October 2020 E-Magazine

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y precious friend, may God bless you in abundance this month. As we began this year, the Lord showed me Job 8:7. He said, “Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.” Today, because Covid-19 has struck the whole world, humanity has been humbled and millions have lost their livelihood; but the Word says, “The end will be prosperous.” Surely, God has a future for us according to Jeremiah 29:11, “plans to give us hope and a future” a plan where all things will work unto good for those who love God (Romans 8:28). As we are moving towards the end of the year, I pray that God will As we are moving towards the end of the year, I pray that God will make everything prosperous for those who love God. This month's promise is found in Ephesians 3:20. The scripture says, "Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." Jesus Calls International


October 2020

| intl@jesuscalls.org




God has the heart to pour blessing, which we cannot hold. I pray this blessing upon you this month in the name of Jesus. In another translation it says, “God will do exceedingly great things through the power that is at work in us.” In the promise given to Abraham by God in Genesis 17:20, we read that He is a God who blesses us in an exceedingly great measure. Yes!There are several promises that whenever God blesses,He blesses in an exceedingly great manner. “The LORD shall increase you more and more, you and your children.” Psalm 115:14 “I will throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” Malachi 3:10 “I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing.” Ezekiel 34:26 “A land of mountains and valleys that drinks in the rain from heaven. It is a land for which the LORD your God cares; the eyes of the LORD your God are always on it, from the beginning to the end of the year.” Deuteronomy 11:11 So, God has the heart to pour blessing, which we cannot hold. I pray this blessing upon you this month in the name of Jesus. Let us see three people, who were blessed exceedingly and the reason why they were blessed exceedingly.

Greatly favoured An angel appears to Mary, the mother of Jesus and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! you are blessed.” (Luke 1:28) Yes! It was a superlative blessing saying “You are greatly and highly favored by God” because she had a heart to submit to God's plans. Look at the life of Jesus. When He was twelve years old, in Luke 2:52 the scripture says, “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man” because He was obedient to His parents. 4

Jesus Calls International


October 2020

It happened in my life too when I gave my life to Jesus. Before that, I was disobedient to my parents and I was disobedient to God. When Jesus came into my life and transformed it, I became obedient to my parents and obedient to God through my parents. For 28 years, I was obedient to my father and mother fulfilling all that God spoke through them for me to do. Whether it was choosing the course for my study, or marrying the girl who was chosen through my parents and through prophecy or whether it was going to preach in a place or build the university or do a radio program or preach in a public meeting. I did all that my parents asked me to do for 28 years and God blessed all that I did for 40 years. However, after my father left, I had a divine visitation and the Lord Jesus said through the Holy Spirit, “My son your father is gone.Now, I will be a father to you. You will hear my voice. Just speak and do what I ask you to do. When you do it, I will bless millions of people.” So I obeyed God for the past 12 years, never afraid of what people said or they would say. Today,God has blessed every part of the ministry, every part of the family and every part of life. God has made me conduct prophetic conferences across the nation and the world and God has blessed it and raised people with apostolic and prophetic anointing. God asked me to establish Prayer Towers everywhere and He has increased the Prayer Towers to 100 across India and 14 in other countries. The television ministry also has increased with God giving us a new channel Family Channel. God blesses the Prayer Festival by bringing people even up to half a million in one meeting. God spoke to me to establish the Delhi National Prayer Tower to pray 24 hours everyday, all through the year for God's plan to come upon the nation; It has been established next to the parliament of India, in direct view of the Prime Minister's office and the President's palace; faithful people from across India have come and prayed with a new batch every 15 days. This has been happening all through the year 24 hours for the past 10 years. Prayer warriors have prayed for the nation of India. God fulfills the prophecies and the prayers which were according to His | intl@jesuscalls.org



plan. I have also gone there and prayed along with my wife Evangeline, and God opened the doors of the Prime Minister to receive the word which He gave me for him and for the Chief Ministers, and Prime Ministers of other nations. Later, the Lord showed me Israel and made a way to establish the Israel Prayer Tower to pray for the world, prophesying God's plan to the nations of the world. All this came through obedience. Obedience is not easy. Look at Abraham. God spoke to him and said,“Sacrifice your only son, Isaac, for me.” Abraham obeyed God and never questioned nor wavered in his faith. He said,‘even if I sacrifice my son,God has the power to raise him up’ but God saved him from sacrificing his son, Isaac. Alas to build the Karunya University, God made us as a family, the family of the Dhinakarans, to sacrifice my sister Angel, to build the Karunya University. We had to obey God through shedding her blood. She died in a cruel car accident after which the Lord appeared to us when we were going through sorrow asking us,‘will you obey me even in this circumstance?’ Today, Karunya Deemed University stands on her blood and our obedience. Students don't walk on the sands of the University campus but walk on the blood of Angel. They are blessed in the place of Angel. We have two schools and a hospital at Karunya Nagar today. The Lord asked me to start SEESHA to care for the poor according to Isaiah 58:7 & 8. I obeyed God and today we care for 150000 poor people and children with oldage care home, caring for the sick, caring for the mentally sick, caring for the physically challenged giving them therapies and caring for people who have lost their homes by building houses. God has also enabled us to care for the women – widows, the transgender, and so on. Yes! Obedience at the cost of sacrifice and God has always come to us and said, ‘my children you have my favour.’ This is why when we pray even a small prayer, God is gracious to answer it and

does miracles for the millions of people who come for our prayers, who write to us, who come to the Prayer Towers and who join us in the prayer through the media. The favour of God manifests by Him doing miracles for the people and taking care of the ministry through you - the partners. You are God's gift to us. You are God's gift to Jesus and His ministry through Jesus Calls. So God will keep you highly favoured. As Jesus came and did a miracle by turning the water into wine when His mother who was highly favoured asked Him to do so; He will come and do miracles for you providing sweet wine, sweet blessings,and His sweet presence to you who are highly favoured by Him. You are highly favoured. Do not be afraid. God will grant this grace of obedience to come upon you – His son/His daughter. Thereby you will obey Him at all costs, be a blessing to others through the ministry, and receive sweet blessings. From now on, the Lord will prosper and care for you just like He loved and cared for His mother even from the Cross. He will give you a beautiful family life full of love. As the mother of Jesus was when the Holy Spirit came upon the people in the upper room, may you also be filled with the Holy Spirit. Through God’s favour, you shall be blessed and be highly favoured.

God will say to you, “you are my greatly beloved.” He will bless you like how He blessed Daniel and raised him to much greater heights.

Jesus Calls International


October 2020

Greatly beloved Daniel was also greatly favoured by the Lord. An angel appeared to him and said, “You are greatly beloved of the Lord.” Daniel 9:23 Do you know why? It was because Daniel claimed the prophecy of Jeremiah for Israel. In Daniel 9:1, he said “Lord you promised to deliver the people of Israel after 70 years. According to the promise of Jeremiah, do it.” He said, “I am fasting and humbling myself and praying that the prophecy of Jeremiah will be fulfilled.” Yes! When we humble ourselves claiming the prophecies, claiming the will of God and pray with fasting, God sends angels to say ‘you are My beloved, greatly beloved.’ God has spoken to us many prophecies in Jesus Calls. He has fulfilled many prophecies but some more prophecies | intl@jesuscalls.org




have to be fulfilled in the timeline of God. He has spoken to me about China, Russia, Israel, Middle East, Africa, India and Australia. Also, He has spoken to me about the government of India in the days to come, how God will pour the Holy Spirit on the young people and the healing power of God will flow; even in the governance, young people will lead the nation; and all these countries starting from China will come together with India and few others, there will be peace in this region, and a new currency will come bringing about prosperity which will open the doors for the gospel to be preached in all the countries, and Israel shall have peace. God has given us so many prophecies to prepare the world to receive the gospel in the last days according to Matthew 24:15. For that, God expects us to believe the prophecies, fast, humble ourselves, and pray like Daniel. If you go to the Jesus Calls website and click on ‘prophecies,’ you will find all the prophecies and claim those prophecies and pray with us; thank God for the fulfillment of the prophecies, which have already happened; and pray for the rest to happen quickly. Then, God will say ‘you are my greatly beloved.’ He will bless you like how He blessed Daniel and raised him to much greater heights.God brought Israel back from Babylon and built the country once again. In the name of the Lord, the same will happen to you; God's Kingdom will be established in every nation


Jesus Calls International


October 2020

through you. As you claim the prophecies and pray like Daniel, God will also make you a prophet of God with visions and prophecy coming to you. I pray that God will give us the grace to humble ourselves and pray claiming the prophecies will be fulfilled; God should help us to claim the prophecies He has given about the end of the world in the preaching of the gospel in Matthew 24. May our greatly beloved Lord use us with the prophetic anointing, lift us up like Daniel with favour in the eyes of kings to prophesy to them in Jesus name.

Greatly prosperous Finally, “Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the LORD blessed him.The man became rich, and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy." (Genesis 26:12 & 13) In this moment of drought, famine, and joblessness, as you give your offering to God's ministry, God will give you hundred times and increase you with His riches. As you build God's Kingdom in the lives of people, God will build your life. Great riches came to Isaac as he sowed during the famine. God will bless you as you believe Him and sow in His ministry. You are greatly favoured, you are greatly beloved. God bless you my precious friend and God will make you greatly prosperous. May God bless you the partners and increase you greatly in Jesus’ name; Amen.

| intl@jesuscalls.org



God has given the Dhinakarans’ the mandate to prepare the world for His coming and to raise apostles and prophets for the end time. For this, prayer is very much needed specially in such a time as this when the world is facing untold turmoil due to the pestilence which has been prophesied by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran several years back. At this juncture, God has put a burden in the heart of our Sis. Evangeline Paul that we need to stand in the gap to pray for the nation’s protection (Ezekiel 22:30) based on the following verse, “Put the trumpet to your lips..” (Hosea 8:1). Trumpet Prayer Group originated because of that burden and many prayer intercessors joined her and started praying daily during the noon time right from March 25, 2020 of the lockdown period. It is her God-given desire to raise an army of prayer intercessors to cry for others. Here is a chance for you to pray from your home or wherever you are as per your convenient time . You are welcome to join this “Trumpet Prayer Group(TPG)” and register as “Trumpet Prayer Group Intercessor. ” Specific prayer points prepared by Sis. Evangeline Paul will be sent to you. It will be a 24hrs chain prayer with 30 minute slots. You can choose any day and any time more than once also. YOUR PRAYERS ARE GOING TO CHANGE THE WORLD. LET SALVATION MOVE WORLDWIDE.

For more details: Mobile number: +91 97899 77807, +91 63807 52257(10am to 6pm) E-mail: trumpet@jesuscalls.org Website: https://www.prayertoweronline.org/tpg Jesus Calls International


October 2020

| intl@jesuscalls.org




‘This is my resting place forever; here I will dwell, for I have desired it’ (Psalm 132:14) Beautifully crafted by God’s presence and nature, Bethesda Prayer Centre holds true to the above promise. In the Bible, Angel of God visited the pool of Bethesda now and then to stir it so that people could be healed. However, the Lord Himself has desired to dwell in this Bethesda forever, making it His resting place. Thus, the minds and hearts of everyone who visits are filled with God’s Spirit and grace. Being a place of rest and rejuvenation, the sorrow-stricken receive comfort and joy. The Lord makes those who walk in with worries march out majestically as living testimonies. 8

Jesus Calls International


October 2020

| intl@jesuscalls.org



   

 7 Stations of the Cross Bethesda Pool  Vision Centre Bethesda Dome Counseling Centre and prayer facilities 24 hours of audio songs  Book Stall  Canteen  Children’s Park  Guest House  Dormitory - Ladies/Gents

Enquiry : Dormitory : Guest House : Email ID : Website : Facebook : Jesus Calls International


October 2020

This place of treasure is just 25 kms away from Coimbatore, located near Siruvani Dam and close to Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences (Deemed to be University). Getting to this place is real easy with regular bus facilities available from Coimbatore Gandhipuram bus stand, Town hall bus stop and Railway Station. Bethesda radiates its ray of hope all 365 days of the year, functioning between 6:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. The prayer intercessors wait eagerly to receive you, pray for you and bring God’s blessings into your life.

 0422-2614580 / 4581, +91 8754426134 +91 9487846640/+91 9487846545 0422-2614790 bobethesda@jesuscalls.org www.jesuscalls.org Bethesda Prayer Centre

| intl@jesuscalls.org





HEALED INSTANTLY I had constant leg, joint and foot pain, making it difficult for me to walk. Because of the pain I felt like pins-and-needles were pricking me at the bottom of my foot and it was impossible for me to even put my foot on the ground. One such day when I was having extreme pain, I called the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Auckland. The prayer intercessor who picked up the call started praying for me. Even as he was praying, I could feel the pain leaving and it has never returned after that. I thank God for the free call 24 x 7 prayer line and the prayer intercessors for their fervent prayers. - Raewyn, Auckland 10

Jesus Calls International


October 2020

On 9th August my health was not good so I decided to take antigen test for covid-19 and was eagerly waiting for the result to come. At night, my father got a call from the hospital and they informed us that I was positive for Covid-19. After hearing the news my family and I were completely shattered. My family members were really worried about me as my condition was getting worse. I was hospitalised immediately as I couldn't breathe properly. My family members used to call Jesus Calls Prayer Tower everyday and Jesus heard the sincere prayers of the prayer intercessors and healed me. Now I am doing well and I am in good health. Glory to God. - Anonymous | intl@jesuscalls.org




When I got married I always hoped that my marriage will be blessed, however 6 years had passed and yet we had no children. It is hard to explain how empty we felt and everyone we met only questioned us why we had no child. After speaking to my aunt who was a Jesus Calls partner she encouraged me to go to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Durban. I went and was so blessed when the prayer intercessor prayed for me. Needless to say, within a year I was pregnant with my son Elijah and 18 months later I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Esther. I thank God for the double blessing and I would always be grateful to the Jesus Calls ministries and the prayer intercessors for praying for all the needs of those who come in times of need. - Amy Mudaly, Phoenix, Durban, South Africa TIMELY BLESSING I am working in the US. As my project came to an end I had to return to India. I was wondering what to do next. I was praying for a new project and extension of my visa and God graciously answered my prayer and granted me a new project. To thank the Lord who gave me this blessing I decided to sow into the Jesus Calls ministry by sponsoring a TV program. Glory to God. - D.Muthi Dayalan, USA DELIVERED IN A MOMENT I am an Ophthalmologist working under Jesus Calls International


October 2020

Mohin Maldives. I had pain in the left lower back since last one month. Due to this I was having difficulty in sitting, walking, standing and weakness in left lower limb. On 4th July 2020 Bro. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed for deliverance on Facebook which I watched on 5th July from Youtube. On the same day my pain went away and I felt good. My sincere thanks to brother Paul Dhinakaran and sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran for their prayers. Glory to Almighty Lord for the healing. - Leela Lakshman, Maldives MIRACULOUS DELIVERANCE Since one year, I have been longing for a miraculous healing in my life since I was experiencing excruciating pain and stiffness in my right hip and knee. It was severe to such an extent that it affected my professional life. During this time, I needed prayer support. Hence I contacted the Prayer Tower for prayers. After that, I have noticed gradual progress in my health. I am able to sleep well continuously for 8 hours and I can feel much better movements in my right hip and knee even without any exercise or medication. I give all glory to the Lord for this miraculous improvement. – Anonymous, UAE | intl@jesuscalls.org





I’m 59 years old. From my childhood, I was suffering from a severe headache and also had a kidney issue. I did not take any medicines as I believed that God is faithful and He will heal me. Whatever pain I underwent, I did not give up having faith in God. Then, finally I heard about the Jesus Calls Meeting to be held on 22nd August 2020 at Kandy and decided to attend this meeting with the faith that God is going to heal me. I attended the meeting with the pain of passing blood in urine. During the prayer time, the preacher prophetically announced that God is healing a person with a headache and a kidney issue and requested that person to keep the hand in those places. I did so. When he was praying, I felt that some black shadow was moving away from me. From that time till date, I have no pain. I praise and thank God whole heartedly for this miracle and healing me completely. All Glory to God! - Theresa, Sri Lanka

JESUS CALLS PRAYER TOWERS ISRAEL Mobile: (+972) (0) 25 337 577, +972 539049306. Email: keith.soares@karunyaisrael.com EUROPE Phone: +44 784 134 3560, +44 208 571 4900 Email : europe@jcpray.org AUSTRALIA Toll free Prayer line: 1-300 728 378 (24/7 for Australia) Admin line : +61-2-9602 3200 Email - admin@jesuscalls.org.au FIJI Phone lines: Landline-0011679 363 2925 Phone: 679 9078961 Email Address:jesuscallsptfiji@gmail.com

USA Phone lines: Phone (+1) 972-499-4995 Toll Free 855-537-8722 (USA ONLY) Email: prayers@jesuscalls.com CANADA Prayer Line (24/7) – 416 385 7677 / 1 855 522 7729 (Toll Free across Canada and USA) Admin Number: 416 385 7576 Email - admin@jesuscallscanada.ca SOUTH AFRICA Office: +27 31 500 24 82 Mobile : +27 84 288 48 28 Email: jesuscalls@telkomsa.net 24/7 Prayer line 0-800-981-929 for South Africa SRI LANKA PRAYER TOWERS Telephone: +94-11-4488112(General)

NEW ZEALAND 24/7 Prayer Hotline: 0800 53 78 72 Admin Line : (+64) 09 620 7160 Email: admin@jesuscalls.org.nz

MATTAKKULIYA Phone: + 9411 2521365

SINGAPORE 24/7 Prayer Hotline: + 65 63830160 Email: jesuscallsingapore@gmail.com

JAFFNA Phone: +94 21 2212737 KANDY Phone: +94 81 2225193. 24 Hour Prayer Hotline for Sri Lanka: +94-11-4488111 E-mail: admin@jesuscalls.lk

MALAYSIA 24 /7 Prayer Hotline: +60-3-7960 7370 Admin Line: +60-3-7931 9373 Email: jcmalaysia@gmail.com

TO SHARE YOUR TESTIMONY Call the Prayer Tower in your Country / Region (or) email to intl@jesuscalls.org 12

Jesus Calls International


October 2020

| intl@jesuscalls.org



13 Jesus Calls International


October 2020

| intl@jesuscalls.org



PRAYERS ANSWERED Last year my daughter was found with a lump in her breast. The doctors wanted to do further tests and investigations to find out what the lump was. Our hearts were filled with fear, anxiety and worry. I immediately called the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower to receive prayers. The prayer intercessors prayed with much burden uplifting my daughter before the Lord. They continued praying during the entire period when my daughter was going through different tests, reassuring us with the scriptures. Few weeks later my daughter received the test results. I praise and thank God that everything was clear and there was no sign of anything they were suspecting. God is our healer and is in control of our lives; the Bible declares that we are already healed by the stripes that Jesus took on our behalf. (Isaiah 53:5) I want to thank the Jesus Calls ministry and the prayer intercessors who faithfully and sincerely stood with us in our time of uncertainty. I thank the Lord for taking care of all our anxieties and concerns. Jesus, indeed, is a miracle working God! Praise God. - Devigee, Auckland 14

Jesus Calls International


October 2020

| intl@jesuscalls.org



PRAYER TOWER AND MEETING DETAILS: Location and Contact details: Physical / Postal Address:1/80 Carr Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland 1041, New Zealand Admin Line: + 64 9 620 7160 Mobile: + 64 274 772937 Email: admin@jesuscalls.org.nz

Opening Hours for Drop-In: 9am – 5pm from Monday to Friday, with late night (10pm) on Tuesdays

Toll Free Prayer Hotline: 0800 53 78 72 (0800 JESUSC) available 24x7 to receive prayer calls

REGULAR MEETINGS: Healing Blessing Meeting Every Tuesday from 7pm. Anointed speakers every week and prayers offered individually for all those with needs. MEETINGS ARE ALSO BEING CONDUCTED VIA ZOOM DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC; details are being TEXTED to individuals or POSTED on the Jesus Calls New Zealand facebook page ON A WEEKLY BASIS Esther Prayer Group Meeting Third Saturday of every month, starting from 2.30pm.




Become a ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Member/ or LEAD a Esther Prayer group in your city

Become a JESUS CALLS PARTNER: Family Blessing Plan , Young Partners' Plan

You may send in your cheerful donations through Money Order / Cheques written in favour of Jesus Calls New Zealand Trust, and post to: 1/80 Carr Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland 1041, New Zealand For Direct Bank Deposit and Bank Transfers, please use the following details: Account Name: Jesus Calls New Zealand Trust

Bank: ANZ

Account Number: 06-0241-0259945-01

Swift Code: ANZBNZ22

Jesus Calls International


October 2020

| intl@jesuscalls.org




“When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, He had compassion on them and healed their sick.” (Matthew 14:14) “…Yet the people still came to Him from everywhere.” (Mark 1:45)


he ‘Prayer Festival’ ministry helps people all around the world to experience miraculous power in their body , mind and soul and receive healing, comfort and blessings through the love, compassion and power of the Lord Jesus that is shared through the word of God. Our Lord Jesus, drew Bro. D. G. S. Dhinakaran towards Him when he was 20 years old , when he hated life and went about to end his life by committing suicide. As he desired to see Jesus, he prayed fervently for 7 years and on 10 October 1962, he received the privilege of meeting our blessed Lord Jesus in person and spoke with Him face to face for three hours; received the power of the Holy Spirit, gifts of the Holy Spirit and thus began the ministry of love and compassion. First public meeting: On October 12, 1970, the first public meeting began in COBB hall, Vellore, Tamil Nadu. On the first day itself, the hall was fully packed with people. The Lord by His grace enabled Bro. Dhinakaran to be filled with the power of God, to tell about the needs of many people clearly and pray for them. God’s name was glorified; many came to the stage and testified on that day. In the initial days, Bro. Dhinakaran used to pray and bless the thousands of people who waited for personal prayer after the meeting till 2 a.m. in the morning with the prophetical anointing. From the initial days, when Bro. Dhinakaran used to preach in the prayer meetings, in the midst of thousands of people, he would call to the stage certain people and would reveal their past, present and future, boldly by the gift of prophecy; their hearts would melt like a candle and when 16

Jesus Calls International


October 2020

| intl@jesuscalls.org



they would cry, it would shake the whole crowd. Everyone together would glorify the Lord! Not only that, innumerable people have received blessings, miracles, signs, healing from deadly diseases and deliverance from the clutches of the devil. From 1970 to 2008, until the time Bro. Dhinakaran was taken to glory, the tears of millions of people all around the world were wiped away regardless of the caste, race, religion or nationality through his preaching which attracted everyone and his heart melting prayers. Numerous servants of God were called by name and raised up for starting new ministries! Many servants of God are still shining like stars for God.

Blessing of the Lord on families From 1974 onwards, the messages were given by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. It has attracted many families towards Christ and have created a revival in family life. They have received the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Families which had separated, were reunited. Miracles that the Lord has done through her are countless. From 1990 onwards, the Lord began to use Jesus Calls International


October 2020

dear Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran in the ministry. When she preaches and prays, the Holy Spirit would be poured without measure. Today, it is miraculous to see how the Lord is using her mightily along with Dr. Paul Dhinakaran in prayer meetings where crowds of people would gather. The Holy Spirit has been graciously poured out when she prays and miracles happen. Thousands have been blessed through the meetings conducted by dear children Samuel Dhinakaran, his beloved wife Dr. Shilpa Samuel, Sharon Angel and Stella Ramola.

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran in the 40 years Prayer Festival ministry On 2nd October, 1994, in the Jesus Calls fasting prayer, the Lord prophetically uttered through a prayer intercessor that He is going to bless Dr. Paul Dhinakaran with double portion of the anointing which is on Bro. Dhinakaran. It was from that day on that the gifts of the Holy Spirit began to operate in him. On 13th August, 1980, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared his testimony in the ‘Jesus Calls’ prayer tower in Tuticorin and on 28th | intl@jesuscalls.org




April, 1982, delivered the word of the Lord for the first time in the ‘Jesus Calls’ meeting in Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu. On the first day of the meeting, thousands were gathered and the Lord graciously enabled Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to preach powerfully. When he prayed, thousands surrendered their lives to the Lord. He graciously enabled him to cast out demons and heal the diseases. Especially, the greatest of all miracles was when a man, who was brought in a bed, jumped out of it and walked! From that day on, the Lord began to use him not only in the youth meetings but also in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Fesitvals powerfully along with Bro. Dhinakaran, where lakhs would gather. The people were surprised to see how the Word of the Lord came so powerfully. In special youth meetings, his message was a blessing and a challenge to thousands of young people. Not only that, the Lord began to use him mightily by giving him spiritual gifts, grace and power to preach even for three evenings out of the five days “Jesus Calls” Prayer Festivals.

Grace of calling out people by their name The Lord blessed Dr. Paul Dhinakaran with the special gift of calling out people by their name and reveal their life and future for the first time in the “Jesus Calls” Prayer Festival held in Aazhapuzha, Kerala from 2nd – 6th February, 18

Jesus Calls International


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1994. Thereafter all the Jesus calls meeting were packed with the power of God exhibiting God’s love and compassion. The Lord would reveal their names, their problems and all the testimonies will attest the truth of these revelations. These acts of God will melt and mould the hearts of people with the Love of God.

The grace of controlling nature When people would gather to hear the word of the Lord, sometimes it would start to rain heavily as a hindrance to the meeting; and since 1987, whenever it rained, it has been a miracle when Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prays compassionately along with the people as the rain would immediately stop! In 2002, in the month of December, when he prayed in the city of Kolkata, the Lord stopped a great storm! In 2010 March, in the Fiji islands, before the prayer meeting could start, the Government of Fiji declared that due to a storm which was approaching at the speed of 280km/hour for 6 hours, all tourists should immediately evacuate Fiji islands, all the aeroplanes in the Fiji airport have to be moved to Australia and no one should conduct public meetings. In a miraculous way, the Fiji government invited Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to pray in the national radio for the protection of the Fiji islands. The Lord heard the fervent prayers of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, miraculously stopped the storm | intl@jesuscalls.org



and saved the Fiji islands from a great disaster. The meetings were also held well.

Invited as State Guest In June 2007, in Arunachal Pradesh, the family of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was invited as the State Guest and was honored. Not only that, it is to be noted that in the “Jesus Calls” prayer meetings, spiritual leaders, religious leaders, National leaders and elders participate.

Blessing through live telecast In every Prayer Festival, apart from the lakhs of people who are blessed by participating in person, countless people are being blessed through TV live telecast, internet and Facebook live webcast.

The manna is not only for the soul… “Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” (Matthew 14:16) Since lakhs of people gather in the “Jesus Calls” Prayer Festivals, we are able to conduct it only in the cities. We are compelled to conduct it in the cities due to the transportation and parking facilities and many more reasons. When such meetings are held in the cities, people would come from far away villages to the place where the meeting is held. These crowds of people, Jesus Calls International


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who come seeking the touch of God, stay in the grounds where the meeting is held for at least three days. For such people, facilities to stay and food are provided at the most through ‘SEESHA.’

Millions blessed The Lord has expanded the prayer meeting where thousands used to gather in 1970 to a “Prayer Festival” where lakhs of people gather in these years. In 2012 April, in Gujarat, in the prayer festival conducted by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, for the first time, 5 lakh people came seeking Jesus in an evening meeting. From 1970 to 2020, for the past 50 years the Dhinakaran family by the grace of the Lord have preached in 322 cities in India, 50 nations outside India visiting more than 100 times, to preach with prophetical anointing, wiping the tears of more than 100 million people and bringing them blessings. We are organizing the “Jesus Calls” Prayer Festivals, with the vision that, “Not one soul should be lost.” Dear partner! A thousand praises be offered to the Lord for having enabled us to meet more than 100 million people in the past 50 years through your great support and prayers. Pray that in the following years, multitudes shall be met by the Prayer Festival ministry and be prepared for the coming of the Lord. | intl@jesuscalls.org




My partner in the ministry, Greetings in the loving name of our Lord Jesus! God has graciously helped us cross almost three fourth of the year 2020. Last month, we were able to minister to 66,49,308 souls for the glory of God through television, letters, e-mail, magazine, SMS, Zoom meetings, telephone prayer calls, DIAL A PRAYER, and social media. Let me remind you of the verse "Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be"(Job 8:7), which God gave us as the year 2020’s promise in the very beginning of the year. In spite of the many hardships due to the Covid-19 pandemic, God who was faithful in protecting us, will continue to perfect the blessings in the months to come. “When I am in distress, I call to You, because You answer me.” Psalm 86:7 20

Jesus Calls International


October 2020

This indeed is God’s promise for the month of October. Let us confess through this verse the firm faith we have on the Lord. Whatever be the trouble we face, let us not look to men but call unto the Lord. He will answer us and deliver us (Psalm 22:21; 50:15). PRAYER TOWER; A COMFORT IN TIMES OF TROUBLE “I, even I, am He who comforts you." Isaiah 51:12 Despite the whole world being crippled due to this Covid-19 pandemic and people suffered because of various problems like fear of the disease, business breakdown and problem in workspot, the Telephone Prayer Tower ministry could function uninterruptedly. This service continued night and day without being interrupted even for a moment. Anointed and dedicated prayer intercessors were ready to | intl@jesuscalls.org



answer the call at whatever time people called to pray along with them, interceding in God's presence. Visit the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area in person and get prayer assistance; you can pray individually in the chapel and be blessed. Even in this times of trouble, you have generously supported the ministry for many to be blessed and so I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Continue to support the Prayer Tower ministry. HEAVENLY VISIONS

B y your continuous support to the Family Channel, the Jesus Calls television programs filled with messages for spiritual life go uninterrupted through the best technology.

“I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven." Acts 26:19 From the day my father Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran accepted the Lord Jesus as his personal Saviour on Feb 11, 1955, he was preaching the gospel in the street corners. Yet, he understood that to confirm God's Word through signs and miracles, the fullness of the Holy Spirit and gifts are necessary; and so he tarried for the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The Lord, who listened to his continuous supplication, appeared to him face to face on Oct 10, 1962 and filled him with His Holy Spirit. Through the strength of God's Spirit, he continued in the path of ministry. It was God's purpose to perform miracles and wonders through him. His two books, 'Gifts of the Holy Spirit' and 'An insight into heaven' talk about the Holy Spirit and his heavenly experiences. Every Sunday 8pm to 9pm, we are telecasting the episode on my father's spiritual experiences in Family Channel cable TV. By your continuous support to the Family Channel, the Jesus Calls television programs filled with messages for spiritual life go uninterrupted through the best technology. You can sponsor the Family Channel programs during your birthdays, wedding days and special occasions and uphold the ministry through your offerings. KARUNYA ACADEMY "You study the Scriptures diligently." John 5:39 Jesus Calls International


October 2020

God's will is that not only through my father and our family but also through every partner who supports the ministry, the gospel has to be preached. Karunya Academy was started to train partners to become praying partners who are filled with the burden to prepare people in the world for His second coming. This is the vision of the Jesus Calls ministry. The teachings I have given, which are available in videos, questionnaires and assessments are scheduled for classes through online mode. I lovingly ask you to join and know more about Jesus and the ministry and start ministering for Him. You can get this training from your place at your convenient time. For more details visit kate.education or email ID: admission @kate.education BETHESDA CHAIN PRAYER TOWER "We will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the Word.� Acts 6:4

| intl@jesuscalls.org




Our Lord God commanded my father to prepare a place for people who have not known Him to feel His presence, to understand the sufferings He went through to redeem humanity and to place their petitions at His feet and receive miracles and blessings. According to that, on Oct 10, 1993, Bethesda Prayer Centre was opened in Karunya Nagar. The ‘Seven Stations of the Cross’ are depicted here. Just like God defined in the Bible, the Bethesda pool and the meditation dome are present here. Many visit to pray and be blessed. Bethesda Chain Prayer Tower also functions here. Prayers are offered for the Jesus Calls, Karunya University and SEESHA organisations, partners who support the ministry and also for the well being of the staff who serve in these organizations. Special prayers are offered for the partners who are enrolled in the Job Blessing Plan. KARUNYA ACADEMY FOR THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION (KATE) “.... bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience.” Colossians 1:9-11 We have started the Karunya Academy for Theological Education (KATE) in the Karunya Campus. Arrangements have been done for you to learn through online mode, correspondence as well as to reside and study. Curriculum has been framed to learn the Bible in a systematic way. Through this learning, you can receive a Degree in Theology and minister for God. Register online at www.karunyabiblecollege. org; For Information Call: + 919487846630 /+ 91 9791936603; Website: kate.education; Email id: admission@kate.education 22

Jesus Calls International


October 2020

KARUNYA (DEEMED) According to the command my father received, in the midst of losses, Karunya Engineering College was started on Oct 4, 1986. Now by the grace of God and through your prayers, it stands as Deemed to be University. Let's continue to pray for Karunya. In 2008, on the 5th of May, the Holy Spirit came upon me and revealed in a vision that Karunya University will bring solutions to the problems of the society. I saw care homes in Karunya, which looked like the five domes of the Bethesda pool during the time of Jesus and people who were sick came there from all parts of the country. When the Karunya students laid hands on those people and prayed, the Holy Spirit would rise up within them and they would go back to their labs to find solutions to their problems. For this very purpose, God has enabled us to launch the Karunya School of Health Sciences on my birthday September 4, 2020, to raise students, who will provide solutions in the field of healthcare. Pray for God to fulfil this vision. In 1970, on Oct 12, for the first time my father preached in an open air meeting. Following that the Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals commenced. This year, we complete 50 years of Prayer Festival Ministry and we thank God for it. “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.” Isaiah 65:24 According to this verse, God will answer all your petitions in the whole of October month and shower blessings from Heaven to satisfy you. Your brother who prays for you, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran | intl@jesuscalls.org



Here are some testimonies of partners shining in their career

OUTSTANDING SUCCESS My parents enrolled me in Young Partners' Plan when I was a little child. I participated in the Students Prayer Meet through YouTube this year. It was a great blessing to me. Every day before my 12th board exams I used to call the Prayer Tower and get prayed. I also used the prayer in the prayer card. Because of that, in my 12th exams I got 586 out of 600 and stood first in my school. As I am a Young Partner, God enabled me to be the topper in all my classes. Praise be to the Lord who gave me victory. I also thank Paul Dhinakaran uncle and family and also the prayer intercessors for praying for me. - Joicelin, Chennai

ADMITTED INTO POST-GRADUATE IN MEDICINE I am proud to be a Young Partner. I did my MBBS in 2017. After that, by the grace of God I got a job for the post of Medical Officer in a Government Primary Health Centre. Doctors usually don't get to work in NHM for more than 6 months. But I continued in the same position for 2.5 years. Many advised me saying “You won’t get experience there, why don't you go to a private hospital for work," but I continued my work there. At the same time I have been writing the NEET PG entrance exam for 3 years now. However, I never got a good rank to get a PG seat. I got married in June 2019 and became pregnant. Then I had various physical ailments. I couldn't study well. When I was writing the exam in January, I was completely exhausted. Before and after the exam, my mother would call the Jesus Calls prayer Tower and pray. The results announced at this time was nothing but a miracle. Because this time my rank was much better than the last 3 years. Also due to my 2 years of experience in Govt PHC job, I got a seat in M.S. in Christian Medical College, Vellore for PG in Ophthalmology. I give all glory to God. - Dr. Elizabeth Reji, Kottayam

ANYONE TILL THE DAY OF MARRIAGE FROM THE DAY OF BIRTH CAN BE ENROLLED. BLESSINGS FOR YOUNG PARTNERS • Prayer intercessors at the Prayer Tower will pray once everyday mentioning the name of the young partner to be blessed with wisdom, divine protection and a prosperous future (1 Chronicles 4:10) • A beautiful certificate with God’s promise will be issued

EACH YOUNG PARTNER COULD SUPPORT THE MINISTRY EACH MONTH FOR THEIR BLESSING FOR THE MONTH For more details: * Website: www.jesuscalls.org (For those in the Middle East and UAE, log on to www.pauldhinakaran.com) * Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your Country / Region * Email: intl@jesuscalls.org If you would like to call India for prayers, please dial +91 44 45 999 000 (24/7) Jesus Calls International


October 2020

| intl@jesuscalls.org




Greetings in the sweet name of Jesus! The Word God asked me to share with you is from Ezekiel 20:41, "I will accept you as fragrant incense when I bring you out from the nations and gather you from the countries where you have been scattered, and I will be proved holy through you in the sight of the nations." God has gathered you into His fold. He has chosen you. He says, "I am pleased with you." My husband and I consider you as our own sister and brother. How much more will God consider you as His own, for it is He who has sacrificed His life for you. When Jesus was doing ministry, He became so occupied with God's work that He had no time for His own family, so His mother and brothers came looking for Him. When they reached the place, they couldn't meet Him as it was crowded with people. They couldn't even go inside the house. They were waiting outside for Him. Someone told Jesus, “Your mother and 24

Jesus Calls International


October 2020

brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.” He (Jesus) replied to him, “Who is My mother, and who are My brothers?” Pointing to His disciples, He said, “Here are My mother and My brothers" (Matthew 12:47-49). People who spent time with Him were those who were pleasing to Him. Even today, God is pleased with you because you pray to Him.

PRAYERS ARE AN INCENSE God calls you a fragrant incense because it is your prayers that rise up before Him as a sweet aroma. We read in Revelation 5:8 that our prayers are taken like incense before God in golden bowls. In the Old Testament, the priests had to mix five different ingredients and prepare incense that should be offered in the temple every day. Similarly, God tells us to offer the incense of prayer before Him every day. When we tarry in the Lord's presence in prayer, it pleases God. When God is pleased, He blesses | intl@jesuscalls.org



us. Early in the morning when we drink coffee, we enjoy its aroma; even so, when we pray early in the morning, God enjoys the aroma of our prayers. He keeps waiting for us to come to Him in prayer.

PRAYERS ARE A SACRIFICE Our prayers are also a sacrifice before God. David says, "My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart you, God, will not despise" (Psalm 51:17). When we pray for others, who ask us to pray for them with a broken and contrite heart, God accepts that as a sacrifice. After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before (Job 42:10). God accepts our sacrifice of prayers that we offer on behalf of others and frees us from all our bondages.

PRAYERS BRING VICTORY Living a faith-filled life is not easy. We should get up early and read the Bible and pray claiming God's Word. When we do so, the challenges in life cannot bring us down. When we face people who are wallowing in problems, we will have faith to pray for their deliverance. Being prayerfully prepared in the morning makes us bold for the day's endeavours. God loves this early morning prayer. He inhales the aroma of our worship and blesses us. Prayer brings victory. The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord (Proverbs 21:31). Our prayer is the preparation we do to be victorious. Though many people rise against us and try to do many things to harm us, it does not affect us because God's presence is with us. If God had not been on our side, our enemies would have swallowed us alive. Even this pandemic could have caused us harm, but it is our prayers that bring God's protection around our family. Prayer life is that which preserves our personal and family life. Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you” (Joshua 3:5). We have to consecrate ourselves everyday by kneeling down in prayer. Once I read these words written at the back of a lorry, ‘Knees make way for God's wonders'. When I saw that it made me rejoice

and ponder over that great truth. My mother-in-law and my mother used to fast on one day, every week. It is by their prayers that our family is blessed. Fasting prayer is so powerful. If you can, please fast at least once in a month or even once in a week. Once when we were worried about our children, our mother Stella Dhinakaran said, "Paul, kneel down, pray and ask God what you have to do for your children". So my husband and I fasted and prayed for our children and God showed us about their future prophetically. That's how our children have been blessed. We don't have to go to men when we are in trouble. The Bible says, "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in humans" (Psalm 118:8). We need not worry if people like us or not. We should only bother if we are liked by God. When we persist in prayer, God will honour us. God honours those who honour Him (1 Samuel 2:30). We honour God by kneeling before Him. All that God yearns from us is our love for Him. He is waiting for us to run to Him for every little thing. God desires to come and sit in our midst. We have to pray in all possible ways. Call your children and pray with them. If you have teenagers or youth spend time with them praying. Also join with the elders at home and pray with them. In my life, God has blessed me because I am doing ministry praying for people. In the beginning, when I started doing ministry, I was carrying Samuel and I was writing my B.Com final year exams. When I was wondering how I will write the exam and how I will do the ministry, God spoke to me through my father Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran saying, "Only if you do ministry, you will be blessed." All my weaknesses vanished because I prayed for others. God has given me grace to serve Him with zeal. The Lord will do the same for you too, dear friend. My mother used to rejoice saying that she has given her daughter in marriage to a praying family and that everyone will pray for her and so she will be blessed. God did just as she said. I have been blessed by prayers. God will bless you and your family too when you spend time in prayer. The only way to witness God's wonders is by kneeling down in prayer. May you practice this truth and enjoy the privileges of being God's chosen fragrant incense.

The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord

Jesus Calls International


October 2020

| intl@jesuscalls.org




Blessed with a Government Job One of the sisters of our Esther Prayer group has a son named Titus. He is 19 years old and his educational qualification is low. Yet we were praying for him to get a good job. Though it is difficult to get jobs during this pandemic time, out of the three people selected from the 300 people who had applied for the government post, Titus was one of them and it is truly a miracle. I give all honour and glory to God, who did this miracle. - Ruth Peter, Malaysia. Multiple miracles It is a great joy to pray as a team in the Esther Prayer Group. The Lord is hearing the prayers and is doing miraculous works. One of our group member Sarvambigai's daughter Celin's wedding got settled. Sis. Shanthini, another member in our group , got delivered from a


Jesus Calls International


October 2020

problem in her job. Sis. Lorrita was honoured amidst her enemies and God anointed her. Praise be to the Lord. - Kantha Ruby, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Prayer answering God By the grace of God, we, as four groups in Palayamkottai, prayed together through conference call. When I called everyone for the prayer, they all agreed cheerfully to join the prayer. My husband, who was watching this, said to me, "Since you are praying regularly by waiting in the presence of God, everyone, whom you contact, is agreeing; or else they would have said that they have other works to do." Praise be to the Lord. Also, since they have much love for the Jesus Calls ministry, they readily agree for the prayer, at any time and pray with burden. - Rajathi Ashok, Tirunelveli | intl@jesuscalls.org



Numerous Miracles

Great Blessing

The Lord helped us to pray as 13 members through the conference call. Sis. Suganya was living separated from her family for the past 11/2 years because of family problems. By the grace of God, the separated family got reunited and the Lord helped her son to score high marks in his +1 exam. Her sister, who was not well, was healed completely.

By the grace of God, the Esther Prayer Group which we conduct regularly every month, is of great blessing. We as nine sisters join through Zoom call and pray. A sister from Houston, America, joined us in the recent prayer. It was heart-melting when every sister keenly listened to each prayer point and prayed with oneness of mind for those points. We prayed with burden for every nation, family and servant of God to be protected from this deadly virus. We believe that the Lord will answer each and every prayer point at the due time. One sister's husband was affected with Corona and was healed miraculously. Two more families that were affected by Corona were also healed. - Kochumol, Saudi Arabia.

The Lord helped my niece Queen Navomila to score 447/500 in her 10th exam and attend the preparatory class for NEET exam. Sis. Shantha's husband and her mother-inlaw got miraculous healing from their sickness. Her nephew was protected by the Lord from a grave accident. My sister, Dr. Beulah Lily, was affected by Corona and was healed completely. At the right time, the Lord helped our family to help her and her husband. My sister Beulah Jasmine shared the wonderful miracle that the Lord had done for our family as well as for her daughter and glorified Him. The Lord granted me, my children, my sister and my niece complete healing from Corona. - R. Rubia Leema Rose, Perambalur. Divided family reunited Sister Rita's son Praveen and his wife Sulochana were living separated because of some family problem. We prayed earnestly for that broken family in the Esther Prayer Group. The Lord heard the prayer and reunited that family. We were also praying fervently for Sis. Jeya Mary's daughter, Sofia's marriage. The Lord heard the prayer and helped them to have the engagement on August 15. - Vidi Kingsley, Chennai. Jesus Calls International


October 2020

Divine Blessings The Esther Prayer Group prayer is of great blessing. The promise verse was of encouragement to the members. We prayed with burden for all the prayer points. During the prayer time, the sisters were fully filled by the Holy Spirit and received God's touch. Sis. Pushpa was delivered from bondage. Sis. Manju was filled with divine peace. I thank the Lord wholly for the divine blessings granted to us. - Rajni Bhavesh Macwan, Ahmedabad Family Rebuilt Sis. Namratha Dandi of our Esther Prayer Group was living separated from her husband because of certain issues. She has three children. We prayed with burden for her in the Esther Prayer Group. We also wrote a letter to Aunty Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers. The Lord heard the prayer and the next day itself, her husband contacted her over the phone and

| intl@jesuscalls.org




expressed his desire to rejoin her. Accordingly, he has come back and the Lord has helped them to live together as a family. I give all praise, honour and glory to God. - Mamtha Naidu, Bilaspur. Miracles through the Holy Spirit The Lord helped us to conduct the Esther Prayer Group prayer through conference call in August 2020. We as 20 sisters joined together and prayed for the prayer points for a long time, with burden. The Holy Spirit helped us to understand the Scriptures and pray with compassion in His presence. The presence of God came in our midst mightily. Tears rolled down our cheeks. The Lord, who hears our prayers, filled the sisters who had joined with lot of problems and who were in distress with faith, hope and joy. The Holy Spirit enabled the sisters, who were in confusion and insecurity to commit themselves in the hand of God. Many were delivered and saved from sin and bondage. The Lord helped Sis. Suleka's relative Sudhakar Joseph to get healed from Corona. Sisters Ruth and Suguna were filled with peace and the presence of God. Glory to God. - Agnes Madhuravani Michael, Bengaluru. The Holy Spirit's Move The Lord helped us to conduct the Esther Prayer Group through Zoom. The promise verse was

of encouragement to us. We prayed for all the prayer points with burden. Many sisters felt the Lord's power and touch. When Sis. Jeyashree who could not pray and enjoy God's presence, joined with the Esther Prayer Group and prayed, the Lord spoke to her through the promise verse. The Holy Spirit intervened, showed her weaknesses and led her to get delivered. Sis. Manju was filled with divine peace. Sis. Mary's grandson Rahul was suffering from mental depression for 1-1/2 years. He was delivered completely through prayers. Praise be to the Lord. - Selwyna Amit Christian, Ahmedabad Blessed with visions The Lord helped us to gather in August and pray in the Esther Prayer Group. When I was praying claiming the promise verse, four young girls from neighbouring houses were praising and praying along with me. At that time, a dear mother, Annal, saw a vision of an elderly person standing in our midst and cheering up those young girls, telling them, 'good", thrice. Glory to God. When we were praying for the 4th prayer point, Sister Swapna saw groundnuts arranged in the shape of a square. We give glory to God, who gave us visions and blessed us. - Pushpalatha, Kalasapakkam.

My dear sisters! For the people of your area also to be blessed, you may come forward to conduct the Esther Prayer Group (EPG), Youth Esther Prayer Group (YEPG), Junior Esther Prayer Group (JEPG) and Couples' Esther Prayer Group (CEPG), if the Holy Spirit leads you. This is the end time! Arise with zeal for the Lord! For details: Sister Stella Dhinakaran, Esther Prayer Group, Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email: stella@jesuscalls.org


Jesus Calls International


October 2020

| intl@jesuscalls.org




ven as our Nation is seeing faster recoveries and decline of new COVID-19 cases, it’s important that we continue to take the preventive measures such as wearing masks and social distancing, to stay safe during this pandemic. Through our pandemic response efforts, our Team has been continually reaching out to the needy in this health crisis. Below is the summary of our recent efforts: SEESHA Team along with the Rapid Action Force for tribal area Naxalites and Police Department, distributed grocery kits to over 65 tribal families, residing at Moongilmadaikuttai village, Coimbatore.. SEESHA conducted COVID-19 awareness camps at Melkavarapattu & Melkumaramangalam villages in Cuddalore, Nallurpathy village & areas around SEESHA

Karunya Hospital in Coimbatore, to sensitize the rural poor. To boost the local population’s immunity, our Team also gave Kabasurakudineer (Siddha preparation) in the proportion as advised by the Govt.  To support the Tribals & urban poor in Ranchi, SEESHA conducted COVID-19 awareness campaigns and distributed sanitation kits to more than 170 families.

“Due to a sudden stroke attack in May this year, my left side limbs became non- functional. As it was in the middle of the COVID-19 lockdown, we could not find a proper physiotherapy facility. Fortunately, I was introduced to the affordable services at SEESHA’s Rehabilitation Centre, where the therapists conducted a thorough assessment of my condition, gave regular physiotherapy and taught me mobility exercises. After a few months of treatment, I am now able to stand, walk, and grab small objects with my left hand. This is truly a miracle!” - Mr. Thomas Kannan, SEESHA Rehabilitation Centre, Karunya Nagar. You can support SEESHA's pandemic relief efforts & disability programs in the following ways:  Health & sanitation kits - [US] $7/family  Dry rations for a month - [US] $21/family  Personal protectives for Doctors/Nurses/Healthcare workers - [US] $28/person  Support the treatment of a differently-abled person – [US] $9/day  Sponsor the short-term residential therapy for a person – [US] $62/10 days

Jesus Calls International


October 2020

| intl@jesuscalls.org




“Then you shall delight yourself in the Lord; and I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth, and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father.” (Isaiah 58:14)

As led by the Holy Spirit, Jesus Calls has launched ‘Job Blessing Plan’ on the 17th August 2020 by Dr Paul Dhinakaran, to serve those who: • are seeking a suitable job, position and placement in a profession, • would like to climb up the ladder in their profession, • have not got the right compensation or none at all, • write competitive exams for the right placement, • are placed on the bench or on a difficult transfer, • are unable to succeed in any job and not able to keep the job or one’s position, • have the habit of incurring unnecessary expenses, • fall into debt trap even though they earn quite sufficiently, • need favour amongst those with whom they work and to have a peaceful work environment, • need protection from worldly evils & jealous people and • need good health to serve with strength & vigour.


Jesus Calls International


October 2020

| intl@jesuscalls.org



Dear friend, you may be in any of these situations but God has a plan for your life to bless you and prosper you according to the following verses, “You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord your God who has dealt wondrously with you; and my people shall never be put to shame.” (Joel 2:26) “Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before unknown men.” (Proverbs 22: 29)

The Lord blessed the Egyptian’s house for Joseph’s sake and the blessing of the Lord was on all that he had in the house and in the field (Genesis 39:2-5). To make this happen, God always expects us to sow into His kingdom to reap His blessings according to His promises (Luke 6:38). Dear friend, as you enrol in this plan to bless others, we pray that God will open new doors of opportunity in your professional career leading to prosperity in your job. “For You, O LORD, will bless the righteous; With favor You will surround him as with a shield.” (Psalm 5:12) But You, O LORD, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head.” (Psalm 3:3) • You will become a blessing to millions of people. BY BECOMING A PARTNER IN THIS PLAN:

• Also, Prayer intercessors at Bethesda Prayer Centre, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore, India will be praying once every day for the above mentioned promises of God to be fulfilled in your life. • You will be invited to events such as career planning organized at a Prayer Tower near you. • You will be given preference to enrol in the Online training courses and participate in initiatives for Skill training.


* Website: www.jesuscalls.org (For those in the Middle East & UAE, please log on to www.pauldhinakaran.com) * At the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your Country / Region * Email: intl@jesuscalls.org * Write to paul@jesuscalls.org * Find your nearest Prayer Tower at www.jesuscalls.org Jesus Calls International


October 2020

| intl@jesuscalls.org




He is the one you praise; he is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes. - Deuteronomy 10:21

BLESSED WITH A JOB AMIDST LAY-OFFS I lost my job in June 2020. I wrote a prayer request to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran regarding my concern with lay-off and he wrote back that I will get a job soon. By God’s grace, I got an offer from one of the reputed groups by mid week of June and I really didn’t have to struggle for a single day without a job. Many thanks to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for praying for me. It really means a lot. Once again thanks a million thanks to Jesus Calls ministry for being a ray of hope for the generations. Ms. SREEMOL V. ELDHOSE (UAE) We welcome each one of you to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in 11B, Norwood Road, Southall UB2 4EA. If you are willing to give a few hours of your week to pray for dear brothers and sisters in need, please do get in touch to let us know by emailing us at europe@jcpray.org For information, you could contact the Prayer Tower at +44 7501 528600 / 7841 343560 orvisit the website at www.Jesuscallsministries.org We also would like to encourage you to take part in our Jesus Calls Sunday evening service at 6:30 pm, Southall Church of God, Norwood Road UB2 4EA. Do check out the ministry resources that are available on https://shop.jesuscallsministries.org Visit our website at www.jesuscallsministries.org Our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Jesus-Calls-London-Prayer-Centre/ 32

Jesus Calls International


October 2020

| intl@jesuscalls.org



DONATIONS TO THE MINISTRY For Direct Debit: You can set up a direct debit online. Please email us at europe@jcpray.org Bank Transfer (UK Donors) : Account Name: Jesus Calls Europe Account No: 71382535 Bank Name: HSBC PLC, 4, Wangey Road, Chadwell Heath, Romford RM6 4DD Sort Code: 401703 Bank Transfer (Europe Donors): Account name: Jesus Calls Europe IBAN: GB82HBUK40170371382535 BIC: HBUKGB4B Please visit www.jesuscallsministries.org to make a card donation Donate by post: If you would like to donate by post, or in person, please send the enrolment form along with your cheque or postal order to: Jesus Calls Europe, 11B Norwood Road, Southall, UB2 4EA, United Kingdom. Please make cheques and postal orders payable to “Jesus Calls Europe”. For any further details or ministry resources, please contact +442085714900

Jesus Calls International


October 2020

| intl@jesuscalls.org




The most powerful potential of a person’s lifetime is their youth. Yes it is! Exciting as it seems, it also requires one to make careful and wise choices for they are going to impact the future. Looks scary? So, is there a fail-proof plan? Let’s seek our answers from The Bible. When Jesus sojourned on this earth, He was given only a short period of 3-1/2 years to do ministry. However, the impact He has created is not only for this age but also the ones to come. Are you wondering if you will be successful by following His example? Jesus trusted and obeyed God the Father. The Bible clearly says, “He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to death- even death on a cross!” (Philippians 2:8). This is exactly what we should do - trust and obey God! The Bible talks about how Jesus is


Jesus Calls International


October 2020

| intl@jesuscalls.org



honored for it in the following manner: “Put all things under His feet and gave Him as head over all things.” (Ephesians 1:22). Why should we do so? Let us meditate on Isaiah 55:8. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways," declares the LORD.” As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Yes my friends, God’s ways are way bigger than your plans. You may think that you are not good enough, that you have no future, or you are not as talented as the other person. However, God thinks very high of you. He wants to deliver you from all the stress in your lives. You are so precious in His sight that He chose to die for you! So you can lay down all your worries, sickness, burdens, and shame on Him. Taking all this on Himself, He is ready to give you freedom and victory. When you believe in Him, He enters your life and gives His thoughts to you, teaching you in the way you should go and the steps you need to take for a blessed future. Yes! you can trust Him for your future. He has the blueprint of your life and His ways are higher than your ways.

Thus, you make a fail-proof plan to a bright and blessed future!

Here is a small prayer for you. Our loving Heavenly Father, I praise and give you thanks for giving us an example to follow in Jesus Christ, Your Son. I thank you Lord for considering me precious enough that Jesus died for me on the cross and claimed my victory. Lord I invite you to come into my life. Fill my heart with your love and fill my thoughts with yours. Grant me your wisdom and teach me the path I should go. Help me to trust you completely and obey you in all my actions. Thank you Lord for You are granting me a blessed future. I ask these in the name of Jesus’ Amen.


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