Precious Pets Volume 4 Issue 2

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Pernicious Pests The Annual Halloween Edition of Precious Pets











BARKING BRAM erywhere). And I do believe that, as pet owners, we have our own upsetting and helpless situations here, in Quebec and in Canada that we should be made aware of...

Barking Bram with Bram D. Elsenthal

ED. NOTE: In response to the article we reprinted (with permission) last issue from a paper in Australia, we received an excellent letter from a woman who took exception to the fact that poisoning cats was the solution of the island’s locals as a way of controlling their cat population. Here then is the original letter, unedited, and our reply: Hello, I have been a reader of your magazine for approximately one year now and I found the articles in it to be informative, entertaining, compassionate and funny. However, in the latest issue (Sept.) I unpleasantly discovered an article which I do not quite understand as to why it should be in a magazine called “Precious Pets-The ultimate monthly paper for pets and their companions”, i.e. the article entitled: “Cats invade Aussie Island”... Whilst on a rational level it might be considered to be an informative article, on an emotional level of the readers of your magazine (i.e. the pet owners) it was an upsetting article, as you have noted at the end of it. Thank you for trying to broaden our horizons. We are aware that this kind of actions are required for valid reasons in different parts of

the world. However for us, this is not why we read your magazine. If we wanted to be enlightened in reasons as to why cats should be poisoned, we would have consulted specific magazines re: wildlife, Australian islands etc. I do not believe this kind of article is pertinent for pet owners in Quebec. Nor did I appreciate or understand the purpose of the obviously distressed (“vicious”? looking) cat at the beginning of this specific article. Did it serve the purpose to justify, at the subconscious level of the reader, the act of poisoning cats? Again, please don’t misunderstand me: I am not advocating for keeping your readers uniformed or ignorant. I do believe that most of your readers do know that such actions are happening, unfortunately and for valid reasons. I also believe that your readers know where to access such information should they choose to. However, such articles in your paper fulfil the sole purpose of upsetting your readers and exacerbating their feelings of helplessness and guilt in such unfortunate situations. (I believe that the majority of our readers, being pet owners, do have sensitive, compassionate and responsable feelings towards the animal welfare situation ev-

Precious Pets The ultimate monthly paper for pets and their companions

Precious Pets is a publication of Precious Pets Media Group Inc. Volume 4 Issue 2, October 2016. Copyright 2016. Precious Pets does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not presumed to be the opinions and statements of Precious Pets Media Group Inc.




take actions against animals that are shocking to many of us, instead of a measured, logical, well thought-out response. I also stress that your letter was the only one we received on the issue, meaning either that most readers simply do not care or, alternatively, would rather watch cute pet videos than let us know how they really feel. Thank you for the time and effort it took for you to pass along your letter.

Patricia Munteanu

Bram Eisenthal

I thank you for your attention to my opinion and I do hope this is not taken for an attempt to control the type of articles published in your magazine...


Editor: Precious Pets

Dear Ms. Munteanu, While we are not in the least bit surprised that the article in question upset you, we wish to stress that we used the article to sharply contrast the Aussie island’s solution with the decision taken by Cote Saint-Luc’s (here in Quebec) municipal authorities to organize- under councilor Mike Cohen and the Cat Committee he helped found – to assemble a Trap, Neuter and Release Program, a very humane body that helps prevent a massive overgrowth of the local feral cat population. We are certainly not advocating that feral cats be poisoned to keep their population at bay, merely pointing out that the world is a big and potentially nasty place, where people might resort to desperate measures. For instance, I could see a future where a Montreal mayor might




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MAILING ADDRESS: ....................................... P.O. Box 66521, Cavendish Mall, Côte Saint-Luc, QC H4W 3J6 PUBLISHER AND EDITOR: .......................................................................................... Bram Eisenthal SALES MANAGER:........................................................................................................ Tina Di Salvia CREATIVE DESIGN: ............................................................................................. Vanessa Zylberberg ART DIRECTOR:............................................................................................................ Marta Barnes ONTARIO DIRECTOR & DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL MEDIA:.................................................. Janet Boiangiu


The Rohacs: Proudly part of the Precious Pets family year-round


Story and pics by Bram Eisenthal u A Precious Pets Exclusive

The Lasalle, Quebec-based Rohac family is just about as pet-friendly as you will find. It’s not just that they HAVE two dogs – I mean, certainly some families have far more…. It is what they do to them and with them that truly counts most. . Oskar, a three-year old Giant Schnauser and Jake, a _-year old Yorkshire Terrier, are treated like part of the family and having just spent over an hour with them, I can tell you that they are both very good boys. My hands smell like dog as I type this, yet I am hesitant to wash them. The dogs are both quite memorable and charming. My initial meeting with bespectacled Jovan (who just turned 12), who became our Boyhood Buddy columnist just afterwards, was quite fateful indeed. The kid loves to read and write and is just getting into science-fiction, at about the same age I did. So getting him to assume the chores of a columnist, which occasionally has its challenges, was fairly easy. I simply asked and he said yes. What he brings to the paper is the viewpoint of a young man before he is jaded by society (hopefully not). And writing about his two dogs is something Jovan proudly does from time to time.

about Jovan’s adventures with the dogs in the pages of Precious Pets, in his guise as our Boyhood Buddy.

family, her three children and her husband, and their affinity with pets. “As a child my family always had a dog,” she told me. “So I grew up knowing the importance of having a family pet. Having a pet helps children to learn responsibilities, such as knowing a dog needs to be fed, walked, brushed, washed, played with, etc. There is also the matter of companionship,… when we are alone at home and all other family members are out, you are never really alone because you have another member of the family at home with you to cuddle with and talk to. This is another reason why I believe that, when old-

I can concur with. “So the dogs’ presence helps us maintain equilibrium in the household,” she concluded. I wanted to know if the presence of pets at home made a difference while raising the children. “This is an interesting question….. they are both responsibilities but different ones. Adopting or purchasing a pet is not merely a twoweek responsibility, but rather long term. It is much like the decision to have children : Long term.

I asked mom Darleen about her er people live alone they should have a pet in their household as a companion.” It turns out that Oscar provides the family with the most entertainment. “Oscar keeps us laughing because he’s a regular clown. He is goofy and having lots of energy ensures he is a great playmate outside for the kids. Jake, on the other hand, is bossy and is always keeping Oscar and the rest of us in line. We do not need a doorbell with Jake as he will notify us of anyone approaching the house.” Darleen noted that Oscar also barks in a husky baritone voice, something

“I believe some people are made to have only children or only pets, while other people handle both. Quite often, you encounter individuals who are not naturally inclined to handle either. When our daughter Melissa moved out of our household and into her own, she adopted a little dog. I refer to him as my ‘Granddoggie.’ By seeing how Melissa is with Brutus ( a Yorkiepoo), I would say she will be a great mother to her own children.” Darleen concluded that both of her boys, our columnist Jovan and brother Lukas “are amazing with the dogs, Jake is around more to cuddle with the boys while Oscar is around more as a playmate. You can often read

Coming up NEXT ISSUE

FRIDAY NOV 25, 2016






This year, Pernicious Pests is proud to bring you spooky tales from two of the better horror writers around. This year, we hint at some ghoulish compensation for Joseph A. Citro and John-Paul Allen and we throw in a very short short by yours truly, as well…. enjoy! Bram Eisenthal - Editor

The Ghostly House of Johnson, VT (The following is a short chapterin the latest book from the keyboard of Vermont writer Joseph A. Citro, Vermont’s Bard of the Bizarre…. Thanks, Joe, for kindly allowing us to use it…) Back in the summer of 1974, two land surveyors, Clement Ridley and Bud Harper, were working in the woods near Johnson, Vermont. As their day came to an end, they moved out of the trees and on to an old logging road. It was no great surprise when they eventually saw a good-sized farmhouse ‒ an old one ‒ about a quarter-mile away. The place must be deserted, way out here in the middle of nowhere, they thought. Moving closer, the men remarked on how dilapidated it was... but wait! They clearly saw smoke curling from the chimney... And clothes drying on the line. So someone was living there after all! “A bit off the grid,” Clem said, puzzlement clear in his voice. “Yuh, but there’s something weird about it,” Bud responded quietly. No vehicles were in the yard. Nor driveway. No electrical wires ran to the place. Everything about it just seemed... odd. Still, they continued toward it.


When they were less than sixty feet away a bearded man came around a corner, carrying an ax on his shoulder. He was slender, and wore a broad-brimmed hat. Bud Harper greeted the man, but he didn’t seem to hear. Then Clem Ridley called out. Instead of answering, the man just looked around, kind of confused. The surveyors wondered if he could be deaf and maybe blind, too? For some reason ‒ maybe it was the ax ‒ Bud and Clem began to feel uncomfortable . . . and soon left. Later, still puzzled, they studied their U.S. Geological Survey map. Oddly, the old house was not on it, though normally such maps include all major buildings and houses. A few days later, after many jokes about government inefficiency and oversight, they returned to the spot. They were shocked to discover the old house wasn’t there. Mr. Ridley said, “There was no sign of it! We didn’t make a mistake about where we were ‒ maps don’t lie!” Completely flummoxed now, they hurried to the Johnson Town Hall where town records revealed that yes, there in fact had been an old house at that exact spot. It had burned down in 1910. But they had seen it, stood in its dooryard, scrutinized its occupant. It had been there. Then it wasn’t.

The previous story is from Joseph A. Citro’s new book, The Vermont Ghost Experience, which costs just $15 U.S.and is published by Lulu Books, where you can also order the book online. John Paul Allen’s new novel will be out in January 2017 and we recommend both writers highly if you seek good frights. Thanks to both friends for providing such fine material to this Halloween issue. Bram Eisenthal Editor (ED. NOTE: Maybe Precious Pets should give away a trip to Johnson, VT, a night’s stay a must. Any takers?)


Gone by John Paul Allen Chapter One Houston, Texas 2015 Mike Ray shut the door, lifted the seat and peed. He flushed, dropped the lid, and ran water in the sink for background noise. He didn’t expect anyone to be listening, but felt caution was best. He opened the medicine cabinet. Prozac, Trazadone, and Zyprexa … you’re as messed up as I am, Suze, he thought. He filled the plastic bag with bits from each bottle, slipped it into his jacket, washed his hands, opened the door and listened. If there were sounds he ignored them as he looked across the hall at Leigh’s room. A Keep Out sign, scrawled in purple and tacked was honored more now


than before. No one had entered, except his wife who picked out the blue dress worn for St. Margaret’s Spring Swing. She’d also wear the necklace. There was no need for shoes. Mike glanced down the stairs. Suze told him she had errands to run and would leave before he finished in the bathroom. Hearing nothing, he continued to the closed door. Turning the knob, he opened it slowly and took in his last view of Leigh’s world. He noticed the dark blue walls, painted a year earlier in a fit of self-expression. In the midst of teen rebellion, she scrawled messages secretly directed at him. I HATE YOU … I AM NOT A CHILD. They were written shortly after entering high school, but weren’t found until he followed her into the room during a heated argument. She saw the hurt in his eyes and her wall cracked. She cried and apologized, promising to help him repair the damage. She chose the color, he did the work and things were calm for a while. Straight ahead, above one of her dressers, was the fairy poster Mike bought her when she still believed in such things. Magic Begins in Your Heart, it read with various creatures - a ladybug, a butterfly, a bluebird and of course several faeries surrounding the words. To his left was her bed, still untouched. He wondered if putting the pillow to his face would allow him to catch the fragrance of Clinique Suze gave her at Christmas. Behind the headboard the group One Direction appeared to watch over where she slept. Beside the bed a small white desk covered with what he called girlie stuff. The term made her cringe, adding to the evidence of her father’s inability to let her grow up. In the center was her

literary section continued... laptop - cover opened and tempting him to explore. He quickly declined. Let her keep her secrets. He saw no reason to invade what he wasn’t meant to know. Mike looked out the window onto the driveway to see if Suze’s car was gone. It was, which suited him. Some things should be done solo. He pulled the desk chair toward him and sat, then rolled closer to the bed. Should I say something? He said good-bye at the funeral, but that was ceremony. It made more sense here. This was Leigh’s space since climbing out of her crib. She didn’t just sleep here. She grew here. She learned here. She went from worshiping to tolerating him here. He wasn’t sure what his wife would eventually do with the room. He didn’t care, because he’d never know. “Hey Doodle,” Mike said, imagining the face she would have made hearing him call her that. He tried to feel Leigh and wanted to believe he could. He looked across the room to her bureau. At the bottom corner, tucked between the mirror and its frame was a photo of her on a Schwinn. He smiled, remembering how learning to ride was so difficult for her – almost a phobia. Unable to use her brand new bike when she hit nine years, one Sunday morning he loaded it into the SUV and drove to the empty parking lot of the local high school. She protested ‘I can’t’ and he told her she would. The photo was taken less than an hour later and she kept it within viewing range ever sense. “Remember how scared you were? What did I tell you? If you fall I’d pick you up. I did two or three times, until you were riding all over the place. You were so proud of yourself. You told me a few years ago that you appreciated how I was always there for you. Maybe you were trying to brown nose me for something, but I think to a point you believed that. Well, you might not have noticed, but I didn’t respond. Eventually I would have, but that wasn’t the right time. Honey, you thought I did so much for you. The truth is that you were the one who kept me going. I don’t think I could ever repay you for what you did

for my life. At least that’s how I looked at it. I could handle anything… until last year.” His voice choked and he stopped to compose himself. “Are you watching? I don’t know. I’m not feeling you and if you’re not here I want to believe you’re someplace better. We both need to be. I’ve never been into that Heaven stuff, but now I’m hoping. Hope … it’s all I’ve got. Maybe I don’t deserve it, but you do and in spite of all the times I embarrassed or pissed you off, you’ve always been the only one who mattered. As for your mom, you probably knew something wasn’t right. Let’s deal with the questions when we see each other again, if that’s how this works. I love you and miss you so much. Anyway, that’s enough. I’ve got to fix all this.” Mike stood and slid the chair back in place. He walked out of the room, closing the door behind him and stopped at the top of the stairs to consider if he wanted to go into the bedroom he once shared with Suze. Why? He thought, then moved down the steps. He went into the kitchen and took a yellow post it and pen from the end of the counter and wrote: DIDN’T FIX IT. CALL A REPAIRMAN. He smiled, wondering why she bothered asking him. During their seventeen years together he rarely held a tool. You actually thought I could fix the dishwasher? He left the note on top of the appliance. Before leaving the room he opened a drawer and removed a corkscrew, sliding it into his back pocket and lifted a wine glass from the drainer in the sink. He continued to the front door. He opened the door and turned his view back into the house in an attempt to depart with one good memory. Instead he thought of Suze, sixteen years earlier when she told him.

Chapter Two Nashville, Tennessee 1999 “We need to talk,” Suze said, as she sat on the couch holding a section of the Sunday newspaper in her hands. “One sec,” Mike whispered, as


he nodded and held up a finger. Quietly he walked into the kitchenette of their apartment, one of many in the Andrew Jackson Family Housing Complex of Vanderbilt University. It was his third year as both a college student and husband, his tenth day as a father. From the dishwasher he retrieved a glass, filled it with crushed ice and plucked two cans of soda from the refrigerator. On the way into the living room he grabbed his Latin book from the counter and tucked it under his arm. Sitting on the sofa next to his wife, he smiled. “Finally she’s out.”

“I’ve been thinking about it for a while.”

“Like that matters to you,” Suze said, taking the glass. No eye contact was made, Mike’s clue that he was in trouble for something or this would be a serious discussion – at least from his wife’s viewpoint. The last one came during her first trimester when she suggested he transfer to a school near her parents in Houston. Convincing her it wasn’t a good idea he compromised with a semester break trip to visit them and added a promise to consider applying at Rice University for his graduate work. “You’ll be oblivious at two-thirty when she summons me,”

“It’s a chromosome thing,” Mike said, the topic beginning to worry him. Their doctor explained the strange feelings Suze might deal with after she gave birth. It happens to some women more than others. “That’s all this is.”

“You wanted to talk?” Mike asked. He slid coasters in front of both of them on the coffee table and set his drink on one. He wiped the wetness from the can on his pants, because Suze would make one of her faces if he hadn’t before he put his hand on her leg. “What’s up?” “I’m not happy,” Suze said, placing the glass on her coaster. Great, I’ve got a final tomorrow, Mike thought. Be supportive and maybe this will go fast. “You’re not happy about…” he paused waiting for her to fill in the rest. Suze stayed silent so he continued. “We just had a baby. It’s going to take some adjustment. I know I’m not doing enough, but finals are almost over.” “It’s not just that,” Suze said.

“Suze, the doctor told us about this,” Mike said, aware that as he talked she was pulling away. “You just carried Leigh for nine months and now your body is changing back. It has an effect on women.” Suze shifted to face Mike, pulling her legs onto the couch and knees up to her chest. It was obvious she didn’t want him to touch her. “I’m not an idiot,” She said. “I thought a baby would make a difference. It just makes things worse.”

“It’s not God damn chromosomes, it’s us,” Suze said. “I’m not happy with us. I’ve been thinking about it since we got here, before you got me pregnant. I was barely eighteen when we got married. You were twenty-one. You got to experience life. You lived on your own. You had time to learn what you wanted. I’ve only been with my family and you.” “Let’s get something straight. Leigh, was your idea. You talked about having a baby since day one. I suggested waiting until I graduated. I compromised with you having her this early and I’m glad we had her. I love her and I love you. The only thing that matters is if you love me,” Mike said. Suze nodded she did. “Good, then we can work on this. You’re right, I did have time to discover what I wanted in life before we met. That’s how I learned that I wanted to be with you. You didn’t have that opportunity, but fortunately we fell in love. That doesn’t mean you have to completely dowith-


SPOOKY TALES Continues Page 9






They Call Me Dr. W

Halloween can be dangerous to pets; Follow these safety tips year-round (by Dr. Wybranowski, B.SC. DVM CCRT)

Happy Halloween! But keep your pet safe with these tips… Halloween is fun but it can be a dangerous and stressful to pets. We all know that chocolate is toxic to pets: The darker the chocolate (the less sugar it has), the more dangerous. There are, however, other dangers that lurk on the eve of Halloween and I am not referring to goblins and ghosts. A constantly ringing doorbell, especially since strangers are all dressed up, may be stressful. Some pets get very scared by all visitors, whileothers love them. If your pet would be stressed by all these visits, place him in a room far away from the door, which would minimize the noise he hears. Make sure all your pets have ID tags on, as they may escape with the door being opened so often. Besides chocolate, other candies or sweets can be dangerous. An artificial sweetener, such as “Xylitol” (present in many candies today) is extremely toxic to pets, causing low blood sugar and liver failure. Raisins and macadamia nuts are also very toxic, the first causing renal failure and the latter causing severe vomiting, weakness and joint pain. Tin foil or plastic wrapping, when swallowed by a dog, can cause choking or intestinal blockage that may require surgery. Glow sticks and glow jewelry appear to be a favorite toy for cats to chew on, but they contain chemicals that are very irritating to their mouths Candles can get knocked over by a wagging tail and start a fire, but they can also singe the mustache on a curious kitten. Electric cords for lights and decorations can often become something pets will chew on - Electrocution and burning of the mouth and tongue is not uncommon.

and to move. Try it on your pet a few days before just to see how he reacts and make sure it is safe. Avoid costumes that have buttons or snaps containing lead or zinc, as they can be toxic if

swallowed. If you own a black cat it would be better to keep him indoors on Halloween night as, unfortunately some people like to hurt them.

A well planned-out Halloween night may prove to be a lot of fun for the whole family, but just make sure it will be a safe one for all concerned!

If you want to dress your pet in a costume, that’s fine. Just make sure the costume does not hinder his ability to see, to breathe




First-ever Dog Fest: Precious Pets was there Boyhood Buddy with Jovan Rohac

The weekend of the 9th of October, 2016,, the first Dog Fest came to Montreal and it was set up along the Lachine Canal, not too far from Atwater Market. At the Dog Fest there were many vendor booths, each one promoting different things. There was even a Kissing Booth except you kissed a dog not a human, which I thought was pretty cool. I discovered a few things that I didn’t know about, like the fact that there are actually “Doggie Hotels” and companies that will go and pick up your dog poop from your yard if you don’t want to take the DIY approach. Another company will come to your house, babysit and walk your dog. While I was at the Dog Fest, I discovered a vendor booth that promoted a website where you take a test to see which type of dog would suit you and your household. I think I should take the test and see which dog would be perfect for me, no? I went with my Mom on the Sunday of the event: There were so many people and dogs! I would say there was almost one dog

per person. What was cool about it that it wasn’t just the popular breeds but many different dogs, as well as rarer breeds. I even got to see a GIANT dog that weighed 160 lbs: An Irish Wolfhound. Another booth was the “Paws for Hope “ walk that was created by the Canadian Cancer Society. It’s a walk you undertake with your dog and on average they raise about $8000.00 each walk. There were also food trucks aplenty if you got hungry or thirsty during the event. They had an agility field set up, in case you wanted to try the sport out with your dog. Also, a really cool closed-in dog park where dogs could be off leash, roam free, play or run with other dogs. There was a trainer showing how dogs are trained to attack (not in a bad way) in a military/ police manner. The trainer was wearing a suit that looked like a winter jacket . The dog attacked on command but could not bite through the suit.

One extremely cool booth involved a company that plans weekend retreats for you and your dog. They have summer camps where teens aged 10 - 16

can go and learn different tricks and learn obedience training with their dog. Did I mention the Poop Scooping company? They have a Poop-Composter! All you have to do in put your dog’s poop in the composter and it disappears…. Haha!

(Ed. NOTE: Jovan – and, of course, mom Darleen - thanks so much for your coverage and a very interesting report. Thanks to Vanessa Zylberberg for her excellent accompanying photos and to event organizer Larry Day for his media passes to the event)




SPOOKY TALES Continued from Page 5

W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W out. There’s lots of ways for you to get what you missed out on. Do you want to go to school? We can work it out. Do you want to take a trip? Within reason we can do that. Just tell me what will make you happy and I’ll do it.” “I want to see other men,” Suze said, giving Mike the same puppy dog eyes used when she overpent her budget. At first Mike couldn’t respond, because he wasn’t sure if he heard her right. “You said you loved me and you’re talking divorce,” He said. “You’re not making any sense. We should sleep on this and talk in the morning. We can get help. It’s not just you. I’ll do whatever it takes to save our marriage.” “I don’t want a divorce,” Suze said. “I just need more and how do you think Leigh and I will live without you? I’d have to move back in with my family. That’s not going to happen.”

“You’re worried about moving back in with your parents?” Mike asked. “That’s just part of it,” Suze said. “You know the kind of guys my folks would try to hook me up with, Bible thumpers and that’s not the experience I need. I want to stay with you, because I do love you. You’re a good man and you’re going to be a great dad for Leigh. Let’s face it, no one from the Goodwill Assembly of God will ever make what you’re going to pull in. Besides that, do you want your daughter growing up without you? That’s what’ll happen if we split.” “Suze, we need help,” Mike said. “The university has counselors and it won’t cost us anything. We can move back to Houston. I’ll transfer my credits. I’ll do anything. I’ll change.”

wants her bottle give it to her.” “But I love you,” Mike said, watching her stand walk away without a response. ED. NOTE: Mr. Allen’s next novel, Gone, containing this generous excerpt, will be out in January 2017 and you can visit his About Me page at: absoluteallen1954 We know WE like him! And now, faithful readers, on to a piece by a local boy….using his nomme de plume, no less.

see you all next year. And stay scared!

Mental health, anxiety and depression are words you hear so commonly nowadays, mainly referring to humans, however it is at times forgotten that our furry

Have you ever stopped to think about what it would feel like to suffer from something you had no control over or no understanding of what was happening to you - no one to talk to or open

who are ready to ad-

vise the partners and/ or staff when asked for their opinions. They are:

Michael J. Cohen, Councilor, City of Cote Saint-Luc (Quebec) and founder of its Cats Committee Averil Robinson, owner of Pet Friends (Vaudreuil, Quebec)

Dr. Wojciech Wy– Veterinarian (Montreal’s West Island)

How can we know if our animals are in fact dealing with such illness you ask? Look for these symptoms in your pet.

As someone who has suffered from anxiety from as early as seven years old I know that it can be quite debilitating.

field in some manner,


up to about how you’re feeling? That’s how our beloved pets feel when suffering from anxiety or depression.

friends can also suffer from such ailments.

prised of individuals

Gerdy Gouron, owner of Gerdy’s Rescues and Adoptions (Quebec)

Depression affects pets, too with Zoe Bennett

The Editorial Board of Precious Pets is comconnected to the pet

“It’s not always about you,” Suze said, looking angry. “This conversation is over. I’m going to bed. If you’re awake when Leigh

A Pawws for Some R&R

Editorial Board

1. Hiding: They may hide out of fear or illness. 2. Seeking comfort: Some animals have the opposite symptom, even insofar as jumping into your lap. 3. Shaking and panting: Panting without exercise is a definitive sign of anxiety in your pet.

Suzanne Villeneuve – President: Suzanne Villeneuve Associates Inc. & SVbiz Inc. 5. Aggression Knowing what it feels like to deal with panic attacks and anxiety as a human, I can only imagine what it must feel like as animal, and let me tell you from experience that it’s no fun. We want our pets to enjoy their lives with us, so if you notice these symptoms in your pet, please contact your veterinarian as soon as possible! ED. NOTE: Thanks, Zoe, for reminding us that our pets’ behaviours are important… they are much more than mere cute and cuddly playthings.

4. Excessive licking and chewing of fur.



Pampered Pets of Westmount holds free spa day for Pitbulls


Story and pics by Bram Eisenthal Anna Maria Ranieri is not just any groomer. Her business, Pampered Pets of Westmount, is one of the busiest dog shops anywhere and a lot of that has to do with her infectious charm and her business ethics, which ensure that her tables are always filled with dogs that love to receive their treatments. And happily come back for more. When talk of PItbull bans and other negative breed-specific actions started taking over Montreal news this past summer, Anna Maria decided that branding PItbulls with a negative stamp

was just plain wrong. So she organized a special day at her shop late in September, where Pitbulls were treated especially nice – during her Pitbull Pampering Party - and the public had a chance to interact with them. In effect, she treated Pits and their owners to a “free spa day,” where the dogs could be groomed gratis and there were snacks aplenty for both pets and humans alike. “With all the negativity looming around the city, I wanted to put something positive out there,” Anna Maria stated.

The event was a huge success and even attracted a lot of print and electronic media from as far afoot as Ottawa. Basically, we wanted to show the city just how great these dogs really are,” Anna Maria said. “I’ve been working with dogs a very long time,” she added. “And of all the dogs I see coming into my shop every day, we get many PItbulls and Pitbull-type dogs and never once did one of them try to bite my staff members or myself. Believe it or not, there are a lot of little dogs out there that have a tendency to be more

aggressive abd just the other day, I got a nice nip on my hand from a smaller dog. “Pitbulls are not the problem.”

Pampered Pets of Westmount is located at 4937B Sherbrooke W., near Claremont. Their number is 514-487-9998.

tidbits art by

marta barnes

Ace Dog Training Montreal AFFIRMATIVE CANINE EDUCATION • Obedience, All Levels • Behavior Consultations • Temperament Evaluations



C.D.T.A.REGISTERED TRAINER Member of Montreal Dog Trainers Network

It was All Hallows Eve, and with the curtain between worlds at its thinnest,Margaret had readied her revenge on all those who had ever called her ‘Cat Lady’.





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