Jesus Calls International E-Magazine July 2020

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y wife and I started our life after marriage in Gurgaon, North India. I am working with Campus Crusade. My wife Prasanna and I are blessed with two little sons Abhishikth and Shreyas. We are blessed through Jesus calls and we follow all the messages shared by the Dhinakarans which are strengthening us. We are fortunate to be the Family Blessing Plan partners and my kids as Young Partners. January 2020 onwards we were very much hard pressed due to financial crisis. But God spoke to our hearts and told us to sponsor a Jesus Calls TV programme to get a breakthrough from our financial struggle. Therefore, without any further delay we prayed and immediately sponsored a TV programme. We had great peace from then on. In February 2020, in the TV programme that we sponsored, we were prayed by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran . He professed the blessing in Psalm 1:3 upon us saying "He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth it’s fruit in it’s season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper." The very next month, just two days before lock down, God blessed us with an amount of INR 1,50,000 as gift from a person which we never expected. Also, during the lockdown period, though some were losing their jobs, God blessed my wife with very honourable job in health sector with work from home option. We really thank God for all His promises and grace upon us. Thanks to the Jesus Calls and all prayer intercessors for keeping us and holding us in prayer. All glory to God. -Arun Prasanna, Gurgaon Why don’t you share your testimony to bring faith in others and for God’s glory. We will be able to publish it in our magazine. You can also visit the Prayer Tower in your area or write to us to share your testimony. You can also record your testimony with your mobile in horizontal view having a silent background and share your story with a brief introduction, the situation you went through and the breakthrough God brought in your life through the Jesus Calls ministry. Write your testimonies and send your testimony videos to the Email id or FOR MORE DETAILS on TV Club , Email: PARTNER CARE: 044 23456677, 7AM TO 9PM ( IST) Partners overseas:


“Who dares despise the day of small things, since the seven eyes of the Lord that range throughout the earth will rejoice when they see the chosen capstone in the hand of Zerubbabel?� (Zechariah 4:10)


he promise for this month is found in Zechariah 4:10. Here we read about Zerubbabel. He was the man who rebuilt the temple of God which was broken to pieces and brought shame to the people of Israel. To begin this massive project all that he did was to take a plumb line to measure the dimensions of the temple. When he took the plumb line, the first step to build the massive temple of God the seven eyes of the Lord came upon Him and He rejoiced over Him. God has given us great plans to build His kingdom but God doesn't rejoice only when the plan fulfills rather rejoices over the first step we take. He doesn't wait for us to finish the Jesus Calls Ministries | July 2020 | | 3

project to rejoice over us. Even as we take the first step, a little step, a small beginning He begins to rejoice over us. Who can despise the small beginnings! The small step we take to fulfill the will of God makes God's heart rejoice over us. After the lockdown, we are going to take the first, small step but this step is to build the kingdom of God in its entirety as never before. Not just the two eyes, but the seven eyes of the Lord, the complete joy of the Lord is going to come upon us. The joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). With this strength we will climb a wall. We will go through the armies. Now the mission of God which has been given to us will fulfill from now on.

You and I will be the light of the world as our eyes are full of righteousness, beholding joy and righteousness from now on.

“Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be." (Job 8:7) This is the promise God gave on the first of January 2020. The Holy Spirit told me and I announced to the world that we are going to be humbled, made empty and made to have no hope. But then God said the end is going to be prosperous. Your end is going to be prosperous. Will you confess this year is going to be prosperous in the end for you! Say, "I am going to finish the year 2020 prosperous." God's kingdom is going to complete in 2020 in a prosperous manner. I believe that we will end the year with prosperity in Karunya as we are waiting for the accreditation. I believe it is going to happen in Jesus Calls as God gives us the maximum number of souls even though we are not able to conduct the public prayer festivals. I believe we will enter into the plan

given for SEESHA to get into care homes and hospitals on the days to come as we end this year 2020. For this, God's eyes are upon us. It is not that God has seven eyes. He has created man in His image so I believe He also has two eyes. What He means by seven eyes is that He puts all His love upon us as He looks upon us and He makes us complete the mission of God. Even when we take the first step to fulfill His will, build His kingdom, He looks at us with complete satisfaction. This month is very important. We are in the middle of the year. Now the balance is going to tilt towards prosperity. Till now it was a small humbling experience this year but now we are moving into the beginning of the prosperity of the year 2020.

NOW WHAT ARE THE SEVEN EYES OF GOD? Firstly, God's eyes do not look at evil. In Habakkuk 1:13, Bible says, "Your eyes are too pure to look on evil; you cannot tolerate wrongdoing." What are the eyes of the world? 1 John 2:16 says "For everything in the world - the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life - comes not from the Father but from the world." In the world we see only the lust of the eyes.The world only gives lust through its eyes. But God's eyes are eyes which do not look at evil at all. That's why with so much evil going on in the world He doesn't send His punishment immediately. We ask 'why is God not judging, why is God silent?' It’s because His eyes cannot see evil. His eyes see only righteousness. Those are the eyes God will give us as we begin our steps toward building His kingdom. Our eyes are going to see righteousness and no wrong doing. We will never see the lust of the world. God is giving us a new pair of eyes which are eyes which do not see any

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evil. When we receive such eyes, as in Matthew 6:22 “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light", our whole body will become full of light. We become the light of the world after that. God is giving us this prosperity. You and I will be the light of the world as our eyes are full of righteousness, beholding joy and righteousness from now on. Secondly, God eyes are eyes of fire. Revelation 1:14 "..his eyes were like blazing fire." Why are they like flaming fire? What will they do? This flaming fire can penetrate into any earthly body. God's eyes are able to look into every heart. 1 Samuel 16:7 says “The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart”(1 Samuel 16:7). God looked at the heart of young David who was behind the sheep. In Acts 13:22 God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.’ God said he will do my will and God saw that his heart with His flaming fire filled eyes and made him king. The Lord made him king. That is the power of the flaming fire filled eyes which is God is giving to all of us. When people come to us for prayer, to you and me, God will give us the eyes of flaming fire to look into the heart and their lives and see God's plan for their future. We will be able to bring God's plan in to their lives making them Kings and Queens. There was a man named Allen Turing in England. He was a math professor. During the second world war, he was a genius in calculations. So the General of the army called him and said "Join our team". He said "We have to break the code of the communication machine of the German military". So he was under a team. All the other scientists were only giving excuses as to why they could not do the work. But the military always follows the chain of command. This man was the most junior. Whatever he said was not heard by the leader. He would say, "You a junior. Keep quiet. You must go through the chain of command." There was no progress in the project because his words were being ignored. Finally this man wrote a letter to Winston Churchill the Prime Minister of England. Immediately a letter came from the Prime Minister to the General. He wrote Allen Turing shall not be the last but he shall be the first in the project. He became the leader. Of course he had to fire some of them but then he brought

redemption. He discovered the most amazing machine which led to the computers of today. But more than everything he saved the world. Yes God is going to give you such eyes to lift those who are in despair, dirt and in the lowest levels and insignificant and make them Kings with the eyes of fire that is giving you. As you build everyone of the individuals into the plan of God you are building God's kingdom in them and through them in the world. You are God's prophet for that. God is giving these eyes of fire to each one of us as we begin this next half of the year 2020. Your own children will be led by the plan of God through you and they will become prophets and kings and they will prosper as you reveal God's plan for them regarding their future and make it happen in their life. Thirdly, His eyes are eyes which give counsel. In Psalm 32:8, the Lord says, "I will counsel you with my loving eye on you." God says that He will put His eyes upon us and give us counsel. In Romans 8:26 the Bible says, "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans."When you say I do not know which way to go, God will send His Holy Spirit and He will pray with groaning through you and my counsel will come. Then you will walk in His ways and prosper. As we begin this month, expect God to counsel you through the Holy Spirit. You will lead millions into God's will and you will lead yourself into God's will.

He will multiply you and make you fill the earth. Everyone of your family will have a great name on earth in the days to come.

Fourthly, the eyes of the Lord are eyes that listen to prayers. In 2 Chronicles 7:14, God says, "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble

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themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place." God says His eyes will be open to our prayers. His eyes will be open in His temple and it is we who are God's temple. 1 Corinthians 3:16 says, "Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?". God's eyes are fixed on your heart. Every prayer will be answered from now which comes from your heart. Your eyes will be always connected to God's eyes as you are His temple. God's thoughts will be given to you and not worries. You will have only joy because the Lord will rejoice over you saying 'You are my temple'. Fifth nature of God's eyes are to strengthen those who are committed to Him as in 2 Chronicles 16:9 which reads, "For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” God's eyes are upon those who are committed to do His will. My friend, you are fully committed to do the will of God. I am sure you don't mind shame. You don't look at the time and work; you spend hours in fasting and prayer to do the will of God in every responsibility given to you by God; you sacrifice the time with your family and you sacrifice your personal desires and you are fully committed to God so God's eyes are going to go wherever you are going. You can never be hidden. The psalmist says "Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there"(Psalms 139:7?-?8). You cannot hide yourself from God's eyes. When you are fully committed to do the will of God you are the most lonely person because you have been set apart by the Lord to do His work. Nobody else can help you, support you or understand you as you have to be alone with God to do what He wants even though people are surrounding you. Yet God's eyes are upon you as you will never be alone without God's presence. In Genesis 6:8 we read "But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord." Noah was alone in with His family in the ark but he was committed to fulfill the will of God. May be you and your family

are alone but you are committed to do the will of God, so God's eyes are upon you. At the right time He will bring you out of the ark. He will multiply you and make you fill the earth. Everyone of your family will have a great name on the earth in the days to come. Sixthly, His eyes are eyes of compassion. In Matthew 9:36 we read, "When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd". When He saw the people like sheep without anybody to care for them He was moved with compassion. He healed them. But He told His disciples to pray that God will send labourers (Matthew 9:37,38). More and more people should come who will comfort the people who are following God. This year from now on God is going to send thousands of people to join us to comfort the millions of people whom God has given us to make them follow Jesus. Through them His kingdom will be established. We will have eyes of compassion. Soon we will have 24 hour chain prayer in Bethesda to bring these people to come and serve the Lord. Lastly, His eyes are beautiful. In Songs of Solomon 1:15 we read, "Oh, how beautiful! Your eyes are doves." His eyes are beautiful like doves. Jesus says in Matthew 10:16, “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." We have wolves all around us. People who are jealous and wicked. But God doesn't look at them at all. His eyes are only upon you and me who are His sheep. But we become beautiful like sheep among wolves. He said be like doves (Matthew 10:16). Be pure as doves. Whatever you do, do it righteously according to the law of the land and no wolf can touch you and be like doves that are perfect. Your eyes will be beautiful. That's the eyes of the Lord. You will shine among the wolves. My wife saw a vision of Jesus face to face for nearly a hour and a half. But the only thing she remembers is the eyes of Jesus. She always says His eyes were beautiful, full of love and purity. She says they were piercing eyes. God is giving us such eyes. The complete blessing of the eyes of the Lord will come upon you. So enter into the era of prosperity.

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ALL NEEDS MIRACULOUSLY MET "Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving." Colossians 4:2.


thank God for the prayer intercessors at Jesus Calls Singapore Prayer Tower who are so faithful in praying for my family members for several years. They take time to pray long enough to cover all the prayer needs for each of us. I thank God for teaching me to depend on Him for all my needs and the needs of my family. In many ways, God has blessed me through prayers. I believe in the power of prayer. Along with many others who pray, I always like to call Jesus Calls to ask the prayer intercessors to pray for us. The prayer service is so personalised. Recently, my mum was hospitalised and in my desperation I turned to God in prayer. The prayer intercessors have been very patient in praying for my mother and I am really thankful for that. God healed my mum miraculously. We experienced God's mercy in blessing my children in their studies. Before each exam, I call Jesus Calls to pray for them and miraculously they excel in their studies. All the success is from God alone. He leads and guides His children. All glory to God! - Mrs Malar Thomas, Singapore

You may send in your cheerful donations through Money Order / Cheques written in favour of JESUS CALLS (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD For online payment and funds transfer, kindly use the following bank details: BENEFICIARY NAME: JESUS CALLS (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD ACCOUNT NO : 012-014248-0 SWIFT CODE : DBSSSGSG BANK NAME : DBS BANK LTD BRANCH : 12 MARINA BOULEVARD, MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE, TOWER 3, SINGAPORE 018892 You could also send your donations through ATM machines which are available everywhere in Singapore. OUR MAILING ADDRESS JESUS CALLS PRAYER TOWER 70-A, Racecourse Road (Second Floor), Singapore - 218572 24/7 Prayer Hotline - 63830160 Email - Website:

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Placed higher in every work I live in Chhattisgarh with my husband. I have been preparing for job although I was also seeking for any temporary job in my locality. But I found no scope. I contacted the Jesus Calls ministry for prayers. After 2 years, a private school principal approached me and offered me a teaching job. Though I had no experience in this field, I prayed for everything. God helped me to clear all the interviews and to join in January 2020. God has blessed me with a job when jobs are actually being laid off. He has placed me higher in every work. I praise the Lord for His grace. - Minal shikha kerketta, Chhattisgarh

Prophetical Prayers fulfilled I attended the recently held Karaikal Blessing Meeting. During the meeting as I was praying for my daughter whose marriage was getting delayed, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed exactly stating my need saying , "For those who are praying for marriage of their children, God is going to bless them &

marriage will be fixed in the coming week." As per the exact words of Bro. Paul Dhinakaran the marriage of my daughter was fixed exactly in one week after the meeting. I thank God for meeting my need through the prophetic prayers of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. - Kayalvizhi Kesavan, Tamil Nadu

Blessed with the gift of child My husband and I were not blessed with a child even after 23 years. We had gone through much shame and despair because of this. We have regularly supported the Jesus Calls ministries and through the continuous prayers of the prayer warriors, God has blessed us with a beautiful baby six months back. We thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the prayer intercessors who have prayed for us earnestly. Glory be to God! - L. Helan Petrick Raji, India

Hurdles removed and blessed I was facing lot of obstacles regarding my marriage and I was very depressed. 6 months ago I

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came to the Trichy Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and got prayed by the intercessor. God heard the prayer and miraculously removed all the hurdles and enabled my marriage to happen for God's glory. God has also enabled my wife to conceive. I thank God for making the Prayer Tower a place of miracles in my life and also in the life of many. I give all glory to God and I thank the Dhinakaran family for their prayers. - Lourdu Jeyaraj, Tamil Nadu

Strong and healthy through prayers My son was born in 2017. We named him David[Devdutt]. He is Pre term baby who weighed only 800grams. My mother Munilakshmimma used to call Jesus Calls and pray. We watch Raj TV programme every day. Almost every day I used to tell my mother that the baby is gaining weight. Doctor advised us that when baby has reached 2 kilos they would discharge him. He was in the incubator for around 45 days. The prayer intercessors who prayed would always give us confidence that Jesus will surely bless him and make him strong. At that point we faced another difficulty as we are unable to clear the hospital bills but God answered the prayers of the prayer intercessors and blessed us by giving us an amount of INR 1,00,000. Now our son is well grown and living for the glory of God. I praise the lord once again. - Mahender, Bangalore

Long awaited blessing I got married on June, 2012. For seven years I didn't have a baby. We went through lots of difficulty. So we finally went to Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Bangalore and got prayed by the prayer intercessors. They prayed for us with much burden.

Jesus heard the prayers. In 2019 April we were blessed with a boy baby. Now we are happy and we are thankful to God. - Ajitha Rani, Bangalore

Needs miraculously met I have enrolled myself in Young Partners Plan and God has showered immense blessing on me. I am a working professional and pursuing LLB course. Due to this lockdown, I am the only person in my family whose salary is fixed. My father is not working and my brother is doing business. Due to this they have no income. I was very stressed that I might also run out of money as I had no surety of any future income or salary from my company as the company is also struggling in this pandemic. Surprisingly, bank reversed my March and April month Emi amount which I paid. This unexpected amount is purely a blessing and I want to thank the Lord and the entire Jesus Calls team for their prayers. - Neelisha Kaunder, Gujarat

Delivered from addiction My brother was addicted to alcohol. So we were quite disturbed. One day we went with my mom to Jesus Calls Prayer Tower here in Kolkata. They prayed for my brother and advised us to have family prayers both morning and night, because in my home we never used to pray together. But from that day by God's grace a family prayer started in my house. It's been 3 months we are regularly having family prayer and my brother is not drinking. We also watch Jesus calls TV programme every night. We thank the Lord , the Dhinakaran family and all the prayer intercessors. -Odin Abha Tirkey, Kolkata

The same God who performed miracles for these beloved partners is alive today and He can do a miracle for you too. Feel free to send your prayer requests to by email or by letter to 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. You can also share your testimony of deliverance and blessings to or postal address. Jesus Calls Ministries | July 2020 | | 9


ince schools have been shutdown, children need to prepare themselves to cope up with the changes that they might face in the forthcoming academic year. Teachers may resolve to online teaching methods which might not interest some children. Those accustomed to printed hard copies of books may find it hard to switch on to Ebooks. They might need to sit before the computer for long hours which might cause physical strain to their eyes and back. Not being able to visit their friends has already disturbed their fun life. Too many challenges line up for children these days due to the changes that the pandemic has caused. Even if schools reopen they are insisted to practice social distancing as the new norms which might be difficult to handle. Protection of children is a major concern for parents these days. To go through these tough periods protected, in peace and to shine amidst these situations, enrol your children in the Young Partners’ Plan to seal them with God’s wisdom, health and protection. The Young Partners’ Plan (YPP) is a covenanted plan given to Bro. D.G.S Dhinakaran with the promise of protection, good health, wisdom and prosperity in the lives of every young partner. This plan was instituted on the 25th July 1985 with the sole purpose of reaching out to young people all over the world to cover them with prayers (24 x 7). For the past 35 years, the Dhinakaran family and the prayer intercessors at the Prayer Towers pray everyday for our precious young partners. God has been faithful in keeping His covenant in protecting and prospering the young partners in all that they do. We receive countless testimonies on how God has been blessing the Young Partners and making them excel in their life. The Lord’s promises covered in this plan are * To raise up children who grow in wisdom, stature and in favor with God and men (Luke 2:52) just like Jesus * Protection from the evil one (John 17:15) * Thrive like olive shoots having holistic excellence (Psalm 128:3) *Grow in the knowledge of the Lord and bear good fruit (Colossians 1:9,10) Young Partners who complete age 21 will become part of the next generation’s ministry. We will give them a new partner code and make them part of Jesus Calls family. Today’s young generation has various needs like higher studies, career, entrepreneurship, and life partner. We believe they can send their prayer requests and also send their offerings to the ministry and be blessed. 10 | Jesus Calls Ministries | July 2020 |



efore the exams I and my sister Riya, used to feel very tensed. So every time we used to send prayer request so that the prayer intecessors can pray for us. Their prayers have truly brought courage and strength. Before my 12th exams, during maths exam I was sick. I was not able to attend my pre board exams. Because of this I underwent severe stress especially concerning maths exam. But as I was a young partner, the sincere prayers of the prayer intecessors helped me to write my exam well and I passed with 95% in my exams. During college days, before exams I used to call the Prayer Tower for prayers and I did well in all the semesters and in the first year I was the topper. Everyday we watch the Jesus Calls TV programme. In one of the episodes, Dr.Paul Dhinakaran told the students that before preparing for the exams we should pray a small prayer. So everytime before I prepare for exams I will pray and start my preparation. I felt a difference in my preparation after that. In my results too I saw the influence of prayer as it brought success. Being a young partner has helped me and my sister to shine in our studies. We earnestly thank Dr.Paul Dhinakaran and the Jesus Calls prayer intercessors for praying for Young Partners like us and being a great spiritual support to us. - Esha Murmu, Kolkata

Isn’t this a beautiful testimony? You too can also benefit like Esha Murmu and Riya Murmu by becoming a Young Partner. YOU CAN ENROLL CHILDREN FROM AGE GROUPS 0 TO 21 YEARS: Special features of the plan • The Dhinakarans will personally pray for you every day • Prayer intercessors at the 24 hours Prayer Tower will pray for every Young Partner enrolled by mentioning their names and claiming the promise of the Lord found in I Chronicles 4:10 • A Certificate will be issued on completion upon a minimum donation of INR 5000/• A special personalized greeting card from the Dhinakarans on your birthday • A prayer intercessor will call you on your birthday over the telephone and pray for you You may contribute regularly as per your convenience say, monthly/ quarterly/half-yearly/annually. DETAILS REQUIRED FOR ENROLLMENT: Mr. /Ms................................................................................................................................................. Date of Birth: ................................. Name of Father/Guardian.............................................................. Address for Communication: .................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ City: ............................................. Pin code: ................................ Mobile No: ..................................... E-Mail ID: ............................................................................ WhatsApp................................................... For more details: * Website: * Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area * Email: * Address : Prayer Tower,16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028 You can send your photo to with your name, date of birth and mobile number. This is required for attesting on the YPP certificate for you. To know details on sending your offerings towards Young Partners’ Plan, please turn to page 16 Jesus Calls Ministries | July 2020 | | 11

My partner in ministry, I greet you in the name of our dear savior Jesus Christ. Let us praise the Lord for graciously enabling us to complete six months in 2020. We have crossed half way in this year. Especially even in the midst of this situation where the normal life is being affected all around the world due to the spread of Corona pandemic, the Lord has been enough for us till now. In this month of July, according to the verse, “I will rejoice in doing them good and will assuredly plant them in this land with all my heart and soul” (Jeremiah 32:41), He will stay with us doing us good. When Lord Jesus was in this world, He went around doing good (Acts 10:38). The same Lord will do us good this whole month and establish us in this world. News regarding the employees returning to their own countries, travelling with anxiety and going through troubles due to the spread of the disease, had come. We should pray diligently for every worker. The Lord has promised to establish us in the nation this month with no such anxiety; he will surely stabilize by not letting us wander but give us what we need. Lets praise Him for it.

Direct Prayer Ministry “…pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” (James 5:16) Our foremost mission is to pray for the people of the world. Due to the disaster, for people to come directly to the prayer tower to get prayer help has become an impossible situation. A 12 | Jesus Calls Ministries | July 2020 |

situation where there is no public transport; the need to follow social distancing; warning to not gather in one place, even though a ban is imposed on the services of the prayer tower due to these reasons, the Lord graciously enabled the telephone prayer to operate without any disturbance. Considering the need of the people, we have introduced the Dial A Prayer service which has my prayers recorded for various needs (+91- 44 61 999 000) in Tamil and English again. If it is the will of God, according to the guidelines of the government, we are making arrangements to keep the Prayer Towers open for you to visit in person and get prayed, with necessary safety measures. You can contact the prayer tower near your area directly or through +91- 44-23456677 the partner care number (morning 7am to night 9pm) to know the details about the direct prayer service. When events are not being conducted in Prayer Towers due to this prevailing situation, special prayers are organized through conference / Zoom call by the Prayer Tower managers. Contact the nearest Prayer Tower and be blessed. If you wish to send offerings to the ministry, you can use the UPI link jesuscalls@indus or through the website or you can contact the partner service number to know about your convenient ways to give your offerings.

New television ministry “Behold! My Servant whom I uphold, my Elect One in whom My soul delights! I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the Gentiles.” (Isaiah 42:1) July 1st, is the birthday of my dear father, your brother and the Apostle of love D. G. S. Dhinakaran. The Lord used him mightily and wiped the tears of crores of people all around the world. Let’s praise the Lord for his life and for the ministry which was fulfilled through him. It is the duty that falls on us to continue the ministry he has left. The Digitization of my father ’s messages through video and audio, messages given by our family and songs are still continuing with your help. For it to reach the people without any hindrance,

the Jesus Calls, Karunya, Seesha and other spiritual programs, children’s programs and special youth programs are to be telecasted in a private television bandwidth service from July.

The Lord has promised to establish us in the nation this month; He will surely stabilize by not letting us wander but give us what we need. Lets praise Him for it.

The “Family Channel” TV will be a 24 hours TV channel, launched through TCCL in Tamil Nadu, which is a cable channel with a reach in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Sri Lanka. For now, the telecast in Tamil alone will begin. In this you can watch our variety programmes . Family Channel will also be launched in our Jesus Calls Website and Mobile App. Watch and be blessed. Share the information about this television to your friends and family. Let the name of the Lord be glorified.

A bright future for the young partners “…Your children like olive plants all around your table.” (Psalms 128:3) One of the important plans of the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry is the Young Partners’ Plan. When my father, D.G.S. Dhinakaran went to the United States of America in July 1985, he was praying in the city of Houston. Lord Jesus met him through a vision and ordered him to start an exclusive plan to pray for the children and youth. Accordingly, to pray for children and youth to be blessed by the Lord with the wisdom of God, protection of God and a bright future, the ‘Jesus Calls’ Young Partner’s Plan was started on July 25th. The prayer warriors keep the names of the children who enroll in this plan and are praying for them in the 24 hrs prayer tower every day. Even we as a family pray daily for the blessings of the Lord to shower upon the young partners. The testimonies of the young partners and their parents

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about how they came up in life by the wisdom of God, were protected from evil and being blessed and reaching a bright future from an ordinary situation are numerous. For the young partners to become the next generation partners of the ministry, we are allotting separate partner code to those young partners who have completed the age of 21 and we want to welcome them in to the ‘Jesus Calls’ family as partners. Through that, the young generation partners can uphold the ministry and receive the abundant blessing from the Lord.

blessings of the deep that lies beneath, blessings of the breasts and of the womb.” (Genesis 49:25) On July 15th, my son Samuel is starting one more year. Till now, the Lord has been with him, given him the right life partner and blessed him. He is also using him and my daughter in law Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran in the ministry. Let’s praise the Lord with all our hearts for that. Even in this new year specially pray that He may give even more grace and uphold him. We should continue to pray for the pandemic to end very soon. The ‘National Doctor’s Day’ is observed on July 1st in India. Let’s pray specially for the doctors who serve with much sacrifice to save the lives of people, for the Lord to protect them and to bless their family.

Prayer for higher education

“I will sing to the Lord, because He has dealt bountifully with me.” (Psalms 13:6)

“… I have put wisdom in the hearts…” (Exodus 31:5)

May the Lord do all the good things you need and make you happy like the Psalmist this July.

It is the time where all are busy with the admissions for higher education. I am praying for all the students who have to write various entrance exams for that. The Lord will fulfill the desires of your heart, by graciously giving you a seat in the course which He has planned for your life. Those who are going to try for your higher education in the days to come, can send in your prayer request to the email or through the Face Book chat box. We will pray for your requests at the feet of the Lord. The Lord will do a miracle in your life.

Dear brother who prays for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Pray for Samuel “By the God of your father who will help you, and by the Almighty who will bless you with blessings of heaven above, 14 | Jesus Calls Ministries | July 2020 |

You can download the Jesus Calls mobile app from the Google play store for your android mobile or through the App Store and connect to the various resources of Jesus Calls ministries from Anywhere and at Anytime. The app is accessible in different languages. You can find testimonies, messages, wonderful songs, blessing word for the day, prayers and scripture readings for every need and all the information you need about how you can partner with the Jesus Calls ministry.


Dial-A-Prayer 24 hours prayer line number connects you to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s 35 recorded prayers which have been offered with much passion to bring a blessing in your life that you eagerly await.


TO CALL THROUGH PHONE - +91 (0) 44 61 999 000 TO CALL THROUGH THE APP - Download our Jesus Calls Mobile App through your android mobile from Google Play Store and tap on the Dial-A-Prayer banner on the app which will display the phone number on your mobile screen for you to give a ring and be blessed. YOUTUBE: TO CONNECT THROUGH JESUS CALLS WEBSITE : Go to and click on the Dial A Prayer banner in the Jesus Calls website on the top which will display the phone number on your screen for you to call and receive prayers

Dr.Paul Dhinakaran has compiled and read scriptures on specific topics to ground your faith on God's unfailing promises. Prayers are offered at the end of the reading for the promises to come to pass in your life. You can find these videos in JC WEBSITE - Youtube - at the link Jesus Calls Ministries | July 2020 | | 15



y wife & I attended the Jesus Calls Partner's Meeting in Colombo on February 15th 2020. We came there in the midst of a great personal struggle. I was seeking direction in ministry and we felt lost as to what to do with our ministry. I told the Lord, “You must speak to me through Dr. Paul and give me direction.” I came expectantly to the meeting. The Lord called my name through him saying, “Romesh, I am healing you from your spine pain and stiffness.” Immediately I got completely healed from that stiffness in my spine. At the end of the meeting when I came up for prayer, Dr. Paul just laid his hands on me and said 'Lord grant all his wishes' and moved onto the next person. I was so very disappointed that God did not speak to me regarding what I had asked Him. Hence, we left feeling sad. We went to a hotel and ordered our meals. The waiter got our meal order wrong. That was the first delay. Next when the waiter brought our food, he dropped our food on the ground and had to go get another one done for me. So the meal got delayed again and as we moved down to eat ice cream, we saw Dr. Paul and Sister Evangeline there. Even before we could speak, he said 'Wait I want to pray for you.' My heart started jumping with joy. As Dr. Paul prayed, God spoke through him giving me and my wife the direction that we were asking from 16 | Jesus Calls Ministries | July 2020 |

the Lord. We got a clear direction. It was amazing to see how God delayed our meals just to make sure we met Dr. Paul & Sis. Evangeline. I have been a Young Partner, a TV club Partner and now from February of this year a Family Blessing Plan partner and we will continue to support Jesus Calls in every way possible. Praise the Lord. - Pas. Romesh Daniels, Sri Lanka



arried for eight years I was childless. Due to this I was facing lot of humiliation from our community, a village is a very remote place. I knew about Jesus and I was praying for a child. Then in February 2020, I heard that Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline are coming to Kandy and attended that meeting at Mahinda Rajapaksha Auditorium in Polgolla. There, when Sis. Evangeline was praying, I joined with her and prayed for God to bless me with a child. Praise God, He heard my prayers and answered to my cry. After eight long years now, I have conceived and am very happy. I thank and praise God for answering my prayers and also thankful to Sis. Evangeline for the powerful prayer she prayed that day. Glory be to God and God alone! - Mrs. B.K.P. Sriyani Malkanthi, Sri Lanka Visit Website to view daily & monthly promise messages from Dhinakaran family, Newsletter, testimonies, donation details, Magazine (E version) & video messages. Website: •

Due to social distancing Friday blessing meeting hosted on Zoom at 5.15 pm. Join meeting through our Facebook page :

Past programs of our Friday blessing meetings can be viewed on our Facebook page :

24x7 prayer hotline +94 (0) 11 44 88 111

Daily promise messages from Dhinakaran family can be viewed on our Facebook in English, Tamil and Sinhala.

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You may send in your cheerful offerings through Money Order / Cheques written in favour of Jesus Calls International For online payment and funds transfer, kindly use the following bank details: For Online Payments: Account Name: Jesus Calls International Account Number: 1106007140 Swift Code: CCEYLKLX Address: Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC, 232, Galle Road, Colombo 04. YOU MAY ALSO PAY BY CASH IF YOU ARE VISITING OUR PRAYER TOWERS. Bambalapitiya PT address: 15/1 B, Joseph Lane, Bambalapitiya, Colombo 04. (Admin Telephone No: +94 (0) 11 44 88 112) Mattakkuliya PT address: 65/373, 5th Lane, Crow Island, Mattakkuliya, Colombo 15. (Admin Telephone No: +94 (0) 11 25 21 365) Jaffna PT address: 32, Old Park Road, Jaffna. (Admin Telephone No: +94 (0) 21 22 12 737) Kandy PT address: 132, Vihara Lane, Mulgampola, Kandy. (Admin Tel No: +94 (0) 81 222 5193) Jesus Calls Ministries | July 2020 | | 17


od loves your family. He loves to lead your family. He will be the Lord who will go before you and perfect everything that concerns your family. He says, “I myself have called you and I will guide you.” He does this by showing you the way you need to walk on. He will never leave you even for a moment. He will be with you night and day. According to Joel 2:25, “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten - the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm - my great army that I sent among you” the pandemic and the locusts might have caused an havoc in your lives. But now He promises that He will restore everything back to you and make you satisfied. He will never allow you to be ashamed. Great honour is going to come to you. So that is why He says, I will walk with you day and night to help you to gain back whatever you lost. He will be with you continuously. In Luke 18:7,8 He says, “And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, He will see that they get justice, and quickly.” When God does justice it will be done quickly. You will have joy and miracles night and day in your life so that you get back all things in double measure.

What happens when God leads you? God promises four blessings in the following verse. “Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your 18 | Jesus Calls Ministries | July 2020 |

God will surround you with His glory. His glory will transform your lives. You will reflect Jesus in all that you do. righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.” Isaiah 58:8 Firstly, God will make the light to shine like the dawn of the morning on you so that the darkness you experience is expelled out. May be you haven’t seen results for your hard labour, maybe there is lack in your family but God promises to make you experience His providence. You will understand the ways of God that has led you thus far and know which way to turn to in the future. All your questions will be answered. You will no longer be confused or be misled. Secondly, whatever area in your family that has been infected because of hatred, fights, injustice, selfish motives and illicit relationships will be healed by God. God will make His healing to appear quickly in your family. May be you or your loved one is physically ill. God will heal you physically, emotionally, financially and professionally. “But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like wellfed calves” (Malachi 4:2). Jesus is the sun of righteousness and He will rise over you so that you are not just healed but you will also gain your strength back to accomplish much in your life for the good of your family. God will also build your relationship with your family members by commanding His healing in your tongue. “Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones” (Proverbs 16:24). May be you faced too many quarrels with your loved ones during the lockdown, God will change your words so that they will no longer tear up people but heal the flaws within your family. You will enjoy the company of your family members. God will grant this blessing upon your family. Thirdly, God will make your righteousness to be explicit for people to know that your family is chosen by God. You will be distinguished from

others. What God does for you and your family will be marvellous. The Lord says, “I am making a covenant with you. Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world. The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I, the Lord, will do for you” (Exodus 34:!0). You will enjoy unique, tailor made blessings from God. He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn and the justice of your cause like the noonday sun (Psalm 37:6). Whatever you have done for the Lord as a family will be rewarded by the Lord richly. Keep on pursuing the Lord in your family prayers claiming these promises in your life. In His time, God will make all things beautiful (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Fourthly, you will witness the glory of the Lord. As you faithfully hold on to the Lord, God will surround you with His glory. His glory will transform your lives. You will reflect Jesus in all that you do. God’s glory will guard you from behind. “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21). God’s voice will sound loud for you to know which path you should walk on. You will know which decisions to take in order to please God and to have His Presence beside you. The glory of Jesus was seen in the works He accomplished. Even so, God’s glory will be seen in all your endeavours. Through you, God will accomplish more than you can ever ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). All you need to do is entrust your family into the hands of your Heavenly Father. When you do that, He will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). You don’t have to carry the burden of caring for your family on your shoulders. God bore the burden of the entire human race on the cross of Calvary and your burden will be made light for you as you give it to Him and take up His yoke which is light (Matthew 11:28).

God himself will be the head of your family and show you the path you need to walk on in the forthcoming days. Jesus Calls Ministries | July 2020 | | 19

“Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands…. The Lord knows those who are His." (II Timothy 2:19) The foundation of a house should be solid in order that it should be strong. When we have Christ, the Rock, as the foundation of our life, and build our house on that, fully trusting on it, our house would be strong and unshakeable. The Lord would always be the ‘wisdom’ and lead us (Colossians 2:3; Proverbs 2:6,7). By Him, our life would be blessed and prosperous. Also, when we tarry in His presence whenever we have time, He would undertake all the responsibilities of our life. He will help us to lay the foundation of our life upon Him, the Rock, and be solid (Luke 6:48). He alone is a “strong refuge, to which we may resort continually” (Psalm 71:3). Our Lord, the ‘eternal strength’ (Isaiah 26:4) lovingly and kindly tells us, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are

heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Let us briefly see about the blessings that we would receive when we have the Lord as our eternal strength and foundation:

ABIDE IN LOVE The Bible says, "As the Father loved Me (Jesus), I also have loved you; abide in My love.” (John 15:9) “And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.” (I John 4:16) Yes, when we abide strongly in the Lord, God would help us to happily pass through any tough path and sorrows such as sickness, death, lack of

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child, poverty and so on and enable us to abide in His love. In our family life, we have gone through several afflictions. On the very first day of our marriage, Brother Dhinakaran and I firmly decided to do God’s ministry and we prayed for this in one accord. Our family life which was thus started on a happy note faced series of problems quite unexpectedly. First I had a miscarriage; secondly I had a still born child. Many mocked us saying, “Both of you decided to live a holy life; then how come you are undergoing so many trials in life?” Yet, we endured everything patiently in the Lord. He, who saw all our reproaches, miraculously blessed us with two wonderful children and made us happy. Next, the height of tragedy stuck us when our dear daughter Angel died in a gruesome car accident on May 21, 1986. The scornful words from all sides, thrown at us like arrows, pierced our already broken hearts. Unable to bear the grief, we spent the days in tears. In the midst of that sorrow, the divine love of God alone comforted us through the Holy Spirit. This love encouraged and strengthened us to continue with His ministry. In order to heal our broken heart, the Lord granted us another daughter (Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran) as our daughter-in-law and turned our sorrows into joy. Also, through her, He blessed us with three grandchildren and now with Shilpa as a suitable partner for grandson Samuel and is making us rejoice in every way. He is thus blessing us abundantly. Also, many sisters, particularly my dear Esther Prayer Group children lovingly address me as ‘Mother’ when they write to me, and my heart overflows with divine love on reading it. I thank the Lord with my whole heart for their priceless and incomparable love for me. When Abraham, our forefather, was in his old age, the Lord blessed him with a son at the appointed time. Abraham who was then 100 years old, named him ‘Isaac’ (Genesis 21:5). After this, God tested Abraham. He said to Abraham, ‘Offer your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, as burnt offering for Me.’ Since Abraham was filled with divine love, he rose up early in the morning, collected all the things needed for the burnt offering and headed for the specific mountain along with his son and servants. On seeing the place afar off, Abraham said to his young men with

faith, "Stay here with the donkey; the lad and I will go yonder and worship, and we will come back to you." He took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son; and he took the fire in his hand, and a knife. But Isaac spoke to Abraham his father and said, "Look, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?" And Abraham said, "My son, God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering." Then he built an altar there and placed the wood in order; and he bound Isaac his son and laid him on the altar, upon the wood and stretched out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. But the Angel of the LORD called to him from heaven and said, "Abraham, do not lay your hand on the lad, or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me" (Genesis 22:1-12). Yes, how true was the love and reverence that Abraham had for the Lord! He abided in the love of God. Even when the sincerity of his love was tested through a terrible trial (II Corinthians 8:8) he did not back off but abided in His love. What a glorious experience! The love and fellowship that Abraham had in the Lord made him thus abide in His love. He alone pours into our heart, His unchanging love and makes us also to love others. “For to this end I also wrote, that I might put you to the test, whether you are obedient in all things.” (II Corinthians 2:9) According to this Scripture, the sincerity of the love of him, who loves God, is tested. Dearly beloved, you too may face such trials. When you remain patient at such critical times and obey His voice, the Lord, who is the personification of love, will fill you with His priceless love and make you abide in Him.

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The Lord’s life would come into you when you do only the things which are pleasing to Him and when you walk in fear of God.

LOVE HIM “…let us …love in deed and in truth.” (I John 3:18) In this world, for us to get united with the Lord and abide in Him, three things - faith, hope and love - are needed. Yet love is the greatest among all (I Corinthians 13:13). The Bible says, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear” (I John 4:18). The Lord is pleased with us when we show love to those who criticize us, those who do not show love to us and to our enemies. Make a decision saying, “I will show love to my family, my husband, children and my relatives and to everyone. I will discard all the loveless deeds that are displeasing to God (James 3:14,18) and follow all divinely nature.” A married sister hated her mother-in-law and left the parents –in-law’s house to live separately with her husband. One day that sister read my message in the Jesus Calls magazine. The God’s words written there pierced her heart and she repented saying, “Oh, how loveless I am towards my in-laws! I treat my parents and in-laws so differently!” Saying thus she told her husband that they should go back to his parents. The husband could not believe his ears when she said this and both went happily to meet his parents. Her father -in-law and mother-in-law were taken aback and welcomed them both with wonder. They hugged each other and rejoiced. This is the Lord’s love! Since when he was 17 years, Joseph lived as the child of God. As a result he underwent several sufferings and sorrows. Because of the jealousy of his own brothers, he was sold to the Ishmaelites as slaves and was taken to Egypt. Potiphar bought him for a price from the Ishmaelites. Yet in those painful days, the Lord was with him. Since He was with him, the Lord prospered whatever he did. At that juncture, Joseph faced many afflictions because of his master’s wife. False allegations were thrown at him and Joseph’s master put him in the prison. Even in that situation, the Lord was with Joseph and made him get favour in the eyes of the keeper of the prison. After two years of imprisonment and sufferings, the Lord miraculously delivered him and elevated him as the ruler of the whole of Egypt (Genesis 39:2, 2023; 41;41-43). There was a great famine in every nation and all the all countries came to Joseph in Egypt to buy grain. When Jacob saw that there was grain in Egypt, Jacob said to his sons, “I have heard

that there is grain in Egypt; go down to that place and buy for us there, that we may live and not die.” When Joseph's brothers went down to buy grain in Egypt he enquired of them and found that they were his brothers. Though he did not inform them of this, he was glad and loved them and forgave and forgot their evils against him saying, "But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive” (Genesis 50:20). Accordingly, he showed divine love to his brothers who had harmed him and he did good for them. When you too thus show love sincerely and in your actions, the Lord will bless you fully and honour you.

FEAR THE LORD The Bible says, “The fear of the LORD leads to life, And he who has it will abide in satisfaction; He will not be visited with evil.” (Proverbs 19:23) “The fear of the LORD is to hate evil.” (Proverbs 8:13) The Lord’s life would come into you when you do only the things which are pleasing to Him and when you walk in fear of God. He will place in your heart the fear of Him in order that you will not depart from Him. Then evil will not come near you. As divine love keeps increasing in you, godly fear would automatically come into you. "I have made a covenant with my eyes; Why then should I look upon a young woman?” (Job 31:1). Thus said Job and was firm in guarding his holiness. Dear ones, like Job, let your eyes too see only the things that are pleasing to Jesus. Godly fear would guard your legs from going to unwanted places and your heart from thinking about wrong things. The Lord had mercy on a particular man, who was an alcoholic for several years, saved him and made him His son. This man was filled with the love and compassion of the Lord and would always keep singing praises to Him. He had a godly wife and children. Once, his daughter fell sick and neared death. Her life was about to ebb away from her anytime. His wife had only Rs.10/- with her. She gave this money to her husband and asked him to go to a doctor and get medicines. On his way, a poor man approached him and said to him with tears, “Sir, I had a cow with which I was earning my livelihood and leading a happy life. Suddenly that cow has died. What will I do?” Filled with the love of the Lord, this man remembered the verse, “He

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who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD” and handed over the money that was given to him for his daughter’s medicines to this poor man. Only after giving the money he remembered his sick daughter and immediately he knelt down beside a bush, in all reverence and prayed with tears saying, “Lord, fearing You and Your word and commandment, I have given all the money I had, to this poor man. You know pretty well about my family situation. You alone should help me.” He was then filled with a divine peace. Yet he returned home with trepidation. His wife welcomed him with a broad smile and said, “Soon after you left for the doctor, our daughter got up from the bed and had food. Now she is well.” He then narrated everything to his wife. The Lord had healed his daughter exactly at the time when he was helping that poor man with godly fear. How great is His love!

ABIDE IN THE LORD “He who says he abides in Him (the Lord) ought himself also to walk just as He walked.” (I John 2:6) This life that we are leading in this world is not eternal. The life that we would be living in heaven with our Father is eternal. Only when we abide in our heavenly Father we will be blessed in this worldly life and we will get the privilege of living forever with Him in heaven as well. The Bible says about the Lord, “You are of purer eyes than to behold evil” (Habakkuk 1:13). Like Him, we too should be careful to be holy. The Bible reiterates, “Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” (II Corinthians 7:1) “…you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” (Romans 12:1) Hence it is pleasing to the Lord when we keep ourselves holy. Only when we guard our spirit, soul and body holy, we can abide in the Lord. The life of our Lord who knew no sin (II Corinthians 5:21) is our example (I Peter 2:21). Let us follow that and be pleasing to the Lord. “Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear.” (I Peter 3:1,2)

A sister, who sought the Lord diligently, was praying with tears for her alcoholic husband. Every day he used to come home in an inebriated state. Yet this sister used to show him love and was earnestly praying for his transformation. 17 years rolled by in this manner! One day, she was praying, without locking her door, as said, “Blessed is she who believed” (Luke 1:45). That time the husband came home fully drunk and started searching for her. He found her praying in the room and sat near her. He became sober and heard his wife praying with tears saying, “Lord, somehow change my husband. His whole body is spoiled because of his drinking habit. Please grant him good health.” On hearing this, his stony heart was broken and the Lord gave him a new heart. He said to his wife, “Your prayer has drawn Only when we me closer to the Lord. But you abide in our should do heavenly Father s o m e t h i n g whenever I get the we will be urge to take blessed in this drinks.” His wife worldly life and made a mixture of fruit juice and we will get the gave him a glass. privilege of living He drank it and forever with Him from then onwards his in heaven as drinking habit left well. him completely. He accepted the Lord. From that day, divine blessings started overflowing in their family. My dear sisters, if you too have unsaved husband or family members who do not show love to you, pray earnestly saying, “Lord, give me the grace to show love to my husband or family members who do not know You and to turn them towards You.” Also show them much love and be an example to them by your godly fear, good conduct and holiness. When they see the divine nature in you, their heart will turn to the Lord. When we thus live with godly fear and godly love in everything, the God of gods will lead us to live a divine life of abiding in Him.

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Messages of comfort, powerful prayers, counselling, advice and songs which God gave through the dear apostle of love Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran leads many to Christ even today. The digitizing work is carried out to make God’s messages, songs, prayers, testimonies, Jesus Calls magazines and pictures (from 1975 to till date) easily available for the coming generations to be blessed. If that is done with the latest technology it will be helpful for the Prayer Academy course, Research studies, Social Media, Book Editing, Magazine Publications, TV Production and the Dr D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Library. Invaluable messages that have comforted millions around the world are being preserved for the very blessing of the generations to come. So far, 75,000 messages have been digitized and 6,000 messages are to be converted. 17,000 files have been segregated, coded and archived! 1,800 audio and 4,250 video messages are yet to be digitized. All compact disks with the songs of the Dhinakaransand the audio/video cassettes with messages, God’s miracles and testimonies witnessed through the Jesus Calls ministry are currently being categorized respectively. Brother D.G.S. Dhinakaran Library will have these categorized messages so that the people could come, listen to the messages needed for them both in audio and video form and receive God’s comfort, edification and peace. This project involves huge investments in technical and financial resources. We thank God for all the loved ones who have wholeheartedly offered to this initiative. 24 | Jesus Calls Ministries | July 2020 |

Here is a Testimony of a partner... Major technical investments involve the following: • Online post-production editing facility, equipped with online storage with 50 concurrent users. Implementation started • Media Asset ManagementMAM Software & Hardware, to integrate all the archived and current content work in progress • Metadata labelling for categorization and classification for easy retrieval. • Automated LTO & ALTO Robotic Library. Work in progress Please pray for Brother D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Library as well as for the digitizing services. We need to pay a bigger amount to continue this project. The need is INR 3 crores. Support this ministry, as prompted by the Lord!


I and my family are residing in Pattukotai. My wife is Mrs.Saghaya Mary. I have two sons, Alexander Immanuel and Chrisanderson. In 2013, both my sons were unmarried. My elder son had done B.Sc and animation. But he had no proper job. He would go for a job but it would last only a month. This brought him as well as us a lot of worry about his future. We had no peace in our heart because of this. It is so important to have a good job and since our son was not well placed it disturbed us a lot. In thus situation we happened to see Jesus Calls TV programme and we decided to sponsor a TV Programme on his behalf. Brother Dr.Paul Dhinakaran prayed for my son and very soon he got a good job in Bangalore as an Assets Engineer in a American collaboration company. We joined in Business Blessing Plan and God blessed him with a promotion. Soon our second son also finished his education and was searching for job. We were again confused and bothered about his state. So we again sponsored a TV programme and Sis. Stella Dhinakaran prayed for him and very soon God made him an Entrepreneur and blessed Him with a job that glorifies God. We did not stop there. We joined the Digitization project too and very soon our sons were blessed with wonderful married life. We had a property that was not being sold. So we again sponsored a TV programme and wrote a letter to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and now we have got advance to sell the land. Whenever we call the Prayer Inteccessors they have prayed for us even if it is in the middle of the night. The prayers of the Dhinakarans and the Jesus Calls prayer warriors have brought manifold blessings in our lives. Enrolling in the different facets of Jesus Calls has truly blessed us. You will also be blessed by supporting this facet of the Jesus Calls ministry. All glory be to God. - Thomas Sundar, Pattukotai

I am led by the Lord to support the Digitization Project in the following ways (please tick) My donation of INR 500/- to digitize one audio message My donation of INR 3,000 to digitize one video message My donation of INR 15,000 to digitize five video messages My donation of INR 30,000 to digitize ten video messages I would like to make an offering of Rs.................../to digitize ..........Audio / Video messages GIVE TO GOD'S WORK AND YOU WILL WITNESS GREAT GAIN For more details : Any query on the ministry, call Partner Care 044- 23456677 (7am to 9 pm) For more details to send your offerings to Digitization Project, PLEASE TURN TO PAGE 16

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ear friends, I would like to share with you a Biblical perspective on prayer so that you will know how, what and when to pray. Many of you have doubts as to how long we should pray, what to pray and does God answer prayers! I would like to elaborate on this for your benefit.

Stella Ramola

Let us first see what is prayer

Prayer is the simple way by which you talk to God. It is communicating with God in a personal, spontaneous, one on one and unorganised way. Through prayer, you petition God for what you need and thank God for what He has given you. You can talk to God like how you talk to your friend about your likes, dislikes, what bothers you and what will make you happy. It helps you to share your emotions with the only person who is worth confiding in. In the Bible, we see how David, Abraham and Samuel talked to God. They shared their feelings, fears, questions and desires to God in a honest way and that is what prayer is. 26 | Jesus Calls Ministries | July 2020 |

So what does prayer do? Firstly, prayer builds a relationship with God. God says, ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know’ (Jeremiah 33:3). So when we pray to God, He reveals things to us. Sometimes we might go to God with confusions, anxiety and worry and share our emotions with God, He cleanses us and shows us how we can change our lives. He clears our confusions, shows us what we should do and guides us in all our ways. So the more you talk to God the closer you get to God. You get to know more of God's ways, His thoughts and desires for you. You become a friend of God like Abraham. Secondly, prayer changes our heart. I am reminded of what God did for my grandfather before he stepped into ministry. God changed his hard heart of stone into a heart full of love and compassion for people. So whenever my grandfather had to pray for people, God's compassion would move him to pray for them, carrying their burden as his own burden and tarry on the Lord's feet bringing miracles in their lives. Today, millions of people have been blessed and they fondly call him an Apostle of love. The Lord changed him as he waited on the Lord and prayed for God to use Him. Thirdly, prayer enables you to trust in God. When I was doing my college, sometimes I used to feel overwhelmed with many situations and I would feel lonely or I would be stressed about the projects I was doing and I had no one to share my burdens with. So I used to pray with tears to God and lay my cares at the Lord's feet and immediately the peace of God would fill my mind, my heart would become lighter and get clear guidance as to what I should do. God would give me a sound mind to approach my situation with a quiet spirit. Just vent out your cares to God in a small prayer and He will give you the solution. Fourthly, when you pray for others, God changes the way you relate with others. Once I had an argument with my sister and I shut myself inside a room and decided not to talk to her. During the family prayer, it was my turn to pray and as I started praying for my sister I felt my heart changing, I felt the anger leave me and I was able to reconcile with her. It is a small example but when we pray for others who have wronged us as well as for our well wishers God fills our heart with love. We have peaceful relationships with our family and friends. God gives us the grace to forgive people and experience His divine nature. Finally, when we pray for others, we ourselves will have miracles. My friend, who pledged to pray for others was relieved from her problem of stress eating by praying for others. She was delivered while interceding for others deliverance. This is one way by which we can have miracles in our life. Prayer brings two way blessings, on us as well as for the people we pray for.

Now let us see how to pray? Bible says, 'Do not be anxious about anything, but in every

God gives us the grace to forgive people and experience His divine nature. situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God' (Philippians 4:6). First I thank God for all the things He has done for me and then pray for everything that I need. After letting God know my requests I submit to His will to provide for me according to His will and then the peace of God rules in my heart that God will take care of what I need.

So when should we pray? In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, we read, "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." When we pray we should pray with a joyful heart and you should pray whenever you can. It is good to start the day and end the day with prayer and also call on God whenever you need Him throughout the day. Before going somewhere, before driving, before eating and before speaking over phone I pray and I feel connected to God.

What is the assurance that we are heard by God? Jesus says, "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours" (Mark 11:24). So when you pray you have to believe that God will answer you at the right time in His own way. We also read in Psalm 145:18, "The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth." God will surely answer you when you call on Him. Even when you don't know to pray, when you ask the Holy Spirit He will pray through you and help you to express yourself with the right and specific words. So pray continually and trust in God that you are heard. May God bless you in your prayer life.

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