Jesus Calls International July 2021

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15th July 2021… Family Channel completes one year in celebrating the love of God. Introduced during the perilous times of COVID 19 pandemic on July 15th 2020, Family Channel has been God’s comfort and hope to countless families, the whole one year. On account of its 1st anniversary, special programs are to be telecast on July 15th. Watch and be blessed

Here is a testimony of how the channel has brought hope to the suffering:

RESCUED FROM LIFE-THREATENING SITUATION I watch Family Channel regularly. On 5th September 2020, Shanthi my sister was operated to remove the tumour that was in her uterus. She was doing well for one week, but suddenly on September 15th, her blood pressure shot up high and she started having seizures. We admitted her immediately in the hospital. Even after eleven days of being hospitalized, she remained unconscious in the intensive care unit (ICU). Being unaware of the reason for her sickness, I was watching the live program in the Family Channel in which Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was praying. During the live Telephone Prayer Time program on September 26th, I called the telephone line and asked Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to pray, explaining the situation. He prayed earnestly for my sister. Within two days, my sister regained her consciousness and was shifted to normal ward. Though she was conscious, her blood pressure remained high. We kept praying and day by day, she kept getting better. Within a month, her health improved and she returned home. Now, her memory is also improving slowly. She has been saved from deathbed and restored to normalcy. I thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his family for their prayers and specially our Lord Jesus who has been good to us. - Ramani, Coimbatore, India


Israel experienced terrible sufferings as slaves, the Lord sent Moses at the right time. When Lord Jesus says about Moses, He says, he is the “word of God” (Luke 20:37). He says, “You have Moses and prophets among you” (Luke 16:29). He marks the five books written by Moses as the “word of God”. Through that Moses who is the word of God, the Lord delivered the people of Israel from the cruel hands of the Pharaoh, to come out of the Egypt where they were enslaved and told them to leave for the Promised Land of milk and honey with joy. The Lord will deliver you from all the oppression and deadly terror and make you move ahead with joy; He will make you march forward with joy into the blessed future of the Lord. What is that word? He sends the word, “The Lord suffered on the cross and gave Himself as a sacrifice to deliver you. Therefore you have freedom” as a Moses to us. If we receive this word of the Lord, prepare the Passover and cleanse ourselves with the blood of Jesus, God reveals His power to deliver us from our bondages, suffering and slavery. The strength of devil, the evil people, and the works


t is the Lord’s will that you are carried with peace. His heart seeks that for you. Today, maybe fear and sorrow has kept you bound. However, according to the verse, “But to you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; And you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves” (Malachi 4:2), the Lord will break your every bondage, be joyful in you and fill you with greatness. So, the Lord Himself becomes the sun of righteousness and arises upon you. The health under His wings, will surely revive, deliver and exalt you in every way. Be strong.

JOY OF FREEDOM The people of Israel were slaves in Egypt for four hundred years. Even you may be under such slavery. They were suffering one after the other. Fear, horror, loss, rule of the wicked and at last death! In such a situation, when the people of Jesus Calls


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of the devil will be broken and not touch us. An open door is created for us. We will move towards enjoying the promises with joy, cheer and happiness. Yes, my beloved, from this month onwards, you will go forth with joy. Celebrate the Passover to experience that. Believe that Jesus was sacrificed for you and confess saying , “You were crushed for me. You gave yourself up as a sacrifice for me. Therefore I believe there is deliverance for me” and surrender yourself in His hands. Then deliverance shall come. “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24) The Lord has appointed a day for us to experience the joy. It is the day of deliverance. On that day, the miracles of God happen; miraculous deliverance comes. The hand of God will descend on you to work towards your wonderful health, care, salvation and deliverance so that you experience God’s miracles. “Then Joshua said to the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”” (Joshua 3:5) You have prepared yourself for the day of your miracles by eating the Passover. The appointed time has come. The time for your departure has come. This is the day God is going to give you joy. Believe it and enter into that day. It will be a day of miracle. Through the miracles, the Lord will give you joy. To be clothed in it, surrender yourself completely in the hands of the Lord. There is no need for you to deliver yourself. The Lord will go before you and level the exalted places (Isaiah 45:2). He will open the breach and go up before you (Micah 2:13). He will give an open door. Believe that the Lord will fulfill His purpose for you (Psalm 138: 8) and thank Him. The door for the day of the joy of deliverance and the joy of miracles opens up for you. 4

Jesus Calls


July 2021

JOY IN THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11) When the presence of the Lord is amidst us, we receive complete happiness; complete holiness fills us; the pure Spirit within Him comes to dwell within us. It cleanses us. “The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice; he who fathers a wise son will be glad in him.” (Proverbs 23:24) When the son is righteous, his father is filled with joy. “Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” (Luke 15:10) Yes, when the prodigal son repents, he is remorseful for his wrongdoing, repents saying, “Let me go to my father” and comes running. The father embraces and kisses him being filled with happiness and joy on seeing him. He rejoices over him with a peace-filled gladness (Zephaniah 3:17). Joy is going to overflow when the presence of God, presence of the father, the joy of the sinner who repents and the joy created in heaven due to the repentance of sinner comes into the heavenly family and the worldly family. From 21st July 1980, when I was eighteen years old, the Lord began to speak in my heart which was tired due to the bondages of sin and was suffering from fear, horror, loneliness and loss. He made me cry like a child for my sins. I was filled with remorse and repented. After I cried for two hours in reconcilement, He changed my life. He made me holy and new. The enslavement to the old sins was all gone. I reconciled with God and realized that I am a ‘child of God’. Followed by that, I reconciled with my parents. After that I did not have any anger, fear, |

horror or separation from them. They became my friends. What a great deliverance in our family! There was joy. My parents sang, shouted with joy and were happy because of me. Jesus, my Almighty Father, sang, shouted with joy and was happy; He filled me with His Spirit. From that day onward, even I had great joy. No more struggles. In His presence, there is perfect joy. He is with me at all times. By the grace of the Lord, 41 years have passed by. I am living as His child with deliverance and experiencing His joy. That is my hope and strength in this world. The Lord is giving even to you this month the grace which enables me to live.

JOY OF RECEIVING “Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” (John 16:24) Jesus says, “Ask unto me, your Father, whatever you need for your life and whatever you desire for. Ask for my presence. Whatever you ask for, I shall give; you will receive that your joy may be full. Not only joy, I will give whatever you need along with the joy. When you receive it, you shall experience complete joy. Don’t worry.” The Lord shall give that to you this month. Are you waiting for many days? Are all your blessings held up? Are you tired of the obstacles coming one after the other? Don’t worry. This month the Lord shall give you everything. He will give the right answer for all the waiting. You will receive that your joy may be full. Stop asking, “Why hasn’t it come yet?” but say, “Thank You for You are giving it to me”. “When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.” (Psalm 94:19) When anxiety increases, are you exclaiming, “I want consolation!” The consolation of the Lord and great joy will come. The Lord will do away with separation, lack, sickness, struggle, loss, horror and the fury of the wicked. The Lord will give unto you what you ask for and make your joy perfect. A great joy will come into your hearts. His consolation will comfort you this month. After my younger sister Angel died, the Lord removed the longing of my parents, “Oh we don’t have a daughter”; when we asked for complete joy in place of agony, He fixed it by giving my Jesus Calls


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wife. We did not think of it. Evangeline, who was of the same age, came to our home. Today, by the grace of God, we are perfected in that happiness. The Lord will do the same even for you. The Lord will give you praise and renown in the same place where you were put to shame (Zephaniah 3:19). The Lord will give in double fold as He did to Job. His presence will come searching for you to give you every blessing. Every worldly blessing shall be given to you. The Lord will graciously enable you to be perfected and become prosperous by His glory. Be of good courage.

JOY OF THE PROPHETICAL WORD “To make an apt answer is a joy to a man, and a word in season, how good it is!” (Proverbs 15:23) When pain and struggles come, the wicked devil will rise up and mock at you saying, “What is your hope? Everything is over! Goodwill of everyone about you is over; no one will ever respect you or stand by you, that’s all, you are forgotten even by God. He has seen some sin in you and pushed you aside. There is no one to help you. Every prophecy is destroyed. The prophecy you claim will never be fulfilled for you.” Sennacherib and his officer spoke like that before Hezekiah (II Kings 18:19; II Chronicles 32:10); but Hezekiah lay down in the presence of the Lord. Then the word of the Lord came prophetically: “He will return to his nation. He will not overcome you.” The Lord had created everything for Hezekiah’s goodness and removed his enemy to give him joy. He honored Hezekiah by removing his enemy and made him a great and prosperous man. He did justice. The wicked devil may be dancing against you saying, “I will steal everything you have.” The Bible says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). |


Even the wicked people may rise up and say, “You preached so greatly? Such an abomination for you; such a loss for you; such a disease for you; such a shame for you; you are not a child of God; there’s something wrong with you; everyone knows about it. Your life is over.” As the wicked officer of Sennacherib kept speaking, Hezekiah commanded the people, “Do not answer him” (Isaiah 36:21). When the devil tested Job he said, “I put my hand over my mouth” (Job 40:4). Yes, my beloved, there is no need for us to answer the devil and the wicked people. The Lord will answer them. He will tell His reply through our mouth. That’s why He gives the Spirit of prophesy. There is no need for us to plead for ourselves, “I did not do such things. It’s wrong news.” The Lord is the One who makes us righteous. Who can blame us? (Romans 8:33, 34). When the Lord makes us pass through this path, that’s the time when He does things which will make the people realize the He is with us. Let those who speak abomination speak however they want to. Let the devil that afflicts us steal as much as he wants to. Let him destroy as much as he wants to. We however will keep our mouths shut. There’s no need for us to speak to the devil. There’s no need to justify us in front of people. There’s no need to plead for justice. The Lord will speak through us. That why the Lord gives us the tongues and the prophetical word to us. “For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.” (Isaiah 28:11) That is our rest. Hezekiah held on to the prophetical word he received and spoke it. According to that word of the Lord, the enemy was destroyed completely by the hand of the Lord. Only after that he became greatly prosperous, honored and had a long life. Beloved, the Lord is giving His prophetical word to you this month. “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.” (Joel 2:28) 6

Jesus Calls


July 2021

The Lord has created good things for you. The Lord will make your mouth to speak that goodness as a prophetical word by the power of the Holy Spirit. There’s no need to reply to the words of the devil and the wicked people. You will speak the word of the Lord and the blessings He earned on the cross prophetically. It will depart from you and crush the head of the devil, and before the eyes of the people, the Lord will do miracles for you (Exodus 34:10); He will give you honor; He will exalt you (Isaiah 61:7); You will continue to be exalted even more. No one can touch you. The blessings of the Lord will destroy your enemies and their roots completely. They will get an opportunity to know the Lord. Be of good courage. “Rejoicing in hope…” (Romans 12:12) Jesus has accepted my struggles and bears my sorrow. He, who is righteous, bore the shame for my cause. Therefore, Jesus will give me victory. The truth that He will do justice is that hope. The people of Israel stood before the wall of Jericho (Joshua 6:1). The Lord appointed a day and said, “Shout out loud.” When the Israelites shouted out loud, the wall which was an obstacle broke and fell off. The door opened. Likewise, when we meditate on the suffering Lord Jesus bore on the cross for us, bearing our diseases, weaknesses and the painful words of the wicked people, hope fills our hearts. The Holy Spirit of the Lord will fill you. Then, health, honor and exaltation will come. Obstacles will go away. Every door will open.

PRAYER: Loving Father, let the joy of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Spirit fill me. The Bible says, there is joy and perfect happiness in Your presence. Let the joy You give, strengthen me. As You are my hope, let me receive Your happiness. Graciously enable me to walk righteously, put my hope in You, to prophetically declare Your promises for my life and the plans You have for me and to receive it. Make me anew. Let my heart be filled with happiness all this month. Thank You for You are increasing me with all the blessings. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen. |

This year 2021, Dynamic Kids Camp was conducted virtually in all the 98 Jesus Calls Prayer Towers across India for 7 days under the theme called “Never Alone”. The Truth that Jesus is always with them was imprinted on the little hearts in an enthralling way through 7 days Themes, Songs, Lessons, Stories, Crafts, Activities, Memory Verses, Quizzes and Prayers. The Zenith of the DKC was making children pray for ‘Corona Free India’. DKC was conducted in 12 different regions in 6 different languages, namely English, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu reaching 3500 children. YEPG AND JEPG was introduced to DKC participants and we had a good response. 60 of them have enrolled in the same.

Here are some testimonies from participants and their parents who witnessed the event: “We thank all the teachers, for all their hard like this to happen every year. They did a fabulous job, work, teaching, blessings and most important God bless them all. I'm sure all the children enjoyed of all being so patient, kind and loving to each being a part of DKC. I thank everyone from the bottom one of us. It is rather impossible to express of my heart. I would love my son to be a part of Jesus everything in writing, but in short, all teachers Calls in every way possible.” - Mrs. Vinita, have bestowed their best for all the kids' (Mother of Jeremy Samuel), New Delhi. spiritual growth. We thank them for everything. “Dynamic Kids Camp was a very good training We thank Jesus Calls ministries and its founders, platform to all the kids in fact, it was a and all the team members for this JC-DKC.” memorable foundation, that created interest - Ashley Ronald and Esther Ronald, Chennai and laid a daily devotion plan ,that is drawing “This was the best VBS my son has ever attended. them near to God. Apart from all the songs, Everything was so well organised, well planned. Hats stories & activities, our kids learnt the off to teachers and the entire team for being so importance of prayer & they prayed for 'Corona prompt in replying to every single child. Jeremy Samuel Free India.” - Mrs. Leena Aleena, has learnt a lot during this one week. He thoroughly enjoyed the JC DKC 21. Looking forward to something

Jesus Calls


July 2021

(Mother of Teressa & Leona), Alwal, Hyderabad.




eading Deuteronomy 33:1 reveals the last words of Moses. He proclaimed blessing on the children of Israel. Much value and importance is given to the last words uttered by people. Even the Bible accepts and respects the last words of people. For example, here are the last words of David, Jacob and Jesus. In his final words, David made his son Solomon king over Israel and also instructed the Levites regarding the construction of the temple of God (I Chronicles 23). When nearing his end, Jacob our forefather, blessed each of his sons who became the 12 Tribes of Israel (Genesis 49). The concluding words of our Savior Lord Jesus Christ are also recorded in the Bible. His words were “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20)

What an assurance we have! These words bring comfort into the lives of millions even today.

Memoir on Moses The verse Deuteronomy 33:29 being the words of farewell from Moses, let us have a glimpse into his life. 8

Jesus Calls


July 2021

The life of Moses is summarized in Acts 7:23-36. For the first 40 years, he lived as a prince in the Pharaoh’s palace in Egypt. The next 40 years, he tended sheep in the wilderness. Obeying God’s call, he rescued the Israelites and led them to Canaan for 40 years. Preceding his death, God had told Moses that the Promised Land was on the other side of River Jordan but that he would only see it from a distance and not enter it (Deuteronomy 32). Can you imagine how Moses would


have felt? For 40 years, he was with the Israelites, taking care of them “like a nurse carries an infant” (Numbers 11:12). In an instant, things had changed and he would be separated from them. He was in sorrow, but then he decided to bless the children of Israel one last time. These words are the blessings Moses gave unto the Israelites. The Bible says Moses was a man of God, and God fulfills the words spoken by righteous men of God. This month, Jesus is going to bless you his children according to the promise. Yes! You will see God fulfilling his words.

YOU ARE BLESSED “Blessed are you, Israel!” (Deuteronomy 33:29a) What is so special about the name “Israel?” On his first encounter with God in the burning bush, Moses asked God who he was. God replied saying “I am the God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob” (Exodus 3:6-16). However, God had changed Jacob’s name. The meaning of Jacob was deceiver and he had lived a life true to his name, cheating people around him. When he repented, God blessed him and gave him a new name in accordance to his transformed life: “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, for as a prince, you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.” (Genesis 32:28)

certain man named Nathanael came to see who Jesus was. “When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, he said of him, “Here truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit.” (John 1:47) When you pray, God does not look at your name but only sees “Israel” and His heart goes out to bless you for “it pleases the Lord to bless Israel” (Numbers 24:1). Praise God for He is going to supply your every need according to His riches in glory and bless you with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places (Philippians 4:19 & Ephesians 1:3). You may think that you are cursed, poor, sick, helpless, etc.; but according to God, you are blessed. Read the promise again substituting your name instead of the name ‘Israel.’ “Blessed are you, _____!” Be encouraged for the Lord is changing you into a blessed person.

You are

God’s special possession

Similarly, when we repent and give our lives to God, He accepts us as His own. “Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12) Having accepted us, he names us “Israel” and writes it on our foreheads. Whatever may be our name, every time we approach God in prayer, he only sees the name “Israel.” A profound example of this is: When Jesus sojourned this earth, a Jesus Calls


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What is it that you think about yourself? Do you say you are nobody - trivial working personnel, simple homemaker, or an ordinary student? Yet, God’s view about you is entirely different. The Bible says: “You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (I Peter 2:9) Yes! It is true indeed! God calls us when we were still sinners and transforms us into righteous people. Furthermore, God anoints us with His Holy Spirit, who pours God’s love in our hearts to transform us into the glorious image of God, who is incomparable, himself! “There is no one like the Lord our God.” (Exodus 8:10) Being transformed into the image of an incomparable God makes us incomparable too. Who is like you, a people saved by the LORD? (Deuteronomy 33:29b) |


YOU ARE PROTECTED Thirdly, God promises you protection through shield and sword. “He is your shield and helper and your glorious sword.” (Deuteronomy 33:29c) a. What kind of a shield is it? It is the shield of God’s compassion. “You shield them with your compassion” (Psalm 5:12). Soldiers use the shield in the battlefield to protect themselves from the enemies’ attack. Here God promises to shield you with His compassion against any attack of the devil. There is no end to God’s compassion, rather it grows ever more daily. Thus, we are protected forever.

victorious in every war they fought. The European empire bowed down before him. As a mark of gratitude, he was the person to build the first church in Jerusalem. Yes, the same Cross of Jesus is our sword too. The Bible says Jesus carried our sins, pains, and problems on the cross. “Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:4&5)


b. What is this sword given by God? Every righteous person has been given not one but two swords! Yes, one is the powerful word of God and other the symbol of the Cross of Jesus Christ.

and protection become a birthright to every child of God

The Bible says the word of God is the sharpest sword. “The word of God is sharper than any double-edged sword.” (Hebrews 4:12) The other mighty sword is the symbol of the Cross of Jesus Christ. From this following historical event, you will know its significance. In 355 A.D., there was a Roman Emperor named Constantine, who did not know anything about Jesus. Once during a war, his enemies surrounded him with no way out. About midnight, he was gazing at the sky lost in thought. He saw a strange sight in which the sign of the Cross appeared with the words “By this you will conquer” written below it. He did not know why this symbol of the Christians appeared to him but called his army generals and told them to inscribe it on their every weapon. He also changed the flag of his nation to have the Cross. Following that, Constantine’s army was 10

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"He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.” (Matthew 8:17)

For this very reason, every time we face troubles and look up to the Cross, we are delivered. There is no addiction that it cannot deliver, no disease which it cannot heal, and no problem that it cannot solve. When we plead to God, He remembers the Cross of Jesus and help comes from Him. The Cross thus becomes our sword. Dearly beloved, is it not very wonderful to see how much God loves you? He has died to make you His own child - an Israelite. When you are made an Israelite, God’s covenant blessings and protection becomes your birthright. Yes! You are God’s very own, which makes you blessed and protected. This word is sure to bring you strength in every difficulty you face. Just as promised, God will bring you encouragement throughout this month.

PRAYER: My loving heavenly Father, this promise word You have given is so encouraging to me. Lord I thank You for making me Your child and giving me your protection. I pray for Your compassion to surround me always and protect me. I pray for Your word to be my sword of protection. Help me to glorify Your name at all times. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. |

In 1980, the Lord appeared to Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran and asked him to start the Institute of Power Ministry (IOPM) to train people, who have a desire to do God’s ministry and to be filled with the nine Gifts and Fruit of the Holy Spirit. Numerous servants of God both in India and abroad have been trained from the first batch started in July 12, 1980 until 2008 in 30 batches. With the Lord having revealed to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran in 2008 that a New Era has begun, Prophetic Conferences were held. The New Era is that of Prophets and Apostles, to prepare the world to usher in the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s significance lies in preparing the world to receive Jesus Christ by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all people (Acts 2:17). Accordingly, Prophetical Conferences are conducted all over India and abroad raising prophets to be released in the kingdom to win souls. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his family minister in these conferences and every one trained is endowed with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and used powerfully by Almighty God. Thousands of people have been trained over the last 3 decades and transformed to a new realm of prophetical power. FOR YOUR EDIFICATION, HERE IS A GLIMPSE OF THE HEAVENLY EXPERIENCE...

Three Weeks of Heaven In the year 1981, I had the privilege of attending the Power Ministry, then known as Jesus Calls Institute of Evangelism. I was in the 4th batch with training for 3 weeks. Every day, both in the morning and evening sessions, Bro. Dhinakaran taught us on the Holy Spirit and gifts of the Spirit. In every session, Jesus Christ would impart to us the gifts of the Spirit. My life and ministry were very powerfully touched by God. The blessings and impartation, which I received in those days, continue even now. It was living in a Heavenly atmosphere and my life and ministry was mightily transformed. Soon after the lOPM, the Lord opened many doors for me in different places for public meetings. He gave me the understanding of moving in the gifts of the Spirit. Thousands would come to these meetings, experience the love of Jesus, and gave their lives to Him. Several were healed and delivered from evil addictions and bondages. In the teaching sessions, many were filled with the Holy Spirit. The Lord in His mercy blessed my spiritual life and also my ministry. All glory to Jesus! - S. R. Manohar, Rays of Love Ministries, Bengaluru Jesus Calls


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My Life-Changer It was a very special experience for me to accompany the Jesus Calls New Zealand team for the Holy Land Tour 2018, which included seeing the Holy places in Jerusalem, Jordan and Egypt and attending the Prophetic Prayer Conference in Jerusalem. As I walked the land where Jesus had walked 2000 years ago, the Bible started to come alive and the Holy Spirit started to minister in my life. The Prophetic Prayer Conference was the pinnacle, where Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline prayed for each one of the participants. When I returned, my hunger for the Lord and the urge to serve Him grew stronger. The Lord gave me the gift of tongues and started using me to pray for others. As I pray in faith, God brings healing. I have started a ministry in my own home, where I have set aside a room for ministering to people. Many broken-hearted and sick come for prayers, and when I pray, the Lord brings forth mighty miracles and miraculous healings. The Lord has filled me and is using me for His glory. I am blessed to be an instrument in His hands. Amen. - Pushpa Chand, New Zealand |


My dear partner in ministry, Greetings to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Let’s praise the Lord who enabled us to pass through six months this year and step into the seventh month. Amidst the pandemic, the reason for worsening economy, He has carried us like a father (Deuteronomy 1:31). The Lord has given us the following promise for the month of July. “You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” (Isaiah 55:12) Accordingly, in the month of July, the peace of the Lord will be perfect. WE DO THE GOOD WE CAN “…I was sick and you looked after Me…” (Matthew 25:36) 12

Jesus Calls


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Along with the worldwide increase in Corona disease’ second wave, the need for more medical and caretaker’s service also increased. Once, Corona began spreading in Tamil Nadu, we opened the doors of the building belonging to Karunya educational trust in Periyanaykkanpalayam, Coimbatore to be used by the government for treatment and quarantine. Until now, the premises are used for treating those affected by Corona. Through the SEESHA charitable trust, face masks, hand sanitizers and other protection equipments were distributed in many places. In the SEESHA hospital at Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore a special division has been started to treat those who are affected by Corona. Pray that the Lord shall strengthen us to provide these services continually. Prayers are being offered continuously through the Trumpet Prayer Groups and Corona Resistance Prayer Force (a WhatsApp group) for the Lord to stop the spread of Corona and |

for those who are affected to heal soon. RELENTLESS PRAYER HELP IN TIMES OF DISCOMFORT “Give us aid against the enemy, for human help is worthless.” (Psalm 60:11) To prevent the Corona pandemic from spreading, various state governments had to impose lockdowns and several other preventive measures like stoppage of transportation. The circumstance surged people’s need of prayer help. Without any hindrance, we were able to help them through the telephone prayer service. Prayer intercessors who have committed themselves for the ministry and who are gifted with the anointing of the Spirit, attend the phone calls day and night and pray for those who call for prayers. The Lord answers the prayers and does miracles. If you are in need of prayer, please contact the Prayer Tower in your country any time. If you wish to become a ‘Jesus Calls’ prayer intercessor, you can email your request to Introduce this prayer service to others also and make a way for their blessings. If the Lord has given you the burden of praying for others, you can contact the nearest Prayer Tower and offer your valuable services. MEETINGS THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA “…brothers and sisters, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you.” (2 Thessalonians 3:1) As we could not conduct blessing meetings and events for people to attend in person, we conduct live programs through Family Channel, Facebook, YouTube and Jesus Calls


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other social media platforms. Using the zoom application, ‘Hour of Hope’ blessing meetings are held. Join in these Zoom Prayer Ministry and be blessed. For details, please write to You can pray for this mission for new souls to be reached. The deliverance prayer for the month of July will be on the 24th (4th Saturday) in the Family Channel and through Facebook. You can send

The Lord answers the prayers and does miracles. If you are in need of prayer, please contact the Prayer Tower in your country any time. Introduce this prayer service to others also and make a way for their blessings your prayer requests regarding it to the email address or through the website JESUS WHO LOVES THE YOUTH “Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.” (Psalm 127:4) I remember the day I accepted Lord Jesus as my personal Savior, the 21st July 1980. I, who was studying in college, along with my friends yearned for worldly pleasures. However, even before I could complete my bachelor’s degree, Jesus touched me. Due to the zealous prayers of my mother, I was saved by the Lord from my sinful life. On 25th July 1985, the ‘Young Partners Plan’ now termed as Young Partners Prayer Mission was begun. Through that, the Lord abundantly is blessing the children and the families who support this ministry. In this month, I pray especially for the young people. |


I desire that they may accept Jesus like me in this month. Anyone from the day of birth till the day of marriage can be enrolled in the ‘Young Partners Prayer Mission.’ The UTurn meetings for the youth are being held through Family Channel and Facebook. For more details about it, visit From May 10th to the 16th, through the Prayer Towers, Dynamic Kids Camp was conducted online. Thousands of little children participated and were blessed. Let’s praise the Lord for that. BIRTHDAY OF THE APOSTLE “…“Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel.” (Acts 9:15) With 1st July being my father Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran’s birthday, we thank the Lord for his life filled with commitment, ministry filled with tears and for the souls saved. Let us surrender ourselves once again to continue the ministry given by the Lord to him. Every Sunday from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m., we telecast the spiritual experiences of my father in the Family Channel. I remind you to watch it without fail and be blessed. Our son, Samuel Dhinakaran’s birthday is on July 15th. Let us praise the Lord for giving him a blessed family life. Along with thanking the Lord for his ministry through UTurn, let us also pray that the Lord may use him even more mightily. From the July 15th of last year, doors opened to telecast the ‘Jesus Calls’ programs through the Family Channel in Tamil. In the past one year, thousands have been blessed through it. The Family Channel is of help for people to listen to the word of the Lord without restrictions in the times of lockdown. Let’s praise the Lord for that. 14

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THE WORKERS ARE FEW “He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Luke 10:2) The Lord filled my father Brother D. G. S. Dhinakaran with His Holy Spirit and used him as a blessing to multitudes of people. For those who had the same vision and were committed and zealous to do the ministry of connecting the people with God, the Lord gave him, the ‘Jesus Calls’ Institute Of Power Ministry and it was started in 1980, July 12th. Those who were trained in it from then on in several batches are being used mightily by the Lord similar to my father. Later we conducted it as the Prophetical Prayer Training. As we are not able to conduct in-person meetings due to the Corona pandemic, we give training online through the Prayer Academy and the Prayer Towers. Those who receive the training are given opportunities to serve as volunteer in the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry. If you wish to enrol in such training, contact +91 97899 77807. July 1st is observed as the National Doctor’s day in India. Let’s praise the Lord for the doctors who render their sacrificial services to those who have been affected by the deadly Covid-19 disease. Let’s pray for the doctors and for their families. Especially let’s pray for the group of doctors in SEESHA. “Your grief will turn to joy.” (John 16:20) According to this verse, I pray that the Lord may fill you with His joy in the month of July and may He grant the peace and joy to others through you. Your dear brother, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran |

receive the life of being alive in Christ, just as how Saul got transformed into Paul.

Power in the cross (I Corinthians 1:18)

Significance of the cross Today, most of the Christians lack in-depth knowledge about the cross and its glory. Until I turned 16 years old, I was also living a blind life, not knowing the glory of the cross. It was just a life of seeking the Lord as mere rituals! In those days, my spiritual life had only these things. Even today, many Christians deceive themselves with the assumption that it is enough to have such a surface-level living. We should not have this mind but should think of the cross as per Colossians 3:2 which says, 'set your mind on things above.' We should practice it by knowing about its glory and Jesus Calls


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In I Peter 2:24, we read “who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness; by whose stripes you were healed.” In Colossians 1:20 it is said, “by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through His blood on the cross.” In Romans 6:6 we read that “our old man was crucified with Him that the body of sin might be done away with.” This is the divine life, revealed from the cross. That’s why, we, the Christians, exalt the cross more. God demonstrates His divine love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. It is certain that we are justified by the blood |


of Christ Jesus who was broken The Bible says that the Lord will Take up your and bruised on the cross and cross daily and bless His people with peace and the shall be saved from wrath follow Jesus chastisement for our peace is upon (Romans 5:8,9) About this, the Him (Psalm 29:11, Isaiah 53:5). You with a faithful Bible says that where sin should also experience this divine heart abounded, grace abounded peace in your life. When we are much more and grace reigned justified by faith, we have the divine through righteousness to eternal life through peace of our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1). Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 5: 20, 21). “But now in Christ Jesus you who once Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be were far off have been brought near by dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ the blood of Christ. For He Himself is our Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:11). These above peace, who has made both one, and has divine experiences will get fulfilled in our life. broken down the middle wall of In the Bible, we see a man called Saul, who was a blasphemer and a persecutor of the people of God out of unbelief as he was ignorant of the glory of the cross. He testified about himself that he was the chief of sinners. Yet don’t we read how he wonderfully testifies saying, “for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering and I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry (I Timothy 1:12-15).” We read in the Bible, Paul joyfully saying, "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me (Galatians 2:20).” Let us examine ourselves as to whether we have received the forgiveness of sin and a holy life and are able to witness about the cross. Let us thus get filled with the divine life of the glory of the cross.

Peace through the cross “By Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross.” (Colossians 1:20) 16

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separation, and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity.” (Ephesians 2:13,14,16,17)

How to get filled with divine peace in our daily life? “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6,7) According to this and as led by the Scriptures, let us make known to God all the sins, burdens and worries that destroy the peace in our life, with prayer and supplication. Then, according to Colossians 2:14,15, let us follow the ways of the Lord Jesus who has nailed them all to the cross and He will give us the grace to be filled with His divine peace at all times. In a family that was living happily and bound with love, Satan brought divisions and bitterness. The Lord spoke to a woman in that |

family, who had understood the If we endure does not bear his cross and come glory of the cross. It was the will the sufferings after Him cannot be His disciple of the Lord to bring peace into that (Luke 14:27). If we endure, we with Jesus, we family through her good deed. The shall also reign with Him (II shall also reign divine love of Jesus Christ that Timothy 2:12). While writing to with Him was manifested on the cross filled the Corinthians, Apostle Paul her heart. When she held on to the says, God of peace, the Lord went before her as in “For though He was crucified in Isaiah 52:12. The God of Israel filled her with weakness, yet He lives by the power His divine peace and was her rear guard, and of God. For we also are weak in Him, beautifully made His divine peace flow into but we shall live with Him by the that family as never before. Through the joy power of God toward you.” of salvation given by the Lord, divine peace (II Corinthians 13:4) filled everyone in the family. As we read thus, He will give us the How true is the Scripture that says, grace to live a divine and glorious life of ‘You will keep him in perfect peace…’ living with Him by His power. Also we read (Isaiah 26:3) in the Bible that our light affliction, which May the peace and joy of the Lord thus is but for a moment will bring us eternal increase in your life, through His blood! weight of glory (II Corinthians 4:17). God Be the Cross-bearer will shine in our hearts to give the light (Luke 9:23) of the knowledge of the glory of God in When we look upon the cross, we the face of Jesus Christ (II Corinthians remember the sufferings and pain undergone 4:6). When Christ, who is our life appears, by the Lord Jesus. The Bible says, “He has put then we also will appear with Him in glory Him to grief’ (Isaiah 53:10) and that He (Colossians 3:4). The experiences of the suffered many things and was treated with cross are painful; yet see how it brings us glorious divine blessings, as seen in contempt (Mark 9:12; Luke 9:22). the above verses! What does the Lord say “He seated Him at His right hand in the about His disciples? He said, “You are heavenly places, and He put all things those who have continued with me in my under His feet, and gave Him to be head trials. So, you may eat and drink at my over all things to the church, which is table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones His body, the fullness of Him who fills judging the twelve tribes of Israel” (Luke all in all.” (Ephesians 1:20,22,23) 22:28-30). Today, all of them would be The Lord Jesus has attained the above seated at such glorious places, isn’t it? glory by suffering on the cross, according Dear ones, if we obey the will of God in to God’s will (Hebrews 1:3; 8:3; 12:2). all reverence, having understood the glory Dear ones, according to the will of God of cross, the Lord is able to keep us from about which we read in Luke 9:23, let us deny stumbling, and to present us faultless before ourselves, take up our cross daily and follow the presence of His glory with exceeding joy Jesus with a faithful heart because whoever (Jude 24). Jesus Calls


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Jesus still works miracles. He is sure to do them for you. Here are some of His wonders:

Divine intervention Having retired from work in 2016, my wife and I have travelled overseas visiting places and families while engaging in some mission work too. In 2019, during one of my visits to Coffs Harbour in New South Wales, I developed severe cough which worsened very quickly. Later I scheduled an appointment with my regular doctor. On 16th December 2019, to my dismay, I was diagnosed with Leukemia. My wife Eileen and I were completely shattered. But the Lord, in His grace strengthened me to not lose my faith in Him. I was undergoing extensive treatment for my disease. In February, I also underwent a surgery for the removal of my gall bladder. In April, adding to my misery, I contracted COVID 19, while I was still battling with Leukemia. It was at this point, I began questioning God on the added ailments that I had to suffer in my body. One morning, I reached for my phone to call my wife, but to my surprise my brother in Malaysia answered my call. He immediately connected me to the Malaysia Prayer Tower where the prayer intercessors prayed with much burden for my healing. The prayer intercessors’ continual prayer support during my period of sickness were of great encouragement to me. The Lord heard our prayers. I completely recovered from COVID. As for the Leukemia status, my most recent tests have confirmed that there is no detection of Leukemia at all. The scriptures which I held onto during my dark days were, II Timothy 1:7 and Psalm chapter 23. I thank my Lord Jesus Christ for His faithfulness and for teaching me to look up to Him in every situation in life. Praise be to Him for honouring my faith. - Benjy, Malaysia

TEST TURNED INTO TESTIMONY I grew up in a Christian family. My family goes to the church regularly and serves Jesus Christ. I always like to listen to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran's messages. We have been attending Jesus Calls prayer meetings in Canada. It has been a great blessing for me and my family to be a part of those meetings. Two years ago, I came to know about the Jesus calls Prayer Tower. I started 18

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calling the Prayer Tower whenever I needed someone to pray for me. I have been greatly blessed by their prayers. I had sudden severe back pain as such I couldn't move. I went to the hospital. The doctors started running all kinds of tests on me. When I was sitting in the emergency, I started crying because of unbearable pain. At that moment, I decided to call the Jesus Calls for prayer and they prayed for me. After about half an hour, the doctor called me and said that all of my results are normal and there is nothing to be worried about. While still at the hospital, my back pain completely disappeared. My husband's niece was seriously ill. Doctors were doing tests on her for a brain tumor. While the family was waiting for results they called the Jesus Calls prayer intercessors who prayed for her and the next day all of her results came normal. Lord Jesus did a big miracle in their family. I trust that the Jesus Calls ministry is from the Lord and He is using the ministry to bless many souls. May the Lord continue to use the ministry for His glory. - Sana Simon, Brampton Ontario, Canada

SURGICAL MISHAP SALVAGED I was diagnosed with a big fibroid and underwent laparoscopic uterus removal along with umbilical hernia surgery. Unfortunately, much later, we found out that about 5 cm of my ureter had been severed during the laparoscopy. I was readmitted at a different hospital and underwent an open abdominal surgery to repair the problem. After three major surgeries, I still had leakage of urine due to a hole in the bladder. We were much broken, but by the grace of God, the hole in the bladder closed up on its own. Yet, there was no complete recovery as I continued to have urinary urgency. At this stage, I sponsored a Jesus Calls TV program, and requested the prayers of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the prayer intercessors for my healing. Dr. Paul prayed for me during the TV program on December 31, 2018 and also on January 12, 2019. God listened to the prayers and healed me of this problem. I had suffered with it for 4 years, but now, I am perfectly alright. I give all the glory to God. I also thank Dr. Paul and the Jesus Calls Ministry for their valuable prayers. - Anbumeenal, Bengaluru, India

GOD-GIVEN GOVERNMENT JOB I am blessed with a wonderful family. On February 10, 2009, I started my first job as a nurse on a contract basis. Though it was an honorable job, the earnings were not sufficient for our family resulting in financial crunch. During this time, I was introduced to Jesus Calls Ministry through Mr. Sameer Kumar Senapati, a Jesus Calls Ambassador. I enrolled myself as a Jesus Calls Ministry partner and visited the Cuttack Prayer Tower regularly for prayers. The prayer intercessors there prayed and encouraged me to have strong faith in God. In January 2021, I enrolled my name in the Job Blessing Prayer Mission. Much to my happiness, God did a miracle. On January 27, 2021, my name was enlisted in the Government Staff List. After my appointment as a government nurse, I gave my first salary to Bethesda Prayer Centre and Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower. I praise God for this miracle and thank Jesus Calls Ministry for their continuous prayers for every partner and prayer need. -Sangita Barla, Odisha, India Jesus Calls


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IMPOSSIBLE THINGS TURNED POSSIBLE We wanted to migrate and the Lord opened doors for our family to come from Fiji to NZ. As we worked towards our residencies the immigration rules and conditions kept changing; the requirements became tougher and tougher. We continued trusting Jesus and gave our prayer request to Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Mt Roskill for the intercessors to pray. I joined the Esther Prayer Group in Auckland and prayed during our monthly meetings. We also gave our request in person to Dr Paul Dhinakaran when he was in NZ in 2016. The fervent prayers of the saints and our faith brought results. Miraculously our residency application has been approved. Now we are just waiting for our visas to be stamped on our passports and passports returned to us. I encourage my sisters to become part of the Esther Prayer Group. Because it meets on a Saturday, even the working ladies can attend. I work five days a week, but try to never miss the EPG meetings. The Lord has honored and blessed me and my family. - Kiran Lata, Auckland

GOD’S GLORY Our Esther Prayer Group consists of 10 sisters. We come together every month in person or virtually to pray for the prayer points sent by mother Stella Dhinakaran. In our recent prayer time, the presence of God was like fire in our midst. All of us were worshipping God in tears. God is using our group member Sis. Mala in the Prophetic ministry. He is answering all the prayers of 71 year old Sis. Selvie as she prays for others. Sis. Yano’s daughter Rajeshree got a good job. My granddaughter Talia excelled in her studies and her studies were paid off by the College. - Rene Pillay, South Africa

HEALED AND HONORED We are Jesus Calls partners. My wife, Udhaya Kumari and I were tested positive for Covid-19. We called Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and got prayed for healing. Through the prayers both of us were miraculously healed. We are safe and healthy now. My son Daniel Paul, who is pursuing MBA, got placed at a firm in Mumbai; but due to the pandemic situation, he turned it down. This considered an offence by the campus placement office, he was blacklisted. We knew that prayers will change it and requested prayers from Jesus Calls. God answered the prayers. The placement cell gave him a chance to prove himself by finding a job on his own. By God’s grace, he applied for job in a company, cleared all rounds of interview and secured the job. Impressed by it, university authorities offered the job through their Campus Selection Wing Office. I give all the glory to God who made it possible. - P. Prasanna Kumar, Hyderabad, India

CORONA CANCELLED My wife Snehlata was infected with Covid-19 followed by my entire family. I wrote a prayer request for their healing. God heard the earnest prayers of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and healed us. I give all the glory to God our healer and pray that God will always bless the ministry of Jesus Calls. - Jashan Kujur, Ranchi, India 20

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SOLD IN A FLASH We wanted to sell a plot, our family property. We gave this prayer request to Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. God helped us sell it for a very good price within two months. We praise God and give him all the glory. We thank the Jesus Calls Ministry for their constant prayer support. As a token of gratitude, we have donated a thanks offering of INR.10,000/ - Dnyaneshwar Sathe, Pune, India

‘…would you build me a house to dwell in?....’ (II Samuel 7:5-7) Church building has been part of the Jesus Calls ministry since its inception. Every month 10% of the donations received from people are given to pastors, to construct their churches specially in villages and remote places or for emergency needs in their families. YOUR GENEROUS GIVING DOESN’T JUST SUPPORT OUR MINISTRY, BUT IT ALSO HELPS IN BUILDING CHURCHES FOR THE UNREACHED TO KNOW THE LORD. Every time you donate, you’re connecting a soul to Jesus. Our vision is to construct 1000 churches across India. This is what a beneficiary testifies: Our church was a simple establishment with thatched roof. Around 100 believers attend our church. One night, as usual we went to sleep but to our utter disbelief we woke up to a wild cyclone that deprived us of our meager belongings. Many of us were terribly affected by this Gaja cyclone. Not only was our church destroyed, many of our church members lost their homes too. I just recollected the difficulties we had to undergo earlier to build the church. It was at this desperate moment, people from Jesus Calls reached us. They consoled us and took our matter to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. We were so glad and truly as promised, our church has been built through the support rendered from Jesus Calls. We are grateful to Jesus Calls and to dear Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for standing with us in the difficult times. - Pr. R. Kalai Mohan, Maranatha New Life Church, Pattukottai, India.

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GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME We as a family came to Auckland, New Zealand in 2017 with our little son Benito. From the time of our arrival, we went through many challenges and struggles, trying to settle in a new country, but God never left us and did amazing things! I came on a student visa. After completing studies I am on a post-study work visa which is due to expire in September 2021. I was made redundant post-covid lockdown, and since then I have not been able to find a job in my field of study. The changing immigration conditions require one to have a job-offer letter before applying for visa. All this stress caused me a lot of physical, emotional and mental stress. I also went through recurrent miscarriages because of all this stress. I started praying to God to open doors for us. I came to pray at Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and sent my requests for prayer. I prayed that God would put the right people around us, who would guide us correctly. Sure enough, in May 2021, someone in our Fellowship advised us that if my husband got a job in construction sector with a pay rate of $25.50/ hour we would be eligible for the next visa. From then we started looking for a job in construction. We were discouraged by others. But we held on to God and believed in our hearts that our God would do a miracle. Miraculously, my husband got a job interview. On the day of interview, I was praying with my son inside the prayer room at Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. My husband received the job that fulfilled all the immigration requirements. All glory honour and praise be to our loving father Jesus Christ, and to Jesus Calls ministry for their support and prayers. - Sara , New Zealand

By God’s grace Jesus Calls New Zealand marked its 8th anniversary on Tuesday 17th November 2020. We marked the event with a Thanksgiving Service the same evening, thanking the Lord for faithfully answering the prayers offered by intercessors and blessing many people through the Jesus Calls ministry.

Location and Contact details: Physical / Postal Address: 1/80 Carr Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland 1041, New Zealand Admin Line: +64 9 620 7160 Mobile: +64 274 772937; Email: TO KNOW THE EVENTS IN PRAYER TOWER, CONTACT THE ABOVE DETAILS.

Opening Hours for Drop-In: 9am – 5pm from Monday to Friday, with late night (10pm) on Tuesdays Toll Free Prayer Hotline: 0800 53 78 72 (0800 JESUSC) available 24x7 to receive prayer calls PARTNER WITH US Become a • PRAYER INTERCESSOR • VOLUNTEER • ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Member/ or LEAD a Esther Prayer group in your city • Jesus Calls Partner: Family Blessing Prayer Mission, Young Partners’ Prayer Mission, Business Blessing Prayer Mission, Prayer Tower Partner, SEESHA Partner, TV Club Partner You may send in your cheerful donations through Money Order / Cheques written in favour of Jesus Calls New Zealand Trust, and post to: 1/80 Carr Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland 1041, New Zealand For Direct Bank Deposit and Bank Transfers, please use the following details: Account Name: Jesus Calls New Zealand Trust Bank: ANZ Account Number: 06-0241-0259945-01 Swift Code: ANZBNZ22


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I count it a great privilege to write about Esther Prayer Group that meets at Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, 1/80 Carr Road, Mt. Roskill. We have our meetings on the first Saturday of every month from 3pm. Even though we have only eight to ten women meeting every month, the Lord is doing amazing things, as we know from the testimonies. We believe for more to join the group. The 20 points that are sent by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran every month are heart-touching! How amazingly the Holy Spirit reveals some of the situations that women face and go through in life; also points for righteous living and commitment to the Lord! We start our meetings with the greetings from Sis. Stella and focussing on the verse for the month, followed by singing the EPG theme song. Then we pray for the given 20 prayer points for the month. This takes two hours. Then we pray for the personal needs of the women who are present and for any prayer requests. I have grown spiritually and my prayer life has changed. I encourage every woman to be part of an Esther Prayer Group, interceding for other sisters and praying for their own needs. These prayers are very powerful. In NZ we have prayers in English and Hindi. We are looking for committed women to start new prayer groups in their cities. We are hoping to start a Youth EPG as some young girls have shown interest to join in prayer every month. This will take one hour to pray through the given10 points. Jesus says in John 9:4, “As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.” Therefore, my sisters, I urge you, if you cannot do anything else, at least sit at the feet of Jesus interceding for others. If any group or church wants to start an EPG, Youth EPG, Junior EPG or Couples EPG group, please kindly contact Sis. Sunila Prasad at Jesus Calls NZ, for training and guidance. Sunila Prasad Mob: 027 477 2937 Email: Jesus Calls


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In 2014… Helen applied to the medical course in the Christian medical college, Ludhiana, India. She did not get a seat in the MBBS course there. She was heartbroken as she did not get a seat even to pursue BDS. It was her dream to study medicine. She had also written the common entrance exam for medical course in Uttar Pradesh. Unable to get a seat in any of these colleges , it was very painful to Helen. It was a common practice for Helen to visit and pray in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower, New Delhi. Even her mother Suganthi visited once a month and prayed in the chapel. Now, Helen went to the ‘Jesus calls’ Prayer Tower, Delhi, where prayer intercessors prayed for her 24

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continually. Sadly, she said, “Brother, I was so confident that I would get into MBBS, but I did not get a seat even for BDS.” The prayer intercessor on the other hand said, “The Lord shall grant you the desires of your heart” and prayed. With tears, Helen left from there. Helen remembered the days when she prayed. Helen’s parents, Mr. Rajan and Mrs. Suganthi, were working as senior government officers in Delhi. When she was just three years old, they enrolled Helen and her brother Aakilla in the Young Partners’ Prayer Mission. Helen regularly attended the meetings in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower at New Delhi. She used |

to never miss the meetings during the exams and before every exam, she would call the Prayer Tower, get prayed and only then go for the exams. Sometimes her mother used to call the Prayer Tower and ask them to pray for Helen. She also attended the special prayer conducted there for students who are writing exams. When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran came to Delhi, she had the opportunity to meet him and got prayed. Because of that, she scored good marks in +2, but she did not get a seat in the course she desired. Nearly one month after that, when her hope of studying medicine started fading, she got a seat for MBBS in a private medical college due to the marks she secured in the Uttar Pradesh State Common Entrance Exam. Even though Helen realized that the Lord will never forsake those who trust in Him, she had little fear when others said that the college had fewer facilities. Even then she believed, “Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will be your future” (Job 8:7) and without letting go of the opportunity God gave, she joined there. As she had a goal to do higher studies after MBBS, for the five and a half years of her MBBS she used to kneel down and pray ‘the prayer for getting a desired admission’ from the ‘Jesus Calls’ website each day without fail. She prepared for the NEET PG exam. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) In 2020, to do her post graduate studies, she wrote the NEET exam. On the day of the exam, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed through a Facebook live. Helen prayed along with him and went on to write the entrance exam. Everyone was talking that the questions that year were unusually Jesus Calls


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tougher than previous years. The Lord enabled her to secure the first rank in MBBS in her college but she did not get the expected score in this post graduate entrance exam. She lost hope that she would get an admission that year and started to prepare for the next year’s entrance exam. However, during the admission counseling, she got admission to pursue her masters in Anesthesiology in a Govt. College, Chennai. She could not believe it. She sent her testimony through an e-mail to the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry. In the further rounds of counseling, Helen got admission in the most desired course - Surgery. Dr. Helen is pursuing her second year as a student of ENT expertise in a private college in Puducherry. Currently, she is also treating the patients suffering from Covid-19. “Then the LORD said: “I am making a covenant with you. Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world. The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I, the LORD, will do for you.” (Exodus 34: 10) The Lord had commanded a massive victory even in the studies of Helen’s brother, Aakilla. When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran had come to Delhi, Aakilla got the opportunity to meet him in person and got prayed before his 10th public exam.. The Lord graciously enabled Aakilla to secure 10/10 under the CBSE syllabus. After completing his twelfth standard, he got a seat to study in IIT, Chennai. When he was in his third year, the Lord enabled him to receive the Honda Y-E-S award, to do an internship in Germany; to pass in the entrance exam to do his PhD in the United States of America; and to publish many research reports. Currently, Aakilla is pursuing his PhD in one of the four esteemed universities in USA, the California State University with scholarship and stipend. |


Young Partners who complete age 25 will become part of the next generation’s ministry. We will give them a new partner code and make them part of Jesus Calls family. Today’s young generation has various needs like higher studies, career, entrepreneurship and life partner. We believe they can send their prayer requests and also send their offerings to the ministry and be blessed.

Those who are enrolling in YPP 25+ Prayer Mission will receive the following:  YPP 25 e-certificate with Lord's promise for bright future  Prayers will be offered by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran's family and in Bethesda and Chennai Prayer Towers Send your prayer requests for us to pray in the 24 hours Prayer Tower 1............................................................................. 2......................................................................



ven after seven years of our marriage, we were childless. Though we visited many hospitals for treatment, there was no result. We wrote a letter to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to pray for us. He prayed and sent us a reply. With faith we gave our offerings to the Young Partners’ Prayer Mission. Within a few months, the Lord blessed my womb. By the grace of God, we had twins. The children are now three years old. Every year, on their birthday, I sponsor the television program. When we supported the television program, I prayed for the Lord to give us an own house. Also, when we went to the Bethesda Prayer Centre, I prayed and gave my offering towards the building fund. Within two days, the Lord graciously enabled us to buy a flat. We praise the Lord for the many blessings we received through the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry. - Raarlin Maak George, Bengaluru, India. 26

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Young Partners’ Prayer Mission was instituted on 25th July, 1985, with the sole purpose of praying for young people all over the world to cover them with prayers (24 X 7) for wisdom, protection & prosperity. The Lord has promised that the Young Partners in this plan will receive: 

Divine protection from the evils of this world (John 17:15)

Divine wisdom to shine in their studies (Isaiah 54:13)

Divine prosperity to enable them to flourish in their life (Psalm 115:14)


You become a blessing to millions as your offering is used to wipe away their tears

Prayer intercessors at the Prayer Tower will pray once everyday mentioning the name of the young partner to be blessed with wisdom, divine protection and a prosperous future (1 Chronicles 4:10)

A beautiful certificate with God’s promise



rom my young age, I was back logged in my studies. After I was enrolled in Young Partners’ Prayer Mission in my twelfth standard, I got an interest in my studies. I was able to understand my lessons and my memory power also increased. Before my polytechnic exams, I sent my exam time-table to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and asked him to pray for me. He mentioned the promise verse, “Very truly I tell you, you will see ‘heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on’ the Son of Man”(John 1:51) in his reply. He had replied that the Lord will command the angels He has for me to protect me and to bring me to the place where He has kept my blessings. Accordingly, I succeeded in my exams. I give all the glory of my victory to God. - Savio Lawrence, Donkarkaar, Chhattisgarh. Dear Parents, thanks for enrolling your children in this God given Young Partners’ Plan. We request you to update your children Donor code/ Names/Address/ email id so that we can continue to pray specifically. Few Young Partners are married and shifted to new places. If you can update your children's address, it will help us to minister to them also, so that their generation also can be blessed. You can send email/ contact us/ give a missed call +91 90154 55455. Anyone, right from the day of birth till the day of marriage can enroll as a Young Partner.

EACH YOUNG PARTNER COULD SUPPORT THE MINISTRY EACH MONTH FOR THEIR BLESSING FOR THE MONTH For more details: * Website: (For those in the Middle East and UAE, log on to * Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your Country / Region * Email: Jesus Calls


July 2021




y dear friends, it gives me much joy to share God’s word with you this month. The Bible is filled with God’s promises for every situation in life. One such promise is found in Revelation 21:5. The verse says: “I am making everything new!” Surprised? It is certainly true my friend. Go ahead and read it again. Are you wondering if a new start is possible after your mistakes and failures? It is not man but God himself, who has given this promise. The regrets you have in life may be many – thinking about your wrong choices, people you have hurt and your shortcomings against God. More than often, you may be unable to forgive yourself. However, this month, you are going to learn a life-changing truth from God’s word.


Jesus Calls


July 2021

The Bible says in II Corinthians 5:17: “If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” True it is! The prime secret is surrendering your life to Jesus. When you give your life to Jesus and confess your shortcomings to Him, He cleanses and forgives you and makes you a new creation. You will become brand new. So, never worry about anything. Do not cling on to your past mistakes. God has forgiven you, so it is time you forgive yourself and look forward to the new blessings God has in store for you. This reminds me of a song I sang when I was a little girl. It is found in “Love lifted me” album. The lyrics of the song go like this:


“Are you tired of chasing pretty rainbows Are you tired of spinning round and round Wrap up all the shattered dreams of your life And at the feet of Jesus lay them down Give them all to Jesus -Shattered dreams, wounded hearts, broken toys… Give them all to Jesus - and He will turn your sorrows into joy.” The song holds true even today. When you give your everything including your mistakes and brokenness to Jesus, He will change it completely and make it anew. You need not worry about anything because the Bible says in Psalm 55:22, “Cast your burden on the Lord and He will sustain you.” Therefore, don’t let your past mistakes haunt you. Take that step of faith, be courageous and get ready to embrace the new life that God has

Jesus Calls


July 2021

planned for you. He will give you a brand new beginning, where you can start all over again and with asking God for guidance, make your life exemplary and successful. How encouraging it is to know that when God gives you a new start, He will also guide you in every step of the way. With God’s counseling and support, you can climb and conquer mountains. Cheer up for you are God’s new creation, all set to fly high and be a winner in life. PRAYER: Dear Lord, I come to You with all of my past mistakes, failures, and sins. I humbly ask Your forgiveness. Lord, transform me into a new creation. Thank You Lord for You will give me a brand-new start and guide me in Your path. Enable me to lead an impeccable life and bring glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.



Don’t we all get worried over the various obstacles that we face in our lives? However, the above verse gives us a strong hope! God is the One, who beautifully created this whole universe from nothing. Everything is in His hands. “He commanded, and it stood fast.” (Psalm 33:9) How would this Lord of divinity change the obstacles in our lives? How should we overflow with His perfect and abundant blessings? – Let us understand this with the help of the Holy Spirit and receive His blessings.

God’s unstoppable purposes (Job 42:2) The devil makes us dwell in darkness. He wants people to seek after a life that is filled with dark things such as ‘lies, jealousy, envy, 30

Jesus Calls


July 2021

lusts and desires, filth, pride, arrogance, unrighteousness and transgression’ and make their lives dark. In the same way, didn’t the devil create an obstacle in the lives of both Adam and Eve, the early humans, by easily making them unable to walk according to God’s will because of which they lost the wonderful divine life prepared by God for them and could not enjoy it? However, how is the heart of the Lord, who is the personification of love? “Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things…” (Psalm 103:3-5) According to these Scriptures, God wants to redeem our life from destruction, save us and |

make us His own. About this the Jesus, our Savior, not be set free and made them suffer Psalmist David says, “Rescue me will remove all all the more. Yet, by His power, the from their destructions” (Psalm the obstacles in Lord removed all the obstacles that 35:17) and “my soul shall be joyful our life, fill us rose against them, kept them away in the Lord; It shall rejoice in His with His divine from all evil and protected them. salvation” (Psalm 35:9) and “For peace , joy and Pharaoh made a final attempt to You will not leave my soul in Sheol, will bless us. destroy the Israelites who were nor will You allow Your Holy One to camping on the shores of the Red see corruption. You will show me the path of Sea and to thus prevent them from reaching the life’ (Psalm 16:10,11) – Don’t we thus read about land of Canaan, promised by God for them, by God’s divine works in the Bible for us to enjoy chasing with his army. Yes, the Lord who the victorious life earned by the Lord Jesus Christ removes obstacles, manifested His divine on the cross, with all the obstacles removed? power. As per His promise, He performed a Prophetically David had foretold about the resurrection of Jesus saying that His soul will not be left in Sheol and will not see corruption (Psalm 16:10; Acts 2:30,31). In the same way, we see how Jesus defeated death by God, rose again and is seated on the right side of God, according to His will. Likewise, God, who is rich in mercies, removes all the obstacles brought by the devil to make us go in the path of destruction and wants to lead us in the path of salvation that leads us to eternal life. Let us receive this divine and blessed life to live in unison with the Lord. Jesus, our Savior, will remove all the obstacles in our life, fill us with His divine peace and joy and will bless us.

mighty miracle and destroyed all those who came to harm them and took His chosen people safely to Canaan, the Promised Land. “The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He also will hear their cry and save them.” (Psalm 145:18,19)

(Micah 2:13)

Dear ones, accordingly, if you love the Lord with your whole heart and hold on to Him firmly, by His power He will remove the obstacles that cause you problems and troubles which rise against you as huge waves, saying, “This far you may come, but no farther” (Job 38:11). He will perfect everything concerning you in a peaceful and blessed way.

This is the Lord’s divine promise for His children! The people of Israel, who were chosen by God, went through terrible sufferings as slaves, in the land of Egypt. When they cried out to God to set them free, He wanted to redeem them from slavery. He chose two men of God - Moses and Aaron and opened ways to deliver the people of Israel. However, Pharaoh hindered them in many ways so that they would

A widow, brought up her only son in godliness and discipline, with the help of God. He too loved his mother dearly, studied well, joined a good job and lived a blessed life. Instead of being helpful to her, her relatives created lot of hurdles to spoil her son’s life and caused her misery. However, she always fixed her eyes upon Jesus, who was her help and held on to Him. Just as the Lord Jesus Christ said,

God’s breakthrough

Jesus Calls


July 2021



Once, as prompted by the Holy “The Father has not left Me Fix your eyes Spirit, Philip was led by the Lord to alone, for I always do those things on the Lord, meet a man, who was in great that please Him.” (John 8:29), the widow also did everything pleasing who is able to authority under an Ethiopian queen. remove the This man was seeking the Lord and to Him and was careful in doing His will. The Lord was her help at all obstacles and used to read the Scriptures diligently. times, protected her from all the evil seek His help. God created in him a heart to desire after the things of His Kingdom. plans and obstacles brought against her, filled her and her son with His perfect According to Acts 8:32,33, he not only accepted benefits and led them beautifully. He did not Jesus Christ as his Savior but also committed himself to be baptized according to God’s will. allow the evil things against them to prosper Philip said to him, “If you believe with all your (Isaiah 54:17). heart, there is no hindrance for you” and so that Yes, dear ones, whatever obstacles may man totally committed himself to God’s will as come against you, you should not focus on them per the Scriptures, “He who believes and is and worry but fix your eyes on the Lord who is baptized will be saved” (Mark 16:16). able to remove the obstacles and seek His help. Dear ones, even today, let us remove all the God, who miraculously led the people of Israel obstacles that hinder us from following the Lord in a blessed way, will carry you, be your deeply and follow the blessed ways shared in shepherd and protect you, and finally crown you this article in all reverence and walk in the ways with goodness and grace. Believing that there pleasing to the Lord as we read in the is nothing impossible for Him, place your entire Scriptures, trust on Him and live with Him in unison. Be Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and diligent in seeking the Lord with a faithful heart let every one of you be baptized in the and in all reverence. name of Jesus Christ for the remission Reverence removes obstacles of sins; and you shall receive the gift of (Acts 8:36-39) the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to In the first two chapters of the Book of Acts, you and to your children, and to all we clearly read how the Lord Jesus filled His who are afar off, as many as the Lord disciples with the power of the Holy Spirit after our God will call. And with many other He died, rose again and ascended to heaven. words he testified and exhorted them, He worked with them, who were thus filled with saying, "Be saved from this perverse God’s power and gifts as they went out and generation." (Acts 2:38-40) preached the gospel according to Mark 16:20 Pushing aside all the obstacles that come and confirmed His word through the signs and miracles performed by them. In the same against us, let us progress towards the Lord in way, the evangelist called Philip, was led by the our race. Then the Lord will be pleased with us. fullness of the Holy Spirit and zealously did the May God help each one of us to hold on to the Lord’s service. In the Book of Acts, chapter 8, Lord faithfully and in reverence in order to we read about the way in which the Lord led receive divine blessings from above and accomplish His will with all our heart! him. 32

Jesus Calls


July 2021

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Jesus Calls


July 2021



Jerusalem Prayer Wall We at IPT have introduced the Jerusalem Prayer Wall, a portal in the Israel Prayer Tower Website which is solely dedicated to provide prayer support for the needs of the people all over the world. Anointed prayer intercessors here in Jerusalem will be interceding for the prayer requests everyday along with the Dhinakaran family. We believe that the Lord who listens to our every prayer will bring answers to every request posted on the Prayer Wall. Do send in your prayer requests today. Here is the link to the Jerusalem Prayer Wall prayer-wall/. The Israel Prayer tower is here to pray for you from Jerusalem.

“Pray for Jerusalem” The Lord is very much concerned about the nation of Israel. His heart is touched when we take some time to pray for His Chosen Land. The Bible says in Psalm 122:6, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May they who love you (Israel) prosper”. The Israel Prayer Tower has organised a wonderful opportunity for you to pray along with us for the tranquility and prosperity of the nation of Israel in your convenient time. The link below will take you to the prayer portal where you can choose your convenient time slots and dedicate that time for praying for Jerusalem. ( We are most certain that the Lord who listens to your dedicated prayers offered for His nation, Israel will openly reward you with His abundance as He promises in Psalm 122:6 and glorify His name. 34

During this devastating times of the Corona Pandemic in India and Israel, and the troubling times of war in Israel, the Lord has guarded me and my family like a hen that gathers its chicks. It has been very hard for me to live away from my family in Gujarat, not having visited them for such a long time. My son who lives in Canada is also protected by my Lord Jesus. God heard my cry of prayer every time I visited the Israel Prayer Tower to offer prayers on behalf of my family. He has heard me. I prayed for my son's future, his career, as it looked very bleak during the pandemic to get a decent job. But, the Lord opened ways for him to travel to Canada and gave him a blessed job. Not only did he give him a job, but blessed him with a great accommodation to live and work from there. I thank the Lord for that. My daughter has been struggling

- Shaalu Parmar, Israel

in her studies and had lost hope. But through the prayers what Dr. Paul had prayed for struggling students during the pandemic and by the prayers of prayer intercessors, my daughter has slowly started to gain interest in her education. I have been suffering from stomach ulcers and excruciating pain from time to time. It was affecting my job as well. The doctor had prescribed a high dose of medication for them. I really needed the Lord's help to get through this, and He did come to my aid. With the Lord's help I am regaining good health. My Lord Jesus hears every prayer and answers them in time. I give all glory and honor to His Name.

JESUS CALLS ISRAEL PRAYER TOWER 20th floor, City Tower, 34, Ben Yehuda, Jerusalem, Israel. Mobile: (+972) (0) 25 337 577, +972 539049306. Email: Website: 35

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