Jesus Calls | June 2015

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What a powerful me in Malaysia as the Dhinakaran Family ministered. The crowd eagerly received the word of the Lord as they ministered during both day and evening sessions. Many of the people who came accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. There were also many miracles and tes monies of lives being touched by the power of God. 4 5

My dear friend, our God is Almighty. He is able to

Every morning, he told his grandfather that he

bless us from heaven above, and from the deep

was a loving person and every evening, he spent

that lies beneath (Genesis 49:25). The Lord is able


to fill us to an overflowing measure and refresh us

grandson thought he had a good reputa on

(Jeremiah 31:25). He will go before us and good

among the townspeople and would ask him how

things will come to pass in our lives because

many people he was good to. The grandfather

whatever He does, will be perfect. All His bless-­‐

was so touched by the li le boy’s love and belief

ings are in abundance. This month, the Lord will ings

in him that he changed into that image

bless you abundantly and establish your life.

and started to act as a kind person.

Grateful heart

me talking with his grandfather. The

Yes, be thankful (Colossians 3:15) for all of the people that are in your life. The Lord does not always come to us and tell us, “Son, I am going to bless you”. No, he uses family, friends, and other people in your life to be a people blessing.

“Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits” (Psalm 103:1-­‐2). Yes, dear friends, before we can receive His blessings, we should offer praise and thanksgiving to Him for His mercy is great. The Bible says that He is kind to the unthankful and evil (Luke 6:35).

Clean Heart Once, a li le boy went to his grandfather’s house

Sinful thoughts, sinful words and sinful works

for a long visit. His grandfather was a wicked man

bring spiritual death (Romans 6:23). Such a soul

and spoke mean and abusive words to all those

cannot enjoy the presence of God. This is God’s who are around them, which gave him a bad law. The Bible says, “The soul who sins shall die...” reputa on. This li le boy who was unaware of

(Ezekiel 18:20). Sinful thoughts, sinful words and

these things, spent a lot of me talking with his

sinful works bring spiritual death (Romans 6:23).


Such a soul cannot enjoy the presence of God. 6

Forgiving Heart

Heart of Good “If you do well, will you not be accepted?” (Genesis

God not only forgives sins that we commit by

4:7). “Do not withhold good from those to whom

mistake and unknowingly, but he forgives

it is due. When it is in the power of your hand to

the ones that we commit on purpose.

do so”(Proverbs 3:27). “therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is

There once was an employee who was very

sin” (Janems 4:17). The above verses say that it is

worried because his boss had caught him stealing

sin when a man does not do good, when he has

from the company. He thought his employer

the power to do so. the p

would surely fire him. When the employer came, he ques oned his employee who admited what he

Yes, dear ones, when we fail to do good, despite

had done. Much to his surprise, his employer

having the power to do good, we become sinners

forgave him for what he had done. It turned out

when we are not concerned about others welfare.

that his employer had comi ed the same crime th

We become transgressors when we fail to use our

years earlier and his boss had forgiven him. That

status to wipe away the tears of others. Not act of kindness gave him the chance to become a great employee. A good man was saving him from praying for others’ welfare and for their tears to be wiped away is a sin (Samuel 12:23). We may not

years of crime. Through this employee, this firm

murder anyone and we may not steal, but when mu

would grow. A man, who was forgiven forgave

we fail to help others and when we fail to pray for

another man, but the gracious Lord, who is sinless,

others, it becomes a sin for us.

became sin for our sake. .

The Lord has not dealt with us according to our sins and iniqui es. Instead of punishing us, He has compassion on us. He forgives our sins and iniqui es in order that we are not destroyed by them and He makes us live.

He took upon Himself our sins and appeared as a sinner (1Peter 2:24: 1 John 2:2). What a great love! That is why He is able to forgive our sins.

Let us whole heartedly praise the Lord, who created us and who sustains us by giving us daily bread. Let us be thankful to our parents, brothers and sisters and relates who love us, take care of us. 7

late Dr DGS Dhinakaran 8 9 10

HOLY LAND Israel Tour Fall 2015 Join Dr. Paul and the Dhinakaran Family for a tour of a life me. Visit the Holy Land and walk where Jesus walked with the Dhinakarans in prayer. We want to invite you to be a part of the fall Israel be Tour 2015. The tour is scheduled for the month of October. Details coming Soon! See You There! 11

Lord keenly listens to our prayers. He will never turn away His face from us nor hide His face (Psalm 22:24)from us nor hide His face (Psalm 22:24). We pour our anxiety: hearts desires at his feet whenever we want to because He is near us (Psalm 145:18). In the Bible, we read that Hannah poured her spirit in the presence of the Lord( 1 Samuel 1:15). The Lord heard the cries of her heart. Even today, the Lord is with us in all our circumstances. He will tod never forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). He will surely answer you when you call unto Him. Once a mul tude of people surrounded Jesus Christ and a man came, knelt down at His feet and said, “Teacher, I brought You my son, who has a mute spirit. And wherever it seizes him, it throws him down: he foams at the mouth, gnashes his teeth, and becomes rigid. O en it has thrown him into the fire and into the water to destroy him. So, I spoke to Your disciples, that they should cast it out, but they could not. But, if You can do anything, have compas-­‐ th sion on us and help us. ”Jesus rebuked the devil and it came out of him with a loud voice. The boy was completely healed that every instant” (Mark 9:17-­‐22). Maybe you too are treading a similar path suffering because of your children or you yourself may be tormented like the lad with weakness by an evil spirit. The Lord who delivered the boy from the mute spirit is with you. Surrender yourself to the Lord and cry out saying, “Lord, heal my child!” or “Lord, heal me!” The Lord will deliver you and your dear ones from the clutches of the devil because He manifested in this world to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8). Beloved, do not be dis-­‐ heartened, for the Lord has crushed Satan’s head and has destroyed the powers of darkness. He will drive away the dest evil spirits from your life and you shall walk in the Light. 12 13


Every me I even thought of that subject, my mind was like a ba lefield where all the past failures were on one side and the anxiety on another. One day, my heart was so broken

... we feel like we are le alone on an

and the whole world around me appeared to

island where even the sky is sealed off and

be gloomy and without hope. It was a day

our prayers don’t reach heaven.

when I was preparing for the next day’s exam and I felt that I was a massive failure right and before my eyes. Thinking about the complexity of the subject, I was neither able to concentrate nor was I interested in study-­‐ ing. I just said, “God, I can’t handle this any-­‐ more, please help me.” I poured my heart out with tears in the presence of God. A er an hour of talking with God, a new confidence and understanding of the Holy Spirit filled me. The giant failures in the past were never seen again in my life. I felt like the Holy Spirit was si ng next to me and teaching me every me I sat down to study. Hallelujah! 14

People will marvel at your success and praise you and come in search of you. Befriend the Holy Spirit and He will change you as well as your life. Trust in God for you are born to conquer and to win!

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” ISAIAH 55:8 15 14 15

by Dr. Stella Dhinakaran 18

Every day, thousands of people call our Prayer Towers all around the world,desperate for answers and hope. Our Dallas Prayer Tower is equipped with 20 trained and dedicated intercessors, who pray for over thousands of requests each month. Our intercessors take your calls, but they also endeavor to call each of our partners 3-­‐4 mes each year to pray God’s blessings.

Our prayer intercessors are on site each day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. to pray for you on the phone, through the internet or in person. If you would like to become one of our Prayer Intercessors, either part-­‐ me, or full-­‐ me, you may email our administra on office at or for more informa on, or call us at 972-­‐499-­‐4995. We are always looking for faithful intercessors to join our team and go before God on behalf of the needs of the people. Also, if you would like to support the mission of behal reaching hur ng people with the good news of Jesus, you may do so at 19

Our Progress UFTUJNPOZ

from several whose lives were changed

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First me Viewer called to say she was flipping the channels, saw Jesus Calls and Immediately felt the presence of God and has been crying because of His presence!!!!!!! -­‐ Prayer Partner Rosa Reports Viewer from Chicago, didnt not want to call. while watching the show towards the end while the brodcast froze with the number and she made a decision to call and recieve prayer from susicdal spirit. She was set free and lives as a tes mony because of God’s Miraculous Grace! -­‐ Prayer Partner Michelle Reports



As we rebuild our studio, and aquire new equipment for HD broadcasitng, partner with us as we grow and are able to maximize our reach to millions more represen ng the gospel in excellence. visit for more info. 20 21

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