ARGON NAVIS INDIA Ancient mystery schools, pilgrimage places for dimensional travels on Earth recorded in modern times by Anders B Johanson Ph.D. VIDEO AND CD FOR SALE: 1. 2.
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Lakshmi Devi. Argon Navis website – the mystery schools of ancient cultures on earth .25 years of research on metaphysical subjects on site: India, Nepal, China, Greece, Egypt, England, USA, Mexico, Peru and Bolivia. Vedic astrology, Kabalistic tarot, Numerology, Parapsychology, Reincarnation studies, Meditation, Your Higher Self, Mystery schools, Pictures of each country, articles and books, Nadi astrology in India as far back as 3 000 years, Shiva temples and culture, ceremonies and removal of negative influences, remedies. The Sirius / Orion mystery and global pyramids and their connection to the stars ET cultures in Atlantis and Lemuria.
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