Jesus Calls International November 2020

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I have two daughters. Be it my daughters’ education, their higher studies or their marriage it has all been miraculously blessed because of the prayers offered in the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers. There were days when Satan tormented all the four of us in the family but we used to approach the Prayer Tower for prayers. God graciously delivered all of us from the ailments and is keeping us in good health. I always look back and thank God for His wonders. In times of trouble, the Prayer Tower has been a place of comfort. Recently the Lord has blessed me and is continuing to bless me through the ‘Jesus Calls’ Trumpet Prayer Group ministry. Before joining in TPG I used to read the Bible in a very shallow manner. But these days, God is teaching me truths in the Bible in depth and helping me to grow more in His knowledge. I am able to understand the meaning of the portions I meditate everyday and learn how to apply them in my practical life. God is helping me to gain spiritual insights which are new to me helping me have a closer walk with God. I had foot corn in both legs. After joining this prayer God has healed my feet completely. My daughter and son- in- law were in USA. September 2019, their visa expired and they had to come back to India. We were worried because they were shining in their jobs there but all of a sudden it had come to an end and my grand children’s studies were interrupted because of this. But God spoke to me that He was protecting them from the pandemic which spread so rapidly in the US. I thank God for His ways. Once, while going to the ATM my daughter left her purse there and when we returned to look for it we couldn’t find it. I came to the Prayer Tower and prayed for the purse to be found as it had all the important documents. Within a month, we received all the cards and IDs in the purse through post, packed in a cover. God mercifully helped my daughter get back everything that was in the purse. All glory be to God for His countless blessings. - G. Mercy, India


For more details: Mobile number: +91 97899 77807, +91 63807 52257(10am to 6pm IST) E-mail: Website:


Jesus Calls International


November 2020



True Friend Matrimonial is a professional and confidential service helping to find life partners. We believe marriage is an invitation to share life together in love and commitment. TF Matrimonial promises a service that is efficient and tailored to meet your specific expectations. We are passionate about facilitating a meaningful experience in finding the right life partner. TF offers trusted services to communities across the world. We diligently compile and maintain members' profiles so you can use the information to find the right match and settle down. Our advanced search options help you find that someone special. To register for this service, please visit For more information, please write to: Jesus Calls International


November 2020



CANCER CANCELLED In the year 2019, I was diagnosed with cancer. All of a sudden, one Friday evening I started vomiting close to seven cups of blood. I was experiencing intense pain in my body. With a heavy heart, I attended the Friday Night Miracle Service at Jesus Calls, Dallas. The prayer intercessors there prayed for my healing with great burden. At that moment, I felt the Lord’s presence in a mighty way. The Holy Spirit was moving in my body and I was experiencing healing both physically and mentally. The pain in my body and the heaviness that was on my mind left me that very instant and I started rejoicing in the Lord, thanking and praising Him for all His goodness. Since then I have not experienced any pain or discomfort in my body. I feel much healthier now and I believe with all of my heart that I am completely healed by the Lord Jesus. Psalm 18:28 says, “You, Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.” This has been so true in my life. May the Lord’s name be glorified. - Samantha Eliana, USA


Jesus Calls International


November 2020


HEALED FROM COVID-19 I was diagnosed with corona and all boys with me on campus were also infected. We were worried as to how we will recover. My parents got a call from Jesus Calls Amritsar and were asked about their well being. They told about me and about the boys with me who were also corona positive. JESUS CALLS Amritsar staff prayed for us. God did a great miracle and on 09 October 2020 I and all boys with me on the campus were tested negative for corona and God healed us. Thanks be to God and the prayer intercessors who prayed for us. - Rahul Tigga, Dubai THREEFOLD BLESSING My wife Sarojini and I live in Kandy. After our marriage, my wife had 2 miscarriages and lost one child after birth. My wife was so worried about this and also we had to go through a very difficult time. In 2006, I was invited by my friend to participate in a meeting which was conducted by Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran. When I was praying regarding my burdens, I felt someone calling my name in my ears. I opened my eyes three times but I couldn’t see anybody there. I heard the voice saying that God will give me 3 children for what I have lost. That time when I opened my eyes, I saw Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran prophesying stretching his hand towards me. He repeated that prophesy and I believed it. I returned home and at that time my wife was hospitalized and I told her about this. When she heard this, she was very happy. We prayed according to the prophecy which God gave me. Just as God said, God gave us a wonderful baby boy in 2007. Also God gave us 2 girls, one child in 2008 and the other in 2015 fulfilling that prophesy of the gift of three children. All praises to God. We still thank God for His mercies upon us and for the Jesus Calls ministry. - Subramaniyam, Kandy Legs restored with strength I am employed as a Family Court Registrar. One day, as I was walking, I had a terrible fall and broke my ankle. The pain was so severe that it was unbearable. Since then I have been unable to walk on my own and was confined to the wheel chair for weeks. The doctor suggested for a surgery. Since I am diabetic, I refused to undergo the surgery. I was becoming more and more worried as my condition was not improving. It was during this perplexed state that I contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Fiji. The prayer intercessor prayed for me over the phone with great burden. Gradually I could feel my legs getting healed and I was able to walk again. Now I am able to walk normally without any support and do my routine work without any problem. I visited the Prayer Tower and have shared my testimony. I praise and thank God for healing me. - Sunita Kumar, Fiji Jesus Calls International


November 2020



SECURED A JOB At the start of this lockdown in April 2020, I was temporarily laid-off from my employment. So I was applying for jobs in my field. Meanwhile I joined Jesus Calls Canada Thursday Bible Study and Friday Fasting Prayer via Zoom. I shared my prayer request for a job with the prayer intercessors. On September 28, 2020, by the grace of God I received a job offer and joined the company on the 5th of October 2020. I thank Jesus for His goodness and I thank the Jesus Calls prayer intercessors for their earnest prayers, care and support by standing in the gap in prayer throughout the process. I give God the glory, praise and honor and I thank God for the Jesus Calls ministry which is a blessing for many people including me. - Hepzibah Allan, Canada.

TO SHARE YOUR TESTIMONY Call the Prayer Tower in your Country / Region (or) email to

My partner in the ministry, Greetings in the loving name of our Lord Jesus! I greet you with much joy and thank God for enabling us to step into November - the month of Thanksgiving and Sanctification. God has given us yet another opportunity to praise Him for all His mercies and rededicate ourselves to Him. Last month, through television programmes, specially the Family Channel, letters, e-mail, magazine, SMS, Zoom meetings, telephone prayer calls, DIAL A PRAYER, and social media platforms 66,49,308 people have been reached and millions continue to be brought into God’s fold every hour and day. I thank God for you beloved partners, who are a part of Jesus Calls ministry and helping save the perishing souls. The Lord is marvellous indeed! You are most welcome to share your testimonies and feedback to Joshua 3:5 holds this month’s promise, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”


Jesus Calls International


November 2020


He not only promises blessings but also shows us the way to make them ours. In the promise word, God speaks about sanctifying and ensuring God’s blessings to abound in our lives. Therefore, along with thanking God for the blessings He has showered, let us ask Him to sanctify and make our ways pleasing to Him. I pray God’s immeasurable blessings be bestowed on you and your loved ones throughout this month.

The 24-hour ‘Family Channel’ truly caters to the spiritual needs of an entire family with its wide range of programs Daily Devotionals, Messages, Kid’s Time, U-Turn for youth, Testimonies, etc.

RELENTLESSLY RENDERED The Sovereign Lord has empowered the ministry services of Jesus Calls to render without interruption. Though people were unable to visit the Prayer Towers due to the pandemic and social regulations, telephone prayer services went on non-stop. The anointed and dedicated prayer intercessors were and are ready round the clock to pray for every need of the people. Now with the situation returning to normalcy, services of many Prayer Towers have resumed. You may call or visit the Prayer Tower in your country for prayer assistance, to pray individually and for giving your sacrificial offerings. I praise God for your continuous support towards the ministry during the grim situation and pray God blesses you hundred fold in return.

YOUNG PARTNERS’ PLAN – GOLDEN FUTURE Daily prayers are offered for the divine protection, wisdom, and prosperity of young people enrolled in Young Partners’ Plan. My family and the prayer intercessors pray every day for the precious young Jesus Calls International


partners. God has been faithful in answering these prayers and blessing the partners in their studies, profession, and family. Innumerable testimonies have been witnessed over the past 35 years since the start of this plan. For you and your loved ones to be part of this plan and be blessed, do write to us at JOB BLESSING PLAN GOD’S FAVOR IN EVERY ENDEAVOR With the leading of the Holy Spirit, we have started a new facet ‘Job Blessing Plan.’ For anyone who aspires to take up a job or who awaits blessings in their job, God has promised prosperity through this plan as said in Deuteronomy 30:9, “The Lord your God will make you most prosperous in all the work of your hands.” Yes! Job Blessing Plan helps you step into God’s favor and surely find blessings in all your endeavors.

Karunya Academy for Theological Education (KATE) Through the leading of the Holy Spirit

November 2020



to provide in depth biblical and theological degree programs to equip persons to serve the people at large, a new bible college named, Karunya Academy for Theological Education was established on the 4th of Sep 2020. We offer B.Th., M.Div., Diploma courses and certificate courses. I encourage you to enrol through the website or email us at or do a WhatsApp call to +919487846630. The KATE will be candidate member of Asia Theological Association one of the largest accreditation body for bible colleges.

The 24-hour ‘Family Channel’ truly caters to the spiritual needs of an entire family with its wide range of programs - Daily Devotionals, Messages, Kid’s Time, U-Turn for youth, Testimonies, etc. This being telecast in cable network is now also available for


The prayers you do daily for our family and the ministry are the ones which bring the blessings from the presence of God. May God’s name be praised for on 10th October we could release for the glory of God, my dear mother Sis. Stella Dhinakaran’s new book, ‘I saw Him’ and the first book ‘Lovely: Inside and Out’ written by Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran.

The Israel Prayer Tower is completing seven years of fruitfulness this month powered by the faithfulness and grace of God. It is so heartwarming to see how this Prayer Tower is attracting people from all across the world to come and intercede to bring down God’s plan on earth upon every nation and people and to prepare the entire world for His second coming. Please pray and start preparing, that when all this pandemic subsides, God will enable you to visit and spend two weeks at His feet.

DIGITAL MEDIA The Lord’s command before He ascended into heaven was to preach the gospel to the whole world. He said, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). With technology growing by leaps and bounds, digital media has helped Jesus Calls make this possible. 20

Jesus Calls International


• android devices (download the App from Google Play • iOS users (download Link: https:// com/in/app/familychannel/id1531466922) • All android smart TV

Finally, as we step into November, I pray The Lord will fulfill His promise for this year, “Though your beginning was small, yet your latter end would increase abundantly.” Job 8:7 God in His mercy shall surely fulfill His word what He has spoken (2 Chronicles 6:4). May the Lord Almighty bless and protect you and all your dear ones. Your brother who prays for you,

November 2020

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran |

Jesus Calls International


November 2020



In Matthew chapter 5, Jesus talks about beatitudes. He talks about attributes He wants to see in God's children. It is based on the Ten Commandments. Let us ask God to bless us with those attributes which we are going to meditate. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” (Matthew 5:4) Talking about mourning, what all do people mourn for? They mourn for their favorite IPL team losing or their favorite actor’s movie being a flop,and other different reasons like: With addiction, people start to lose peace, lose in studies and become very broken - hearted thinking if they can come out of the addiction. Mourning thinking if they will ever find true love. Not able to find a job and nobody valuing them. With no finances, unable to achieve in life. You might be one of these people my friends; you might be suffering and mourning. Then what should you do? Should you keep it to yourself? Keeping your sorrows to yourself only destroys you. Should you share it with someone? Yes. Share it with Jesus. Jesus says, “Come unto me, all ye that are heavy laden…” (Matthew 11:28) 24

Jesus Calls International


November 2020


If you are weary, it is you that Jesus is calling! You are blessed!! Jesus asks those who mourn to come rushing to Him!!!Therefore, Jesus asks you to bring your mourning to Him. There is a beautiful verse in II Corinthians 7:10 which says, “Godly sorrow brings repentance.” Yes, it leads to repentance and not regret. You will not regret when Jesus comforts you. Worldly sorrow brings death in your spirits; when you keep it in your spirit, it only builds up a feeling of death. However, when you give your worries to Jesus, He gives comfort and happiness in return. I knew a boy who was addicted to all sorts of drugs and drinking during his college life. Because of that, everyone hated him as his character had changed. Even his parents said he was useless. He was broken by everyone around him saying hurtful things to him. Broken in heart, he went to the top of a building in a drunken state and thought to just throw away his life. As he was about to jump, he heard a voice saying “stop it.”

It just touched his heart and he heard the sound of people praying in a floor below. He ran to the meeting and he cried saying “Lord will you love me?” He didn't know God before; but as they were talking about Jesus, he gave his life to God and his life turned around. God placed him in a great company and he is talking about the love of Jesus to others. Then, the same people, who disowned him, came back to him. Blessed are you who mourn, because Jesus will comfort you with His love. All you have to do is bring your sorrows to Jesus and give it to Him. Here is a prayer to help you turn your mourning into dancing. Dear Lord Father, I come to You and pour out my heart to You. Right now, may the miraculous power of God come upon me. Because You are compassionate, transform my life. Lord make new belief rise up within me and open new doors. Comfort me Lord. In the name of Jesus’ I pray, Amen.

_) Jesus Calls International


November 2020

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he Young Partners Plan is one of the excellent God-given initiatives to pray for young people as Jabez prayed. Jabez cried out to God, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." The Lord granted his request (1 Chron 4:10). God hears the prayers offered for each Young Partner and makes them enjoy His choicest blessings for sowing in the ministry. This plan was instituted on the 25th July, 1985 with the sole purpose of praying for young people all over the world to cover them with prayers (24 x 7) for wisdom, protection and prosperity. The Lord has promised that the Young Partners in this plan will receive • Divine protection from the evils of this world (John 17:15), • Divine wisdom to shine in their studies (Isaiah 54:13) and • Divine prosperity to enable them to flourish in their life (Psalm 115:14).

For the past 35 years, the Dhinakaran family and the prayer intercessors at the Prayer Towers pray every day for our precious Young Partners. Thanks be to God, who hears these prayers and blesses the Young Partners in their studies, career, profession and family. We receive countless testimonies on how God has been faithful in the lives of the Young Partners.


Jesus Calls International


November 2020


Here is a testimony of one such partner who excelled in her studies


was a mediocre student but after enrolling as a Young Partner I have always excelled in my studies. I make sure I contact Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for prayers before exams. By the grace of our Lord Jesus, I was the topper in my department and received a Gold Medal from Tezpur University in 2018. Moreover, I was tormented by an evil spirit while sleeping, for the past 10 years. All those years I was gripped by fear and despair. But I started to pray watching Prayer Festival videos of Jesus Calls ministries and also sent a mail to Dr.Paul Dhinakaran for prayers; now the Lord has delivered me completely. I have witnessed miracles due to the prayers of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the prayer intercessors. I earnestly thank Jesus Calls ministry for their prayer and support. Glory be to Jesus. - Monika Indowar, Assam Isn't this a beautiful testimony? You too can benefit like “Monika Indowar“ by becoming a Young Partner.



You become a blessing to millions as your offering is used to wipe away their tears

Prayer intercessors at the Prayer Tower will pray once everyday mentioning the name of the young partner to be blessed with wisdom, divine protection and a prosperous future (1 Chronicles 4:10)

• A beautiful certificate with God’s promise will be issued

Dear Parents, thanks for enrolling your children in this God given Young Partners Plan. We request you to update your children Donor code/ Names/Address/ email id so that we can continue to pray specifically. Few Young Partners are married and shifted to new places. If you can update your children's address, it will help us to minister to them also, so that their generation also can be blessed. You can send email/ contact us/ give a missed call +91 90154 55455.

EACH YOUNG PARTNER COULD SUPPORT THE MINISTRY EACH MONTH FOR THEIR BLESSING FOR THE MONTH For more details: * Website: (For those in the Middle East and UAE, log on to * Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your Country / Region * Email:

Jesus Calls International


November 2020



The Jesus Calls Israel Prayer Tower, established for a very special mission stands right at the heart of Jerusalem City Centre, situated in the top floor of the tallest building in downtown Jerusalem. This Prayer Tower stands as a living example of the miracles that God can do even when situations around us seem so bleak and broken. On the 4th of November 2013, the Israel Prayer Tower was inaugurated with a vision from God to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to establish this place (according to Isa 56:7, “My house shall be house of prayer for all nations”) solely for the prophetic to be released to the Nations. Here, prayer intercessors are trained and commissioned to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, governments of the World, global revival, and to prepare the people for the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Today, as we stand and look back, our hearts are filled with joy and happiness. It gives immense excitement to celebrate seven years of God’s faithfulness. This month is such a joyous occasion to announce seven fruitful years of Jesus Calls International Ministries from Israel to the Nations. This shows the power of God’s promises and the steadfast faithfulness of His Word. 34 32

Jesus Calls International


November 2020


Prophetic prayer goes up to God 24 hours every day at this Prayer Tower. Prayer intercessors from all over the world come and intercede in this manner. As these prayer intercessors return to their country after their tenure in Jerusalem, we see that they have been used by God as prophets to reveal His plan and purposes for their own countries. The miracle working dunamis power of God is revealed through them for their nations. - Mr. Keith Soares Prayer Tower Coordinator



n the beginning of December 2019, during the Special Blessing Meet, I heard Dr. Paul speaking about obedience and listening to the voice of God to prepare for the upcoming year. Since then I have been yearning in my heart for the Lord to reveal Himself to me and I had been on a long fast to see the Lord and open doors for a new job. On 2nd January 2020, early in the morning which was a day before the Sabbath, as I was praying in the designated 24-hour praying room at the Israel Prayer Tower at around 1 am till about 5 am, I was shaken by a mighty presence that I have never encountered before. Everything seemed so bright around me and I was aware of another person in the prayer chamber. I have always heard of people experiencing God's mighty presence but I thank the Lord for giving me an opportunity to experience Him in my life. A week later, God blessed me with an amazing client to continue my work in Israel, Jerusalem. I thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for leading and encouraging me through God's word to have a deeper and meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. All Glory to Jesus. - Francisco D'Costa, Israel

JESUS CALLS ISRAEL PRAYER TOWER 20th floor, City Tower, 34, Ben Yehuda, Jerusalem, Israel. Mobile: (+972) (0) 25 337 577, +972 539049306. Email: Website: Jesus Calls International


November 2020


35 33 offers only the best in church and Christian media with a range of video messages, songs, and Christian artefacts (souvenirs from Israel) and much more. We have everything you need to visually bring the Christian message to life.

Our vision is to engage with the community through creative media. We provide the tools to place you in the centre of today's culture. With contemporary digital resources, we help you connect with all generations and create a unique Christian experience.

Join our community of people who like you are helping to transform the Christian experience. Please stay in touch and visit our blog and social media pages. Subscribe to our newsletter and become a part of our community.

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