argon navis fundation program

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SIRIUS MYSTERY The Sirius Mystery will tell you about our true history on planet Earth and its future with many very important decisions and events for mankind to take place from right now and 2011. Man’s development from Sirius, Vega and Lyra. The Earth’s 12 dimensional rooms. The entrance to the 5th dimension. The Riddle of the Sphinx IN EGYPT- ON MARS * Who am I?- JIVATMAN * From where do I come?-THE SOURCE * Where am I going? -HOME * What is my mission? -DHARMA There are 8 separate seminars, which are not built up by degree of difficulties and you may therefore enroll at a time that will be convenient to you. Seminars are usually held on weekends. Introductory lectures on Fridays prior to the seminar at 7 pm Lecture entrance: $ 15 Seminar fee: $150 Registration fee: $ 50 For further information please call: sweden +46 -735 5139 97 Email:

The Hindu Vedic Astrology Manual by Anders B Johanson $45 plus postage

Pistis Sofia PREMASAGARS website plus 400 color pictures from different power places on planet Earth

$30 plus postage Check out our website, since 1996, to see all news, events in the US and other places and all new links. You are welcome to contact us (please see under order on the website), if you want to order, books, CDs, consultations on astrology, tarot, numerology and regressions. See also our esoteric trips to the Earth’s power places.

PREMA SAGAR FOUND. * Vedic Astrology - private consultations or computer printouts. * Nadi Astrology by thumb impressions * Tarot * Numerology * Lectures * Seminars * Regressions - past lives * CDs * Books * Esoteric trips to Earth’s power places Bali USA Berlin India Egypt

February12-27 29 th April / 18 th May May 1-9 nov 5 -26 Okt 18-31

Argon Navis Anders B Johanson Ph.D. Author, Vedic Astrologer, Teacher Esoteric Tour Guide Box 129 BROMMA 16126, Sweden Ph. + 46 735 51 39 97 Cellular: +46 Email: Internet:

Sri Agasthiya RISHI NAADI ASTROLOGY It’s a boon for mankind in the present state of confusion that prevails in all walks of life - personal, social and political - the most reliable way to know the future and solve the problems.

The Secrets of your Destiny in your Thumb impression

Nadi astrologer Mr BALAKRISHNAN says: ”Natives, whose palm leaves are with us, are destined to come to us at the appropriate age specified on the leaves from any part of the world”. The origin of these leaves can be traced back to approximately 2000 years ago. Rishis like Agasthiya and Kousika among others gave predictions for the human beings of this world. The Great Sages, being the embodiment of wisdom in Medicine, Engineering, Astrology, Atomic theory etc. through their sheer intuition drew from the reservoir of knowledge and transcribed them on Palm leaves and wooden plates. For those interested in these AKASHIC RECORD READINGS Anders will conduct tours to India. For further information please

PERSONAL CONSULTATIONS ANDERS B JOHANSON PH.D. Internationally known lecturer, author, teacher, therapist (regressions, polarity therapy), esoteric tourguide to power places around the world, vedic astrologer. Email: Consultation fees: 60 min $120, 45 min $95, 30 min $65 Business consultations:-150 US New business, ventures, investments, stocks, financing, partnerships, (basic rates & customized) 1, 2, 3 and 10 years -60-120 US A general description of your yearly situation and details of personal cycles. Life Reading (min time 1hr, $180) Interpretation of 16 horoscopes: Mentality, character, body type, family, education, children, partners, man/wife, parents, vehicles, spiritual and scientific ability, academic studies, profession etc. Spiritual Astrology & Esoteric Name Analysis, Tarot, Past Lives, Marriage compatibility(min 1hr), Health advice. +46-735 51 39 97

ASTROLOGY & ASTROGEOGRAPHY COMPUTER PRINTOUTS Horoscopes include your life cycles: Child-hood, youth and the first years as an adult - important periods of basic significance for all. Includes 3 months of transits. You will know where the most important planets are right now in relation to your birth chart and what it means for you. Report: approx. 50 pages $60 Relationships: Friendship, Love, Business Gives you a description of how you function in a relationship, its strength and challenges. Report: approx 18-24 pages $50 Transits - progressions - the future Describes the significance of sun and moon eclipses as well as the daily position of the planets in relation to your birth chart. 3 months $20, 6 m. $25, 9 m. $50 Astro geography (includes map and text explanations) An analysis of where in the world you can have success according to your planets. Report: The US or the world $55, The US or Europe plus the world $85 Vedic Astrology: $45 -30 PAGES Chakra charts, 120 yrs dasa periods with

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