Jesus Calls | May 2015

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Jesus Calls praying for the world

MAY 2015



Dr. Paul shares vision for imparting God’s love to the hurting pages 2-3

Prophecy about the Next President of the USA page 11

New Television Studio In Dallas,Texas page 18

Straight from the heart _ Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

This Month We are Reaching Out to the World

My family and I, are going to conduct Prayer Fes vals of Hope across the na on of India. We "My precious friend in the Lord, are also sending a healing team to Nepal to May God minister to your heart this month comfort and care for those who have suffered through His mercy and comfor ng presence devasta on from the recent earthquake. We are (Psalms 94:18-­‐19). When we worry about developing a Prayer Academy to train prayer things in this life, anxiety and fear mul ply intercessors to comfort, heal and transform lives inside of us. However; when we put our through the hope given to us by our Lord Jesus. th trust in God, His peace comes like a river to Please Pray that the Lord would give us His word comfort and strengthen us and take us of healing to be able to minister through these deeper in our rela onship with Him (Isaiah deepe mee ngs, caring missions of mercy to the 66:13). May you experience this peace. des tute and homeless. We are se ng ourselves apart for this healing mission. Our television This past month, we have seen great natural programs are now being produced at the Prayer disasters in Nepal as well as man made Tower in Dallas, Texas from this month forward. destruc on in other parts of the world. Our We are expec ng the healing and only hope is in the promise of our Lord. In transforma on of many lives. With all of these John 16:33, Jesus says, “in this world you exci ng things taking place, would you consider will have tribula ons but be of good cheer, I partnering with us as we reach this lost and dying have overcome the world.” He indeed is our world with the good news of Jesus Christ? Please only hope. onl consider sowing a seed into any one of these projects. By doing this, you are taking part in Mission of Jesus Calls, bringing the love of Jesus to a lost and dying For Such a Time as This world. I am praying that you may prosper in your soul, We need to carry the prophe c and healing health and all things (3 John 2). word of God to millions more quickly than Please pray for us and our intercessors who are ever before. As I write to you from our praying for you. Prayer Tower in Jerusalem, I clearly see the provision of God. As the Lord leads you, With much love and prayer, would you stand with us as in prayer as we Dr. Paul Dhinakaran minister to the na ons? President of Jesus Calls Interna onal


When you give according to His will, you will receive according to His will, so that your Joy may be full! Israel will have open doors of peace around them for a short me. The Spirit shall empower its people in Israel too. Would you my friend share this link: h p://­‐ istries-­‐prophecies to all your contacts and begin to pray for this to come to pass soon? (Luke 18:7-­‐8) Television and Media By becoming a co-­‐sponsor of $1,000.00 gi toward the new Television and Media studios, located in Dallas, TX, you are helping us to film the TV broadcast that will go around the world. Also, pray as we expand our website to train others around the world to pray. The budget for this will be around $250,000.

There are mul ple ways to become a blessing today! By check make your checks payable to Jesus Calls Interna onal and mail to 8855 N.Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, TX 75247 On the internet Simply go to, click on the GIVE bu on at the top of the page and follow the direc ons. By Telephone Call us at 855-­‐537-­‐8722 and one of our intercessors would be happy to take your informa on over the phone.

Prayer Fes val Consider partnering with us this June -­‐July in seeing the lives of 200,000 people be Automa c Withdrawal transformed from sin and bondage. Your gi of If you are on a monthly plan and would like to any amount will help us to reach our goal of have an automa c withdrawal set up, simply go $750,000. to and click on the GIVE Prayer Academies Help us establish Prayer Academies in Israel, Washington D.C. and India. For your gi of any amount, we will be able to train and equip a whole new genera on to pray for their na ons. The cost for this will be around 1 million dollars.

bu on at the top of the page and follow the direc ons at the bo om of the give page. Click on the recurring dona on. Click on All dona ons are eligible for Tax Deduc ons Jesus Calls Interna onal is 501(c)(3) tax-­‐exempt organiza on.

Hope and Healing Wall For your gi of $31.00 a month, we will put your name on a plaque on the Dallas Prayer Tower wall, where we pray daily for your and your family’s needs.

By proclaiming God’s love as it flows out of us supernaturally, You will fulfill God’s will with authority. You will bring healing to this land. Praying Prophe c Words Praying Prophe c words will bring change into the na on. When we prophecy His plan as the king of kings and the Lord of Lords. We need to go into the market place where the people are and prophecy through technology, media, on the streets, airways and proclaim the good news of Jesus! As As we pray for everyone whom God sends to us, His plan will come upon every area of society. Cry out for God’s prophe c grace today. What a friend we have in Jesus, who is all around us and wants to heal our land. We praise Him for the blood He has shed on the cross for this na on, and we li up the power in the name of Jesus,that removes every evil. As we humble ourselves and li up the blood of Jesus, and when we prophecy His plan for the blood na on, He shows us in his mercy and hears our prayers. God needs people to pray and prophesy His plan on the earth, not just to preach or give advice. God wants you to go to the market place and minister to rich and poor people, through technology and the gospel where they are. As you pray for everyone God sends to you, His plan will come to pass in every area of society and He will heal our land. Let us cry out to know His plan and His will today.

Turn From Wicked Ways What is wickedness? When I was preaching as a young man, there was a woman who looked to the side of the stage during the whole mee ng. I got aggravated at her and thought to myself, “ Why did she come to the mee ng if she wasn’t even going to pay a en on?” A er the mee ng, she approached me and told me that she was blind in one eye and had very li le vision in the other. That is why she looked the other way. She then asked me to is pray that God will restore her vision. I realized that I was preaching God’s love with my mouth, but in my heart was wickedness, I immediately asked God to forgive me. In the book of Numbers 6:25-­‐26, God tells us that He wants to be gracious to us, showing us mercy and favor. He wants to bring healing to the na on, not to condemna on.

Sponsor TV Programs & touch lives around the world. Beginning in June, the Jesus Calls television programs will be produced from our new TV studios built at our Dallas, Texas Prayer Tower. We are producing teaching shows, powerful event sermons, family shows and much more. This gives us an opportunity to reach the North American viewers with programs especially designed for them. We es mate that the cost of producing such programs will be $750,000 in this year alone for the studio, the equipment, and $750,000 in this broadcast me. But it is all made possible because of the dedica on and faithful giving of our partners like you.


Would you partner with us in this great mission with your prayers and support? No gi is too small, as you will help us to feed spiritually hungry people that will be touched through the media ministry of Jesus Calls. As you join with and give to this project, As we will recognize you by pu ng your names on TV and praying for you. visit to donate and sponsor the programs around the world.

San Jose & Lancaster, California




With Dr. Paul Dhinakaran & Family

Jubilee Chris an Center Urgency Sanctuary 165 Nortech Parkway, San Jose, CA 95134

Saturday May 16th 5:30 PM

Shekinah Worship Center 42640 10th St.W., Lancaster, CA 93534

Sunday May 17th 10:00 AM

Join Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for a special, two day event “Your Sorrow Will Turn Into Joy!” Be inspired by these exci ng mes of ministry and praise!

All Are Welcome • Free Admission For more informa on contact: (408) 657-­‐7296 or 1-­‐855-­‐537-­‐8722

Behold, to obey is be er than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams” (1 Samuel 15:22)

Do not miss the opportuni es that are given to you. A proverb in Tamil says, “ A well that gives out water will have more springs of water.” The gi s of the Spirit operate through us so that we will minister for the Lord. Obedience When I first entered into ministry, I would always sit behind my mother-­‐in-­‐law, Stella. Before she began ministering to the crowds, she would turn to me and ask me to share my tes mony. She never told me ahead of me that she was going to ask me. Back then, I was very afraid of speaking to people and could have told her “no, mom, I am not prepared.” I did not however. As I would I am n share my tes mony, the Holy Spirit would fill me and give me words to say. A er that, God began to use me to minister to women and children. When my father-­‐in-­‐law died, I was asked to minister more. I said “I cannot take the place of such a great minister of God.” But my husband encouraged me saying, “The Lord has chosen you.” Yes, since I obeyed, the Lord uses me in the ministry today. “I have manifested Your name to men whom You have given Me out of the world...” (John 17:6). Manifest His Name According to Ephesians 1:4, “ He chose us in Him before the founda on of the world.” What a great joy for us! How glorious it is to do the Lord’s ministry in this world! No other work gives this great joy! When people tes fy about the goodness of the Lord, I start praising Him and thanking Him for it. Some mes, when we are ministering, we do not know how to pray. That’s why He gives us the Holy Spirit, who makes Intercession for us (Romans 8:26).

When I first star ng speaking in the ministry, my voice was very quiet. I tried to speak louder ,but I could not and no one could hear me. Once I prayed and asked the Lord: “Lord, why am I speaking so quiet and so ? I wish I could be like my parents and husband who speak boldly and loudly.” Some me had passed and a woman of God had come to our house to pray. God had Through her prophe c words, the Lord spoke to me. She said, “My daughter, from now on, you must not pray that you should preach like your husband and parents. The Lord will not use you like that. He has a ministry for you. You will speak so ly, but the Lord will perform miracles through those words.” The Lord says, “ I am the vine and your are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in Him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). He will use you migh ly to bear fruit. When you pray, people will receive the anoin ng. That is why today the Lord is using me to minister. My dear friends, the Lord wants to use you also in a unique way in the ministry. Ask Him today! j

Sam, Sharon, Stella leading Worship


Arkanasas Fellowship

Dr Paul Minisiters to Partner

Sharon Ministring in Richmond, VA

Karunya Almni Breakfast, DC

Praying for families

Anointed Worship

Dr. Paul Preaching in Arkansas


PROPHECY Declaring God’s Word to this Nation

Below, are the highlights of a word that Dr. Paul shared as to what he believes God has spoken to him, regarding this next Presidential election. “God is preparing this nation for the 2nd coming of Jesus.” “ The next president will be a person who has been wounded and bruised for the sake of Jesus Christ.” “There will be an increase within this country in it’s natural resources, finances, and buisnesses.” “God’s righteousness will radiate across this nation.” “He will pour his Holy Spirit among the young people...” To listen to this message in it’s entirety, vist:­‐prophecies

or if you would like a CD, we would be glad to send you one for your love gift of any amount.


OUR NATION “May God bless this nation and may there be great righteousness, peace and joy of the Holy Spirit. I pray that this blessing will come upon all who live in this great land. As we humble ourselves before you God, and pray, turn your face toward us, your people, and let your love be poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Give us the grace to be humble, never judgmental, never critical. Heal our humble, bodies, souls and family relationships. Let prosperity come into our families and homes, as we are transformed into your image. Thank you Lord as we give you all the glory, in Jesus name we pray, Amen.”-­‐ Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Be of good cheer for I have overcome the

What happens in the rabbit hole?

The devil tries to introduce just a small sin in our lives. Something simple is how he gets an inroad. It could be the internet, gossip, or What is suffering from sin? money.This is how he creates a rabbit hole in our hearts. Whatever it is, now is the me to 1 Peter 5:8, tells us that the devil crowds around examine our lives to see if that is hindering us wai ng to devour someone. The devil is like a from a deeper rela onship with God. God roaring rabbit. Yes, I said it...Rabbit! If you will recall wants to communicate with us and show us His the story of Alice and Wonderland, Alice gets heart and where we need to correct ourselves. a racted to a rabbit hole. The rabbit intrigues her wil they mystery and magic that surrounds the hole. If What is preven ng us from you also recall the story, Alice is ed down in her moving forward? home life and has to live by a lot of rules. She has a home very boring life and is not allowed to play. However: What is preven ng us as from moving forward? when she sees the rabbit hole, she wants to stay If you ask God, he will show us any areas of our there. lives that we need to change. You might think that the devil has an unfair advantage because The devil is just like that rabbit hole. he comes to he is collec ng informa on to use against us. pull us down into a fantacy world and wants us to How are we supposed to fight him? My friend, stay there forever. And, because we find the real we have dirt on him. Our intel on the devil is world boring, we don’t want to listen to God’s word. Jesus himself! We might be figh ng these pe y Jesus In reality, it is becuase we don’t understand what it is ba les everyday with him, but we must really like to be with Jesus. We lose all sight of remember one thing in our ba les. The war character when we are in the rabbit hole, and makes has already been won on the cross. Claim it and us completely different people. be free!

world (John 16:33).

“Our intel on the devil is Jesus himself! ...The war has already been won on the Cross. Claim it and be free!”

cut sin at it’s roots. Conclusion

Once we venture down into the rabbit hole, we meet more than just the rabbit. We get introduced to a whole slew of characters, like the Mad Ha er, Cheshire Cat, Queen of Hearts and March Hare. When we give into sin, just like the rabbit, the devil introduces us to other sins. What are some other sins we could have? How ar about pu ng sports, internet, lust and many other things before God. When we let sin creep into our lives we don’t just meet one kind of devil, but many. Sin blinds our eyes from the purpose and reality causes us to lose track of what we are really supposed to do. King Saul was doing very well un ll he got jealous of God’s favor on David. A er that, he lost track of all that God had spoken to him to do. He became a person with a different agenda and did not accomplish God’s agenda any more. That is a very dangerous thing to do! Let’s keep our focus on God. thing

Cut Sin at it’s Roots How do I do that? “Get busy with God’s work or sin will keep you busy with the devil’s work.” Once you realize that God is the one who you are truly looking for, you can live a blessed life with Him.

Quo ng from Lewis Carrol, in Alice and Wonderland, “Where should I go?”-­‐ Alice “ ”That depends on where you want to end up?”-­‐The Chesire Cat You may search your whole life today and find that your greed for money or frustra ons in video gaming has even lead to anger issues, and having no love for people around you. You may feel that lonliness has creeped in, due to your decision not to follow what is right. Something so small and pe y can produce great damage in our lives if we let it. Do we want to live a life that ou has pleasure for a season or live for God a life me? Let us make the decision that we are not going to be ignorant of the devil, because; his way leads to death, but God’s way always leads to life.


“To become a prayer warrior, you must be prepared for the ba les you will encounter every day. We are like soldiers in the midst of the ba le. We must a ack the enemy before the enemy a acks us. Ephesians 6:10-­‐18.” -­‐Rosa, Prayer Coordinator For Dallas ,TX Prayer Tower

Every day, thousands of people call our Prayer Towers all around the world,desperate for answers and hope. Prayer Intercessors, just like Rosa, answer their cries, praying for hope and deliverance. Our Dallas Prayer Tower is equipped with 20 trained and dedicated intercessors, who pray for over thousands of requests each month. The intercessors are the arms of the Dhinakaran family as they reach out each day and touch helpless and hur ng people through their heart-­‐felt cries on their behalf. Our intercessors take your calls, but they also endeavor to call each of our partners 3-­‐4 mes each year to pray God’s blessings. I received a call from a lady from Chicago, Illinois who was watching Dr. Paul on television. The day she called, she wanted to kill herself. When the show was over,she was not able to change the channel. The screen was frozen on the face of Dr. Paul and the prayer tower phone number. She called me, I prayed for her and she re-­‐ ceived comfort. I called her back a couple of mes, and now she is living in freedom. Her life is completely changed a er calling Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. Our prayer intercessors are on site each day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. to pray for you on the phone, through the internet or in person. If you would like to become one of our Prayer Intercessors, either part-­‐ me, or full-­‐ me, you may email our administra on office at or for more informa on, or call us at 972-­‐499-­‐4995. We are always looking for faithful intercessors to join our team and go before God on behalf of the needs of the people. Also, if you would like to support the mission of reaching hur ng people with the good news of Jesus, you may do so at

Hope & Healing


t o t h e b r o ke n h e a r t e d

in the V alley Sister Stella Dhinakaran

The Lord Jesus lived as an example for us, by fulfilling the purpose He was sent to this earth fulfilling from the Father. He went through trials for the joy that was set before Him and He endured the cross, despising the shame and was seated at the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:2) He endured His trials pa ently on the cross, keeping in mind that all of mankind would be saved. While reading the experiences of men of God in the Bible, we see that they too went through their own valleys. No one obtained a heavenly life by living for their own gain. The deeper you go into the valley, the more the Lord will help you be frui ul. The Bible says that “...the help of man is useless.” (Psalm 108:12; 60:11) That is why we look only to the Lord. If you place your trust in man, the Lord will allow you to suffer from that same man in order to understand the depth of His love. God alone can change your tears and there is nothing that is impossible for him. Heavenly visita on during desperate mes Jesus Christ, being the Son of God, was sent by the Lord of Lords as the “ruler of salva on”, to endure the cross so that He could sal take us into glory. The thought of his impending suffering on the cross, brought him to sweat blood from His body. He endured hos lity from sinners against Himself (Hebrews 12:3).

In 1969, both the late Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran and our precious daughter Angel were close to death. At that me, when no words could be found to pray, the Holy Spirit Himself interceded for us(Romans 8:26). There was a miraculous deliverance from that sickness. Poverty was removed and God’s blessings increased in the family. The eyes of the people who misunderstood were opened and they were in peace with us and became a firm support to the Jesus Calls Ministry. Not only that, on May 21, 1986, when our precious daughter Angel died in a terrible accident, we were at the height of sorrow. In that valet of tears, the Holy Spirit came down and comforted us like a mother. He established us in the ministry once again. (Psalm 84:5-­‐6) Dear friends, are you going through trials and your own valley of tears? Do not be afraid of trials, reproach and shame. Don’t run in fear when people beli le you. But keep your eyes on Jesus, our forerunner and exalt His name, with His strength. May the Lord, who wipes away our tears from our faces, wipe away your tears and help you pass through your valley into joy. If you have not received the Holy Spirit, ask the Lord to re receive His unspeakable joy, full of glory. (1 Peter 1:8). He is the father of mercies and the God of all comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3).

For your love gift of any amount you will receive a highly impactful message, on the subject of God bringing you back to his fortress. Dr. Paul speaks with annointing and he challenges you to “return to your fortress - calling� God is going to restore to you in double measure as you come back to your calling.

You are called with a purpose.

PRAYER TOWER NEWS 75th Prayer Tower! We are glad to announce that Jesus Calls Ministries has opened it’s 73rd Prayer Tower located in Ennore Port, Chennai, India. Our Latest openings was the74th in Gaziabad, Chennai, Delhi and 75th Prayer Tower in Panchgula, Punjab. It was so powerful when Sister Stella Dhinakaran dedicated the Prayer Tower to the Lord. Everyone gathered there could feel the anoin ng of God strongly in that place. The Prayer Tower will operate from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day. They will also be host-­‐ ing special mee ngs on a regular basis. We are so excited to be able to minister to the needs of the people in this region able through this new Prayer Tower.

Shalom from Israel This month, Dr. Paul, Sister Evangeline and some of our precious partners visited Jerusalem, a land chosen by God as His own. It is so precious to walk where our Lord and Savior walked 2,000 years ago, with the precious partners and friends who had come for the Israel Tour May, 2015. Before coming to Israel, Dr. Paul an cipated that there was something great in store when he arrived. They had a powerful prayer mee ng at the Israel Prayer Tower and the Lord enabled Dr. Paul to pray for everyone who a ended the tour and God ministered to them in a mighty way. We are so blessed that the Lord has enabled us to make our Israel Prayer Tower operate 24 hours a day. Please pray ou for the peace of Israel. God promises that when we pray for the peace of Israel, we will see a blessing on our lives!

Canada Calls We are so very blessed to Have a Prayer Tower in Canada to minister to not only all of our Canadian partners and friends, but to many other na ons as well. This month, through the grace of God, we have seen miracles, healing and God’s love being poured out to those who have contacted us. God is touching lives through the Blessing Mee ngs and Thursday Bible Study. As we pray and fast on Fridays, we no ce that God is bringing many visitors to experience what He is doing through this Prayer Tower.

Monday 12:30pm Monday 6:00am Tuesday 2:30pm Thursday 11:30am Saturday 1:30pm

Saturday 9:30pm

Tuesday 9:00am Sunday 9:00am Friday 12:30am Sunday 7:30pm

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