Jesus Calls International May 2021 E-Magazine

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warmly greet you in the name of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God has enabled us to complete the first quarter of this year and step into the fifth month. Let us praise God. This month, the Lord has promised that He is going to bless us a thousand times than before. “May the Lord, the God of your ancestors, increase you a thousand times.” (Deuteronomy 1:11)

Reason and Responsibility It is indeed a wonderful promise! Before we can claim this promise into our lives, let us know why God has made this promise and also what our role is in inheriting it. God definitely has a reason very divine to increase us. We can read about it in Deuteronomy 7:13: “He will love you and bless you and increase your numbers.” Yes, it is only because of God’s unconditional love we are blessed to increase. Let us be ever so grateful for God’s love. In Hebrews 11:12, you read about a man called Abraham. Jesus Calls International


May 2021



“From this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore.” Did you notice how Abraham is described? He was a man whose body was as good as dead and from him, God caused multitudes to be formed. They were made like the innumerable stars in the sky and countless sand on the seashore. All this was made possible through one man, who was as good as dead. That is the power of God! Today, you may also be saying you are as good as dead. Abraham was also one such person, because everything concerning him was dead. We get to understand this plan of God when we look at it from a spiritual angle. Only when we die to our self and deeds of the flesh, can God resurrect us to multiply according to His power and plan. The process of dying to self is fashioned by God’s unfathomable wisdom. There are many times we wonder why the righteous suffer so much. However, in the way of Christ, we have to first die to self and flesh through tribulations, only then God can resurrect us to become thousand times greater.

Trials to Thousand-fold Blessings You will get a clear understanding of this from our lives - how God allowed tribulations and trials as the gateway for thousand-fold blessings. From the time God called my parents for the ministry, they have seen death after death. My mother first lost two children in the womb and then my sister Angel at the age of 17. We had to go through shame after shame, which made us die to pride, love of money, worldly desires, and dependence on men, power and 4

Jesus Calls International

| May 2021

authorities. Therefore, every time God wanted to raise us up a thousand times, we had to die to something of the world. Nonetheless, God did not allow us to perish instead raised us up thousand-fold. Are you saying everything in your life is finished? Do you say you have given your life to Jesus in the midst of that? Then be assured that you will be raised up a thousand times. This is the power of Jesus Christ. He allows you to go through tribulations for you to die to the flesh and world. Just like Abraham, you will be blessed and become a blessing to millions of other people. Your name, health, finances, joy and your children will increase. Be prepared for this increase will be a thousand times! From this month, the Lord is placing this grace upon you. You, who have suffered for the sake of Christ, will be exalted thousand times higher. What happened to Abraham? In Nehemiah 9:23, the Bible says God made the children of Abraham become numerous as the stars in the sky and made them inherit the land that He had promised their parents would possess. Similarly, all the tribulations you go through for the sake of Christ are investments for the thousand-fold increase in the lives of your children. So be of good cheer. None of your suffering is a waste. This happened in the life of David, who went through much tribulation for the sake of the Lord. “You will have a son who will be a man of peace and rest, and I will give him rest from all his enemies on every side. His name will be Solomon, and I will grant Israel peace and quiet during his reign.” (I Chronicles 22:9) His son, Solomon, was rewarded for the tribulation that David underwent for the sake of God. We


can read of the blessings during Solomon’s reign in I Kings 4. “The people of Judah and Israel were as numerous as the sand on the seashore; they ate, they drank and they were happy.” (I Kings 4:20) Today, you may be suffering for the sake of Christ, going through an extremely difficult phase. You will go through that path and not perish, but your children will eat, drink and be happy. They will not go through sorrow. Let not your heart be troubled. When God increases you and your children, He will increase your joy and enjoyment a thousand-fold.

Components of the thousand-fold blessings: 1.Inheritance and Possession: Firstly, God will make us take possession of the land. “The Lord your God has given you the land. Go up and take possession of it” (Deuteronomy 1:21). 2.Winning Battles: Secondly, the Lord will go ahead and fight for us to drive out the giants. Today, are you facing many giants in your life unemployment, financial struggles, sickness, or stagnation in business/profession? However, “Do not be terrified; do not be afraid of them. The Lord your God, who is going before you, will fight for you” (Deuteronomy 1:29,30). 3.Taken care of by God: “The Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son” (Deuteronomy 1:31). You will witness the Lord coming with you as a father, doing everything for you. After my father passed away, the Lord spoke to me saying ‘my son, your father has passed away but I will be a father to you from today and do everything for you.’ He has done it for me for the past 13 years. Whatever battles came, God’s peace has been with me all the time and I have never been troubled. 4.God’s protection and guidance: The Lord your God, will go ahead of you as he went ahead of the Israelites “in fire by night and in a cloud by day” (Deuteronomy 1:33). This symbolizes Jesus Calls International


God’s counsel during the day and protection in the night. No evil will touch you and you will walk in the right path. 5.Blessings in work: Whatever your hands find to do, it will be blessed and prosperous. “The Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands” (Deuteronomy 2:7). 6.Perfect and Complete: Finally, you will lack nothing (Deuteronomy 2:7). God will give you all the good things richly to enjoy. Yes, Jesus Christ became poor for our sake, so that through His poverty you might become rich (II Corinthians 8:9). To sum it up, we are required to not only surrender our lives to Christ but also to the tribulation that we have to go through for His sake. When we are faithful in obeying God in the midst of tribulations, losing everything that we are proud of, God will exalt us a thousand times.

PRAYER: My loving heavenly Father, I thank You with all my heart for the promise You have given. Lord, be with me as a father to protect and guide me in the right path. I know You will go ahead of me to drive out the obstacles and help me inherit Your promises. Thank You Lord for I am going to lack nothing and You are blessing me to increase a thousand-fold. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. May 2021



“…if you believe, you will see the glory of God” (John 11:40)

LONG EXPECTED BLESSING My husband’s name is Sungharsh. He was trying for a software job for many years. He took lot of effort but they were in vain. I came to know about the Job Blessing Prayer Mission and I enrolled him in that in October 2020. God is great. Very soon He enabled my husband to get selected for a high position in a MNC software company. I thank the Dhinakarans and the prayer intercessors for their prayers that have worked this miracle for my family. Glory be to God. - Sudha, United Kingdom SATISFIED IN ALL DIMENSIONS I met my friends in Life Church last year. It was a Friday. They invited me to the Esther Prayer Meeting that was happening the next day. I decided to attend. I was amazed to see how ladies were praying about for other women and their needs. I also gave my prayer request. I needed healing and breakthrough in my job. 6

Jesus Calls International

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Since that day I have been attending Jesus Calls meetings and have also become a volunteer. As I serve in the house of the Lord as a volunteer, He has blessed me greatly and has opened new doors for me. Now I am going through training for a job and the Lord meets my financial needs in the mean time. He has also restored my broken relationships with family members and slowly healing and restoring my life. I thank my Lord Jesus for blessing my life and making me a blessing. - Metua Kirianu, New Zealand BLESSED WITH THE DESIRED JOB I lost my full-time job sometime back and was fervently looking for similar job positions, but to no avail, particularly due to the Covid-19 situation. Meanwhile, I took on some short-term positions, which unfortunately did not work out. I was getting very disheartened and worried and requested Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the Jesus Calls Canada prayer intercessors to pray for me. They all prayed with much burden and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran replied that God will restore all joy and blessings in my life and grant me the desired job soon. In January 2021, I also enrolled in the Job Blessing Prayer Mission with great faith. What a mighty God we serve! Two weeks later, God performed a miracle and blessed me with a full-time job in the leading company of my industry. I praise and thank our Lord Jesus and give Him all the glory! I am very thankful to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the prayer intercessors for praying for me. - C. Sequeira, Canada HEALED My granddaughter Evelyn was not able to do anything by herself for the past 7 years. She couldn't speak too. We were worried. We mentioned our prayer request in the Jesus Calls Esther Prayer Group and kept praying for her. Now we are able to see plenty of changes in her. Now the child is speaking to a little extent. She is able to walk with support. I thank the Lord who heard the prayers and healed her and I also extend my heartfelt thanks to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran and prayer intercessors. - Vasanthi Solomon, Yazhpanam, Sri Lanka FAMILY REUNITED For the past 20 years, my sister had a unforgettable and unforgivable bitterness toward me. Due to some personal reasons my sister didn't speak to me for around 20 years. I mentioned this in our Esther Prayer Group and since two months we have been praying for this. I also wrote this prayer request to mother Stella Dhinakaran. What a miracle! My sister called me last month and asked for forgiveness and let me know that she is doing ministry enthusiastically. Not just that, after such a long Jesus Calls International


May 2021



gap she came home and spent time with me and my family making us elated. It is the Lord who has united us back by His love. I offer a million thanks to the Lord who has done this great miracle for me. - Pushpa, Colombo, Srilanka SUPERNATURAL HEALING My mother was seriously ill as she had fallen down, which triggered her vertigo. I placed her in the hands of Jesus and immediately sent a prayer request to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran about my mother’s illness. God touched her and healed her completely. I thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for his prayers. Glory be to God. - Viola Vaz, Goa, India PRAYER ANSWERED RIGHT ON TIME My husband did not get his salary arrears for four years. I called the Jesus Calls prayer line and received prayers of the prayer intercessors. God did a miracle and helped us get the four years’ salary arrears with which we are now able to complete the remaining construction of our house. I thank the Jesus Calls ministry for the prayer support. - Diana Singnarpi, Assam, India BELONGINGS PROTECTED On 20th March 2021, I went out and had to park my bike in a place. Unfortunately, the person, who parked next to my bike, took mine by mistake. I was not aware of it. When he realized it was not his bike and started searching the bike to find out the owner, he found Jesus Calls magazine in the storage area below the seat. From the address on the cover, he returned my bike. Till I received my bike, I was not aware of all that had happened. All this happened within 2 hours time. God blesses everything/anything & does miracles through the Jesus Calls ministry. He is concerned about us, protects us & our belongings. Praise be to God. - R Sridhar JC Evangelist, Chennai, India

TO SHARE YOUR TESTIMONY Call the Prayer Tower in your Country / Region (or) email to 6

Jesus Calls International

| May 2021


At SEESHA, our mission is to help every needy child to flourish in life by giving them the best quality education and also by catering to their physical and emotional needs. Some of our educational initiatives focusing on the holistic development of underprivileged children are as below: • SEESHA Child Development Centres/Life Centres: Our Life centres offer free coaching for students from povertystricken urban slum & rural communities. Talents/skills development and value education camps are also conducted for the overall development of children. • 30,000 School kits: Children attending SEESHA Life Centres across the Nation receive school kits with 14-educational essentials at the start of each academic year.

• Monthly/Annual Educational scholarships: Deserving children & youth from disadvantaged families are encouraged by SEESHA through monthly/annual scholarships that help them continue their education. • Pre-examination & Career guidance programmes are organized for students from our target communities prior to their board exams to help them prepare well and to guide them in choosing the right course after school. • School Enrichment Programs: Selected government schools are supported through financial & technical assistance for improved infrastructure, teachers’ training, conducting skills development programs etc., to benefit the students.

OPENING THE DOOR TO THE WORLD OF LEARNING… “Despite the constant struggle to meet our family’s living expenses, my parents wanted to provide me a good education for my bright future. But difficulties in understanding few subjects made me lose heart and pushed me towards discontinuing my studies. Thanks to the free coaching at the SEESHA tuition centre and its educational incentives like school kit, I was able to continue my schooling and score good marks in those subjects, last year. Indeed, SEESHA has eased the burden of providing quality education from my parents!” - Ms.T. Keerthika, SEESHA Child Development Centre Beneficiary-Coimbatore

Join with SEESHA in our noble mission of providing quality education to the children living in poverty. Your small contribution can help us ensure that they don’t lose out on their education. You may support us in the following ways: To support one tuition centre – USD 150 / month Sponsor the education of a child – USD 35 / month Donate school kit for a needy child – USD 15 / month

Jesus Calls International


May 2021



These days, we see several weddings taking place! It is the divine will of God that every bride should be ‘excellent, virtuous and be worthy far above rubies’ as seen in the Bible (Proverbs 12:4; 31:10, 29). What is the fundamental factor to enjoy a life filled with this promise? "The righteous has an everlasting foundation." (Proverbs 10:25) According to this verse, every bride’s life should have the foundation on the Lord, the Rock. Prior to my marriage, I was a namesake Christian until the age of 16. It was my betrothal that brought a great change in my life. Yes! That day, our church pastor read the portion from the Bible - Proverbs 31:10-31 and prayed. It was then for the first time the Lord spoke to me through each and every verse. Particularly the verse, “But a woman, who fears the Lord, she shall be praised” (Proverbs 31:30) broke my heart. The reason, I had no godly fear in my life. The divine fear created 10

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in me through that word brought changes in me. From that day on, the Lord first of all gave me the divine life of living in unison with Him. Along with that, the Lord Jesus Christ became the foundation of my life. I was a pampered child, who used to get up after 7 O' clock in the morning. After this divine experience, my laziness changed and the Lord gave me the sense of responsibility to get up early in the morning and take care of the daily chores in the family. Next, as in Galatians 5:24, I shunned all unwanted desires and lusts of the world and was filled with divine grace to live a true Christian life. The Lord was with us, walked with us and led us beautifully in such a way that our family life was filled with His presence. My dear sisters! My darling children who are getting ready to enter into married life! Examine your lives! Get filled with the important divine characteristics right now so that your husband and family members would say of you, “She is a virtuous woman;

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a priceless pearl.” Then your family life would blossom with His blessings right from the beginning. It is certain that the Lord will fill you with perfect blessings, good works and good testimony.

you should conduct yourself, give you the proper counsel and lead you in the way in which you should go (Psalm 32:8).

Gives Grace to the Humble

Chaste conduct accompanied by Fear

(Proverbs 3:34; James 4:6; I Peter 5:5)

(1 Peter 3:1, 2)

Yes, we read in the Bible that since the Lord Jesus Christ humbled Himself to the point of death on the cross, the God of gods lifted Him up above everything and above every name (Philippians 2:8,11). In the Bible, the life of a woman called Ruth was blessed by God in similar fashion. She came to know the God of Israel, humbled herself totally and came under the refuge of His wings in all reverence and hence received the full reward from the God of gods (Ruth 2:12). Yes, my dear ones! You, who are going to enter into a newly wedded life or who have already entered into married life, when you struggle with problems, completely humble yourself before the Lord as well as to your family and plead to the Lord to endow you with such divine characteristics. “Ask and you will receive that your joy may be full.” (John 16:24) When we plead to the Lord who has promised us this, He will certainly do great things in your life according to the Scriptures, “Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3) Proverbs 11:2 says, “With the humble is wisdom.” The Lord, who is unchanging in His promise, will fill you with His divine wisdom, teach you with whom you should talk and how Jesus Calls International

He who humbles himself will be exalted (Luke 14:11; 18:14).


“And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” (Galatians 5:24) Accordingly, the Lord changed my life in such way that it would be pleasing to Him. When Saul became Paul, he declared, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). In the same way, my life too changed and was filled with reverence, good works and good testimony, much to the wonder of my relatives and friends. The Lord helped our family to seek Him early in the morning, have family prayer regularly and be filled with His presence. The prayers and praises that we jointly offered to the Lord, right from the day of our marriage, wonderfully led us throughout the 48 years of our married life, with His divine peace and inexpressible joy of His glory, even in the midst of terrible problems, sufferings, losses and lacks in our family life. "But the Lord is with me as a mighty, awesome One.” (Jeremiah 20:11) God granted me the divine grace to live a chaste life accompanied by fear and has been leading me by His hand to accomplish His will perfectly in my life. Even today, at my old age, He is wonderfully guiding me to be a vessel of comfort to many people. If anyone who is reading this learns to trust only the Lord in all May 2021



reverence, He will surely change your life into a blessed one.

Divine life entwined with the Lord “But he, who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.” (I Corinthians 6:17) To receive this divine life, you should read the experiences of the Lord Jesus Christ given in the Bible and make them your own. “You search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life.” (John 5:39) When the devil tempted the Lord Jesus Christ, He overcame him with the Word. Don’t we read that the devil was defeated? (Matthew 4:1-4). In order that your life would be pleasing to the Lord, be a blessing in the midst of all the trials, and be victorious, you should examine the Scriptures and be triumphant according to the verse, “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (I Corinthians 15:57) Being close to God and waiting in His presence in prayer, in all reverence is as important as meditating on His Word. Hannah, the mother of Prophet Samuel held on to the presence of the Lord, when she had no child, in order that her tears should be wiped off (I Samuel 1:11, 19, 20). A Greek woman ran to the Lord seeking His help for her daughter's horrible sickness to be healed as a result of which that daughter was miraculously delivered and received blessings (Mark 7:25 30). A woman, who suffered for 12 long years, miraculously received perfect healing, the moment she touched the hem of His garment 12

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in faith (Matthew 9:20-22). Mary, sister of Martha, held on to the feet of Jesus saying, “Whatever comes, He is sufficient for me.” In the same way, you should also hold on to His feet firmly and receive the good part which will not be taken away from you (Luke 10:42). “The young lions lack and suffer hunger; but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.” (Psalm 34:10) Next, you should seek the ‘things which are above’ to get His image and get filled with the anointing of the Spirit which the Lord Jesus had, so that your life which is filled with afflictions and tears would become prosperous and be blessed. "If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.” (Colossians 3:1, 2) When you glorify the Lord through your prayers with thanksgiving without wasting even the little leisure time you get in sleeping and talking unwanted things with other women, the God of gods, who is enthroned in praises (Psalm 22:3) will be present in your family life and grant you victory in all things. He will make you thrive! If you are diligent to carefully follow the above things and seek Him in reverence, He will wonderfully change you into a priceless pearl and a virtuous woman and lead you beautifully to live a life that would be an adornment for your family and bring glory to His name( Isa.62:3). Hence, my dear young women and sisters, if you seek the Lord truly and in reverence in order that your life would become a divine life, the Lord will surely bless your family life richly and make your husband and your whole household enjoy good things through you!

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INSTANT HEALING I was infected with Corona and fell sick. I was isolated for 14 days and treated with medications. After 14 days of quarantine, I came home but because I was allergic to the medicines, I had constant chills. I used to shiver all the time. On November 7, 2020, I called during the Telephone Prayer Time in Family Channel and requested Bro. Paul Dhinakaran to pray for me. He prayed powerfully for me and at that very moment, God delivered me from the shivering and body chills. I praise God for this wonder and thank God for Bro. Paul Dhinakaran who offered earnest prayers for me. My only son studied in Karunya University and recently he God married through God’s blessings. Glory to God. - Samuel Anandharaj, Coimbatore, India

Jesus Calls International


May 2021



My dearly beloved in Christ, It is a great joy to write to you this month. God has graciously enabled us all to complete four months and step into the 5th month of the year. Let me start with the beautiful promise God has given us. “The Lord declares to you that the Lord himself will establish a house for you.” (II Samuel 7:11) After David became the King of Israel, he wanted to build a temple for the ark of God. At this juncture, this promise was given by the Lord to King David. Yes my beloved, God gives the same promise to you this month. He has seen that you have been building His kingdom through the ministry with your prayers and sacrificial offerings. Therefore, the Lord himself will establish a house for you. This is not only regarding a 14

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house built of bricks and sand; but God will also build your profession, finances, and families to completion. With Labor Day being observed on May 1st, I pray God’s blessings on you according to Psalm 128:2: “You will eat the fruit of your labor.” PRAISE THE LORD FORGET NOT ALL HIS BENEFITS My heart is full of gratitude because God has blessed the magazine ministry over the past 48 years. Yes, it was in May 1973, the first ever Jesus Calls Magazine was released. We give God all the glory for the millions of lives He has transformed through the magazine ministry. With advancements in technology, Jesus Calls Magazine is also published digitally and sent via email, and made available on our website in seven languages. You can read it from the comfort of your home. The prime turning point in the ministry also happened in the month of May. Soon

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after God spoke to my father, Dr. D. G. S. Dhinakaran, about establishing Karunya University, we lost my beloved sister Angel in a fatal car accident on May 21, 1986. We were completely devastated and heartbroken, but God strengthened and comforted us to continue wiping the tears of millions. Today, as we look back, we can truly say she was sown as the kernel of wheat, which died and has produced countless seeds of wheat. “Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed; but if it dies, it produces many seeds.” (John 12:24)

elections. Thousands from all over the nation joined the prayer with the entire prayer aired live on the Family Channel and the Social Media platforms of Jesus Calls. It was a great blessing to stand in the gap for the nation through this war-room prayer movement.

The month of May holds another special day in my life and the ministry. My mother, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, celebrates her birthday on May 24. Continue to uphold her in your prayers for God to grant her good health and strengthen her. Very specially, I covet your prayers for God to use her even more mightily as she heads the Esther Prayer Group.

W e interceded

ELECTION PRAYER NATIONAL PRAYER AND MINISTRY ALLIANCE “I exhort therefore, that…. supplications, prayers be made for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” (I Timothy 2:2) Our duty to the nation does not stop with voting but also demands our prayers. On 30th March, the Lord enabled the leaders of various churches, movements, and institutions in our nation to gather in one accord under the leadership of NPMA. We interceded to the Almighty to fulfill His plans in the impending state assembly Jesus Calls International


TRUMPET PRAYER GROUP RAISING THE SOUND OF PRAYER “Put the trumpet to your lips.” (Hosea 8:1)

to the Almighty to fulfill His plans in the impending state assembly elections. Thousands from all over the nation joined the prayer with the entire prayer aired live on the Family Channel and the Social Media platforms of Jesus Calls.

This is the brainchild of my wife, Evangeline, started with the burden God gave in her heart to plead for God’s mercy on the nations. God has enabled this endtime prayer movement to complete 400+ days of prayer. Countless are the blessings God showered upon everyone who prayed. With the second coming of Jesus ever so near, we have very less time left but countless souls to be saved. Therefore, I encourage you also to join this prayer and stand in the gap (Ezekiel 22:30). You can May 2021



register your name and choose your time slot. Prayer points will be sent to you and you can pray from your place of convenience. For further information, you may visit the nearest Prayer Tower (or) contact us on phone number 99415 88654 (or) visit https://www.prayertoweronline .org/tpg (or) contact us via email FAMILY CHANNEL - CELEBRATING LOVE “My word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11) Family Channel has become an integral part of many a home all around the world. It is bringing the families together through programs that captivate every age group. To name a few: Kutties Galata, UTurn, Kudumba Neram, and Indraiya Irai Vaarthai. Be it prerecorded or live program, God is working wonders in the lives of millions. To watch the programs on the go, it is available on android devices, IOS users and all android smart TVs. “Download and be blessed.” • Android users (download the App from Google Play FCApp-Andriod • iOS users (download Link: http:// KATE HOLISTIC THEOLOGY “Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence” (Acts 28:31) The Lord has promised me that KATE shall be a channel of biblical knowledge for 16

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millions. The desire among the people to know more about the Bible is increasing and KATE shall provide many short-term courses to enlighten them. One of the signs of end time is false teachings about the Bible; therefore, we need to be careful to understand the Scripture and KATE shall help to discern the right and wrong teachings from the Bible. All those who enroll shall be taught in-depth teachings about the Bible in multiple languages. They will also be encouraged to involve in ministry through our Prayer Towers near their locality. I encourage you to give a missed call 9487846630 or visit our website for more information. SOCIAL MEDIA TAKING THE GOSPEL FAR AND WIDE Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. (II Timothy 4:2) Jesus Calls functions tirelessly with only one criteria: “Not one soul to be lost.” Therefore, we make use of every opportunity to preach the love of God and save souls. With ‘online and at home’ the new norms, Social Media platforms have enabled us to reach millions more through live programs and interactive sessions. In conclusion, I lovingly request your valuable prayers for the Jesus Calls Ministry and my family. As you support us in building God’s kingdom, the Lord is going to definitely fulfill this month’s promise in your life. “The Lord declares to you that the Lord himself will establish a house for you.” (II Samuel 7:11) Your brother who prays for you, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

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This is an end-times prayer movement given by God to Sis. Evangeline to stand in the gap and pray for the protection of nations and salvation of souls (Ezekiel 22:30). Started in March 2020, it has crossed 400 prayer days with prayers offered daily. With the Lord’s coming close at hand and millions of souls yet to be saved, here is an opportunity for you to be part of this great mission. Register your name and choose the time you want to pray. Prayer points will be sent to you. Pray from your place of convenience.

Here is the testimony of Sis. Jayanthi, a volunteer prayer intercessor who regularly joins the Trumpet Prayer Group at Vellore CMC Jesus Calls Prayer Tower… BLESSED WITH GIFT OF PROPHECY On 19.02.2021, we were praying as a group in Trumpet Prayer Group and I was praying the last prayer point for Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family. All of a sudden, Sis. Jayanthi, one of our volunteer prayer intercessor, shouted and started uttering prophecies. This surprised us because we have never seen her even praying loudly. After the prayer, she said she didn't know what happened but felt a force making her prophecy. She then realized that she received the gift of prophecy. Much to her amazement, on returning home, she had received a letter from Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, on the same day. The promise verse given was "I have put My words in your mouth" (Isaiah 51:16). It was not a coincidence but the confirmation of her gift. She was overjoyed. Praise be to God. - J. Evelet, Manager - Vellore CMC Jesus Calls Prayer Tower RAISE THE SOUND OF PRAYER FOR SALVATION TO SPREAD WORLDWIDE Here’s an opportunity for you to join the TRUMPET PRAYER GROUP PLEASE FILL UP THE FORM AND SEND IT TO US Full Name:__________________________________________________________ Gender: ___________ Mobile Number: ___________________________ Whatsapp Number: _________________________ Email ID: ______________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Are you a Jesus Calls Partner? Yes No Convenient Day for Prayer: ____________________ Convenient Hour and Minutes:_________________ Mode of Communication: Email Phone For further information: Visit the nearest Prayer Tower (or) * Contact us on phone number +91 6380 752 257 (or) * Visit (or) * Contact us via email Jesus Calls International


May 2021



JESUS CALLS PRAYER TOWER… MINISTRY TO BUILD LIFE Jesus Calls Prayer Towers are situated in Colombo, Mattakuliya, Kandy and Jaffna. The Lord is gracious enough to answer everyone by bringing great joy to their entire household, filling with His peace, miracles and life changing experiences. We constantly receive calls to share their miracles not only from Sri Lanka but also from abroad. Truly we enjoy His goodness in our midst and are encouraged to serve Him better. During the lock down there were prayer intercessors working night and day for months staying at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower at Colombo to wipe away the tears of those whose life is in despair. Truly we enjoy His goodness and we were able to fill the gap between heaven and the suffering human beings of all walks of life. I would like to share few testimonies for you to praise God with us.

KANDY PRAYER TOWER: I called the Prayer Tower in distress after hearing my 3rd son’s diagnosis. My child was suffering with 16.7 mm hole in his heart and struggling between life and death. He was transferred to Lady Ridgeway Children’s Hospital to perform an emergency operation. The prayer intercessors cried with us who were terrified and encouraged us to hope for a miracle. Glory to the Lord. The Lord intervened and the life of my son was saved. It was not just a successful but a miraculous surgery. - Ruth Mary, Kandy COLOMBO PRAYER TOWER: I come from a middle class family with a dream to become a medical doctor. But due to the failure in AL exams twice, I fell into depression. At that time, I started to visit Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and gave my heart to Jesus. The Lord placed a new hope and helped me to get through my exams miraculously. Eventually, I was able to get an admission in Bangladesh University to study medicine. At the end of my final exams I was exalted as ‘Top Ranker’ in the batch. On my return to Sri Lanka in 2020, amidst the great challenges caused by the covid-19 lockdown, I could pass the exam conducted by the Sri Lankan Medical board and my name was in the first 200 selected name list to practice as a Medical Doctor. Praise the Lord. - Sujeetha, Rajagiriya, Colombo JAFFNA PRAYER TOWER: I visit the Prayer Tower at times of struggles. My family and I were despised by my own family and I was considered as a mental patient by my own brother. I attended the deliverance meeting conducted at the Prayer Tower on 24th September 2020. The Lord touched my heart through the promise word from Jer.33:3. In a miraculous way, my brother called, for the first time in 9 years, and enquired about my life’s struggles. I was overwhelmed by the sudden change of heart. Also soon after, my husband got a very good job. Now we are able to restart our house construction work which was stopped 6 years back. My entire family is rejoicing over the great peace saying, ‘It is a new beginning in our family life’. - Jayananthamalar, Jaffna 18

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MATTAKULIYA PRAYER TOWER:My son Abishanth was diagnosed with deformed kidney and advised to go for an early operation. I was sorrowful and brought my son to the Prayer Tower. After the prayer, as advised by the prayer intercessor, I decided to attend the weekly deliverance meeting. Now 5 years later, from the first diagnose, the same doctor had declared that there is no need for any treatment since my son is completely recovered from the disorder. Today my son is free from all medication and living a normal life by grace of Jesus. - Nirmaladevi, Mattakuliya SEESHA ….Help that needed at times. •

During the past lock down times through the enormous support of our partners we were able to supply dry rations to the needy families around the Colombo city and suburbs. And also with the support of many Christ minded well-wishers we executed a special ‘Road Food Project’. Under this project cooked food parcels were supplied to those who seated on the sides who has no means for a meal. At Jesus Calls we are taking constant efforts to bring hope through the Love of Christ.

This year we have increasedthe number, to support the children of the under privileged families who are school students. I take this time to thank each one of our well-wishers who extended support to this venture as a response to our Brother Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s appeal letter. A total of 1529 new school bags were supplied through 10 different Churches at 12 places. This includes city suburbs, Estates communities and the needy families of small towns. Each time we gather to distribute the bags, the joy in the faces of the children and the parents were priceless. We thank God for the ministry of SHEESHA. May His name be glorified! These few sample testimonies leads us to one conclusion. There is a living presence of Jesus Christ in the midst of the ministry of Jesus Calls Sri Lanka. Whatever may the social challenges in the World, He leads us as we follow His guidance through the visions given in the heart of our beloved founders. I am sure and believe that the Lord will continue to embrace everyone who runs into His loving and caring hands, at the time of distress and agony. We serve Him diligently in building His love, in hearts. Amen. In His grace.

Yohini A Vasanthakumar Head of Administration /Jesus Calls Intl., Sri Lanka.

SRI LANKA PRAYER TOWERS Kandy Prayer Tower 17 / 9, Thiwanka Bodhi Mawatha, Kandy. Tel. 081 2225111 / 081 2225191

Jaffna Prayer Tower No. 32, Old park road, Jaffna. Tel. 021 2212737 Events: Fasting Prayer (Monday 10 am - 12 pm) Prayer for the nation (10 am - 11.30 pm) Blessing meeting (Thursday 10 am - 12 pm)

Events: 1. Blessing meetings (Every Saturday at 9.30 am - 12 pm) 2. Prayer for the nation (Every Wednesday 4 pm - 6 pm) 3. Fasting prayer (Every Friday at 9 am - 1 pm)

Colombo Prayer Tower 15/1B, Joseph Lane, Bambalapitiya, Colombo – 4. Telephone: +94-11-4488112 (General) Events: 1. Monthly Promise message meeting "Begin the month with Jesus" (Every 1st Saturday @ 9:30am) 2. Weekly Blessing meeting (Every Friday @ 5:30pm) 3. Fasting prayer for the nation (Every Wednesday @ 10:00am) Prayer time with Dhinakarans (Every Sunday @ 8:30pm on TNL Television)

Mattukuliya Prayer Tower 65 / 373, 5th Lane, Crow Island, Mattakkuliya, Colombo 15. Phone: + 9411 2521365 Events: 1. Monthly promise message meeting “Begin the month with Jesus” (1st of Every month) 2. Mattukuliya Blessing meeting (Every Fridays morning 10am -12pm)

PRAYER HOTLINE IN SRI LANKA - +94 11 4488111 (24/7) Jesus Calls International


May 2021



At Bethesda - The Haven of Solace *

Prayers are offered for every prayer need that people come with.


Telephone Prayer Tower and Chain Prayer Tower at Bethesda are also vital channels for people to experience God’s miracles.


God has healed, delivered, saved, and granted long-awaited miracles to millions.


Everyone who comes experiences the glorious presence of God in the dome, vision centre, and counseling rooms.

Having withstood the test of time for the past 28 years, Bethesda is undergoing renovation. 20

Jesus Calls International

| May 2021


Revelations and Deliverance We have been Jesus Calls partners for more than 35 years since my great grandmother, Alexandra Gabriel’s time. We support the ministry by being a partner of all the facets. In 2017, I donated towards the Bethesda Renovation Project. In 2019, my mother, Bridget Azariah, developed a dark patch in her leg. Everyone said it might be because of shoe bite; but one night, I had a vision in which God said it is melanoma - a type of skin cancer. So I took her to the doctor and after the tests, we were informed that it was melanoma just as God had revealed to me. She was shaken hearing the diagnosis but was encouraged to believe in God for a miracle. She underwent a surgery and it’s been 2 years since the surgery. God has given good health to her and she is able to do her chores with renewed strength. As God had miraculously revealed it to me in the early stage, the treatment was harmless. God’s mercies have been true to His Word in Psalm 41:1-3 as He has restored my mother to health, valuing our small gesture towards the ministry. Glory be to God.

This is how God blessed Sis. Angel Daphne for supporting Bethesda Renovation Project

Sis. Angel Daphne Azariah, Chennai, India

Kindly support this vision to be fulfilled through your prayers and contributions We request you our dear partner in the Lord's ministry to enable us renovate and rebuild the aging Bethesda Prayer Center to be used as a blessing to millions more who will visit in the near future. We are in need to renovate and rebuild the Prayer Dome which includes new flooring, walls, roofing, electrical, air conditioning, and acoustics. The cost for renovating 1sq feet is $50, you could help us rebuild and renovate 1sq ft, or 5sq ft, or 10sq ft, or 25sq ft, or 50sq ft, or as per the leading of the Holy Spirit in your heart.

To support this vision, please visit or contact the Prayer Tower in your country Email: Jesus Calls International


May 2021




Dearly beloved, God is asking just one thing from you today. In Proverbs 23:26, He says, “My son, give me your heart and let your eyes delight in my ways.” Yes, God is asking you to give your heart to Him. It might sound selfish but yes, God is possessive about you. Your heart should not be owned by anyone or anything else. You should give your heart only to God. This is the only thing He wants from you! He desires to be the King of your heart. God will ask nothing from you other than your heart. Today, desire to give your heart to God. Let Him take complete control over your heart. When you give Him your heart, He will rule over your life. The world says, “Just follow your heart.” It advises you to know your desires in life and try to fulfill the imaginations of your heart. Even if it is materialistic and worldly, the world suggests you to go behind them. That’s when idolatry slips into our lives. We get obsessed by what we desire to possess. Sometimes people get tempted to ask the advice of others to make decisions. They ask questions about how to build a house, how to raise their kids, how to conduct 22

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happen in your t h e i r God is possessive about you family when it c h i l d r e n ’s starts from your heart. wedding etc., to people around them. However, in the end, they land “The tongue also is a fire, a world of up doing what their heart desires. What God evil among the parts of the body. It says is just the opposite to the ways of the corrupts the whole body, sets the whole world. course of one's life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.” (James 3:6) God says, “Give your heart completely to What are you storing up in your heart? For Me. I will take charge of your life and work everything together for your good.” About that is what will come out of your mouth. So ask God to become the King of your heart and man’s heart the Bible says in Jeremiah 17:9, fill it with His good characteristics because “The heart is deceitful above all things only what you speak and what you do will bring and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” peace in your life and in Our heart is filled your family. with wickedness. Whether you need When we become guidance about how to Changes will angry, our heart clear your debts or how palpitates and we to run your family, do not happen in your pour out harsh turn to people for an words in anger, answer. When you invite family when it starts which disrupts the Jesus to come into your peace in the family heart, He Himself will from your heart causing divorce, speak to you and direct drunkenness and you in His ways according division. Bible also to His Word in Isaiah says in Matthew 30:21, 12:34, “Whether you turn to the right or to the “For the mouth speaks what the heart is left, your ears will hear a voice behind full of.” you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." We should therefore first give our heart to God will guide you with His still small voice the Lord before we speak to people. When we concerning every aspect of your family and life. do that, God will change our words completely When you make Him the King of your heart, and we will be peacemakers. This is the way He will direct you to be victorious in all areas to bring peace in your family. Changes will of life.

Jesus Calls International


May 2021



Hello friends! I know you are eagerly waiting to know what God’s word is for this month. The Lord has a fantastic promise in store for you. God is speaking to you through Isaiah 41:9, which says: “I have chosen you and have not rejected you.” What more do you want my friends? When you are God’s choice, you are going to rise up to great heights. Therefore, you are going to fly and fly really high. Let us look at an example from the Bible of a man chosen by God. Time and again, the Israelites sinned against God. At one such time, the Lord gave them as slaves into the hands of the Midianites for almost seven years. The people of Midian oppressed the Israelites and greatly impoverished them. The Lord heard the cry of the Israelites. The Angel of the Lord appeared to a man named Gideon and told him to march in war against the Midianites and deliver Israel. The scripture is put together beautifully to show Gideon was God’s choice. The conversation between the Angel of the Lord and Gideon proceeded thus: 24

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“The Lord turned to Gideon and said “Go in this might of yours, and you shall save Israel from the hand of the Midianites. Have I not sent you?” So he said to Him, “O my Lord, how can I save Israel? Indeed my clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house.” And the LORD said to him, “Surely I will be with you, and you shall defeat the Midianites as one man.” True to His promise, God made Gideon win the battle. This is recorded in the Bible as: “Thus Midian was subdued before the children of Israel, so that they lifted their heads no more” (Judges Chapters 6-8). This is your story too. You might be thinking like Gideon that you are not equipped like other people or you do not have any talents or anything along that line. However, it is you that God has chosen and when you follow God’s plan, you will scale great heights and bring glory to His name. In the second portion of the promise word, the Lord has said “I have not rejected you.” When the Almighty God, Himself, has not rejected you,

Jesus Calls International


When you are

God’s choice, you are going to rise up to

great heights nobody and nothing else can reject you. For the Bible says “Whatever He opens, no one will shut; and whatever He shuts, no one opens” (Revelation 3:7). Yes! God will revive to life every dead situation surrounding you. So, whatever you are facing in life right now, you are going to be victorious. Don’t be worried, but get ready for God’s mighty move in your life. PRAYER: Loving Lord, I thank You for this promise. Thank You for choosing me. Take complete control of my life and help me accomplish Your mission. Resurrect my spiritual life and let me bring glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

May 2021



“Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work.” (II Timothy 2:21)

Accordingly, God wants to deliver us from such terrible state of darkness and gloom and convey us into the kingdom of His loving Son.

The Lord will transform us into vessels for honour, pleasing to Him, according to the above Scripture verse found in the Bible. This is the divine will of the God of gods, concerning each and every one of us. We, the women, use different kinds of utensils in the kitchen. Some of them are costly and some are cheap. In the same way, the Lord sees every one of us differently, in the spiritual life.

Vessel of Grace Those who indulge in an unclean life full of presumptuous sin, iniquity, and filthiness and those who are fully into all ugly works which are displeasing to God are ‘vessels of wrath.’ Such people’s lives are full of darkness and about them the Bible says, ‘For you were once darkness’ (Ephesians 5:8). “Giving thanks to the Father… He has delivered us from thepower of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love…” (Colossians 1:12,13) 26

Jesus Calls International

“What if God, wanting to show His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the ‘vessels of mercy’ which He had prepared beforehand for glory.” (Romans 9:22,23) As we read thus, in order to redeem us and grant us salvation, God desired to offer His own Son Jesus Christ as a living sacrifice on the cross. Thus the Saviour Jesus gave Himself for our sins to deliver us from the dark power of the wicked devil, according to the will of God, His Father (Galatians 1:4). The man called Saul was formerly a blasphemer, persecutor and an insolent man towards the people of God (I Timothy 1:13). He received mercy from God since he was ignorant of the horribleness of his deeds and was an unbeliever. The Lord Jesus appeared to him as the Light and asked him, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?’ He further said

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to him, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. It is hard for you to kick against the goads” (Acts 9:4, 5). Saul was astonished and asked him with trembling, ‘Lord, what do You want me to do?’ He then committed himself fully to the will of God. He, who was a vessel of wrath became a vessel of grace. My dear ones, examine your life! Have you become a vessel of grace that gives out light? Or are you still enslaved by the darkness of this world, flesh and the works of the devil? Doesn’t the Bible say that the Lord Jesus offered Himself to be broken on the cross as a Man of sorrows and underwent sufferings in order to give you a new life full of light? “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:4,5) An alcoholic husband used to come home very late at night after office hours, having had drinks with his friends. He used to bring home his friends even during holidays and demand his wife to cook this and that for all of them. The wife was a vessel of grace and hence being filled with patience and the grace of God, she used to pray reverentially for God to change her husband into a vessel of grace. The Lord, who saw her patience and loving deeds, did a great miracle in their lives according to the Scripture, “ Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord—that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.” (James 5:11)

For such miracles to happen in your family, you should also plead to the Lord reverentially in faith. Then the Lord would bless you in the same way. He will turn all your sorrows into joy (John 16:20). He will make every member in your family who is a vessel of wrath into a vessel of grace.

Sanctified Vessel (II Timothy 2:21) We read in the Bible that it is the will of God that we should be holy and that ‘God has not called us to uncleanness but in holiness’ (I Thessalonians 4:3,7). Therefore, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God (II Corinthians 7:1). In the Bible, we see a Samaritan woman living in a terrible, sinful life of filth. Once, the Lord Jesus went to the place called Sychar, in Samaria. Wearied by the journey, He sat by the well of Jacob. That time a woman came to draw waters from the well. The Lord Jesus Christ, who was conversing with her, asked her to bring her husband for which she said, “I have no husband.” Jesus said to her, “You have well said, ‘I have no husband,’ for you have had five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your husband; in that you spoke truly.” (John 4:17,18) The woman said to Him, “Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet” and went into the city and said, “Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” Many of them then came to Him and said to the woman,

The Lord granted His grace to her husband, who was a vessel of wrath, changed him into Jesus Calls International

a vessel of grace, and made them enjoy the peace and joy that they had lost.


“Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is May 2021



indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world.” (John 4: 42) Yes, that woman, and the people of her town who were the vessel of wrath, received faith and became a ‘vessel of grace’, pleasing to God, through the loving and wise words of the Lord Jesus. Yesuraj was a person indulging in all kinds of wicked things and was leading an audacious life. A nearby Christian couple was praying with tears for God to change his life upside down. Suddenly, this wicked man lost his job due to his wayward life and was living in tears. The couple comforted him, prayed for him and spoke to him about the love of the Lord. Soon, the Lord changed his hard-heartedness. He became a new creation. He was filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and was totally transformed into a holy man. Yes, dear ones, it is not the will of God that anyone should perish (Matthew 18:14). “ as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct.” (I Peter 1:14,15) Accordingly, you should receive the holy life, pleasing to the Lord with reverence and trembling and glorify Him by being a vessel of holiness.

Through our unison and fellowship with the Lord, He will grant us such a fruitful life. Read carefully the life of David, His servant! How was God in his life? “…I will love You, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” (Psalm 18:1,2) Since he was filled with the knowledge of knowing God, God was his strength, the rock, the fortress and his deliverer in whom he trusted. Hence, we read in the Bible that even in the midst of his various afflictions, he strengthened himself in the Lord and received abundant blessings. He was faithful in seeking the Lord and hence the Lord was with him as the good Shepherd pictured in Psalm 23, preserved him and led him with no lack. Even when the darkness of death surrounded him, God was with him so that no evil befell him. He prepared a table before him in the presence of his enemies, anointed his head with oil and made him into a vessel running over (Psalm 23:5). We read that David lived a fruitful life and was pleasing to the Lord till the end. Apostle Paul too said,

Vessel Pleasing to the Lord

“ I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (II Timothy 4:7)

“that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.” (Colossians 1:10) Let us seek the grace of God in order to live a fruitful life, pleasing to the Lord. “ I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

and faithfully fulfilled the God-given ministry till the end and said happily, “I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.” Yes, every day and every minute if we are careful to reverentially do things pleasing to the Lord, we would surely be the vessels pleasing to the Lord, in this world. May the Lord grant this divine grace to each of you who whole - heartedly seek Him with thirst! Then the promise “you shall ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full (John 16:24)” will surely occur to you.


Jesus Calls International

| May 2021


I had been suffering due to severe pain in my throat for the past one year and I went for medical consultation several times. The ENT was able to diagnose the issue, it was due to a vocal cord polyp. I could not speak for a long time and it was difficult for me to pray aloud. I was suffering with this issue for almost every day. I was suggested to undergo surgery in October 2020 and I made up my mind for the same. In the mean time I called to Prayer Tower in Canada and during the telephone conversations the prayer intercessors assured me and prayed for me to be healed. They also prayed as a team during the fasting prayers. We as a family also prayed. On the 22nd of February 2021, I went to see the doctor. She did the nasal scope and found that the Vocal cord polyp was gone. As promised in Jeremiah 30:17, Jesus has restored me to good health and healed my wounds. All Glory to Jesus. I thank all the Jesus Calls prayer intercessors for their prayers. - John Diamondson, Edmonton, AB, Canada CONTACT DETAILS (PHONE LINES, EMAILS AND 24X7 PRAYER LINE) For Prayer Hotline (24/7) please call 416 385 7677 or our toll free number 1855 522 7729 For further details on events or ministry resources please call admin at 416 385 7576 /

email us at Volunteer with us - If you would like to volunteer with us and pray/ intercede for the needs of others, please call Sis. Smita Tham at 647 770 0676 / email at Office Address: 55 Town Centre Court, Suite # 700 Toronto ON M1P 4X4. For Credit Card Donations please call Sis. Smita at 647 770 0676 Or Online donations may be made at Website:


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