ARGON NAVIS INDIA Ancient mystery schools, pilgrimage places for dimensional travels on Earth recorded in modern times by Anders B Johanson Ph.D. VIDEO AND CD FOR SALE:
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6. India’s Ancient Records – Jyotisha Vedanga – Brighu Shastra.
The rishis who wrote the ancient manuscripts for salvation of the soul in ages of the creation, when the vedic satvic golden age standards were not followed and mankind could still be reminded of divinity and God’s grace and blessings for guidance and counselling of the soul who wanted to achieve dharma and the divine plan. Devi Drishti,
Brahma Vidhya –
The Teosophia, the golden path to self-realization and divine realization are important in that order.
ARGON NAVIS PUB. P.O. Box 129 BROMMA 16126 Sverige Pg Argon Navis 39 61 68-7 Föreningssparbanken konto A B Johanson Clearing nr: 81059-konto 74276574-6 Phone: + 46 (0)8590 813 08 , Mobile 0735 613997 Internet