Northeast Field Trip Guide 2024 Edition

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FROM MAINE TO VIRGINIA: Your go-to destination guide


Solutions to Field Trip Problems Field Trip Grants & Funding


Field trips provide opportunities for hands-on learning, allow students to see what they are learning in school is applicable in the real world and help them develop social skills by interacting with their peers in a new environment. This guide explores fun experiences for students, which can help foster a love of learning and make school

Photo courtesy of Visit Fredericksburg, VA

more engaging.



This Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Field Trip Guide is designed for middle school through high school teachers and student travel planners. Front-of-book sections provide inspiration and lend trip planning advice with destination ideas presented in a state-by-state format. Enjoy!

Maine New Hampshire Vermont New York Pennsylvania


Rhode Island Connecticut New Jersey Delaware Maryland Photo courtesy of abstractor/

Washington D.C.




Travel Keeps us Young


o paraphrase noted raconteur Anthony Bourdain, “travel isn’t always pretty. Sometimes it hurts, but that’s okay. The journey changes you.” While it isn’t the easiest thing to hop on an airplane and battle the TSA, the rewards gained from experiencing new cultures, savoring regional dishes and learning about a destination firsthand far supersede the inconveniences that accompany traveling. Impressionable students, in particular, will find travel life-changing, which is why the 2024 edition of the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Field Trip Guide is an invaluable resource for teachers and student travel planners. Featuring a host of appealing destinations filled with trip planning advice, this guide offers a variety of ideas for your next student trip. We also interview two experts in the student travel industry field: Keith Snode, the COO of Kaleidoscope Adventures, and Michael Embrey, the national festival director of FunME Events, who provide insights and solutions on topics such as the impact of cellphones on travel, efficient packing techniques, and the rising fees associated with the tourism industry. Whether you’re interested in art, culture, history or aquatic adventures (or perhaps all of the above), our guide has got you covered. Happy travels, Jason Paha, Chief Editor

Featuring a host of appealing destinations filled with trip planning advice, this guide offers a variety of ideas for your next student trip. ON THE COVER: Adventure Aquarium in Camden, New Jersey



2024 E D I T I O N Editorial & Advertising Office 621 Plainfield Road, Suite 406 Willowbrook, IL 60527 P 630.794.0696 F 630.794.0652

Publisher – Jeffrey Gayduk

Chief Editor – Jason Paha

Senior Editor – Randy Mink

Contributing Writers – Heather Dale, Courtney Lind, McCartney Walsh and Kathy Nolan Director, Design & Production – Lisa Hede

Production Coordinator – Kelsey Ledford Content Development Specialist – Tyler Drag The publisher accepts unsolicited editorial matter, as well as advertising, but assumes no responsibility for statements made by advertisers or contributors. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information is published, but the publisher makes no warranty that listings are free of error. The publisher is not responsible for the return of unsolicited photos, slides or manuscripts. Copyright 2023. All rights reserved. Materials may not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher.

CONTENTS Sergey Furtaev/





Student Field Trip Problems and How to Avoid Them

Two student travel experts reveal some of the newer travel issues and what they do to sidestep them By Lisa Shames


Field Trip Grants and Funding Make your field trip dreams a reality with our guide to funding opportunities in the Northeast U.S. By Courtney Lind



CONTENTS FIELD TRIPS 24 Pennsylvania 42 New York 52 Maryland 58 Virginia 72 Connecticut 76 Washington, D.C. 78 Delaware 80 Maine 82 Massachusetts 84 New Hampshire 86 New Jersey 88 Rhode Island 90 Vermont



52 24 58

42 76 72


80 84

88 86

82 90



ITINERARIES 26 Philadelphia

SITE INSPECTIONS 8 Jassby 20 City Cruises 44 Disney Theater 60 Colonial Williamsburg 68 National Museum of the United States Army

30 Destination Gettysburg 32 Museum of the American Revolution 34 Gettysburg Foundation 36 National Constitution Center 38 Without A Cue Productions 40 Independence Seaport Museum 41 Faith and Liberty Discovery Center 48 The Museum of Modern Art 50 Cathedral of St. John the Divine 51 RiseNY 54 National Aquarium in Baltimore 56 Liberty Ship John W. Brown 64 George Mason’s Gunston Hall 66 Fredericksburg 74 Mystic Seaport Museum 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE


JASSBY The Debit Card Built for Student Travel

Jassby provides solutions for the student travel money game


s long as student travel has been in existence, cash has been king. If you’ve been in the business for any length of time, you’ve heard the horror stories of student trip planners walking down the street with suitcases full of cash or having to separate bills into piles with paper clips holding each allotment together. Then there were the tales of lastminute changes or additions that required more cash or kids losing that precious $20 bill they had for lunch. Cash definitely didn’t make student travel easy, but options were limited. It was hard to issue credit cards to kids and vouchers created other issues. But there weren’t any better available options… until now.

All photos courtesy of Jassby




Since 2017, Jassby has been working in financial literacy. Helping kids learn valuable lessons about money — and how to manage it — is at the core of their DNA. The Jassby Debit Card, whether a digital card, a mobile wallet or a physical debit card, provides kids with financial freedom while providing parents with peace of mind. With Jassby, kids have

Helping kids learn valuable lessons about money — and how to manage it — is at the core of Jassby’s DNA.

SITE INSPECTION access only to the funds that parents add to their account. The card is accepted wherever Mastercard® is accepted and may be used online and in-person, at retailers accepting contactless payments.

transparency with their parents. Parents get alerts in real time, so they know where their kids are spending money. A full transaction history can be viewed and monthly statements for each account can easily be downloaded.



Additionally, parents can easily monitor spending, track purchases and get notified when their kids use their card. Jassby is an excellent tool for teens to develop financial

The next step for this tech-savvy company was finding similar solutions in the education and performance travel sector. In 2021, Jassby

Jassby helps younger people enjoy some financial freedom. saw a real need in student travel for things like meals to be paid for on a card rather than with cash. The company also knew that all parties involved — kids, parents, teachers, schools and travel providers— needed to have it be easy for them as well. Jassby’s solution is designed to meet the needs of all those parties, while closely mirroring the existing cash process. Trips are put into a specific travel portal and cards are issued for each traveler.

JASSBY TRIP CARD FOR STUDENT TRAVEL The Jassby Trip Card was developed specifically for providers of organized student travel and is supported by a powerful toolset Great for performance travel as most venues today are cashless. 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE


that enables incredible flexibility in managing spending and disbursing allotments. Want allotments to be loaded at the beginning of trip, beginning of each day, or strategically before each meal? Jassby can do that. Have a last-minute allotment you need of a change to the schedule? Jassby can accommodate that too. Lost card? No problem. The card can simply be locked and assigned a spare card to the traveler. All of this is done while helping kids learn important financial literacy lessons Also, there is no need for parents to register. Cards are shipped together to a single place meaning parents and their soon-to-be-traveling kids have one less very important thing to worry about. With the Jassby Trip Card, travel cash is a thing of the past.

CONTACT Greg Bottenhorn 843-360-5611 www.

With the Jassby Trip Card, travel cash is a thing of the past. 10


Student Field Trip Problems and How to Avoid Them

Two student travel experts reveal some of the newer travel issues and what they do to sidestep them

The roads less traveled can be filled with snafus, but knowing how to avoid them ahead of time helps. 12


Sergey Furtaev/

By Lisa Shames



hen it comes to traveling — and really a lot of other things in life — Murphy’s law gets it right. “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong,” as the adage goes, is something all explorers can relate to. From smallish snafus like lost luggage and missed flights to major ones (medical emergency, anyone?) and everything in between, the roads less traveled are full of potential potholes (literally, if you’re traveling by car or bus). And when it comes to student travel the potential for problems goes up in direct relation to the number of students on the trip. To get some insight into not only some of the newer pitfalls to be aware of but also what can be done to prevent them, we spoke with two expert student tour planners: Michael Embrey, National Festival Director of FunME Events, and Keith Snode, COO of Kaleidoscope Adventures.

Michael Embrey National Festival Director of FunME Events

Keith Snode COO of Kaleidoscope Adventures

Like with many things in life, cell phones have permanently changed how we travel.

CELL PHONES AND STUDENT TRAVEL For Snode, one of the more recent challenges he’s experienced on student trips has technology to blame. “It used to be when you traveled, you never heard from the parents you left at home,” he says. “Now that’s not the case because everybody has cell phones.” Case in point: a parent who called the tour’s group leader when they got a message from their daughter that she was out of toilet paper in her hotel room. “For us, it’s a mix of the trip directors getting calls from parents or parents reaching out to the travel company and asking about a situation,” says Snode. “It has created a new dynamic of communication between group leaders and travel companies in terms of having to handle those types of requests.” Part of the solution to this problem has involved creating a higher level of communication with his staff and group leaders. “You never want to respond to anything from anybody in a group without the group leader knowing about it,” says Snode. “It’s helping everybody understand what their role is in the group travel experience — and that now includes the parent at home too.” The advent of cell phones, however, aren’t the only culprits in this conundrum, especially when it comes to parent chaperones. “There’s been an increase of parents on trips who are becoming more vocal what they think about things,” says Snode, who looks at this as a societal shift. “Post-Covid, parents have become more aware of their child’s every move and mood.” One of the best preventative measures for parent chaperone issues is setting clear expectations before the trip begins. “As a chaperone, you are responsible for all the students that I assign to you and not just yours,” says Snode. “It’s creating that expectation up front that, Hey, while you are with me, I’m in charge and your student is no different from the others I am responsible for.” 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE



SETTING STUDENT TRAVEL EXPECTATIONS Another aspect of constant communication and setting expectations also comes into play when something does go wrong. Snode recalls a group trip last year when the flight got cancelled. His on-call team got to work, but by the time they got an update, part of the group had fractured off and took a van on their own and another part of the group took a car. Because of that it took a year to settle a claim that normally would have taken a month. “It’s important to make sure the group, whether at home or in front of you at the airport, understands that everybody individually reaching out to try and solve the problem isn’t helping but hurting,” says Snode. “We have hired a travel provider that is there to help us fix these problems and you have to let that process work.” And it’s not just the parents who need clarity. “When I was teaching, I used to have long conversation with my students a week before the trip explaining to them how they’re not just representing themselves, but their school and community too,” says Snode. “Because of Covid, there are a lot of new teachers right now who need to understand that that conversation is critical for students.”


Clear communication is important for any successful field trip. 14


For Embrey, many of his student trips revolve around music performances, which can create issues all their own. Having a constant awareness of fee increases – a general problem and not limited to student travel — is one area Embrey has had to address more these days. “You could take a saxophone, a clarinet and flute on an airplane as a carry-on, but when you start getting to tubas and cellos that’s more of an additional fee,” he says. “Now, you’ve just added probably another $200 onto the event price just to cover the shipment of equipment.” And that’s not just limited to air travel. “Domestically, when you’re doing bus trips, the same thing happens, and you have to make sure you have the right space underneath the motorcoach.” One way Embrey combats the inevitable fee increases is by booking student trips to cities that typically have flown under the radar and offer lower rates all around. “These secondary cities provide great opportunities, be it Cleveland, Nashville, St. Louis, Branson, Kansas City or Denver,” he says. “Exposing these music directors to other cities has been a challenge for our company, but when they are, they see it as an educational opportunity.”

Bjoern Wylezich/

Learning what — and what not — to pack for a student field trip is crucial.

STUDENT TRAVEL PACKING TIPS When it comes to space limitations, it’s not just about the musical instruments. “Many teachers don’t how to tell kids how to pack,” says Embrey. “They don’t need to take 16 pairs of shoes. No swimming pool? Don’t take a swimsuit.” Embrey and his team offer guidelines and rules on what to take and — more importantly — what not to take. For example, they advise not to bring a large bottle of shampoo or conditioner but rather just enough for their trip. Or perhaps not even bring it at all as many hotels offer that. Additionally, many of his student tour groups put three to four kids in a room. The roommates know ahead of time who they will be sharing their room with and can coordinate on items such as curling irons and hairdryers so not to duplicate. Weather also plays a role in what students should include in their suitcases. “We always check the weather patterns and rain predictions, especially if they are doing an outdoor concert,” says Embrey. Passports, or the lack thereof, is another concern for Embrey, who’s had to

do some last-minute scrambling in the past for students who didn’t have one — or even for those who did. “If your passport doesn’t have at least 6 months longevity often you cannot travel,” says Embrey. “The agents are very firm with that.” To avoid airport snafus, Embrey requires the organization to provide photocopies of everyone’s passports for international travel ahead of time. Food is another area that has seen changes over the years. “Years ago, we never had vegan, vegetarians or food allergies,” he says. “Now that has to be part of our booking profile.” Recent changes in hotel policies and services, such as reductions in cleaning services, have also played a role in how Embrey and his team lead their tours. To avoid any issues, Embrey assigns one person to be the room captain. Their responsibilities include gathering all the room keys, making sure no items, such as towels, are taken, and ensuring the rooms are straightened up on a daily basis. “These are all life lessons for when they are adults traveling,” he says. And when those inevitable problems do happen, Embrey has an answer for that too. “We have a 24/7 hotline so if they have a problem they can call or Skype with the person responsible for that tour.” 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE


Make your field trip dreams a reality with our guide to funding opportunities in the Northeast U.S. By Courtney Lind

A variety of funding opportunities make it possible to spread your student activity budget. 16



Field Trip Grants and Funding

Inside Creative House/


he hands-on experiences and memories made during field trips are priceless. What isn’t priceless, however, is the cost associated with arranging student travel opportunities outside the classroom. At a time when costs are soaring for nearly everything, it can seem daunting to arrange student travel opportunities. But not to worry. There are plenty of grants and funding opportunities available on a local, regional and national basis to ensure that educators can provide their students with the out-of-classroom experiences that are critical to a well-rounded education. In an effort to seek creative funding for your field trips, here are some resources around field trip grants to get you started. Remember to carefully read the requirements and guidelines for each grant to ensure that you are eligible and that your field trip fits within the parameters of the grant.

LOCAL AND COMMUNITY GRANTS Many funding opportunities are offered within each state and often involve an application process prior to selection. Here are just a few great examples across the Northeast & Mid-Atlantic to get you started. Be sure to check out any local attractions or destinations of interest too, to see if they offer funding opportunities for school groups. • Connecticut: Connecticut Space Grant Consortium – The NASA CTSGC awards K-12 field trip scholarships for aeronautics, aerospace and STEMrelated activities to specific locations including the New England Air Museum, Connecticut Science Center, Van Vleck Observatory, SHU Discovery Museum and more. • Delaware: Delaware Division of the Arts – The TranspARTation grant assists Delaware schools with transportation costs (up to $500) to attend arts and cultural events such as performances, events and exhibits throughout the state. • Maryland: The Maryland Center for History and Culture – This organization plays a crucial role in preserving Maryland’s diverse heritage and provides a variety of grants to help make its programs accessible to students. • Massachusetts: Local Cultural Council (LCC) Program – The LCC is the largest grassroots cultural funding network in the nation, and every year it awards more than $7 million to 7,500+ cultural programs that includes field trips to engage students in local arts and culture. • New Hampshire: We NHEED to Get Outside Grant – This grant aims to provide students with hands-on, experiential outdoor learning

Get your students traveling with the help of local and national grants.

opportunities. To date, over $55k in funding has been awarded to applicants, supporting experiences that involve observation and exploration in the beauty of the outdoors. • New Jersey: Field Trip New Jersey – This transportation-specific grant helps offset bus costs to low-income schools across the state by providing recipients with funding up to $700 per field trip. • New York: The Connect-Kids-to-Parks Field Trip Grant Program – Designed to connect students with history and nature, this grant accepts applications on a rolling basis. It offers a generous reimbursement of up to $80 per students for field trips to historic sites, federal parks, outdoor recreation areas and more. • Rhode Island: Rhode Island State Council on the Arts – The organization, in partnership with the Big Yellow School Bus Program, offers grants to K-12 schools to help cover the cost of transportation to arts-related field trips. • Across the Region: The American Battlefield Trust – With so many incredible historic sites in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, it makes sense to include them in your field trip plans. The American Battlefield Trust helps K-12 educators fund field trips to Civil War, War of 1812 or Revolutionary War battlefields or related sites. 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE



schools may request funding to supplement the price of a field trip ticket, while funds are available. This can offer savings of up to 76% off full-price admission. • The Road Scholarship Program – Offered by the SYTA Youth Foundation, this grant helps to cover travel costs related to field trips and student learning. • State Farm® Community Grants – State Farm® offers yearly grants that help educators who are committed to helping build safer, stronger and better-educated communities. These grants can be put toward field trips and other out-of-classroom activities. • Toshiba America Foundation – For those in the fields of science and math, Toshiba America grants help to support teacher-designed projects across a variety of grade levels. • Melinda Gray Ardia Environmental Foundation – This grant program is ideal for educators looking to enhance their environmental curriculum, providing support for integrated field activities, classroom teaching and problem solving. • You can also branch out and check with associations that are relevant to your subject area, such as the National Science Teachers Association or the National Council for the Social Studies. Be sure to check with your school’s PTA or other similar organizations, as they often have fundraising efforts and may be able to provide field trip grants for students.

Foundations across the country offer support for educators and new opportunities continue to arise year after year. Check out these offerings below for some of the current field trip grants offered on a national scale. • The NEA Foundation Student Success Grants – The NEA Foundation wants to support educators engaging students in project-based and deeper learning to support the development of skills and dispositions contributing to success and fulfillment in a changing world. Grants between $1,500 and $5,000 are available for a period of 12 months from the date of the award. • Voya Unsung Heroes – The Unsung Heroes program has helped thousands of K-12 educators fund innovative classroom and out-ofclassroom projects such as field trips. To date, nearly $5 million in grant money has been awarded. • Space Center Houston Title 1 Program – Under this program, Title 1

Hands-on learning outside the classroom becomes possible with additional funding opportunities. 18


Ground Picture/

GENERAL AND CORPORATE GRANTS Funding and grants change from year to year. Some may be available only once, while others continue year after year. To stay on top of current offerings we recommend checking out a grants database such as This comprehensive database of federal grants allows you to search using a host of parameters to narrow your search or just browse in the field of educational grants. You can also try websites such as, GetEdFunding. com,, or, which will allow you to create a fundraising campaign for your classroom to put toward field trips. Or simply head to Google, which is a great practice to stay on top of the ever-changing world of field trip grants, and search using terms such as “field trip grants for students” or “field trip funding in [my state].” You can also look for corporate grants, as many large corporations such as Costco, Walmart and Target provide funding to support education, including field trips.


Many funding opportunities target specific subject areas, such as programs dedicated to helping students explore the great outdoors.

Be sure to check out special offers for student groups as well as any “free days” happening near you. For local national parks, monuments or museums, take advantage of National Parks Free Days to explore the great outdoors with students. And under the Every Kid Outdoors program, all fourth graders get a pass for free admission into national parks for the year. This includes the family members of the student. On a local level, check out if the museums, performance venues or cultural centers in your area offer any free admission days for students throughout the school year. There are countless field trip grants and assistance programs available for educators, ranging from broad in scope to highly specialized. If you plan well in advance and spend a bit of time researching the opportunities that are available, it can reap great rewards for both you and your students.

Zack Frank/


Interested in bringing history to life for students? Many grants provide access to national historic sites. 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE


CITY CRUISES Students Explore and Learn with City Cruises

Adventure and learning awaits student groups with City Cruises’ unique floating venues

All photos courtesy of City Experiences




ity Cruises U.S. offers a unique way to explore 16 cities across the United States, providing a variety of experiences on the water. With climatecontrolled interiors and open-air outdoor decks, City Cruises ensures a safe and enjoyable environment while offering unparalleled views from the water. City Cruises U.S. is your ideal floating venue for a unique and enriching adventure on the water. Explore, learn and savor unforgettable moments with City Cruises. Year-round, City Cruises offers memorable and diverse experiences, from elegant dining to fun buffets, educational sightseeing adventures and interactive themed cruises. City Cruises is committed to providing unique opportunities for education and student groups, accommodating elementary, middle and high schools, as well as university events. City Cruises offers tailored, student-friendly menus, entertainment and allinclusive packages that can be adjusted to suit specific needs and budget. Additional offerings include dining cruises with three distinct levels each offering a world-class experience.

City Cruises U.S. offers a unique way to explore 16 cities across the United States, providing a variety of experiences on the water.

SITE INSPECTION cruise featuring a taco bar, DJ entertainment and Potomac River views) and Mount Vernon (explore George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate and gardens on a unique boat trip from Washington DC, recreating his journey.). • Student Groups in Baltimore: Cruise along the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, where you’ll be treated to up-close encounters with landmarks like the National Aquarium and Fort Henry. Enjoy a brunch, lunch or dinner on the Patapsco River with buffet dining and city skyline views. Take a 60-minute interactive tour to discover Baltimore’s history.

City Cruises offers fabulous narrated tours for student groups.

CITY CRUISES OPTIONS FOR STUDENT GROUPS For those interested in sightseeing, City Cruises offers narrated tours, speedboat thrill rides and whale-watching cruises, making it an ideal way to see a city from a different perspective. The company also specializes in hosting holidays and special events, tailoring their cruises to local festivities that reflect the city’s culture and history. From Christmas to 4th of July, City Cruises handles the planning, so guests can enjoy the day. Additionally, City Cruises offers private charters that can be fully customized, allowing groups to create all-inclusive packages with chef-designed menus and personalized cruising times.

• Norfolk Cruises for Students: Cruise along the Elizabeth River in Norfolk, where you’ll be treated to up-close encounters with landmarks like the Norfolk Naval Station and the Elizabeth River Trail. Dine on the Elizabeth River for brunch, lunch or dinner with buffet dining and

CITY CRUISES EXPERIENCES BY CITY (MID-ATLANTIC AND NORTHEAST) • Washington, DC Student Cruises: Cruise along the Potomac River in Washington, D.C., where you’ll be treated to up-close encounters with landmarks like the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. Enjoy an elegant lunch, brunch or dinner on the Potomac River with chef-prepared menus or experience a casual brunch, lunch or dinner with buffet dining, music and stunning views of the city’s skyline. Explore famous monuments from the Potomac River with reflective views of iconic landmarks. Special Event Cruises include the Cherry Blossom (view cherry blossoms on a vintage paddle-wheel vessel with a student

City Cruises takes you to the best attractions. 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE


views of the Navy’s Atlantic Fleet and Norfolk Skyline. Experience themed cruises like the Princess Lunch Cruise with entertainment and childfriendly options. Enjoy meeting your favorite storybook princess or prince onboard while you hear them sing songs, walk the decks and take photos with you. Includes a two-hour cruise, student-friendly lunch buffet, unlimited soft drinks, live entertainment and activities provided by the Hurrah Players. • Cruises for Students visiting Philadelphia: Cruise along the Delaware River in Philadelphia, where you’ll be treated to upclose encounters with landmarks like the Ben Franklin Bridge. Experience brunch, lunch or dinner on the Delaware River with buffet dining and city views. • New York Cruise for Student Travel Groups: Cruise along the Hudson and East Rivers, where you’ll be treated to up-close encounters with landmarks like the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, Brooklyn Bridge and One World Trade Center. Experience the epitome of luxury with our European-style Bateaux cruise in New York City while enjoying panoramic views of iconic landmarks and grooving to live music. Or get ready for non-stop fun on a buffet brunch, lunch or dinner cruise. Whether you’re cozying up inside or grooving on the open-air decks, rooftop deck games and lively DJ music will keep the party going. Take the NYC Downtown Sightseeing Cruise for a narrated tour with up22


Enjoy a luxurious experience on board a City Cruises floating venue.

close view of the city’s iconic landmarks. • Cruises for New Jersey Student Groups: Cruise along the Hudson and East Rivers, where you’ll be treated to up-close encounters with landmarks like the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, Brooklyn Bridge and One World Trade Center. No matter what you’re celebrating, a brunch, lunch or dinner cruise in New Jersey is all about having a seriously awesome time. You’ll be taking in the stunning views of New Jersey and New York’s skyline as you enjoy a laid-back buffet meal. Student Travel Planning Guide offers plenty more travel ideas for student groups, so be sure to Subscribe for FREE

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PENNSYLVANIA Historic Adventures and Rich Culture

P Photo courtesy of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Photo by Elizabeth Leitzell, 2016

ennsylvania is home to many firsts: the first American flag, the first baseball stadium, the first computer and the first daily newspaper. But that’s not all it has brought to the land of the free and the home of the brave. Independence Hall in Philadelphia housed the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Home to excellent museums and rich American history, the Keystone State is an ideal location for your next student adventure. So let freedom ring and visit one of the original 13 colonies, Pennsylvania.



The Carnegie Museum of Art features American and European works from the 16th century to present. Art Kids at the Philadelphia Museum of Art

Photo courtesy of the Philadelphia Museum of Art

PENNSYLVANIA and culture along the Delaware River. Climb aboard two National Historic Landmark ships: Cruiser Olympia and Submarine Becuna. For 50 years, Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s awardwinning environmental education program has been one of the cornerstones of their effort to reverse the Bay watershed’s decline. They offer hands-on, unique outdoor education experiences for students—on the water and on land—in some of the region’s most inspiring places.

The Embroidered Textiles of Punjab from the Jill and Sheldon Bonovitz Collection

HISTORY & HERITAGE The National Civil War Museum in Harrisburg is the largest museum in the world dedicated to the American Civil War. Though the museum is designed to be explored without a guide, historians are available to lead large groups and answer any questions. The museum offers students the chance to learn about the troubling issues that pitted brother against brother, and the nation’s struggle for survival and healing. Managed by the National Park Service, Gettysburg National Military Park protects almost


MARINE & AQUATIC Collections at Philadelphia’s Independence Seaport Museum document maritime history

Independence Seaport Museum Photo courtesy of Independence Seaport Museum

Part of the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, the Carnegie Museum of Art features American and European works from the 16th century to present. The museum welcomes students to engage with art and ideas in a Looking and Learning Tour, an inquiry-based conversational experience that engages students in careful observation, discussion and interpretation of objects from a variety of time periods and cultures. At the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s 200 galleries, visitors will find art that spans from antiquity to the present, including more than a dozen masterpieces from Monet. The museum offers tours designed to serve as interactive lessons for K-12 students. The African American Museum in Philadelphia is the first institution funded and built by a major municipality to preserve, interpret and exhibit the heritage of African Americans. AAMP offers a variety of programs and learning opportunities for visitors of all ages.

Independence Hall

7,000 acres of the site where the three-day Battle of Gettysburg was fought in July 1863. The park offers guided battlefield tours and free ranger-led educational programs. Explore the principles of U.S. democracy at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. The nonpartisan approach lets visitors understand and talk about their thoughts on the creation of the Constitution and how it is being interpreted in society today. Special group offerings, exhibits and programs allow students to get involved in civic engagement. Nearby is Independence Hall, the site of the signing of the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Built in 1732, George Washington was appointed commanderin-chief of the Continental Army there in 1775. During a visit, you can see the courtroom of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, Long Gallery, Governor’s Council Chamber and Committee of the Assembly Chamber Hall.




Philadelphia’s central location on the East Coast makes it a top pick for educators. Explore the nation’s most historic square mile, with attractions like the Liberty Bell, National Constitution Center and Museum of the American Revolution. Steeped in history, Philadelphia continues to grow, with plenty of new things to see. From the Museum of Illusions to new exhibits at The Franklin Institute, there is something for everyone.

DAY 1 of Activities for Students in Philadelphia With a robust history and a variety of vibrant arts and culture institutions, a day trip to Philadelphia is not enough time to fully experience everything the City of Brotherly Love has to offer. Make the most of your visit and plan to discover Philadelphia over three full days. Start your day in the birthplace of the nation, in America’s most historic square mile visiting iconic institutions like the Liberty Bell Center and the Betsy Ross House. Pose and snap a photo with lifesize statues of the Signers of the Constitution at the National Constitution Center all before lunch! Take your students for a yummy lunch break at group-friendly restaurants like Campo’s or Philly’s Gourmet Steaks. Continue your group’s history lesson by discovering how faith played a role in shaping the nation at the Faith and Liberty Discovery Center. Don’t forget to go see General Washington’s




tent at the Museum of the American Revolution. After a full day of history, strike out the day with your students at South Bowl for a fun night of bowling. Head back to your group’s hotel to rest up before another jam-packed day.

For day two, begin the morning by exploring the Philadelphia Zoo, America’s first zoo and home to more than 1,900 rare and endangered animals. Afterwards, have a step-on guide join your group’s bus to give an insider’s perspective on the city and learn more about the history lessons from the day before. On your return to the city, bring your students to Reading Terminal Market, one of America’s oldest public markets. With some 80 merchants, there’s a variety of options to accommodate all palates. Once your group has refueled, take your students to explore Philadelphia’s many museums. Explore the cell blocks at Eastern State Penitentiary and discover a world beyond our own at “Wondrous Space” at The Franklin Institute, a new exhibit dedicated to the science and careers of space exploration. Close the day with a tour of the University of Pennsylvania combined with a visit to the Penn Museum, where students can unearth history with an after-hours scavenger hunt and dinner.

Photo courtesy of the Museum of Illusions

DAY 2 of Things To Do for Student Field Trips

Museum of Illusions, Philadelphia, PA 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE


On day three, immerse your group in Philadelphia’s vibrant art scene. Begin your journey at the top of the Benjamin Franklin Parkway with the iconic Philadelphia Museum of Art. Explore renowned art collections with students before taking a run up the “Rocky Steps.” At the museum’s 200 galleries, visitors will find art that spans from antiquity to the present, including more than a dozen masterpieces from Monet. The museum offers tours designed to serve as interactive lessons for K-12 students. The African American Museum in Philadelphia is the first institution funded and built by a major municipality to preserve, interpret and exhibit the heritage of African Americans. AAMP offers a variety of programs and learning opportunities for visitors of all ages, including guided tours, film screenings, and hands-on arts and crafts activities. Continue your morning with a visit to the Rodin Museum, where the famed “Thinker” is surrounded by a captivating sculpture garden. After lunch, delve into the Barnes Foundation’s exceptional post-impressionist and modern art collection. Follow this with an engaging Mural Arts Tour, discovering the works of the nation’s largest public art program that has resulted in thousands of colorful murals in neighborhoods throughout the city. Uncover the many colorful, wonders of Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens, a mosaic art experience created by artist Isaiah Zagar, where students can explore the indoor and outdoor 28


Photo by M. Kennedy

DAY 3 Philadelphia Museums and More

Betsy Ross House, Philadelphia, PA

galleries filled with intricate mosaic installations. End your group’s stay in Philadelphia with a show on the Avenue of the Arts. The arts and culture hub is home to some of the city’s most notable performing arts institutions, including the Kimmel Center, the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Philadelphia Ballet, and the Walnut Street Theatre, which has children’s productions as part of its performing arts season. Philadelphia is more than just your ordinary tour with educational adventures that make student groups want to visit again and again. For more information about Philadelphia and other great destinations for student travel, be sure to Subscribe to Student Planning Guide for FREE.

CONTACT Annie Jirapatnakul, Global Tourism Sales & Services Manager 215-636-3405

A departure FROM THE



Kids are like sponges. So take them someplace where they can really soak up the fun! Centrally located on the East Coast, Philadelphia is a top pick for group planners. Explore the nation’s most historic square mile at Independence National Historical Park, visit the famous Liberty Bell, stroll Elfreth’s Alley and visit even more iconic attractions throughout the city. START PLANNING TODAY AT DISCOVERPHL.COM/GROUP-TOUR.


The Presidential Places of Gettysburg

Discover the historic impact of Abraham Lincoln, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy and Franklin D. Roosevelt at Gettysburg


hile The Battle of Gettysburg has always been the main attraction, there is a lesser-known aspect to the story of this historic and powerful place: the presidential side. Here, we explore four presidents whose presence can be felt at Gettysburg.

Photo Credit by Destination Gettysburg




• The Eternal Light Peace Memorial - The Eternal Light Peace Memorial was erected to commemorate the 1913 reunion for the 50th anniversary of the battle. On July 3, 1938, during the 75th anniversary of the battle, President Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicated it. After his heart-felt speech, the memorial was lit by one soldier from each side, signifying a continuity of peace between the two sides. This moving memorial served as inspiration for President John F. Kennedy’s grave at Arlington National Cemetery. • Gettysburg National Cemetery - Shortly after the Battle of Gettysburg, local attorney David Wills and others petitioned for a national cemetery in Gettysburg. After locals scrambled to bury the dead soldiers, the State of Pennsylvania purchased land along Baltimore

The Eisenhower National Historic Site

Photo Credits by Destination Gettysburg

nspiredGETTYSBURG! learning ARD 2023 SYTA AW avel Tr Top Student n io at in Dest


Lincoln Address Memorial, Gettysburg National Cemetery

Pike. After completion of the cemetery in 1864, President Abraham Lincoln traveled to Gettysburg to dedicate this hallowed ground. • The Eisenhower National Historic Site - After an illustrious career, Dwight D. Eisenhower and wife, Mamie Eisenhower were looking for a place to call home close to where he was stationed near Gettysburg. They purchased a farm less than a half a mile from the Gettysburg Battlefield. Afterwards, Eisenhower became President. During their time on the farm, they entertained prominent guests. All were treated to a tour of the battlefield and a dinner party in Eisenhower’s favorite spot in the home, his sunroom. • The David Wills House - Born and raised in Pennsylvania, David Wills moved to Gettysburg in 1859 to open a law office. Shortly after the Battle of Gettysburg, Wills became a prominent figure of the establishment of the Gettysburg National Cemetery at Gettysburg. For the cemetery’s dedication day, Wills invited President Abraham Lincoln and his dignitaries to dine and stay at his home. While there, Lincoln finished his speech known as the Gettysburg Address. Gettysburg still has plenty more for student groups, so be sure to Read More About Gettysburg and Subscribe to Student Travel Planning Guide for FREE

Gettysburg, a town whose very name speaks to the American story. Allow your students to experience one of the most dramatic turning points in our country’s history — and gain a firsthand insight into this pivotal chapter of our nation’s journey. Immerse your students in living history! LEARN MORE

Contact: Lindsay Methlie, Director of Sales |




Museum of the American Revolution

Engaging and thoughtful experiences for students of all ages

Photos courtesy of the Museum of the American Revolution




hether virtually or in-person, the Museum of the American Revolution creates immersive, engaging experiences for students that explore the nuanced and inspiring story of the nation’s founding. Students will learn how the early stages of the colonists’ rebellion took hold and discover how the Revolution survived its darkest hours through the stories of people on all sides of the conflict, from loyalists and colonists to enslaved and free people of color. In the museum’s galleries, students can listen in as life-like tableau figures representing members of the Oneida Indian Nation discuss whether to side with the Continental Army. Then, students can view a panoramic Battlefield Theater experience that captures the frenzy of being on the front lines during the Battle of Brandywine. From standing beneath the branches of a life-size recreation of a Liberty Tree to climbing aboard a replica privateer ship to load a cannon, students will explore what the Revolution was like from the perspectives of people who experienced it. Students will gain a deeper understanding of the diverse people and complex events that sparked the ongoing American experiment. Generations of Americans and visitors from abroad have found inspiration in the presence

At the Museum of the American Revolution, students explore the remarkable story of America’s founding.

Museum of the American Revolution

of General George Washington’s headquarters tent, which is permanently displayed as part of a powerful theater experience at the Museum. A new upcoming special exhibit, “Witness to Revolution,” (Feb 17, 2024 - Jan 5, 2025) explores the stories of individuals who saved Washington’s tent from being lost to time and who ultimately fashioned this relic into a symbol of the fragile American republic. The museum offers multiple onsite experiences for school groups, including in-museum field trips. Explore the galleries with a museum educator who will guide students through the story of the American Revolution with questions like Who are the people of the Revolution? and What kind of nation did the Revolution create? Its flagship field trip program, Through Their Eyes: Major Causes and Events of the American Revolution, invites students to explore the major causes and events of the American Revolution through the eyes of the men, women and children who lived through it. This 90-minute tour includes a viewing of the 12-minute film, Washington’s War Tent, which features a dramatic reveal of the original tent General Washington used during the Revolutionary War. Student groups can now enhance their visit with an interactive, themed activity to their visit. Step into the role of curator in Thinking Like a Historian; explore the stories of enslaved men, women, and children in Whose Liberty? or learn about life on a military campaign in Within These Walls. All programs are 45 minutes and hosted in our John M. Templeton, Jr. Education Center.

A variety of virtual distance learning programs are also available. Further details can be found at visit-group, by emailing or calling 267-579-3623

Rediscover the Revolution

In-Museum and Distance Learning Programs Available BOOK YOUR VISIT TODAY!




The Lessons of Gettysburg

Explore how history inspires important topics of today at Gettysburg National Military Park Museum & Visitor Center

Photo courtesy of Gettysburg Foundation




istory comes alive as students learn the significance of Gettysburg, covering relevant topics during a field trip to Pennsylvania’s Gettysburg National Military Park and Eisenhower National Historic Site. Find more than a history lesson when exploring Gettysburg with the Gettysburg Foundation, in partnership with the National Park Service. The Gettysburg National Military Park Museum & Visitor Center and our historic sites and experiences are sure to make your students’ field trip memorable. Begin your visit at the Museum & Visitor Center with the introductory film presentation of A New Birth of Freedom, produced by The History Channel and narrated by Morgan Freeman. Experience the iconic Gettysburg Cyclorama and become immersed in the massive 360-degree painting depicting Pickett’s Charge. A Rough Coarse Life: The World of the Civil War Soldier offers a window into soldiers’ lives, experiences and memories through unique artifacts, documents and art. The Museum & Visitor

Find more than a history lesson when exploring Gettysburg with the Gettysburg Foundation, in partnership with the National Park Service.

Photo courtesy of Gettysburg Foundation

Students explore Gettysburg history through interactive exhibits at Children of Gettysburg 1863®.

Center displays and cares for artifacts from Gettysburg National Military Park’s collection of 1.25 million artifacts, the largest and most diverse publicly held collection of American Civil War artifacts in the world. Step onto Gettysburg’s hallowed ground when you visit the battlefield with an expert Licensed Battlefield Guide providing the narrative. Visit iconic battlefield locations with 1,300 monuments and markers throughout more than 6,000-acres of preserved battlefield land. Younger groups discover stories of Gettysburg through experiences and firsthand accounts of children and young adults who lived here during the 1863 battle in the Children of Gettysburg 1863® interactive history museum. Travel back to 1863 in Ticket to the Past—Unforgettable Journeys at the Gettysburg Lincoln Railroad Station™. Through virtual technology, students meet historic figures and unexpected occupants to the railroad station. Get a glimpse of our 16th President’s arrival, feel the impact of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and consider how it influences us today. Groups of 16 students or more and their chaperones receive discounts for experiences and exhibits by the Gettysburg Foundation. The Museum & Visitor Center offers group breakfasts, dinners and boxed meal options. For more information about group tours and field trips, visit and call 877-874-2478 to plan your group visit to explore Gettysburg.

Gettysburg National Military Park Museum & Visitor Center T H E O F F I C I A L S TA R T TO YO U R G E T T Y S B U R G V I S I T


Special Exhibit Now Open

GETTYSBURG WITH YOUR GROUP See the Film. Experience the Gettysburg Cyclorama. Explore the Museum.

Tour the Battleeld with a Licensed Battleeld Guide. Connect with National Park Service Ranger programs. Explore Eisenhower National Historic Site. Visit the David Wills House and Gettysburg National Cemetery. Journey to our historic sites and experiences. Proceeds from tickets and other purchases in the Museum & Visitor Center benefit Gettysburg National Military Park and Eisenhower National Historic Site.

To customize your educational group visits, call 877-874-2478. GROUP DISCOUNTS | BOXED MEALS | DEDICATED GROUP ENTRANCE | BUS PARKING 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE


Celebrate A Seminal Moment in American History

Students can discover the vital role the U.S. Constitution played in our government’s formation through enthralling stories, historic documents and compelling evidence

T Photos courtesy of the National Constitution Center Stanislav




he National Constitution Center in Philadelphia brings together people of all ages and perspectives, across America and around the world, to learn about, debate, and celebrate the greatest vision of human freedom in history, the U.S. Constitution. Visit the museum in person for an immersive field trip and discover rare artifacts and interactive showcases inspired by the U.S. Constitution, or experience the museum online through live online tours, interactive programs, and classes. The National Constitution Center is the first and only museum dedicated to the U.S. Constitution. Through interactive exhibits, rare artifacts, and live theater, the Center brings the Constitution to life for visitors of all ages. In Signers’ Hall, walk among 42 life-size bronze statues of the signers of the Constitution. In the Story of We the People, explore over 100 multimedia elements and discover for

The National Constitution Center brings the Constitution to life for visitors of all ages with exhibits, artifacts and live theater.


Students will love the wide variety of exhibits at the center.

yourself why the U.S. Constitution is as important today as it was over 200 years ago.


BRING THE MUSEUM INTO YOUR CLASSROOM After your visit, bring the National Constitution Center home with you and into your classroom! Museum resources include an online Interactive Constitution and drawing on primary source documents from the new, curated online Founders’ Library—containing over 170 historical texts and over 70 landmark Supreme Court cases selected by leading experts of different perspectives— students can study the historical and philosophical foundations of America’s founding principles from a range of diverse voices.

VISIT THE NATIONAL CONSTITUTION CENTER This must-see museum is located at 525 Arch Street just steps from the historic Liberty Bell and Independence Hall making this a magnificent field trip destination. Groups of 15 students or more receive discounted admission rates to premier exhibits, history tours, and educational programs.

For more information about planning your next field trip at the National Constitution Center, visit and create a memorable experience for the entire class.

Contact Gina Romanelli at or 215.409.6695 Philadelphia, PA | 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE



Mystery Magic

Without A Cue Productions creates mysteries for kids of all ages

All photos courtesy of Without A Cue Productions LLC




or over 20 years, Without A Cue Productions LLC has brought high quality and hilarious parody theater to Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware and beyond. After years of being voted the best theater group in Bucks County, we have found a permanent home in the Philadelphia area. The laughs have come to our venue, the Red Rum Theater, located in the heart of Old City at the beautiful Curtis Building, 601 Walnut Street, across the street from Independence Hall. Without A Cue Productions’ mission with our Red Rum Theater is to ensure that our audiences leave with a smile on their faces, a fond memory to talk about with your friends, and a desire to solve more mysteries. If you’re very observant and a little bit lucky you may go home the grand prize winner, and don’t worry if not — everyone is a winner. We have a number of kid-friendly mysteries available, including “Who Cracked the Liberty Bell” (fun, interactive history of Philadelphia) and “How Rudy Got His Glow Back” (an interactive holiday show perfect for kids of all ages). Audience members are encouraged to get on their feet and participate in the action, and every entertaining show has an educational element. A variety of food packages are available, from snack packages to full hot meals.

Children interact with actors during “Who Cracked the Liberty Bell”

Solve a mystery at Red Rum Theater

Get your mug shot at Red Rum Theater

Our experienced entertainers are dedicated to ensuring your child’s party is a success. Without A Cue’s mission is to ensure every single party guest has a blast — from age 3 to 90!

Contact info: 267-994-1056 and



Photo courtesy of Independence Seaport Museum


Students engage in hands-on learning at the Independence Seaport Museum.

Independence Seaport Museum Discovering Philadelphia’s river of history and world of connections


ocated along the Delaware River in Philadelphia, the Independence Seaport Museum welcomes students of all ages year-round. At the Museum, water is the unifying thread, connecting our historic ships and award-winning exhibitions so your group can discover the history, science and cultural communities around Philadelphia’s waterways. Students are encouraged to climb aboard the Museum’s two ships, Cruiser Olympia and Submarine Becuna, to experience what life was like aboard for all those who served. Cruiser Olympia is the oldest floating steel warship left in the world and is only one of two ships left from World War I, while Submarine Becuna, a World War II-era submarine, served over 20 years before being decommissioned and making her home in Philadelphia. Visitors’ connection to water doesn’t end with the ships; it carries them to the Museum’s main building, full of award-winning exhibitions. Learn the story of the founding of the United States Navy (which happened in Philadelphia) in Patriots & Pirates and discover how the Delaware River is a crucial component for 15 million people in River Alive!. At the Water’s Edge, the Museum’s latest exhibit uncovers the story of those who lived and worked along the Delaware River. Students can also explore African Americans’ struggle for freedom in Tides of Freedom, which offers a unique lens on this period by connecting it with the Delaware River.

From STEM to history, a field trip to the Independence Seaport Museum has something for everyone! Book your visit today



Photo courtesy of the Faith and Liberty Discovery Center


The Faith and Liberty Discovery Center opened in 2021.

American History. Illuminated. Philadelphia’s most immersive, hi-tech, award-winning museum.

Students can discover how faith inspired key individuals who have impacted our country, from our founding through today. To learn more or schedule a group tour, please contact Lisa Arrell at

Faith and Liberty Discovery Center

A Brand New Immersive Faith-Based Museum Attracts Students and Educators


new immersive museum has opened in the great city of Philadelphia, loaded with high-tech interactive exhibits perfect for student groups. Faith and Liberty Discovery Center on Independence Mall welcomed its first visitors in May 2021, offering exciting stories about America’s diverse history. Glimpse colonial Philadelphia through exhibits focusing on American values that shaped our nation: faith, liberty, justice, hope, unity and love. Learn how faith and the Bible influenced citizens struggling with social injustices like voting rights and slavery in the Struggling Towards Justice exhibition. A core aspect of this museum is the overwhelming power spiritual values can have and how important love and hope are for community survival. Lisa Arrell, Senior Manager of Sales and Marketing at the museum, emphasizes, “Students can come in and discover how faith has inspired key individuals who have made an impact on our country, from our founding through today.” Hear heartfelt stories from individuals who turned to the Bible for guidance. Learn how the power of faith gave them spiritual strength and resolve in The Reality of Hope exhibit. Immerse in an interactive theater experience where you can join William Penn’s journey to the new colony in Liberty’s Light. Step into the circle of historical and inspiring stories with a FLDC Lamp and explore the creation and development of Philadelphia. The museum offers student trips for grades six through twelve with an option to tailor the trip for college students.

Visit their website to download the Student Group Trip Checklist at and learn more about group trips. 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE


NEW YORK One-of-a-kind Experiences Await


Photo courtesy of Niagara Falls State Park

ew York is celebrated for its diverse art and culture, skyscrapers, and rich history. The Empire State is the home of Central Park, the George Eastman Museum, and several institutions of the future. The great state of New York welcomes learners of all types and backgrounds and your next student adventure awaits you here.



The Metropolitan Museum of Art features 5,000 years of art from around the globe. Niagara Falls State Park offers a variety of dramatic ways to view all it offers.

Photo courtest of the Guggenheim Museum

engage students in careful observation, and develop language and critical-thinking skills.

MARINE & AQUATIC Niagara Falls State Park provides spellbinding viewpoints and iconic attractions at the Cave of the Winds & The World Changed Here Pavilion. Here, descend into Niagara Gorge to learn the history of the falls. Then get outfitted for a wet experience on the “Hurricane Deck” a few feet away from Bridal Veil Falls with yearround tropical storm-type weather conditions. Or hop aboard the Maid of the Mist and travel through thundering falls and over rolling rapids surrounded by dramatic rock formations.

NYC’s Guggenheim Museum


HISTORY & HERITAGE New York is home to some of the most important historical landmarks and events. Visit the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island and nearby Ellis Island for an inspiring history lesson. Take the Statue of Liberty out of the textbook and place it in front of their eyes. Explore the Statue of Liberty Museum to get the full story behind this incredible monument. Make sure to have your camera ready to catch awe-inspiring views. Hop over to Ellis Island to tour the National Museum of Immigration, which was one of the Niagara Falls State Park Photo courtesy of Naigara Falls State Park

New York City is the home of the world’s most prominent artists and holds the most spectacular plays, musicals and contemporary art exhibitions. Using the latest technology, the Museum of Broadway in Times Square offers a behindthe-curtain look at how a show is made and a timeline of Broadway history. Workshop groups have access to their Educational Guide, which includes pre-visit lessons, what to expect from the workshop, and post-visit activities and resources. Through its theatrical group sales division, Disney on Broadway can customize a program designed to satisfy your group’s needs for productions ranging from The Lion King to Frozen. Additionally, educators can bring the magic into their classrooms before their trips with special study guides and classroom materials. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, popularly known as The Met, features 5,000 years of art from around the globe. Student groups can reserve a guide. The Guggenheim Museum is just as famous for its Frank Lloyd Wright-designed building as its modern and contemporary artworks. On-site school tours are available and are facilitated by their team of professional youth educators. They are designed to foster active learning and making,

Photo courtesy of Hudson County


The iconic Statue of Liberty in New York

halls immigrants walked themselves upon their arrival. Also on site is the American Immigrant Wall of Honor. Here, visitors can truly get to know about the first wave of immigration and how immigrants actually embodied our nation’s ideals. These destinations are only accessible by ferries operated by Statue City Cruises. Additional tickets are not needed to enter the Statue of Liberty Museum or National Museum of Immigration. Manhattan’s RiseNY offers immersive museum-style galleries and a themepark worthy experience to tell the rich history of New York City. The Jackie Robinson Museum in Lower Manhattan’s Soho neighborhood celebrates the life and career of the first African American to play Major League Baseball in the modern era. Besides spotlighting his accomplishments on the field, museum exhibits, bolstered by artifacts, videos and interactive experiences, focus on his achievements in the business world and role in the civil rights movement of the 1950s and ’60s. There is a classroom for student and youth groups. 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE


DISNEY THEATER Disney on Broadway brings the Magic to Life on Stage


tudent groups will step inside the magic with Disney on Broadway’s Hit Musicals! From the iconic Aladdin and The Lion King to immersive theatrical workshops, there is no shortage of magic for your group when they visit New York City. For generations, children have grown up enchanted by the special sort of magic only found in Disney movies. Starting in 1994, Disney has interpreted some of their well-loved classics to the Broadway Stage. Since its foundation, eight Disney Broadway titles have been seen by over 128 million theatergoers, been nominated for 52 Tony Awards, and have won Broadway’s highest honor 19 times. From the Pride Lands of Africa, to the streets of Agrabah, to the snowy mountaintops of Adendelle, Disney on Broadway continues to transport audiences of all ages into their world of magic where dreams come true.

Photo by Matthew Murphy




For over 25 years, The Lion King has been performing on Broadway, finding its home at Minskoff Theatre since it opened in 1997. The blending of Broadway-style songs and staging with African rhythm, dance and voices has

Since its foundation, eight Disney Broadway titles, including The Lion King, have been seen by over 128 million theatergoers. ©Disney

SITE INSPECTION contributed to the musical’s 70 major theater awards and its international popularity. On Broadway, this musical brings the characters to life and becomes a very human story through the use of evocative masks and costumes that merge the human figure with animal physicality with larger-than-life puppets that reveal the human performers underneath. If your group can’t make it to New York City, The Lion King is also on a North American Tour, with dates and locations through 2024.

Aladdin has transformed the New Amsterdam Theatre in New York City into the streets of Agrabah eight nights a week. With over 84 separate special effects featured throughout the musical adaptation, there is no shortage of the magic and spectacle, which has made the movie a beloved classic. In its Broadway production, Aladdin’s original inspiration from jazz legends of the early 1900s is more evident than ever in the live renditions of “Prince Ali”, “One Jump Ahead” and “Friend like Me.” The costuming is also an unsung hero of the on-stage production. Over 300 people from 26 different countries worked together on these costumes, the most ornate having 8,000 individual Swarovski crystals. This experience isn’t limited to New York, as Aladdin is also on a North American Tour, with short engagements in every region of the United States. Disney Theatrical Group has also developed an Aladdin study guide to further engage student groups with the themes of the musical. This

Photo by Matthew Murphy


Aladdin has transformed the New Amsterdam Theatre in New York City into the streets of Agrabah eight performances a week. ©Disney 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE


Photo by Matthew Murphy

guide has material for before and after the show in order to provide students with additional historical context and integrate the themes into exercises in Language Arts, Social Studies, and Arts education.

DISCOVER THE WORLD OF DISNEY ON BROADWAY WITH DISNEY WORKSHOPS Student groups can dive into the movement and music of Disney’s Broadway shows when they add on a workshop. Developed by Disney’s Education and Audience Engagement team, the workshops are taught by top-tier Teaching Artists that will take your group though a musical theatre journey. No matter the skill level, Disney’s Teaching Artists will find the inner performer in each guest and create a welcoming environment for everyone to express themselves, and feel what it’s like to be a Broadway performer.

For over 25 years, The Lion King has been performing on Broadway, finding its home at Minskoff Theater since it opened in 1997. ©Disney 46


CONTACT Disney Theatrical Sales 214 West 42nd Street New York, NY 10036 212-703-1040 | 800-439-9000






It’s time to dive into the exciting world of Disney on Broadway! Become a part of the show as you experience an exclusive and interactive Disney Broadway Workshop.

Education is a vital part of our world at Disney on Broadway. With study guides and more, you can find the educational resources you need to add some magic to your classroom!




800-439-9000 • Start planning your Disney on Broadway group trip today! ©Disney


Exploring The Museum of Modern Art

From famous contemporary artists to video games, NYC’s MoMA recognizes art in many unique forms

Photo courtesy of the Museum of Modern Art




he Museum of Modern Art in New York City is the perfect place to introduce students to modern and contemporary art. Visitors can enjoy iconic paintings like Vincent van Gogh’s “The Starry Night” and Claude Monet’s “Water Lilies,” alongside classics by Pablo Picasso, Frida Kahlo, Andy Warhol, Salvador Dalí, Georgia O’Keeffe, and many more. The Museum of Modern Art was founded in 1929. From an initial gift of eight prints and one drawing, MoMA’s collection has grown to approximately 200,000 works of art. Home to the world’s first architecture and design department, the museum even has emojis, a Ferrari F1 race car, and Pac-Man in its collection—there is something for everyone! Following a recent major renovation in 2019, visitors can enjoy expanded galleries and even more of MoMA’s exciting collection seven days a week.

THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART FOR STUDENT GROUPS Group visitors receive discounts—student

The Museum of Modern Art’s collection has grown to approximately 200,000 works of art.

Photo courtesy of the Museum of Modern Art

Inspiration around every corner

The museum’s ticket is all-inclusive, so students can visit all six floors.

admission starts at just $8—and a dedicated entry time. The museum’s ticket is all-inclusive, so students can visit all six floors of the museum without any extra fee for special exhibitions. Free audio programs and tours are accessible via the museum’s website or through the Bloomberg Connects app. Visitors can even use their MoMA ticket to gain entry to MoMA PS1, a contemporary art center in Long Island City, Queens.

GUIDED TOURS AT MOMA IN NEW YORK If groups are interested in a more intensive experience, MoMA provides customizable guided tours. Whether a group wants to enjoy the highlights of the collection or focus on an artist or art period, our highly experienced art professionals can provide a tour tailored to the students and their studies. The museum also provides before-hours and after-hours tours when the museum is closed to the public. For teachers, MoMA offers free online resources through the MoMA Learning site and teaching lessons through Coursera. Course participants can learn from MoMA curators and colleagues on a variety of subjects for a range of ages.

For more information, contact the Groups and Tours department at or 212-708-9685.


Plan your visit today (212) 708-9685

Claude Monet. Water Lilies. 1914-26. Oil on canvas, three panels. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Mrs. Simon Guggenheim Fund. Photo: Gus Powell



Photo by Damian Neufeld Ennead Architects


Exterior Cathedral of St. John the Divine

Experience the Heart and Soul of New York City!

· Largest Gothic Cathedral in the World · Renaissance to Contemporary Art Collection · Bus Parking at the entrance and Mass Transit nearby · Available for K-12, College, Adults, and Seniors Contact us to book your visit: 212-932-7347

Cathedral of St. John the Divine: An Architectural Wonder Let students discover the awe-inspiring architecture of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine


he Cathedral of St. John the Divine is the world’s largest Gothic cathedral and an icon of the growth and history that makes New York City the greatest city in the world. Stepping inside the Cathedral, visitors are amazed by the symphony of carved stone, delighted by the shimmering stained-glass windows, and inspired by the enormity of this singular New York space. The Cathedral’s collection of art, stained glass, sculpture, and tapestries are complemented with an array of public programs, services, and community outreach efforts that create year-round opportunities for visitors to join the Cathedral’s mission of openness and inclusion. Tours on a wide variety of topics are available for all ages and groups of any size, including: • Vertical Tours invite you to scale the heights of this massive church right up to the roof, with views of midtown Manhattan. • Highlights Tours keep your feet on the ground and teach you about the history, architecture, stained glass, and art collection. • Choir Sings raise voices in majestic harmony. • Self-Guided Visits allow visitors to wander at their own pace. • Specialty Tours focus on subjects such as Architecture, Geometry, Medieval History, World Religions, Contemporary Art, and more! The Cathedral’s location in Harlem provides a suitable backdrop for visitors who seek authentic local activities and neighborhood experiences, including a variety of unique cafes and restaurants. Located just minutes from Times Square with proximity to local restaurants, parks, and trains, and with convenient bus parking, it is easy to build itineraries that include the Cathedral of St. John the Divine.

New York has plenty more attractions and destinations for students and travel groups wanting to experience great views and architecture in NY.



Photo courtesy of RiseNY


A Soaring New York Experience

RiseNY combines a spectacular, soaring ride with museum-style galleries to celebrate the history of the Big Apple.

E RiseNY celebrates the history of NYC with museum-style galleries and a soaring ride.

mbark on a three-part journey that lifts and connects you to New York City’s most famous sites and moments. Start with a captivating film by award-winning documentarian Ric Burns, explore museum-style galleries that transport you through the city’s expansive pop-culture evolution. Then, fly over the iconic skyline on a soaring ride that suspends you 30 feet in the air! Get ready to fall in love with New York all over again. Soar to New (York) heights on a spectacular uplifting ride. This world-class flying theater gives visitors a unique bird’s-eye view of the Big Apple. The 46seat flight simulation ride is the first of its kind in Manhattan. You will be lifted 30 feet into the air and take in the splendor of NYC while suspended inside a 180-degree, 40-foot projection dome featuring 8K aerial footage that creates the sensation of flight. Full motion seats let you dip, turn and soar, while wind, mist, and scents heighten the experience. Catch an immersive film by award-winning documentarian Ric Burns and James Sanders, narrated by beloved actor Jeff Goldblum. Learn about NYC’s history, specifically Times Square and its global impact. Fall in love with New York all over again as the room springs to life and transforms into a fully immersed theater with visual and special effects. Explore NYC’s vibrant pop-cultural evolution to see its indelible impact on the world. Journey through seven galleries - Finance, Skyline, TV/Radio, Fashion, Music, Broadway and Film - that spotlight historic artifacts, starstudded memorabilia and engaging, fun and educational displays, co-curated by beloved cultural institutions.

New York still has a lot more to offer educators and student groups, so be sure to check out our RiseNY student guide and get more travel information for student groups in New York. 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE


MARYLAND A Fun and Memorable Place for Student Field Trips


Photo by Maximilian Franz

efined by its abundant waterways and coastlines on the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean, Maryland provides many opportunities to learn about America’s seafaring past (to say nothing of enjoying its local blue crabs). Educational harbor cruises are available in Baltimore, Annapolis and elsewhere. Exhibits at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in St. Michaels and Calvert Marine Museum in Solomons recall the importance of water in Maryland’s history. With its proximity to Washington, D.C., many field trip groups combine a few days in Maryland with a visit to our nation’s Capital.

The Reginald F. Lewis Museum is the authentic voice of Maryland African American art, history and culture. Baltimore Museum of Art’s Violet Hour Concert




Recognized as one of the world’s most important orchestras, the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra has attracted a devoted national and international following while maintaining deep bonds throughout Maryland via innovative education and community outreach initiatives. America’s official national museum and education center for intuitive, self-taught artistry, Baltimore’s American Visionary Art Museum offers guided and self-guided tours plus lesson plans and educational resources. Located in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, the Reginald F. Lewis Museum is the authentic voice of Maryland African American art, history and culture. Available for pre-K through high school students, tours of the Baltimore Museum of Art’s collections and exhibitions combine close looking with interactive discussion. Tour themes include nature, feelings, stories in art, portraits and play. Located in Baltimore’s Mount Vernon Cultural District, the Walters Art Museum offers in-person and virtual tours for pre-K school group with opportunities for both docent-led and self-guided experiences. The Chesapeake Shakespeare Company unlocks the magic of the Bard’s words with specially priced student matinees.

Photo courtesy of Fort McHenry


Fort McHenry

HISTORY & HERITAGE One of the 13 original colonies, Maryland is the perfect place for field trips delving into American history. Attacked by the British in the War of 1812, Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine in Baltimore Harbor is where Francis Scott Key penned his poem “The Star-

National Aquarium in Baltimore Photo courtesy of National Aquarium

Cone Wing rotunda

Baltimore’s National Aquarium is home to sharks, dolphins, turtles and other marine animals. For school field trips, its education programs offer hands-on discovery, structured lab activities and live animal encounters. All programs support Next Generation Science Standards. Located in Solomons, the Calvert Marine Museum combines pre-history, natural history and maritime heritage to tell a unique story of the Chesapeake Bay. Step back in time with a visit to Baltimore’s Project Liberty Ship S.S. John W. Brown, one of only two surviving fully operational Liberty Ships that participated in World War II, which operates now as a historic museum.

Spangled Banner.”. Students learn about the Civil War’s bloodiest one-day battle at Antietam National Battlefield, near Sharpsburg. The Colonial Annapolis Historic District offers an impressive concentration of 18th century buildings, including homes of the four Maryland signers of the Declaration of Independence. A field trip to Annapolis, the capital of Maryland, is not complete without a visit to the U.S. Naval Academy Museum. Historic St. Mary’s City, an 800-acre museum of archaeology and living history, is another amazing field trip idea that features costumed guides who interpret life in Maryland’s first capital, founded in 1634. On Maryland’s Eastern Shore, an important chapter in African American history comes alive at the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center, which opened in March 2017 in Church Creek. Students learn about Tubman’s daring missions to lead some 70 friends and family members to freedom on the Underground Railroad, a secret network of places and people.





The Crown Jewel of Baltimore City’s Inner Harbor is The Aquarium

Become scientific explorers and marine biologists at the National Aquarium in Baltimore where students can discover enigmatic sea creatures and intriguing natural curiosities


Photos courtesy of the National Aquarium

visit to the National Aquarium in Baltimore, Maryland is like stepping into an underwater world full of extraordinary aquatic flora and fauna moving all around you. Immerse in marine science through interactive exhibits and cultivate a life-long appreciation for nautical habitats and scientific discovery. Our nation’s first public aquarium has been educating visitors since 1873 upon its inception. After several relocations, the National Aquarium found a permanent home in Baltimore City’s Inner Harbor on August 8, 1981, instantly becoming the crown jewel of Baltimore.



LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES On weekdays during the Baltimore City school year (early September through late June), student groups in grades pre-K through 12 can partake in age-appropriate aquarium adventures that align with Next Generation

The National Aquarium in Baltimore is America’s first public aquarium and has been educating visitors since 1873.


the wonder. LEARN MORE AT: Learn all about a variety of marine life at the National Aquarium.

Science Standards and STEAM. These special passports offer students an exciting close-up exploration of inhabitants and their environments in the Atlantic Coral Reef, the wilds of Australia and other hydro environments worldwide. Learners on class trips will get the chance to investigate diverse animals and marine life and establish an appreciation for science through curriculumpertinent programs. Get hands-on at structured lab activities guided by aquarium experts.

EDUCATOR RESOURCES The National Aquarium provides many educator resources including 60-minute teacher orientations to help make the most of your field trip. They also invite educators to utilize their thoughtful Pre-trip Planning Packet, Parent Pre-Field Trip Letter in Spanish and English, a post-trip student questionnaire and age-determined scavenger hunts.

SPECIAL GROUP RATES School field trip groups of 15 students or more are eligible for discounted rates. The maximum group size for Pre-K and Kindergarten is 60 group members and 125 students per group in grades first through 12.

For more information about bringing your next field trip to the National Aquarium, visit and start planning your aquatic adventure today. The National Aquarium is located at 501 E. Pratt Street, Baltimore, Maryland. 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE


Photo Credit by Joan Burke


A Wonderful Piece of History

Experience 1944 on the S. S. John W. Brown

W Liberty Ship SS JOHN W. BROWN steaming down the lower Chesapeake Bay enroute to southern ports

HISTORIC, EXCITING AND FUN! Learn about the massive construction and logistic effort that helped win WWII! A visit to the SS John W. Brown is an opportunity for students to learn the story behind the story of the Arsenal of Democracy Located in Baltimore, MD across the harbor from where she was launched, the ship represents an incredible industrial achievement. 4601 Newgate Ave, Pier 13 Baltimore, MD 21224

hen in Baltimore be sure to visit the Liberty Ship John W. Brown, the only operating WW ll ship on the East Coast. Tour the museums that tell the stories of the men and women who built these ships, the civilian merchant mariners who sailed them, and the Naval Armed Guard who defended them as they delivered troops and wartime supplies across the globe with enemy submarines and aircraft in pursuit. Climb into a 4-tier bunk and imagine you are a soldier going to a combat zone—maybe to Operation Dragoon in the invasion of Southern France. Built in 54 days to last 1 wartime trip or 5 years, this amazing ship carried troops and cargo for 13 voyages and is now 81 years old. Walk her historic decks, see exhibits including her christening bottle, a map of her voyages and a 4-ton spare anchor. Look into a lower cargo hold to view a WW ll truck and a spare propeller. Don’t miss a piece of a kamikaze plane in the Naval Armed Guard museum. Look for familiar names on the builder’s plates in #1 ‘tween deck. Learn why a degaussing cable was so important during wartime. Learn some maritime language: galley (kitchen), ladders (steps), head (bathroom) Explore all 5 of her decks and see the bridge, radio room, crew quarters and guns. See the massive 140-ton triple expansion steam engine. Meet Project Liberty Ship volunteers who own, maintain and operate this steaming memorial ship for tours, cruises, port visits, educational classes, youth overnights, STEM students and weekend steam school classes. While 2,710 Liberty Ships were built-only two remain sailing today.

Give us a call or email to set up a field trip tailored to your lesson plan. 410-558-0646 •

Learning history can be fun! 56


Call 410-558-0646 or email for more information. Be sure to visit our website

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VIRGINIA Historic Attractions Leave Lasting Impressions


Photo courtesty of Jamestown Settlement

irginia attractions are steeped in a millennia-old historical tapestry that plays a significant role in the genesis of our nation. Among the original 13 colonies, Virginia wielded substantial influence during the American Revolution, which culminated in the triumphant quest for American independence. Field trips to the Old Dominion State will help students uncover the mysteries of Virginia and our country. Flourishing plantations entwined in the complex history of slavery add to Virginia’s intriguing and somewhat vexing origin story. Field trips to these Virginia attractions will pique wonder and curiosity in visitors of all ages.



Virginia attractions are steeped in a millennia-old historical tapestry. Jamestown Settlement is a museum of 17th century history and culture.

Children’s Museum of Richmond

HISTORY & HERITAGE Historic Virginia attractions are top destinations for field trips and student groups to engage in history. Jamestown, its cradle, marks the inception of the inaugural English Settlement on American soil. Explore America’s first colony at the Jamestown Settlement through guided tours highlighting the town’s story. Discover a replica of a Papahegh town, a colonial fort with 1607 ships and Powhatan Indian and West African cultures. Or tour the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown and ascertain the hardships of life during a contentious time in history. Field trips to Virginia aren’t complete without visiting the Black History Museum and


MARINE & AQUATIC An underwater schoolyard awaits student field trips at the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center in Virginia Beach. Discover the exciting geology of Virginia and understand the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Sea turtles, dolphins, whales and other oceanic species, along with intriguing biofacts.

Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center Photo courtesy of Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center

Field trips to the Alexandria Archaeology Museum will captivate groups with an immersive cultural experience. Delve into the scientific study of our human past through excavation exhibits like “A Community Digs Its Past: The Lee Street Site.” Learning through play is the motto of the Children’s Museum of Richmond. Groups will participate in 30-45 minutes of hands-on activities with literary and art components. Another cultural adventure can be found at the Fredericksburg Art Museum (FAM). Students have opportunities to make personal connections to the rich history and events of Virginia. The collection spans over 10,000 years of history and features artifacts from pivotal moments.

Immerse in captivating stories of maritime warriors who risked their lives for freedom, battling wild seas and living to tell their harrowing tales. The Mariners’ Museum and Park in Newport News also showcases a 550-acre expanse offering the idyllic and award-winning Noland Trail encompassing scenic Mariners’ Lake. The museum provides many group experiences curated for all ages to learn about maritime culture.

Photo courtesy of the U.S. Civil Rights Trail

Photo courtesy of Children’s Museum of Richmond


Virginia Civil Rights Memorial in Richmond

Cultural Center in Richmond. Uncover stories of slavery, marvel at statement art pieces and learn important moments on the timeline of Black history. At the National Museum of the United States Army in Fort Belvoir, students can step into the boots of U.S. Army soldiers with immersive exhibits. Step out of your classroom and into 18th century Virginia to explore the challenge of life in colonial and revolutionary Virginia with an on-site field trip to George Mason’s Gunston Hall, a short ride from Mount Vernon. Gunston Hall has specially designed programs for all ages. No Virginia field trip would be complete without visiting the home of our first president. George Washington’s Mount Vernon is a monumental estate giving visitors an intimate look into our nation’s most revered leader’s life and his actions that led to America’s freedom. Tour his restored 1799 mansion and experience what plantation wealth looked like in each of the authentic rooms full of antique artifacts. 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE



An immersive museum like no other, Colonial Williamsburg educates as its enthralls students of all ages

Photo Credit by The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation




iscover the ultimate educational experience at Colonial Williamsburg, the largest U.S. history museum in the world. For over 70 years, we have been the goto destination for school field trips, offering an immersive journey into 18th-century Virginia’s colonial capital. With over 300 acres of iconic sites, historic taverns, and world-class art museums, here, history comes to life. Students can witness costumed interpreters portraying real historic figures associated with 18th-century Williamsburg who made significant contributions to our American story. They can explore historic sites including the Governor’s Palace or the Capitol building, the seat of colonial Virginia’s government. Visit our trade shops and meet worldrenowned artisans practicing authentic historic trades. Together, this community helped forge a new nation. From blacksmithing to tailoring, there are over 20 historic trades to explore. At Colonial Williamsburg, students can see up-close trades in action as they watch modern-day practitioners of blacksmithing, woodworking, gunsmithing

One of our American Indian Interpreters sits with visitors to answer questions.

Photo Credit by The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation


and more use 18th-century tools and techniques to create their wares. Students are encouraged to ask questions as they observe these true craftsmen recreate the art forms of a time long gone by. Research, conservation, and preservation lie at the heart of everything we present in Colonial Williamsburg. Students can learn about these efforts at the Williamsburg Bray School, the oldest extant building in the country dedicated to the education of enslaved and free

Black children. Our 89th original 18th-century structure, the Bray School is undergoing active preservation and reconstruction and will open as a public site in late 2024. Specialized hands-on education content is part of The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation’s new Interpretive Group Stations. Two core concepts, inquiry and experiential design, allow students to further engage in curriculumbased activities and leave with an even better understanding of how knowledge of 18th-

Photo Credit by The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

Guests can participate in re-enactments of real historical events in our on-site programming, such as here in the Capitol.

Colonel George Washington sits with visitors to answer questions. 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE


Photo Credit by The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Photo Credit by The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

The Blacksmiths meet with visitors to answer questions about the historic trade.

Family pauses for photo in front of the Governor’s Palace. 62


century life can be applied to modern day. Looking to give your students a better understanding of the principles of government? The Colonial Government and the Birth of our Democracy tour gives students a front-row seat to the workings of the colonial government, from the first vote for independence to the Virginia Declaration of Rights. Students will participate in an 18th century election and even debate independence alongside period-costumed colonial political ‘influencers.’ No trip to Williamsburg is complete without a meal in one of our historic taverns, where the wonder of the Historic Area transcends to the dining experience. Students can dine on modern-day fare inspired by authentic period recipes. The King’s Arms Tavern, one of America’s oldest restaurants located in the Colonial Williamsburg Historic Area, introduces guests to an 18th-century menu rooted in historical research with 21st-century tastes. Originally opened in 1772, this authentic reproduction public house serves up a transporting experience for the senses with everything true to the time period, from the fashion sported by servers to the pewter candlesticks. Explore history beyond the classroom with a field trip to historic Williamsburg!

CONTACT Ally Ramello, Group Sales



Through interactive educational programming and immersive historic interpretation, students will learn about freedom, democracy, and community life during America’s revolutionary period, and how these founding ideas influence life today.

Call 1-800-228-8878, email, or visit

Scan for more information.


Nurture Civic Awareness Through the Legacy of George Mason and Gunston Hall

A perfect destination for field trips for schools and youth groups, George Mason’s Gunston Hall stands as an educational gem offering enriching experiences to those interested in the nation’s foundational history.

Photos courtesy of George Mason’s Gunston Hall




ith meticulously curated programs and age-appropriate interactive exhibits, Gunston Hall provides an immersive journey into the life and ideas of George Mason, a key architect of American Democracy and human rights. Four programs engage young minds through suitable activities, fostering an appreciation for the complexities of governance and individual liberties. All are available for both in-person and virtual field trips for schools and youth groups. Now & Then: A Trip to Gunston Hall program allows Kindergarten through second-grade children to compare and contrast the past and present through reimagining family life, community, schooling and technology. At the end of in-person field trips, have recess (weather permitting) with 18th century children’s games. Step Into the 18th-Century is for elementary school students from the third grade to middle school. Help your 21st century students meet the challenge of imagining life in colonial and Gunston Hall provides an immersive journey into the life and ideas of George Mason, a key architect of American Democracy.

Gunston Hall is a perfect destination for field trips for schools and youth groups.

revolutionary Virginia. Invite them to explore the world of George Mason through an active examination of the spaces, people and activities involved in the Gunston Hall site – including his family, enslaved people and other workers. George Mason and the 1776 Virginia Declaration of Rights program welcomes middle school students to learn about the pivotal role Mason played in creating the first declaration of rights in American history. Learn how George Mason’s 1776 Virginia Declaration of Rights influenced the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Bill of Rights. Groups will examine how all people at Gunston Hall in the 18th century – wealthy individuals, enslaved people, indentured workers and tenant farmers did or did not have access to the rights Mason helped create. George Mason & the Battle over Rights is a program that actively engages high school students in understanding Mason’s fight for basic civil liberties and preserving individual rights. Your students will be actively engaged as they examine primary sources, debate and explore. They will discover the influences upon Mason, his perspectives on rights and the 18th-century limits on who was protected by these rights. Students will also consider their own ideas about what human rights means to them.

For more information about bringing your next field trip, visit https:// and start planning your experience today. Questions? Please reach out to or call 703-550-9220. 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE



Visit Historic Fredericksburg

From historic homes and museums to important Civil War sites, Virginia’s Fredericksburg offers one-of-a-kind field trips

Photo courtesy of James Monroe Museum




oughly 10,000 years before the arrival of English settlers in the 17th century, indigenous peoples inhabited the region around the Rappahannock River basin. Fredericksburg and nearby Falmouth, both chartered in 1728, were river ports for ocean-going sailing vessels in an international system of trade. Small farms coexisted with large estates owned by elite White families and worked by enslaved Black persons. Two of the grand homes from this era are present-day museums. Belmont, site of Gari Melchers Home and Studio, shares the story of an important American artist. Nearby Chatham is part of the Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park. Long before he was commander of the Continental Army and first president of the United States, George Washington spent his boyhood at Ferry Farm across the Rappahannock from Fredericksburg. His widowed mother’s home, known today as the Mary Washington House, is located near Kenmore, the elegant mansion built

Immersive activities are part of the learning process for students.

Photo courtesy of the Fredericksburg Area Museum

Explore our past and discover our future at the museums of Historic Fredericksburg.

Fredericksburg’s museums and historic sites tell important and diverse stories.

by her daughter Betty’s husband, Fielding Lewis. These sites, and the nearby Hugh Mercer Apothecary and Rising Sun Tavern, are open to the public. Revolutionary War veteran James Monroe practiced law here in the 1780s at what is now the James Monroe Museum. As the fifth U.S. president, he invited his wartime comrade, the Marquis de Lafayette, to visit America for a grand tour that included an enthusiastic welcome in 1824 to Fredericksburg’s Town Hall (today the Fredericksburg Area Museum). Four major Civil War battles fought in and around Fredericksburg in 1862 and 1864 brought great loss of life and destruction of property. The Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park commemorates these pivotal events. The war also inspired some 10,000 enslaved Black men, women and children to escape bondage and begin new lives as free people. Their stories, and the ongoing legacy of social justice activism, are told in the region’s Trail to Freedom and Civil Rights Trail.

A field trip to Historic Fredericksburg offers multiple options for equitable and inclusive learning experiences, complemented by a distinctive mix of restaurants and shops. Plan your trip today by visiting students-tours/. 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE



All photos courtesy of the National Museum of the United States Army

Explore the History of the U.S. Army



he “Growing Up Army” exhibit of the National Museum of the United States Army in Alexandria, Virginia, just south of Washington, DC, is a great place for student groups to start their exploration of Army history. The exhibit introduces visitors to the challenges and adventures of being part of an Army family. Children in these families, affectionately known as “Army Brats,” often have their childhood shaped by their parents’ deployments, or their moves between duty stations, which is the name of their assigned locations. More than 1.6 million children are part of military families today. On average, these families move every two to three years. Sometimes these moves can take them across the country, or around the world, asking Army kids to frequently start new schools and make new friends. In “Growing Up Army,” visitors hear Army kids and teens share their personal experience being part of these unique families.

G-STEM STUDENT LEARNING AT THIS NATIONAL MUSEUM Another great place for curious young minds is the museum’s Experiential Learning Center (ELC). The ELC offers interactive activities that Visitors travel along the Path of Remembrance to the main entrance of the National Museum of the United States Army, south of Washington, DC.

SITE INSPECTION simulate work done by Army Soldiers in the fields of geography, science, technology, engineering and math. One of those activities is the medical support training area, where visitors act as Army medics working to diagnose sick patients during a humanitarian crisis. Combat medics, formally titled 68-Whiskey Healthcare Specialists, are among the most popular roles in the Army, second only to Infantry Soldiers. Across the active-duty Army, Reserve and National Guard, approximately 39,000 Soldiers currently serve as medics. The Army trains about 6,800 new Soldiers as medics every year at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston in Texas.

LEARN ABOUT SOLDIERS IN SPACE The Army’s G-STEM expertise is also seen in the Army’s role in space exploration, which is represented in multiple galleries. The Army’s space work began during World War II when Germany developed a supersonic ballistic missile that the American Army knew it needed to match. NASA did not yet exist, so the Army Ordnance Corps began studying jet propulsion with the help of the California Institute of Technology (CalTech). After the war, the Army’s work in space continued. One of its famous early initiatives was the Redstone Project, which led to the design of the first rocket capable of launching a satellite into space and engineering the first solar cells, which extended a satellite’s lifespan. Visitors can get an up-close look at the first solar cells launched into outer space on April 11, 1957, in the museum’s Army and Society Gallery. This gallery, which is unique for a military museum, examines the relationship between

The interactive displays in the Growing Up Army exhibit ask visitors about their family’s Army heritage. the Army and the American people. Among the highlights are the exhibits that explain the diverse collection of Americans who have served as Soldiers. One of the featured Soldiers is Nantaje, who was one of 10 Apache “Indian Scouts” who helped the Army during the winter of 1872-73. During a heated battle, Nantaje rescued a small boy who was accidentally caught in the crossfire. For his valor, he and nine other scouts received the Medal of Honor.

DEFINING THE MUSEUM EXPERIENCE FOR STUDENTS The National Museum of the United States Army is open every day, 9 a.m.–5 p.m., and entry is free. Visitors looking for a fun way to experience the museum can pick up a Recon Mission scavenger hunt activity at the Welcome Desk. The Recon

Mission will encourage young visitors to seek out the most age-appropriate exhibits while noting some of the lessons of history they teach us. The museum also offers a new interactive scavenger hunt available through the Goosechase app to explore the exhibits through a personal mobile device. Create a team prior to your visit and explore two available hunts! Search for: Fighting for the Nation or Army Animals. Visitors can also enhance their museum experience by watching “Of Noble Deeds,” in the Army Theater. The film explores what is means to truly be an American Soldier while immersing visitors in the viewer experience with a 300-degree screen and advanced sight, sound, and movement sensory features. Visitors can continue the heightened sensory experience at the museum’s Army Action Center. 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE


Inside, simulators give visitors a taste of what it’s like to ride in a World War II tank and take flight in aircraft spanning humankind’s history of taking to the skies.

WHAT’S NEW AHEAD Opening April 2024 in the Special Exhibition Gallery, experience the D-Day invasion through the eyes of U.S. Army paratroopers. Interactive Histopad technology will take visitors on a journey through individual Soldier stories, following their unprecedented airborne landings to their actions on the ground during those historic moments in 1944. Virginia and the Washington D.C. area still have plenty more attractions for student groups looking for educational field trips or just looking for other attractions to explore, so be sure to Subscribe to Student Travel Planning for FREE.

The Army Historical Foundation funded and oversaw the construction of the National Museum of the United States Army, which is now owned and operated by the U.S. Army. 70


Jessica Conforti, Group Sales Manager The Army Historical Foundation 703-562-4167

Explore history through the eyes of those who served.

CONNECTICUT History, Arts & Culture and Aquatic Adventures


Photo courtesy of New Britain Museum of American Art

n eclectic mix of coastal cities and rural areas dotted with small towns, Connecticut offers students a range of interests from marine biology and history to arts and culture. The Constitution State is one of the original 13 colonies, and thus has a rich American history and culture which can be experienced everywhere from within museums to the streets, parks and ports of beautiful cities and villages like New Haven and Mystic.



Connecticut’s nickname ‘The Constitution State’ originates from its colonial constitution of 1638–1639, which is not only the oldest in the U.S., but the world. New Britain Museum of American Art

CONNECTICUT Mystic Seaport Museum, the largest maritime museum in the U.S., is renowned for its collection of sailing ships, including the 1841 whaleship Charles W. Morgan and a replica of the slave ship La Amistad. and boats and for its meticulous recreation of a 19th century seafaring village, complete with all the types of general and specialized trades associated with building and operating a sailing fleet. Get close to thousands of local and exotic marine animals, including fish, crab, sharks, sea lions and beluga whales, at Mystic Aquarium. Discounted admission and free chaperones for schools or other youth organization that meet required criteria. Located in downtown New London, the Custom House Maritime Museum tells the history of the local waterfront through artifacts, tours and events. At the Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk, view and touch live sea creatures, from sea stars to jellyfish. Its 4D state-of-the-art theater features exciting films, such as BBC Earth’s Octopus: Blue Planet II 4D Experience.

Yale Repertory Theatre in New Haven


Mystic Aquarium

Photo courtesy of Mystic Aquarium

In New London, the Garde Arts Center shows everything from musicals to comedies and more. Built in 1926, its Garde Theatre is famous for its Moroccan-style interior and features Middle Eastern-themed wall murals. Located on the edge of the Yale University campus in New Haven, the Yale Repertory Theatre (the Rep) has a reputation for nurturing young artistic talents and producing Pulitzer Prize-winning premieres. For a one-of-a-kind experience, head to Bristol’s American Clock and Watch Museum, which features over 1,500 different clocks, watches and vintage timepieces. Special school and children’s group programs are available. Located on the University of Connecticut’s main campus in Storrs, the William Benton Museum of Art is a fine arts museum featuring a permanent collection of more than 6,500 artistic works. Customized 45-minute field trip programs for groups of 10 or more are available. Exploring the intersections of art and science, the Bruce Museum in Greenwich features some 31,000 objects in fine and decorative art, natural history, ethnology and history. At the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum in Ridgefield, visitors explore the world of contemporary art with exhibits that are learnerfriendly and inquiry-based.

Photo courtesy of New Britain Museum of American Art

Photo by Adam Jones


New Britain Museum of American Art

HISTORY & HERITAGE Connecticut’s nickname “The Constitution State” originates from its colonial constitution of 1638–1639, which is not only the oldest in the U.S. but the world. After becoming the fifth U.S. state on January 9, 1788, Connecticut thrived on its seaports with trade and fisheries. Mystic Seaport Museum in the village of Mystic is the largest maritime museum in the country, famous for its large collection of sailing ships and boats as well as the recreation of 19thcentury crafts and fabrics. Founded in 1903, the New Britain Museum of American Art is the first museum dedicated to American art, featuring a permanent collection of colonial portraits and works from American Impressionists and the Hudson River School. Built in 1855 in the capital of Hartford, Colt Armory is a massive armory that is well maintained with its distinctive onion dome. In addition to war history within, the armory is close to the Mark Twain House—now a museum—where the author wrote many of his most-famed works. 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE



Adventures Await at Mystic Seaport Museum

Welcome to one of the world’s coolest classrooms


t Mystic Seaport Museum we believe that every person has a sea story, and every day we help people of all backgrounds find an enduring connection to the American maritime experience. Since 1946, our Education Department has been a pioneer in providing hands-on learning across the spectrum of subjects using the maritime world to make meaningful connections between our past and present. Our 19-acre, riverside campus is the perfect coastal New England setting to experience themes related to maritime art and history, literature, navigation, marine science and engineering.

Photos courtesy of Mystic Seaport Museum




Our campus includes more than 30 historic buildings in our 19th century seaport village, a working historic preservation shipyard, modern exhibitions, and 4 historic landmark preservation vessels, including the Charles W. Morgan, the last wooden whaling ship in the world. Students can participate in daily demonstrations and enjoy a seasonal narrated boat ride on Sabino, a 1908 coastal ferryboat. For a more immersive

Riverside view of Mystic Seaport Museum’s flagship, the Charles W. Morgan, where students learn the stories of how America grew from a nation of whale hunters to whale watchers.

FIND YOUR SEA STORY Students work together to build a cask during a hands-on activity with a Museum Educator.

experience, book a thematic guided tour in which our engaging museum educators provide hands-on experiences, like making rope in the Life in A Seaport Town tour or throwing a harpoon as part of a Whaling tour. We inspire students to make connections and think through big ideas related to how the sea has shaped our American economy, diverse culture and innovative spirit. Seasonal boat rides and celestial navigation themed planetarium shows can also be added to fill out a group’s itinerary.

VIRTUAL Our virtual programs allow students the opportunity to go behind the scenes with our staff in the comfort of their classroom. Using Zoom or other school virtual platforms we connect students with a museum educator for an engaging presentation of some of our best stories and most precious artifacts. A virtual program makes a great kickoff event for a classroom thematic unit or an upcoming visit. Mystic Seaport Museum is located in Mystic, Connecticut, just 5 minutes off I-95, halfway between New York City and Boston.

Start planning your students’ next great adventure by visiting or calling our reservations team at 860.572.5331.








Photo courtesy of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Transforming Students with Stimulating Educational Tours

ashington, D.C., our nation’s capital, is a premier field trip destination populated with cultural institutions, government centers and world-class universities. Engaging museums (most of them free) and memorials that honor America’s past encourage students to create a brighter future. Washington, D.C., is a mecca of prodigious exhibitions providing phenomenal educational tours of significant historical sites, museums and cultural attractions.

Washington, D.C., is a mecca of prodigious exhibitions providing phenomenal educational tours. A free museum, the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History showcases a vast collection of the world’s natural wonders, from fossils to the solar system.


Groups looking for Washington, D.C., educational tours encompassing the water should visit the Aquatic Resources Education Center, a multi-use environmental education facility providing classrooms and aquaculture (water farming, harvesting fish, shellfish and marine plants). Explore more than 40 fish, amphibian, invertebrate and reptile species native to the Chesapeake Bay and District area. Field trips include aquatic-based environmental lessons and tours for pre-K through 12th grade. Explore the vast oceans at the Ocean Science Center located in the Smithsonian NMNH. Research scientists and museum educators bring forth marine biology, ecology, paleobiology, human impacts, marine geology and more for indepth learning. They offer various educational aquatic programs for student groups and on-site excursions at the Sant Ocean Hall. The 23,000-square-foot exhibition examines 3.8 billion years of oceanic history and showcases some 600 specimens. Watch an innovative video of global ocean data projected on a giant sphere and find Indo-Pacific coral reef collections. Aquatic Resources Education Center

Photo courtesy of the Aquatic Resources Education Center

Unlock some of Earth’s greatest mysteries at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History on the National Mall. This free museum showcases a vast collection of the world’s natural wonders, from fossils to the solar system. Exceptional in-person and online learning opportunities are available. Step into history at Ford’s Theatre, where actor John Wilkes Booth fatally shot President Abraham Lincoln in 1865. The theater functions as part of the Ford’s Theatre Museum and depicts the event and Lincoln’s life while continuing to put on plays year-round. In Northwest Washington, D.C., discover a celebration of verbiage at Planet Word, a literary museum highlighting the power of language. Groups are guided by museum staff through three floors of galleries and interactive exhibits. A compelling Speaking Willow tree greats visitors in whispers showcasing different languages. Groups receive a personalized introduction and knowledgeable guides are there to answer any word and language-related questions.


Photo courtesy of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Photo courtesy of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History


United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

HISTORY & HERITAGE Take educational tours of the National Mall— the home to famous landmarks such as the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial and World War II Memorial. Honoring the 16 million Americans who served in the war, the latter consists of an oval fountain surrounded by two separate semi-circles of 28 stone pillars and a center archway on each end. Additionally, the two arches feature bronze Baldacchino sculptures representing European and Pacific theaters. Students will also want to tour the National Museum of African American History and Culture. The museum chronicles the African American experience of slavery, Reconstruction and the Civil Rights Movement, as well as Black excellence in science, the arts and athletics. While at the National Mall, visit the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum for incredible stories of unimaginable human injustices. They provide resource materials for teachers and group leaders to prepare students for selfguided tours of the permanent exhibits. These resources include a valuable student visitation guide, a handout that gets students to reflect thoughtfully on what they see and read. 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE


DELAWARE Small but Mighty


hat Delaware lacks in size—it’s the second smallest state—it more than makes up for in an abundance of arts & culture, history and educational programs. Famous for tax-free shopping, and the fact that a majority of Fortune 500 companies are Delaware entities, the state also has a reputation for rich historic and cultural sites, museums and more, which makes Delaware an ideal state for field trips.

The fine arts are well represented in Delaware, including at the Delaware Arts Museum. Delaware Art Museum 78



Delaware Art Museum

ARTS & CULTURE The fine arts are well represented in Delaware, including at the Delaware Arts Museum. Located in Wilmington, the museum was founded in 1912 in honor of the artist Howard Pyle. Its collection of some 12,000 objects focuses on American art and illustration from the 19th to the 21st century, and on British pre-Raphaelite art. At the Nanticoke Indian Museum in Millsboro, visitors will find a collection of handmade jewelry, pottery, spears, arrow points and other artifacts designed to interpret and honor the culture of the Native Americans who have long called Delaware home. Experience oral presentations by Nanticoke people in this National Historic Landmark building. Located in Dover, the Johnson Victrola Museum highlights the history of the Victor Talking Machine Company, which pioneered the development of the sound-recording industry and was founded by Delaware’s native son, Eldridge Reeves Johnson. Here, visitors will find displays of phonographs, recordings and memorabilia. Based in Wilmington, the Delaware Symphony Orchestra offers multi-faceted educational outreach programs, including guided activities and performances.

Part of the Delaware State Parks, the Seaside Nature Center spotlights the different habitats and creatures that exist within the scenic Cape Henlopen State Park. The centerpiece is a 300-gallon two-level touch tank, complete with viewing windows. The nature center also features five 1,000-gallon tanks with local fish, exhibits that explain the different habitats within the park and a live Osprey cam provided by the Friends of Cape Henlopen. The Center can help educators plan an environmental nature program including guided nature walks and birding trips.

HISTORY & HERITAGE Delaware was the first of the original 13 colonies to ratify the U.S. Constitution to become a state on December 7, 1787—hence its official nickname “The First State.” Student groups can learn about Wilmington’s Swedish origins through a field trip to Kalmar Nyckel (Key of Kalmar), a full-scale, award-winning replica of the colonial ship that brought European settlers to the Delaware Valley in 1638. Ship and maritime center programs last for four hours, including sailing on the ship and stops at four interactive stations on land. Field Seaside Nature Center Touch Tank

Kalmar Nyckel is a full-scale, award-winning replica of the colonial ship that brought European settlers to the Delaware Valley in 1638.

trip groups can also learn about Delaware’s most famous family, the du Ponts, at Nemours Mansion and Gardens. Located in Wilmington, the 300-acre estate provides interpretive guides for the 77-room mansion, formal French-style gardens and the chauffeur’s garage, which features a collection of vintage automobiles.



MAINE Nature, History and Art


Photo courtesy of Portland Museum of Art

n exclave of Massachusetts until 1820, Maine has plenty of field trip ideas for all ages, including some courtesy of the state’s cultural ties to the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in addition to its higher percentage of at-home French-speakers than Louisiana. Easily accessible from Boston and Montréal, the Pine Tree State occupies a rugged and historic crossroads of not only New England, but North America as well. With most of the population and cities along the coast, the state’s interior has some of the best places for nature field trips and viewing in the eastern United States.



Tour experiences are customizable so students and teachers can connect classroom curriculum with specific artworks. Portland Museum of Art

MAINE Situated on the Kennebec River in the coastal town of Bath is the Maine Maritime Museum, an essential for groups visiting this rocky North Atlantic state rich in nautical history. The museum offers specially designed field trip programs that make full use of the campus’ 20-acre waterfront and cruise boat, the Merrymeeting. Educators may select from several program options including a narrated boat cruise, self-guided exhibit tours, or 90-minute themed experiences such as Lobstering & the Maine Coast or Shipwreck Detective. The Project Puffin Visitor Center in Rockland features interactive exhibits and educational programs celebrating the success of Project Puffin in bringing Atlantic puffins and other seabirds back to their historic nesting islands.

Photo courtesy of Tate House Museum

Photo courtesy of Portland Museum of Art


Tate House Museum

HISTORY & HERITAGE Maine is home to dozens of boutique colonial museums such as the Norlands Living History Center in Livermore and the Old York Historical

Portland Museum of Art

ARTS & CULTURE Maine Maritime Museum Photo courtesy of Maine Maritime Museum

The Portland Museum of Art exhibits American, European and contemporary art, plus iconic works from Maine. Free educational experiences for early education through high school inspire and encourage critical thinking and make real-world connections. Tour experiences are customizable so students and teachers can connect classroom curriculum with specific artworks. Located on the campus of Bates College in Lewiston, the Bates College Museum of Art permanent collection includes over 5,000 works of art, ranging from modern and contemporary to African art. Tours of exhibitions led by a museum educator are available.

Society in York. These museums make for a great selection of educational field trip ideas. One of these historical treasures, located on the western edge of Portland, is the Tate House Museum, which contains several 18th century buildings and welcomes student groups from third grade on up. The school program at Tate House includes hands-on experiences with replica colonial artifacts, garden tours and special architectural tours. First operated in 1791 under the approval of President George Washington, Portland Head Light in Cape Elizabeth was the first lighthouse constructed after the founding of the United States and remains one of the oldest lighthouses in the country. The lighthouse is located in Fort Williams Park, which contains a historical museum, walking paths, an arboretum and stunning views of Casco Bay. 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE


MASSACHUSETTS Massachusetts has left a heavy stamp on American history.


Photo courtesy of the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University

ade famous by events of the American Revolution—think the Boston Tea Party, Paul Revere’s ride and the battles of Lexington and Concord—Massachusetts has left a heavy stamp on American history. But it doesn’t stop there for the most populous state in New England. The Bay State is also home to premier sports teams, world-class universities and cutting-edge medical research. Few other states can boast Massachusetts’ combination of history, culture and recreational opportunities, offering plenty of field trip ideas, making it a must-stop for any school group from near or far.



Few other states can boast Massachusetts’ combination of history, culture and recreational opportunities. The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University

tropical fish, is a popular attraction here. The Nantucket Whaling Museum discusses the fascinating history of whaling on the small island of Nantucket. An interactive exhibit discusses the sinking of the whale ship Essex and its retelling in different forms, including Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, and the upcoming Hollywood film In the Heart of the Sea. A small public aquarium in Woods Hole, the Woods Hole Science Aquarium was established in 1875, making it the country’s oldest public aquarium. Some 80 species of marine animals found in Northeast and Mid-Atlantic U.S. waters are on display. The aquarium is designed for self-guided tours of the main exhibits and a behind-the-scenes look at aquarium operations. Aquarium staffers have created materials to help parents, teachers, kids and visitors learn more about sea life.

Hamilton Palace Room/Alan and Simone Hartman Galleries in the Museum of Fine Arts

ARTS & CULTURE Comprised of three separate museums, Harvard Art Museums are located steps away from Harvard Square in Cambridge. Students can explore drawings, sculptures, paintings and more at these museums, which house more than 250,000 pieces of art. A patron of the arts, Isabella Stewart Gardner traveled the world to amass a collection of master and decorative arts. Her Boston home is now the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum and celebrates European, Asian and American art, including paintings, sculptures and tapestries from world-renowned artists such as Manet, Degas and Rembrandt. The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston features more than 450,000 works of art. The museum takes groups on interactive, object-based tours through renowned collections.

HISTORY & HERITAGE No field trip to Massachusetts would be complete without walking the Freedom Trail in downtown Boston. Stretching 2.5 miles from Boston Common to the USS Constitution, the

Giant Pacific octopus at the New England Aquarium

Home to thousands of aquatic animals—ranging from giant Pacific octopuses and California sea lions to African penguins—Boston’s New England Aquarium features exhibits and educational experiences and offers a step-by-step field trip planning guide for educators. The Giant Ocean Tank, a coral reef community that contains sharks, turtles, moray eels and hundreds of

Photo by Vanessa Kahn


Photo by Edward Feather Photography

Photo courtesy of Museum of Fine Arts


A Freedom Trail tour in Boston

trail connects 16 significant sites in American history. Following the red cobblestones that conveniently demarcate the route, field trip groups can walk the trail on their own or join a guided tour (abridged or full-length) featuring costumed actors. Sites include the Paul Revere House, Old North Church, Bunker Hill Monument and Massachusetts State House. Hancock Shaker Village in Pittsfield, a twohour drive from Boston, covers 750 acres in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts. One of New England’s premier living history museums, it consists of more than 20 buildings on the National Register of Historic Places and also is the state’s oldest functioning farm. With seasonal, ongoing and special exhibitions taking place year-round, Hancock Village offers students a chance to step back in time and experience an educational field trip. 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE


NEW HAMPSHIRE A State Ripe With History and Outdoor Experiences


Photo courtesy of the Currier Museum of Art

s one of the original 13 colonies, the Granite State is the perfect place to introduce students to the vast history of New England while also exploring the wealth of outdoor and cultural opportunities that the state offers. Historic sites made up of former homes and villages dot the rolling landscape. A short but beautiful coastline offers a glimpse into the Atlantic, while museums and other cultural venues tap into students’ creative sides. No matter your subject area, there is a field trip to match and there is no shortage of incredible field trip opportunities across New Hampshire for all age groups.



New Hampshire packs a lot into its 18 miles of Atlantic coastline. The Currier Museum of Art in Manchester aims to make art accessible for all students and works closely with educators to develop a tour that is multisensory.

Currier Museum of Art

ARTS & CULTURE Across the Granite State you’ll find plenty of opportunities to foster creativity and a love for the arts in students. The Currier Museum of Art in Manchester takes their dedication to students seriously with school tours that empower them to develop problem-solving skills, empathy and a voice through fine arts. At Jean’s Playhouse in Lincoln, field trip groups can enjoy Broadway-style musicals in this beautiful theater. The Papermill Theatre Company puts on performances yearround, and students can also enjoy a show by Jean’s Teens, a community-based theater company featuring local teens. For those studying the works of Shakespeare, Advice to the Players in Sandwich is a company of theater professionals who performs works of Shakespeare and offers workshops throughout the year, introducing students to some of the best works in the English language.

New Hampshire packs a lot into its 18 miles of Atlantic coastline. At the Seacoast Science Center in Rye, students can view the natural beauty of the state as they explore seven different natural habitats over 135 acres.

HISTORY & HERITAGE As the ninth state in our union, New Hampshire has plenty to offer in the way of history and historical sites. The American Independence Museum, located in the state’s Revolutionary War Capital of Exeter, offers students a chance to view historic artifacts and take part in programs that focus on civic duties, engagement and responsibility. Guided tours explore important moments in our nation’s history through the lens of New Hampshire and its many brave soldiers Living Shores Aquarium

Photo courtesy of Living Shores Aquarium


Interpretive and live animal exhibits are a great place to reinforce skills learned in the classroom with group-specific programs available for field trips. At Living Shores Aquarium in Glen, students are in for a highly interactive experience where they’ll delve into the world of marine sciences and wildlife conservation. Touch pools offer the chance to see and feel creatures like rays, sharks, crabs, lobsters and more, all while learning about these creatures’ natural habitats and biology. Various reef exhibits showcase the wonders of the deep in all the vibrant hues of fish and coral, and during select times of day students may also take part in a stingray feeding.

Photo courtesy of Strawbery Banke

Photo courtesy of the Currier Museum of Art


Strawbery Banke, an outdoor museum in Portsmouth

and community members. Keep history alive with a visit to the Wright Museum of World War II in Wolfeboro. This thoughtful museum pays tribute to Americans who lived during World War II with stories and artifacts from the time. The collection features more than 14,000 items that will help students understand more about the realities of wartime living and the sacrifices made by those that came before us. To get a feel and true appreciation for life in early New Hampshire, take a trip to one of the state’s most celebrated museums. Strawbery Banke in Portsmouth is an outdoor history museum that presents life in New England as it would have spanned over four centuries. Students can explore furnished homes and see what life was like from the 1690s all the way to the 1950s. Skilled interpreters guide students through daily life in times past, making for a unique and memorable experience.



NEW JERSEY Getaway to the Garden State


Photo courtesy of SEA LIFE Aquarium New Jersey

ew Jersey is known as the Garden State, showcasing a vast array of rich agricultural heritage and local history. The coastal region is also abundant with educational playgrounds like aquariums, museums and hidden artistic gems. Discover immersive education opportunities throughout New Jersey with these thought-provoking and imaginative field trip ideas.



Ascertain over 200 years of New Jersey history through thousands of local artifacts. At SEA LIFE Aquarium New Jersey students can encounter thousands of aquatic species.

Photo courtesy of Grounds for Sculpture


Grounds for Sculpture

ARTS & CULTURE Resplendent botanical gardens are the backdrop for diverse sculptures and colorful, eye-catching art displays in a Garden State hidden gem. Grounds for Sculpture, located in Hamilton, is a wondrous maze of art and blooming gardens. Indeed, it is one of New Jersey’s more unique field trip ideas. School programs include handson art classes in a studio environment and several guided educational tours that cover select artworks. Meanwhile, the Zimmerli Art Museum at Rutgers University in New Brunswick offers over 60,000 works of art in a wide range of media. The museum staff works closely with educators to provide one-of-a-kind curated field trip ideas suited for many curriculums. A trip to the New Jersey State Museum in Trenton won’t disappoint with so many interesting opportunities ranging from dinosaurs and archaeology to space exploration. Educational group docent-led tours are free with museum admission for groups of 15 or more students.

MARINE & AQUATIC The SEA LIFE Aquarium New Jersey in Rutherford inspires young marine biologists through education about oceans and marine life. Encounter thousands of aquatic species and immerse your group in an underwater playground. Discounted group rates are available for school field trips, scout programs and other organizations. Since 1993, Adventure Aquarium in Camden has been alluring visitors with over 15,000 fascinating marine species on display. This includes the most extensive shark collection in the Northeast and the only hippos in the world to be housed in an aquarium. Add-on classroom and auditorium programs, along with other educational amenities, make this one of the best field trip ideas for New Jersey institutions. The non-profit New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium teaches groups about native marine life and coastal preservation. With education in mind, they offer diverse, interactive and ageappropriate curricula for pre-K through graduatelevel students. Classrooms can visit and study Garden State beaches, bays and estuaries in an active outdoor classroom environment. SEA LIFE Aquarium New Jersey

Battleship New Jersey

HISTORY & HERITAGE Garden State field trip ideas should encompass the rich heritage that New Jersey touts. For example, ascertain over 200 years of New Jersey history through thousands of local artifacts at the Museum of Early Trades & Crafts (METC). Investigate the stories of early New Jerseyans through early pottery, textiles, homemade tools and archival materials from natives. The museum offers numerous field trip ideas with programs for pre-k through eighth-grade students. Known as America’s most decorated, the Battleship New Jersey calls the Camden Waterfront home. Considered one of New Jersey’s best field trip ideas, the museum puts groups inside the belly of the largest battleship in America. Explore the 16” gun turret and rooms dedicated to military operations. They offer unique educational tour packages and additional classroom experiences for focused interests. Take your group on an epic field trip to the Old Barracks Museum in Trenton where they’ll learn about the Battle of Trenton and tour the barracks. Field trip groups can ascertain the impacts of the American Revolution on Colonial New Jersey through costumed interpreters and masterful exhibits. 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE


RHODE ISLAND The Ocean State Offers


hoever said size matters has never been to Rhode Island. While the smallest state in size, Rhode Island punches way above its weight when it comes to adventure, charm, luxury, natural beauty and artistic endeavors. Known for its sandy shores and seaside colonial towns, this New England state is also home to several large cities, including Newport, famed for its Gilded Age mansions. And with every main attraction within an hour’s drive of one another, visitors can check off their entire bucket list in one day. Size really is just a number.

Photo by Malcolm Greenaway

Charms Aplenty



As one of the original 13 colonies, Rhode Island has no shortage of historic sites. Block Island’s Southeast Lighthouse at night. The highest lighthouse in New England, it serves as a primary coastal aid-to-navigation.

center features more than 80 exhibits. During private field trips, students work in teams as they take turns visiting the learning stations, including hands-on exhibits. Located in Bristol, the Herreshoff Marine Museum is dedicated to the history of yachting, the America’s Cup and the Herreshoff Manufacturing Company. Private tours are available. Save The Bay’s Exploration Center and Aquarium is a hands-on, interactive marine science center that is home to dozens of species from Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island waters.

Newport Mansions



The Newport Mansions offer a unique journey through 250 years of American history, architecture, art and landscape design. The Newport Mansions feature 11 historic properties located on 88 acres of gardens and parks. Some of the mansions offer engaging self-guided audio tours. Established in 1877 as part of a vibrant creative community, the RISD Museum stewards works of art representing cultures from ancient times to the present and includes a collection of more than 10,000 objects. Located in Providence, this unique museum offers guided visits that explore art and design through discussion, writing or drawing, making connections to different subjects, skills and interests.

As one of the original 13 colonies, Rhode Island has no shortage of historic sites that tell the story of the beginning of the nation. Bowen’s Wharf used to be one of the country’s main points of trade with the rest of the world. Today, it’s one of Newport’s biggest tourist attractions, with tons of local cuisine and souvenir shopping. The Breakers Mansion, owned by the Vanderbilt family, is the grandest of Newport’s summer homes. This Gilded Age cottage has its own

New England’s only private marine education facility and the most hands-on aquarium in the region, the Biomes Center in North Kingstown has been providing marine biology programs for schools and families since 1989. Specializing in teaching about the marine animals of Narragansett Bay and the Atlantic Ocean, the

Photo courtesy of the Biome Center


Biomes Marine Biology Center

Photo courtesy of The Breakers Mansion

Photo courtesy of Newport Mansions


The Breakers Mansion

audio tour, which visitors can access by downloading the Newport Mansions app. Rhode Island’s seafaring and naval history means that its coastline is riddled with historic lighthouses. Block Island’s Southeast Lighthouse at Mohegan Bluffs was built in 1875, but today it sits 300 feet from its original location due to erosion. North Light Lighthouse is a must-visit for the scenic walk down Corn Neck Road to Settler’s Rock. The state is also home to plenty of unique museums. Newport’s International Tennis Hall of Fame preserves the history of tennis and celebrates its champions. The Lippitt House Museum has taken the Victorian-era household of Henry Lippitt and frozen it in time. 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE


VERMONT Diverse Discoveries Await Students Traveling to Vermont


park curiosity in students traveling to Vermont with field trips that encompass the soul of the state. Uncover Vermont’s secrets of maple syrup production, maritime history and vibrant arts culture at these diverse facilities.

Enlighten students traveling to Vermont with hands-on artmaking opportunities. Vermont is filled with culture and is a perfect place for students to gain an appreciation for what makes New England special. 90


Photo courtesy of the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center

VERMONT guided or self-guided museum tours. Enlighten students with hands-on art-making opportunities through various workshops.

Indoor and outdoor exhibitions and artifacts are on display at Lake Champlain Maritime Museum. In Versennes. Groups will find Lake Champlain’s Revolutionary War history, American Navy vessels, ecology exhibits and boating field trips. Discover replica boats and learn about Lake Champlain’s underwater archaeology and research. Notice how preserved artifacts connect the lake to America’s history, and uncover the incredible shipwrecks of Lake Champlain and the stories of early lake voyages. A magical underwater world can be found at ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain in Burlington. It offers more than 100 interactive exhibits and 70 species of amphibians, reptiles and fish. Younger students traveling to Vermont can engage in the early learning space. Field trip choices include self-guided experiences, 3D science and nature films, and programs focusing on ecology, the endangered lake sturgeon, climate change, culture, history and engineering.

Brattleboro Museum & Art Center


Up close with turtles at ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain Photo courtesy of Leahy Center

Springtime is for sugarin’ at the sugarhouse at Morse Farm Maple Sugarworks in Montpelier. Students traveling to Vermont can glimpse a quintessential process carried out for generations: maple syrup production. The Morse Farm store will ensure students can bring home sweet treats to share. Walk the “maple trail” that winds through the sugarbush and visit the goats. Experience life in the early 20th century and gain an appreciation of Vermont at the Shelburne Museum. World-renowned art collections spanning four centuries explore decorative arts, textiles, folk art, toys, carriages and more. The expansive museum comprises 39 buildings spanning over 45 acres of brilliant landscaping. Educators can plan a field trip for various outdoor programs and historical demonstrations. The Brattleboro Museum & Art Center (BMAC) will leave lasting impressions on students. The museum has six galleries showcasing contemporary artworks with rotating exhibits. Additionally, they offer 60-70 educational and cultural events annually. Groups can spend two hours exploring exhibits, making art, and taking

Photo courtesy of the Ethan Allen Homestead Museum


Ethan Allen Homestead Museum

HISTORY & HERITAGE Throughout Vermont, student travel groups will find memorial sites dedicated to the Revolutionary War. One of the most significant locations is Mount Independence in Orwell, home of a US fortification that played a crucial role in the war efforts. Today, students can enjoy guided hikes on six miles of trails and listen to lectures about this land’s place in history. Travel back in time to the Ethan Allen Homestead Museum in Burlington and see what it was like in New England during and after the Revolutionary War. On a 60-minute guided tour, explore the restored 18th-century Ethan Allen home and colonial garden. Period costumes and toys are available for children’s play and an array of artifacts are on display with knowledgeable staff to assist groups. Tour a recreated Abenaki Village and traditional Abenaki gardens. Field trips are customizable to fit curricula, with past examples including historical cooking methods and how museums work. 2024 NORTHEAST FIELD TRIP GUIDE



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