to others (Psalm 36:8; Acts 1:8).

Work nearing completion “Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; bring an offering and come into his courts.” Psalm 96:8 As we have stated in the previous issues, the extension works at the Ghatkopar Prayer Tower in Mumbai are nearing completion. Renovation work was carried out for the Prayer Tower as it was not in a condition to properly minister to the people due to the damage caused to it by heavy rains in 2017. Proper arrangements are made to conduct meetings and to give counsel to people who visit this renovated Prayer Tower. Likewise, construction works of the Prayer Tower at Frazer Town, Bengaluru are being carried out at a fast pace so that it would be 4

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completed within 2 months. I lovingly request you to continue in prayer for these construction works of the Prayer Towers as well as lend your support financially as the Lord leads you. Details regarding how to send in your offerings can be found in Page10 of this issue.

Technology based Prayer Tower Ministry “...and every willing man skilled in any craft will help you in all the work. The officials and all the people will obey your every command.” (1 Chronicles 28:21) Thousands of people come in person to these prayer towers every day. They receive prayer assistance by contacting through telephone. They send prayer requests through letters, e-mail, sms and also via social media channels like WhatsApp and Facebook. We pray for all these requests and send our replies. In times where technology is developing at a rapid pace, we are organizing Omni Channel Prayer Tower service to render prayer assistance in a proper way for the people who contact us through various media. Likewise, we are extending our ministry so that all the prayer services function in 10 places across India. Do remember this extension work in your daily prayers. Specially pray for the Lord to protect these works so that no technological difficulty or financial constraint hinders them.

Apostle of Love’s Birthday "Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations.” Isaiah 42:1 My loving father and the Lord’s Apostle of Love Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran’s birthday falls on 1st of July. On his birthday, I praise the Lord along with you for the bountiful ministry that the Lord did through him and the countless souls that

were touched through him. By the grace of God, this ministry has expanded to this level because of the obedience of one man and through the support of loving partners like you. Each day, thousands of people taste the love of the Lord through this ministry and prepare themselves for His coming. Moreover, kindly pray that the Lord should give the needed grace, health and power to each member of our family so that we may continue to fulfill this ministry, by His will, in accordance to the vision give to my father.

Digitization Work Digitization work is going on to increase the quality and also to digitally store the messages and songs of my father and our family. We are purchasing modern equipments in this regard. Since these songs, messages, testimonies which were recorded under old technology are being converted as per the modern technology, we are able to use them for television programs, publishing as books and as research work concerning the ministry as well. We are planning in such a way that many more will be blessed through this in a better way in the future. Please pray for this work. This will be of immense help to lead this generation as well as the future generation to the Lord through the messages given by the Apostle of Love. You can come forward and support this ministry through your offering.

Gaja Cyclone restoration work “Comfort yourselves together, and edify one another” (1 Thess. 5:11) Tamil Nadu’s delta districts of Thanjavur, Nagapattinam and Pudukottai had experienced great disaster due to Gaja Cyclone in November 2018. - July 2019 JESUS CALLS


You can send your donations every month and through your support, millions of people will hear God’s word through television programs, Prayer Festivals and Prayer Towers and so on, and God will bless you.

In these districts, rebuilding as well as restoration works were carried out in 100 churches which were completely destroyed or damaged due to the storm. Out of these, restoration of 74 churches are completed and handed over and 26 churches are nearing completion. As partners, you encouraged us to do these works with your generous offerings and I thank the Lord for you. People will be worshipping the Lord in the renovated churches through your offering. Let us join together and praise the Lord for this wonderful relief work. The Lord will surely grant you the reward for this cause.

Karunya Educational Work “And in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm.” (Daniel 1:20) The convocation ceremony of Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences (deemed to be university) will be held on the 6th of this month. A total of 1921 students are to be conferred with degrees in UG Arts, Science and Technology courses, PG courses, M.Phil., and Ph.D. Earnestly pray for these students who having completed their studies are stepping out into the world. Continue to remember them in your prayers so that they would be Daniels, Josephs and Esthers according to the vision granted to my father by the Lord and bring glory to His name by shining in this world. Do remember and pray for ‘Jesus Calls’ Magazine ministry in your


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everyday prayer. The financial need in this regard is too great andthe souls touched by this ministry are too many. Continue to support this ministry through your offering so that this magazine ministry will be a blessing to many others.

Dates to remember As mentioned earlier, this month on July 1st is my father’s birthday and July 15th is my son Samuel’s birthday. Added to these, July 21st is my spiritual birthday when I gave my life to Christ. On July 12th the Jesus Calls Institute of Power Ministry was started and on July 25th the Young Partners Plan was initiated. Even today you can become a Young Partner to have prayers being offered for you every day in the Prayer Tower, for you or your children. You can give any offering and enrol yourself or your children in the Young Partners Plan; you can enrol your children from the time they are born until the time they are married, and when you give an offering of five thousand rupees we will send you a beautiful certificate. You can send your donations every month and through your support, millions of people will hear God’s word through television programs, Prayer Festivals and Prayer Towers and so on, and God will bless you. For more details on YPP enrolment, see inside pages. According to the Bible verse, “You have multiplied the nation and increased its joy; They rejoice before You according to the joy of harvest, as men rejoice when they divide the spoil ” (Isaiah 9:3) the Lord will increase your joy throughout this month. The Lord will bless all the works and toils of your hand. I pray to the Lord that His hand will be with your children in their studies and in all their efforts, strengthen them and grant them success. Your loving brother who prays for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Absolutely perfect We were praying for our son P. Jasper Raj Prajyothchand for a “God fearing bride� who is also simple and willing to relocate to Netherlands with her spouse. We came to Dr D.G.S. Memorial Prayer Tower, Adyar and enrolled him in the True Friend matrimony services. On the same day our prayers were answered with the perfect partner Ms. Blessina Nancy, a True Friend Matrimony partner. The marriage beautifully took place on 8th May 2019. We received many responses from our family members and friends of how beautiful the ceremony was. All glory to God. - Dr. P. E. R. Premchand, Chennai

Whatsapp: 75500 14747 Email: Address: #144,Moore street, Chennai - 600 001. - July 2019 JESUS CALLS


My precious friend, May God’s abundant blessing be upon you this month and cause to shine His face upon you. I pray that whatever you do, may it be blessed by His mighty power and you may see a great increase in every area of your life. May every aspect of your life flourish, earnings be multiplied and God’s peace prevail over your borders. This month for our meditation, let us look in to Psalm 16:11, which says… “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

Fullness of joy awaits you In Jesus, everything is complete! There is nothing but fullness in His presence; fullness of joy and eternal pleasures. He is all set to grant you these. But what are we supposed to do to inherit such fullness? Well, the verse tells us the way as well! All we are expected to do is to choose life and not death. We choose death, as we choose


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sin. We choose death, as we choose lust. We choose death, as we choose pride. God simply wants our lives to be with life. Dear ones in Christ, I say again, choose life, choose righteousness and experience the fullness of joy. Let me take you to Genesis,

the beginning. Genesis 1:27 says “God created man in his own image”. Ezekiel talks about God being made of fire and was like molten metal till His waist (Eze. 1:27; 8:2). We see a tremendous light shining around Him. According to John 4:24, God is Spirit. Yet He has a form. My father had the privilege of seeing God! He was a 17 year old boy back then. In a fleeting moment as the glory around Him moved, he saw God was simply like silver! Yes! He has a form, the very form in which He has created man. So was Adam, full of brightness. He remained so, until Satan deceived them and made Adam and Eve fall due to disobedience. Today Hollywood movies simply curse the name of Jesus with every breath. They even find delight in doing so. Most of all, the world never fails to honor such ones with awards and acclamations. Man’s pride simply provokes him to act lustfully against the tenents of the Bible. Highest bodies of the world honor man for decrying God. Adam and Eve were deceived by their pride to become just like God. Today, we see the stars of the world doing just that. But we often see them miserably ending their lives because of the emptiness within. This is how precious lives go in vain for no reason. When somebody steps up to talk about their sins out of burden and love, they don’t hesitate to call them “haters”. Pride and simply pride does this to a soul. Let’s stop ourselves from playing with God, the consuming fire. Of course, God is good but the fire in Him shall consume the ones who resist Him. This rule applies to everyone, including me. Nobody is holy. We need to humble ourselves. Adam and Eve, due to pride, had the audacity to think of becoming God-like which led to their downfall. It wasn’t God who defiled them but sin did and made God’s glory depart from them. The fire in them was gone. The brightness was gone. They

became naked and darkness surrounded them, exactly like when Jesus cried on the cross.

Our only hope Our loving Saviour became naked on the cross and cried out, “My God! My God! why have you forsaken me?” He gave Himself to redeem us from darkness. We have become naked because of sin. Out of fear, Adam and Eve hid themselves of their nakedness. Perhaps, you’re hiding behind liquor, behind lust, behind hatred or behind your community today. My beloved friend, when Adam and Eve hid themselves out of fright, God came in search of them and called them and said, “Where are you Adam? I created you in My image. Where have you gone and what have you become?” But they never repented. God had to create clothing for them. That is exactly why He created skin, for all men to cover their nakedness, to cover their loss of God’s glory. This skin (body) is full of lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life. Because of lust, man was thrown into the very dust where Satan is. Man and Satan had to be in the same dust. Even today, our plight remains the same. As Genesis 3:17 says, “Man toils in the ground, but only thorns and thistles are born, and there is sweat all through the life of man toiling.” Hence, Satan had authority over man’s soul even after death. He was with man on the earth and even after a man or woman died, Satan had power over their souls.

Don’t hide behind the lust of the flesh. Open your heart for Jesus. He shall wash and transform you. And you shall experience the joy of God’s presence in this world.

In John 14:30 Jesus said, ‘Satan is the prince of the world’ and in John 10:10, ‘He has all the power to steal, to kill and to destroy’. Satan had all the power over man. Even now - July 2019 JESUS CALLS


if you are sinful, Satan has power over you, power over your soul. As man disobeyed and there was no forgiveness before Jesus, Satan had the power over the souls of the wicked as well as the good on the earth. The soul of man that remains wicked even after death shall be taken to hell. But the spirit of the good shall be taken to paradise. There is a huge wall, a great gulf fixed between both places. Luke 16:26 tells us that there is a great gulf fixed so that those who want to pass from hell to paradise cannot and those who want pass from paradise to hell cannot; there is a division between both. According to 1 Samuel 28:12 -15, we see Satan could as well have control over the souls of the good. But then God came into the world, taking the form of flesh, simply to save you and me from the power of the devil. Hebrews 2:14 - 15 says that Jesus went to the cross and gave His life for every one of us. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sins (1 John 1:7.9). Today we have hope. Jesus went to the grave and then to paradise. 1 Peter 3:18 - 19 says so, because without the person being cleansed from


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sins with the blood of Jesus Christ he or she cannot go to live with God in heaven, and so as He preached, they turn to God accepting the blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse their sins. The Bible says in Matthew 27:53, when Jesus rose up from the dead on the third day, these souls of the righteous who were under the bondage of devil in paradise also rose up and went with him to Heaven. Even today you shall experience the same joy on earth. Just ask Jesus to wash you with His blood. Give up your wicked ways. Don’t hide behind the lust of the flesh. Open your heart for Jesus. He shall wash and transform you. And you shall experience the joy of God’s presence in this world. He says, as you stay faithful in small things, He will make you ruler over many. Praise God for this hope. Turn to Jesus today. “Father, we pray for thy children. We pray for ourselves. Lord, keep us under the blood of Jesus Christ so that we shall be glad and enjoy the eternal pleasures in this world and in the world to come. Bless thy children this month, and make them prosperous. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Prayer intercessors from various states take turns to pray and prophesy day after day, raising intercessions in multiple languages and seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit for God’s blessings on our nation. They stand in the gap praying for the rulers of the nation and policies of the government 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days of the year. God confirms the prophetic declaration thereby honouring the prayers of His servants. I. Prophetic declaration by a prayer intercessor: • The Holy Spirit incited me to prophesy that drugs will be seized and drug businesses will make losses - 19th May 2017. • In the name of Jesus, I declare the drug smugglers who are supplying drugs to youngsters and school students to be caught by the police - 1st October 2018

The prayer intercessors at the National Prayer Tower, Delhi are richly blessed in their personal lives as well. Here is a testimony of a payer intercessor... On the very first day of the prayer, a golden colour fire came upon me and I could see a host of angels surrounding me. On one particular day, during the prayer time, I felt as though I was flying above a particular state in spirit and praying for it. I thank God for these rich experiences. All glory to God. - Florence Theodore, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore II. Prophetic declaration by a prayer intercessor: • God says that in the next two years, plastic will be totally avoided - 30/08/2015 Prophetical fulfillment: Source: The Hindu - 12/05/2019

Prophetical fulfillment: Source: The Hindu : 09/04/19 COME AND BE A PART OF THIS GREAT MISSION. You too can be blessed and be a blessing to the Nation. IF YOU WANT TO COME, STAY AND PRAY FOR FIFTEEN DAYS OR A MONTH, CONTACT: Director, National Prayer Tower, 5th Floor, 16, Pandit Pant Marg, New Delhi-110001 Phone: 8826340044 / 8826340033 Email: Website: OR the Prayer Tower in your area Scan the QR Code to know the details to be a prayer intercessor at the National Prayer Tower, Delhi

105th batch of prayer intercessors - July 2019 JESUS CALLS


I’m Pastor Gunasekar. My wife Harit, our children Susan, Chrisma, John and I were residing on the outskirts of Moodbidri, Mangalore. We were into God’s ministry since 1990. Sketching portraits was my profession when I was young. I used to draw pictures for calendars and movies. I had the habit of selling my pictures in Sivakasi. It so happened that my younger sister lost her husband within three days of her marriage. My family called her ‘blemished’ and since they did not take the right decision 12

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about her life, I left the family with agony in my heart. I wasn’t saved back then and did not know the Lord. I stood against the servants of God and even chased them off my locality. One day, I was traumatized by the burdens of my sins and of the problems in my life. I simply couldn’t go on like this. That’s when I contemplated suicide. I bought a bottle of poison and hid it. I met all my family members for the

at me. Feeling helpless, I left

last time and just as I was about to

the place that day.

have it and end my life, I happened to

I was given a small radio in my

hear a song; it went like this in Tamil

company. As I was surfing

“Sornthu pogaathae manamae

through stations, I heard the

sornthu pogaathae” (it means "Don't

“Jesus Calls” song. I began

be weary O my soul"). The song

listening to the program. After

simply caught me off guard. Forget-

the song, I heard someone

ting everything about the poison, I

saying, “some are desperate

went in search of that radio. I found

and are frustrated. Some are

the source of the song playing on a radio in my

about to jump into conclusions that might lead

neighbor’s house who was a Kannadiga. I went

into unhappy endings but there is a way! Jesus

straight into the house and embraced the radio!

loves you! The Lord calls you right now regardless

The ones in the house were shocked and asked

of your caste or religion.”

me what was happening. I told them that the song had brought me there.

I wasn’t a Christian; nor did I belong to that community, but still those words comforted me!

That song simply wiped off my thoughts to kill

After listening to the full message, I came back to

myself! Wanting to go somewhere, I went to

my room. I thought of listening to the Sri Lankan

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. I joined in an Arts

Radio. It was my habit to listen to a serial at 6:15

agency as a helper and was promoted as its

pm. Radio serials were pretty famous those days.

manager within 3 months.

As I was tuning through eagerly, in the Sri Lankan

There again fear, anxiety, despair and frustration

Radio station, I heard someone saying, “you who

engulfed me. This time, I went to Lake Hussain

are in darkness! Come into the light. God loves

Sagar to commit suicide. On a Saturday evening,

you. I am the way, the truth and life. Guide the

as I was standing on a rock to jump, an old man, in

unfaithful into truth. Guide the ones in darkness

Telugu, asked me what I was doing. Feeling

into light. Guide the dying into life.” I did not

uncomfortable, I decided to jump after he had

know Christ back then; yet those words strength-

left. But rather leaving the place, he was gaping

ened me. That broadcast ended at 6:30 pm after - July 2019 JESUS CALLS


which I began examining myself. That was a Saturday and all of a sudden at 6:35 p.m, my room became breezy. I saw the window opening on its own. A snowy smoke enfolded the room and I saw Jesus! The sight was overwhelming; I did not know what to do. I did not know if I had to kneel down or to put the sign of the cross. He called me and shook His head. Before I could hold His hands, He disappeared! The peace that I experienced that night was the only thing I was longing for in my life. Joy filled my heart! I came to Bengaluru again.

school fee. My legs ache! Why didn’t Jesus give us the money?” As she asked me this, I went to the presence of the Lord and wept. I fasted and knelt down in prayer for many days yet the Lord did not provide for us. My children would often ask me why I was weeping. I would reply,“When you ask me something, I may not give it to you. But when you cry, I would get it done immediately. Isn’t it? I am also crying to Jesus, my Father”. One day, my kids came to me and said, “Daddy, a miracle has happened! Lord Jesus came into

I shared my experience with a person who was

our room! He asked us to tell you not to cry

working at a telephone exchange. He told me that

for He has sent the money we need”. I

those songs were sung by Brother Dhinakaran.

thought my kids were blabbering and ignored

I started going to a nearby church. Brother


Dhinakaran came to Shivaji Nagar, Bengaluru for a

But the next day as I got the “Jesus Calls”

meeting. I was listening to him from afar. I could not

magazine, I found a letter attached to it.

go near him. I was yearning to meet the glorious man

Usually an envelope and a money order form

of God.

would be sent with it for offering. Assuming

I started to work in Tamil Nadu from 1988. In 1990, a servant of God took me to a church in Mangalore where Brother D. G. S. Dhinakaran used to go. It was since then I started involving myself in God’s minis-

so, I opened the letter. But to my complete surprise, the envelope had a letter and a Demand Draft for Rs. 10,000! In that letter Brother Dhinakaran had written, “The Lord heard your prayer. May you and your children

try. I was a young pastor in a Tamil church in

be in peace. Spend the money for your

Moodbidri. I preached on streets and went through

children.” How great an experience! I treasure


the letter even today!

I got married and had two kids back then. As my

Immediately I kept aside Rs 1,000 and paid

children grew and began studying, the financial

the school fee. In 1999 I enrolled myself in

burden was too much for me to bear. I wasn’t even in

the Power ministry in the 26th batch. I spent

a position to pay the school fee when our third child

that 1000 rupees on that. I got the opportunity

was born.

to meet that man of God! By the grace of God

I came to know that Brother D. G. S. Dhinakaran

I was able to stay there for five days and know

would always have a cheerful face despite his nu-

about Jesus. Whatever he spoke seemed

merous difficulties. Similarly, I did not tell my constraints to anyone. One day, my daughter came to me and asked, “Daddy am I not God’s child? I was made to stand the whole day because I did not pay the 14

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exactly like the word from God. The mighty and glorious presence of God was there all the time. On that very day I got to speak with uncle D. G. S. Dhinakaran. As I sat near him, he

held my hands and spoke lovingly. He placed his

places. As Lord Jesus told Phillip, “Those who

forehead against mine and prayed. He prayed

believe in me will do even greater things than I

and prophesied, “let this son’s ministry prosper.

did” and as the power and grace of the Holy Spirit

Let him reach nations. Let him glorify the name of

came upon his dear son Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, the

the Lord, let signs and wonders take place”, and

“Jesus Calls” Prayer Towers are being established

blessed me by saying, “Don’t ask anything to anyone, ask God” and sent me.

in many places around the world through him. Through God’s grace a Prayer Tower has been

After that towards the end of 1999, exactly as he

established even in Jerusalem. By the grace of

had said, I went to Malaysia for the first time!

God when the prayer tower in Malaysia was

There again as brother had said, the Lord did

opened, I was there to witness the event.

miracles. According to the prophetical words, people who met with an accident and could not

I remember the day in my life when I was think-

walk started walking again; He made the deaf

ing about committing suicide, if I hadn’t heard

hear and the blind see. By God’s grace I went

the song, “Sornthu pogaathae” by Brother

abroad 15 times.

Dhinakaran on the radio I would have died.

In the past few days, something happened in my son’s life for the glory of the Lord. When he was a

Today I tell thousands about Brother D. G. S. Dhinakaran.

child, he started getting warts all over his body.

My wife has set up the Esther prayer group in

My wife applied the “Jesus Calls” blessed oil and

Moodbidri, Shimoga. It’s a great blessing indeed.

made a covenant with the Lord. She promised that she’d testify at the Jesus Calls meeting if our son gets healed. Even I was doubtful of the situation. But exactly within a week, all the warts

We make it a point to support this ministry through prayer. As we do so, we see our churches grow.

disappeared! We came to the Prayer Tower in

Many like Pastor Gunasekaran have been saved

Chennai as a family and thanked the Lord. Glory

by the ministry of Brother D. G. S Dhinakaran.

to God!

from death; and are living as testimonies. Even

When uncle D. G. S. Dhinakaran entered into

today Jesus Calls aims to make use of all the

glory, I was worried about the future of the

technological advancements to take the word of

ministry. When he was in this world, the “Jesus

the Lord throughout the nation. Please pray that

Calls” Prayer Towers were not seen in many

this ministry may continue to go on well. - July 2019 JESUS CALLS





7 16

Psalm 16:11 - Joy in God’s presence Meditation: Psalm 21:4-6; Acts 2:28; Eph. 3:19; Jude 24 Leviticus 22:32 - Lord makes you holy Meditation: John 17:17-19; 1 Thess. 5:23; 1 Peter 1:15,16 Isaiah 62:2 - You will see God’s glory Meditation: 2 Chr. 5:10-14; Isaiah 35:1,2; Ezek. 10:19; Acts 7:55,56 Psalm 81:10 - Lord will fill you Meditation: Exodus 35:30-33; Jer. 31:25; Luke 1:53; Acts 14:17 Ezekiel 36:28 - You are God’s people Meditation: Jer. 31:1; Eph. 8:10; 1 Peter 2:9 Exodus 33:19 - God will have mercy on you Meditation: Numbers 6:25; Isaiah 54:8,10; Eccl. 3:22,23; Micah 7:18,19 John 10:11 - Jesus, the good Shepherd Meditation: Psalm 23:1; Isaiah 40:11; John 10:14-16

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8 2 10 4 12 6 14

Psalm 2:8 - God gives what you ask Meditation: Matthew 7:8; Mark 4:24; 11:24; Luke 11:9; John 16:24 Joel 2:25 - God repays what you have lost Meditation: Genesis 14:14-16; 1 Sam. 30:8,19; Job 42:10-12; Jeremiah 30:3 Matthew 5:8 - Blessed are the pure in heart Meditation: Psalm 24:3-5; Heb. 10:22; James 4:8; 1 Peter 1:22 Luke 1:30 - Fear not Meditation: Gen. 15:1; Exodus 14:13; 2 Chr. 20:15-17; Matt. 14:22-27 2 Timothy 1:7 - God gives us spirit of love Meditation: Hosea 11:4; Romans 5:5,8; Eph. 2:4,5 John 14:6 - Christ our life Meditation: John 11:25; Romans 5:17; 2 Cor. 4:10; 1 John 5:11,12 Psalm 91:14 - God will keep you protected Meditation: 2 Samuel 22:3; Psalm 59:1; 107:41; Prov. 29:25







21 23


Genesis 12:2 - God will bless you Meditation: Deut. 9:14; Isaiah 66:22; Gal. 3:6-9 Exodus 9:16 - God is powerful Meditation: Deut. 7:21; 1 Chr. 29:11,12; 2 Chr. 20:6; Jude 24,25 Matthew 6:8 - God knows our needs Meditation: Matt. 6:30-32; 14:13-19; Mark 8:1-8; 1 Peter 5:7 Isaiah 41:9 - God has chosen you Meditation: 2 Chr. 29:11; Matt. 20:16; John 15:16; 1 Timothy 1:12 Jeremiah 1:5 - God has known you Meditation: Psalm 139:1,2; Nahum 1:7; 2 Tim. 2:19 Isaiah 51:12 - God comforts us Meditation: Psalm 94:19; Isaiah 49:13; Matt. 5:4; 2 Cor. 1:3-5 Psalm 91:16 - God will satisfy you Meditation: Ruth 2:1-18; Neh. 9:21-25; Philip. 4:18 Isaiah 49:15 - God will not forget you Meditation: Psalm 9:18; Isaiah 44:21; Eph. 6:10 Isaiah 43:2 - God is with you Meditation: Deut. 31:8 Judg. 6:12; Matthew 28:20; Acts 18:10 Leviticus 26:11 - God’s dwelling place in you Meditation: Exodus 25:8; 1 Kings. 8:12-14; Psalm 132:13,14; Rev. 21:3 Isaiah 49:25 - God will contend for you Meditation: 1 Samuel 24:15-20; Psalm 35:1; 43:1; Isaiah 51:22; Eph. 4:15,16 Zechariah 2:8 - You are secure Meditation: Exodus 23:20; Psalm 121; Prov. 3:26; Isaiah 52:12 Jeremiah 15:20 - God rescues you Meditation: Psalm 34:4-7,17; Isaiah 46:4; Jer. 39:17; 2 Cor. 1:9,10 Isaiah 60:15 - God will make you the everlasting pride Meditation: Psalm 119:111; Isaiah 35:10; 61:7; Hab. 3:18 Genesis 15:1 - God is our shield Meditation: 2 Samuel 22:31; Psalm 18:30; 28:7; Prov. 2:7 Jeremiah 29:13 - Seek God to find Him Meditation: Deut. 4:29; Prov. 8:17; Isaiah 55:6 Isaiah 54:17 - Weapon against you will not prevail Meditation: 1 Samuel 23:14; Joshua 1:5; Luke 21:15-18; 2 Tim. 4:17,18












(Wednesday) Special fasting prayers will be offered for your prayer requests in all the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers and the Dhinakarans will send prayerful replies for those requests. So hurry up! We invite you to SEND YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS THROUGH LETTERS, EMAIL, FACEBOOK AND WEBSITE Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Jesus Calls, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. E-mail: Website: Facebook: Dr.PaulDhinakaran/ - July 2019 JESUS CALLS


I am very happy to share my testimony about how



was born in this world with lot of hope from my parents. When I was 2 years old, my adenoid gland was surgically removed. During my preschool days, proleptic mouth and stammering delayed the development of my speaking skills. Further, my parents found that I am slow to learn subjects; that was later identified as a learning disorder. I used to write all the alphabets in an inverted manner. My teachers never gave any positive remarks about me in my studies. I had no close friends and I was all alone longing to make friendship with my classmates. In the midst of all these adversities, my parents recognised a God given talent - music - in me and trained me in western classical music. My parents were very keen in taking me to Sunday school and Church every Sunday. My grandmother used to wake me up early in the morning to read and meditate the word of God along with her. My parents dedicated me to God at the age of 1, just like Prophet Samuel. During one of the Sunday school retreats at the age of 10, I found my real Friend, Jesus and accepted Him as my personal Saviour. This was the first turning point in my life. God gave me wisdom and I started to be closer with Jesus. Jesus healed my stammering and learning disorder. He lifted me year by year in my studies. At the age of 13, Jesus put a thought in my heart, to be a missionary for Him. The different feedbacks confused me when I shared the thought with my close circle of friends and family. But later, I decided to be a missionary Doctor to serve the Lord. After the 12th standard examination, I wrote various medical entrance exams however I didn't clear any exams. Meanwhile, I was also curious about Biotechnology engineering in Karunya. I cleared the Karunya entrance exam and secured a seat in Biotechnology there. During my days in Karunya, I drew closer to Jesus through prayer cells and corporate worship sessions. God was edifying me with the word of God through the


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Kerala. It was another turning point in my life to understand God's calling. God revealed to me that I will be a Stephen (spreading love of Jesus with the anointing). His thought for me to be missionary for Jesus at age 13 was clear during my days at Karunya. When I passed out from Karunya, I understood that God had a purpose in bringing me to Karunya, to equip me to be a servant of God. I realised that the one in me (Jesus) is greater than the one in this world which was a great revelation. Therefore, I am more than a conqueror through Christ. Presently, my wife Deepthi Thomas and I live in Netherlands. God lifted me in my career and I am presently heading a Data science team in Netherlands for a life science company. I am also a co-editor of a health informatics magazine called "Data Basics�.

Faculty, Value Education department (DOVE). God gifted me a spiritual friend Sergin during my first academic day at Karunya. He was also instrumental in bringing me closer to God. During my 2nd year, I witnessed miracles from Jesus in the healing services conducted by DGS Dhinakaran uncle and Paul anna. One of the favourite song of DGS uncle "Nee illatha naal ellam" always touched my heart. I always encountered a compassionate God through his sermons. During one of the fasting prayer meetings by DGS uncle, God anointed me with the Holy Spirit and gave me the "Gift of Tongues". When I received the anointing, I was thirsty to have conversation with Jesus every day. The Holy Spirit started to interpret the word of God when I started to read the Bible with thirst. The more I became thirsty, the more love of Jesus started to overflow in me. Later, the Holy Spirit in me penned the lyrics and harmonised my first song of love for Jesus. With the anointing, I led worship sessions at prayer cells. In the third year, I started to share the word of God at prayer cells and also at the departmental prayers. Thereafter, God began to use me for Malayalam worship service. God gave a desire to few of my seniors for Malayalam congregation that resulted in an outreach camp at Charalkunnu in

Summary: I thought I would be of no use in this world during my school days. Fear always gripped me and I always landed in problems. Through these years, Jesus was trying to tell me that I (Nidhin) am not alone but Jesus will fight the battle for me. I still believe I am zero without Jesus. If I am proud of my achievements it is only because Jesus made me complete and took away my incompleteness (stammering, learning disorder etc) from me. I am waiting to hear from God to do a full- time ministry so that I may resign from my secular job in future. I believe that God makes all events in our lives happen according to His time. All glory to Jesus who is faithful in my life. He will do wonders in your lives too. - NIDHIN GEORGE JACOB, (2006-2010 B.Tech Biotechnology) NETHERLANDS

Enrol your children also in KARUNYA for a blessed future For more details: Address: Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore - 641 114, Tamil Nadu, India. E-mail: Phone: +91-422-2363636 Online: Toll Free: 1800 425 4300 - July 2019 JESUS CALLS


Sis. Evangeline Paul: A dear sister once wrote to me saying that the Lord has filled her family with goodness. Perhaps the Lord has done so due to her persistent prayers. But still she is worried about her husband who does not know the love of God. In a situation as such, the first thing we must do is to thank Him for all the goodness! We are in this world not for ourselves but for the Lord. As we begin praising, blessings shall naturally enfold us. My mother did exactly that. It was at the time when my father wasn’t saved. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran: There was no connection between your father and God. Your mother was a person of prayer but your father did not know Jesus at all. He did not know the love of Jesus. Sis. Evangeline Paul: But he was touched by the love of my mother. My mother used to fast and pray for my father persistently. My father took care of my mother and managed the affairs of the family pretty well. But he did not know the love of Jesus. God saved my father soon after as my mother made a covenant, asking God to choose one of us for His service. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran: It is dangerous to make such vows by ourselves. Some people would say, I will do this, I will do that. After that they will lament when they are unable to accomplish their vow by saying, “Oh, I am not able to do it, will God be angry with me”. If it is by the leading of the Lord, then you should make that vow. The Lord spoke to your mother, Evangeline, because the Lord had predetermined you. Your mother did 20

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Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul share their response to a viewer’s question that reads:


not know that. But since the Lord knew it, He spoke to your mother. Then your mother made a vow. Therefore do not make any vows like “If You transform my husband, I will do this or that” out of mere emotion. The leading of the Lord will arouse you. Then you shall make that and keep that vow. Sis. Evangeline Paul: Despite my mother’s agony due to cancer, she wept at the feet of the Lord for my father’s salvation. That very night, my father had a vision. My dad had not seen Jesus nor does not know how the face of Jesus would look like. So the Lord showed him D. G. S. Dhinakaran. All my father knew was the Jesus Calls ministry because my mother used to take us to the meetings. In his vision he saw D. G. S. Dhinakaran appa gently combing his hair with his fingers as my father was lying in his lap. It was then he realized God’s love. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran: At the time we did not know each other. Our parents did not know that we would get married. Sis. Evangeline Paul: As my mother’s condition worsened, ministers of God visited her every day and wept for her in prayer. My father realized the love of Jesus through those preachers who wept for my mother without any reason. What a mighty plan! Out of my mother’s sickness, he came to know of the love of Jesus! We admitted my mother in a hospital at Vellore. My father would kneel down and pray at the chapel in the hospital. God’s messages would be played through intercoms and my father used to listen to those. Only after the complete transformation of my father did the Lord chose me. My father did not love God but my mother did. She prayed incessantly. Psalms 127:2 says “In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat- for He grants sleep to those He loves”. All we do is wake up early, work and eat. But actually we are supposed to wake up early and pray. Even the husbands must rise up early and pray. Rather working all day for earthy benefits; love, pray together and rejoice. Praise God for your children and your wife. Let us stop grumbling and start praising the Lord for what He has given us. Ask God to reveal the needs of your family and He shall surely guide you in doing so. May the grace of the Lord be with you. May the Lord provide this divine guidance to all those who need this right now. - July 2019 JESUS CALLS


Instantly healed I had been suffering from piles every now and then for several years. Then in June 2018 I suffered from excessive bleeding. I was watching on YouTube, the Jesus Calls World Prayer Convention held in Jerusalem that month. Pastor Benny Hinn spoke and prayed powerfully. Many were getting healed and I was expecting a personal touch as well. Towards the end of the event, Bro. Paul Dhinakaran said a short prayer asking God for healing for all people. At that time I felt a pull in my guts; my hand trembled and I knew I was healed. I have not had any bleeding since then. It’s almost a year since I received this instant healing and I praise God for the Jesus Calls ministry. - Hepsie David, BANGALORE

Miraculous healing My husband and I were staying at my mother-inlaw’s house in Trichy. Suddenly in 2016, my husband developed an itching in his left leg. First it was only a little but gradually boils began to appear from his toe to the knee. We did not take it seriously and were just applying ointments etc. One day when he scratched it in his sleep, blood and pus came out of it. We then started medication in several hospitals but there was no improvement and his condition worsened. He could neither bend 22

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his knees nor walk. This situation continued for 4 months. I put all my burdens on the Lord, brought my husband from Trichy to Chennai and admitted him in a hospital. On examining him, the doctors said that the left leg is infected and it has to be amputated. On one side my husband was writhing in pain and on the other side I was weeping bitterly to the Lord, “Lord, do we have to remove the leg? What will I do? Will I be orphaned as I am childless?” In this situation I happened to read the Jesus Calls magazine and came to know that Dr. Paul Dhinakaran is praying for people at the Prayer Tower on 1st May 2018. Though the doctors were reluctant to discharge him, somehow I managed to bring him to the Prayer Tower with his leg bandaged. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed for him and gave us some advice and we followed them. Miraculous changes started to happen from then onwards. That night, as he was lying in the hospital bed, blue-ish green colour liquid mixed with a little pus came out of the boils and the swelling in his leg subsided. The next day his left leg looked as good as the other leg. This miracle happened exactly at the same time we prayed with Dr. Paul the previous day. Now it’s almost a year and both his legs are normal and he is fully healed; walks briskly; drives the car and does all the work. I made a vow to God that if my husband gets healed and walks normally, I will send him for any work in God’s ministry. Now he is assisting the Pastor in the church we attend. All glory to GOD. - Jena, Chennai

HIGH MARKS My daughter NEHA MARIAM SONY, is a Young Partner. She appeared for her SSLC exam in March 2019. Though she was the topper in her class, she was very much afraid to face the public exams. She was going through much stress and her confidence was wavering. She was very anxious about the exams and cried a lot. She was afraid that she would not get A+ in all subjects. Due to this anxiety she was not taking proper food as well. As a family, all of us were much worried about her and crying to God for her. We fasted and prayed and made a vow that we will publish her testimony in the Jesus Calls magazine. My sister in Chennai met Dr. Paul Dhinakaran in person and requested him for prayers. She also wrote a letter to him. In the Student's Exam Prayer Meet 2019 held in Chennai, she gave this prayer request on behalf of my daughter. We used to call the Prayer Tower often for prayers for our daughter. She used the prayer mentioned in the Jesus Calls exam prayer card. During exams she used to call the Prayer Tower for prayers. As a family, we visited Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower, Chennai on 16/04/2019. We prayed there and gave an offering. The prayer intercessor prayed for her with much burden and encouraged her. God heard all the prayers and blessed her with A+ in all 10 subjects. All glory to God alone! From the bottom of my heart I thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran & all prayer intercessors who prayed for her. - SONY JOSEPH, MANGANAM, KOTTAYAM, KERALA.

Now is the time to glorify God by sharing your success story through letter (Address: 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028) or email to

As part of SEESHA’s commitment towards Child Development, 30,000 school kits are distributed to children from underprivileged communities across India each year. Each school kit is a useful package with a school bag and over 14-essential stationary items like notebook, pen, geometry box, water bottle etc. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Founder – SEESHA, inaugurated this year’s school kit drive by distributing 1000 school kits to the children on 2nd June 2019. Education Scholarship assistance worth Rs. 20 lakhs for the poor and needy children across India, assistive devices to differently-abled people and sewing machines to 30 women trained under SEESHA's women empowerment program, were also distributed during this event. As we get ready to send 30,000 children in need to school this year, we invite you to join us in gifting the joy of learning. All it takes is a contribution of Rs. 500 to sponsor a SEESHA School Kit and help a child go to school, without poverty getting in the way! - July 2019 JESUS CALLS


convert old messages (Audio & Video) into reusable digital formats, we are as well collecting, digitizing and preserving the previously published editions of Jesus Calls magazine, photographs of Prayer Festivals, ministries, other events and so on. All compact disks with the songs of the founders and the audio/video cassettes with messages, God’s miracles and testimonies witnessed through the Jesus Calls ministry are currently being categorized respectively. These messages are sure to comfort and transform a plethora of broken-hearted individuals. This project involves huge investments of technical and financial resources. We thank God for all the loved ones who have wholeheartedly offered to this initiative. So far, 74,500 messages have been digitized and 6,500 messages are to be converted. 15,000 files have been segregated, coded and archived! All audio and video formats of the messages, prayers, and songs of the Dhinakarans are being digitized diligently. Invaluable messages that have comforted millions around the world are being preserved for the very blessing of the generations to come. The process of digitizing and restoring those data with cutting-edge technology is en route! As we 24

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Major technical investments involve the following: • Online post-production editing facility, equipped with online storage with 50 concurrent users. • Media Asset Management-MAM Software & Hardware, to integrate all the archived and current content. • Metadata labeling for categorization and classification for easy retrieval. • Automated LTO & ALTO Robotic Library.

Nearly 12,000 audio files and 62,500 video messages have been digitized so far by your generous contributions. 2,000 audio and 4,500 video messages are yet to be digitized. 15,000 digital files have been segregated, coded and archived. We encourage you to strengthen us further in this ministry so that you and your loved ones shall stay blessed along with the generations to come, through the Dhinakarans.

My support to the Digitization Project as led by the Lord (please tick)

As you contribute with all your heart, you shall by all means be blessed just like Brother Ragland who testifies as follows: “Although I was born in a Christian family, I did not experience salvation and was far from God. In 1980, in a meeting as dear Bro. Dhinakaran was speaking, I received God’s love. In 2000, I was led by the Lord to quit my Government job and involve into full time ministry. Our ministry is called “Jesus for you.” As I started serving the Lord, I made a covenant with God, asking Him to take me ahead in ministry without ever borrowing money from anyone. I enrolled myself to be a partner in Jesus Calls as I got saved through it. Just as I did so, the Lord started blessing my ministry and helped me to reach many countries to serve Him. I even made both my sons Young Partners. God graciously opened doors and made them study in Karunya University and they are shining in their spiritual lives as well. As I attended last year’s Partners Meet at Tambaram, I offered Rs 6000/- for the digitization of the messages of dear Bro. Dhinakaran. Upon accepting my offering, Bro. Paul Dhinakaran prayed and blessed me saying, “Lord, help him get this money back a hundred fold.” Within a week’s time as I was ministering, exactly as said by Bro. Paul, the Lord gave me back the money a hundred fold. The Lord who keeps His promises is indeed faithful and enables me to run my family without debts! Praise be to the Lord! I’m serving Him powerfully. Glory to God.”


My donation of Rs.500/- to digitize one audio message My donation of Rs.3,000/- to digitize one video message My donation of Rs.15,000/- to digitize five video messages My donation of Rs.30,000/- to digitize ten video messages I would like to make an offering of Rs.................../- to digitize ..........Audio / Video messages Simple ways to send your offering, kindly refer page 10 - July 2019 JESUS CALLS


The World Prayer Convention 2019 was held in the Jesus Calls Israel Prayer Tower situated on the 20th floor of the City Tower in Jerusalem from May 21-23, 2019 26

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We had 123 participants from the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Barbados, Australia, New Zealand & India. This year’s World Prayer Convention was unique in many ways. As the Bible says in Mathew 22:14, “Many are called but few are chosen”. Accordingly, we believe that every one of the participants gathered were clearly chosen as they sat at the feet of the Lord over the three days and allowed the Holy Spirit to minister to them. It was an apt topic and pleasant surprise to have Dr. Paul Dhinakaran in his sessions speaking about Tarrying with the Lord. As the participants had specifically come to rest in the presence of

the Lord, this topic resonated well with everyone. One session everyday was set apart to pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit on the people. As Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran led these sessions each day, there was a very powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit. As God’s strong anointing came upon her, many people were filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Secondly, this year, visits to important Biblical sites such as Shilo, Bethel, Bible Garden,Garden Tomb were woven into the schedule. This was to usher in the flavor of the Biblical event to the sessions of teaching and prayer.

On the second day evening at the conclusion of the day’s proceedings, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran & Sister Evangeline took time to lay hands upon each and every participant to prophecy and pray for God’s blessings in their lives. During this time, some of them who were unable to withstand God’s power that came upon them, fell down and received a time of refreshing as they got back on their feet. There was a great time of praise & worship everyday in different languages including Hebrew that the participants greatly enjoyed. God truly inhabited the praises of His people in

these worship times. The worship leaders were instrumental in leading the people in the praise of our awesome God. At the end of the Convention, people were so blessed that they didn’t have the heart to go back home. The upcoming World Prayer Convention in 2020 is going to be special. It will be during the third week of May, 2020 in Israel. If you have a desire to participate, please start praying and planning. God will enable you and provide everything that is required for the trip. Just trust God and He will fulfill the desire of your heart. Watch out for more details.

- Mr. Arun Thomas, Jesus Calls Global Director - International Ministries - July 2019 JESUS CALLS


“We are the proud partners of Jesus Calls ministries for quite a number of years. Our children, since childhood are Young Partners too. The Lord has blessed our children in all aspects of their lives through the Dhinakarans and through the incessant prayers of the prayer intercessors at the 24-hour Telephone Prayer Towers. In 2012 at the Partners Meet in Hyderabad, dear Brother Paul Dhinakaran prayed for my daughter Hamsika, who was doing her 2nd year in her Intermediate studies back then. He prophesied saying, “She is going to get a medical seat on a silver plate.” Soon after her studies, exactly as prophesied, she got placed in a medical college in Hyderabad. She has completed her MBBS with flying colours and is now preparing to pursue her post-graduation in the United States! Again in 2015, dear brother Paul Dhinakaran prophesied about my son Nishanth and said, “He is going to get the desired seat in college.” In the same year, he got placed in a medical college in Hyderabad, and now he is in the 4th year of his studies! The ever-faithful God fulfilled all the prophecies in the lives of my children who are the Young Partners of the Jesus Calls ministry and blessed them! I praise and thank God for dear Brother Paul Dhinakaran and the Jesus Calls Ministry. All Glory to God alone!” - Mrs. Manjula Charan, Hyderabad

Does this testimony resemble your exact situation? Are you awaiting admission results for graduation/post-graduation? Are you perplexed over choosing the right stream for you? There is always a Christ-centric perspective to every thing we do or plan to do. All we have got to do is pray and ask God to lead us. Do not let yourself to be afflicted by the worries of the world, for every Young Partner is being prayed for with zeal... For wisdom - “To the person who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness...” -Ecclesiastes 2:26 For protection - “He will command his angels concerning you to guard you carefully…” - Luke 4:10 For prosperity - “But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth...” - Deuteronomy 8:18 28

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Dear Parents, Make sure you enroll your children as Young Partners and see them stay blessed. They are the future leaders of the world and most of all, they are precious in the Kingdom of God. You shall enroll them even as they are born and they shall persist to receive the above mentioned perks till they get married. Fill the form below and send it back to us with a passport size photograph of your child. May your children be exalted and their future stay secured in the hands of The Lord.


Aren't you a Young Partner yet? If not, please register immediately and enjoy the following exclusive benefits:  The Dhinakarans would pray for you earnestly every day.  Prayer intercessors would call out the names of every young partner and claim the promise of the Lord as declared in I Chronicles 4:10. On completion of a minimum donation of Rs.5000/- a beautiful certificate with God’s promise will be issued.  A special greeting card from the Dhinakarans on your birthday.  A call from a prayer intercessor on your birthday to pray for you.  Daily promise through text message.

WITNESS GOD’S PROMISES BEING FULFILLED IN YOUR LIVES! For guidance of any kind, do not hesitate to reach us at 044 33 999 000

Beloved children, you are welcome to enroll as a Young Partner at any age and can stay so until you are married. Enroll by donating any amount. You may contribute regularly as per your convenience say, MONTHLY QUARTERLY HALF-YEARLY ANNUALLY Mr. /Ms.................................................................Date of Birth: ................................. Name of Father/Guardian........................................................................................... Address for Communication:....................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... City: .......................... Pin code: ............................. Mobile No:.................................. E-Mail ID: .......................................................... WhatsApp....................................... For more details: Website:  Toll Free: 1800 425 77 55 (7 am - 9 pm)  Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area  Email: Simple ways to send your offering, kindly refer page 10

Furthermore, Jesus Calls is gearing up to bless you further with spiritually nurturing activities and programs through the youth wing called 'UTurn'. UTurn is actively engaged in transforming young lives through various media into a lifestyle founded on the Word of God led by the Holy Spirit. They are trained to live a holy life, blameless in God's sight and to shine like stars as mentioned in Philippians 2:15. - July 2019 JESUS CALLS


Let’s be honest. We all know that one person who is continually negative. The person who never seems to be satisfied with anything or anyone. Negative people are almost always complainers, without fail. Worse, complainers are not satisfied in keeping their thoughts and feelings to themselves; instead, they’ll seek out some unwilling participant and vent.

Research shows that most people complain every one minute in a typical conversation. It is tempting to complain because it feels good, some might even seem to enjoy it. But like certain other things that people seem to enjoy--such as smoking-complaining is not good for us. Our brains love efficiency and doesn’t want to work harder than it has to (can we blame it?). So when you repeat a behaviour, such as complaining, the neurons branch out to each other to ease the flow of information. This makes it easier to repeat a behaviour in future and you might not even know that you’re doing it. So, your neurons grow closer together and the connections between them become more permanent. Scientists like to describe this process as, “Neurons that fire together, wire together.” Repeated complaining rewires your brain to make future complaining more likely. Over time, you find it’s easier to be negative than to be positive, regardless of what’s happening around you. Complaining becomes your default behavior. Something even more worrisome is that complaining damages other parts of your brain as well. A research from Stanford University has shown that complaining shrinks the hippocampus - an area of the brain that’s critical to problem solving and intelligent thought. Yikes!!! 30

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The solution to complaining cultivate an attitude of thanksgiving When you feel the need to complain, shift your attention to something you’re grateful for. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” No matter what situation you’re stuck in, there is always something to be grateful for. Did you wake up this morning? Be thankful for it. Many are struggling for life and didn’t get to see a new day. Secondly if you feel the need to complain, determine the outcome you’re looking for. If you can’t find a purpose, there’s a very good chance you want to complain simply for the sake of it. James 5:9 gives us a warning that says, “Do not grumble against one another, brothers, so that you may not be judged; behold, the Judge is standing at the door.” A suggested approach is solution-oriented complaining. Now solutionoriented complaining when you have a purpose in mind. This way you simply do not complain for the sake of it, rather bring to light your issue (complain) whilst suggesting measures that can to be taken to avoid further inconvenience. Be specific of what annoyed you and come to point of closure.

Your company matters Human beings are inherently social and so naturally and unconsciously our brain mimics the

mood of those we spend a lot of time with. This process is called neuronal mirroring and it’s the basis for us to feel empathy. On the flipside it makes complaining a lot like smoking--you don’t have to do it yourself to suffer the ill effects. 1 Corinthians 15:33 says, “Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character." Think about it like this--if a person was smoking near you, would you sit around them and inhale all the second hand smoke? No, you’d distance yourself from them. Same goes for the complainers. The moods and habits of the people who you hang out with will always have an influence on you. Use this opportunity to influence others rather than being influenced by them. It is easier said than done. But this is where the Holy Spirit steps in. He is also called a Helper for a reason. Let’s learn to use our words wisely. Whenever you open your mouth to speak, consider: is what I am saying going to build up my friends? Here’s an even better question to ask: Would Jesus say this?

Challenge If you realised that you suffer from this habit of complaining, I’ve got a challenge for you! Are you ready??? Head on to our YouTube channel right now and subscribe to receive spiritual encouragement that will help you to turn your life around! If you make a decision today and take up this challenge, you’ll see a difference in your life!

- Deepshikha Seymour - July 2019 JESUS CALLS


“Daddy, there is still time for Christmas but you have bought some baubles for the Christmas tree already!” shrieked John as he was ransacking his dad’s bag to find something to play with. “John, don’t shout. Look carefully. They are not baubles. I think they should be a variety of grapes from Africa. They look small and cute, right?! Just taste and see” said his sister Anita in her own nonchalant voice. “I think daddy has got a box of blueberries for us from Africa” said mom unpacking other suitcases.

“What do you mean by discernment dad? I’ve never heard of this at my school”, asked perplexed Anita.

With a desire to impart the essence of the subject, dad opened the Bible and “Oh! No” came an urgent voice from dad who continued, began to narrate the story of King “They are not Christmas baubles nor grapes. Neither are Solomon: “Two women lived in the same they blueberries.” “What are they then?” asked curious house. Both of them gave birth to baby John and Anita in a chorus. “They are fruits from a plant boys, one each. One woman accidentally called ‘Pollia’. They grow in Africa a lot” dad replied. lay on her baby and the baby died. So “Daddy, they are metallic and shiny”, said Anita. “Yes, they she arose in the midnight and took the are such beautiful irridescent fruits but with no nutritional other baby which was alive and laid it by her side.” value. Birds use them to decorate their nests”, said dad. “What happened to the dead baby?” Surprised, mom went into the kitchen to bring tea for everyone. Amidst the conversation came a cracking sound. asked John. John with great eagerness had opened the fruit. “Daddy, “She took her dead child and put it near look here! There is nothing but only seeds. It’s a cheating that other woman.” fruit.” Dad resumed and said, “What John said is true. It is a “That’s too bad. Cheating…cheating” said cheating fruit. It mimics the blueberries that grow in the John gripped by the story. nearby zone in Africa.” Dad continued, “Next morning, the “Why did you bring it then from all the way from Africa?” woman saw the dead baby in her bed queried mom sipping her tea. “Well, I heard God speaking and found it’s not hers. She decided to in my heart about how imperative discernment is, as I was present her case before King Solomon observing this fruit.” along with the other woman. Both of them thereby appeared before the King.”


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Meanwhile, mom served some African cookies. “How dare that woman who stole the baby to appear before the king!” wondered John but enjoying his cookie. “I think she would have put on a wailing face before the king like you often do before dad” chuckled Anita at John. Dad quieted them and continued, “Both of them claimed that the living baby was theirs. The king sought after God’s wisdom and discernment in his heart to make a just judgment. Then, he immediately commanded his soldier to bring a sword and ordered him to divide the child into two halves and give to each woman. “Cutting the baby??!! Dad, did they proceed with it?” asked John and Anita. “Before it could happen, the real mother pleaded the king not to kill the baby and to give the baby alive to the other woman. But, that cheating woman told the king to cut the baby into two” continued dad. “How cruel is she!” exclaimed Anita. “Now, the king discerned the real mother and handed over the baby to the woman who pleaded not to kill the baby.” Both gave a sigh of relief as they finished eating the cookies too. Mom interrupted and said: “Now I remember what Charles Spurgeon, a great preacher said: Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong but it is knowing the difference between right and almost right.” Anita and John glared at the metallic ‘Pollia’ fruit which had distilled a great lesson on discernment into their hearts. Both of them took it to their souvenir bank and they both prayed in their hearts saying: “Teach me good discernment and knowledge, for I believe in Your commandments” (Psalm 119:66) DEAR KIDS, the Lord invites you today to grow in His wisdom and discernment. Sit at God’s feet and ask Him to teach you good discernment as mentioned in Psalm 119:66.

Connect these dots and color them. Find out who Samson fought with and won! Write a suitable Bible promise verse in the lines given below. The best entry will get exciting gifts. PROMISE VERSE: ………………………………………………..................................... ……………………………………………….....................................

Hi kids, Are you afraid of your enemy? Remember that you are a child of the Lion of Judah. His power is inside you. You will easily win over your enemy. • Contestants aged 5 to 12 years can send your answer to JESUS CALLS, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 or simply scan your entries and send it to and state your full name, age, and gender. Your entries should reach us by 30th July 2019! • The winners names will be published in the September edition of the magazine. • While sending your entries, please send in your passport sized photographs too! - July 2019 JESUS CALLS


Through your prayers and support we have almost completed the renovation and are in the finishing phase. Works yet to be completed:  FRONT ELEVATION  AIR CONDITIONING & ACOUSTICS  FALSE CEILING & PRAYER ROOMS  ELECTRICAL FITTINGS AND PA SYSTEMS

ESTIMATED COST TO COMPLETE THIS IS RS. 75 LAKHS We need 75 people who can donate Rs.1 lakh each (or) 150 people who can donate Rs.50,000/- each (or) 300 people who can donate Rs.25,000/- each (or) 750 people who can donate Rs.10,000/- each COME FORWARD. TAKE YOUR SHARE TO SUPPORT AND COMPLETE THIS WORK. I am contributing: 1 Lakh Rs.50,000/Rs.25,000/Rs.10,000/Name:…………………….............................................................. Partner code (if you have):………………………. Address:………………………........................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... Pin code:……............……… Mobile 1:………......................…… Mobile 2............................... Email………………………………….....................

BUILD THE HOUSE OF THE LORD; THE LORD HIMSELF WILL ESTABLISH A HOUSE FOR YOU. (2 Samuel 7:11) To know the simple ways to send your offerings towards the Mumbai Prayer Tower renovation, please turn to page 10. 34

JESUS CALLS July 2019 -

promised in 2 Corinthians 6:16 ‘"I will dwell in them And walk among them. I will be their God, And they shall be My people". As we seek His presence everyday a take refuge in it, the most high God shall surely keep us away from all unfavorable situations and protect us (Psalm 91:1). “Surely the righteous shall give thanks to Your name; The upright shall dwell in Your presence” (Psalm 140:13)

In the beginning, when God created the world, He walked in the cool of the day with Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, whom He created in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:8). Since they disobeyed God, they were afraid of Him and hid them-

“Seek the LORD and His strength; Seek His face evermore!” (Psalm 105:4)

selves of His presence. Dearly beloved, how joyful would it be to stay in His presence! But the thing is, only the ones who please God shall enjoy

Our reluctance in seeking God’s pres-

God’s presence. The most delightful thing for the Lord is to

ence with Godly fear is the prime reason

dwell in us, His children! The true Christian life is nothing but

for our problems and lack of tranquility in

abiding in God just as how the branch abides with the vine (John

our families. To keep off untoward confu-

15:4,5). Yes, He shall grant His chosen ones, with the glorious

sions, as Proverbs 23:17 sets forth, it is es-

experience and the privilege of abiding with Him. He is ‘en-

sential that we be in the fear of the Lord all

throned in praises’ (Psalm 22:3). As we count our blessings

day long. His presence is thus sought with

one by one and give thanks, His mighty presence enfolds our

godly fear, our heavenly Father replenishes


our families with joy! For God Himself has

Let us look into the benefits we inherit in His presence: - July 2019 JESUS CALLS


God Grants Rest

went to the church and dedicated

one thing is needed, and Mary has

"My Presence will go with

him to the Lord saying, “ if you

chosen that good part, which will

you, and I will give you

bless me with a boy, I‘ll give him

not be taken away from her."


(Exodus 33:14)

back to you to be used as a

(Luke 10:40, 41). "Therefore do not

"Come to Me, all you who

prophet”. Just as she had

worry about tomorrow, saying, ‘

labor and are heavy laden,

pleaded, the Lord gave her a

What shall we eat?' or 'What shall

and I will give you rest’

boy. But when he was about 1 and

we drink?' or 'What shall we

a half, he was diagnosed with

wear?' for tomorrow will worry

polio and his foot appeared

about its own things. Sufficient for

slightly deformed. Again, his

the day is its own trouble’ (Mat-

mother took him to the church

thew 6:31,34). The only thing ex-

and cried out to the Lord. God,

pected of us is that, unlike Martha,

(Matthew 11:28) Through the verses above, God promises rest to the ones much burdened and afflicted. God and God alone could grant us such divine rest, as we seek His presence. The Lord as well promises in Isaiah 45:2 'I will go before you And make the crooked places straight’. Yes, He will set every crooked place in our life straight! Isaiah 45:2 talks about Hannah and her affliction. We see her seeking God’s presence and pour-

we are supposed to choose the

When we count the blessings that the Lord does for us, one by one and thank Him whole heartedly, His presence would come into our personal as well as family life.

Mary. Doesn’t the Bible clearly say, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33) “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so

ing her soul out to the Lord. She relied on the presence of the Lord

good part by sitting at His feet like

great a cloud of witnesses, upon hearing her prayers,

let us lay aside every

granted him complete healing!

weight and the sin which

As that dear mother poured out

so easily ensnares us, and

face was no longer sad. The Lord

her heart in the presence of the

let us run with endurance

shall requite you with His goodness

Lord, He made her son walk and

the race that is set before

and mercy more than you could

granted her rest. Through that


ever think (Ephesians 3:20) ac-

same little boy, did the Lord

As Apostle Paul says, as we

cording to the verse, ‘my God shall

grant strength and rest to mil-

run into His presence, He shall

supply all your need according to

lions around the globe.

deliver us from all the afflictions,

for her rest. Just as she did so, The Bible says in I Samuel 1:18 that her

His riches in glory by Christ Jesus’

(Hebrews 12:1).

The Lord said to Martha, who

sorrows and tears that assail our

(Philippians 4:19).

was full of worries and burden,

lives. He shall carry our burdens

When Brother Dhinakaran was

‘"Martha, Martha, you are worried

and curses. Shall grant us His rest

in his mother’s womb, his mother

and troubled about many things. But

and make us glad.


JESUS CALLS July 2019 -

God, who hides and protects us: “He who dwells in the secret place of the Highest Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1)

under the cover of His wings and protects us.

we hold on to Him firmly like

On several occasions in King David’s life, we see him being forsaken by everyone. Once he was

us in peace.

even in a pitiable state where he had to disguise himself as an in-

David, He would guard us and keep

A man of God had great trust in the Lord and held on to Him firmly. As a family, they were very keen on praising the Lord

How does God hide and protect us?

sane man. Once, the Amalekites took David’s entire family as cap-

and serving Him. Joy and peace

‘As an eagle stirs up its nest, Hovers over its young, Spreading out its wings, taking them up, Carrying them on its wings, So the LORD alone led him…’ (Deuteronomy 32:11,12; Isaiah 31:5)

tives. They even burnt down

perpetually prevailed over their

Ziklag, where David and his people

family. Their neighbor who took

lived., David was greatly dis-

note of this happy family turned

As we wait for God’s presence to enfold us everyday, He shall hide us in His divine shadow and protect us. The Most High God and the One who created the whole universe is our shadow! He spreads out His wings and covers us as we seek His presence with reverence. “Oh, how great is Your goodness, Which You have laid up for those who fear You, Which You have prepared for those who trust in You In the presence of the sons of men! You shall hide them in the secret place of Your presence… You shall keep them secretly in a pavilion” (Psalm 31:19,20).

envious and wanted to destroy

Open your mouth wide in the presence of the Lord and offer praises and thanksgiving to Him. Then He will fill you with the joy of the Holy Spirit.

sorcerer. Paid him a huge some to ruin the family. But nothing worked out! The neighbor was simply furious! He yelled and asked the sorcerer what was wrong. To which the sorcerer replied “I did send several evil spirits against the family but nothing happened as a wall of fire surrounds them. I could not do anything”.

tressed. His people thought of ston-

What a wonder! As we seek

ing him as their souls were against

God’s presence everyday with

him. Yet David ‘strengthened him-

thirst, He hides us from the devil,

self in the Lord’. As God’s pres-

the sorcery, and protects us. “For

ence was with him, God helped him

in the time of trouble He shall hide

defeat the Amalekites and recover

me in His pavilion; In the secret

everything (I Samuel 30:1-19).

place of His tabernacle He shall

“You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You Because he trusts in You” (Isaiah 26:3).

According to these verses, He hides us, who seek His presence,

them. He sought the help of a

According to this verse, when

hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock” (Psalm 27:5).

God fills us with eternal Pleasures “….In Your presence is the fullness of joy; At Your - July 2019 JESUS CALLS


right hand are pleasures

mightily. Although I wasn’t much

day I saw my husband, who


involved in it, I helped him in all

could not kneel down till then,

possible ways. Exactly ten years

kneeling down and praying. The

Says David, having enjoyed the

after our marriage, my husband

Lord gave him a new life! The

fullness of joy in his life. As we read

had a severe lung issue and was

Lord rose him! The ever faithful

II Samuel 6:21, we see David danc-

nearing death. The doctors who

God kept His promise and used

ing in the presence of the Lord,

treated him told me that Both his

my husband mightily Till he en-

who had chosen him to be the

lungs were failing and his life

tered into glory on February the

leader of His people. We as well

span would be pretty short. Even

read that he was rejoicing with the

my husband said, “My condition

pleasure of His presence! Then as

is getting worse. I couldn’t sleep

he returned to bless his household,

at night or day. I don’t think I

(Psalm 16:11)

Michal the daughter of Saul, came out to meet him and mocked him. She said, "How glorious was the king of Israel today, uncovering himself today in the eyes of the maids of his servants, as one of the base fellows shamelessly uncovers himself!" She had no children until




little. I did not know what to do.

ful Lord we have! He will make

I simply ran to the presence of

you rejoice with joy inexpressible

the Lord, knelt and cried. The

and full of glory (I Peter 1:8). Open

Holy Spirit, the comforter spoke to me and said, ‘my daughter, why are you worried? In 1963,

God had shut her womb (II Samuel

ised you that I will use your hus-


band mightily. That day has not

your family for His ministry, try


My dear ones, what a wonder-

as you were anointed, I prom-

using your husband or someone in

world were blessed by his com-

would live”. My children were

the day of her death. We read that

Dear sisters in Christ, if God is

20th, 2008. Millions all over the

yet arrived. It is certain that I would revive him and use him”. That’s all I ever needed! I be-

your mouth wide in the presence of the Lord and offer praises and thanksgiving to Him. Then He will fill you with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Seek the presence of God every day. Get filled with the Holy Spirit. Divine love would flow in you (Romans 5:5). The blessings of Lord would come upon you. No weapon formed against you will

helping them as much as possible.

came bold as a lion! The joy of

Pray for them earnestly. Consider

God’s presence filled me! With

will fight for you. He, who lifted

them vessels of honor and honor

abundant faith in the Lord, I be-

up David, the poor and the humble

them. This pleases God! On the

gan praising Him. On the other

would remember you and lift you

other hand, if we do otherwise its

hand, my husband‘s condition

up. He will grant you rest. He will

Michal’s situation that we shall be

remained the same. However, I

keep you as the apple of His eye

put into.

never stopped praising and

(Zechariah 2:5,8). He will fill you

In the initial days of the minis-

waited in His presence patiently

with the pleasure of His presence

try, the Lord used my husband

with faith. What a wonder! One

and make you rejoice.

prosper (Isaiah 54:17). The Lord

BIBLE QUIZ NO. 87 WINNERS Chennai: Sumithra 38

JESUS CALLS July 2019 -

The next year, in a Women’s Annual Meeting, the servant of God spoke on the verse, ‘Faith without works is dead’ which touched Punitha. Chennai is known for pankanapalli mangoes, which are not much available down south. A vendor was selling those on a street. On seeing them, Lincy was reminded of those days when her father used to buy her three crates full of mangoes whenever he visited Chennai on duty. She simply relished eating them. After marriage, once as she asked her husband to get those mangoes for her and he said, “Mom is the deciding authority. She is the one who takes care of everything.. so better ask her….” Lincy was scared of her mother-in-law. The way she looked at her always spooked Lincy. Out of her craving for those mangoes, she gathered all her courage and asked her mother-in-law, “Mom, a vendor is selling mangoes. Would you please get me some?” “I don’t have a habit of buying things from street vendors” replied Punitha, Lincy’s mother-in-law, abruptly. Lincy was taken aback by this reply. She knew that her husband would not be able to buy them since he always handed over his entire salary to his mother. Controlling her craving for mangoes, she looked longingly at Vanitha, the street sweeper, going off with a basket full of mangoes.

Her helplessness in getting a trivial eatable as such, oppressed her. She felt like talking to her mother and crying her heart out. That was when she was reminded of Nancy Aunty’s words at the youth counseling meeting. “Rather than telling your problems and difficulties to others, telling them to the Lord is the right thing to do… It is wrong to talk bad about anyone, even if they harass us. If we remain still, the Lord would fight the battle for us.” Lincy held on to these words and started praying whenever she got upset and remained quiet. Days passed. One day, when the older daughter-in-law arrived, Punitha, her mother-in-law prepared her favourite food items crabs and prawns - in plenty. The dining table was filled with all sorts of sweets and fruits. Lincy wondered if the special treatment was because the elder daughter-in-law was Punithas’s brother’s daughter. Punitha, who had bought panganapalli mangoes for herself, shared those with her son, her servant, their driver and finally gave two small pieces to Lincy. This broke her! Lincy unburdened herself at the feet of the Lord and strengthened herself.

He also added, “whats the point in just saying you love your daughter-in-law as your daughter without projecting it in your actions. If you want your son to be happy, you must love your daughter-in-law. If you don’t treat your daughter-inlaw lovingly, you are simply profaning God’s name there by grieving Him.” The debate, skit, songs and the messages moved Punitha’s heart. The fear of whether her daughterin-law will fail to take care of her as she falls sick, gripped her. That very night, as Lincy’s husband announced that he was supposed to leave for Singapore for 2 years for a project, Punitha was scared. She was worried if both her son and Lincy would leave together, leaving her all by herself. As she was contemplating this in her heart, Lincy said, “How can mom stay alone? Let us take her with us”. Those words melted Punitha’s heart and she hugged her daughter-in-law warmly. That very day, all the bitterness in Punitha vanished. A divine love for her daughter-in-law filled her! “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory” (II Corinthians 4:17). - July 2019 JESUS CALLS


In the lives of women, particularly because of physical weakness and illness, they get affected and lose their balance. Dr. Hannah is a dear sister, who is married and has two children. Recently her husband Mr. Merlyn got a job in Atlanta, in the United States of America. As a family, they shifted there from India. Initially they faced series of problems one after the other and yet they held on to the Lord Jesus as a family because of which they overcame everything through their 40

JESUS CALLS July 2019 -

godly zeal. The Lord Jesus Christ who said, “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world� (John 16:33), was their hope and great support. It was at this time, that Dr. Hannah came to know about the Esther Prayer Ministry that revives the lives of women, and she desired to conduct one. Last year, when I had been to America, I came to know about the genuine way in which women in different cities

were conducting prayer through conference call and I also joined them in the prayer ministry. At that time I was amazed to know how reverentially and zealously Dr. Hannah was undertaking the responsibility of conducting the prayer group entrusted to her by God. Pouring out all her strength, she is conducting this divine prayer ministry unceasingly till today, with the fear of God. On a particular day Dr. Hannah found it hard to conduct the Esther Prayer ministry since she had severe sore throat; yet she finished conducting the prayer along with other sisters. After it was over, she became weary but within a few hours, the Lord did a mighty deed that made her rejoice….

Here is her miraculous testimony! Read on… “On April 11th 2019, with severe sore throat I finished conducting the Esther Prayer Group for 2 ½ hours. I was very tired. Suddenly the doubt, ‘Does God really hear all the prayers for the prayer points given in Esther Prayer Group?’ popped up in my mind. ‘Is Jesus really pleased with the prayers offered today in the Esther Prayer Group? Is this prayer really a blessing in someone’s life? Have I labored in vain?’ I got discouraged by these questions and soon I realized that these were the weeds of discouragement and doubt sown by the enemy in my mind. So I prayed that God would strengthen me. Two hours later, I received a call from a sister who is now in another city in USA. She asked me, “Hannah, did you have Esther Prayer Group prayer today?” I was surprised and asked her how she knew that. Since she is a working woman she has never attended the Esther Prayer Group prayer and she had no clue that I was conducting it. She said, “Today at around 11:30am, I received a divine favor”. She was being tortured by her lady boss constantly for no reason. But on that day exactly at 11:30 am in her office she got a very good report from the company, appreciating her for her wonderful work. Hence she was miraculously removed from her position under that lady who was torturing her and she

was asked to report directly to another humble and a good manager of higher rank. I quickly ran to take my EPG April prayer points paper and found the 9th and 10th points were being prayed exactly at the time she had mentioned. I was particularly surprised by looking at the 9th prayer point. 9th Prayer Point “Let us pray fervently for women who hold high positions and are arrogant; as stated in Daniel 4:35 they should humble themselves in the hand of the Lord and follow His example of humility and be transformed to be like Him.” I could not believe my own eyes. I felt a great joy filling my heart. That sister also said that when she was praying, God told her that prayers were being offered in the Esther Prayer Group. She also added, “Hannah, God asked me to pray for your throat. You are suffering from pain caused by the enemy and God has said “I will heal my daughter who prays for Dr. Hannah others with tears”. She prayed a powerful prayer for me and the next day I was totally healed from the pain and irritation of throat that was troubling me so much. I also praised God for clearing all my doubts and discouragements and showing His great love for me and for making me understand how much it pleases Him, when His children bear one another’s burdens and pray for them. Through this testimony it became crystal clear that God answers every point that we pray for in the Esther Prayer Group and blesses those who pray with real burden. All the enemy’s wicked arrows are broken at that point by the power of God. Hallelujah! - Hannah Merlyn Atlanta, United States of America. - July 2019 JESUS CALLS


house’ (Hebrews 3:5). In Hebrews 3:6 we read about the good testimony of Christ Jesus. The Lord calls the ‘faithful’ women to do the Esther Prayer ministry. So, it is necessary that we, the women commit ourselves whole heartedly for this divine ministry and carry this out faithfully and reverentially before Him. Let us read the testimonies of a few sisters who have been conducting this ministry with a faithful heart from the beginning and how the Lord God has revived their spiritual lives and changed them into good testimonies; and let us also be revived. May the Lord fill this dear daughter who is doing the Esther Prayer Ministry with full vigor with power of the Holy Spirit more and more; may He grant her a life of bearing fruit for Him and increase her ministry! May the Lord help many more young prayer warriors to rise up just like this young mother Dr. Hannah who is also encouraging her 7 year old daughter to conduct the Junior Esther Prayer Group and is guiding her beautifully, for the glory of His name! It becomes necessary in women’s lives to pray that the Lord should enable many to rise up as prayer warriors according to Galatians 6:2, which says, “Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ’. May the Lord adorn such women, who ‘faithfully’ fulfill this God-given ministry in all reverence, with His Spirit! The Bible says, ‘A faithful man will abound with blessings’ (Proverbs 28:20). The Bible also says, “the faithful disappear from among the sons of men’ (Psalm 12:1). Accordingly, even in the Esther Prayer ministry, many do not conduct this divine ministry with reverence and are not faithful and are indifferent towards God. How painful this is! In the Bible we read the testimony that David was faithful in his house (I Samuel 22:14). We also read that ‘Moses was faithful in all His 42

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Here are the testimonies of a few faithful women”

Spiritual Growth Through Esther Prayer Ministry I would like to share with you how my spiritual life was revived through the Esther Prayer Group ministry according to the vision given by the Lord to dear mother. At first I was just a member of an Esther Prayer Group that was conducted near my house and I was praying in that group. I was an average believer and had the desire that somehow I should do ministry for the Lord. The Lord knew my desire and gave me the chance to begin an Esther Prayer Group in my home. By this I was able to see a great revival in my spiritual life. By conducting this Esther Prayer Group, all the fears and inhibitions in me left. I clearly learnt how to pray for others, being filled with the anointing and claiming the promise verses with thanksgiving. Through this, I, who was thinking only about me, until then, received the zeal to pray for other women who need our prayers being in greater sorrow and tears. Through this prayer ministry, I understood how the Scriptures are essential to progress in spiritual life. In Esther Prayer Group we feel a different and a divine anointing being poured out upon us.

Our group, which had 8 members initially, has now grown into 20 members. All the sisters, who came here without knowing how to pray have now received the privilege of seeing visions and have received good testimonies from their husbands and children. Also, the Lord is using me as the coordinator for the Esther Prayer Group to meet the leaders of the groups to encourage and revive them, and also to form new groups in various places. Hence I rejoice in the Lord by the thought that I am an Esther Prayer Warrior. Through the testimonies of the sisters who pray in our group, we very well experience that the 20 prayer points given for the group every month are given by the Holy Spirit Himself through dear mother. Through this ministry the Lord is giving me the desire to be on fire for the Lord with godly zeal and to arise and shine for Him and is helping me to fulfill His will. Thanks be to the Lord! - Vidi Kingsley, Chennai.

Fruits of the Spirit and Power in the Esther Prayer Ministry Millions of praises to the Most High God who got me associated with the Esther Prayer Group for over 20 years and is still keeping me going strong. This is purely by the grace of the God of gods, the King of kings and the Lord of lords! Every day, He leads us into excellent spiritual experiences of abiding in Jesus, the Vine and working with Him. He pours out His Holy Spirit upon us in an immeasurable way and makes us rejoice in the abundant showers of anointing. By His grace He wonderfully leads us to always interact with Jesus, glorify Him by singing in tongues and to manifest Him through visions. He makes us hear His voice of love. He clearly shows us where to go and what to speak. He gives us the burden to pray for all whom we see. He helps us to live solely for Him, trusting only Him. He gives us the garment of praise to thank God, the Father for everything and at all times. He embraces us with His immeasurable love and adorns us with the fruits and gifts of the Spirit. All these are the glorious things of the Esther Prayer Group that has been formed by the

divine will of Jesus through the Jesus Calls ministry. Oh, what a wonderful privilege it is for women to enjoy praying in the Esther Prayer Group that makes everyone – from children to old women – to live in connection with our glorious Lord Jesus in heaven right here on this earth! - Diana Rajasingh, Madurai.

Esther Prayer Ministry Raised up by Fasting By the grace of God, He helped me to start the Esther Prayer Group Ministry. When I sat at the Lord’s feet with fasting, humbled myself and prayed, many women began to gather for the prayer. As a result there was a big change in my spiritual life also. When I began to pray for others, there was a miraculous deliverance. Day by day, the prayer group began to expand. The burden for souls increased in me. I taught many to pray and encouraged them. As a result, many Esther Prayer Group leaders rose up from our group. Wherever I went, I would never fail to talk about the Esther Prayer Group. I can see the name of God being glorified when I follow dear mother’s instructions studiously and walk by them. When dear mother entrusted me with the responsibility as the coordinator of the Virudhunagar district, I began to work with fasting. Hence, today several Esther Prayer Groups have started functioning. Still I am not satisfied and am continuing to work hard. Since I am fulfilling this ministry unceasingly, with reverence there is a great joy in me and my life is getting revived. Praise be to the Lord! Sis. Glory Rajayogam, Sivakasi.

Prayer Brings Victory It was a time of rest after tirelessly working faithfully for the students, for 37 years. I could not forget the time when I used to wholeheartedly share the love of Jesus to the school children and prayed with the teachers who had great thirst for prayer. It was at this time, as per God’s leading, He graciously helped me to start the Esther Prayer Group on 13th May 2006. Since many had gathered to pray, the prayer time was sweet. Memorizing the promise verse, claiming it for the whole month, praying with - July 2019 JESUS CALLS


burden for the 20 prayer points and meditating on the verses given are spiritual food for us, for each month. There is a big change in everyone’s prayer life. To pray early in the mornings became a priority in my life. There was also a change in my Bible reading pattern, praying and seeking the Lord. Through Esther Prayer Ministry, we were pricked in our heart to give up certain things in life and were urged to lead holy lives. We began praying in an ordinary way, but now we are experiencing what it is to stand in the gap and pray. We have a special burden to pray for perishing women. It is a great privilege for us to pray being filled with the Spirit and sharing our visions. We rightfully call our Esther Prayer Group, ‘Esther Family”. It is the special love of our Esther family to pray with oneness of mind for women in the Esther prayer group

as well as for one another in our personal prayer. It is indeed a special thing that we share any urgent prayer request through the Esther Prayer Group WhatsApp and pray with faith. There are certain prayer-points for which we have been continually praying for 13 years. We are waiting with faith for those things to be fulfilled. It cannot be denied that the grace of the Lord and His guidance is literally upon every family because of the Esther prayer. May the Lord richly bless dear Sister Stella Dhinakaran who is the reason for bringing a great revival among the Esther Prayer Group women! Those who join the Esther Prayer Group and wholeheartedly pray will never be put to shame! - Mrs. Viola Dhanraj, Trichy.

To be continued…

For more details about the Esther Prayer Group:

Sister STELLA DHINAKARAN (Esther Prayer Group) 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. Email:

Bible Portion from Leviticus (16-27 Chapters only), Numbers & Luke (Answer with Biblical reference)

(Please read the portion line by line carefully. Do not search for any other help.) 1. Where does one put his hand? And what does he do? What is he not fit for? 2. What is not there against Jacob nor against Israel? What must now be said of them? 3. What shall you not do in judgement? Whom should you not be partial to? Nor honor whom? How shall you judge whom? 4. Who is My servant? What is different in him? How has he followed me? Where will I bring him? Who will inherit it? 5. Who sought to touch whom? What went out from Him? What did it do? 6. What will you offer? To whom? How will you offer it? 7. What flashes out of which place? Where does it shine? Who will be like that? On which day? 8. What had sprouted? What did it produce? What did it yield? 9. What did the servant know? What did he not do? What shall be done to him? 10. Who is faithful in all My house? How will I speak with Him? In what manner will I not speak with Him? What does he see? 44

JESUS CALLS July 2019 -

Answers must reach us before July 30, 2019 Address: Bible Quiz – 89 Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028 Email:

The author, with God’s guidance and her rich spiritual experiences has released this book which imparts the importance of receiving the Holy Spirit and to receive the spiritual blessings that are in store. (Available in Tamil & Hindi also) To get a copy, you can send the amount in favour of “TRUE FRIEND MANAGEMENT SUPPORT SERVICE PVT LTD”, through money order/cheque/ Demand draft to, #144, Moore street, Chennai - 600001 and get it by post. For details, contact: 7338793939; 7550092600 For online orders:

ANSWERS FOR BIBLE QUIZ – 87 1. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing (Genesis 12:2). 2. Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil (Matthew 4:1). 3. Therefore you shall be perfect, just as the Father in heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48). 4. Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said, “The thing comes from the Lord we cannot speak to you either bad or good” (Genesis 24:50). 5. “Now therefore, let Pharaoh select a discerning and wise man and set him over the land of Egypt” (Genesis 41:33). 6. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment (Matthew 12:36). 7. When the Son of Man comes in His glory and all holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory (Matthew 25:31). 8. Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in heaven (Matthew 18:10). 9. Then the Angel of the Lord said to her (Hagar) “I will multiply your descendants exceedingly, so that they shall not be counted for multitude” (Genesis 16:10). 10. And Abraham called the name of the place, The Lord will provide as it is said to this day “In the Mount of the Lord it shall be provided (Genesis 22:14). - July 2019 JESUS CALLS


cious pieces of advice, girls mindlessly wreck

My dear sisters in Christ, these are the last days.

their lives. Such deceiving is lust!

The second coming is pretty close.

As a result, the parents live in

He would choose His people in se-


cret. It is high time we commit ourselves to the Lord completely! Certain things in this world make us run after the worldly. We hear about unholy sexual relationships all around. Such lusty things obviously instigate people, especially women and direct them to take the other way! Husbands do not have anything good to testify about the Wives. Young girls simply shun the love of their parents and choose to be worldly. No mat-

the main aspect that ought to be followed by everyone. We should keep ourselves completely away

Even ‘Christians’ are filled with

from all worldly things like lust,

the lust of the flesh, the lust of the

covetousness etc., get filled with

eyes and of the pride of life (I John

the Holy Spirit and commit our-

2:16) and daringly take evil ways

selves totally to live as His children.

and wreck their lives. The Bible

When the Lord Jesus was in this

teaches us to set our minds on things above and not on things on earth. If you would like to receive God’s full blessings, you should shove off all the things of the earth and seek the things above.

What are the ‘things above’?

world, a woman who grieved over her sins, drenched His feet with her tears, wiped them with her hair, kissed His feet and anointed them with fragrant oil. This love moved Jesus. He forgave her sins and exclaims her love (Luke 7:38). Jesus changed her life entirely and

ter how hard parents try, they fail

As seen in Colossians 3:9,10,

made it holy as well. This is the

in their effort of inculcating sense

we should put off the old man who

divine life we get to lead as we

in children. Having ignored pre-

is full of evil and his deeds. This is

seek the ‘things above’!


JESUS CALLS July 2019 -

‘And those who are

The Samaritan woman was liv-

do the same for you as well. Do

Christ's have crucified the

ing a sinful life. Since she sought

not waste time. Become a witness

flesh with its passions and

the love of Jesus with diligence, He

right away just like that Samari-


changed her life altogether of His

tan woman and bring millions to

grace. She came to Him as a sin-

Christ. Women like Ruth and

(Galatians 5:24)

This verse exactly sets forth the manner in which Christians are supposed to live.

ner. But later she committed her life to proclaiming the love of the Lord.

In John 4 we read about an incident where Jesus goes to Samaria. He sits by a well, being wearied by the journey. Then a Samaritan woman comes to draw water from the well. We see Jesus revealing the power of His love by speaking to her about the living waters in accordance with God’s will. On hearing it, the woman, although a Samaritan, believed His words and asked Him for the water. Jesus revealed everything about her past and her present which shocked her. The guidance

people experience the joy that she had just relished, forgetting everything about the well and the vessel

must commit your life. Hold on to Him, shun the world, the flesh and

today, Jesus looks at you in the

devil and declare that Jesus alone

same way. What does your mind

is sufficient. Be diligent to do only the things that please Him.

If you would like to receive the Lord’s full blessings, you should throw away all the things of the earth and first seek the things from above.

Next, from where would you get the strength to live this kind of life? Today many women, particularly young girls and family women ask the question, “I try to live holy but I’m not able to. I yield when such situations arise. Is there any way to come out of this? Would you pray that God would give me

fested through Jesus Christ then. With a desire to make her

received them. Similarly, even you

My dear sisters in Christ, even

of the Holy Spirit which was manichanged her life upside down right

Esther sought such blessings and

seek? Is it the pleasures of the world? Or does it seek the lust of the flesh that gives momentary pleasure? Examine yourself. Just Like this Samaritan woman, call

the grace to seek only the things of the ‘above’ and not the things of the world?” This strength is divine! The life of Jesus Christ is an

unto the Lord, bend your knees

example for this. In Acts 10:38 we

before Him with tears and ask Him

read, “God anointed Jesus of

told me all things that I ever did.

for the living waters. The impartial

Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and

Could this be Christ?" They came

Lord full of love is eagerly waiting

with power, who went about doing

and heard His teachings and found

for you. As you go to Him, He shall

good and healing all who were op-

that He was indeed Christ, the sav-

embrace you! The Lord who gra-

pressed by the devil, for God was

ior of the world, and believed in

ciously transforms everyone who

with Him.” This is the only way

Him (John 4:39-42).

comes near Him will miraculously

that we need to follow. We cannot

she ran into the city and said to everyone, ‘"Come, see a Man who - July 2019 JESUS CALLS


receive this strength from any

this blessing in the midst of these

Spirit has come upon you;

other ways.

was the divine thirst in her. Like

and you shall be witnesses

the Samaritan woman who com-

to Me in Jerusalem, and

mitted her life at the Lord’s feet, in

in all Judea and Samaria,

a minute, this woman too sought

and to the end of the

the Lord. She might have cried out


“I can do all things through



strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)

to Him saying, ‘Father, fill me with

‘The strength of the Holy Spirit’

Your strength. Use me as a vessel

is what Jesus Christ had and when

to be a good witness for You and

we are filled and led by the anoint-

to glorify Your name.”

ing of the Holy Spirit, His divine strength leads us to follow only the things of the above. The Bible says that this strength of the Holy Spirit renews us and establishes us in Christ (I John 2:27). We read about Deborah in Judges 4th chapter. She was filled with God’s power. Though many men were judges, she was a woman among them and arose in the Lord and shone. She was also a family woman. So, she

(Acts 1:8)

He will give you the glorious and blessed life to get filled with the power of the Lord and arise and shine for Him. The Lord who

My dear sisters, the Lord hears

has promised, ‘I will pour out My

our prayers (Psalm 65:2). So, right

Spirit on all flesh” shall give you

now kneel down with true burden

the mind and will to seek the things

and thirst and ask the Lord. Then

of the above and not the things of

He would give you the privilege to

the earth (Philippians 2:13). He will

seek for the things of the above.

change you into a mighty minister

He, who did for those women,

of God till the end, like Deborah.

would surely do for you too. He

Everyone in your family would be

would remove from your life all the

proud of you. The Lord will give

degrading thoughts, lusts and

you this glorious life and honour

wrathful things.

you. May the Lord give this divine

might have had lot of family bur-

"But you shall receive

grace to every sister who reads this

dens. Yet, the reason that she had

power when the Holy

and lead her in a blessed way!


JESUS CALLS July 2019 -

the other hand, his wife, unable to Answer: My dear sisters, today,

manage the family with her mea-

wherever we see - whether in fam-

“….truly our fellowship is

ger income, was living in tears. At

ily life or in worldly realms – there is

with the Father and with His

this juncture, a sister from the

no unity or comradeship with one

Son, Jesus Christ”

Esther Prayer Group, invited her

another. The devil is bringing ‘divi-

(1 John 1:3 latter part).

sion’ among the people. About this,

The Call of the Lord

we read in the Bible:

To receive this fellowship, first of

pating in the prayer. As she kept

“For the enemy has perse-

all the Lord Jesus Christ, calls us to

praying for her husband, he

cuted my soul; He has

be His own people. According to

miraculously left his addiction.

crushed my life to the

Romans 8:30, by His divine love, He

Even without his knowledge, he

calls us for Himself and has given

gave his heart to Jesus. After that

the privilege to make everyone whom

he started earning well and divine

He has called thus to be justified. It

joy, peace and blessings came

is indeed amazing that He thus

upon that family. They had the

makes us His own and a righteous

privilege of having fellowship with


God as a family. We had telecasted

– We shall meditate on it today.

A particular man was addicted to

her testimony in the Jesus Calls

About this fellowship, Apostle John

alcohol for more than 30 years

Television programme a few


and was a pain to his family. On

years ago.

ground; He has made me dwell in darkness, Like those who have long been dead”

(Psalm 143:3).

Is it possible to have fellowship with the Lord as well as men, amidst such divisions, bitterness and enmity?

to attend the Esther Prayer in her house and she too started partici- - July 2019 JESUS CALLS


Yes, even if an addict of several

changes us into glorious people by

fellowship with God and a peaceable

years who had been wallowing in

His power. For this purpose, He pours

life with all men. What happens when

worldly pleasures submits himself at

out His Holy Spirit in our life and

we receive this experience?

His feet, the love of Christ beautifully

leads us to fulfil His will. Look at the

“…you shall receive power

draws him towards Himself as His

lives of the disciples! As long as the

when the Holy Spirit has

own. Apostle John enjoyed that

Lord Jesus was with them, they were

come upon you; and you

divine experience and that’s why he

very happy. But when He yielded

shall be witnesses to Me in

writes as a testimony, “I have

Himself up for death on the cross,

Jerusalem, and in all

fellowship with Him.” Yes, this kind

rose on the third day and ascended

Judea and Samaria, and to

of life is divine. In order to give us

to heaven, they grieved in loneliness

this life, the Lord Jesus committed

and lost their peace. They suffered

Himself to be bruised and broken on

a lot, unable to bear His departure.

the cross, to shed His sacred blood

them. This is the sweet life of being

When we are cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ, the Lord grants blessed life of being filled with divine peace in this world to have fellowship with all men.

filled with divine peace in this world.

But as we read in Acts chapter 2,

We read in the Bible,

when they waited with one accord

“Lord, fill me with Your divine

“If it is possible, as much

and prayed, the Lord filled each one

strength; let Your love flood into my

as depends on you, live

of them with His Holy Spirit in a

heart. Give me the grace to love

peaceably with all men”

mighty way and turned their lives

everyone, and be peaceable with

(Romans 12:18).

upside down so that they would

them and let my light shine before

“Pursue peace with all

always be in fellowship with Him.

others” (Matthew 5:16). Thus telling



After that the disciples never grieved

Him, submit yourself totally, at His

without which no one will

over their loneliness or over any other

feet. When you live diligently with

see the Lord”

matter. Having received the image

the fellowship of Christ, you can

of Christ, they fulfilled His service,

always abide in divine peace. May

When we are thus filled with

according to His will. Hence, we too

the Lord bless you with this precious

divine peace, the Lord Jesus Christ

should receive this glorious life,

fellowship and glory!

and offer Himself as a living sacrifice. Having this experience as the base, let us meditate on what would happen next when we become His own people and have fellowship with Him.

Glorious Call The divine peace that the Lord gives us makes us have fellowship with all men. When the wicked heart and the life enslaved by the devil are cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ, the Lord grants this blessed life to


(Hebrews 12:14).


the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8) When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, the divine strength given by God fills us. A divine love even for those who rise against us, fills us. This love changes all enmity, hatred and bitterness and creates a divine peace and fellowship with others. This is a divine experience. I kindly invite every one of you to enjoy this in your life. Are you troubled saying, “Oh, there is no unity in my family? There’s nobody to showlove to me. Oh, they are harassing me for no reason at all...” Wait in His presence in reverence, according to His word:

JESUS CALLS July 2019 - Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran

Malaysia Prayer Tower Miracle God! I have a son who is 9 years old. He has been having rashes all over his body for years. We have sought the help of many specialists to cure my son of his ailing condition, but in vain. In a state of desperation, I was given the number 03 7960 7370 to call as I was told that I would receive prayers. After informing the prayer intercessor of my son’s condition and that all the doctors’ medication had failed to bring any relief to my son, I also informed her that the rash was a hereditary disease from my father. She then prayed and broke this generational curse. My son is now completely healed and requires no more medication. I have started to put all my faith and trust in Jesus Christ because only He could heal my son. -Mrs . Meenachi, Malaysia

2 International Special

Jesus Calls Ministries * June 2019 * www.

BLESSING MEETINGS: FIRST & THIRD THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH @ 8:00PM IN THE JESUS CALLS PRAYER TOWER Prayer Help (24 hours): 03 7960 7370 For any further details and ministry resources, please contact Stella Pereira, in- charge of the Jesus Calls ministry in Malaysia as Manager. Address, telephone number and email details are given below:

Address: TRUE FRIEND BERHAD TOWER VILLA, 11, LORONG TIMUR, 46000 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR D.E, MALAYSIA Mobile: +60 10 511 8539 Email: You may send in your loving offerings through Cash / Cheque / Direct Banking. Online payment can be done through Our website with secured payment gateway: Please find below the bank details for online payment and funds transfer:

Beneficiary name : TRUE FRIEND BERHAD Bank Name :


Account No :


Jesus Calls Ministries * June 2019 * www.

3 International Special


Sisters from Madagascar sharing their visions and testimony with Sis. Evangeline Paul at Israel Prayer Tower in May 2019. Prophecy received for this prayer ministry in this Israel Prayer Tower: "I saw the Lord coming into the sanctuary room of this Israel Prayer Tower. Then came the word "Open up, O ancient gates, and let the King of glory" (Psalm 24:7). Then I saw a few rows of the front chairs in both sides of the room turned over with noise as if a mighty wind blew them up. Then again I received a word in Haggai 2:9. According to this word in Haggai I think the

Lord desires to make this Prayer Center a torrent of peace like the torrent of living water flowing, first to the land of Israel (Ezekiel 47:5-7) and then for all the nations (Ezekiel 47:8 & 9). Later I received Zechariah 1:12-17 and Isaiah 40:1 & 2. Those passages reminded me of Dr. Paul and Mrs. Evangeline Paul about their hearts of great compassion for people. I think the Lord wants them to be moved with the same compassion for Jerusalem and the Jewish people through this Prayer Tower as well as those who are assigned to pray here.

Address: JERUSALEM CENTRE FOR PEACE & TRUTH, 20th floor, City Tower, 34 Ben Yehuda, Jerusalem. Telephone : +972-2533757 For more details : International Special


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FINDING YOURSELF Finding Yourself is a series that takes on topics that this generation struggles with- Identity, pain, life issues and the art of dealing with all these. Tune into this series every Sunday to find applicable answers.

Did Job find happiness when all was restored back in double fold?

How to be famous?

Marriage of love that will last

Can I find satisfaction in life?

How to process pain?

BIBLICAL TRUTH Biblical Truths with Paul Dhinakaran is a series on answering questions of the Christian faith to deepen one’s walk with God and to find out secrets that empower our personal devotion.

Did Job find happiness when all was restored back in double fold?

Why was Joseph in prison for 12 years?

Can you justify anger?

There’s a reason why Moses DID NOT enter the promised land

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