Jesus Calls International October 2021 E-Magazine

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FAMILY CHANNEL CELEBRATED INDIA ON ITS 75TH INDEPENDENCE DAY From 7.00 AM to 11.00 PM, Family Channel reverberated with love for India, expressed by people from all across the nation through the 100 Prayer Towers as well as through the varied programs arousing every viewer’s patriotism. A gist of the programs that featured on August 15, 2021  Paadal Velai with Patriotic Songs  Flag hoisting at Karunya University  Karunya Students’ Patriotic Song Independence Day Special from Bethesda  Special message from Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Prayer Tower greetings and prayers from ALL Prayer Towers in India SEESHA Special Pattimandram  Independence Day Special Kutties Galatta Sis. Stella Dhinakaran’s New Book release followed by Special Message and Prayer (LIVE) Let’s celebrate India every day through our sincere prayers for the nation to stay FREE, UNITED & to PROSPER

Son’s marriage beautifully settled I was brokenhearted as my husband left me with my newborn son, long time ago. I singlehandedly brought him up and gave him good education. When my son reached the marriageable age, no one was willing to give him a girl in marriage because of our sad family background. Many alliances rejected my son because of this reason. I was really broken and in that juncture, on the eve of 11th December 2020, as I was watching a program in the Family Channel, suddenly Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said "Sister Dhanalakshmi , you are burdened about the future of your son. Our Lord Jesus will build his family life." I was overjoyed. Soon after that a proposal was finalized and he got married. Now my daughter- in - law has conceived and is in the sixth month of her pregnancy. The Lord Jesus has turned all my sorrows into joy. Praise the Lord. - Dhanalakshmi, Erode 2


y precious friend, you are the beloved child of the Living God. He always cares for you because you have surrendered everything concerning you to walk in His footsteps and to carry His image. Do not be afraid. He values you as Himself. You are a part of Him. He will never leave you nor forsake you. I want to share with you the promise from the Scriptures for this month. It is found in Matthew 7:11. “…how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!” Jesus Calls


Here, the Lord Jesus says ‘if you, who know only to do evil, can give the best for your children, how much more your heavenly Father will give good gifts to those who ask him?’ The world gives only evil, but God gives all the goodness. The more the evil of the world surrounds you, the more darkness engulfs you, the more your blessings stop midway, and the more obstacles rise up, much more will the Lord increase His goodness and His good gifts to you. As His goodness increases, no obstacle can ever remain. Yes, nothing can stop God’s blessings from coming to you! The life of Joseph explains this truth clearly. Joseph was his father’s favorite son and had been gifted a multicolored coat. This made his brothers jealous. They treacherously threw him into a waterless pit to die, but later unjustly sold him

October 2021



Gifts quadrupled Righteousness of Jesus “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)

as a slave. Even in the house where he was a slave, he was falsely accused and thrown into prison. The people to whom he helped while in the prison forgot him when they were released. However, in the midst of all this evil, God was with Joseph and never stopped blessing him. However, God’s ways are different. God did not stop Joseph from being sold, from being put in prison, or stop the injustice. The Lord anointed him with His divine spirit and gift of revelation, which the Pharaoh acknowledged saying “Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God?” (Genesis 41:38). My precious friend, everything may have been unjustly taken away from you. You may be expecting God to intervene and give you back everything. However, God does not restore you by taking things from of the world. Instead God will fill you with what He has and give it to you as His goodness. Yes, God is good and what He has is full and abundant goodness. With what the world intends to harm you, God will intend it for good to accomplish His plan and purpose in your life (Genesis 50:20). This is exactly what God is promising you this month. My dear friend, the gift God is sending into your life is His goodness. As a good shepherd, He makes goodness to follow you (Psalm 23:6) and He will never stop doing good to you (Jeremiah 32:40).

The why and how of goodness “He did not spare His own Son but gave Him for us all. So with Jesus, God will surely give us all good things.” (Romans 8:32) Jesus is God in flesh, who gave himself as a sacrifice. Yes, because He has paid the price, when you ask in the name of Jesus, you will have all these good gifts. 4

Jesus Calls


Yes, the greatest good gift you can ever receive is the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Everyone who looks at you will call you a righteous person. Even this month, God wants to fill your life with His righteousness - righteous before God and man. ~Divine Peace “Kingdom of God is of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 14:17) Along with righteousness, you receive peace, which is the nature of Jesus Christ. As promised in John 14:27, Jesus will give you His peace and not as the world gives. ~Joy in the Holy Spirit Joy is one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22). This joy comes when God’s power and wisdom give you the grace to accomplish what God wants you to do in this world. When my sister Angel died, we were full of sorrow. On the other side, we thought everybody was against us and criticizing us. Of course, it was only 0.1% of the people who spoke like that, but 99.9% of the people cried with us and loved us. However, the evil powers were telling us “everybody is criticizing you and you cannot go out to face the world and continue your mission anymore. Even God has forsaken you because you have committed some secret sin.” However, one morning during our family prayer, the Holy Spirit came upon us and we were laughing in the spirit. Yes, the joy of the Lord filled us and through that a divine strength came into our spirits. That strength of the Holy Spirit has sustained us to establish Karunya and continue to run it. What could not be done by human nature was done by the Almighty God at the moment of greatest weakness we went through. That is the power of the joy of the Holy Spirit. ~Supernatural Strength It is in your moment of utmost weakness, God’s strength will be perfected.

October 2021


“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (II Corinthians 12:9) Through the strength of the Holy Spirit, you will rise up with wings as eagles and do all things. This month, the Lord is going to give you all these good gifts. Joy in the Holy Spirit to have the strength to accomplish God’s will overcoming every evil power and the wicked people; divine peace to have communion with the Lord Jesus Christ; and the righteousness of God. Along with these gifts come all things you need to live in this world in abundance. That is what we read in Matthew 6:25-34. You will not have to worry about what you will eat, be clothed in or where you will live. You will have absolutely no worry about the future. As you seek His righteousness,

Jesus Calls


His peace and the joy in the Holy Spirit to do His will, God will supply all your needs and that of your family according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). God’s provision for your life will be given as a good gift to you. Yes, my beloved, I place this blessing in abundance upon you and your family.

October 2021

My loving Heavenly Father, Thank You for the wonderful promise You have given me this month. Father, You are giver of good gifts. According to Your promise, bless me with righteousness, peace, joy of the Holy Spirit and divine strength. Thank You Lord for You will meet all my needs according to Your riches in glory. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

To watch the message video visit the link



Deluge in India Each passing minute some eventful things are happening around the globe. It may be in the political realm or in the economic domain or in nature or in everyday life. Scores of people in the world are not aware of such events; but Lord Almighty knows everything as He is the one who is in control of all situations. God reveals His plans to His servants the prophets (Amos 3:7) and they in turn proclaim them to people. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, the man of God uttered various prophecies as revealed by the Lord Almighty. God fulfilled many of them till now and so many are in the pipeline to be fulfilled. Here you can have a glance at few of such fulfilled prophecies. 6

Prophesied 2021 (January) "In Asia/India, there will be different kinds of deluge coming, but God will turn the hearts of people to cry to Him, the Savior of the world and there will be great transformations."

Fulfillment 2021 (August & September) Deluge hits the states of Assam and Uttar Pradesh heavily. Incessant rains in Assam and parts of Arunachal Pradesh over the past few days caused the water level of the Brahmaputra river and its tributaries to rise. The rivers are flowing above the “danger level” mark in several places. As many as 22 of Assam’s 34 districts have been impacted by the floodwaters. Owing to heavy rains in Nepal, the water levels in rivers Rapti and Burhi Rapti have increased, leading to the flooding of 15 districts in Uttar Pradesh. We pray God to protect the people who live there and restore the affected people in double measure (Isaiah 43:2). To watch the video on the prophecy and its fulfillment click the link

Jesus Calls |

October 2021


Afghanistan Crisis and Russia’s Influence Prophesied 2021 (January) 'In Middle East Countries, God’s hand will come upon people. Especially, Afghanistan will experience the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This will influence the nations of Pakistan, Turkey and surrounding nations. There will be instability and unstable moves in the Middle East. Russia’s influence will increase. But our eyes should be upon China. Everywhere the hand of God will prevail. People shall continue to turn to the Lord. Even though the doors for people to cry out to Him openly might be closed, yet the Holy Spirit shall work with greater authority working signs, wonders, and miracles everywhere.' Fulfillment 2021 (August) After nearly two decades of war, the Taliban has taken over Afghanistan, a country in Central Asia in mid-August. The government of President Ashraf Ghani had fallen. The U.S. defense officials reportedly expected Afghanistan’s capital, Kabul, to fall in 90 days but it took less than 10 days. As the United State of America withdrew its troops from Afghanistan, hundreds of Russian armored vehicles and artillery pieces were clearly visible hundreds of miles away, on the border with Tajikistan and it is expected that Russia's power in Central Asia shall grow stronger - media reports. To watch the video on the prophecy and its fulfillment click the link

India – Business Prophesied 2019 (January) "India shall become a destination for world business leaders to invest and grow."

Fulfillment 2019 (October) For the third consecutive time, India ranked among the 10 top improvers on the World Bank's flagship 'Doing Business' 2020 report. India climbed the World Bank's rankings by making it easier to do business in four of the 10 areas of business regulation that the report measures, which contribute to an economy's score. To watch the video on the prophecy and its fulfillment click the link Jesus Calls


October 2021



North and South Korea Restore Hotline Prophesied 2017 "North Korea and South Korea shall unite together to display God's splendor among them." Fulfillment 2018 & 2021 The two Koreas remain technically at war because the 1950-1953 Korean war ended with an armistice. The Pyongyang Joint Declaration is an agreement signed by North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un and South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in on September 18, 2018, during the Inter-Korean Summit Meeting in Pyongyang. Some, although not all, longstanding issues between the two countries were addressed in this agreement. But this quickly broke down. North Korea cut the hotline in June 2020 as relations soured after a failed summit between the two countries. Afterward, North Korea blew up an interKorean border office that had been built to improve communications. The agreement made between the two countries took a measure to re-operate all inter-Korean communication liaison lines from 10 AM on July 27, 2021. To watch the video on the prophecy and its fulfillment click the link

China – Pestilence Corona Prophesied 2016 "A pestilence shall first go across the nations of the East even in greater China. When nobody else can help them they will cry out to Me. As the pestilence goes across the Land, My grace shall then follow and people shall be redeemed. My healing presence shall flow across the land of China and they will know that I am their only Savior and their only redeemer."

Fulfillment 2019 On December 31, 2019, China informed the World Health Organization (WHO) of a cluster of cases of pneumonia due to an unknown cause in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China. A few patients in Wuhan had been suffering from respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia since December 8, 2019. The 2019-nCoV belongs to a family of viruses responsible for diseases that range in severity from the common cold to severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, which killed almost 800 people in a 2002-2003 outbreak. To watch the video on the prophecy and its fulfillment click the link

United Kingdom’s exit from European Union Prophesied 2016 "The disintegration of existing political and business empires to form new conglomerates."

Fulfillment 2016 & 2020 The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union in 2016 and officially left the trading bloc - its nearest and biggest trading partner - on 31 January 2020. The UK has been a member of the EU since 1973. The Treaty of Rome, which founded the European Economic Community (“the Common Market”) was signed in 1956 between six European nations - France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. The UK, as the savior of Europe, watched the Europeans getting together. To watch the video on the prophecy and its fulfillment click the link

“‘The vision he sees is for many years from now, and he prophesies about the distant future.’” (Ezekiel 12:27)

Praise God for He has revealed all these to His servant Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and honored His words by fulfilling them. Keep praying for God to fulfill all other prophecies which He had revealed through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. To watch all the prophecies of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran visit the link


Jesus Calls


October 2021


“After accepting Jesus, I was longing to see Him. Having prayed seven full years to see Him, I almost gave up in desperation. Nevertheless, October 10, 1962, turned out to be unforgettable. It was an exhausting workday and I came home at 9:30 p.m. I was worn out and planned to have a quick dinner and sleep. However, God chose that physically weak moment to visit me. We knelt down for our family prayer that’s all I knew. Through my closed eyes, suddenly I saw a great light coming from Heaven and filling the room and sensed a supernatural Person’s presence. My tiredness disappeared and ‘joy unspeakable, full of glory’ (I Peter 1:8) engulfed me. My chronic depression became delirious joy. I saw Jesus face to face, standing before me as an embodiment of inexpressible love and compassion. I was laughing uncontrollably with joy. He recounted all my prayers seeking the anointing of His Holy Spirit and Himself and said with a smile, “I am Jesus, come in person to bless you.” He then moved towards me. I slowly mumbled, “Thank you Lord” in my mother tongue, but I was speaking in a totally unknown language. I steadied up my tongue and tried to thank Him in English. The more I tried to thank Him in languages known to me, this strange phenomenon repeated. The Lord Jesus was watching this funny situation and calmed me down saying, “It is I who moves you to praise Me in unknown languages. This is baptism of the Holy Spirit.” He further said “Son, this world has only heard about My love and compassion but has not seen it in a man’s life. Today, I am filling you with My compassion. Every time you are moved with this compassion, whatever you ask for My people shall be granted”. Jesus Calls


Then, something like a door opened within my heart. Jesus entered and settled down in my heart gently with His frame embedded in as if He got merged with my very being. It was a state of heavenly bliss the entire three hours. This was the starting of my ministry.” Yes dearly beloved, Holy Spirit transforms people into mighty testimonies for God Almighty. Heaven is our ultimate destination and we have to be sealed with the Holy Spirit in our hearts as guarantee. We are living in the last days and having the Holy Spirit’s anointing is not an option but obligatory. Below is a special prayer compiled from Bible Scriptures with which you can ask God to anoint you. Lord Almighty, I come before Your throne of grace humbly asking You to forgive all my trespasses and sins and cleanse my heart. I am thirsty for the Holy Spirit. You have promised to pour out Your Spirit on the thirsty. The Bible says all Your promises are yes and amen through Christ Jesus. The Scriptures says You will give the Holy Spirit to everyone who asks You. I claim this promise and ask You to fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I very much need Your Holy Spirit to be Your child and live a life pleasing in Your sight. Lord, graciously anoint me with the Holy Spirit. Let the Holy Spirit take complete control of my life from now on and direct my paths. Thank You Lord for You will grant my request, bless me with this precious gift, and seal me with Your Spirit. In Jesus’ name, I ask. Amen. (The Bible verses on which this prayer is compiled: Psalm 51:1; Isaiah 44:3; Luke 11:13; Acts 2:17; Romans 8:14; II Corinthians 1:20,22)

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DOUBLE BLESSING! I had infection in my kidney and liver and hence admitted in the hospital at Singapore. In spite of intensive and lengthy treatment, I did not get better. My digestive system was also affected as I could not digest anything and I was throwing up profusely. At this point, I met a friend who was from the ‘Jesus Calls’ Ministry in Singapore. She directed me to Jesus Calls, but I did not connect with Jesus Calls. Now this friend called me again and persuaded me to call Jesus Calls, but I still delayed and then fell into deep trouble as I became weak. At last I called the Prayer Tower and the prayer intercessor spoke to me. She prayed and assured me that Lord Jesus Christ would heal me. After the prayer, I felt better. The next day I called her again and she invited me to Jesus Calls Prayer Tower to meet the other prayer intercessors, who can pray for me. While she prayed for me, in my mind, I asked the Lord to touch and heal me. The Lord spoke to me and told me to call on His name. So I cried and repented that I wasted so much of time by my delay. The Lord blessed me that day as I received Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. Now I have started to go to church on Sundays. After three months, I went for my checkup. My report was clean. I had been healed. I thank the Lord Jesus for my healing and the gift of Salvation. - Rajwinder Kaur, Singapore


Jesus Calls


October 2021


SINGAPORE PRAYER TOWER EVENTS AND MEETING Esther Prayer Group gathers once a month in the 1st or 2nd week of the month. For any further details and ministry resources, please contact our Country Director Sis. Regina Quek @ +65-63830160 ADDRESS: JESUS CALLS PRAYER TOWER 70-A, Racecourse Road (Second Floor), Singapore – 218572. Jesus Calls Singapore Prayer Hotline (24 hours): +65-63830160 Email:

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Jesus Calls


October 2021



beginnings in the ministry.

My precious partner in the ministry, Warm greetings to you! Praise God for enabling us to step into October. Has not God’s faithfulness been sufficient for us over the past nine months? Yes my beloved, it has been and will continue to be so eternally! God has a beautiful promise for you this month.

“He has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, announce freedom to the prisoners, recover sight to the blind, and to set oppressed people free.” (Luke 4:18)

“…how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!” (Matthew 7:11)

October 10th, 1962 was the day my dear father, Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran, received the anointing and vision for the ministry. Later in 1993 on the same date, Bethesda International Prayer Centre, Coimbatore was established. Much like the Biblical times, people experience God’s mighty miracles in Bethesda. Having withstood 28 years, Bethesda is undergoing renovation to augment infrastructure for the future. Kindly support us to fulfill this vision through your prayers and offerings. Further details can be found in the inside pages.

Don’t you love to receive gifts? Get ready to receive these gifts because the Person giving you this gift is no ordinary person. It is your heavenly Father, who will bless you beyond imagination!

Jesus Calls Praying for the world: October has been a month of many new 12

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October 2021


Another turning point in Jesus Calls also took place in October. The maiden public campaign of Jesus Calls was held on October 12, 1970. Now, almost 50 years have gone by and I thank God for His grace through this entire journey and the countless souls saved and lives transformed as a result.

Karunya Pioneer of academic excellence: “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” (Isaiah 60:1-3) Many of God’s plans for Karunya University have also been fulfilled in October across three decades including launch of Karunya Educational Trust, inception of Karunya Rural Community, and establishment of Karunya University. Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, ranked one among the top national and global universities for its academic excellence, had its humble beginning in the year 1986. True to its motto “Arise and Shine” every year thousands of meritorious professionals graduate. They get hand-picked amongst others by nationally and internationally topnotch recruiters.

birthday, October 2. He led by example and because of his sacrifice we, Indians, proudly enjoy the air of freedom for almost 75 years; He practiced ‘Sermon on the Mount,’ and today the world knows what victory through nonviolence is! Hence, this October 2nd, we have the ‘Bless India- Family Fasting Prayer’ a day of family fasting prayer for God to bless India. Special prayers will be offered for the prosperity of each of the 28 states and 8 union territories, for a total of 36 entities. Join us to pray for India to be a blessed, peaceful and virus-free nation. Prayer will be conducted from 9 am to 5 pm in all the Prayer Towers and Live on Family Channel. Prayer points will be sent to you on request, for which please contact the Prayer Tower in your region/country. Indian Air Force Day is observed on October 8. With deep respect, I salute their efforts and service for not only protecting the country but also their constant support and rescue operations during every calamity. It is my constant prayer that India will continue to stand united through every challenging situation and not be divided on any grounds.

God will bless you beyond imaginations

India - Patriotic and United: “Encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.” (II Corinthians 13:11) With gratitude the Father of our nation Mahatma Gandhiji is remembered on his Jesus Calls


Prayers without Pause: Jesus Calls Prayer Towers continue to function 24/7 to pray for every need of the people. It’s a city that never sleeps. Prayer Intercessors wait to receive your calls and pray with a burden along with you. Please feel free to call anytime for your prayer needs. You can also be a volunteer prayer intercessor. For further details, you may please contact the Prayer Tower in your country or email to

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International observances: “In the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:27) United Nations declared October 11 as the International Day of Girl Child, with an aim to recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world. To step it up further, this year’s theme is ‘Gender Equality.’ Both boys and girls are equal and precious to God. “There is neither male nor female, for all are one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28) Let us follow our Savior and love our children equally without any gender bias. Former President Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam's birthday October 15 is celebrated as World Students’ Day. Students are the future, who will take every country forward irrespective of their field of study, and deserve honor and respect.

leaving students clueless. Let us pray with burden that God would soon change things around and secure their future. With utmost gratitude I say, it is through the grace of God and your support that Jesus Calls ministry is able to spread the Gospel and comfort the brokenhearted. “Carry each other's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2) I specially covet your continued prayers for Jesus Calls Ministry, my family and myself. I along with my family and Jesus Calls staff uphold you every day before God’s throne of grace. “…how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!” (Matthew 7:11) In conclusion, let this month’s promise manifest in your life and our Father in heaven give good gifts to you.

With the pandemic situation, the field of education has gone through great turmoil


Jesus Calls


October 2021

Your brother who prays for you, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran To watch the video visit the link


COVID vaccines are an important means of getting protected from the coronavirus. In the fight against the Pandemic, the Government of Tamil Nadu has been encouraging vaccination among the Public by conducting free vaccine drives & creating awareness among the people in the rural belts to address their vaccine hesitancy. SEESHA along with the Government of Tamil Nadu launched a free mega vaccination drive on 12th September 2021 at Jesus Calls Prayer Tower Coimbatore and at SEESHA Karunya Community Hospital (SKCH) - Karunya Nagar and rolled out the programme to the unreached Tribal villages around Siruvani Hills through SEESHA Mobile Clinic. Hundreds of people received their free vaccine shots during the occasion. The medical team from SKCH administered the vaccines to the recipients at all locations. The community members thanked the TN Govt. for the free vaccines and SEESHA for implementing the mega vaccination campaign during this crucial period. The vaccine drive was a step towards ensuring a COVID free COVAI!

One of the most precious gifts that you can give to others is the gift of happiness. As we eagerly await the upcoming festive season, let us remember the thousands of children living in extreme poverty in India, for whom wearing decent clothing seem to be a distant dream amidst the survival challenges thrown by the Pandemic. Every year, we at SEESHA choose this season to share our love&happiness through a gift of new clothes for nearly 1,00,000 needy children across India. Even as we get ready to make this season special for these little ones, we invite you to join us in bringing hope, dignity &cheer to such deprived children, who have lost their little joys & smiles. With just a small contribution of US$6/- towards a set of new clothes, you can instil confidence and make an underprivileged child feel loved during these times of celebration! You can contribute in the following ways – * Sponsor a new dress for 1 child – US$6/* Sponsor new dresses for 10 children – US$60/* Sponsor new dresses for 100 children –US$600/-

Jesus Calls


October 2021



My beloved friend, God has a very beautiful promise for you. In Psalm 103:13 the Bible says, "As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.” God often compares Himself with an earthly father, but He also distinguishes Himself as the Perfect Father (Matthew 5:48) for His compassion never fails. Jesus spoke about the prodigal son, who demanded his inheritance money from his father and then left home to waste it in worldly pleasures. Later when he realized his mistake, he returned to his father wondering if his father would accept him. We read about it in Luke 15:21-23. “The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ But the father, an example to our Heavenly Father, said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate.” Yes my friend! This is the heart of our heavenly Father which makes Him the Perfect Father. When you run to Him and ask forgiveness, He comes to you and forgives all your sins. This is because of the immeasurable compassion that He has on you His child.


Jesus Calls


October 2021


An 80 year old man was sitting on the sofa in his house along with his 45 year old highly educated son. Suddenly a crow perched on their window. The father asked his son, “What is this?” The son replied “It is a crow.” After a few minutes, the father asked his son the 2nd time, “What is this?” The son said “Father, I have just now told you “It’s a crow.” After a little while, the old father again asked his son the 3rd time, “What is this?” At this time some expression of irritation was felt in the son’s tone when he said to his father with a rebuff. “It’s a crow, a crow, a crow.” A little after, the father again asked his son the 4th time, “What is this?” This time the son shouted at his father, “Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again, although I have told you so many times ‘IT IS A CROW.’ Are you not able to understand this?” A little later the father went to his room and came back with an old tattered diary, which he had maintained since his son was born. On opening a page, he asked his son to read that page. When the son read it, the following words

Jesus Calls


were written in the diary:“Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa, when a crow was sitting on the window. My son asked me 23 times what it was, and I replied to him all 23 times that it was a crow. I hugged him lovingly each time he asked me the same question again and again for 23 times. I did not at all feel irritated. I rather felt affection for my innocent child.” Yes, a father’s compassion for his child never runs out no matter how much it tests the father’s patience. May be you are a parent who has a rebellious child. May God’s compassion on you inspire you to be compassionate to your child. May be you are a son/daughter who is impatient with your ageing parents. Let the realization of your parental love and Heavenly Father’s love compel you to be patient with them. May be you have lost your parent, remember that you will always have God to guide you and provide for you. Yes, the Lord will carry you, care for you and be compassionate toward you as the Perfect Father. You will never have to feel alone for the Hands that fed the 5000, cares for the sparrow, bled for you and has you engraved in the palm (Isaiah 49:16), will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches and with good and perfect gifts specially sent from above (James 1:17).

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Below is the compilation of some of God’s miracles to encourage you to believe in Him. God will do all that you ask of Him. Expect the impossible. RESTORED TO GOOD HEALTH

so healed my son and given him complete health. - Joseph Kadmi MIRACULOUS HEALING THROUGH MIRACLE NIGHT SERVICE

I sent a prayer request concerning my brother. God has answered the prayers and now my brother has recovered to good health. He is doing fine. I give all glory to God and thank Bro. Paul Dhinakaran for his prayers. - Lily Carol Devadiga HEALED AND MADE WHOLE I had sent prayer requests for my son Shyam many times. Bro. Paul Dhinakaran replied with promises assuring his healing and God has even


Jesus Calls


I have been suffering from lower backache for many years. I don't remember when it started, but it existed even before I delivered my first born 7 years ago. I have 2 children now. I was 4 months postpartum after my second child as on June 4th. On the June 4th miracle night service, during the time of Prayer when Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul were praying for healing from sicknesses and diseases, I felt a warmth on my lower back and this lasted somewhere between a few seconds to a

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minute. Ever since, the backache disappeared. God healed me in a supernatural way without any medication or chiropractics or physiotherapy. I strongly believe this cure has saved me from further complications, which I could have faced otherwise with me being in postpartum. All glory be to God. - Jasmine Mathias, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada HEALED FROM COVID-19 On the 20th of February, I was tested positive for Covid-19. My mother immediately contacted the Prayer Tower requesting them to pray for me. The prayer intercessor noted down my phone number and email address to inform Dr. Paul Dhinakaran so that he could pray for me. Then I received an email from Dr. Paul Dhinakaran assuring me Psalm 23:1&4 and his prayers. We have been receiving the magazine for many years now as we have subscribed to it. When I was sick, I used to read the promise verses for every day from the magazine. I used to pray claiming those verses every time before going to the hospital for checkup. Every evening I used to call the prayer intercessors and request them to pray for my healing as well as for my parents as I was concerned if they would have been affected. The prayer intercessors prayed for me and encouraged me of my healing and family’s protection. I also joined Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran during the Facebook LIVE and prayed along with them. After twelve days, I was tested negative for

Jesus Calls


Covid. I praise God for keeping my family safe and I thank the Jesus Calls ministry for their prayer support and encouragement. - Dorothy, Assam, India CHILDREN BLESSED

I had sent prayer request concerning my children’s studies. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran replied with encouraging verses and assured me of his prayers. Both my children are blessed by his prayers. My daughter has got admission in NIFT and my son has become a doctor. All praises to Lord Jesus. - Marina Rabha, Tezpur, Assam, India BLESSED WITH DREAM JOB I have been trying to get a job for a long time. Last three months have been extremely stressful and tiresome. My best friend approached the prayer intercessors to pray for me. I thank them who prayed much to fetch me my dream job. Thankfully, I received a call regarding the offer. It would not be possible without God being on my side. All glory be to God. - Kalyan Kiran Chippada, Boston MARRIAGE ALLIANCE FIXED

My son’s marriage was my concern and I sent a prayer request to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran regarding this. He sent an encouraging reply and God has enabled us to find an alliance for

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my son. Praise be to God. I thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran for their prayers. - Daniel Tennyson, Bangalore, India HEALED FROM THROAT PAIN I was suffering from throat pain. I sent a prayer

request through Facebook to Bro. Paul Dhinakaran and he sent a reply assuring his prayers. God has heard the prayer and miraculously healed my throat pain. I am completely delivered. I praise God and thank brother for his prayers and reply. - Julia Miranda, Goa, India HEALED FROM COVID-19

My brother, my mother, my children and I were all infected with Covid-19. I sent a prayer request to Dr. Paul for our recovery. He replied assuring healing and his prayers. God miraculously healed all of us and we all have been restored back to health. Glory to God. I thank Dr. Paul for his prayers. - Seema Mary Lobo, Nagpur, India ENJOYING GOD’S BEST I am 36 years old and I was working in an MNC as a software engineer but unfortunately I lost my job in January 2021. After losing my job, I 20

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was depressed and worried about my family as I was the only earning member in my family. I uploaded my resume in job portals and was waiting for interview calls, but initially I didn't get any calls for 3 weeks. Later, one of our family friends reached out to Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and conveyed my situation to the prayer intercessors requesting prayers, who informed about the ‘Job Blessing Prayer Mission.’ I was immediately enrolled in the Job Blessing Prayer Mission and my prayer request was forwarded to Bro. Paul Dhinakaran. God really did a miracle in my life because when I was losing hope, God gifted me with 2 offer letters within 2 weeks’ time with more pay and higher job role than my previous job. On 1st March 2021, I joined an MNC in Hyderabad as Lead Software Engineer. I thank our Lord Jesus for protecting me and my family always in difficult times. My sincere thanks to Bro. Paul Dhinakaran and his family and the prayer intercessors at Jesus Calls (BHEL- Ashok Nagar) Prayer Tower for continuously praying for my job and well being. - Akula Sunil Kumar Yadav, BHEL Hyderabad, India DESIRED PROMOTION I kept on sending prayer requests for my career growth. I wanted to get a promotion and good increment. I had sent a prayer request to Dr. Paul and got a reply from him with prayers. On 18th November 2020, surprisingly I got promoted as Manager and was offered increments. I thank the Jesus Calls ministry and Bro. Paul who offered prayers for me. - Ashok Valan, Dubai FREED FROM THE FORCES OF DARKNESS I attended the fasting prayer at Jesus Calls

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Prayer Tower that was held on 30th March 2021 for the state election. I reached home that day and was informed about the Men’s Special Prayer arranged for the next day and I participated in it as well. In the course of time, my health started deteriorating. I couldn’t eat, sleep, or walk. Whenever I tried to eat, I would have pain, bowel discomfort and would feel evil powers making me sick. Because of this, I couldn’t even go to the Prayer Tower for 6 days. I became very weak. In this situation, I decided to somehow come to the JC House Prayer Tower, Chennai for prayer. I took a bus and in the stop I had to get down, the bus didn’t stop for long. I hurriedly lifted both my legs to jump down but by God’s grace I wasn’t injured. I felt someone lifting me up by their hand. From that moment, I have not been having any fear or any weakness in my body. God miraculously healed me and set me free from my problems. - V.S.Ramalingam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India HEALED FROM ILLNESS I was not in good health due to an illness. In June 2021, I sent a message to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran via Facebook requesting prayers for healing. God heard that prayer and now I am completely free from the illness. Praise be to God. - Riyaz Sona PRAYERS ANSWERED I requested the prayers of Uncle Dr. Paul Dhinakaran through Facebook in the 1st week of July 2021, as I was waiting for my

appointment letter. Uncle replied assuring me of his prayers. The very next week the appointment letter was moved toward the last signing process. I thank our Lord Jesus for answering the prayers of dear uncle and also thank dear uncle who prayed for me. - Ankit Agarwal SAFE RETURN We are conducting Couples’ Esther Prayer Group. We pray for all the points sent by Sister Stella Dhinakaran and it is always a blessed time. We enjoy the presence of the Lord. Brother Lenin, who comes to our prayer group, is working in Muscat and his wife Adlin and their child came there on dependant visa. As Lenin’s company did not have a policy to give family visa, he had taken it from an outside source and later it turned out into a big issue. They were blocked from travelling out of Oman. Moreover, the sponsor was not ready to solve the issue and immigration handed over the issue to court. It came to a point where no one could help in solving the issue and there were chances they could land up in a big fine or a jail term. We were all praying, and God miraculously spoke in the heart of the sponsor and solved the issue. Now, they are back in Nagercoil, India safely. All these days they were very prompt and faithful to attend all our prayers. Praise be to God. - Mrs & Mr. Bennet Ebenezer, Sultanate of Oman

The same God, who performed miracles for these beloved ones, will do mighty things for you too. To share your testimony, call the Prayer Tower in your country or region or email to Jesus Calls


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At Bethesda Where Heaven meets Earth * Prayers are offered for every prayer need that people come with. * Telephone Prayer Tower and Chain Prayer Tower at Bethesda are also vital channels for people to experience God’s miracles. * God has healed, delivered, saved, and granted long-awaited miracles to millions. * Everyone who comes experiences the glorious presence of God in the dome, vision centre, and counseling rooms.

Having withstood the test of time for the past 28 years, Bethesda is undergoing renovation. 22

Jesus Calls


This is how God blessed Bro. Winston David, Coimbatore through Bethesda

HEAVENLY INTERVENTION In the year 2016 my father, Prince Solomon had a brain stroke resulting in right-sided paralysis. His memory was affected and he was unable to even speak. He was in ICU for a month. We as a family requested prayers through Telephone Prayer Tower and God healed him. After coming home, he used a walking stick to walk. We couldn’t afford physiotherapy for him because it was expensive. At this juncture, we came to Bethesda Prayer Centre on 17th September 2017 and made a vow to God regarding his healing. In 2018, we visited Bethesda with him completely healed and walking without anyone’s support. Doctors had

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told he would not walk but God did a great miracle. We came out of one difficulty but went into financial crisis. We applied for his VRS but there were obstacles in settling his accounts that we could not get his pension benefits. Having waited for nearly four years, we went to Bethesda in 2020 seeking guidance about filing a court case as we were in a state where we couldn't know what to do and whom we should trust. A prayer intercessor prayed for us and assured us that God will do a miracle in one month’s time. He also said that we would have a wedding in our family as God will send an alliance to our house seeking a groom. So we decided to wait for justice from God. We were completely astonished as before the month could end, in the midst of the pandemic situation, many changes happened in father ’s office towards receiving his retirement benefits and God met our needs. Just as the prayer intercessor at Bethesda said, an alliance approached us and my wedding took place in February 2021. We have no words to thank God for all that He has done to us especially through Bethesda. We thank God for Bethesda which has been our hope when we needed help.

Kindly support this vision to be fulfilled through your prayers We request you our dear partner in the Lord's ministry to enable us renovate and rebuild the aging Bethesda Prayer Centre to be used as a blessing to millions more who will visit in the near future. We are in need to renovate and rebuild the Prayer Dome which includes new flooring, walls, roofing, electrical, air conditioning, and acoustics. Total construction cost is US$539,480. The cost for renovating 1sq feet is US$50; you could help us rebuild and renovate 1sq ft, or 5sq ft, or 10sq ft, or 25sq ft, or 50sq ft, or any as per the leading of the Holy Spirit in your heart. For more details: * Website: (For those in the Middle East and UAE, log on to * At the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your country * Email: To watch the video about Bethesda click the link Jesus Calls


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These days, most of the families are bereft of blessings because of various problems, rifts and lack of peace. However, as per Psalm 34:10 which says, ‘those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing’, there are couples who stay blessed as divine families beautifully built by the Lord as they seek the Lord with their whole heart and mind. Hence, shall we now examine, ‘how to receive a blessed family life as a ‘house built by the Lord’? The Bible beautifully says, “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.” (Psalm 127:1) Let’s see how we can build our house/ family life in a blessed way by trusting on the Lord.

House Founded on the Rock “He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock; and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock.” (Luke 6:48) “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on 24

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the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.” (Matthew 7:24, 25) David says in Psalm 18:2, 31:3, 62:2, 71:3, “Be my strong refuge, to which I may resort continually; You have given the commandment to save me, for You are my rock and my fortress.” Hannah says in I Samuel 2:2, ‘Nor is there any rock like our God.’ In Deuteronomy 32:4, Moses says, ‘He is the Rock, His work is perfect.’ David says in his last words in II Samuel 23:3, ‘The Rock of Israel’ and in Psalm 89:26 we read, ‘the rock of my salvation.’ If we receive the divine salvation that has been earned through Jesus Christ and lay the foundation of our family life on Him, the Rock, it is certain that we would receive all kinds of blessings in life. In the Bible, a Moabite woman called Ruth became the wife of Mahlon, son of the couple Elimelech and Naomi. But Ruth became a widow after her husband Mahlon died. In the same manner, both Elimelech and the other son Chilion also died. Both Ruth and Naomi became widows. Ruth, who saw Naomi’s godly

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zeal even in the midst of those sorrowful moments, accepted the Lord God as her Saviour and sought refuge under the wings of the Lord God of Israel. In other words, she took the God of Israel as the foundation of her life. As a result, God Himself wanted to beautifully build up her broken life of her widowed state, as she took Him as her refuge. Ruth got the privilege to become the wife of Boaz, who was their relative and a rich man. Above all, we also read in the Bible that she got the greatest blessing of getting her name recorded in the lineage of Christ (Matthew 1:5). Yes, Ruth, who had the Lord as her foundation, received full reward from Him. In a family, having lost the father, the eldest daughter of the family had to settle her younger siblings in life, as she was holding a good job. By then, her age was advanced and she could not get settled in marriage. Yet, not worrying, she sought the Lord as her help according to Psalm 121:1, accepted Him as her Saviour and kept her whole trust on Him. On a particular day, suddenly her church pastor brought a man to her house. This man was working abroad and had requested the pastor to find him a good, god-fearing girl. The pastor was reminded of this girl and brought him to her house. The Lord blessed everything and her wedding took place in a blessed way. She had the Lord Jesus, whom she trusted as the foundation of her life and lived a blessed life. Today, my dear children, who are unable to get married at the due time or who are in tears with no blessing in your married life, commit yourselves to live with godly reverence and zeal, having the Lord, the Rock as your Saviour and the foundation of your life. The Lord, who knows the hearts of all (Acts 1:24), knows your hearts (Luke 16:15). Yes, if you walk faithfully and sincerely before the Lord, the Rock, and fulfill His will, Jesus Calls


being filled with His divine grace, the Lord will surely help you to live a blessed life. Home of the just (Proverbs 3:33) “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it.” (Proverbs 10:22) “For the Lord has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His dwelling place: "This is My resting place forever; Here I will dwell, for I have desired it.” (Psalm 132:13,14) Our Lord Jesus Christ dwells in you, as the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). How does He stay with the just people and bless them? According to Psalm 5:12, the Lord will bless the righteous and surround him with favour as the shield. The Most High and the Almighty God shall give them refuge under His wings and protect them (Psalm 91:4). Blessings are on the head of the righteous (Proverbs 10:6). As we know, Abraham accepted the God of gods as his own Friend and committed himself totally to live in the ways pleasing to Him. Hence, the Lord God blessed and honoured him in a tremendous way. Don’t we read this in the Bible? According to Proverbs 10:7, the Lord made Abraham’s name to be famed. The blessing mentioned in Psalm 14:5, ‘God is with the generation of the righteous’, came upon Abraham. Also, don’t we read in Romans 4:17-21, how Abraham was blessed with godly descendants even at an advanced age, when he had no child and how he received the blessing of the ‘descendants being blessed by the Lord’ as seen in Isaiah 61:9? Dearly beloved, today, examine yourself as to whether you are diligent in making your house into a place pleasing to the Lord and whether it is filled with the Lord’s presence and prosperity, as a result of that. My dear ones, who have thus lost divine blessings and His

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presence and are languishing in tears because of trials and tribulations in your family, you should also commit yourself to choose the Lord as your Friend like Abraham did, keep Him with you always and live a righteous life in order to receive abundant blessings from the Lord.

House of prayer According to the verse that says, ‘Unto the upright there arises light in the darkness…’ (Psalm 112:4), the Lord will be to you an everlasting light, and your God your glory (Isaiah 60:19). “The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth.” (Psalm 145:18) As you call upon God in truth, He will make your house into a house of prayer. Do we excel in our prayer life by looking up to the Lord always and for everything as David says and by choosing the good portion like Mary, the sister of Martha did and seek His presence? Do we excel in the knowledge of knowing God through Bible reading? As we read in Psalm 50:23, are we prepared to offer praises and glorify Him? Do you thank the Lord with your whole heart and mind according to the Scripture, ‘Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it’ (Psalm 81:10). Our Lord is enthroned in the praises of Israel (Psalm 22:3). How many times do you thank the Lord in a day? Think for a while!

How was David’s Experience? As we read in the scripture, ‘I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth’ (Psalm 34:1) if we also thank the Lord from the depth of our heart, with our whole mind, the presence of God will come in our midst immediately. His blessing will also abound in your life. Once, I had the chance to be alone for a long time. Immediately I knelt down and sang praises to the Lord with my whole heart. 26

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Suddenly the presence of God filled the entire place and for the very first time, I felt the touch of the Holy Spirit surging through my body from my head to feet. In the same way, I longed to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit and I was pleading for that. One evening, as I knelt down at the feet of the Lord and was thanking Him from the depth of my heart, at that moment, quite unexpectedly the Lord anointed me with His Holy Spirit. The joy that filled me and my family was inexpressible! Yes, dear ones! If you too would kneel down at the Lord’s feet whenever possible and spend your time in praising His name, the Lord will be present and will fill you with His abundant goodness. Likewise, read and examine the Scriptures, when you get even a little leisure time. You will have eternal life in them as you read in John 5:39. If you read even two verses with diligence, the Lord will do great and mighty things in your life and honour you and lift you up. This is also a truth which I have found from my own experience. In the initial days, when I had poor knowledge of the Bible, I used to keep it beside me while cooking and read it when I could get a free time of even five minutes. Since the Lord found this sincerity in me, He is using me wonderfully in His ministry even in this old age. He comforts me through His word and He is leading me miraculously. Dear ones, if we have godly reverence in this life of living in close intimacy with the Lord, surely our family life would arise and shine. The name of the Lord will also be glorified through our every deed. May the God of gods stretch forth His gracious hands to bless you by making you follow this message in your daily life with a faithful and sincere heart, without stopping with merely reading it! “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” (Psalm 32:8)

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Godly fear is a divine character, which the Lord gives us graciously. Every woman, who has received this godly fear would surely arise and shine as a ‘priceless pearl’ in this earthly life. In what things would she be seen with reverence, before the Lord?

Prayerful Mind In the Bible, we come across two sisters Mary and Martha, out of whom, Mary always clung to the Lord with reverentially prayerful mind. The Lord Jesus testifies about her thus, “Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:42) What would be the Lord’s divine guidance for such people? “And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.” (I Corinthians 6:11) Accordingly, the Lord would grant His excellent portion to those who thus seek Him with reverence. Bro. Dhinakaran and I got married on August 17, 1959. It was during the betrothal ceremony, which was held two months prior to the wedding, the Lord spoke in my heart about this Jesus Calls


divine fear. Since that day, He has been holding my hand, leading in His divine path and raised up our family in a beautiful way by becoming the foundation of our family life. My dear sisters, ‘fear of God’ is the foundation of our lives. The lack of this fear leads to several other lacks. Martha had a great love for Christ (John 11:5), but she had no godly fear. That was why she was enthusiastically indulging in worldly things. Hence, she lacked in faith. She could not understand the wonderful, deep things of God and His power. My dear sister, do you also lack in godly reverence like Martha and are hurting yourself with unwanted worries, being filled with unbelief and distrust? Are you living in tears, unable to know the glory of God? As we read in Psalm 121:1,2, be diligent to wait in the presence of the Lord in reverence, and live successfully, choosing the good portion like Mary did, by looking up to Jesus, ‘the Hill from whence comes the help’ with prayer and faith.

Search the Scriptures in Reverence “You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me.” (John 5:39) The Scriptures have been given by the Spirit of God. Who is the Spirit? According to II Corinthians 3:17, the Lord is the Spirit. The Bible teaches us that He speaks to us. As we

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read in Judges 4:4, a prophetess by name Deborah was judging Israel in those days. She was fervent in Spirit, was gifted as a prophetess and was led by hearing the voice of God. In turn, she led the Israelites through Barak, the commander. Barak did not trust on his own strength but was concerned to be led by the Spirit through Deborah because of which the Lord led them wonderfully towards victory.

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” (Psalm 32:8)

Few months ago, when we faced a sorrowful situation because of some vain people, we were greatly renewed by the Lord’s word. “But the Lord is with me as a mighty, awesome One. Therefore my persecutors will stumble, and will not prevail. They will be greatly ashamed, for they will not prosper. Their everlasting confusion will never be forgotten. But, O Lord of hosts, You who test the righteous, And see the mind and heart, Let me see Your vengeance on them; For I have pleaded my cause before You.” (Jeremiah 20:11, 12)

“Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you by the way you should go.” (Isaiah 48:17)

Yes, dear ones! Today, the Spirit will speak to us beautifully through His word. Observe the lives of His servants, who live in fear of the Lord! They would fully lean on the Lord by reading His Word. Don’t we read,

At that time, when we were going through painful moments, one day, when I was reading the Bible in all reverence, the Lord comforted me greatly through the above verse. Accordingly He was with us, revived and lifted us up.

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path .” (Psalm 119:105) “I am afflicted very much; Revive me, O Lord according to Your word.” (Psalm 119:107)

But to you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise… and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves.” (Malachi 4:2) “Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” (II Corinthians 7:1)

Whenever we are sorrowful because of the afflictions of this world doesn’t His Word comfort and console us at such times of humiliation? “Remember the word to Your servant, upon which You have caused me to hope. This is my comfort in my affliction, for Your word has given me life.” (Psalm 119:49,50)

Haven’t we heard about the testimonies of several men of God, who have been wonderfully comforted by the Scriptures, at their tearful moments, caused by the burdens of this world? Even in our family, whenever we faced sufferings and crises, the Word of the Lord comforted and consoled us and would wonderfully guide us in the right path. About this we read in Psalm 32:8, 28

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Dear ones, whoever has godly fear in their lives would guard their lives in holiness, with reverence. We read in John 4th chapter about the woman of Samaria. What a terrible and sinful life she was leading! However, through the word of the Lord, reverence and holiness entered into her. Didn’t the people of her town believe the Lord, through her? After Peter, who was with Jesus Christ, but denied Him out of fear, got filled with godly reverence, what a blessing he was to the people in a mighty way, being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit! Don’t we read in Acts 5:15, that because of the power of the Spirit in him, the sick were

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delivered by the Spirit of God, the moment his shadow fell upon them? In the same way, don’t we also read in the Bible that Saul who was once against the Lord was made to repent by His power and was filled with the strength of the Holy Spirit? How wonderfully the sick were delivered by the power of the Lord when his handkerchiefs and aprons were put on them as read in Acts 19:11, 12. “And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” (John 14:13,14)

Whenever the disciples prayed for the people in the mighty name of the Lord, God performed miracles. The reason was the anointing of the Holy Spirit which they had, just as how the Lord Jesus Christ was filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit as we read in Acts 10:38 (Acts 2nd chapter). Even today, the Lord is using His servants, who seek Him in godly reverence, for His glory, filling them with the same power, gifts and the fruit of the Spirit. My beloved husband Bro. Dhinakaran reverentially indulged in spiritual activities such as reading the Bible and praying, from the day when he was saved by the Lord. Hence, the Lord miraculously filled him also with His divine anointing, gifts and power just as He guided His disciples and made him rise and shine for the glory of His name through signs and wonders. Likewise, He, who is unchanging in His word, is even today using our descendants as well according to His promise, “Their descendants shall be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people. All who see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the posterity whom the Lord has blessed." (Isaiah 61:9) "As for Me," says the LORD, "this is My covenant with them: My Spirit who is upon you, and My words which I have put in your mouth, Jesus Calls


shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your descendants, nor from the mouth of your descendants' descendants," says the LORD, "from this time and forevermore." (Isaiah 59:21) “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (II Timothy 1:7)

Accordingly, the Lord has given us the spirit of power, love and a sound mind to make us rise and shine for the glory of His name, at any situation. He has granted me, who was ignorant of such things of the above, His will and His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13) and the Holy Spirit is wonderfully leading me! The Lord gave me, who had lost my only 17-year-old daughter in the year 1986, a ministry for women in 1988 (Esther Prayer Ministry). Through this and by the leading of the Holy Spirit, He is forming thousands of prayer warriors among young children, little children and couples and is filling me with His divine joy and blessings. This has been given purely by the God of gods and is helping me to arise and shine for the glory of His name with joy by granting me godly reverence, zeal and a holy life even at this old age. My dear sisters, you should also live such a life of being filled with the blessings from above. God, who created everything out of nothing, will grant you a holy life of power, glory and reverence, for the glory of His name if you would plead to Him with genuine desire, no matter what lacks are there in your life. “For everyone who asks receives and he, who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” (Luke 11:10)

May the God of gods stretch forth His gracious hands and make every sister who reverentially desires for this divine life, rejoice with gladness!

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COUNTING THE MANY BLESSINGS! I came to Canada in September 2014 and had a difficult time getting a job. In April 2015, I attended the Jesus Calls Canada Blessing meeting in Toronto for the first time. The prayer intercessors prayed over me and in the very next week, I got a job as a Financial Analyst. Today, I am the Reconciliation Manager in the Finance department, in the same company. During Covid-19, our work force was at 15% and by the grace of God and the continuous prayers of Jesus Calls, I still have my job. I had requested the Jesus Calls prayer intercessors to pray for my mother's sponsorship as a Permanent Resident. I processed my mother's application and she was one among the 27,000 people selected out of the 1 million people who had applied. I thank God for the favor and answered prayers. My wife and I were praying for the gift of a child. We requested the prayer intercessor at the Prayer Tower to pray for us, and my wife conceived in less than 2 months. God blessed us with a beautiful baby girl. I also approached the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower to pray that I buy my own house. God helped us and blessed us with a new house. Praise be to God for these many blessings I have graciously received by the prayers of prayer intercessors. - Carlton Remedios, Mississauga, Ontario 32

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CANADA PRAYER TOWER EVENTS AND MEETING • Bible Studies via Zoom every Thursday at 11:00 am • Fasting Prayers via Zoom every Friday at 11:00 am • Saturday Blessing Meetings via Zoom every 1st Saturday and last Saturday of the month at 11:00 am • Esther Prayer Group prayers via Conference and Zoom every 2nd & 3rd Saturday of the month • For details on meetings please call 416 385 7677/ 647 770 0676 or email us at CONTACT DETAILS (PHONE LINES, EMAILS AND 24X7 PRAYER LINE) • For Prayer Hotline (24/7) please call 416 385 7677 or our toll free number 1855 522 7729 • For further details or ministry resources please call admin at 416 385 7576 / email us at • Volunteer with us - If you would like to volunteer with us and pray/ intercede for the needs of others. Please call Sis. Smita Tham at 647 770 0676 / email at Office Address: 55 Town Centre Court, Suite # 700 Toronto ON M1P 4X4.

BANKING INFORMATION ACCOUNT INFORMATION: Bank: TD Canada Trust Canadian Account Number: 0532-5202720 US Account Number : 0532-7303475 Cheques payable to “Jesus Calls Canada” Postal Address: Jesus Calls Canada PO Box 87181, RPO Village Square Scarborough ON M1W 3Z2 For Credit Card Donations please call Sis. Smita at 647 770 0676 Or Online donations may be made at 33


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