Jesus Calls International November 2021 E Magazine

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Impossibility turned into Incredible Miracle In October 2020, when our son Jiyaan J. Cherian was 2 years old, he unexpectedly fell sick with high fever. After the blood test, the doctors said that our son’s hemoglobin level was only 3.3 gm/dl and so we admitted him in the hospital at once. Along with all the tests, they also took the Bone Marrow test. In the end, our son was diagnosed with a rare form of blood cancer. At this stage, our son's survival rate was only 40 percent. Our hearts were shattered on hearing this. We had lost all hope. However, my husband went to the Mangalore Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and the prayer intercessors there continued to pray for our son. During those days our son was transferred to ICU and was undergoing 4th chemotherapy session. In the midst of the treatment, he developed a severe infection in his right hand. Doctors could not understand the cause of the infection. They told me that they need to cut off our son's hand as the infection continued to spread. In this situation, on November 14, 2020, I got the opportunity to seek the prayers of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran over phone during the LIVE program aired in the Family Channel. When I revealed my son's condition, they prayed together with great burden for my son's healing. This birthed hope in our hearts. In the next few days, in the tests taken we found that the number of WBC’s began to increase unusually. This enabled the doctors to treat the infection. In 2 or 3 days, the infection in the hand was completely healed and the fever began to subside. The Lord saved my son's hand from being cut off. Within few days, they took another Bone Marrow test, in which the results turned out to be negative for cancer. After that, my son was certified by the doctors as not having any blood cancer cells in his body. After all the tests were found normal, in February 2021, my son returned home from the hospital completely healed. The doctors were astounded. Now our son is in good health. He is free from all medicines and is full of strength. Million praises to our Lord Jesus. - Ashwini, Mangalore, India


My precious friend, it gives me great joy to share with you God’s blessing for this month. It is found in 1 Timothy 6:17. “God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.” Yes my friend, God wants you to have all things and He wants you to have them richly. Our God is a God who wants to give you riches; not just money but much more than that. Yes, He provides for your needs with riches! We read about it in Philippians 4:19: “God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.” Do you know why? The answer is found in 2 Corinthians 8:9 which says, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ; that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.” What a blessing, you have been made rich with the privilege to enjoy all things! Riches - All from God The prime of God’s riches is salvation. Let me tell you what salvation is. It is being saved from the curse of sin! It does not come by the works of a person. Doing good works cannot bring Jesus Calls International | br¥l«g® November | ïnaR miH¡»wh® 2021 -2021


salvation. Even an alcoholic can do good works. You may have seen even the corrupt people offering gold and money to God and helping the poor people expecting to have forgiveness and salvation. Salvation is free and is given to everyone who repents of sin and comes to Jesus to be washed by His blood from every sin and sinful nature. This is the greatest and richest blessing. Along with salvation, God gives sound mind, power, and love and not a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7). Thereby you can richly enjoy God’s blessings.

wealth and get positions through their corruption, but cannot enjoy it. They are unable to show where their wealth came from and are all the time living in fear. There is a difference in the riches given by God and that gained by unjust means. God’s blessings are the real riches because you can enjoy the presence of God and all the riches with peace of mind. Your family will honor you saying ‘you are God’s child’, which is one of the greatest enjoyments you can have. When your children rise up and call you ‘Blessed,’ it is the greatest honor and certification.

If you read 1 Timothy 6:17 in its entirety, it says,

As you put your hope in God and obey His voice, God loves you and gives you His choicest blessings.

“Command those, who are rich in this present world, not to be arrogant or to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain.” The wealth of the world is uncertain. Today, people invest in share markets, Bit coins, and the like; but no one is certain that they would get great returns. However, those who put their hope in God can be confident and certain. It is because God is the “I Am that I Am” (Exodus 3:14). Everything about God is certain; and when you put your hope in Him, you will be stable and secure. What does it mean to put your hope in God? It is doing what He leads, guides, or asks you to do in your spirit. As you do it, God richly provides you with everything for your enjoyment. The corrupt people of the world make so much money and 4

“In Jesus, you have been enriched in every way - with all kinds of speech and with all knowledge.” (1 Corinthians 1:5) Your abundance of knowledge will be reflected in the communication, which connects you with people and their favor and brings you honor. God will place you on high such that everyone knows you, recognizes you and honors you. These are the riches that God is going to give you this month. Riches - Perfect and On Time God not only perfects the riches and blessings but also gives them on time. The Bibles says, "God has made everything beautiful in its time." (Ecclesiastes 3:11) God has a time for everything – a time to sow and to reap, a time for the sun to shine and for the clouds to bring rain; so that the harvest will come on time in a bountiful manner. God has organized everything therefore just place your hope in Him and

Jesus Calls International


November 2021


seek guidance to do His will. Then, everything shall be beautiful in your life. Even your sleep will be pleasant, filled with the peace of God. You will enjoy robust health. Wherever you go, you will have the favor of people. You will do all things perfectly and the results will come to you on time. This is what you long to have, isn’t it? With God’s guidance, you will work according to God’s calendar. So, everything will be beautifully done, enjoyed, and harvested on time. You will not need to wait for a blessing or fight a battle before getting a blessing. Let us look at the life of Moses, who sought God’s guidance. When Moses prayed asking God to show him the way, God’s presence went ahead of him and he was able to lead the millions of Israelites to the Promised Land. Riches - Happy and Content “That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil; this is the gift of God.” (Ecclesiastes 3:13)

God will enable you also to enjoy everything that you have harvested. Riches - Unto Good

“God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil; this is a gift of God.” (Ecclesiastes 5:19) When you follow God’s time, you receive riches, blessings and harvest on time. Also, God gives you the grace to be satisfied with what you have received. There are many people who say that they work very hard but do not get results or they earn much but still insufficient. Rockefeller was one of the world's wealthiest men, but he could not enjoy his riches. He had ulcers and all that he could eat or drink to live in this world was Jesus Calls International


mother’s milk. Finally somebody said “Rockefeller, instead of chasing the riches and wealth which you have so much, chase after doing good deeds to the people and that will give you life.” When he started giving his time, his wealth, and his life for others to live, his healing quickly appeared. He started being loved by the whole world. Even today, great research goes on in his name to find solutions to human problems. He is gone but his name lives on.

“We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28) Yes my friend, when you have been called according to God’s purpose, everything will work unto good for you. The life of Joseph is the perfect example for this. Joseph was sold as a slave to Egypt and unjustly imprisoned, but he was called by God. Joseph put his hope in God and God revealed to him the 7 years of bounty followed by 7 years of famine. This revelation lifted Joseph from the prison to the palace of Egypt. He was guided by God on how to grow, preserve, and distribute food and govern the nation. Joseph not only saved the land of Egypt but

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humanity itself during the famine. Joseph trusted in God, therefore God revealed His plans because of which he carried all people and provided them food. You can also do it. Yes friend, not only will you walk in God’s beautiful path, you will also lead others to enjoy God’s blessings. You will inherit God’s rich returns and harvest together with your loved ones, the people in your workplace, your organization, and even the nation. Riches- to Bless Yourself and Others My friend, the Lord is willing to lead you into His will and make you lead people through His will to save them. "The Holy Spirit will teach you all things." (John 14:26) “The Spirit of truth will guide you into all the truth and He will declare to you the things that are to come.” (John 16:13) Yes beloved, knowing the will of God is made possible by being filled with God’s Holy Spirit. He will show you God’s plan and the future for you to walk in it and have riches on time. You will lead others also to walk in it. You will not have to be afraid. When you follow God’s time, everything will be balanced and you will reap on time and have bountiful riches.

Even today, you have been called to be God’s partner through Jesus Calls by supporting this ministry with your prayers and offerings. ‘Jesus Calls’ carries millions of brokenhearted people, those searching for salvation, and also the poor and needy. “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40) Yes friend, Jesus said “whatever you have done to the least of my brethren, the poorest of the poor and the sinful people, you have done unto Jesus Himself!” When you do so, the Bible promises a return of hundred times in this world and eternal life in heaven, "…will receive a hundredfold and inherit eternal life." (Matthew 19:29) Today, surrender your life to Jesus and surrender your life to care for the little ones, the brokenhearted, poor and suffering, through the ministry. The Lord will carry you and will give you 100 times in return. God will bless you with all the riches on time leaving you happy and content and He will make everything work unto good for you. May God bless you with this blessing!

These are the blessings God has for you this month my friend. God will give you all the riches and all of them on time. Everything will work unto good for you, and you will be able to enjoy every blessing God gives. 6

Jesus Calls International

Prayer: My loving heavenly father, I thank You for this promise word. I humbly pray You will perfect this word and bring these blessings upon me. Thank You Lord for I am called by You to fulfill Your will and to enjoy these riches. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


November 2021


Founded on 25th November 2003 with the vision of serving the poor & needy, SEESHA has evolved into a family-focused community development organization, strengthening families & building sustainable communities through its manifold humanitarian endeavours. Bringing cheer to As we step into our 18th year, here is the gist of priority projects through which SEESHA has been fostering the a child in need! holistic development of communities “I’m Ida coming from a * Education - Child & Youth Development village, studying in class 10. My father is a farmer. I was struggling * Health - Centre for well-being, differently-abled program, health outreach & elderly care to focus on my studies as my parents were unable to support my education due to * Environment - Disaster relief & rehabilitation financial difficulties. * Livelihood - Women empowerment, skills training At that time, my parents heard about the for youth, prison inmates & transgenders and SEESHA child development centre in my village & livelihood support. got me enrolled in the free coaching classes. The Even as we look forward to serving many more in the quality coaching at the centre has helped me to future, we remember the thousands of needy children do well in studies. Before joining the centre, living in poverty, ill-clothed & left I used to avoid outings completely as I had amidst the pandemic gloom in their to wear the same set of dresses repeatedly families during this festive season. without any means to buy new ones. But Like the previous years, this year thanks to SEESHA’s annual gift of a set of too we are planning to reach out to new clothes, I’m able to meet my friends 100,000 children living in poverty confidently wearing colorful new dresses!” and gift them new clothes to bring - Ida Jennifer – SEESHA New Clothes hope & cheer in these troubled beneficiary, Coimbatore, India. times. With just a small contribution of USD 6/-, you too can make this season memorable for a disadvantaged child. You may contribute as below – * Sponsor a set of new clothes for 1 child – USD 6/* Sponsor a set of new clothes for 10 children – USD 60/* Sponsor a set of new clothes for 100 children – USD 600/-

Jesus Calls International


November 2021



My dear partner in the ministry, Greetings in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ! God has helped us step into November - a month to thank God for His goodness over the past ten months. God’s love is unending and reflects once again in the promise word He has given this month. "The living God... gives us richly all things to enjoy." (1 Timothy 6:17) Praise God! God’s heart filled with love makes certain that His children have everything and abound in the riches from God. The young lions may go hungry, but God’s children lack no good thing! Divine Authority over Nations “All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory to your name.” (Psalm 86:9) Dedicated on 4th November 2013 to touch 8

the nations of the world and Israel, the Israel Prayer Tower celebrates its 8th anniversary. The Holy Spirit enables the visitors from around the globe to declare prophecies of God concerning the nations, and this has been fulfilled for His glory. It’s a place where people of different ethnicities worship God and enjoy His presence. Recalled with Gratitude “Unless a grain of wheat that falls to the ground dies, it stays just a grain; but if it dies, it produces a big harvest.” (John 12:24) My dear sister Angel’s birthday remembrance falls on November 4. Despite the pain of losing her, she is remembered as the kernel of wheat, which died and has

Jesus Calls International


November 2021


produced countless seeds of wheat. Yes, she was the seed which established Karunya University, and presently stands as the symbol of academic excellence. Countless have graduated from Karunya University and are shining as stars by solving human problems and transforming the society around the world. When sugar is not so sweet “The Lord your God shall bless thy bread and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.” (Exodus 23:25) World Diabetes Day falls on November 14. The number of people affected by diabetes has drastically increased; proper medication, diet, and physical exercise are the combat. This year’s theme “Access to diabetes care” is most appropriate. Let us pray, God would heal and make diabetes care accessible to the affected. Community Welfare “Whoever is kind to the needy honors God.” (Proverbs 14:31) Founded on 25th November 2003, SEESHA works on uplifting the community through education, health, environment, and livelihood. People from all sections of the society, especially those in need of specialized medical care and victims of natural disasters are cared for. People in need are reached through SEESHA Karunya Community Hospital, Day Care Centres, SEESHA Transformation Centre, Rehabilitation Centre, Care Homes and free vocational training and tuition centres. SEESHA team has been responding to the emergency needs of Jesus Calls International


general public and healthcare workers during corona virus crisis. Equipped and Empowered “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news.” (Luke 4:18) God chose 20th November 1980 to bestow upon me His anointing. Yes, God graciously equipped and empowered me for His ministry. His grace has sustained me all these years. KATE - Journeying with a vision We are incredibly grateful for the provision of God, for helping us to cross one successful academic year. We celebrate the faithfulness of God. We thank God for being with us in our one year journey during the challenging academic year 2020- 21. We emphasize the Holy Spirit and Bible in our teaching and training with the motive to raise servants of God who will be like Jesus to minister on streets to reach every nook and corner with the gospel of Jesus. We offer UG, PG, Diploma and short-term courses. 140 students have

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enrolled and are blessed. The KATE students will have an opportunity to serve at the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Towers across the nation. We have also organized various online events to equip students, pastors and various other sections of our society. We encourage you to kindly contact our admission team for any information. Happy and Together “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1) A happy family is life’s greatest gift and love keeps it together. Family Channel, a 24hour Tamil channel, brings together families to celebrate love with its programs catering to all age groups. Every Friday special UTurn program for youth is conducted LIVE from 9 p.m. by Samuel Dhinakaran, Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran and Stella Ramola. On Saturdays, Evangeline and I conduct LIVE program in Tamil at 8 p.m. and at 9:30 p.m. in other languages. You can call us over the phone directly with your prayer requests. I remind you to watch without fail and witness God’s mighty miracles.

365 days a year with no holidays. Trained and anointed prayer intercessors pray for every need faithfully. Prayer Intensive Care - Jesus calls Prayer Towers are where you can visit in person for prayer help. So, please visit the Prayer Tower in your country and to know the address and telephone number, please write to or WhatsApp to +91 80569 44244. Personalised Network - Prayer requests can be sent through email, website and Facebook. After prayers are offered, God’s reply and promise will be sent back to you. Virtual Prayer Pandemic has replaced every aspect into virtual mode.Through ‘Hour of Hope’ conducted via zoom facility, my wife Evangeline and I share God’s word and pray for the people who join us online. You can write to to get the meeting ID of this zoom.

Prayer Guaranteed

Beloved, yet again, I seek your precious prayers for the ministry, my family and myself. Primarily the grace of God and prayers are what sustain us. As promised for this month, you will enjoy the riches of God in health, spiritual life and in your finance so that you will bless others through the abundance you receive.

"In my distress, I called upon the Lord; He heard my cry." (Psalm 18:6)

"The living God... gives us richly all things to enjoy." (1 Timothy 6:17)

Phone Helpline - For life’s situations that demand immediate prayer help, the prayer hotline in the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your country functions round the clock,

I place God's abundant blessings upon you and everything that concerns you.

My mother has written a book 'A Family life united with Christ' which is now available in Tamil; soon in English and other languages too.


Jesus Calls International

Your brother who prays for you, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran |

November 2021


UNITED BY GOD’S HAND I am associated with Jesus Calls more than 20 years. We have been greatly blessed though the Prayer Tower ministry. Any time we need help, we seek the prayers of the prayer intercessors who are truly amazing as they pray earnestly, considering our burdens as their own, spend time to counsel us and have been lighting up our life in many ways. I was looking for a god-fearing groom for my daughter Nivedita. We couldn't find a suitable match for her. When I was in the verge of losing hope, my mother urged me to register in the True Friend Matrimonial Service. I immediately registered her and that same day I prayed committing my effort into the Lord’s hand asking God to do a miracle. To my surprise, the very next day we received a phone call from a family expressing their interest in my daughter’s profile. Things fell in place and her wedding happened in the same month beautifully by God’s grace. We used to visit the D.G.S Dhinakaran Prayer Tower, Chennai, India before each event and pray for God’s presence and blessing. God Himself miraculously settled her wedding and has blessed my daughter beyond our imagination. Praise be to God.

- Sarah Paul, Chennai, India

Jesus Calls International


November 2021



Inspite of the challenges posed by the pandemic, God brought forth new initiatives in the ministry through which the faith of people was strengthened and the gospel taken all across the world. Here is a brief report on the ministry’s new initiatives made possible by your generous donations. Prayer Towers Making use of the latest technology, the Telephone Prayer Tower functioned day and night, transforming lives through the greatest mission- PRAYER. Prayer intercessors, the field ambassadors met the sick directly in their home or hospital to pray along with them bringing deliverance and healing. The prayer intercessors contacted the partners through telephone during birthdays, wedding anniversaries and other special occasions, wished them on behalf of the “Jesus Calls” ministry and offered special prayers. According to the guidelines of the government, the Prayer Towers were open and offered prayer services following social distancing and sanitization rules. Family Blessing Meeting, Anointing Meeting, Fasting Prayer, U-Turn, Children’s Blessing Meeting, Business Blessing Meeting, Esther Prayer Group and various other meetings were held. Each day three 12

meetings were held online through Zoom or Google technology in the Prayer Towers to share God’s word and offer individual prayers for attendees.

Trumpet Prayer Group The Trumpet Prayer Group started on 25th March, 2020 by Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran, with more than 8000 volunteer prayer intercessors across the nation has continuously undertaken prayer each day, from 1-1.30 pm.

Corona relief help The Karunya Education Trust in Periyanayakanpalayam, Coimbatore was opened for the government to use for isolation and treatment of corona patients and is used for the same till date. The Corona safety measures - face masks and hand sanitizers were given out through the SEESHA non-profit organization. A special wing has been established in the SEESHA hospital in Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore, to treat those who are affected by Corona.

Jesus Calls International


November 2021


On July 1st, the birthday of Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran, welfare support was offered through SEESHA in Chennai, Coimbatore and various other places around the world. The poor, destitute women, elderly, auto drivers, transgender and children whose livelihood was affected due to the Corona pandemic and restraints were given essential food ingredients, sewing machine, new dresses and certificates for those who completed training. Mega vaccination drives were conducted in Coimbatore on 12th September and on 25th September at Chennai to vaccinate people especially from the rural areas and ensure a safer India.

Promise verse Daily promise verse was sent through SMS and WhatsApp.

Dial A Prayer For those who wanted to pray along with Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for specific needs, the recorded prayer service ‘Dial A Prayer’ was introduced in Tamil and English languages.

Television ministry (Family channel) Every Friday, Samuel Dhinakaran, Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran and Stella Ramola conducted special LIVE UTurn program for the youth at 9 pm in Tamil. Every Saturday, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran conducted Tamil LIVE program at 8 pm in Family Channel, followed by LIVE program at 9.30 in other languages. Through these programs, people could directly speak with the Dhinakarans and receive their prayers. The television programs produced in 7 languages, Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, English and Sinhala were telecast through various TV stations blessing millions of people.

Social Media Live The faithful words of the Lord were effectively shared with people through the social media platforms Facebook, YouTube and Twitter and prayerful replies were sent to the prayer requests received in the comments.

Dynamic Kids’ Camp From May 10th- 16th, the Dynamic Kids’ Camp was conducted online through the Prayer Towers all across India through which thousands of children were blessed.

Email and correspondence ministry Prayer requests received through the letters as well as those received through email were prayed for and replies were sent out.

Magazine - Electronic and digital issue ‘Jesus Calls’ took the word of God without restriction to millions of families every month through the ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine which continued to reach them by post and also as e-magazine and digital magazine through the website and e-mail correspondence.

Corona Resistance Prayer Force A WhatsApp group called the Corona Resistance Prayer Fellowship with 288 members was started solely to pray for the healing of Corona infected people. Out of them 153 are praying for the prayer requests coming through social media platforms. Jesus Calls International


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Prayer Academy and Training To fulfill the vision, “Every paying partner to become praying partner”, a six-week Partners Training Program(PTP) entitled 'Connected with God is being given free of cost in all PTs in all major languages. 1000s have been trained all over India; in addition, a ten-week online course named “Knowing Jesus” with 10 video lessons with deep insights prepared by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was started on August 17th and the first batch of 1075 people have completed the course in the past one year and the enrolment for the second batch is in progress.

Day of Deliverance prayer The Day of Deliverance prayer is being conducted every month on the last Saturday through Family channel and other social media platforms in which Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran along with the prayer intercessors pray for the prayer requests coming through the Prayer Towers, email, Facebook and other sources and God’s reply is sent to them.

Job Blessing Plan According to the leading of the Holy Spirit, on 17th August 2020, the Job Blessing Plan was started to pray for all issues concerning the jobs of people. Special prayers are done for those who enroll in this plan and support the ministry.

Bethesda renovation work Currently having completed 28 years, Bethesda needs to undergo renovations now. One third of the renovation work is completed. Other works are still going on.

Zoom prayer ministry - Hour of Hope Every Sunday at 7 pm, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran share God’s word and pray in the zoom meeting held in different languages: Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam and Hindi. Thousands participate and receive blessings.

Christmas gifts Last year during Christmas, the prayer intercessors and ambassadors visited the houses of the partners who are residing in the surroundings of the Prayer Tower with their permission to pray, to convey their Christmas and New Year wishes and gave the ‘Jesus Calls’ calendars and diaries as gifts. For all the partners whom they were not able to meet directly, the calendars and diaries were sent through post.

Podcasts Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s daily audio podcasts have been launched in the various audio platforms. People all over the world tune in and hear God’s word every day.

Books In 2020, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran’s book, ‘I saw Him’ was released in Tamil, English and Telugu. Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran’s book, ‘Lovely: Inside and Out’ was released in English, Tamil,Telugu and Hindi. On August 15th, 2021, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran’s book, ‘A family life united with Christ’ was released in Tamil.

Reaching out with helping hand During the covid time, we have helped thousands of pastors to build churches and also the evangelists and staff who were in dire need.We also supported few organizations which care for the downtrodden. 14

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Yes, all this is possible only by the sacrificial and sincere donations of partners like you to further advance the kingdom of God so that ‘NO SOUL IS LOST’. “God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them.” (Hebrews 6:10) The Lord who holds every good deed in His account, will add the souls touched by the ministry into your heavenly account and reward you publicly in hundredfold in this present age (Mark 10:30). It will be a blessing if every earning member in your family donates for this good work of building God’s kingdom.

For more details to send your donation: * Website: (For those in the Middle East and UAE, log on to * At the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your country * Email:

Jesus Calls International


November 2021



Answer: "If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.” (Romans 12:18) "Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord." (Hebrews 12:14)

'Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace etc., (Isaiah 9:6). In Ephesians 2:14 and in Micah 5:5, we read His name as ‘Peace’ and as 'God of peace' in I Thessalonians 5:23 & Hebrews 13:20,21. Romans 16:20 says, “The God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly.”

God of Peace

Accordingly, whenever we pass through sorrows owing to various reasons and are without peace both in our personal and family lives, if we plead with tears to this God of peace, He would hear our pleas and with His power would crush under His feet all the works of Satan.

Several names were given to the Lord Jesus, who was incarnate as Man on this earth -

In a family of brothers and sisters, one of the sisters followed the Lord diligently in all

According to these Scriptures, we understand that it is necessary and it is the will of God, that we should live peaceably with all. Let us see in which ways this could be possible.


Jesus Calls International


November 2021


reverence. However, one of her brother, who was annoyed with her because of her piety, shunned her totally, out of hatred. This sister was broken. She was pained that her brother detested her without any cause. The Lord said to her, “Daughter, I have chosen you to be at peace with everyone in your family. Get up and go to your brother's house. I will go before you and honour you today by my divine peace." Gripped by fear and anxiety, this sister went to her brother's house with the help of God and with a heart filled with Christ's love, as if nothing had happened. The Lord went before her as per the verse, “I will go before you and make the crooked places straight” (Isaiah 45:2) and since He had crushed Satan, who was the reason for the rift, under her feet, He granted them the grace to love each other and live happily, with divine peace, since that day.

From where does this mighty, divine peace come? As per Isaiah 53:5, the chastisement for our peace was upon the Lord Jesus. When we hold on to the Saviour Jesus Christ, who came to give us this divine peace and trust Him wholly, He will surely grant us His perfect peace ( Isaiah 26:3). Sufferings, afflictions, jealousy and enmity may attack us and make us troubled; at such times, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” ( Philippians 4:6,7) Accordingly when we do not magnify our worries but make our requests known to God through prayers and supplications and with Jesus Calls International


When you get filled with the presence of the Lord and are diligent to live jointly with Him, His divine peace will fill your life with joyful happiness

thanksgiving, the God of gods will guard our hearts and minds with peace through Christ Jesus. Whenever we are oppressed by the burdens of the God-given ministry or by the things related to family, as a family we would jointly pour out our problems in the presence of God, with tears. At such times, the Spirit of the Lord will strengthen us according to the verse, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13) and will encourage us and is using us to continue with His service. This work of God is really amazing! Even in the days when we were in deep sorrow, having lost our precious daughter Angel, the Lord has been immeasurably filling each one of us with His anointing, strengthening us again and is beautifully leading us in His ministry. Yes, dear ones! Perhaps your life too is filled with grief, affliction, tears, worries and burdens and there is no peace. But if you get filled with the presence of the Lord and are diligent to live jointly with Him, His divine peace will fill your life with joyful happiness.

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HEALED FROM COVID-19 I was diagnosed with Covid19 on the 24th of August 2021. It was a rather trying time for two weeks as I went through natural remedies to help with my recovery. My family, especially my sister called Jesus Calls Prayer Tower everyday praying for my healing. I could experience the efficacy of their prayers day after day. Jesus our Healer was my strength, my support and my comfort. Finally on the 3rd of September, I was certified free of Covid. It was completely the grace of God. I thank all the prayer intercessors who prayed for me. - Merie, Malaysia To witness your miracle, visit or call the Prayer Tower For Prayers Call 24/7 PRAYER HOTLINE - 603 7960 7370 You may send in your prayer requests to the address or visit the Prayer Tower: TRUE FRIEND BERHAD, TOWER VILLA, 11 LORONG TIMUR, 46000 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR D.E, MALAYSIA EMAIL - WEBSITE - FOR ANY FURTHER DETAILS AND MINISTRY RESOURCES, PLEASE CONTACT SISTER STELLA PEREIRA, IN- CHARGE OF THE JESUS CALLS MINISTRY IN MALAYSIA.

MOBILE: +60 10 511 8539 18

Jesus Calls International


November 2021


PARTNER WITH US IN THE EVENTS AT MALAYSIA PRAYER TOWER  PRAYER INTERCESSOR: Join us to pray with compassion for the needy, bringing hope and healing to the brokenhearted through your earnest prayers.  ESTHER / YOUTH ESTHER PRAYER GROUP: This is a special prayer group where women gather to pray for various needs faced by women all around the world. The prayer points are sent by Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran. After praying over the given points, we pray for the needs of women who attend this prayer. If you would like to start an Esther / Youth Esther Prayer Group in your place or join one, please contact us.  JESUS CALLS PARTNER: Join the Family Blessing Plan, Young Partners’ Plan, Business Blessing Plan, Job Blessing Plan, Prayer Tower Plan, SEESHA & TV Club Partner etc.

HEALING MEETING - 1ST THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH @8.00PM VIA ZOOM You may send in your cheerful donations through money order / cheques written in favour of TRUE FRIEND BERHAD. Please send bank transaction slip to together with full Name, Address, Telephone Number and Facet details. Online payment can be done through For direct bank deposit and bank transfers, please use the following details: BENEFICIARY NAME: TRUE FRIEND BERHAD. BANK NAME: MAYBANK BERHAD. ACCOUNT NO: 514169218662

Jesus Calls International


November 2021



“I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry.” (Psalm 40:1) Today, you may also be crying to the Lord saying “Will You listen to my prayers? Will You give me an answer? Father, I very desperately require this blessing for my family.” That is why David says, “Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.” (Psalm 27:14) When you look at the prayer life of David, he was waiting at the feet of God every day. He prayed not only in the morning, afternoon, and night but blessed the Lord at all times and praised Him continuously. Therefore, David says to wait patiently and allow the Lord to strengthen us. People may discourage you saying “God is not going to 20

Jesus Calls International


November 2021


answer your prayers; see how long you have been praying for your spouse / children and you have not got an answer from the Lord.” However, nothing is impossible for the Lord. Let the Lord be your hope. Let us take the example of forefather Abraham. In the book of Genesis, we see the conversation between God and Abram. “The word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.” But Abram said, “Sovereign LORD, what can You give me since I remain childless?...” He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” Then He said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” (Genesis 15: 1, 2 ,5) How wonderful are the words that come from the mouth of the Lord! The words that came out from the mouth of Abram were “I am childless” but then the words that came out from the mouth of the Lord were “you will have multitudes of children like the stars of the sky.” The Lord says the same thing to you too. He is your shield and your very great reward. What more do you want in your life? Yes, dear friends, God is the only comfort that you can have in this world. Patience is the chief among skills even in family relationships. Patience is revealed in the long-suffering, slow-to-anger attitude God displays toward us. “You are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.” (Nehemiah 9:17) From this we learn that God’s patience is a gentle, forgiving attitude toward someone even in the face of blatant disobedience. Family life demands a great deal of Jesus Calls International


patience, without Patience is the which life would grow chief among miserable. Scripture skills in family says in James 3:2, “We relationships all stumble in many ways.” Since we all struggle with shortcomings, our relationships need patience in the same way an engine needs oil - without it, the friction will cause an explosion. Does your family see you reacting to other’s flaws by belittling them or gossiping about them on the phone, or they see you respond with patience? It is very essential that they see you respond to their failures with God’s attitude. Responding with patience isn’t easy. At times, it will go against everything we’re feeling, but patience is worth the effort it takes to cultivate. It strengthens relationships, increases joy and ushers peace into your homes. God is going to reward you for the patience you have shown – both in prayer waiting for God and in your relationship with others. He will strengthen your heart and give all your heart's desires. Abundant are the blessings that God has in store for you. So, be of good courage. Your patience is going to pay off you victory. Prayer: My loving heavenly Father, what a good God You are to provide me with everything. Though I am crying saying that I have nothing, lacking in so many things and having no blessings, You say that You have everything for me. Revive and make everything new in my life. Make everything that I have lost come back to me. Help and bless me. I thank You for listening to my prayer and adding every blessing into my family. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

November 2021



“If you believe, you will see the glory of God.” (John 11:40 )

When you believe God, you will certainly experience the miracles of breakthroughs, blessings and healing you are praying for. Here below is a compilation of God’s miracles across nations. HEALED FROM COVID-19

I called the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower for

I am a working mother. July 2021, my

prayers very often and finally we both

husband and I were tested positive for

recovered with the help of the prayers and

Covid-19. We thank God that our 8-year-

the constant help from my family

old son was tested negative throughout the

members, especially one whom we were

two weeks of battling the virus. As the

initially not very close with. Therefore, I

situation was unbearable, I cried to my Lord

believe that this particular member was

Jesus for help on the promise "I will lift up

specifically sent by God to see us through

my eyes to the hills, from whence comes

this very tough period of our lives. May God

my help? My help comes from the Lord,

bless all the prayer intercessors who prayed

Maker of heaven and earth" (Psalm

for us. Praise be to God.

121:1&2). 22

-Monica Daniel, Malaysia Jesus Calls International


November 2021





I am a partner in the Family Blessing Plan. I work as a Lecturer in Biotechnology.

In 1998, I had to

During this pandemic, many people had

attend my niece’s

lost their jobs, but by God’s Grace, I could continue teaching in the same college. Moreover from this academic year, I got blessed with a revised salary of

wedding in England but I was having a serious sinus problem. As long as I took medication, I was able to manage. I was

INR 28,600. Earlier I used to get a salary of

not able to follow the strict diet. Before

INR 18,000. All glory to our Lord Jesus

I got into full-time ministry, I was a

alone. As a thank offering, I sent my first

driver and ministered part -time. This

month salary towards Bethesda Prayer

sickness was a great hindrance to me at

Centre Renovation project (10 sq.ft). I

that time. Also, every morning I would

praise God for keeping my family secure

wake up sneezing for 5-10 minutes. Due

and in good health during this pandemic. -Sandeeptha Rathindran, Mumbai, India

to all these reasons, I refused to go to England. When my sinus would inflame, it caused unbearable pain. One day, on I came across a poster showing


Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran conducting a

Since 2 years I have been sending prayer

healing Service in Colombo. I felt in my

request for me to get a job. I also prayed

heart that if I go there, God would

that if I get a job, I will donate my entire

touch me. When I went, nearly 5000

first month’s salary to Bethesda, for

people were gathered there. During

building God’s house. Miraculously in

the time of prayer, Bro. D.G.S.

July 2021, I got the job offer and as there

Dhinakaran prayed for the sick and he

were some hurdles, I was not sure if I

said “keep your hand wherever your

would continue in my job; but God

problem is.” So I put my hand on my

protected my job. I also fulfilled my vow.

head. After the prayer time, they

Praise be to God.

called people who were healed during

-Uma Santhana Krishnan,

the prayer time. I did not go forward

Bengaluru, India

Jesus Calls International


November 2021



because I did not know

on contract basis. As a thanks offering, I

whether I was healed or

have sent my first month salary towards

not. I came back home

the Job Blessing Plan. Glory be to God’s holy

and decided to apply for my


visa. I went to England to attend the

- Shikha Nurani Dungdung,

wedding. Later I went to Sweden to meet

Simdega, Jharkhand, India

my friend and I stayed for a month and half and I did not sneeze even once. One


day in Sweden when the temperature

As a Young Partner, the wisdom of God

dropped low, I did not sneeze and I did

rested upon me and I was able to do well

not feel any inflammation in my sinus.

in my academics and score good marks in

After I reached home also, I never had any

my school days. Then as a graduate from

sinus issues again. On the day, when

Karunya University (3rd batch), a blessed

Bro. D.G. S. Dhinakaran prayed, I had

place, I was bestowed with spiritual values

been completely healed. I thank God for

and a strong educational base. Also in my

healing me and using Bro. Dhinakaran as

marriage, God granted the desire of my

a vessel. Till today I have no setback in

heart by blessing me with a god-fearing

my health and I give all glory to God. -Pastor Ranjan Perumal, Calvary Free Church, Hikkaduwa.

husband. We were blessed with two sons in the year 2007 when I lost my mom. We enrolled ourselves in the Family Blessing Plan & God blessed us with a daughter as


well. Today as a family we are serving the


Lord. We thank God for the ministry of

I have completed Nursing course. I used to send emails on the Day of Deliverance prayer for a good job, especially a

Jesus Calls and pray that many people will be blessed in the coming days as well & extend the territory in all directions. - Phebe Alburt, Dubai

government job for me. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and all the prayer intercessors prayed for me with much burden. By God’s grace, the


Lord blessed me with a good Government

I wrote my 12th grade exam last year. I had

job and that too my work place is near my

many obstacles during my Mathematics

house. I have joined duty on 12th May 2021,

exam and I couldn’t perform it to the best


Jesus Calls International


November 2021


of my ability. When I returned home, I made

and lost faith in Jesus. However, since

a rough calculation of my score and it

last month I started watching daily

summed up only to 31 marks which would

promises on Jesus Calls YouTube

be considered as fail, since the pass mark

channel and grew closer to our

is 35. I was disturbed and I rang up to the

heavenly king, Jesus. He gave me

Prayer Tower and sought prayers. The

peace of mind and His rest to me. In

prayer intercessor prayed for a miracle and

my mock test, I scored 395 / 400 by

assured me of the same. I was encouraged

His grace. I wrote constant emails to

and I started seeking the Lord early in the

Jesus Calls to pray for my exams and

morning every day in prayers. When the

the team fervently prayed for me. I

results were out, it was a pleasant surprise

thank Samuel Dhinakaran and the

to me as I had passed in Maths subject

prayer intercessors for being a light

with a score of 41 marks. It was purely

in my darkness and for reintroducing

God’s grace. I thank the prayer intercessor

me to Jesus, my Shepherd.

who prayed for me and encouraged me.


I have tasted how all things are

Gujarat, India

possible with God. I am currently doing


B.Sc. Agriculture and God has enabled me to complete my first semester with good

I have obtained 95+ percentage in

grades. Praise be to God.

my 10th grade examinations. All -Shiney,

my family members, relatives and

Nagercoil, India

friends are beaming with joy. This was an unexpected reward yet


answered prayer. I sincerely thank

I am currently a student of the 12th grade

the prayer intercessors who prayed

and a NEET aspirant. I had been in

for me earnestly every time I called

depression for quite a long time as a

for prayers. I give all glory to God

consequence of which I was unable to


devote time to studies. I gave up all hopes

- Natalie Smriti, India

The same God, who performed miracles for these beloved ones, will do mighty things for you too. Expect the impossible. To share your testimony, call the Prayer Tower in your country or region or email to Jesus Calls International


November 2021



Our Lord God wants His children to be prosperous in everything (3 John 2). "that you were enriched in everything by Him in all utterance and all knowledge, even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you." (1 Corinthians 1:5,6) God’s desire for His children to live prosperous is reiterated by the above verse as well. Yes, He wants us to be enriched and live well in our personal, family and spiritual life. For this purpose, He becomes our foundation.

Righteous have everlasting foundation (Proverbs 10:25) Whoever is righteous, they become qualified to receive enriching blessings. He, who believes is delivered from the works of sin, transgression, and filth, by the blood of the Lord Jesus and is justified (Acts 13:39). "By His knowledge My righteous Servant shall justify many, For He shall bear their iniquities." (Isaiah 53:11)

The righteous Lord Jesus Christ justifies many by His knowledge. In the Bible, we clearly read how the Lord filled the lives of righteous men like Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David and Daniel with His enriching blessings and satisfaction, since they lived a god-fearing and zealous life for Him. Also, their lives were precious in the sight of God since they held on 26

to Him and kept their full trust on Him alone. A young man committed his life to the Lord totally, having tasted His love at his young age itself and was diligent in walking in the path of righteousness. His parents settled his marriage at the right time. His wife, though had the fear of God, wanted to be more godly like him and accepted the Lord and walked in the ways pleasing to Him by having godly reverence, humility and firm faith on Him. Since she became a woman delighting the Lord's heart, His enriching blessings overflowed in their lives. Their family life, which began on a note of various wants and lacks, got filled with His divine presence as they sought Him together more and more. Their home became a 'sweet home' filled with God's presence and was a blessing to others. Dear ones, is this enriching blessing seen in your life? Or else, is your life filled with the works of the devil such as argument, strife, anger and accusations against one another? Have you lost your peace and joy because of that and are filled with burden, confusion and sorrows and surrounded by various lacks? If so, humble yourself before the Lord right now and commit yourself to Him by pleading to Him saying, "Lord, have mercy! Forgive all my sins and shortcomings. Change me into a new creation" (2 Corinthians 5:17). Our Lord is full of mercy and compassion.

Jesus Calls International


November 2021


The Lord Satiates the Weary Soul (Jeremiah 31:25) 1. Weary because of life’s cares What is the reason for lacks in life? Since the sufferings, pains and distresses in life make us miserable, our soul becomes weary now and then. Particularly, a 'child' is a blessing that everyone expects in a family, after marriage. But when there is a lack in this area or a delay in this, not only the couples but also others in the family become weary in their soul. This weariness does not depart from us till we receive the gift of a child from the Lord. Likewise, various other needs or lacks such as unemployment, sickness and helpless situation in the family make us get dejected and become weary in the soul. Today, many are those, who are facing such situations. When this dejection exceeds, many opt for ending their lives. Under such circumstances, is it possible to live a victorious life? We need to think about this! According to the above verse in Jeremiah 31:25, the Lord of lords alone is able to enrich our soul and replenish it. Hence, it is very important that we look up with hope to the Lord, the hill from whence comes our help (Psalm 121:1,2). This is what is called to be ‘Prayer.’ As I often write, we should not run after any human but should hold on to the feet of Jesus, who alone is able to deliver us from any pitiable situation. Then He would do a miraculous thing for us. "Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10)

According to this promise, when we cry out to the Lord in reverence, He comes down in our midst. He loves us as our own Father. He would fill us with divine power and leads us in a blessed way. Jesus Calls International


Dear ones, are you living in tears with weary soul, sorrow and distress? However big your suffering is, He alone is able to give you a miraculous deliverance and replenish your soul. So, don’t keep brooding over your suffering, sorrow and pain but commit yourself fully at the feet of the Lord so that His power would come upon you. Then, there is no doubt that you would receive this glorious blessing from Him. 2. Weary because of sorrow According to Proverbs 25:18, these days it is quite common for us to get weary in the soul because of those who bear false witness against us with evil conscience. In the same way, weariness in the soul is also caused by lack of peace because of the tongue, which 'is an arrow shot out and which speaks deceit' (Jeremiah 9:8). Moreover, we become weary because of the wicked, who shoot their arrow against us (Psalm 11:2). We experience such kind of sufferings and sorrows causing weariness in our soul. These days, people struggle to come out of such situations. However, as I said earlier, as David says, we should hold on to the Lord as our refuge, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.’ (Psalm 46:1)

Whoever takes God as refuge, will be completely delivered from the state of weariness in soul and would thank the Lord wholly, just as how David was delivered from his various sufferings and sorrows and praised the Lord. How does the Lord grant enrichment to the weary soul? "In all their affliction He was afflicted, And the Angel of His Presence saved them; In His love and in His pity He redeemed them; And He bore them and carried them All the days of old." (Isaiah 63:9)

November 2021



According to this verse, when we pour out our distresses and sorrows in His presence, He would redeem us and carry us. According to Isaiah 54:8, He will have mercy on us, with everlasting kindness and is able to fill our soul with enriching blessings. So, dear ones, as seen in the above verse, you should seek the Lord for your help, without being anxious. Surrender all the pains of your heart at His feet. Then He will replenish your weary soul and fill you with His peace.

is the custom of the children of God to go the church on Sundays and worship the Lord. David had written about it thus in the Book of Psalms, "I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go into the house of the Lord." (Psalm 122:1)

Recently I heard a wonderful testimony: A godly husband and wife had no child even after several years of marriage and became weary. In that state of weariness, not only the family but also that couple looked up to the Lord with their whole heart, every day and held on to Him firmly. Years passed! Yet, not losing their trust, they were firm in their faith. On hearing that she had conceived a child after many years, I thanked the Lord. Yes, if you too would place your full trust on the Lord and continually call unto Him faithfully and sincerely, He would surely answer your prayers. He will make you see miracles and wonders.

Why do we want to go to the church? Today, many want to go to church on Sundays, as a duty. This is wrong. We should never forget that the 'Lord is in His holy temple (Psalm 11:4; Habakkuk 2:20) and it is His holy House. Since God dwells there, we can go there and pour out our heart's desires and supplications at His feet. He is eagerly waiting there to hear us. Particularly, as we know, Hannah, the mother of prophet Samuel, when she was weary in her soul because of the lack of the gift of child in her life, ran to the presence of God, not knowing where to go. She went to the temple of God and poured out her soul in the presence of the Lord (1 Samuel 1:15). What happened then? According to Psalm 65:2, our God is the One, who hears prayers. Firstly, He removed the 'void, emptiness and the pain' which had filled her heart.

"In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, and my cry came before Him, even to His ears." (2 Samuel 22:7, Psalm 4:1, 9:9, 18:6, Jonah 2:2).

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

How beautifully the above verses prove this! 3. Weariness replaced by fullness "They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Your house, and You give them drink from the river of Your pleasures.” (Psalm 36:8)

We all know that 'Church' is the 'House of God' filled with His presence. Particularly, it 28

(Philippians 4:6,7)

According to these verses, the Lord completely took away the sorrows in Hannah's heart (1 Samuel 1:18). The Lord given divine peace, which the world can never give, filled her heart totally. A new faith was born in her. She got up and left that place with the joy, “My Lord has heard my prayer; surely He will answer

Jesus Calls International


November 2021


me.” The Lord made her, who was barren, to conceive a child and blessed her not only with Prophet Samuel but also with many more children. While penning this, I am reminded of the testimony of yet another woman: Many years back, a woman, who was in the advanced stage of pregnancy, was facing a sorrowful situation. Why? Her husband's family sent her to her parents' house for delivery after telling her, "This is going to be the first child in our family. So you can come back home, only if you deliver a boy baby. Or else you stay back in your parents' house itself." Imagine how this woman's heart would have been! In that tough situation, she ran to the presence of the Lord like Hannah did. She knelt down in the presence of God in the church and cried out to Him. What was the miracle that the Lord did for her? He blessed the fruit of her womb and granted her a male child, as per her family's wish. Her sorrow, fears, sufferings and weariness changed and she praised the Lord, having been satiated by the enrichment of the House of God. Also, she dedicated that child for the Lord's service as Hannah did. God made him shine as a Prophet like Samuel. Dear ones, even today, you may be living amidst such weary situations. However, do not keep your eyes on people or on any other things of the world. Don’t place your trust on them. Instead, like these women, kneel down in all reverence in the temple of God and look up only to the cross. The Lord Jesus Christ, who has earned everything on the cross for you, knows what your needs are (Matthew 6:8). Never forget that He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). My dear ones, the Bible says that 'you are Jesus Calls International


the temple of God' (I Corinthians 3:17). Have you thought about this deeply? The Lord wants to dwell in your heart, anoint you with His Holy Spirit and change you into His divine temple. How many of you have got this kind of divine life? These days, many do not give importance to this. Hence, when they face sorrows and afflictions in life, they struggle unable to come out of them. Hence, dear ones, commit yourself personally and as a family for your life to be changed into His temple and to get filled with His anointing just as how the disciples of Jesus who were in agony, jointly received this blessing and lived as testimonies for Him (Acts 1:14 & 2nd chapter). This is the greatest grace that the Lord has given our family. Today, our family is a temple of God. Divine peace and blessings have increased in our family because of this. You may also seek this blessing right today. "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!" (Luke 11:13)

So, plead to the Lord day and night as a family and individually, to anoint you with His Holy Spirit. This divine anointing would comfort and encourage your weary soul. It would give you a sober mind and guide you according to 1 John 2:27. In my life, as I stand alone, having lost my husband, this anointing and the filling of the Holy Spirit is always filling me in a wonderful way and is leading me in the ways pleasing to Him. So, every one of you, who is living alone should ask the Lord for this, get filled with the divine anointing and change your life into His temple, and enjoy receiving His enriching blessings. Yes, the Lord is the One, who satiates and replenishes His children, who seek Him with reverence.

November 2021



PRAYER TOWERS IN SRI LANKA Bambalapitiya Prayer Tower: 15/1B, Joseph Lane, Bambalapitiya, Colombo 4.

Jaffna Prayer Tower: 32, Old Park Road, Jaffna.

Prayer line (Tel): 011 44 88 111 Office: 011 44 88 112

Office : 021 22 12 737

Mattakkuliya Prayer Tower: 65/373, 5th Lane, Vystwyke Road, Mattakkuliya, Colombo 15.

Kandy Prayer Tower: 9/17, Thivanka Bhodhi Mawatha, Kandy.

Office: 011 25 21 361

Office: 081 22 25 111

Events for the month: All meetings are conducted through Zoom due to Covid outbreak Day



Prayer Tower


Healing Prayer Meeting

6 pm

Mattakkuliya PT


Fasting and Prayer

10 am

Bambalapitiya PT


Blessing Meeting

6 pm

Bambalapitiya PT


Family Anointing service

6 pm

Mattakkuliya PT

TASTED THE SWEETNESS OF JESUS’ LOVE I hail from a family that has not tasted the love of Jesus. For nearly a year, I had been facing a lot of financial problems. The money that I was supposed to receive from abroad didn’t come through. In this difficult time, I visited Kandy Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and explained my issue to the prayer intercessors and they prayed for me with much burden. After three days,


Jesus Calls International


November 2021


miraculously I received that amount. Also, my husband who is in Dubai had a minor cardiac attack. Doctors said that they would be able to tell us about his condition only after three days. I went back to Jesus calls Prayer Tower and requested a prayer for my husband’s healing. After three days, the medical report was normal. All glory to God. - Pavithra, Kandy

This is just one of the many testimonies God is doing among His children who call or visit the Prayer Tower. There is a living presence of Jesus Christ in the midst of the ministry of Jesus Calls Sri Lanka. Whatever may the social challenges in the world, God blesses everyone who contacts the Prayer Tower. Your miracle is around the corner. Have you experienced the power of prayer? Send your prayer requests to the Prayer Tower addresses above, join our meetings or call our prayer line. Taste the goodness of God in your life.

You can send your offerings using the details below. God will reward you beyond measure for every seed you sow into the ministry.

Bank details: Name:

Jesus Calls


Commercial Bank





Swift Code: CCEYLKLX

Jesus Calls International


November 2021



Hello friends, God wants to tell you that you are in this world to fulfill His purpose. The Bible says in Psalm 138:8: “The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever.” In the Bible, we see David who initially was just a shepherd boy. He was least in the family and nobody noticed him, but God gave him a passion - a passion to fight the giants so that he can fulfill God's purpose in his life to be one of the greatest kings of Israel. David diligently did whatever job was given to him, even delivering food for his

brothers, who were great men in the army. David didn't think that his purpose was very small and never questioned why he had to do it. As he did it, God made him fight the giants and lifted him up in life to become the king of Israel. 32

Jesus Calls International


November 2021


I want to share with you how I found my purpose in life. From my very young age, my parents always pushed me to sing in the meetings. I never really had the joy of singing on stage. As I always felt that I was compelled to sing, I just half-heartedly did what my parents told me to do. There was no passion in me. As I grew older and was about 12 years old and entered my teens, I was very lonely in my life. I also had to move to a new place, where I had no friends or family members. I felt like I was all alone. At that point, I didn't know what purpose I had in life, why I had to feel that way or why there was nobody to love me. I was at the very lowest point in my life. It was at that juncture, I remembered something - I remembered Jesus dying on the cross for me. When I felt all alone, I saw him being torn on the cross for me, bleeding through His flesh; He was hanging on the cross with all the shame, all alone with nobody there for Him. The image of Jesus on the cross made me realize the fact that Jesus understood my situation and that He died for me - to be my friend and take away my loneliness. This circumstance opened my eyes to the truth that God is the one who gave me those talents and I don't have to sit all alone because He will be my friend who not only talks to me but also will listen to me. This was how I found my purpose and found my best friend. Since then, He has given me a passion to sing, a passion for music, and a passion for young people. Today, I am living out this passion through the purpose and plan God has given me. God has been true to His promise as said in Jeremiah 29:11: Jesus Calls International


The image of Jesus on the cross made me realize the fact that Jesus understood my situation and that He died for me to be my friend and take away my loneliness. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Likewise, you may be thinking that you do not have a purpose in this life, why you should be all alone, doing such a small job without significance and loved by none. My friend, be assured because Jesus died for you, so that you can do His will and you can be lifted up in your life. Give your whole heart to Him and He will break all the chains and barriers in your life. You might think that you are fit for only small things but God wants to make you reign over many, make you a great person in life. However, for Him to use you for His glorious purpose and make you a great blessing, you have to break all the barriers in your life. When you give your life and heart to Him, He will remove all the obstacles, sickness, trouble, every failure in your life and give you freedom and victory. PRAYER: My Loving Heavenly Father, thank You for having a divine purpose and plan for my life. I completely surrender my life to You. Mould me in Your hands so that I can fulfill Your will and bring glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

November 2021



Established for such a time as this, the Jesus Calls Israel Prayer Tower stands right at the heart of Jerusalem City Centre, situated on the top floor of the tallest building in downtown Jerusalem, to serve as a beacon of prophetic outflow of God’s revelation for Israel and the Nations around the world. On the 4th of November 2013, the Israel Prayer Tower was inaugurated with a vision from God to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to establish this place according to Isaiah 56:7, “My house shall be house of prayer for all nations” solely for the prophetic word

to be released to the Nations. Here, prayer intercessors are trained and commissioned to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, governments of the World, global revival and to prepare the people for the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This month, is the 8th year of the fulfilment of God’s word, and as we stand and look back with gratitude, our hearts are filled with joy and happiness for His Faithfulness, that He has brought us thus far and surely He will lead us until His return. It gives us immense excitement to celebrate eight years of God’s goodness and faithfulness. This month is also a joyous occasion to announce eight fruitful years of Jesus Calls International Ministries from Israel to the Nations. This shows the power of God’s promises and the steadfast faithfulness of His Word. Prophetic prayer goes up to God 24 hours every day at this Prayer Tower. Prayer intercessors 34

from all over the world come and intercede in this manner. As these prayer intercessors return to their country after their tenure in Jerusalem, we see that they have been used by God as prophets to reveal His plan and purposes for their own countries. The miracle working dunamis power of God is revealed through them for their nations. According to the Word of God, the number “Eight” signifies new beginnings. We are anticipating the move of God here in Jerusalem for new beginnings and greater outflow of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Calls International


November 2021


Daksha Parmar says, “For almost 6 months, I have been suffering a lot of setbacks in my life. I did not know what to do and who to trust, living in an unknown land far from home. I was depressed and alone. My husband was imprisoned, wrongfully charged for an act. I tried to exonerate him of charges by asking people to bear witness that he is a good man, but they took money and never showed up in court. I had been cheated so much. In this situation I came to the Prayer Tower earnestly seeking the Lord’s intervention. Finally, 3 months later after much prayer and fasting, the Lord strengthened our case and he was released from prison free of all charges. Glory to God alone. Thanks to prayer intercessors in the Israel Prayer Tower for praying for me and my family.”

“Jerusalem Prayer Wall” As indicated in the Bible, we are living in the last days where there is sickness, calamities everywhere. However, we can be encouraged to know that we have a loving God who protects His children under His mighty wings (Psalm 91:4). We at the Israel Prayer Tower would love to stand with you in prayer during these times; which is why we have created the ‘Jerusalem Prayer Wall’ portal for submitting your prayer needs. Every prayer request posted on the wall will be prayed for confidentially by our anointed prayer intercessors in Jerusalem along with the Dhinakaran family. The Lord will certainly bring answers to all our prayers as promised in John 14:14 “whatever you ask in My name I will do it.”

“Pray for Jerusalem” The Bible talks about Israel as “a land which the LORD cares for; the eyes of the LORD are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year” (Deuteronomy 11:12). Here we can see how precious the nation of Israel is to the Lord. Keeping this in mind, we at the Israel Prayer Tower have come up with a prayer portal where you can join hands with us to intercede for Israel in your convenient time slots. To book your slots to pray for Israel and for the peace of Jerusalem, kindly visit our website.

As God’s children, it is our greatest privilege Please feel free to share your prayer needs to participate in this endeavor. May the Lord richly with us today. Log in to the Israel Prayer tower bless you and your loved ones according to Luke 11:28 “Blessed are those who hear the word of website today! God and keep it.” - Mr. Keith Soares, We are always here to pray for you. ISRAEL PRAYER TOWER, Coordinator, Jerusalem Centre for Peace and Truth, City Tower, 20th Floor, 34 Ben Yehuda Street, Jerusalem +972 539049306 / Website: 35


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