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A Division Di i i off St Stukel's k l' Bi Birds d &B Bucks, k IInc.

There are few who will even challenge the fact that the south central region of South Dakota offers the best traditional native pheasant hunting available today. Th Gre The reggo ory r are a ea is wel wel elll kn k ow own n in u upl p an pl nd circ rcle les es as “grrou ound nd zero erro” o” for for pheeaasaant phea ph nt hun unti ting ing ng Mu ng. Much o off th t is i areea is is mar argi g na nal farm faarmland and n cro rops ps are n ps not ot plan pl nte ted fro ted frrom om fen e cee lin ine to o fence encee llin i e. in e Many an ny th thou housa saand ndss of acrres rrem emain n in the CR CRP RP pr prog ogra ram ra am an and d na n tiive v p phe h asa assants t abo boun und. d. The d. The Stuk Stuk St u el ffam amil ilyy operattio on incllud incl in des mor o e th thaan than n 6,00000 acrres iin n th he midd ddle dd ddle l of th this iss hun unti ting ng mec eccaa and th hey ey hav avee es esta tabl ta blis bl ishe is h d onee of he o the he pre r mier miierr hun nti ting ng p pac accka acka kage gess av ge avai ailaabl blee. e. Family owned and operated,, w wee’ve v beeen in n tthe he hun he hun nttiingg and n outfit utfitti ting ting ng bus usin i es in esss since 1981 and the h comme om mmercia i l fa f rmingg busine bu n ss sin i ce ce the eaarrly ly Hom meste teead ad d day ayys. s. O Our far armi m ng pract ctices are spe p ciifi fical a lyy taiiloreed fo f r wi wild ldli ld life. Hu Hund nd dre reds ds o of ac acrees have b have ha bee een ee n fo f re reve ver re rem moved d fr fro om produ ro odu uctio cttion n an and d co convver conv erte ted te d to o tree grrov oves e , po es p nd nds, s, foo s, ood d pl p otts pl p uss rroo oo o osttin ing ng and ne nest stin in ng a eaas. ar s

Hunting is a passion and a full-time business for us - not a seasonal hobby. W cov We over err every ryy bas a e in n puttti tin ngg you n our hu hunt n toggetthe nt herr and wi w lll tru truly ul give you th he exxpeeri r en nce of a li life feti time me.. The pac acka kage ge we o er off er is fir fi st cla las ass in ev e erry po ossib ib ble rres espe es spect p ec . pe

PHEASANTS W il Wh ilee wee offeer seeveeraal diffe diffeere di ren ent hun un ntiing opt p io pt ions ns, ou ur ma m jor or em emph phasis ph assiss on each eaach c up upl pla land land dh hun untt is alw alw ways ayys on phe pheas asan ants nts. Pl Plen nty of shoo sh hooti ting ing aand nd fu full ll li limi miits mit ts aare ree sta tand ndar ard d fare fa re at Stuk Stuk St ukeel el’s’ss. The reggular sea easo son op so pen ns th he tth hird we week eken end en d in i Octtob ober er. er r The daily lyy l mi li m t iss thr hree ee witth fift fifteeen in possseessio i n. Man Man ny hu hun nts ar nt aree ca c rr r ied ou o t in n tra radi diti tion onal all So out uth h Da D ko kota sty tyle utili liizing walke keers and pos oste ters te rs with pl p en ntyy of good doggs an nd expe ex perien p nce ced guid ced des. Ho Howeever veer we als l o sp peccia iali liize z iin np part rtiies ies of 4 to 6 walk-up ie p hu hun unteerrs working over a welll tr trai aiineed po p in i teer orr rettri rieever ever alo long ng wit ith h ju just a ssin i gl in g e gu guid id ide de. e. E Eac acch ach hunt hu nt will be cus usttomi mize zeed ac acco c ordin rd din ng to the h siz i e aan nd sp spec ecific deesi sire ress of of the h partyy.


Th se are nat The ativ ivee bi b rds to Sou outh th D Dak akota and are mixeed in ak i witth th he ph hea easa sant n s in some so m loc me ocat atio at i ns. We do io do no n t hu hunt nt specifically for the nt h se smaall l , sp peedy eedy birrds ee d , bu b t harvvest esst th hem as th they ey occcur u in th the normal routiine of a ph heaasaant h hu unt.

MERRIAM TURKEY HUNTS If yyou are If re loo o kiing for or an ex extr tremel em mel elyy su ucc ccees essf ssful sfful Mer erri r am ri m hun hunt with true trophy h size si zeed To T ms, ms, giive ve us a call l . The Th spr prin ing se seas a on opeens n mid dA Apr p il pr i and d runs through late la te May ay. Thi Thiss hu unt n iiss a 44 5 daay self guiide ded d aaffaiir ir tha hatt goes goes ffor or $80 80000. A gu g ide 0 00 can nb bee arr rran ange an ged fo forr $3 $ 00 a day. Fo For li liccens censee in info fo o: ww www sdgf gfp. info fo..

SELF GUIDED PHEASANT HUNTS This is a rreaal ec This Th e on nomyy hu h nt for or tho ose who ho o preefer fer to hun u t at th heir o heir own wn p pac ace. ac e IIff yo you u haave ve ggoo o d do oo dogs g thi gs hiss ma mayy be jusst what wh at you ou are ree lookiing for. Availabl blle fr from ro om m latte No Nove v mber through h Deceem ember,, each emb h hu h nt iinc n lu nc lude dees llo odggin ing, g,, and n aall ll ll o r gr ou grou ou und n to to hu unt o on n. The biird rds aree mi m ghty tyy spo pook pook okyy and d you need to bee p preepare paa ed to ow workk ha h rd r . Su S cc cces esss iss usu sual ally ly ly e ce ex cell l en nt an nd espe peeciallly when n th the paart rtyy co ons nsissts of at lea e st fou our hunterss. ou s. We book only one party at a time and this includes exclusive access to all of our property. 4 hu huntters ers orr lesss— —$4 $400 000.00 each h/d day 5 or mor o e hu h nt n ers—$3 $ 50.000 each $3 eac /d ea /dayy /day Bird Bi rd pro roce c sssin ing no ot in nclud ud ded

Your Hosts: The Stukels Frank


"If you are not happy with your hunting experience all of your money will be refunded!"

"Barn" Rib/Buffalo Cookout

Your Hosts: The Stukels Frank


"If you are not happy with your hunting experience all of your money will be refunded!"

"Barn" Rib/Buffalo Cookout

DAY HUNTS Guided and n /or /or un /o ngu g id ided day-hun u ts are available on a limiite t d basis. The cos ostt is onl n y $2 $250 5000 per hun u te t r. Call fo forr daatees an and av a ai aila labi bili lity ty.

FULL SERVICE HUNTS LODGING Beau Be a ti t fu ful,l, spa paci ciou ci ou us, ttra r diti ra diti tion on naall h hun unti ting ng lod dgee in in th he he hear arrt of o South th h Dakkota’s best native pheasant cou un ntry trry. Tru ulyy o one n of th ne thee fin finesst & mo m stt ccom o fortable lodges you wiill l find.


Field Lunch


Th ee h Thr hea eaartty ho home coo home ooke oke ked me meal alss da al d il ily. y. Brreeak a faast s is eiith ther a b buff uff ffeet or yo ff you ur cho hoic icce fr from m the h men enu. u Evveeu. n ngg m ni meals ls feaature ree P Prri rime me R Rib ib, ib b, Bu Buffa ffalo ffa lo o SSte t akk, Al te A as aska kan Salm Salm lmon n and off co cour urse se Phe heasan an nt an and d mu much c mor ore. e Our ur kiitche tcheen staff are allll fam tc a il ilyy an and ca and can n do it alll - fr f om hot field fie ld lunches l featuri ring ngg ssou o ps ou p , fr frie ieed ch c ic icke ken ke n an and fres essh g il gr ille led d sa sand ndwi wich ch hes to de deliici ciou ouss ev e en enin ing meal in meal me a s pr preeced eded ed ed by spe peci eci c al hor hor d’oeu uvr vrees, an nd ph hea easa santt aapp sa pp p petiz tizer zers. s.

Th s is Thi i a “haand ndsds on o � ou utfi tfitt wi with ith hm maj ajor aj or eemp or mph mp hasis on ha np per errssona nall atte atte at t nt ntiion ion an nd se serv rvvic ice. e. e. Brot Bro Br othe oth herss Fra Fra rank ank nk & Ray Stu tukell ea tuke e ch h have h over tthi hiirt rtyy yeear a s of of u upl pllan plan and d gu uid idin i g exxpe p ri ri-encce and con en on nti t nue to o handl an ndle l the th he bu bulk lkk of th t e wo ork rklo klo load ad d. A li lm miite t d st staff aff of pr p of o esssiion onal all guid ides iss al id also o avail illab able lee to as assi sistt wit sist ith the la larg r er gro oup upss aan nd/ d or to haan nd dle l sma m ll pri riva vate tely lyy guide d d paart r ies. s We ma make sur uree th that at eve very ry detail is teende nd ded to o frrom om arr rriv ival iv a cle al lear ar thr hrough gh you ur departure. Th The su ucc c eesss off Stu ukel’ kels’s deepe ke pend ds on you our saati tisf sfaccti sfac t on w witth ev everry as a pect of yyo ourr h hun un u nt nt—n no ot ot jju ust ust st you ourr re result resu ult lts ts in in the the he fi fiel field eld el ld. We ta take ke ggre reat re eat at pride pri ride de in de in our ou o ur a ilit ab itty to o pro ovi vide evveeryy ggue uest ue st w wit ith th ith thee hu hunt ntin ng experiencee of a lifeti time me! e!

DOGS AND KENNEL FACILITIES We enccou oura r ge all ra l ou our hunteers rs tto o br briing ing their ow own n do do s, evven dogs en ttho ho h oug ugh h we mai a nt n aiin an and d prrov o id idee bo both th poi oin nting an nt a d flush hing do ogss tth hat wo hat work rk welll w wit itth la larg rgee orr small rg ll p par a ti t es.W We off fferr the finest indoo ffer oo or he heat aatted ed aand n nd outd ou t oo oor guesst ke kenn nn nel fac aciilit ilitie ies. ie s s.

BIRD PROCESSING We’ll W e have vee thee birds frozen an a d re read ady fo forr yo your u tri rip p ho home me,, or ccan an n haavve th hem m ffro rozeen aan nd sh hip ipped forr a laaterr ar arri r va ri val.l. Shiipp ppin in ng an and d bo boxi xiing feess a e an ar an addit dd d dit itiio iona nall exxpense.

Your hunt with Stukel's includes t 1S 1 PG PGFT FTTTJPO TJJPOBM BM HHVJEJ EJO OH C CZ Z 3BZ Z ' 'SB SBOL O 4 OL 4UBČ t &YRVJTJUUF F -P -PEH EHFF " "DDP PNP NPEB EBUJ UJPO POT PO To Maid d seerv r ic icee , three siitttin ingg ar a eaas, WiF iFi, i, Spa, Heateed Ou utd tdoo oorr De oo Deck ck k, Fi F re Pit, Smok okin ingg Pa Parlor t &YDFFMMMFOUU IPNF NFF Q QSFFQBSFE NF NFBMT F T & dinner wiinees t )V t ) OU 5SBOTQPSUBUJPO o #J #JSE E 1 SP S DFTTTJOH t &B &BSM SMZ SM Z 4F Z 4FFBT BTPO P )VOUT #JSE -J -JJNJ NJU U (Prio io or to t the 3rd Saturdayy in O Oct.))


The Guide Crew The Stukel Experience Rates, Packages and Specials 2 da d ys y $2000.00 / 3 da d ys $29 $2 00.000 Premium m may m be added d for group oups off less less th thaan an four. Notte: All No Al fees will have st state ate sa sales es ta taxx adde dded d

Contact: Frank Stukel 28698 339th Ave.

Gregory, South Dakota 57533 t 'BY BOOKINGS AND DEPOSIT: A 50% 50% de deposi dep o t is requ osi equire ired red with with th th thee ba bala alance du alance d e upon upon p arrrriv ivval. Depposits De osits are ar no non-r n-refu efunda efu ndable dable un unles l s we are abl les le a e to to fil fill il thee s t with spo th other other hu h nte ters. te rs.

NON-SHOOTING GUESTS & PILOTS $175 $1 75.000 pe p r daay

YOUTH DISCOUNTS 18 & U 18 Und nder -1/2 prricce wi witth aadu dult lt

EXCLUSIVE HUNTS Exclus usiv i usse of ive of our our faccili ility tyy is nor normal mallly ava availa ilable ila blee for la l rge rg r gro roups. ps. s.. The m minimum m num umb um ber ber e of ggue gu uests s wi will ll var varyy with th he date prefe ferrred d and raange ng s from from 166 to 20 guests.

Our References Sell More Hunts Than We Do!

The Finest Native Pheasant Hunting In The World.




Sh hellls ls,, ge gear arr, sh ar, hoo ooti tin ng gla ng lassses ssess aand n oth nd ther e saf er saf afet etyy ittem et ms,, dogg sp pec eciaalt ltyy it item ems, gift i s fo for th the he fa fami m lyy, cl c othi thi hing ngg, cooler oler ers, etc t . aree al ar alll av avai aila labl ble in bl in our ur Pro P o Sho h p. p IIff you yo ou fo forrg rget somet ethi thing ing esseenttial,l, chanc hanc n ess are we have have it for fo yo ou. u

We mai aiint n aiin a pr prof ofes of essi es sion onaally l des dessig igned d, 50 shot h sporting c ayys course cl se on th he pr p op per erty adj djac a en ac en to ent t our main i lod dge. A gr g eatt way waay to ssha harp rpen e up for yo your h hunt! t! "W "Warm-up"" sh hoo o ting ting sta tatiion o s arre prrovided fo orr uns nsup per ervi vise ised d us u e, or for a nomiinall fee ourr gu uid i es are ava v ilab lable l tto esco le ort you thrrouggh th th he full ten acre course.

INCREASING YOUR DAILY LIMIT Wiild l , na nattive pheaasants n are the bread & but butteer of our u outtfitt. Ho owe w ver with h a state limit of thre reee pe re perr day, many of our gu ues ests prefe fer to keep on hun nti t ng. If you u fal falll in into this category ry,, we w hav a e a program that will me m et e your ne need e s. Over 200 0000 ac a res of habitat have been put into a hu hunting preserve ve,, an a d we use this area to open a brieff season before the he state’s regular ope peeni n ng date, and d to provide the hunter an opportunity to harvest mor ore ph p easants if desired. We lib iberate our birds in mas a s in lat ate August and earlly Seept ptem ember. By th he start off h hun unting seaso on th hey e beecome essen enti tial allyy ind dis i ti t nguishable from m th thee native p pu po pullati t on. Ju Just st $$42 42.000 pe perr biird rd.

Great Hunting – First Class Facilities

With Wi h over 100,0 ,000 0000 ssqu q aarre qu re fe feett of lliv of i in iv ingg sp sp acc e, our maaii n spac huntin hu ingg lo in odg dge wa wass de d sign ned to be jjus ust us st th that att — a ttra raadiitiion onal a hu unt n in ingg lo odg dge. e V e. Vaau ault aul lted d ceiliinggs, s, beau be au utii fu f l log lo o g dee cor co or, sto to one ne fire fi repl plac pl aces ac es,, li es lifee sizze ta t xiid deerm my s eccim sp imen en ns & mu much h more orre in insu insu sure t at aall th l of yo ll you ur hou ur urs r nott sp peentt in n the he fieeld are as co comfor orrta o tabl ble ble as posssi sibl blle. The lod dggee feaatu uress 3 sepaaraatee liv se liv ivin ingg ar in areeeaas thatt allow ow w each ch h par party ty the the h pri riva vacyy dessirred. va ed ed Each ch h of th thee 18 1 bed e ro room room ms is uni niquelly deeco c rate teed in a wil ildl dlif dl iffe orr p peer eriod eri io d them emee an nd fe f atures ess eeit ithe it h r tw two o tw win beds or a si be s nggle que ueeeen n bed e . T h e laa rger Th r g r c orp rg o r po p o atee c lii e nts pora tss e s pe es p cii a l lyy e nj n j oyy t hee “fa f mily m i ly ly atmo mo m o sp p hee ree” th h at a th hiis i s faci f a cii l i ty ty p ovvid pr des e ass well welll aass th we thee wa wayy in in whi hich hich the “gree at roo oom” m” len len nds it its ts el elff to educc at a ional co on nff err ence e n cee s an en nd s minars. se Other am Ot menities you wi w ll ll enjjoyy are o r in ou ndo door spa p , the outdoor heeat ated ed

1950’s Rec Room

Indoor Spa

Poker Smoking Parlor

deck de ck areea fo for re for rela l xing ngg and d wiild w ldli life life fe wat a chin ch hin ng, g tthe he 38 X 48 he 4 grea gr rea eat room ro oo om m, p po oo ool oll tab abllee, po p ker/ r/ sm mokin okk in i ng ng p paarl rlor orr, ju ju ke juk ke b oxx , mult mu ltip iple satelli lite tee T T.V .V’s .V ’ss w wit it h it DVD’s, DV DVD s ttwo wo offfic ice ce wo work rk areeas as with wi th h fax aand nd mu ullti tipl p e ph pl phon onee ln li nee s, W IF I I aacc cee ss s s , gu ss, g eess t laundr la d y aass weelll aass a most ost os un niq ique u mud ue ud/g /gea /g earr ro ea r om m. Pu Pu utt al al o thi of h s to oge g th ther er with ith a vi it view ew w from fr o thee dec om eck th hat in ncclu clu lude des des p eeaasant and deeer moving ph ing in thei th eirr naatu tural h haaabi b taat and bi an nd you will be aass clo lose se to he heaav aven n as yyo ou po possiblyy w ntt tto wa o ge g t! t Ourr st Ou stag agin ag i g ar in a eaa for or upl upl plan a d hunts an is a ver ver e y un u iq i ue conveert r ed liv ivesto t ckk au uct ctio tion io on baarn r lloc occaatteed d in th he h heear artt of ph heasant ntt co cou ount ount n ry ry. y. It ffea eeaatu ture ress a fu re f ll Prroo Sh hop op, in incl clleem men entt we w atthe her fi her fiel ed lunch h faciliti f a tii es e , fii rree pl plac acee an a d warrmup rmup are reas as whe as hen n ne need eded ed.. A great grr loca lo caati tion tio on to sttar artt yo y ur hunt un nt wi w th ha saafe f ty bri rief ief efin in ng and d end en nd ea each ch h day a wit ih a ho h t orr ccold d be beve veera r ge ge.

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