Jesus Calls International October 2019

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A special meeting conducted at “Jesus Calls” Prayer Tower, Vanagaram on August 15th at 5:00 pm was greatly blessed. People in large numbers had been waiting to receive God’s blessings both inside and outside the venue. It was an evening with a difference with special songs and skits on the theme ‘Freedom.’ Brother Samuel Dhinakaran shared how we can experience real freedom through Jesus Christ. When he invited the youth to commit their lives, hundreds stood up. Celebrating our nation’s 73rd year of Independence, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran led all the people to pray for the Nation’s blessing, by lifting the national flag in their hands. Then he preached God’s word on the topic “Launch out into the deep” and offered a powerful prayer. In the end, Sis. Evangeline Paul prayed compassionately for people’s tears to be wiped off. People returned to their homes joyfull with fullness and freedom, having received God’s peace and blessings in their body, soul and spirit.


Glory to God - October 2019 JESUS CALLS


Ministry calling "After these things the Lord appointed seventy others also, and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go. Then He said to them, The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” (Luke 10:1-2) The Lord is going to send a mighty harvest in the days to come. The harvest belongs to the Lord and the battle too. It is His harvest and He needs His laborers. Jesus sent two by two laborers ahead of Him before He could go to that place. "And I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, See that you do not do that! I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” (Revelation 19:10) When the laborers go, God will make them prophesy and as they prophesy, Jesus will come into that city, state and country. That is why God has given you a heart for God’s ministry. Because you love God more than anything else in this world, God has



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chosen you. As you go, you shall see nations opening up. We need to pray today that God should send more laborers. How God will raise an army of prophets and prayer intercessors? When God called David and made him ruler over Judah and Israel, He sent the laborers to him. Amasai had a group of 30 under him. He was under David and he prophesied by the Holy Spirit and blessed David. The Bible says that everyday men came as such to help David until he had a great army (I Chronicles 12:18 & 22). David had an army of prophets and they were mighty warriors too. Amasai, who joined David knew that God’s hand was upon David and that he was destined to succeed. We need to pray so, “Lord we need prayer warriors who are also prophets.” God is raising you up with that same grace.

did, and sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul." (Acts 11:29,30) For a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught a great number of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch. When Paul and Barnabas were brought together, Christians were born (Acts 11:26). God gave them a teaching ministry. Until then they were Jews. But after these two people went and taught at Antioch, God brought them under a banner called “Christians”- a new breed of people. At that time when Herod was persecuting the people of God, Paul and Barnabas were bringing funds for the people. When they placed their foot in Jerusalem, the angel of God rose up and hit Herod. Just after their mission was over they went to Antioch. Their mission was to enter Jerusalem and the angel of God to hit the enemy of the gospel (Acts 12:21-24). As soon as their mission was over, they left immediately. God is going to give such power to those whom He sends by two. When people enter into a city or country in two's, you will see enemies falling down. The door will open for the preaching of the gospel.

Win souls and bring laborers into God’s ministry. As you pray and bring laborers, every soul that is won through those laborers will be written into your account in heaven.

I want to show you two people whom God chose and shook the world. God called them together. We see Barnabas. The Bible says that Joses, a Levite from Cyprus, whom the apostles called Barnabas (which means Son of Encouragement), sold a field he owned and brought the money and put it at the apostles’ feet (Acts 4:36). This is what happens when you are called for God’s ministry. Barnabas didn’t want to do ministry all by himself. The Bible says that when Paul went to Jerusalem, he tried to join with the disciples but they were afraid of him, and didn’t believe that he really was a disciple. It was Barnabas, who introduced Paul to the apostles. He told them how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord and had spoken to him and how in Damascus he had preached fearlessly in the name of Jesus” (Acts 9:26-27).

God gives the teaching ministry "Then the disciples, each according to his ability, determined to send relief to the brethren dwelling in Judea. This they also

As they go two by two, and if anyone opposes the gospel, God will remove the obstacle. Jesus says, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven” (Luke 10:18). The evil powers over every city and country shall fall. That is why God is sending them two by two. If two of you agree, it will be agreed by the Father in heaven (Matthew 18:19) and that is the grace that God is giving us. Two people will teach all over the world, and they will bring offerings for the ministry. Then they will bring about the fall of the evil ones and the evil power from their position. Then God takes these two to the next level.

Prophets with the prophetical anointing The Bible says, “In the church that was at Antioch there were certain prophets and teachers: - October 2019 JESUS CALLS


Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul" (Acts 13:1). God made Barnabas and Saul prophets and that's the next stage. God will make those who go "two by two" as prophets. What does the prophetical anointing do? Firstly, it makes the power of Satan fall in every city and country. Secondly, the leadership will be made righteous. Thirdly, churches will be formed and fourthly, servants of God will rise up. Many others will become servants of God through them.

The apostolic anointing

Unless a person brings souls into heaven, he cannot and will not be taken into heaven when Jesus comes back. 6


Then God takes Paul and Barnabas to the fifth level. The Bible says “As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, “Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Then, having fasted and prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them away” (Acts 13:2,3). At a fasting prayer meeting on October 2nd 1994, God spoke about how He had chosen me for ministry and He anointed me that day. It was prophesied by a prayer warrior and my father interpreted it. God granted me a double portion of the gifts and the grace that was upon my father. Since then did the gifts of the Holy Spirit started to operate in me.

Nothing to lack The Bible says that with great power, the apostles continued to testify the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all, that there were no needy persons among them; for from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them and, brought the money October 2019 -

from the sales (Acts 4:33,34,35). This is going to be the future and there shall be no shortage in the ministry. All the people who go in two’s will be filled up to the brim. It is not that they sacrifice something and go but they shall have no shortage. God shall provide everything to the people in two's. Jesus asked his disciples, “When I sent you two by two, did you lack anything?” They said “No, Lord, nothing was lacking” (Luke 22:35). God is going to prosper his people. Those who have two houses will sell one house and give it to the ministry to prepare the world for the second coming of Jesus. There shall be nothing lacking for those who serve Jesus.

Signs and wonders When Paul and Barnabas went together, the Bible says, “At Iconium, Paul and Barnabas went as usual into the Jewish synagogue. There they spoke so effectively that a great number of Jews and Gentiles believed. But the Jews who refused to believe stirred up the Gentiles and poisoned their minds against the brothers. Yet, Paul and Barnabas spent considerable time there, speaking boldly for the Lord, who confirmed the message of His grace by enabling them to perform signs and wonders (Acts 14:1-3). Signs, wonders and miracles will follow as never before in the cities, which never knew about Jesus. A lame man was sitting as Paul was preaching. He was a cripple from birth and he could not walk. Paul looked at him and said, “Stand up straight on your feet” and immediately that man got up, and walked. The whole city came to listen to him (Acts 14:8-10). Signs and wonders would follow as never before. When the next Sabbath day came, almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of God and those who honored the sign of God followed him. The people who never knew God before, honored God.

The Gentiles heard the Word of God and those appointed for eternal life believed. The Bible says that the news of how the gentiles transformed, made the disciples filled with joy (Acts 15:3). All these three types of people; people who honored God, the Gentiles who never knew God and the people called as disciples touched by God. The whole city came to listen to them. Such will be the move of God in the coming days through the people anointed and sent around the world.

Apostles around the nation God will anoint people and send them as apostles around the nation. The Bible says, “When they had preached the gospel to that city and made many disciples, they returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch…"(Acts 14:21). The two whom God anoints, will bring forth disciples and elders who will continue the ministry that God starts. We shall stand where God has called us as evangelists with the added grace of prophetical and apostolic anointing. The Bible says, “Now it happened as they journeyed on the road, that someone said to Him, “Lord, I will follow You wherever You go.” And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” Then He said to another, “Follow Me.” But he said, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father.” Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and preach the kingdom of God.” And another also said, “Lord, I will follow You, but let me first go and bid them farewell who are at my house.” But Jesus said to him, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:57-62). The Lord says, “Let the dead bury the dead.” There is no time to look after your own personal pleasures and desires. This is not the time to look back. After you have put your hands on the plow, you have to go forward. You have to go with Him. That is what the call of Christ is. That is what Jesus expects from the laborers. Only those, who have won souls for Jesus Christ will be taken by Him in His second coming.

When Jesus comes back, whom will He take to heaven? Only those who have brought five more talents from the five talents given to them and only those who bring two more talents with the two talents given to them will be taken to Heaven. He/she that wins souls is wise (Proverbs 11:30). You win souls and it comes into your account, which is your treasure in heaven. When Jesus comes, you will be ready; Jesus will be ready and to tell you “Well done, thou faithful servant, enter into the joy of the Master for you have been faithful in small things” (Matthew 25:20-23). Unless a person brings souls into heaven, he cannot and will not be taken into heaven when Jesus comes back. What happens to those who do not bring souls? He will just say, “Cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 25:30; 24:51). When Jesus comes, He takes those who have won souls for His kingdom. All those who are saved but did not win souls will be left behind. Let us continue to pray, win souls and bring laborers into God’s ministry. As you pray and bring laborers, every soul that is won through those laborers will be written into your account in heaven. We will have multiple returns. Pray that God should send laborers who will prophesy and do His ministry. God will send laborers not only from your place but from all around the world. There shall be nothing lacking for anybody. God is sending that blessing right now. Nothing will be lacking in ministry. 


KARUNYA SCHOOL OF THEOLOGICAL STUDIES (under Karunya Educational & Research trust- full-fledged Theological College)

FROM 2020 (AT CHENNAI & COIMBATORE) WE NEED SUITABLE FACULTY WITH Ph.D. TO TEACH AND TRAIN IN ALL REALMS! LIBRARIAN ALSO. Please apply with full bio-data and list of publications to - October 2019 JESUS CALLS


On 28th August 2019, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran along with the Pastors, prayer intercessors and partners of the Jesus Calls ministries dedicated the renovated Mumbai Ghatkopar Prayer Tower for the glory of God. We are grateful to all who supported us in this project. May God bless each and everyone beyond measure! Prayer help can be received in person from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm every day. We invite you to come as a family for prayers and to be blessed.

Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Next to Melville Estate, Behind Everest Garden, Laxmi Nagar, Ghatkopar(East), Mumbai - 400075



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Proverbs 23:24 - Rejoice and be glad Meditation: Isaiah 51:3; Joel 2:23; Luke 1:46-48 Joel 2:28 - God gives us His spirit Meditation: Isaiah 44:3,4; Luke 11:13; John 3:34; Titus 3:7 Galatians 6:9 - Do good Meditation: Matt. 5:44; 1 Thess. 5:15; 1 Tim. 5:4,8 Psalm 33:9 - All things possible with God Meditation: Job 42:2; Jer. 32:17,27; Luke 1:37 Proverbs 11:25 - Give and you shall receive Meditation: Matt. 10:41,42; Mark 4:24; Luke 6:38; 2 Cor. 9:6-8 1 Chronicles 22:12 - God gives wisdom Meditation: Exod. 35:30-33; Prov. 2:6; Luke 21:15; James 1:5 1 Peter 2:9 - You are God's people Meditation: Lev. 26:12; Jer. 7:23; 11:3; Heb. 8:10 Psalm 147:11 - Lord takes pleasure in us Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:20; Isaiah 62:4; Lam. 3:25; Dan. 9:23; Zeph. 3:17 Numbers 6:26 - God gives peace Meditation: Lev. 26:3-6; Psalm 29:11; Mark 5:2534; John 14:27 Haggai 2:7 - Fullness of glory Meditation: 2 Chron. 7:1-3; Isaiah 6:1; 35:1,2; 2 Cor. 3:17,18 Jeremiah 17:7 - Lord our hope Meditation: Psalm 84:12; Prov. 29:25; Isa. 26:3; Nahum 1:7; Heb. 10:35-39 John 11:40 - God's glory through faith Meditation: Ezek. 10:19; Rom. 5:1-5; Eph. 3:12 Deuteronomy 20:1 - Lord is with you Meditation: Gen. 26:1-3; Joshua 1:5; Isaiah 43:5; Matt. 28:20 2 Thessalonians 3:3 - God protects us from evil Meditation: 1 Chron. 4:10; Psalm 121:7,8; Acts 18:9-11 Philippians 4:19 - God's fullness Meditation: Ruth 2:12; Job 5:24; 1 Cor. 13:10 Haggai 2:19 - God will bless you Meditation: Gen. 12:2,3; 1 Chron. 13:14; Psalm 128; Eph. 1:3










John 16:13 - Spirit of truth guides to all truth Meditation: Psalm 25:5; 86:11; Isaiah 63:11-14; Acts 10:38; Rom. 8:14 Psalm 62:5 - Wait for God Meditation: Psalm 27:13,14; 46:10; Isaiah 30:15; Micah 7:7 Genesis 16:10 - God will increase you Meditation: Deut. 30:5; Ezek. 36:30,37; Heb. 6:14 John 14:18 - God will not abandon you Meditation: Psalm 10:14,18; 68:5,6; Jeremiah 49:11; Hosea 14:3; John 14:1-3 Isaiah 43:15 - Holy God is He Meditation: 1 Sam 2:2; Lev. 20:7,8; Isaiah 57:15; 1 Peter 1:15,16 John 15:4 - Remain in God Meditation: Matt. 10:22; John 6:56;15:7; 1 John 4:12-16 Psalm 128:2 - God gives blessings Meditation: Psalm 23:6; Jer. 32:40-42; Matt. 7:11; James 1:17 Proverbs 8:17 - Seek God early in the morning Meditation: Deut. 4:29; Isaiah 55:6; Jer. 29:13; Matt. 7:7,8 Jeremiah 33:6 - God heals us Meditation: 2 Kings 20:5,6; Psalm 30:2; Isaiah 57:19; 1 Peter 2:24 Isaiah 49:16 - Safe and secure Meditation: Deuteronomy 32:10-13; Psalm 121:3-8; Zech. 2:8 Leviticus 20:26 - You belong to God Meditation: Deut. 7:6; 14:2; Psalm 33:12; Isaiah 43:1 Isaiah 48:17 - God directs us Meditation: Psalm 48:14; Isaiah 40:11; Rev. 7:17 Hosea 6:3 - God comes swiftly to us Meditation: Psalm 72:6; Isaiah 2:3; Joel 2:23-24; Hosea 10:12; Luke 18:7 Deuteronomy 33:27 - God is our defence Meditation: Psalm 9:9; 18:2; 71:3; Isaiah 41:10-13; Psalm 20:1 - God answers our prayers Meditation: 1 Kings 8:30; Psalm 20:6; 50:14,15; Matthew 21:22









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their Saviour, to be washed by His blood and become righteous people. When our children live righteously, we will have overflowing joy.

The month of the Holy Spirit My dearly beloved in Christ, Our Lord has enabled us to enter into the tenth month of this year and I praise God for His goodness. I join with you to thank Him for upholding us as individuals and families in the past nine months and for anointing us to touch millions of souls through ministry. I also thank Him for strengthening your hands to support our ministry with your offerings. I greet you that our God would fill you with His joy and bless you in this October month according to the verse: “The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice: and he who begets a wise child will delight in him.” (Proverbs 23:24) This verse points to the fact that the righteous behaviour of children brings happiness to the parents. Children are a heritage from the Lord (Psalm 127:4). Therefore, it is the bounden duty of the parents to lead them in the righteous path of the Lord (Proverbs 22:6). Parents hold the responsibility to make their children know the love of God at the right time, accept Him as 10


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“God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him” (Acts 10:38). The month of October is a very important month for ‘Jesus Calls’ Ministries. After knowing the love of God and accepting Jesus Christ as his Saviour in the year 1955, my father Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran was eagerly waiting for the anointing of the Holy Spirit for seven years. God filled him with His Holy Spirit on 10th October 1962. After that, the power of God started hovering more in our ministry. There were prophetic revelations in the meetings. Millions of people received God’s miracles and blessings in their life and the ministry expanded. I urge that those of you who are thirsty for the Holy Spirit should pray fervently and receive the anointing this month. ‘Jesus Calls’ is conducting special anointing meetings on every Thursdays in all the Prayer Towers. I lovingly invite you to participate in the anointing meeting at the Prayer Tower in your area and be filled with the Spirit of God.

Training the partners As ‘Jesus Calls’ Partners, when each of you receive the anointing and gifts of the Holy Spirit, you too will be able to do God’s ministry. You can pray for the people who come with a need for prayer in the Prayer Towers or help in the activities of the Prayer Tower as a volunteer in your free hours. 'Not one Dhinakaran; but thousands of Dhinakarans should rise' was the vision that God gave me. Like us, you being the ministry partners, you too should be used powerfully by God and hence, we have started the Partners Training Program (PTP) which is given exclusively to the partners like you. This training will enable you to serve God wherever you are and also through the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers. When people are touched by the power of God through your prayers, He will remember your labour in His ministry (Hebrews 6:10). You can contact the Prayer Tower manager in your area and get more details on this.

Expansion in Prayer Service On 28th August 2019, we dedicated the renovated Mumbai Ghatkopar Prayer Tower for the glory of God along with pastors, mission leaders and partners. My wife and I could also meet and pray for the partners individually. I thank God for this beautiful air - conditioned facility suitable for different kinds of meetings, a wonderful chapel to pray silently to God. However, we need another 30 lakh to install audio video systems and complete this project. Churches and mission organisations may also use this facility as per the availabilty. This will certainly be a tower of hope to Mumbai. Continue to pray and support the same. Followed by this, on September 4th, my birthday, God graciously helped us to dedicate new Prayer Towers in six more places in India - Coonoor (Tamil Nadu), Agra & Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh), Tezpur (Assam), Anand (Gujarat) and Virar (Maharashtra). The vision given by God to our ministry is to establish Jesus Calls Prayer Towers in every district of India. We are taking prayerful efforts to fulfil this vision as quick as possible. We have identified 100 locations across India to start our Ministry services in the coming months. It has been calculated that we will need another 25 Lakh/ month towards establishing new ministry centres in these 100 new locations. I lovingly invite you to support these extended services through your prayers, volunteer services and offerings.

For this we need committed men and women in various capacities (ambassadors, prayer intercessors, managers etc). If you have the desire, dedication and calling to do ministry, you can send your resume with full details to the email and those selected will be given adequate ministry training through Bethesda School of Prayer.

Magazine Club “He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds.” (Psalm 147:3) As you know, we are sending the Jesus Calls magazine in 7 different languages to more than 3 lakh families every month. On an average each magazine goes through a minimum of 5 pairs of hands every month. We are working on to extend the reach in two more languages in the coming months. We have set a goal to reach at least 8 to 9 lakh families which will help us to reach a minimum of 45 lakhs of individuals with the word of the Lord every month. It costs Rs.300/- for one year (12 Issues) and we want to give it to anyone and everyone who needs it. The blessings of getting these souls to Christ will therefore come upon everyone who supports this noble mission. Come! Enroll in the Magazine Club and consider supporting this significant ministry every month. You can find the simple ways to send your offerings to ‘Jesus Calls’ Magazine Club in page no.21

Partner information updation form The postal address, telephone/mobile number, birthday/wedding day details of the Jesus Calls ministry partners are getting refreshed in our computer system. For many there could be changes in the address for correspendence or phone numbers. If only we have your complete updated contact details, it will be helpful for us to inform you the ministry events, send the Jesus Calls magazine and reply to your letters without any difficulties. Sending a letter or a magazine to an incorrect address doesn’t reach you which is a waste of money, time, efforts and above all, it hinders the blessings that you have to receive. To solve this we have given a partner information updation form on page 13 . Kindly spare a few minutes to fill the form and send it back to us by post or call our Toll Free No. 1800 425 77 55 (7 a.m. to 9 p.m.) to update your contact details and change of address. You can also scan/take photo of the filled - October 2019 JESUS CALLS


form and send it to us by email to or WhatsApp to the mobile no. 9094099977. I request you to do this as a favor without fail.

Karunya Educational Service God gave my father Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran a command to establish a Christian University. Even though we lost our dear Angel in a frightful accident, while we went to do the arrangements for setting up Karunya Engineering College, yet, we pursued in obedience to fulfil the vision inspite of our brokeness. Thanks be to God! Karunya Engineering College was started on 4th October 1986. Now it is functioning as a Deemed- to- be University. The students who finished their studies at Karunya are living as testimonies throughout the world. God be Glorified!

Bethesda Prayer City Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. (2 Chronicles 7:15) The Bethesda Prayer Centre was established on 10th October, 1993. Year after year, For the last 26 years God is faithfull in fulfilling the above mentioned promise to thousands of people who throng Bethesda every month. Now God has given us the vision to expand this Prayer Centre into a Prayer City to bless millions and millions more. Please pray for this great vision to be fulfilled. Every 2nd Sunday of the month we are conducting a Special Blessing Meeting here. God is doing marvelous things and mighty miracles for

This is a 6 weeks program, once a week for 2-3 hrs; conducted in all Prayer Towers in different languages free of cost. 12


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all those who are attending. We are ministring as a family in these meetings and are also offering personal prayers for those in need. I invite you also to take part in these meetings without fail. Please do bring your friends and relatives.

Upcoming meetings We continue our travel to various cities, towns in India and to different countries to preach the gospel and pray for the people with a vision that not even one soul should perish. Arrangements are going on in full swing for the following Prayer Festivals. 2019 October 13 (every 2nd Sunday) - Bethesda Special Blessing Meeting 2019 November 8,9,10 - Mokokchung Prayer Festival, Nagaland 2019 November 22,23,24 - Visakhapatnam Prayer Festival, Andhra Pradesh 2020 January 10,11,12 - Bilaspur Prayer Festival, Chhattisgarh 2020 January 24,25,26 - Bokaro Prayer Festival, Jharkhand 2020 February 8,9 - Karaikal Prayer Festival, Puducherry I request you to pray fervently for these meetings.

May the Lord command the fullness of grace on you. Your dear brother who prays for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

If you like to join the Partners Training Program (PTP), please contact your nearby Prayer Tower or call the Toll Free No. 1800 425 77 55 (7 a.m. to 9 p.m.)

To be filled up by the Head of the Family. Partner Code:____________ Name:______________________________ Current Communication Address:_______________________________

Kindly spare few minutes to fill this Partner Information Updation Form and send it back to us by post or call our Toll Free No. 1800 425 77 55 (7 a.m. to 9 p.m.)



_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ City/Town:___________________District:_________________________ State:___________________________

PIN CODE:_________________

Date of Birth:__________ Date of wedding (if applicable)___________ Mobile:__________________ Mobile (WhatsApp):_________________ Email:________________________________________________________ S.No

Partner Code


(if already a partner in any of the facets)

Date of Birth

Relationship with the Family Head

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Are you getting the Jesus Calls monthly magazine regularly? Yes No Re-confirm the language in which you want the magazine (please tick): Tamil English Hindi Telugu Kannada Malayalam Gujarati Odia

SCAN THIS QR CODE TO UPDATE ONLINE You can also scan/take photo of the filled form and send it to us by email to or WhatsApp to the mobile no

90940 99977

Re-confirm the language in which you want the communications from Jesus Calls to be:_________________________________________ Preferred communication:



Your preferred*/nearby Prayer Tower:___________________________ * Applicable where there are more than one Prayer Tower nearby: Do you agree and welcome our prayer intercessors to visit your house for prayers? Yes No Any feedback / suggestions: ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ - October 2019 JESUS CALLS



rom preaching the gospel on the streets and cottage meetings, (Late) Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran proclaimed God’s word for the first time in a public meeting in Vellore, Tamil Nadu. The public meeting which was held at Erode the very next year got its name, “Jesus Calls Good News Festival.” From the day Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran accepted the Lord Jesus as his Saviour, he seized every opportunity to preach the gospel. Hundreds of people who gathered for these meetings became thousands and now they are in millions! Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family continue to minister in these “Prayer Festivals.”

Apart from people who directly attend these Prayer Festivals, lakhs are blessed by the live telecast of these meetings on television, Facebook and YouTube. The vision of these Prayer Festivals is “not even one soul should be lost” and there is the drive towards this vision, to bring it to pass by the grace of God and through your help. Prayer Festivals are a key platform to announce the love of God to the masses, to bring healing and deliverance both spiritually and physically to those shackled by sin. All are welcome to attend these Prayer Festivals and the entry is free for all. Year after year we see throngs of people gathering at these Prayer Festivals and receiving God’s touch that transforms their lives. 14


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HERE IS A TESTIMONY FROM A DEAR PARTNER ….. I am a Jesus Calls partner and my children are Young Partners. In 2005, being an electrician, once while I was repairing a transformer, I fell from a great height and became unconscious. After sometime I regained consciousness, took medication for 6 months and stopped my medical treatment. But the pain continued and when I met the doctors they told me that the bones on my side, which are linked to the back- bone are compressed. They said that nothing could be done and it will remain this way all my life. I was asked not to drive any vehicle, not to lift heavy weights and was asked to take more rest without doing any work. I changed my profession too. But for 13 years, even if I sat, stood or walked, the pain was severe. With faith I attended the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival in LB Stadium, Hyderabad in October 2018 and was seated there for the whole meeting. In the end during prayer, while Bro. Paul was praying, he told the people who were suffering from sickness to lay their hands on the affected part and he continued to pray. I felt someone touching me and even before he could end the prayer, God had healed my back pain. I came with much pain and sorrow in my heart, but God healed me completely. Now, it has been one year I am able to do my own work, drive my vehicle and also lift heavy weights without depending on others. I thank God for doing this mighty miracle in my life. - DHARMALINGACHARI, HYDERABAD

God willing, in November 2019 we are going to have a Prayer Festival in Nagaland and Visakhapatnam and several other Prayer Festivals are going to follow. Please pray that God will bless all the efforts that we are going to take to bring God’s word to millions of people through these meetings. It’s not just having the meetings there, but the message goes LIVE through television, social media and so on. It is estimated to cost us 2½ crores of rupees to conduct these meetings. We need 250 people to give Rs.1 lakh each ( or)  500 people to give Rs.50,000/- each( or)  10,000 people to give Rs.2,500/- each Would you be one among them? Together we can bring God’s word to those who do not have hope.

We urge you to partner with us in this vision, to carry the message of hope to the hopeless. God will build your life and your family with all the hope you need. CONTRIBUTE (PLEASE TICK WHAT THE LORD LEADS YOU) Rs.1 lakh




Name:………………........................................................................... Partner code (if you have):……………… Address:……………….................................................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................... Pincode:…….............……… Mobile:………................. Mobile (Whatsapp).............................. Email…………..........……………………….......... You can also pay through our website: by selecting the option “Campaign Blessing Plan” (CBP) in the donate list. kindly refer page 21 to know the other simple ways to send your offering to Campaign Blessing Plan - October 2019 JESUS CALLS


My father passed away 16 days before I could celebrate my third birthday. I had no remembrance of his face or of any event related to him; Not even the memory of sitting beside him. I used to rejoice while imagining events and letting them run in my mind by looking at my father’s photograph. I would imagine I was sitting on his lap or that I was holding his hands while walking or eating alongside him. While in school, during the rainy season, I’d see many fathers waiting outside the school gate with umbrellas. I too would look for my father but he was not there and that always disappointed me. I started addressing Jesus as my “Father” through the verse in Psalm 68:5 which says, ‘He is a father to the fatherless’ and rejoiced in this. The love of Jesus comforted and consoled me. But there was always a sorrow in my heart that the blessing to call one as a father and experiencing his love and his nearness was not given to 16


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me. I used to wonder whether my life will end up in the same manner as well.

The relationship started from afar: I had seen uncle D.G.S Dhinakaran in the ‘Jesus Calls’ gospel meetings from a distance. I was eager to see all the family members at a close range. While I was studying in my first year B.Com, a Jesus Calls meeting took place near my house at the St. John’s School ground, Palayamkottai, Tamil Nadu. By 4 o'clock in the evening, people would gather in great numbers. In the evening meetings, we would only be able to see him from afar. But in the morning meeting, I got a chance to sit in the first 10- 15 rows on that day. I was able to see all the members of the family including Angel. I was overwhelmed with such a joy.

Intimacy in the fellowship Uncle preached the Word of God on my wedding. It was something I had never even dreamt off. I was overflowing with great joy thinking how much the Lord Jesus has made me glad. On that day Uncle preached from Isaiah 66:13 which says, “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem.” I wonder whether it was a prophetic message. Fatherhood always held priority in my mind and so it was awesome to see my son Sam sitting on his father’s lap and playing with him and his father carrying and keeping him. I used to enjoy seeing that. I delighted to think that my son would enjoy these things.

The comfort in the distress: My son Sam also lost his father when he was three and I was broken into pieces. After the

funeral service, Uncle came upstairs, inquired eagerly and prayed for me. I reached a place where I had lost all desire to live. For months, I couldn't sleep at night or in the mornings. During the night, my family would sit with me and pray. One by one they would go to sleep. I would look at them but I could not sleep at all. In those days Uncle often inquired of me with love. Early in the morning, he would call and ask, “Amma, Dhinakaran speaking...How are you? ...Did you sleep last night?” Only then I experienced a father’s love and compassion. Many times, I have recollected his concern for me in my mind and I rejoiced over it. When I visited Chennai for the first time, he embraced me and wept profusely for a long time. I was so surprised. I thought that my husband’s

death had affected me only but then how could he cry for me for such a long time as though he himself affected by it? Then I really understood that the Lord had given him as a father to me and I started calling him "dad" instead of ‘Uncle’. His affectionate kisses filled me with love. Six months went by. Many of those who had reached out with great compassion and concern, their number started decreasing. But the emptiness and grief that followed the loss increased greatly.

One who pleaded for me: His response “I’m praying for you” when I cried out that “I could not pray” and the precious prayer support that he offered was matchless. Often I felt that I would go mad or that I would die. I can’t imagine what would’ve happened to me if I didn’t have a father who prayed for me with great concern ?

One morning… Many letters and some parcels were kept on my table. One parcel had the seal of ‘Jesus Calls’ on it. When I held the parcel, I felt it like a cassette. I opened the package thinking that it would be a Good News festival message cassette. I was surprised to find a note inside the cover that said ‘From D.G.S Dhinakaran’. I could not believe what I heard on the audio cassette, recorded in the studio just for me as though He was sitting near me and speaking to me. He compassionately spoke to me for a while through that cassette. Then he asked whether he can sing and sang for me the Tamil song, "Naan Jeeva payanam pogiraen, en uden varuvar yesu… yesu… yesu en uden varuvar yesu" (I go through life’s journey, and Jesus would come with me… - October 2019 JESUS CALLS


Jesus ...Jesus, Jesus would come with me). After that, he prayed a long and compassionate prayer. One thing that surprised me was that he had prayed for the Lord to close my eyelids and give me sleep. Time and again I got Goosebumps just by hearing the message on the cassette. Each time the love of God would

would come and conduct the meeting. Keeping his word, he came and shared the word of God. The words that he spoke and his deeds declared the love and compassion of a father. It was a great privilege for me when dad took a vow to pray for my son who was struggling in his studies and was in depression. He vowed to pray on his knees despite the severe ache in his joints. When he came to Madurai ‘Jesus Calls’ meetings, he sent his grandchildren Sam and Sharon to spend some time with us in our home for our joy. They had dinner with us and went back. When Paul Annan came to Madurai he brought toys for Sam, our son. Though now Sam was studying in first standard, and has grown, still Annan carried him in his arms as if he were a little child. Untill today I’m over the moon when I think about the father’s love that was revealed through dad’s family. I still remember dad’s face when he met me after the Madurai meeting and said “I don’t have joy. I will rejoice only after you’re settled in life.” His love was great because he took the responsibility of being a father to me. Whenever I have cried out, “I cannot do such a big ministry” he would strengthen me by saying, “I am praying for you." When I faced a challenging phase in my ministry, he encouraged me through the phone. Although he was overseas at the time serving God and it being difficult in those days to make international calls, he called me. He gave me the helping hand and met all my needs.

overflow and comfort me. I praise God with tears for sending uncle’s cassette with a message and a prayer just for me. He has enabled me greatly to taste the love of the father through him. Whenever I think of him, my heart overflows saying “Father...father…" I enquired dad on how to conduct the first death anniversary, as I didn’t know how to go about it. Since I thought that I should not trouble dad who runs a ministry, I didn’t ask him, “Dad would you come?” or say “Please come dad.” But the very minute I enquired, he said that he 18


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The concern of the Father: When my second marriage was arranged, I requested dad by saying, “Only you have to give my hand to the groom; as a father for this fatherless." He was filled with much joy. He was delayed for the wedding from Chennai by one hour. Even in that situation, he was calm and called over the phone to make me laugh. Once upon a time, I was glad to see him from afar. But today, he took the responsibility to be my father once again and gave my hand in marriage. At that moment I wondered, “Where have my desperate cries of not having a father gone?” God gave me dad and healed the ache of my heart. There are no words to express the joy, I felt. I’m writing this with tears. It was one of those precious moments where I got to taste the love of a father. Since I had the privilege of receiving father’s blessing over

my life, I was blessed to continue and fulfil the work of God as a family ever since my life was rebuilt. There were many who said things like, “Your ministry won’t last” and “It will not continue”. But God enabled me to continue the ministry and be useful for Him because dad stood as a father and guided us according to God’s plan. Dad's love did not quench or fade away even after we settled after our wedding. Whether it was a child’s illness or any little thing that bothered me, I would immediately call him. Before the day ended, he would call me back and ask me with overflowing love, “What ma...what’s the problem...were you looking for me?

Asked to pray for him: One day I called him for something not knowing that he was suffering from a continuous cough. He spoke to me even in that condition. After we spoke, he said, “Amma, pray for me." I became fearful and said, “Dad after you speak to me and put down the phone, I will pray for you.” He said, “No, no, no, pray for me now on the call itself.” I prayed for dad with great fear. He also prayed along with me saying “Yes father, do it in the same way.” It was a joyous opportunity that dad gave me. A few days after that call, he calls me back and says, “Amma, you prayed for me and the Lord Jesus has healed me. Now offer a prayer of thanksgiving.” My heart overflowed with joy and I thanked God for healing dad. His voice still rings in my ears when he said “Yes father” and prayed along with me.

Rejoiced in making others glad: For one of Sam’s, my son’s birthday, he had arranged to pray for him and to buy him new clothes through the Madurai Prayer Tower. I am so glad for all the things he did for us that reminded me of a father’s love. Once, Bro. Paul invited our son Sam, for a night stay at his home. The entire family dined with my son that night and he was very excited. This experience is hard to forget. It was very surprising when he sent us some money right when we were facing a financial crisis in the ministry, though I had not asked for it. Dad even helped one of our sister’s in the

ministry for her heart surgery as the finances were huge. There are no words to describe the love he showed and the prayers that he offered for me; whenever I went through challenging situations. During Sam’s 10th standard exams, dad called him every day before the exam, cracked jokes and sent him with a word of prayer. Those were precious days when he shared all the good things wholeheartedly that God gave him and told me that he is my father. This thought had never even crossed my mind. In 2008 March, Sam had to write the 12th class public exam. Few months before the exam dad called us once and prayed. To someone who was in tears and thought she’ll never experience the love of a father, to me, God gave him as a father. He did all that a father would’ve done for me, till he was called to be with the Lord. My heart still longs for more days and opportunities to experience his love as a father.

The family in the path of the father: A few weeks after dad's death, my son Sam had to write his 12th standard exams and I thought that dad was no longer there to pray and send Sam for his exam. I have not even finished the thought when to my surprise, mom Stella called right before he was about to leave for school. She prayed and then said to me, “Don’t think that dad is no more. I am there for you." After Sam got his results, Bro. Paul called us and inquired how much he had scored and which course he desired to go for. He then counseled us as well. In the same year when dad went to be with the Lord, despite their grief, mom called me on my birthday and prayed for me. She also sent a silk saree to surprise me. She prayed for me and said, “Don’t think that if dad was there, he would have inquired of me, prayed for me; Now no one is there for me anymore. We are there for you.” I keep on praising God for the love and compassion of a father, and for the love of the family.

- Sister. Sunitha Sugumar Thuthi Ministry, Madurai - October 2019 JESUS CALLS


A house is just a building and when a family comes to live in the house it becomes a home. It sounds as if the house has got a promotion. When a house is carved, it gives an authentic look. What gives the same authentic look for a home? It is the peace in the family. Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, “A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” The three strands are husband, wife and God. If your personal relationship with God is good, your bond with each other cannot break by any other power. Let’s visualize it with the example of a triangle. In this triangle, the top corner represents God and the bottom two corners represent the husband and the wife. When you connect with God, you both will be automatically connected with each other (husband and wife). Firstly, God is the foundation to have a peaceful family life. If the foundation is not on a good ground, we cannot guarantee that the building will stand erect. Likewise, build your home on a proper foundation, that is by being in a good relationship with God. Keep Lord Jesus Christ as the center of your home. A man will be blessed when he says the name of the Lord. When you say the name of the Lord, help will come from the Lord who made the heaven and the earth. Proverbs 18:10 says "The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe."In John:14:13 Jesus said, “Whatever you ask in my name, It will be given unto you."Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. 20


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Sarah was the wife of Abraham and she did not have a child. Hagar was Sarah’s maid, but when she conceived, she began to despise her mistress, so Sarah mistreated Hagar. Hagar couldn’t bear it so she fled from her and she went to the desert. In Genesis 16:7-15 the angel of God found Hagar in the desert and asked, “Where have you come from, and where are you going?” She said, “I’m running away from my mistress.” Then the angel of the Lord told her, “Go back to your mistress and submit to her. You are now pregnant and you will give birth to a son, you shall name him Ishmael, for the Lord has heard of your misery.” When we submit our lives into the hands of God, He will exalt us at the right time. Listen to the voice of God by reading the word of God and be in touch with Him through prayer. If we keep your family as a temple, God will come there and grant peace. When we praise the Lord as a family, God will come and there will be no divisions in the families. When you pray to God and follow God, your children also follow your ways. When you say the name of the Lord, he will lift you up before your friends, relatives and your family members. Even today you may be suffering with depression, don't be afraid. When you pray in the name of the Lord, He will give you peace. He is the Prince of peace. When we do everything in the name of the Lord, He will perform mighty things in our lives. Submit your life to the Lord and let Him carve your life. As He is your creator He knows you better than you know yourself. Let Him carve you with His hands to have a beautiful home. God will surely give you a bright future and make you joyful.

FAMILY BLESSING PLAN Family Blessing Plan is the God-given ministry of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to pray for the blessing and prosperity of families, both for those who are just starting a family (Psalm 68: 6) and those who are already settled in marriage (Psalm 115: 12-15). The Dhinakarans and the prayer intercessors of Jesus Calls Prayer Tower will uphold you with their special prayers for God to build your home and fill it with joy, happiness, and peace.

For more details visit Partners overseas, can contact the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers in their country / Region or they can write to - October 2019 JESUS CALLS


Miracle of miracles I got married on April 10th 2017. I conceived the same month, but it was a tubal pregnancy and so it had to be aborted in the 4th month of conception. After 3 months I conceived again and this time in the 7th month, the fluid that surrounds the growing baby in the uterus was insufficient and so the baby died inside. When I conceived the 3rd time, I submitted myself totally to God and wrote a letter to Bro. Paul Dhinakaran. He replied with very comforting words saying, "You will get a beautiful baby. We have prayed as a family." With faith in my heart, I enrolled the baby in the Young Partners Plan, even when it was in the womb. The doctor suspected the same problem to continue this time also and suggested a treatment for increasing the fluid level in the womb. But I did not accept it and fully trusted God for a miracle. Every month, a scan had to be taken to check the baby’s movements. Before every scan I would call the Prayer Tower for prayers and it was comforting. I kept writing to Dr. Paul through email also for his prayers and received replies which strengthened me to put my trust in God. By the grace of God on April 18th 2019, I was blessed with a very beautiful baby girl without any complications. Truly, Jesus has done this miracle. The child is very healthy now. All glory to God! - Aruljothi, Trichy 22


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Fear of death destroyed When I was seventeen years old, the fear of death began to torment me. I had a great desire for studies, but my parents did not allow me to go to school. This led me into depression. I was totally vexed about my life, which led to thoughts of suicide. I once tried to commit suicide by jumping inside a well, but one of my relatives saved my life. On another occasion I consumed poisonous seeds, but was saved for the second time. A third time I consumed poison and was taken to the hospital. But my life was saved once again. After marriage too, I contemplated to commit suicide due to a strange fear in me but I was saved. In this situation, my husband took me to Bethesda Prayer Centre. With much grief in our hearts we prayed at Bethesda and from that day onwards I did not get any thoughts to commit suicide. Now I am hale and hearty. I thank the prayer intercessors of Bethesda. Praise be to our Lord! - Radha, Tirupur

New heart, new life I am a Jesus Calls partner and live with my family in Coimbatore. One day at 5:00 am , I suffered a severe pain in my chest. It was unbearable. I was rolling in my bed battling with the pain. I felt as if somebody was sitting on my chest and putting pressure on me. My wife and children were scared at this situation. Within a few minutes I became unconscious. After many hours when I opened my eyes, I realised that I was admitted in the Intensive Care Unit. The doctors informed my wife and children that I had suffered a massive heart attack and the chances of my survival looked bleak. On hearing this, my wife and children contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for prayers. At the same moment when the prayer intercessor was praying, I regained my consciousness. Later, the doctors performed some medical tests and said that there was a big blockage in my heart which caused the heart attack. Now blood is circulated to the heart in a different path. It is surprising that a new blood vein has been formed. They also said that there is no threat to my life. I stayed in the hospital for only two days and came back home. God has given me a brand new heart. The prayer offered from the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower saved my life. I offer praises to our Lord. - Selvaraj , Coimbatore The same God who performed miracles for these beloved partners is alive today and can do a miracle to you too. You can also share your testimony of deliverance and blessings to or postal address.

Special fasting prayers will be offered for your prayer requests in all the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers and the Dhinakarans will send prayerful replies for those requests. So hurry up! We invite you to SEND YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS THROUGH LETTERS, EMAIL, FACEBOOK AND WEBSITE Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Jesus Calls, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. E-mail: Website: Facebook: - October 2019 JESUS CALLS


Many of the young entrepreneurs I meet through my work as a writer, investor and entrepreneur aren't reaching their full potential. What's more, they have no idea why. They have great ideas for their startups and financial backing to make it a reality. But no matter how hard they try, they keep coming up short. Is this you? Do you believe you should be successful but can't get quite where you want to be? If so, I’m willing to bet you're letting a few bad habits run in the background, without your knowledge. Bad habits often go unnoticed, like a slow leak in a car tyre. Until one day, when you're on the side of the road without any advance warning there's a problem. Success requires technical skills as well as the grit, focus and energy to carry you for the long haul. Success also demands selfknowledge. You must be able to see yourself and your habits clearly so you can change them before they stunt your potential. 24


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Take a look at the list below and be brutally honest: Do any of them ring a bell?

1. You're a perfectionist This is one of the worst ways you can sabotage yourself. If you live in fear of doing a task wrong, you won't be able to begin. The stress of being perfect freezes up creativity and joy, making your task longer, more difficult and not as fun. Give yourself permission to create imperfectly. Make drafts knowing you won’t include some or most of what you’re doing. You always can edit what you've begun. Greatness comes from many failures and do-overs.

2. You're compulsively distracted Surfing the internet, answering a call, getting a snack, texting someone back quickly while you’re in the middle of something - it all pulls you away from intense focus. If you’re constantly interrupting yourself, you can't get into the swing of things. You could be setting yourself up to waste your whole day. Turn off your distractions, close your door and focus for a set period of time. If you need to call, text or eat, give yourself a set break to do so. And then have the discipline to return to the task at hand.

3. You hit the snooze button Several studies have proved 15 minutes of extra snooze time in the morning won't help you feel less tired. Scientists found a long time ago that you need deep REM sleep to recharge. Snoozing actually makes you more tired and fatigued. Even worse, it wastes time you could spend drinking water, showering or exercising - activities all shown to increase energy levels. Instead of lying in bed, wishing for just 15 minutes more of sleep, tell yourself it won't make you less tired. Get up when your alarm sounds, and start incorporating healthy morning habits that will help boost your alertness.

4. You leave your most important work until later Most people are at their best earlier in the day, before they’ve reached the brain fatigue of afternoon and evening. Don’t save your hardest or most important tasks for "later." You won't have the energy to devote to doing it right. Tackling difficult tasks early in the day improves your work product. It also allows you to relax as your day unfolds. You'll know you accomplished what you needed to do, and you'll have nothing hanging over your head before you leave for the day.

5. You multitask. Just because you think you're good at multitasking doesn’t mean it’s the best way to get things done. In fact, studies have shown that multitasking reduces the amount of short-term memory you retain from your task. Over time, this reduces your amount of long-term memory as well. Multitasking makes you miss important details and learn less. It also leads to mistakes. Skip the juggling act and focus on doing one thing well.

6. You sit too long. If you frequently use your computer all day, you’re putting your body through some major stress. In a sitting position, the spine becomes less flexible. This puts strain on the lower back, shoulders and neck. It also reduces blood flow to the brain and lungs - the powerhouses you need to accomplish your best work in the moment and later on in your life. Take breaks every 20 to 30 minutes. Stretch your back and shoulders while you’re working. Stretching and strengthening your body can help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, back spasms, fatigue and repetitive-motion injuries. Bad habits don’t have to rule your life or keep you from achieving success. Changing all your habits at once can be overwhelming, so focus on improving one small thing at a time. Before long, you’ll establish habits that help you be your best. - Murray Newlands (Courtesy: Entrepreneur India) Source:

My dear friends! Even as you enroll your shop, trade, business or industry in this Plan, the Almighty Lord will surely grant you and your business the divine protection and prosperity. The Lord will teach you to be profitable and expand your business. If it’s a new enterprise that you invested in or an on-going activity, trust the Lord, He will not let you face a loss. For the Lord will restore everything to you in double measure, enable you to reap hundredfold blessing (Genesis 26:12) and will make you eat the fruits of your labor with peace and joy.

You become a channel of blessing to millions through the mission of Jesus Calls. The benefits of Business Blessing Plan are: • Prayers by the prayer intercessors at the Prayer Towers and 24-hour chain prayer. • Special prayers at the Business Blessing Meeting conducted once in a month at all the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers in India for the blessing of business owners, entrepreneurs, traders, and industrialists. • Prayers of the Dhinakarans and also God’s revelation for those seeking God’s will in their business endeavors. Simple ways to send your donations to Business Blessing Plan is found on page 21 For more details visit: Toll free, 1800 425 77 55 (7am to 9pm) 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028 Partners overseas, can contact the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers in their country / Region or they can write to



All the animals on land, sea or in the air obey God. They are here to teach you a lesson. Would you color and learn from them? I carried Him to Jerusalem. As I carried Him, people gathered and laid palm branches and their clothes across the road, giving Him royal treatment. Hi friend! When you are with Jesus, you too will be honored! Tell me whom did I carry?

I was hungry and opened my mouth. To my astonishment, a man fell into my mouth from a ship and slipped into my belly to stay there for three days! My God told me to transport him to a place he was supposed to go. I did my assignment. Hi friend! Obey the Lord your God as I do! Did you find the one who was in my belly?

She quenched my thirst after my long travel with my master. What a blessing she had in return for that! She met her good-hearted handsome husband. Hi friend, all your good deeds would be rewarded. So, keep doing good everyday! Do you know that woman who gave me water?



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One day, a king threw a man into my den to punish him for praying to the living God three times a day. As he fell into my den, I identified that he is my friend who has my God as his God! That man loved the same God who supplies my needs too. God said, “That is not your meat today.� How can I eat him?! I just slept beside him and enjoyed the night. Hi friend! If you obey God, no one can stand against you. Nothing can devour you. Do you know the man who slept beside me that night in the den? Color the pictures and send the correct answers to win prizes. Contestants aged 5 to 12 years can send your answers to

JESUS CALLS, 16 D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 or simply scan your entries and send it to and state your full name, age, and gender. Your entries should reach us by 30th October 2019!

The winners names will be published in the December edition of the magazine.

1st PRIZE Aaron Paul, Jabalpur

2nd Prize A. Merlin, Palakkad 3rd Prize Salila Subhash Rawal, Goa - October 2019 JESUS CALLS



he fountain from the mountain soothes the eyes, calms down the soul and chills the body. But after a period of time it dries up, as the weather controls it. That’s exactly the case with the pleasures of the world too. They last just for a while and fade away. Similarly, we tend to feel thirsty. As we do, we drink some water to quench our thirst. But that single cup of water does not quench our thirst for long. After some time we get the same feeling and it just goes on. But what if there is someone who can give us the living water that could quench our thirst forever? Well, let's see. I remember this incident that happened when I was in my ninth grade. Once I found some of my classmates, a couple of boys and girls talking about something that they saw on their computer. To my utter disbelief, they were discussing pornography! I simply could not handle it. They were talking about seeing people naked and such kind of stuff. Everything was so new and disgusting to me. I went away from them, curled up in a corner and shut my ears. As they spotted me doing so, they started making fun of me. Guys, give me a break, the boys and girls must have been just thirteen or fourteen back then. The little brains of those brats got really excited listening to those new things. Their bodies got so thrilled, it released adrenaline and all sorts of chemicals. The blood rushes to all parts of the body and the brain becomes so happy. That's when they feel so high and on top of the world! Even Solomon says in Songs of Solomon 7:6,"Oh! How beautiful you are, Oh! How pleasing you are my love with all your delight." My dear friends, it is true people find pleasure in these momentary sexual elements and try to seek it regularly because they get a feeling of upliftment. They feel high but that is not in any way equivalent



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to the joy that God has for them. No matter how hard they jump in joy, they cannot reach the heavens. God looks upon those sinful souls trying to get high through sin and He is moved with compassion. He pulls the heavens down for those young souls and tries to fill them with His love. The Almighty God Himself comes down for these hearts to make them realize the real heights of the heavens and joy that surrounds Him.

you,so that you can be united, with me.” In a way, Jesus was saying, “Your body can be united with me. Let it be a member of my own body.” And then He says in verse 18,"When that happens, don't sin against your body." Jesus was saying, “Your body has been united with me. When you sin, you sin against my own body.” Therefore,as mentioned in verse 20,"Honor God with your body."

That’s exactly what Jesus did when He was in this world.We see a prostitute woman in the Bible suffering from shame and despair because of letting her body be used for money. She considered this to be her very purpose and went about attending to the sexual needs of the men thereby ending up a destitute. Although those things looked pleasurable in the beginning, we see her life becoming pathetic later on.We even see her being portrayed as an outcast without name and honour.But in one instance, she comes to Jesus and falls at His feet. She asked Jesus to restore her life with hope and joy for she knew that He was the only one who can do it. Jesus gave her what she asked for. He not only forgave her sins but granted her a purpose of following Him.

Today, He asks you to honor Him with your body and as you do so, He promises you the real joy and the living water that is within Him.

Today we might be jumping up and down in pleasure trying to reach some heights but remember that’s just the roof we are touching. The Lord clearly says in 1 Corinthians 6: 13-20, that our bodies are not for fornication but for the Lord. Which is why He sat down with His followers, broke the bread and fed each one of them saying “This is my body that I am giving to

Perhaps you are wondering how to honor God amidst your lustful thoughts. All you need to do is to wake up every morning and listen to the voice of God through the Bible. He will give you a promise and guide you through. Take it for yourself and claim it. Pray to Him to bless you right away. When you do this, joy comes in like a river and brings living water into your heart. You will receive life. This is what Jesus does! You may be longing to be loved by others or might want to share your worries with people. Whatever may be your concern, do remember that this world cannot quench your thirst. People can console or comfort you, but soon you will be thirsty again. They cannot quench your thirst forever. But come to Jesus Christ, who gives living water and you won't be thirsty anymore. Those who receive the living water of Lord Jesus Christ will never long for worldly pleasures. The Holy Spirit helps us in our weaknesses and the living water satisfies our soul and heart.

Our vision is to stand by you and help you become blameless and pure, children of God, so that you would shine like stars in the sky in every aspect of your life, according to Philippians 2:15. We also desire to empower you to minister to others around you.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel uturn jc to receive constant encouragement from Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran that will empower you in your walk with God and in your walk of life.

For more details on UTurn: Email: For prayers: - October 2019 JESUS CALLS




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"… the price of wisdom is above rubies." (Job 28:18) Wisdom is the most essential thing that we need in our everyday life. The Bible says that "wisdom is more precious than rubies" (Proverbs 3:15; 8:11) and that "the worth of a virtuous woman is far above rubies" (Proverbs 31:10). In order that we become precious rubies, divine wisdom is necessary for us. That’s why Moses prayed to the Lord saying, "...teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom" (Psalm 90:12). Today, many families fail to ask the Lord and receive from Him the

wisdom they need, instead they trust in their own wisdom. Hence, when problems intervene, they struggle to overcome them.

"Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding.” (Proverbs 3:13)

God’s wisdom is very deep according to the Scripture verse, "Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!" (Romans 11:33). Christ is the wisdom of God for us (I Corinthians 1:24,31). "In whom (Christ) are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Colossians 2:3). When we do everything in union with Christ and with His wisdom, we can live a victorious life in this world.

To whom does the Lord give His Wisdom? “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom…” (Psalm 111:10; Proverbs 1:7; 9:10). Yes, divine wisdom is given to those who fear the Lord. The Lord testified about David, “a man after my own heart, who will do all My will with godly fear and wisdom" (Acts 13:22). - October 2019 JESUS CALLS


On several occasions, we blurt out many things, without wisdom or do certain things. That’s why we face failures in the end. On the other hand, when we try to do things in ways shown by the Lord, with the fear of God and the wisdom from Him, we can enjoy the blessings of our labour. Then we can easily become precious rubies. Perhaps you may think, “What is the way for my life which is in a poor state to receive the glory of being filled with wisdom?” When you commit your life fully to the Lord, He will fill you with His divine wisdom and help you to live a victorious life.

Let us meditate on how to receive the divine wisdom and live a victorious life: DIVINE WISDOM IN CONDUCT "Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom." (James 3:13) We often hear of several men testifying, “I was addicted to sinful habits for years. But my wife’s prayer, good conduct and loving words turned me towards godly ways…” It is the Lord who gives us, women, the necessary wisdom to walk wisely (I Peter 3:1). The reason why the Angel of God said to Mary, the mother of the Lord, "Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you 36


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among women" (Luke 1:28) was because of the abundant godliness that was seen in her life. Hence, Mary had the fullness of God’s wisdom. God gives us, who are living in these wicked evil and loveless days of the end times (II Timothy 3:15), the wisdom to be patient and helps us to exhibit good conduct. When His wisdom comes into us, the others who see us would testify

Read and meditate the Word of God diligently. Only then He will fill you with His divine wisdom and His blessings, to turn many people towards Christ about us saying, “She has received the life of abiding with God.” So, we should ask the Lord in prayer, "Lord, give me Your divine wisdom so that I can lead a successful family life, be holy in my personal life and that my words would be seasoned with salt and be full of grace.” When we ask Him, He will grant us His wisdom in abundance. In Luke 2:19,51, we read about Mary, the mother of Jesus, that she wisely kept everything that was told about

Jesus, in her heart and spoke only what was necessary. Yes, the nature (wisdom), to keep everything, particularly secrets in the heart is essential for women. When women lack this quality, confusions arise. The Bible says, “Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.” (Colossians 4:5,6) However, mostly slanderous and mocking words proceed from women’s mouth, which cause confusions and quarrels in families, robbing them of peace. “Let a woman learn (to live) in silence with all submission." (I Timothy 2:11) “…rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.” (I Peter 3:4) Praises of the Lord should continually be in our mouth, at all times (Psalm 34:1; Hebrews 13:15). We should adorn ourselves with His humility. Mary, the Lord’s mother, was humble before Him. That’s why she could say, "For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant" (Luke 1:48). When we are humble, the Lord would grant us wisdom, a gentle and quiet spirit. As a result, He will lift us up

in our family as well as in our personal life and honour us. People were amazed to see Jesus Christ and marvelled by saying, “Is this not the carpenter's son? How did He get this wisdom?” (Matthew 13:54-56). If we have this wisdom, the Lord will do great things through us in our personal as well as family life and in the church, much to everyone’s amazement. As the Scripture says, “... as He is, so are we in this world” (1 John 4:17), He will transform us like Him and lift us up.

DIVINE WISDOM IN FAITH Being strong in divine wisdom, Apostle Paul says, "And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.” (I Corinthians 2:4,5) In Mary’s life there was this faith with wisdom. In John, Chapter 2, we read about the wedding in Cana. Jesus had gone for that wedding along with His disciples and His mother, Mary. They ran out of wine and Mary said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.” Believing that a miracle was going to take place, she wisely said this to the servants. The servants did accordingly and the miracle happened. The water

changed into wine. From this we understand how Mary’s faith and wisdom operated there. When Mary faced the Angel for the very first time, she said, "Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word" (Luke 1:38). She honoured her word till the end and followed it. Like her, every day we should also hold on to God’s word by faith and pray.

Even in the midst of any sorrow, you should take a decision to ‘do everything according to the will of God and to live for Him’. Then the Lord will fill you with His divine wisdom "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." (Romans 10:17) Accordingly, let us place our entire faith on the Word of God. Let us be diligent in reading His Word. The Lord will prosper all that you do according to the Scripture, "Blessed is the man who meditates His law day and night; whatever he does shall prosper" (Psalm 1:2,3). Certain sister, known to me, was doing ministry. In the days when

she had not known the Lord, He gave her a vision and first chose her in her family. She loved the Lord dearly. She used to read the Bible diligently, meditate on the verses and held on to the Lord firmly with faith. This caused great trouble in the family and eventually everyone drove her out of the house. Even her husband turned against her. Deserted by all, this sister stayed all alone in a hut and continued in the ministry with wisdom given to her by the Lord. Even then, her family members troubled her as much as they could. However, the Lord was with her and used her mightily. He blessed her and increased her. Once, her husband fell seriously ill. This sister prayed for him with tears and the Lord healed him completely, heeding her prayers. After this, the husband was transformed and expressed his desire to help her in the ministry. Both did the Lord’s ministry and this sister gained name and fame. Everyone started sharing their testimony as to how the Lord blessed them with a child / life partner because of that sister’s prayers. On hearing those testimonies, the family felt bad for turning against her and causing her trouble. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household." (Acts 16:31) Accordingly, the faith and hope that this sister had on the Lord and her life filled with wisdom, - October 2019 JESUS CALLS


began to draw her family members towards the Lord. My dear ones, the Lord will surely grant you this wisdom which in turn would give you faith. Read and meditate the Word of God diligently. Only then He will fill you with His divine wisdom and His blessings, to turn many people towards Christ.

DIVINE WISDOM IN GOD’S WILL The Lord Jesus Christ said that He came down to this world to fulfil the will of His Father, "For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me” (John 6:38). God, the Father, wanted to bruise Jesus, His Son according to the verse, "it pleased the LORD to bruise Him" (Isaiah 53:10). For this purpose, He sent Him into this world. The Lord Jesus Christ too prayed with burden, "Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done" (Luke 22:42). He committed Himself fully to the will of the Father, before being crucified. In the same manner, we should also get filled with the holy presence of the Lord everyday and commit ourselves fully into His hands to do His will. According to Colossians 1:9-10 ‘…you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God’, in such a way we are called to live. When we are thus filled, we can live a life 38


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that pleases Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. Every day, when we pray to God who says, ‘I will fill you with new mercy every day’ (Lamentations 3:22,23) and receive His mercy, our lives would be blessed with the good fruits that are pleasing to God. Simeon, a man of God, was there in the Temple of God when Mary took baby Jesus there. He said to her, ‘a sword will pierce

Even in the midst of any sorrow, you should take a decision to ‘do everything according to the will of God and to live for Him.’ Then the Lord will fill you with His divine wisdom. through your own soul also’ (Luke 2:35). Accordingly, even when Mary underwent such painful experiences of sword piercing through her soul, she was in the group that tarried in prayer. Bible says “… all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers” (Acts 1:14). At the time when His disciples had assembled together as He was being taken up after He died and rose again on the third day, Jesus

commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father (Acts 1:5). Accordingly, once the Lord rose again and ascended to heaven, they had all gathered with one accord in one place. Mary, the mother of Jesus, also sought the Lord with her whole heart along with everyone. Then the Holy Spirit came in their midst in a mighty way. He enabled her to receive the divine joy of the Holy Spirit, along with the disciples. Yes, whatever may be your sorrow and however intense it may be, the Lord will make you happy. There may be problems and afflictions in your life. But if you keep looking at Jesus, the Perfect One, instead of looking at your lacks, the same joy would overflow in your heart. So, get to know the will of the Lord concerning you and fulfil it by receiving divine wisdom. “…he who does the will of God abides forever.” (I John 2:17) Years ago, I heard about the life of a particular sister, who had accepted the Lord. A small misunderstanding among her family members, eventually became a big fight. Not knowing what to do, she committed this situation into God’s hand and prayed, "Lord, please show me Your will at this time.” As she was praying, the Lord said to her, “Daughter, I have chosen you first to bring peace in your family.” She then asked Him what she should do about it and He said, “Get up and go to the house of those who played a major role in causing this problem and be loving to them

as if nothing had happened. I will go before you and I will perfect everything peacefully.” This sister obeyed the Lord. But her family members prevented her from visiting that house saying that she was crazy and that she should let others deal with their own fights. Assuring them that she should accomplish the work entrusted to her by the Lord, she took a lot of eatables for that family and stepped into that house with prayer as if nothing had happened. She did the work, which the Lord had given her. As per His promise, the Lord went before her and changed all

the problems. He straightened the crooked things. All anger and enmity were changed and God’s love and peace flowed into that family. He made that family abide in Him.

Accordingly, when you love one another and fulfil the will of God reverentially, without magnifying others’ faults, He will grant His divine wisdom in families, through you.

'I will go before you and make the crooked places straight.” (Isaiah 45:2)

Dearly beloved, we should be faithful in the matters concerning the Lord. Like Mary, who was faithful till the end and finished living her life in Him, even in the midst of any sorrow, you too should take a decision to ‘do everything according to the will of God and to live for Him’. Then the Lord will fill you with His divine wisdom. He will make you into an incomparable and honourable vessel and enable you to arise and shine!

"Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." (Romans 5:5) "And above all things have fervent love for one another…” (I Peter 4:8).

Bible Portion from Ruth, I Samuel, II Samuel & Romans (Answer with Biblical reference) (Please read the portion line by line carefully. Do not search for any other help.) 1. When who dwells in you, what are you not in? What are you in? Who is not His? Why? 2. What did the women say? To whom? What was she not left without? How would his name be? 3. Whom will you save? Where are your eyes fixed? What will you do to them? 4. Who demonstrates what toward us? What did He do for us? How were we still? 5. Whom does He raise? From where? Whom will he lift? From which place? Where does He set them? What does He make them inherit? 6. Who behaved wisely? In what? Who was with him? 7. What should we distribute? To whom? Given to what? 8. What will the Lord look on? What will the Lord repay me with? For what? 9. What was not lacking? Give the list of what was taken from them? 10.How are we justified? Through what? What is it in?

Answers must reach us before October 30, 2019 Address: Bible Quiz - 92 Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email: - October 2019 JESUS CALLS



‘Faith’ is very important for the growth or progress in Christian life. The Bible clearly teaches us, "If you will not believe, surely you shall not be established" (Isaiah 7:9). We also read in the Bible, "I would have lost heart, unless I had believed (a thing)…” (Psalm 27:13) and ‘a man is justified by faith’ (Romans 3:28; Galatians 2:15). "Abraham believed God, and He accounted it to him for ‘righteousness’ (Genesis 15:6, Romans 4:3,9; Galatians 3:6). He and his wife Sarah, who had no child, were a couple who loved the Lord dearly. How was this lack in their family removed? How had Abraham held on to his faith when he was advanced in age and had no child? According to Romans 4:17, with hope he had great faith in the God on whom he 40


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believed, that He is the God who ‘calls those things which do not exist as though they did’. “Contrary to hope, in hope Abraham believed, so that he became the father of many nations, according to what was spoken, ‘So shall your descendants be.’ And not being weak in faith, he did not consider his own body, already dead (since he was about a hundred years old), and the deadness of Sarah's womb. He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform” (Romans 4:17-21). Don’t we read this in the Bible? That’s why God made him into a righteous man and miraculously granted him and his wife a boy child in their old age and blessed them.

Accordingly, while waiting at the feet of the Lord with reverence, through the Holy Spirit, He Himself gives His chosen spiritual words and promises every month, in accordance to the Esther Prayer Group members’ requests and needs. The Holy Spirit leads us to prepare the prayer points for the women’s needs based on those specific promises. Likewise, He also wonderfully reveals the prayer points needed for the Youth/Junior/Couples’/ Esther Prayer warriors. The prayer warriors claim these promise verses given for meditation and prayer points as their own and pray with faith. We finish the prayer by giving glory to God, being fully convinced that the Lord would grant us the answer for the respective prayer points. In the Esther Prayer Group (EPG), only when there is a minimum of eight women in each group, prayers could be offered for 2 hours continually, with one accord. I would like to explain on how we offer this prayer by pouring our faith into it. Firstly, the leader who conducts the group would explain the matter or request given in the prayer point. After that everyone in the group would begin to pray one by one, with oneness of mind and being fervent in spirit. The sister who prays for the particular point would read out the promise verse given for that. Then everyone who had gathered would pray with burden being filled with overflowing faith. After that, with a strong faith believing that, “The Lord has heard our prayers; surely He would answer our prayer”, everyone would, in one accord, thank the Lord from the depths of their hearts. That time they would rejoice in the spirit. This is the joyful pleasure that the Esther Prayer Group members enjoy when they pray for each and every prayer point. “Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.” (Psalm 62:8) “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6)

Jesus said to her, "Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?" (John 11:40) About this we read in the article “Esther Prayer Ministry (part 2)” published in the July magazine, in the life of Sister Hannah Merlyn. We read that, delivered from the trials in her life, she became victorious because of the prayers of faith offered by the Esther Prayer Warriors! Yes, truly our Lord is the One ‘who hears prayers’ (Psalm 65:2). My dear sisters, who are reading this, if you are living with tears and worries in your life, join the EPG (Women’s Esther Prayer Group) or JEPG for children (Junior Esther Prayer Group) or YEPG – Youth Esther Prayer Group or Couples’ Esther Prayer Group (CEPG) in your area, and pray for two hours (EPG) or one hour (JEPG, YEPG, CEPG). As I mentioned above, when your faith increases through this prayer ministry, you would surely see the Lord’s signs, wonders and miracles. You may choose any day convenient for your group members and pray on that day. In case the leader is not in a position to conduct the prayer, somebody else may conduct it on that day. Prayer should be conducted without fail, at any cost. Several years ago, a sister who conducts the Esther Prayer Group had sent me her testimony. She is a mother-in-law and her son has a child. He was living with his wife and child in the same town but in a different house. The daughter-in-law never used to allow this sister – the mother-in-law – to touch the child. As a grandmother she did not know whether to get angry or not and she was confused as to what she should do to carry her grandchild. She had written to me and asked me, “Sister, I am an Esther Prayer Warrior. How can I overcome this problem? When will the Lord fulfil my desire to spend time with my grandchild?” All I know is one thing. I wrote to her saying, “The Lord alone carried away all our sorrows and afflictions on the cross. So, hold on to His feet with fasting and prayer. He is a miracle worker and a wonderful God. He will lead you”. Soon, I got a letter from her. What had happened? She wrote, “Yes, as you had written, I humbled myself and fasted and prayed at the feet of the Lord. The next week I went to church. My daughter-in-law - October 2019 JESUS CALLS


had also come there with the little one. I was looking at the child with longing and worry. Yet, strengthening myself that I had told everything to the Lord, I began to praise the Lord. Suddenly my daughter-in-law came to me and handed over the child to me and said, “Mom, please take care of your granddaughter… I have some work to do. I’ll come back in a while and get her”. I was thrilled and praised the Lord, who did this miracle. Truly the Lord answers our prayers.” How true is the below verse, “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!” (Luke 1:45). Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, was a godly woman! As we read in Luke 1:6, she and her husband Zacharias who was a priest, were ‘both righteous before God’. The Lord graciously helped her, who was barren and well advanced in years, to conceive a son. At the same time, the virgin Mary too had conceived the Lord Jesus, in accordance to the plan of God. Both of them were relatives and when Mary went to see Elizabeth in person, Elizabeth said the above thing, being ‘filled with the spirit’. Also, she has referred Mary as ‘mother of my Lord’ being filled with the spirit and these are the words that reflect her faith. Isn’t that amazing?

This is how by praying with faith for the prayer points, being filled with the spirit, and reading the relevant promise verse given for that, the Esther Prayer Group members receive the Lord’s miracles in many ways, even today. In the Bible, in Luke 8:43- 48, we read how the woman having an issue of blood for twelve years, sought Jesus with ‘much faith’, knowing the power of the Lord Jesus. The specialty of her life was that she had a strong faith that her 12 years of terrible sufferings would come to an end the moment she touched the hem of His garment. Accordingly, when she slowly drew near Christ Jesus and touched the border of His garment, divine power entered into her and her 12 years of blood flow stopped completely, that very moment. In accordance to her faith, the divine power that proceeded from the Lord Jesus came into her body and granted her a miraculous deliverance. Dear ones, likewise, whatever may be the sickness, the Esther Prayer Warriors of the group who place their faith in the promise verse of the Lord and pray to the Lord whole-heartedly and full of hope, like that woman, receive similar miracles even today.

Here are the testimonies of a few Esther Prayer warriors who had prayed with faith and received miracles… Perfect Healing by Faith Sis. Jeya Ruby’s (our group) brother-inlaw suffered from swelling in his leg and stomach for the past 6 months. When doctors tested him, they said that it was cancer and that it had spread all over his body. With agony, all of us in the Esther Prayer Group prayed for him. As the promise verse given in the Esther prayer points said, ‘this is the victory that has overcome the world; our faith’ (I John 5:4), we had faith on this and prayed. The 42


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Lord heard the prayer and when he went for the next check-up, the doctors declared that there was absolutely no trace of cancer in his body. - Mrs. J. Elizabeth, Thirupur.

those prayer points with much tears, burden and faith. He enables us to hear several testimonies the very next month. Glory be to God! - Mrs. Anbu Selvi, Chennai.

Victory over Troubles by Faith

Anointing and Power by Faith

The prayer points sent by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran every month always relate to the problems that we meet and the troubles that occur in our families and hence God helps us to gather as a group and pray for

The promise verse given in August 2018 prayer points was Ephesians 4:23-24. “and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and

holiness.” When we meditated on this verse and prayed as a group, fire anointing came upon each one of us right from the beginning. Many received the new anointing and new tongues. One sister even testified that she would live with zeal in her spiritual life. Another sister who had come for the prayer with much burden and physical ailment received the fire anointing and said that she would continue to attend the Esther Prayer Group. Accordingly, one sister prayed with much tears for the needs of her daughter’s education, claiming the promise verses in Philippians 4:6,7 given for the second prayer points in the month of July 2018. The very next day the Lord miraculously met her financial needs towards her daughter’s education. From the day when this Esther Prayer Group was started, the families of several sisters are

expanding both in their spiritual as well as worldly life. Many sisters of our group visit houses, pray for them, introduce the Esther Prayer Group to them and bring new sisters to the group. Even at the time when our state was affected by heavy rains, the Lord protected our area in a special way. Even in the midst of the rains, many sisters came for the prayer with thirst. I offer my heartfelt thanks to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran who formed this wonderful Esther Prayer Group. All praise, honour and glory to God! - Mrs. R. Kaladevi Yoganantham, Kerala.

Divine Love that strengthens Faith Ever since I joined the Esther Prayer Group and prayed, the Lord is with me and granting me the grace to be firm in

There are plenty of testimonies to prove that the Lord Himself has formed this Esther Prayer ministry. Also, on a Tuesday, which is my usual fasting day, prompted by the Holy Spirit I prayed with burden that the Lord should give me a theme song to sing in this ministry and praise the Lord. As evidence that the Lord hears our prayers, within 20 minutes, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, God gave me a song with four stanzas and a melodious tune for that. I took it and sang it to my beloved husband Bro. Dhinakaran. He was amazed and praised God along with me. Today, this song has been translated into several languages and the Esther Prayer Group sisters sing it with reverence. The sisters, who sing this song with faith, paying attention to the lyrics, get filled with the fervency

Him and in my spiritual life and to progress further, in order that I would not be overcome by problems or afflictions. He has given me the experience to hold on to His promises and pray with the faith that He would surely do accordingly. With the help of the Holy Spirit, He has made me empathetic with the burdens of women who walk through struggles and pray for them with fervency. The Holy Spirit has given me the grace not to step back in my spiritual life and in the ministry through any negative situation in my life and is enabling me to be steadfast in His glorious calling and to look up to Jesus Christ alone. I give all honour and glory to Him for this! I thank the God of gods for giving me the grace to serve as a staff in the Esther Prayer ministry facet in the Jesus Calls ministry from the year 2005, along with dear mother Stella Dhinakaran. - Arulselvi, Jesus Calls office, Chennai

of the spirit. Yes, dear ones, when this song is sung with faith, being filled with the love of the Lord and when this prayer ministry is fulfilled, every time, the Holy Spirit helps the prayer warriors to grow in the spirit to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:11). From this we know how indebted we are to praise the Lord. Yes dear ones, I encourage every woman who reads this, every girl child from the age of 7-12, young women from 13 – 25 years of age and couples to arise joyfully and join this glorious prayer ministry without wasting your golden time and without spending it on useless things of the world and enjoy receiving God given blessings. Then God will give you the grace to be victorious in your life in this world, having increased in faith. (to be continued…) - October 2019 JESUS CALLS


We read the similar thing in Philippians 4:13 which says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. In that case, we should understand the truth ‘the Lord is a God who is able to strengthen us’. There is absolutely no doubt that this would be easily made possible for those who trust Him, who have faith in Him, depend on Him and hold on to Him firmly. My dear sisters, from this, we should know the truth that there is nothing impossible for the Lord whom we trust. If you keep this in your mind, you will not worry or be burdened about anything. ‘…casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.’ (I Peter 5:7) As the Bible thus says, we should not carry our worries upon ‘ourselves’ but submit everything – big or small matter - in the presence of the Lord. Let us examine briefly what are the ways to receive this kind of divine life.

HE, WHO TRUSTS YOU, IS BLESSED Blessed is the man who trusts in You! (Psalm 84:12; 146:5; Jeremiah 17:7) David had his entire trust in God because of which he finally emerged as a victorious king, despite all the problems that cropped up in his life. With absolutely no trust in himself, but only on the Lord, he held on to Him firmly. His trust never declined. He beautifully says in Psalm 23:1, ‘The Lord is my Shepherd”. Yes, dear ones! Do you have this kind of firm trust in God? Just think! Hence, the Lord spoke of David thus: 'I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will.' (Acts 13:22) Yes, He was careful to know the will of God and fulfil it with reverence. My dear sisters! Even as you read this, do you know the will of God in both small and big matters and commit yourself for that? Have you totally 44


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cast your burdens and worries upon the Lord, instead of carrying them by yourself? Think and act accordingly! These days, women fail to think in this way. They think about so many things and take decisions based on the words of someone or the other. They do not think with reverence, ‘whether this is pleasing to God or not?’ Realizing this truth, if you surrender yourself to God, committing everything to Him and be at peace with yourself, He will beautifully perfect everything for you.

message seemed to address me directly. It was as if the Lord Jesus Christ Himself was talking to me. He spoke on Psalm 18:29. The moment I heard that verse, a great ‘confidence’ rose in me. I had a firm hope that truly ‘I will run against a troop and leap over a wall by my God’. That was all! I fasted and prayed for this, for three days at the feet of God. The Lord gave me all the messages. He gave me the

grace to share these messages in all the places with real burden and desire and performed miracles and made me happy. Praise be to the holy name of the Lord! My dear sisters, accordingly, unexpected things may happen in your life. Instead of concluding, “This is not possible for me’, it is necessary that you wait at the feet of the Lord and commit yourself to Him in order to receive His will.

“The LORD will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O LORD, endures forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands.” (Psalm 138:8) A few years back, I had an invitation from Fiji Island and Australia to share God’s message. I had to preach nearly 17 sermons in a span of 23 days. Never in my life had I given continuous messages. But on several occasions, I had accompanied my husband and nothing more. Hence, naturally, I was apprehensive about this invitation and immediately concluded with my fleshly thought that it would not be possible for me. On the first day of every month, I used to go to church and pray to the Lord, committing all the matters related to that month, in His hands. Accordingly, that particular month, when I went to the church, the pastor’s - October 2019 JESUS CALLS


The Lord’s Miracles in the Family Blessing Meeting held in Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower, Chennai on 3.08.2019 Faith given by divine brightness I came to this meeting with the burden that my son should be saved. When dear mother Stella Dhinakaran was praying, I felt a divine brightness. That time the anointing of the Lord filled me immeasurably. I firmly believe that the Lord will surely lead my son into salvation. - Saraswathy, Chennai.

The Lord’s brightness Both my sons know the Lord but still they are addicted to alcohol. So I came to this meeting with great agony. When dear mother Stella Dhinakaran was praying I felt the 46


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brightness of the Lord. My heart was filled with peace. Praise the Lord. - Shantha, Chennai.

Comforting words that kindled faith I suffered from debt problem. The words uttered by Sister Stella Dhinakaran that the ‘Lord will deliver us from debt problem’ comforted me. I believe that the Lord will surely deliver me from the debt problem. - Jeyakala, Chennai.

The Lord, who healed the leg pain I came to this meeting with leg pain. During the prayer time, when dear mother Stella Dhinakaran was praying, I too joined her in the prayer. The Lord heard the prayer and has granted me miraculous healing

from leg pain. Glory to God. - Vasantha, Chennai.

Mental burden relived I came to this meeting with a heavy burden on my mind. When dear mother Stella Dhinakaran was praying, a light came into me. That time the mental burden left me. I am going with peace. Glory to God. - Manimaran, Chennai.

The Lord’s word that comforted me It has been 6 years since I lost my husband. My son is addicted to alcohol. I came to this meeting with agony. Sister Stella Dhinakaran’s words comforted me much. Now I go back with courage. I have the confidence that the Lord will give

salvation to my son. - Chinnaponnu, Chennai.

prayers, I am healed. - Jeyalakshmi, Chennai.

mother Stella Dhinakaran was of comfort to me. I firmly believe that he will come back to me.

Good News soon after prayer

The Lord’s brightness shone on us

My son had left home. I came to this meeting and prayed for him. At the end of the prayer, my son called me over the phone and informed that he has returned home. I was happy to hear this.

My husband refused to attend this Family Blessing Meeting. But I forced him to come here. As dear mother Stella Dhinakaran said in her message, I felt the Lord’s light shining on us. Glory to God. - Shahini, Chennai.

Even amidst several hindrances, we took leave to attend this meeting. Now, as a family, we take the Lord’s blessings with us. Glory to God.

The Lord’s Word that emboldened me

Miraculous healings that that brought joy

My husband is a cancer patient. I was in agony. On hearing that dear mother Stella Dhinakaran was coming to share God’s message, I came to this meeting. Firstly, a brother testified about his healing from cancer. After that dear mother’s message gave me courage. I am going home with the faith that my husband will be healed. - Kavitha, Chennai.

I am a retired staff from the postal department. Few months back, I had a cough which became severe and I went to the hospital for treatment. After several tests, the doctors declared that I had fourth stage cancer and I had three more months to live. My whole family was in tears. I went to another hospital for a second opinion and here again I was diagnosed with cancer. They operated on me and gave me three cycles of chemotherapy. After this, my condition worsened and I could not even get up and walk. I needed assistance to do anything.

- Jegathambal, Chennai.

God who gave hope Both my daughters are separated from me and are living with my mother-in-law. When dear mother Stella Dhinakaran prayed that every separated family should be reunited, I had a great hope that both my daughters will come back to me. - Daniel Krishnan, Chennai.

The Lord who gave healing My son was tormented by a suicidal spirit for the past 10 years. He always used to beat me. So, I could not stay at home. On 14th July, 2019 when I attended the Youth Meeting held by Stella Ramola, I gave her my son’s photo and asked her to pray for him. From that day, he never beats me. The Lord has changed him. Also I had severe body pain. Now because of dear mother’s

The Lord’s Word of comfort My husband has deserted me. He said that he was going to give me a divorce. There was no further news from him from April 2019 till this day. I was heart-broken and even wanted to commit suicide. At this juncture I heard about this meeting and attended it with great desire. Every word spoken by dear

- Priya, Chennai.

Blessing for the family

- Sumathy, Chennai.

At this juncture, a sister told me about Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. The next day, I went there with great difficulty, with the help of others. The prayer warriors welcomed me lovingly, - October 2019 JESUS CALLS


encouraged me by saying that the Lord would surely heal me and prayed for me fervently. After this I had great trust in the Lord. When I went to the hospital again, the doctors tested me and said that I was 70% healed. My family members were happy. Seeing the change in my life, I began to hold on to the Lord Jesus more and more. It has been a year and I’m doing well. I praise the Lord every day and I get up only after praising Him. I go to sleep after praising Him. I will never forget this miracle which the Lord has done for me. I will live for the Lord till my last breath. I give all glory to the Lord. - K. Ayyavu, Chennai – 41

God grants the gift of a child We had no child even after 4 years of married life. We underwent medical treatment but in vain. After that we came to know about the Jesus Calls television programme and visited the Prayer Tower for

prayers. Our trust in the Lord increased. We also attended the Family Blessing meeting and prayed earnestly. The Lord heard our prayers and my wife conceived and delivered a beautiful baby girl. Our joy knew no bounds. Praise be to the Lord. - Sundaram, Chennai – 69

Miracle of college admission After completing her +2, my daughter could not get admission in any college and hence went for a job. All her friends did their college studies but she was going for her job. With agony I went to the Prayer Tower and prayed with tears that my daughter should get admission in a good college. By the grace of God, she got admission in a college and today she is studying there. Praise be to God. - Punitha, Chennai – 21

God transformed my son My second son was addicted to alcohol for 7 years. He fell into

corrupt company and took up many bad habits. At one point, he lost his senses and was affected mentally. Doctors said that he would remain the same and that nothing could be done for him. At this juncture, I heard about the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and went there to pray in the chapel. What a wonder! The Lord granted my son a miraculous deliverance. He became a good person and is now going for work for the past 1 ½ years. Glory to God. - Sri Jeya, Chennai.

Miraculous healing My son, who is now 10 years old, often fell sick. He was not healed despite admitting him in the hospital and taking treatments. On coming to know about the Young Partner’s Plan, I enrolled him in the plan. The Lord miraculously healed my son and has protected him without going for further treatment. He has been keeping well for the past one year. Praise be to the Lord. - Janaki, Chennai - 21

Everyone who attended this meeting, was blessed! Some of them shared their testimonies for the glory of God. May the Lord help you who read these testimonies, to receive miracles and blessings from His hand!

Address: JESUS CALLS PRAYER TOWER 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email: 48


October 2019 -

Beulah was busily preparing for their journey to Israel; her husband Rajah was arranging everything in the suitcase. She was amazed to see him buy the necessary things for the trip and stacking everything neatly. The day arrived! All of them assembled at the Airport as a group and introduced themselves. Among them was Barnabas who had worked with Rajah several years back. Seeing Rajah in that group and that too as a man who had accepted the Lord as his Saviour was quite surprising to Barnabas. “I was the only Christian in my office. But your husband had never spoken to me. He would not even reply even if I asked him something. If asked for a reason, he would say, ‘I do not like Christians at all… So I won’t talk to them….’ I am unable to believe that he has accepted Christ… I never dreamt that I would see him take a journey to Israel. I think you must be the reason for this… Am I correct,

Madam?” Beulah nodded her head in the affirmative. When they were seated in the flight, Beulah’s mind went back to her old, bitter life. “Mom, dad is coming…” – The moment her son, Deepak, said these words, everyone used to hide their Bibles and songbooks behind the shelf. Last year, they delayed in hiding them which resulted in all their Bibles being burnt by her husband. As a father, he was good to the children. But his hatred in this matter made him spew venom on them. Since the children were innocent he would spare them, but his rage was vented upon his wife Beulah, who was burdened that she could not go for Sunday service with the children. She used to take the children to the service conducted in her school, every Saturday afternoon. It was here that the Sunday school was also conducted and her two sons got to learn musical instruments. It was an intense struggle of 15 years, not one or two. She lost her

beauty and became thin, dark with hollow eyes. Yet she believed that her husband would change. Tears became her food, on most days. Eventually, he stopped talking to her and hated the very sight of her. Adding to this, her relatives made her all the more miserable by saying, “Stop reading the Bible and praying. Then he will treat you like a queen. He is a good natured man. He gets provoked by your godliness and becomes violent. So you are the reason for this… and your Bible reading is spoiling the peace in your house. Just wait and see… even your children will hate you in the end.” One day, when he came home early in the afternoon because of a headache, he became furious to hear Beulah, who was on holiday, singing loudly. Beulah patiently endured his thrashings that day and did not retaliate. Feeling bad that he had beaten his wife for the first time in his life, he went to sleep, with regret. That was the day of deliverance and transformation for him. Today the Lord has changed their house into a house of prayer. Beulah was jolted out of her reverie by the voice of the air hostess who had brought coffee and juices, asking her what she wanted. Taking the coffee from her hand, she told herself, “I’ve got what I requested from the Lord’. Her heart overflowed with joy. “...the desire of the righteous will be granted.” (Proverbs 10:24) - October 2019 JESUS CALLS


ANSWERS FOR BIBLE QUIZ - 90 1. On that day the Lord magnified Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and they feared him, as they feared Moses, all the days of his life. (Joshua 4:14). 2. He administers justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the stranger, giving him food and clothing (Deuteronomy 10:18). 3. I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever (John 14:16). 4. Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God which He has given you (Deuteronomy 16:17). 5. Now Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands on him (Deuteronomy 34:9). 6. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water (John 7:38). 7. And there has been no day like that, before it or after it, that the Lord heeded the voice of a man; for the Lord fought for Israel (Joshua 10:14). 8. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you (John 15:7). 9. So you should know in your heart that as a man chastens his son, so the Lord your God chastens you (Deuteronomy 8:5). 10. Now we know that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is a worshiper and does His will, He hears him (John 9:31).

BIBLE QUIZ NO. 90 WINNERS Chennai: Suchetha Francis, Reshma Immaculate Rajkumar, Tanjore: J. R. S. Aaron Shalom Thiruvananthapuram: Valsala Daniel Hyderabad: P. H. Swarna Vidyullatha Prakasam: V. Pushpa Leela Secunderabad: Helen Cornelius 50 JESUS CALLS October 2019 - Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran

Malaysia Prayer Tower Growths disappeared I was having pains and had much difficulty to swallow my food for few months. This had led to many sleepless nights due to fear. So I went to get myself checked up. The doctors told me that I had some growths around my neck and advised me to proceed with a CT Scan. Meanwhile, they carried out some blood tests on me. My blood tests were normal however my CT report showed there were 3 growths around my neck. I was then given an appointment with the ENT department for a scope and a biopsy to be done. I was devastated. I was informed that Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Petaling Jaya is regularly having their Healing Meetings. So, on the 20th December, 2018 I decided to attend the meeting. Praise God that there was a very anointed Pastor who prayed for me whole heartedly upon hearing my prayer request. After the prayer I noticed the pains have reduced and I felt much better. So I went for my ENT appointment. To the doctors and my surprise, no growths had been detected through the scope. They could also not perform a biopsy as no growths could be seen or felt. I was given another appointment for the following month to repeat the CT scan. Praise God the repeated CT scan had no evidence of the growths too. Miraculously the growths had disappeared without a trace. I have my medical reports to prove that there were 3 growths. Our Jesus Christ has completely healed me. Our God is so loving and faithful. He wants us to have the faith that He is our Lord, our Saviour and our Healer. Thank you Lord Jesus! -Rosalin,Malaysia

BLESSING MEETINGS: FIRST & THIRD THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH @ 8:00PM IN THE JESUS CALLS PRAYER TOWER Prayer Help (24 hours): 03 7960 7370 International Special

For any further details and ministry resources, please contact Stella Pereira, in- charge of the Jesus Calls ministry in Malaysia as Manager. Address, telephone number and email details are given below:


You may send in your loving offerings through Cash / Cheque / Direct Banking. Online payment can be done through Please find below the bank details for online payment and funds transfer:

Registered as : Bank Name : Account No :


JESUS CALLS MALAYSIA REQUIRES COUNTRY DIRECTOR The candidate must have a passion and dedication to serve the Lord Jesus through this prayer ministry, which reaches out to the broken-hearted in the Nation. The candidate should be a permanent resident in Malaysia, a graduate and one who is willing to work on a full-time basis. A person with prior ministerial experience would be advantageous, with experience in leading and managing operations. The person should be a resourceful leader, who is able to lead and motivate others as per the Vision and Mission of Jesus Calls. The work scope includes the development and expansion of the ministry by establishing Prayer Centers in different parts of Malaysia. Excellent communication and networking skills would be required as the role entails liaison with various parties including Government agencies, service providers and Christian leaders. Must have a good working knowledge of English & Tamil. Knowledge of Mandarin would be an advantage. Those interested may send their CVs within ten days to

International Special

HEALED MIRACULOUSLY I want to thank the Admin of Australia Prayer Tower and all the prayer warriors for empowering me to remain silient and optimistic during my operation through prayer. I was diagnosed with severely weak kidneys and cancer. The doctors told me that there would be a possibility of chemo- therapy, dialysis and losing blood . Man had his plan for me but God’s plan was different. Two weeks following my operation, I was declared cancer free! I give God the glory for His promises and victory. - Ruth, Australia PRAYER TOWER AND MEETING DETAILS Location: 10, 18 Third Avenue, Blacktown NSW 2148, Sydney, Australia Opening Hours: 9am – 5pm - Monday to Friday Toll Free Prayer Line: 1300 728 378 available 24x7 to receive prayer calls Further enquiries: Please calls our admin line on (02) 9602 3200 or email us on Regular Meetings: Healing Blessing Meeting:

Every Wednesday 7pm. Anointed speakers every week and prayers offered individually for all those with needs Esther PrayerGroup Meeting: First Saturday of every month from 10.00am-12.00noon. Two locations: 1) Jesus Calls – 2/18 Third Avenue, Blacktown, NSW 2148 2) Sis Kamini Nair – 26 Whitford Road, Hinchinbrook, NSW 2168 You may send your generous donations through Money Order or Cheques written in favour of Jesus Calls Ministry Services, and post to:

P O Box 575, Liverpool NSW 2170, Suite 10/18 Third Avenue, Blacktown, NSW, 2148 For Direct Bank Deposit and Bank Transfers, please use the following details: Account Name:

Jesus Calls Ministry services Pty Ltd

Account Number: 1113 3084 International Special

Bank: Commonwealth Bank BSB Number: 062-517

Dallas Prayer Tower

International Special

The Bethesda Prayer Centre functions 6:00 am to 8:30 pm every day “FOR MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL PEOPLES.” ISAIAH 56:7

Every year around 5,00,000 souls are being touched by God It's been 26 years since inception on 10th October 1993. Spanning across 10.5 acres of land, the Bethesda International Prayer Centre remains to be a place of miracles for those who come in with burden. The very presence of the Lord comforts and grants peace to every struggling soul that walks in. Prayer intercessors are available at Bethesda for those who come in for prayer and counselling either as groups or as individuals.

Special worship and prayer sessions in different languages Serene atmosphere to spend your time in prayer and meditation either at the ‘Prayer Dome’ or at the ‘Vision Centre’ Accommodations for groups or individuals are available too. Back and forth bus facilities are available from the Railway station, Gandhipuram Bus Stand and Town Hall, Coimbatore.

BETHESDA CHAIN PRAYER TOWER Prayers are being raised 24/7 throughout the year for all partners and staff of the Jesus Calls Ministry, Faculty, students and Alumni of Karunya Institutions and SEESHA. WE WELCOME YOU TO COME, STAY AND PRAY AS A PRAYER INTERCESSOR IN THIS CHAIN PRAYER TOWER. For more info, dial 0422 – 2614581/2614580/ 9487846640 or email to


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