Texas Limousin Association
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P.O Box 880 Krum, TX 76249
VOL. 35 NO.3
SBLX Xtra Special, the dam of
09.21.16 | 68% Lim-Flex Polled & Homo Black daughter of MAGS Ali BW: 3.0 WW: 92 YW: 119 MA: 26 REA: .37 MB: 0.7 $MTI: 60.16
SBLX Znote, the dam of
SSTO EXTRASPECIAL 702E 01.09.17 | Purebred Homo Polled & Black daughter of TMCK Durham Wheat 6030X BW: 1.7 WW: 72 YW: 94 MA: 29 REA: .38 MB: -0.10 $MTI: 47.57
PBRS Your The One 1134Y, the dam of
LLJB Absolute Style 3056A, the dam of
01.08.17 | Polled & Homo Black
SSTO ENDLESS HOPE 705E 01.13.17 | Polled & Homo Black
01.15.17 | homo Polled & Homo Black All daughters of PVF Insight BW: 1.3 WW: 71 YW: 103 MA: 26 REA: .82 MB: .18 $MTI: 60.45
01.02.17 | 50% Lim-Flex Homo Polled & Homo Black daughter of EF Xcessive Force BW: -0.5 WW: 65 YW: 96 MA: 24 REA: 0.08 MB: 0.23 $MTI: 56.58
Make plans to be with us at the ranch 01.25.18 for our annual Texas Tradition Limousin & Lim-Flex production sale.
Scott, Donna & Lauren Stowers 940.644.2747 • Scott cell: 940.577.1300 • 430 CR 1326, Bridgeport, TX 76426 stowers@boldwireless.net • www.stowerslimousin.com Jason Gaston, ranch manager, 817.247.8011 • jasongaston85@gmail.com
Marketing & Branding ...
Island Week was Paradise
The time we spend with our Limousin family is special; the banners, trophies and accolades are just icing on the cake. We congratulate the junior exhibitors and their families who attended this year’s junior nationals in Grand Island, Nebraska. A Texas-sized thanks to the Heartland Association members for their hard work in making the event one for the ages. We would like to extend a special tip of the hat to our fellow Texas families who joined us for a week in Island Paradise. We look forward to our next gathering with our extended Limousin family.
McKinley’s Achievements: 2 Class Winners
Division Champion Lim-Flex Heifer 1st - Intermediate Magazine Ad 3rd - Non-Cattle Division Intermediate Photo Contest Top Ten Sweepstakes Champion Beef Cook-Off Team Member State Sweepstakes Champion Team Member
AUTO Dixon 257D
5/3/16 - LF 50% - HetP/HB EXAR Blue Chip x AUTO Gemini 248T Division III Champion Lim-Flex McKinley Begert
Trophy Hunts Available Deer • Quail • Turkey
Boone’s Achievements: Class Winner
Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Heifer 1st - Non-Cattle Division Junior Photo Contest National Champion Junior Quiz Bowl Team Member Champion Beef Cook-Off Team Member State Sweepstakes Champion Team Member
BNWB Amelia 601D
3/8/16 - PB - DP/DB RADB Axle x BGRT Danica 310A Division III Rs. Champion Bred & Owned Boone Begert
As always, we have solid, stout bulls for sale, most are double homozygous; and weaned heifers available this fall. Come to Allison, we’d love to show you the herd and talk Limousin.
Hiram and Darenda • 806/375-2346 Bret, Hayley, McKinley & Boone • 806/375-2345 Box 110, Allison, Texas 79003 • e-mail: begertranch@wildblue.net • www.begertranch.com
CJO RANCH Genetics Available Private Treaty The past few years, we have made selections from some of the top breeders in the country with an emphasis on a strong EPD profile and phenotype. We have incorporated an exclusive AI breeding program utilizing sires with characteristics that match our criteria for females. We are now ready to offer the results of our breeding decisions. We have bred heifers and a strong set of herd-sire prospects available now. Sires represented in this offering include: LH U Haul, MAGS Y-Axis, MAGS Zodiac, MAGS Unite Together, MAGS Zamindar and MAGS Eagle.
CJO Ranch “CJOR”
Jimmy & Cori Onstead Aubrey, Texas Phone: 903.744.2734 • www.cjoranch.com
CJOR Alene 102C
10/7/15 - HetP/HetB - Lim-Flex 59% LH U Haul 135U x LH Yankee Honey 007Y BW: 1.4 WW: 67 YW: 106 MK: 29 YG: -.05 CW: 35 RE: .44 MB: .45 AI’d to MAGS Zamindar
CJOR Annabelle 111C
11/23/15 - HP/HB - Lim-Flex 50% LH War Hero 195W x LH Zippin Hot 213Z BW: 1.6 WW: 77 YW: 124 MK: 22 YG: -.04 CW: 46 RE: .17 MB: .38 AI’d to MAGS Zamindar
Give us a call on the strong genetics we have available today.
TEXAS JUNIOR LIMOUSIN ASSOCIATION 2017-18 TJLA OFFICERS MCKINLEY BEGERT....................................................PRESIDENT JACEE HALLIDAY...............................................VICE PRESIDENT HANNAH HOOPER................................SECRETARY/TREASURER BRYSON MORROW.......................................PUBLIC RELATIONS RANDA TAYLOR........................................................EX-OFFICIO
The TJLA Show Heifer of the Year points will conclude with the State Fair of Texas October 15, 2017. The unofficial standings (results from some shows have not been reported) as well as rules governing the program can be found on the junior page of the TLA website. Exhibitors must be members of the Texas Junior Limousin Association. Point Scale: 20 points for grand champion, 15 points for reserve grand champion; a descending scale for the top five places in class beginning with 10 points for 1st, nine for 2nd, eight for 3rd, seven for 4th and six for 5th. Points are calculated on each animal, an exhibitor with more than one animal cannot combine points. Points will be considered beginning with the Lone Star Shoot-Out, Fort Worth Junior Show, San Antonio Junior Show, San Angelo Junior Show, Houston Junior Show, Star of Texas @ Austin, TJLA Field Day, NALJA heifer show, West Texas Fair, East Texas Junior Show, South Plains Fair, Tri-State Fair, State Fair of Texas and Heart of Texas. Shows must have a Limousin breed show for points to count. In the event of a tie, points from Field Day will be used as tie breaker; if still a tie, then Junior Nationals will be the tie breaker. Points from only five of the afore mentioned shows will be used to determine winners. The following placings are based on the top five shows. EXHIBITORS SHOULD CHECK THE POINT TOTALS ON THE TLA WEBSITE AND ADVISE THE TLA OFFICE OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. TOP TEN AS OF JULY 5, 2017: LSTO 609D, Emma Tittor, 89 points; MAGS De Lorean, Tucker Parkinson, 74 points; VL Creme De La Creme, Logan Chachere, 68 points; PEDS Calypso, Hannah Hooper, 68 points; MECC Cover Girl, Bentley London, 59 points; LLKT Miss Carolina, Jacob Keeton, 50 points; LFL Daphne, Shae Lynn Suttle ,44 points; LLKT Miss Daytona, Nikki Keeton, 42 points; LEGS Clover, Jullianna Norrell, 41 points; LLKT Miss Camille, Jacob Keeton, 40 points.
2017-2018 TJLA BOARD
The Texas Junior Limousin Association (TJLA) elected new officers at its meeting during the Field Day Saturday May 27, 2017, (l-r): Julianna Norrell, director; Bryson Morrow, public relations; Jacee Halliday, vice president; Rand Taylor, ex-officio; McKinley Begert, president; Shae Lynn Suttle, director; and Hannah Hooper, secretary/treasurer.
During the Field Day TJLA members competed in several satellite events in preparation for competition at Junior Nationals. Thanks to Kendall Gaston for coordinating the events. Results are as follows: MAGAZINE ADS, Novice Division: 1st Tucker Parkinson, 2nd Kylee Gaston, 3rd Lana Tittor. Junior Division: 1st Emma Tittor, 2nd Logan Chachere, 3rd Boone Begert. Intermediate Division: 1st McKinley Begert, 2nd Bryson Morrow, 3rd Hannah Hooper. Senior Division: 1st Emma Chachere, 2nd Leighton Chachere. PHOTOGRAPHY, Novice Division: 1st Beau London, 2nd Bentley
London, 3rd Kylee Gaston. Junior Division: 1st Boone Begert, 2nd Logan Chachere. Intermediate Division: McKinley Begert, 2nd Jacee Halliday, 3rd Cassidy Jones. Senior Division: 1st Emma Chachere, 2nd Callie Badgett, 3rd Kyle Ming. SALES TALK, Novice Division: 1st Blake Morrow, 2nd Kylee Gaston, 3rd Bentley London. Junior Division 1st Emma Tittor, 2nd Logan Chachere, 3rd Nikki Keeton. Intermediate Division: 1st Colton Barton, 2nd McKinley Begert, 3rd Bryson Morrow. Senior Division: 1st Callie Badgett, 2nd Layton Schur, 3rd Michael Durall.
A silent auction was held during the TJLA Field Day and Heifer Show in Levelland. Proceeds went towards the awards presented during the show. Thanks to all who donated and purchased, and to Melanie Tittor and Hayley Begert for organizing the auction.
The West Texas Fair will once again offer $2,500 in premium money for the junior Limousin heifer show. Visit their website to view the premium book for more details and entry information, www.taylorcountyexpocenter.com.
Each year the TLA presents a scholarship in memory of pioneer Limousin Breeders E.J. Bishop and Gene Rogers. This year’s recipient was Randa Taylor of Decatur. SEPT/OCT 2017 | TLA
August 15 Entry Deadline West Texas Fair, Abilene, TX
August 18 Entry Deadline Panhandle South Plains Fair, Lubbock, TX August 25 Entry Deadline State Fair of Texas, Dallas, TX
August 28 Entry Deadline East Texas State Fair, Tyler, TX
Postal Address and Overnight/Parcel Deliveries: 5989 Luginbyhl Road
September 9 4-States Limousin Assn. Sale, Mt. Pleasant, TX September 10 West Texas Fair Junior Limousin Heifer Show, Abilene, TX
Sanger, TX 76266
September 15 Entry Deadline Heart of Texas Fair, Waco, TX September 23 East Texas State Fair Junior Heifer Show, Tyler, TX
September 25 Panhandle South Plains Fair Open Limousin Show, Lubbock, TX
www.texas-limousin.com e-mail: txlimo@aol.com
September 30 East Texas State Fair Open Limousin Show, Tyler, TX September 30 Panhandle South Plains Junior Heifer Show, Lubbock, TX October 7 Lawrence Family Online Heifer Sale October 7 Heart of Texas Junior Heifer Show Waco, TX October 15 State Fair of Texas Junior Limousin Heifer Show, Dallas, TX
October 17 Stowers Limousin & Lim-Flex Online Sale
ADVERTISERS INDEX Begert Limousin.....................................................................3
Please complete the information below and return with your TLA membership dues today!
Breeder Directory.................................................................14
$100.00 I hearby submit this application for membership to the Texas Limousin Association. Upon annual becoming a member, I agree to be abide by the constitution and by-laws of the association.
CJO Ranch..............................................................................4
Ranch Name: _________________________________________________________
Fort Worth Stock Show...........................................................4
Owners: ______________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________ State: _____ Zip: _________ Ranch Phone: _______________ Cell: _______________ Fax: _______________ E-Mail: ___________________________ website: ____________________________
J&J Wilder Family Limousin...............................................15 Johnson Limousin...................................................................9 Lawrence Family Limousin..................................................16
Manager: ____________________________________________________________ Return form(s) to: Texas Limousin Association P.O. Box 880 • Krum, TX 76249 Phone: 940/367-4633 • www.texas-limousin.com • email: txlimo@aol.com
Stowers Limousin...................................................................2
TEXAS LIMOUSIN NEWS Official Publication of the Texas Limousin Association Ralph Hawkins, Executive Secretary P.O. Box 880 • Krum, TX 76249 Phone: 940/367-4633 www.texas-limousin.com • e-mail: txlimo@aol.com
Texas Limousin Association
The Texas Limousin News is published bi-monthly in Krum, TX, by the Texas Limousin Association. All advertising copy is due the 10th of the month preceding publication. All proceeds from the publication go to the Texas Limousin Association. POSTMASTER: Send address change to Texas Limousin Association, P.O. Box 880, Krum, TX 76245. 6
1/2 Page Full Color. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $350 1 Page Full Color. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $600 Card Ads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300/year
Fellow Members and Friends, Recently, Southern Methodist University (SMU) canceled a memorial for victims of the 9/11 terrorist attack citing it might trigger pain or hurtful emotions. Apparently, SMU leaders felt the younger generation lacks the ability to deal with life. Certainly there are some where this is true, however I choose to believe it is a minority. No greater evidence of this can be found in youth livestock programs. In this issue we recognize these young livestock enthusiasts who competed at the Texas Junior Field Day and National Junior Limousin Show and Congress. From an early age they learn about hard work, being responsible for their animals health and well being. They learn to deal with success as well as disappointment, and make friendships that last a lifetime. The TLA believes strongly in the junior program as evidenced by the programs such as the Show Heifer of the Year, Lone Star Shoot-Out, Field Day and the scholarships it promotes. The fall show season schedule can be found in this issue, I encourage you to attend one in your area and cheer on these great kids and future leaders. Plans are under way for TLA’s 2018 activities in Fort Worth during the Stock Show January 26 and 27. It’s not too early to begin getting ready, as it will be here before you know it. Sincerely,
Ralph Hawkins
TEXAS LIMOUSIN ASSOCIATION 2017-2018 OFFICERS Glenn Schur. . . . . . . . . . . . President Wayne Baber. . . . . . . Vice President Gary Fuchs. . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary Vicki Brehm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer Scott Stowers. . . . . . . . . . . Ex-Officio Ralph Hawkins. Executive Secretary
Texas Limousin Association REGIONS MAP
The 2018 Texas Junior Limousin Field Day and Heifer Show will be held at the Brazos County Expo Center in Bryan May 25-27, 2018.
The schedule has been set for the 2018 TLA events held during the Fort Worth Stock Show. The Cowtown Classic Limousin Sale will be Friday January 26, 2018, at 6 p.m. in the West arena of the Richardson-Bass Building. The Level I MOE Limousin Show will be Saturday, January 27 at Noon; following the show, the annual TLA membership meeting will be held in rooms D and E of the Richardson-Bass Building with the awards banquet, dinner and benefit auction to follow.
The Springhill Suites located at 3250 Lovell Avenue will once again serve as the host hotel for the TLA’s events held during the Fort Worth Stock Show. A room block has been set for the TLA with a rate of $114 plus tax for a king suite. For reservations, call 817/878-2554.
DIRECTORS REGION 1 Scott Stowers 430 CR 1326 Bridgeport, TX 76426 940/644-2747 stowers@boldwireless.net
REGION 2 Wayne Baber 808 Lavon Ln. Temple, TX 77865 baberranch@yahoo.com 979/324-4455
REGION 2 Glenn Schur 2669 CR 70 Plainview, TX 79072 806/296-7607 gschur@schurfarms.com
MEMBER AT LARGE Amber Parkinson 3206 W. State Rd. 114 Levelland, TX 79336 806/773-6043 parkinsoncattle@gmail.com
REGION 2 Matt Chachere 7041 FM 1960 Dayton, TX 77535 936/346-3246 matt@chacherefeed.com
REGION 3 Vicki Brehm 8990 Hildebrandt Rd. San Antonio, TX 78222 210/771-3147 brehmfarms@yahoo.com
REGION 4 Jerry Henderson 646 Shown Rd. Jacksboro, TX 79336 940/507-0853 REGION 4 Gary Fuchs P.O. Box 81 Cameron, TX 76520 garyfuchs53@yahoo.com 254/482-0611
REGION 5 Bret Begert Box 110 Allison, TX 79003 bhbegert@hughes.net 806/375-2345
PAST PRESIDENTS M.E. Singleton Jr., deceased Floyd McGown, deceased Dorcell Young Willard Pfluger James Dyer E.J. Bishop, deceased
Lewis Bingham, deceased Cecil Johnson Jr. Tom Stewman Ed Hughes, deceased Gene Rodgers, deceased Payton Scott, deceased
Mike Speer Pierce Boyd, deceased Jim Young Bruce Lawrence Charles Krackau Jim Dyer
Ralph Hawkins Bret Begert Wayne Baber Brad Davis J.R. Brady Jay Wilder
TJLA FIELD DAY & HEIFER SHOW The Texas Junior Limousin association held its annual Field Day and Heifer Show May 26-28, 2017, at the Mallet Event Center in Levelland. Thirty-three junior members exhibited three steers, three bred-and-owned bulls, 13 bred-and-owned females, 28 owned Limousin females and 31 owned Lim-Flex females. Kylan Carson of Lubbock, Texas, evaluated the bred-and-owned entries and showmanship on Saturday, while Nick Fitzsimmons of Perry, Oklahoma, sorted the steers and the owned Limousin and Lim-Flex on Sunday.
Nikki Keeton of Wolfforth exhibited the grand champion bred-and-owned female with LLKT Miss Daytona, a 5/21/16 daughter of KRVN Naskar. Miss Daytona was also named the reserve grand champion owned Limousin female.
Jacob Keeton exhibited the reserve grand champion bred-and-owned female with LLKT Miss Daybreak, a 10/16/16 daughter of KRVN Naskar.
Hannah Hooper of Hale Center exhibited the grand champion bred-and-owned bull with HLFC Deck of Cards a 4/16/16 son of WLR Argo
Logan Chachere of Dayton exhibited the reserve grand champion bull with CHAC Duke, a 10/17/16 son of MLCN Britton.
Colton Barton of Jarrell exhibited the grand champion owned Limousin female with LFL Daisy, a 6/1/16 daughter of MAGS Aviator.
Jayce Wilder of Snook exhibited the grand champion Lim-Flex female with LFL Dignitary, a 3/28/16 daughter of RLBH Air Force One.
Logan Chachere of Dayton exhibited the reserve grand champion Lim-Flex female with AUTO Penny, a 9/15/16 daughter of AUTO Power Plus.
The Lone Star Shoot-Out is a heifer futurity show held during the junior heifer show at the Fort Worth Stock Show. The ShootOut is sanctioned by the Texas Limousin Association (TLA) and funded by TLA members who sell and nominate heifers. The purse has grown from $3,400 in 2012 to $7,000 in 2014; and now has a guaranteed purse of $10,000. The purse is prorated through the classes based on number of entries with first place in each class
Logan Chachere exhibited the campion cow-calf pair with VL Creme De La Creme, a 2/24/15 daughter of WLR Argo who showed with her bull at side by MAGS Aviator.
receiving $500, and the champion and reserve will receive a bonus in addition to class premiums. Every exhibitor will receive a check to be determined once entries are received. The Shoot-Out is open to all 4-H and FFA students in Texas. Rules for exhibiting are in accordance with those printed in the Fort Worth Stock Show premium book. Visit the TLA website or contact the TLA office to locate a participating breeder. Heifers must be purchased no later than November 1st. Heifers must also have been state validated, check with your local County Extension Agent to obtain dates and location of validation in your area.
SSTO Apache 350A Lim-Flex 62% - HomoP/HomoB MAGS Xyloid x GPFF Blaque Elga BW: 0.7 WW: 58 YW: 91 MK: 25 SC: 1.2 DC: 30 YG: -.04 CW: 21 RE: .18 MB: .36 $MI: 61
Best Kept Secret
Like many breeders, we began our journey in the Limousin breed with the purchase of a show heifer for our daughter in 1983. We’ve kept a low profile, however our commitment to the Limousin breed remains strong. Our cowherd numbers 70 head of mainly black and polled females that proudly wear our EDJL prefix. These cows are decedents of females purchased from progressive breeders across America. We utilize the highest quality AI sires and the best natural service sires. Many of the calves we raise are fed and marketed through our Limousin beef program with direct sales to consumers. We offer herd bulls that meet the need of the commercial cattleman. We welcome your call or visit
JOHNSON LIMOUSIN DEE & GAIL JOHNSON 441 Jackson St. - Krum, TX 76249 (214) 538-1111 - Dee • (940) 482-3367 - home johnsonlimousin@embarqmail.com
Apache, who came from the Stowers Limousin Texas Tradition Sale, serves as our natural service sire and we couldn’t be more pleased with his offspring. We have a tremendous set of fall-born bulls and heifers, some of which will make show heifers. They all have stunning phenotype and balanced numbers like Apache.
LH Advantage 105A
Lim-Flex 43% - HomoP/HetB EXAR Upshot 0562B x EXLR Duchess 7129R BW: 1.7 WW: 70 YW: 114 MK: 30 SC: 0.8 DC: 18 YG: -.14 CW: 37 RE: .42 MB: .36 $MI: 66 LH Advantage is one of the top AI sires we utilize. We look forward to his calves coming this fall out of our MAGS Zincograph daughters. They are sure to be numbered upped with eye appeal to burn.
TEXAS JUNIORS HAVE SUCCESS IN SATELLITE COMPETITION Texas juniors had a successful week of satellite competition at the National Junior Limousin Show and Congress held at Grand Island, Nebraska, July 1-7, 2017. Texas won the State Sweepstakes competition and the Cook-Off.
Magazine Ad, Junior: Emma Tittor, 5th
Magazine Ad, Novice: Colt Parkinson, 1st; Tucker Parkinson, 2nd; Beau London, 4th
Sweepstakes Competition, 5 TJLA members were in the top ten: Tucker Parkinson 2nd, Bentley London 5th, Nikki Keeton 6th, Logan Chachere 9th, and McKinley Begert 10th.
Holland Scholarship: Randa Taylor was awarded the Ron and Carolyn Holland Scholarship and a Donna Etherton Limi Booster Scholarship. Randa was also elected secretary on the NALJA Board of Directors.
Magazine Ad, Intermediate: McKinley Begert, 1st Sales Talk, Novice: Tucker Parkinson, 4th; Cole Keeton, 5th
Quiz Bowl, Junior Team Winners: Nikki Keeton, Boone Begert, Jacob Keeton & Kylee Gaston
Sales Talk, Senior: Layton Schur, 2nd
Photo, Novice Non-Cattle: Lana Tittor, 2nd
Photo, Junior Non-Cattle: Boone Begert, 1st
Photo, Intermediate Non-Cattle: McKinley Begert, 3rd
Photo, Senior Non-Cattle: Jayce Wilder, 1st
Photo, Adult: Jason Gaston, 3rd; Alicia Chachere, 4th; Suzanne Taylor, 5th
Plan now for the 2018 NJLC July 14-20, 2018 • Denver, CO
Photo, Novice Cattle: Tucker Parkinson, 3rd
Photo, Intermediate Cattle: Emily Mille, 1st
Photo, Junior Cattle: Logan Chachere, 1st
Photo, Senior Cattle: Emma Chachere, 4th
2018 Host Hotel: Renaissance Denver Stapleton 3801 Quebec St., Denver, CO 80207 303.399.7500
$20.00 annual membership dues Name: _____ __________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____ ________________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________________________ State: ________________ Zip: ________________
Texas Junior Limousin Association
Phone: ____________________________________________ e-Mail: ____________________________________________ Return form and dues to: Texas Limousin Association P.O. Box 880 • Krum, TX 76249 • Phone: 940/367-4633 • www.texas-limousin.com • e-mail: txlimo@aol.com SEPT/OCT 2017 | TLA
TJLA MEMBERS EXCEL IN THE SHOW RING Texas juniors had a good week in Nebraska with several class winners, contenders, division champions, reserve division champions. Pictured are a few of the champions and showmanship finalists.
Tucker Parkinson of Levelland exhibited the champion prospect steer with PC Doc Holliday, an 864-lb. 50% Limousin steer sired by Maternal Perfection out of PCC Whiskey Girl.
Novice Showmanship: Tucker Parkinson, 2nd ; Bentley London, 8th
Nikki Keeton of Wolfforth exhibited the grand champion bred-and-owned Limousin heifer with LLKT Miss Daytona, a 5/21/2016 daughter of KRVN Naskar and LLKT Arizona.
Intermediate Showmanship: Logan Chachere 3rd
Senior Showmanship: Spencer Wilder, 8th
Jayce Wilder of Snook exhibited the 5th place overall Limousin heifer with JJWI Dixie, a 5/1/16 daughter of RLBH Air Force One and LFL 9027W.
$6,000—MAGS Xtra Rest, a double homozygous daughter of DHVO Deuce topped the sale with one-half embryo interest selling to White Valley Ranch of Adair, Oklahoma. Linhart Limousin of Leon, Iowa, consigned this donor. $5,200—Wulfs Worth It All, a red, polled daughter of WZRK Primestar was consigned by Wulf Cattle of Morris, Minnesota. Purchasing an embryo flush was Summit Livestock of Australia. $4,600—Linhart Limousin consigned CELL 5418C, a 9/11/15 double homozygous daughter of MAGS Wazowski who sold bred to TASF Believe. She was purchased by Wulf Cattle. $825—O.T. Farms of Fort Scott, Kansas, purchased COLE Architect x LH Belle embr yos that were offered by Colt Cunningham of Rose, Oklahoma. $750—The MAGS Aviator x LH Belle embryos consigned by Colt Cunningham
were purchased by MarJon Farms of Earl Park, Indiana. $750—MAGS Cable x PBRS Touch Me Gently embryos offered by Diamond Hill Cattle Co. of Newcastle, Oklahoma, and Hall Cattle Co. of Sweetwater, Texas, were purchased by Pinegar Limousin of Springfield, Missouri. Sale Summary Average .5 Donor..........................................$6,000 1 Embryo flush................................$5,250 1 Bred female..................................$4,600 1 Open heifer...................................$3,800 79 embryos.........................................$546 Sale Gross $62,785 Auctioneer: C.K. “Sonny” Booth Sale Management Team: American Cattle Services, MC Marketing Management, R&R Marketing & Grassroots Consulting
2017 HALL-COYOTE HILLS RANCH & GUESTS PRODUCTION SALE A quality offering was appraised by those in attendance at the Coyote Hills Ranch sale facility May 6, 2017, in Chattanooga, Oklahoma. $15,700—Topping the sale was the fall pair CHR Buttercup 025B, a 3/7/14 double homozygous purebred daughter of MAGS Yip who sold bred to JMFA Rodemaster to Wulf Cattle Morris, Minnesota, for $5,700. Her 9/24/16 daughter, CHR Dew Drop 151D, by JMFA Rodemaster sold to Madison Craig of El Reno, Oklahoma, for $10,000. $7,000—MAGS Astra, a 9/6/13 black and homozygous polled MAGS Xuklani daughter sold bred to MAGS Eagle for $5,000 to Just-A-Mere Farms of Thornville, Ohio. Her 9/26/16 heifer, LH Deesie 152D, by MAGS Eagle was purchased by Coyote Hills Ranch for $2.000. The pair was consigned by Hall Cattle Co. of Sweetwater, Texas. $5,500—LH Zelda 106Z, a 9/1/12 double homozygous daughter of Sitz Upward sold bred to LH Blockbuster to Burnett Brothers of Hale Center, Texas, for $4,000. Her 10/24/16 double homozygous bull, LH Devon 175D, by MAGS Eagle, sold to
Dennis Ford of Sand Springs, Oklahoma, for $1,500. Hall Cattle Co. consigned the pair. $5,000—BCV Farms of Mount Perry, Ohio, purchased an open heifer consigned by Lawrence Family Limousin of Anton, Texas. LFL Debby is a 5/16/16 black, homozygous polled daughter of MAGS Aviator. $4,100—DCHP Cami, a 9/8/15 homozygous black, polled daughter of MAGS Ali consigned by Colt Cunninham of Rose, Oklahoma, sold bred to MAGS Eagle to Diamond Hill Cattle Co. of Newcastle, Oklahoma. Sale Summary Average 38 Fall pairs......................................$3,843 3 Open heifers.................................$3,117 6 Bulls............................................$2,692 22 Spring pairs..................................$2,153 28 Fall bred females..........................$2,073 16 Embryos.........................................$658 Sale Gross $287,445
2017 TLA’S SPRINGTIME SALE Dr. Scott Stowers and the crew of Stowers Land & Cattle, Bridgeport, Texas, were hosts to the TLA’s Springtime Sale May 13, 2017. The open heifers eligible for the 2018 Lone Star Shoot-Out were in strong demand. $5,000—Topping the sale was SSTO Daphne, a 9/26/16 homozygous black, p o l l e d d a u g h t e r o f M AG S Av i a t o r. Stowers Land & Cattle consigned the open heifer purchased by Lana Tittor of Paradise, Texas. $ 5 , 0 0 0 — A n o t h e r St ow e r s L a n d & Cattle open heifer sold to Sunni Haire of Brownsboro, Texas. SSTO Danae is a 9/27/16 double homozygous daughter of MAGS Aviator. $4,400—Chavez Limousin of Lubbock, Texas, purchased SSTO Cali Life, a 5/8/15 daughter of DHVO Deuce who sold with her bull calf by EBFL Ypsilanti. The pair was consigned by Stowers Land & Cattle. $3,400—LH Crescent, a 9/12/15 double homozygous daughter of MAGS Ali, sold bred to MAGS Zodiac to Diamond Hill Cattle Co. of Newcastle, Oklahoma. Hall Cattle of Sweetwater, Texas, consigned the bred female. $2,500—Lawrence Family Limousin of Anton, Texas, purchased the four MAGS Aviator x LH Belle embryos consigned by Colt Cunningham of Rose, Oklahoma. Sale Summary Average 10 Pairs...........................................$3,205 14 Open heifers.................................$2,896 1 embryo lot....................................$2,500 12 Bulls............................................$2,402 7 Bred heifers..................................$2,264 Sale Gross $119,775 Auctioneer: C.K. “Sonny” Booth Sale Management: Texas Limousin Association Sale Consultant: American Cattle Services
Auctioneers: Bruce Brooks & Ronn Cunningham Sale Management: American Cattle Services SEPT/OCT 2017 | TLA
Breeders Directory � � ��� � �
Baber Ranch Limousin Cattle
Henderson Cattle Company
Wayne & Brenda Baber “Certified Free” Brucellosis & TB Herd #901911503
Registered Limousin Bulls & Heifers
Stocker & Feeder Cattle
Monroe & Carol Henderson 608 N. 6th St. 940/567-3257
808 Lavon Ln. Temple, TX 76502 Cell (979) 324-4455 baberranch@yahoo.com
P.O. Box 523 Jacksboro, Texas 76458
Jerry & Jean Henderson 646 Shown Rd. 940/567-5153
Jeff Kirby Dan Sullivan Herd Prefix 2576 Old Brandon Rd. DSUL Hillsboro, TX 76645 Office 254-582-7096 FAX 243-582-7114 Hm 254-582-0814
Plainview, TX 806.296.7607
Purebred Limousin Cattle
Muscle, Growth, Efficiency
Ranch Manager Cell - 903.466.1125 836 CR SW 3090 Mt. Vernon, TX 75457 jeff@kfranches.com www.kfranches.com
2511 NE 99th Place Ankeny, IA 50011 GRGenetics@aol.com
JONNY, AMBER, TUCKER & COLT PARKINSON 3206 W St Rd 114 | Levelland, TX 79336 parkinsoncattle@gmail.com 806.773.6043, Amber | 806.632.6859, Jonny www.parkinsoncattleco.com
Mark A. Smith Mobile: (515) 229-5227 Phone/Fax: (515) 965-1458
OFFICE: 12942 CR 4037 Holts Summit, MO 65043 (866) 305-9600
& Young Rogers farm
Brandon Rogers
15607 U.S. Hwy. 281 • Windthorst, TX 76389 940/636-1697, cell • e-mail: rogers@wf.net www.YoungandRogersFarm.com
CJO Ranch “CJOR” Jimmy & Cori Onstead Aubrey, Texas Phone: 903.744.2734 www.cjoranch.com
BLACK ANGUS & BLACK LIMOUSIN Established EstablishedBreeder Breeder Since1975 1975 Since Using Top A. I. Sires Using Top A.I. Sires
Bulls and Heifers
www.hude Bullsccattle.com and Heifers
Jerry F. Hudec
Jerry F. Hudec 979-2635829 Weimar, Texas (979) 263-5829 Weimar, Texas
Gary & Susan Fuchs • Stephen, Nathan & Emily P.O. Box 81 • Cameron, TX 76520 254/482-0611 • garyfuchs53@yahoo.com Stephen Fuchs, manager • 254/482-0052 fuchslimousin@gmail.com • www.FuchsLimousin.com
JJWI Wilder Family Limousin
Jay, Molly, Jayce & Spencer Wilder P.O. Box 551 • Snook, TX 77878 979-268-5491 Jwwilder1993@gmail.com
Promote your Limousin operation here for only $50 per issue. Contact the TLA office for details.
Our Trip to the Island was Grand
What a week the Wilder family enjoyed in Grand Island, Nebraska! Jayce and Spencer experienced success both in and out of the ring during the fun-filled tropical paradise at the National Junior Limousin Show. They closed out the event with the Premier Exhibitor award from the All-American Futurity.
SDWI Bout Time 01B
We have the same genetics available for sale this fall. Come by for a visit, we would love to show them to you.
J&J Cattle Company JOE AND JAY WILDER Box 551 • Snook, Texas 77878 • Joe: 979.268.4843
JJWI Dixie 615D JJWI Dixie 615D
JAY, MOLLY, JAYCE & SPENCER WILDER Snook, Texas • Jay: 979.268.5491 • jwwilder1993@gmail.com
5/1/16 - HP/HB - 81% RLBH Air Force One x LFL 9027W Owned by Jayce Wilder ~ Rs. Supreme Champion Female, 2017 All-American Futurity ~ 5th Overall, 2017 NJLSC Owned Show ~ Division III Rs. Champion, 2017 NJLSC Owned Show
SDWI Bout Time 01B
11/20/14 - DP/HB - 75% Lim-Flex DHVO Trey 133R x EF Ziggy 339Z Shown with: S DWI Ella 701E, her 1/3/17 daughter of JJWI Augustus 03A Owned by Spencer Wilder ~ Champion Cow-Calf, 2017 All-American Futurity ~ Class Winner, 2017 NJLSC
Simi GeneticlsaSr
OCT. 7
LFL Fall Pr oduction S
Ride the Wave in Grand Island
6/1/16 - HP/HB - 79% MAGS Aviator x Alma Jo DHVO 723R Grand Champion Limousin Heifer, 2017 Texas Field Day Class Winner, 2017 AALF Class Contender, 2017 NJLSC Owned by Colton Barton, TX A flushmate sister sells Oct. 7 in our fall internet sale.
3/28/16 - HetP/HB -Lim-Flex 65% RLBH Air Force One x LFL Zha Zha 2075Z Grand Champion Lim-Flex Heifer, 2017 Texas Field Day Class Winner, 2017 NJLSC Owned by Jayce Wilder, TX Dignitary was purchased in last year’s fall internet sale.
Daughter of LFL Belinda, a many-time champion for Madison, raising the next generation of champions. Owned by Madison Culpepper, TX Division Champion, 2017 NJLSC Bred & Owned Show
Congratulations to our grandsons, Tucker and Colt Parkinson, on their tremendous week at the NJLSC.
Tucker’s Achievements:
Daughter of LFL 9027W, a female they purchased who is working great in their program. Owned by Jayce Wilder, TX Rs. Grand Champion Female, 2017 AALF 5th Overall, 2017 NJLSC Owned Show
Give us a call to put award-winning, pasture-raising genetics to work in your herd.
3/24/16 - HetP/HB - Lim-Flex 65% RLBH Air Force One x LFL Zha Zha 2075Z Owned by Lawrence Family Limousin Rs. Grand Champion Bull, 2017 AALF Full sib to LFL Dignitary 6030D Call for semen.
Grand Champion Prospect Steer Class-Winning Lim-Flex Heifer 2nd, Novice Showmanship 2nd, Individual Sweepstakes 2nd, Magazine Ad Novice 3rd, Photo Novice Cattle 4th, Sales Talk Novice
Colt’s Achievement: 1st, Magazine Ad Novice
P.O. Box 299 • Anton, TX 79313 806/997-5381 • 806/790-2535 (m) e-mail: bll1@speednet.com www.lawrencefamilylimousin.com
Bruce, Paula & Lee Roy Lawrence • Jonny, Amber, Tucker & Colt Parkinson