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BA. CULTURE AND TOURISM The Department co ntinues to delivers co urses leading to the Award o f the Fo ur (4)-year Bachelo r o f Arts Degree and also
Co o rdinates and runs the Fo ur (4)-year Bachelo r o f Arts Degree in Culture and To urism co ncurrently.
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Students' Associations
Year One Semester One CODE
CAT 151 Intro ductio n to To urism CAT 153
1 2
Intro ductio n to African Dance
1 2
CSM 151 Info rmatio n Techno lo gy I 2
ENGL 157*
Co mmunicatio n Skills I 2
1 2
FC 18 1 French fo r Co mmunicatio n Purpo ses I 1 1 1 GEOG 151 Physical Enviro nmental Systems
HIST 155
Intro ductio n to Slavery in Africa
1 2
SOC 153
Traditio nal Ghanaian So cial Structure I 2
SS 155**
So cial Statistics I 2
1 2
1 2
Year One Semester Two CODE
CAT 152
Intro ductio n to To urism Reso urces in Ghana
CAT 154
Ethics and Etiquettes
CSM 152
1 2
1 2
Info rmatio n Techno lo gy II 2
ENGL 158 * FC 18 2
Co mmunicatio n Skills II 2
1 2
French fo r Co mmunicatio n Purpo ses II 1 1 1
GEOG 152
Intro ductio n to Map Wo rk
1 2
HIST 156
Intro ductio n to Histo rical Mo numents in Ghana
SOC 154
Traditio nal Ghanaian So cial Structure II 2
SS 156 **
So cial Statistics II 2
1 2
1 2
*University Required Co urses
**Faculty Required Co urses
YEAR TWO Year Two Semester One CODE
CAT 251 Regio nal To urism Reso urces CAT 253
To urism and Recreatio n
CAT 255
So cio lo gy o f To urism
1 2
CAT 257 African Po pular Music
1 2
CAT 259
2 1 2
African Music Appreciatio n I 2
ECON 253
Eco no my o f Ghana I 2
1 2
1 2
1 2
ENGL 26 3*
Literature in English I 1 0
GEOG 153
Intro ductio n to Human Geo graphy I 2
LAW 257
Legal Systems I 2
MGT 253
Principles o f Marketing I 2
1 1 2
1 2 1 2
Year Two Semester Two CODE
CAT 252
To urism Reso urces o f West Africa
CAT 254
Intro ductio n to To ur Guiding
CAT 256
Co ntempo rary African Art 2
1 2
CAT 258
Go vernment and Po litics in Ghana
CAT 26 0
African Music Appreciatio n II 2
1 2
1 2
1 2
1 2
ECON 254
Eco no my o f Ghana II 2
ENGL 26 4*
Literature in English II 1 0
GEOG 154
Intro ductio n to Human Geo graphy II 2
LAW 258
Legal Systems II 2
MGT 254
Principles o f Marketing II 2
1 2 1 1 2
1 2 0
*University Required Co urses
YEAR THREE Year Three Semester One CODE
CAT 351 Research Metho ds I 3
1 3
CAT 353
To ur Operatio ns
CAT 355
General Issues in Develo pment
SS 39 1 (Free Elective)
Select Two Electives Fro m The Fo llo wing:
CAT 357
Culture and Cultural Practices
CAT 359
Health and To urism
1 2
1 2
CAT 36 1 Traditio nal Market Fo rms CAT 36 3
Indigeno us Architecture
CAT 36 5
Literature and Culture
2 2
1 2 1 2
1 2
CAT 36 7 African Music and Dance
1 2
CSM 157
Intro ductio n to Acco unting I 2
1 2
SOC 36 3
Organisatio nal Behavio ur I 2
1 2
Year Three Semester Two CODE
CAT 352
Research Metho ds II 3
CAT 354
To urism in Develo ping Co untries
CAT 356
Events Management 3
SS 39 2
(Free Elective)
1 3 3
1 3
1 3
Select Two Electives Fro m The Fo llo wing:
CAT 358
Transpo rt and To urism
CAT 36 0
African Architecture
1 2
CAT 36 2
Traditio nal Fo o ds
CSM 158
Intro ductio n to Acco unting II 2
1 2
SOC 36 4
Organisatio nal Behavio ur II 2
1 2
2 2
1 2
1 2
YEAR FOUR Year Fo ur Semester One CODE
CAT 451 To urism Impact Studies
1 3
CAT 453
To urism Develo pment in Ghana
CAT 455
Industrial Attachment / Internship
MGT 471 Principles o f Management I 3
1 3
1 3
Select Two Electives Fro m the Fo llo wing:
CAT 457
Histo ry o f African Traditio nal Systems
CAT 459
Eco -To urism
1 2
1 2
CAT 46 1 Enviro nment Culture and Lo catio n
CAT 46 3
1 2
Histo ry o f the African Diaspo ra
SOC 459
Gender and Develo pment I 2
1 2
1 2
SOC 46 1 Human Reso urces Management I 2 TOTAL
1 2
Year Fo ur Semester Two CODE
CAT 452
Site Selectio n in To urism
CAT 454
To urist Destinatio ns
MGT 472 SS 49 0
Principles o f Management II 3
2 2
Dissertatio n (Pro ject Wo rk)
Select Two Electives Fro m the Fo llo wing:
CAT 456
Bio -To urism
CAT 458
Strategy fo r Internatio nal Markets
CAT 46 0
Oral Histo ry o f Africa
ENGL 456
1 2
1 2
1 2
Intro ductio n to Public Relatio ns
SOC 46 0
Gender and Develo pment II 2
SOC 46 2
Human Reso urces Management II 2
1 2
1 2 1 2
Summary o f Credits fo r Fo ur-Year B. A. Pro gramme in Culture and To urism YEAR
Semester I Semester II TOTAL CREDITS
Year One
Year Two
Year Three Year Fo ur
15 15
15 19
30 34
To tal Credits fo r Graduatio n
71 138
Year One, Semester One Co urse Descriptio ns:
CAT 151: Intro ductio n to To urism (T2 P1 C2) This co urse intro duces undergraduates to to urism studies and explo res the definitio nal and co nceptual dynamics o f the subjects. A critical distinctio n and analysis is made o f the vario us definitio ns and themes embedded in to urism studies. The co ncept o f Leisure, Recreatio n, and To urism are examined in time and space. Students will visit attractio ns o n the University campus and write a repo rt o n it as part o f their practical wo rk.
CAT 153: Intro ductio n to African Dance (T2 P1 C2) This co urse intro duces students to general dances, spanning fro m Nigeria, To go and do wn to Ghana. This is to help students gain insight into techniques and acquire skills in so me selected Traditio nal Dances and be able to adjust and perfo rm meaningfully in tho se set-ups with the indigeno us gro ups. The co urse will invo lve dances like Takie, Bawa, Gahu, Agbadza, Kpanlo go etc. Visits to theatres and o ther cultural centres with traditio nal dance perfo rmers wo uld be enco uraged.
CSM 151:
Info rmatio n Techno lo gy I
(T2, P2, C3)
Data versus info rmatio n. Info rmatio n as a reso urce fo r so ciety and o rganizatio ns. So urces o f data. Data pro cessing cycle. Data and
info rmatio n needs thro ugh an o rganizatio n. Characteristics o f info rmatio n. Evo lutio n o f co mputer and develo pment o f data pro cessing. Classificatio n o f co mputers. Characteristics and functio nal parts o f the digital co mputer. Pro cessing, sto rage, input/o utput and teleco mmunicatio n hardware. Co mputer systems. Types and applicatio ns o f co mputer so ftware. Data: hierarchy, lo gical versus physical representatio n. Types o f file o rganizatio n and pro cessing metho ds. Intro ductio n to searching and so rting. Labo rato ry wo rk. ENGL 157: Co mmunicatio n Skills I (T2 P1 C2) This co urse is meant to equip all freshmen o ffered first degree pro grammes in the University with the kno wledge o f English grammar to enable them co mmunicate effectively in bo th o ral and written media. It is envisaged that by the end o f this co urse, students wo uld have attained an appreciable pro ficiency in the use o f English. The co urse co ntent, in view o f that, co mprises the study o f the parts o f speech ďż˝ the no un, verb, pro no un, adjective, adverb, and so fo rth. The pro per use o f the articles are also taught, the study o f the sentence ultimately leads to paragraph writing.
FC 18 1: French fo r Co mmunicatio n Purpo ses I (T2 P1 C2) The co urse is designed to acquaint students with the language pertinent to the area o f to urism. They are specially tailo red fo r students who have no kno wledge in French. The co urse helps students to grasp the basic French vo cabulary and expressio ns to be able to functio n in everyday situatio ns. The first semester wo uld fo cus o n the language o f ho tels, restaurants, entertainment spo ts, travelling facilities, exchange rates etc. the co mmunicative appro ach is used to enable students express themselves in different situatio ns. French is the so le medium o f instructio n.
GEOG 151: Intro ductio n to Physical Enviro nmental Systems (T2 P1 C2) This co urse intro duces students to the definitio ns and interactio ns o f the co mpo nents o f the physical enviro nmental systems and the develo pment o f geo mo rphic tho ught. Earth materials, ro ck fo rming minerals and a simple explanatio n o f the structure and co mpo sitio n o f silicate minerals as well as the geo lo gical map o f Ghana are studied. Desert landfo rms; structure o f the atmo sphere; climatic elements and co ntro ls are studied and their to urism po tentials examined. It also examines atmo spheric pressure and general circulatio n; so il fo rming pro cesses and the majo r so il gro ups o f Ghana as well as the eco system.
HIST 155: Intro ductio n to Slavery in Africa (T2 P1 C2) The co urse is designed to explo re bro adly the subject o f Slavery in Africa. Amo ng o ther things it will fo cus o n issues like African and Western understanding o f the co ncept o f slavery, the develo pment o f the Trans Atlantic Slave trade, the implicatio ns o f slavery in the
develo pment o f African so cieties as well as the develo pment o f the slave ro utes.
SOC 153: Traditio nal Ghanaian So cial Structure I (T2 P1 C2) The fo cus o f this co urse is to primarily intro duce students to the Diversity and Unity o f ways o f life o f man as a so cial being. This is to help establish a multi-cultural o rientatio n, break cultural barriers and create co smo po litan individuals who will see themselves as part o f a variety o f o thers. Specifically, the co urse will lo o k at Unity and Diversity o f man in relatio n to the Traditio nal Ghanaian So cial Structure. The fo llo wing will be treated: the bo nd o f unity and diversity o f ways o f life; traditio nal Ghanaian so ciety; po litical and religio us systems; eco no mic and marriage systems; and educatio n and health systems.
SS 155: So cial Statistics I (T2 P0 C2) Students will be taken thro ugh a general intro ductio n to the nature and use o f Statistics; Metho ds o f Data Reductio n; Descriptive Statistical Analysis o f Frequency Data; Calculatio n o f Measures o f Central Tendency and Dispersio n; Rando m Experiments; Sample space and Events; Elements o f Co mbinato rial analysis and the Laws o f Pro bability, Co nditio nal Pro bability and Statistical Independence.
Year One, Semester Two :
CAT 152: Intro ductio n to To urism Reso urces o f Ghana (T2 P1 C2) This co urse intro duces undergraduates to the co ncept o f reso urces and ho w to urism reso urces are identified, mapped and develo ped. The unique o ppo rtunities that climate, culture, histo ry and nature present in Ghana are appraised and studied. The fo llo wing will be addressed: climatic reso urces fo r to urism develo pment; co astal reso urces and the sea; landscape reso urces fo r to urism develo pment; wildlife reso urces and eco -to urism develo pment; histo rical reso urces fo r to urism develo pment; cultural and man-made reso urces fo r to urism develo pment; urban reso urces fo r to urism develo pment and sustainable to urism develo pment.
CAT 154: Ethics and Etiquettes (T2 P1 C2) This co urse seeks to help students understand and appreciate accepted no rms and values in o ur culture, and gain insight into so me
behavio ural attitudes, which o ur culture fro wns o n (i.e. irritatio n o n the part o f the ho st). Instructio n wo uld be given o n ethical philo so phy, the ro le o f the child o r yo uth and adult at ho me, in the family, co mmunity and so ciety. It will also fo cus o n the use o f language.
CSM 152
Info rmatio n Techno lo gy II
(T2, P2, C3)
Internet ďż˝ histo ry and the changing wo rld. Hand o n experience o n websites and pages. Web bro wsers. Termino lo gies asso ciated with Internet techno lo gies (o n-line do main, sub do main, ISP, TCP, IP addresses, etc.). Intro ductio n to LAN, WAN, MAN, WWW ďż˝ to po lo gies; Glo bal Internet and Glo bal info rmatio n structure (i.e. Netwo rk o f netwo rks). Features and to o ls fo r navigating the Internet. Shared reso urces ďż˝ wo rkgro up co mputing; EDI and Intranet. Services available o n the internet: electro nic mail, Netwo rk news, Bulleting Bo ard Services (BBS), Wo rld wide web do cument (intro ductio n to html; Fro ntPage, SQL), Telepho ne related co mmunicatio n services; video /vo ice co mmunicatio n and picture pho ne, Auto mated web search, Faxes and files (FTP); Remo te lo gin and remo te deskto ps (Telnet); Facilities o f secure co mmunicatio n (co mmunicatio n security); Electro nic Co mmerce and Business; Glo bal digital library, etc
ENGL 158 : Co mmunicatio n Skills II
(T2 P1 C2)
ENGL 158 is the seco nd phase o f the Co mmunicatio n skills Co urse. This part o f the co urse is designed to sharpen the writing skills o f the participants. The co urse co ntent includes the co mmunicatio n pro cess, skills in co mmunicatio n, channels o f co mmunicatio n in an o rganisatio n, preparatio n o f o fficial do cuments such as letters, memo s, repo rts minutes and pro po sals. So me o ral co mmunicatio ns skills will also be taught at this level. This will include o ral presentatio n, fo rmal speech making, co nducting interviews and meetings. FC 18 2: French fo r Co mmunicatio n Purpo ses II (T1 P1 C1) Spo ken French and o ral co mprehensio n are emphasised in this co urse. The seco nd segment o f this co urse will specialise o n to urist sites such as game reserves, water falls, lakes, rivers and mo untains peculiar to the area, witho ut fo rgetting museums, fo rts and castles. This is supplemented with written exercises aimed at giving students ample o ppo rtunity to maximise their use o f the language. By the end o f the seco nd semester, students are expected to be able to express themselves well in given situatio n. French is the so le medium o f instructio n.
GEOG 152: Intro ductio n to Map Wo rk
(T2 P1 C2)
This co urse intro duces students to the fundamentals o f map wo rk. It invo lves the definitio n o f a map; types o f maps, functio ns o f maps in geo graphical enquiry; directio ns and bearings; setting a map in the field; the scale, (types and functio ns); co nstructio n o f linear and diago nal scales; enlargement and reductio n o f maps. The measurement o f distances and areas; metho ds o f representing relief o n maps and practical landfo rm analysis will be studied.
HIST 156 : Intro ductio n to Histo rical Mo numents in Ghana (T2 P1 C2) The co urse surveys Ghana�s rich cultural heritage enshrined in its histo rical mo numents. It will examine the histo ry behind such edifices as the fo rts and castles that litter Ghana�s Co ast as well as the slave markets and centres in places like Salaga, Praso and Manso as well as impo rtant religio us and ritual centres like the �witches camp� in No rthern Ghana, the traditio nal shrines at Edweso Besease, Esumegya � Asantemanso , and the Bo bri Sanctuary. It will also examine the prehisto ric human settlements in Ghana including the caves in the Nko ranza Traditio nal Area.
SOC 154: Traditio nal Ghanaian So cial Structure II (T2 P1 C2) The co urse seeks to intro duce students to the study o f human so ciety and culture. Special attentio n will be paid to the examinatio n o f so cial and cultural arrangements and o rganisatio ns as existed in Ghanaian so ciety befo re the advent o f the Euro peans. Attempt will be made to examine the principles underlying survival in traditio nal Ghanaian so ciety. The significance o f multiculturalism and the understanding o f the wo rld o f peo ple will also be o f interest. The fo llo wing will be co nsidered: functio nal prerequisites o f so cial systems; imperatives o f so cial o rder; marriage and family; traditio nal eco no mic o rganisatio ns; multiculturalism and wo rld peace.
SS 156 : So cial Statistics II (T2 P0 C2) This co urse takes students thro ugh the fo llo wing to pics: Study o f Rando m Variables; Distributio n fo r Berno ulli Trials; Bino mial Distributio n; Po isso n Distributio n; No rmal Distributio ns and Sampling Theo ry.
Year Two Co urses
Year Two , Semester One:
CAT 251: Regio nal To urism Reso urces (T2 P1 C2) This co urse will intro duce students to the delimitatio n, classificatio n and appraisal o f the To urism Reso urces o f the vario us regio ns o f the wo rld. This will be based o n regio nal as well as specific to urism reso urces. The specific regio ns o f the wo rld that po ssess reso urces fo r cultural, safari, archaeo lo gical (treasure Hunt), histo rical and o ther special interest to urism and recreatio n wo uld be studied and analysed. The regio nal appro ach will be ado pted in the discussio ns.
CAT 253: To urism and Recreatio n (T2 P1 C2) The main o bjective o f the co urse in To urism and Recreatio n is to explo re the range o f recreatio nal o ppo rtunities in Ghana as an attractio n fo r to urists. Insight into the changing dynamic co ncept o f recreatio n wo uld be explo red and studied. Traditio nal and fo rmal recreatio nal elements wo uld also be studied. Students wo uld be invo lved in practical wo rk to better understand the dynamics o f recreatio n and to urism.
CAT 255: So cio lo gy o f To urism (T2 P1 C2) The co urse examines to urism and travel behavio ur o f peo ple and gro ups and the interactio n between to urists as guests and their ho sts. It will examine the co nsequences fo r bo th quests and ho sts fro m so cio lo gical perspectives. The emphasis will be o n the custo ms, beliefs, habits, traditio ns and lifestyles o f bo th ho sts and guests.
CAT 257: Intro ductio n to African Po pular Music (T2 P1 C2) This co urse deals with the differences between traditio nal music, art and po pular music in Africa. It intro duces students to the vario us co ntempo rary po pular music styles o f Africa including Highlife, So uko us, Juju music, To wnship Jazz, Mbalax, Afro -beat, and Afro -ro ck etc. Emphasis is o n the reco gnitio n o f stylistic characteristic, co mpo sers and perfo rmers.
CAT 259 : African Music Appreciatio n I (T2 P1 C2) This co urse seeks to develo p in-depth critical analysis o f the vario us co ntempo rary po pular music styles in students. Students will be
intro duced to the critical analysis o f fo rm, rhythm, melo dy, harmo ny, instrumentatio n and vo cal style, scales, etc. in each style. Students are guided to understand and give a critical analysis o f African music thro ugh listening to a wide range o f African classical po pular as well as traditio nal music. Brief backgro unds o f co mpo sers and perfo rmers o f the vario us selected styles.
ECON 253: Eco no my o f Ghana I (T2 P1 C2) The purpo se o f this co urse is to pro vide an understanding o f the facto rs underlying the eco no mic and so cial develo pment o f Ghana co mpared with o ther develo ping eco no mies. To pics co vered in the first semester include: structure o f the Ghanaian eco no my; secto ral analysis (agriculture, natural reso urces, industrial secto r and services secto r); po pulatio n, human capital and develo pment o f the eco no my.
ENGL 26 3: Literature in English (T1 P0 C1) This co urse intro duces students to the study o f literature in English. It invo lves the study o f literature as po etry; what is a po em? In additio n, what are its characteristics? Difference between a po em and a so ng. The figure o f speech, literary devices and practical appreciatio n are studied. Texts to be studied include selected African and English po ems. Additio nally, the fo llo wing shall be studied: literature as drama; what is a play, and its characteristics? Drama theatre, Shakespeare and the mo dern play wo uld be examined.
GEOG 153: Intro ductio n to Human Geo graphy I (T2 P1 C2) This co urse intro duces students to the definitio n, sco pe and relevance o f human geo graphy and the histo ry o f po pulatio n gro wth and wo rld po pulatio n distributio ns. The increasing ro le o f man in the enviro nment and the co ncepts o f enviro nmental determinism, po ssibilism and pro babilism are explo red. The co ncept o f negative areas and the changing nature o f the co ncept with impro vement in techno lo gy are also examined. Man as an agent o f spatial change; glo balisatio n and co mpo site facto rs o f increasing techno lo gical develo pment and its effect o n the shrinking wo rld is co nsidered. Finally, students are guided to critically assess the ways in which culture influences the perceptio n and use o f natural reso urces.
LAW 257: Legal Systems 1 (T2 P1 C2) Students are intro duced to the meaning o f law; so urces o f law; co mmo n law and equity. The statutes; custo m and histo ry o f Ghana�s legal system; histo ry o f the co urts system in Ghana; the co urts system under the 19 9 2 co nstitutio n; custo mary arbitratio n are studied. There wo uld be, at least, two mo o t co urts and two visits to the co urts as part o f the practical wo rk.
MGT 253: Principles o f Marketing I (T2 P1 C2) This co urse takes students thro ugh the basic principles necessary to identify market niches and segments and develo p strategies to achieve strategic marketing go als. The study invo lves a critical lo o k at the ro le o f marketing in o rganisatio ns; the marketing co ncepts; marketing strategy; the marketing management pro cess and the histo rical develo pment o f to urism
Year Two Semester Two :
CAT 252:To urism Reso urces o f West Africa (T2 P1 C2) This co urses studies the array o f eco lo gical, climatic, co astal, geo lo gical and o ther enviro nmental and cultural reso urces in the West African Sub regio n and the special to urism o ppo rtunities that exist in West Africa. This co urse wo uld examine the cro ss-natio nal and cro ss-cultural to urism manifestatio ns and examine o ppo rtunities fo r a sub regio nal (West African) to ur package fo r to urists. It wo uld include practical sessio ns to familiarise students to so me selected lo catio ns.
CAT 254: Intro ductio n to To ur Guiding (T2 P1 C2) The main o bjective o f this co urse is to train students in the essentials o f to ur guiding. The to ur guide as an intermediary between to urists and attractio ns; itinerary planning; trip planning; the to ur understanding the landscape and significant manifestatio ns o n ro ute. Organized to urs. Dynamics o f gro up behavio ur and metho ds o f sustaining gro up interest. Students wo uld have practical sessio ns bo th o n campus and o ff campus to ho rn in skills in to ur guiding. Arrangements wo uld also be established with industry fo r practical sessio ns.
CAT 256 : Co ntempo rary African Art (T2 P1 C2) This is an intro ducto ry and a theo retical study o f the Art and Art industry o f the vario us regio ns o f Africa, fro m the prehisto ric to the end o f the nineteenth Century. It deals with ethno graphic and eco no mic aspects o f the peo ple�s art and discusses the purpo ses, functio ns, ro le, impo rtance and symbo lic significance o f Art in African so cieties. Identificatio n, classificatio n and fo rms are also treated. Pro blems that militate against art and the art industry and so lutio ns and the ro le o f art and the art industry in the civilizatio n o f Africa are studied.
CAT 258 : Go vernment and Po litics in Ghana. (T2 P1 C2) The co urse aims to develo p an understanding o f the key facto rs underlying, and determine the structures and pro cesses o f Ghana�s po st independence po litics. In particular, it examines, inter alia, co lo nialism and its impact o n po licy, state, so ciety and vario us strategies o f develo pment in Ghana. It also lo o ks at the vario us strategies o f develo pment in Ghana, po litical parties, system o f administratio n and the ro le o f the military in Ghanaian po litics.
CAT 26 0 : African Music Appreciatio n II (T2 P1 C2) This co urse aims at a deeper understanding o f African music thro ugh music appreciatio n. Students are guided to understand and give a mo re critical analysis o f music thro ugh listening to a wide range o f classical, po pular as well as traditio nal music.
ECON 254: Eco no my o f Ghana II (T2 P1 C2) In the seco nd semester the fo llo wing to pics are treated: gro wth and develo pment; mo netary and financial institutio ns; inflatio n; go vernment and the eco no my; external trade relatio ns and implicatio ns; regio nal integratio n and interregio nal activities; relevance and impact o f majo r internatio nal eco no mic institutio ns (IBRD, IMF, WTO, ADB).
ENGL 26 4: Literature in English II (T2 P1 C2) Students wo uld be intro duced to literature as narrative, traditio nal (19 th century) narrative, co ntempo rary narrative and the African no vel. Texts to be studied include o ne African no vel and o ne English no vel.
GEOG 154: Intro ductio n to Human Geo graphy II (T2 P1 C2) This co urse intro duces students to so me o f the human activities in space and time, and ho w these activities satisfy the needs o f humankind. Specific issues o f co ncern are urbanisatio n, culture and perceptio n o f natural reso urces and reso urce extracting techniques and internatio nal bo dies. The glo balizatio n o f pro ductio n, markets and cultures wo uld be treated. LAW 258 : Legal Systems II (T2 P1 C2) Students wo uld be intro duced to the fo llo wing aspects o f law: Judicial Precedent; Interpretatio n o f Statutes; Internal co nflicts o f Law; Fo rmatio n o f co ntact (o utline), Trespass and Negligence (o utline), Fundamental Human Rights, Acquisitio n and Alienatio n o f Family/Sto o l Land. Practical wo rk includes, at least, two mo o t co urts and two visits to the co urts.
MGT 254: Principles o f Marketing II (T2 P0 C2) This co urse takes students thro ugh the basic principles necessary to achieve marketing o bjectives. The study invo lves the fo llo wing to pics: custo mer analysis; pro duct develo pment; services marketing; pricing; sales pro mo tio n; marketing and marketing research and internatio nal marketing.
Year Three Co urses
Year Three, Semester One:
CAT 351: Research Metho ds I (T3 P1 C3) This co urse is aimed at stimulating studentsďż˝ interest in understanding and actively participating in research wo rk. The Co urse will co nvey to students the essential elements o f Research Metho ds in the So cial Sciences. Emphasis will ho wever, be o n so cial science research. The co urse will fo cus o n the fo llo wing areas: explanatio n o f key co ncepts in research, metho ds o f data co llectio n, sampling design, so urces o f info rmatio n etc.
CAT 353: To ur Operatio ns (T2 P2 C3) Students are intro duced to the effect o f culture o n travel; the effect o f time o n travel, so cio -eco no mic variables and their effect o n to urism demand; the travel purchase and travellers buying pro cess; the business travel market; the pleasure/perso nal travel market and o ther gro wth markets. Students will also be trained in managing to ur o peratio ns. Students wo uld have o ppo rtunities to study what go es o n in established to ur firms in Kumasi and elsewhere.
CAT 355: General Issues in Develo pment (T2 P2 C3) This co urse intro duces students to the co ncept o f develo pment, the appro aches to develo pment; classical theo ries o n develo pment; so cio lo gical aspects o f change in develo ping co untries; develo pment po licies, the enviro nment, eco -develo pment and sustainable develo pment.
SS 39 1: Free Elective (T2 P0 C2) Students are allo wed to cho o se a co urse fro m any department fo r a maximum o f 2 credits.
CAT 357: Culture and Cultural Practices (T2 P1 C2) This co urse deals with the utility and diversity o f human culture. It thro ws light o n the co mplex dynamics o f co mmunal living and variatio ns in ethnic gro upings acro ss Ghana. This is juxtapo sed with o ther cultures and cultural practices o f West African ethnic gro ups, aesthetics standards, no rms and beliefs o f the indigeno us peo ple and the unity that underlies cultural diversity and practices.
CAT 359 : Health and To urism (T2 P1 C2) This co urse seeks to intro duce students to the co mplex relatio nship between health and to urism. Specifically, the effects o f the quality o f the to urist enviro nment, the health impact o f the health status and negative lifestyles o f guests and ho sts at destinatio n areas wo uld be co nsidered in the pro mo tio n o f to urism. The health safety standards o f internatio nal to urist o rganisatio ns as reco mmended by the Wo rld Health Organisatio n and health po licies that co uld pro vide an appro priate enviro nment fo r bo o sting to urism wo uld be co nsidered.
CAT 36 1: Traditio nal Market Fo rms (T2 P1 C2) This co urse is designed to assist students to kno w and understand the ro le perio dic markets in particular play in traditio nal so cieties. The co ncept o f traditio nal so cieties; the Trans-Sahara Trade; the central places geo graphical mo del; the Vo n Thunen co ncentric agricultural land-use theo ry; spatially interdependent so cieties vs. traditio nal/spatially restricted so cieties; bases fo r spatial interactio ns; aerial differentiatio n; traditio nal eco no mic base studies; po int sellers and linear markets; market lo catio ns and impo rtance o f markets; perio dic markets/market days (airs); and case studies o f the Asesewa, Techiman, Mankessim, Ada-Fo ah markets in Ghana.
CAT 36 3: Indigeno us Architecture (T2 P2 C2) The co urse generally surveys Africa�s rich architectural heritage and zero es in o n the Ghanaian situatio n specifically. It will examine the histo ry behind the settlement patterns and fo rms o f buildings in African and Ghanaian settlements. It will further co nsider the variables, which co llectively pro duce the built enviro nment. Finally, it is intended to make students understand the vario us building fo rms, materials and techno lo gy emplo yed as well as the influences o f o ther cultures.
CAT 36 5: Literature and Culture (T2 P1 C2) This co urse aims at explaining the idea that o ne needs to understand a peo ple�s culture in o rder to appreciate their respo nse to vario us kinds o f situatio ns and pheno mena. What is culture? Discussing Raymo nd Williams� definitio n o f it in Keywo rds can bring o ut the pro blematic nature o f the wo rd. A study o f Mathew Arno lds Culture and Anarchy will thro w so me light o n vario us aspects o f the subject. What is the relatio n between culture and literature? Referring clo sely to literary wo rks highlighting aspects o f African and Ghanaian culture must pro vide practical illustratio ns.
CAT 36 7: African Music and Dance (T2 P1 C2) This co urse is designed to help students examine the meanings and principles underlying the Develo pment and practice o f dance in traditio nal dance fo rms. The co urse aims at helping students to understand traditio nal dance fo rms. The co urse will invo lve co ntextual study o f dance in Ghanaian traditio nal so cieties; the place o f dance in so cial, ritual and recreatio nal co ntexts; meanings and metho ds o f perfo rmance, ro le identities and symbo lism in selected dances fro m the selected regio ns Ghana. Co mplementary instructio ns wo uld be arranged with reso urce perso ns co nnected with traditio nal institutio ns. The co urse wo uld be illustrated with musical reco rding films/video , o ccasio n field trips to traditio nal areas fo r o bservatio n o f traditio nal dances.
CSM 157: Intro ductio n to Acco unting I (T2, P1, C2) Students wo uld be intro duced to do uble entry bo o kkeeping; trial balance and erro rs; final acco unts including trading and pro fit and lo ss acco unts and balance sheets. They wo uld also be intro duced to adjustments to the trial balance, including accrued expenses and inco me, pre-paid expenses and inco me, depreciatio n and bad and do ubtful debts.
SOC 36 3: Organisatio nal Behavio ur (T2, P1, C2) The co urse co vers the nature, meaning and characteristics o f o rganisatio nal behavio ur. Individual and gro up behavio ur in o rganisatio ns and the structures that influence management�s decisio n making and management styles. Psycho lo gical co ncepts and behavio ur within o rganisatio n and management.
Year Three Semester Two :
CAT 352: Research Metho ds II (T3 P1 C3) The main fo cus o f the co urse is to increase the understanding o f students in the use o f statistical to o ls in analysing research info rmatio n. Emphasis will be laid o n writing research pro po sals and repo rts. To pics will include: data handling and analysis; data displaying; graphs; writing research pro po sals, and research repo rt writing.
CAT 354: To urism in Develo ping Co untries (T3 P1 C3) The main o bjective o f this co urse is to examine the vario us paradigms o f to urism develo pment in develo ping co untries. It also examines effo rts o f develo ping co untries to wards to urism develo pment and the vario us challenges that they are co nfro nted with. The co urse examines alternatives fo r o verco ming the co nstraints to to urism develo pment. Pro -Po o r to urism and allied strategies aimed at po verty reductio n wo uld be explo red and studied.
CAT 356 : Events Management (T3 P1 C3) Students will be expo sed to the dynamics o f o rganising events; the legal framewo rks and o ther lo gistical requirements fo r o rganising bo th indo o r and o utdo o r traditio nal events, ho liday and seaso nal events; histo rical and cultural events, and special events. Students wo uld study the characteristic o f all event types and wo uld be required to understand the vario us stages and dynamics o f o rganising and managing events. Reso urce perso ns invo lved in o rganising events wo uld be bro ught in to share experiences with students. Students wo uld be guided and enco uraged to do practical wo rk and attachments with firms, co mmittees and bo dies that are invo lved in the o rganisatio n o f events.
SS 39 2: Free Elective (T2 P0 C2) Students are allo wed to cho o se a co urse fro m any department fo r a maximum o f 2 credits.
CAT 358 : Transpo rt and To urism (T2 P1 C2) This co urse will expo se students to the study o f transpo rt as spatial interactio n in the to urism industry. Emphasis is placed o n the study o f flo ws, netwo rks and the integrated transpo rt system at lo cal, regio nal, natio nal and wo rld scales. The ro le o f transpo rt in to urism and eco no mic develo pment as well as urban transpo rt will be assessed. The Ghanaian transpo rt system: Its structure,
o rganisatio n, pro blems and pro spects fo r develo pment wo uld be studied. Study visits to majo r transpo rt terminals o f all mo des o peratio nal in Ghana wo uld fo rm the basis fo r practical wo rk.
CAT 36 0 : African Architecture (T2 P1 C2) The co urse discusses architecture o n the African co ntinent. It begins with the early architecture o f Africa and ends with the practise o f architecture o n the co ntinent to day. It examines bo th traditio nal and mo dern architecture and will further discuss vario us facto rs, which have pro duced African architecture. Five majo r facto rs --- Climate, So ciety, Culture, Needs and Techno lo gy --- will be examined in the discussio n which will be do ne under bro ad classificatio ns o f No mad, Co astal (marine), Rural, Urban and Mo numental Architecture in Africa.
CAT 36 2: Traditio nal Fo o ds (T2 P1 C2) This co urses deals with the different types o f fo o d and its nutritio nal value in Ghana. Peculiar fo o ds in the vario us ethnic gro ups and beliefs and tabo o s asso ciated with different traditio nal dishes are studied. Fo o ds specially prepared fo r different festivals ďż˝ religio us meals, ancestral dishes, ritual dishes, everyday dishes, desserts, snacks, and co urtship and lo ve dishes wo uld be treated. The traditio nal restaurants i.e. cho p bars will be dealt with. The vario us pro cesses o f preparatio n and ho w the fo o ds are served will also be co nsidered.
CSM 158 : Intro ductio n to Acco unting II (T2 P1 C2) This co urse is a co ntinuatio n o f CSM 157, and deals with bank reco nciliatio n statements; suspense acco unts; intro ductio n to co mpany acco unts; interpretatio n o f financial statements by means o f ratio s; cash budgets and cash flo w statements.
SOC 36 4: Organisatio nal Behavio ur II (T2 P1 C2) The relevant areas o f co ncern fo r the study are so cialisatio n into o rganisatio ns, leadership and leadership styles, po wer and influence, co nflict management, co mmunicatio n, decisio n making and stress management.
Year Fo ur Co urses
Year Fo ur Semester One:
CAT 451: To urism Impact Studies (T3 P1 C3) This co urse examines critically the eco no mic so cial, cultural enviro nmental and physical impacts o f to urism. It also intro duces students to impact assessment pro cedures fo r to urism develo pment. It wo uld include practical sessio ns o f selected to urism pro jects.
CAT 453: To urism Develo pment in Ghana (T3 P1 C3) Students will be intro duced to vario us develo pment po licies o f Ghana with emphasis o n To urism. Po licies fro m the co lo nial perio d to the mo st recent will be discussed and analysed. The vario us secto rs o f the to urism industry and their ro les and co ntributio n to develo pment in the co untry shall be examined. The to urism infrastructure and its o verall co ntributio n to the develo pment o f the co untry shall be described and assessed.
CAT 455: Industrial Attachment (T0 P4 C2) All students wo uld be required to undergo a practical jo b attachment during the lo ng vacatio n in their third year. This requirement is to o ffer trainees the o ppo rtunity to gain so me real life experience and prepare them fo r the wo rld o f wo rk. They wo uld be expected to present repo rts o n experiences gained. This jo b attachment wo uld attract 2 credits, which wo uld be awarded in the semester fo llo wing the internship perio d.
MGT 471: Principles o f Management I (T3 P1 C3) This co urse is aimed at equipping students with basic management principles. To pics co vered are meaning; nature and sco pe o f management; evo lutio n o f theo ries o f management; pro cess o f management; o rganisatio nal structure; strategic management; business o bjectives, and respo nsibility. Others are business co mmunicatio n; decisio n making; mo tivatio n; team management, gro up pro cesses, management o f change and time management.
CAT 457: Histo ry o f African Traditio nal Systems (T2 P1 C2) This co urse o ffers clearer understanding o f family o rganisatio n o f an ethic gro up. It examines the relatio nship terms o f families. Other to pics include: Clans, kinship, and po sitio n o f the chief in po litical systems: descent systems in Africa; inheritance and successio n, dynamics o f kingship in small-scale so cieties. Mechanics o f so cial adjustment; traditio nal African go vernment and so cietal judicial practices; African religio n; festivals and to pics o f ritual practices and tabo o s and ancient civilizatio n o f Africa wo uld be studied.
CAT 459 : Eco -To urism (T2 P1 C2) This co urse seeks to intro duce students to the co ncept and co mpo nents o f eco -to urism and its po tential to give the to urism industry a bo o st. They are specifically to be intro duced to the nature and co mpo nents o f the eco -system, interactio ns within a specific eco lo gical set up, and the judicio us and effective use o f eco lo gical systems to ensure sustainability. Students are also to be intro duced to the vario us measures o f co nservatio n o f eco lo gical reso urces, and the benefits o f eco -to urism to the co mmunity.
CAT 46 1: Enviro nment, Culture and Lo catio n (T2 P1 C2) This co urse intro duces students to the pro cesses, which generate distinctive human and enviro nmental patterns. The interactio n o f geo graphic elements is studied as they are expressed in the spatial o rganisatio n o f the enviro nment. Students are guided to critically assess ho w enviro nmental, cultural and lo catio nal attributes have severally and individually influenced the spatial o rganisatio n o f human so cieties. The similarities and dicho to mies in these interactio ns and their to uristic appeal fo rm the raiso n d��tre o f this co urse.
CAT 46 3: Histo ry o f the African Diaspo ra (T2 P1 C2) The o bjective o f the co urse is to co nsider the po st-mo dern critiques o f culture that have been and are being shaped by disco urse in African Diaspo ra studies. In additio n, it will explo re the cultural transfo rmatio ns resulting fro m the dispersio n o f African peo ple thro ugho ut the Atlantic Wo rld since the fifteenth century. The co urse will fo cus clo sely o n the area o f religio us wo rship, so cial o rganisatio ns, music and dance, language and material culture.
SOC 459 : Gender and Develo pment I (T2 P1 C2) The co urse intro duces students to the co ncept o f gender and examines why gender analysis is impo rtant. The co urse co ncentrates
o n equipping students with relevant co nceptual and metho do lo gical to o ls fo r analysis, and fo cuses o n o ther relatio ns and gender differences thro ugh examinatio n o f definitio ns o f wo rk and co ncepts such as the WID and GAD appro aches. The impo rtance o f gender in develo pment issues and male bias will be discussed.
SOC 46 1: Human Reso urce Management I (T2, P1, C2) The co urse co vers industrial o rganisatio ns and the evo lutio n o f human reso urce management; its nature, meaning, co ncern and co ntext. Management philo so phies and strategies o f o rganisatio ns.
Year Fo ur, Semester Two
CAT 452: Site Selectio n in To urism (T2 P2 C3) The co urse aims at expo sing students to the criteria fo r the selectio n o f appro priate sites fo r to urism. They are also to be taught the nature o f such sites and facto rs that enhance their develo pment and sustainability. They are also to be expo sed to the identificatio n o f such sites o n to po graphical maps and the cultural and legal implicatio ns in acquiring such sites.
CAT 454: To urist Destinatio ns (T2 P2 C3) This co urse intro duces students to the patterns and characteristics o f the supply o f to urism reso urces that makes a place a to urism destinatio n. The mo rpho lo gy o f destinatio n areas and the co ncept o f carrying capacity and the so cio -cultural and enviro nmental impact o f to urism; to urism and develo pment planning; go vernment o rganisatio ns; acco mmo datio ns; transpo rtatio n; intermediaries (to ur o perato rs) natural and man-made attractio ns.
MGT 472: Principles o f Management II (T3 P0 C3) This part o f the co urse deals with the functio nal areas o f management. Areas co vered are: Human reso urce management; marketing management; pro ductio n management; and financial management.
CAT 456 : Bio �To urism (T2 P1 C2)
This co urse intro duces students to co ncepts o f bio -to urism o r agro to urism, eco no mic and so cio -cultural co nsequences o f bio to urism, traditio nal life o f farmers and to urism, agriculture and to urism, agro -po litical challenges regio nalism and to urism; the farmer as preservers o f the landscape in the develo ping wo rld to urism and culture.
CAT 458 : Strategy fo r Internatio nal Markets (T2 P1 C2) This co urse intro duces students to the principles that guide the entry and perfo rmance in internatio nal markets. The co urse fo cuses o n alternative internatio nal servicing strategies; selectio n o f mo de o f internatio nal market entry; co llabo rative arrangements; internatio nal marketing strategies; po sitio ning strategies; internatio nal pro mo tio n and marketing co mmunicatio n; info rmatio n co mmunicatio n techno lo gies (ICTs) and internatio nal marketing.
CAT 46 0 : Oral Histo ry o f Africa (T2 P1 C2) The co urse is designed to enable students explo re the rich o ral histo ry o f Africa which encapsulates much o f the co ntinent�s cultural heritage. Techniques fo r co llecting, interpreting and applying o ral traditio ns will be studied.
ENGL 456 : Intro ductio n to Public Relatio ns (T2 P1 C2) This co urse aims at intro ducing students to bo th the theo ry and practise o f public relatio ns. The study fo cuses o n the nature o f the pro fessio n, its ro le in the so ciety, its audiences; internal and external publics; PR research metho ds, PR co mmunicatio n and its use o f the media; panic preventio n; ethics o f PR wo rk; PR in actio n and PR writing ďż˝ its fo rm and style.
SOC 46 0 : Gender and Develo pment II (T2 P1 C2) The seco nd part o f the co urse deals with the applicatio n o f gender analysis to particular areas o f develo pment such as industrialisatio n, agrarian change, health, ho using, emplo yment, transpo rt, structural adjustment pro grammes and enviro nmental change. Vario us appro aches to making po licy mo re gender aware and reducing inequality are appraised.
SOC 46 2: Human Reso urce Management II (T2, P1, C2) The co urse co ncentrates o n key activities o f human reso urce management ďż˝ analysing and staffing jo bs, training and develo pment, co mpensatio n and emplo yee and labo ur relatio n.
SS 49 0 : Dissertatio n (Pro ject Wo rk) (T0 P0 C6 ) All students wo uld be required to write dissertatio ns under supervisio n during their final year o f study. Dissertatio n to pics wo uld co ver all aspects o f culture and to urism develo pment aimed at enhancing deeper understanding o f the pro spects, pro blems and challenges o f the to urism industry to o ffer suggestio ns and reco mmendatio ns fo r po licy fo rmulatio n, refo rm, and develo pment.
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