May 2016

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APRIL 2016

SEESHA | Holy Land Tour | Night of Joy | Esther Prayer Group

JESUS CALLS praying for the world




Quenching Your Thirst Page 4

House Built on the Rock Page 19

Supplier of Needs Page 26


come lets give life.

Making Studying a Pleasure PREPARE A CHILD FOR SCHOOL, PREVENT DROP-OUT One of our most popular annual initiatives of SEESHA is the distribution of school kits to children in need, at the beginning of the academic year. Last year, with the support of the partners, we were able to successfully distribute school kits to 25,000 poor children all over the nation. This year, keeping in mind the great need of school-going children across the nation, we have increased the number to 30,000 school kits, which will be distributed to children in India’s remote rural villages, urban slums, tribal colonies and orphanages.

IMPACT OF A SCHOOL KIT: The parents of children who cannot afford to buy school kits are made happy. Poor children using old, torn and worn out bags are encouraged to learn well, with confidence and are prevented from dropping out of school out of shame and discouragement. The stationery items provided with the school bag, make SCHOOLWORK and HOMEWORK much easier for the children. Above all, the school kit assures a BETTER FUTURE tomorrow by ensuring QUALITY EDUCATION today.

Help us send children to school this June. To donate a school kit, go to TESTIMONY “I am studying in Class VIII. When I was four years old, my father passed away due to ill health. Since then, it has been solely through the hard work and sacrifices of my mother that my sister and I were brought up. Every month, I felt bad to see her struggling to pay the house rent and my school term fees. It was in such a circumstance that SEESHA began support- ing us through monthly scholarships. Moreover, at SEESHA’s tuition centre, I receive free tutoring. I have been able to do ex- tremely well in my studies after SEESHA’s valuable help. I obtained 90% marks in my final exams, making me one of the toppers in my class. I thank my tutor and SEESHA who helped me to achieve this success.” —Prem 2

MAY 2016


Last month through your benevolent offering towards our ministry we were able to bring God's love and compassion in Dallas, TX, Tampa, FL and also in Flushing, NY. In Dallas, TX, not only did we conduct our Friday Night Blessing meeting, but on Saturday April 23rd, 2016 Evangeline Dhinakaran had a powerful women's conference titled, "As A Comforting Mother" at the Dallas Prayer Tower. Many women were encouraged and uplifted in their spirit. We saw hundreds of souls saved, healed and everyone who attended these meetings were touched by the power of God and miracles happened.



QUENCHING YOUR THIRST DR. PAUL DHINAKARAN Many times life seems cruel and merciless. It throws us into such intense pressure that we reach a point where we feel like throwing up everything around us and cry out, “Why? Why? Why?” We feel life has treated us in an unfair manner . So filled with bitterness we question God saying, “Why God? Why this? Why me?” In the year 1986 when my sister was killed in a gruesome car accident, we were shattered into a million pieces. At that time we cried out “Why? Why? Why?” After two months of anguish, agony and confusion, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared before us and said, “My children don’t ask why? Just say, “Lord! I trust You. I’ll strengthen you to get up and follow Me.”2 Cor 12:9. There is one person in the Bible who went through the most pressing anguish in Biblical history and we observe how

he responded during that state of agony: “Therefore I will not restrain my mouth; I will speak in the anguish of my spirit; I will complain in the bitterness of my soul.” (Job 7:11) Yes! That is what Job said. He felt it unfair to go through the pain that had befallen him. He said, “I will ask a question to God about my anguish.” But God appeared to him and said, “Job, now I am going to ask you questions and you will answer me.” When God started asking him a few questions, Job replied, “With my hands I shut my mouth. I will shut my mouth. I have nothing to answer.” (Job 40:4,5). But God turned that same mouth of Job which questioned God to be shut to questions but then opened it to pray for others. He guarded his mouth from speaking anguish and opened his


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mouth to pray for others. It is then that God brought an answer to his situation through his own mouth. And He gave him back everything in double measure (Job 42:10). God does not want us to question Him. However, He expects us to open our mouth wide and fills our mouth with answers to our situations. God says, “You should not open your mouth to ask questions. I will cause your mouth to provide answers to your questions.” That is exactly what God did through Jesus. Jesus cried on the cross, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46). But God did not reply from heaven. Instead God made Jesus Christ Himself speak the answer to His question saying, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do”(Luke

23:34). That was the answer to the cry of Jesus Christ. His question, “My God!, My God! why have You forsaken Me?” was answered saying, “Son! I had forsaken you so that you would forgive others. I have allowed you to go through the path of forsakenness so that with the same mouth with which you questioned me, you could speak forgiveness to millions of people. I made you think that I forsook you seeing the oppression caused by people around you as well by the darkness that surrounded you . But then I made you realise that I am not around you but in you. And its not by the feeling that you have but the power of resurrection that is in you that you will overcome so that through you. “I will never leave you nor forsake you (John 16:32, Deuteronomy 31:6; Hebrews 13:5). It is with that authority of God’s power in you that you will experience for yourself as well as exhibit revealing God’s presence and power in you (Col 1:27, 2 Cor 2:14,15). That makes you speak the word of God which in Luke 23:43 in the midst of forsakenness made Jesus assure the thief who repented on the cross. “Today, you will be with Me in paradise.” and this operate in God’s realm. Yes! God fills our mouth with answers which are full of goodness. God says, “ in the midst of your tribulation, sorrow and pain, don’t open your mouth to question Me or utter words of anguish and pain, but open it to me so that I can give you a new tongue. As found in Mark 16:17, “you will speak out My glorious plans through your mouth, and whatever you speak will come to pass. With the mouth you will forgive the sins of others, you will bring healing to others; you will open closed doors; you will build my kingdom ; you will present me to the world and you will speak my Will”. My friend are you reading this message today with questions in your mind? Is your mind centred around the one question : “what will happen to my future?” Well, God says, “Stop your questions and open your mouth wide and I will fill your mouth with answers (Psalm 81:10). That’s why God has chosen you and me to be His representatives in this world. If we too keep asking questions like others, who will bring solutions to the world? Jesus said: “In this world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33).

Jesus would have said, “I may be going through some tribulations, but I am not going to speak my tribulations. I am going to speak the words which will overcome the tribulations (John 3:34). The miracle of God speaking solutions and answers through your mouth occurs through prayer. During your prayer time, when you pray for the whole world, you will pray out the solutions and answers concerning the world. As you pray for the world God will use to you speak the answers for your own situations; for your spouse and for your family. As you pray, God will use you speak in new tongues. Your heart will be praying for the nations and for the people, but your mouth will be speaking solutions in new

God fills our mouth with answers which are full of goodness. tongues. God will be using you speak His solutions for your family. Your heart will be praying for God’s ministry, but your mouth will be speaking out God’s plan not only for the ministry but for your own life too. When you speak God’s answers He will confirm it through signs and wonders. God will do a new thing. That’s why we need to pray and not sit and question situations in our life. “Friend! Let not your heart be troubled with questions and doubts. This is one way to conquer; that way is to bring God’s answers to this troubled world using your own mouth. That’s why we have to guard our tongue. God wants us to speak His Words of life through our mouths. There are questions which God does not want us to ask.Let’s meditate on one now.

WHY HAVE YOU BROUGHT US HERE? The Israelites directed this question to God, as they spoke to Moses. “Why have you brought up the assembly of the Lord into this wilderness, that



we and our animals should die here?” (Numbers 20:4) Why did you bring the Lord’s community to this desert that they should die here? Why did you bring us out of Egypt to this terrible place? Why did you bring us to this place where there are no grains, no figs, no wine, no pomegranates and no water to drink? There are questions that we also ask several times “Why was I called for the ministry? Why did I join the ministry? Why was I given this position? Why was I given this responsibility? Why was I given this spouse? Why was I given this child? Is it for me to suffer death? That’s what the Israelites asked. Why did you bring us to this place? To die?”. But what was Gods answer to their questions? “Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:18,19) What did God mean by this answer? He was actually saying, “Only in the desert I can do a new thing for you because I am the God who creates something out of nothing. Only when I bring you to a place where there is nothing, can I create a new thing for you. Friend, pause here with me for a moment and pray, “Lord, I am now ready for a new thing; for a new way. I am ready to have rivers in my wasteland”. And whatever you say will happen in your personal life and in your family. Yes! My friend! You are going to see a new thing happen in your life. Yes! You are going to speak that new thing in your life through your own mouth. Let me turn your attention to Philippians 3:13, “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before” Paul says, “I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it.” He says, “The Lord Jesus has taken hold of me, but still I have not taken hold of it. Many times we too say this. God has called me to do this; God has asked me to do that but I have not taken hold of it”. Many times, even I have said, “Lord!

You have given me this calling, but I still have not taken hold of that calling to touch the 1.2 billion people in my country. Each one of us have a similar calling which have been spoken over us through prophecy. But then, are you satisfied with the way you are fulfilling the calling? No! There are areas which are yet to be covered. Do you still feel that you have not taken hold of your calling? Are you saying, “ I have accomplished much in an increased manner yet it I have not fulfilled absolutely.?” Even apostle Paul too was asking this question. “Why Lord? Why are your prophetic promises have not yet been fulfilled in my life according to the fullness of the calling given to me? Asia is still not saved; still my brethren in Jerusalem are still not following you. You have called me, but I have not taken hold of that calling 100% for the Lord.” What is God’s answer to these questions? You will find that out of his own mouth Paul says, “One thing I do, even though I have not taken hold of that calling totally, I will do that one thing.” What is that one thing? “Forgetting the past, forgetting what is behind, and straining toward what is in front.” My dear friend! Are you reading this message with similar feelings in your mind? Are you feeling you have not done much? Are you feeling you have not yet taken hold of your calling? Let me encourage you today, “cast off all

“Lord! I have not done enough. Only 100 thousand people have been touched tonight; but what about the 1.2 billion people in the nation of India ? Five or ten people testified; but what about the thirty thousand people who came with sickness? What about the ten thousand who returned unsaved? I have not taken hold of the calling that you have given me. I feel so unworthy; so weak Lord.” But Apostle Paul says, “I will forget what is behind; I will forget the past. Now, I will press on towards that goal; towards that heavenly calling.” When you keep looking at the things that have happened in the past, they will kill your spirit. They can depress you; they can destroy your calling, your life and your relationship with God. That is why Apostle Paul says, “Let us forget what is behind, and press on towards that goal to win the prize for which God has called me in Christ Jesus.” When my father passed away, during the funeral service, people were praying, “ Paul Dhinakaran has big shoes to fill Lord; His feet are very small; Help him fill those big shoes.” Many times we hear such words and become terribly discouraged. We will also say; “How can I fill those big shoes?” But friend, God doesn’t want you to fill any one else’s shoes. My father did have big shoes. But he had different style shoes and He followed Jesus Christ

My eyes are turned heavenward. I will run for my prize for which God has called me.

your disappointments; cast off all your failures; cast off all your lack that is troubling your heart and more ahead. Don’t keep saying, “The promises I have received are great, but I have only been able to fulfil one percent of that”. When I see the hundreds of thousands of people in the Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals, my heart rejoices to see that they are blessed. But the moment I return to the hotel that night, my heart would break. I would feel guilty. I’ll say,

walking in his own shoes. But we all have our own shoes and we walk with those shoes, to follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Paul says, “My eyes are turned heavenward. I will run for my prize for which God has called me - looking heavenward and I will run it in Christ Jesus”. That’s what Jesus taught me also. He said, “My son, don’t be afraid and fearful


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about how you can carry the Jesus Calls ministry as your father carried it. Just do what I say. Just look forward to do each day and fulfil my instruction. And that’s how I have been running with for the past years. When the Israelites went thirsty without water in the desert, they looked at Moses and cried, “we are thirsty; we

Ask him and he will give you living water. are thirsty. Why did you bring us here?” But, look at what Jesus did when He was experiencing thirst? The Bible says, he was very tired; he sat at the well of the Samaritan. Jewish history says that Samaritans hated the Jews. They wouldn’t give anything to the Jews and the Jews also never would take anything from them. When the Samaritan woman came to draw water from the well, Jesus said, “Woman, I am thirsty, give me some water.” But she did not respond to Him. Observe how Jesus tried to quench His thirst! He did not shout, “Father, you have called me to the ministry, now I need water but this woman is not giving me water,” Instead in John 4:10 Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” Jesus was saying, “Yes, I am in thirst, but the answer is that there is living water is in Me which quenches the thirst of the world.” He said in John 7:37-39, “Let anyone who is thirsty, come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me as scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” Instead of yielding to the thirst, Jesus took authority over the thirst spiritually. He let the rivers of living water flow out of Him to quench His physical thirst. Jesus said to the woman, “Go and call your husband.” She replied, “I have no husband”. Jesus said, “ Yes! You had five

husbands and the person with whom you are living now is not your husband. You have said it right.” Jesus spoke a new language by the rivers of living water that flowed out of Him . The language of quenching her thirst in life for a husband and a family life. The lady left the vessel of water there and ran into her village and brought the whole town to Jesus. And the rivers of living water through the Word of God flowed to all in the whole town.That quenched the physical thirst of the Lord Jesus. The disciples then brought food, but Jesus was not hungry; he was not thirsty, but He was quenching the thirst of the thousands of the people in the town. His thirst was quenched and his hunger was satisfied. That is the goodness God is going to place on your tongue today. No more questions, but you will have answers. And the Heavenly answers thru the speaking of God’s guidance and revelation that come out of you for others will quench your thirst too. It will satisfy your needs, will help you rise up and touch the leaders of the nation. You will supply their needs. You will quench the thirst of the national leaders and they will do everything to satisfy your need for the sake of the kingdom of God. Jesus said in Matthew 4:4, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word which proceeds from the mouth of God.” God did not allow Moses to ask Him same question, rather, He guided Him how to speak the answer. In Numbers 20:8, He said, “Moses, speak to that rock; speak to that dry desert rock before their eyes. Before their eyes you speak to that dry rock in the desert, and it will pour out it’s water. You will bring water out of the rock for the community so that they and their livestock can drink. “And Moses of course beat the rock twice, yet the water came out, and the desert turned into streams of water. God wants us to speak, that’s why he gives us the prophetic word, that’s why He turns us to be prophets. That’s why we cry for the prophetic word from God for every situation every day. Friend, the world is waiting for water. Of course you too are thirsting because of your personal needs and the only way to overcome the thirst of the people and your own thirst is to speak the word

from God prophetically. And that’s why God gives us the Holy Spirit. The Bible says in John 3:34, The LORD gave Jesus the Holy Spirit without measure He speaks God’s word (John 3:34). “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with Holy Spirit and with power and then he went about doing good and delivering those who were oppressed of the devil, because God was with him.” (Acts 10:38) Thank God for the Holy Spirit who is in you. “Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.” (1 John 4:4)

far. I am connecting your spirit with my own spirit (1 Corinthians 6:17). I will make you hear my voice. I will make you know Me ! I will make you see My face. My children! You will rejoice in me always. You will always be with Me and I will always be with you. I am carrying you as eagles with wings. I am bringing you into the heavenly place, where you will see My face. And you will shine for my glory. Everything concerning you will be holy and sacred. Wherever you go, whatever you do, it shall be sacred. No devil can tread your path. No wicked man nor the lust of the flesh can ever tread your path. I will always reveal Myself through you. I am making you to rise into the heavenlies. I am giving you a new heart, new eyes and a new spirit. Rise up with Me My children. Surely this

Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.

“Those who seek the Lord shall lack no good thing.” (Psalm 34:10) Thank God for the Holy Spirit who is in you, “Thank you Holy Spirit, you are in me”. Let us not quench the spirit within us by asking questions, questions and more questions. Paul says, “Do not quench the spirit.” (1 Thes. 5:21) Yes, we speak in tongues when we are full of the Holy Spirit. Yes, your tongue will write the will of God(Ps. 49:1) and it will bring blessings to millions. That is the grace God is giving us. God can transform the 6 billion people of the world over night through the prophetic word of God that would come out of our mouths. Let me share the prophecy that God has given for you through His Holy Spirit. “My children! You have waited patiently for Me. You have waited for miracles all the time, but don’t you know that bringing about the miracles is in your hands. Your miracle is very near to you. (Romans 10:9,10) All that you have to do is seek my face. Today, I am breaking all the bondage and the powers of depression that have bound you so



world shall see me through you. You will lack nothing; I am with you always. I am restoring everything concerning your family. Your children shall bear fruit. You shall bear fruit. You will be honoured in this world. I have promised that this year my children shall be honoured. I bless you with that grace. I am with you always.” As you are reading this prophecy rivers of living water are beginning to flow out of your heart right now. It had been dry till now. You will never ask anything in the flesh. As the disciples were told by the Lord, you have not asked anything my children, but now ask; so that your joy may be full (John 15:11). The Lord will make you seek the Holy Spirit. He will make you speak, not questions but answers. You will speak answers. Your joy will be full. As that prophetic word of life comes, we will see Him as a great God and we will rejoice. Your own eyes will see him and rejoice.

CHOOSE JESUS CHOOSE LIFE SAMUEL DHINAKARAN Our lives are determined by the choices we make. Today our lives are what it is because of the choices we made earlier in our lives. Both good and bad things existing in our lives are the outcomes of the good and bad decisions we made in the past. Sometimes the good and bad things in our lives are also due to the good and bad decisions made by our parents. But whatever the situations are right now in your life; whatever disaster is found in your life right now; whatever mess you have made of your life by making certain wrong decisions, you can turn it all over and make it wonderful by taking ONE RIGHT DECISION TODAY. The decision to CHOOSE JESUS. This month this is the thought that came into my Spirit as I was waiting in God’s presence as to what I should write to you.

people and bringing them freedom (Acts 10:38); blessing their jobs and leading them to prosperity, when He filled their nets with an abundant supply of fish (Luke 5:4-15).But the second coming of Jesus, is going to give us eternal life in heaven.

I am sure by the time you reach the end of this article you would have made a choice that will turn your whole life right side up. You are in for a great future – a joyous one. Your sorrows are going to end and joy is going to fill your life. The Bible says, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). So, go ahead, read it, be set free and be blessed and write to me / mail me and tell me how you felt reading it.

Jesus brings His springs of Living water into whoever believes Him and follows Him. They will receive a spring of new life. And this water flows like a flood and brings life and joy into us. Verse 39 says that this spring of water is nothing but the Holy Spirit. He wants us to start enjoying that eternal life right now through the Holy Spirit and today He has come to ask you a question that can radically transform your life on earth and start eternal life in you right now. Even as you are reading this letter He is asking you, “Will you choose me?”. Yes! He is asking you, “Will you follow me? Don’t you know that I can give you an eternal life of joy?”

Jesus Christ told me that He is coming soon. The Bible tells us, in John 16:20 that He is coming soon to turn all our sorrows into joy. Jesus comes to take us into His glorious presence, into an eternal life. We hear the signs of the end of the world ringing all around the world. We hear of earthquakes; of floods, of wars and rumors of wars; of the atrocities of terrorism everywhere. People are losing their security of life and are living in constant fear. They are always haunted by the question, “What is going to happen to me next? What’s going to hap- pen to my future? And there is the sorrow of sickness and failure that have been tormenting us for a while but Jesus is saying, “Son! Daughter! Friend! Be of good cheer, because I will turn all your sorrows into joy.” Yes, my friend, Jesus is coming very soon. The first coming of Jesus brought great deliverance and blessing to the people on earth. He moved around healing His


That wonderful life is going to start here on earth. Right here on earth. Jesus is going to start giving us eternal life. Yes! Good life on earth which is going to continue when we get to heaven. In John 7:38 Jesus said, “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”

So the way to a great and beautiful life is very simple. Choose Jesus and Choose life (Deuteronomy 30:20; 1 John 5:11). Choose eternal life. We don’t see the beauty and blessings of heaven right now. We don’t see what is prepared for us in heaven. But Jesus said, “Blessed are those who don’t see and yet believe” (John 20:29). He says, “Because my children choose to blindly love me and follow me, will I let them live as orphans in this world? I will never let them go comfort-less. I will honor every one of these children who have blindly loved me and followed me, not only on this earth but also, in the world to come”. Friend! It is time to choose. It is time to choose Jesus.

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What is special about this Living water? When it flows through you, it brings in you a flood of great hope, through the life that is in Jesus. Besides that, when any river flows through a land it makes the land fertile for growth, abundance and prosperity and in the same way when this river of Living water flows through your heart it makes your life fertile to bring forth abundant blessings, just like Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, when you focus on seeking His kingdom and His righteousness as your first priority, all the other blessings are added unto us - abundantly. Yes, all the blessings that we need to lead a peaceful, happy and prosperous life are added unto us. We have a dear aunty living in Dallas, Texas. My mom loves her so much. The amazing thing about her is that she knows all the shop- ping deals; all the discounts and special privileges offered in all the shops in town. We don’t even have to look online for what deal is in which shop today. And so when- ever we go for shopping we re- quest her to go along with us and that will be a wonderful experience. The best thing is that she leads us for the snap deals. If you take one – two free. Sometimes even three, free. Oh! It’ll be a plea- sure shopping for one and getting so much free. We would return home with bags full of freebies. The blessings of God are also like that. When you choose Jesus today, you will be signing yourself in to an abundance of all the blessings added unto you. So cheer up my friend, you are in for a great surprise. Today if you decide for Jesus you will receive a huge pack- age of blessings. You can make today a memorable day in your life. Friend! There are two types of kingdom. There is the Kingdom of God and there is the worldly kingdom of the devil. How does the kingdom of the devil function? What does the devil do? Oh! It seems so wonderful. All the worldly pleasures are hidden in his kingdom. All the lusts of the flesh and the pride of the flesh are hidden in his kingdom (1 John 2:16). It looks so wonderful to see. When Adam and Eve looked at the forbidden fruit it looked so shining. It created in them a craving to taste that fruit because the devil described that fruit in a very charming way. See! This is how he makes many of us fall a prey to his lies, exaggeration and deception. All the things that appear beautiful and what the devil offers are temporary in nature. Everything looks wonderful but it is all temporary. In the beginning we think everything is wonderful and we en- joy everything and be so happy, but within a moment everything is taken away. Then he makes you feel like you want to die (Judges 16:16). Such fear and darkness grips you; such frustration grips you. Easy Gains! We heard that somewhere, isn’t it? In our exams! When we don’t know the answer to that question, what do we do? We take the short cut to success - ask your friend to give you his pa- per so that you can copy every- thing down. You can hear those tempting words of the devil which says. “When your work is so hard to do, just copy the work of your neighbor”. And you say, “Wow! This is so easy. It’s so simple”. But we don’t know what we are listening to. Yes, his deceptions


are so sweet. It is so hard to see and recognize his deceptions because everything seems and sounds so wonderful. But the devil can only show you the things of the world and tempt you. He cannot give you the life that Jesus gives eternal life, eternal joy. He cannot give you eternal riches. The things that he shows you are worldly. But God says, “I want to show you something which is eternal, I want to show you my thoughts; and plans that I have for you which are so great," Once, my grandfather, brother D.G.S. Dhinakaran, became sick unto death. His organs were failing, and he was bleeding. He was struggling for life, vomiting blood and was hanging on to his last breath in his bed and was writhing in pain. That was exactly when the devil appeared before him and said, “Dhinakaran, it is such a pity to see you in such a state. You have given your whole life to believe, love and follow this God, but see what He has done to you! He has let you die. Your God is not a good God; if you trust in Him, you will die”. See how craftily, he manipulates your situations to turn you against God. He keeps telling us, “Your God is not a good God. He will let you go – abandon you. If you trust Him, you will die.” When we are struggling in pain, it’s so hard to see and remember all the goodness God has done. He uses this natural weakness and makes you forget all the good things God has done and makes you to focus on the pain before you. And then the master crafter said to my grand- father, “Dhinakaran, if you give your life to me; if you become my prophet, I will give you all the riches this world has to offer. If you will come to me, you will never become sick again”. Note what this Father of Lies says. It is he who creates all the sickness but he says, “You will not fall sick again. I will keep you in good health and you will be crowned with all the riches”. What lies! This is what my grandfather said when he commented on this experience. He said, “What the devil laid before me was a very sweet offer at that time because I was so weak in my flesh. I almost took that deal. But I was so thankful to what happened immediately after this offer of the devil”. Yes, Jesus appeared to my grandfather and he saw Jesus; saw the love of Jesus for him and how He carried the cross for him to give him life; saw the life of joy that Christ had given him. And he was filled with the love of Jesus. The Holy Spirit rose up in him as a huge force of strength. You should remember that the Holy Spirit helps us in our weaknesses. He helps us during the times of our temptations. My grandpa was filled with a great strength in his spirit. He looked at Satan and said, “Satan, you promise me so many things, but you have never given your life for me. You have never shown me, how much you love me. How can I trust you to take care of me? But this Jesus, suffered for me and gave His own life for me on the cross and so I trust Him and live for him in this life”. When he said that Satan bowed and left him and God resurrected his organs with His life, made him rise up and preach to many more millions of people. From that day on God gave him bigger platforms and huge crowds. It was amazing! Friend! Choose Jesus and choose eternal life! That’s what Jesus wants you to choose today. He is waiting to fill you with His life today.


God's Miracles

in the Vanagaram Blessing Meeting WEAKNESSES GONE

Praise the Lord.

I came to this meeting with much weakness. When dear mother was praying, I too prayed with her for anointing. That time I felt a cold breeze touching me. Immediately all the weakneses in me, left me. Now I go back with good health.

—Gunasundari, Chennai

—Susila, Chennai GOD’S POWER CAME DOWN; AGONIES GONE When dear mother shared the message, she said thatthe Lord was giving us new grace. That time the power of God fell upon me as dew. Also I had come to this meeting with agony. When the power of the Holy Spirit came into me, all my agonies van- ished.

PEACE GIVEN BY THE HAND OF GOD Since the past one week, there were so many prob- lems in my family. I was contemplating to go to my mother’s place. At this time I heard about this meeting and came here. During the prayer time, when dear mother was praying, I felt the hand of God coming on me. I then re- ceived an unshakeable faith. Now I go back with peace. Praise be to God. —Mohana, Chennai


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ANOINTING BY JESUS When dear mother was praying in this meeting, I lifted up my hands and prayed for anointing. That time I felt the touch of a finger. I was then filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Now I am very happy. —Muthumani, Vellore

Summer tour starts June 12th, 2016 Winter tour starts October 27th, 2016


Israel, Jordan and Egypt! OPTION 1



$950 USD

$1150 USD

$1350 USD

for Israel only

for Israel and Jordan

for Israel, Jordan and Egypt

Rates include:

Rates do not include:

• • • • • • • •

• Air fare and insurance • Telephone, Laundry and any other personal and extra food at hotel • Extras, medical coverage • Any camel or donkey rides • Porterage at the hotel • Any services, not mentioned in “Rates include”

Meet and assist upon arrival/departure Hotel accommodations English speaking guide. All tours & transfers in a modern A/C bus Entrance fees to sites as per itinerary Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Israel Visa in case required. Tips to the Tour Guide and Driver included

For further details contact our Dallas Prayer Tower at 855–JESUSCALLS (toll free)/972–499–4995 or the Canada Prayer Tower at 416–385–7576. 11





Dear Friend, Every month I am filled with fresh energy as I sit down to pour out my heart to you - my family. There is no greater joy than the joy of opening my heart and sharing with my Godgiven brothers and sisters the visions that God gives me because it is these brothers and sisters who are praying for the ministry and supporting the mission with their giving. It’s a joy for me to enter God’s presence daily and pray fervently for your blessing. I love to see you all blessed – every one of you! You may have had a few tired months during which you might have not done too well. May be you could not meet your targets; could not strike the business deal; could not complete your studies; could not get the funds needed to meet your needs but I pray that month of ‘May’ should be a blessed one. I believe God will answer my prayer on you positively. But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31) God’s unfailing word says He will give you strength – new strength because you waited for him without losing your faith. This strength will enable you to complete easily, those works, for which you struggled hard in the past. Yes! It will become easy and smooth. You will be able to

complete the works much before your target dates.

100TH PRAYER TOWER When I look into the world with my spiritual eyes I am able to hear a cry. I see millions of people who are deeply hurt in their souls crying out saying, “Is there anyone who can show me some sympathy.” (Psalm 69:20). Yes! The world is desperately crying for ‘comfort’; someone who can show them some pity; someone who can give them some hope and the Lord, whose heart is moved by this reality, has poured upon the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower the ministry of comforting these weeping souls. When you join hands with the With the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower ministry, you are actually joining hands with our Lord Jesus Christ Himself in taking His comfort to the hurt millions. The Jesus Calls Prayer Tower ministry is working tirelessly and meticulously, with love and compassion in taking the comfort of God to such people. On 9th April, we dedicated the 98th Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in a South Indian state called Andhra Pradesh – in a town called Chittoor. Another Prayer Tower is being built in a town called Frazer Tower in the cosmopolitan city called Bengaluru in a South Indian State called Karnataka. I invite you lovingly to partner in this endeavor though your prayer and financial support. Further, we are on the task of opening Jesus Calls Prayer Towers in Shillong 12

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(a city in the State of Meghalaya in the North East India) on the 19th May and one in Guwahati ( a city in the State of Assam) on the 23rd May. God willing, the Guwahati Prayer Tower will be the 100th Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. In the year 1977 God commanded my Father D.G.S. Dhinakaran to build a Prayer Tower and he did so in the year 1983. The First Jesus Calls Prayer Tower was established in Chennai (A Metropolitan city in the State of Tamil Nadu in South India) at the present 16, D.G.S Dhinakaran road, which was earlier called Greenways Road. When God commanded my dad to start a prayer tower He also gave a word from the bible which He said, should be the foundational truth on which the Prayer Tower should be established. Let me quote that verse to you: “Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayers made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:15) According to this unfailing promise from scripture all the prayers that have been made from the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers have been answered by God in supernatural and miraculous ways. The abundance of recorded testimonies are evidences for this truth. God is proving true to His Word to His servant. Soon the need for Jesus Calls Prayer Towers became desperate around the world. This is the mission we are doing now in full swing – establishing as many Prayer Towers as possible around India and the world. We have so far reached the target of 100 Prayer

Towers and we will move on and by the power of God and by your prayer and support we will keep on establishing many more till or Lord returns. Join me in Praising God for the 100th Prayer Tower. Further plans are ahead to establish Prayer Towers in the cities and towns of Jeypore, Cuttack and Bhubaneswar in the State of Odisha; in Amritsar and Dhariwal in the state of Punjab and in Dehradun in Uttarkhand State. Please pray for these efforts to succeed as soon as possible.

PROJECT: DIGITIZATION The Jesus Calls Ministry has a long history of manifesting the power of God in the lives of people. Many generations have seen and experienced God’s blessing, miracles and healing through the Jesus Calls Ministry and they are now ardent supporters of the Jesus Calls Ministry. Many who have been enslaved by addictive habits such as alcohol, gambling, drugs and illicit relationships have been touched and delivered by the ministry of my father D.G.S. Dhinakaran, through my ministry and the ministry of my mother Stella Dhinakaran. People who had sunk into irrecoverable debts and had become paupers were miraculously delivered from this bondage and have become prosperous. Students who went too far into arrears and became a failure in their studies received grace from God and climbed up the ladder of success and reached scores and ranks that they never imagined they would receive. Shouldn’t these precious and powerful messages of God that touched and transformed the lives of millions be made available to the present and future generations - that is, to you; to your children and to your grandchildren? This is the Heart of God too – to take His revelations to the present and future generations. So I invite you to join me in this mission and become a channel of blessing to your children and grandchildren. This is a dire need. It’s the need of the hour because these messages that have been recorded in old 13

technological formats face the risk of being decayed and eroded with time and the precious messages stand in danger of being lost. We will reach a time when all these recorded material will become erased and unusable. So we need to immediately save them by transferring these into the present technological facilities – this process is called Digitalization. Besides thus salvaging them we also need to make them available in the Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Library and also in public media channels like website, face book, you tube etc…. So that the present and future generations can easily gain access to these powerful materials and have their lives touched and transformed. We need to complete this task on war footing! Also underway is the work of digitizing the old issues of the Jesus Calls Magazine’s. Once again, the powerful messages in these magazines have served to touch and transform the lives of millions. It’s pages have brought peace and comfort to millions whose hearts were bleeding due to the merciless sufferings of life. The messages in the magazine have lead these wandering souls to the Lord Jesus Christ and into salvation. When these precious resources are stored in Automatic Robotic Library, it will become a blessing to many thousands of people – including your children and grandchildren – in future. You are welcome to go to the nearest Jesus Calls Prayer Tower or log into and offer your donations to support this urgent project. Please act immediately. We need to strike the iron while it is hot.

STATE OF THE ART STUDIO All through the year we are continuously telecasting thousands of T.V. programs around the world touching the hearts and lives of millions daily. Every day we are taking the life – giving Word of God to the people straight into the comfort of their homes. We are doing our best to carry the prophetic Word of God to people in the best way possible through the best technology possible. Our T.V. Programs are made with high – quality equipments and technology. However, technology gets updated- every day and so we too need to catch up


with the changing trends in order to continue producing quality programs. For this purpose we are also planning to build a state of the art studio in our Jesus Calls Prayer Tower campus at Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road. Please hold this vision in your prayers.

UTURN & DYNAMIC KIDS CAMP A Summer camp for children and youth will be conducted in all our Prayer Towers around India. Please give your children and grandchildren a blessed, spiritual and joyful summer vacation by sending them to these camps at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower nearest to your residence. In the month of June Stella Ramola will be conducting U-Turn concerts in Vizag, Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru. Please pray for these meetings and also get ready to participate:


July 29–30

Los Angeles, California

August 5

Dallas Prayer Meeting

August 20–21 Toronto and Montreal, Canada Sept. 2–4 Fiji Meetings Sept. 8–10 Prophetic Prayer Conference, Auckland, New Zealand Sept. 15–17 Prophetic Prayer Conference, Sydney, Australia Sept. 18,19 Melbourne Meetings, Australia

Sept. 21-15 Singapore Meetings I want to give you a list of a few of our meetings below. I request you to kindly uphold these Sept. 29 Opening of Amritsar (Punjab) Prayer Tower meeting in your prayers. May 19 Opening of Shillong Prayer Tower

Sept. 30–Oct. 2 Amritsar (Punjab) Prayer Festival

May 21, 22 Family Blessing Meet, at Thiruvananthapuram

Oct. 15–16

May 20–22 Shillong (Meghalaya) Prayer Festival May 23 Opening of Guwahati Prayer Tower May 27–29 Prophetic Prayer Conference, Chennai June 3–5 Jeypore (Odisha) Prayer Festival June 6 Opening Prayer Towers at Cuttack and Bhubaneswar June 12

U-Turn Concert, Vizag

June 26

U-Turn Concert, Delhi

July 9 U-Turn Concert, Mumbai July 16 U-Turn Concert, Bengaluru 14

Kochi Meetings

Friend ! As you read these information, I hope you too are able to see what my eyes see – the heart of God for the millions of people who would be participating in these meetings and imagine how much of His blessing we would receive of we become a part of this mission of taking the heart of God to His people. So please come forward to support these missions. You can visit your nearest Jesus Calls Prayer Tower or visit www.jesuscalls. com. You can also send your support by Money Order. The Lord will bless you according to Hebrews 6:10 For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister.

CHAIN PRAYER The Jesus Calls Ministry is built on the foundation of Prayer and is also established on Prayer from the beginnings of the ministry, God has been providing us with precious partners who had come forward to prayer for the Jesus Calls Ministries in their personal prayers, family prayers, prayer meeting etc., Your prayer are valued by us very highly because your prayers are very much needed for the various facets of the ministry; we are doing so much and will be doing even more. Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals where millions of people MAY 2016

participate and are blessed, thousands of Television Programs, 100 Prayer Towers all over the world, Prayer and Counsellings though telephone, correspondence through letters and emails and praying for each soul that contact us in person, Magazine and website, needs your prayers. Therefore the factor of prayer needs to be taken very seriously. Besides praying for the ministry in individual and family prayers we need to move up to the level of covering the ministry 24X7 and that is why we came up with a strategy called ‘CHAIN PRAYER’. The Chain Prayer Strategy is already in operation. There are these wonderful Prayer Intercessors who keep praying for the Jesus Calls ministry continuously in a chain linked by specific timings for each individual or family. They are so faithfully praying in their time. God will see their faithfulness and bless them. Whenever we go to a city to conduct various meetings it would be a joy to meet these chain prayer warriors. It would be a great experience. We also need to revise and update our list of Chain Prayer Partners because God has put this thought in my mind. He wants me to revise and include new partners in this Chain Prayer List and take this ministry into a new realm and in new spirit. If the Spirit of God prompts in your heart and leads you to commit to this task of praying at a scheduled time please do come forward and join in this great mission. For more details you can call our Dallas Prayer Tower at 972-499-4995 and we will send you the Prayer Points.

SPECIAL PRAYER May 21st is the day we lost our precious sister Angel. Those were the days of agony that the Lord permitted us to go through. When my parents and Angel were on the way to fulfil the God- given Karunya vision, we lost Angel in a crucial accident. Yet, the Lord graciously empowered us to continue with the ministry.

serve God tirelessly. Pray for God to strengthen her and continue to enable her. The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation. The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tents of the righteous; the right hand of the Lord does valiantly. (Psalm 118:14, 15) As the verse says the Lord will be your strength- the right hand of the Lord will fight valiantly on your behalf. Since you have an Almighty, majestic and omnipotent God with you, you can be sure of completing your tasks and works ahead easily and successfully. Your family and house will be filled with songs of praise and worship. I have prayed that God would shower you with such a grace and I believe He will. Please continue to pray for us that God may protect and hide from the devils eyes the actions of our ministries, our families which are involved in the ministries. Your daily prayers will help us go a long way in winning over the spiritual warfare that the powers of darkness is fighting against us. Please pray that the Lord enables and strengthens us is winning this war.

Your loving brother,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

On the 24th of this month, my mother Stella Dhinakaran is stepping into another new year. In spite of her age and the huge loss of her daughter she continues to



Jesus Calls International 8855 North Stemmons Frwy Dallas, TX 75247 USA

Jesus Calls Canada #SUITE 208, 50 Gervais Dr. Toronto, Ontario M3C 1Z3 972–499–4995 855–JESUSCALLS (toll free) 416–385–7576



HE MAKES THE CROOKED PATHS STRAIGHT EVANGELINE DHINAKARAN Sometimes when we pause and take a look around our lives, we find so many areas lying damaged, crooked and messed-up. This crookedness in our lives creates a lot of worry and pressurizes our minds. Many people are suffering under the pressure of ‘worries’ in so many areas of their lives which had gone awry like ‘worry’ about the crooked areas in their families; ‘worry’ about children; ‘worry’ about the crooked trends in their business; financial ‘worry’; official ‘worry’ etc…. They are struggling in these crooked areas, crying and pleading to God saying, “ My life is not straight. It is so crooked. Will God help our family live a good life? Will not God bring my family together that had been scattered? Will He not bring back my wife, husband, children who have abandoned me? Will not my family live without quarrel? “They also look at others who seem to be happy and say, “See! They are all doing well. They all have lots of money. Why should I alone live like this?” Friend! Are you too asking such questions? Please remember that with His own mouth God is giving you a promise today saying:

His name itself is ‘twisted’! He always twists our paths and makes it crooked. At times, our selfish human thoughts lead us into twisted ways and make our life crooked. We assume saying, “If I choose this way, I will be blessed!”. We choose our own way that seems good to our own eyes and say, “This is a good way”. This is exactly what the Bible says, “There is a way that seems good to man but it’s end is death” (Proverbs 14:12)

I will go before you, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron (Isaiah 45:2)

Once there was a missionary who was serving in a densely forested area in Africa. Once he was trying to reach a village. The way was full of trees, shrubs, wild plants and bushes. Suddenly, he lost track of the way. As he kept searching and walking he came across a hut where stood a forest-man. He approached him and asked him the way to the village he was planning to go. That forest- man walked with the missionary and led the way. He kept on walking for more than an hour and the missionary who followed him got very tired. Unable to control his suspicion he asked the forest-man, “Hey! Do you really know the way? Is the way you are leading me the right one?” This made the forest man angry. He said, “Hey! Man! If you follow me, I will show you the way; if you don’t, I’ll leave you here. Now, for you, I am the only way”

Yes! He will make straight, the crooked paths of your life; He will heal the damaged areas of your life.

Jesus too said the same. He said,” I am the way; the truth and the life: (John 14:6)

The Bible calls Satan as ‘the Leviathan’ – ‘the twisted serpent’ (Isaiah 27:1).

Friend! May be you have travelled all this while in your own way. You


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have led your life based on your own understanding and followed what you thought is ‘good and ‘wise’ and you have made your life crooked, damaged and miserable. But that is Okay! You need not keep brooding over the spilt milk. Even as you are reading this message you can pause for a while and get into the presence of Jesus, hold Him tightly and pray saying, “Lord Jesus, you are my only way. Let me hold on to you - the only way. You take control of my life and set my paths straight. Straighten

He will start His work in you today.

my twisted paths”. If you have prayed this prayer genuinely, then He will take complete control of your life and make the change. This month can be ‘a month of transformation’ for you! He will start His work in you today. He is saying, “I will start blessing you from today” (Haggai 2:19) Yes! He will set your crooked paths straight and mend your twisted ways.

CALL! HE’LL DELIVER! Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will

deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.” (Psalm 50:15) Look at this amazing verse! Look at the ‘way’. God is teaching us how to come out of our agonies when we are in danger, lack , financial insufficiency, agony, and tears in family. The way is: “Call unto Me” Isn’t it simple and easy?

My wife and I have two children. For the past three years my wife and I had a very strained relationship, due to differences of opinion between us. Each of us opposed the other’s view due to which terrible and bitter quarrels took place between us. Every time we had a fight, my wife used to go to her mother’s place and her parents would counsel her

God is just a call away. Once you call, He'll come and set things straight.

God is just a call away. Once you call, He’ll come and set things straight. I want to share with you a true incident that I read: Once in a city there was a huge trailer going on a road. Suddenly the trailer began to run helter skelter. It began to vacillate between the two sides of the road. The driver of the truck was attacked by a sudden stroke and his nerves pulled up and he began to suffer and lose control of the steering of the truck. A passerby who noted this called the police and informed about the truck. A Police officer on duty picked this call. He took the call and rushed to the spot. The truck was going in the third lane from where he was. He acted swiftly and smartly. He jumped over the vehicles across the road, caught hold of the truck, jammed into the driver’s cabin, pushed the driver off the seat and manoeuvred the steering and brought the vehicle to a halt.

and bring her back to me. This peace would go only for 3 days and once again we would quarrel and she would runaway to her parents. After many such happenings our quarrels reached a peak and the issue was dragged to the police station and then to the Legal court and she decided to apply for a divorce. When I heard that she’s decided for divorce I was shattered. I was not able to take it. She had informed the police that she has decided for divorce. The police contacted me and said, “Sir! You have 10 days time to inform your decision too.” My mother, who believes in astrology, took my reading and my wife’s reading to a leading astrologist to calculate the future of my married life.

Friend! If an ordinary human being could be so concerned about the people on the road that he risked his life and ventured to straighten a truck that was running crookedly, how much more concern will God, who created us, have upon us? When we are in trouble our Lord will come seeking for us.

The astrologist who analysed our readings concluded saying, “Hereafter these two people cannot come together as husband and wife. Their married life is finished. This is in their destiny.” This information broke me even more and I spent that whole night crying on my bed. The next day I switched on my TV and began to watch the ‘Jesus Calls Programmes’ in SATHYAM TV in which sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran was suddenly praying saying, “ Lord! Let all the broken families unite”. As soon as she said that statement a sudden wave of hope surged within me. I then visited the Prayer Tower and wrote a Prayer Request for them to pray for me.

I want to share with you a blessing experienced by a brother named Karthikeyan. Let me quote you his own words

After saying that she wanted a divorce, my wife never called me even once. But that day after I had dropped a Prayer Request Form at the Prayer Tower and



even before I could leave the campus, my wife called me over the phone. I was astounded. I was not able to believe it. And in that talk over the phone, we both came to a peaceful solution and she dropped the idea of divorce and we come together as husband and wife. And another fact about us is that we were living in a rented house for the past ten years, but after we came together, we built our own house in just three months. I never believed in my life that I will ever build a house. From the moment I went to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and prayed, all the crooked paths of my life are getting straightened out one by one. Friend! From this testimony we can see that our God is one who calls ‘Something out of nothing’. He calls things that were not; as if it is. The astrologer declared from his calculation that he will never come together with his wife, but it happened to the contrary. He ran to Jesus Christ. And Jesus came down to him with compassion saying, “You and your wife will live together. Let all the crooked things become straight” He straightened out this brother’s family life that was twisted and crooked. He also filled all the areas of lack and insufficiencies. He has made them have a happy life in the newly built house. The same God will do it in your life too my friend.

BELIEVE! HE’LL REDEEM! And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased. Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped him, saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God. (Matthew 14:32, 33) And when Lord Jesus had sent the multitudes away, He went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, He was there alone. But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary. And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear. But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And he said, Come. And when Peter was come

down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased. Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped him, saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God (Matthew 14: 23-33). I received a letter of testimony from one named Ram Kumar. I am just presenting his letter below for you to read it yourself: “I have never prayed to the Lord Jesus Christ. I was in a good job and I have two children. Suddenly one day, I lost the job. Not knowing what to do we pledged all the ‘gold’ that my wife had and kept our family surviving. We lost all our gold one day and we were left with nothing. One day I happened to watch Jesus Calls. Programme in SATHYAM TV. In that programme when Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran was praying she said, ‘God will restore all that you lost double-fold. He will lift you up”. These words pierced through my heart and broke me. I burst out and cried, sobbing like a child. I joined with sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran and prayed. Then I visited Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and wrote a prayer request and got prayed there too. Then a miracle happened. God commanded a new job for me in my native place itself. Today we are living happily as a family. Friend! The same God is available for you too! Pray saying, “O! Lord! You have promised to go before me and set the crooked places straight. So please come inside me.” When the Lord Jesus Christ enters your life, all the storms in your life will calm down and your life too will go smoothly and calmly. Its wonderful to know that we did not go after Jesus; Jesus came in search of us. (John 15:16) This month too, the Lord Jesus Christ will come in search of you and will set all your crooked and twisted areas of your life straight. He will bless you double fold and everyone who looks at you will say, “Oh! The Lord has done so well in his life. (Mark 7:37)

REMEMBER HIM; HE’LL PROSPER YOU! The one who breaks open will come up before them; they will break out, pass through the gate, and go out by it; Their king will pass before them,with the Lord at their head.” (Micah 2:13) Look at what God is saying here. “He will break the hurdles”. Yes! He will go before you and shatter the things that block your path to well being, prosperity, success and healing. All the iron gates that have been closing your opportunities of success and prosperity will be shattered; the bronze locks that kept your blessings locked up, will be crushed and blessings will flow into your life. The Lord will give unto us the treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret places (Isaiah 45:3). Friend! Are you saying, “But there are bonds of witchcraft binding me, due to which I have contacted many

I will guide you with my eye.

diseases. I am in pitch darkness? “Look unto the Lord and pray saying, “Father! You have promised to go before me, so please come with me!”. Then you keep meditating on Him during all of your paths and then He will make your way prosperous. That is what the Bible advises us in proverbs 3:6 “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” He will set the twisted and crooked things straight not only in your family but also at home, at work spot and in the college where you are studying. Keep meditating on the Lord and He will make your paths prosperous I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go: I will guide you with mine eye. (Psalm 32:8) When God is with us, He will keep His eyes on us and keep counselling us and guiding us. He will keep opening new


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ways to us. He stood like a pillar of cloud to guide the children of God during the day and shone as a pillar of fire to guide them in the nights. They faced so many problems and challenges but God went with them always (Exodus 13:21). As God was with His people, He will also be your rear guard (Isaiah 52:12). Cleave unto the Lord and hold on to Him tightly. Sister Gnanasundari is a teacher. She suddenly developed a heart disease. The doctors examined her and found that she had a block in her heart. She pleaded with God and expected to get her heartblock healed without a surgery. With this thought in mind she came to attend the Blessing Meeting that was conducted at the Bethesda. That day I was preaching in that TV Programme. After I preached I prayed for the sick to be healed. She too kept her hands on her chest and began praying with me. Suddenly she felt a wave of peace enter her heart. All her fears and worries disappeared. She felt like her heart was functioning normally. Yet, she wanted to be sure and so she went to consult a doctor. The doctors examined her thoroughly and said, “There are no blocks in your heart; not even one. We are not able to find the previous block at all. You are perfectly healthy” Sister Sundari shared this as a testimony to the power of God: Friend! God will do the same in your life too my friend. He will set all the crooked things straight. Do you have a defect in your heart? Are you struck with some sickness in your body? Are you struggling with problems at home? God will shatter all the blocks and open a way for you. The twisted serpent – the devil, twists our lives and makes it crooked. Yes! He always comes to kill, to steal and to destroy. But Jesus has come to give us life. He comes to give us all things abundantly. When God enters your life, all twisted and crooked things will straighten out. He will turn all the present troublesome situations right side up. He will form you in to a sharp-edged instrument and fill you not only with earthly blessings but also satisfy you with heavenly blessing.


"In the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). Dearly beloved, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. When the earth was dark, He said, ‘Let there be light’ and there was light (Genesis 1:1,2). Apart from creating the world with the Word, even today, He guides us with His Word in every matter telling us, ‘Do like this; don’t go there; go to this place’ and so on. Doesn’t the following verse explain this? “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye” (Psalm 32:8). The Lord Jesus Christ is this Word. He speaks to us even today. He tells us in ‘Words’ what we need in life. He gives us His counsel as and when we need it and guides us, as per Psalm 32:8. You would indeed be privileged if you receive this divine and blessed guidance. For this purpose alone we need to observe the practice of reading the Bible diligently. Then the Lord would dwell in your home, grant your family all the needed benefits and make you live a blessed life (Matthew 6:8). In order that you would taste the love of God, as a family, I am giving below the wonderful testimony of a couple whom I interviewed. Read and enjoy receiving the benefits of God as a family. How was your life, before you were drawn towards the Lord? Wife We underwent many problems in our family. There was absolutely no peace.

How long have you been married?

Of course everyone has problems. How did you get deliverance from your problems? Husband I had no peace because of the constant fight between my wife and my mother. I couldn’t even go to my job with peace. Our family had no peace.

Wife 20 years. Since then, we have been facing problems.



How did you seek peace? Wife Our church pastor used to visit us of- ten for prayers. On seeing him, my husband would run off. But I would be praying with burden that somehow my husband should accept the Lord since only then we could enjoy peace in the family. Husband I used to escape from the pastor and also avoid listening to the message shared by Sister Stella Dhinakaran in the Jesus Calls TV program. But gradually I had a thought to attend church. So I began to attend church services and started praying with tears. I sought for peace by seeking the Lord.

How many days did it take you to get peace? Husband Five years after the birth of my two daughters, I started to attend church regularly. After this I had peace. We had struggled for 5 years. My mother and wife, who saw me attending the church, started accompanying me. So thus we began to serve the Lord, as a family. After this, there was peace in our family.

Yes, dear ones, when a husband and wife in a family take a decision with oneness of mind and seek the Lord, surely they can receive God’s peace. Husband I had a longing to build a house, since a long time. My daughter used to draw house plans on a paper and ask me if we would be building such big house. I used to assure her that we would build such

a house.

is not your house; it is the dwelling place of the Lord.... Son, you have demolished your house. Don’t worry. Your house would become the dwelling place of God”

Did the Lord make your plans succeed? Husband The government had given me a house for Rs. 1,20,000/Already an old house was allotted by them. They said that they would give permission to build a new one only if we demolished the old one. Or else they threatened to cancel the allotment. As we started demolishing that house, my brother passed away. 20 days went by. Again, when I demolished the old house and wanted to re- new it with much prayer, our cow died. We were perturbed. We felt bad that there was nobody to comfort or guide us. That time I had Rs.1,00,000/- with me with which we bought bricks. We were left with nothing.

We were thrilled to hear these words and felt happy as if we had completed the construction of the house. ‘How many of you believe this? Whatever may be your worries, this is the last day. If you believe you would see the glory of God. The Lord Himself will build your house. Your house will become God’s dwelling place” As dear mother continued with these words, we could not believe our ears and tears streamed down our face. Dear mother further said, “Not only your house would be built up but it would be raised up on the rock as in Luke 6:48 which says, "He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock’

What did you do then? Husband One evening, we visited the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, as a family. We had the habit of going to the Prayer Tower, whenever we faced problems. We entered the chapel and prayed with tears. A prayer warrior prayed for us and said, “You are in agony. Sister Stella Dhinakaran’s meeting is going on here. Better attend it for your blessing”. So we took part in the Family Blessing Meeting that was going on. That day, during the message time, Sister Stella Dhinakaran said, “You’ve come here after demolishing your house; don’t feel bad; your house would be built up as God’s dwelling’. She further quoted Ephesians 2:22 and said, “The Bible says, ‘the whole building, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit’. Yes, the house, where you are staying

This is the foundation referred to in Matthew 7:25 and Luke 6:48. David says, ‘He is my rock’. Rock abides forever. Nothing can move it. The Lord too is like the rock. He will be the Rock to

you. He is the foundation of your house. You will build your house on Him. Right now, even without your knowledge, you are building your house”. When dear mother said these, I was filled with joy. Wife When we heard dear mother’s words, we felt as if that meeting was held just for the sake of our family. It was as if God Himself spoke to us directly, remembering our problems. This meeting was held on 11.08.2013. All the verses quoted in these meetings were meant for us. Dear mother also quoted Matthew 7:25, “"and the rain

descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock”. This was meant for us. Even as we were wondering what she would speak for others, every word that came was directed towards us.

Yes, every time, we speak God’s words only with much prayer. It is the Holy Spirit who brings out those words. That’s why it is of great blessing. You would’ve gone home so joyfully... Husband When the message was about to be over, we were surprised to hear the verse Proverbs 24:3,4, ‘Through wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established...’. The meeting got over by 8.30 PM and we went back home happily after get- ting the prayed oil. The next morning, my wife and I sprinkled the prayed oil on the demolished house,


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held our hands together and prayed reverentially, with one accord, saying, “Lord, you should be the chief corner stone in this place. If the message that we heard is true, You should help us begin the construction within a month."

How did you build your house?

Husband Everyone starts building a house with some money in their hands. But we had no money. Claiming the verses which we heard in the message shared during the Family Blessing Meeting held on 11.8.2013 in the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, we prayed earnestly. On 22.8.2013, within ten days, we began to build the house. Within a year, we could complete the construction. Those who saw our house derided us saying that we had no brains to build such a big house at such a great height when we had three girls to marry off. Last December, during the heavy rains in Chennai, our house was not affected in anyway

though waters flooded all the other houses in the surrounding areas. After this, people started telling that our house is the best example for a good construction. I give all glory to the Lord.

How’s the in-laws’ problem in your family? Wife She is my aunt. So we reconcile even if we have tiffs now and then. Yes, this is the mind of Christ. We read in Philippians 2:5, ‘Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus’. Similarly God has given you His mind.

My dear people of God, I hope you enjoyed reading this wonderful testimony. It is rare to see such compatible couple in these ultra modern days. Read I John 2:16. These days, people are filled with the lust of the eye, flesh and the pride of life. But this couple is unique in the eyes of God. Don’t we see their divine thirsts here? Similarly, you too should be changed as a family. There may be arguments between mother- in- law and daughter- in- law. To think of going to the mother’s place or to desert the wife and marry someone else is filth before God. Today families are broken mainly because of lust and pride. So, see the difference in the life of this couple and change your life accordingly.

For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world.

Dear ones, these days seeking the Lord as husband, wife and children is on the decline. Read Romans 8:30. Here the Lord calls everyone. This husband and wife accepted His call and went to Him. He calls them, justifies them and glorifies them. According to Philippians 2:13, ‘it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure’.

I too sought the Lord only as a duty, till my 16 years. I got good marks in the Sunday school and won many prizes. Everybody appreciated me. But I did not have the blessed habit of diligently seeking the Lord in my heart. One day, when I was alone, the Lord came seeking me. He spoke to me lovingly and said, “You are thinking of your parents. Won’t you think of Me?” That day I gave Him room in my heart. From then on, my life has turned upside down. After that, the Lord graciously gave me the privilege of becoming Bro. Dhinakaran's wife. He would do such things for you too. When He guides you and when you commit yourself to Him asking Him to guide you and give you the grace to walk pleasing to Him, your family too would be blessed just as how this brother and sister (Sundar and Parimala) are blessed.

1 John 2:16

Yes, dear ones, when the Lord is with you, and when you hold on to His Word firmly, you would enjoy a great blessing. Like this brother and sister who held on to His Word and received blessings, would you please take a decision to hold on to His Word and read His Word diligently? The Lord will bless all those who take this decision – whether they are big or small. He will bless your family life. Your house will stand firm just like the house built on the rock. 21



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Matthew 5:6

people, As a light to the Gentiles.”

“ Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

MEDITATION Ps. 37:28;112:9; Prov. 21:3,21; Matt. 6:33; 2 Cor. 5:21; Phil. 4:8; 1 Tim. 6:10-11; 1 Pet. 4:14,15



Proverbs 14:26 “ In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, and His children will have a place of refuge.”

MEDITATION Gen. 22:10-14; Exo. 1:21; Deut. 6:24; Ps. 31:19; 34:7; 112:1,2; Prov. 10:27; Ecc. 8:12; Is. 11:1-5; 3:3-6; Jer. 26:19; Lk. 1:50; Heb. 11:7


MEDITATION Gen. 49:10; Deut. 18:15; Ps. 110:1; Is. 11:1-9; 40:10,11; 60:3; Mal. 3:1; Lk. 2:25-33; Acts 13:47

“ Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession.”

MEDITATION Ps. 22:27; 65:8; 67:7; 82:8; Micah 5:4; Dan. 7:13,14; Zech. 9:10; Matt.28:19; Jn. 17:9; Heb. 1:2; Rev. 2:26


Revelation 21:6

Psalm 2:8

John 14:1 “ Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.”

“And He said to me, ‘It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts.’”

MEDITATION Josh. 1:9; Ps. 94:19; Is. 41:10; Jn. 14:27; Phil. 4:6,7; 2 Tim. 1:7; 1 Pet. 5:7

MEDITATION Prov. 18:4; SOS. 4:15; Is. 12:3; 55:1-3; Jer. 17:13; Zech. 13:1;14:8; John 4:8-15;7:37-39; Rev. 7:17



Matthew 18:20

“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” MEDITATION Exo. 25:8; 29:5; Lev. 26:12; Ps. 133:1; Is. 57:15; Acts 4:32; Rom. 12:16; 2 Cor. 6:16; Eph. 4:2,3; Phil. 2:2-5; 1 Pet. 3:8,9


John 15:4 “ Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.”

MEDITATION Josh. 24:15; Ps. 33:12; Matt. 24:13; 1 Cor. 16:13; 2 Cor. 1:24; Gal. 5:1; Col. 1:22; Heb. 3:6,14;10:23; 1 Pet. 5:10


Psalm 91:14 “ Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name.”

MEDITATION 2 Sam. 22:2; Ps. 34:17; 107:6; Jer. 1:8; Dan. 3:15- 27; Mk. 10:45; Jn. 8:32; Eph. 1:7; 2 Pet. 2:9


Exodus 9:16 “ But indeed for this purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.”

MEDITATION Ps. 79:13; 86:12; Is. 43:7,21; 1 Cor. 10:31; Eph. 1:11,12; Col. 1:27; Heb. 13:15; 1 Pet.2:9


Zechariah 9:12 “ Return to the stronghold, you prisoners of hope. Even today I declare that I will restore double to you.”

MEDITATION Deut. 7:13; 2 Kings 2:8-22; Job 42:10; Is. 61:7; Nah. 1:7; Mk. 9:23; Heb. 11:6

Malachi 4:2 “ But to you who fear My name, the Sun of Righteousness shall arise, with healing in His wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves.”

MEDITATION Num.6:25; Ps.34:5; 80:3; 91:4; Pro.1:7; 3:7,8; Ecc. 8:1; Is. 57:18; Jer. 33:6; 1 Pet. 2:24


Isaiah 42:6


“ Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.”

MEDITATION Gen. 3:21; 9:3; Deut. 8:4; Neh. 9:21; Job 38:41; Ps. 34:10;147:9; Matt. 6:31,32; Lk. 22:35; Phil. 4:19

“ I, the Lord, have called You in righteousness, And will hold Your hand; I will keep You and give You as a covenant to the


Matthew 6:8

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Isaiah 41:9


“You whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called from its farthest regions, and said to you, ‘You are My servant, I have chosen you and have not cast you away.’” MEDITATION Deut. 7:6; Matt. 22:14; Jn. 15:16; Eph. 1:46; 2 Thes. 2:14; 1 Pet. 2:9


“ For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”

Jeremiah 1:5 “ Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

Isaiah 51:12

“I, even I, am He who comforts you. Who are you that you should be afraid of a man who will die, and of the son of a man who will be made like grass?” MEDITATION Ps. 23:4;71:21; 147:3; Lam. 3:31-33; Matt. 5:4,11:28; Rom. 15:4; 2 Cor. 1:3


Mark 11:24 “ Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.”

MEDITATION Gen. 15:6; Matt. 21:22; Mk. 9:24; Jn. 12:44-46; Gal. 3:6,7; Heb. 11:1


“ And Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”

“ And he blessed Joseph, and said: ‘God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, the God who has fed me all my life long to this day.’”

Isaiah 58:8 “ Then your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.”

Proverbs 18:10 “ The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.”

MEDITATION Deut. 33:27; Ruth 2:12; 2 Sam. 22:3; Ps. 18:2;46:1;62:6;91:2; Is. 4:6


Jeremiah 15:20 “ And I will make you to this people a fortified bronze wall; and they will fight against you, but they shall not prevail against you; tor I am with you to save you and deliver you,” says the Lord.”

MEDITATION Jg. 10:15,16; 2 Sam. 22:18; Is. 45:21; Jer. 3:23; Dan. 6:1-24; Acts 5:17-20


Deuteronomy 30:20 “ That you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them.”

MEDITATION Neh. 9:6; Job 10:12; 33:4; Pro. 3:1,2; Jer. 38:16; Acts 17:25; 1 Tim. 6:14


2 Corinthians 7:6

“Nevertheless God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus” MEDITATION Ps. 119:49,50; Is. 51:3; 2 Cor. 1:5; 2 Thes. 2:16,17



Joshua 3:5

MEDITATION Lev. 11:45, 19:2; Deut. 23:14; Judges 13:28; Ps. 24:3,4; 30:4; Is. 6:1-3


Genesis 48:15

MEDITATION Exo. 13:21,22; Ps. 121:8; 138:7; Is. 41:10; Zech. 2:5; 2 Thes. 3:3; Heb. 13:5

MEDITATION 1 Samuel 2:2; Ps. 51:10; 2 Cor. 7:1; Eph. 5:3-8; 2 Tim. 1:9; Heb. 12:14; 1 Pet. 1:15,16


“ For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

MEDITATION 1 Kings 3:6; Ps. 16:8; 71:5; Ecc. 5:18; Is. 30:21; Eph. 11:20,21

MEDITATION Ps. 23:1; 55:22; 115:12; 121:13; Is. 49:15;55:9; Lk. 12:28;1 Cor. 10:13; Heb. 13:6



1 Peter 5:7

2 Timothy 1:7

MEDITATION Joel 2:28,29; Micah 3:8; Zech. 4:6; Lk. 4:18; Acts. 11:24; 2 Cor. 3:17; Eph. 3:16;5:18; 1 Jn. 2:27


Hebrews 4:12

MEDITATION Ps. 119:9,105; Is. 40:8; Matt. 4:4;7:24;24:35; Lk. 11:28; Jn. 1:1; 2 Tim. 3:16,17


Isaiah 60:20

“Your sun shall no longer go down, nor shall your moon withdraw itself; For the Lord will be your everlasting light, and the days of your mourning shall be ended.” MEDITATION Gen. 41:51; Neh. 8:10; Ps. 30:11; Is. 61:1-3; Jer. 31:13; Jn. 16:20; 2 Cor. 7:13

Psalm 134:3 “The Lord who made heaven and earth bless you from Zion!”

MEDITATION Ps. 126:1-3;128:5; Jer. 30:18,19; Joel 2:16; Micah 4:7; Heb. 12:22-24


Matthew 10:31 “ Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.”

MEDITATION Gen. 1:27; Ps. 139:14; Is. 64:8; Jer. 1:5; Eph. 2:10; 1 Cor. 15:41


Psalm 34:8 “ Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him”

MEDITATION 1 Chr. 16:34; 2 Chr.5:13; Ezr. 3:11; Ps. 136:1; Jer. 33:11




in Esther Prayer Group NO TRACE OF CANCER


Anita, daughter of a sister in our Esther Prayer Group was sus- pected to have cancer. So we of- fered fervent prayers for her in our group. Hearing the prayers offered by us and by Sister Stella Dhinakaran, the Lord did a miracle. The report came out to be normal. Thanks be to the Lord and all glory to Him.

During the yearly Thanksgiving meeting of the Esther Prayer Group held on January 16th, Sister Stella Dhinakaran said that the Lord would change all of us into sweet fragrance and started pray- ing. During the prayer time, Sis. Rani could smell the sweet fra- grance. After that, her leg pain, hip pain and lethargic spirit had left her. This month, during the Esther Prayer Group, she testified that she had become active. Sis. Mathy re- ceived the anointing of the Holy Spirit with the sign of speaking in tongues, during this meeting. Glory be to God.

—Sheila Ragland, Tanjore

­—P.E.Bhuvaneshwari, Vellore

ACCEPTED VOW I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. The pre- vious night of the Esther Prayer Group prayer, my 2 1⁄2 year old child, had accidently swallowed a bolt screw. I was shocked when he told me this. I prayed all through the night and gave him prayed oil and banana. Yet it did not come out. The next morning I offered a prayer of vow that I would send my testi- mony to the Jesus Calls magazine if the bolt came out before I left for the prayer. What a wonder! A few minutes before I could leave for the Esther Prayer Group prayer, the screw came out of him automatically. Glory to God who did this miracle. —Evangeline Sumathy, Kodambakkam, Chennai

DISCIPLINE THROUGH PRAYER SPIRITUAL STRENGTH The Thanksgiving meeting of Esther Prayer Group, held in Chennai on January 16th, was of great blessing. It guided us to progress in our spiritual life. Every Word of God spoken by Sister Stella Dhinakaran was for me, spo- ken by the Lord. The Lord gave me, who was dejected because of physical weaknesses, new strength in my body and spiritual life. Truly it was a blessing to me. After this meeting, God interacts with me dif- ferently while I read the Bible or pray. He gives me new strength every day. I give all glory to the Lord. I also thank my spiritual mother. —Sylvia Kalaimani, Chennai


The God’s message given by dear Sister Stella Dhinakaran in the Thanksgiving meeting of the Esther Prayer Group, held on January 16th was of great encouragement and benefit for my spiritual and worldly aspects. Through the message, the Holy Spirit impressed upon me the need to observe discipline in life through prayer. I was so happy and peaceful. —N.Vijayakumari, Vellore.

GLORIOUS DAY January 16, the day on which the Esther Prayer Group Thanks- giving meeting was held could be called as a glorious day. We saw the glory of Jesus covering dear mother Stella Dhinakaran. We were blessed to get filled with that glory of God. God revealed through every verse that the light of the

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knowledge of Christ had sur- rounded dear mother. Glory be to God. —Esther Aruldoss, Valasaravakkam, Chennai.

MIRACULOUS PROTECTION We had a gas stove made of glass. One day, because of over- heat, this stove exploded and the whole house was strewn with glass pieces. Yet the Lord protected me and my family from all harm. Thanks be to Him. This was pos- sible mainly because of the prayers offered in the Esther Prayer Group and by dear mother. Hearing these prayers, the Lord protected us mi- raculously. Glory to the Lord. —V. Lalitha Vausdevan, Mylapore, Chennai - 4

GOD WHO NEVER FORSAKES I am a member of the Esther Prayer Group. My husband deserted me and married another woman. Hence I languished in loneliness and was in sorrow. Un- able to bear this misery, I began to stumble in my mind. At this diffi- cult time, the sisters of the Esther Prayer Group sustained me with their prayers. Hearing the prayers, the Lord blessed me and granted me a government job. Also He pre- pared a house for me. Now He has blessed me with all blessings. Not only that Sister Yapom Dans en- couraged me to start an Esther Prayer Group. Now God has helped me to start a new Esther Prayer Group in my house. Glory to Him. —Annie Borang, Babumber, Arunachal Pradesh.

My dear sisters, Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the women in your area could be blessed, and revived, please come forward. These are the end times. Dear sisters, who pray in the Prayer Group, pray with much burden for the each and every prayer point sent to you and hold on firmly to the promise word given to you with fervency in the spirit. The Lord will do a miracle. He will also bless you.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Esther Prayer Group contact: UNITED STATES


Esther Prayer Group 8855 North Stemmons Frwy Dallas, TX 75247 USA

Jesus Calls Canada #SUITE 208, 50 Gervais Drive Toronto, Ontario, M3C 1Z3 972–499–4995 855–JESUS CALLS (toll free) 416–385–7576




(MESSAGE SHARED BY THE LATE DR. D.G.S.DHINAKARAN IN THE YEAR 2002) And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19) Once, a famous pianist was playing music in a big auditorium, which was packed with people. The entire audience was spell bound by the melodious music. A fifteen minute interval was announced and the musician kept down his instrument and went behind the stage to take rest for a while. The interval was over. Everybody hurried in, eagerly waiting to resume hearing his music. Just before the pianist could return, a little boy got on the stage and began to blow a trumpet like instrument which he had with him. The annoying sound from the instrument made every one squirm with irritation and they started begging the boy to stop blowing it. The security requested him to step down but the boy refused. Everyone decided to wait for the pianist to come back. The boy kept on blowing his instrument as he liked

with no musical sense. Suddenly his music turned sweet and everyone was surprised. What happened? When that world renowned pianist entered the stage, he joined the little boy and started playing the piano adjusting to the tunes played by that boy. Because of his wonderful music, the boy’s haphazard tune started sounding melodious to the listeners. Removes lacks “My son/daughter, you’ve so many shortcomings. But I would like to perfect your lacks. You lack in knowledge, skill and education; you have poor memory power; you don’t know how to earn money; you don’t know how to run a family; you don’t know how to bring up your children” – thus so many lacks would be found in you and do you lament over these? At my age of 20, I found this God who


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perfects all lacks and needs in life. Soon after completing my graduation I started hunting for a job and applied to the wanted column in the newspapers. I would present them my resume’ and appealed to them to consider me. I would be eagerly waiting for a call letter from them and used to go to the post office every day to see if I had received an order from anyone of them. All I got was a few letters of regret from those companies, informing me ‘No vacancy’. One day, totally worn out, I returned home with frustration and saw my mother hanging out a board. It was a Bible verse, which was found by her somewhere in the house. I was shocked to read the verse which said, “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus”. A new hope filled me and I felt happy. In order to make the big aero-plane fly high, the surrounding atmosphere of air is vacuumed with an engine. Winds from

all directions rush into fill that void as a result of which the heavy plane is lifted up and made to fly. Similarly, God, who perfects our lacks, waits eagerly saying’ “Let me supply all they need”. Let not your heart be troubled. Do not lose courage. “He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name” (Psalm 147:7). Countless stars have been created by Him in the universe. He is the One, who could name every star and call them all by their names. He carefully takes of these stars and ensures that not one goes missing (Isaiah 40:26). Sometimes, we see shooting stars falling down from the sky. Would He then replace it with another one? In the big space centre in California, United States of America, astronauts are making research on stars by observing them through the telescope. Once, the chief scientist of that Centre said to the press reporters, “We discover a few new stars every day; we don’t know when we would finish discovering all the stars”. The Lord counts all the stars and ensures that not one of them is lost. He calls all of them by their names. “But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows” (Luke 12:7). On one side, the Lord counts the stars; on the other side, He counts the hairs of our head. So take courage that He, who has numbered all the hairs of your head, would save you. Keep your complete trust on Him. “So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened” (Luke 11:9,10). Supplies all our needs: While on earth, Jesus took wonderful care of His disciples; He loved them till the end (John 13:1). His love is incomparable. Finally there came a moment in His life when He had to suffer on the cross for the pain, sorrows, infirmities and sicknesses of all of us in

the world. The time came when He had to give up His life. It was then He asked His disciples, “In these 3 ½ years of your time spent with Me, did you have any lack?” All of them unanimously said that they had everything they needed (Luke 22:35). He was thus careful to supply their needs. Finally, when He was ready to go to the cross, He took leave of His disciples asking them not to be troubled; with a broken heart, He further said to them, “I am leaving. You would be in need of so many things. Thus far I have protected you and I have been providing you all your needs. But now that I am leaving, don’t be troubled over your needs. Please don’t lose hope. I would give you, whatever you ask in My name” (John 14:14). Once, I needed an urgent help from an important leader. But I didn’t know him personally. However one of his former classmates was my friend and so I requested him to recommend my case and help me meet him. He said that it was not a problem and that I could meet him by merely mentioning his name. So with this assurance, I went to meet the leader. I mentioned the mutual friend’s name and sought an appointment with him. Immediately I was granted permission to meet him and the moment he saw me he said, “Oh, I know you so well; what can I do for you?” When I told him of my need, he readily agreed to help me. As I took leave of him, he asked me, “How do you know this friend? He took great efforts to contact me and inform me of your coming”. I got what I wanted by mentioning the name of my close friend. With us The Lord Jesus, who was manifested in the flesh tells us, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20). “I will be with you and If you ask anything in My name, I will do it” (John 14;14). He stands near you and watches your tears, desires and expectations. He is eagerly waiting to give you the miracles, signs and wonders that you need. The Lord asks you, “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me? (Jeremiah 32:27). The famous “The Hall of Presidents’ in the state of Florida, in United States of America houses the Audio – Animatronic



figures of all the former as well as the current Presidents of America. It was amazing to see these figures talking in the original voice of the respective president – “I am George Washington… I’m Bill Clinton…’. When the AudioAnimatronic figure of President Abraham Lincoln, introduced itself, the entire crowd applauded happily. The reason, he had given up his life for the people of his nation. His statue in Washington draws a huge crowd and people shed tears reading the inscriptions of the quotes made by him. Yes, the very name Abraham Lincoln moves the heart of the Americans even today. Similarly, our gracious Lord Jesus tells, “Pray, using My name. Heaven would melt on hearing my name; it would remember the God of gods, who appeared as an orphan on this earth, who lived as the carpenter’s son and who was betrayed by Judas, wrongly condemned by Pilate, scourged, spat upon and who was made to hang on the cross. So, when you ask for even a small thing, the Father would remember the sufferings I underwent for your sake and grant you, your needs”. If you pray in the name of our gracious Lord Jesus, who offered His life as a sacrifice on the cross, He will fill you with blessings exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). He will supply all your needs. Prayer: My loving Saviour, who took the form of a man for my sake and came down and died on the cross like an orphan, I hold on to Your feet. O, gracious God, the Bible says that You are an eternal God. I forgot You, the true God who never tells lies. Please open a way for me, as I am stumbling with no hope in life and am offering this prayer. Perfect all my lacks. You came down to this world for my sake. Let Your angels bring down my needs right today. Let Your loving, wonderful hand that was nailed on the cross, bless me. Remove all my wants and prove that You never fail in Your promises. Wipe away my tears and pain. Put an end to my sighing and languish. Millions of praises to You for answering this prayer” Amen.


STELLA DHINAKARAN "Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming...” (Matthew 24:42). In the Garden of Gethsemane, while Jesus Christ was praying with tears for His impending suf- ferings, (Hebrews 5:7), His dis- ciples were sleeping right there. Seeing them, Jesus asked them with concern, "What? Could you not watch with Me one hour?” (Matthew 26:40). Today, He says to us, “My chil- dren, its better you watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, and be strong” (I Corinthians 16:13; I Peter 5:8). So, these days we need to get ready for the coming of the Lord, in all reverence. Perhaps you are languishing, “Oh, I’ve so many problems and worries in my life; won’t my problems be solved? Won’t I get deliv- erance from this sickness? Won’t my family problems get solved?’ The Bible says, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33) Of course, many are the afflictions, difficulties and sorrows that we face in this world. Yet, you should know that all those who hold on to the Lord firmly and who watch and pray in His presence, would surely enjoy the comfort and blessings of the Lord always. “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us...” (Ephesians 3:20). “The blessing of the LORD makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it” (Proverbs 10:22). Accordingly, He would give us the blessings that we 28

need exceed- ingly abundantly above all that we ask or think and make us happy. He would prepare us to meet Him in the Lord’s coming. Let us meditate on how to receive these glorious blessings:

HOLINESS “Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And ev- eryone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure” ( I John 3:2,3) Yes, when the Lord Jesus is revealed, we would see Him as He is. It is His desire that we should be holy just as how He is holy. You may wonder, “How can I guard myself holy?” “Do not love the world or the things in the world.... For all that is in the world; the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life; is not of the Father but is of the world” (I John 2:15,16). Accordingly, keep away from these things of the world. Also, many more wicked things of the world cause us to sin. We defile ourselves by doing many sin- ful things and by nursing wicked thoughts. "For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adul- teries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies...” (Matthew 15:19). "The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?” {Jeremiah 17:9). MAY 2016

Yes, wicked thoughts proceed out of the heart. Many say, “When- ever I pray I am attacked by bad thoughts”. All these take us far away from God. But, on the other hand, when we love God with all our heart and hold on to Him firmly, He gives us the grace and cleanses us.

blessed if you could say that you are ready for His coming, as a family. If not, the Lord wants to cleanse you and your family to- day and make you pleasing to Him. He would bring so many other people under His wings, through you, in the coming days.

These days, we are shocked to see even the people who claim to know God and who do God’s min- istry, telling audacious lies. We are thus living in a wicked, sinful world (Galatians 1:4). What about us? Let us examine ourselves by ask- ing, “I am holy. But am I prepared to meet the Lord with my family, if He comes today?”


Lord, forgive the sins which I have done knowingly and unknowingly; cleanse me with the blood which You have shed on the cross.

In a particular family, the wife had the habit of getting up early in the morning, praying to the Lord and having family prayers. She also led her family to live by the ways pleasing to God be- cause of which the whole family lived with peace and content- ment despite their meager in- come. On the other hand, the wife in another family which was liv- ing nearby spent all her time in dressing up, eating and sleeping, thus indulging in all luxuries. Everyone in that family was a ‘name sake Christian’ and did all sorts of devilish works such as telling lies, fighting, arguing, etc., and lived as vessels of wrath. If someone asked them why they lived so, despite being Christians, they used to say that they were not Christians. Yes, they lived an audacious life of bad conscience. Today, such kinds of people are rampant everywhere. But, it is im- portant that we, who are waiting for the coming of the Lord, should guard our heart holy. The Lord wants us to be holy just as how He is and be a vessel of blessings to our family and others (1 Peter 1:15,16). “For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night” (I Thessalonians 5:2). A thief never announces his arrival. Similar would be the Lord’s coming (Matthew 24:43,44). You are indeed 29

"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20). There is no use in telling that we could do this and that, with our own strength. However, only when we have the experience of being crucified with Christ, the Lord would help us. Some people lament, “I’ve done so many sins in my life. Could I be saved? Will I get peace and joy?” “He who covers his sins will not prosper, But whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy” (Proverbs 28:13). Accordingly confess all your sinful deeds, whatever they may be, to the Lord, without covering them up. Jesus Christ offered His life on the cross in order to redeem us from this sinful life. He was smitten and scourged for each and every sin and transgression that we committed. Blood flowed out of His body. This blood, shed by Christ Jesus on the cross has life even today; it has power. ‘"Though your sins are red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isaiah 1:18). ‘...the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin’ (I John 1:7). So, plead to the Lord right now and tell Him, “Lord, forgive the sins which I have done knowingly and unknowingly; cleanse me with the blood which You have shed on the cross”. “ And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires” (Galatians 5:24). My dear young children, do you put off each day saying, “Let me see after a while. Let me first get married and have children. Then I would surely seek the Lord” and are living as you like? As days go by and as your troubles begin to mount up, making you lament in distress, “Alas, why my husband is like this, why my children are living so? How could I fight this pov- erty?’ , it would be difficult for you to accept the Lord. It would be excellent if you would commit yourself in the hand of the Lord right today, when you are young and have few worries, to be cruci- fied on the cross along with Christ.


TESTIMONIAL LIFE We read about a Samaritan woman in the Bible. She comes to draw water from the well which is out of the city. The Lord Jesus tells her all about her sinful deeds. Sur- prised by this, she quickly goes to her people and tells them, “Jesus told me all things that I ever did”. Jesus goes into her city because of her, stays there for two days and draws many towards Him, by re- deeming them from sins (John 4:40-42). God’s word given to her in that single divine encounter, worked in her heart and changed her life upside down. Through the testimony of that sinful woman, whose life was thus transformed, there was a great salvation in that city. Once, when we were sitting on the beach, as a family, three young boys came running and held on to my husband’s feet. One of them said with tears, “Sev- eral years back, I faced a great problem; my family was in distress. My sister could not get married. So deciding that it was better to end my life, I bought a bottle of poison and got ready to commit suicide. That time, I heard the Jesus Calls radio programme through which you were saying, “Young man, don’t fear; don’t be troubled. Why should you commit suicide? The Lord is willing to deliver you out of all your troubles. Cling on to Him right now”. On hearing this I was taken aback and wondered how this man could know about my plan to commit suicide. Trembling with shock, I prayed along with you and committed my life to the Lord. That day my life changed topsy-turvy. Now, every Friday, as youngsters we gather here and pray. The Lord is blessing us. We never fail to pray for you and your long life. I’ve been waiting for a long time to meet you in person. Now hear- ing that you are here, my friends and I have come running to you”. As we heard these words, we shed tears of joy. Let us also turn people towards the Lord through our life of testimony.

DIVINE PEACE We see about a sinful woman in the Bible (Luke 7:3750). Be- cause of her sinful life, she is re- jected by all. But she comes to Jesus, stands at His feet, washes His feet with her tears and wipes them with her hair. Jesus tells her, “"Your sins are forgiven.... "Your faith has saved you. Go in peace." (Luke 7:48,50). Likewise, when we go to the presence of the Lord and confesses our sins, He is able to fill us with the divine peace which the world cannot give us. This is indeed a precious treasure which cannot be availed in the world. A brother and his wife were undergoing lot of difficulties in life. Once, when the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival was being held, someone told them that if they attended those meetings, the Lord would remove their prob30

lems and bless them. So they attended the meeting and lis- tened to the message with thirst. During the prayer time, both of them got up to leave the place. That time, by the power of God, the man of God called out that brother’s name and said, “The Lord wants to save you; He wants to give you peace. Accept Him”. That brother trembled on hear- ing this, wondering how his name was known to him and stood still. After the prayer he rushed to the stage and testified before lakhs of people saying,

Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.

“Sir, I am the man, who was called out by you. I had so many shortcomings. Now the Lord has transformed my life through you. He has given me peace”. Can a man change the heart of another man? Not at all. But when the gracious Lord touches a man, his life gets transformed. Divine peace fills that heart. Dearly beloved, the same Jesus loves you. Will you come to Him? Commit yourself in to His hands saying, “Lord, cleanse me; I will not commit any more sin. Prepare me for Your coming. I should be taken up in Your coming. I don’t want eternal damnation. The eternal life given by You is enough for me”. The Lord who saved a woman of sin and a man, who was in trouble, would give you His di- vine peace. “Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life" (Proverbs 4:23). Accordingly, guard your heart holy. Watch at His feet in Bible reading and in personal prayer. Guard your heart in all holiness. Commit your life to Jesus and live a testimonial life. Then He will pre- pare you for His coming and also transform you into a vessel that would prepare many others for His coming. Living waters would flow out of you. May God prepare you and your family for the second com- ing of Christ and through you meet all those who are vessels of wrath and prepare them for His coming by changing them into vessels of mercy!

MAY 2016

COME, LET US BUILD THE BENGALURU PRAYER TOWER • To pray for the nearly 70 million people in the state of Karnataka • To directly serve more than a million of people residing in the outskirts of the city of Bengaluru The new building of the Frazer Town Prayer Tower which serves in the central part of Bengaluru is to be set up in 30,000 square feet of land. THIS NEW BUILDING HOUSES: • Prayer Tower that offers 24 hours telephone prayer service • Counselling rooms that would serve 25,000 people every month through direct prayers and spiritual counseling. • Auditorium with a seating capacity of 2,000 • Chapel

• Chain Prayer room • Auditorium for Prayer Academy • Rooms for Prayer Warriors • Parking facility • Room for children • Library • Audio/Video facilities • LED screens, musical instruments • Seats

For your gift of $5000 to build one prayer room at the Bangalore Prayer Tower, we will inscribe your name in the prayer room as a thank you. For your gift of $1500, you could co-sponsor the building of a prayer room. For your gift of $50, you could help build one square foot of the Prayer Tower.

To support the building of this Prayer Tower, go to 31


NEEDED: PRAYER INTERCESSORS AT THE israel Prayer Tower At the Israel Prayer Tower, people are coming from throughout the world to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and pray for God’s Will to be fulfilled in the nations. We are inviting partners like you and prayer Intercessors to come to Israel and stay at The Israel Prayer Tower for 15 days to a month to pray God’s will over nations, Kings and peoples at this crucial time in world history. To find out more details and to register please go to IsraelPrayerTower. com/247-prophetic-prayer-nations. May I also invite you to partner with us to help us fulfil this prophecy through your prayers and financial support. If you are willing to go to pray at the Israel Prayer Tower, you may please call our Dallas Prayer Tower office at 972-499-4995 or our toll free number 855–JESUSCALLS. For our Canada Prayer Tower, please call 416–385– 7576.

For your gift of $300, you could sponsor a prayer intercessor in Israel for 3 days, providing shelter, laundry and other basic needs. For your gift of $1500, you could sponor a prayer intercessor in Israel for half a month, providing shelter, transport and three meals a day.


CANADA 972–499–4995 855–JESUS CALLS (toll free)


Jesus Calls Canada #SUITE 208, 50 Gervais Drive Toronto, Ontario, M3C 1Z3

MAY 2016 416–385–7576

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