Prumo Newsletter 01 English Version

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Prumo Newsletter Ed. 1

Observation. Interpretation. Application.



To our readers Those of you who have been with us for a long time I want to say thank you and I am sure you will also enjoy this new format which was especially designed to help you to have a broader scope of our ministry and also to get deeper into the word of God as you follow our advise to new books and books which will help to increase your knowledge and study skills. Those of you who are new, you embark on a new adventure, an adventure that will encourage you to study in a different and very efficient way. It will show you an easy manner to start your studies and deepen your understanding of what God wants for your life. Precept Ministries is all about the Bible and wanting you to discover, to go deeper and make disciples as you follow Him and help others to also be in His Word. This may be a year of many challenges but it is also one more year of opportunities and together we can achieve our goals and be pleasing to our God in all we do! To Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, (Eph. 3:20)

Eleni de Campos Leite

Training Director Precept Portuguese Ministries.

Devotional Kay Arthur Lord, I Give You This Day

from the devotional “Lord, I Give You This Day”

In this Issue:

As you enter in this day (year), will you once again surrender your life into God’s hands and walk each step in faith? Faith is simply taking God at His word. It’s believing all that He says whether you understand it or not, whether you can explain it or not.


Faith is believing God, no matter how you feel, no matter how you read the circumstances, no matter what anyone else tells you.

04. 05. 06.

Mozambique New Zealand Rio de Janeiro

God cannot lie. All that He says is truth. For that reason the very plumb line of our faith is the Bible. Anything that contradicts the unadulterated Word of God is wrong.

Classes 07.


Study Section 08. Lightning 1 John

When the Bible talks about faith, it means more than intellectual assent. As you study God’s Word, you see three elements involved in true faith or belief. They are (1) a firm conviction that fully acknowledges that God has revealed, (2) a surrender to what God has revealed, and, (3) conduct that results from a personal surrender to what God has revealed. To live by faith means to believe what God says, surrender to it, and live accordingly. “Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). Do you believe that the Bible is the inerrant, verbally inspired Word of God? If so, then how are you going to live? I believe that You are Almighty God and that You are a rewarder of those who seek You. I surrender this day (year) to You in faith, choosing to believe Your Word no matter what my feelings or circumstances are.

Updates As you will see in the following pages of testimony, everything done in 2010 will greatly affect the work to be done 2011! God has great plans and is already at work!




t always so rewarding to hear from Isaias and QuĂŠsia, our coordinators for the African Portuguese speaking countries. They have worked with all their might to implement the inductive studies, many times confronting mighty obstacles such as lack of materials and other adversities including the loss of their vehicle as they were in the midst of ministry but nothing stops them and the e-mail below just encouraged us to pray even more for them and their work. “Thank you very much for your continued support. It has been wonderful to see the method being passed on to people not only here in Maputo but also in Beira up in the central region. We had two Pastors from that region go through orientation to use the 40 minutes and we hope to find ways to go to Beira and train more people on the method. We are also using the method in discipling new believers and in pre-material counseling. What a blessing! We will soon send you our request for the titles we need in order to continue the work.â€? n p. 04 . Prumo




From the Students: “During the past few months our class learned a lot about prayer, things like avoiding meaningless repetition and knowing God will listen when we ask according to His will. Simon and Marcia shared stories about miracles that happened to them, which made it easier to learn about God—what He does for us and why and how He leads. I feel closer to God now than ever before.” (Subin) I learned how to pray in the order Jesus taught in “the Lord’s prayer.” I also learned how powerful and wonderful God is.” (Rubbica)

Please thank the Lord for: the spiritual growth of these students, for the Korean Marcia and Simon gave us a book church’s decision to help the new Brazilian called “Lord, Teach Me to Pray For church that Simon and Marcia are part of Kids.” We learned that if we ask because of their work with Korean kids. anything according to God’s will, Please pray that: the children will grow He will hear us...I have a better in the grace and knowledge of the Lord relationship with God now; He is a Jesus, understand God’s calling on their real big part of my life. (Youbin) precious lives, and become everything God intended them to be. After they’ve Simon and Marcia gave each one of been instructed and blessed with wisdom us a book and taught us how to pray from God’s Word they can be a blessing to according to God’s will. I’d like to “We’ve taught Precept materials to Korean their families, communities, and nation. learn more things about Him so I can children and pre-adolescents in Queenstown the Inductive Bible Study is initiated know Him better. for almost two years. They’re very inquiring among the Brazilian Community in (Hoyoung) at this age, not satisfied with just listening Queenstown. n to stories. Here, the inductive method shows a difference and proves effective. By studying inductively, the children have opportunities Marcia e Simon with the Korean children in the Jonah Class to: study the Bible actively, not just listen * Simon Purvis is a teacher to what adults have to say; Personally at Southern Lakes Christian investigate, discover, and learn about God, School, and an official feeding themselves from the Word; Improve translator for the Brazilian their academic studies.These qualities leave community in Queenstown. Marcia Maciel is Brazilian students with a unique experience that they and works as a nanny for don’t find in other methods. It’s one thing to two challenging little boys. read about and see underwater pictures and Marcia is the twin sister of photos; it’s quite another to dive in and see for Simon’s wife, Paula. They yourself.” all work for the Brazilian árcia had been one of our best leaders in the Center West region of Brazil, two years ago when she announced she’d be following her sister to New Zealand, we thought we had lost her.But now we’re ecstatic to see God’s plans unfold before our eyes. Our hearts were filled with gratitude when Barbara Kipfer (New Zealand) forwarded this email to us from Márcia:

Church in Queenstown.

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Rio de Janeiro



’m sure all of you remember our prayer request sometime ago for Zélia’s familly, her husband Ernani, their daughter Mariana and their granddaughter Júlia—have now all been introduced to inductive Bible study. God has great things for this family and the city they live in.We’ve seen the Lord’s mighty hand in Rio de Janeiro, little by little conquering unbelief and the terrible “drug war,” you have no doubt heard about.We headed there to lead two workshops, knowing that police were surrounding the favelas (shantytowns) in order to reach drug dealers’ headquarters. The first workshop, a children’s workshop scheduled for Saturday, ended up being cancelled because of the favela invasions. We were in Copacabana at the time so we did not witness the “war zone,” but the city was filled with police cars. Officers told people not go out in order to avoid the traffic, so our coordinator Zélia decided to cancel. But Sunday’s adult workshop went very well despite 15 “no-shows” for the same reason. The people who lived in neighborhoods within the favelas zone could not pass through to where we were. But we had great students, all of them extremely interested, and several inviting us to do workshops in their churches. One of these workshops is scheduled for April in the town of Tijuca which borders Copacabana. So it was all profitable in spite of the initial difficulties.

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Our hearts are rejoicing for these great inroads in Rio de Janeiro. God has so blessed us with this family whose endless courage and work against multiple adversaries has opened numerous workshop opportunities in the heart of a city at war with itself. And their work is spreading to many contiguous cities. We really appreciate your prayers for the people of Rio de Janeiro. The city government has pledged to place permanently Pacifying Police Units in official buildings inside all the favelas to prevent drug dealers from returning to their home bases for operations. Thank God, they’re determined to win this war. Please pray that they do so quickly, so our work for the Gospel is not hindered. n

Event Calendar

How Can You Help?


our participation is a vital part of our ministry: If you have been to one of our many workshops and have been blessed, share with your friends and think about starting your own small study group that way you will not only be helping us, but you will also be taking the Word of God to many. Remember that another way to help us is by communicating to us any new groups so that we can help guide others to them.

Main Workshops

South Region 4/02 - 11/02 Gramado / RS

South East Region 16/ 02 -21/02 Teresópolis / RJ *

27/02 - 02/04 USA

South East Region 08/04 -15/04 Rio de Janeiro / RJ

South East Region 16/04 Niterói / RJ

North East Region 21/04 – 26/04 Teresina / PI *

to be confirmed*

Follow us on-line: Follow our status updates. Be sure to leave comments, questions, concerns your opinion is important to us. Keeping you up to date with ministry news, new products, sales, and events that will take place in every region of Brazil and portuguese speaking countries.

In the next edition of Prumo Newsletter:

Updates :

Araras, SP/ Cuiabá, MT Belo Horizonte , MG


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Lightning Study 1 John 1:1-10 & John 8:12 What is lightning study? It is the easiest way to start to study inductively, a good way to begin your year and let the light be shining throughout your life. I am sure you will like the study and if you want to continue, you can study more about being the light with our 40 minutes “How do You Know God is your Father,� a short study with great results. After studying it for yourself it would be great to share what you have learned with others so why not start a study group?

Instructions What does it mean to walk in the light? Is it possible to walk in the light even though we are still in the flesh? Is it important to walk in the light? How does it affect my relationship with others? Follow the instructions and discover for yourself:: Mark God, including the pronouns and synonyms. Reflect: Look at your markings, what did you learn about God?

what you may have in Him and with Him?What are the traits of His character?

Mark light including the pronouns and synomyms related to it. Reflect: Look at your marking who is the Light? Mark the verb fellowship Reflect: With whom do we have fellowship if we walk in the light? Who else do we have fellowship with? Mark the word sin What did you learn as you mark the word sin? How can I have my sins forgiven and cleansed from all unrighteousness?

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PRINT & MARK 1 John 1:1-10 1 What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we beheld and our hands handled, concerning the Word of life 2 and the life was manifested, and we have seen and bear witness and proclaim to you the eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us. 3 what we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, that you may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ. 4 And these things we write, so that our joy may be complete. 5 And this is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. 6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth; 7 but if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. 8 If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us. John 8:12 12 Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying: “ I am the Light of the world; he who follows me Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.� p. 09 . Prumo

Waldemir e Eleni Campos Leite Precept Ministries International PO Box 182218 - Chattanooga TN 37422 USA Office ph# (423) 296- 8629 ph# (423) 822 -2429 email:

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