September Jesus Calls International Magazine

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y precious friend, I pray for God’s abundant blessings to be upon you this month. As you are a part of a mission that aims to wipe away the tears of the people, the Lord rejoices over you. May the joy that the Lord has for you, fill you and make you overflow with the abundance of all His blessings. This month’s promise verse is found in John 16:24 where Jesus says, “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.”


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God wants us to have joy that is complete and perfect. The joy of salvation, the joy of the Holy Spirit and the joy we’ll feel when we see the face of Jesus. That’s the type of joy God wants us to have, dear friends. My father, Bro. Dhinakaran was praying for the gifts of the Holy Spirit for seven years. He was fighting with God and said to Him that he must see Him face to face; he must hear His voice and when he prayed for the people, He must answer so that he can take His word to every person. He was desperate before God for the gifts of the Holy Spirit to operate in his life. “To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues.” (1 Corinthians 12:8 -10)

with this question, he said, “Lord fill me with the gifts of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit should operate gifts through me, Lord.” As he said this, the Holy Spirit began to intercede for my father saying, “Lord Jesus, the labourers are few but the harvest is plenty. This young man is asking for Your gifts to operate through him. Give him the gifts.” But Jesus replied, “Come, let’s go to the Father because it’s the Father who gives good gifts to His children” (Luke 11:13). He saw the Father seated on a huge throne in a lonely place in Heaven. We read in the Bible, Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6 )

God is going to bless you richly because you have supported this ministry that aims to wipe away the tears of millions.

This portion talks about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. As my father was battling in prayer, conveying his desire, the Holy Spirit came and lifted his spirit to heaven, before the throne of Jesus. Jesus asked him in a loving voice, “My son Dhinakaran, what do you want?” This is the first question God asks you when you go before Him. That’s why Jesus says, “you have not asked anything in My name. You just simply said, ‘I want this (or) I want that ‘but I want you to ask in My name.” When you know that your prayer is going to Jesus, your heart will ask for things according to His will. Standing before God, when my father was asked

Yes, no one can come to the Father except through Him (Jesus). So Jesus took my father to see the heavenly Father, the Almighty God. But he could not see Him. A cloud of glory surrounded the form of God. Then a powerful voice came from the throne. It reverberated in the whole place and it was like a thunder. The voice said, “What do you want” and echoed. Although my father was in the spirit, he felt as if his bones would break. My father replied, “Lord, I want the gifts of the Spirit.” The voice said, “Do you want the gifts of the Holy Spirit or do you want Me? Do you want the gifts or the Giver of the gifts?” The Holy Spirit nudged my father to say, “Lord, I need you.” Even here the Lord Jesus says, “You have not asked anything using My name. Ask, ask in My name, ask calling out the name of Jesus and you will receive. Then your joy will be complete and everything will be provided for you.” He wants to give you everything for your enjoyment (1 Timothy 6:17). God is going to bless you richly because you have - September 2019 JESUS CALLS


supported this ministry that aims to wipe away the tears of millions. Through your support we have built Prayer Towers for people to come and receive prayers, miracles and hope in life. We receive nearly 6 lakh to 10 lakh prayer requests every month and we pray for each one. Every letter is replied to, every phone call is answered and every social media post is prayed for. Your offerings have supported us to recruit hundreds of prayer intercessors for the telephone Prayer Towers, to rent buildings for the Prayer Towers, to pay salaries for our employees, for the infrastructures, media equipment for TV programs and public meetings which cost us crores of rupees. But all these needs are met through your offerings. God takes your offering, blesses it, multiplies it and enables us to meet the needs of the people. Surely God will meet all your needs and your joy will be complete. God’s promise for you this month is that whatever has to be fulfilled for you and your family, God will do it for you and give you complete joy. Let not your heart be troubled but continue to do your best for God.

I have a strong feeling that God’s hand Commit your way is coming to the Lord upon you, Last month in Psalm 37 we meditated on to build few truths which show us things we need to do in order to enjoy God’s riches and your family for our joy to be complete. First we saw in with great Psalm 37:3 it says, “Trust in the Lord and honour and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.” Secondly, we saw in Psalm 37:4 build a “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will house for give you the desires of your heart.” you and Now we are going to meditate on the your family third point. Psalm 37:5 says, “Commit your way to the Lord; trust too. in him and he will do this.”


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When we know God’s plan and commit our ways to Him each day, He gives us the grace to fulfill those plans and the Lord Himself will go before us. “Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter - when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.” (Isaiah 58:7-8) It is that when you feed the hungry, clothe those who are naked and provide shelter for those who are homeless then your righteousness will go before you. Yes, then you will become righteous and God’s holiness will begin to operate in your life. You may say today that, “Lord, I am not holy.” But by committing our ways to the Lord, caring for the poor and needy, then our righteousness will shine through our life. Determine in your heart today, “Lord, on your behalf I am going to take care of the poor.” “He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.” (Psalm 37:6) Many of our partners help us, through the SEESHA organization, to build houses for people who have

lost their houses. As the partners of Jesus Calls


stand with us in the endeavour of building even churches for those who lost their churches due to the devastation caused by the Gaja cyclone, it’s amazing how God builds their houses. You may have contributed too; God will build your house. I have a strong feeling that God’s hand is coming upon you, to build your family with great honour and build a house for you and your family too. He will build your future in a sweet way, giving you a wonderful partner. This month, God will make it happen. For your children, God will build their career in a beautiful way. God will place you in the right position and make you shine with favour from all who work with you. He will establish a beautiful business for those who are longing to do business. Because you have built God’s house and houses for those who are homeless, God will build your house. I narrate this story all the time. Once in a village, there was a poor lady. She didn’t have any family and lived all by herself. She had a few sheep and some goats. Her only source of income was selling the milk she got from the sheep and goats. One day, on a neighbors television she saw the Jesus Calls TV program and heard about the love of Jesus. When an appeal was given to build a new Prayer Tower, she sold one of her sheep and brought the money to the Prayer Tower. That day I was present at the Prayer Tower. I received the money and prayed with her. There was a plague in her village at the time which was killing the cattle. But not one of her sheep or goats was affected by the plague. God miraculously protected her cattle and the people in her village were amazed. Another miracle she received was that, some government officials came to survey the village to build houses and as she built God’s house, God built her house free of any cost.

“Father as Thy children have built Your house, as they have stretched forth their hand to build Your house, build their home Lord. Whatever has to be done to make their joy complete in their family and in their life, Father do it this month. Lord, let the job come in search of them in Jesus name; let promotions come in Jesus name. Business contacts, business orders and finances from the business come into their hands in Jesus name. Give them the right life partner and build their children’s life. Master, give wisdom to the children and let them excel in their studies. Lord, let your hand come upon the children now. Those who need focus in life, Lord give them a new heart and a new spirit full of God’s glory. Father we pray right now for those who need a house. Give them a beautiful house. Miraculously build it for them Lord. Those who need good health, give it to them. Let every debt disappear by the power of God. Let money come into their hands and let them be free from debt. They should be able to pay back every mortgage on time. Whatever they earn Lord, let it be blessed and let it multiply. Lord, honour them as families; let peace be among them. Those who need a child, bless them with a child. Give them favour and joy in everything that they do. Thank You for blessing them. We give You all the glory, in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen”. - September 2019 JESUS CALLS


Jesus Calls Institute of Evangelism On 26th September 1977, when Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran was in a fasting prayer, our Lord Jesus appeared before him and said, “Son, after you leave this world, who will continue this special ministry that I have given you?” Bro. Dhinakaran was stunned at this question. Jesus commanded him to start a training institute to train the Evangelists who want to preach the gospel of Christ with signs and wonders. “And they (disciples of Jesus) went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following.” (Mark 16:20) According to this word of God, Jesus spoke, “Search out for ordinary people who want to preach the gospel of Christ with signs and wonders. Explain to them your experiences of how I have led you so far. Not only that, you must also share your paths of tears. Teach them how they can do My ministry with love and compassion and with the nine gifts of grace and with the nine fruit of the Spirit that I give them. Train them to do My ministry among the broken-hearted people with the same burden as I have given you. On the last day of the training, when you lay your hands on them, I will come and declare the things that will happen to them and grant them the same gifts and power that is upon you.” The Lord is doing the same thing accordingly. The speciality of this training is the grace that the evangelists receive to reach thousands of people with the compassion of Christ just like Bro. Dhinakaran. As per the command of God, on 12th July 1980, God enabled us to conduct the first Institute of Evangelism in Chennai. 24 people participated in this camp. After this, the Institute of Evangelism was conducted in different places as Institute Of Power Ministry. Many of the trainees of Jesus Calls Institute Of Power Ministry are now renowned and powerful servants of God throughout the world. The Founder of Jebathottam Ministries, Father Berchmans, who participated in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Institute of Power Ministry shares his memories about Bro. D.G. S. Dhinakaran:


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Dearly beloved in Christ, Loving greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, our loving Saviour to the family of Jesus Calls! I praise God for our dear mother Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the family. I can never forget ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries and Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran. In 1980, I was serving God as a Catholic priest in a village called Saththarasanpatti. I did not know anything about the Pentecostal experiences and ministries. It was Bro. Shankar, a young and energetic pious man, who introduced me to the Pentecostal world. He used to visit me when I was a Catholic priest in Saththarasanpatti. He would give me the messages of spiritual leaders of that time who were doing God’s ministry powerfully. One time he gave me an audio cassette containing a message of Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran. That was my first introduction of Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran. I still remember that he spoke about Joseph in that audio cassette. After that, when I went to Virudhunagar to see my brother Joseph, who was working for the telephones department, the meetings of Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran was conducted there. I had the privilege of attending those meetings. He preached from Acts 10:38 which says “Jesus went about doing good”, which is still lingering in my heart. That was a time when I was curious to know more about God and

He was leading me to His calling gradually. In 1983, through Bro. Shankar I came to know about the Institute of Power Ministry organised by Bro. Dhinakaran for 10 days and I participated in it. It was the 10th batch conducted by Bro. Dhinakaran. On the first day, Bro. Dhinakaran welcomed me a Catholic priest and said, “God will use you. You will travel the whole world”. I could not understand it at that time. But God touched me on the 8th day of the camp. I was led into a new spiritual experience and I was continually crying. After this amazing experience, there were vast changes in my life and ministry. The things that were not pleasing to God in my life went away. I began to do God’s ministry with a new enthusiasm. People thronged the church where I was doing my ministry. We could see signs and wonders performed by our Lord. Those people who were not willing to come to the church in the village, changed their minds and attended the services. Thousands of people searched for the Catholic Church in this small village and participated in the services. God strengthened us to pray without ceasing. Once when we were conducting a prayer in the church, two of our friends said they clearly saw a cloud covering the church. I can say assuredly that a great revival started from that very day. We conducted special meetings on every Saturday. That would look like a festival. There were new tunes and songs coming out from me. I recorded them and released them in audio cassettes, which became a great blessing to the churches. As prophesied by Bro. Dhinakaran when he first met me, I began to travel to many places doing the ministry of God. As per the clear guidance of God, the Jebathottam Ministries was started in 1990. Bro. Dhinakaran was in contact with me always. He gave me valuable suggestions and answers to my doubts. He replied to me whenever I wrote a letter to him. I can surely say that the seed of my ministry sprouted out through Bro. Dhinakaran. God’s will about me was rooted in the ten-day Jesus Calls Institute of Power Ministry. I offer my praises as a sacrifice to God for Jesus Calls Ministries. May God bless you! - September 2019 JESUS CALLS


Bro. S. Shankar who introduced Father Berchmans to Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran and the Jesus Calls ministries, shared his testimony in the 1993 May month issue of ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine, a part of which is here!

Yet another ministry established through Jesus Calls ministry

THUTHI MINISTRY Jesus Calls Ministry is the reason behind me becoming a servant of God.

‘I heard the voice of Bro. Dhinakaran’

head, it spreads throughout your body, the Holy Spirit anointed me with His power. I was filled without measure. There was a church near my house where the songs of Bro. Dhinakaran were played over audio system (L.B record). Whenever I heard those songs, I was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Calls Magazine One of my friends received ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine regularly. I used to go to his house

Until 1979, I did not have the opportunity to even open a Bible. I had never got a chance to go to a church to kneel down in prayer or get a chance to pray. In this situation, Jesus met me at a foothill of a mountain. He promised me, “I am more than enough for you.” After a few days following this encounter, I went to one of my friend’s house. It was a Sunday at 5.45 in the evening. Bro. Dhinakaran was giving God’s message through radio. My friend said to me, “This is Bro. Dhinakaran. When he prays over radio, people keep their hands on their radio set in prayer and get healed.” I was totally astonished! I was asking to myself, “Is it possible to meet this man who is praying powerfully and healing the sick people?” This was my first thought about Bro. Dhinakaran.

Opposition at home My family members were totally against the Bible. The Bible was snatched away from my hands. I had to walk on thorns due to this situation. Since I did not have any fellowship with believers for a certain period of time, I had a fear that my faith would diminish. I did not have the Bible in my hand. But the books such as “Prayer Brings Victory”, “Love so amazing” were feeding me with spiritual food. I have read these books several times in secret. In those days, these books were almost memorized by me. When I used to read these books and pray in my terrace, just as when water is poured on your 10

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to get that magazine and stand on the road to read the full magazine, because even if brought home, I have to hide it and read. The testimony letters in the magazine strengthened my faith in those days.

Chennai Marina Beach In the year 1980, during the month of May, Bro. Dhinakaran preached in the Seerani Arangam, in Chennai. I attended those meetings with a thirst for God. Once when I went to those meetings and came home, my father did not open the house for me. But in spite of all these things, I attended those meetings. On one such evening meeting, a miracle

happened. During the prayer time of that meeting in which thousands of people were gathered, Bro. Dhinakaran called out my name and gave me wonderful promises of God. This divine experience moved me and made me rejoice! On that very day, I said, “I will do the Lord’s ministry” and gave myself to Him for His ministry.

3000 gather in the Thuthi Fasting prayers conducted by us. We have not forgotten even once to pray for ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries and Bro. Dhinakaran. I consider him as my own father. We support ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries through our offerings and prayers. May God raise many more servants of God like me through the ‘Jesus Calls” ministries.”

The ministry training given by Bro. Dhinakaran

Those who took the training in the ‘Jesus Calls” Institute Of Power Ministry are now renowned servants of God around the world.

During November, 1980 the second batch of ‘Jesus Calls’ Institute of Evangelism was conducted. I had sent my application to attend the training. Even though hundreds of people had applied for the training, Bro. Dhinakaran prayed for a full night and chose only 35 people. I was one among them! I praise God for His grace. I can never forget those fifteen days of training. At the end of the training camp, God spoke to me about many things through Bro. Dhinakaran. God revealed to me about my sufferings for Christ, the way He was going to use me and about my ministry calling very clearly. Accordingly I saw God using me after that training. Each and every prophecy given by Bro. Dhinakaran came into reality. Not even one letter from those prophecies has failed in these 13 years. God is so great!

From the year 1980 the first few batches who got their training were only 30 to 100 people and later raised to 500 and then 1000 in every batch till the 29th batch in 2005 .

So far I have travelled to 18 countries with my Bible, preaching the word of God. Particularly in the recent days, I see blind people getting back their vision, tumours in the size of a cricket ball vanishing in no time. Bro. Dhinakaran prayed for us over telephone on every New Year day and gave us prophecies about that year. I praise God when I see them fulfilled. God is good! People numbering 2000 to

But after Bro. Dhinakaran entered into God’s glory, the Holy Spirit descended upon Dr. Paul Dhinakaran on 14th March 2008 and revealed about preparing the world for His second coming through prophetic anointing in the name of New Era. God has given His promises in Acts 2:17, which says, “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions....”. The Prophetic Prayer Training is being conducted according to these promises. In each of these Prophetic Prayer Training from 2009 onwards, more than thousands of people are given training for three days and prayers are offered for them to receive the prophetic anointing. In the days to come, the Prophetic Prayer Training will be conducted continuously in each and every State and also throughout the world with the goal of raising Apostles and Prophets anointed by God. Get ready now! Dedicate yourself to prepare the world for the Lord’s coming! 

As led by the Lord, from June 2020 we will be starting a full-fledged Theological College, Karunya Institute of Biblical Studies (KIBS) first in Chennai and then in other parts of our country later. We require Bible commentaries, concordances and theological books (English) for this library. If you have any of these in usable condition, we appeal to you to send by courier / registered post or deliver in person to,

"The Librarian, Karunya Institute of Biblical Studies, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. For enquiry: Call 9789977807 / 6380752257 (between 9 a.m.-6.00 p.m. Monday - Friday) - September 2019 JESUS CALLS


My beloved in Christ, I greet you in the name of the precious Lord Jesus Christ! “Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” (John 16:24) The Lord has granted this verse as a promise for the month of September. This month, may the Lord grant you everything you ask Him from above and bless you perfectly (James 1:17)! I pray fervently that the Lord may grant all your unanswered prayer requests in the month of September. It is my fervent prayer specially that in this month the Lord will hear your prayer, be a wall of fire and protect you and your family, bless the labour of your hands and glorify you according to Zechariah 2:5. It says, “And I myself will be a wall of fire around it, declares the Lord, and I will be its glory within.” The lord will burn all your 12

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physical sufferings, financial crisis, failures you faced in your studies and business with His fire and give you the blessings you need and honor you. September 5 is observed as Teachers’ Day. This month, I specially pray for all our partners who serve as teachers. Our dear Lord Jesus Christ who teaches us good things and what is best for us will grant us special teaching and guide us in the way we should go in this month (Proverbs 4:2; Isaiah 48:17).

National Prayer Tower We established the National Prayer tower in New Delhi, to offer prophetical prayers for the nation, the nation’s prosperity, protection and for the leaders of the nation by the clear guidance of the Lord. In this month of September, it is completing one more year. “for the LORD your God is bringing you into a good land - a land with brooks, streams,

and deep springs gushing out into the valleys and hills; a land with wheat and barley, vines and fig trees, pomegranates, olive oil and honey; a land where bread will not be scarce and you will lack nothing; a land where the rocks are iron and you can dig copper out of the hills.” (Deuteronomy 8:7-9) According to this verse, the prayer intercessors at this Prayer Tower are praying continuously without ceasing, for India to be filled with all the resources and not to lack anything. Dedicated and anointed prayer intercessors offer prophetic prayers facing the Rashtrapati Bhavan, Parliament and the Prime Minister’s office. The prophecies revealed by the Lord and told by the prayer intercessors who pray there are being fulfilled one after the other. The functioning of the National Prayer Tower is sustained by the very generous offering given by you, the partners. If the Lord leads you in your heart, you can even come to Delhi for 15 days or a month, stay there and pray for the nation. To know more details regarding this, reach us at 88263 40044 / 8826340033 or contact through

Throughout India, prayer services are offered in the 109 Prayer Towers. We are establishing new Prayer Towers in various places. For the comfort of people, in certain places we are expanding our Prayer Towers and rebuilding them. The renovation of the Mumbai- Ghatkopar Prayer Tower after the damage caused to it by heavy rain

will be getting completed this month and the ongoing construction of the new Prayer Tower in Bengaluru- Frazer town in another few weeks time. The construction of the new Prayer Towers in Hyderabad and Trivandram are about to begin. I ask you to kindly contribute towards the construction of these new prayer towers or for the functioning of the National Prayer Tower as the Lord leads you. To send your offerings towards the Prayer Tower services, please see the next page of this issue.

Business Blessing Plan “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you. (Isaiah 54:10) We started the Business Blessing plan in the month of September to specially pray for the partners who are involved in doing business. May be your business is going through a tough situation today. But according to the verse above, the Lord will not remove the covenant He made with you. Even if the situation is not favorable, do not be worried. The Lord is mighty to prosper you in any situation because you are under His grace. He is like a wall of fire around you. Therefore, this month the Lord will bless your business and work endeavors abundantly. The prayer intercessors are praying continuously by keeping the names of the partners of the Business Blessing Plan and the names of their businesses in the presence of the Lord. In the Business Blessing Meetings conducted once a month in Prayer Towers, the prayer intercessors pray in person for the partners who are doing business. We as a family also pray for the partners. We spend the offerings of the Business Blessing Plans for the Prayer Festivals, functioning of - September 2019 JESUS CALLS


the Prayer Towers, Television programs and for the work of such ministry. The Lord does not forget the offering that is given towards the ministry and He remembers it and blesses the work of your hands. The Lord Therefore continue to support the does not Business Blessing Plan with your forget the offerings. Introduce the Business offering that Blessing Plan to your friends and family is given as well.

towards the ministry and He remembers it and blesses the work of your hands.


Pray for all the ministries and events that are to happen in the coming days.

Forthcoming ministries September 8th - Special Blessing Meeting @ Bethesda From September, every second Sunday of the month we will have the Special Blessing Meeting at Bethesda. Mark your calendar. Inform others and bring your families too. We will be there to minister for each and every soul.

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November 8, 9 and 10 - Nagaland Prayer Festival. Pray that the Lord should use us mightily in those meetings.

My birthday September 4 is my birthday. Do not forget to pray for me that the Lord may give me even more grace and revelations and use me even more mightily in the ministry. This month the Lord will teach you good things and guide you and according to the verse, “Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given.� (John 1:16) May the Lord command the fullness of grace on you. Your dear brother who prays for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran - September 2019 JESUS CALLS


The Jesus Calls Special Blessing Meeting was organized on the 21st of July 2019 at the CSI Blake School Ground in Thanjavur. After an interval of 19 years, a Jesus Calls meeting was organized in the city of Thanjavur with the support of all the churches in the city. More than 12,000 people gathered and took part in the meeting. People thronged in large numbers from Kumbakonam, Pattukottai, Myladuthurai, Tiruvarur, Karaikal and Nagapattinam. As the meeting commenced, Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran addressed the gathering with an appealing ‘Gulabjamun’ story and led everyone in worship along with Stella Ramola. Following him, Shilpa Samuel prayed powerfully for the people. Then came the ones who experienced miracles in the previous Blessing meetings to share their testimony for the Glory of God. 16

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Rev. Manavalan, District Chairman for CSI churches in Thanjavur region shared greetings and thanks on behalf of Rt. Rev. Dr. D. Chandrasekaran, Bishop of CSI TrichyThanjavur Diocese, for the support extended by Jesus Calls Ministry for restoration of CSI churches damaged during the Gaja cyclone. Likewise, leaders of Pentecostal & independent pastors association of Tiruvarur, Thanjavur and Nagapattinam region expressed their gratitude to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran & Sis. Evangeline for restoring 100 churches, which were damaged due to the cyclone last year. Then Dr. Paul Dhinakaran presented the Word of God, mentioning Matthew 9:36 which says, “But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.� He went about explaining the compassion of God and how people get scattered like sheep without a shepherd. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed for the healing of the people gathered. Her fervent prayer just commanded all sickness away. Those who received miracles in the meeting were called to share their experience. Many came forward and glorified God. At the end, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran and Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran laid their hands upon everyone who came forward for prayer and prayed individually. All glory to God. - September 2019 JESUS CALLS


Multiple blessings In December 2018 my husband met with a terrible accident. He suffered 4 fractures in his hip. He underwent treatment in the hospital and the doctor said he had to stay in bed for four months. Many prayer intercessors from the Jesus Calls Trichy Prayer Tower kept coming and prayed for him. Miraculously he started to walk within two and a half months itself. We served as volunteers in this meeting and when Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran was leading a time of prayer, my husband placed his hands upon his hip and prayed for God to heal him permanently and deliver him from the pain. At that moment, instantly he was healed by God and received the touch of God. My sister who has not much tasted the love of Christ attended this meeting and was moved by the ministry of Stella Ramola. As Stella Ramola shared God’s word and sang songs, the words, “Jesus is coming with you. Don’t fear, nobody will find fault with you; go in peace” gave her much comfort and strengthened her and at 18

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that time she received the anointing of the Holy Spirit for the first time. She is very happy now. For the past 20 years, we are associated with the Jesus Calls Ministry. God’s messages in the Television from Bro. Dhinakaran and Dr. Paul, drew us closer to Christ. Ten years ago, in a TV Program, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was speaking in general, “You will write a book.” I took those words for me and it was a surprise when I later released a book related to small scale industries titled “Rose of Sharon” (Saronin Roja). When the dealers came to purchase this book, I started introducing Jesus Calls to them and now I have written my next book too. My husband, one of my son’s and I are Jesus Calls Ambassadors. My two sons are young partners. My elder son is a proud Karunyan; my younger son, although he had lost his job during the time my husband met with an accident, now for the past three months he has been working in a good multinational company. I thank God Almighty for all the blessings. Glory to God alone. - Jesintha Baskaran, Thanjavur

Desire fulfilled

Burdens rolled away

Years ago I started a business and through that income I used to financially support several servants of God. Later on for the past 10 to 15 years I started facing financial struggles and was going through heavy debts. Hence, I was unable to continue my support as I did earlier. This bothered me very much. I attended this meeting with great expectation from God to bless my finance and to prosper my business. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, during the prayer called my name and blessed me. He said, “Mr. Anthony you desire to give offerings to God’s people but you are unable to do it. Today God is blessing you. He will lift you to great heights so that you can give for God’s mission.” These words filled me with joy. Several times I used to think, “Will not God call me by name” and today God has fulfilled my desire. Praise the Lord. - Anthony Muthu, Pattukottai

From my younger days I was much attached to the Jesus Calls Ministry. I loved uncle Dhinakaran’s songs and messages and collected his CDs. I am blessed reading the Jesus Calls magazine. After I got married, I enrolled my son in the Young Partners Plan and my brother in TV club facet. Nineteen years ago when I attended Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s meeting at Salem, I had been wearing spectacles for two years. If I did not wear my glasses, I would get a severe headache and reading would become a strain for me. But in that meeting at Salem, God healed me through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s prayer and from then on till now I’ve never had the need to wear spectacles again. I can read clearly without it. My vision is very much perfect. Five years ago I lost my husband and with that grief I attended this meeting. Not only that I was burdened for my 2 sisters, 1 brother and my mother. But in the prayer time God touched me and filled me with His peace. I can feel all my worries have gone. I am going to write the PGTRB-exam for getting a job to handle classes in a higher secondary school. Now I know God has answered my prayer and will fulfill this request also. All glory to God. - Vimala, Thanjavur

Pain disappeared I come from a family that has not tasted the love of Christ but I was introduced to Christ Jesus through a person 3 years ago. I have two sons and both of them are Young Partners. I am a partner of the Business Blessing Plan. My elder son was an alcoholic and I prayed for his transformation. Miraculously his life changed. He got married, is blessed with a son and now he is counselling others who are addicted to alcoholism. His family are partners of the Family Blessing Plan and SEESHA. My younger son is also blessed. I am working in a soda company where I had to carry heavy boxes every day. For 20 days I had a severe pain in my hip and could not bend down or do anything. While watching the Jesus Calls TV program I came to know of this meeting at Thanjavur and attended with much hope. When Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed, I saw a bright light entering into my body like a flash and instantly the pain disappeared. I could bend down, lift myself and move myself to confirm that the pain was gone. I, someone who didn’t know about these meetings or how to testify, immediately felt somebody pulling me to the stage to testify. I don’t know how I reached here to glorify God. There is no trace of that pain anymore. I thank Jesus. - Maheswari, Madurai

Called by name I come from a family that had not tasted the love of Christ. My son at the age of 25 passed away and I was in grief. In this situation I was introduced to Jesus and I started going to church. When I heard about this meeting I felt that I should attend and be blessed in the meeting. During prayer time Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called out my name thrice. He said, “Maragatham, Maragatham, Maragatham you have come with family burden and due to pain in the leg you are suffering very much. You find it difficult to walk. The devil has done this and because of that you are affected. Jesus is healing you. In Jesus name start walking. God who has known you by name has called you.” After this a great confidence came into me. I have hope and trust in my God that He will take care of me. Praise the Lord. - Maragatham, Thanjavur - September 2019 JESUS CALLS


“The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” (Proverbs 18:10) The Bible clearly tells us that the name of the Lord is our fortified tower. The word ‘fortified’ by definition means, ‘one which is provided with defensive works as protection against attacks.’ As we trust in God and in His holy word, it is but natural for us to call upon His Name. On the other hand, it is totally impossible for those who haven’t tasted Him, to call upon His name. Once in a meeting, a man said that there was no God. He asked the ones there to prove him wrong by showing God’s existence. On hearing this, an old man came forward and said that God was alive and that he was sure about it. Then the old man took an orange and ate it. After eating, the old man asked the man who questioned God’s existence, to tell about the orange and its taste. Perplexed, the man told the elderly man that it was impossible as he wasn’t the one to taste the fruit. The old man smiled and told that it was the same thing with God too. He added that just as the orange, he had tasted God in his life which is why he was sure that God was alive and that everyone has to taste God to know Him. How true indeed! Perhaps you are like the man with doubts as mentioned above. If so, you need to pick up the orange yourself and taste it right now. This is what we are supposed to ask and seek in this world. Ask God in prayer to give you the experience of 20

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tasting Him. His word is alive by the Spirit of God. So seek His Holy Spirit with thirst. As you ask and seek His name, you are sure to be blessed by the Lord. Jesus said, “Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do…” (John 14:13) When you call upon the name of the Lord, He shall lift you up before your friends, relatives and before your family. “Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” (Psalm 124:8) As we call upon the name of the Lord, help is sure to come from the maker of heaven and earth. One day, Bro. Prabhakaran from Andhra Pradesh came to the Prayer Tower to pray for his friend's child, who was diagnosed with cancer in the brain. He asked the prayer intercessors to pray for the baby. Then he got a bottle of blessed oil and left for his friend’s place. There he gave the oil to his friend and asked him to apply it on the child. He also asked his friend to pray in the name of the Lord. His friend began applying the oil every day. To everyone’s surprise, God miraculously healed the baby! Even the doctors ran tests and confirmed that the child’s brain was functioning very well. It’s not the oil that worked the miracle but the name of the mighty Lord we worship. As the child’s father called upon the Lord earnestly, our ever compassionate heavenly Father descended upon the child and commanded the sickness away! This is what He expects of us, to call upon His name at times of trouble. As we do, the miracle that we await starts to take shape in that very moment. Remember the woman in the Bible who touched the hem of His garment and got healed? That’s exactly what we are supposed to do. Obviously, faith goes first and calling upon His name follows suit. All we are to do is to have the desire to pick the orange and taste it. As the taste becomes familiar, we wouldn’t be expecting someone to bring it for us, rather we’d go in search of it and ask for it. Similarly, if seeking the Lord and calling upon His name becomes our habit, we shall lack nothing. "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." (Colossians 3:17) When we do everything in the name of the Lord, He will perform mighty things in our lives. If today you are suffering with any disease, do not be afraid. When you pray in the name  of the Lord, He shall heal you.

(Wednesday) Special fasting prayers will be offered for your prayer requests in all the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers and the Dhinakarans will send prayerful replies for those requests. So hurry up! We invite you to SEND YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS THROUGH LETTERS, EMAIL, FACEBOOK AND WEBSITE Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Jesus Calls, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. E-mail: Website: Facebook: Dr.PaulDhinakaran/ - September 2019 JESUS CALLS



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John 16:24 – Ask and receive Meditation: 1 Sam. 7:9; 1 Chron. 4:10; Matt. 21:22; Mark 11:24 Psalm 63:3 – Lovingkindness Meditation: Exo. 33:19; Psalm 59:17; 103:11; Jer. 3:12; James 4:6 Nahum 1:7 – Lord is your shield Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:2; Psalm 91:2; Jer. 16:19; Joel 3:16 Exodus 19:6 - Holy nation to God Meditation: Deut. 14:2; 26:19; Ezra 8:28; 1 Peter 2:9 Psalm 103:6 – God’s justice Meditation: 2 Chron. 12:6; Luke 18:7,8; Rom. 3:25,26 James 1:17 – God gives gifts Meditation: Psalm 23:6; Jer. 32:40-42; Matt. 7:11; Luke 6:35 Proverbs 28:20 – Perfect blessings Meditation: Deut. 28:11; Matt. 13:12; Eph. 3:19; Philip. 4:18,19 Matthew 28:20 – God with us always Meditation: Gen. 28:15; Deut. 31:8; Joshua 1:5; Acts 18:10 John 20:29 – Blessed it is to believe Meditation: Isaiah 43:10; Dan. 6:23; Matt. 8:13; Mark 9:23,24 Psalm 115:14 – He will increase you Meditation: 2 Sam. 24:3; Ezek. 36:10,11; 2 Cor. 9:10 Isaiah 51:16 – Shadow of God’s hand Meditation: Psalm 121:5; Isaiah 32:2; Matt. 17:5; 1 Pet. 5:6 John 10:10 – Living God Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:47; Psalm 42:2; 84:2; Daniel 6:20-22; 1 Tim. 4:10 Psalm 18:33 – High places Meditation: Deut. 32:13; Isaiah 33:15,16; 58:14; Eph. 2:6,7 Jeremiah 46:28 – Do not Fear Meditation: Deut. 20:1; 2 Chron. 20:15-17; Isaiah 43:1; Matt. 14:22-27










1:18 - God is alive 15 Revelation Meditation: Job 19:25; Matt. 28:5-7; Romans 8:11 Leviticus 26:12 – God walks among you 16 Meditation: Isaiah 12:6; Joel 2:27; Zep. 3:17; 2 Cor. 6:16 Psalm 119:50 – Promise of God Meditation: Joshua 17:4; Psalm 119:11; John 6:63; 2 Cor. 1:20 John 15:16 – God has chosen you Meditation: 1 Chron. 16:11-13; 1 Thes. 1:3,4; 5:24; Rom. 8:29,30 Psalm 9:18 – God who never forgets Meditation: Psalm 115:12; Isaiah 44:21; 49:1316; Heb. 6:10 Psalm 20:4 – God will fulfill our heart’s desire Meditation: Psalm 37:4,5; 145:19; Prov. 3:5,6; 13:12 Psalm 34:14 – Seek peace Meditation: Isaiah 66:12; Matt. 5:9; 2 Thess. 3:16; 1 Peter 3:11 Deuteronomy 28:6 – Blessing upon blessing Meditation: Gen. 22:15-18; Isaiah 59:21; 61:7; Gal. 3:8,9 Micah 7:15 – God of wonders Meditation: 1 Chron. 16:8,9,13,24; Job 5:9; Psalm 86:10; Luke 5:17-26 John 14:19 – Living in Christ Meditation: Hosea 6:2; John 6:54-58; 2 Cor. 13:4; Gal. 2:20 Psalm 91:10 – God preserves us Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:49; Psalm 121:7; Isaiah 52:12 Matthew 19:26 – God can do anything Meditation: Job 42:2; Psalm 33:9; Jer. 32:17,27; Luke 1:34-38 Exodus 23:20 – Angels guard you Meditation: Gen. 24:40; Psalm 91:11,12; Dan. 6:22; Acts 12:11 Jeremiah 32:40 – Everlasting covenant with God Meditation: Lev. 26:45; Jer. 31:33; Acts 3:21-25 Revelation 22:12 – God the rewarder Meditation: Psalm 62:12; Isaiah 62:11; Col. 3:23-25 Mark 16:15 – Preach to the world Meditation: Mark 13:10; 16:20; Col. 1:23; Rev. 14:6,7









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1424 prayer intercessors In 109 batches have prayed prophetically for 9 years non-stop since 4th September 2010 God has been gracious to us to be faithful in these 9 years to answer God’s call to pray 24 hours from this National Prayer Tower for the nation to receive His will, His voice and to fulfill His purpose. Month after month prayer intercessors from all States have come and prayed. Non-stop prayers are raised by 1424 prayer intercessors in 109 batches in this period prophesying Gods’ plan.We thank God for the answers that He sent from heaven in answer to the prophecies and prayers offered in this Prayer Tower overlooking the parliament, the Prime Minister’s office and the President’s Palace all these nine years.

GOD REVEALS HIS PLAN FOR THE NATION THROUGH THEIR PRAYERS AND FULFILLING IT. Prophetic declaration by a prayer intercessor on 01/06/18 “Government will take action against industries and factories which are causing pollution to the environment ; water resources of Delhi and the factories.” Prophetical fulfillment: Source: Hindustan Times - 09/07/19 24

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Prophetic declaration by Prayer Intercessor on 30/07/17 "While I was praying, Holy Spirit revealed to me that simple solutions will come for deadly diseases like HIV, Cancer and TB. Indian scientists and doctors will play a major role in the invention and implementation.” Prophetical fulfillment: Source: The Hindu - 16/06/19

106th batch prayer intercessors, National Prayer Tower, Delhi

You too can be blessed and be a blessing to the Nation.

Not only that, the prayer intercessors who come, stay and pray at the National Prayer Tower, Delhi are richly blessed in their personal lives also. Few testimonies from our prayer intercessors... I experienced the presence of God each moment in the prayer time at the cabin and also at the devotion time in the guest house. I am so thrilled and happy to have come to National Prayer Tower, Delhi for a month to attend the prayer duty. Thanks to Jesus. - Renuka, Vijayawada Praying at National Prayer Tower, Delhi was a new experience for me. It brought transformation in my life. God has blessed my family and ministry. Glory to God. - Sohan.LalMeena, Rajasthan The National Prayer Tower located at the centre of New Delhi, facing the parliament is a remarkable plan of the Lord. In this place, God has answered my prayers, cleared my doubts in the scriptures and has blessed me. I am leaving this Prayer Tower with great satisfaction, having prayed for our nation. - Amit Kumar Kerketta, Odisha


National Prayer Tower operations consists of providing training, accommodation, food, travel, and an office to do additional operations of preparing prayer intercessors for each batch, preparing prayer points, prophecy compilation. These operations cost Rs 40 lacs per year. You can come forward to be a partner in this mission with yearly/monthly commitment towards meeting these expenses. God will bless you as you become a National Prayer Tower Operation Partner. Need 40 people contributing 1 lakh each (or) 80 people contributing Rs.50,000/- each (or) 160 people contributing Rs.25,000/- each (or) 400 people contributing Rs.10,000/- each.

I am willing to contribute (Please tick what the Lord leads you) 1 Lakh





Name:………….........………....................................................... Partner code (if you have):…………...................................…… Address:………………................................................................ ................................................................................................. ............................................................................................ Pin code:……............……....................................................… Mobile 1:………................. Mobile 2...................................... Email………………………………….................................................. Contact Details: Director, National Prayer Tower, 5thFloor, 16, Pandit Pant Marg, New Delhi-110001 Phone: 8826340044/8826340033 Email: Website: OR The Prayer Tower in your area Scan the QR Code to know the details to become a prayer intercessor at National Prayer Tower, Delhi - September 2019 JESUS CALLS



organized “Ignite Karunya”, a retreat that begun on the 1st of August through the 4th of August, for the students of Karunya Deemed to be University. This was a much awaited event of the year. The theme of the retreat was “An Excellent Spirit” (Daniel 6:3) focusing to ignite the students with a spirit of excellence. The retreat was power-packed with music, activities, motivational speeches, interactions, testimonies of life transformations and sessions to be ignited with real power of the Holy Spirit. With great enthusiasm, nearly 5000 students registered for the event to seek the answers for their questions and explore the purpose of their life. Samuel Dhinakaran, the leader of UTurn Ministry played the lead role in organizing this event for the students to receive their blessing in full measure. The retreat had several sessions that intrigued the students to seek the real power from God. The students of Karunya exhibited their talents of singing and playing music, leading the other students to worship the Lord and praise God’s holy Name. Samuel Dhinakaran shared the Word of God in the first session of all the four


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days. On the first day he related various incidents of his own life and from the Bible to reveal to the students that the worst thing sin does is make them hide from themselves. Several students stepped forward coming out of their shell and dedicated their lives to choose the right path that leads them to a victorious life. The second day Samuel and his wife Dr. Shilpa interacted with the student gathering and answered their questions with references from the Bible. Samuel Dhinakaran then encouraged the students to inherit the real power through which they can be more than conquerors. It is certain that the students of Karunya are going to witness great things happen in their lives. The concert that took place in the evening of the second day kept the students on their toes. Pastor Michael Singh led the students in a time of praise and worship where the students were overjoyed in the presence of God. On the third day Samuel spoke about how to rise up and be glamorous for Christ, inheriting the zeal brought

about by the Spirit of God. Samuel urged the students on the fourth day to love the Lord Jesus and tend to His sheep. After each session the students were given a time of dedication where they came forward to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit and shine like the stars. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared the Word of God with the students on all the four days too. He wonderfully explained to them through experiences on his ministerial path about how important it is to be empowered with the Spirit of God to possess an excellent spirit. His insights and thoughts of the work of God kindled the spirits of the students and raised their faith to a great extent. Sister Evangeline Paul led the students in a time of anointed prayer bringing a renewed spirit in each of their lives. She also encouraged the students to empty their cup which is filled with worldly pleasures, that Jesus

could fill it with His love and joy. Three Alumni of Karunya, who are now serving God at various places, were invited as guest speakers at the event. Evangelist John Mohana Prakash shared instances from his past life and emphasized the importance of receiving Jesus in their lives. Samuel Dhinakaran interviewed Brother Anu Jacob, which greatly motivated the student gathering to shine for Christ despite of the situations that surround them. Pastor Anu Jacob shared the Word of God that greatly motivated the students to find their identity in Christ. Mr.Albert Einstein, an entrepreneur, imparted his knowledge with the students about goal setting, career choices and decision making. Several questions of faith and issues faced by the youth of the current generation were answered during the question and answer session on the third day. The students enjoyed the session as many humorous speculations were pondered during that time. All the sessions were made interesting and enjoyable for the students on all the four days. Though the event, Ignite Karunya had come to an end, UTurn ministry strongly believes that it is the beginning for all the students who have been completely nourished with an Excellent Spirit. The students were truly empowered to be example-setters and conquerors with a fresh start. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran took special sessions to teach the participants about laying the hands,praying with oil, casting demons, revelations and praying for each other. Practical training was given For more photo gallery scan for ministering in the Special Blessing Meeting, Bethesda, on 4th this QR CODE August 2019 to pray for thousands of people and to be an instrument of blessing. All glory to God. - September 2019 JESUS CALLS



n 4th August 2019, the Special Blessing Meeting started with a prayer followed by praise and worship led by Karunya students. The presence of God filled everyone who had gathered. Nearly 5000 people attended, having traveled from in and around Coimbatore and from almost all parts of India as well. Testimonies glorifying God instilled faith in the attendees. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran addressed the gathering, prayed with burden for their various problems and called out several names through the power of the Holy Spirit. Dr. Shilpa Samuel shared a short message with a testimony on Isaiah 60:1 ‘’Arise and Shine”. She explained beautifully the blessings we receive when the light of God shines on us. Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran shared God’s word from John 16:24 and encouraged the people saying, “Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.” The Karunyans applied blessed oil and prayed for people. Dr Paul Dhinakaran continued praying for various needs of the people and they received healing and deliverance. Dr Paul Dhinakaran and Sis Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed individually for all the people who had gathered. People went back with great rejoicing (Acts 8:8). All glory to God.

Next Meeting - Every month second Sunday 1.30 p.m. 28

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Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences (Deemed to be University) through its magnanimous distribution of merit-based Scholarships, Student Benevolent Fund and Sports Scholarship to the tune of Rs.5 Crores has inspired the fresher’s of batch 2019 -20 and 2018-19 with tons of motivation and energy to pursue their course of study with inextinguishable zeal and commitment. The scholarship scheme is a testimony to the constant endeavours undertaken by the institution to elevate the student community. The scholarships and certificates were distributed to 753 students by the Chancellor Dr.Paul Dhinakaran in the presence of Vice-Chancellor Dr.P. Mannar Jawahar, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Dr.E.J.James, Registrar Dr.R.Elijah Blessing and 8000 students. The Chancellor Dr.Paul Dhinakaran advised the beneficiaries to make the best use of the opportunities and assistance offered by KITS by doing innovations and research for the benefit of needy people. He honoured the students who underwent training/internship in USA, Singapore, Israel, Australia during the summer holidays. - REGISTRAR, KARUNYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCES - September 2019 JESUS CALLS



eyond the mountains was a beautiful and vibrant forest, full of beautiful birds and every animal, big or small could be found there. In the enchanting forest filled with the scent of wild flowers, every animal carried a stink of jealousy, discord and unhappiness in their hearts. Every day was spent gossiping about the other. Every one of them felt proud about themselves and looked down on others. One breezy evening, the proud zebras were playing football amongst themselves. One of the zebras kicked the ball with a great force. The ball flew into the air and got caught in a banyan tree. All the zebras were wondering about how to get the ball back. The giraffe that passed by, stopped and watched all the commotion in the playground. Slowly the giraffe came to the zebras and said, “Friend, I will help you. Do not worry.” In no time it took the ball with the help of its long neck and threw it towards the playground. As the ball bounced, the hearts of the zebras also bounced with a great joy and


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gratitude towards the giraffe. All the zebras rounded up around the giraffe and said, “Friend, we are sorry for mocking you for your long neck. We regret the days we stoned and teased you. Please forgive us.” The giraffe was big-hearted and said, “God created all of us beautifully with a purpose to serve one another”. And they all rejoiced together. Hearing what happened in the forest, the monkey came the next day with strawberries and watermelons for the good-hearted giraffe. The giraffe was amazed at the sudden change in the monkey who once said wryly, “You giraffe! You can’t jump and hang on a tree like me. You are too ugly and with your lean neck you can’t eat the goodies from the ground. You will starve to death one day.” As the monkey gifted the goodies to the giraffe, it said, “Friend, I am sorry. I thought I was the most intelligent and talented, next to human beings. Now I understand the brilliance of God who has designed everything on the earth with a purpose.”

As they were all celebrating their newfound friendship with one another, they saw a lonely yet proud peacock that traipsed with a dull face. It said, “Friends, how happy are you all! Though I am beautiful, I do not have any friends. I understood that my pride kept me away from everyone. I thought I was the only beautiful creature on the earth. You all look great with joy on your face!” The zebra said, “Hey beautiful peacock! I have only two colors. You have vibrant colors. You add beauty to this place. Come and dance for us.” Suddenly, there was a splash of water as a swarm of fish jumped in the pond listening to this joyous sound. In a chorus, the fish said, “Oh! How jealous we were of you all walking on the land, enjoying good food and the weather. Here, take all these clams from our pond and cook them for your dinner. Now we know that we too are special in our own way.” All the fetid odor of pride and jealousy drifted away and a sweet scent of love and joy filled the air as they sang, “We are friends forever.” The night came and the fireflies did a laser show with their lights! Hey kids, how true it is when the Bible says: “I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Psalm 139:14). If you see anyone different than you in your school or home, do not feel jealous or proud. They too are special just as you are! You are beautiful and wonderful! You have been designed with a purpose to serve one another.

There were people with varied physical stature and talent in the Bible. Find out their names! The first alphabet is given as clue. 1. A person who was a head taller than others from the tribe of Benjamin – S_ _ _ 2. A woman who judged Israel – D_ _ _ _ _ _ 3. A man of short stature who climbed upon a sycamore tree to see Jesus – Z_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. A man of beauty from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head – A_ _ _ _ _ _ 5. A woman at Joppa who stitched coats and garments – T_ _ _ _ _ _ 6. One of the twin brothers with hair all over his body – E_ _ _ 7. A fair and beautiful daughter of David – T_ _ _ _ 8. One of the three fair and beautiful daughters of Job – K_ _ _ _ 9. A woman who sold purple garments in the city of Thyatira – L_ _ _ _ 10. A man chosen by God to do the things of the Tabernacle – B_ _ _ _ _ _ SEND IN YOUR CORRECT ENTRIES AND WIN EXCITING PRIZES. The winners names will be published in the November edition of the magazine. Contestants aged 5 to 12 years can send your answers to JESUS CALLS, 16 D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 or simply scan your entries and send it to and state your full name, age, and gender. Your entries should reach us by 30th September 2019!


Issac chery Mathew, Thiruvalla, Kerala

2nd Prize Pradhampali, Rourkela 3rd Prize J.SHREYA, Nilgiris - September 2019 JESUS CALLS



istory testifies of how kings and kingdoms have risen and fallen in pursuit to acquire power to rule the nations of the earth. Man is born with a natural, inescapable and an undeniable desire for power, control and dominance. Observe a baby, he wants to move, so he crawls -- Power. He wants to be heard, so he yells and screams and laughs -- Power. He wants to do things -- run, play, jump, entertain himself. He wants the power -- the ability or capacity to do something or act in a particular way -- to do all these things. When a toddler is put in a stroller, he creates a fuss because he wants to get out and walk -- Control. He doesn’t want to hold his mom’s hand in the store, as he wants to go around by himself -- Control. He wants liberty. He wants some and then more control as he grows. Now he’s in high school, he races a classmate in a physical education class and wins -- Dominance. He might even make fun of his classmate -- Dominance. He competes with his friends for grades, at sports, etc because he wants to be superior and better than those around him -- Dominance.


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POWER. CONTROL. DOMINANCE. There is no escaping what is present in our corporal (flesh) nature. So then what’s the solution to escape this innate desire to be superior than the other? Our desire to have the power to act upon our will, to be in control of our lives and display dominance over others can either be used for good or misused altogether. The word of God on several occasions instructs us to be humble. Humility. As defined by the Oxford dictionary, means the quality of having a modest or low view of one's importance. For instance James 4:6 says, “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” James 4:10 says, “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” Luke 14:11 says, “For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” The above mentioned verses also insists us to relinquish our desire for control. And what we can’t control, we can’t display dominance over that. This is completely opposite to our natural self. So then what do we do? Before Jesus ascended, he asked his disciples to stay in the city until they had been clothed with power from on high. This was none other than the precious Holy Spirit that was poured out on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2). So, on one side we have our corporal desire to exercise power, control and dominant nature and on the other side we have the power of the Holy Spirit. And the clincher is that we can only operate under one power -- either our corporal nature or under the power of the Holy Spirit. This is clearly mentioned in Galatians 5:17 where it says, “For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.” When we walk under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, real power is….. To esteem others better than ourselves. “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves” - Philippians 2:3 To avoid firing back in anger during a conflict. “Whoever insults his brother will

“With great power, comes great responsibility.” be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire..” - Matthew 5:22 To submit to the will of The Father and to obey His commandments. “...He humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!” - Philippians 2:8 “For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.” - John 6:38 Real power it to turn your back on the things of the world and set your eyes on the things that are eternal. “Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.” - Romans 8:5 To forgive and offence and show love. “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you..” - Matthew 5:44 To overcome evil by good (Romans 12:21). I can go on but I urge you to search the scriptures and ask God to show you how you can live a life of humility and be a light for Jesus in your school, college or work place. “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” - Matthew 5:16 I would just like to conclude with a rather popular quote that was said by Uncle Ben to Peter Parker aka Spiderman, “With great power, comes great responsibility.” It simply means, if you have the ability to do something, make sure that you do it for the good of others. More often we try to depend on our ability to do good rather than depending on the Holy Spirit. Any act of kindness done under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, will originate from a humble heart that is clean before God.

-Deepshikha Seymour (Inspired from an article called The Law of Power, Control and Dominance) - September 2019 JESUS CALLS


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“But I am poor and needy; Yet the LORD thinks upon me. You are my help and my deliverer; Do not delay, O my God.” (Psalm 40:17)


n this world, every day, all sorts of problems are encountered by us. Even after accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour in our life, we have to pass through various kinds of suffering. That’s why the Lord says, "I will help you and I am mindful of you." King David describes the way in which God knows us: “Lord, You know my sitting down and my rising up; You comprehend my path and my lying down... If I ascend into heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your right hand shall hold me.” (Psalm 139:1-10) Today, the one thing that tor-

ments us daily is the worry about tomorrow - “What will I do tomorrow?” But our Lord Jesus says, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:34) The Bible also says, “..casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” (I Peter 5:7) We read in the Bible about a man called Jonah, who was serving God. Disobeying the Lord’s word to go to Nineveh, he fled from the presence of God and got into a ship going to Tarshish. So, the Lord commanded a great wind on the sea, as a result of which there was a mighty tempest. Jonah confessed

to his fellow men by saying, “I know that I am the reason for this tempest. So, throw me into the sea.” Hence he was thrown into the sea. But since the Lord was mindful of him, he commanded a great fish to save him. Jonah was swallowed by this fish and he was in the belly of the fish for three days. The digestive juices of the fish tried to absorb Jonah. Yet the Lord protected him from harm and helped him to reach the shore on the third day by making the fish vomit him onto the dry land (Jonah chapters1 and 2). Dear sisters, the Lord is waiting eagerly to help us, who love Him, by sending His power. Let us - September 2019 JESUS CALLS


meditate on how the Lord God is mindful of us and helps us.

REMEMBERS US IN OUR LOWLY STATE “Who remembered us in our lowly state, for His mercy endures forever.” (Psalm 136:23) The Angel of God appeared to Mary, the mother of Jesus and said, "Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!"(Luke 1:28). Mary was found to be adorned with the ornament of humility in her life and sought God faithfully and reverentially. Hence, the Lord looked upon Mary because of her humility; He honoured her and lifted her up as the blessed woman among women! When we too kneel down in God’s presence early in the morning, every day and tell Him all the needs of that day one by one saying, “Lord, You are my hope! You are my portion! You are my everything”, a divine peace will fill our heart (Philippians 4:6-7). After that the Lord will lead us in all our matters. "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33) According to this scripture verse, first seek Him. Then He will remember you in your lowly state. He will grant you all the benefits that you desire and make you rejoice. 36

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Here is a testimony about a miraculous blessing given by the Lord to Sister Jeyaseeli of Erode: My husband’s name is Pradeep Kumar. We got married in 2009. We languished without a child for 8 years. Despite spending a lot on medical treatment, there was no hope of bearing a child. Doctors were baffled about our case. We had faith only on the Lord and were waiting for a long period of time. From the day Jesus Calls Prayer Tower was operational in Erode, we used to visit it regularly for prayers. The prayer warriors assured us that God would surely bless us with a child, comforted us and prayed for us. At this juncture, I bought Sis. Stella Dhinakaran’s book ‘The Fruit of the Womb'. My husband and I read it from cover to cover and prayed daily with tears, claiming the scripture verses given in that book. At a time when we had lost all hope, having spent quite a lot of money on medical treatments, the Lord remembered us in August 2018.We had stopped all treatments and God graciously helped me to conceive a child when we least expected it. When I went for a medical check-up, the doctor’s words petrified me. They said, “Don’t go ahead with this child because it would not be a healthy child. Either the baby would have some health problem or the mother would develop

complications.” Not losing hope, we prayed earnestly saying, "Lord, this child was formed according to Your will. This was given to us by You, at a time when we did not trust any man or medicine and so we receive this child from Your hand.” Hearing the prayer, the Lord led us towards a specialist who provides medical services along with prayers. Through him, God helped me to undergo proper treatment. The Jesus Calls prayer warriors and dear mother Stella Dhinakaran supported us in prayer as well. We often contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for prayers. The Lord remembered us and did a miracle. He helped me to deliver a beautiful baby girl on April 3, 2019. We have named our child Diya Sharon. We profusely thank the Lord, who remembered us in our lowly state. “The LORD has been mindful of us; He will bless us; He will bless the house of Israel; He will bless the house of Aaron” (Psalm 115:12). Yes, there is a Lord who remembers us in our lowly state. Seek Him every day in your life. He will lift you up from your lowly state. He will make you rejoice by changing you into a blessed woman!

HE WILL NOT FORSAKE, AS PER HIS PROMISE But Zion said, "The LORD has forsaken me, and my Lord has forgotten me." (Isaiah 49:14)

Many times, when we pass through trials, don’t we grumble as said in the above verse? But, what does the Lord say? He has promised, "Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, yet I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me.” (Isaiah 49:15-16) “I have formed you….you will not be forgotten by Me!” (Isaiah 44:21). When an eagle stirs up its nest and teaches its young ones to fly, it may appear as if the young ones may fall down. However, the mother eagle would fly from nowhere, spread its wings and would carry and protect the young ones. In the same way, when we feel forsaken and are in pain, the Lord is able to protect us like ‘birds flying about’ (Isaiah 31:5). So never say, “I’m an orphan; everyone in this world has forsaken me.” He very well knows our sufferings. “You shall no longer be termed Forsaken, nor shall your land any more be termed Desolate; But you shall be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah; For the LORD delights in you, and your land shall be married.” - Isaiah 62:4 Hold on to this promise and trust Him! It is certain that the Lord,

who is mindful of you, will protect you and not forsake you. As an assertion of the Lord’s power that leads by hand, without forsaking, I have given below the testimony of Mrs. Kumari Jawahar (Erode): In 1971, both Bro. Dhinakaran and dear Sis. Stella Dhinakaran visited Erode for the Jesus Calls meetings. After the meeting they prayed individually for the people. My husband and I went to them for prayers. I believe it was then that a miracle had happened. Today, my son is 40 years old. At the time, he was in my womb and during the 8th month when I went for check-up, the doctor had told me that I had only 42% blood and so my delivery would be complicated. He also advised me to arrange for a blood donor from among my relatives. But I did not share it with anyone, including Bro. Dhinakaran. That day, when I went to Brother for prayer, laying his hand on my head he prayed and prophetically said, “My dear sister, you are troubled that you don’t have sufficient blood in your body. The Lord will do a miracle during your time of delivery. He will give sufficient blood for you at that time. There is no need for anyone to donate blood for you.” I was amazed to hear this! Totally shaken and thinking to myself, “I didn’t tell this to anyone. How come he is talking about this?”

we returned home. Within a month, we went to the hospital for delivery. The doctors did a blood test and said that there was no need for any blood donation since I had 72% of blood. On that day, I fully accepted in my heart that Brother Dhinakaran was a ‘Prophet of God’. According to the prophet’s word, the Lord did not forsake me. He gave me sufficient blood and helped me to deliver the child in a miraculous way. After this, we started attending Jesus Calls meetings wherever they were conducted. This incident was the main reason for our association with the Jesus Calls ministry. From then, till today our whole family is associated with this ministry and is taking part in the ministries in the Prayer Tower for the glory of the Lord’s name. Now I am participating in the Esther Prayer Group ministry also. It has been 17 years since I have been connected to this ministry. In all these 17 years, not once have I failed to conduct the Esther Prayer ministry. By the immense grace of God I am continuing to do this ministry. There are many testimonies, out of which I am sharing the testimony of Naveena, a dear daughter, who was miraculously saved by the Lord: Naveena has two children. Her husband was an alcoholic. Every day, she was terrified of going back to her house. She often used to tell me, “Mother, I’m unable to bear my husband’s - September 2019 JESUS CALLS


verbal abuse and beatings. Why should I go back home? I even feel like ending my life.” I used to comfort her and tell her, "Don’t talk like that. We are praying for you with burden in the Esther Prayer Group.” Accordingly, we prayed for her with burden. One day, deciding she didn’t want to live anymore, she took her two children and headed to the river side. Since her life with her husband was bitter she thought of ending her life along with her children’s and to put an end to her misery. We did not know that. But when she went to the river side, twice she heard a voice telling her, "Go back. Go back.” She was scared and returned thinking to herself that Jesus had asked her to go back and she should not disobey Him by committing this wrong act. The next week when she came for the Esther Prayer Group meeting, she testified saying, “I went to the river with my children to end our lives. But the Lord miraculously saved me from death. Today we are alive only by the grace and mercy of our Lord. He has not forsaken us but has saved us and has made us live.”

if you are forsaken by man. He will give you strength. He will not forsake you but protect you.

Yes, the Lord is great! He will not forsake you. For this we need to receive the Holy Spirit. God has promised in Acts 2:17, “It shall come to pass in the last days…that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh.” If you desire for and receive the Holy Spirit, the Comforter will comfort you, even

"For what great nation is there that has God so near to it, as the LORD our God is to us, for whatever reason we may call upon Him?”


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‘Then she called the name of the LORD who spoke to her, You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees; for she said, "Have I also here seen Him who sees me?" - Genesis 16:13 Hagar, who had conceived a child, was cast away and was wandering in the wilderness, lonely and with a deep sorrow thinking, “Oh, I don’t have any one in this world who sees me or even thinks of me…”. God came to the wilderness, seeking her. He asked her rightfully, "Hagar, where have you come from?” He made her His own. At that time, Hagar spoke to the Lord and said, “You-Are-theGod-Who-Sees; "Have I also here seen Him who sees me?" Yes, Hagar had the privilege of making the Lord as her own (Genesis 16:713). Perhaps, you may not see the God of gods with your naked eyes today. Yet, you can feel His presence. He is very near to all those who seek Him. The Bible also says,

- Deuteronomy 4:7 We read about the life of a man called Zacchaeus in the Bible

(Luke 19). He wanted to see the Lord. But since he was short in stature, he could not see Him because of the crowd. He climbed up on a sycamore tree in order to see the Lord walking by. The Lord knew his heart’s desire and hence when he came to that tree, He stood there and called out His name. He also willingly went to his house. The people, who saw Jesus going to his house mocked Him saying, “He’s going to the house of a sinner!” But Jesus, who went to Zacchaeus’ house said, “Today salvation has come to this house" and made him His own. Yes, Jesus Christ came to seek and to save the lost. My dear sister, the Lord who knows your heart is with you. Do not think, “Oh, I live in sin; I’ve turned bad; I struggle with various shortcomings; for me there is no redemption…” Jesus will come searching for you right where you are.

I have given below the testimony of a couple who has received a miraculous change in their life: My name is Annal. My husband was addicted to alcohol since he was a little boy. After our marriage, this habit became serious. He would often be found lying somewhere in an inebriated state. I would search for him and bring him home. Despite hard efforts to stop drinking, he could not overcome this habit. I was living in agony.

At this time I gave birth to a baby boy. My husband was still addicted to alcohol and did not take care of our child. Hence, I decided that it would be better to die than to live. It was at this juncture, I heard about the Lord Jesus through a sister living near my house. Every day I started praying to the Lord earnestly for my husband. On seeing this, my relatives made me miserable by saying, “You are praying to your Lord for your husband’s transformation. But still there is no change in his behavior.” Yet I continued to cling on to God and continued praying. I then came to know about the Bethesda Prayer Centre and visited it for prayer. The Lord heard the

prayer and within a few months, my husband’s addiction began to decline and finally he completely stopped his drinking habit. The Lord graciously brought changes in his conduct. Truly, my joy knew no bounds. Now he is saved and is living as the Lord’s child. This transformation was a turning point in my life. I have also started holding on to the Lord, all the more and am living as His child. Millions of praises to the Lord who has transformed us as a family for His glory! “I drew them with gentle cords, with bands of love…” (Hosea 11:4) The Lord, who says this, is drawing us also with bands of love.

Dear sister, who is lamenting, “I’m a useless woman; I’m despised and forsaken; I don’t have anyone to love me and I’m all alone…”, would you humble yourself completely and commit your life to the Lord who asks you, “I am mindful of you; I want to come and stay in you. Won’t you open your heart for Me?” He will change your worries. Do not waste your time in making yourself miserable by brooding over the sufferings and tears of this world but turn your eyes upon the Lord with full trust on Him. He will take complete responsibility of your life. He will not forsake you but protect you. He will make your family into His own and lead you, by filling you with His divine presence.

ANSWERS FOR BIBLE QUIZ – 89 1. No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God (Luke 9:62). 2. For there is no sorcery against Jacob, nor is there any divination against Israel. It now must be said of Jacob and of Israel, “Oh! What God has done!” (Numbers 23:23). 3. You shall do no injustice in judgment, you shall not be partial to the poor, nor honor the person of the mighty. But in righteousness you shall judge your neighbor (Leviticus 19:15). 4. But My servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit in him and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land where he went, and his descendants shall inherit it (Numbers 14:24). 5. And the whole multitude sought to touch Him for power went out from Him and healed them all (Luke 6:19). 6. And when you offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the LORD, offer it of your own free will (Leviticus 22:29). 7. For as the lightning that flashes out of one part under heaven shines to the other part under heaven, so also the Son of Man will be in His day (Luke 17:24). 8. …And behold, the rod of Aaron, of the house of Levi, had sprouted and put forth buds, had produced blossoms and yielded ripe almonds (Numbers 17:8). 9. And that servant who knew his master's will, and did not prepare himself or do according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes (Luke 12:47). 10. Not so with My servant Moses; He is faithful in all My house. I speak with him face to face, Even plainly, and not in dark says; And he sees the form of the LORD… (Numbers 12:7,8).

BIBLE QUIZ NO. 89 WINNERS Chennai: Suchetha Francis Secunderabad: Helen Cornelius - September 2019 JESUS CALLS


First Esther Prayer Group

Divine Love that grants God’s Image! - Part - 3 ‘Esther Prayer Ministry’ is a

read in Psalm 121:2 which says,

clearly in Ephesians 4:22-24 which

divine ministry of women as well

‘My help comes from the LORD,


as couples, who wait in the

Who made heaven and earth’, the

presence of the Lord with one

Lord hears their prayers and

accord and pray to Him. It is a

blesses them. Also when the

ministry where every month,

women who attend this pray with

women pray with oneness of mind

reverence, they become Esther

and with a burden for one another.

Prayer Warriors and their hearts

The prayer points expound on how

and minds are renewed in Christ.

women can receive God’s full

God grants everyone, the divine

blessings in the midst of sufferings,

experience as mentioned in Ro-

afflictions, tears and trials that they

mans 6:4-6,‘Therefore we were

Many women who newly join

pass through in life. Every prayer

buried with Him through baptism

the Esther Prayer Group do not

point is based on relevant Bible

into death, that just as Christ was

know ‘what is prayer’ and ‘how

verses. It is purely by the help of

raised from the dead by the glory

to pray’. When they see others,

the Holy Spirit, this divine ministry

of the Father, even so we also

they would begin to pray. This

is being carried out with zeal.

should walk in newness of life...

transformation happens when the

These prayer points are pre-

our old man was crucified with

group members come together and

pared with much reverence and

Him.' About this new life of being

kneel down, humbling themselves

with His divine guidance. Hence,

raised in Christ, the Bible also won-

in the presence of God and God

when women pray using these

derfully explains us, ‘Now if we

shows up in their midst. "For where

points, since these points reflect

died with Christ, we believe that

two or three are gathered together

their own conditions, they pray with

we shall also live with Him’ (Ro-

in My name, I am there in the midst

much burden and tears. As we

mans 6:8). We read about this more

of them." (Matthew 18:20)


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“that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness”

Is there any possibility that this promise of the Lord is untrue? Certainly not! Thus, every month, when the women gather together on a specific day and pray, the presence of God fills them, their hearts are cleansed and they receive a new life from the Lord. We call this experience, the ‘salvation experience’. In Acts 9 we read how Apostle Paul’s life was renewed in Christ. About this new life he received, he beautifully reveals in Galatians 2:20, 'I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me'. Every Esther Prayer Warrior and couple receives this same divine experience the moment she/they begin(s) to pray. The presence of God comes down in their midst and unites them with the Lord. A particular couple used to visit several places together. But the wife would always be talking right from the time when they set out and till they reached that respective place. Also, she would always quarrel with the husband or would be criticizing someone or the other all the time. Constantly hearing these criticisms, the husband was vexed with her. Eventually, he left her and began to go out all by himself. He hated even conversing with her. The wife was deeply hurt by this. One day, her friend explained to her about

the Esther Prayer Group and said that she could receive divine joy and peace through that. She asked her to join her prayer group and made her pray. As this sister was filled with the presence of God, in due course her life began to change. A thirst for prayer increased within her. She developed a close fellowship with God in such a way that she started seeking the Lord for any painful event that had took place in her family life. According to the phrase, ‘Inner beauty can be seen on the face’, the infilling of the Holy Spirit changed her very ‘countenance’. She shunned all vain talks and backbiting. The love of Christ that comforts others could be seen in her. Her countenance bore Christ’s divine image. Her husband, who saw this, was very happy and was glad to hear others tell good testimonies about her. He was proud to hear many people praise her according to the verse, ‘But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised’ (Proverbs 31:30). Yes, dear ones! This is the blessed life enjoyed through the glorious and honourable Esther Prayer Ministry. There is no doubt that every woman, who regularly attends this prayer faithfully and sincerely every month, despite any situation and offers these prayer points with reverence, would be filled with God’s image. A Tamil saying goes like this: ‘The thread that is used to make

garland also gives out fragrance’. According to this, the Lord will give such a woman, a life filled with the fragrance of good works. The following Scripture wonderfully explains this:


“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing” (II Corinthians 2:14,15). In our daily life too, as we read about the Shulamite ‘who joined with the beloved of her soul’ in the Song of Songs, we would gradually receive the joyful divine life of ‘living jointly with Christ’. “How can a day be without You God? How can a life be without You?” As the Tamil song thus says, we would receive the joyous life of rejoicing in Christ. The Lord would surely grant every Esther Prayer Warrior, who joins with Him and seeks Him incessantly and in humility, ‘a fragrant life’ and a ‘life of changing into His image’.

God’s image by fulfilling God’s will in reverence. “…make you complete in every good work to do His will, - September 2019 JESUS CALLS


working in you what is well pleasing in His sight,

(among the women) who went through various afflictions despite

through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and

being godly and how all the bondages around them were


miraculously destroyed as they placed their ‘hope and faith’ on

(Hebrews 13:21).

If we read this verse earnestly, we know that ‘God Himself works in us through Jesus Christ’. The more we sit at His feet every day

God and by holding on to Him and receiving His image. In the same way, the God given

and be filled with Him or the more we seek Him, we would be filled

Esther Prayer Ministry, gives ‘divine image’ to everyone who

with His presence and receive this divine life and be satisfied by the

leads a faithful prayer life. As they continue praying, the devil and all

image of Christ. The Lord will fill every woman who faithfully and

other bondage of darkness flee away. This is the reason for

reverentially attends this Esther Prayer without fail, as well as the

miracles and different kinds of divine experience that the Esther

leaders who conduct it with His image and will glorify them and

Prayer ministers receive through their prayers.

your prayer time and the divine life of interacting with the Lord. Be active in reverentially fulfilling the things that are pleasing to God. For this purpose, the Esther Prayer ministry would be of great blessing and encouragement to you. Anyone - little children, young women, women and couples - may commit themselves to join this ministry. Do not neglect the opportunities given by the Lord. Do not spend your time in vain, useless things and disregard glorious spiritual blessings, that is ‘the divine life of changing into God’s image’.

The Bible clearly talks about men of God like Moses, Daniel and

examine whether your daily life is pleasing to God so that God’s image

Along with me, by God’s calling, several sisters have been taking part in this prayer ministry with zeal and enthusiasm from the beginning and have been faithfully and sincerely fulfilling the will of

his three friends, and Queen Esther

could be seen. Or else, increase

God in various ways.

make them shine.

Dear ones, today please

Below are four testimonies of participants of the Esther Prayer Group. May these encourage you to fulfil the will of God with zeal and be filled with God’s presence.

New Image because of the Esther Prayer Ministry

myself for that and in that same month I attended the Esther Prayer meeting held in the Prayer Tower. When

In 1996, I attended the Women’s

we gathered to pray, the fervent prayers offered for

conference held in Periyar Thidal,

the prayer points given by the Holy Spirit for the

Chennai while surrounded by suffer-

women who faced various struggles, broke my heart.

ings, pain and sorrow. The message that dear mother

One of the prayer points was about the different kinds

Stella Dhinakaran delivered on the day touched me.

of problems women face and how they should be

That day, I committed myself to the Lord determining

brought out of them.

that I should do some ministry for Him. When dear

Every month, the prayer points would be given by

mother was sharing about the Esther Prayer Group,

the Holy Spirit and would relate to everything going

she announced, "The sisters who would like to attend

on in my family, my life, my lack of prayer, the lack in

the Esther Prayer Group conducted in 16, Greenways

my spiritual life and so on. The Lord used to speak to

Road, Chennai -28 (Currently 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran

me through those prayer points and it broke my heart.

Road) can meet me in person”. At once I committed

It was amazing how the Lord changed my old image


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and granted me a ‘new image’ and led me in order to make me useful to others. When we continued to at-

Dear mother has divided Chennai into 9 zones and has appointed leaders for each zone. She has given

tend the Esther Prayer Group and prayed, dear mother

me the responsibility to take care of the Esther Prayer Groups in the second zone. God has given me the

Stella Dhinakaran encouraged us to start similar Esther an Esther Prayer Group near my house in Chennai.

grace to pray, along with nearly 250 sisters of the 25 groups in this zone, regularly and to encourage them

The sisters who come for prayer are from huts. Ini-

to pray and bring glory to the Lord’s name.

tially they did not know how to pray and I taught them how to pray for the prayer points. Every month, the

Thus the Lord has helped ‘God’s image’ to increase in my spiritual life, to receive several glorious experi-

Holy Spirit began to work in them. Hence I was very

ences and to see visions during the prayer time.

Prayer Groups in our respective areas. So, I started

much happy and glad. I used to praise the Lord wholeheartedly saying, “Oh, Holy Spirit, how beautifully You work in everyone by coming upon them. Thank You for that!” Thus I used to rejoice in the spirit after finishing the prayer every month. By this, there were tremendous changes in my spiritual life.

Even in the place where I am working, when I share about my spiritual life and prayer life with the other sisters and tell them my testimony, the Lord works in their hearts. Even today, the Lord is leading me to be a guide to several women, to share with them many things of the Lord about the image of God

pered person. I wouldn’t tolerate if someone commit-

and to help them be happy. May the divine name of the Lord be glorified more and more!

ted even a small mistake. I would lose my temper if

Mrs. Jeyarani Irudayaraj, Chennai.

In the beginning I used to be a highly short tem-

anyone told a lie or changed their words. But as I

God’s Image by the Holy Spirit

started conducting the Esther Prayer Group, I do not know how, all my devilish characteristics like anger etc., left me. The Lord changed my life in ‘His image’ in such a way that I could deal with such people meekly and politely. My family was amazed to see the transformation in me. The Holy Spirit came upon me and the image of God came upon me. Some people who saw me used to tell me with wonder, “I see a brightness on your face. I see a difference in you.” Since I have been praying with dear mother Stella Dhinakaran, her faithfulness, sincerity, the burden for the ministry and her zeal have entered into my heart. God has given me her thirst, her desire and her zeal that even a little time should not be wasted and how it should be used for the glory of His name. He has helped me to share about the Esther Prayer to many women with burden for souls and zeal to do things for His kingdom’s expansion. Thus many women have joined the Esther Prayer Group and are praying.

At a time when I was thinking that Christ’s love could be manifested in our area only through the Esther Prayer Group, Sister Stella Dhinakaran helped me to start the second Esther Prayer Group in the year 1992. That time many sisters, even several strangers, came for a time of prayer. Since our house is a little far away from the city and due to snake infestation in the area because of the surrounding forest land, some sisters hesitated to attend it. I was praying with burden for that. I wrote to Sister Stella Dhinakaran also seeking prayers for this. Within a short time, the owner who had bought that land destroyed that forest area and planted eucalyptus trees, after which we stopped facing snake problems. Once the snakes stopped entering our territory, the sisters boldly started attending the prayer. The Esther Prayer Group that I started that day has been divided into several groups today and I am - September 2019 JESUS CALLS


larly conducting them in places like Kallukootam, Thirumalai Nagar, Telephone colony etc., When I was critically ill and admitted in the hospital I requested my husband not to stop conducting the Esther Prayer Group. Accordingly he undertook the responsibility of conducting the prayer. I was bedridden for 6 months and during all those 6 months, my daughter Kiruba and my husband conducted the prayer. In my life it is my desire that the prayer warriors who pray with me should also receive the same transformation as I did. When a sister, who had been forsaken by her husband, came for prayer, I led her to the Lord. She accepted the Lord and today an Esther Prayer Group is being conducted in her house. Just think how beautiful the work of the Lord is. It is the Esther Prayer Group that leads me deeply into the Lord. The love manifested through the Holy Spirit, flows from me into others and leads them. Outwardly my physical body looks frail. But people see ‘God’s image’ in my countenance. They say, “Beulah Aunty, you look just the same as you were long back. You don’t seem to be sick or weak”. The Holy Spirit in me is strengthening me, encouraging me, and is leading me and hence my heart is always happy in the Lord (Philippians 4:4). So, it is the Holy Spirit who has to always abide in us! He, who is in me, makes ‘God’s image’ to get revealed through me. The love of God that is poured into my heart by the Holy Spirit helps me to conduct the Esther Prayer Group without fail. All these are of great blessings in my life. The Lord has fulfilled all these for me only through the Esther Prayer ministry. Glory be to the Lord. - Mrs. Beulah John, Chennai.

Esther Prayer Group’s Expansion in God’s Image With a desire that ministry should somehow be done for the Lord, my mother Mrs. Beulah John has been conducting the Esther Prayer Group for several years without fail. After my college studies, I too joined the group in the year 1995. The prayer points given for prayer were of much bless44

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ing to me. I saw the Lord’s love manifest through each and every prayer point. In the year 2000, I wanted to start a separate Esther Prayer Group and formed a group in the Perungudi area. As Paul says, ‘For the love of Christ compels us’ (II Corinthians 5:14), Christ’s love compelled me and I began to pray, claiming Isaiah 61: 1-3. Aunty Stella Dhinakaran used to say, "Place your hands on the verse and pray". Accordingly when I prayed by placing my hands on the verses, the Lord showed me the people of Kallukootam area in Chennai. I believe according to the verse, ‘the LORD has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor’, that I’m anointed to minister to these people. I first of all started the Esther Prayer Group among the women who went for construction work, who have alcoholic husbands and who live in tears. The love of Christ led me into ‘God’s image’ and now the Lord has graciously helped me to start 3 Esther Prayer Groups in different places in the same area. So many problems in the families! No happiness between husband and wife! No peace because of bitterness! - Such things can be seen in abundance these days. When I was praying with burden for these, I saw that Aunty Stella Dhinakaran had written about the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group in the Jesus Calls magazine. So I began to conduct the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group also along with the Esther Prayer ministry. I conduct both on different days. Thus I have formed several Esther Prayer Groups in the Lord and I’m helping the members to receive the anointing and leading them into the Spirit. Hence, God’s love is poured in me much and I can very well feel that I am growing in the Lord and in the spirit. The Lord is giving me spiritual gifts also. As His image is coming upon me through these, I am observing that my old characteristics and nature are getting changed completely. Earlier I was short tempered easily. But now through my prayer life, the Lord has given me God’s image and hence I’m walking in patience in Him. As a result I am able to bear fruits for the Lord. The reason why I find destitutes for the Esther Prayer Group is because I have a burden that

they should be delivered from their bondage. Automatically ‘Christ’s love’ in me is manifested among them. Since I am filled with this love, I ask all whom I meet, “Would you like to start this Esther Prayer Group?” Youth Esther Prayer Group, Junior Esther Prayer Group and Couples’ Esther Prayer Group should expand and women should start new groups. This is my desire! I mentioned earlier that Chennai has been divided into 9 zones and the Esther Prayer ministry is being conducted accordingly. The coordinator of a particular zone had to suddenly leave for Malaysia. Aunty Stella Dhinakaran spoke to me regarding appointing me as the coordinator of that zone and I readily accepted it and until now the Lord is pouring His love upon me to continue this prayer ministry to the best of my ability. Millions of praises to the Lord! - Mrs. Kiruba Prakash, Chennai.

God’s Image that Transformed me in the Lord I come from a family that did not know the Lord. After my mother’s demise, I came to know about the Esther Prayer Ministry and joined the same in the year 2007. Prior to that I had been saved and had received the anointing since 15 years. However, I was ignorant of group prayer and praying in Tamil language, particularly for women. After I joined the Esther Prayer Group, gradually I learnt to pray along with my group. I also learnt to pray for the given prayer points, claiming the promise verse. As I kept praying, I fully understood how to pray with burden, commitment and with the help of the Holy Spirit for the sufferings of women. The Holy Spirit strengthened me and guided me to participate in this prayer every month without fail. This Esther Prayer ministry helped me to commit myself fully to the Lord and also granted me the zeal to pray with authority in my personal prayer time. However, when I took part in the Esther Prayer ministry, I encountered several trials and oppositions from Satan, the enemy. I was deeply pained and

wondered whether I would be able to stand firm in Christ in the midst of those situations. Yet, amidst all those things, the Holy Spirit led me through the truthful, wonderful and miraculous guidance of Jesus. In the midst of my life’s burden, I faced great challenges and overcame them through prayers offered in the Esther Prayer Group and along with that, I also saw the Lord’s miraculous hand leading my family and transforming my life. Also, I was amazed to see the Lord granting repentance and miracles to women as we prayed for them with faith and authority, claiming God’s promises. By praying for the problems of others, I had the strange experience of interceding for them with love. How glorious and excellent is this Esther Prayer ministry! The Holy Spirit gives us the grace and a heart filled with love to pray for other women and couples and through this our lives are changed into a sweet smelling aroma in Christ. As we give first place to the Lord and get involved with this ministry by praying for others with burden, He changes us into His image as per II Corinthians 3:18 and makes us into ‘vessels of comfort’ for others. All praise, honour and glory to the Lord Jesus who has given me this glorious and excellent privilege through the Esther Prayer ministry! Recently in the 50th year Jubilee Celebrations of the Vikaasa Hr. Sec. School at Madurai where I had studied, the alumni along with the faculty and our honorable Principal took part in the celebrations. Five of us were honoured for our outstanding contributions towards making it a magnificent event. I gladly say that I was one among the five. I am sure that this honour has come directly from Jesus Christ according to James 1:17. I can testify that the reason for this is because I am an Esther Prayer warrior. Likewise my dear sisters, if you also pray fervently and continually according to God’s will in this prayer ministry, God will certainly exalt you and honour you in the worldly realm also. Hence, come ! lets unite and fulfil God’s work. - Prathiba Ramkumar, Chennai. - September 2019 JESUS CALLS


Yes, dear ones! How beauti-

prayer? No, dear sisters! In or-

ing your days in vain until now

fully this Esther Prayer ministry,

der to make sure that your life

without any interest in godly

that the Lord Jesus has gra-

time is not wasted, please locate

ways, join this prayer ministry

ciously given us, is changing our

an Esther Prayer Group near

right now and commit yourself

lives! I marvel at the way in

your locality, take part in the

to take part in this divine life of

which the anointing of the Holy

prayer once a month and become

praying by ‘kneeling down and

Spirit is given to everyone who

a good testimony of bearing

looking up to the Lord’ like

serves in this ministry with thirst,

fruits and receiving ‘God’s im-

Queen Esther of the Bible.

age’. If you would like your life

Through this, the God of gods

to be transformed, please write

will help you to receive the life

to us immediately. We will send

of divine image which has eter-

you the prayer points which have

nal life, right in this world itself

My dear sisters, are you

been prepared by us, according

and live for His glory at any age.

spending your days in vain,

to your need, in the language

He will give you His special

without knowing anything about

preferred by you. My dear sis-

grace to help you get involved in

this prayer ministry and by liv-

ters, young girls, children and

this as a family and receive divine

ing an empty life, devoid of

couples, who have been spend-

blessings in your family life.

changes their countenance into ‘God’s image’ and fills them with the divine grace to live in Christ!

Dear ones, Accordingly, the dear sisters, couples, young girls and children who want to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group or Junior Esther Prayer Group or Couples’ Esther Prayer Group in your area, please write to me immediately. For more details about the Esther Prayer Group: Sister Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, D.G.S .Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email: Bible Portion from Joshua 13th chapter till the end, Judges & Acts of the Apostles (Answer with Biblical reference) (Please read the portion line by line carefully. Do not search for any other help.) 1. What is not there in any other? Under which place is no other name given? Among Whom? What does it do for us? 2. What became the inheritance? Of Whom? Whose son was he? What did he wholly do? 3. Who were the people who jeopardized their lives? To which point? Who was the other tribe who did that too? Where? 4. What did they do before the Lord? Who said this? What did He call them to do? 5. What kind of a spirit did God send? Between who? How did those men deal with him? With whom? 6. What were these times? What did God do? But now, what is God's command? 7. What did not fail? Of which thing? To whom? Who spoke those words? Who came to pass? 8. What had peace and were edified? Where? How did they walk? What happened to them? 9. How many shall one man of you chase? Who fights for you? 10. Who was learned in What? Of whom? What was he mighty in? Answers must reach us before September 30, 2019 Address: Bible Quiz – 91, Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email: 46

JESUS CALLS September 2019 -

Many attended the Family Blessing Meeting held in the premises of Vanagaram Prayer Tower, Chennai. The Lord performed miraculous deeds and poured out His Holy Spirit. He blessed everyone who participated in this meeting. Here are a few testimonies:

Presence of the Holy Spirit I am in 10th std. and I came to this meeting with a great thirst. During the prayer time, when Aunty Stella Dhinakaran was praying, I too joined her in the prayer. That time I was thrilled to see a vision of doves flying all over the place. I was so happy. Praise the Lord. - Rethanya, Chennai -95

The Lord, who touched and healed I had severe pain in my right arm and I could not carry any object. I came to this meeting with the faith that the Lord should touch me and heal me. During the prayer time, I prayed with tears along with dear mother Stella Dhinakaran. That time I felt something touching me. Immediately the pain in my right arm left me. Now I am in perfect health.

- Jennifer Ravi, Chennai - 116

Made happy by a vision

You should speak to me

I came to this meeting with great expectation. During the prayer time, when I was praying along with dear mother Stella Dhinakaran, I saw a dove coming down. Instantly my heart was filled with joy. Now I am very happy. Praise the Lord! - Renuka, Chennai – 54

today”. The words spo-

Miraculous Healing I suffered a lot from severe pain in my hip, hands and legs. Despite the pain, I came to the meeting with great eagerness. During the prayer time, when dear mother Stella Dhinakaran was praying, I was miraculously healed of my pain in the hip, hands and legs. Now there is no pain in my body. I am perfectly well.

ken by dear mother were of great comfort to me. During the prayer time, I saw a vision of a white dove coming down and a light fell on me. I was revived. Praise the Lord! - Malathy, Chennai -77

God given divine peace and joy I do a small business. Because of heavy debt problem I had no peace or happiness and I was always miserable. I came to this meeting with much expectation. When dear mother Stella Dhinakaran was praying, she said, “Don’t worry about anything but be happy”. That time, a divine joy filled my heart. I

- Kutty Padmini, Chennai – 95

went back with a faith that the Lord

Vision given by the Holy Spirit

will remove my burden of debt.

Knowing that dear mother Stella Dhinakaran was conducting this meeting, I came here early. Even as I was seated here, I was praying, “Lord,

- Kanakaraj, Chennai -118.

The Lord Jesus did many more miracles. Glory be to Him! - September 2019 JESUS CALLS


I asume that you would agree with me that it is very important that every one of us in the family love the Lord dearly. These days, everywhere we see lack of peace, division and bitterness prevalent in families. The reason, as the Bible says, ‘the devil makes people dwell in darkness’ (Psalm 143:3). What should we do for this darkness to be removed and for us to receive the ‘life of giving out light’? Read the testimony of God concerning the life of His servant David, in the Bible (Acts 13:22). He was diligent in seeking the Lord, in living a life of fearing Him, in walking in the ways of righteousness and in doing things pleasing to Him. The fundamental factor for this is, "I will love You, O LORD, my strength." (Psalm 18:1) Yes, his reverential love upon the Lord was the root cause for this. 48

JESUS CALLS September 2019 -

My dear sisters, his life is an example for us. How many of us can say like David, “Lord, I will love You”? This love is not ordinary. Going to church, reading the Bible for name sake and doing some ministry is not loving Him. Getting ourselves united with the Lord, is divine love. The Lord Jesus Christ was one with God. That’s why He said, "I and My Father are one." (John 10:30) My dear sisters, you too should follow this kind of life. Think about your life for a while! Is your life filled with Christ? Or are you filled with darkness such as sins, curses and anger? The Lord is able to change everything right now even as you are thinking about this. “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things

on the earth.” (Colossians 3:1,2) Accordingly, do not seek after this world and its things, since the Bible says, ‘friendship with the world is enmity with God’ (James 4:4). My dear sisters! My precious young women! If you are reading this, ‘with whom do you have fellowship?’ Are you joined with God, through things related to Him? Or are you joined with the world? Or do you seek after the things of the world? Just think over this. The blessing of your life contains in this. At 25, I had a strange desire. I had long, thick hair and so I enjoyed wearing lot of thick strands of flowers. My two brothers used to tease me saying, “Our sister does not need a pillow; the flowers are enough to be a pillow”. That was how I was crazy about flowers. But the day I accepted the Lord and got united with Him saying, ‘Jesus is enough for me from now on’, my life turned upside down. Many people who saw me, mocked me saying, “Let’s see for how long her

sacrifice would last”. But the fellowship I had with God has removed that desire from me till now. Even today, many young women worry about their beauty and make themselves miserable unnecessarily. My precious children, don’t be like that. Depend only on the Lord. He will be your beauty. Hence, I would like to tell you that when you are fully filled with the Lord, His love would be beautifully manifested from you (Psalm 45:11).

Love led by Christ You may not know how to receive this ‘divine leading, filled with love’. You may wonder what you should do about this. Kneel down right where you are and look only up to the Lord, Seeing your thirst, He will fill you with His Holy Spirit. When you are thus filled with the Holy Spirit, divine image will fill you and God’s love will flow out of you. Today, so many servants of God do ministry with lot of hardships and fulfil the will of God. The reason for this is that they are filled with love of God. Dear ones! A family life filled with divine love is very much necessary. The love of the Lord will forgive your shortcomings and fill you with His full blessings. When this love fills you, you will not magnify the lacks in others’ lives. As you are filled with this divine love from heaven, through the Holy Spirit, the devil’s works and deeds against you will not stand before your eyes. Instead, God’s divine love will hide them and work in you. Then He will help you to be at peace with everyone. You will receive God’s ‘blessings of love’ – not magnifying

trivial things in the family, forgetting and forgiving, not blowing up shortcomings and not being haughty – How happy you feel even as you read this! In that case, how much more joyous it would be to receive this and enjoy it in your life! The Holy Spirit will strengthen you, fill you with His divine love and grant peace, joy and blessing in your family life in an abundant measure. Please wait on the Lord in order that every anger and annoyance in you

Do not love the world and the things in the world. Love the Lord. Then you shall be called the children of God. is removed and get filled with His love. Particularly, my dear sisters! This is highly essential in your life. Division, bitterness etc., are the things of darkness which God hates. They are of the devil. So, wait patiently in the presence of God and get filled with His love. Then, you will receive overflowing joy, like Job. “Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord; that the

Lord is very compassionate and merciful.” (James 5:11) Yes, according to this verse, be patient, like Job. The Lord will give you the strength. Seeing your sufferings, He will remove all your lacks and afflictions. Also, only after the suffering, the Lord’s glory would be manifested from you. He will lift you up in the same place and glorify you. My dear husband Bro. Dhinakaran and I started our family life by holding on to the Lord firmly and getting filled with divine love. We had to pass through scores of problems and we underwent lot of sufferings because of series of lacks, crisis, loneliness and rejections. Yet, despite that state, we were firm in holding on to the Lord. He too loved us dearly and never left us alone. The same Lord will not forsake you. All you have to do is, "Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." (Matthew 26:41; Mark 14:38; Luke 22:46) When you thus ‘watch and pray’, you shall come forth as gold once He has tested you, like Job said in Job 23:10. My dear sisters! Seek the love of God which is primary. Receive the divine experience of being filled with Him always. Then the Lord Himself will beautifully build your personal as well as family life. You shall receive the blessings that David had. May the Lord fill each one of you with His abundant divine love and grant you blessings after blessings! - September 2019 JESUS CALLS



n excited Kamala distributed sweets to everyone, shar ing the happy news of her daughter’s marriage being fixed. Sarah was happy to hear that the boy’s family, who saw Kamala’s daughter the previous day, had finalized everything; yet she felt a pang in her heart. It was not even six months since Kamala’s daughter had got a job, soon after completing her studies; now her marriage had been fixed. She thought of Preethi, her 26 year old daughter who was not getting any good life partner. Feeling burdened about Preethi she wondered why she could not get a good life partner despite her godliness, beauty, humility and handsome salary. They had given Preethi’s bio-data and photo to all her friends and relatives who went all out to hunt for an alliance for her. Yet, her mother-in-law always interfered, saying that she would inquire about the boys’ families and eventually rejected everyone citing one reason or the other. Nobody could ever disagree with her mother-in-law’s decision and hence nothing could be finalized. Even her husband David had no say when it came to her mother-in-law. On a particular day, Sarah was deeply worried about her daughter’s future since they were not getting any marriage alliance. Taking half a day leave, she left the office for church. Kneeling before the altar, she cried her heart out to God. The pastor was watching her bitter cries. Finishing the prayer, Sarah came out and greeted the pastor who assured her, "Sister, don’t cry any more. You’ve poured out your tears. I’ll also pray for you. Go back with courage.” Greatly encouraged by this, she was amazed that the Lord Himself had spoken to her through that angel-like Pastor. That evening, Dulcy, her husband’s sister, who was on a visit showed her the details of a boy saying, "This boy would be suitable for Preethi. Good family, good joy and they are known to me. He is working in Germany. Ask Preethi for her opinion also.” Even before Dulcy could finish talking, her mother-in-law interrupted her and said, "First try to settle your daughter’s marriage. Later we can see for Preethi.” Dulcy was taken aback by 50

her mother’s words and understood that she had been hindering Preethi’s marriage all along. "What are you talking about mom? My daughter is just 23 years old. Preethi is 26 years. Also they expect a girl like Preethi. The boy is 28 years old and my daughter does not want a boy above 26 years.” Dulcy spoke harshly to her mother and went ahead with her plans. After getting her brother’s and Preethi’s consent, she informed the boy’s side about their willingness and even fixed the date for them to see the boy. Everything was like a dream. The boy came from a rich family that was also godly. So they did not want any dowry or gifts. It was purely the grace of God and His miracle. Sarah was speechless and wondered how she would thank Him. She was filled with peace. She went to the church and prayed before the altar with tears that God should bless Dulcy’s daughter too with a good life partner. The Lord answered her prayer and did accordingly. Sarah rejoiced! ‘Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy.’ - Psalm 126:5 Even today, many mothers are in agony as their children’s marriage is getting delayed for long. When you too hold onto the Lord’s feet with tears, He will wipe away your tears and make you rejoice -John 16:20.

JESUS CALLS September 2019 - Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran

JESUS CALLS SINGAPORE 70A Race Course Road Singapore 218572 Prayer Hotline :+ 65 63830160 Email Address : JESUS CALLS CANADA 55 Town Centre Court, Suite # 700, Toronto, ON M1P 4X4 Prayer Hotline (24/7): 416 385 7677 Toll Free number 1855 522 7729 Admin: 416 385 7576 Email: JESUS CALLS AFRICA 34 Herrencroft Drive, Longcroft,Unit 8.Phoenix 4068 Email address: Telephones: 031 5002482 / 0842884828 International Special

JESUS CALLS FIJI 178 Ratu Mara Road, Samabula Suva, Fiji Prayer Line: 679 9078961 Email Address: JESUS CALLS MALAYSIA No 11 Lorong Timur, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia Prayer Hotline: + 60 3 79607370 Email : JESUS CALLS EUROPE 11B Norwood Road, Southall, UB2 4EA Prayer Hotline: +44 784 134 3560 Admin Line: +44 208 571 4900 Website:

ISRAEL PRAYER TOWER Jerusalem Centre for Peace and Truth: 20th Floor, City Tower, 34, Ben Yehuda Street, Jerusalem, Israel Phone no (+972) (0) 25 337 577 Mobile no +972-50-9377323 Email : JESUS CALLS NEW ZEALAND Address: 1/80 Carr Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland 1041 Admin Line:+64 9 620 7160 24x7 Prayer Hotline: 0800 53 78 72 Email: JESUS CALLS AUSTRALIA Suite 10, 18 Third Avenue, Blacktown NSW 2148, Sydney, Australia Toll Free Prayer Line: 1300 728 378 available 24x7 Admin Line: (02) 9602 3200 Email: JESUS CALLS INTERNATIONAL 8855 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas. TX 75247, USA Phone No: 972- 499-4995/ 1- 855-Jesus Calls/1-855-537-8722

SRI LANKA Prayer Hotline (24x7) – +94 11 4488111 Email – 1) Jesus Calls International 15/1B, Joseph Lane, Bambalapitiya, Colombo 04. Sri Lanka Admin line – +94 11 4488112 2) Jesus Calls Prayer Tower 65/373, 5th Lane, Crow Island, Mattakkuliya, Colombo 15. Sri Lanka. Tel: +94 11 2521365 3) Jesus Calls Prayer Tower 32, Old Park Road, Jaffna. Sri Lanka. Telephone: +94 21 2212737 4) Jesus Calls Prayer Tower 132, Vihara Mawatha, Mulgampola, Kandy. Telephone: +94 81 2225193

In line with our vision of “Praying for the world” our primary activity revolves around prayer. Please call us for prayer help and do visit our Prayer Towers to attend the blessing meetings and to receive a divine encounter with the Lord. God will perform mighty miracles in your life. International Special

BLESSED BY SERVING AT JESUS CALLS PRAYER TOWER, NEW ZEALAND Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!!! I take this opportunity to share my testimony for the glory of God. I have been associated with Jesus Calls Ministry since childhood and now my family is too (both my daughters are Young Partners). We are from India and came to Auckland in January 2018 to serve God, looking forward to some opportunities. After a wait of four months we got no response from anywhere, although we sent applications to over a thousand organisations.In May 2018, when the Co-ordinators of the Jesus calls New Zealand Prayer Tower were going to Israel to participate in the World Prayer Convention, we were asked to help at the Prayer Tower as Prayer Intercessors. This was a big opportunity as we always wanted to be associated with Jesus Calls Ministry in some way. Moreover, although my wife and I were prayer intercessors, we ourselves had a need. At the Prayer Tower we were praying for others as well as our own needs. I happened to see an advertisement for the post of Pastor in Whanganui and applied for the job prayerfully. As I received no response for next fifteen days, I thought I had been rejected as in other cases. However after two months, I received a call for interview and was eventually selected for the post. Today, I am serving as a Pastor in a 153 year old Kiwi church, Riverside Christian Church, Whanganui with no theological background but God has confirmed His appointment with growth and settlement in the Church. Indeed Jesus Calls Ministry became a blessing to me! Thank you.

-Dr.Avish Petras

GOD HAS DONE AMAZING THINGS IN MY FAMILY Praise the Lord! Jesus is real in my life and I am real to Him. He has done amazing things in my family that were impossible. The Lord opened doors for us to come to New Zealand but while we were working towards our residencies the immigration conditions kept changing and the requirements became tougher and tougher. We continued to seek the face of Jesus, gave our request to Jesus Calls Ministry for prayers and also to Dr Paul Dhinakaran when he was in New Zealand in 2016. Miraculously, and in spite of all odds, our residency application has been approved. I was concerned about my elder daughter in Fiji. Through prayers God brought a wonderful man in her life and they got married in April this year. My daughter has migrated to USA, awaiting her husband to join her. For with God, nothing shall be impossible. I am part of the Esther Prayer Group at New Zealand prayer tower, and every month we ladies meet to intercede on behalf of our sisters all around the world. I know and believe that there is power in prayers, in Jesus’ name. Thank you Jesus for all your blessings. International Special

- Kiran

PRAYER TOWER AND MEETING DETAILS Location: 1/80 Carr Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland, New Zealand Opening Hours for Drop-In: 9am – 5pm from Monday to Friday, with late night (10pm) on Tuesdays Toll Free Prayer Hotline: 0800 53 78 72 (0800 JESUSC) available 24x7 to receive prayer calls Regular Meetings: Healing Blessing Meeting Every Tuesday from 7pm. Anointed speakers every week and prayers offered individually for all those with needs. Esther PrayerGroup Meeting First Saturday of every month from 3pm.

PARTNER WITH US  Become a PRAYER INTERCESSOR We need more prayer intercessors to join us to pray with compassion for the needy, bringing hope and healing to the broken-hearted through your earnest prayers  Become a VOLUNTEER We have numerous tasks in and around the Prayer Tower where you could help  Become a ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Member This is a special prayer meeting where ladies gather to pray for various needs faced by women all around the world. The prayer points are sent by Sis Stella Dhinakaran. After praying over the given points we pray for the needs of the ladies who are in attendance.  Become a Jesus Calls BLESSING PLAN Member Join the Family Blessing Plan, Children’s Blessing Plan, Business Blessing Plan, Prayer Tower Partner, Sheesha Partner, TV Club Partner etc. You may send in your cheerful donations through Money Order / Cheques written in favour of Jesus Calls New Zealand Trust, and post to: P O Box 27736, Mt Roskill 1440, Auckland, New Zealand For Direct Bank Deposit and Bank Transfers, please use the following details: Account Name: Jesus Calls New Zealand Trust

Bank: ANZ

Account Number: 06-0241-0259945-01

Swift Code: ANZBNZ22

For any further details or enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the Co-ordinators on: Office: (09) 629 7160


Mobile: 027 477 2937 International Special

I come from a family that had not tasted the love of Christ. At the age of 20, married for 6 months in the year 2000, I accepted Jesus as my personal Saviour. At that time, the Jesus Calls TV program became our only source to know more about Jesus and for our spiritual growth. In 2002, I was blessed with a son and we named him Manova and enrolled him in the Young Partners Plan. I became an ardent reader of the Jesus Calls magazine. It was a great blessing to me. From 2005 onwards, I started attending the Jesus Calls monthly prayer at the residence of Sis. Glory Rajayogam, a Jesus Calls Ambassador. I was also a member of her Esther Prayer Group. Nearly 20 people will gather regularly for this prayer. She will assign each person to compile prayer points from the magazine and only this will be our prayer points for that particular month. In 2018 October when I received the Jesus Calls Magazine of that month in my hand, my eyes went straight to the main article of Dr. Paul, “You are the Lord’s Chariot of Fire” where he has expounded deep spiritual truths on the four experiences, Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho and Jordan. This message went straight into my heart and I started to pray, “Lord I too want this experience.” On that day I received a new and fresh anointing. When I compiled these points and shared with our prayer group members, all received a supernatural touch from God. From then on, my life has become totally different for the past one year. God has given me the zeal to minister for him with more power and to reach more souls. I thank Jesus Calls ministry and especially Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for the spiritual manna they share through the Jesus Calls magazine. Let millions be blessed. All glory to God. - Aruna Jeya Prakash, Sivakasi

Like Sis. Aruna Jeya Prakash

you too can be a blessing to millions.

As you know, we are sending the Jesus Calls magazine in 7 different languages to more than 3 lakh families every month. On an average each magazine goes through a minimum of 5 pairs of hands every month. We are working on to extend the reach in two more languages in the coming months. We have set a goal to reach at least 7 to 8 lakh families which will help us to reach a minimum of 40 lakhs of individuals with the word of the Lord every month. Each magazine costs Rs. 25/- and we want to give it free to anyone and every one who needs it. The blessings of getting these souls to Christ will therefore come upon everyone who supports this noble mission.

Come! Enroll in the Magazine Club, consider supporting this significant ministry every month and help us carry the word of hope to more families and individuals in need. I PLEDGE TO SUPPORT Rs. 300/- month

Rs. 3000/- per month


Rs......................../- per month

Simple ways to send your offering to Jesus Calls Magazine Club, kindly refer page 14


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