NEWS Back In Time...................... 4 & 12 Covering Ground.........................4 Heartland Calendar......................3 Heartland Highlights....... 15 & 30 Junior Beat.................................23 On The Road Again.....................6 Recipe of the Month....................6 Sales..................................... 27-29
STATE NEWS Iowa News........................ 10 & 11 Kansas News.................... 12 & 13 Minnesota News........................14 Missouri News................. 16 & 17 Nebraska News...........................18 South Dakota News............. 20-22 Wisconsin News.........................19
ADVERTISERS Barnaud Limousin......................17 Bosch Farms...............................19 Boyer’s Harvest Barn..................11 Edwards Limousin.....................21 LIMI-Gene..................................2 Linhart Limousin.......................31
Managed Feeding Can Add Value to Cull Cows
f you have been selling cows in the fall as your normal practice, it may be profitable to feed cull cows by considering the seasonal price patterns. Typically, the sale of cull cows accounts for 15 to 30 percent of the yearly gross revenues of cow-calf operations in the U.S., according to Dennis Bauer, University of Nebraska Extension educator. Historic cull cow prices over the past 30 years have been the lowest in the months of November, December and January, and at their highest in March, April and May. Prices in the summer are typically near the average for the year, Bauer said in an Extension news release. Past records indicate that on a percent of the annual selling price for cull cows over a twelve-month period, prices can vary from 93 percent in the NovemberDecember time frame to 106 percent in months of April and May.
Feeding in late fall through February will allow you to take advantage of the seasonal price increase in the spring months. Feeding cows for a period of time can also add value by increasing final weights, but most importantly, improving dressing percentage and quality grade. A 6 to 20 percent increase in price can be expected when improving grades. Cull cows will need 20 to 24 inches of bunk space and should be worked up on high-energy diets just like feedlot cattle to minimize metabolic disturbances. Cows need to be sound, healthy and in thin to moderate body condition for this kind of program. Cows that are unsound or carrying extra condition should be marketed directly to the packer. (Remember that cows need to walk on their own to be taken at the packing plant.)
Peterson Limousin........................7 Peterson’s L7 Bar Limousin........26 Pinegar Limousin.........................9 Red Revival Sale...........................5 Schott Limousin............... 24 & 25 Symens Brothers.........................28 Treftz Limousin............................3 Vaughn Farms............................16
Volume 24 • Issue 5
Wulf Cattle........................... OBC
Time-Dated Material
Vorthmann Limousin.................27
Heartland Limousin Association 23244 Gopher Drive East Bethel, MN 55005
Venner Family Limousin............20
Research data from the University of Nebraska and South Dakota State University would suggest cows can gain from 2.5 to over 3.3 pounds per head per day, depending on the length of the feeding period and the ration fed. Normally, the shorter the feeding period, the higher the average daily gain will be. To increase at least one quality grade, cows should be fed a minimum of 50 to 60 days, but not over 100 to 110 days. If fed over 100 to 110 days, feed efficiency and rate of gain generally declines, as well as the risk of excess body condition on the cows which can cause these cows to be discounted in price. Grazing cows on corn stalks or windrow grazing annual forages along with a supplementation program is also an option. Weight gains of 2 to 2.5 pounds per head per day can be realized. If no supplementation is provided, weight gains of 1.5 pounds per head per day could be expected. Cull cows are not very efficient and all possible management strategies need to be explored (such as ionophores, implants, etc.) with a well-planned feeding regime and a balanced ration that will meet the requirements of the desired average daily gain. With a carefully managed program in place, feeding cull cows can add dollars to the bottom line in a cowcalf operation.
Purebred Sire Power at 800.722.2079
Wulfs Big Timer 2004B (HP/B) Wulfs Sirloin 3172S x Wulfs Zadie 2004Z CE: 11 (.50) BW: -1.0 (.69) WW: 77 (.41) YW: 101 (.50) MK: 30 (.41) CM: 9 (.44) SC: 0.4 (.28) ST: 11 (.03) DC: 19 (.12) YG: -.16 (.22) CW: 24 (.49) RE: .89 (.45) MB: -.09 (.61) $MI: 51 This young purebred has a balanced set of numbers. Needing low birth, growth and maternal ability, here’s your sire. Sleep better knowing Big Timer is in charge.
JYF Big Timber 47B (P/R)
King Wulf 8274Y x Miss Flintoft 139X CE: 3 (.47) BW: 3.3 (.62) WW: 85 (.39) YW: 116 (.39) MK: 27 (.39) CM: 7 (.42) SC: 1.7 (.23) ST: 14 (.06) DC: 20 (.12) CW: 39 (.48) RE: .77 (.43) MB: -.24 (.61) The Canadian purebred who sold this past spring and garnered much attention for his sheer power and muscle expression. This boy is packed with red meat, can walk the walk and back it up with his pedigree and growth numbers.
BLACK BULLS ACHH Westwind W544 (HomoB,HomoP)........$40 Alter Ego (LF,B,HomoP)....................................$40 Bar JZ Atlantis 703C (LF,HomoB,HomoP).......$40 CHTT Black Bear 6471B (B,HomoP)................$30 COLE Businessman 104B (B,HomoP)..............$40 •DLVL Xerox 023X (B,HomoP)..........................$30 EF Xcessive Force (LF,HomoB,P)......................$75 EF Zen 344Z (B,HomoP)...................................$40 GATS Xerxes 003X (HomoB,DP).......................$30 •GTBR Undertaker 6U (B,HomoP)....................$30 GV Stetson 648A (HomoB,HomoP)..................$40 GV X-Man 701X (B,HomoP)..............................$40 •HUNT Mr Jock 44J (B,P)................................$30 HUNT Testament 40T (B,HomoP).....................$40 JBV Finish Line 503C (HomoB,HomoP)..........$30 JBV Nite Watchman (B,HomoP).......................$30 JYF Zeek 151Z (B,HomoP)...............................$40 Bar JZ Wide Load 269W (B,HomoP)................$30 •KYLD Daytona 730T (%,B,HomoP).................$40 LaGrand MAF Antidote 5775 (Angus)..............$20 LFLC Ace 750A (HomoB,HomoP)....................$40 LFLC Checking Account 701C (B,HomoP)......$40 •LVLS Lethal Weapon (HomoB,HomoP)..........$30 •LVLS Secret Weapon 4408K (B,P).................$40 MAGS U Haul (LF,HomoB,HomoP)..................$40 MRL X-Rated 014X (B,HomoP).........................$40 R&R Mr. Jock 9W (B,P)....................................$30 RMKR Goaline 441N (HomoB,HomoP)............$30 •ROMN Unbelievabull 141U (B,P)...................$25 •ROMN Xpect More 100X (B,HomoP)..............$40 •ROMN Xpress Lane 101X (B,HomoP)............$30 ROMN Zephyr 148Z (B,HomoP)......................$30 RPY Paynes Derby 46Z (B,P)...........................$50 RUNL Alliance 272A (HomoB,HomoP).............$30 RUNL Stetson 850S (HomoB,HomoP).............$40 SL Ironhide (B,P)..............................................$40
SYES Backstage 466B (HomoB,HomoP)..........$30 SYES Best Buy 316A (B,HomoP)......................$40 SYES Cinder Block 90c (HomoB,HomoP)........$40 TLSE General Delivery (HomoB,HomoP).........$30 TMCK Alfalfa 35X (LF,HomoB,HomoP).............$40 TMCK Architect 031A (LF,HomoB,HomoP)......$40 TMCK Bronx 113B (LF,B,HomoP).....................$40 TMCK Burris 114B (LF,HomoB,HomoP)...........$30 TMCK Cash Flow 247C (B,HomoP)................$40 TMCK Durham Wheat (HomoB,P)....................$40 TNUH Blue Print 245H (HomoB,P)...................$40 VL Apollo 324A (B,HomoP)..............................$40 •WLR Direct Hit (HomoB,HomoP)...................$40 Wulfs Aerosmith 0556A (LF,B,HomoP).............$40 Wulfs Big Timer 2004B (B,HomoP)..................$40 Wulfs Billy The Kid K234B (B,HomoP).............$40 Wulfs Bulldozer N708B (HomoB,HomoP)........$40 Wulfs Nasa 1212N (B,S)..................................$40 •Wulfs Nobel Prize 3861N (B,HomoP).............$30 Wulfs Realtor 1503R (B,HomoP)......................$30 Wulfs Ridgley 3172R (B,HomoP)......................$30 •Wulfs Shop Talk 2332S (HomoB,HomoP).......$40 •Wulfs Sirloin 3172S (B,HomoP).....................$18 •Wulfs Signature 9302S (B,HomoP)................$40 Wulfs Stimulus 2009Z (Angus).........................$20 •Wulfs US Army General 5093 (B,HomoP)......$40 •Wulfs Walcott F711W (HomoB,HomoP).........$40 •Wulfs Warbonnet (HomoB,HomoP)................$22 Wulfs Warrior 9302W (B,HomoP)....................$40 Wulfs Willard 5115W (B,HomoP).....................$40 Wulfs Wisdom 8063W (B,P).............................$40 •Wulfs Xclusive 2458X (B,HomoP)...................$40 •Wulfs Xerox 8622X (LF,B,HomoP)...................$40 •Wulfs Yak The Black T108Y (HomoB,HomoP).$22 •Wulfs Yankee K689Y (B,HomoP)....................$40 Wulfs Yogi A155A (AAA)...................................$40 •Wulfs Yukon Trail 8084Y (B,HomoP)..............$40
WZRK Commando 8212C (HP/R)
Wulfs Apostle T343A x WZRK Miss Nascar 8012U CE: 3 (.44) BW: 3.6 (.67) WW: 71 (.35) YW: 110 (.46) MK: 34 (.38) CM: 10 (.41) SC: 1.0 (.29) ST: 19 (.04) DC: 28 (.10) YG: -.21 (.18) CW: 37 (.46) RE: .72 (.44) MB: -.19 (.61) $MI: .46 A purebred son of Apostle, the top seller at a past Wulf sale. Commando comes to you in a sharp-dressed package loaded with muscle shape and a deep belly. He’s got that characteristic Limousin look cattlemen love.
SYES Best Buy 316B (HP/B)
Wulfs Xclusive 2458X x Miss SYES Linebacker 317S BW: 12 (.50) BW: 1.4 (.69) WW: 92 (.42) YW: 131 (.50) MK: 28 (.42) CM: 9 (.45) SC: 0.7 (.22) ST: 24 (.07) DC: 26 (.12) YG: -.18 (.20) CW: 46 (.49) RE: .55 (.44) MB: .08 (.61) $MI: 62 This purebred gives you moderate birth and growth, growth, growth. Did we mention growth? He ranks in the top top 1% for WW, top 3% for YW, and give you a dose of marbling as well.
Wulfs Zane X238Z (B,HomoP).........................$40 ROMN Cadillac Jack 101C (R,HomoP)............$40 Wulfs Zero Turn X292Z (B,HomoP)..................$40 ROMN Deadwood 147Z (R,HomoP)................$35 WZRK Corvette 2009C (B,HomoP)..................$40 •ROMN Justice (R,HomoP)..............................$30 •ROMN Tuff Enuff 103T (R,HomoP).................$40 •Second To None DHAN 1216L (FB)...............$30 RED BULLS Ashmara Graeme (FB,H)...................................$30 Schillings Civil War (LF,R,P).............................$30 AUTO Cliff Hanger 194D (FB,H).......................$30 •SOGF Special K 247B (FB).............................$30 AUTO Red Dirt 118Y (R,HomoP)......................$30 Southbridge Jackpot (FB,H).............................$30 Azur (FB,H).......................................................$30 Stavely Hercules (FB,H)...................................$30 •CF Jim Dandie (FB,HomoP)............................$40 SVL Polled Excellant 201B (FB,HomoP)...........$30 •CFSV Polled Excel 315S (FB,HomoP)............$40 SVL Polled Perfection 790X (FB,P)...................$30 •CHTT Work Time 4925W (R,HomoP)..............$30 SYES Accurate 77A (R,Sc)...............................$30 CJSL Windfall 9072W (R,DP)..........................$40 •TEXS Ranger Ted (FB)........................Limited $40 CVER New Generation 365Z (FB,HomoP).......$40 •TLSE American Idol (FB,P)..............................$30 •D’Hanis Red Fox (FB,P)..................................$30 TMF Westwood 505W (R,DP)..........................$40 DLVL Bicep 491B (R,HomoP)...........................$30 TREF Commander 766C (R,HomoP).................$40 DLVL Bud Ice 4112B (R,HomoP)......................$40 TREF U Joint 083U (R,HomoP).........................$30 •DVFC Focus Point (FB)...................................$30 •TREF Zeus 232Z (R,HomoP0..........................$30 •EAFF Hamilton 455M (FB,P)...........................$40 Twilite Big Thunder (RAA).................................$30 •EAFF Polled Hummer 530P (FB,P)..................$30 •Uranus (FB).....................................................$30 •EAFF Polled Platinum 515N (FB,DP)..............$40 WASY Bakers Man 629B (R,HomoP)...............$40 EAFF Rejuvenator 260J (FB).............................$30 •Willow Creek Excel (FB,HomoP)....................$30 FL Pld 4Z Olympus Touch (FB,P).....................$50 •WRC Punch (FB)......................................... SALE Galileo (FB).......................................................$30 WRZK Boot Stripes 1038B (R,P)......................$30 GSFL Polled Galileo 13J (FB,P).......................$30 Wulfs Amazing Bull T341A (R,HomoP).............$40 •Harvest Olympus (FB)................................. SALE •Wulfs Apostle T343A (R,HomoP)....................$40 HUNT Credentials 37C (R,HomoP)..................$30 Wulfs Armor 2258A (R,HomoP)........................$40 •JLX Red Bull (R,HomoP).................................$30 •Wulfs Rambler 8400X (R,Sc)..........................$50 JYF Big Timber 47B (R,P).................................$40 •Wulfs Ransom 3059R (R,HomoP)...................$50 JYF Yieldmaster 80Y (R,HomoP)......................$40 •Wulfs Urban Cowboy 2149U (R,P).................$30 •Lenape Polled Liberty (FB,P)..........................$30 •Wulfs Xcellsior X252X (R,HomoP)..................$40 LFLC banking Account 701B (R,HomoP).........$40 •Wulfs Xtractor X233X (R,HomoP)....................$50 Lori’s Woodbury Argonne 909A (R,HomoP).....$30 WZRK Atlas 8012A (R,HomoP)........................$40 •MH Velocity (FB,P).........................................$40 WZRK Boot Straps 1038B (R,P).......................$30 MINE Gold Medal 436G (FB,P)........................$30 WZRK Commando 8212C (R,HomoP)..............$40 Orion (FB)...................................................... SALE •WZRK Genesis 532E (FB)..............................$40 Red COLE Mister E 9J (R Angus).....................$25
This is a glimpse of the some of the sires we carry. We have many more available. Give Herman a call to see what will work best on your cows, he’d love to talk to you.
Herman & Judy Symens 605/698-4870 • Sisseton, SD
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
Hotels Offer Rates for National Western Stock Show
ow is the time to start planning for the 2017 National Western Stock Show (NWSS) in Denver, Colorado. The dates for the 2017 Limousin activities are January 9-12. There are many events during these days including shows, a sale, the Genetics on Ice banquet, a social and the NALF annual meeting. The Heartland Limousin Association has secured a block of rooms at the Comfort Inn at 4380 Peoria Street in Denver. The rate is $74.99 plus tax, and includes a free, hot breakfast in an atrium, large pool with hot tub, fitness center, business center, and free high-speed internet. The hotel is located at the junction of I-70 East and Peoria Street. This is approximately seven miles east of the NWSS facility, and is only two miles further than our previous hotel headquarters on Quebec Street. Reservations must be made by December 15, 2016, in order to qualify for this rate. You can
make your reservations by calling 303/375-1500 and you must ask for the HLA block of rooms. If you need to CANCEL for whatever reason, call Dean Summerbell at 612/963-3799 so the rooms remain in our block. The DoubleTree by Hilton Denver South location at 3203 Quebec Street is the NALF headquarters for the NWSS. Their rate is $111 plus tax and reservations must be made by December 6, 2016, or until the group lock is sold-out, whichever comes first. Reservations can be made online through the NALF website.
HEARTLAND CALENDAR NOVEMBER ____________________________________ 2 Lonely Valley Online Sale - Creston, NE 3 Red Revival Online Female Sale - MC Marketing, Dakota Dunes, SD 5 Double A Land & Cattle Sale - Nevada, MO 5 Iowa Limousin Assn. Annual Meeting, Banquet/Benefit Auction, Cattlemen’s Building - Ames, IA 7 Schott Limousin Cow Herd Dispersal - Mobridge, SD 12 Brown Land & Cattle Production Sale - Diamond, MO 13 Linhart Limousin Fall Harvest Sale, at the farm, Leon, IA 22 Wulf Cattle Online Female Sale - 26 Bosch Farms Private Treaty Sale, at the farm - Indianola, IA
DECEMBER _____________________________________ 1 Fosdick Cattle “The Winner’s Circle” Online Sale, MC Marketing 6 Edwards Limousin Winter Classic Online Sale, MC Marketing 15 ATAK Limousin Forward Progress Online Sale, MC Marketing
JANUARY _______________________________________ 9 NALF Annual Meeting - Denver, CO 9 NALF Banquet & Genetics on Ice Benefit Auction, DoubleTree Hotel Denver, CO 10 NWSS Junior Limousin Show - Denver, CO 10 National Limousin Sale - Denver, CO 11 NWSS Open Limousin Shows - Denver, CO 12 NWSS Pen & Carload Limousin Shows - Denver, CO 26 Red Carpet Limousin Show & Sale - Sioux Empire Fairgrounds, Sioux Falls, SD 28 Spring Preview & Patron Appreciation, Long & Sons, at the farm Afton, IA
PACKED with PERFORMANCE In today’s cattle industry, we can’t control the unpredictable markets or most of our rising input costs, but be we CAN control the genetics we use. For more than 30 years at Treftz Limousin, we have diligently been breeding muscle, body length, and easy-fleshing cattle with mellow dispositions which all contribute to calves that squash the scale at weaning. These four powerhouse standouts—with over 800-lb. actual weaning weights— are representative of the fresh weaned 2016 bull calf crop.
Add Performance Genetics to Your Program Feb. 11, 2017 • Treftz WHERE MUSCLE STILL MATTERS Sale Check our new website to see our cattle. TREF DRILL
BD: 2/23/16 • 10/1/16 Wt: 870 Sire: ROMN Made To Order Maternal brother to TREF Commander 766C, our 2016 high seller.
BD: 2/20/16 • 10/1/16 Wt: 818 Sire: ROMN Zingray 125Z Zingray is the #1 bull in the breed for Scrotal EPD.
BD: 2/21/16 • 10/1/16 Wt: 860 Sire: JYF Yieldmaster 80Y
BD: 2/19/16 • 10/1/16 Wt: 814 Sire ROMN Made To Order
Bred heifers, bred cows, fall pairs, and open heifers
Glenn Treftz 12510 370th Ave. | Wetonka, SD 57481 | (h) 605-226-2542 | (m) 605-380-0014 |
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
By Dean Summerbell
n the September Heart Beat I wrote about cattle prices not being as low as predicted. Well, that prediction was more accurate than my hopeful desire. I was surprised at the sudden downward trend,
OFFICERS Cash Schilling........................ President Jim Venner..................... Vice President Andy Peterson.........................Secretary Norma Effertz........................ Treasurer Ed Bergler............................. Ex-officio
especially in the feeder price. Now, as I write this column in the middle of September, I am not going to predict where the market will be in November. We have been through this before. Lower prices tend to
EXECUTIVE SECRETARY & ADVERTISING SALES DEAN SUMMERBELL 23244 Gopher Dr., East Bethel, MN 55005 Cell: (612) 963-3799 e-mail:
Shaun Edwards (660) 441-0811 New Bloomfield, MO 65063
Glenn Treftz (605) 380-0014 Wetonka, SD 57481
Mark Nutter (308) 645-2514 Thedford, NE 69166
Cash Schilling (785) 694-2806 Edson, KS 67733
Andy Peterson (715) 417-2253 Osceola, WI 54020
Mark Willette (605) 695-3129 Delavan, MN 56023
Ann Vorthmann (712) 566-2863 31112 Hwy 6, Treynor, IA 51575
MEMBERS AT LARGE Norma Effertz Velva, ND 58790 (701) 624-5136
T.J. Callahan Centerview,MO 64019 (816) 215-0482
HEARTBEAT AD RATES SPACE MEMBER NON-MEMBER Full page $700 $750 1/2 page $450 $500 1/3 page $350 $400 1/4 page $250 $300 1/8 page $150 $200 Rates include Full Color
THE 1ST OF THE PREVIOUS MONTH DEADLINES PAGE SPECIFICATIONS January/February...................... Dec. 10 March/April.............................. Feb. 10 May/June.................................April 10 Sept./Oct................................. Aug. 10 Nov./Dec...................................Oct. 10 Terms: All accounts due & payable as billed.
staff to make this show a success. The Heartland is gearing up already and we are excited that the event is coming to Grand Island. The month of November 2016, will be busy with state meetings and breeder sales. Good luck to the breeders with their sales this fall. It is always exciting to look forward to November and December. I want to thank all of our readers and members for your support as we continue to promote Limousin genetics in the Heartland. It is hard to believe that we are well into our 16th year of servicing the Heartland. It has been a real pleasure for Beverly and me to get to know you, visit with you at the sales and shows, enjoy a meal or cup of coffee with you, and share our knowledge of cattle. The Heart Beat has evolved over the years, and we appreciate everyone who has supported the paper with their ads. We are also grateful for all the individual members who pay their dues every year. Is it through these funds and the state memberships that we are able to continue traveling throughout the Heartland. Beverly and I wish all of you a bountiful Thanksgiving and a very blessed Christmas. We will see you in Denver!
Bob Bosch (515) 491-9163 Indianola, IA 50125
Jim Venner Breda, IA 51436 (712) 830-8381
spawn more concern about the future of the beef industry. However, every market is cyclical and “what goes around comes around.” I feel that beef will always have a place at the dinner table. We have to maneuver the highs and lows and hope to make a profit in the final analysis. In the final days of August, members of the Heartland planning committee and the Nebraska Limousin Association toured the livestock facilities at the Nebraska State Fair in Grand Island. Bill Angell, the Nebraska State Fair Livestock Superintendent, led us on an extensive tour of the livestock arena and other venues at the fair that will be used for the NALJA summer show July 1-7, 2017. I can say, without doubt, the facilities rented for next summer are some of the finest I have ever seen. The stalling barn is capable of handling 1,160+ head of cattle and is separated from the giant arena by sliding overhead doors. I am confident that with the help from the volunteer force of Heartland members, we will have a wonderful and memorable event. Be sure to plan on attending the NALJA festivities in July of 2017. We will need the help of our members to assist the NALF
Full page......8” x 10.4375” ....................Full Bleed 8.75” x 11.25” 1/2 page.......8” x 5.16” or 3.95” x 10.4375” 1/3 page.......8.” x 3.5” or 3.25” x 10.4375” 1/4 page.......3.95” x 5.16” 1/8 page.......3.95” x 2.5” or 1.85” x 5.16”
“Back in Time” Do You Know the Answer? The handout sheet titled “The History of Limousin” had some interesting facts. Can you answer the following questions about the Limousin breed? 1.) How did American breeders first learn about the Limousin breed back in the early 1960s? 2.) Why were cattle initially not allowed into the United States from France in the early years? 3.) What year were the first Limousin bulls imported into the United States? 4.) What states had the largest concentration of Limousin cattle after they were first introduced into the United States? Answers on page 12
Mission Statement of the Heartland Limousin Association The purpose for which the HLA is organized is to serve as a service organization designed to promote and further enhance the Limousin breed of cattle in the seven state area comprised of IA, KS, MN, MO, NE, SD and WI. The goals for the Association shall include promotion, strengthening state and junior associations within the region; development of a regional publication; improvement of communication and a unified attitude of breeders; to provide market information and expertise; to serve as a coordinator of events between the Association and the industry; to increase breeder involvement; and to strengthen ties between the NALF and the Heartland Limousin Association.
1 Pick Of The Entire 2016 Spring Born Red Open Heifers. . . PETERSON’S L7 BAR LIMOUSIN Cade Peterson • 605.730.0705
1 Pick Of The Entire 2016 Spring Born Open Heifers. . . WIECZOREK LIMOUSIN Curt Wieczorek • 605.999.1298
1 Choice Of Two Elite 2016 Spring Born Show Heifer Prospects. . . COLEMAN LIMOUSIN Trent Coleman • 406.253.1113
1 Elite Spring Born Show Heifer Prospect. . . VORTHMANN LIMOUSIN
Roger Vorthmann • 402.981.1621
2 Elite Spring Bred Heifers. . . SYMENS BROTHERS LIMOUSIN
1 Elite Spring Bred Heifer. . . LUDENS LIMOUSIN
2 Elite Spring Bred Heifers. . . VENNER LIMOUSIN
1 Elite Fall Replacement Heifer. . . DUPLAGA LIMOUSIN
John Symens • 605.880.8061
Jim Venner • 712.830.8381
2 Elite Spring Bred Heifers. . . ROM’N LIMOUSIN Adam Nielson • 605.203.0733
1 Elite Spring Bred Heifer Carrying Guaranteed Heifer Calf. . . SPRING CREEKS LIMOUSIN Bart Mitchell • 608.553.8070
1 Elite Spring Bred Heifer. . . VAUGHN FARMS
Mike Ludens • 605.360.1191
Brian Duplaga • 440.371.4221
1 Right to Flush. . . KS LIMOUSIN Kyle Smith • 716.560.8682
1 Elite Imported Canadian Herd Sire, Two Semen Packages. . . B BAR CATTLE & IVY LIVESTOCK Eric Boone • 306.280.8795 Mary Hertz • 403.793.4994
David Vaughn • 701.520.2556
For more information about the sale offering please contact any consignor or member of the sale team.
For photos and videos, visit
Sale Proud ly Hosted by...
MC MARKETING MANAGEMENT Owner: Kiley McKinna Phone: 402.350.3447 Email:
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
Dean thought he saw a mouse just before he left for the South Dakota and Nebraska State Fairs. He put out poison and what do you know, I
The following week Dean found another dead one in the drawer where we keep the Keurig K-Cups of coffee. As a result, I knew that I needed to do something else to get rid of these pests. I stopped at a booth in the Home Improvement building at the Minnesota State Fair and bought a product that was sure to get rid of all the mice in your house. It is called “Mouse-Mix” an all-natural deterrent (not a poison) that is supposed to get rid of mice, squirrels, chipmunks, spiders and rats. According to the package, the animals will not die in your house, but rather, they will vacate the area because it has a negative effect on their sensory organs, much like tear gas. We also caught two in the mouse traps in the laundry room. One mouse must have gotten into the poison before we put out
found a dead one laying in front of the buffet in the living room when I came home from working at the Minnesota State Fair. That is not what I wanted to see at 11:00 p.m.
the “Mouse-Mix” and it died in the office. We can’t find it, but we certainly can smell it. I have to have the window open and a candle burning at all times when working
By Bev Summerbell
all is one of my favorite times of the year with the changing colors, blue skies, warm days and cool nights. Each year we make a trip to an apple orchard and to the pumpkin patch. The granddaughters really look forward to those trips; they say it’s a tradition we have to keep. Of course, harvest is also in full swing in the Upper Midwest. There is one part of fall that I do not like, having little “critters” find their way into our house. We live by a creek out in the country. Every year we seem to have a problem with mice wanting to come in for a visit. This year was no exception.
The juniors from Texas took first place in the Limi Boosters Cook-Off competition at the 2016 NALJA Show in Kentucky.
Show Cooker Cheese Stuffed Meatballs Ingredients: 2 lb. Limousin ground beef
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
8 oz. small fresh mozzarella balls
½ cup Italian style bread crumbs
1 tsp. crushed dried basil leaves
2 cloves garlic, minced
3 T. olive oil
¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese
¼ tsp. ground pepper
2 eggs
2 jars (25 oz. each) tomato pasta sauce
Directions: * In large bowl mix beef, bread crumbs, Parmesan cheese, salt, basil, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, garlic, and eggs. * Shape into 16 (2-in.) meatballs. * Press one small mozzarella ball into center of each meatball, sealing it inside. * Pour 1 jar of the pasta sauce into a 3-4 quart slow cooker. * Carefully place meatballs in sauce. * Pour second jar of pasta sauce over meatballs. * Cover, cook on low heat setting 5 to 6 hours. * Makes 8 servings. Serving size – 2 meatballs.
Joel Franseen, Wisconsin, son of John and Debra Franseen of Rozellville; married Rachael Kellner, daughter of Dean Kellner and Katherine Kellner, both of Marshfield; September 17, 2016. The ceremony and reception were held at Franseen Limousin Cattle in Marshfield, Wisconsin.
on the computer. I’m trying to type articles for this issue of the paper but my nose is in “distress.” I’ve pulled things out from shelves, used a flashlight to check every area that I can think of, and looked behind the furniture to no avail. It must be in the walls, somewhere. Hopefully, the smell will go away soon. On a lighter note, I want to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas. The words in a poem remind us that the holidays are times when we remember the good gifts of every day, the countless blessings that are ours, our country with all the freedoms that we enjoy, and our friends and family, both near and far.
Member News Get well wishes are sent out to Gary Ellsworth of Elkhorn, Wisconsin. The bucket from the skid loader fell on his foot September 19, breaking three toes and he needed stitches. The good news is Gary did not have to undergo surgery to repair the damage. He is now in a boot, using crutches, and resting. Our thoughts are with HLA members who are recuperating from surgery. Dana Duckett of Grimes, IA underwent back surgery at the beginning of September after suffering for several weeks with extreme pain. Rod Peterson of Pukwana, South Dakota, underwent rotator cuff surgery shortly after the South Dakota State Fair. John Symens of Amherst, South Dakota, had knee replacement surgery September 27 in Aberdeen. Pam Callahan of Centerview, MO, had knee replacement surgery October 7. They all will be undergoing therapy as they recover, get stronger, and regain the use their shoulder and knees. Jim Schott of Mobridge, South Dakota, had emergency surgery in Bismarck, North Dakota, September 25 for a ruptured appendix. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mike Christie of Baldwin, Kansas, had a liver transplant in June. It has been a long road to recovery for him, but he is doing better and can even do some of the farm work. Please keep Phil Shipman in your prayers. His cancer has returned after a year in remission. Remi Leigh Vangsness was born October 5 weighing in at 7 lbs. 7 oz. and 21 in. long. Parents are Lucas and Amanda (Lindsey) Vangsness of Leonard, ND, and big sister Anna is excited to welcome her home. Proud grandparents are Dustin and Jeri Lindsey of Terril, IA.
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
ESCAPE to GRAND ISLAND Fundraiser for NALJA Show & Congress July 1-7 2017
July 1-7, 2017
unique fundraiser to benefit the 2017 National Junior Limousin Show & Congress (NJL&C) features an oil painting done by C.J. Brown. You can be a part of this project by purchasing a spot in the painting along side other Limousin people. The scene will consist of a familiar show-ring background including advertising banners, featured show persons with their heifers, various officials and spectators. The subjects will not be limited to any particular time or place, but will portray a typical Limousin event held throughout the years. The photos of those taking part will be submitted to the artist at the first of the year and the finished painting will be unveiled at the 2017 Escape to Grand Island NJLS&C in Grand Island, Nebraska, July 1-7. Prints will be available for sale at that time or can be ordered at any time. Space Limited Advertising Banners............................$500 Requires Payment when Spoken For Show Person with Heifer....................$1,000 Requires Payment when Spoken For Individuals in the Ring....................... $1,000 Requires Payment when Spoken For Judge • Announcer • Ring Person • Photographer • Other Ideas
Ringside Spectators Advertising on Clothing.....................$500 Requires Payment when Spoken For Bleacher Individuals............................$100 Requires Payment when Spoken For Bleacher Spot with 5 Prints................$250 Paid for before printing One Full-size Print..............................$50 Five Prints.............................................$200 Participants Please respond to the billing which will be sent as this ensures your spot in the painting. Send photos (several angles depicting the real you) need to be submitted before 1/1/2017. Suggestions and ideas for the painting are welcome. For further information, contact Judy Symens 605-268-0193, Norma Effertz 701-720-5236 or your Heartland representative.
Make muscle great again by selecting COGNAC for your fall breeding program. No other sire can BEEF UP a cowherd while adding maternal influence like COGNAC. Semen is back on the open market. $40/unit.
FARMS Osceola, WI Wayne - 715.417.2656 | Andy - 715.417.2253 Visit us online @
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
2016 International Limousin Congress Held in Ireland By Jerry Effertz
orty shades of green. That’s IRELAND how the Irish describe their beautiful emerald island. That’s exactly what the 260 representatives of over 20 International Limousin Congress countries found waiting for them as they toured the country visiting and viewing Limousin cattle for the 22nd International Limousin Congress (ILC), August 20-28, 2016. Proudly hosted by the Irish Limousin Cattle Society, it was truly a world premier Limousin cattle event. From the patriotic parade of flags on the opening reception, the National Limousin Cattle show and Elite Limousin sale, to the gala dinner on closing evening, it was a class act. Attendees visited some of Ireland’s finest Limousin farms and outstanding cattle. Alternate tours also included opportunities to visit the famous Blarney and Bunratty Castles, the Guinness Brewery, Old Jameson Distillery and the Coolmore Horse Stud. Participating from the United States were Heartland Limousin members Norma and Jerry Effertz, Velva, North Dakota; “Cookie” and Mary Nielson, Madison, South Dakota; and John and Shirley Symens, Amherst, South Dakota. Joe Epperly, assistant Executive Director of NALF, made a presentation during the technical conference portion of the congress. Other U.S. Bunratty Castle located in Bunratty Village, Limousin breeders attending County Clare, Ireland gave a look into past the conference were Ray and castle life. Donna Helderman, Claremore, Oklahoma; Jason and Kendall Gaston, Bridgeport, Texas; and Rebecca Bolton, Denver, Colorado. The conference closed with an exciting video showing United States Limousin cattle and spectacular sights of the Denver, Colorado, area with an invitation to attend the 2018 ILC in Denver July 19-27, 2018.
The U.S. delegates at the 2016 ILC.
Manage Herd Sires to Maximize Investment
ew bulls need to be managed carefully between delivery and the start of breeding season to maximize the return on the investment in new genetics. “New herd sires represent a sizeable investment to a cow/calf business,” said Warren Rusche, South Dakota State University (SDSU) Extension Cow-Calf Field Specialist. Rusche explained that one of the major components of the cost of natural service is the number of years of useful life of the herd sires. “Greater lifespan allows the initial purchase price to be spread out over more calves,” he said. Considering the value of most yearling bulls at production sales this spring, spending some additional attention to help make sure that the transition phase proceeds smoothly would seem to be effort well spent.
Dietary Adjustments
In most cases, Rusche explained that yearling bulls have been developed on higher energy diets than what will be available to them during the breeding season. Therefore, he said simply turning young bulls out to the breeding pastures increases the likelihood of excessive weight loss and potentially a reduction in fertility and libido. “Extreme weight loss could also impact longevity,” he said. “Adapting bulls to lower energy diets prevents bulls from “crashing” and increases the odds of success.” “Sperm cells mature over a 60-day period, so avoid any drastic changes during the two months before the start of breeding season,” Rusche said. The concentrate portion of the ration should be gradually reduced in a series of steps until the desired level is reached. “It’s important to remember that these bulls are still growing and to not restrict nutrient intake too much,” he said. “They should be gaining 1.5 to 2 pounds per day and be in a body condition score of about 6 at the start of the breeding season.” As with any class of livestock, Rusche said the necessary mineral and vitamin supplementation as well as a high quality water source should be provided.
Physical and Social Considerations
Beyond the nutritional and dietary considerations of bull development, there are other factors that need to be considered as well. “Breeding bulls will have a high level of physical activity, especially early in the breeding season, seeking out and breeding cows in heat,” Rusche said. Much like an early season “training camp,” allowing for increased opportunities for exercise will help improve the bulls’ physical condition and stamina levels, which should help ensure their ability to remain functional throughout the breeding season. “Additional exercise on pasture also serves to reduce the potential for feet and leg problems,” he said. Many producers will utilize more than one bull in a breeding pasture. If the bulls have not run together previously, they will very likely spend time fighting to establish a “pecking order” rather than getting cows bred. Rusche suggested grouping the bulls according to their assigned breeding pasture groups prior to the start of the breeding season allows those “social adjustments” to take place before breeding season starts. A breeding soundness exam (BSE) should be conducted by a veterinarian approximately 30 to 60 days before the start of the breeding season. A BSE would include a physical examination of the bull, with particular emphasis on the reproductive organs, along with an evaluation of the semen and sperm cells.
Here’s two herd sires who have us fired up about the business. These powerful bulls are the future of our program and for their owners. Both bring a plethora of valuable assets to the table. We are using them extensively, through AI, and can’t wait to see the results.
Oct. 2014 - Purebred HOMO POLLED - HOMO BLACK AUTO Cruze 132X x AUTO Luckie Too 423Y CE: 8 BW: 0.8 WW: 76 YW: 107 MK: 26 CM: 5 SC: 0.7 DC: 14 YG: -.15 CW: 29 RE: .30 MB: -.18 $MI: 47 Owned by Begert Limousin Study Real Deal’s pedigree and you’ll see why we think so highly of him. AUTO Cruze has produced cattle that have tons of appeal and functionality. His dam, AUTO Luckie Too, has been a tremendous producer in her own right, going from show heifer to donor! Pack it on with this purebred, he’s the Real Deal.
Sept. 2014 - Lim-Flex 50% HOMO POLLED - HOMO BLACK EXAR Denver 2002B x EF Yadda Yadda 809Y CE: 12 BW: 1.2 WW: 75 YW: 116 MK: 31 CM: 7 SC: 1.1 DC: 18 YG: -.18 CW: 39 RE: 1.14 MB: .50 $MI: 72 Owned with Sugar Bush Cattle This Lim-Flex sire does so many things right, we’re not sure where to start. His EPD package is loaded with promise and predictability. His Angus sire, Denver, took Denver by storm and then delivered with the cattle he sires. His dam is a donor in the Linhart program. Go on, get shocked by Power Line!
For the latest makes and models, AUTO genetics deliver. Your call or visit is always welcome!
Ed and Carol Pinegar, owners • 417/833-6784 850 W. Farm Rd. 56 • Springfield, MO 65803 Ty & Susie Heavin, farm managers • 417/833-2688 James Henderson, show cattle
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
Iowa News… Mark Your Calendar for November 5
The Iowa Limousin Association (ILA) will hold their annual meeting, banquet and benefit auction at the Cattlemen’s Building in Ames November 5, 2016. This is where the association has held their meetings in previous years. The day will begin with a meeting of the ILA board of directors followed by a meeting for the general membership and juniors. The social hour will start at 5:30 p.m. followed by the meal, awards program and benefit auction.
Call or e-mail Grant or Brenda Anderson, secretary/treasurer, at 641/587-2198 or e-mail to: ganderson@ to let them know what you are bringing for the auction. The money raised goes to support the ILA and IJLA programs throughout the year.
Thank You
We thank Lowell Hermon for preparing the potato salad and baked beans for the meal that was served in the Limousin aisle in the barn the night before the Iowa State Fair Open
Limousin Show. We also want to thank everyone who brought cookies and bars for the meal.
Congratulations Juniors
Congratulations to the juniors who took part in the Iowa State Fair 4-H and FFA shows. Derek Anderson exhibited the grand champion 4-H steer and Austin Haskovec took home the reserve grand champion banner. Mara Anderson showed the grand champion purebred 4-H heifer and Carson Walrod exhibited the reserve grand champion. Tanner Curtin took home the title of grand champion Lim-Flex heifer and it went on to be named 4th Over
All-Breeds in the final drive. Reece Thoreson had the reserve grand champion Lim-Flex heifer. Anna Radcliff of Davenport took first place in the FFA show, AOB class.
Wanted: Expo Entries
Now is the time to start thinking about your consignments for the Iowa Beef Expo Limousin sale. The deadline to send in entries for your Limousin and Lim-Fex bulls, open and bred females is December 10, 2016. The Limousin sale at the Expo is Wednesday, February 15, 2017. For more information, contact Ann Vorthmann at 402/981-1093 or e-mail
Coincidence Finds Former Dickens, Iowa, Residents at Kansas State Fair
Midwest Fall Classic Champions Named
by Dean Summerbell
The Midwest Classic Limousin Show was September 17, 2016, at the Clay County Fair in Spencer, Iowa. Mark and Sharilyn Willette of Lura Limousin, Delavan, Minnesota, were named Premier Breeder and Exhibitor.
t is a coincidence that brought two former residents of Dickens, Iowa to the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson on September 17, 2016. Dickens is a small town in Clay County, Iowa. It’s population of 311 has not changed much in the last 50 years. Like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the fastest-growing section of the town is the local cemetery. The largest business left in the city is the local elevator that serves eastern Clay County. The biggest event in Clay County is the county fair held every September in the county seat town of Spencer, seven miles to the west. It is perhaps the largest county agricultural fair in the United States. The rotating livestock breed shows in Kansas just happened to have the Angus and Limousin Shows together this year and at the same time, the Angus and Limousin shows were going on at the Clay County Fair. Shane Lindsey judged the Angus show in Hutchinson while at the same time, I was lining up the Limousin cattle for their show. Shane and his family lived near my grandfather’s farm just a mile east of Dickens. I spent many years working for my aunt and uncle on their farm
south and west of Dickens, but also I spent nights at my grandmother’s home across from the elementary school in Dickens. We have known each other for many years and regularly meet up at Limousin events. Shane judged the 2013 Heartland Regional Junior Limousin show in Tonganoxie, Kansas. It is a tradition for both of us to attend the Clay County Fair; however, this year we both were working at the Kansas State Fair. It is doubtful whether there are two others from Dickens so involved in the cattle industry that they would coincidently meet 464 miles away at a state fair doing their duties.
Shane Lindsey and Dean Summerbell, Clay County, IA, guys meet up at the 2016 Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson. Iowa Limousin Breeders Lowell Hermon of Carlisle, IA, and Roger Vorthmann of Treynor, IA, relaxed before the Limousin open show at the Iowa State Fair.
The grand champion bull was BL Crane, a 4/15/15 polled, black purebred son of Wulfs Zane X238Z out of JABD U Betcha Baby shown by Biedenfeld Limousin of Peterson, IA.
Biedenfeld Limousin also own the grand champion female. BL Catalyn is a 3/31/15 polled, black purebred daughter of Wulfs Yellowhammer Y359Y out of Wulfs Whipped Topping.
The reserve grand champion bull was JBV Jazz 526C, a 9/7/15 homozygous polled, black purebred son of RPY Paynes Derby out of JBV Katniss 215Z shown by Venner Family Limousin of Breda, IA.
JBV Dream Catcher 528C, a 9/24/15 homozygous polled, black purebred daughter of RPY Paynes Derby 46Z out of JBV Vixie 703T, was the reserve grand champion female for Venner Family Limousin.
Congratulations to Carson, Katie, Bailey, Amy and Bruce Walrod of Flatland Limousin, Moorland, IA, upon their selection as the 2016 Limousin Herdsman of the Year at the Iowa State Fair. Fair Livestock Superintendent Tim Heindel presented the trophy to the Walrods during the open show.
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
Iowa Breeders Travel to Des Moines for State Fair
he Iowa State Fair Open Limousin Show in Des Moines kicks off the state fair season in the Heartland. The Iowa show was held August 15, 2016, and the last show was September 17 in Grand Island, Nebraska. There were 25 Iowa exhibitors showing 42 Limousin females and bulls before Judge Roger Potter of Braddock, ND. Purebred Female Show
daughter of VL Abe exhibited by Brant Farms. Division IV reserve champion female: JASB Chloe 3C, a 2/1/15 daughter of Wulf ’s Apostle T343A exhibited by Boyer Family Farm of Weldon. Division V champion female: SL Suki’s Belle of the Ball a 3/20/14 daughter of MAGS Y So Tangled. She showed with her 2/18/16 bull at side, and is owned by Anna Radcliff of Davenport. Division V reserve champion female: RMKR Apple Pie, a 3/13/13 daughter of DLVL Xerox 023X who showed with a 1/15/16 bull at side, and is owned by Landen Josten of Forest City.
Bull Show:
The grand champion purebred bull was JBV Headliner 525C, a 9/6/15 son of Wulfs Warbonnet 6254W exhibited by Venner Limousin.
The grand champion Lim-Flex bull was AR Dominator, a 2/18/16 son of MAGS Antelope exhibited by Anna Radcliff.
Venner Limousin also exhibited the reserve grand champion bull with JBV Avatar 523C, an 8/31/15 son of ROMN Tuff Enuff.
The reserve grand champion LimFlex bull honors went to LTJO Big Boy, a 1/15/16 son of LTJO Premium exhibited by Landon Josten.
Lim-Flex Female Show: Potter selected JDYE Charming, a 5/1/15 daughter of MAGS Aviator out of MDRC Rockin 577R as the grand champion purebred Limousin. She was the Division III champion and exhibited by Straight Limousin of Logan.
The grand champion Lim-Flex female was RGMA Cover Girl 375C, a 4/26/15 daughter of Silveiras Style 9303 exhibited by Anderson Limousin. She was the Class 4 winner and the Iowa Champion Female. Reserve grand champion female honors went to the Division IV champion. RGMA Carrabba 476C, a 3/16/15 daughter of RGMA Whipper Snapper 691W, exhibited by Anderson Limousin of Garner. She was named Iowa Champion Female (females bred and born in Iowa). Division Winners: Division I champion female: LOHE Dixie Chick, a 3/21/16 daughter of Alter Ego, exhibited by Lowell Hermon Limousin of Carlisle. Division I reserve champion female: RGMA Diamond 495D, a 4/15/16 daughter of MAGS Aviator exhibited by Anderson Limousin. Division II champion female: JBV Dream Catcher 528C, a 9/24/15 daughter of RPY Paynes Derby 46Z exhibited by Venner Limousin of Breda. Division II reserve champion female: KBLH Lucy, an 11/1/15 daughter of VL Abe exhibited by Brant Farms of Osceola. Division III reserve champion female: KBLH Chelsea, a 7/3/15
Holiday Season
This give your friends, family and customers a Barn full of Iowa goodies! Barn Sampler $39
12 oz. of our naturally raised assorted beef sticks • Pint of yummy fruit salsa • Large box of 6 assorted flavors of creamy homemade fudge
The Barn’s Best $59
6 oz. of our naturally raised assorted beef sticks • Pint of delicious fruit jam • Pint of delectable fruit salsa • 8 oz. bag of fresh roasted flavored coffee • Large box of 6 assorted flavors of creamy homemade fudge • 16 oz. sweet beef deli chub (our family’s 4th-generation PA Dutch recipe)
Reserve grand champion honors in the Lim-Flex female show went to SL Cool Angel ET, a 1/30/15 daughter of MAGS Xyloid exhibited by Anna Radcliff. She came out of Class 6. Class Winners: Class 1: DRAB Dakota, a 3/17/16 daughter of SOO Line Motive 9016 exhibited by Drew Abbas of Alexander. Class 2: Cajun Lady, an 11/1/15 daughter of PBRS 3120A shown by Emma Thoreson of Knoxville. Class 3: Cricket, an 8/2/15 daughter of RHAR 219Z exhibited by Jamie Smith of New Virginia. Class 5: SL Caitlyn, a 3/17/15 daughter of SEEE Yearly Event shown by Long and Sons Limousin of Afton.
Barn Buster $79
12 oz. of our naturally raised assorted beef sticks • Pint of delicious fruit jam • Pint of tasty fruit salsa • 8 oz. block of award-winning Prairie Breeze cheese • Large box of 6 assorted flavors of creamy homemade fudge • 16 oz. sweet beef deli chub 16 oz. • Sweet Breeze beef deli chub (sweet beef & Prairie Breeze cheese)
(641) 342-4039
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
Kansas News… Breeders Travel to Hutchinson for State Fair
The members of the Kansas Limousin Breeders Association (KLBA) thank those who brought cattle to show at the state fair and to those who came to visit with the breeders and attend the show. Ron Holland, former Kansas State Fair livestock superintendent, enjoyed reconnecting with friends from across Kansas. One highlight of the state fair was the conclusion of the fundraiser for the 2017 NALJA show July 1-7, hosted by the Heartland Limousin Association. Tickets were sold for a Traeger grill, and the winning ticket was drawn at the end of the state fair Limousin show. The winner was Machelle Wiles from Hunter, Kansas. She was in attendance at the show and was delighted to win the grill.
Congratulations Juniors
Junior members of the Kansas Junior Limousin Breeders Association exhibited at the state fair 4-H and FFA shows. Madison Ratliff of Westphalia won the 2016 Limousin show with her purebred heifer, Riverstone Charmed, a 1/31/15 daughter of TMCK Durham Wheat. She went on to be named Supreme Champion Overall Breeds on September 11, 2016. Madison exhibited the heifer at the Kansas Junior Livestock Show held the weekend of September 28-October 2 at the Kansas State Fairgrounds in Hutchinson. Riverstone Charmed was named Supreme Champion once again. Ashelee Corns of Altoona exhibited the grand champion purebred heifer at the state fair open show September 17. SCRN Blaire 126B, a 12/12/14 daughter of Schilling’s Yannis, went on to be named Reserve Supreme Champion overall breeds.
KLBA President K.C. Youngblood of Columbus congratulated Machelle Wiles of Hunter, KS, for winning the Traeger Grill offered by the KLBA as a fundraiser for the 2017 NALJA show.
KLBA members Jerry and Pat Meek of Parker, KS, along with Ed and Rita Anderson of Wellsville, KS, sold KLBA lottery tickets for the Traeger Grill before the open show in Hutchinson.
Former Kansas Limousin Association Commercial Producer of the Year Bernie Johnson and his daughters of Assaria, KS, attended the Limousin Open Show at the Kansas State Fair.
Limousin Breeders Rick and Carol Ricketts and their granddaughter, Brandy Born, attended the Kansas State Fair Limousin show in Hutchinson.
Ron Holland Junior Scholarship We thank Ron Holland of Wichita, Kansas, for donating funds to establish a scholarship to be given to Limousin juniors heading off to college. The fund was set up in 2013. Scholarships were to be awarded each year for the next five years. The first recipient in 2013 was Klay Beisly of Nevada, Missouri. No scholarships were given out in 2014. The next year, 2015, Anna Johnson of Sebeka, Minnesota, received the scholarship. Members of the HLA board decided to present scholarships in 2016 to two deserving juniors. Dalton Edwards of Higginsville, Missouri, and Kaitlyn Boyer of Weldon, Iowa, received the scholarships this year. Each recipient receives a total of $2,000, $500 per year for the four years of college. There will be one
more scholarship granted in the summer of 2017. Ron and the late Carolyn Holland of Vassar, Kansas, were pioneers in the Limousin breed. Education and cattle were both very important to them. Ron was elected to the NALF board of directors in 1984 and in 1987. He served again in 1996 and 1999. Ron was inducted into the Kansas State Fair “Wall of Fame” in 2012 for serving for 12 years as the Beef Superintendent. Carolyn was a leader and officer in the “Limouselles,” now known as the Limi Boosters. They were also active members of the Kansas Limousin Breeders Association and the Heartland Limousin Association. Pioneer Limousin breeder Ron Holland of Wichita, KS, drove to the Kansas State Fair Limousin show in Hutchinson September 17. Former Heartland president and NALF president, Mike Smith of Natoma, KS, thanked Ron for his strong support of the Limousin juniors by establishing scholarships in Kansas, Heartland and NALJA organizations.
Ratliff Wins Supreme Female Honors
Winning Supreme female honors in the junior heifer show held during the 2016 Kansas State Fair was the champion Limousin heifer owned by Madison Ratliff of Westphalia, KS. Riverstone Charmed is a 1/31/15 daughter of TMCK Durham Wheat out of HSF Your Fantasy. The duo also won Supreme at the 2016 Kansas Junior Livestock Show October 1, 2016.
“Back in Time” Do You Know the Answer?
Questions on page 4.
1.) One of the first exposures in this country concerning Limousin cattle in the early 1960s was in an issue of the Western Livestock Journal when a Canadian wrote of his impressions on the breed after returning from a trip to France. 2.) Cattle from France were not eligible for importation into the United States because France was a hoof-and-mouth disease affected area. However, the Canadian government did agree to accept French cattle after they had successfully completed a strict three-step quarantine program. 3.) The first Limousin bulls imported permanently into the United States arrived in the fall of 1971. 4.) The three states that had the largest concentration of Limousin cattle after they were first introduced into the United States were South Dakota, Texas and Oklahoma, in addition to western Canada.
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
Kansas State Fair Produces Reserve Supreme Champion Female
quality-filled Kansas State Fair Open Limousin Show was September 17, 2016, in Hutchinson. Nine Kansas Limousin exhibitors brought an outstanding set of purebred and Lim-Flex females and bulls before Judge Garrett Lampe of Temont, IL.
The grand champion Lim-Flex bull was SCAS Cupid 74C, a 4/28/15 son of SLGN Yardmaster 125Y out of Schilling’s Zita exhibited by Ashlee Corns.
The reserve grand champion Lim-Flex bull was JDYE Chimichanga, a 2/26/15 son of JDYE X-Factor out of Schilling’s Walking Taco exhibited by Jordan Dye.
The Lim-Flex champion junior bull calf was exhibited by Mark Bayless
of Wakarusa, KS, with Deadwood 614, a 3/3/16 son of BAYS 905W.
A supreme champion over All-Breeds show concluded the open cattle shows Saturday evening. The reserve supreme purebred female was the grand champion Limousin female exhibited by Ashlee Corns of Altoona, KS. SCRN Blaire 126B is a 12/12/14 daughter of Schilling’s Yannis out of Shilling’s Zabrina. Blaire was the Senior champion female.
The reserve grand champion purebred female was Riverstone Charmed, a 1/31/15 daughter of TMCK Durham Wheat out of HSF Your Fantasy exhibited by Madison Ratliff of Westphalia, KS. She was the Junior champion female. The senior calf champion was JDYE Country Girl, a 9/21/15 daughter of JDYE X-Factor exhibited by Jordan Dye of Paola, KS.
The grand champion Lim-Flex female was Schilling’s Chrome ET, a 3/8/15 daughter of EF Xcessive Force out of Schilling’s Senorita exhibited by Clay Schilling of Edson, KS. She was the junior female champion.
Beef in School Lunches
The reserve grand champion LimFlex female and the junior reserve champion was Schillings Cha-Ching, a 2/13/15 daughter of Barstow Cash out of Schilling’s Arielle exhibited by Ashlee Corns. Double A Land & Cattle of Nevada, MO, exhibited the senior heifer calf champion with RKNQ Callie 112C, an 11/5/15 daughter of EF Xcessive Force.
The grand champion purebred bull honors went to KWLF Cadillac Ranch, a 2/28/15 son of LVLS Top Criteria out of JDYE Zalie exhibited by Kenny Campbell of Tonganoxie, KS.
Quilt Project for Schilling Family Kelly Schrag of Mound Ridge, Kansas, would like to pay it forward. Bruce and Kelly Schrag spent several months in Wichita seven years ago when Ashley, their premature baby was born. They were very grateful to the Schilling family of Edson, Kansas, who donated the proceeds from a heifer they sold at the Kansas State Sale in Salina. This money helped defray the expenses incurred during their three-month stay. A fundraiser has been planned for Cash and Amanda Schilling to help cover the cost of their extended stay of 97 days in Wichita following the birth of their premature son, Cashyn, last January. He weighed 1 lb. 12 oz., 3 oz. less than Ashley Schrag.
report by the USDA finds that ground beef in schools contain significantly less salmonella contamination than ground beef sold to consumers. USDA’s Economic Research Service examined the impact of food-safety standards imposed by the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) on suppliers of ground beef to the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). Food Safety News reports because ground beef is a staple of school menus and has suffered a number of product recalls
Quilt blocks will be sold for $100 to anyone interested in being part of this project. The blocks will be 12 in. in size and Kelly will provide them. You can embroider or screen print a ranch logo or photo on the block. This offer is for all people in the Limousin family, not just for members of the Kansas association. Kelly is looking for someone who would be interested in putting the quilt together after all the blocks are turned in. The quilt would be auctioned off at a benefit auction and the proceeds would be given to Cash and Amanda. If you have ideas or suggestions about this project, contact Kelly Schrag at: or 620/242-9114.
in recent years, AMS pays particular attention to the food safety of ground beef. The researchers found that the food-safety performance of active suppliers exceeded the performance of inactive ones, meaning they sought approval to supply the NSLP, but did not bid for contracts, and commercial market suppliers. The report suggest that “AMS standard encourage superior food safety performance.”
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
Minnesota News… 4-H Beef Interview Winners
Animal Science Interviews at the Minnesota State Fair are designed to further enhance educational opportunities for young people exhibiting livestock. The interview process offers a visual philosophy of recognizing 4-Hers who have utilized their livestock project to grow and develop as young people. Livestock Interviews emphasize many life skills such as communication, responsibility, decision making, and problem-solving. The interview process is seen as a step to help insure the stability of youth livestock shows as a positive form of youth development. Interview finalists received a polo shirt donated by AgStar. Interview winners received a chair sponsored by the Minnesota Livestock Breeders Association. Congratulations to Beef Interview winners: Anna and Amber Johnson,
daughters of Russ and Barb Johnson of Sebeka, Minnesota, (Wadena County); and Wiley Fanta, son of Casey and Kelly Fanta of Starbuck, Minnesota, (Stevens County). These three Limousin juniors were part of the 14 winners in the competition.
Livestock Breeders’ Association Scholarships
The Minnesota Livestock Breeders’ Association Scholarships are presented each year to 4-H and FFA youth who are active members and exhibitors during the year of application. The participants are selected based on leadership experience and personal growth achievements. Additionally, the scholarship rewards academic excellence and outstanding livestock production. The funding for the scholarships is a combination of donations from livestock industry leaders and supporters matched by MLBA purple
ribbon auction proceeds. Each year during the Minnesota 4-H State Fair a purple ribbon auction is conducted selling the premiums of outstanding youth livestock exhibits with 78% of the funds going directly to the youth and the remaining invested in the scholarship fund and expenses related to the auction. This year 37 outstanding youth were awarded scholarships, including two members of the Minnesota Junior Limousin Association. Anna Johnson of Sebeka (Wadena County) received a $2,000 scholarship; and Joanna Moser of Morris (Stevens County) received a $1,000 scholarship. Congratulations.
Longtime Minnesota Limousin breeders Dave and Glynis Kuehne of Long Prairie enjoyed the Minnesota State Fair Open Show September 3.
We thank everyone who helped make the picnic following the open class show at the Minnesota State Fair a success. We appreciate Casey and Kelly Fanta along with Anna Johnson for organizing the picnic and bringing the Sloppy Joe sandwiches. Thanks to everyone who brought items to share at the picnic.
The Stevens County contingent to the Minnesota State Fair; Joanna, Jenna and Justus Moser relax with Wiley Fanta following the open show.
Minnesota State Fair Limousin Open Show Crowns Champions
he Minnesota State Fair Open Limousin Show was held September 3, 2016, at the Lee and Rose Warner Coliseum in St. Paul. An all-time single day attendance record was set with 260,374 people going through the gates that day. The Coliseum was filled with three breeds Saturday afternoon. A total of 12 Minnesota breeders exhibited their state fair entries. Cassie Johnson of Cushing, IA, served as judge for the day. Female Show:
Judge Johnson selected CELL 5148C, a 3/15/15 daughter of DHVO Deuce 132R out of Sennett Heather as the grand champion female. She was exhibited by Courtney Dohrmann, Sporty Acres Limousin of Dodge Center, MN. She was the Junior Division Champion .
Bull Show:
The reserve grand champion female was the Junior Heifer Calf Champion. GROT Dolly 162D, a 2/28/16 daughter of EF Xcessive Force out of EXLR Molly 605R, was exhibited by Joe Grotsun, Grotsun Cattle of Cold Spring, MN. The senior calf champion was ENGD Elite 5055C, a 9/3/15 daughter of MAGS Y-Axis exhibited Wulf Cattle of Morris, MN. The junior division reserve champion female was HARP Cassie 502C, a 3/4/15 daughter of DHVO Deuce 132R exhibited by Emma Smith, Windrow Farms of Hastings, MN. The senior champion female was CHHF Bling 427B, a 10/12/14 daughter of EF Xcessive Force exhibited by Herman Farms of Hastings, MN.
Daybreak 618D, a 2/20/16 son of MAGS Anchor. The senior division champion bull was CHHF Back in Black 251B, a 9/20/14 son of BC Lookout 7024 exhibited by Herman Farms.
The grand champion bull was exhibited by Thomas Duff of Duff Farms, Hampton, MN, and Herman Farms of Hastings, MN. TGDL Calvin 08C is a 3/1/15 son of EF Xcessive Force out of CHHF Xplosion 08X and was the Junior champion bull.
Wulf Cattle received the Limousin Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor honors at the Minnesota State Fair. They also received third overall Herdsmanship. Accepting the awards are Kelly, Casey and Wiley Fanta. Congratulations! The reserve grand champion bull was Wulfs Cobra 2662C, a 4/16/15 son of Wulfs Xtractor X233X out of Miss Wulfette 2662X exhibited by Wulf Cattle. He was the reserve champion junior bull. The junior bull calf champion was exhibited by Bachmeier Limousin of Apple Valley, MN with BLMO
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
Sale consultant Kiley McKinna of MC Marketing discusses the female lineup with Deb Vorthmann at the Vorthmann Private Treaty sale near Treynor, IA. A large crowd filled the bleachers at the Heart of Missouri Sale.
Stephen Haynes, host of the Foundation Sale, handed out several “Good People” certificates to supporters of the Foundation Sale in Bowling Green. Recipients were Jim and Bertha Jarnagin, Terrill and Barbara Britt, Tom Daniel, Mickey and Janice Williamson, Dean and Bev Summerbell, Deloris Grimstad, and John and Ena Post. A good way to clean the Ranger. Powerful thunderstorms dumped rain on the Vorthmann farm during their Private Treaty sale. The steel roof on the building made for a noisy auction, but kept everyone dry.
Kyle Dye of Paola, KS, received his prize of a toy truck for guessing within one pound the weight of an Angus cow at the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson.
Mark Bayless of Waukarusa, KS, was busy preparing for the Kansas State Fair open Limousin show September 17 in Hutchinson.
Teri Dye of Paola, KS, and Karen Friends, neighbors and Limousin breeders enjoyed a great lunch at the Campbell of Tonganoxie, KS, prepare Vorthmann Private Treaty sale September 24 at their farm near Treynor, IA. for another day at the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson. Dean Summerbell and Ty Heavin discussed the fall sale season at the Foundation II Sale.
Fairbourne, one of the mascots at the Minnesota State Fair, thought Bev Summerbell needed some help in her Information Booth on Labor Day Saturday. A record was set for a single day attendance with 260,374 people coming through the gates. That makes a grand total of 1,943,719 for the 12 days of the fair.
NALF Regional Manager Andy Rest visited with Steve Summers and Dean Summerbell at the Missouri State Fair in Sedalia.
Iowa Limousin breeders Bob and Mary Bosch of Indianola and Dave and Lana Linhart of Leon attended the Vorthmann Private Treaty sale.
Dean Summerbell and Casey Fanta discuss the State Fair show at Minnesota. Casey’s wife, Kelly, enjoyed a snack after the show.
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
Missouri News… Thank You
We thank Heidi Orton for organizing the hamburger supper the night before the Missouri State Fair Open Limousin Show. The meal was held in the Limousin barn. We also thank everyone who brought items to share for the dinner. It was a great way to get together, visit with other Limousin breeders, and relax before the show.
ILC Picture
The Heartland L i m o u s i n Association thanks Tom and Rosalie Smith for their donation of a beautifully framed picture from the 1992 International L i m o u s i n Congress (ILC). These pictures were part of the ILC and they are truly a “keepsake.” This picture, donated by the Smiths, will be placed in the HLA benefit auction February 14, 2017. This would make a wonderful gift, a memory for those who have attended previous ILC conferences, or something for that special Limousin enthusiast.
Missouri Breeders at Farmfest
Several Missouri breeders took part in the annual Ozark Fall Farmfest in Springfield. Among those exhibiting cattle were Rick and Susan Little; Mark Haden, Ron Peckman, James Henderson, Pinegar Limousin; Dean and Cindy Pearson; and Charles and Debbie Youngblood. Exhibiting equipment were Bart and Brenda Brackman, LAG, and Ty Jones. This year, the 37th annual Farmfest, started October 7 and ran through the 9th at the Ozark Empire Fairgrounds. It featured the latest in agricultural technology and rural living products and services. There were 800 booths and more than 500 head of registered livestock on display. Vendors had a wide selection of animal products, trailers, livestock handling equipment, and agricultural services. The Ozark Fall Farmfest is sponsored by the Ozark Empire Fair and Farm Talk Newspaper.
Missouri State Fair Crowns 4-H and FFA Limousin Champions
he Missouri 4-H Limousin and the FFA shows were August 19, 2016, at the Missouri State Fair Donley Arena. Dale Jedlicka of Koshkonong, MO, judged both shows.
In the FFA show, 12 Missouri youth exhibited 13 females and four bulls.
In the 4-H show, 17 4-H youth exhibited 21 females and four bulls. Judge Jedlicka selected AUTO Cluster 220C as the grand champion Limousin female. The 2/16/15 Lim-Flex daughter of PVF Insight 129 was exhibited by Mikah Edwards of Polk County.
The grand champion female was Ashley’s Blossum 650B, an 11/11/14 purebred daughter of Red Dirt Nascar exhibited by Brooklyn Adam of Lathrop, MO.
The reserve grand champion female was DALT Cassandra 339C, a 3/21/15 Lim-Flex daughter of Absolute Anarchy exhibited by Klay Beisly of Nevada, MO.
The 4-H reserve champion female was DALT Dark Star 900C, a 9/1/15 LimFlex daughter of TYEJ-TNGC Formula One 221 exhibited by Zoey Williams of Vernon County.
Renae Poole of Windyville, MO, exhibited both the grand and reserve grand champion Limousin bulls. The FFA grand champion bull was Rockin P Tom Tom, a 4/18/15 son of DHVO Deuce. Grand champion bull honors went to DECE Capital Gains ET, a 6/12/15 LimFlex son of MAGS Y-Axis exhibited by Dalton Edwards of Lafayette County.
Zion 501C
75% LF - HOMO Polled - 2/5/2015 - BW: 69 - Adj. WW: 706 - Adj. YW: 1,023 TREF Zion 636X x Wulfs Wagon Train daughter BW: -1.3 WW: 57 YW: 82 MK: 25 SC: 0.8 DC: 22 YG: -.28 CW: 17 RE: .51 MB: -.21 $MI: 42 Sells AI’d to Wulfs Big Timer
Tom & Rita Vaughn & Sons Family Owned & Operated
9741 142nd Ave. NE • Cavalier, ND 58220 H: 701/265-4097 • Tom cell: 701/520-0110 David cell: 701/520-2556 • Craig cell: 701/520-1624 e-mail: •
The reserve grand champion bull was NAHU Captain Jack 33C, a 5/22/15 LimFlex son of MAGS Aviator exhibited by Austin Hunt of Perry County.
The reserve grand champion bull was Rockin P Chisholm 703C, a 9/14/15 son of FC Angel’s Answer, also shown by Renae Poole.
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
Missouri State Fair Draws 72 Head at Open Limousin Show
aturday, August 20, 2016, broke clear and sunny after a hard rain the previous night. The temperature stood at 72 degrees at 12:30 p.m. which was the start of the open Limousin show at the Missouri State Fair. A good crowd of Limousin breeders came to Sedalia to watch Judge Ron Moore of Jerseyville, IL, evaluate 72 head of Limousin from 43 exhibitors.
Female Show:
Moore selected DALT Dark Star 900C, a 9/1/15, daughter of TYEJTNGC Formula One 321 as the grand champion female. She was exhibited by Zoey Williams of Nevada, MO, and was the Division II champion.
Division I reserve champion female: AUTO Durene 201D, a 2/4/16 Lim-Flex daughter of EXAR Blue Chip 1877B exhibited by Gage Baker of Fulton, MO. Division II reserve champion female: RKNQ Callie 1120C, an 11/5/15 Lim-Flex daughter of EF Xcessive Force owned by Josh Fincannon of Sand Springs, OK. Division III champion female: CRJO Cinnamon Sugar, a 5/2/15 purebred daughter of MAGS Xyloid owned by Drake Wood of Lee’s Summit, MO. Division III reserve champion female: AUTO Luckie Lady 280C, a 6/6/15 Lim-Flex daughter of PVF Insight 0129 owned by Cody Heavin. Division IV reserve champion female: AUTO Cluster 220C, a 2/16/15 Lim-Flex daughter of PVF Insight 0129 exhibited by Mikah Edwards of Fair Grove, MO. Division V champion female: MAGS Books ET, a 9/1/14 Lim-Flex daughter of MAGS Zodiac exhibited by Jaidyn Wood of Lee’s Summit, MO. Division V reserve champion female: AUTO Belle 292B, a 10/15/14 Lim-Flex daughter of EXAR Classen 1422B exhibited by Sam Callahan of Centerview, MO.
Bull Show:
Division Winners: Division I champion bull: ELCX Kings Landing 599D, a 2/12/16 LimFlex son of MAGS Xyloid exhibited by Wies Limousin Ranch and Edwards Land & Cattle. Division I reserve champion bull: RADB Dru, a 2/21/16 Lim-Flex son of EF Xcessive Force exhibited Gage Baker. Division II champion bull: Rockin P Chisholm 703C, a 9/14/15 Lim-Flex
for any Weather
Reserve grand champion honors went to the Division IV champion, ELCX Candy 330C, a 3/16/15 daughter of RLBH Air Force One exhibited by Wies Limousin Ranch of Wellsville, MO, and Edwards Land & Cattle of Beulaville, NC. Division Winners: Division I champion female: AUTO Danielle 205D, a 1/22/16 LimFlex daughter of EXAR Blue Chip 1877B exhibited by Cody Heavin of Springfield, MO.
The reserve grand champion bull, AUTO Tahoe 132C, is a 5/2/15 son of PVF Insight 0129. The Division III champion was exhibited by Summers Limousin and Montgomery Farms of Independence, MO.
son of Angles Answer exhibited by Renae Poole of Windyville, MO. Division II reserve champion bull SEEE Catchful Eye, a 10/15/15 LimFlex son of MAGS Y So-Tangled exhibited by Jordan Mudd of Knob Knoster, MO. Division III reserve champion bull: AUTO Deepwater 124C, a 5/2/15 purebred son of AUTO Cruze 132X exhibited by Pinnell Limousin of Cuba, MO. Division IV reserve champion bull: Rockin P Tom-Tom 702C, a 4/18/15 Lim-Flex son of DHVO Deuce exhibited by Renae Poole. Division V champion bull: ELCX Draft Day, a 5/21/14 Lim-Flex son of MAGS Xyloid exhibited by Wies Limousin Ranch and Edwards Land & Cattle. Division V reserve champion bull: EF Blunt Force 210B, a 1/27/14 Lim-Flex son of EF Xcessive Force exhibited by Morgan Reed of Gilman City, MO. Pinegar Limousin of Springfield, MO, was named Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor. Congratulations!
Barnaud Limousin breeds heavily muscled, easy-fleshing cattle that excel in any climate without expensive creep feed.
Scott Edwards of Higginsville, MO, exhibited the grand champion bull. SEEE Common Law is a 3/4/15 son of EF Xcessive Force and was the Division IV champion.
APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP The Heartland Limousin Association is comprised of Limousin breeders including the states of IA, KS, MN, MO, NE, SD & WI.
BLBL Dailene 51D VIGS 32X x ROMN Justice
BLBL Duke 24D
Urville x ROMN Justice
Name _____________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip _______________________________________________________________ Phone/Email _______________________________________________________________ Most used herd prefix assigned by NALF _________________________________________ The undersigned herein applies for membership in the HLA with all rights and privileges outlined in the HLA constitution and bylaws.
Signature __________________________________________________________________ Please make checks payable to the HLA, clip and return this membership application & $50 to: Dean Summerbell, HLA, 23244 Gopher Dr, East Bethel, MN 55005-1701
Barnaud Limousin Muscle. Performance. Profit. Tim Barnaud (605) 639-3019 12129 Sagebrush Road, Nisland, SD or Like Us on Facebook
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
Nebraska News… Thank You
Thanks to everyone who helped support the Nebraska Limousin Association with your presence at the Nebraska State Fair show in Grand Island. We enjoyed the doughnuts, juice and coffee that were provided before the show by Gwen Behrends. It was great to see so many breeders support the show with your presence, both in the ring and in the stands.
Husker Harvest Days
Husker Harvest Days in Grand Island had another successful run this year with large crowds each day.
The weather was cool and breezy, which was perfect for those attending the event. Charlie, Nancy and Dan Hunt, along with Dan’s sister, Sally and his nephew, Clayton Hosier, met with the commercial and seedstock breeders who stopped to visit. This was the 33rd year that the Hunt family have brought a pen of bulls to display as well as setting out informational material about the Limousin breed.
Cattlemen’s Classic Deadline
The deadline for sending entries for the 26th Annual Nebraska Cattlemen’s
Classic in Kearney is November 25, 2016. The show will be held at 10:00 a.m. with the sale taking place at 3:30 p.m. Thursday, February 23, 2017, at the Buffalo County Fairgrounds in Kearney. All breed champions receive $300 for champion and $150 for reserve. The Supreme Row judging will be held at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, February 25. There are a variety of activities for juniors Saturday and Sunday, February 25-26, including a judging competition, a showmanship “Blow n Go” contest, a scholarship award presentation, a fancy heifer sale, and junior shows. All entries will be taken online. Go to the NCC website at www. to obtain the form. For further information, contact
Ronette Bush-Heinrich at rkbush@ or call 308/627-6385. Members of the Nebraska Limousin Association will hold their annual meeting and benefit auction the night before the sale. This is always a great time to renew friendships and meet new Limousin breeders.
2017 NALJA Show
The Heartland Limousin Association will be hosting the 2017 National Junior Limousin Show & Congress at the Nebraska State Fairground in Grand Island July 1-7. This will be an exciting time for all members of the Heartland. Watch for more details in upcoming issues of the Heart Beat. Plan to join us in Nebraska as we “Escape to Grand Island.”
Nebraska State Fair Hosts Limousin Show
imousin breeders from Nebraska traveled to Grand Island for the state fair open show August 31, 2016. The Nebraska Limousin Association members, along with Iowa breeders Grant and Brenda Anderson and Roger and Ann Vorthmann met with Bill Angell, Livestock Superintendent of the Nebraska State Fair, in preparation for the 2017 NALJA Show July 1-7 hosted by the Heartland Limousin Association. The meeting was an introduction to the Livestock facilities at the fairgrounds. “We are all very impressed and look forward with great enthusiasm to the NALJA Summer Show in Grand Island,” said Dean Summerbell, Executive Secretary of the Heartland Limousin Association. Cheramie Viator of Houston, TX, sorted the Limousin females and bulls entered by six Nebraska exhibitors.
Judge Viator selected the Division IV champion as the grand champion female. MJ Cagney 7C, a 4/12/15 daughter of DHVO Deuce out of MAGS Xesturgy was exhibited by Ben Spencer of Gibbon, NE.
The reserve grand champion came out of Division I. JAMO Pld Maddie 606D, a 3/2/16 daughter of Wulfs Yellowhammer out of JAMO Pld Heaven was exhibited by Amos Limousin of Stapleton, NE. She was named the Nebraska Champion Female (females bred and born in Nebraska).
The Livestock arena at the Nebraska State Fair in Grand Island.
The Watts family of Fairfield, NE, do last minute preparation prior to the show at the Nebraska State Fair.
The Division I reserve champion was JAMO Ms Rio 605D, a 2/22/16 daughter of EF Xcessive Force exhibited by Amos Limousin. The Division IV reserve champion female was HUNT Miss Cows 111C, a 3/8/15 daughter of Wulfs Yankee K689Y exhibited by Jenna Hunt of Oxford, NE.
Hunt Limousin Ranch of Oxford, NE, exhibited both the grand champion and reserve grand champion bulls. Viator selected HUNT Deluxe 102D, a 2/27/16 son of HUNT Xclaim 71X out of HUNT Miss Ross 16Z as the grand champion and Nebraska Champion Bull. The reserve grand champion bull was HUNT Dallas 108D, a 2/28/16 son of Wulfs Yankee K689Y out of HUNT 01A.
Nebraska Limousin President Gerald Gustafson instructs Kelsey Amos of Stapleton, NE, how to hand out ribbons at the Limousin show at the Nebraska State Fair.
Charlie, Nancy and Dan Hunt, along with Dan’s sister, Sally and his nephew, Clayton Hosier at Husker Harvest Days.
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
Wisconsin News… Limousin Breeders Exhibit at World Beef Expo
he 24th Annual World Beef Expo was held the weekend of September 23-25, 2016, at the Wisconsin State Fairgrounds in West Allis. Limousin breeders and juniors from Wisconsin, Illinois and Kentucky took part in the open and junior shows as well as a variety of satellite competitions.
The grand champion cow-calf was Sprng Crks Bambi 4085B, a 3/26/14 red, double polled daughter of Wulfs Warrior 930W out of PBRS 035X exhibited by Lily Mitchell. She showed with her 2/1/16 bull by WEBR TC Card Shark 1015.
Julia Weaber of Harrodsburg, KY, had the reserve grand champion purebred Limousin female with ELCX Charmer 566C, a 12/10/15 homozygous black, polled daughter of MAGS Xyloid out of WLR Prada.
Austin Miller of Lanark, Illinois, took home the grand champion banner with his purebred Limousin female, Legacy’s Cora, a 3/4/15 daughter of SL Missing Link out of EF Across Town 934A.
The grand champion bull was the calf champion, Spring Crks Diamond Flush, a 2/1/16 Lim-Flex 50% son of WEBR TC Card Shark 1015 owned by Lily Mitchell.
Open Show
Shane Lindsey of Prairie City, IA, evaluated the cattle in the open shows. Anna Weaber of Harrodsburg, KY, took home the grand champion banner in the Lim-Flex show with OCCC 185C, a 3/12/2015 daughter of BDHC Ironman 2006Z out of MCN Zalika Brown 235Z. She went on to be named Supreme female in the Limousin show.
Lily Mitchell of Boscobel, WI, exhibited the reserve grand champion LimFlex with Sprng Crks Desiree 6035D, a 2/1/16 Lim-Flex 50% daughter of Gambles All-In 2549 out of Sprng Crks Kristi 1060Y. Bart and Amy Mitchell of Boscobel, WI, enjoyed the 2016 World Beef Expo with their children.
Satellite Events Congratulations to Lily and Brooke Mitchell of Boscobel, Wisconsin, for doing so well in the satellite events during the junior portion of the World Beef Expo. Lily won the Skillathon contest and she took fourth place overall the competitions. Her sister, Brooke, placed fifth overall.
It’s Never too early to make your sale-day picks!
“Making ’em Right Sale” Annual Private Treaty Sale
2016 Sires:
DLVL Xerox Wulfs Xistence JASB Apollo Wulfs Big Timer WLR Direct Hit Wulfs Xtractor Wulfs All the Way SYES Best Buy SYES Backstage VL Apollo Wulfs Signature Check out our website
Sat., November 26, 2016 Final bids due 2:00 p.m. CST
Offering 50 Purebred Limousin Show Heifers - Replacement Heifers Bulls & Show Steers
Bosch Farms Bob and Mary Bosch 16864 Fulton • Indianola, Iowa 50125 515/491-9163-Bob, cell Brian Hait • 515/229-4030, cell
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
South Dakota News… Winter Show Deadlines
The deadlines for submitting entries to the Black Hills Stock Show and Sale (BHSS) in Rapid City and the Sioux Empire Farm Show in Sioux Falls are approaching. The deadline for the Red Carpet Show and Sale in Sioux Falls is November 10, and the deadline for the BHSS is November 15. The Sioux Empire Farm Show, held at the W.H. Lyon Fairgrounds, is continuing a long tradition of holding sales and shows. The Red Carpet Show and Sale for the Limousin breed will take place Thursday, January 26, 2017. Contact John or Matt Bruner, Limousin representatives, for more information about this event. The Black Hills Stock Show, held at the Rapid City Convention Center, will be Friday, February 3, 2017. The show will begin at 8:00 a.m. and the sale will follow at 1:00 p.m.
Members of the South Dakota Limousin Association, friends, family and other Limousin enthusiasts will gather the night before the show and sale, Thursday, February 2, 2017, for their annual meeting, banquet and benefit auction. The festivities will take place at the Ramkota Hotel. For further information, contact Chisum Peterson about the Black Hills Stock Show and Sale.
South Dakota Junior Special Show Held at State Fair
welve South Dakota Junior Limousin Association members paraded their state fair entries before Judge Jeff Jackson of Walnut Springs, TX, following the Limousin Open Show in Huron September 2, 2016.
Reserve grand champion steer honors went to Karin Sweeter of Worthing, SD, with a 1,410-lb. son of CJSL Windfall.
Thank You
Thanks to everyone who attended the South Dakota State Fair Limousin Open Show, Junior Special Show, and the picnic Friday, September 2, 2016. Members of the South Dakota Limousin Association board of directors grilled hamburger for the lunch following the state fair shows. We appreciate the generosity of John Bruner, Dakota Natural Beef of Winfred, South Dakota for supply the hamburger.
Happy Holidays Just Too Many Cows! So, we are offering some of our very best bred heifers to you. We currently have a small set of early spring bred heifers for sale, including two in the RED REVIVAL ONLINE SALE NOVEMBER 3; and the rest privately off the farm. AI-sired and AI-bred, these ladies represent the best of our cow families and were intended to stay in the herd. But as you can see, there are just too many. See them at or give us a call today.
Beginner Champion Showman: Memphis Peterson of Pukwana, SD Memphis Peterson of Pukwana, SD, had a banner day exhibiting the grand champion Lim-Flex and the grand champion purebred Limousin females. The Lim-Flex champion was L7 Calamity Jane 588C, a 9/10/15 daughter of Wulfs Xcellsior.
Reserve Champion Beginner Showman: Addison Ward of Aberdeen, SD
The purebred grand champion, exhibited by Memphis Peterson, was L7 Candy Cane 512C, a 3/23/15 daughter of Wulfs Xcellsior. Addison Ward of Aberdeen, SD, exhibited the reserve grand champion Lim-Flex female with Lady BRUN Libby 2874C, a 3/6/15 daughter of Master BRUN Guru. Alexa Montagne of Elk Point, SD, exhibited the reserve grand champion purebred female with JGLT California Girl, a 6/1/15 daughter of JGLT Zorro. The photos of Addison Ward and Alexa Montagne are printed on page 21 in the Open Show report.
Junior Champion Showman: Delaney Peterson of Chamberlain, SD
Senior Champion Showman: Alexa Montagne of Elk Point, SD
Venner Family Limousin JIM & BECKY VENNER 3891 Taylor Avenue • Breda, IA 51436 Home: 712-673-4491 • Cell: 712-830-8381 •
Landon Thury of Avon, SD, exhibited the grand champion steer with a 1,280-lb. son of Bojo.
Reserve Senior Champion Showman: Bailey Thompson of Mitchell, SD
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
South Dakota Limousin Show Draws Exhibitors From Three States
Lim-Flex Female Show:
xhibitors from Iowa and Missouri joined the South Dakota Limousin breeders in Huron, SD, September 2, 2016, for the annual state fair open Limousin show. Judge Chuck Lemenager of Fairbury, IL, evaluated a quality set of purebred and Lim-Flex females and bulls.
Purebred Female Show:
The reserve grand champion and Division III champion was JGLT California Girl, a 6/1/15 daughter of JGLT Zorro out of CJSL Extra Special 0355X exhibited by Alexa Montagne, JLX Limousin of Elk Point, SD.
The grand champion purebred female was the Division IV champion, L7 Candy Cane 512C, a 3/23/15 daughter of Wulfs Xcellsior out of L7 211Z exhibited by Memphis Peterson, Peterson L7 Bar Limousin of Pukwana, SD.
Division I champion: L7 Dixieland Delight 604, a 3/25/16 daughter of FC Angels Answer exhibited by Memphis Peterson. Division I reserve champion: Ludens Family Limousin of Viborg, SD, with LFLC Dolly, a 3/15/16 daughter of LGLC Ace 750A. Division IV reserve champion: BL Clarrise, a 4/20/15 daughter of WLR Direct Hit exhibited by Biedenfeld Limousin of Peterson, IA.
Judge Lemenager selected the Lim-Flex grand champion female out of Division II. DALT Dark Star, a 9/1/15 daughter of TYEJ-TNGC Formula One out of MAGS Unsparing was exhibited by Double A Land & Cattle of Nevada, MO.
The reserve grand champion Lim-Flex female was the Division IV champion. Lady BRUN Libby 2874C, a 3/6/15 daughter of Master BRUN Guru 2287 out of Lady BRUN 1738W, was exhibited by Addison Ward, Bruner Limousin of Winfred, SD.
Division II reserve champion: RKNQ Callie 11ZOC, an 11/5/15 daughter of EF Xcessive Force exhibited by Double A Land & Cattle. Division IV reserve champion: was DALT Cassandra, a 3/21/15 daughter of DALT Absolute Anarchy exhibited by Cole Abele of Double A Land & Cattle.
Purebred Bull Show:
The grand champion purebred Limousin bull was the Division IV champion. Master BRUN Copper 28, a 3/10/15 son of WZRK Prime Cut 8012Y out of Lady BRUN 2222Y, exhibited Bruner Limousin. Continued on Page 20
LIMOUSIN & LIM-FLEX LOTS Open Show Heifers • Bred Heifers Bulls • Genetic Opportunities HOSTED ON:
DECEMBER 6, 2016 7:00 a.m - 7:00 p.m. CST
SALE MANAGEMENT: MC Marketing Management Kiley McKinna 402/350-3447 SALE CONSULTANTS: Mark Smith 515/229-5227 Bill Helton 256/962-0256
EMMETT & DEBBIE • SCOTT & SHAUN 21853 HWY. AA • HIGGINSVILLE, MO 64037 EMMETT: 816-726-1919 (c) SHAUN: 660-441-0811 (c) • SCOTT: 660-641-0409 (c) e-mail: •
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
Continued on Page 20
Lim-Flex Bull Show:
The reserve grand champion bull also came out of Division IV. BL Crane, a 4/15/15 son of Wulfs Zane out of JABD U Betcha Baby was exhibited by Biedenfeld Limousin of Peterson, IA.
The grand champion Lim-Flex bull was the Division IV champion. L7 Calvados 5035C is a 4/2/15 son of L7 Xtreme out of L7 156Y exhibited by Peterson’s L7 Bar Limousin of Pukwana, SD.
Division I champion bull: KNLZ Dominator, a 4/4/16 son of KNLC Windy 158B exhibited by Nolz Limousin of Mitchell, SD. Division I reserve champion bull: NOLZ Deuce 41D, a 3/19/16 son of DHVO Deuce 132 exhibited by Nolz Limousin. Division II champion bull: KNLZ Captain 313C, a 12/13/15 son of L7 1033Y exhibited by Nolz Limousin. Division II reserve champion bull: JLX Chisholm, a 12/24/15 son of WLR Direct Hit exhibited by JLX Limousin. Division III champion bull: JLX Charisma, a 6/5/15 son of MAGS Xukalani exhibited by JLX Limousin.
Plan Ahead for Beef Winter Feeding Strategies
s winter approaches, Patrick Gunn, Iowa State University extension cow-calf specialist, suggests that producers consider the following to help balance feed needs and maintain animal performances.
The reserve grand champion LimFlex bull came out of Division IV. TF Cadillac Jack 404C, a 4/3/15 son of MNM Zooloo out of MnM Zola was exhibited by Torgerson Farms of Artesian, SD.
NALF Board of Directors member Dennis Alt of Nevada, MO, spoke to the crowd assembled at the annual South Dakota Limousin Association picnic in Huron, SD. Alt’s comments concerned the NALF focus for the coming year and the 545 project designed to increase registrations.
1. Get weights on cows as well as forage. Many producers tend to underestimate the weight of their cows and overestimate the weight of their bales. Having a correct cow weight will allow for the development of the most appropriate ration/supplementation scheme. 2. Remember that what is baled is not what the cows either have the opportunity to consume or will consume. Consider the current storage method and estimate that amount of storage loss as well as potential feeding losses that may occur. 3. Consider using cornstalks, either grazed or baled, to extend forage supplies. However, use caution when relying on stalks for winter forage. Hope for the best but expect the worst as a wet fall can result in poor quality stalks, poor grazing conditions and a baled product that has more value as bedding than feed. 4. Plan ahead. Hay prices are the lowest in a few years. If projected forage resources are short, consider buying hay now while prices are still depressed. 5. Test forages (all cuttings, all types). This is money well spent on any feeding program and likely the best return on investment for the entire enterprise. If overfeeding, you are wasting money. If underfeeding, you are losing money through loss of production. 6. Work with a multitude of outlets to identify economical protein or energy supplements available in the area. Then, work with your nutritionist or extension specialist to develop least-cost diets that meet the needs of your cows for all winter production stages. Only supplement protein when necessary; likewise with energy. Don’t buy or feed what isn’t needed. 7. Finally, add 30 days to your typical winter feeding timeline. Cool, wet springs have delayed pasture turnout the past two years. Turning cows out too early next spring because harvested feeds are gone is potential recipe for pasture disaster.
A sunny day brought Limousin seedstock breeders and commercial users of Limousin genetics to Huron for the annual South Dakota Limousin picnic following the Limousin show at the State Fair.
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
Junior Beat Iowa State Fair Judge Roger Potter congratulated 9-year-old Brooklyn Kline of Logan, IA, for exhibiting the grand champion purebred female at the Limousin open show in Des Moines. One has to look pretty in the Missouri State Fair ring. Minnesota Juniors enjoy a post-show potluck at the Minnesota State Fair. Kelsey Amos and Josie Watts are anxious to hand out the ribbons at the Nebraska State Fair. Ashley Schrag of Mound Ridge, KS, was the prettiest ribbon girl at the Kansas State Fair handing out the ribbons and plaques to the Limousin exhibitors September 17 in Hutchinson.
Katie Walrod of Moorland, IA, proudly displayed the Walrod’s new Australian Shepard puppy at the Vorthmann Private Treaty sale near Treynor, IA. They are still trying to decide on a name for the pup.
Grayce Beck, 10, had a great time showing her heifer at the Nebraska State Fair open show.
Jack Watts, 10, of Fairfield, NE, was all smiles when he came out of the show ring at the Nebraska State Fair.
Emlyn Vorthmann helped her cousin, Mason Shipman, and friend, Paige Baier, sell popcorn for his cub scout fundraiser at his grandparents private treaty sale. People do like popcorn.
It might be the state fair, but it is more fun to run farm equipment in the sand in the Limousin barn at the Missouri State Fair. Colton Herman of Hastings, MN, is eager to learn how to groom a female for showing.
One-year-old Addilynn and her dad, Ryan Reed of Double R Farm, Richmond, Kansas, enjoyed the social the night before the Foundation II Sale in Bowling Green, KY.
Schott Limousin Dispersing 150 Purebred Cows November 7, 2016 • 1 p.m. C.S.T. Mobridge, South Dakota
The time comes in every man’s life to take another step forward, but on a different path. After much soul-searching, we have made the decision to offer our entire mature cowherd at auction. The genetics put forth represent our four decades of commitment to this great breed of cattle, but more importantly, our tenure in the seedstock business speaks volumes about our commitment to the many valued customers and friends we have made over the years. We have always prided ourselves on serving “the people” with honesty, integrity and quality Limousin cattle. We cordially invite you to join us for The Final Roundup.
Livestock Representatives: C.K “Sonny” Booth - 918.533.5587 Andy Rest, NALF - 406.670.5678 Dean Summerbell, HLA - 612.963.3799 Herman Symens, LIMI-Gene - 605.698.4870
Sale Management: Kiley McKinna • (402) 350-3447
Jim, Priscilla & Jared Schott - (605) 823-4974
Where a Handshake and One’s Word Still Holds Value
SCHT 9194Y
by TREF Unlimited 232U BW: 3.7 WW: 75 YW: 107 MK: 28 SC: .70 DC: 23 YG: -.34 CW: 39 RE: .76 FT: -.09
CHTT 5421B
CHTT 6129Y
CHTT 7057X
CHTT 3220Z
CHTT 6921W
CHTT 2219Z
Call the Ranch or MC Marketing for a complimentary sale catalog.
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
Heartland Sale Reports Foundation II Sale in Bowling Green Earns Kentucky Proud Day
he “Foundation II” Limousin Sale, hosted by Stephen, Emily, and Carter Haynes, A C H Holdings LLC of Bowling Green, Kentucky, was October 1, 2016, at the United Producers Sale Facility in Bowling Green, Kentucky. There were 25 consignors from eight states and Canada who brought 99 lots of Fullblood and purebred bulls and females along with embryos and semen. A great crowd was on hand to evaluate and purchase the high-quality set of cattle. A “Night at the Farm” social was held the night before the sale for consignors, buyers and other Limousin enthusiasts. Everyone was treated to a
filet mignon meal with all the trimmings followed by entertainment from local country-western singer, Weston Vernon. A special highlight was the sale of one-half interest and no possession in ACHH Diamond 82D, a 3/1/16 Fullblood son of Posthaven Polled Yellowstone out of CCPV Polled Utopia consigned by A C H Holdings. Crockett Rose Branch Limousin of Lamar, Missouri; Broken Slash L of Oologah, Oklahoma; Logan Hills of West Harrison, Indiana; B.F. Evans Limousin of Versailles, Kentucky; and Kentucky River Limousin of Lancaster, Kentucky, purchased
the bull for $25,000. There were 25 packages of semen that sold for $1,000 each.
Stephen, Emily, and Carter Haynes hosted the Foundation II Sale.
Stephen Haynes welcomed the crowd of buyers to the Foundation II Sale.
Weston Vernon provided great entertainment at the Foundation II pre-sale social in Bowling Green.
Stephen Haynes awarded Danny and Connie Crockett of LaMar, MO, a Henry “Golden Boy” rifle for purchasing the 2015 Foundation Sale highselling bull, ACHH Golden Boy 03B.
Select from the red spring-born heifers at Peterson’s L7 Bar.
Ed and Rita Anderson of Wellsville, KS, were buyers at the Foundation Sale.
L7 Candy Cane 512C Wulfs Xcellsior x Wulfs Unlimited daughter
Like us on
er Pet
son’s Bar
Limou sin
ana, South Dako ta Pukw
34715 255th Street Pukwana, South Dakota 57370 Rod & Wendy Peterson Families Rod: 605/730-4470 • Cade: 605/730-0705 • Quin: 918/625-2500 •
Canadian Limousin breeders Ron Denison of Dennison Limousin; Jeff Peters of Orbit Valley Limousin; Marge and George Elgersma of Elm Grove Limousin; and John and Ena Post of Posthaven Limousin, came to Bowling Green to participate in the Foundation II Sale.
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
Heartland Sale Reports
Averages: 25 Semen packages....................................$25,000 ½ Fullblood herd-sire prospect....................25,000 1 Purebred herd-sire prospect......................20,000 8 ½ Fullblood pairs........................................3,988 20 Fullblood bred females.............................3,285 17 ½ Fullblood bulls......................................2,314 22 Fullblood open heifers..............................2,168 7 Purebred bulls.............................................2,057 3 Lim-Flex bred females................................1,866 4 Purebred pairs............................................1,675 8 Purebred bred females...............................1,600 2 Purebred open heifers................................1,550 1 Lim-Flex bull.............................................1,500 94 ½ Live Lots Averaged..............................$2,930 Embryos totaled............................................$7,330 Semen totaled...............................................$2,097 Total Gross:.............................................. $311,327 Auctioneer: Carroll T. Cannon
E. John Post of Alma, ON, Canada, consigned several lots to the Foundation Sale; and Joe Latendresse of Oolagah, OK, purchased several lots from the offering.
Abigail, John, AnnaRose, Marita, and Conrad Miller from Holmesville, OH, purchased several females at the Foundation II Sale.
Jammie Stricklin and his son-in-law, Jordan Walker of Galatia, IL purchased multiple lots at the Foundation II Sale.
Stephen Haynes thanked Indiana buyers Jim Leffler of Tipton and Larry Smith of West Harrison, and Byron Evans and his son, Wade, of Versailles, KY, for their support at the Foundation Sale.
Logan Hills and B.F. Evans teamed up to purchase ACHH Polled Cruzewonder 163B, an 11/16/14 homozygous black, homozygous polled purebred son of AUTO Cruze 132X out of ENGD Wonderlust 930W consigned by A C H Holdings for $20,000. Dustin and Julie Sneed of Girard, Kansas, purchased SVL Polled Prestige 305C, a 4/19/15 double polled Fullblood son of Posthaven Polled Yellowstone out of SVL Polled Peachy 101A consigned by Stone Valley Limousin of Cashion, Oklahoma, for $5,200. Jammie Stricklin of Galatia, Illinois, purchased one-half interest in ACHH Gemstone 125B, a 9/12/14 homozygous polled Fullblood son of Posthaven Polled Yellowstone out of Polled Amber consigned by A C H Holdings for $5,100. The high-selling female was SVL Polled Melody 212B, a 10/2/14 homozygous polled Fullblood daughter of SVL Polled Coleman Kitchen. She was consigned by Stone Valley Limousin and purchased by Don and Nancy Permeter of Earlsboro, Oklahoma, for $7,000. B.F. Evans Limousin purchased one-half interest in the A C H consigned AUTO Red Zapa 275Z, a 9/4/12 horned Fullblood daughter of Harvest Olympus out of Laura’s Echelon for $4,500. Her 3/26/16 black, polled purebred son of AUTO Road Miles 140W was purchased by Kentucky River Limousin for $1,300.
31112 Hwy. 6 Treynor, IA 51575 Roger 402/981-1621 Deb 402/515-7714
…to everyone who stopped to view the cattle, place bids, purchased or just made our day by being here, we appreciate the confidence you showed in our program. Nick Duckett - Taylor Goering - McKenna Richardson Logan Chachere - Emmet Long - Katie Vogel - Ashlyn Vorthmann Bosch Farms - Cheramie Viator - Lowell Hermon - Richard Gerking Dean Mogg - Edwards Land & Cattle & Owen Cattle Co. Entropy Acres - Kevin Ricke - Ava Konz - Jon Pestel - MC Marketing McKenzie Putnum - Emerald Nelson - Braden Tiarks Casey & Allison Black - Derek Ravlin - Matt Fischer
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
Heartland Sale Reports Vorthmann Private Treaty Sale Sells Cattle Into Six States
orthmann Limousin held their annual “Focus on Family Values XIII” private treaty sale September 24, 2016, at their farm near Treynor, Iowa. A great set of quality bulls and females, along with steers, were offered to a large crowd of bidders on a day when pouring rain drowned out the microphone and a brief power outage made for an interesting time. Buyers from Iowa, Kansas, Texas, Tennessee, Michigan and Ohio bid in person and by phone from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. The sale concluded with a “bid-off” at 2:00 p.m. The high-selling bull was VL Darth Vader, a 1/18/16 homozygous black, homozygous polled purebred son of Alter Ego out of KORC Snow Angel. Dean Mogg of Coleman, Michigan, purchased the bull for $7,000
VL Double Shot 612D, a 1/17/16 black, homozygous polled purebred son of Alter Ego out of VL Brandy 417B, was purchased by Steve and Fritz Baier of Griswold, Iowa, for $6,000. Two purebred daughters of Alter Ego tied for highselling females. VL Delilah 606D, a 1/14/16 red, double polled heifer out of RMKR Bewildered 477B brought $8,250 from Nick Duckett of Grimes, Iowa. VL Dazzler 633D, a 3/3/16 double black, double polled heifer out of WLR Aphrodite was purchased for $8,250 by Taylor Goering of McPherson, Kansas. VL Dizzy 647D, a 4/22/16 black, homozygous polled daughter of Alter Ego out of TREFF X-Cess 609X was purchased by Logan Chachere of Dayton, Texas, for $6,750
VL Dora 628D, a 3/1/16 black, homozygous polled daughter of Alter Ego out of VL Zena 201Z was purchased by McKenna Richardson of Eureka, Kansas for $6,500. Total: 4 Bulls............................................................. $5,750 11 Open females............................................... 5,318 11 Steers............................................................ 1,150 Total: 26 Lots.................................................. $3,621
Nick Duckett of Grimes, IA, purchased one of the high-selling females from Roger Vorthmann.
Kevin Ricke of Westside, IA, purchased a high-dollar bull from the Vorthmann offering.
Emerald Nelson of Treynor, IA, purchased two steers from Vorthmann’s including the high-selling steer.
SYES McKenna Richardson of Eureka, KS, took home a quality show heifer from the Vorthmann sale.
We are offering two bred purebred females for this sale. Deep, soggy females that will add power and performance to your herd.
Emmet Long of Afton, IA, purchased his show heifer from the Vorthmann offering.
For more details, call John at (605) 448.5725 or (605) 880.8061
Plan to join us for our
Annual Production Sale FEB. 23, 2017 • At the Farm
SymensBrothers SYES
Your Guarantee of Predictable Genetics
P.O. Box 155 • Amherst, South Dakota 57421 John: 605/880-8061 • Paul: 605/448-5775 • Warren: 605/237-2127 Office: 605/448-2624 • Fax: 605/448-5786 • e-mail:
Joslynn, Bradley, Paige, Steve, Barb, Melisa and Fritz Baier of Griswold, IA, were repeat buyers and purchased a bull.
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016
Heartland Sale Reports Heart of Missouri Sale Holds 24th Annual Sale
reat weather greeted a large crowd of commercial and seedstock producers for the 24th Annual Heart of Missouri Sale October 9, 2016, at the Laclede County Fairgrounds in Lebanon. The sale featured these Missouri consignors: Pinegar Limousin of Springfield, Buck Ridge Limousin of Rogersville, Cedar Creek Farms of Thornfield, Jones Brothers Farms of Knob Noster, M&R Limousin of Bourbon, and Rocky Ridge Limousin of Oldfield; as well as Wyatt and Colte Mosher of London, AR; Nance Limousin of Berryville, AR; T Hill Limousin of Dover, AR; McKinney Farms of Bluejacket, OK, and Moreno Ranches of Venus, FL. The high-selling pair was consigned by Pinegar Limousin. BDHC, a 1/29/12 homozygous black, homozygous polled Lim-Flex 50% daughter of BOHI Titleist 7050T out of Leachman Playmate3002 was purchased by Griesel Limousin of Howard, KS, for $2,800. Her 12/6/15 homozygous black, double polled daughter, AUTO Play Girl sired by AUTO Cruze, was purchased by Bradley Teague of Highlandville, MO, for $4,800. Pinegar Limousin consigned the high-selling bred female, AUTO My Girl 1432B, an 11/3/14 homozygous black, homozygous polled Lim-Flex 68% daughter of AUTO Cruze 132X out of AUTO Girlie 432Y who sold bred to MAGS Robin Hood. She was purchased by Jim Day of Marshfield, MO,
for $7,500. LFL Zamora 2069Z, a 3/8/12 homozygous black, polled Lim-Flex 50% daughter of COLE Windfall 144W out of MAGS Silhouette was consigned by Pinegar Limousin. She was purchased by M&R Limousin of Bourbon, MO, for $3,000. Her 12/14/15 homozygous black, polled daughter, AUTO ZeZe 12069C sired by AUTO Cruze 132X, was purchased by Bradley Teague for $4,200. AUTO Miss Schakle 1452B, an 11/20/14 homozygous black, double polled Lim-Flex 68% daughter of AUTO Cruze 132X out of MAGS Shackle 1452B, bred to AUTO New Roads 190A was purchased by David Paris of Rogersville, MO for $7,000 and consigned by Pinegar Limousin. The high-selling open female was AUTO Dacey
David and John Griesel of Howard, KS, took home 15 head from the Heart of Missouri Sale.
200D consigned by Pinegar Limousin. She is a 1/2/16 homozygous black, homozygous polled LimFlex 50% daughter of EXAR Blue Chip 1877B out of AUTO Gemini 248T. She was purchased by Little D Limousin of Winder, GA, for $5,200. M&B Limousin of Lee’s Summit, MO, and Griesel Limousin each purchased 15 head. Averages: 12 Open females...........................................$4,633 29 Pairs...........................................................3,714 14 Bulls...........................................................2,257 30 Breds..........................................................2,165 Totals: 85 Lots..............................................$2,774
Mike Cravens of M&B Limousin purchased 15 head from the Heart of Missouri Sale.
Glendenning Fullblood Dispersal
fter 33 years, the Glendenning family dispersed their Fullblood herd October 9 in Lebanon, Missouri. They remain committed to the Limousin breed. The high-selling pair was Lenape Polled Honey, a 3/8/10 red, homozygous polled daughter of EAFF Polled Pugilist 633R out of Lenape Lazzara. Mike and Connie Banes of Malvern, AR, purchased her for $2,600. Stone Valley Limousin of Cashion, OK, purchased her 3/16/16 red, polled daughter of Posthaven Polled Yellowstone, J Bar J Daisy May 623D for $2,000. AR Talent Show 763T, a 9/25/07 red, homozygous polled daughter of Polled Olympiad 122L out of AR Polled Legacy 159L was purchased by David Pullen of Union, MS, for $2,000. She sold with her embryo calf, J Bar J Dodger, a 3/24/16 son, by Posthaven Polled Yellowstone out of CCPV Polled Utopia,
Mike and Connie Bane of Malvern, AR, purchased two top-selling lots from the Glendenning dispersal.
purchased by Stone Valley Limousin for $2,600. Lenape Polled Dawn, a 4/9/10 red, homozygous polled daughter of EAFF Polled Pugilist 633R out of Lenape Daylight was purchased Mike and Connie Banes for $2,300. Her 3/21/16 son, J Bar J Draft King 630D, a red, homozygous son of Posthaven Polled Yellowstone brought $2,000 from Pinegar Limousin. J Bar J Caret 540C, a 2/7/15 red, homozygous polled daughter of Posthaven Polled Yellowstone out of FNGC 217X was the high-selling open female bringing $4,000 from Dustin Sneed of Girard, KS. Polled Princess Punch 17P, a 12/15/04 daughter of Punch out of DOSY Southern Belle 17G sold with her 9/28/16 red, polled Lim-Flex 50% bull, GLDL 690 D sired by J6 Mr. Winkle. This pair was purchased by Ron and Shelly Garrison of Osceola, MO, for $3,800. Also bringing $3,800 was FNGC 217X, a 3/10/10
red, double polled daughter of EAFF Polled Muscatel 659R out of Berry Hills Cheyenne with her 9/5/16 heifer. J Bar J Desire 677D, sired by FL Polled Touchable, was purchased by Seldom Rest Limousin of Batchtown, IL. Averages: 18 Pairs.........................................................$3,230 5 Bulls.............................................................2,240 5 Open females...............................................2,240 9 Bred females................................................2,205 Total: 37 Lots..................................................2,714 Embryos: .....................................................$2,060 Semen...........................................................$1,545 Auctioneer: C.K. “Sonny” Booth Sale Management: KK Seedstock Consultants Sale Consultants: Grassroots Consulting & Helton Consulting
Jack Glendenning thanked Stephen Haynes of Bowling Green, KY, for his purchases from the Glendenning dispersal.
Dustin Sneed of Girard, KS, purchased the highselling open female at the Glendenning Fullblood dispersal.
Vol. 24 • Issue 5 • Nov/Dec 2016 Four-month-old Dawsyn Edwards, daughter of Shaun and Brooke Edwards of Fair Grove, MO, enjoyed her first Missouri State Fair in Sedalia.
The crowd was well fed at the Friday night social in Bowling Green, KY.
The pre-show supper, sponsored by the Iowa Limousin Association, was well attended and appreciated.
Missouri juniors Tenley Edwards and Natalie Showe relax before they exhibited cattle at the Missouri State Fair open show. Andrew, Jeremy and Mark Friedel of Batchtown, IL, purchased two pair at the Heart of Missouri Sale.
Kevin Bachmeier of Apple Valley, MN, adjusted fans at the Minnesota State Fair. Clay Schilling of Edson, KS, is making sure the heifer is perfectly fit for the Kansas State Fair. James Henderson of Pinegar Limousin and Mark Haden of Buck Ridge Limousin were part of the Limousin contingent displaying cattle at the Ozark Fall Farmfest in Springfield, MO.
Thanks to Heidi Orton of Smithville, MO, for organizing the pre-show hamburger feed in the Limousin barn at the Missouri State Fair.
Kevin Christensen of Plato, MO, purchased three head along with Leo Hunt of Eidson, TN, at the Foundation II Sale.
Bart and Brenda Brackman of Concordia, MO, exhibited their LAG products at the Ozark Fall Farmfest. Dave Benson of Sedalia visited their display.
Can you name this adventuresome person who is zip lining through the trees? Answer in the next Heart Beat.
Ray Brown of Wellman, IA, settled for his purchases at the Heart of Missouri sale with manager, Keith Kissee. Ed Pinegar of Springfield, MO, checked the sale averages.
The Glendenning Family: Jack, Jane, Vicky and Jack D.
Rick and Susan Little of Little’s Limousin of Eldon, MO, displayed several Limousin bulls and females and received great interest in their cattle at the Ozark Fall Farmfest.
Missouri junior Zoey Williams of Nevada made sure Cole Abele fits her heifer correctly at the Missouri State Fair.
Wulf Cattle has been a trusted seedstock supplier for decades. Many of the the beef industry’s most proven bulls and females have passed through the ring during the annual “Opportunity” production sales. A few years ago, we added an “online only” female sale, providing another opportunity to cowcalf producers across America. Our select offering of private treaty bulls have provided commercial cow-calf producers the opportunity to purchase within the marketing window that fits their operation.
Registered Limousin, Lim-Flex & Angus Private Treaty Bull Sales n Feeder Calf Procurement n Feedlot & Carcass Data n Value-Added Programs n Bull Selection Index n Bull Retirement Program n Breeding to Feeding Program n Integrated Branded Beef Relationships n n
Fall Bull Retirement Program
Nov. 18, 2-5 p.m. n Nov. 19, 8-11 a.m. (both MST) At The Depot, McLaughlin, S.D.
November 22, 2016 • 6 PM (CST) Watch the sale and bid online at
This is an ONLINE ONLY sale. SELLING APPROXIMATELY 250 LIMOUSIN, LIM-FLEX & ANGUS FEMALES 30 Registered Limousin & Lim-Flex Bred Heifers 20 Registered Angus Bred Heifers 100 Commercial Angus & Angus/Limousin Bred Heifers (AId then PE to homo polled/homo black Limousin bulls) 100 Commercial Red Angus Bred Heifers (PE to calving ease polled red Limousin bulls)
Get paid a premium to retire your herd sire this fall! Use as sale credit in Wulf ’s Opportunity Sale of 2017 on March 31, 2017. Learn more at
If we can be of any assistance in improving your present beef operation, please contact us! 26406 470th Ave. / Morris, Minnesota 56267 / Office: (320) 392-5802 Fax: (320) 392-5319 / Office E-mail: /
Watch for videos of sale females at