S p e c i a l
E d i t i o n :
S u m m e r
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Celebrating 85 Years: How It All Began
President’s Message: Waldie Neufeld
What a Legacy Legacies are powerful. Oftentimes, we become so focused on the future that we forget where we came from and how God has worked so marvellously to bring us to where we are. This Trumpet serves as a way to remember our humble beginnings in the hope that you will be inspired by our journey. PRBI has been given a great gift from the Lord in that we have an incredibly rich legacy. As you will see for yourself in the following pages, God’s fingerprints are interwoven throughout our school’s entire history, impacting countless lives. Our prayer is that as you read this summer Trumpet, you will be encouraged that the Lord is doing a powerful work through this school 1
Jillian Wilson and has been right from the very beginning. Walter McNaughton’s first-hand accounts of the early years and the many confirmations he received that this was God’s will remind us that at the very core, PRBI is not our school. PRBI is God’s school to do with as He wishes. Are we willing to join Him in this lifechanging ministry, following His lead rather than our own? Just as Mr. McNaughton penned in 1934: “I trust that we are more prepared to wholly follow Him now than ever before.” Truly, legacies reveal the heart of a ministry; may ours always reveal a yearning after God. Jillian Wilson Communications & Media Manager
First Graduation Class – Spring 1938 Back row, from left: Eric Berg, Herb Heppner, Stanley Rowell, Arnold Erickson Front row: Clara Graber, May McIntyre, Elisabeth Lehmann
Mrs. McIntyre, Walter McNaughton, Archie Ruark, Anna Ruark
How It All Began The name of Walter William McNaughton was given to a son born to the family of Malcolm and Phoebe McNaughton on April 3, 1910. Nobody then, except God Himself, knew that the destiny of this newly named baby boy was to become the driving force that would make Peace River Bible Institute a reality in Sexsmith, Alberta. God’s hand was upon this young person whose journey from his youth seemed filled with a sense of wanting to serve and minister. Walter McNaughton went to Prairie Bible Institute to equip himself for the demands of God’s plan and calling, from which school he graduated in 1933. He then faced the all familiar question: Now where to go, and what to do? 3
Walter McNaughton Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Monge, a couple completely and totally dedicated to missionary service and work, had their career as missionaries to Costa Rica cut short by tropical illness which forced an almost immediate return to Canada. Mrs. Monge saw the great need for well-trained Christian workers, and wherever she went she promoted the need for Bible schools and colleges. Her brother, Fergus Kirk, a former President of Prairie Bible Institute, upon Mrs. Monge’s insistence recommended several recently graduated students as possible people to contact to start a Bible school in the Peace River country. One of the names recommended was Walter William McNaughton.
A letter of invitation and almost impossible challenge reached Walter McNaughton and with many fears, but very great faith, that invitation was accepted and Walter made his way north to start a Bible school, a training institute for the Lord’s work.
had nothing but himself to give as a resource to start the school.
A large, 13-room house at Paul’s Corners near Berwyn was miraculously made available at almost no cost and became the first place the classes were held. Mr. S. The trip north in 1933 took one and a Keeble, the only student who was half weeks and was made by bicycle there for the whole school term, and on foot. On the second day of writes about that first year of Bible Walter’s journey, he asked for a place school: “There was neither power to stay the night in the Flatbush area nor indoor plumbing. Two large and was advised to rooms on the ground Walter was only go six or seven miles floor gave plenty of room further north. It got 23 years old when for the kitchen/dining dark and the road had he answered the area and the office/ fresh gravel on it which classroom. Upstairs call to start a Bible made it impossible were four bedrooms. school from the Heating was by wood to ride his bike, so ground up. he had to push it. burning stoves, but it was Perhaps feelings a bit comfortable. The furniture discouraged, he prayed, “Oh God, if was homemade of local lumber. As you want me to go to the Peace River for the daily routine, we took turns to to start a Bible school, may I have do the simple cooking and outside the privilege of leading a soul to work. And I mustn’t forget the great Thee.” After a bit, he heard someone help we had from our elderly cow. approaching on horseback. As they She kept us generously in milk got talking together, Walter spoke to and butter. As regards studies, the him about the Lord. Eventually, this Prairie Bible Institute’s first-year stranger saw the way of salvation, course was closely followed and got down off his horse and gave his although we were so few in number, heart to the Lord. Walter spent that the regular hours and discipline of a night in this new brother’s home. Bible school were strictly adhered to This salvation experience was a and the Lord blessed right through wonderful confirmation to Walter’s to the close of the school in April mission! 1934. I thank God upon every remembrance of that winter.” When Mr. McNaughton finally arrived he was out of money, tired, This large house that served so weary, and yet confident that God well for that first year would not be would somehow provide, for Walter available for the next school year, 4
and serious decision time was upon the school again. There was never any question as to the fact that the school was needed; the question was where it was best to locate it. After lengthy discussion and much searching, God seemed to at first provide a dedicated couple to teach and help with the many demanding tasks that running a Bible school involved. This couple, Archie and Anna Ruark, agreed to come to help. Then God opened the door of heaven and poured out His blessing. The next year, the school operated out of a group of homes donated and made available for this specific purpose in Grande Prairie. However, location still seemed a problem and both Walter McNaughton and Archie Ruark seemed drawn to investigate the small village of Sexsmith as a potential site. Here they met the Warren family in the person of Mr. 5
Lee Warren, who showed them some land he was willing to donate for the permanent site of a Bible school. This significantly generous offer was gratefully accepted after much thought and prayer. After two years of searching and praying the Peace River Bible Institute had found a permanent home and a building site for the future. That gift of land from the Warren family was only the first of many gifts of assistance, encouragement, and help given by the Warrens to the Peace River Bible Institute. Here on this property in the village of Sexsmith a campus was built, and here today stands a modern, well-equipped Bible School more determined than ever to meet the challenge of the age and send out men and women to tell the old, old story that we have loved so long.
President’s Message:
1933 Rules of PRBI
Waldie Neufeld
For your reading leisure: First Year of School: 1933-34 “Rules of PRBI: (1) Come when 1st bell rings. (2) Rise at rising bell in morning. (3) Lights out at 9:45 unless permission for further light granted. (4) Flirting “company” or “courting” are against rules— we are here for great business. (5) Talking during study hours in rooms—excessive visiting. (6) Turn out lights. (7) Study hours to be set. (8) Lunches to be set. (9) Young ladies and gents not to go to each other‘s rooms during study times.” 6
The Need for a Bible School
Walter McNaughton
One of many encouraging letters Walter received in response.
All-School Photo 1935-36
1933 Application Form
President’s Message:
1933 Student Work
Waldie Neufeld
Letter to PRBI from a Student
“Dear folks at P.R.B.I., Thanks very much for the parcel which you people sent me. Was rather surprised to receive one as I wasn’t at all expecting one. The cookies and cake were very good, everything else was O.K. The sugar, tea and cocoa will come in very handy sometime when we’re out on the road, also here in camp for a good cup of tea or cocoa before rolling in for the nite. I want to thank you one and all for each item you sent me in the parcel and may God bless and keep you each one. I also received the letter which was sent out to me from P.R.B.I. and found it very interesting indeed. It gave me an idea what...– Psalm 46:1 - ‘God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.’ 11
Serving Overseas in WWII
was going on at school. Sure wish that I could be back there once again. I was surprised to see that there were only two men students. I also see by your letter that Reg Edey is overseas, I never knew that. One very seldom runs across any of the boys from home over here unless you have their address and look them up and that’s very hard just during a week-end. Please convey my most sincere greetings to each one there at the school and especially to the ones I know and may God bless and keep each one of them. Sincerely yours, Carl A. Wedell� Note: Reg Edey returned to PRBI after the war and finished his degree. 12
First Year Reflections April 23, 1934
Dear Prayer Helpers, Nearly a week has passed since the closing of the first term of this little Bible School and knowing that “since the first day you heard thereof” many of you have not ceased to pray for us, I hasten to send you this letter telling of how God has been pleased to bless the work. Upon arriving in the north, I unfortunately found that the owner of the promised house, not expecting a worker so late in the year, had given the house to a poor family for the winter. Furthermore, he definitely refused to donate the property unless the Institute was opened by being governmentally 13
Walter McNaughton
incorporated, with a large staff and a sufficient number of students “to make it pay.” Of course that was entirely out of our purpose, which was to teach young men and women how to be out and out for Christ in a Bible Institute where they could live for as nearly as possible the cost of living at home. Thankfully, we heard that the occupants of this house were about to leave for Wyoming in a large van that they were building. The occupants said they would leave for certain by the first week in November. And so on November 2nd we wrote the prayer letter-bulletin and sent it out to you friends with an earnest prayer to God that if such an Institute
be His purpose for the Peace River, He would lay the burden upon the hearts of some of you to enable us to open the work. An empty house! No money! Was God able!
using only economical desert-food we can quite easily cover the cost of each student for the low rate of five dollars a month.
The Lord graciously put it into the Day after day went by and still hearts of a number to help so that the people remained in the house classes were open on December nor did they seem in the least 6th, with a matron-cook and five hurry. November 15th came and students—two young ladies and went and still their truck was only three young men. I am sorry for half completed; its enormous size those first three weeks; all did not reminded one of Noah’s ark and “run smoothly.” Something seemed we feared it too would be a long wrong, something was missing, time in building. They the spirit of unity and then began suggesting An empty house! longsuffering seemed the possibility of their to be lacking in the No money! having to remain all Body. At Christmas, the Was God able! winter. We earnestly matron-cook and her entreated God that it son (an old friend and wasn’t our desire to open a Bible my chief co-worker) left the Institute School outside of His will. He asked and as it was impossible to have him to block up the roads and lady students without a matron, we keep the family here if it wasn’t His were reduced to two students. What purpose to open the work, but to should we do: close the school, take the family out if it was. God, move to town, or stay here! The Lord who always hears prayer, heard us, graciously kept us here and sent us and gave us an unusually long period another student, a devoted Christian of good weather and the family left young man. So, encouraged by the in the afternoon of November the Lord’s evident blessing in several 27th. The next day it turned cold, respects, we reopened classes and and the following it snowed and kept “bachelor’s headquarters” until made the roads impassable to cars. April 17th, when we closed. Hallelujah! Looking back over the winter since The Lord wonderfully answered Christmas, we can thank God for your prayers and sent in about everything. The Lord kept us all $250.00 to equip the house. It was in good health, notwithstanding surprising to see how much it cost our inexperience in the culinary even though we used homemade art—some of the mixtures were furniture entirely. While mentioning really funny. The classes were a finance I might also say that by blessed delight; just two or three 14
Above: “Ready for Street Meeting,” Grande Prairie, 1934
in a class, quietly delving into the sacred storehouse of God’s Word. Personally, the winter was wonderful! How patiently and with what longsuffering did our Lord teach us wonderful lessons. He taught us a blessed lesson on guidance. It is our duty not only to wait before Him in order to know His will for us in any particular. After we know it, we are not to run ahead and try to do it with any of our own zeal or power, but to wait further before Him to obtain help and wisdom to follow Him as He leads into the doing of the work. You ask, “What about the future of the Bible School?” I don’t know. The future is a mist to every man, but 15
the “Lord knows the end from the beginning” and He “knows the way we take,” and I trust that we are more prepared to wholly follow Him now than ever before. Unfortunately, there is little support from the current surrounding district. The owner of the house said recently that he will want a rent of $8.00 dollars a month next winter. I am very doubtful if it is God’s will for us to remain here another year. How greatly we stand in need of prayer at this time! We are earnestly beseeching that God will open the way before us. The devil surely will try to kill the work. We have heard lately of a small community of earnest Christians of like mind,
some of whom desire the Bible School to come there, and who, I believe, would enter heartily in the work—the first part of which would be likely to build a log building. Will you not pray with us, that if this other locality is His site for this pioneer Bible School, that he will put both the desire for and the burden of it upon the hearts of those people and will definitely guide us thither! We are convinced that the work was born of God. We are increasingly sure of the need, the great need, of such a Bible School in this Peace River Country. Has not God called us to be His instruments in establishing it? You by your prayers and gifts, and we by our prayers, time, and lives. The burden is equally as heavy upon us for our part in the work as your share of the burden is upon you. How we thank God for your prayer ministry! We believe that the person who prays is doing the most in this or any other work for God. As one man so clearly put it, “when we work, only a human works; when we pray, God works.” And again, “prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance but laying hold on His willingness.” We humbly thank God, and you, for your past prayers to Him for us, yet for the Lord Jesus’ sake, for lost souls’ sake, for your own reward’s sake, “continue in prayer.” Pray that God will raise here a mighty instrument in the great work of evangelizing the needy homestead areas of the
Peace River and of preparing Bibletaught laborers who will carry the Glad Tidings into even more needy lands. We pray that the Spirit’s presence, which gives “life more abundantly” may rest, abide, dwell, and rule in each of your hearts to bring forth His blessed fruit. We would be delighted to hear from any of you. Your co-worker for Christ, W. W. McNaughton
AlumniNews & Staff News Historic WEDDINGS ERICKSON, Arnold & Clara (née Graber) were married July 12, 1939, at the Hythe Gospel Mission, where they served. Arnold and Clara both graduated from PRBI in April 1938 before heading into pastoral work.
MCNAUGHTON, Walter & Beth (née Howes) were married June 7, 1939, in Sexsmith, AB. Walter had completed his sixth year of serving at PRBI and Beth had just finished her third year of also serving on staff.
STANDERWICK, Dick & Hattie (née Warren) were married on September 1, 1939, at “Grandpa” Warren’s in Sexsmith, AB. Dick was on staff from 1936-1938, and Hattie attended for one year in 1938-39. They went into pastoral ministry.
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About PRBI Peace River Bible Institute is a Canadian Degree Granting Bible College in Sexsmith, Alberta, founded in 1933. PRBI is known for quality academics and its highly relational culture that purposefully fosters an atmosphere of spiritual growth. PRBI has a distinct commitment to train students in a thorough knowledge of the Word of God and to train students to become disciple-makers whether at home or abroad. PRBI’s educational model purposefully integrates the academic learning experience with an experiential learning component making us a Bible College for Life. Our vision is to train believers to become disciple-makers who know God, model His character, and are able to build into others the life-changing principles of God’s Word. Like Us On Facebook!
PRBI - Peace River Bible Institute
If you know of an alumnus who has passed away, please let us know.
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COMING EVENTS September 3 School Begins
November 7–9 Impact Week
September 7 Water Balloon Mania
February 1 Circle of Friends Banquet
The TRUMPET is the magazine of Peace River Bible Institute that is comprised of contributions from faculty, staff, alumni, and students who are passionate about making disciples in their churches and communities. Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are from the Holy Bible, New American Standard Bible (Copyright 1995 by The Lockman Foundation). All rights reserved. If you have any comments please email us at Printed in Canada.
Peace River Bible Institute Box 99 Sexsmith, AB T0H 3C0