Cd nr 9 sumerian culture

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ARGON NAVIS INDIA Ancient mystery schools, pilgrimage places for dimensional travels on Earth recorded in modern times by Anders B Johanson Ph.D. VIDEO AND CD FOR SALE:

100 kr

9. The Sumerian Culture before Mesopotamia and the Arrival of the Annunaki and Anu 

Galactic travellers on a solar system interference journey introduced genetic experiments on the inhabitans and created new races, caused floods and eliminated their traces for all times. They were stealing, mining gold and metals on planets, since their own home planet Ibiru had run out of these precious metals. The stories of Enlil and Ea – the epos of Gilgamesh,

The pyramids of Babylon Ziggurats – real tower of Babel and its creators,

Arc of Noah and the flood.

The Sumerian records and the stargate,

The libraries of Nineveh, the Assyrian empire,

The tablets of Summeria, Accadic cylinder seals, Asurbanipal,

Zachariah Sitchin and his book “the 12th Planet”.

Home of the righteous Edin – the watchers of mankind,

The planet Nibiru crossing the planet. Earth chronicles 3 600 years revolution of Nibiru. It came last time during the reign of the Egyptian Pharaoh Echnaton 1 500 B.C., so it’s time again now 2 100 AD for its reappearance in our solar system.

Fallen angels – Nifilim – they descended to earth for domination – like Malachim – ambassadors.

ARGON NAVIS PUB. P.O. Box 129 BROMMA 16126 Sverige Pg Argon Navis 39 61 68-7 Föreningssparbanken konto A B Johanson Clearing nr: 81059-konto 74276574-6 Phone: + 46 (0)8590 813 08 , Mobile 0735 613997 Internet

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