Trumpet S p r i n g
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Celebrating 80 Years: The Disciple-making Years
Holding Forth the Word of Life
About PRBI PRBI is a Canadian Degree Granting Bible College in Sexsmith, Alberta, founded in 1933. PRBI is known for quality academics and its highly relational culture that purposefully fosters an atmosphere of spiritual growth. PRBI has a distinct commitment to train students in a thorough knowledge of the Word of God and to train students to become disciple-makers whether at home or abroad. PRBI’s educational model purposefully integrates the academic learning experience with an experiential learning component making us a Bible College for life. Vision Statement: To train believers to become disciple-makers who know God, model His character, and are able to build into others the life-changing principles of God’s Word. Mission Statement: To conduct a Bible College, the training of students in a thorough knowledge of the Word of God, Holy Scriptures, and the training of students to become ministers, whether at home or abroad.
In This Issue
President’s Message
Faculty Message
Leadership Team Message
Waldie Neufeld
Dustin Burlet
Kim Cairns
Disciple-making Re-energized
Holding Forth the Word of Life
Has the Investment Been Worth It?
The TRUMPET is the magazine of Peace River Bible Institute that is comprised of contributions from faculty, staff, alumni, and students who are passionate about making disciples in their churches and communities. Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are from the Holy Bible, New American Standard Bible (Copyright 1995 by The Lockman Foundation). All rights reserved. If you would have any comments please email us at Printed in Canada.
Cover Photo: Karen Schmidt, Candi Koreman, and Alex Worries ca. 1999
President’s Message Disciple-making Re-energized
“Go therefore and make disciples . . .” turn our attention on the dilemma of the (Mt 28:19). This timeless command of our late 80s, which fixated itself on dwindling Lord Jesus has become the center piece student numbers, a challenging financial of PRBI. Our Lord’s mission centred on situation, and the health of the president training people to become “fishers of at that time, Harold Peters. Though his men”. In light of this command PRBI, passion remained high for PRBI, his years ago, based their mission on “training physical condition would not sustain him. students in a thorough knowledge of the Thus, in 1989 the Board invited Reuben Word of God . . . to become ministers, Kvill, formerly of Berean Bible College in whether at home or abroad.” In essence, Calgary, as their eighth president. Reuben Kvill came to PRBI in 1984 their desire was to make disciples as the to teach, but soon picked up the Student Lord Jesus commanded. In celebrating 80 years of PRBI Life responsibilities and eventually even history, one is always hard pressed to settle the mantel of Academic Dean. When he became the president, down around certain “When he became the Board asked him to events or time periods the president, the re-envision PRBI. With in the School’s history. In the last Trumpet, the Board asked him to declining numbers and deep debt, Reuben focus centered on a turning point in PRBI’s re-envision PRBI. With faced no small task. But declining numbers as Reuben pondered history from the 1960s. The discussion from and deep debt, Reuben God’s Word, prayed, and engaged with the Board, that era revolved around whether the School faced no small task.” God met them just as should remain open. They chose to build He had met the Board and alumni in the a gym. What faith! This time, I want to 1960s. The Lord answered Reuben’s 1
prayer and in the from the kitchen winter of 1990, to the classroom he submitted to needed to reframe the Board that their existence. PRBI focus on the In those early disciple-making years, we were mandate of Jesus ver y thankful Christ found in for the heritage Matthew 28. we built on, the Was the strong academics road after this and a heritage vision from God of working with Harold Peters somehow less students. difficult? No! But the road ahead This re-envisioning shaped the gained clarity. A direction was set. The years to come. Classroom instruction die was cast. From this point forward, the changed, whether the instructing or College under Reuben and the Board’s the homework, to include immediate guidance evaluated everything according discipling application or at least some to Jesus’ simple command, “Go therefore reflection in that direction. Dorm groups and make disciples. . . .” Today, we live became more focused on discipling, and breathe a disciple-making mandate, sports teams incorporated the dynamics for it has coloured every aspect of the of discipleship, and even the kitchen School, but that was not the case in the staff built into the students’ lives, early years. while preparing food. Were we always As was evident to many, teaching successful? No! We definitely made our a class on disciple-making was a given but mistakes and messed things up. But have how does one integrate we seen success? Yes! a disciple -making God has used mandate throughout His mandate to inspire an entire College? Or, young people to get how does one bring involved at home or around the globe. the entire School We frequently hear onside with a discipling from students who mandate? Ah the write saying they are challenges! But here discipling in their job the vision spawned the places, or students who question, “How does tell us they are going to our vision impact my share Christ in remote department?” Every areas of the world. person and facet of the In fact, early in my School was pushed to Academic Dean years, I apply the vision of was asked why we had disciple-making to Reuben Kvill no mission grads and in their area. It was not good enough that PRBI had a course on that moment the only thing that came to discipling; rather every facet on campus mind was that I did not know why it was 2
not occurring, but look for impact I was convinced wherever they the mandate of live and whatever making-disciples they do. Our would change concern is being, this situation. for a person who Low and behold walks in Christ-like one year later, we integrity becomes had seven mission “a fragrance of grads and that Christ,” touching phenomenon has all who come in Sharon Neufeld discipling ca. 1995 continued, often contact, “an aroma out pacing the pastoral students. from life to life” (2 Co 2: 15-16). We have received affirmation This disciple-making continues to from denominational superintendents, attract attention. Are you willing to invest mission reps, and other Bible colleges as in the lives of our current students? well, for PRBI’s disciple-making mandate. Superintendents consistently seek our Please note the Development Message on pastoral students and also highly affirm page 14 for ways in which you can invest in many others who serve on church the lives of our students today. boards, many of whom are under thirty. I expressed some concern over age, and the one superintendent said to me, “I’ll take PRBI’s 29-year-old alumni over some 40-year-olds any day, who have not had your training.” Second, though we are far Waldie Neufeld, Ph.D. from most mission headquarters, mission President organizations have well-worn paths to Sexsmith, Alberta. Some have even Waldie is currently serving as President required potential applicants to come (in his 8th year) and did serve as Academic here for a year or two before they head Dean for 18 years here at PRBI. He especially enjoys teaching the Gospel of out. Third, it became very intriguing as Mark on disciple-making. He and his wife, we headed down this disciple-making Sharon, have been married 40 years and path how other Bible colleges began have four children and 12 grandchildren. changing vision statements and classes to emphasize some of the same things. Some schools even attributing what they learned in their success to us. But then, why are we surprised when God’s mandate creates movement? The command to make disciples after all came from Jesus Himself. “Go therefore and make disciples...” remains the centre piece of all PRBI does. Our goal centres on transformed lives that impact their world for Christ. We 3
Faculty Message
Holding Forth the Word of Life This year celebrates the 80th anniversary them in the name of the Father and the of Peace River Bible Institute. The motto Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to of PRBI is “Holding Forth the Word of observe all that I have commanded you.” Life” (Ph 2:16, KJV) and it has been a (Mt 28:19-20). This is in alignment with defining characteristic of this institution PRBI’s vision statement “To train believers throughout its history. As someone who to become disciple-makers who know has been personally impacted by the God, model His character, and are able ministry of PRBI not only as a student but to build into others the life-changing also as a Team member, I am persuaded principles of God’s Word.” that anyone who has chosen to participate To hold forth the Word of life is in Christian higher education and the not only to preach the Gospel but to put ministry of PRBI in some into practice. As Guy Doud “Good advice is itonce form or another has already said, “I would rather see a seen the value of holding often confusing sermon than hear one any day. forth the Word of life in the but example is I would rather have you walk midst of an ever changing me than merely point the always clear.” with world. way. The eye was an ever more But what exactly does it mean to ready pupil than ever was the ear. Good hold forth the Word of life? What does it advice is often confusing but example actually look like – specifically? After all, is always clear.”1 To hold forth the Word as I so fondly remind my students, specific of life is to preserve and pass on Christ’s is terrific! teachings as embodied through the Word In its essence, holding forth the of God – the Scriptures. To hold forth the Word of life is the fulfilment of Christ’s Word of life is to model what it means to Great Commission to “Go therefore and be Christ’s disciple in a defeated, deflated make disciples of all the nations, baptizing and depressed world. 4
In short, it is to live, above all, by example, Houdmann begins by saying a God-centred life of faith, hope, wisdom that “One of the key advantages of a and love in thought, word, and deed. To Bible college education lies in the fact fix our eyes on things above and not on that the graduates are more mature and things below. experienced. The time spent pursuing Undeniably, holding forth the their education not only enables them to Word of life is what the Christian faith grow in knowledge and wisdom, but in really is all about! maturity. This will have a critical impact Of a truth, however, you cannot on their future ministry. Additionally teach what you do not know. If we are the individual pursuing the ministry as indeed commanded to a career may discover “Undeniably, hold forth the Word of life that becoming a pastor by walking in obedience to holding forth the or pulpit minister isn’t for Christ’s Great Commission after all” but that some Word of life is what him which, of necessity other form of ministry or involves teaching, how the Christian faith service best befits their can we do so unless we really is all about!” unique and individual have been adequately God-given talents, gifts, trained, equipped, and prepared to do and abilities.”2 I agree with Houdmann’s so effectively? Thus, the question posed conclusions. In fact, one of my students below is intended for all of us who are just recently made the decision to be either attending, affiliated, or involved “God’s Gamer” in a secular environment with PRBI, no matter what our official as he works at a local toy and hobby store. capacity – alumni, donors, constituents, By serving in this capacity he has found his Board members, staff, and students alike: niche as a witness of Christ. Why Bible College? Houdmann continues by saying There is no easy answer to this “Second, and more obviously a Bible question. Quite recently, however, I college education forces students to delve have become rather impressed and more deeply into God’s Word and the increasingly more persuaded by the study of theology. Their experience in the classroom exposes them words of S. Michael Houdmann who has “To hold forth the Word to more and diverse of life is the preserve insights and ideas that provided what I consider to be both a realistic and pass on Christ’s they otherwise may2 not have ever known.” The and accurate response to the not-insignificant teachings as embodied Word of God broadens question of ‘Why Bible through the Word of our horizons and College?’. I trust that God - the Scriptures.” sharpens our intellect as we discern new ways of my somewhat lengthy quotations of him that follows might holding forth the Word and building into indeed benefit the reader to consider others the life-changing principles of His the value of Bible college in the effective Word – the Great Commission. Correspondingly, Houdmann preparation of students to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ by being adequately asserts, Bible college enables students to and thoroughly trained to hold forth the “…further develop for themselves their own positions regarding certain Word of life in all its facets. 5
key doctrines of faith. This will prepare them to better confront controversial issues such as … suffering, evolution, and the like. By becoming more steeped in the Word and more assured of their beliefs, the students’ faith and commitment are strengthened.”2 Indeed, Bible colleges offer advantages to those who may not even be considering a career in the ministry, but “want to become more knowledgeable of the Scriptures as well as their particular faith. Some Bible college students enrol simply to learn more about how to better incorporate their faith into their workplace . . .”2 ”Last, but not least, Bible colleges provide a great environment to learn. Though Bible colleges teach subjects such as theology and church history, as well as the Bible itself, they provide the students with the skills to dig into certain dimensions of spiritual growth and development that may be unknown to them. Such an educational experience and environment provides the student with the opportunities to realize a whole new and greater perception of the things of God. This, in turn, enables the student to develop new sense of growth and maturity not only personally and socially but, more importantly, spiritually.”2 As Mark Twain has been reputed of saying, “I have never let my schooling get in the way of my education.”3 PRBI is a College for Life and life is full of learning. We have been created by God to learn and have been called by Christ to teach As Christ’s disciples, the Church is to lead all peoples to worship God, walking in obedience to Christ’s directives and reciprocating Christ’s love – in short, to 6
hold forth the Word of life by fulfilling Christ’s Great Commission. What a calling! What a privilege! PRBI provides students with an opportunity fo r becoming servants and disciples of Christ. I trust that upon further reflection of the above article that you too will continue to see the value in holding forth the Word of life in the midst of an ever changing world.
Dustin Burlet Faculty Dustin is a graduate of PRBI (‘07) and after earning his Master of Divinity from Providence Theological Seminary became a member of the PRBI Team in 2011. He is married to Rebecca and they have two children, Malachi and Ezra.
[1] Geisler, Norman and Peter Bocchino. Unshakeable Foundations. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 2001. Guy Doud was the 1986 National Teacher of the Year. [2] Accessed March 10, 2014 [3] See the article on this much disputed quote at the following website - http://quoteinvestigator. com/2010/09/25/schooling-vs-education/. Accessed March 10, 2014.
Leadership Team Message
Have Mission Teams Been Worth the Investment? On the wall of the dining hall is a mural of of members for teams. We encourage and the Sexsmith, Alberta, train station from assist with on campus training of teams an earlier period. Why this mural? What and offer support with housing and other is its significance? The train station is a local transportation needs when able. reminder of PRBI’s significant involvement Since 1998 we have been keeping in missions. The station platform was records of the teams PRBI has sent out. known as the gathering than 400 students “Short-term mission More place to send off PRBI have gone on a shortgraduates who were teams have played term trip. Some mission leaving for mission fields a significant role in trips have been shorter around the world. The train and some longer but the helping students majority of teams have station is no longer active and has become a point of acquire a global committed to one month interest marking the past, service. Our teams have mindset in their of however PRBI continues partnered with 22 mission to prepare students for pursuit of making agencies and have served service in cross-cultural disciples for Christ.” in 35 countries in Europe, settings. Africa, Central and South Short-term mission teams have America, South and East Asia and North played a significant role in helping America. Teams have worked in a variety students acquire a global mindset in their of ministries such as evangelism, teaching pursuit of making disciples for Christ. In English, VBS, literature distribution, the late 90s the School began to partner discipleship, and support ministries. with mission agencies to develop teams Sending out more than four of students who went out on short-term hundred students and leaders has trips. The School has come alongside the required a lot of investment in terms agencies in the promotion and selection of finances and fund-raising, human 7
both here and on the field, prayer, and contributing factor in raising up servants other support initiatives. The question for Christ’s kingdom. legitimately can In the summer be asked, “Has of 2014 another the investment team of students been worth it?” along with a I believe it has staff member been a fruitful and his wife will investment based make their way on the following: to Malawi, Africa First, it has to explore their contributed to calling, grow in the education of their faith, and students in ways serve in the name that we cannot of Jesus. As with Malawi Mission Team - PRBI 2012 teach in the previous teams classroom. Exposure to what God is doing they cannot go without support so we in the world has enlarged their vision of say thanks for all of your praying, giving who He is, what it is that He is doing in our and encouragement. Your investment world today, and how they might become continues to bear fruit for the glory of involved in His work. Second, working God here and around the world! together with a team of people in sometimes stressful conditions is a great opportunity for growth in the relational aspects of discipleship. Learning how to support, encourage, and if necessary confront another team member are all valuable skills that develop our students Kim Cairns for wherever God may take them in the Global Ministries Chair future. Third, a contribution has been Kim has served as a member of the PRBI made to the advancement of God’s Team since 2009 and as Academic Dean kingdom through these opportunities. since 2011. He is married to Kimberly (nee: Lives have been impacted in the shortTattari, g ‘95) and they have four adult term. Our teams have made a real children and one grandchild. difference in their fields of service. Finally, the hands-on approach of mission teams has helped a number of students clarify their calling. More than 10 percent of the 400 students have gone into fulltime vocational service. A large and no less significant group are those who have entered other vocations but carry on their careers and serve in the local church with a global perspective. Am I saying that a short - term mission team was the only factor in developing a servant heart or engaging in active discipleship? No, but I can confidently say it was a significant 8
Admissions In the book of Mark, Jesus is calling out to two brothers, “‘Follow me!’” Each of Jesus’ disciples had to leave something behind in order to embrace something new. They left behind comfort to embrace discomfort and familiarity for the unfamiliar. Jesus called, they followed. Their calling happens so quickly that we have no time to process the emotions they may have had in leaving. These stories become so familiar that we forget these were real people with lives, families, hopes, and aspirations. With one statement Jesus turned their worlds upside down. Their response baffles me. “Immediately they left their nets and followed Him” (Mk 1:18). Immediately?!? Growing up in an evangelical church, I have always known about Jesus, but never before have I found myself so amazed by, and drawn to Him. Would I have immediately left my familiar to follow? Do I now? Following requires leaving something behind and that is where the battle lies. I can imagine that the disciples had moments where they questioned the decision to follow. It was bizarre. A risky move in the game of life. In the same way today, following Jesus is a risky move. There are many other paths in life that seem more sure. They promise outcomes of comfort and fulfillment, which they might bring, at least for a while. When Jesus called His disciples, He gave them a sense of purpose. He put value on what was eternal. “‘Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men”’ (Mt 4:19). Each of us, if we are truthful, want our lives to matter. As I interact with youth I see an overwhelming sense in them to have their lives matter, to make a difference.
As I reflect on my years as a student at PRBI, I can see where God has used my experiences and relationships during that time to shape the life I now live. It has been a slow process, but today I am quicker to trust the outcome as I lean into the things that He is doing and follow His call on my life. Would you pray with us that as we interact with prospective students we would point them back to Jesus’ invitation to follow Him? May their hearts be quieted by the love and assurance of Jesus that they may too be quick to follow. This is where eternal impact begins.
Sandra Ford Admissions Manager After graduating from PRBI in 2007, Sandra worked at the College for two years and then returned in January of 2012. Sandra loves being an auntie to her four nieces and three nephews!
Coming to a Town Near You!
While in your area our Admissions Team would appreciate an opportunity to share about PRBI with your group or individual(s). If you are interested contact: or 1-800-959-PRBI (7724)
March 21 - April 1
Northern BC , Central BC and the Okanagan
May 23-25 YC Alberta
New Gym Project The PRBI Board of Directors decided to hire Scheunhage Popek & Associates (SPA Engineering), a local firm, to refine and submit engineered plans for the new gym. We asked them to come up with a concept that met our size constraints as well as an exterior design that would not look like a huge box. The pillars in front of the new gym enhance the look of the boxy exterior and are inspired by the seven churches of Revelation. We
are pleased with the initial drawings and have given SPA Engineering the go ahead to proceed with finalizing them. Here’s a sneak peak. Take a look! Let us know what you think.
Waldie Neufeld, Ph.D. President
Mrs. McIntyre with her daughter, May, in the 1930s
Campus Encouragers Message Behind the Scenes
Over the past 80 years hundreds of individuals have been used of God to bring encouragement to staff and students at PRBI. It is very possible that you are one of them. Your interest in reading the Trumpet shows you care about the work that our Father is doing here. Whether you seldom have a chance to be on campus or live nearby, your prayers for individuals and various needs of the School and/or your help in practical ways are noted in heaven, and we are grateful. There is a little Biblical gem in the book of Song of Solomon describing King Solomon’s fancy carriage: “What is this coming up from the wilderness like columns of smoke . . . Behold, it is the traveling couch of Solomon; Sixty mighty men around it, of the mighty men of Israel. . . . King Solomon has made for himself a sedan chair, from the timber of Lebanon. He made its posts of silver . . . with its interior lovingly fitted out by the daughters of Jerusalem.” (So 3:6-10) 12
The outside of the litter, on which the King was probably carried, was magnificent and, accompanied by 60 armed warriors, impressive and safe. The interior, though seen mainly by the king himself, was also exquisite, having been fashioned and decorated by the daughters of Jerusalem. Did they inlay it with ivory or gold or perhaps mother of pearl? How lovingly they worked, no doubt feeling the honour of serving their king. Those ladies of Jerusalem remind us of the many women—and men—who have crafted the interior of PRBI over the years so that the visible work of teaching God’s Word could go on. They are the builders, earth movers, roof shinglers, kitchen helpers, potato diggers, berry pickers, plumbers, electricians, dorm cleaners, scrapers and painters, snow removers, parking lot pavers, envelope stuffers, vegetable gardeners, fruit canners, curtain sewers, beef raisers, interior decorators, financial supporters, and sock menders.
Sock menders? Yes, here is Prayer has been probably the an example of a vital, unseen task that most potent help in the interior working helped line the interior in the early days. of PRBI. For several years a Prayer Moms Cash was scarce, so what could a fellow do program paired students with local when his socks got holes? In the second women who prayed for them and lavished year, when PRBI was in Grande Prairie, home touches on them. Unseen are the Alberta, there were four staff members: hundreds of people who have prayed for Walter McNaughton, Archie and Anna the School in response to the radio ministry Ruark, and Mrs. McIntyre. Walter and the and to various letters and periodicals the Ruarks did the teaching and Mrs. Ruark School has sent out. Currently about was also the cook. What did Mrs. McIntyre 430 people receive the monthly Prayer do? Dad McNaughton gave the answer: Alert calendars, and how we value their “She knit for the boys and darned socks involvement in the spiritual battle through for them . . . She was a good help.” intercession! Another important behind- In 2008 we felt a burden to begin the-scenes ministry has been that of a group to help and pray for PRBI. Our encouragement. Many of the local current project is raising money for a new Christian families have given fellowship, commercial mixer for the kitchen. To mentorship, and moral support to staff date we have $1,471.18 of the $3,418.69 and students over the years. In 1977, needed. Even though the group that Elizabeth (Friebel) Wilson, who graduated meets once a month on campus to pray in 1946, served as a for PRBI is officially missionary in India, called Campus and now resides in Encouragers, we Three Hills, wrote, know that we are a “One memor y tiny percentage of is very vivid yet all of you who have and that is of Mrs. been and continue Warren opening to be God’s hands heart and home and hearts—so to some of us girls often unseen— who were away in keeping this Campus Encouragers from home. I’m ministry going. trying to follow her example and do the We sincerely thank God for each of you, same for some of the students here [at and believe we are in this Kingdom work Prairie Bible Institute].” together. Another caring heart was staff wife Beryl Wiebe, who started a woman’s - Evangeline Thiessen and Ruth Enns auxiliary sometime around 1986. Made The McNaughton Sisters up mainly of Board members’ wives, they added inspirations such as welcome back posters in the fall, as well as serving coffee and goodies. When the men met for Board meetings, the ladies gathered to pray for the staff and students and various needs of the School. 13
Development Message A Peaceful Reassurance
Searching the PRBI Archives this past year has left me feeling both dusty and reassured. The dusty part is expected since some of the content of these boxes date back to 1933. The reassured part is perhaps unexpected. You see what is contained in these dust covered boxes to me is not just old paper, but a clear message of God’s plan and purpose for a Bible College in the North. These boxes leave me with a peaceful reassurance that our labour is not in vain because the work was started by God, and 80 years later, is still God’s! In other words, even though times have changed, the need for a Bible College in the Peace Country has remained the same for 80 years. Times have changed! For example at PRBI in 1933: - Flirting & courting were not permitted, - Students were to bring eight pounds of butter and six quarts of fruit, - Room & Board cost $5.00 per month, - Lights had to be out at 9:45, and - Students slept on hay mattresses. 14
Let me assure you, times have changed! But as was mentioned earlier, even though times have changed the need for PRBI has remained the same for 80 years. On November 3, 1933, one of the first letters that founder Walter McNaughton ever wrote on behalf of PRBI said this, “The Peace River is a needy district, its people are a needy people in many ways, but their greatest need is Christ . . . . To this end we believe God would have established in this country, an Undenominational, Fundamental and Evangelical Bible School where Christian young folks may study their Bible during the winter with a view to learning to know God and His book better both by heart and mind . . . . The Spirit-given conviction in many hearts is that there is a great need for a Bible School in the Peace River . . . and we believe that we have the Spirit’s assurance that this is God’s time to establish it.” When I read this 80-year-old letter I could not help but think that the same could be written about PRBI today.
The focus in the early years was the Peace Country, and still is, but the reach of PRBI’s ministry has touched every corner of the globe! Currently, we have students attending PRBI from Belize, Japan, and Pakistan, as well as students applying from Cameroon, Nicaragua, and Nigeria. To use Walter’s words, Christian young folks today from around the world still need a place where they can come and learn to know God and His book better both by heart and mind. It really is reassuring that when God establishes something, in this case a Bible College, 80 years can go by and the founding letter can be just as relevant today as the day it was written. To elaborate further on this point, the purpose of PRBI has remained the same since conception, it has always been about training students. In fact in this same letter, Walter stated the purpose of PRBI, which is as follows: - “To teach the student by word and example to be wholly on God’s altar for Christ and lost souls, - To know their God and their Bibles, - To count not their lives dear unto themselves, - Not to reckon any cost too much in their great purpose of becoming fishers of men and love-slaves for Christ and His Gospel.” And this is still alive today! Young people are still being trained at PRBI to be the next generation of harvest workers who hold forth the Word of life in the Peace Country and around the world. One other thing that has not changed for 80 years is that PRBI still relies on the faithful support of Christian men and women. When searching through the Archives, it does not take long to find the fingerprints of God’s faithfulness to PRBI in the form of donations letters from
friends of the College. One donation letter was sent to PRBI on November 25, 1933 from a young lady in Three Hills, Alberta, said, “You will find enclosed one dollar and eighty cents ($1.80) which is sent for the Bible School. I was planning on buying a certain book I wanted for Christmas but when I read of the great need up North I decided to send it to you. A verse came to my mind which says, ‘it is more blessed to give than to receive’ and I know this is true.” Still today PRBI relies on the Lord to provide financially through the generosity of people like this young lady. The one thing that has changed is that $1.80 does not go as far these days! Nevertheless, it is still my great privilege to be able to invite you to participate with us in the Lord’s work of making disciples by walking with us financially and prayerfully. This year we have asked the Lord to provide $663,500 to cover our ongoing ministry expenses. It is evident that God is still the one sustaining our existence because He has provided 2/3 of this already! Would you consider partnering with us financially, and in so doing, make a worthwhile investment into the lives of our students? Thank you for partnering with us as a College as we continue to train disciple-makers.
Jeremy Johnston Interim Director of Development Jeremy (g ‘09) has been on staff at PRBI since 2009 and is now serving as the Interim Director of Development. He and his wife Leah have been married for two years and have a ten month old son, Jasper.
PRBI presents a day of
Marriage Enrichment with Waldie and Sharon Neufeld May 24, 2014
May 24, 2014 - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Peace River Bible Institute, Sexsmith, Alberta
Speakers: Waldie (PRBI President) & Sharon (Faculty) Cost:
$50/couple (includes meals & childcare)
Registration - 9 a.m. Created to be Relational Coffee Break The Effects of the Curse on Relationships Lunch Identifying what Controls our Relationships Coffee Break Reflecting God in our Relationships Supper (catered by Jeffrey`s Cafe) Wrap-up & Door Prizes - 6 p.m.
Online at by Friday, May 16, 2014
“God has gifted Waldie and Sharon to speak biblical truth into relationships. They live out and teach a relational theology which represents the heart of God and invite others to healthier relationships based on truth and identity in Christ. Audiences are endeared by their transparency and can`t help but identify and examine themselves.� - Tom McIntosh, Director Lake of the Trees Bible Camp
Alumnus of the Year This year PRBI has the privilege of and Ev have long been known for helping honouring David Schmidt of La Glace, young people through their years with Alberta. The Board has selected Dave for their Bible school needs, and others who his many years of service on the PRBI Board, were heading out for mission or ministry beginning way back in 1971. Though Dave service. This particularly came out in is not an alumnus, the Board seeks to his support of his brothers during their honour men and women who have made educational years and ministries, and in significant contributions of time and effort having many groups of PRBI students towards the College. over for meals and as overnight guests. Dave grew up 6 miles west of Dave’s PRBI Board career began La Glace, Alberta, on a farm with two through President Wilf Johnson’s request. brothers and three sisters. He was the Though Wilf asked him to join the Board only brother who stayed on the farm. in 1970, Dave only began serving in 1971. Both his brothers, John and He has faithfully served on Henry, eventually settled our Board of Directors for into a vocation focusing many years, which directly on theological education. oversees the College. With the sudden passing Recently, he stepped off of his father in 1967, he the Board of Directors, but and his wife, Evelyn, were remains on the Corporate immediately thrust into Board, which selects the farming. Working on the eight people who give Dave and Ev Schmidt farm, he especially enjoyed direction to the College. his honey bees, giving many young people He is being honoured for his longevity, in the area “sticky jobs” for summer. corresponding wisdom, and hands-on Though he ran an apiary, he also became involvement. He has stood with, and a successful grain farmer. walked with, the College through the Dave’s dad, Peter Schmidt, was lean years and the good years. Dave fairly involved with PRBI in the early years was known for his willingness to speak - cutting lumber to build PRBI’s campus. to an issue, but once a decision was made, This involvement quite naturally led the he supported the decision 100%. In the family to attend the various functions at building years of the 70s, his influence the School. Dave’s sister Mary mentioned brought many volunteers alongside to that, “Conferences were always a high build the new campus. For his faithfulness point, since they afforded an opportunity and service to PRBI, we want to honour to meet with friends and neighbours.” This him and thank him. background gave Dave the awareness and So thank you Dave and Ev for love for what the College was doing and your stellar investment into the lives of thus a desire to join the Board of PRBI. so many young people over the years. We Along with this family appreciation are honoured to name you the Alumnus of PRBI, Dave holds a keen interest of the Year. in visiting with people, establishing relationships, and helping them along. He - The PRBI Board
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Graduate Spotlight Since coming to PRBI three years ago, God has done so much in my life, especially with my identity in Christ. God has been showing me what it means to be in His family. He, in His wisdom, humbled Himself and died for us selfish, sinful dust-specks. Even though we betrayed and scorned Him, He still chose to set us free from our chains of sinful bondage. On top of all of this, He brought us into His family. I have acceptance, meaning, and worth only because He did all this. I have a place in His family – I am His child. My identity is unshakeable. I have been learning what this looks like in my daily life. Trying new things and stepping out of my comfort zone are becoming the norm and no longer terrify
me as much as they did before. People around me do not determine my worth or give me value. If I mess up, I am still okay, because Christ Jesus gave me worth when He brought me into His family. I am learning to live out of this newfound identity. There has been a huge change in the way I look at life. I am not as fearful of others and their opinions of me as I used to be. There has been a peaceful change happening in me. A quiet confidence in God is developing in my life. I am excited to see what the rest of my journey with Christ will look like from here.
“The poet only asks to get his head into the heavens. It is the logician who seeks to get the heavens into his head. And it is his head that splits.”1 When I first came to PRBI, I was a logician. Above all else, I wanted to understand God. I wanted Him to fit into orderly boxes in my mind. I wanted Him to make sense. Yet as I studied, the questions multiplied. How can God allow suffering? Why does He not cure me instantly of all of my sins? Why does my relationship with Him seem so abstract and intangible? God has used my years at PRBI, to nudge me forward in this journey, slowly teaching me to have peace amidst the questioning. He brought along someone who challenged me to see that my head was far bigger than my heart. He taught me through friendships to love and be loved. He led me through classes that forced
me to wrestle through my questions. Throughout all of it, He reminded me of the words of Solomon, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Pr 3:5-6) PRBI has not taught me the answers to all of my questions, but it has helped me start to find peace amidst the mysteries. I still seek for answers, but not with the same frantic urgency. Instead, I am learning to marvel at God’s transcendent greatness and live with a sense of wonder at this intricately glorious world He has created.
- Emilee Aitken Bachelor of Biblical Studies
- Matthew Wicker Bachelor of Religious Education Global Ministries Major [1] Chesterton, G.K. Orthodoxy. London, Eng: Hodder & Stoughton, 1908.
Financial Update Peace River Bible Institute Statement of Operations and Budget July 2013 - January 2014 Revenue Student Fees & Other Programs
Income To Date
% of Budget To Date
Rental Income
Donations - Undesignated Donations - Campus Development Donations - Designated Total Donations
446,743 19,005 2,739 468,487
Interest Income
Total Revenue
Expenses To Date
Annual Budget
Sales & Non-Program Fees & Services
% of Budget To Date
Student Life
Food Services
Promotion & Development
Facilities & Maintenance
Total Expenses Net Income (Loss)
Mortgage Payments
Adjusted Balance
Excludes Special Projects and Amortization Expense
Annual Budget
80th Year Celebration October 16-18, 2014
For more information see page 25
Past - Circle of Friends began in 1992 with approximately 150 people in attendance. The desire was to host a quality event on the PRBI campus that expressed our deep gratitude to our supporters. Its success quickly made Circle of Friends to be one of the biggest events we host on campus.
Circle of Friends ca. 2002
Present - Our main purpose for hosting Circle of Friends is still to say thank you to our supporters. By hosting the event on our campus, guests are able to witness firsthand the powerful work that God is doing in the lives of our students as they hear their testimonies and engage with them as they serve through-out the evening.
Circle of Friends 2014
Our fantastic Circle of Friends sponsors are one group of people that continue to walk with us every year for this event. This year we had 45 sponsors who gave over $18,000 to make this event possible. In addition to these funds, we received $50,000 in donations that evening. We are so thankful to God for how He continues to provide for PRBI through His people. We trust our partners in ministry, which are you, our guests, are encouraged by what God is doing in the lives of the next generation of disciple-makers. 22
Past - PRBI has always had a heartbeat for the local community. Up until four years ago our students participated in a Community Service Day where they would be assigned to various work projects in the area. In 2010 a former student body president and his wife suggested we run a winter carnival for local residents. And so our annual Community Winter Carnival was born. Present - This year we hosted 550 guests of which many of them would not normally step onto our campus. We are thrilled to be able to host this free event that is sponsored by the Town of Sexsmith as well as local businesses. The entire event including concession, games, face-painting, helium balloons, decorations, set-up and clean-up is run by our student body. Judging by the big smiles on the children’s faces, and the heartfelt thanks from the parents, this event is a huge hit! Who knows how many of these children will become students in a few years.
Carnival 2014
Past - Tour Teams have been a part of PRBI’s history since the beginning. Though the teams take on different forms now, the purpose is still the same - to minister and promote PRBI. Present - This year, our two Tour Teams will be traveling through Alberta and Saskatchewan promoting what God is doing at PRBI as well as encouraging Christian youth in their faith. We are trusting and praying that this trip will result in many people, both young and old, becoming excited about what God is doing at PRBI. If you are interested in hosting one of our teams, please email or call the College (780-568-3962) and ask for Jeremy.
Declare: Music Team
Declare: Drama Team
Past - For over 40 years PRBI has held youth retreats of some type on campus. In 2008, the decision was made to cancel Youth Alert and, in 2009, PRBI Leadership Team decided to create what we now know as eView.
Youth Alert 1998
eView 2014
Present - The purpose of eView is to give youth an accurate picture of what life at PRBI is all about. Visiting students are given the opportunity to attend classes and chapel, stay in the dorms, and participate in a Care Group. This year, we hosted 85 visitors and 19 of them have already submitted applications to come to PRBI this fall.
Past - Through the years PRBI has always had a strong connection with Bible Camps. In fact, PRBI’s founder, Walter McNaughton, was influential in starting Red Willow Camp (Beaverlodge), Bear Lake Bible Camp (Sexsmith), Riverside Bible Camp (Peace River) and Camp Sagitawa (Moberly Lake).
Bear Lake Bible Camp 1941
Camp Days 2014
Present - Camp Days is one of the ways we continue to partner with Bible Camps today, specifically by connecting them with our students for summer ministry. This year we had 17 Bible Camps from various parts of Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan come out for Camp Days. We expect a good percentage of our student body will be part of a summer camp ministry! Please pray for our students as they serve this summer in their internships, mission teams, camp ministry positions, and other avenues of work the Lord leads them to. 24
Mark it on your calendars to come and celebrate with us (October 16-18, 2014) during Global Ministries Conference. This weekend will be a time of remembering what God did in our lives while at PRBI as well as reconnecting with old friends and classmates.
We will be having Decade Reunions as part of the weekend. On Facebook, we have created an events page for each decade. Go to the PRBI Facebook page and click on “Events” to find your decade’s reunion. Please indicate if you are coming by clicking “Join” on the events page. After you have joined, please click “Invite Friends” and ask other alumni to attend. You can track who is all coming by watching this page! Visit throughout the summer for updated information about the weekend. Join us in making the 80th Year Celebration weekend a truly glorifying event that uplifts the Name of Jesus Christ!
Alumni & Staff News BIRTHS
RIGBY, Joshua (g ‘09) & Meagan (nee: Reimer, g ‘09) We joyfully announce the birth of our baby girl, Hadassah Joan Amanda. She was born on January 25, 2014, weighing 6 lbs. 15 oz. and was 19 ¾ in. long. We feel so blessed at the arrival of our little girl and pray that she will learn early to love her Saviour. Hadassah will join us in ministering in our church in Valleyview, Alberta, where we have been since 2009. Josh is the pastor of Valleyview Alliance Church, and Meagan is serving alongside him through leading music and helping him with the administrative duties. While we say we are serving the church, our church has greatly served us and we are so thankful for them. We covet your prayers as we desire to raise Hadassah in a godly way, continue to minister to our church, and to reach the community of Valleyview with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
ECKERT, Andrew (g ‘07) & Dayle (nee: Anderson, ug ‘07) After graduation in 2007 Dayle and I were married. In 2011, with our baby son Caleb, we landed in Nepal for a two-year term with Operation Mobilization. We had no idea what we were getting into but stood amazed as we saw God work. We studied language, evangelized, trekked to villages, and were blessed with our second son Ezekiel. A year into our time it became clear that we should remain in Nepal long-term. So with OM’s Bible training centre we registered an agricultural company that we are now using to build a model farm. Our work is to develop this farm and teach the students that come through OM’s programs. We will live life focused on evangelizing the lost, enabling and training the church, and uplifting the impoverished. We return to Nepal April 7 for a 3-year term. GERBER, Darrell (Staff, ‘95-present, Medical Leave) I continue to travel to Edmonton participating in the drug trial. After a rough start, which did produce some really good results, the drug has settled into a maintenance mode. It continues to hold the cancer at bay, though it leaves me without a great deal of energy. People keep telling me I am looking good ( I think relative to the disease). Pray for continued progress, and that energy levels would increase. Thanks so much for your prayers for our family. As we move well into the fifth year of this journey, it is amazing to see that the Lord has kept me this good. 26
SMITH, Spencer (g ‘11) & Kelsey (nee: Veitch, ug ‘06) My wife, Kelsey and I live in Sundre, Alberta, where I am a youth pastor at McDougal Chapel. We have two children. Addison is 3 ½ and Jacob is 1 ½ years old. I often think back to how my time at PRBI prepared me for ministering to youth. In the 4 years that I attended PRBI I certainly did not learn everything I needed to know for ministry, but it was having Godly men speak wisdom and knowledge into my life that I can effectively present Christ to the youth I work with. PRBI taught me key concepts on how to connect with God and the importance of discipleship relationships, both as mentor and as a disciple. This training showed me how to find answers when faced with difficulties in ministry. Thanks to PRBI I have had the great privilege of living out the vision of discipleship daily as I minister to teens.
KIRSCHNER, Josh & Ashlee (nee: Aitken, g ‘09, Staff ‘09-’10) Josh and I were married on November 9, 2013. We are so thankful God brought us together and the story of grace He has been showing through us. We also feel so privileged to be walking through life with the amazing people in our church and community in Fort St. John, British Columbia. Ashlee works as an auto parts person in the winter and delves into horticulture in the summer months. Josh keeps busy working at the cabinet shop and building Ashlee (and some other people) beautiful furniture. We are unsure of where God is taking us in the future, but we are deeply convinced that He is leading our todays which will propel us into our tomorrows. LESTAGE, Brad (g ‘13) & Kristena (nee: Burkin, g ‘13) We were married July 6, 2013, in Peace River, Alberta. At this time we live and work in Grande Prairie, Alberta, and have started to get more involved in a church with plans to become members. We are trying to prepare ourselves to be parents this July and to find out how to raise a child to know and love God. In the future, we hope to visit churches in other countries as well as to pastor a church. PEACHEY, Caleb & Katherine (nee: Finke, g ‘12) Caleb and I were married on September 21, 2013 near Dawson Creek, British Columbia. This winter Katherine is finishing carpentry school while Caleb logs for the sawmill where he works the rest of the year. Caleb and Katherine are soon moving to Caleb`s homeland of Baytree, Alberta. This summer, the plan is to build a house, Lord willing! God is ever faithful, and His blueprint for our lives is amazing. 27
PLANTE, Nicolas & Corrie (nee: Jahnke, ug ‘13) Nicolas and I were married on June 29, 2013, in Webster, Alberta. After getting married we spent time in Jasper, experiencing God’s amazing creation and the people there. Since then we have settled into our life in Sexsmith, Alberta, and are enjoying working and fellowshipping in the area. We are excited to see where God leads us in the future!
BERG, Gary John (g ‘80) On January 9, 2014, Gary Berg passed away in Sexsmith, Alberta, at the age of 65 years. Gary was born August 29, 1948 in Dryden, Ontario, and then lived in Eagle River, Ontario, until his mother passed away when he was 12 years old. He was raised by his grandparents in Whitemouth, Manitoba. He spent 8 years in the Air Force and then in 1977 accepted the Lord as his Saviour. Gary attended PRBI from 1977-1980 when he graduated. In 1997 he married Mary Benvie. August 30, 2013 he retired from working 33 years at Procter & Gamble. He is survived by his wife, children, grandchildren and extended family. BRIGFIELD DRIEDIGER, Charlotte Vivian (nee: Dale, g ‘41) Charlotte passed away January 10, 2014. Charlotte was born November 30, 1918 in Paradise, Oregon to Clarence and Frances Dale. Later the family moved to homestead in Alberta, Canada. Charlotte graduated from PRBI in April 1941 and then served as a missionary in Liberia, West Africa where she met and married Edgar Brigfield. They served together in Liberia and Nigeria for over 20 years. They returned to the United States and worked for the Crista Senior Community. A few years after Ed passed away she married a former missionary, the late Jakob Driediger. Charlotte is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, two foster daughters and their families, as well as three sisters, two brothers, and many nieces and nephews. KNAPP, Ester Lucille (nee: Dyer, g ‘45) Lucille was born April 17, 1922 to James and Hendrica Dyer in Hythe, Alberta. She was the fourth of seven children. Lucille became a Christian at 11 years of age and served Him faithfully until her passing on December 6, 2013. After graduating from PRBI in 1945 she served as a missionary on the Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso. The Lord had also led Clarence Knapp to the Ivory Coast and on April 18, 1951 they were married. They had 5 children (one deceased in Africa at 3 years of age). When they returned to Canada they pastored for 4 years and then served as a hostess for several years at the WEC mission center. They then lived 15 years in Abbotsford, British Columbia, and since 2003 they lived in Kelowna, British Columbia. Lucille is survived by her husband Clarence, her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.
Coming Events April 12 Graduation Ceremony May 24 Marriage Enrichment Seminar September 1 Fall Semester Begins October 16-18 80th Year Celebration Global Ministries Conference
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Peace River Bible Institute Box 99, Sexsmith, AB T0H 3C0