Jesus Calls | April 2015

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Jesus Calls praying for the world

APRIL 2015









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“Oh, worship the lord in the beauty of holiness! Tremble before Him, all the earth” (Psalm 96:6). According to this scripture, we should go into His presence in the beauty of holiness and with a holy heart and worship Him. He accepts our worship and our prayers. Many times we think of going to His presence when we are in trouble and we need prayer for. There was a great man of God named David. God himself told his story in the Bible, “I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will.” (Acts 13:22). But David says, “I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is always before me.” He cries out, ”Lord, my sins stand before me when I think of coming to You. What should I Do? “ (Psalm 51:3). Let’s take a look at an incident that happened in his life. One evening, as he walked around on the roof of the palace, he saw another man’s wife. His eyes lusted after her. He sinned and lost his holiness (2 Samuel 11:2, 12:9). This tormented him so much that he could not sense the presence of God and caused him to struggle and saying, ”I acknowledge my transgressions, Sin and lust come before my eyes always. how will I be delivered from this and go to the presence of the Lord?” In our lives, darkness may surround us but, during that time, we shouldn’t stay away from the presence of the Lord. We have a hope, because; The Almighty God says, “I am the Lord who makes you holy” (Leviticus 22:32). “My son/daughter, you don’t need look anywhere else. Come to Me, the Holy One just as you are. Only I can make you holy. For this purpose, I came down to this earth to cleanse you through the blood of Jesus. Yes, the Almighty God was incarnate as man and came down to this world. He bore everyone's sins and stains. As an atonement for our sins, He offered Himself as a sacrifice on the cross. “Let Me die; let Me offer My body as a sacrifice; let Me carry the sins of My children for their sake; carrying the sins of every man and woman born in this world.” Thus saying, He bore our sins, carried our iniquities and offered Himself as a sacrifice in order to create peace for us and deliver us from the clutches of sin (Isaiah 53:5). “The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). Today when we cry out to Him, “Lord, I want to be made holy, ” He hears our cries, he washes our sins with His blood and cleanses us. In Isaiah 65:2 He says: “I, the Holy One, stretch My hands towards the rebellious people, who walk according to their thoughts all day long. When they commit their lives in My hands, I will forgive their sins and command healing and holiness for them. After that they can behold My face through prayer.” Will you commit your life into the hands of the God, so you may see you and be blessed? He will make your life pure and sweet; He will help you to live a holy. He will give you the grace to be like Him.

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Our Dallas prayer tower is open to bring spiritual hope and healing to those in need. Our prayer intercessors are passionate about praying for people 24/7 and below we have included some powerful testimonies to share with you.

”I received a call one morning from Jesus Calls. After they prayed with me, I immediately received two job offers. Amen!! Today I am blessed to be working with a large firm in Dallas. My family and I are greatly blessed through the prayerful ministry of Jesus Calls.” - Andrew

“Dr. Dhinakaran, there are no words to adequately express my gratitude for your reaching out to respond to my prayer request in such an expeditious manner. It is very much appreciated. I pray that the Lord will increase your ministry impact a hundred fold for the coming new year! I know He sees your faithfulness to even the lowliest one of us...Blessings to you!” - Joyce




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Stella Dhinakaran

Every verse in Isaiah chapter 12 gives us a miracle and blessing. “Cry out and shout, O inhabitant of Zion” means, “Open your mouth with thanks and praise to the Lord while praying”. Many times, we pray softly with the feeling that the others near us should not hear it. But prayer should not be like that. Giving glory to the Lord, loudly, from the depth of our heart, is a glorious and godly experience. Several years ago, those were the days when I did not have much spiritual experience. One day, when it was late and I was waiting for my husband to come home form the office, I knelt down and sang old hymns which my mother had taught me when I was a child and began communing with the Lord. Particularly, I began to sing the song, “What a friend we have in Jesus”. The presence of God filled me! Since the Holy Spirit came upon me, I felt a glorious experience like an electric shock going through my body from head to foot. When you praise the Lord by signing, you too can enjoy feeling the presence of God. If you desire your household to be saved, you should pray to the Lord boldly and consistently. The Lord has chosen you for this purpose. When I first received Jesus, my household mocked me saying, “Why is she acting so pious?” But the Lord said to me, “You should be a role model to them. I have chosen you first. They will come into salvation only through you.” According to His Word, her family came to be attracted to the love of Jesus, and they were gloriously saved. Are your friends and family working against you? Praise the Lord for them in His presence. Only then, your house will become a divine house that reflects Christ's love and His presence. Let us look at the blessings that we can receive by praising the Lord.

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BE CREATIVE: DO SOMETHING Be a person who does new and extraordinary things. That is what the Lord loves about you and He wants you to be crea ve. Take God himself as an example. what did He do in the beginning of me? Genesis 1:1, says God created the heaven and the earth. Yes my friends, He is a crea ng God. He makes everything new cr (Rev. 21:5).We may have many aspira ons, dreams and new ideas within us. Make it happen, don’t let your crea vity go. Don’t just dream about it. We all know that King Solomon was the wisest man on earth and there was none like him before or a er. In 1 Kings 3:16-­‐28, two women came to Solomon seeking jus ce and what a beau ful solu on he gave for them. Both the women said the living baby was theirs and blamed each other for the dead child. When all of Israel was puzzled on dead how to solve the problem, Solomon said to Jesus Calls International | April 2015 12



Don’t be held back from being different from others. Nobody wants to be different because we want people to like us. One of the safest ways to do that is to blend in, to be like them. Many people think that if they copy others that are percieved to be more successfull like celebra es or other personality styles then they will be successful in life. Yes, of coarse we can take the working methods of other successful people however; when you aspire to be exactly like others to people get their characteris cs, you ul mately lose your personality and your nature. It can be risky and uncomfortable to be different but God wants you be the person that He made you to be.

stay connected with Sam through U-­‐turn Jesus Calls International | April 2015 13

Poverty imposes an oppressive weight in India, especially among women. With this rise in poverty, women are forced to take very low paying jobs doing menial work. SEESHA is working at the grass roots level to empower women to attain economic freedom in order to overcome poverty and inequality. SEESHA programs of equipping women and enabling them to make their own decisions that result in them becoming economically independent.

$90 $30 $10 $20

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Dr. Michael Alexander

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Hope & Healing


to the broken hearted.

family blessing plan

The family is the first institution that God created, and He blessed. It is His desire that each family should multiply, take dominion over the plans of the enemy and live in peace and harmony. The Jesus Calls Family Blessing Plan caters to thousands of families who are going through difficult times. It is this God-given ministry of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to pray for the blessing and prosperity of families. The Dhinakarans and the Prayer Intercessors of Jesus Calls will uphold you prayerfully for God to build your home and fill it with joy, happiness and peace.

Partner with us, Online at

Jesus Calls International 8855 N Stemmons Fwy Dallas, TX 75247


Generational Blessings

Yuba City family TESTIMONY

pray Peace of Jerusalem How to

for the

praying eec vely

Monday 12:30pm Monday 6:00am Tuesday 2:30pm Thursday 11:30am Saturday 1:30pm

Saturday 9:30pm

Tuesday 9:00am Sunday 9:00am Friday 12:30am Sunday 7:30pm

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