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Let’s worship Him in spirit and in truth. To Our Readers omething that has been on my mind lately, a question I have been pondering in my heart: Do I truly worship or just love God? Oh! Please don’t take me the wrong way, yes, I must love Him with all my heart, all my strength, all my mind…(Deut. 6:5), but worship is a deeper state of the soul. Worship is to be totally devoted to Him, to empty myself and be filled with Him alone. Worship is when my eyes are fixed on Him in such way that nothing else matters; noise becomes a whisper before the majesty of His presence. Worship is to contemplate the One who is all I need, when all I need is to be in the Holy of holies. Seeing Him leads me to cease seeing my own self, my troubles, my circumstances. My eyes are now glued to the Master and I am satisfied by Him. My ears then cease to hear the surrounding noises and I am ready to follow His lead, ready to hear what is God’s will for my life. Oh! May this be the desire of your souls and may we worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23). God is inviting you and me to a complete and true surrender until our hearts are fully His! Eleni de Campos Leite
Training Director Precept Portuguese Ministries
Devotional Leaders in Focus Testimonies Workshop Study Page Events Calendar Resources for teachers
. . . P. 3 . . . P. 4 . . . P. 5 . . . P. 7 . . . P. 8 . . . P. 10 . . . P. 11
What does God see when He looks into your heart? Does your innermost being shine with the joy of true surrender? “For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose hearts aret truly His....” (2 Chronicles 16:9)
od is looking for hearts that are fully His, totally dependent on Him, relying on nothing but His power. Hearts that are humbled by thorns and made strong in His grace. And how do we keep our hearts like this? We guard our time of quiet, of being alone in His presence, reading and meditating on His Word and then talking with Him about all issues of life. I cannot stress this enough. When we get in a hurry, when we’re so pressured, so stressed out, so preoccupied by the affairs of daily living that we cannot have leisure in His presence and in His Word, then we’re in grave danger of succumbing to temptation and pride.
The Lord’s eyes are running to and fro across the earth. When He sees you meditating on His Word, taking time to commune with Him in prayer – He stops. He has found what He’s looking for: a heart that’s fully His. Oh, precious one, do His eyes rest on you? Lord, I long to have a heart that is wholly devoted to You. I surrender every corner of my life, every moment of my day to Your service. I choose to live in dependence on You and Your Word.
From the devotional: Lord, I give You this Day by Kay Arthur “
Leaders in Focus: Marcos Schirm
Marcos e Késsia
Belo Horizonte
Minas Gerais
“I completely identified with your mission to help people study and apply the Word of God to their lives”
n November 2008 we received an email from a Marcos Schirm who had found our Portuguese website. Since that communication he has shown a deep, abiding interest in training and materials for his hometown of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais state (Brazil). Here’s his first email: I visited your whole site, including the one in English. I love it and completely identified with your mission to help people study and apply the Word of God to their lives. I’ve been a Sunday school teacher for about fifteen years and this tool called “inductive study” is fantastic! In fact Precept’s inductive study method is the expression of my highest dream—what I had been looking for to work with my whole life. I want to become involved with every level of this ministry to lead people to clear understanding of God’s Word. With each subsequent email we saw the Lord developing him and raising his interest: God has done a great restoration and reorganization of my life—a tsunami of preparation to serve Precept.
After you trained me and my dream started taking shape, I prayed that He would make me worthy to teach Precept’s courses. After some more training Marcos became our regional leader, serving with his wife Késsia. Supported by his pastor, his 40M class Living a Life of True Worship is thriving. Students see the inductive method as innovative and exactly what they need. Their perspective on true worship and their worship itself are both deepening The class has learned that praise and worship are two of Satan’s prime targets, so it’s important to apply this perspective to their lives every day. The study has motivated and encouraged them to achieve this high level of whole‐hearted worship. Before this study many of them did not attend Sunday school, but now they see the value of regularly participating in a systematic inductive study of the whole counsel of God. This class will be the launching pad to expand to the whole region of the Foursquare Church in the Minas Gerais state of Brazil.
Cuiabá Mato Grosso “This study taught me to live a life of true worshipto God.”
ne of the ways I worship God is through choreographic dancing. I have been part of this ministry for quite some time, but only after studying the book “Living a Life of True Worship”, did I realize the importance of living totally surrendered to God. I thought that to be a Levite was to have a prominent position in the service of God but after studying I understood that even someone cleaning the temple can be a Levite. I thank God for this opportunity, I want to continue to learn how to live a life of true worship. Priscila Nunes Souza
This class was very important for my ministry, personal and daily life. Through this class I could better understand what it is to praise and worship; not only this, but what God wants from me and what I am supposed to do. This study taught me to live a life of true worship to God; it increased and is increasing more and more my intimacy and love for the Father each day. Now, I know and can understand the call of God in my life. I praise the Lord for the opportunity to be part of this class and the inductive study. Fernando Soares Cardoso 5
parallels between everything that was in the tabernacle with the coming of Jesus and His works; what a beautiful and perfect revelation! This study has helped me much in understanding the value of prayer and dedication in my daily life, leading me to actually practice what I have learned in my everyday life. I give glory to God for having had this wonderful experience. May God bless this ministry. Harieth Mendes L. Rubio
“The privilege of being a worshiper is not to be noticed, but to be a servant”
Our study in the Worshipers class has been very important to my spiritual life. It has shown me that worship goes beyond singing or dancing it is a way of life, living for the purpose of glorifying God. I learned that to be a Levite is above all to serve and sacrifice my desires and serve Him who has called me! Fabiana Jesus Figueiredo I have witnessed to several people about the things that I have experienced in the Worshippers class. The phrase I always use is: ‘It has been a pleasure!’ For me, that is what best reflects my experience. Beyond learning the theory of how God wants to be adored, I've experienced real moments of worship, where the presence of God has manifested in our midst. I am being sincere when I say that out of all the activities that I have participated in this church, being a part of this class is what has fulfilled me the most. Glory to God for this opportunity! Iara de Jesus Pinheiro By studying the book “Living A Life of Real Worship, I've seen how wonderful God's plan was in regards to the tabernacle and how even today it has meaning in our lives. I am loving this study, this journey inside the tabernacle and inside my own life as well. I have seen how God is perfect in everything and how He wants us to be so for Him, as well, by living a life of holiness and worship. I have also been noticing the
There are not many words to describe this study, but I think that startling and supernatural may define a little of what it has been. Through this class we have grown in knowledge by recognizing the responsibility and value of being a Levite. We have learned that the privilege of being a worshiper is not to be noticed, but to be a servant, faithful, obedient, dedicated, committed and passionate about living the Word of God. I received a very precious gift of God through this study: a heart motivated to be a true worshiper. It is inexplicable the experiences we have lived in this class, a real moving of the Holy Spirit; classes where all the students have become prostrate with truth, healing, dreams planted in hearts ...I have also had the privilege of being called to be a part of the Praise team of this church, and I glorify God for it having been through this class because I do not see myself as a fully prepared musician, because of my own limitations, but I can see it as a gift, a gift from God. I thank the Father for the opportunity to be part of this class, and for all those who have blessed us with this study. Paulo Augusto M. de Moura
ARARAS São Paulo
od is always surprising us with blessings that we never expected, the places which seem impossible and unfruitful He makes them to yield even more fruits for His glory. Vanessa, a member of the Pentecostal Church of Christ in Araras city, wanted a more in depth study which would challenge her students to be in the Word of God so she contact us about a year ago, bought the “Having a Real Relationship with God,” 40 minutes book, and started a class with 15 students. She was so pleased with the results and in order to improve their studying skills she decided to go deeper with the PUP series and invited us to be there for the launch of the class and do a 2 Peter workshop.
Prayer Requests *new pup class 2 Peter *teen’s class *for the new leaders that God is sure to raise up in Araras, Sp.
According to our recommendation she set up a date before the workshop for the initial markings of the text, and what at first would be just for the 15 students already enrolled to her surprise more than 40 people showed up for this first class including the pastor who was so impressed that he asked the leadership of the satellites churches to come for the date established for the workshop. The day of the workshop the enemy tried to scare us off as we could not find the church where the workshop would take place but amazingly in the last minute we found a person who gave an exactly direction and we arrived on time to find more than 50 people waiting with enthusiasm to learn how to study their Bible inductively. God blessed immensely and the pastor and other leaders already extended the opportunity to the teenagers’ class with 50 students they will be using the 40 Minutes Study: “How to Make Choices. “
Lightning Study What is lightning study? It is the easiest way to start to study inductively. I am sure you will like the studyand if you want to continue, you can study more about worship with our 40 minutes “Living a Life of True Woship,” a short study with great results. After studying it for yourself it would be great to share what you have learned with others so why not start a study group?
Psalms 95:1‐8 and John 4:20‐24 God is on His throne and we as His servants need to approach Him and worship. We need to be ready to listen, but are willing to do it His way? There is an invitation to worship. Will you answer the call? If worshipping God is so important, how will I worship God? Is it possible to truly worship Him?
Follow the instructions below and discover for yourself: Marque Mark God and the corresponding pronouns. Pense: What did you learn as you marked God? What are the characteristics of God? Marque Mark “Let us” Pense: What did you learn as you marked “Let us”? We are being called to do what? Marque Mark worship and worshipers Pense: Who would you worship? Is He worthy of worshipping and why? Marque What did you learn as you marked the phrase “spirit and truth” Pense: Who should you worship in this way? The ones who worship in this manner are called? Now that you know who and how to worship take some time, and using the Psalm and the passage you studied, and worship your God who is worthy to be worshiped.
Psalm 95: 1 – 8 1 O come, let us sing for joy to the Lord, let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. 3 For the Lord is a great God and a great King above all gods, 4 In whose hand are the depths of the earth, the peaks of the mountains are His also. 5 The sea is His, for it was He who made it, and His hands formed the dry land. 6 Come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker 7 For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand. Today, if would hear His voice, 8 Do not harden you’re your hearts, as at Meribah, as in the day of Massah in the wilderness. John 4: 20 – 25 20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain, and you people say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. 21 Jesus said to her: “Woman, believe Me, an hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. 22 You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. 23 But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. 24 God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
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Your participation is a vital part of our ministry: If you have been to one of our many workshops and have been blessed, share with your friends and think about starting your own small study group that way you will not only be helping us, but you will also be taking the Word of God to many. Remember that another way to help us is by communicating to us any new groups so that we can help guide others to them.
5/25 to 6/29 6/3 to 6/10 6/13 to 6/19 6/26 to 7/25 7/29 to 7/30 8/4 to 8/10 8/11 to 8/15 8/18 to 8/25 8/26 to 9/09
Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Gramado / Canela (RS) Training in Campinas (SP) U.S.A. Teresopolis/ * Petropolis (RJ) Belém (PA) * Teresina (PI) * Gramado / Canela (RS) Training in Campinas (SP)
* To be confirmed
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Keeping you up to date with ministry news, new products, sales, and events that will take place in every region of Brazil and portuguese speaking countries.
In the next edition of Prumo Newsletter: Updates: Cuiabá, MT and Jaguariúna, SP New: Podcasts and long‐ Distance courses.
Resource for Teachers Book: James “Boy, Have I Got Problems” Project: Newsletter
here are several ways you can increase the learning of the children as they go through the book and following is a wonderful example to enhance their abilities to express themselves and also the opportunity to see how does an article is built up for a magazine. The process stimulates them also to do better next time in order to participate and helps the teacher to see their main needs and areas of improvement. Below, our southern region coordinator, Milton, gives details about this newsletter project which he implemented. “The name of this newsletter came from a drawing by one of our students. The students responded to letters from others needing advice by using the book of James. They wrote and drew out the problems as a manner of clarifying the problem to the readers. The problems they received were real or imaginary, but all of the ones included in this newsletter are real problems brought by the students. Many of the problems were not included because they were resolved during the execution of this project and others were left out from print to protect those involved in the dilemmas. There two problems chosen were the most frequently cited (drugs and violence). Because of the quantity of letters collected during a school‐year, it is impossible to include them all without raising the cost of production. The format is a magazine format where there are editors, reader responses and illustrations. The paper used in printing was high quality, to motivate the students to produce better writing and illustrations for the following editions. You can solicit the students to keep their writing to a minimum in order to gain space and reduce the size of the magazine, but always ask them to maintain good quality writing to elevate the quality of the magazine. In the classroom, the focus was, be it written or drawn, asking questions from the book of James, the advice, the solution and basic questions. We followed the sequencing of the book “Boy, Have I got Problems,” having it as a constant guideline.
This newsletter project is available for viewing at the following web address:
Waldemir and Eleni Campos Leite Precept Ministries International ‐ Portuguese P.O. Box 182218 – Chattanooga, TN 37422 USA Office ph# (423) 296‐8629 ph# (423) 822‐ 2429 Email: