Our Performing Arts Showcase was an uplifting event, featuring our students. A special Alumni choir was an added delight. We were greatly encouraged by the 700 plus people in attendance, and the Lord blessed us with an offering of $132,000.
We celebrated 16 one-year certificate grads, 11 two-year diploma grads, and 7 students earning a three or four-year degree. We pray that God will use these students for His glory as they seek to energize their churches and impact their world.
Larry Dueck was honoured as PRBI’s Alumnus of the Year. After his initial year of study (1972-73), Larry became involved in campus building projects. The majority of our buildings in one way or another bear the marks of Larry’s service and skill.
Our drama tour team, Earthen Vessels, performed in churches in Alberta and BC. The team members gained valuable skills in how to present their faith. Our tour teams are also an effective way to promote the College and recruit future students.
basketball courts. Many prayed to accept Christ. They also encountered some children of people who accepted Christ on a previous trip in 2005. They were so blessed to be part of the harvest in Pampanga!
The concrete is poured and finishing touches are being applied to the new maintenance building. Summer work takes on a bit of a different look for some of us. It is a time for deepcleaning, repairs, and yard work. One larger project this year is the renovation of the men’s dorm in Ruark.
We currently have seasonally high numbers of Freshmen accepted for the Fall semester, in addition to over 50% of this year’s students who are planning to return. We are also seeing some interest from international students.
In May, 3 of our students took part in a short-term mission trip to the Philippines. The team had a wide range of experiences, including sharing the gospel in jungle villages, schools, a prison, and on community
We invite you to mark your calendar for a couple of upcoming events. Our Fall Concert, featuring Manic Drive, is scheduled for Friday, September 8. PRBI’s 90th Anniversary Celebration is happening on November 24 and 25. More information on these gatherings will be added to the PRBI website over the next few months.
If you would like to join the Alumni choir for the anniversary celebration, please email operations@prbi.edu or call 780-568-3962.
My first Trumpet article as President, four years ago, was titled, “PRBI: A Centre for Learning,” and in it I focused on discipleship. As noted in the survey responses by this year’s graduates, it is still a valued aspect of their experience at PRBI. From the surveys, we also learn some other things that are important to the students. Be encouraged by their comments!
Highly valued among our students is their experience of community at PRBI. When asked where PRBI is doing well, one responded, “Definitely the community. I feel like the vibe here has really helped me grow as a person and in my relationship with Christ.” Another wrote, “The thing that I value the most about my time here is the connections I have made with other young people with the same desire to grow in their faith.” One senses the hunger for Christian community in this heartfelt response: “PRBI creates
a community that is unlike anything I’ve experienced before. Before coming to PRBI, I didn’t really have any strong friendships, and almost no Christian friends. My experience here has opened my eyes to how big the Christian community really is, and I’ve developed more meaningful friendships than I’ve ever had before.” Finally, it was mentioned, “The dorm life and community are a great asset to PRBI.” We work hard to build a community where we support and encourage one another in our shared goal of living for Christ.
A second area noted in their evaluations was an appreciation for learning. A two-year grad who is planning on returning referenced, “I would like to grow a deeper knowledge of theology and the Bible itself and I believe another year at PRBI would be beneficial for this. I want to pursue greater knowledge to strengthen my convictions in my faith.” Sharing about classes students
wrote, “Classes have really prepared me, intellectually and relationally,” and “The variety of classes has equipped me theologically and practically.”
Learning also happened outside the classroom in discipleship. Formal discipleship took place in small group Bible studies that followed the Discovery Bible Study (DBS) method and in one-to-one relationships that we refer to as peer discipleship. A student affirmed, “PRBI is doing well in its intentionality with students and discipleship. The system of student leaders and staff allows students to be supported and grow in their relationships with God.” Another gratefully expressed, “I am thankful that I have got to learn an amazing way to study the Bible.” About peer discipleship a student shared, “I’ve enjoyed the more personal aspect of Peer Discipleship and feel this is a necessary addition to the group DBS study, to give opportunity to go deeper in what we are learning and offer more confidentiality for dealing with struggles.” Of course, learning in discipleship requires a willing participant, as conveyed by this student: “Growth is encouraged at PRBI, if the individual wants it. It has been a good place for me.”
just helped me grow. Talking with people really helped me learn some things, and it helps God show some things that I really needed to see.”
Another student wrote that there is “a good level of spiritual atmosphere. We are often encouraged to pray and explore ways to connect with God in various classes and connections (chapel) blocks.” A different student responded, “I benefitted from the spiritual environment in that I was able to see how it’s normal to talk about God regularly and bring God into random conversations.” One of our guys summed these opportunities up well, “I’ve really benefitted from having casual but spiritual conversations with guys in the dorm, as I’ve never experienced that before. These are great for growing my understanding of spiritual matters, while also building stronger relationships with my friends.”
A final area of emphasis in the evaluations was about the importance of spiritual life on campus. “The spiritual environment
The students highlight community, learning, and spiritual life. We pray that the next group of students will experience these same things. Do you know a Christian young adult who would benefit from this opportunity? Would you encourage them to apply to come to PRBI for a year? It could be life-changing for a young person who feels alone in their faith, struggling with their knowledge of Christianity and wanting to grow spiritually.
These six-week courses are intended to give you an opportunity to learn, to help you stay fresh in your faith, and to provide tools to energize your church.
Watt Building
Strengthen your faith and witness by exploring reasons to believe that God exists and Christianity is true.
Register: www.prbi.edu/LFL
October 16th-
Monday Nights
7:00 pm-8:30 pm
Worldviews is a guided tour through the history of ideas in search of why we think the way we do.
Register: www.prbi.edu/LFL
November 20th
When I was contemplating coming back for a second year, one of my first thoughts was: Kari, if you decide to return to PRBI, you will have to do thought analysis. Now, I had seen what that assignment did to the upperclassmen. I knew it would be difficult. However, I also knew it would be good.
Good and easy are not synonyms. Far from it. In fact, everyone I talked to told me that second-year classes are better. You have more options to choose from and the class content and assignments really make you think, analyze who you are, and cut you to the core. The results are amazing.
I have a tendency to wish I was able to skip the process. I wish I could excel at everything the first time I tried it. If that could be the case, I would not experience failure, frustration, fear, foolishness, and frailty. I would be able to succeed and experience the fruits of hard work without the effort. Except, getting the fruit without hard work, perseverance, and determination, does not taste nearly as sweet.
some evenings. I wanted to become a better person in Christ without the hard work. Analyzing my thoughts and coming to terms with the lies I believe is a horrible process. And it didn’t end there. I had to find Scripture that talked about what God says about those lies. I’m glad it didn’t end with realizing how horrible I am but with a path forward to righteousness and hope. It’s good. But it is hard.
I am able to take what I have learned through People Helping to reroute toward the truth. When I recognize that I am telling myself a lie, either from the consequences of my actions or the Holy Spirit’s prompting, I must defeat it with the truth. There are the ruts we fall into and then the trenches we build. The word of God, the truth, is a trench I can trust. So, to combat the lies, I must use the truth to change my thoughts, which will then change my behaviour.
Thought analysis was bitter. I wanted to quit. Reflecting on my dominant thought of the day was a struggle
This will take a while. There is a process. It does not happen overnight. But the product, the end result, is sweet. Recognizing my thought patterns was the first step of a long journey. It’s one that I will work through for the rest of my life. It won’t be easy. But it will be good.
First, I want to acknowledge that I am missing my dad here this evening at graduation. My dad unexpectedly passed away during my first year. My dad raised me on his own since I was three years old, and he was my biggest fan down here. If there was one thing that my dad wanted for me, it was to make sure that I would make Jesus the Lord of my life. That is what he would be most proud of. So today would be a bonus for him.
These past four years at PRBI have been amazing. One thing I’ve learned is that God is my Father. I understood that He was my Father, but I hadn’t believed it yet. After losing my dad, I had to learn how to be a son again. This has come with its challenges, and it will be a life journey, but each year has given me a greater understanding of God and how much of a Father He truly is. Psalm 68:5a reads, “God is a father to the fatherless.”
Each year at PRBI, I’ve had to learn how to let God into the mundane in my life, just like I did with my dad. He cares about everything. He cared about the assignments I didn’t understand. He cared about the people that I met. He cared about my experiences. He cared about
my tears. And ultimately, He cared about me. I can confidently say that God has met me in each of these moments.
I also want to thank everyone here at PRBI for all they’ve done for me, including all the staff and professors. When I felt the call to ministry, I had no idea where I would fit in the church or what my gifts were. All I knew was that I had to be faithful to God’s call. Thank you, professors and Josh Rigby, for helping me find and develop gifts that I didn’t even know I had.
So, what am I going to do with what I’ve learned? Well, the goal is to act on it. I’ve already applied to some churches back home. Whether I’m in vocational ministry right away or not, I’m going to use these gifts for the kingdom. I’m going to lead people and be an example in the church. I have had some challenges and disappointments over the past four years, but my life is full because God is with me, and I’ll continue to be faithful to where He leads me.
Life may not have panned out the way that you wanted, but know that your life is full because you have a God who is with you in those things.
Peace River Bible Institute
Statement of Operations and Budget
July 2022 - April 2023
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NOV 24 OR 25
Peace River Bible Institute is recognized as a degree-granting Bible College by the Province of Alberta. Building on Christ as our foundation, PRBI values Biblical Training, Authentic Relationships, Kingdom Service, and Strategic Partnerships. Our vision is that every student encounters Christ in ways that transform their life, energize their church, and impact their world. We are a Bible College for Life!
For more information on our Mission, Vision, and Values, go to www.prbi.edu.