Preme Magazine Issue 12: Abby + Lil Gnar + Nicholas Claxton

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context 4. ari lennox 8. kevin gates 12. lil gnar 28. nicolas claxton 36. abby 44. kevin heart 46. sunni colon 48. wiz


“The launching of PREME MAGAZINE WAS developed through the REALIZATION that many creative individuals lack the recognition that they deserve. PREME MAGAZINE is created to give light to individuals from beginners to professionals to behind-the-scenes creatives. This includes photographers, singers, models, stylists, designers, songwriters, record producers, make-up artists, directors, musicians, and more. Our mission is to provide a platform and opportunity for individuals to showcase their work and talent.�


ari len


nnox 5




kevin gate















earth gang 22






Nicolas Cla on By David Katzinger stylist triplejoint





What was it like growing up in Greenville, SC – is there a particular ex

I can honestly say I had a great childhood. I’m very family oriented so been playing since I was about 4 so that consumed a lot of my time.

- I read that your father was heavily involved in athletics as well, more

– did his affiliation with the sport have any impact on your decision to

Yes my dad used to have basketballs laying around my crib & all arou even knew what the sport was. That molded me to really cherish the g - The nature of sports is relatively competitive. All things considered, innate passion or drive to pursue something. With that in mind – what

I’m intrinsically motivated to become the best player that I can be. I’m me just to be in a situation to take care of them & generations to come


xperience from your adolescence that still follows you today?

o I spent a lot of time bonding with family. Basketball was my first love I’ve

e specifically basketball

o gravitate towards the game?

und the house when I was a baby. We also used to watch together before I game the way I do today.

emotions tend to flare at times but that’s what practically contributes to our t motivates you?

m willing to sacrifice a lot to reach my full potential. My family also motivates e.


Who is Nicolas Claxton? TBD .... - What made you decide to enroll at the University of Georgia? Both of my parents attended the University of Georgia so it was just organic for me to decide to take my talents there and I honestly can say I enjoyed my two years at UGA. - In recent news there’s been a lot of focus on advocacy in terms of collegiate empowerment and student-athlete’s rights – With you having direct insight as a former SA (student-athlete), do you think this is a progressive stance taken on player inclusion or will their voices continue to be silenced? - Once you were drafted, I can only imagine the influx of mixed emotions experienced after realizing that all your hard work has finally paid off

How would you describe that moment in time? That moment in time was honestly surreal and it is a day of my life that I will never forget. - What was the transition like leaving South Carolina and heading to New York – are you still getting acclimated to the fast pace or are you more so reserved in your efforts? South Carolina New York or obviously totally different but I’m learning to adapt . As of now I’ve just been focusing on basketball but I’ve been around the city to shop and do various things. 34

- 4th player in school history with 1,000 career points at Legacy Charter School and No. 8 all-time in career blocks at the University of Georgia, your resume basically speaks for itself – Outside of the accolades and impressive stat line, what has been the most rewarding aspect of your journey so far? The most rewarding aspect of my journey has just been seeing myself grow as a man & a basketball player. I had this dream to make it to the NBA & now I’m here so I just have to continue to perfect my craft. - I’ve noticed that a range of NBA players like to dabble in fashion, sporting some top-tier articles of clothing that are unique in their own right – do you see yourself as a connoisseur of style or are you more so indifferent about swag? I would consider myself a connoisseur of swag but I haven’t really dove deep into the waters yet when it comes to fashion. I’ve bought a few fits but be on the lookout for me in the future. 35


by mia V stylist trip



Vasquez plejoint

• What did you love doing as a kid (like when you were 8, 10 years old)?I was always creative and always wanted to do cool shit. I remember I had started a notebook full of inventions after I watched “Meet the Robinsons”. I wanted to invent a tire that could heat up and melt snow as you drove on it. Is that already a thing? Idk. I also liked making little home videos to play for family, drawing. Honestly, if it was something that was cool & creative I was doing it, even if I sucked at it lmaoooo Growing up did you always want to do music? I never really knew what I wanted to do as a career. Kids my age growing up wanted to be doctors, lawyers, coaches, and I never really gravitated towards that. I used to go to my dad’s job after school everyday and play the piano in there for hours. I couldn’t really dance, I sucked at sports, (even though I really tried LMFAO) I wasn’t the greatest student, (B- or B student at best, MAYBE B+), music was the only thing I wasn’t really horrible at. As I got a little older, I just wanted to something I loved while making money & helping the people I love.





• You How ’re from York do you Staten Is feel l has affe feel grow land Rig All m ike New cted you ing up in ht? just c y friends York is t r creativ New othe an't see wanna he place e side?I York r than he myself move to to be. pers has sha re. I thin living any LA and toug onality n ped my k being f where I fines her skin ot only thoverall rom New my c ser, ever out here e music , ; ity yone is re everyone we got • sour ceful is a How . I lov age i d s e o o you feel p n you f e of yo eople m r side? D el like y o ur ag is o e? judge yo you eve ur r u be c a I feel use l i k my a e peo havin ge ALL Ople judg grow g to rem F THE Te me bec on m n ass wo ind my n IME. I’m ause of than y team i man! (L iggas i’m always that me, and s a coup OL). EVE a and is I’m the of cours le of yea RYONE downthey’re p lil sis ou e the up rs older OF T side to rotective t of the side to drop HE GRO that is th , but the group don’ a gem o UP (LMAat I’m th niggat listen to n someo O). Some LIL SIS I’m le , but wh me cau ne and etimes I th s e tting themn I’m rig e I’m a y ey know ht bes oung lmao t belie ve ooo .



Do you pr freestyle? efer to write out all your so

ngs or he ar a beat and

Depends and be fe on how I’m feeling song and eling the beat so m. Some days I’ll sit sit in the c it’ll be fire. Somet uch that i’ll freest in the studio different t orner with a spliff imes I can’t do thayle a whole a t imes. It all depends nd write a verse o and I’ll just ut 5 on my m ood. Do you ev woman in er have to deal wit the indus h compar try? ison ebing a

Not really people, b . I’m sure people t weed & mut I’m not really chry to compare me to e ind my bu siness. cking. I just wanna other smoke m y What is th is chapter of your li fe called r ight now? This shit a in’t too ba d. What step s to take day? to make s ure you’re gro

wing ever y

I try to ste love havin p outside my com boyfriend g good, mind stim fort zone at least o smoke we and my friends. I hulating conversationce a day. I ALWAYS ed, so I make sure ave my best ideas ns with my and pray lmao. Most import to keep that clos when I daily. e antly I try to stay op by timistic 43






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